#the ‘what if alex died that night instead’ au
invisibleraven · 3 days
Hey, #7 soulmate au is DEVASTATING sooooo
Some of the first words every child learned to read were the ones printed on their skin-the last words their soulmate would ever say to them. A bit morbid, and no one really thought it best system to find a soulmate, but it was all they had.
Reggie Peters was lucky enough to have two soulmates-though that meant losing the love of his life twice, he figured that at least he wouldn't be alone. Or at least he hoped.
He traced the sentences that floated over his arms over and over until he knew them by heart.
Cariño.../I'll be waiting
The first he found out was a Spanish term of endearment, one he loved and couldn't wait to meet the person who was going to use it. The second made him a little melancholic, but it also meant he would also have a romantic soul to love.
He met Luke in college, they ended up as roommates, and bonded immediately. They loved the same music, even if Luke wasn't into country. They jammed late into the night, bonding over items of childhood nostalgia and parental troubles alike.
He saw Luke's marks early on, for he constantly wore cut offs and the sentences were scrawled along his ribs.
Maybe we can jam together in heaven?/It's okay, we'll be alright, you can go mi vida
Reggie had to hold back a squee at that, because Luke also had a soulmate who spoke Spanish-could they be the same person? Could Luke be one of his?
They started hooking up one drunken night, and decided to keep it up, developing feelings along the way, deciding to make it official upon graduating when Luke confessed he never wanted to stop living with-and loving Reggie.
They never really talked about the marks-it was a depressing thought, something that couldn't be confirmed until they broke up, or worse-when one of them died. For now they were happy, and that was enough.
They began working as session musicians at a studio, with Luke writing a few songs that got bought helping him get closer to his dream of being a real musician.
They met Alex there, the session drummer who got on with them like a house on fire, and Luke proposed starting a band, all three of them. Give them a chance to perform, maybe be the ones recording their own stuff instead of supporting the latest craze who had AI generated lyrics and next to no musical talent.
However it was through the studio that they met Julie-she was an intern there doing backing vocals for the odd song. And she was good.
"Why aren't you using those pipes to make your own music?" Luke asked her one night as they were all packing up.
"Haven't found my sound yet," she replied with a shrug. "Happy to be in the background until I do."
"Why don't you check out our band?" Reggie offered. "Might be fun to have another vocalist and I know you play a killer piano."
She smirked at that. "I could be persuaded."
Julie joined their relationship soon after that-with lots of conversation beforehand-coming to a head after a long band practice on the hottest day of the year. One that involved them needing to clean the couch in their small studio, lest Alex kill them-though he eye rolled at them the next day, muttering about 'Finally'.
Reggie loved worshipping the marks on Julie-they lined her hips, so he traced them with tongue filled kisses, Luke doing the same until Julie was a whimpering mess between them.
But what about you?/I love you darlin'
The darlin' left little doubt in Reggie's mind-his southern twang didn't come out much, but always made an appearance when granting pet names-Luke was already beau to Reggie. Luke teased him with French pet names, insisting that being called a little cabbage was totally romantic. Julie lucked out in mon cher in Reggie's estimation.
The years passed quickly and at a snail's pace at the same time. They became rising stars, international sensations and passé over several decades. Yet they were always together, there for each other, loving one another and their family.
Yet... well they were getting on in years, though none of them wanted to admit it. Luke in particular refused to act his age-something that proved his downfall, after he fell off a stage, breaking his hip in the process.
Though they had the best doctors, Luke declined fast, his body too frail to recover. The end was upon them, and after the children and grandchildren had said their goodbyes, it left Julie and Reggie.
There were tears all around, with Luke trying to joke, but his once powerful voice was faded to almost nothing. Reggie turned and he knew the next words to come out of his mouth-they had been printed on Luke's side for as long as he had been alive.
"Maybe we can jam together in heaven?" he joked despite the tears almost blinding him.
"I'll be waiting," Luke rasped, a smile painting his aged features. He then turned to Julie. "But what about you?"
Julie sobbed, but then clutched his hands. "It's okay, we'll be alright, you can go mi vida."
With that, Luke slipped away, leaving them to cry and clutch at one another, finally knowing the truth, too late to share the fact that they were meant to be together. But maybe Luke knew-he had seen their marks a million times over the years, so maybe it gave him the solace to go, knowing he had spent his long life with them.
They got along after that as best they could, though it always felt like there was something missing-reaching out in vain for Luke.
Then Julie got sick-she thought it was a cold at first, brushing it off. But after she didn't get better, they went to the doctor.
A terminal diagnosis.
"You can't leave me," he begged Julie that night. "I can't bare it."
"You can, and will," Julie insisted. "You're so strong, and we'll be reunited eventually."
Reggie stayed by her side through every chemo session, any effort to prolong Julie's life, however fruitless. Watching her white curls fall out, her already dainty figure shrinking.
"No more," Julie insisted after a few months of it. "I'm ready Reggie."
"I'm not," he said, kissing her palm. "But it's not about me."
One night as they slid into bed, Reggie knew-deep down in his soul that he would be waking up alone.
"I love you darlin'."
Julie's eyes welled with tears. "Cariño..."
He shook his head, resting their foreheads together and kissing her sweetly. Just held her tight as they slept, feeling her grow cold sometime in the night, and he calmly called for the ambulance.
He had her buried next to Luke, a space bracketing him for Reggie. He went on as he must, but his heart wasn't in it. He tried, for Danny and Luna, for their broods, but he knew life was gray and meaningless without Luke and Julie.
So he let himself grieve, growing even older, until one night-the night he knew he would give up. Tucking himself into the too big bed, closing his eyes and smiling for the first time in forever.
"I'm coming sweetie pies, I'm coming."
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“she bruises, coughs, she splutters pistol shots. hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks. she’s morphine, queen of my vaccine. my love, my love, love, love.” (breezeblocks - alt-J)
told y’all i put this bitch in a psych ward
these two are technically the originals
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white void and sketch
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belovedspector · 4 months
Double Jeopardy!
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Pairing: Joel Miller x gn!reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: You met Joel at trivia night at a local bar. While watching old Jeopardy! reruns together, you realize Joel bears a striking resemblance to a certain game show host.
Content: No outbreak/modern AU. Fluff, use of pet names (darlin’), slightly insecure Joel
A/N: Just a silly little fic based on this silly little post I made. This got a little out of hand (it was literally just supposed to be one scene), but I had fun with it! Enjoy! :)
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It’s been a hell of a week, and it’s only Tuesday. After a disastrous work day full of dumbasses and delays, Tommy insists on going to the bar, and it doesn’t take much convincing at all before Joel agrees.
The bar is crowded for the middle of the week, Joel thinks. Groups of people are gathered around nearly all the tables, and the stage is illuminated.
“Music tonight?” Joel asks the bartender after flagging her down.
“Trivia night,” she says, handing Joel and Tommy their beers.
The brothers manage to snag two bar stools next to one another, chatty idly about everything other than work.
After a few minutes, a man gets up on stage, and the game begins.
Joel has never been much for trivia. He’s not dumb by any means, but he’s also not one of those people who can name all the presidents in alphabetical order, or whatever. Still, he finds himself captivated by the game before him, watching just as intently as he would any football game.
You draw his attention early on, even from across the room. You’re the spokesperson for your team, and Joel can tell you know your stuff. It also doesn’t hurt that you’re easy on the eyes, even in your simple t-shirt and jeans. As Joel watches the game unfold, he can’t help but silently root for your team, and he’s pleased to see you and your teammates take home the (plastic) trophy.
You’re beaming as you head over to the bar for a refill, serendipitously ending up on Joel’s end of the bar.
Tommy elbows Joel in the ribs. Joel glares at him, but Tommy just gives him a look and gets up from his stool, wandering away to God knows where.
Joel clears his throat after you’ve ordered your drink. “You’re awful good at that,” he compliments.
You feel heat rushing to your cheeks, and you smile despite yourself. “I watch a lot of Jeopardy!” you say by way of explanation.
Joel considers this. He hasn’t thought about that show in years, didn’t even know it was still airing. “That Trebek guy still hosting?”
“Oh, no.” You shake your head with a slight frown. “He died, like, three years ago.”
You look almost sad about it, Joel thinks. He almost wants to apologize for your loss, but realizes how ridiculous that would sound. Instead, he asks, “Who’s hosting now, then?”
“Ken Jennings,” you answer, perking up again.
“Ken Jennings,” Joel repeats. “That sounds familiar.”
“Yeah, he had a seventy-four game winning streak in”—your eyes turn up towards the ceiling in thought and you scrunch your nose up in a way that Joel thinks is adorable—”2003, I think?”
“Ah, must’a heard about it on the news back then,” he says with a nod.
You nod alongside him. “Yeah, he does a really good job.” You pause to take a sip of your drink. “God, and don’t even get me started on the hosting debacle that happened after Alex’ death.”
Joel has no idea what you’re talking about, but he chuckles anyway. It’s been a while since he’s talked to anyone like this. Is this what flirting is like nowadays? Well, he supposes, it’s working on him—you’ve got him completely enamored with you and your little game show facts.
You and Joel end up closing down the bar together. It’s just the two of you and one slightly disgruntled bartender who has been dutifully cleaning all the tables around you. To be perfectly honest, Joel has no idea when Tommy had gone home; he’s been so wrapped up in you the whole night. Tommy will definitely give him shit about it the next time he sees him.
You had, in fact, gotten started on the Jeopardy! hosting drama at some point. There are a lot of names thrown around that Joel doesn’t recognize, but you’re so damn enthusiastic that he doesn’t have the heart to stop you.
Eventually, the discussion turns away from game shows. You talk to each other about everything and nothing, the conversation flowing as freely as the drinks.
All good things must come to an end, though.
“Alright, I’ve gotta close up now,” the bartender announces.
After a playful squabble over who will pay the tab (which Joel ends up covering), you reluctantly make your way out of the bar, the neon “open” sign going dark behind you.
Joel, being the gentleman that he is, offers to walk you home. You pick up right where you had left off at the bar, but, all too soon, you’ve reached your place.
“I had a really good time tonight,” you say with a smile, twirling your keys around your index finger.
“Yeah, me, too,” Joel agrees. “I don’t want to be too forward, and there’s no obligation, but is there any chance I can get your number?”
You beam at him. “I thought you’d never ask. Gimme your phone.”
Joel complies and watches as you add in your contact info and send a text to yourself.
He returns his phone to his pocket and says, “I might be pushing my luck here, but any chance you’d wanna go out to dinner one night?”
You smile again and nod enthusiastically. “I’d love that.”
“Alright,” Joel says, smiling back. “I’ll be in touch.”
He’s feeling bold. The alcohol is still coursing through his veins, giving him the push he needs to lean forward and kiss you on the cheek. He hopes he’s not imagining the way he feels your skin warm under his lips.
You giggle—an honest-to-God giggle. You’re going to be the death of him. “Good night, Joel,” you say.
“Good night, darlin’,” he returns, making sure you’re safely inside before heading back home, grinning like an idiot the whole way.
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You go out to dinner that Friday.
“I’m missing Jeopardy! over this, you know,” you tell him while you scan the menu.
“Well, I’m honored,” Joel says with a laugh.
“I think it’ll be worth it,” you say with a broad smile.
Friday dinners become your thing. You usually meet at a restaurant, but, a few weeks in, Joel has an idea: he invites you over for takeout and Jeopardy! You seem thrilled at the prospect.
And so, he finds himself sitting next to you on the couch, a pizza box open on the coffee table in front of you. He’s got the TV tuned in to the right station, and it’s just a matter of minutes before the show will begin.
Just like on that trivia night, Joel finds himself totally wrapped up in the fast-paced game. He quickly learns that you like to shout out the answers, and he joins in when he can. It’s the most fun he’s had in a long time.
All too soon, it seems, half an hour has gone by, and the credits are rolling. Joel clicks the power button on the remote. The TV screen goes dark, and the living room falls silent.
“So?” you prompt. “What do you think of Ken?”
“Jennings ain’t bad,” Joel admits, “but he’s no Alex Trebek, that’s for sure.”
That Tuesday, you invite Joel to trivia night. You fall into an easy routine: trivia on Tuesdays, Jeopardy! on Fridays, date nights every other weekend. For the first time in a long time, Joel feels content.
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“They have old episodes that you can stream, you know,” you say one night after the show ends.
It’s been a couple of months, and things are going quite well, if Joel does say so himself. You’ve met Tommy and Sarah, and they’ve both given their stamp of approval.
“That so?” Joel asks, tightening the arm he has around your shoulder.
“Yeah. I can set it up, if you’re not all Jeopardy!’d out for the night.”
“Pfft, never,” he says.
You grin, grabbing the remote and navigating to Pluto, picking an episode at random. A younger, mustachioed Alex Trebek fills the screen.
As the episode plays, you’re still answering clues like normal, but you also keep sneaking glances at Joel throughout the game.
Finally, during the Double Jeopardy round, he pauses the show. “Okay, what is it?”
“What do you mean?” you ask a little sheepishly.
“Why do you keep looking at me?” He runs a hand across the scruff on his cheek. “Do I have something on my face?”
You laugh. “No, nothing like that. It’s just…” You hesitate.
“Yeah?” he urges.
You cut your eyes between Alex on screen and Joel on the couch. “You look kinda like Alex Trebek,” you blurt out.
Joel is stunned into silence for a moment. He studies the man on the TV, with his graying hair and mustache. He’s not a bad looking man, but—
“Are you sure?” he asks. He feels almost shy all of a sudden. He knows he’s getting older; his hair is more gray than brown, and the lines on his face have gotten deeper. But, still, does that mean he’s old? Getting compared to an old, now-dead game show host has brought all of his anxieties about aging to the front of his mind.
You nod. “Positive,” you say, pulling him out of his thoughts before they can spiral any further. You grin. “I’ve always had a thing for him, you know.”
“W—Who?” Joel stutters, not sure he’s heard you right.
“Alex Trebek,” you clarify, your grin widening.
Joel hums. “That so, darlin’?” he asks mildly, but he’s not quite able to keep the smirk off his face. “What do you think—should I get rid of the beard, just keep the mustache?”
You slap his shoulder lightly. “Shut up,” you mutter. “I shouldn’t have told you that.”
He breaks out into a wide grin and leans in to steal a kiss. “You know I’m kidding, darlin’.” He looks to the TV screen again, and then he turns back to you, eyes softening. “I could do a lot worse than Trebek, I s’pose.”
“It’s a compliment!” you insist.
“I know, I know,” he says, kissing you again. “God, I love you.”
The words slip out without him even realizing. It’s not until he sees your eyes widen a little that he comprehends the weight of what he’s just said. Fuck. He’s gone and fucked this whole thing up, hasn’t he? Can he…take it back? But he doesn’t want to. It’s true, he realizes—he really does love you.
“I love you, too,” you say breathlessly, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
Joel breathes a sigh of relief as he hugs you. He takes another glance at the TV from over your shoulder, where the still image of Alex Trebek stares back at him. Joel must be imagining it, but…it almost looks like Trebek is winking at him.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to let me know what you think! :)
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preoccupied-educator · 9 months
Ooh, Juke podcasters AU?
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Alright, I went back and forth on this for literal ages, but it is high time I actually post something so, I hope you like it! Happy Juke Jeudi! Also lol RIP me trying to write a summary, failing spectacularly and instead ending up with over 700 words of a relatively solid outline for a fic I'll probably never find time to write 🙃
A kinda-sorta-enemies-to-lovers with a classic misunderstanding and of course a HEA (that isn't really well thought out, but couldn't sit in my drafts any longer!)
Julie Molina doesn't really play music anymore since her mom died, but she does listen to it and talk about it at great length on her very popular podcast she started back in her junior year of college after a very interesting elective on the topic
Now, she's a bit of a celebrity in her own right, as episodes of her show, "The Studio" (where she reviews listener-submitted songs from up-and-coming bands in college towns all across America) reach thousands of listeners every week
Luke Patterson listens to music, talks about music and, of course, plays music in his band, Sunset Curve, with his two best friends Alex Mercer and Reggie Peters (they did have a fourth band member, Bobby Shaw, but that ended rather abruptly when Bobby decided he'd rather have a solo career with Sunset Curve's most popular songs)
Now, Sunset Curve is on the edge of celebrity - a rather stressful recon mission ensured Bobby no longer had access to their music (and no, they won't be telling that story anytime soon) - and they're calling in all of their favours to get a showcase slot at the famed venue, The Orpheum
(click to continue reading my rambling below the cut)
Luke has been working on the booking manager, Caleb, for weeks and he's finally agreed to book them a slot in two week's time...assuming they can sell half of the tickets for the show themselves by the time the doors open the night of the show [Alex has anxiously done the math on that and it works out to about 1300 tickets if Caleb expects them to sell the place out (he immediately had to do his breathing exercises after having that realization)]
Luckily, the two optimists in the band have a plan - submit their best song (along with a little plug about their show) to "The Studio", get a rave review, profit (read: sell a thousand tickets in less than 14 days)
Unbeknownst to the current members of the band, there is a reason why Sunset Curve has never been featured on "The Studio" before, despite being submitted a handful of times by local listeners
Back in freshman year, Julie went on an ill-fated blind date set up by her well-meaning but ultimately misguided roommate, with her cousin, one Bobby Shaw (it wasn't that Bobby wasn't a nice guy, but he talked mostly about his music with his band and when they passed a street piano on the way to the theatre, she accidentally let slip that she used to play music and he was like a dog with a bone and when she refused to show him what she could do, he got a little too bold - she had stormed away soon after, walking the 12 blocks back to campus blinking back tears) - hence her distaste towards the band
Now, Luke is nothing if not determined, so here we insert a chapter or two of him weaselling his way into "accidental" run-ins with Julie (maybe he figures out a mutual connection? - Willie knows Flynn knows Julie) who doesn't realize immediately who he is, but they obviously vibe
Once Julie figures out the connection there is a smidgen of hurt feelings and explanations and apologies, but eventually she is persuaded to feature them on her next episode (and even goes so far as to have the band in the studio to plead their case)
Lo' and behold! They sell the allotted tickets and the show goes off without a hitch - Julie is in attendance, only slightly begrudgingly having been dragged along by Flynn and Willie
She is obviously immediately smitten (more than she already was) by Luke's stage presence and also the way he winks at her during the bridge to Now or Never (listen, she's only human okay??)
Their set wraps up and there are congratulations all around and an invitation for post-show pizza and there are more vibes and some not-so-subtle suggestions from both Flynn and Reggie about chemistry and oozing that Julie and Luke are both trying very hard to ignore while they enjoy their pizza
Luke volunteers to walk Julie home since she lives a couple blocks over (there is jeering and a few not-so-subtle nudges from Reggie, a very serious stare-down along with a threatening "text me as soon as you're home safe" from Flynn)
The walk home is relatively quiet, when they get to her door Luke confesses he hopes he didn't mess this whole thing up by trying to get the band on her show, he'd really like to see her again, etc.. Julie assures him that he didn't..and he can see her again. There is a cute Juke kiss and ta da! The End.
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jmrothwell · 6 months
Oooh I got Vampire Slayer AU + Family AU xD
 No lie, I read this and my immediate thought was Buffy?? But let’s see if we can do something a little different. 
Also, this got kinda long so I have put it below the cut:
So instead of the Slayer being a random chosen one from anywhere in the world it’s a bloodline thing. Sort of…like the potential is in the bloodline but not every member gets to be a Slayer, the previous Slayer has to pass the mantle down. 
Rose was the prior slayer, however things had significantly slowed down since her grandmother and great great grandmother had the mantles. Victoria and her parents insisted it was because the Slayers were winning (There a few dozen slayer families around the world) and that Rose should live her life. 
Rose tries, she really does but she can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. She starts working at nightclubs and bars to try and get a casual peak into the nightlife and she does hear some interesting rumors and urban legends but they all turn out to be that, urban legends. 
She meets Ray and they begin dating and eventually he manages to convince her she should focus on living. It doesn’t help that she’s witnessed some deaths that aren’t paranormally related and it sort of cements everything everyone has been telling her. Life is too short, and it will pass her by entirely if she isn’t careful. She and Ray settle down and they have Julie and Carlos and Rose wonders if since the world has gotten safer if she should just let the mantle die with her. 
Cut to (or open here and we learn all of that as back story later, not sure yet) 17 year old Julie is dealing with the recent sudden death of her mother, just like the rest of her family. It’s become this massively speculated rumor mill of an incident. She fell off a building at a height that should have killed her instantly but it didn’t, it was a slow and agonizing night for her and her family. Many speculate she was attempting suicide. Rose insists she was not, insisting she was thrown and that they were all wrong, it’s so much worse than they realized. 
Julie doesn’t know what to believe in the months leading up to her Mother’s death her mother had turned into an entirely different person. Even got into some fights with Victoria and her Dad. 
Mostly Julie just wishes the incident would stop haunting her dreams. Tired and guilty for feeling tired of hearing her mother’s final words repeating over and over. “I’m sorry Julie, I should have prepared you better. You deserve better and I hope you can do what I couldn’t.”
It’s not even been a month since the funeral, Julie hasn’t even has time to process all of her grief when one night she’s home alone and she hears rummaging in the garage. She knows what she should do, the sensible thing, duck her head, get inside, don't mess with the things that go bump in the night. Even if she’s sure it’s just a stray cat or raccoon.  It’s her entire thought process even as her feet move of their own accord. 
Inside she finds three boys and during hers (and theirs panicked screaming) she instinctively grabs one of them and rather sloppily gets him pinned to the ground. It’s Reggie, after the initial panicking dies down and while Julie tries to process what the hell she just did he tries a cheesy line about their positions. 
This immediately knocks Julie back to the fact that she’s found three strange teenage boys in her garage and demands to know who they are and what they’re doing. They introduce themselves as Luke, Reggie, and Alex and say they were looking for Rose. Which just angers Julie thinking of course they have to be trying to prank her because who hasn’t heard about what happened to her mom by this point. 
The guys genuinely didn’t know. They’re kind of cut off from many news sources at the moment. 
It takes a bit of back and forth before Alex straight up just asks if that makes Julie the new Slayer now. Julie is confused and doesn’t know who to be mad or upset with anymore as they finish telling her about how her mom was one of the last remaining Slayers, as many other Slayer families had allowed themselves to die out in the extended time of peace. 
The guys (who refuse to tell Julie how they know everything they are telling her) say it’s all one big plot led by a vampire who gained a lot of power in the late 1920’s. (Again, not sure of this would be revealed up front or discovered through the story)
Julie decides they are pranking her, and tells them to leave her alone. Her dreams only get weirder from here on out. 
The next day at school she tells Flynn all about it. Flynn does some digging on her own during school, while Julie has the world’s weirdest school day (think all the stereotypical I’ve got powers now type scenes only Julie is in major denial) By the end of the school day Flynn is fully convinced Julie is this Slayer figure and Julie just wants to drop out of school and sleep for a year straight. 
Though Julie does get incredibly intrigued by the fact that one of the pieces of evidence Flynn found was a series of missing persons reports throughout the years. Particularly the article about a band from the 90’s named Sunset Curve. 
After school as Julie gets home she can see that all the garage windows have been boarded up and goes to confront the guys. Who all of course panic when she throws the garage doors open. They admit they’re vampires, but don’t know why or how their turning got botched, but they know it did because they do not act like a good 90% of the other vampires they know. 
They managed to evade Caleb and had been getting updates from their friend Willie who went missing. Worried and more than a little desperate they turned to Rose for help. Which just immediately sours their relationship with Julie more because now she has someone to blame for her mother’s death. 
The guys help defend Julie as she now has a giant target on her back as an untrained Slayer. Still a dangerous threat but one Caleb thinks he can take out. Flynn thinks Julie should talk to her dad or Aunt about it but Julie doesn’t want to cause her Dad more grief and is kind of mad at both of them for keeping something like this from her. 
Flynn, Julie and the guys, slowly learn the whole Slayer thing together. Albeit begrudgingly on Julie’s part especially as far as the guys are concerned but there is no denying they make a good team and seems to be their way of trying to make amends. 
Eventually Julie does confront her family about things. Mostly because, thanks to Carlos, the rest of her family discover her Slayer thing and try to get upset with her first about not telling them. Which of course leads to a huge fight about them keeping it from her in the first place. 
Victoria and Ray absolutely do not like the fact Julie has teamed up with a trio of vampires. But Ray quickly changes his mind when the three start helping out around the house. Victoria also trains Julie what she remembers from her training with Rose when they were younger, she may not have been the one chosen for the mantle but that didn’t mean she didn’t need the training. 
It all builds up to a showdown with Caleb, who initially tries to just do the vampiric seduce Julie to be a vampire thing. But then he makes the mistake of letting it slip that he was the one who killed Rose and Julie sees red. Just before she manages to kill him Caleb drops the “you kill me then your friends are going to die too” which does cause Julie to hesitate for a bit but she does what she knows must be done for ‘the greater good’ and kills Caleb.
In the aftermath of that, and the vampires Caleb sired dying as well, the world a whole have to recover from the sheer number of people who’d actually been vampires hiding in plain sight. 
Fortunately for Julie and the guys(including Willie) Caleb wasn’t the one who turned them. Unfortunately that does leave them all to contemplate what it is they should do. In the meantime, they all just let themselves enjoy life for a bit.
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onlygenxhere · 9 months
Jatp/10 Things I Hate About You AU
In honor of the third anniversary of the premier of Julie and the Phantoms here is the 10 Things I Hate about You AU I will never write.
I’m not going to explain a whole lot about 10 Things. If you’ve seen the movie this should make sense, If not I highly recommend.  
Luke is Patrick – With his sleeveless tees and his doesn’t give a crap about school attitude. Think more brooding musician Luke, less excited puppy. He gets sent to the office all the time for skipping class to write music.
“You’re not afraid of me are you?”
Julie is Kat – Angry at the world. Her mother died three years ago and she’s moved on from grief to anger. The only scene I have an idea about is changing the dancing drunk on a table scene to singing karaoke drunk on a table. Cause I’d still want her to hit her head and have Luke catch her and take her outside and worry she’s got a concussion.
That whole scene on the swing set, need it.
“Why are you doing this?”
“I told you you may have a concussion.”
“You don’t care if I never wake up.”
“Sure I do.”
“Because then I’d have to start taking out girls that actually like me.”
“Like you could find one.”
“Oh, See, that, there. Who needs affection when I have blind hatred.���
“Ugh, just let me sit.”
“So why’d you let him get to you?”
“I hate him.”
“Well you’ve chosen the perfect revenge, mainlining tequila.”
“Well you know what they say?”
“Nope, what do they say?”
Julie passes out.
“No, no, no, no, Julie wake up look at me! Listen to me Julie open your eyes!”
Julie opens her eyes to see Luke hovering over her.
“Hey, what color even are you eyes? Every time I look at you they’re different.”
He smiles at her.
She throws up.  
Reggie is Cameron – New kid in school. Completely smitten by Flynn the first time he sees her just like Cameron is with Bianca.
“I burn, I pine, I parish…”
Alex is Michael – He’s a band geek instead of future MBA (Masters Business Administration) like Michael was. He knows all the gossip about everyone. He’s the one showing Reggie around campus when Reggie sees Flynn for the first time. He could also be the one that sets up the apology song (Can’t keep my eyes off of you) for Luke to sing to Julie with the band chiming in.
Flynn is Bianca – Kat’s/ Julie’s sister. I’m going to go with Flynn being adopted a couple years after Julie was born.
“Can you for one night forget that you are completely retched and be my sister… please.”
So they wouldn’t be the same age like in jatp but a couple years apart like in 10 things. So everyone but Flynn and Carrie are seniors.
Willie is Mandella – Kat’s best friend who Alex has a crush on. No weird Shakespeare thing needed. Maybe Alex just leaves a regular old note in their locker asking them to prom? Maybe it’s not a “regular” note but one on the back of a postcard of a famous painting by Willie’s favorite artist.
Carrie is Chastity – Flynn’s best friend.
“I know you can be overwhelmed and you can be underwhelmed but can you ever just be whelmed?”
“I think you can in Europe.”
Bobby is Joey – It’s definitely believable that that character could be an idiot jackass and I think I can believe he’s a model if he was prepped up some (less grunge more styled). The only weird would be that he’d end up taking Carrie to the prom and most of us write them as related. I was thinking they don’t HAVE to be related but then again maybe it’d be even funnier if they were cousins and she was his only option after Flynn ditched him for Reggie.
Bobby punches Reggie.
Flynn punches Bobby.
“Shit Flynn! I’m shooting a nose spray add tomorrow!”
“That’s for making my date bleed!”
Punches him again.
“That’s for my sister!”
Knees him in the groin.
“And that’s for me!”
She helps Reggie up off the floor.
“Are you ok?”
He smiles, “Never been better.”
Nick is Bogey Lowenstein – Rich band nerd not cool jock. It works well enough.
“You guys please, take it outside!” Fighting boys crash through the window. “Thank you!”
Ray is Mr. Stratford – Kat and Flynn’s dad. I know on jatp he’d a photographer but he’d just have to be a gynecologist in this because all his panic about the girls dating is way too funny to skip and with the pregnancy belly he makes Bianca put on at one point.
“I know who you want to bend the rules for it’s that hotrod Bobby.”
Caleb is Ms. Perky –The principle. Who doesn’t want to see Caleb spending time writing a romance novel instead of disciplining the children? I can just see him trying to think of new words for “throbbing member” and Luke or Julie giving him an answer he’s pleased with.  
“The point is Julie. People perceive you as somewhat…”
“Heinous bitch is the term used most often.”
Julie grins.
“You might want to work on that… Thank you.”
“As always thank you for your excellent guidance Mr. Covington. I’ll let you get back to Christopher’s quivering member.”
“Quivering member, hum, I like that.”
Mrs. Harrison is Mr. Morgan - The English teacher, no stretch here.
Carlos and Victoria could still be there just in much more minor rolls. They would be pretty much how they are on jatp.
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merlinemrys · 8 months
tagged : @queerofthedagger ty mona this was sooooo fun 🫶 tagging : @adhd-merlin | @bellamyblakru | @s0mmerspr0ssen | @groundbreakingdot872 | @lightasthesun | @flight-of-fantasy | @nextstopparis | and anyone else who wants to do this (sorry if you've already been tagged and done it) !!!
129 . . . i write exclusively short oneshots so take that with a grain of salt.
362,664 which is a feat for ME!
bbc merlin
marvel (spider-man)
percy jackson
dc (batman and superman)
have written and posted for:
doctor who
house md
grishaverse (the grisha trilogy and six of crows)
alex stern series
the raven cycle / the dreamer trilogy
goncharov (😭)
harry potter
the 100
the magicians
anne with an e
to all the boys i've loved before
ACCIDENTAL HEROISM / the batman (2022)
BRING ME HOME / percy jackson
merlin fandom . . . you will always be famous to ME!
yes, always (or at least i try).
hmmm . . . WAIT. LAFF. this is so funny because i think it's FINAL GOODBYE, my sole goncharov fic because goncharov dies at the end. fr though, maybe WE CAN MEET AGAIN SOMEWHERE which is a pjo fic where i killed percy off lmao. i have since realized that i apparently don't write a lot of angst . . . an interesting to note about myself for sure!
due to the nature of my writing—short oneshots—they all mostly end happily! maybe IN THE NIGHT (mergwenthur with platonic merthur and merwen and romantic arwen) because it was just soft all the way down!
no, i don't think so.
sometimes. the mood just has to strike yk <3
uhh if you mean characters from Fandom A meet and interact with characters from Fandom B then no? i have written fic inspired by other fandoms, but those would be AUs then . . . i'll go with no.
not to my knowledge!
nope. some people have asked though! i was deeply honoured but i like to keep my fics on ao3 instead of any other site and they wanted to post elsewhere.
wait. i just remembered, oh my god. SCREAM. does 13 year old me's rp count? because that would retroactively change my answer to the crossover question since i DID do that. it was so godawful and was probably 100k—started out as bbc sherlock fic and then bbc merlin got in there along with doctor who and supernatural and probably every fandom under the sun after that. we never posted that anywhere (thank GOD) but what a time. i don't co-write now. not for any particular reason, but i don't think it's come up.
see, this question is so hard because i write and consume so much different media. at the moment, in my current doctor who phase, i'll say tenrose! ask me during a different phase and you will get a different answer hehehe <3
all of four of them 😭 one reason i write oneshots is because my interests wanes so fast. you'll be hard pressed to find me in the same hyperfixation for longer than a few months, but i always come back eventually. specifically, RENEGADE'S RETURN (dc dick grayson-centric) would be the WIP imo because i posted that with no intention to finish it. all the other ones i had hopes, but this one . . . no </3
prose and characterisation. i think i'm getting pretty good at writing in the pov character's voice. like if you take my house md fic and compare it to . . . i don't know my raven cycle fic, i think the voices are distinct enough even with my same writing style:
HOUSE MD: New Orleans sticks to House’s skin. It reminds him of the Philippines. Long days baking under the sun, oppressive heat blanketing his entire body, sweat pooling at the top of his lip. At least when he was in the Philippines, he wore shorts and a tank top to cool down. Currently, there are about three layers on his chest—undershirt, button-up, blazer—and the AC in this place wheezes and puffs out mildly cold air like an overweight asthmatic kid attempting to run a marathon. THE RAVEN CYCLE: Adam Parrish does not have many things. A bare IKEA mattress, various pieces of makeshift furniture made out of cardboard, and a three-dollar rug he found at a sale. It’s not much, but it’s his and he’s proud of it. Sometimes, though, pride doesn’t discount how hot Virginia summers are. His skin is sticky with it, the light cotton of his shirt clinging to him, restlessness twisting under his skin.
i tried to pick two snippets that are generally about the same thing (summer heat!). at least to Me, this seems different enough in tone, but you know. vibes!
my inability to write long form is genuinely not only a weakness but so so so detrimental to me fr. every fic i have written can EASILY be at least 25k EACH. probably more (definitely more) because i write the moments in between or . . . [sigh] let me say this instead. with longfic, there's usually a moment or a scene that you want to get to, the whole fic is culminating to that scene so you write thousands upon thousands of words to get to where the that scene would make sense in context, yes? well. for Me . . . i just write The Scene™
i'd fuck up google translate so fast (and have), so something like "they speak in spanish" or "'hi, how are you?' they ask in spanish" would be preferable to me.
definitely pjo percabeth fic at the age of like . . . ten (10). i posted it on ffnet and have since scrubbed from the internet.
funnily enough i created a series which is just fav fics that i've written which sounds so egotistical, but whatever. there are 13 works in there, i believe, and most of them are merlin lol. but in recent memory it has to be a tie between JUDAS KISS and THREAD OF GOLD (both arwen fic !!!) because i experimented with my writing sooooo much there, JUDAS KISS being first person and THREAD OF GOLD being second person. i typically write a close third person pov especially for fic. my prose is wired for that, but it was so fun to try to do that for first and second anddddd i got some banger lines out of it so a win's a win!
THREAD OF GOLD: Your father’s presence is larger than life. Larger than love. It looms. It casts shadows long enough to hide every hope and dream you’ve ever had for yourself. JUDAS KISS: All I can think about is Arthur. His rage is fine as a blade, sharpened by the betrayal I have dealt him.
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Sleepy Hollow au where Alex is a brujo but doesn't quite know it (or admit to himself) and his family moves to New England for his parents' work. He's not thrilled since he's going from a very mixed race society (Mexico still owns Texas) to a very conservative one.
At least, he thinks it's conservative, but then he thinks they're bat shit crazy due to their superstitions.
Autumn descends, and t night, wolves sing loudly in the woods. Then it's not just the wolves, but the dogs in the village. Alex hears a horseman riding down the streets and over the nearby bridge. He's used to a noisy neighborhood, but this is something else. The whole town swears they don't hear anything, but they outright threaten him to stay inside at night. Shudder the windows and blow out any flames.
It's Alex, so he doesn't. The horseman comes around like clockwork, probably a delivery person of some kind, bringing the papers from New York or Philadelphia, or doing the late night work of some other business. Goodness knows the silversmith stays up at all hours, so he's probably the one paying the obnoxious rider...
Alex sees the dog first. A smallish hound that sees him right back. It bays up at the moon, and through the shadows, a large horse's silhouette joins the dog's. Alex knows a male rider when he sees one, but the headless horseman legend might not be a legend after all.
The rider and dog run off, but Alex finds them night after night. He even manages to get way too close and learns that the dog is dead - cloudy blue eyes, half its jaw missing, and somehow still walking and running with a compound fracture sticking out of its legs.
It's when the horseman lifts the dog to carry it that Alex sees the glint of a ring on his pinkie.
Another night, push comes to shove, and Alex wrestles that ring off the zombie's hand and flees. All he has to go on is a gold signet ring, the curvaceous H stamped on it, and the almost worn away engraving inside:
act ii, sc iii XXXVI - XLIX
He has no idea what it means. He's assume it's a Bible verse except his sister has been making trips to the nearby cities to see the plays. She collects the scripts and tells him it's a citation from a play. But which one?
Alex runs out of time trying to figure it out, because the next night, an incessant knocking rattles the house door in its frame before being knocked down entirely.
To both Alex's and June's surprise, the horseman holds out his hand. Alex sets the ring on his dead palm, and he...leaves. For having no brain, the body is oddly sentient.
"Did you see his clothes?" June asks.
"What? No, I'm busy looking for his eyes."
"It's a stage costume. He's wearing a stage costume. It's too colorful."
Long story short, June and Alex search through records to find an actor who died with an H last name. Instead they find Arthur, an actor with a son named Henry. They died in the same week.
"Which one is it?"
"Henry. It must be Henry," June insisted.
"A father would wear his son's ring," Alex reasoned. "He's looking for something every night."
Either way, Alex must find out how they died, and why one of them is riding. The real question, is who is the horseman searching for every night? The search is getting more and more invasive. The townspeople aren't able to turn a blind eye anymore, and things are getting violent.
And yet, the horseman never harms Alex.
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emmalostinwonderland · 11 months
WIP update
Hey, friends. I know literally no one is asking for this, but I started going through my google drive folders recently to see if I really do have as many WIP fics stacking up as I think I do... and apparently I have MORE than I thought.
I'm gonna go through all of them here mostly for my own peace of mind. However, if you read this and think one of the concepts sounds great and you want to shoot me some encouragement, my DMs and asks are open. Vague threats are also accepted, just to mix things up.
Anyway, synopses below the cut. Fandoms are tagged.
Steve/Bucky/Tony - Medieval Knights AU - est <20k words
Tony is the ruler of a small kingdom, and Steve is the lead knight. He and Bucky are together, and they open their hearts to Tony as time goes on. This is actually my fill for Fandom Trumps Hate 2023, so it's my top priority right now. I've got a full synopsis, most of the chapter outline, and literally none of the draft itself done.
Steve/Tony (with some Steve/Bucky in the beginning) - Conversion Camp AU - est >50k words
Steve meets Tony at a Pray-The-Gay-Away camp in 1995, they lose contact when Steve ages out of the program, canon events (super soldier serum and Iron Man) come into play, and they are reunited due to mutual connections with SHIELD or the US Military. So far with this, I have a very detailed synopsis, a full timeline for both Steve and Tony, a spotify playlist, character analyses, thorough research, and only like 800 words of a draft. This one WILL be finished, even if it takes me literal years.
Steve/Tony - Ireland AU - est <10k words
Tony meets Steve on the ferry from Liverpool to Belfast, and they have a whirlwind summer romance in Ireland. It's literally just a romcom. I wanted an excuse to fuck with their accents, so in this idea, Steve moved back to Ireland with his mom when he was super young, and Tony went to live with the Jarvis' (his godparents) in London after his parents died in his mid to late teens. I've got about 800 words in the draft, some loose research, and half a chapter outline. Maybe it'll get written, maybe not. Who's to say.
Steve/Tony - High School AU - est ~1k words
Steve and Tony are established high school sweethearts. They have Tony's parents house to themselves for the weekend. I wrote about 700ish words of this in January as a challenge to myself to write a whole oneshot in one night, but I chickened out when I got to the smut part, so it just sits in my google drive haunting me.
Steve/Tony - High Fantasy Soulmates AU - est ?? words
Steve is on a quest with a small party of his closest friends to take out the evil king in a neighboring kingdom. He meets his soulmate, Tony, in dreams every night. We all know what the plot twist is on this, so I'm not gonna bother spelling it out. I have about 4 sentences worth of an outline, but that's it.
Steve/Bucky - Friends with Benefits AU - est >20k words
Steve's wife, Peggy, finds that their relationship is getting stale and suggests inviting a third person to join them in bed from time to time. When Peggy ultimately leaves Steve anyway, he and Bucky discover something new just between the two of them. This is my latest collab with LouiKazooie! We have 2 others up on Ao3, and this one will likely be done before the end of the year.
Steve/Bucky - 1940's Canon Divergence - est ?? words
Dr Erskine sees Steve and Bucky's farewell moment before Steve attempts to enlist again, but he selects Bucky for the program instead in order to give him a higher likelihood of making it back home to Steve in one piece. I've got a synopsis, and I've got a one-liner for Howard written. That's it. Keep your expectations low.
Red, White, and Royal Blue
FirstPrince - Missionary AU - est <20k words
Alex moves to London for a study abroad program for international law, and Henry attempts to evangelize to him in a coffeeshop. Alex takes pity on him, and strikes up a tentative friendship with him. As they grow closer, Henry starts to realize that maybe he doesn't believe or connect with his religion the way he used to. I've got a detailed synopsis, and some of the scenes are clear as day in my head, but if I'm honest, there's no substantial outline or draft written down for this one yet.
FirstPrince - Din/Luke Oneshot Series - est ?? words
Alex and Henry roleplay as the Mandalorian and Luke Skywalker sometimes and the level of involvement gets more high stakes with every oneshot (like including cosplays or speaking Mando'a). This might be the dumbest idea I've ever had, but it's in my google drive so I had to include it here.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Percabeth - Revolutionary War AU - est ~10k words
Percy is a spy for the militia. Annabeth is a plantation owner's daughter. She joins the cause, providing secrets, maps, and the occasional distraction all while unlearning things she's believed her whole life. This was an idea I had on a flight somewhere, and I wrote a scene in the notes app of my phone until I could get to wifi again. Apparently I have 1500 words of the draft done? I've also got a character breakdown and a vague idea of the flow of the story. I'm excited about this one.
Idk I think 10 WIP fics is enough for now. This was painful to look at. Thanks for the support, guys.
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binch-i-might-be · 3 months
idk why thin ice like makes me so insane. all of your lams fics are amazing. its probably just like. the way its so undivergent from canon if that makes any sense. like yes obv it didnt happen but it could have and i am accepting it.
i love reincarnation aus normally, but the thin ice one makes me ill. especialyl because we have so many scenes mentioned. like how alex went and danced with eliza and then went to john after bc john was his husband and he loved him
and the tragedy of being in love in a time when it was punishable by death (which like, it still is in some places, but for the most part, that's frowned upon by the world) the secrecy. the fact we have so little history left from that time because of fear. seeing two people in love at that time just being happy. makes me insane. even with having to pretend to have a wife in england or dancing with women at balls and having matching rings (the rings they dont match and theyre old and new and gold and silver what if i just died on the spot)
yeah. they make me ill. im normal and if you ever want to rant about them i will happily listen (i def dont have your post notifs on bc im normal and not obsessed with your writing) ljust jhgfjlghdsfjlghl
- 🐥 (if you couldnt tell but still)
ohh I actually love that. I'm not really very serious about historical accuracy and all that (as you know from All My Fics lmao) so it feeling to you like it could actually have happened is super neat.
I'm happy to hear that my silly little au stands out to you somewhat! that part also makes me insane tbh (do not imagine John and Alex forced to mingle and be pleasant and dance with various women and just exchanging fleeting glances the entire night. longing to be in each other's arms instead. knowing their fingers can't even so much as brush in the presence of so many searching eyes)
omg anon offering to listen to my ranting is like proposing marriage. to me. you have my notifs on????? oh now we definitely have to get married
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dontfeeltoohot · 1 year
I’d love to see more of your bodyguard Steve and actor Eddie! It’s nice to see Eddie being a brat. Maybe he’s sick and not acting like he usually does? Steve gets worried.
I think I might have strayed a little from what you meant but I still hope you enjoy installment three of this little AU. :)
It’s unnerving, how quiet it is in the car as Steve drives Eddie to Chrissy’s place. Usually there’s music blaring from the speakers, the long haired man is making noise tapping on something, and he’s talking all at the same time. Today, none of this is happening, and instead the actor is sitting in the passenger seat staring out the window silently, looking half awake. 
The outfit dawning Eddie’s lanky frame is distracting, not unlike other outfits of his, except this time, it’s not due to see through shirts or chains and rings. This time it’s a soft, dark purple sweater that looks lived in and cozy, and dark wash jeans- Steve’s thought the only color the man owns is black. 
He’s probably hungover, Steve’s mind supplies as his employer rubs his face. Hungover or moping because one of his latest boy toys didn’t come over last night- Eddie had announced that Steve could take the night off when he and Alex had called their ‘night out’ off. The thing is, when Munson is hungover he’s whiny and dramatic like usual, groaning like a petulant child as he downs his coffee. This isn’t like that. 
“You want to swing by Starbucks?” 
“Nah, rather just get to Chrissy’s,” Eddie’s voice is quiet and it’s almost as if he’s been…crying? 
Steve knows he’s not supposed to get close, it’s why he was hired specifically. Prior bodyguards would be won over by the actor's charm and soon he could bolt and do drugs, party with the wrong crowd. So yeah, he knows he probably should just stay curious and not ask what’s up, but the need to know wins out before he can convince himself otherwise. 
“You good Munson? You’re being weirdly quiet..” The bodyguard almost asks if something bad has happened, but he’d like to think they know each other well enough after 6 months that Eddie would tell him if there’s something seriously wrong. 
The actor looks over and shrugs. “Just tired, kept waking up last night,” he explains, waving a hand in the air absentmindedly. 
Oh. Well at least no one died. 
“Are you and Chrissy going anywhere today?” 
“Too tired for that shit, Stevie,” he bites at his thumbnail and Steve ignores how the nickname makes his stomach flutter. 
“You really didn’t sleep well,” he comments, surprised at the lack of energy from what he’s come to know as the energizer bunny. 
When the messy haired man doesn’t respond, Steve turns the radio on and puts it on a pop station, letting it fill the awkward, unusual silence. A couple sniffles from Eddie has him glancing over to his right, still wondering if today might be an anniversary of something sad, like a family death. They pull into Chrissy’s driveway and Eddie rubs at his face before unhooking his seatbelt. 
“You don’t have to stay, you can go do stuff or whatever, live your life,” he says, grabbing his backpack. 
“At least lemme say hi to Chrissy,” Steve teases, but really he just has questions for her- namely why the man next to him is acting so fucking weird. 
“Whatever you want, chief.” 
The walk from the black suburban to Chrissy’s white door has Steve trying to think of all the possibilities that would make Eddie so un-Eddie like. When the woman opens up, he watches her eyes linger over her best friend. 
“Go lay on the couch.” 
Eddie nods and goes willingly. 
“Hey, I’m going to leave you guys to it, I can come back later, but,” Steve makes sure Eddie’s out of sight, giving him enough time to be out of ear shot as well before taking a breath. “Is he okay? Because he’s been completely unlike his usual chaotic self.” 
“He doesn’t like to be alone when he’s sick,” the blonde explains. “He’ll come over and we’ll watch movies in between napping. He’s already such a tactile person,” she shrugs. 
“Ohh…he’s sick? He didn’t-“ Steve frowns, worry really settling in. “He didn’t tell me.” 
Chrissy’s brow furrows. “Yeah, he called me this morning saying he was running a fever and he felt awful. It’s weird he didn’t tell you. He probably just didn’t want to cause a fuss. As you’ve now seen, he’s different when he’s sick.” 
“Yeah, it’s fine,” Steve lies. “Hey, how about I go get some soup. He likes that deli in town, near the theater. He’s probably not super hungry, but it’ll be something good for when he is,” he rambled, suddenly needing to help, to make things better. 
Eddie is sick and he’s chalked it up to a hangover. How could he be such an idiot? Flushed cheeks and listlessness don’t match up with a damn hangover. Way to go Harrington. When Chrissy smiles and tells him he’d appreciate it, Steve bolts back to the car, determined to do something helpful and take care of the man that’s been a thorn in his side for the past half year. 
He can’t help but admit though, as he thinks about his job, that he’s grown to find Eddie somewhat amusing and at times even enjoyable. The long haired man is stressful when they’re out in public, always looking to be entertaining and draw attention, and when they’re at bars he’s a flight risk and goes to find drugs any change he can, which is going to make Steve prematurely grey. But Eddie has his moments, moments where he makes the bodyguard genuinely laugh, or feel like maybe they don’t loathe each other. 
Last week Eddie had made them both dinner as an apology for making Steve stand outside a hotel door while he and his new fling Grant had had sex. They’d laughed and eaten, even went as far as to watch some horror movie Eddie raved about. When Steve thinks back to it, he smiles to himself knowing that deep down, the actor is a good guy, he just has the wrong things at his disposal. 
A nice thing about being a bodyguard is that he has keys to his employer and his employer's best friend’s homes. He lets himself in forty five minutes later with two bags of food, not wanting to save Chrissy out. The brunette makes his way into the living room, smiling at Chrissy. Eddie’s laying next to her, his head on her lap, asleep. 
“How’s the patient?” He sets the bags on the kitchen counter quietly. 
“Pretty sad honestly,” she bites her lip. “I hate seeing him sick. It doesn’t happen often and he always gets the worst of it. I wish I could help him more.” 
“I know the feeling. But being there for him is all you can do. I got you food too, so you wouldn’t starve.” 
Chrissy smiles appreciatively. “Thanks Steve…do you wanna stay? The more the merrier right? Unless you have stuff you want to do. You probably do, you don’t get days off much,” she rambled, making Steve laugh. 
“Nah, it’s ok. I’ll stay here. I’m apparently ‘ridiculously inept’ when it comes to horror movies, if you’re willing to watch some with me.” 
“Absolutely, I know all of Eddie’s favorites so we can start with those.” 
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abeautifulblog · 2 years
Counterpoint to the Alex Lived AU: what if Marilyn had still been alive when Gene moved in? I imagine things would be much more different - Joseph never would've happened, Mary never would've happened, and Robert presumably wouldn't have gone the 3-4 years without talking to Val. I agree he isn't the type who would cheat, so does their marriage continue on the same trajectory until one of them dies? Does that cat-shirt nerd next door still change his life in any way?
I have thought about this one too! But my conclusion was that Gene and Robert would not have wound up together in that AU, because I do not believe Robert would have left Marilyn for Gene, even if he did find himself with a crush on the cat-shirt nerd next door.
(I've talked before about my headcanon for how not-cheating was a choice that Robert made, even when he was presented with the opportunity to do so. That’s not going to change just because it’s Gene.)
So Gene moves into the cul-de-sac, and of course he's gonna have a crush on the rakish hottie next door, but it's a crush without intent and without expectation. Their interactions are kinda flirty, sure, but in the harmless way that neither of them really means it or expects anything to come of it.
Except, as they hang out more, and get to know each other on a more meaningful level, the attraction intensifies and their friendship starts to take on a quality that is... not inappropriate, but is on a trajectory to become so, and they both know it. (Like the Joseph dates -- when nothing inappropriate has happened, yet, but you’re well aware that if you continue to let this escalate, that is where it’s heading.)
So Robert calls it off. 
It’s after date #2, the one where they go sit on Robert’s truck in the middle of the night and Gene cuts himself whittling and Robert patches him up, and there’s a moment when Robert’s holding Gene’s hand and they very nearly kiss. 
At which point Robert acknowledges the elephant in the room -- and tells Gene directly that he doesn’t want to cheat on Marilyn. That said, Robert is bad at self-control and bad at doing things in moderation, and he knows that if he keeps hanging out with Gene like this, it’s literally only a matter of time until he gives in to temptation. So he says that they should stop seeing each other for a while, and let things cool off; Gene agrees, because he recognizes that it’s the responsible and necessary thing to do, even though it breaks his heart a bit.
Marilyn, through this, has not been unaware of Robert’s crush on Gene (not least because Robert is not a subtle man), and has been keeping an ambivalent eye on it -- because it’s not a great feeling to watch your S.O. crushing on someone else, but she does trust Robert to be honest with her. And indeed, they talk about it after he breaks things off with Gene -- that yes, the temptation was there, but he chose to remove that temptation because he’s committed to staying with her instead.
Except... it isn’t that easy to just turn off your feelings, and so even though Robert and Gene are not allowing themselves to have alone-time together, they’re still kinda pining. And yeah, it’s clear to all that Robert’s not actually going to cheat, Marilyn has no doubt about that, because he feels strongly about honoring the commitment he made, but... at what point would it be better for both of them to release him from that commitment?
So Marilyn suggests that they take a month off from each other, during which time they are both allowed to experiment with being single. She’ll go stay with some friends in New York, and Robert can do whatever he needs to do in order to get his head on straight -- basically, figure out whether fucking Gene will get it out of his system, or whether he really does want to be with Gene instead.
Because starting with someone new, someone you have a clean slate with, feels seductively easy compared to making it work with someone you have twenty years of baggage and history with. Gene, right now, makes Robert feel good because he gets to start afresh -- but the shine is going to wear off sooner or later, and when it does, Robert may well discover that the grass wasn’t greener on the other side after all. But right now, Robert is infatuated with the potential that Gene represents, and he’s not going to be able to get over it until he gets to know the reality of Gene.
So Marilyn goes to NYC for a month (hangs out with a lot of the friends she hasn’t seen in a while, maybe goes on some dates), and Robert moves in with Gene for a month.
But the thing is... it’s not that Robert ever loved Marilyn less than Gene, it’s just that Gene knows how to handle him better. Left to his own devices, without Gene’s experience guiding them, Robert would have fucked up the relationship with Gene the exact same way he fucked up with Marilyn. The critical component that Gene’s bringing to the table isn’t love -- because Robert and Marilyn never lacked for that -- it’s an enlightened understanding of Robert’s mental illness, and knowing how to cope with it better.
Which is why ultimately, I think Robert would take what he learned in that month with Gene, and apply it to finally doing things right with Marilyn. His month with Gene makes him realize that it’s not just inscrutable, unknowable ~vibes~ that determine whether interpersonal interactions succeed or blow up in your face -- but rather that there are concrete, actionable relationship skills.
And equipped with that knowledge, I think he’d choose Marilyn. The end.
(Incidentally, I think a month in NYC would be eye-opening to Marilyn, re: what a rut they’d fallen into in Maple Bay, how isolating and stagnating it’s been for both of them, socially and intellectually. They don’t do anything in Maple Bay except hang out with each other and drink, because there’s nothing to do, if you’re not a churchgoer or in the PTA. Being back in NYC felt like waking up again, like coming alive again, and her takeaway was “holy shit, we need to get out of that town, stat" o__o)
So yeah. The Marilyn-lived AU has a happy ending for Robert and Marilyn, in which they move back to NYC and get a marriage counselor and Robert gets help for his bipolar disorder -- just not so much for Gene or Mary. And I’m sure Gene would have met someone else eventually, but without Robert’s friendship, and through him Gene’s, I’m pretty sure Mary’s the one who would suffer the most in this particular twist of fate. =/
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female-overlord-3 · 2 years
Older Brother Magic
This is a fic for one of The Salt Masters @winged-fool (a fic that will hopefully be finished... eventually) because we miss Flint Manes and cannot stand the horrendous writing choices this season so I decided to once again write my feelings cause fuck it I bet I could do better. This is an au for if Flint returned to RNM cause he has that older sibling intuition about Alex being in danger so we could finally have someone competent looking for him and he was so much fun to write! As per usual my fic contains anti-maria but it also has Flint trying to be a decent person and only succeeding 55% of the time and the Real Michael Guerin who would not just wait chilling with a bear instead of going to find the cosmic love of his life... oh also the only other true competent person on this show (besides Kyle) who’s been buried in a hole: The Alex Manes who I also need to figure out how to save from said hole cause in my opinion Malex should just stay in the nice pocket universe with occasional visits from Kyle, Sanders, and possibly Flint. Long spleal over, Ariqa I hope you like what I’ve got so far :) 
Flint knows first. For some reason he always knows first which he's hated after years of it happening. He used to love it when they were kids, to even be proud that he always knew when Alex was in trouble and he could be there to save him but not when it became only at home. Not when he couldn't help or save Alex at the risk of himself too. It just became this annoying feeling buzzing around in his chest he did his best to ignore when he could or put in a word somewhere when it became unbearable. The only time that happened was when Alex took that bullet and lost his limb. They don't talk about it, that it was Flint who called in a favor to have his unit back early just a few hours after Alex got hurt.
Flint tried to ignore it because he was taught that to need help meant weakness and being indebted but when you did help someone it was because they were weak and now indebted to you. 
Then all the alien insanity happened all at once and it was just easier to follow orders, do what he knew, and not have to think but then- then he died which set him free without a tether so he was left drifting. Flint was injured, honorably discharged from it, left to his so-called family who also seemed to have no idea what to do with him.
Flint tried staying on the Res with Greg but he needed more time to let go of his resentment of what Greg did and the small part of jealousy that Greg was able to do it. Flint still isn't sure if it's ending their old man or saving Alex. Probably another thing he needs to work through and talk about with the therapist Alex referred him to.
It didn't help that Greg was also seeing the Deluca woman which Flint didn't understand. Didn't she hurt Alex? Didn't she almost ruin Alex's chance with his idiot alien? Didn't she almost get him killed!
He never asked but he can somehow tell that something else happened that night, something that shouldn't have. Usually the feeling only lasts for a few minutes but that day it lasted until the next day which almost made him check. He still does sometimes but it's unsure if it's to instigate or get clarity. Getting both can be reasonable right?
He hasn't though because for once Alex has been safe. Well safe since the Alien dictator mess and whatever Deep Sky had him doing but he hasn't felt anything for almost 6 months. Now it's back and after waiting a day and still feeling like his skin is crawling… he decides to just go see for himself. Sadly there are only 2 people he can go to for this.
He tries the doctor but realizes that'll let everyone know he's here and going to Guerin is more of a last resort if he can't find Alex on his own.
Maintaining a low profile and gathering any information about what's happened while he's been gone the first day was… insightful to put it plainly but now he has a timeline and knows what two out of the three new aliens to avoid.
Alex has been missing for either a few hours to a day or two and Flint will bet his car that the third alien is the culprit.
It's this… feeling or sibling intuition? Whatever it is, it's the only thing that makes sense from what he's gathered.
Also he knows what subordinates look like and neither of them look like a leader.
The two subordinates go by Bonnie and Clyde… which is interesting and sort of stupid but they seem new and naive.
It takes tailing them to a random cabin and of course Alex's alien is there and doing a subpar job of being undercover.
Flint waits parked in front of Alex's house until Michael arrives and walks right past his car before doing a double take.
Pleading for patience, Flint gets out and tries to not frown.
Michael eyes him wearily before taking a breath and nods.
"Flint. Alex isn't here but ummm… what can I do for you?"
It's insanely awkward but they're both trying even if it'll only last until Flint's next words.
"Ya about that… Alex is missing. And no, I didn't take him this time." He tacks on the last part even if it sounds a little suspicious. 
It takes a second for it to sink in and there aren't any alien powers or accusations being shouted which is something Flint wasn't expecting. Michael just pinches the bridge of his nose and takes another breath.
"This isn't you trying to kidnap me or some weird shovel talk because Alex and I live together now right?"
Flint includes the new information about their new domestic status and can see that might be why Michael seems more civil. 'Seems' because he can see that barely controlled chaotic anger thrumming from him. It was the same energy from that time which again he does marginally regret. While he regretted what he did he also needs that same energy from that time so he's gonna push.
"You were much easier to get help from last time. Went nearly feral trying to get him back but now nothing? Do you even l-"
Flint slams into his car with an invisible force and the pressure is uncomfortable but he can still breathe.
Michael is panting, his hand extended and glaring at him in fury, but then he starts to sway and the force pressing on him is weakening until it's gone and Michael collapses to the floor.
Flint takes a second to right himself and gives Michael a once over before reminding himself that a "nice person" goes and actually checks if the collapsed person is okay.
Well he can see that Michael is still breathing but it's heavy and he's sweating, all signs that would point to a fever but Flint's never known for their kind to get sick like this. 
Unsure how contagious whatever sickness Michael has, Flint grabs a mask and gloves from his glove compartment like a smart person before grabbing on to Michael to lift him up.
That gets a groan and a cough which almost makes him drop Michael in disgust. It takes reminders of taking care of a much younger Alex sick with a cold and how miserable he sounded.
"You are so lucky you're my brothers." He grumbles and gets the sick alien over his shoulder then to the front door. 
Eyeing his surroundings Flint hesitates before going with his gut as he feels under the mailbox next to the doorbell and pulls free a key. Thankfully Michael is too out of it to see how emotional a stupid key makes him as he gets them inside and sets Michael on the couch.
"Why you helpin?"
"Oh good, you're conscious."
Flint takes in the place and catalogs what he might need. Tissues which would be either in the bathroom or a desk, blankets that should be in a cabinet but he sees a familiar one resting in a chair next to the couch, maybe food so he has to check that additional inventory, and a thermometer to keep track of Michael's temperature for the doctor and Ortecho to analyze.
"Guess you really won't be any help finding Alex. Stay put so I can grab some things and get one of your people to come. Where's your phone Geurin?"
Michael just groans again before sniffling Alex's name.
"I really hoped you'd be useful. Where's the bathroom?"
"No. Ours. No one but us."
Flint rolls his eyes at that as he grabs the large blanket and has to grit his teeth when he realizes why the blanket looks so familiar. It's Alex's favorite, Grandma's blanket that still looks and feels the same though just a bit faded.
"Here use this-"
Michael actually whines the word and rolls away, almost falling off the couch.
"Alex's. His favorite. I'm gross so no."
Flint throws it on him anyway.
He grabs what he can without going to what he assumes is their room because that's a line he doesn't want to cross unless he has to.
Even though Michael fought him about the blanket he's all cocooned in it now. He takes a picture for both blackmail and Alex.
"The only person's number I have is Greg and he'd call Deluca. Who do you want?"
Why did he expect any other answer.
"He's still missing so either tell me someone else's number or you're getting Deluca which I'm highly against doing."
The bartender is decent company at her bar or with others but Flint has never really liked her. What she proclaims as being headstrong and a self savior is just a pretty way of saying stubborn and selfish.
He's seen it clear as day now because that's who he used to be. He's trying not to anymore but he's still angry and he still doesn't see what Alex sees in this particular alien. Might as well use the anger to stay focused instead of stewing in it.
"What about Isobel? There's that new parish guy I've seen. Not sure how he got added into all this mess but he looks like he cares."
Michael shakes his head and closes his eyes.
"I might get him sick with whatever this is. No other aliens." He seems to be contemplating who else might be able to help but Flint knows that's a small list. The possibility of getting the parish sick also confirms what Flint believed about the parish being another one. 
"What about Ortecho, since she'd be able to figure out whatever this is right?"
"She's busy… but we could let her know."
Flint tries to decipher what Michael isn't saying.
"She won't stay and take care of you will she?"
That just gets another sniffle.
"Ok what about Sander's or Valenti? The doctor is human and probably knows the most about your physical biology."
"He's not here." Michael counters and Flint really wants to know how this guy is considered a genius.
"Well I'm sure a call would get him here especially once I tell him that Alex is missing. He's the only one that I would trust right now."
That gets a scoff that triggers a nasty coughing fit.
"I hope that was worth it. Now, I need your phone or someone's number or I will have Deluca come take care of you until Valenti or Ortecho get here to check you out."
There's a muffled thump from another room but Michael starts talking, distracting Flint from looking into it.
"I'll be fine after some sleep. Then we can go find Alex. Just need an hour." Michael tries to say this all while sneezing twice and slurring the end as his eyes flutter shut and he passes out again. He's still breathing so it's fine.
Finally peace and quiet.
Flint stares cautiously at the pot of soup on the stove that's cooking in slight fear.
He did not make that and Michael is still passed out on the couch.
He went out to his car to make a call to Valenti who gave him Ortechos number. Both said they would get to Alex's as soon as possible but Flint knew Valenti actually meant it. Those calls and grabbing some things from his car took less than 10 minutes so how the hell did this soup get here!
The most chilling part is that it's a very specific type of soup that he does not want to think about so Flint just turns the stove off, puts a lid on the pot, and walks back into the living room.
He can deal with that later once someone else comes and sees it too.
The knock at the door is a bit of a surprise and instantly sets Flint's nerves on edge. There is no way Ortecho got here that quick and he's not letting anyone else in here. 
When Flint tries to get up a pillow goes flying into his lap to sit him back down. There's a knock again but the pillow goes heavy like a pressure is holding it down. All Flint can do is glare at it until someone calls Michael's name and the voice makes him freeze.
It's Max Evans. 
He stays still and silent until the sound of a car starts then leaves and he unfreezes to let go of the pillow he was unconsciously gripping for dear life.
Trying to calm down the unnecessary panic he wants to rip out of his chest, Michael moves on the couch with a small whimper before the blanket tightens around him and he settles. 
The pillow in his lap presses down once. 
"We both know Morse Code idiot."
*I know Asshole
"Yup, it's you. Where are you so I can save your ass and you can take care of him."
The back of his shirt gets tugged almost over his head before it's let go.
"I brought him in and have given him basic assistance. You're welcome."
It almost feels like a hand pats the top of his head. The feeling is absolutely horrible and he never wants Alex to do that again because if he does he'll do… something.
*Feral kitten
"I don't need to help you Alex." He hisses at him.
"Where's Alex? Alex!"
Great, he's awake now.
A force pushes Michael back down and tightens the blanket on him. He still looks like shit but hopefully the sleep helped. Then Flint sees something glowing on Michael.
"Is that you or Alex. The glowing."
There's a tugging on Flint again, more insistent so he gets up and allows it to lead him over to a very emotional Michael. Can this day get any worse.
"The other piece. Alex has the other half and- we can find him! I need to-" Michael then proceeds to all but fall off the couch while still trapped in the blanket. Whatever weird force Alex is, he makes Michael  stay still as the blanket is slowly unwrapped and it's nauseating how caring the action looks.
"Alex." The sound is almost a strangled croak as Michael just stares at the blanket. 
Flint eyes some of Michael's hair moving and that is what seems to break Michael.
"I'm sorry! God Alex I'm sorry but I'm coming okay. I'm gonna bring you home."
The glowing piece of alien glass starts to dim and Flint is not going to like what happens next.
"Alex? Alex wait no come back! Alex!"
He lets Michael walk around the living room frantically as he holds the glass clutched in his hand until he starts to hopefully calm down or pass out again.
"You done so we can get to work now?"
Michael stupidly spins around and extends a hand at him but Flint feels nothing and all Michael does is almost fall again.
"No powers noted. We have at least another hour until Ortecho gets here to diagnose you so I'll keep a list."
Flint gets up to try and make Michael sit but he's just… standing there staring at his hand.
"I- I don't have my powers."
"I just said that."
Taking a second Flint tries to think more about the situation and he sighs.
"Right you need time to process and freak out. Um hopefully it's not permanent?"
That's the right thing to say right?
"I'm- how?"
The alien glass glows and directs Michael to sit then Flint feels the taps on his arm.
*Bonnie. Power remover. Tried to help. She's naive
"Alex says it was the Bonnie alien. She takes powers away somehow. Said she thought doing so would be helping you because she's naive."
This new information just makes Michael shrink into himself. How does Alex deal with him!
*don’t push. Needs a second
Flint can’t help but voice his annoyance at that. “Well this is sorta wasting valuable time in getting you back.”
*she kissed him
“She what! And you’re okay with that? I know you and your stupid heart is too kind but you can’t keep doing this Alex.”
“He knows.”
Even to him the almost hollow way Michael sounds is… concerning. Alex does whatever reassuring thing Michael needs but he still looks sorta brittle. That isn’t stopping him from chewing Michael for doing this shit again.
“I don’t want to believe you’d do this to Alex so either explain or I will leave you here to find Alex myself.” He threatens and he means it. Flint can find his brother on his own perfectly fine.
“She kissed me because she thought I was into her or that was what I assumed because I was teaching her about earth and finally getting to show someone why you would want to stay.”
*instead of leave
“Alex says instead of leaving and somehow it comes off happy. Please keep both your feelings to a minimum.”
“I was just trying to get information and maybe bring someone else to our side. She wants to stay here and she reminds me… reminds me of who I was before this stupid planet made me hate it. I pushed her away instantly and told her I was very much in- had a boyfriend who means everything to me. A boyfriend who was supposed to stay safe and come back to me so I could tell him something but now he’s edging me again.”
Flint can’t help the look of revolution because he does not want to ever hear that again.
“I’ll accept this even if I think you should still feel guilty.”
“Of course I do! I texted him about it but now I know why I haven’t been receiving any text back.”
Feeling that they can move onto how they can find Alex now, Flint grabs his laptop and settles in.
“Sit and conserve energy. Now tell me when did Alex leave for his weather mission?”
“He left 2 days ago around 7pm so 2 days and 14 hours.” 
Flint won’t mention how slightly creepy that is because it’s vital information and he knows Alex would be the same way.
*ask Michael for map
“You know where you are and you’re only now telling me!”
“He’s doing recon isn't he, trying to find out more while he’s stuck wherever he is.”
Michael sounds as annoyed as Flint is which he doesn’t like.
*stuck. You can’t get me. Alien tech
“Hey I know Morse Code too! Alex what did you tell him?”
*stuck. You can’t get me. Alien tech. Keep working with evil triad
This back and forth is going to get annoying so Flint just pulls up a blank word doc and sets it on the table.
“If you can tap us then use this, it’ll be more efficient and clear.
Wasn’t sure if it would work. Thank you Flint. Michael your map. I can show you but you won’t be able to get me.
Michael reaches his hand out before remembering he doesn’t have his powers.
“I’ll go grab it.” He sighs.
Flint eyes the screen waiting for more text but nothing. 
"Is there anything I should know that he can't yet?"
Liz will need to diagnose and create something to neutralize her powers while I see what the leader is up to
"Anything else?"
Wherever I am it'll be hard to bring me back. I think I'm in a different dimension.
"Somehow I'm not surprised by that."
Wherever I am, the place I got sucked into dropped me into some type of device that more or less transported me somewhere else.
"So it's like their ship or something? Some type of portal maybe?"
Tell Michael and let him know I'd understand if he wants to go home
It takes a second to decipher what Alex means because isn't Michael home now? What-
"You're more of a self-deprecating idiot than I thought. He'd choose you cause you're his home now."
Alex doesn't reply because again he's a self-deprecating idiot who still won't keep anything for himself.
"You better stay here and listen. Guerin! Talk to your boyfriend."
Michael stumbles from the room at his name.
"What? What's wrong! Alex, are you okay, are you hurt!?"
"He's fine but you need to talk to him. Here, read this and tell him he's wrong."
Michael leans down to read what Alex said and frowns.
"Do you really think being in a different dimension or wherever you are will stop me from getting you back? What the hell do you mean home! You're my home!" His yelling softens as he grips onto his alien glass pendant.
"You were my first home Alex, the first person who gave me a warm place to feel safe and cared for."
But you've always dreamed of going back
"I had a dream to give me hope even if it was a pipe dream! Something I could keep working on even if it never worked out because I thought I lost the real thing in that shed but now I have you again, you made us a new home, so stop being a sacrificing idiot and let us go get you. You said you'd burn the whole world down before letting something happen to me well now I get my second shot of proving I'd do the same."
That may also be an unresolved fear
"True. You did leave him last time." Flint points out.
"I was an idiot worrying about the wrong things. Go get me some acetone and I'll call Liz to get over here now."
You're still sick. Take a second.
"I feel fine now so I'll sit while I make the call. You stay put and just- be there okay. I need you to be there so I-" Michael flicks a glance at Flint and adjusts his words, "we can get you. I want you to come home Alex."
This is obviously a moment but all Flint heard was that Michael felt fine. He takes a second to assess Michael to see if he's lying about feeling better but he does look fine.
"Ortecho is taking too long so leave her a message and we can head out. I'll let Valenti know but no one else got it."
Flint quickly grabs his things and heads to his car.
There's pressure on his shoulder once he gets outside but Flint shakes it off.
"You can get all emotional after we get you back."
He looks around and doesn't see Michael yet so he allows himself this small moment with Alex.
"Just hold tight okay."
There's another press to his shoulder but this time it takes a bit longer to shake it off.
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creepypastalover97 · 2 years
Ok, time for another creepypasta au headcannon.
Today’s headcannon is going to be about Brian/hoodie
Just to clarify. I know hoodie and Masky are not proxies or creepypasta. I just love them , so I’m including them in this creepypasta au. Thank you.
Anyway on with the headcannons
. First things first. when he fell he didn’t actually *die* but instead was rendered immobile due to a broken neck and a severe concussion. The slenderman fixed the broken neck to allow him to move once more. However, he still had to suffer through the concussion on his own in which he would pass out without warning. He still has to deal with the damage to his back .
. Hoodie has trouble standing up from laying down after the fall. It really hurts him sometimes
. Has a scar on his back from the fall.
. Since falling and nearly dying for the effort. Hoodie developed an immense fear of heights, or high anxiety( that’s the old term though- the newer one is acrophobia.)
. NEVER SHOWS HIS FACE to people he doesn’t know VERY well. Only Tim knows what he looks like. BEN erased everything about Marble Hornets off the internet- or more so off the Pasta’s phones so they can never find out about it. Meaning BEN does know what Brian looks like under the mask but he doesn’t say anything.
. Both him and Tim go to therapy now. Considering both are very traumatized from Marble hornets and from before that
. He usually has nightmares about the all the terrible shit that’s happened to him. Like Nightmares every night. Wakes up at least 3 times screaming a night.
. Brian is in a constant state of being. He’s not dead, he’s not alive, he’s not undead. He’s just there.
. Likes to lean on things. Walls, people, anything really. He does so to ground himself. If he can touch something, that must mean he’s not dead!
. He’s partially blind in both eyes, due to the state of being he is in. They are a cloudy grey toned green instead of the brightly colored olive green they used to be all before Marble Hornets. He always hides his eyes due to this, not liking it when people stare directly into them. So he wears contacts. He can see, but it’s not that well.
. He is trying to get over the fear of people seeing his face- well more so his eyes. He believes his eyes are dead, much like he should be.
. He!!! Has!!! A support dog!!! Her name is Polly, she is a huge fluffy Samoyed and he loves her and every time he gets home from being Hoodie for like a Week Polly is IMMEDIATELY in his arms and sending him back onto the ground but its ok cause he lovers her a lot. She also acts as his seeing dog. Slenderman thought it was a good idea at the time.
. His fighting style is mid range to close range combat. He will take a sniping position on missions sometimes, but doesn't prefer long range combat if he can help it
. He’s Slender’s favourite to be honest, but he isn’t allowed to say that or there will be war.
. He ’s probably the most rational out of everyone.
. Tho he’s this calm, collected, almost laid back dude most of the time but mention Alex Kralie around him and he’ll choke slam you. Eyeless Jack learned this the hard way.
. Brian has a drinking problem just like how Tim has a smoking problem.
. Britney spears always gets him in the mood for mass murder
. He stares a lot
. Hoodie has completely silent footsteps and it’s nearly impossible to hear him moving around.
. He makes Dad Jokes and everyone else loves hates them. Tim once slapped him for the ‘hi hungry, I’m Dad’ gag.
. Has an addiction to subway
. He developed an ability to distort minds. It’s similar to slender-sickness, except it only effects who he wants to effect.
. he uses a voice changer when out and about and with his mask on
. Is a fan of Game of Thrones and dragged Tim into it. He likes the gory scenes in it and all the drama a few little lies can create (he laughed when Joffery died because the guy was a right prick)
“Brian, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up before I stab you.”- masky
. Hoodie enjoys breaking into his victims houses and moving their shit around. He thinks it's funny as fuck.
. Brian/Hoodie both have a habit of stealing peoples pills, whether it be Tims, someone in the mansions, or their victims. Sometimes they take them other times they don’t. They don’t usually mean to but it’s like second nature
. He keeps his closet full of identical yellow hoodies so that he never has to be seen without his trademark hoody.
. goes by He/Him pronouns and is just a regular gay man
. Hoodie isn’t shy. He just has trust issues. This is due to Tim’s betrayal and lying to him in college about the operator resulting in his near death.
. He wasn’t soft-spoken in the past and very able to bring his ideas out in the open. Ever since the fall, he has withdrawn into himself.
. Hoodie has a slight obsession with cameras. He always has one on him, with several spare tapes, and records a lot. Because of this hoodie has blackmail on practically everyone, and is not afraid to use it. By now it is second nature to watch what you say when the hooded proxy is in the room. After all, it’s usually the quiet ones you gotta keep an eye on.
. Hoodie has really good computer and editing skills. But he doesn’t really use the computer often cause he reminds him of the past.
. While he’s quiet around others, he’s actually a really good conversationalist
. Hoodie is the one who drives. He doesn’t like Masky doing it with his impulsive nature and seizures, Circe’s reckless driving, and toby…. Just no.. so hoodie drives.
. brian has lotsa failed stick and poke tattoos. wanted too be cool too have a small one. fucks it up everytime somehow. always wears longsleeves because of it. everytime its like summer tim tries too get him into a t-shirt
“You’re gonna get fucking heat stroke, we barely have an ac-” - masky
so yeah he just walks around in a sweaty long sleeved shirt
. Hoodie and Masky serve as mentors for toby, and Circe. God knows those kids need all the guidance they can get. Like seriously:
Hoodie: “we’re doing a safety course today, I’m going to pretend to be a burglar and you have to react correctly.”
Circe and toby: “okay.”
Hoodie: “give me all your money or I’ll shoot.”
Circe: “bold of you to assume we have money.”
Toby: “bold of you to assume we don’t want to die.”
Hoodie:” ……….”
Overall hoodie has a lot on going on. Well it ever get better? Who knows.
Anyway I hoped you liked it bye 👋🏻
P.s. this is an au. none of this is canon. So don’t take it seriously if you don’t want to. Don’t hate, if you do, take it somewhere else. Thank you.
P.s.s. Go check out Circe’s origin story on archive of our own . It’s called rabbits are not what they seem.
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
Fic Masterpost
Active Series:
Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent - focusing on my OC Nicola ‘Nicky’ Connors, who befriends Johnny and the Cobras in 1981 and becomes an honourary Cobra. She’s especially close to Johnny, but this relationship becomes increasingly fraught in the run-up to KK1, as he gets deeper into Cobra Kai and she can’t see a way to get him out. Will be an eventual AU, and currently has 3 stories.
bad boy (no more) - one-shots focusing on a redeemed Mike Barnes, his wife Leah, and their three kids Sarah, Elaine, and Alex. Will be (mostly) unconnected, currently has 6 stories.
The Shieldmaiden Saga -  my longfic Flash AU series featuring Steph Taylor, Eddie Thawne’s childhood best friend who gains force-field powers the night of the accelerator explosion, learns about the truth of the particle accelerator, and plots to bring down Wells with a help of a friend or several, all while also trying to help the metahuman community in Central. Currently has 2 stories.
Cobalt Blue and The Flash - Flash AU where Malcolm Thawne (Eddie’s estranged younger brother) and Barry Allen are best friends, and both get struck by lightning the night of the explosion. Malcolm wakes up five months later, reconciles with his brother, and on discovering his powers becomes Central City’s first hero. But there’s a lot of questions surrounding that night, and he doesn’t really think Wells’ version of events is the whole story, and this is before he finds out superspeed isn’t the only set of powers he has. Currently has 1 story.
On Hiatus:
Niamh Cassidy - Once Upon a Time AU featuring Niamh Cassidy, Neal’s 8-year-old daughter, which will focus on her adventures after her grandfather, her half-brother, and her dad’s old girlfriend (who is her half-brother’s mother) show up on the doorstep looking for her dad, and she finds out that all the weird and wonderful tales she’s been told are true. Currently has 1 story.
The Adventures of Eliana Kent - my Supergirl AU focusing on my OC Eliana Kent, Clark and Lana’s daughter from an alternate universe who was forced (along with thousands of others) to flee from her home universe to Earth-38 after the anti-alien government wipes out most of her family. Suddenly starting to come into the rest of her powers - after 17 years of only having flight and supersenses - following Cadmus’s debut, she soon becomes National City’s newest hero, which brings her face to face with her family’s doppelgangers. Currently has 1in-progress longfic, with 3 chapters.
to fix the timeline (or make it better) - my Krypton AU featuring my OC Ashley Tanner, a friend of Adam’s since high school who was accidently transported alongside him to Rann, and has had many space adventures since then, before deciding to help him save Krypton (as well as the timeline) from Brainiac. But things turn out to be a lot more complicated than they realise. Currently has 1 in-progress longfic, with 8 out of 11 chapters.
emerald legacy - Arrow AU where Oliver is the one who dies in the S1 finale, not Tommy, and as a result it’s up to Tommy to take on the vigilante mantle with the help of his friends and family, with all the problems that brings after an old enemy of Oliver’s decides he’ll just switch his focus to Tommy instead. Currently has 2 stories.
legends of earth-4 - a literal Legends AU focusing on what the Legends of Earth-4 could look like, featuring my OC Brianna Thawne, Eddie’s distant descendant and the Cobalt Blue of her generation, who joins the Legends after she causes a rift in her Team Flash following her attempt to stop an Allen from changing the timeline. Currently has 1 story.
Tales of the Koopalings - my FFN imports focused on the lives of the Koopalings (who in my ‘verse are Bowser’s children). Currently has 2 stories, focused on Ludwig Von and Wendy O. Koopa.
Complete Series:
Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites - unconnected fix-its for Cobra Kai, mainly Daniel and Johnny focused, with a couple ones from Miguel’s POV and one from Tory’s POV. Spans from S1 to the first half of S4, in no particular order. Has 18 stories.
flufftober 2021 - my collection of (mostly) short oneshots for flufftober 2021. Multifandom, has 31 stories.
flufftober 2022 - my collection of (mostly) short oneshots for flufftober 2022. Multifandom, has 21 stories.
Other Fics:
of legacies and lies - a oneshot set post-Winter Soldier featuring my OC Alex Thompson, Jack Thompson’s granddaughter, who has to go on the run following the SHIELDRA revelation, intending to get back to the US to clear her name while dealing with the fact that everything she’s worked for has been a lie.
a god’s reflection - a rewrite of an FFN story set post-Avengers from Loki’s POV as he thinks about what led him to his prison cell.
you’ve always been (a part of me) - a Krypton AU set 40 years post-canon, with Seg and Adam having gotten together not long after S2 and had a family, and focuses on Seg coming to terms with the fact that he’ll long outlive Adam.
right here (is where I’m meant to be) - a short, fluffy, post-canon Segdam story as they share a lazy morning together.
to new beginnings - a Westhallen (and Eddie Lives) AU, written for last January’s Polyam Shipping Day with the prompt ‘Resolutions’.
the future (is ours) - a Flash AU where Iris became the Flash and Barry and Eddie were the ones who got together, but even though Eobard is dealt with without any casulties, Eddie can’t help but wonder what his place in Barry’s life is know, knowing what he does of the original timeline.
now we have (the freedom to choose) - An AU of the Legends S1 finale, as Carter talks about destiny with Sara, and realises he wants to branch out on his own as well now that he’s not constantly fearing for his life.
the truth (long overdue) - Spider-Man 2 fix-it where Peter actually explains things to Harry, and unknowingly averts catastrophe.
Ambiguity - FFN import of a story I wrote for the web series Stupid Mario Brothers, showing the events of the Movie Act 2 Part 4 from Mr L’s POV (with a twist)
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Silent Hill Town Of Second Chances Au Lore
My Silent hill au where theirs 4 Silent Hills/Shepherds Glens. Normal, Fog, Otherworld, and the Town of second chances. The Town of Second Chances is for the live of people who where snuffed out in silent hill get a second chance at life using the body’s Albeit more Humanised Monsters from the Otherworld after someone adventure is done. Includes The Natives that were in Silent hill that will killed for colonisation like Inola and Such. and the descendants of the survivors that had unfair deaths and others the kids that shepherds glen sacrificed to keep the otherworld out and other similar cases are here as well like if someone going through the otherworld sacks their kid to the monsters the kid gets a second chance. the only people who can get into the normal town from the 2nd chance twn are people who got a second chance. NOT ANYONE FROM THE ORDER ALESSA SPAWNED HER OWN SILENT HILL WITH ITS OWN RULES.
Important Characters Under the cut
Inola: One of the natives that were whipped out one of the elders that gives advice to the others in the town Her Daughter is here as well and thrives She’s from the comic Past Life
James Sunderlands Mary Pyramid Head: one of descendants of the og tribe members that survived founded the Silent Hill Historical Society Made sure to include as much as he could from the tribe that he new about. After his Daughter Molly Killed Herself the had serious depression and killed himself to try to get his daughter back. Now is incharge of the 2nd chance towns historical society and is going through all the books that where edited by the order and restoring them/ adding what he now knows from Inola and such.
Molly Sunderland: His Daughter and the otherworlds Grim Reaper. Killed herself due to the order and her mother berading her by following her fathers/ the old tribes beliefs instead of there own and since her father was almost always working she believed herself to be alone so killed herself to stop the pain. was given her second chance when a group of teenages whent into the other world over killing someone on accident and not realizing that they had anything to do with their death so she had to follow them as a epitome of death. met james during his adventure then had to deal with walter so was in the apartments where and on parole james was staying with his dad and talking with him. once the event was over she collapsed from exhaustion and james and his father let her stay on the couch when she awoke she realized that the fog she used to get there and after some issues on not wanting to bother him with her problems she agreed with james driving her home they talked on the drive she lore dumped. one james dropped her off she gave james her guest room for the night where they talked some more and once he left she gave him her number and have been together ever since.
James sunderland: He couldn't find work due to the murder so now is Molly’s house husband. Only thoughts are about his Wife and Daughter.
James Sunderlands eddie Pyramid Head: the eldest brother of the other two Pyramid heads and the otherworlds executioner would be the one in DBD. Died from a blacksmithing accident although its still his hobby. powerful but a sweetheart adores his family with all of his heart and will do anything to keep his family together this time. Murphy Pendleton’s Husband.
Murphy Pendleton is presumed dead in the normal world and lives with his son and husband in the town a sweetheart. his son was given a second chance due to the town and he will do anything for it as a thank you
Alex Shepherds Pyramid Head: Middle Child Himbo died from frost bite.Is the main farmer in shepherd's glenn and pretty much the head of the town married alex and has sibling in law adopted all of the kids form alex’s gen that were sacrificed and adores his son to bits.
Alex Shepherd: Sibling adopted all of the sacrificed kids from his round. Chill Hates large bodies of water manly helps out his husband with planning
The Butcher: The Late Executioner Killed by Travis grady. was the one who stopped Molly from killing themselves again when they first got their second chance and became her emotionally adoptive father. burred near toluca lake near molly's place. was an absolute sweetheart and originally died in a mining accident his cleaver is in the historical society.
Alice Sunderland. Molly and James Daughter Professional Wave Racer And part time /Future mechanic Goth and Snarky honestly a bitch. stole James jacket.
Michael: Son of Alex and His husband. Mute introvert spends most of his time at home gaming and getting dragged around by his uncle and co.
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