#the actual spicy 6 or whatever the fuck y’all are calling it
henrysglock · 1 year
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i meant it when i said it
204 notes · View notes
atlafan · 4 years
The Tutor - One Shot
a/n: based off this ask! I’m real happy with this one y’all. I’m happy to present tutor!Harry x hockey player!y/n, a nice little college au. Friends to lovers if you wanna categorize it. Enjoy! Reblogs and feedback are always super helpful. (semi-proofread, sorry in advance for any mistakes) 
Warnings: fluff and smut, partying, alcohol consumption
Words: 24.5K
Part Two Part Three
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“This psychology professor is out to fucking get me!” Y/N groans as she plops down on her couch. “I don’t understand the books we’re reading, and he doesn’t even lecture from the powerpoints so I never have any idea what to write down.”
“Y/N, who the fuck told you to take a psych class anyways?” Amanda says to her.
“I thought it would be an easy gen ed for my science requirement. I didn’t want to take a fucking lab science, that would have been worse!”
“It’s only the beginning of the semester.” Gina says. “You should sign up for a tutor now before it gets so bad that coach benches you.”
“Goddammit!” She yells as she gets up. “I’m headed to the tutoring office, I’ll be back in a bit.”
Why there wasn’t an online form for tutoring she’ll never know. Y/N couldn’t risk getting a bad grade in her psych class. Hockey was her life, and she was a sophomore now so that meant she had more of a chance for playing time. Not to mention she worked her ass off over the summer, and her coach has been noticing her improvements at the few practices they’ve had.
She enters the tutoring office and the woman at the front desk gives her a form to fill out. She has to put down the class, who’s teaching it, and what she’s specifically having trouble with.
“Thanks, Y/N.” The woman smiles brightly. “We’ll email a student that received a B+ or better in this class, and then they’ll email you to coordinate a time to meet. You can meet in here, or the library, or wherever works best for you.”
“Okay, thank you.” She sighs and leaves to go back to her student apartment.
She felt lucky not to be in a dorm this year, but Y/N couldn’t wait to get an off campus apartment with the other hockey girls next year. For now, the on campus apartment will do. Her and her friends change to go to the gym, make dinner together when they get back, and head to the library to do their homework. This was another thing that Y/N liked about being on the hockey team, no one was ever left behind.
From: Harry Styles
To: Y/F/N Y/L/N
Subject: Tutoring
Hello Y/N,
My name’s Harry, the tutoring office sent me an email saying you needed help with Mind, Brain, and Evolution. That’s definitely a tricky class! I’m more than happy to help, I managed to get an A- in that class somehow. When works best for you? I’ll do my best to work around your schedule.
Harry Styles
Sociology Major/Applied Ethics Minor
Student Senate
Y/N rubs her eyes to check the time the email came through. 6:30AM. Who the fuck wakes up that early to send an email, and what normal student had an email signature? She rolls her eyes when she sees he’s on student senate. Curiosity gets the better of her, so she looks him up on Instagram. His account was private so she heads over to Facebook. She could only see his profile picture. It looked like it was from over the summer. He has a huge smile on his face, sunglasses on, a white t-shirt and short, yellow swim trunks. He was holding up a fish he caught.
“God help me.” She groans.
To: Harry Styles
From: Y/F/N Y/L/N
Subject: Re: Tutoring
Hey Harry,
I’d like to start ASAP. I’m on the hockey team, so I have ice times early in the morning, and evening work outs. I’m usually free from 2-4PM most days. We could meet at the library at 2 today if that works for you. Also, just feel free to text me, I’m not always great with email, tbh. xxx-xxx-xxxx
Y/N stretches and gets out of bed. Her, Amanda, and Gina all head down to the ice arena for their early ice time. Once that’s done the three shower up, and head back to campus for their first class. Luckily, they were all business majors, so they were able to sign up for a lot of the same classes.
“Hey, did your tutor reach out to you yet?” Amanda asks.
“Yeah, it’s Harry Styles. He emailed me super early this morning, like right when I woke up for practice basically. He’s on student senate, so I’m not surprised.”
“Well, at least he reached out already.” Gina says.
The three sit down, and Y/N checks her phone before throwing it in her bag
Unknown Number, maybe Harry Styles: Hey Y/N! It’s Harry. I got your email, so I wanted to text you like you asked. 2PM works great for me today. Wanna meet in the café first and then we can find a spot?
Y/N: hey, yeah, sounds good, see you then!
The day goes by mostly normal. Y/N gets through her couple of classes, has a large lunch with the team, takes a quick power nap, and heads to the library café to meet Harry. She could certainly use an afternoon pick me up to get through the tutoring before her evening workout.
When she walks into the café she smirks to herself seeing Harry already there. He was wearing a pair of khakis and a blue t-shirt. His hair was a little longer than in his profile picture, Y/N could really make out his soft curls. He was wearing a pair of glasses and looking down at his phone.
“Um, Harry?” She walks over to him and he looks up. He gives her a warm smile. She takes a moment to notice he has a number of tattoos on his left arm. Much more prominent now than in the one photo she was able to view.
“Great to meet you. Your first coffee’s on me, what can I get you?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that?”
“I insist.”
“If anyone should be buying coffee it’s me. You’re gonna have your work cut out for you with me.” She sighs.
“Nonsense, I think it’s great you reached out for help. Now tell me, what’s your drink?”
Y/N tells Harry she’ll have an iced coffee and he nods. He gets them both an iced coffee, and he gives her a moment to add her cream and sugar.
“You seriously drink that black?”
“Yeah, it’s how I have it at home, I’m just used to it.” He shrugs.
Right, he was an international student from England. She follows him into the main area of the library and they find a table to set up at.
“Do you mind if I sit next to you?”
“Be my guest.” She says flatly.
As he sits down she’s able to get a whiff of his cologne, and it actually smelled good. Like vanilla, but spicy? She now sort of wished she wasn’t in her workout clothes, and dressed a little nicer.
“So, what’s your major?” He asks as he pulls his laptop out.
“Business…I saw that yours is Sociology?”
“Mhm.” He smiles and opens his computer.
“What is Applied Ethics?”
“Oh! Glad to know you actually read all the way to the bottom.” He chuckles. “It’s just ethics, but with practical ways to apply it. I just picked it up this year so I’m taking a class called Creative Problem Solving in Ethics, and then I can take classes about business ethics or medical ethics or whatever else. I like it a lot.”
“What made you want to add that?”
“A lot of the classes double count in my major so I just figured why not?” He shrugs. “Enough about me. Why business?”
“My mom owns her own business and I’m hoping to take it over when I’m older.”
“What type of business is it?”
“It’s just bar.” She shrugs. “But she’s owned since I was a kid, and we want it to be a family business. I have a couple of younger siblings in high school and they feel the same way. I work there on breaks.”
“You’re allowed to work in a bar?”
“You can be eighteen to serve alcohol. I’ve only got another year and a half to go until I’m twenty-one anyways.”
“You’re a sophomore?”
“Cool, me too.” He smiles. “And you said you’re on the hockey team?”
“Yup.” She squints at him. “You’re on student senate, right?”
“What is with you guys always going to the men’s hockey games? You guys never come to ours. It’s a little annoying, to be honest. I noticed it last year.”
“Well, to be fair, I never go to hockey games, I don’t really care for the sport.” He runs a hand through his hair as her mouth forms into a straight line. “But I can certainly talk to the group to see if they’d be willing to go to your games too. Everyone deserves spectators.”
“Do you like any sports?”
“I don’t mind soccer…but other than that, not really. Oh! I love the Packers, but I only watch their games.”
“You seem to be a fit guy, so you must do something to stay in shape.”
“I run on the treadmill at the gym.” He blushes slightly. “And then I’ll lift a few weights, nothing crazy. Do you, uh, have your books with you? We should probably get started.”
“And here I was thinking I could distract you with small talk.”
Y/N takes her books out and sets up her own laptop. She explains that everything just feels confusing, and that it’s difficult to follow along in class. Harry listens and tries to give her some tips on how to deal with the professor. He takes out his old notes, and she sees the units are the exact same. He explains what he found helpful to remember for the tests.
“Now, I can’t just give you these, but we can use them to help you study. He may have updated the tests since I took them, but we can use my answers to give you an idea of what he’s looking for.”
“How were you able to do so well?”
“I have to take a couple of psychology classes for my major, so I took this as a gen ed. I already knew a ton of stuff about the brain, and the rest wasn’t too difficult, but I know psych isn’t for everyone, so I hope you don’t feel…stupid or anything because you’re not.”
“How do you know?” She smirks. “I could be a real buffoon.”
“To make it through this school’s business program I’m pretty sure you need a brain.” He nudges her. He checks his watch and sees it’s ten of four. “Wow, I can’t believe we used up the two hours.”
“Sorry.” She mumbles as she packs up.
“No! It’s great, actually. I get paid by the hour so it’s no skin off my nose. When do you want to get together again?”
“Maybe we could do this on Tuesdays and Thursdays?”
“Works for me, I’ll put you in my calendar so it’s a standing thing. I can send you the calendar invite too.”
“You’re very…professional, Harry.”
“Thanks.” He smiles and stands up.
She didn’t exactly mean it as a compliment, but she wasn’t going to correct him. They walk out of the library together and then go their separate ways. Harry was nice enough, and he was a decent tutor so far, so it wouldn’t be totally painful to meet up with him. It just annoyed Y/N that a fucking gen ed was stressing her out so much. 
A couple of weeks go by, and Harry puts in the hours with Y/N. She had her first big test coming up, and her first home game. Harry was a great study partner, he really helped put her at ease.
“You’re going to do great, I can feel it.”
“So…your first home game, are you excited?”
“I’m super excited! I’m starting this season. I just hope we have some people in the stands to cheer.”
Harry hums his response and nods.
“Well, I hope it’s a good game.”
The next day, Y/N takes her test, and she was surprised to see that she actually knew her stuff. For once she left the classroom feeling good. This helped pump her up for her game. When the team leaves the locker room they’re all stunned to see the arena packed. It was never like this for their games. Y/N looks around and sees all of the kids from student senate, including Harry, cheering for them. The arena was full of their school colors and signs. It was quite a sight to see.
Needless to say, the girls won. With all that support and cheering, who wouldn’t be able to play their best? The older girls on the team say there’s going to be a victory party at their apartment tonight. Y/N couldn’t wait. She changes quickly in the locker room, and heads up to campus with Amanda and Gina to get ready.
“I love when Ashley hosts parties, she invites the hottest girls.” Amanda says.
“Oh, is someone hoping to get lucky tonight?” Y/N teases her.
“Don’t I deserve it? I did score a goal.”
“You sure did, with help from me.” Y/N grins.
“Alright, so then maybe you deserve to get some head then.”
Y/N and Gina burst out laughing.
“Right, because guys are just dying to get on their knees for me.” She rolls her eyes.
“Oh! You should invite Harry out. He must have had something to do with why so many people were there, right?”
“I have no idea. I only mentioned once that it annoyed me, but now that I think about it some girls from the soccer team said they had a lot people at their home game the other day.”
“Same with the field hockey girls.” Gina says. “I hope some of them come out tonight. There’s this one girl, Leigh, oh my god I wanna wife her up.”
Y/N laughs and shakes her head. She puts on a black, short pencil skirt and pairs it with a black lacey crop top. She straightens her hair and does her makeup. Amanda and Gina make noises and tell her how sexy she looks. They do a couple of shots, and then make their way to Ashley’s. Once all of the hickey girls are there, they cheer and do shots together.
The apartment was getting more and more packed. Y/N notices the senior class president talking with Ashley, and it made her wonder if anyone else from senate was there. She ends up slamming into something hard. When she looks up she sees Harry in front of her. Although, he looks much different. No glasses, an almost see through white t-shirt so the tattoos on his chest and stomach were more visible, and black jeans with some tan boots.
“Hey, Y/N! That was a great game!”
“Thanks! I was surprised to see you there!”
“We…! Hold on!.” He grips her wrist and tugs her into the kitchen where it was slightly less loud. “Jesus, could barely hear myself think.” He chuckles. “Anyways, yeah, you sort of inspired me to start an initiative.” She watches him grab two red cups and go into Ashley’s freezer. “Want some vodka? We brought our own.”
“As long as there’s something to mix it with…”
“Cranberry juice?”
“Works for me.”
She watches him carefully as he makes the drinks, and hands her a cup. They clink them together and they both take a sip.
“Tell me about this initiative.”
“Well, I sort of felt bad when you said no one ever comes to your games, and it made me think of the other women’s teams. The senior class president is a girl so I brought it up to her first, and she told me it would be a great idea to try and get other clubs to come cheer on the teams. It took a lot of planning in a short amount of time. We definitely had the largest turnout at your game, I think it’s because you can actually sit down and get snacks.” He takes another sip of his drink. “Were you surprised?”
“Very, that was really nice of you.”
“And we’re going to keep doing it too. Definitely wasn’t a one time thing. I actually enjoyed watching you. Um, all of you.”
“Right.” She smiles as she takes a sip. “Can I ask…how did you get an invite here?”
“Kelly made it happen. She spoke to your captain…uh, Ashley? She sort of filled her in and asked if we could pack the arena if senate could come to the party.” He looks out to the living room full of people. “Are there usually this many girls? I’m not complaining, I just figured the hockey guys would be here.”
“They usually show up later, a lot of them end up in the basement where the beer pong and dancing is. There’s a lot of girls here because more than half the team are into girls.” She laughs and takes another sip. “Damn, you really know how to mix a drink, this is good.”
“Thanks.” He takes another sip of his own. “Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Into girls.”
“Not in that way, no. Although, sometimes I wish I was.”
“Why’s that?” They’re closer to the wall near the doorframe, and Harry places one of his hands on the wall so he can stand a little closer to her. People were walking by them so it’s not like they were the only people in the kitchen.
“Because guys always assume I’m a lesbian or something because I play hockey, so they don’t even bother looking at me.”
“That’s too bad.” He looks her up and down. “You’re quite a sight to see, and I don’t just mean because you’re all dressed up tonight.”
Y/N blushes slightly. She was suddenly painfully aware of how close Harry was to her. Was he flirting? Making a move? Did she want him to? Was he just drunk? Was she drunk?
“You…you look nice tonight too.” She tugs on the hem of his shirt. “You have a lot of tattoos.”
“Does it surprise you?”
“A little. I’m even surprised to see you out like this.”
“Just because I take school seriously doesn’t mean I don’t know how to have fun.” His lips curl up as the song changes. “Do you wanna go downstairs and dance?”
“Yeah.” She smiles.
She leads him down the stairs to the stuffy basement where a ton of sweaty people were dancing and playing pong. Whoever had the aux tonight was a genius, playing bop after bop after bop. Traphouse was just starting to play. Y/N was hoping for less of a slow grind to start off with for her and Harry, but oh well. She downs the rest of her drink and tosses the cup somewhere. Harry’s eyebrows raise, but he does the same. If she didn’t care, why should he?
Harry easily was a foot taller than her, especially with him wearing his boots. His hands find her hips and hers hook around his neck. He steps to put his leg between hers so she could grind on his thigh. He clearly knew what he was doing, and she was sort of impressed. Even though he was right there in front of her, it was still hard to think of Harry as someone who partied.  
She presses her head into his chest as they get going, and his head dips down to rest against hers. Getting to smell his cologne this close was making her feel even more intoxicated then she was. The song fades into Shake It by Metro Station and they both start giggling. Y/N steps away and starts singing the lyrics and so does Harry, not that they could hear each other. They dance like idiots and laugh a lot. That songs fades into Acquainted by The Weeknd. Y/N turns around and grabs Harry’s hands to put on her hips. He presses his pelvis to her ass, bending slightly at the knees so they were lined up. She moves her hips in perfect rhythm to the song and he follows right along with her. He feels himself growing tighter in his jeans, but he doesn’t do anything to suppress it, and she doesn’t mind one bit. If anything, it makes her press back harder on him. That song was just too powerful. Her head rolls back to chest as they continue to grind, and he hides his face in her neck. In a moment of bravery he starts kissing on her. One of her hands hooks around him so she can tug at his hair. He bites down and a slight moan leaves her lips. He pops off her and she turns around to face him. She presses her body close to his and keeps her arms around his neck. His hands are low on her back, just above her bum. He looks down at her and she leans up further so their lips can touch.
He tastes like the vodka cranberry that he was drinking earlier as she licks at his bottom lip. He opens up for her and she licks into his mouth. His tongue meets hers and he pulls her as close to him as he can. Things were getting heated quickly, especially as they continued to grind on each other. When the song ends they stop to look at each other. He leans down to her ear.
“Do you wanna go back to my place?”
“Yes.” She nods and he smiles.
He takes her hand in his and they both go upstairs. Y/N finds Gina and Amanda to let them know she was going over to Harry’s. Now, not that Y/N was living a lie, but she was definitely still a virgin. She had made out with plenty of guys, but that’s all. Her friends knew this so they both ask to make sure she was certain she wanted to go back with him. She assured them that she did. As they leave, Harry puts his arm around her shoulders, and she puts hers around his waist.
“I don’t live too far from here.”
“You’re off campus?”
“I live with some of the other international students. Some of them are older, it just worked out.”
“Must be nice, I can’t wait to get off campus next year.”
“The privacy is definitely nice.” He says as he pulls her closer.
They walk up the steps to his apartment and he keys in. He pulls her up a set of stairs and down a hall that leads to his room, and he unlocks that door as well. Just as she thought, his room was neat and tidy. Even his bed was made. It was a decent sized bed too, a full, way better than her extra-long twin.
“Wanna listen to some music? I have, like, every record you could think of.” He walks over to his record player and she crosses her arms.
“Of course you have a record player?” She rolls her eyes.
“What? The sound quality is better.” He side eyes her. “Come here, come pick out what you want to listen to, I’m gonna grab us some water.”
He slips out of the door and she hears him do down the stairs. She flips through the various records, rolling her eyes once in a while, and then she settles on Marvin Gaye.
“Subtle.” He smirks as he comes in with two glasses of water.
“What? I didn’t like anything else.” She takes a glass from him and takes a decent sip.
“Sure.” He chuckles and sets his glass down on his desk, she moves to do the same.
One of his hands finds her hip, and the other cups her jaw. He leans in to kiss her and it was like they never parted in the first place. She tugs him back towards his bed and they both fall onto it. She gets herself back so her head is on his pillows. He kicks his boots off, (her flats fell off when she got on the bed), and he hovers over her. His lips find her collar bone and he starts to suck on her skin. She gasps but lets him continue. He plants wet kisses around her upper chest and throat. Her hands were running through his hair. What’s Going On was playing in the background, and Harry’s hands were running up her thighs.
Her legs are parted, and Harry grinds himself against her. She pulls his face to hers so they can kiss. She didn’t know how many roommates he had so she didn’t want anyone to hear her moan out. He sucks on her bottom lip as his bulge continues to press against hers. How was he so good at this? How much action did he get? He was a sophomore like her, but how old was he actually?
“How, how old are you?”
“What?” He laughs.
“How old are you?” She repeats. 
“I’ll be twenty in February, why?”
“Just wondering…um, you said some of your roommates are older so…”
“Y/N, I promise if I were a lot older, I wouldn’t be trying to fuck some nineteen year old.” He smirks. “You are nineteen, right?”
“Yeah.” She smiles.
A wave of relief covers her body as he starts to kiss on her neck again. She couldn’t believe the guy that’s been tutoring her was doing this to her. She could feel how wet she was getting. He groans into her neck as he grinds into her again. She feels his hands go up under her pencil skirt and grab onto her panties.
“Harry, wait!” She gasps. “Don’t!”
He lets go immediately and sits back on his calves so he can look at her. She closes her legs and sits up against the wall.
“Sorry, was I moving too fast?”
“No, it’s just…I thought I was ready for this, but I don’t think I am.”
“Oh…” He runs a hand through his hair. “Well, that’s okay. We don’t need to do anything you don’t wanna do.”
“Are you sure? You’re not mad?” She chews on her bottom lip. He was probably hoping to get laid tonight and she just ruined that for him.
“Mad?! I’d be pissed if we did something you didn’t feel comfortable with. I’m not mad, Y/N. It’s really no problem. Do you want me to take you home?”
“No, I wanna keep making out.” She mumbles and it makes him smile. “I like the way you kiss.”
He sits next to her and pats his thighs. She swings her leg over so she can straddle him. She pecks at his lips as her hands tug at his shirt.
“I wouldn’t mind if your shirt came off either…if you wanted.”
“Sure.” He stretches to get it off and he tosses it aside.
She runs her hands up and down his torso, tracing his tattoos, as his hands clasp around her back. She presses her lips to his neck and he sighs. She sucks on the spot just below his ear and he pulls her closer. He presses his hips up to hers so their grinding against each other again. She kisses along his jaw until her lips are on his again. He sucks on her tongue and it makes her moan against him. She tugs at his hair again and he has all he can do to not lose it in his pants. She was rubbing herself on his bulge in just the right way, she could feel the knot in her stomach growing more and more.
“Oh god.” She grunts and hides her face in his neck.
“Almost there?” His hands move to her hips to help her move on him.
“Y, yeah, I think so.” She was panting. “Shit, H, Harry.”
“Don’t fight it, it’s alright.” He grunts as he presses her down as close as possible on him.
She cries out into his neck and she slows her own movements as she works through it. She twitches on top of him during her aftershocks and then she just clings to him. He rubs her back to soothe her. He wasn’t sure if someone else had ever given her an orgasm before so he didn’t want her to feel freaked out or anything.
“Kiss me.” He whispers.
She presses her swollen lips to his and she whimpers. He was incredibly hard and he needed to go relieve himself before he got blue balls.
“Y/N?” He says against her lips.
“Would you mind if I just go use the bathroom quickly? And then I’ll come right back to you.”
“Okay.” He gently lifts her off of him and her eyes grow wide when she sees his bulge. She was also slightly embarrassed because even though he was wearing black jeans, she could see where her wetness got onto him. “You can wear this if you want…” He rifles through his drawers for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
“Oh, um, thank you.”
“Be back in a sec.”
He quickly leaves the room and she changes into his clothes. She really needed to pee herself, but she didn’t want to walk around his apartment alone. She patiently waits for him, scrolling on her phone, and he returns. There was a new sheen of sweat on his chest, and his bulge was gone. He goes into his drawer for a new pair of boxers.
“Would you care if I just stay in these? It’s a little hot in here.”
“Yeah, I don’t care. Um, would it be weird if I asked you to walk me to the bathroom?”
“Not at all! Come on, love.”
She smiles at the pet name. He used it a couple of times when he was tutoring her, but now it felt especially good. Harry thought she was cute. His big bad hockey player had gotten all soft around him. He walks her down to the bathroom and he changes in the hallway quickly, feeling relief from his clean pair of boxers. He also couldn’t help but smirk to himself thinking of how large his clothes were on her. Y/N uses the toilet and then uses some of the mouthwash on the sink before opening the door.
“All set?” Harry whispers.
She tries not to stare at his almost naked body as they walk back to his room. He flips the light off as she crawls into bed, and he grabs his laptop. She watches as he opens up Disney Plus.
“I’ve been watching Hannah Montana, do you feel like watching that?”
“Are you serious?” She laughs.
“Yeah! I’m fucking sick of people making references and me having zero idea what they’re talking about. Her songs are all over tik tok and I never understand.”
“Well, lucky for you I love this show, so I’d be happy to watch.”
“Good.” He smiles and hits play. He sets the laptop up at the end of the bed, and throws an arm around her. He strokes her arm lightly with his fingers that she noticed he painted black tonight.
“So…that wasn’t weird?”
“What?” He asks without looking at her.
“Um…me…doing that on you?”
“You mean when you came from grinding on me? No, it wasn’t weird.” He smirks and looks down at her. “It was pretty hot actually.”
“Did you…take care of yourself?”
“Yeah, is that weird?”
“No.” He kisses the top of her head. “You’re okay that I didn’t offer?”
“You pretty clearly said you weren’t ready to do that, so it’s fine.”
“I’ve never, um, taken my pants off for someone before…my top either.” She blushes. The alcohol in her system was making her a little too honest.
Harry sighs and reaches forward to pause the show. He sits back and looks at her.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me. Whether you’ve had sex before or not, you didn’t want to tonight and that’s okay. I should have asked first before grabbing at you like that, so I apologize.”
“No! No, it was okay, I just got nervous. I thought…I mean…when we were at the party I really thought I wanted to, I don’t know what happened. It got real all of a sudden and I panicked.”
“I like you, Y/N, I don’t mind waiting.”
“What do you mean you like me?”
“I mean I’ve had a fucking crush on you since the first time I tutored you. I didn’t know if you’d feel the same way, so I just kept it to myself.”
“Oh.” A boy had never liked Y/N like this before. Sure, she had found random drunk guys to make out with at parties before, but a boy had never openly said they liked her. “This is all so surprising, I’m a little overwhelmed.” She looks up at him and kisses his cheek. “But…I really liked what we did tonight, so maybe when I’m more sober we could talk about these feelings of yours more?”
“I’d like that.” He smiles and pecks her lips.
“Hit play, this is a good episode. She thinks her dad wrote a song about a bunny that stole his money.”
“Do hijinks ensue?”
“Oh, yes, many.”
He leans forward to hit play, and she cuddles up with him.
The next morning, Y/N wakes up with Harry’s arms wrapped around her. It was early. She squints and sees his clock says 7:15. Her head and stomach didn’t feel great, but she easily could have felt worse so she wasn’t complaining. She adjusts against him and turns over to lay on her back. His hand moves to the side of her neck, and he gives her cheek a few smooches, making her giggle.
“Morning.” His morning voice ripples through her. Harry was sexy, it was official.
“Morning.” She whispers.
“Wanna go to the dining hall for breakfast?”
“Could I stop by my apartment first?”
“Sure.” He gets out of bed and looks for something in his dresser. “Here.” He tosses her some sweatpants. “I’m gonna grab a quick shower.”
When he comes back she’s wearing her crop top paired with his sweats. She put his other clothes in his hamper. His towel was hanging low on his hips. He grabs some clothes and changes in his closet. He comes back out in a hoodie and joggers. He cleans his glasses and puts them on.
“You won’t be cold?”
“Nah, it’ll be fine.”
They leave his place and walk to hers. Campus was always interesting this time of morning. There were other people walking back to their dorms and apartments. Y/N felt lucky she wasn’t walking alone.
“This is me.”
“Oh cool, you have student app. I’ve been to a couple of these, they’re nice.”
“Yeah, I have my own room, it’s just annoying that we still have to follow all the rules.” She unlocks the door and he stands outside with his hands in his pockets. “You can come in if you want? You can come up and wait in my room.”
They both go in and head up the stairs. She was thankful her room was mostly clean, but her bed certainly wasn’t made. She grabs another shirt to change into and tells Harry she’s just gonna be in the bathroom. He sits on her bed and looks around her room. All of her hockey gear was piled up in a corner, she had posters of different teams she liked, and she had a poster of Dylan O’Brien from when he was on Teen Wolf.
She comes back shortly in a sports bra and his sweats, and her hair up in a messy bun. She throws on a hoodie of her own, and smiles at him.
“Okay, I’m all set.”
“Great, I’m starved. Definitely need a coffee too.”
“Oh, for sure.”
Just as she opens the door to go outside, she sees Amanda.
“Wait, I thought you stayed at his place.” She says.
“I did, we just came back here so I could change.”
“Those aren’t your pants.” She smirks. “Hi, Harry.” She teases.
“Hi, um, I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“Where’s Gina?” Y/N asks.
“Passed out in her bed, I think. I made sure she got home before hooking up with this girl from the soccer team. My god, Y/N, she-“ Amanda stops herself. “I’ll tell you later, I need to shower. Where are you headed?”
“Okay, see you later.”
Y/N smiles and shakes her head at her friend. Her and Harry walk to the dining hall and swipe in. They decide on where to sit before going up to grab food.
“So, what other Disney shows are you going to catch up on?” She asks as she sips on her coffee once they’re at their table.
“I think That’s So Raven is up next.”
“Oh, excellent choice.” She smiles. He rests his elbow on the table, chin in his palm. He can’t stop smiling at her. “What?” She asks, shoveling eggs into her mouth.
“Nothing, I just think you’re cute.”
Y/N nearly chokes on her food, and takes a large sip of her iced coffee. He gives her a concerned look as she calms down.
“Oh, yeah, you have a thing for me.” She blushes. “Still need to get used to that.” 
“The real question is, do you have a thing for me? I mean, you must a little bit with how you were kissing me last night.” He gives her a coy look before biting into his toast.
“You’re…I mean, yeah, I have a thing for you. I like you, I like when we get together for tutoring. I even started looking forward to it.”
“How’d your test go yesterday, by the way?”
“I think it went really well…he said we should have our grades Monday.” Harry hums his response. “You’ll still tutor me, right?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know…I just feel like I made things weird…”
“Would you stop with that? I had plenty of fun last night, didn’t you?”
“Okay then.” He shrugs. “I really don’t care that I didn’t get my dick wet, Y/N. I care more about you being comfortable.”
“But you could have taken someone else home and-“
“I didn’t want to take anyone else home. Just wanted you.”
“Because I like you.”
“Well, for starters, since we met you’ve just been utterly yourself. You’re not afraid to say what’s what. I like when people speak their minds. I’ve tutored a lot of athletes, and I’ve never seen one work as hard as you. Usually they want me to do everything for them, and I don’t because I can’t be there to take the fucking test for them, but you genuinely wanted to understand the material.”
“I just always look like such a schlub when we meet, though.”
“See, what you call schlubby, I call sporty. You usually go to the gym after our meetings, right?”
“Okay then. I like all people, but I’ve never really been attracted to frillier girls. I like when girls don’t feel the need to impress others all the time. You’re just comfortable, and I like that.”
“I dress up for class sometimes, I just-“
“You don’t need to justify anything, Y/N. I mean, you looked insanely hot last night, but even if you had shown up to that party in sweats, I still would have wanted you to come home with me.”
“So…you wanna, like, date me? Is that it?”
“Date, hang out, whatever.” He shrugs. “I’m not picky about labels.”
“And you’re not talking to anyone else?”
“I haven’t had the time. I’ve been tutoring this really needy girl that has to see me twice a fucking week.” He smirks at her and she nudges him.
“I may be small, but I could beat the shit out of you.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, babe.” He winks and takes a sip of his coffee. “I have some stuff I have to do today, I like to get my homework done on Saturdays, but are you free tonight?”
“Yeah, we have the weekend off since we won. I don’t think the girls are doing anything, if they are I could always skip out, why?”
“My roommates and I are having a movie night if you’d like to come over.”
“I wouldn’t be crashing?”
“Not at all. They bring dates all the time.”
“Okay, yeah, that sounds nice.”
“I can come get you too so you don’t have to walk alone.”
“What movie?”
“We haven’t decided yet. Nothing scary, I can tell you that.”
“Works for me.” 
“Spill it, bitch, let’s go.” Gina says as she pins Y/N down on the floor of the living room.
“You guys are annoying.” Y/N giggles from Gina tickling her. “Okay, okay!”
Gina gets off her and helps her up. She gets on the couch and lays her head in Amanda’s lap. Amanda strokes her hair and she sighs.
“We went back to his place, we made out, and then I got nervous so I didn’t take my clothes off, but we ended up dry humping, and things didn’t stay dry very long.”
“Oh my god, did he jizz in his pants?” Gina asks.
“No, but I did. I can tell he’s big, and we were grinding really hard on each other and I came.”
“Oh my god!” Amanda squeals. “What did he do?”
“He took care of himself in the bathroom, and gave me some clothes to wear. We ended up falling asleep watching Hannah Montana. God, and he likes me, like he really likes me, and I think I like him too. He invited me over for a movie night with his roommates later.”
“You know what was a good sign? The fact that he wanted to get breakfast with you, and walked you to and from the dining hall. That’s a man right there.” Amanda says.
“No, what makes him a man is that when Y/N said stop he stopped.” Gina remarks. “I like him already.”
“He was seriously so chill about it, I was honestly shocked. I appreciated it, but I wasn’t expecting him to be so okay with me not wanting to go further.”
“That’s the shitty thing about college. Good people are a dime a dozen.” Amanda says 
Y/N straightens her hair and puts a little makeup on. She settles on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt with the school’s logo on it. She takes a shot with the girls just to take the edge off, and hears a knock at the door. She grabs her jean jacket and opens the door.
“Hi, Harry.” She beams.
“Hey, love, how was your day?”
“Good.” She giggles and leans up to kiss his cheek, taking him a bit by surprise.
“Now, young man…” Amanda says, walking over with Gina. “What time can we expect our girl home?”
“Who said she’s not spending the night again?” He raises an eyebrow at them. “Quite liked waking up next to you.”
“Oh my god.” Y/N says, clearly flustered. “I’ll text in the group chat so you know what I’m doing, bye!” She pulls Harry out the door. “Don’t add fuel to their fire.” She nudges him.
“I was just being honest.” He throws his arm around her. “I hope you’ll stay again, but if you don’t want to I’ll bring you home, no big deal.”
Instead of going right up the stairs when they get to Harry’s place, he leads her down the corridor, passing by the kitchen and a hall bath, and into the large living room. There was a giant sectional sofa and even more giant TV across from it. There were a couple of guys sitting down already.
“Oi, there you are.”
“I said I was stepping out to get my girl, didn’t I?” He rolls his eyes. “Y/N, this is Louis and Niall.”
“Hi.” She says, trying not to melt into a puddle from being called his girl.
“Make yourself comfortable, I’m gonna get some popcorn made. Do you want a beer or anything?”
“Beer’s fine, thank you.”
She sits down on the edge of the sofa and leans against the arm rest.
“You’re on the hockey team, right?” Niall asks.
“Mhm…you look familiar, are you on the soccer team?”
“We both are.” Louis says.
“Oh, cool. Is it just the three of you here?”
“No, we have two other roommates, but they practically live at their girlfriend’s places.” Niall explains. “We have some other friends coming soon, though, it’s good for you to claim your spot now.”
“Yeah, some of the other senate kids usually join us.” Louis says. “So you’re the girl Harry’s been tutoring, huh? He won’t shut up about you, it’s pretty cute.”
“Oi! Don’t embarrass me or I’m not sharing the popcorn.” Harry says, tossing them each a beer, and handing Y/N one. He sits down next to her with the bowl of popcorn in his lap.
A few of the student senate kids show up and Harry ends up pulling Y/N into his lap to make room on the couch. She didn’t mind one bit. They had settled on Napoleon Dynamite for a movie, which was perfect. There was one girl, though, that had sat right next to Harry, and she had sort of been flirting with him. Take the hint, I’m in his lap, not you, Y/N thought to herself. Harry notices Y/N finish her second beer.
“Want another?”
“I can get it.”
“You’re my guest.” He kisses her cheek and lifts her up so he can get up.
“How long have you known Harry for?” The girl asks.
“Um…like a month? What about you?”
“We met last year.” She flips her hair.
“Here we are, a fresh beer.” He hands one to Y/N and tosses a couple out to his friends. He lifts Y/N up and plops her back in his lap, making her giggle.
Everyone was having a good time, laughing at the hilarious movie. The lights had been dimmed when the movie started, so Harry was able to discretely kiss on Y/N’s neck once in a while. When the movie ends, Louis and Niall let Harry know there’s a party at the soccer house and he can swing by if he wants, and out the door they go. That leaves Harry and Y/N with the senate kids. They get into a game of Cards Against Humanity, which ends up being pretty fun. It was starting to get late, though, and it was clear that Harry wanted to be alone with Y/N.
“One more round.” The girl says.
“Nah, come on, Ari, we should go.” A boy, Billy, says.
“Yeah.” Another boy, Andrew, agrees. “I’m beat, and we need to walk you home.” They both stand up, and he extends a hand to her. She groans, but stands.
Harry walks them all to the door and says goodnight. He walks back over to Y/N who was cleaning up the living room.
“You don’t have to do that, I can clean up, love.”
“It’s okay, it’s just a few cans.”
“Follow me, we have a recycling in the kitchen.”
She follows him in and he opens the door for the pantry where the kept a bucket for empty cans.
“That girl has a crush on you, yeah?”
“Who? Ari?! No way.”
“Come on, Harry.” She scoffs. “If I wasn’t sitting on top of you I’d say she was.”
“Aw, it’s cute your jealous.” He wraps his arms around her waist.
“I’m not, I’m just saying.” She wraps her arms around his neck. “I picked up on the vibe.”
“Well, even if she did it doesn’t matter because I don’t like her like that. I like you.”
“I like you too.”
“I should fucking hope so.” He chuckles. “Wanna come up to my room?”
He pecks her lips and then leads her up the stairs. He flops onto his bed and she crawls on top of him. His hands find her hips and she rids him of his glasses, gently putting them on one of his pillows. She leans down so their chests are pressed to each other and they start kissing. One of his hands moves to the back of her head so he can tug at her hair.
“Can I…touch your butt?” Y/N laughs against him and nods yes. His hand slides further south and he squeezes her right cheek. “You’re so fucking perfect, you know that?”
She sucks on his bottom lip as her answer and he pushes his hips up to hers. They grind against each other just as they did the night before. Both of his hands knead her cheeks as her hand slide up under his shirt. They were both starting to sweat. She sits up on him and lifts her shirt off. His eyes grow wide as he sees her breasts practically spilling out of her bra.
“It’s hot.” She whines and tugs at the hem of his shirt. He sits up so she can pull it off him.
“Let me turn the fan on, yeah?”
She nods and lets him get up to turn his fan on. He snatches his glasses and puts them in their case on his desk, and then he gets back on the bed, sitting up against the wall, and she crawls back into his lap. He kisses on her necks and down her chest, biting on the fleshy parts of the tops of her breasts. She tugs at his hair and rolls her hips down on him.
“You…you can take it off if you want.”
“Are you sure? Is that what you want?” He looks up at her. “Last night…”
“I was really drunk, I have more of my wits about me now. I’m okay if my bra comes off.”
“Okay, but if you wanna cover back up just let me know.”
“I will.”
He reaches around and gets her bra unhooked in a couple of swift movements. He tugs it down her shoulders and tosses it to the floor. He gazes at her bare chest and licks his lips. His large hands cup both of them and he kneads them at first, just getting a feel. His thumbs rub circles into her nipples, getting them nice and hard. He kisses down her chest again, and just uses his tongue to lick and swirl around her nipple. Who was he? Y/N’s head was swimming. She thought Harry was just a stuffy, studious college kid, but fuck, he was almost…devious. He blows on her now wet nipple before wrapping his lips around it to suck on.
“Oh!” She gasps and presses his head closer to her. She grits her teeth and closes her eyes, loving the new sensation he was bringing her. He pops off and does the same to the other one.
“So,” He says, kissing his way back to her neck. “No one’s ever had the privilege of seeing you like this?”
“No.” She swallows.
“I feel really lucky then.” He nips at her bottom lip. “You like the way it felt?”
“Mhm.” She nods. “Felt really good.”
“Good. I always wanna make you feel good.”
He puts his face between her breasts and press them around his cheeks, making her giggle. He mumbles something.
“What?” She laughs and he looks up at her.
“Just feels so nice, they’re so big.”
“Sometimes I have to wear two sports bras so I’m not bouncing around on the ice.”
“I bet.” He starts kneading them again.
“I feel like I just wanna do everything with you.” She says as she rolls her hips on him again.
“God, I feel the same way, but only when you really feel ready, Y/N.”
“I know, you just make me feel so comfortable.”
“Have you…I mean you said you’d never taken your pants off for someone before, but have you ever seen someone else?”
“Um, no…”
“So you’ve never gotten a guy off before.” He doesn’t ask, he’s more so confirming.
“Okay.” He smiles and kisses her. “Think we should cool it for the night then before I get a little too excited.”
“Oh, alright.” She was hoping to maybe come again. He lifts her up and sets her down. She crosses her arms over herself as he gets up, he looks over his shoulder at her.
“No need to cover up, babe, I’m just changing outta these pants.”
“I just feel a little exposed right now.”
“Want one of my shirts?”
“Yes, please.”
He tosses her a t-shirt and she puts it on. He strips down to his boxers and gets back on the bed. He furrows his brows at her leggings.
“You’re not gonna sleep in those, are you?”
“Well…I’m only wearing a thong underneath, so I’m not sure what else to do…”
“Christ.” He blushes and gets up, searching for a clean pair of boxers. “You can wear these if you want.”
“I feel like I’m going to own all of your clothes at some point.”
“I like the way they look on you, so I don’t mind.”
She stands up and turns around to change while he lays on the bed. He wants to respect her privacy, but he’s nineteen, so he sneaks a peak. She climbs onto the bed with him and snuggles up. He falls asleep before her, and she can’t help feeling restless.
“Harry.” She sits up nudges his shoulder. “Harry, are you awake?”
“I can be.” He says softly. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah…I just…um, would you…take care of me?”
“Y/N…” He sits up and caresses her cheek.
“It’s so hard just laying here next to you, I want you to touch me or something. You made me feel so good last night, and you got me all riled up before.”
“Left you hanging?”
“Yeah.” She pouts.
“What do you want me to do specifically? I only wanna do something you wanna do.”
“I don’t want to have sex, but I do want these boxers to come off, and I think I want your head between my legs…if you’re up for it, that is.”
“Oh, babe.” He smirks. “I’m more than up for it. Just tell me to stop if you get nervous.”
“I will.”
He shifts to get between her legs, and he tugs on the boxers, slowly sliding them down her legs. Once they’re gone he gently opens her legs up for him. She was shaking slightly.
“Hey, hey.” He leans up to kiss her. “You’re alright, yeah? Do you not want to do this?”
“No, I do, please it’s okay. I really wanna feel you on me.”
He gets back between her legs. It was dark, so it was a little hard to see, but it wasn’t rocket science, so Harry licks up from her center to her clit. She gasps, and he does this a few times.
“Doing alright?”
“Yeah, keep going.” She bites her bottom lip.
He licks and sucks around her folds and then he sucks on her clit. This causes her hands to fly to his hair. He flicks the tip of his tongue on the small bundle and then sucks again. Y/N tries to stifle her moans by biting her lip, but it’s starting to hurt.
“No one’s home, love, just let it out.” He says against her. “Can I use my fingers?”
“Please, yes, need it.”
He smirks up at her, not that she can really see. He sucks his middle finger into his mouth before slowly inserting it. She gasps out a moan. He’s slowly lapping away at her clit while his finger goes deeper, to his knuckle. His hips press into the mattress, trying to get some relief of his own. She was so warm and inviting, and it was killing him. He was taking it slow with her, not wanting to hurt her, but he couldn’t help himself from twisting and curling his finger. He was looking for that special spot.
“Oh my god.” She gasps. Bingo. He’s got it.
“Right there?” He rubs his finger against it again.
“Yes, oh shit.” She groans.
Harry sucks on her clit while continuing to use his finger inside her. She can’t help the way she’s breathing and panting, it just makes him work faster and harder.
“H, Harry, I think I’m going to c….oh my god!” She throws her head back as she feels her release.
He retracts his finger and laps away at her center. He kisses her inner thigh to help calm her down. He sits back up slowly to look at her. He couldn’t tell, but her cheeks were flushed.
“Would you, um, walk with me to the bathroom?”
“Of course.”
She doesn’t bother putting the boxers back on. The shirt she was wearing covered her plenty, and he was just nose deep in her crotch so she didn’t need to be shy. Once she’s done he tells her to go wait for him in his room. He needed to take care of himself.
“Think you’ll be able to sleep now?” He teases as he gets back into bed with her. 
“I feel bad…”
“About what?” He pulls her close to him so she can rest her head on his chest.
“I should have taken care of you.”
“One step at a time.” He kisses the top of her head. “When you feel ready we can do that. I feel happy that you trusted me enough to do what we just did.”
“I feel happy too.” She yawns.
It didn’t take long for either of them to fall asleep after that. 
Monday, Y/N got her test back from her Mind, Brain, and Evolution class. Her eyes grew wide when she saw her grade, an 88%! She was ecstatic, and couldn’t wait to tell Harry. She didn’t get to chat with him too much Sunday. He walked her home, kissed her goodbye, and then had to get some things done before his student senate meeting. Why they met on Sunday evenings was beyond her.
It was just her luck that he was at the dining hall for lunch at the same as her. She sets her food down and snatches the test from her bag.
“I’ll be right back ladies, gotta go tell my man how well I did.” She grins.
They all cheer her on as she struts over to him. She was clad in a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, but she still felt cute. She’s felt incredibly cute ever since Saturday night. Harry was deep in conversation with his friends Y/N goes right over to him and wraps her arms around him, shaking the paper in front of his face. It takes him completely by surprise. He snatches the test and he looks up at her.
“Oh my god!” he nearly squeals and stands up to hug her. “This is amazing! I knew you could do it.”
“A B+, I couldn’t believe it! I still can’t, and it’s all thanks to you.” She wraps her arms around his neck, not giving a fuck that his friends were watching, especially that girl Ari.
“It was all you, I’m so proud of you.” He kisses her forehead.
“I better get back over to them so I can eat, but I just couldn’t wait to tell you.”
“I’m glad you came over here. I’ll see you tomorrow at two, right?”
“Mhm.” She smiles.
“Great, celebratory coffee on me then.” He smiles back and kisses her cheek before she walks away.
“So, you’re, like, dating the hockey girl?” Billy asks.
“There’s more to her than that.” Harry says as he sits down. “We’re hanging out.” He shrugs.
“What class are you even tutoring her in?” Ari asks.
“Mind, Brain, and Evolution. She’s actually really smart, she’s a business major. This class is just tricky.”
“I remember taking that last semester with you!” Andrew chimes in. “Think I only passed because we sat next to each other.”
“Now that she’s got a good grade you don’t still need to tutor her do you?” Ari asks.
“No, I’m definitely going to tutor her.”
“You know how when you go on antibiotics and you start to feel better, but you may have like half your pills left to take? You don’t just stop taking them until you feel better, right? You have to take all of your medicine.”
“Yeah, and Harry’s for sure gonna give her that medicine.” Billy teases him.
“Oh, stop. I like her, and she likes me. Thank god, thought I was going to explode from it being one sided.”
“When’s her next game?” Andrew asks.
“Wednesday. We have to make sure we go again. 
Harry already has the iced coffees ready to go when Y/N meets him in the café of the library Tuesday afternoon. She was clad in her workout clothes, hair up in a messy bun.
“Thank you.” She smiles and takes the coffee from him.
“I even put the cream and sugar in it for you.”
“I noticed, how kind.” She smirks.
They find a table to go study at and set up. She goes over the new unit and what’s already sort of not making sense to her. Harry goes over his notes, and does his best to explain things to her. After an hour or so, they take a break.
“How have you been feeling?” He softly asks her.
“About what?”
“What we did Saturday night…we haven’t even texted about it, so I didn’t know if you were avoiding the conversation.”
“Oh! I feel really great. Um, I guess I just didn’t know what to say. I’m glad we did it.”
“Me too.” He looks down and then back to her. “It’ll be nice to do it again, right?”
“Mhm.” She smiles and a slight blush covers her cheeks. “Um, I don’t know if you’re coming to the game tomorrow or not, but-“
“I’ll be there.” He cuts her off. “Go on.”
“When we have games during the week we can’t exactly party all night, so we usually go downtown and order a bunch of food. Some of the girls invite their significant others, and, well, if you don’t mind being out a little late I was wondering if you’d wanna come too.”
“I’d love to.”
“Sure.” He smiles. “Gotta be there for my girl.” He clears his throat. “Let’s get back to it, I don’t wanna make you late for the gym.”
Y/N liked that Harry was always so serious, she may not have before, but now she just thought it was cute. He lets her do some reading for class while he works on his own homework.
“This is nice.” He speaks up.
“What is?”
“Just doing homework together. We could do this more if you want. I’d obviously still tutor you on the clock, but we could get together sometimes to do other homework.” He stops typing and looks at her. “Then we could, uh, see each other more…if you wanted.”
“I’d like that.” She smiles. “I end up doing homework with the girls a lot, but you’re more than welcome to come over and join.”
“Sounds like fun.”
She looks at the time and sighs, closing her laptop and packing up.
“I have to get going.”
“I’m gonna stay here a bit longer, otherwise I’d walk you out.”
“That’s alright.” She leans down and pecks his lips before slinging her bag over her shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow for the game?”
“You will.” He smiles brightly. “Bye, love.”
Y/N had butterflies. This was a dream come true.
The ice arena wasn’t as packed as the first home game, but there were still a lot of people there. The thing about women’s ice hockey is that you aren’t allowed to fight, so it’s less exciting than men’s ice hockey. Or, that’s what people say. It was annoying that they couldn’t fight. There were plenty of people that Y/N just wanted to deck while she was out there.
She looks out to the stands and sees Harry with the student senate crew holding up a sign for her. It had her number on it and everything. Harry looked cute in his beanie and sweater. Y/N played great and she loved looking over to see Harry cheering, not that she let it distract her. She was able to assist two goals, and the team won 4-1. It was an incredible game.
After the coach goes over what their next practice will consist of, and his congratulations, he leaves to let the girls change.
“Dinner down at the pub in twenty ladies!” Ashley yells.
Everyone runs to the showers to clean themselves up. Y/N throws on a pair of jeans and a black top. She grabs a light windbreaker and puts some product in her wet hair so it dries nice.
“Is Harry coming down?” Gina asks.
“Mhm, he’s going to meet us down there.” She smiles.
All of the girls walk down together. Ashley called ahead so there were a ton of tables pushed together. Harry was waiting outside the pub, along with some of other significant others. Y/N practically jumps on him.
“Great game.” He says into her neck.
“Thanks! I loved seeing you out there. It’s nice to actually have people cheering for us.” She kisses his cheek and lets him go.
Everyone finds their seats. Ashley and some of the other older girls order different pitchers of beer for the table. It was a college bar so no one was really double checking ID’s, especially on a Wednesday, so Y/N poured herself and Harry a glass of beer. They all cheer and clink their glasses.
Nachos, mozzarella sticks, chicken wings, fires, and anything else that could be thought of were ordered for everyone. Harry fit right in with everyone, already having a small report with Amanda and Gina.
“I still can’t get over this.” Ashley says. “Our little baby Y/N bringing a guy to dinner.”
“Didn’t you come to the party at our house?” Megan asks. “Is that how you two met?”
“No, he’s been tutoring me for a class.” Y/N explains. “He just happened to be at the party last weekend.”
“Well, Harry, you can come anytime. I know it was your idea to get more people at the women’s games.” Ashley says.
“Y/N told me how much it bothered her that senate goes to a lot of the guys’ games, thought it was only fair to support the girls too. Your games are way more fun to watch. You’re really fighting for it out there, you can feel it.”
“Oh, he’s a keeper for sure.” Megan says.
Y/N leans in to Harry and he puts his arm around her. She looks up at him once the attention is off her a bit.
“Do you want to come back to my place for a little bit?” She asks.
“I would, babe, but I have an 8AM, I need to go home after all this, I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I have an early practice anyways…”
“I can hang out tomorrow night, though. I usually go to the soccer house with Niall and Louis, I’m sure they won’t care if you come.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” She smiles and so does he. Damn him for being so responsible.
“Plus, I’ll see at two for tutoring, right?”
“I could come to your place for that.”
“I don’t think we’d get much tutoring done if we do that.” She winks at him and it makes him laugh.
Amanda and Gina give a few minutes to kiss Harry goodbye before they need to part ways.
“Sorry.” She tells them, wiping the corners of her mouth. “He’s such a good kisser.”
“Apparently on both sets of lips.” Amanda teases her.
“Stop! I told you that in confidence.”
“I still can’t believe it didn’t make you want to fuck him right after.” Gina says.
“Believe me, I think I’m getting ready for that, but I’m nervous to see it.”
“His dick?” Amanda asks.
“Yeah, I’ve never really seen one before, and I can tell his is big. What if it breaks me in half?” She jokes.
“I bet he’d love to hear that, ask him to break your back.” Gina bursts out laughing.
“You two are annoying.” Y/N groans as they continue their walk to their place.
It was hard to get through tutoring for both Y/N and Harry. She wanted him, and he could tell. Every time she looked at him he could see it in her eyes. She was being especially pouty and touchy and it was getting to him. Somehow, they both made it through, and he told her he’d pick her up around nine to bring her to his place to pregame before going to the soccer house.
She gets her workout in, showers, and then makes dinner with Amanda and Gina. The three all get some more homework done before going upstairs to get ready.
“Alright, what am I wearing? Jeans and a crop top?”
“What if you wore like a bralette and some high waisted mom jeans?” Gina asks. “That’s always a look.”
“I don’t know what the vibe is at the soccer house, I don’t want to be too exposed.” She pulls out her mom jeans and a black short sleeve crop top. “I think this could be cute, and I’ll put some waves in my hair.”
“I like it.” Amanda asks. “You’re going to his place first, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Assert your dominance and pack an overnight bag. Bring your own toothbrush and pj’s. Show him you’re not afraid to get comfy.”
“You know, that’s not a bad idea. I feel like I’ve been stealing his clothes.” She snatches a string backpack from the floor. “Plus, my drinks won’t clink the bag with some clothes in there. What are you two up to tonight?”
“I think we’re going over to the field hockey house for a bit, and then we’ll see how it goes from there.”
“Nice! That’ll be fun, they always throw great parties.”
The three all finish getting ready, and Y/N packs her hard seltzers into her bag. Harry knocks on the door right at nine, and she flings herself onto him. He chuckles as he kisses her.
“Hey.” He says.
“Yup, bye girls!” She yells as she swings the door shut.
When they get into Harry’s she moves to go right up the stairs to his room, but he clutches her wrist.
“Pregame is in the kitchen, babe.”
“I know, I just wanna put my bag in your room first, is that alright?”
“Uh, yeah, of course.” He goes upstairs with her and he watches as she pulls out shorts and a t-shirt, her toothbrush, and her hairbrush.
“It’s okay I brought this stuff, right?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be? I want you to be comfortable.”
“Just making sure.” She grabs her bag and they both head downstairs.
She cracks open a seltzer and they all listen to music while they get a little buzzed. Niall and Louis were funny. Harry leaves her down in the kitchen with them for a few minutes while he goes upstairs to put his contacts in. He didn’t like wearing his glasses to parties because one time someone pushed him, they fell off, and broke. His mum wasn’t too happy when she had to ship him a new pair.
“Did you all live together last year too?”
“Nope, I met Harry from class, and we were already on the soccer team together.” Niall says. “They have these mandatory international student meetings, so the three of us sort of just started hanging out. Lou’s a couple years older so we were able to get off campus. The other two, who are literally never here, are international students too. It all sort of just worked out.”
“Harry’s a great roommate too, he cooks a lot.” Louis chuckles.
“Because if I didn’t.” Harry says as he comes back in. “You two would waste your money on shit all the time.” He throws his arm around Y/N’s shoulders and finishes off his drink.
“We ready? It’s ten, gotta get there before they start turning people away.” Louis says.
Everyone agrees, so Harry loads up Y/N bags with some drinks, and out the door they go.
”I have to warn you, the soccer house is gross.” Harry says. “Those guys leave it a mess. It’s huge so it’s great for a party, but you’re better off having a wee in the bushes than using one of their bathrooms.”
“Well, I’m glad I went before we left then.” Y/N chuckles.
They all get inside, and music is already blaring. Y/N recognizes a few of the guys and she gives them hugs. They congratulate her on her win from the night prior. The house packed already, it smelled like various types of smoke, the floors were sticky with god knows what, and there were a fuck ton of guys.
“Y/N you need a drink?” One of them asks.
“No, I brought my own, but thanks!” She follows Harry into another room where things were a bit more chill. They each take a drink out of her bag and crack them open.
The party was fun for the most part, good music was playing, and Harry looked fucking hot. Y/N liked that he clearly had outfits for partying and outfits for school. Tonight he was wearing a blue short-sleeve button up with the first few buttons undone paired with a black pair of skinny jeans that had a few rips in them. He had rings on his fingers and his nails were painted a pastel purple.
Y/N wished she hadn’t been drinking so much because she desperately needed to pee. She wondered if what Harry said was true, if the bathrooms were really that gross. She searches for another girl and leaves his side.
“Hey, this is random, but you wanna go to the bathroom with me?”
“OMG, sure!” She says brightly. The girl had long blonde hair and a tight dress on.
That was the one good thing about drunk girls, they were always willing to be a bathroom buddy. The girl tugs Y/N up a set of stairs.
“Less people using this one!” She says over the music.
She was right, no one was upstairs. It was nice to take a break from the loudness. Both girls go into the bathroom and grimace.
“I don’t get this, boys need to sit down to shit, wouldn’t they try to keep it clean?” The girl scoffs and checks her makeup in the mirror.
“Guess I’ll be squatting.” Y/N sighs, and unzips her pants. She squats over the toilet and pees. “Thanks for coming with me, I wasn’t about to ask my…uh, my date to come with me.”
“No problem girl! I need a pee break myself.”
Y/N flushes and stands up all the way, switching spots with the girl so she could pee. Y/N washes her hands and checks her own makeup.
“Who are you here with?” The girl asks as she pulls her panties back, moving to wash her hands.
“Harry Styles.”
“Oh! I’ve seen him around, he’s cute.”
“Very.” They both giggle. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Karina.”
They smile and both head out and down the stairs. They wave goodbye to each other as they make their way back to their people. Y/N walks right up behind Harry and wraps her arms around him. He’s surprised at first and then relaxes when he sees it’s Y/N.
“Where’d you go with that girl?!”
“To the bathroom! We used the one upstairs!”
“Did you know her?!”
“Nope!” She laughs and so does Harry.
As the night goes on, Y/N starts to feel dancey and notices other people dancing in one of the larger rooms, so she tugs Harry over and wraps her arms around his neck so they can grind front to front. His hands go right to her hips, and his lips find her cheek and then her neck. One of her hands slides up to his hair to rake through. She noses his jaw to get his attention and suddenly her tongue was in his mouth. He pulls her closer and backs them up towards a wall, pressing her up against it. She wondered, briefly, how many girls Harry had made out with at a party. She knew he had to have fucked a lot. No guy could be that good at eating out without some practice. The jealousy she feels seeps in and she bites down on his lower lip a little too hard. He winces and pulls away for a moment. He catches his breath and looks down at her, moving some hair away from her face.
“How often do you do this?!”
“Do what?!”
“Make out with girls at parties! Take those girls home and fuck them!” She wasn’t sure where this was all coming from. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was starting to sink in that she gave up a part of herself to someone that she had only known a few weeks.
“Hey! Whoa! Where is this…” He leans in to speak into her ear. “Where is this coming from?”
“I’m just feeling…weird all of a sudden. You have so much experience, and I don’t have a lot, so-“
He moves back to look at her. He cups her jaw and leans in to kiss her. He gives her a few kisses before moving his lips to her ear again.
“Let’s get out of here, then we can talk more, okay?”
She nods yes and he takes her hand. He leads her out of the house, and the chilly night air hits her like a ton of bricks.
“Can you walk alright?” He asks her.
“Can I? Yes. Do I want to? No.”
“Alright, well hop on.” He crouches in front of her.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, all aboard.”
She giggles and hops onto his back. She rests her chin on his shoulder and nibbles on his earlobe, making him giggle.
“Thought you were upset with me for a second.”
“I got jealous.”
“Of what, babe?”
“Anyone that’s ever been with you.” She shamelessly admits. “I know that’s dumb.”
“I haven’t been with that many people.”
“It’s none of my business.”
“It is if it’s bothering you, Y/N.”
“You’re just really good at it, and it made me think that you’ve had a lot of practice. Not to mention that everything you do surprises me. I’m still shocked that you’re the type of guy to make out openly at a party.”
“I mean, yeah, I’m a nice guy, but I’m like any other guy sometimes. I’m respectful, but I still wanna have fun.”
He gets to his place and sets her down so he can unlock the door. They both go straight to his room, and they sit on the edge of his bed.
“We were having such a good time, walk me through what happened?” He asks as he gets up to take his contacts out.
“I don’t know, it was like while we were kissing it made me think of how many times you’ve done that sort of thing before. Doesn’t that happen to you with me?”
“Not really.” He sits back down next to her, running a hand through his hair. He kicks his boots off and looks at her. “I’m more or less just lost in you.”
“I think I’m just feeling vulnerable since we haven’t been alone since I was so exposed to you.”
“Shit, I’m sorry. I should have stayed with you last night when you asked me to come home with you.”
“No! It’s okay, we both had to get up early. I’m being dumb and needy.” She shakes her head.
“You’re not being either of those things. We can wait a while to do something like that again if you want.”
“No! I don’t want to wait. I really liked it. I guess, I mean…”
“Are you worried that you’re not the only one?”
“Maybe a little…”
“Babe, I’m not talking to anyone else, I thought it was pretty clear. I’m not in a rush to put a label on anything, but I’m not fucking anyone else, I swear.”
“I’ve only ever fully been with like six people if that makes you feel better.”
“Harry, I really don’t need to know.”
“I just don’t want you to think I’m some sex maniac. I had sex in high school, and then there were a couple of girls last year, and then a couple people this past summer. If I seem good at it, it’s only because I’m vocal and I ask to make sure things feel good, that’s all.”
“Alright, I’m sorry for being so stupid. I ruined the entire night.”
“You’re not stupid, and you didn’t ruin anything, okay? I’m gonna go get us some water, feel free to change and then we can just watch TV or something.”
“What?” He asks as he stands up.
“I just thought, you know, you’d want to take my clothes off for me.”
“I mean, I do, but I don’t think that’s a good idea right now. We both had a lot to drink, Y/N.” He gives her a soft smile and leaves to go downstairs.
She sighs heavily and then changes into the pj’s she brought. He comes back and hands her a glass. He starts unbuttoning his shirt the rest of the way.
“I really like what you have on tonight.”
“Yeah? I liked your outfit too. Although, you look pretty cute right now.” He smirks and drags his jeans down his legs and gets onto the bed with a sigh. 
“Oh, do I?”
“Mhm, very cute.” His eyes trail down her body and they grow wide when they get to her legs. “What happened here?” He points to the various bruises on her thighs and shins.
“Oh, it’s just from going to the gym and games and stuff. I always have bruises on me.” She shrugs. “No big deal.”
“Poor thing.” He rubs his hand over one of her thighs.
“It’s really not a big deal.” Goosebumps raise on her skin from his gentle touch. She lays down fully next to him, rolling onto her side to face him. “I like you.”
“I like you too.”
She nuzzles into his chest and he rubs her back. They stay like that for a while, and she starts to hear her breathing level out. He carefully gets up to turn his light off, and goes back to the way he was.
The next morning, Y/N wakes up pressed into Harry’s side. He was out like a light. She gets up and grabs her toothbrush and pads out to the bathroom. She gets in and locks the door behind her. She splashes some cool water onto her face, and brushes her teeth. She tip toes back to Harry’s room, and crawls back into bed.
“Where’d you go.” He mumbles as he moves to spoon her.
“Just to the bathroom.” She whispers.
He nuzzles into her back, pressing his pelvis to her ass. He pushes a leg between hers to get especially cozy. She adjusts against him, and things sort of just sped up from there. He started moving against her and the second she whimpered, he was dipping his hand into her shorts.
“Is this okay?” He asks, kissing on the exposed part of her neck.
“Yes.” She breathes.
His fingers rub on her clit at first before going between her folds. He groans when he feels how wet she is. He drags it up to her clit to rub circles on her. She turns over onto her stomach and he follows her, continuing to grind himself against her ass, and rubbing on her clit.
“Fuck, Y/N.”
Hearing him moan her name was doing things to her. She moves her hips along with his, and she starts to feel warm all over. She was moaning into his pillows, and he feels her writhe under him while she comes. He takes his hand away once she’s done, and she rolls onto her back.
“Can I…give you a hand job?”
“You really want to?”
“Yeah, I really do.” She bites her bottom lip and he moves to lay next to her.
“You’re positive?”
He starts to lower his boxers and he looks at her again. She nods and he gets them of all the way. Her eyes widen. He really was big, and thick too. She sort of knew what to do. She had seen enough porn to know she at least needed to make sure her hand was wet, so she spits into it, and carefully grips him. He hisses from her touch.
“Wanna know what I like?” He asks her.
“While you do it, put these fingers over my tip.” He moves her fingers he wants them and then she moves them back and forth while her hand works around him. “Shit, just like that, it’s perfect.”
Y/N can’t help but look at Harry’s perfectly sculpted happy trail that leads down to the small tufts of hair right at his base. His balls weren’t hairy, he clearly did a lot of manscaping. In a bold move she uses her other hand to cup his balls, and his head rolls back into the pillow.
“Is that okay?”
“Yeah, just, like, massage them a little, but not too hard.”
She nods and gives him gentle squeezes while her hand continues to work on him. This wasn’t so bad. She wasn’t sure what she was so nervous about, it was just a penis. She licks her lips and looks at him.
“Can I…put my mouth on it?”
“Fuck, yeah, please.” He grips the sheets as she wraps her lips around his tip. “Just no teeth!” He reminds her at the last second and she pops off.
“How the fuck am I supposed to do that? Unhinge my jaw?”
“No.” He chuckles. “Just try to keep your lips around your teeth or keep your mouth wide. Use your tongue more than anything.”
She nods and goes back down. He has to fight to buck up into her. She only keeps her mouth around his tip, not wanting to go crazy. She pumps the rest of him, drool dripping down her chin.
“Y/N, I’m getting close.”
She keeps sucking on him. When she looks up at him, making eye contact, he loses it. She spurts into her mouth and her eyes widen at the taste. It didn’t taste bad, but it certainly didn’t taste good either. She takes it all, but she sure as shit wasn’t going to swallow. She looks around his room for his trash and when she spots it, she gets off the bed and spits into it. She grabs the glass of water from his desk and swishes it around her mouth before spitting again.
“Sorry.” She breathes. “I just-“
“You’re apologizing? Get your ass over here.” He smirks. She gets back onto the bed and he holds her close. “I wouldn’t have wanted you to swallow it unless you really wanted to. I know it’s a lot to get used to.”
“So, you’re not offended?”
“You just gave me a blow job, I’m not offended at all.” He kisses her forehead. “I’m just gonna go use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” He grabs his boxers and slips them on and leaves the room.
Y/N snatches her phone and texts in the group chat letting Amanda and Gina know what just happened. She couldn’t wait to get home, she needed to talk about it now. When Harry gets back she nearly throws her phone. She puts her phone down gently and cuddles up to him when he lays back down. He kisses on the top of her head a couple of times and rubs her back.
“That felt really good, by the way.”
“You’re not just saying that?” She pouts up at him.
“Not at all, I’ve been dreaming about you doing that. It was nice to feel the real thing.” His lips curve up as he looks down at her. “You’re a natural, sure you’ve never done that before.”
“Never, I swear.” She giggles. “I’m glad it was good for you.”
“It was fantastic.” He sighs.
After snuggling a little longer, they both decide to get up. Harry makes Y/N some eggs and toast for breakfast before walking her home. They get to her door and he has trouble saying goodbye. His lips just won’t leave hers.
“You have practice today?”
“Mhm, and then an away game tomorrow. We leave early in the morning. I’ll text you when I get home, maybe we can meet up.”
“I’d like that.” He smiles. “So I won’t see you at all tonight?”
“No, we’re not allowed to go out the night before an away game.”
“Fair enough.” He sighs. “Alright.” He kisses her against, sucking on her bottom lip before letting her go. “Can’t wait to hear how the game goes.”
“Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She goes inside and runs upstairs. She knocks on Amanda’s door before going in and they both squeal. Gina comes in and squeals with them. 
It was a rough game. They lost by one goal. The bus was quiet at first, but the coach ended up farting and it made everyone laugh, lightening the mood. They wouldn’t be going out to celebrate tonight, but Y/N knew a few of the girls would be getting together. She was pooped and didn’t feel like drinking. She was sitting in the window seat on the coach bus next to Gina, who was turned talking to one of the other girls, so she takes the opportunity to call Harry. Now that she thinks about it, they’ve never spoken on the phone before. She puts her headphones in and dials his number.
“Hey! How was the game, babe?”
“We lost…by one goal.” She sighs.
“I’m sorry, that must not feel great. I watched the live stream, but I was only able to catch the beginning.”
“You…you actually watched part of it?”
“Yeah! I wanted to support you. I had to tutor this afternoon so that’s why I wasn’t able to watch the whole thing.”
“Well, thanks for watching a little…”
“Of course, babe.”
“Um, we should be back to campus in an hour. I need to shower and stuff, and I don’t really feel like going out, but would you wanna come over and cuddle?”
“I’d love to. I’ll bring my laptop so we can watch Disney movies.”
“That sounds amazing. I’ll text you once I’m all set.”
“Sounds good, see you soon.”
Y/N hangs up and taps Gina on the shoulder. She tells her that Harry’s gonna come over and she nods excitedly. She takes the second shower once Amanda is done, and then puts on a pair of comfy sweat pants and throws on a t-shirt. Harry comes over, and she takes him right up to her room.
“What are your roommates up to tonight?”
“Not sure, they’re probably just hanging out too.” They both get onto her bed. “Sorry there’s not as much room as your bed.”
“Are you kidding, this is going to be a great cuddle.”
He sits up against the wall, and has her sit in front of him, placing the laptop at the foot of the bed. They decide on The Goofy Movie. Although, Harry is being very distracting. He rubs Y/N’s shoulders and neck, and then his arms wrap around her waist. He gets up under her shirt, one hand kneading one of her breasts, and the other dips into her sweatpants. He starts kissing on her neck and her head rolls back to his shoulder. She bites her bottom lip as his fingers get inside her underwear and start rubbing at her clit. His middle finger slips inside her and she gasps.
“Alright?” He nips at her earlobe.
“Mhm, don’t stop.” She bites her bottom lip. They’ve both forgotten about the movie, almost thankful it’s just background noise to help muffle things. “M’getting too hot, Harry.” She whines.
He nearly rips her shirt off, exposing her full chest to him. She gets up and wiggles out of her sweatpants. He gets his own shirt off, and then she straddles him. She kisses down his neck and sucks where she pleases.
“I did some thinking last night while you were gone.” He says between pants.
“Oh yeah?” She rolls her hips down on him.
“Yeah.” He grips her hips and moves his up to meet hers. “If I’m only seeing you, and you’re only seeing me, then I think I should just cut the crap and ask you to be my girlfriend, don’t you think?”
“You…I thought the labels-“
“I was being stupid about that. I wanna be your boyfriend, Y/N. Can’t risk anyone else scooping you up. I need you to be mine.”
“I’m already yours.”
“Like, officially though.”
“Yeah, I want you to be my boyfriend too.”
He grabs his phone out of his pocket and goes to change his Facebook status when he realizes something.
“We’re not even friends on here…”
“We’re not?! Could have sworn that happened when you started tutoring me.”
“No, I guess not. Think that was just insta.” He sends her a friend request, and she accepts, and then they both change their statuses. “There, now there’s no question about it.” They both set their phones on the floor, and get back to it.
Their tongues slide against each other as he gropes various parts of her body. Things were getting hot and heavy fast.
“Want you, please.” She whimpers against him.
“Please, Harry, fuck me.”
“I’m ready, I swear. We’re both sober, I want this. Please, Harry, please fuck me, don’t make me beg.” She pouts. “Fuck, I don’t have any condoms.”
“I…have some in my backpack.” He blushes. “I just keep them in there, I didn’t think anything was going to happen tonight.”
“Well, I’m glad you have some. Do you wanna do this?”
“I do, but only if you’re really sure.”
“I am.” She smiles and he nods. She gets off of him and lies down on the bed while he searches through his backpack.
“Do you want me to finger you some more?”
“No, I really just want your dick.” She slides her underwear down her legs and tosses them to the floor.
His mouth was watering. He strips himself of the rest of his clothes and snatches a condom. He makes sure her door is locked, and closes his laptop before getting on top of her. He opens the foil packet, and rolls the rubber down his length.
“You’re positive?”
“Yes, Harry, I swear.”
“I’ll stop at any second, okay? You just need to speak up.”
She spreads her legs apart for him, and he leans down to kiss her. He rubs his tip against her clit and through her folds, making sure she’s wet. He starts to push inside her, and all she feels is pressure and stretching. It sort of burned a bit as he did it. She takes a deep breath and digs her nails into his shoulders.
“Almost all the way in, can you take it?”
“Yeah, yeah, I can take it.”
He groans once he’s all the way in. He was so fucking snug inside her, it was a miracle he didn’t nut right then and there.
“You feel so fucking good, Y/N. Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah.” She had a couple of tears in her eyes.
“Are you sure? It doesn’t hurt?”
“It hurts a little, but not enough that I want to stop. I’m just getting used to you. Try moving.”
He slowly rocks in and out, watching her face to make sure she wasn’t in too much pain. It was crazy, it was a like a switch went off because as soon as he got going with a good pace, it started to feel good. Even the stretching, she liked how it all felt. One of his hands kneads her breast and tweaks her nipple and his lips attach to her neck.
“Okay, babe?” He says into her ear.
“So good, Harry.” She wraps her legs around his back and digs her heels into his ass.
He couldn’t do much with her tonight, he knew that. He couldn’t fuck her from behind or even let her on top, but he could make her feel amazing. He snakes a hand between them and rubs her clit.
“Oh!” She gasps.
“Like that, baby girl?”
“Yes, oh my god, yes, Harry.” She arches up into him. She’s breathing heavily and scratching at his back. She almost felt like she needed to pee, but she knew it was just her orgasm getting ready to wash over her. “Shit, oh fuck, shit!” She cries out as she comes around his cock.
He spills into the condom shortly after, not being able to hold on much longer himself. He pulls out of her slowly, not wanting to hurt her and she winces.
“I know, baby, I know.” He feels terrible, he knew she had to feel sore. He gets up and throws the condom out in her trash and gets back over to her quickly, caressing her cheeks, applying kisses all over her face. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” She smiles and practically melts at his tenderness. “I really need to pee.” She chuckles.
“Alright, let’s getcha to the bathroom then.”
“I can go on my own. Just need a shirt.”
“Take mine.” He grabs it off the floor and hands it to her. He slips his own boxers back on, and helps her stand up.
He watches her waddle out of the room. She winces as she uses the toilet, and she grimaces at the toilet paper when she sees a light pink color. He was so careful with her, extremely gentle, but she was still a virgin at the end of the day. Well, not anymore. She just gave something major to Harry. She waddles back to her room, and smiles when she sees him still half naked, waiting in her bed.
“Do you want the side with the wall, or-“
She practically jumps on top of him, and she attacks him with kisses. They both giggle and then she settles to lay on top of him for a bit. He rubs her back and soothes her as best he can. He gets up to use the bathroom, and when he comes back they decide to finish their movie and spoon before falling asleep.
Harry held Y/N all night. She felt extremely safe in his arms, and it was exactly what she needed after doing something so big for her. She adjusts against him, and he gives her kisses on the back of her neck and she smiles. She turns over and buries her face in his chest. He strokes her back and kisses the top of her head. He was being careful with her, knowing that she would need some extra reassurance.
“How are you feeling?” He finally asks, his voice still thick with sleep.
“I’m okay.” She mumbles. “A little sore, but I’ll be alright.”
“I tried not to be too rough with you, I’m sorry.”
She looks up at him and smiles.
“You weren’t rough at all…I probably should have let you finger me a little more beforehand. I just really wanted you.”
“Can’t blame you for that.” He smirks and she swats a hand at his chest. “Kidding.”
“Mhm, sure you were.”
“Do you have plans today?”
“Just homework and stuff. I’m dreading our practice tomorrow morning, the coach is gonna ride us for losing.” She sighs.
“It was your first loss, right?”
“Yeah, so it’s not terrible, but it could easily be the start to a losing streak, so we need to prevent that.” They both shift so Harry’s on his back, and she’s got her head on his chest. “Why? Did you want to do something?”
“Well, I was thinking I could go back to my place and shower, and then I could come back here to do homework or something…we could get brunch at the dining hall.”
“God, I love brunch at dhall. Could I invite Amanda and Gina? They’ll be jealous.”
“Sure! I don’t care.” He kisses her forehead and gets up. She watches him stretch, and he gets his clothes on. “Wanna just meet over there in, like, an hour?”
“Works for me.”
“Alright, see you in a bit.” He leans down and pecks her lips before slipping out.
Just as she’s getting out of bed, and putting some shorts on, Gina and Amanda burst into her room.
“You guys wanna come to the dining hall with us in a bit?” Y/N asks with a smug look on her face.
“Yes, but we have more important things to discuss.” Amanda says. “What the hell happened in here last night?”
“Oh god, did you guys hear anything?”
“Only a little.” Gina says. “I just put headphones in.”
“Okay, so this is going to sound like he and I have bene moving fast, well, I guess we have been, but…we had sex last night.”
“Like full on?!” Amanda asks. The three sit on the bed together.
“Yeah, he was like rubbing up on me and stuff, and we were making out, and I told him I wanted to. He was so sweet, he kept asking me if I was sure and everything.”
“Did you make sure to pee after?” Gina asks.
“Yeah…and I think I bled a little…I’m a little sore. He was so sweet on me, though, like he took it really slow.”
“Did it hurt while he was doing it?” Amanda asks.
“A little in the begging, like when he first put it in, and then all of a sudden it started to feel really good. I think he was hitting my g-spot or something. He rubbed my clit too, I didn’t know an orgasm could feel so good.” She blushes. Her and the girls have had plenty of these conversations, so it wasn’t that weird to be so open, but just thinking about the previous events was making her feel an ache between her legs.
“Good for you! And he asked to go to the dining hall with you?” Gina asks.
“Yeah, he asked me if I had plans today. He held me all night too. We, like, made things official last night…on Facebook…”
“Oh shit!” The girls say and both take their phones out. They like the status update.
“I’m gonna go shower quick, and then we can get ready to go?” Y/N asks.
“Definitely.” Amanda says.
They both watch Y/N stand up. She breathes funny for a second and then she sneezes.
“Ow! Oh my god!” She grabs at her lower stomach.
“What happened?” Gina asks, concerned.
“Felt like my vagina was gonna fall out.” Y/N says and they all start laughing. “Fuck, this is going to be a long day…”
Harry really liked Y/N’s friends. They were chill, but blunt. He knew Y/N must have filled them in on the night prior, but he didn’t mind. He knew the first time was a big deal for anyone, his certainly was, even if it was when he was seventeen.
“Harry, you’re on senate right?” Gina asks.
“Yeah.” He smiles. “Why?”
“Is it true you guys have these really long meetings on Sunday nights?”
“Mhm.” He sighs. “We meet up at five, and we all have to be dressed up because sometimes different staff and faculty come to the meetings, so we need to look professional. I’ve been there as late as 10PM sometimes. Certain motions take forever to get through, it’s annoying. The only perk is that we get food provided.”
“And that’s why you get a lot of your homework done on Saturdays, right?” Y/N says.
“That’s right.” He smiles at her.
“How come you wanted to on senate and not join a normal club?” Amanda asks.
“I wanted to be involved with how things are done on campus.” Harry shrugs. “I was on student senate in high school, so I wanted to continue with it here.”
“What made you want to study at an American university? Aren’t schools way less expensive where you’re from?” Gina asks.
“They can be. I just thought this would be a good time for me to get away and travel. It makes me appreciate home more when I go back.”
“Makes sense.” Gina says. “I’m actually from Florida, and only came up here to play hockey.”
“Same here, I’m from California.” Amanda tells him.
“I think I’m one of the few in-state students on our team.” Y/N says.
“That’s cool though that this school has such a good hockey program that you wanted to come here.”
After lunch, Harry comes back to Y/N’s apartment, and they all hang out to do homework in the living room. When 4PM hits he explains he needs to go home so he can get ready for senate.
“Thanks for hanging out today, it was nice.” Y/N says as they stand in the doorway.
“Yeah, it was.” He puts his thumb and forefinger on her chin to tilt her chin up. He leans down and gives her a nice, slow kiss. “When do I see you next?”
“I don’t know…Tuesday for tutoring?”
“Works for me.”
“I mean, I’m sure we’ll talk before then.”
“Most likely.” He grins.
“Okay, well, have a god senate meeting.”
“Thanks.” He gives her another kiss before heading out.
“He’s, like, dreamy.” She says to the girls when she walks back into the living room. “I think I’ll keep him around.” She giggles with them.
Harry was just finishing getting his tie on for the senate meeting, and he thinks to send Y/N a mirror selfie so she could see what he has to wear. He puts a pout on his face and puts a caption on it asking her to just kill him. Joking, of course.
When she gets the DM, she bites her bottom lip. She thought he looked really good. So she told him that, well she told him he looked really sexy, and that was just about all he needed to stay distracted for his entire meeting.
“What’s your vote on giving Awesome Weekends more funding?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry. Um, I just think if we do this we need to see some return on investment. I want to make sure that students actually go to the events they put on. The money should go towards more advertising and stuff like that. I mean, but just word of mouth we were able to get more people at sporting events. The events Awesome Weekends put on aren’t exactly always awesome.”
“They’ve proposed more free skate nights.” Billy says. “Off-setting the cost of rentals. That’s why a lot of students don’t go to that normally. They’re also working on more movie nights, and late night dining.”
“Alright, I vote yes then, but it needs to be a trial basis. We need to see how it works. If they want the same amount of money next year then they can say why they deserve it in allocations this spring like everyone else.”
“I agree with Harry.” Ari says. “I say we boost it now, but let it be clear that if they want more next year, they’ll have to ask for it during allocations like everyone else.”
“Thanks.” He whispers to her.
“No problem.” She smiles.
“Alright, let’s take a fifteen minute break.” The senior class president says.
“You’re a little distracted tonight, are you alright?” Ari asks Harry.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He says, taking out his phone. Y/N had sent him a selfie of her own, snuggled up in bed, and he smiles at it. “These meetings just go on forever sometimes. My girlfriend’s already in bed for Christ’s sake.”
“It’s only 9:30…wait, did you just say girlfriend?”
“Yeah, made it official with her last night.” He smiles dreamily.
“The girl from the hockey team?!”
“Um, yeah…why?”
“I…well, no offense, but she just seems sort of frumpy for you, Harry.”
“Frumpy? That’s sort of rude, Ari.” He frowns. “I think she’s really pretty.”
“I just meant, like, she’s always wearing sweats and stuff.”
“A lot of people on teams do that. What do you care how she dresses anyways?” 
“I just think people should care more about how they look before they leave for the day.”
“You’ve never seen her dressed up for a party then, because-“ He cuts himself off. “You know what, I don’t need to do this. I like her, she’s my girlfriend, and that’s it. As my friend, I hope you’d be happy for me.”
“I’m ecstatic.” She huffs and gets up to grab some more water.
“I don’t like her attitude at all.” Harry says to Andrew.
“Dude…she has a thing for you, and you just rubbed a new relationship in her face. I was sort of hoping she’d stop liking you when you brought Y/N over for that movie night, but I guess not.”
“She what?!” He whisper screams. “Why didn’t she say anything?”
“Probably because she knew you didn’t like her back. She’s had a thing for you since last year.”
“Shit, I feel terrible.” He looks over at Ari and then back to Andrew. “Should I talk to her?”
“No, she’d probably just be embarrassed. You said you’re official with Y/N now, right?”
“Then she just need to accept it. She’ll move on now that she knows she really doesn’t have a chance.”
“Ari’s really nice, and pretty in her own right, I just like sportier girls, I always have.”
“Hey, I think Y/N’s hot, so you don’t have to explain it to me.” He smirks.
“Don’t ever say that to me again…but thanks.”
It was nearly 10:30 by the time Harry got back to his apartment. He goes straight to his room and flops onto his bed. He groans and then changes out of his nice clothes, and goes to do his nightly routine in the bathroom. He gets settled in bed, and takes his phone out.
Harry: goodnight, Y/N, sweet dreams <3
Y/N gets the text and nearly squeals. Harry was so sweet.
Y/N: night! <3
Y/N groans when her alarm goes off at 6AM. Sometimes she really hated having early ice times, but nonetheless she gets up and puts her warm ups on. She grabs her phone and decided to be a little cute.
Y/N: morning, Harry! Hope you have a great day :)
She gets her gym bag together, and meets Amanda and Gina downstairs. They each grab a granola bar, and head out the door.
Harry wakes up at 6:15 to get ready to go to the gym. His heart skips a beat when he sees Y/N’s good morning text, and the smile on his face grows wider as he rereads it.
Harry: morning, love, hope coach doesn’t go too hard on you
He looks outside and sees that it’s pretty nice out, and decides to just go for a run. Harry liked getting his workout over with in the mornings. It gave him a lot of energy for the day, and once it was done, it was done.
Coach had the girls sprint across the ice way too many times, and then he had them work on their slap shots. They scrimmaged until they couldn’t scrimmage anymore. He said that they better get it together for their next away game Wednesday. They needed to be able to win on the road, not just at home.
Y/N was drenched in sweat, as were the other girls. She peels her padding off and the rest of her clothes, and hops into the shower. She needed to look nice for one of her business classes today, so she puts on a pair of tan nylons to cover her legs. It was getting colder, but it wasn’t quite black-tights seasons yet. Then she puts on a green short-sleeve blouse, and pairs it with a black pencil skirt that comes to right above her knees. This was her “fancy” skirt for presentations. She straightens her hair and puts some makeup on, and then slips in her black flats. Amanda and Gina were dressed up too.
“We better get points for looking so nice, or I’ll kill this professor.” Gina says.
“Right? Like, there has to be style points.” Y/N says.
“Let’s just get up to campus and get this over with.” Amanda says. “A presentation at 8:15, who the fuck thought that was a good idea?”
The girls crushed their presentation, of course, but Y/N didn’t have time between her other classes to change, so she just toughs it out. She figures after lunch she can run home quickly to change into her workout clothes.
Andrew and Ari were in line at the dining hall, waiting to get sandwiches when they see Y/N walk by with some of the other hockey girls.
“What were you saying about her being frumpy?” Andrew says to her, nudging her arm.
“Stop it.” She groans. “I’m embarrassed enough for how I acted last night. I’m lucky Harry’s even sitting next to me.”
Y/N accidentally bumps into someone while she’s getting herself a glass of water.
“I’m so sorry, I…oh, hi, Harry.” She beams.
“Y/N, hi.” He blushes when he looks her up and down. “You look, um, nice.”
“Thanks, I had this stupid presentation for my marketing class this morning, and I haven’t had a chance to change yet. Hoping to after lunch.” They both walk into the dining area together. “I have like an hour before my next class so I’m gonna eat quick and head back.”
“Do you…want some help changing out of all that?” He asks, stepping close so no one hears him.
“I’m sitting right over there, come grab me when you’re done eating, yeah?”
He smiles and kisses her cheek before walking away. Y/N goes over to sit down with her friends, face completely flushed.
“Are you alright?” Ashley asks.
“Yeah, um, I think I just made a dick appointment, so I can’t stay long.”
“Oh my god!” Ashley squeals. “Damn, with Harry?”
“Yeah.” Y/N smiles. “I told him I was going to change after lunch and he just asked me if I needed help.”
“Oh, shit!” Amanda laughs. “What a fuckboy thing to say, but damn, I don’t think I’d say no either.”
“He’s, like, way more smooth than I ever would have thought.”
Y/N only eats about half of her lunch out of nerves, and then says goodbye to everyone. She walks over to Harry’s table, and clears her throat. He looks over at her and smiles, getting up with his empty dishes. He says goodbye to his friends and walks out with Y/N. They put their dishes away, and then he grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers.
“This is okay, right? I’m not being too pushy?”
“No, I…I want you to come over.”
“Okay.” He smiles and they both walk a little faster to the student apartments.
Y/N nervously keys inside and they both run up to her room. She slams it closed and locks it, and the next thing she knows she’s being pinned up against it. Harry presses his front to hers, and groans into their kiss.
“Is this okay?” He breathes before moving to suck on her neck.
“Yes.” Her hands move to undo his pants. “Is this?”
“Yes.” He steps back to take his shirt off and wiggle out of his pants.
He grabs her and his hands slide to her ass to unzip the back of her skirt. It falls to the ground, pooling at her feet. He lifts her shirt overhead, and quickly unhooks her bra.
“Christ, you’re so fucking beautiful.” He leads her over to her bed, and lays her down. His fingers hook into her panties and he slides them down her legs. He licks his lips when he’s presented with her center. “You don’t mind if I have a little dessert, do you?”
“Please, indulge.” She leans up on her elbows to watch as he dives right in. “Oh, fuck.” Her head rolls back, and her hands rake through his hair.
He licks her up and down and moves his face from side to side. He sucks on her clit, and slides his middle finger inside her. She winces for a moment, and he pops off her to look at her.
“Are you still sore?”
“Um…only a little…but I really want you to keep going.”
“I don’t wanna do it if it’s gonna hurt.”
“Please, Harry? I really want you to fuck me again.”
“I just wish I had some lube or something to help soothe you…we’ll have to buy some.” He says more so to himself than to her before licking over her clit again. He does the next best thing, and just wells up some spit and lets it fall from his tongue to her center. She whimpers and he looks up at her. “Like that?”
“Yeah…it was sort of sexy…”
He does it again and then slides his middle finger back inside her. He’s able to get a second finger in, and he curls them both up against that spongey spot of her front wall. He uses his other thumb to rub around her clit. He looks up at her and can’t help but smirk when he sees her head rolled back into the pillow.
“Can tell you’re close, love, you gonna come for me?”
“Shit, oh my god, yes!” She cries out. His words put her over the edge and she comes around his fingers. He goes over to his backpack to grab a condom, and takes his boxers off so he can roll it on. He gets back on the bed between her legs.
 “You know, I never asked, are you on the pill or anything? I don’t mind using condoms, I’m just curious.”
“Yeah, I’m on the pill.” She puts her hands on his shoulders and smiles.
He hums his response and lines himself up with her. He starts to push inside, but he stops.
“Why’d you stop?” She pouts.
“Just wanted to make sure you still wanted to.”
“I do! Please, just keep going.”
He nods and slowly pushes inside her. He grunts once he’s all the way in, and stays there a moment before pulling out and pushing back in. Her mouth falls open from the pleasure.
“That feels really good.” She says, pressing kisses to chest.
“Yeah? Like it like this, babe?”
He continues to carefully thrust in and out of her. She bites her bottom lip, and decides to let him know how she’s feeling.
“Could we…could I…um…”
“What is it, baby? Tell me what you want.”
“What if I got on top?”
“You sure you wanna try that now? When’s your class?”
She looks off to her clock.
“I’ve got thirty minutes, plenty of time.”
“Alright.” He pulls out and switches spots with her. He sits up against the wall and waits for her. She gives him a funny look. “What?”
“Aren’t you supposed to lay down?”
“Not necessarily, I wanna help you, just come here.”
She crawls into his lap, and lines herself up with him. They both look down as she slowly sinks down on him. Her eyes flutter closed for a moment to get used to it. He helps her wraps her legs around his waist, and his hands grip her ass. She wraps her arms around his shoulders and he slowly thrusts up into her. Her eyes snap open when she feels how deep he’s able to go.
“Oh my god.” She looks at him. “Do that again.”
He slots his lips over hers and gets a rhythm going. She does her best to move along with him, but she doesn’t mind that he’s doing a lot of the work. She sucks his bottom between her teeth before moving to nibble on his earlobe.
“Harry.” She whines.
“Feels good?”
“Feels so good.” She bites down right on the crook of his neck and he groans.
His hands grip harder on her ass he moves her a little faster. Her clit was rubbing against him in the most perfect way, and she could feel another release approaching. She grips at his hair and tugs hard as she cries out into his chest. He spills into the condom as she comes down from her high. They both take a minute to sit there. He holds her close to him and rubs her back. He kisses her temple and then moves to her now puffy lips. He gives her a soft smile when he sees her mascara had run a bit. He uses his thumbs to help clean up under eyes, and it makes her giggle.
“I’ll just use a makeup wipe.” She pecks at his lips and slowly gets off him. “Blegh, I don’t like the way that feels at all.”
“It’s cause you’re so sensitive, babe.” He gets up and rids himself of the condom, putting his boxers and other clothes back on. He watches as she grabs a towel to wrap around herself.
“Mm, right, I forgot you were a sexologist.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m just gonna pee, I’ll be right back.”
She’s back in a couple minutes and he watches her rifle through her workout clothes. She settles on a pair of cropped leggings, a sports bra, and a t-shirt. She flips her hair over and puts it up in a messy bun, and then grabs a makeup up wipe to get everything off. She sits down next to him to lace up her sneakers.
“I’m not a sexologist.” He mumbles.
“I know, I was being sarcastic.” She smirks.
“I’m aware.” He sits back on her bed and she looks at him. “I did take a women’s health class last year, though, and we talked about things that can happen after sex, so that’s the only reason why I know that.”
“Why in the fuck did you take a women’s health class, Harry?” She nearly laughs.
“I don’t know, my mum said it would be a good idea…and it counted towards one of my gen eds. I actually learned a lot. You ladies, uh, have a lot to deal with.”
“Were there other boys in the class?”
“A couple. I mostly kept to myself, I didn’t want anyone thinking I was there just to meet girls or anything.”
“Tell me, what else did you learn?” She was intrigued now.
“Basically everything that goes on with your body from birth to death.”
“Is that how you learned to be so go in bed?” She blushes.
“No, but please, keep inflating my ego.” He grins. “How are you feeling right now?”
“Good, I may refrain from doing squats because my legs feel like jelly, but other than that, no complaints.” She leans back to kiss his cheek. “I have time to get it together during class anyways.” She looks over at her click. “Which I need to get to now.”
She stands up and so does he. He wraps his arms around her from behind and gives a squeeze before letting her go. As she walked to class she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. She could definitely get used to having a boyfriend.
Things went on like this for a few a weeks. Harry and Y/N would meet up when they could for homework dates, keeping their actual tutoring sessions at the library so no funny business would happen. When they were alone, it was on just about every time. He tried to livestream her away games, and he was at every single one of her home games. When she gave him one of her jerseys from the previous year to wear, he tackled her and showered her with kisses. He wears it to all her home games now.
“You don’t have a game Saturday night, right?” He asks her one evening while doing homework.
“Nope, just during the afternoon, why?”
“There’s going to be free skate Saturday night, would you wanna go? I sort of have to be there for senate. I’ll understand if you won’t feel like it.”
“No! That sounds like fun. I never get to skate just for the hell of it. What time does it start? My, um, mom is coming to the game Saturday and she’s going to want to get dinner afterwards.”
“It starts at eight, and you’re mum’s coming?”
“Will I get to meet her?”
“Do you want to?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“I think I should, you’re my girlfriend after all. Does she know about me?”
“Of course she does! I told her a week or so after we made things official. She’s going to sit in the parent’s section most likely…”
“I don’t mind not sitting with the usual people I go with. It would give me some time to chat with her if I sit with her. I wanna make a good impression.”
“You’re so sweet.” She smiles.
“Your siblings aren’t coming?”
“Nah, they’ll hang back to watch the bar.”
“Cool, well, I’m excited. What have you told her about me?”
“I told her how smart you are and how we met because you’re tutoring me.” She shuffles his papers and laptop away to crawl into his lap. “And I told her how sweet you are, and how you always walk me home when it’s late, and stuff like that.”
“Oh.” He wraps his arms around her waist.
“And I told her about your major, and how you’re on senate, and that you’re an all-around good person. I sent her a picture of you and she agreed that you’re very cute.”
Harry can’t help but smile while he presses his lips to hers.
“The tattoos didn’t throw her off?”
“Not at all.” She scoffs. “My mom is pretty chill for the most part. She just wants me to be happy, and I am, so it’s no skin off her nose.”
“I told my mum about you too, you know. I told about how nice you are and how passionate you are about hockey, and how bright you are.”
“Oh, stop.”
“I mean it! I really admire you, Y/N. It takes a lot of work to balance being a student-athlete.”
“Thanks, Har.” She pecks his lips and nuzzles into his neck.
On Saturday, Harry explains to his friends that he’ll be sitting on the parent side of the arena to meet Y/N’s mom. He has the jersey that Y/N gave him on, so he wasn’t hard to find. He feels a tap on his shoulder just as he’s getting some ketchup onto his hotdog. He turns around and looks down to see a woman who sort of looked like Y/N.
“Hi, are you Harry? I could only assume since you’re wearing a jersey with my daughter’s name on it.”
“Yeah! Hi, are you Mrs. Y/L/N?”
“Mhm, please, just call me Angie.” She gives Harry a gentle hug. “It’s so nice to meet you, Y/N told me so much about you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too. Did you want anything from concessions before we go in?”
“Oh, no, I’m all set, but thank you.” She smiles. “I’m so excited, this is the first game I’ve been able to get to all season. I heard you’ve been to every single one.”
“It’s important to support the women’s teams just as much as the men’s.”
“Well, I know how much it means to Y/N, so thank you.”
He follows her into the arena and they sit in a row a few up from the glass. Harry finishes his hotdog and tosses his trash into a nearby bin. Everything goes dark, and lights start flashing. The crowd cheers for both teams as they come onto the ice. Harry cheers and claps for Y/N, and so does her mother.
Y/N assists a goal, and the crowd goes wild. Later on she’s sent to the penalty box for knocking someone over, to which she argued with the ref about, to which Harry had to fight the blood rushing to his dick watching her get fired up. She sits there for the two minutes, and gets back on the ice. Harry chats with Y/N’s mom between periods, and the girls end up winning 3-1. It was a good game.
“I’m glad it’s over, I was really starting to get cold.” She chuckles as they go out to the lobby. “I was planning to take Y/N for a bite to eat once she’s done, would you like to join us?”
“Oh, I don’t wanna impose on your alone time…”
“Don’t be silly! You’re welcome to join, I’m sure she’ll love it.”
“Thanks, yeah, if she’s cool with it I’d be happy to join.”
Twenty or so minutes go by before Y/N emerges in the lobby. She had some ice wrapped around her shoulder, and a huge smile on her face when she sees her mom.
“Mum!” She runs over to her and they hug.
“Hi, sweetie.” She kisses her cheek. “What’s wrong with your shoulder?”
“Nothing, the trainer just wanted it wrapped up.” She shrugs and goes over to hug Harry.
“Great game.” He says.
“Thanks.” She smiles and kisses his cheek. “Do you wanna join us for dinner?”
“Yeah, that’d be great.”
“Perfect, how does Chinese sound?” Her mom asks.
“Works for me.” Y/N says.
“Sounds good.” Harry says.
“Harry, I’ll need to go ready at my place before free skate. Ashley’s having a…get together tonight.”
“That’s fine, I’ll wanna change to.”
They tell each other as they climb into Angie’s car. She laughs to herself and shakes her head at Y/N.
“You can just say you’re going to a party. You just won a game, of course you guys are gonna celebrate tonight.” She nudges her.
The three enjoy a nice Chinese buffet. Angie is able to get to know Harry a little more, and Y/N eats it up. Harry knew how to speak with adults since he had to do it often for student senate. He was definitely making a good impression.
“Want to just drop you off at your apartment, honey?”
“That’d be great mom, thanks.”
Angie gets out of the car to give Y/N a big hug and kiss goodbye, and she gives Harry a hug as well. Y/N keys into her apartment, and brings Harry upstairs with her.
“It shouldn’t take me too long, and then we can go to your place.”
“Take your time, we don’t need to be the first people there.” He says, settling to lounge on her bed.
He watches as she picks out a pair of ripped mom jeans and a long sleeve white crop top. She heard him laugh and she turns her head.
“What’s the point of that having sleeves if half your stomach isn’t covered?”
“It’s going to be cold on the ice, and hot at Ashley’s. I’m just trying to help myself out for both scenarios.” She takes her hair out of its messy bun and shakes it out. She runs her straightener through it quickly, and then changes. She puts a little makeup on and looks at Harry. “Well?”
“Look good enough to eat, babe.”
“Don’t start.” She giggles. “Let’s go, you take longer than me to change.”
“I do not.” He says with fake offense.
“Yes, you do.” She boops his nose and tugs him out of her room.
“We’re going to free skate tonight, and then we’ll come to Ashley’s.” She says to Amanda, peeping her head into her room.
“Okay, we’ll see you later, have fun!”
Y/N and Harry make their way to his apartment, and head up to his room. He puts his contacts in, and peels his jersey and undershirt off. He finds a short-sleeve button up in his closet and throws that on with some jeans. He finds a jacket to wear over it and puts his beanie back on.
“Alright, ready?”
They make their way to the ice arena and get their skates. There was a small line which Harry was happy to see. He watches as Y/N nimbly laces up her skates, and she looks at him.
“Do you want some help with those?” She asks.
“Would you mind? I feel like I can never get them tight enough.”
“The trick is tug them down here first.” She kneels in front of him and it makes him blush to see her basically on her knees before him. “See? Feel the difference?” She looks up at him innocently.
“Um, yeah.” He swallows and she ties up his other skate. “Thanks.”
“No worries.”
She helps him up and they make their way onto the ice. There was a good amount of people skating, and there was music playing. Harry looks over to see his friends from senate.
“Hold my hand?” He asks and she giggles, taking it without question. They both gently glide their way over. “Nice turn out, huh?” He says to Andrew and Billy.
“Yeah! Awesome Weekends really pulled it together.” Billy says.
“I think the free cocoa and popcorn was nice a touch.” Andrew points over to small station off to the side of the arena. “Hi, Y/N, that was a great game earlier.”
“Oh! Thanks.” She smiles.
“I thought your penalty was bullshit, that girl nudged you first.” Billy says.
“That’s what I said! This is why they should just let us fight each other, it’s so annoying.”
“Where’s Ari?” Harry asks, looking around.
“Ah! She’s here with Scott Paxton.” Andrew points to the other end of the rink. “My jaw dropped when I saw her walk in with him.”
“Oh good, I’m glad she’s got a date.” Harry says relieved.
“Well, are we going to stand around, or are we skating?” Y/N asks.
“Aren’t you tired?” Billy asks.
“Not at all! I never get to just fuck around on the ice.”
She starts skating backwards to the beat of the song that’s playing, and Harry glides towards her, taking her hands in his.
“How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Skate backwards.”
“Oh! It’s easy!” She frees her hands from him and skates around him so she’s behind him, hands on his hips. “It’s just like skating forwards, only backwards.”
“You’d be a horrible tutor, Y/N.” Harry chuckles.
“Shut up! You’ll see what I’m saying, just move with me, I’ve got you.”
He looks over his shoulder so he can see what they’re doing, and he watches as she moves her legs and he tries to do the same.
“See! You’re getting the hang of it.”
“Just don’t let go.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Y/N ends up skating around a bit while Harry talks with some of the student senate people towards the end of the event, but all in all they had a great time together. She helps him get his skates off, and he sighs with relief.
“I don’t know how you wear these all the time.” He says he gets his boots back on.
“You just get used to it.” She shrugs and stands up. “Ready to go have some more fun?”
“Mhm.” He takes her hand as they walk out of the arena, and towards Ashley’s apartment. “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah! It was great.”
“It was like being on a little date, huh?”
“Mhm.” She smiles up at him. “You looked cute skating.”
“Did I? Thought I looked like an idiot.”
“Oh stop, you’re decent enough for someone who doesn’t skate every day of their life.”
“Last year I took one of those one credit courses so I could take a skating lesson. That’s the only reason I didn’t fall flat on my ass.” This makes Y/N laugh and loop her arm through Harry’s to keep him close. “I liked the way you hung onto me to show me some stuff.”
“See, I ended up being a pretty decent teacher after all. Our methods are just different.”
They get to Ashley’s and head right in. She tells them they can leave their jackets in the hall closet if they want, and then head into the kitchen. Y/N was allowed to have whatever alcohol she wanted, and by proxy, so could Harry. He makes them up some vodka cranberries, and they both head downstairs to join a game of beer pong.
Y/N goes off to hang out with her friends, and Harry does the same, knowing a few people at the house. She does some shots with them and makes her way back over to Harry, tugging him away to come dance with her. She grinds her ass against his pelvis, and his hands press into her hips. She loved that Harry wasn’t one of those guys that was too scared to dance. It made going to parties with him so much more fun. After a couple of songs, she can feel how incredibly hard he is against her.
“Yours or mine tonight?” He asks as he nips at her neck. Her arm hooks up around him so she can tug at his hair. Her head falls back to his shoulder.
“Yours, want the bigger bed.”
“Yeah? Wanna have a little more room, babe?”
“Mhm.” She nearly whines.
“You ‘bout ready to go?”
“Yeah, take me home, baby.” She pouts at him.
He lets her walk in front of him to hide his boner as they grab their jackets. He gives her a piggy-back ride back to his place, and he gets her inside, up the stairs, and into his room. They both kick off their shoes, and once their jackets are off, she’s on him. Her tongue licks its way into his mouth and he happily sucks on it, loving the way he could taste the cranberry juice from her mixer.
Her hands slide down his torso, unbuttoning his shirt the rest of the way, and then she tugs at his belt. His hands grope her ass and then her breasts before pulling her shirt off. He places needy kisses down her chest before getting her bra off, and tackling her onto the bed. She giggles as she gets a little more comfortable.
“Want me to suck on it first, Harry?”
“Please.” He flops next to her and she straddles him. She kisses down his chest and undoes his pants. She tugs his hard cock out and puts her mouth right on him.
He bucks his hips up slightly as she pumps what she can’t fit. She tugs his pants and boxers down further so she can grip onto his thighs. His hands rake through her hair to keep it back for her.
“So fucking good, Y/N.” He bites his bottom lip as he watches her bob her head up and down. She moans around him as a response, and he nearly loses it. “I’m gonna come if you keep doing that, and I’d like to fuck you, so.” He pulls her head off him, and his mouth falls open when he sees the string of spit between his tip and her bottom lip. “Christ.” He yanks her up to him and crashes their mouths together.
He bites and sucks on her bottom lip, and she rolls her hips down on him. He winces, not liking the way her jeans feel against his bare dick. He gets her on her back to get her pants off. Once they’re both naked, he hovers over her so he can kiss her lips again, sliding his fingers between her folds. She gasps when she feels two fingers slide inside her. He twists and curls them and it has her moving her hips along the same way. He watches her face and love the way she makes eye contact with him.
“You like that, babe?” He asks.
“Yes, fuck, don’t stop.” She pleads with him as if he would ever be so mean to tease her and pull his fingers away. He’d give her anything she wanted, she never needed to beg.
He kisses on her neck while his thumb rubs against her clit. She scratches at his shoulders, and she moans out his name. He takes his fingers away and kisses her before reaching for a condom.
“Yeah?” He asks as he rolls it on.
“Would you bend me over the bed?”
“Y/N, if you’re fucking with me I’m gonna be super pissed.” He glares at her.
“I’m not! I mean it, please! I like when we do it from behind, I just wanna try it this way.”
“Alright, get up.” He helps her off the bed, and then she bends over in front of him, propping herself up on her elbows. She wiggles her bottom at him, and he gives her a little smack, making her giggle. “Ready?”
“Mhm, give it to me.”
He lines himself up and pushes inside. She moans out lowly. He starts out by gripping her hips, rocking in and out of her. He wanted to ease her into it.
“I can handle more, Harry, it’s okay.”
“Want it harder, baby?”
He pulls out almost all the way and slams back inside her. Her mouth falls open, and she grips the blankets as he does it over and over. He has to grip onto the back of her neck to keep her in place once he gets an even pace going. All she could hear was his skin slapping against hers. His other hand slips around to rub on her clit and she backs up against him.
“Think you can fuck yourself on my cock while I rub on you?”
“I can try…” She was so fucking wet just from hearing him say that. She moves forward and back, on and off his cock while he rubs on her clit.
“That’s it, babe, use me.”
“Jesus, Harry.” She groans, and bites her bottom lip so she could concentrate. “Oh my god.”
He presses further into her while she backed up on him. She loses it then. He has to move one of his hands over her mouth to muffle her screams. He spills into the condom, the feeling of her squeezing around him did him in. He kisses the backs of her shoulders before pulling out and getting rid of the condom. She collapses onto the bed.
“Alright?” He rubs her back and helps her the rest of the way up.
“Yeah, that was just…wow.” She looks up at him. “I need to pee.”
She looks around and finds her jersey that he was wearing earlier. She was much more comfortable going by herself now, so she waddles out of his room. He can’t help but grow hard again. She just looked so sexy only in her jersey. She comes back in looking freshly fucked and she raises an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing…um…” His face was flushed and her eyes flick down to his hard cock and back to his eyes.
“Are you already hard again?”
“Why?” She chuckles.
“You look so fucking hot like that. I can wait if you don’t wanna go again so soon.”
“What would you have me do?”
“Come sit on me, bounce up and down?”
“Okay.” She bites her bottom lip.
“Yeah, I’m still pretty wet, see?” She lifts the bottom of her jersey so he could see. “Even with going to the bathroom, I just couldn’t help but think about how good it felt.”
“You’re soaked.”
“Get over here.” He leans over to his desk and grabs a condom, but she takes it from him. “What are you doing?”
“Do you…I don’t know…maybe not want to use one?”
“That’s how accidents happen.”
“I’m on the pill, I never miss one. I have them with me so I can take it in the morning like I usually do. You could come on my stomach of you feel more comfortable with that. I just wanna feel you.”
“You do?”
“Okay.” She goes to take the jersey off but he shakes his head no. “Leave it on.” He says lowly.
She crawls onto his lap and sinks down on him. He lays back and lets her go to work. She moves around in a circle at first and then starts to move up and down. His hands grips her hips and then smooth over the globes of her ass.
“You’re so fucking sexy like this, you have no idea.”
“You feel so good, Harry.” She throws her head back as she bounces up and down on him.
“Shit, so do you.”
He wasn’t going to last long, but he wanted to make sure she got hers before he did, so he lifts the jersey a little to rub her sensitive clit.
“Harry!” She gasps and claws down his chest with her nails. “Shit, oh my god!” She comes around him much sooner than she thought.
He pulls her off him, and press her front into the mattress. He lifts the jersey up so he can come on her ass and back. He sighs with relief once he’s done.
“Let me get a towel, babe, one second.” He slides his boxers on and rummages in his closet. Once he finds a spare towel he leaves the room. She was confused but when he comes back she feels warm water on her. He flips her over and wipes between her legs. Her eyes grow wide. He had never done that before. He looks at her and blushes. “Sorry, was that weird?”
“No! I just…you’re just always a gentleman, Harry.” She chuckles.
He tosses the towel into his hamper and practically rips the jersey off her so they could lay skin to skin. He pecks kisses to her lips and chest and rubs her back as they settle in. He pulls the blankets up over them and they both sigh.
“I like your bed so much better than mine.” She nuzzles into his chest. “So cozy.”
“Your bed is cozy too.”
“Yeah, but we have way less room, and as much as I love you, we both get too sweaty in my dinky bed.” She didn’t realize what she said until she feels his body stiffen under hers. She props herself up to look down at him. “I mean, I just meant, um-“ He cups one of her cheeks.
“Don’t you dare try to take it back.”
“It just slipped out…I-“
“Stop.” He shakes his head. “You love me?”
“Harry, I…yeah, I do, I love you.” He pulls her face down to his so he can kiss her.
“I love you, too.”
“You do?”
“Oh.” She smiles. “Well, this is nice for us.”
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “It’s very nice.” She starts laughing too. “What is it?” He asks as he turns them both over so he can spoon her.
“Nothing, I’m just really fucking glad I had no idea how the brain functioned so I could get you as a tutor.”
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kenmasangel · 3 years
you get shot infront of tsukishima
synopsis : you and tsukishima work as police officers and it is known that this field isn’t safe from dangers, in fact it’s one of the riskiest jobs out there. so what you tsukushim’as reaction to see his s/o getting shot right infront of his eyes?
characters : police-officer!tsukishima;  f!reader
genre : angst, fluff
warnings : injuries/blood, cursing, grammar mistakes
request : i have one AU in where y\n is a spy or work for police or something like that in which she get's shot or something like that and how the haikyuu boys react to it or more specific tsukishima or any other will be ok if you do it
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“straighten your arm, so you are sure to have a good aim,” tsukishima explains, holding your hands so he can guide you correctly.
the sound of the bullet being shot echoed in the practice room, lending on your target perfectly, “see? this is what i’m talking about,” he adds his warm breath carresing your neck. it would’ve sent shivers down your spine but you were taught to keep your composure, to have this poker face and to numb down any type of emotions; after all this was your work and you knew what you signed up for when you decided to join the police. “okay now that i got it let me do it alone,” you straightened your position and he got away from you
3 other shots, 3 other perfect lendings earning a smirk from the both of you. you turn around getting rid of the soundproof headphones, “don’t say anything,” he says before heading out of the practice room
“what? say what?” you hide your smile, now walking next to him
&#144;“you know what i mean y/n, i am not gonna tell you did a good job,” he rolls his eyes
“oh honey, i don’t need you to tell me, i know i did a good job,” he scoffs at your reply
you and tsukishima kei have been working together in the police for 9 years now
he was here before you and he didn’t miss a chance to tease trainee you every time he could
at the time you were focused and had one objective : integrate the police forces
and him butting in your buisiness everytime he could didn’t help and you weren’t afraid to twist his arm and threaten him to break his balls when no one was looking
as you finally got into the police, making yourself a name among all those cocky officers, fake peace guardians and mysoginist dickheads whose ego would get hurt easily by seeing a woman outshining them
tsk, poor things
one thing was sure is that you could always rely on tsukishima
and despite all the bickering, arguments and teasing, you couldn’t help but fall for the man who represented your pillar
of course you could count on yourself more than anyone, but kei was that breeze of fresh air that you inhaled pleasently after getting out of a suffocating room
needless to say he had also fallen for you, fallen really hard
he was known for being the brain of the team, very rare were the people who could go past his cold, inaccessible shield
to say it in another way, almost no one passed his vibe check
by now you guys were living together, everyone knew that you were a thing after you dramatically announced it once the contract’s interdiction to date was over
“omfg y’all, i made it! 4 years in the forces wohoo!” you held your glass in the air making your teammates scream back in entusiasm.
your teammates told you -lowkey forced you- to go celebrate this new chapter of your life in the police forces, it was the end of an era after all; an era that prevented you from many things because of that goddamn contract. you had alos gotten a promotion, everything was doing just great for you.
what no one knew was that you were dating tsukishima for quite a long while actually, you weren’t planning on telling everyone so soon but the events that happened that night lowkey forced you to do so.
“thanks everyone for celebrating with me tonight the beginning of a new era for me! let’s enjoy the night!” you weren’t one for emotional speeches.
everyone was drunk by then but tsukishima, of course, (mr. i am a mature man who doesn’t drink). he was watching over you, laughing at himself when he saw you fighting with your collegue about who would win a spicy ramen competition between, “i don’t care that you’re built like a whale or a blob fish, it doesn’t even matter! i would win that eating competition, i’m tiny but mighty narita-san! let’s wrestle so i can show you,”
“she really called him a blob fish,” he comments amazed at how incoherent what you said sounded. “need someone to share your thoughts with?” a feminine voice made an apparition next to him
“no,” he didn’t even bother looking at the woman next to him
“oh c’mon handsome, playing hard to get?” she gets closer to him. “just take a look at me and you’ll change your mind,” she whispered
“ew you stink, get away from me,” he pushed her off him
“you’re gonna make me sad,” she tried to get closer to him again
“and i am gonna make you feel pain, get the fuck away from him,” you appeared in front of  them, pretty pissed
she looked at you up and down, scoffed “are you his mom? leave us alone, we’re having a great time,” she tried to put her hand on his thigh but he pushed it away “most definetely not,” he answers
“i am his girlfriend, so back tf off don’t make me repeat myself,” you added getting closer to them. “you really don’t wanna mess with me,”
“is she really your girlfriend?” the glue chick insisted
before he could answer you  grabbed his arm and dramtaically pressed your lips against his making all your collegues and the people around you in that club gasp.
i mean the people who don’t know you started cheering and your collegues gasped, that glue of a girl included.tsukishima couldn’t help but smirk against your lips as he wrapped his long fingers holding the back of your neck pulling you closer, it lasted until you didn’t have any more oxygen in your lungs.
he grabbed your hand and led the both of you out of the club, “but baaaabe i till get to wrestle with blob fish-kun,” you pouted
the day after was supposed to be a weekend but you’ve been called for idk what reason
needless to say everyone was off, some remembered few snippets, some thought it was their imagination
anyway, everyone knew but no one really talked it out you know ? some type of unspoken rule or whatever but no one minded
anyway back to the present moment
you’ve been tracking for months a drug network or whatever the heck it is called
after months of intense tracking, following clues, interviewing suspects, sleepless nights and living of caffeine here you were going to finally stop the mfs
and tonight was the night
all your team was ready to catch them it was a matter of hours only
“areyou ready for tonight?” asked you tsukki handing you your coffee
“of course i am, especially after practicing my aim,” he smirks. “thanks by the way,” you add, head still down readeing your reports
“hey... hey yn,” he tris to catch his attention but you just hmm in response. “tsk, dumbass,” he flicks your forehead
“ow, what ? i am busy!” you retort. “yn i know you; you’re not busy you’re stressed, everything is gonna be fine okay? you’ve got this, we’ve got this,” he held your hand
kei was not big on affacetion, he never really showed it especially in public he was more of a sarcatic remarks and teasing type of boyfriend but it never stopped him from showing affection when it was needed, like this moment. it was also not your type to show affection or feelings as you learned how to control them; it was much needed in your job. yet it didn’t bother you when each of you got out of your way to be comfort each other
you smiled at him and peckd his lips quickely before anyone could see, “you know i love you right,” you smiled at him
“well, i’d love me too. i mean who wouldn’t after all,” you roll his eyes at his smugness
“excuse me sir, but i don’t mix up between my personal and pro life. would you please stay 6 feet away from me,” you nag at him
“so petty and for what?” you stuck your tongue as an answeryou continued checking all the reports and files before you went on the spot, everyone was getting ready by now and you were alone in the office when you received a very much unexpected call
“hello? please come help me i’m in depot 5, building 3, neighborhood koenji, in front of the subway station please hurry before they find me,” the call ended brutally
you place that person mentionned was familiar to you, of course it was where you were going to catch the heads of that network of drug trafficking. you quickely went with the procedure to report the call and the emergency to the central
“yuki please be quick we can’t let them go, i am going now tell the others to join me there and send more men,” you blurt quickely before taking your protection and gun and leaving
once you arrived there you parked the car where no one could see it
wearing your protection and your gun tightly held in your hands, you looked for a discrete entery where you could sneak inyou finally ended up getting in from the back stairs leading to the 3rd floor before taking the stairs to go to the depot basement
you tried your best not to make any noise, and when you heard some noise you quickely hid behind a broken furnitureyou mentally asked yourself if you team was going to be there soonyou heard the voice of many men, plastic and metal sounds, anyway; sounds you’d hear in a depot filled with drug dealers, ya know the drill
at some point you heard the sounds vanish and going awayyou waited a few minutes before you thought it was a good idea to come out your hiding spot
as you walked closer to their previous spot you stumbled into a metalic box that was on the floor, “who’s there?” you quickely hid behind a pillar
“i said who the fuck is there ?” the man shot in the air but you didn’t budge
“it’s rats, Mo’, let’s go,” another man added
great, just great yn you mentally scolded yourself
you decided to go wait for your collegues in the third floor since they would get there soon
as you saw the police car parking next to yours you hurried quietly to join them
“y/n you sick fuck they could’ve caught you,” tsukki hurries out of the car to see you
“shush! i couldn’t let them go, i wanted to make sure they didn’t leave,” you explained. “so they are there, all the heads are there. i couldn’t find the person who called thoough, and of course there are many bodyguards; 4 in the main entry, 2 in the back, i also heard there are some on the roof.” you explain when the others came in. “i got there through these strairs leading to the 3rd floor,” you add, everyone nodding
“okay so here’s how it’s gonna go,” starts daichi; since he is the captain of your team. he proceeds to explain how things are gonna go, the way you’re going to catch them ...ect
you, kei, and two others were teamed up together
the plan was going perfectly fine, everything was in order and it was bound to succeed
heads were being captured one by one, everyone getting neutralized
but nothing can go 100% fine, right ?
the four of you were going up to the roof so you can capture the guards there and finish the mission
you slightly opened the door and entered the opened space, before you could comprehend what was happening you a felt a horrible pain in your leg and a compilation of balls being shot in the air
“YN! yn, stay with me, don’t you dare close your eyes,” kei hurries to you after him and the two others had shot the guards and called back up
you felt him wrap his jacket around your thigh tightly, “yn baby please, everything is gonna be fine you-,” he gasps after he felt his hand getting wet after he took your head, his eyes widden seeing how bloody his hand was and as he realized you hurt your head when you fell due to the shock
“kei,” a feint smile appeared on your face before you succumbed to your succumbed and let your heavy eyes take a rest
“YN? YN? no, no, no, no, are they fucking coming?” he asked your teammates who nodded. “baby stay with me,” he squeezed you tighter before scooping you up and deciding it was better to take you down himself and not wait for the emergencies to come since he thought they were taking too long
you woke up with a horrible headache and how your muscles felt so sore, only the febril rays of the moonlight getting through the window illuminated the room. the annoying beeping of the machine next to you increased the pounding in your head
a nurse quickly came in, “hello there, how are you feeling?” you looked at her confused, finding a difficulty in letting the words slip from your dry throat, the only thing you managed to say was ‘pain’. “it’s normal,” she proceeded to ask you a bunch of questions, checking that machine and do her work
after she left you tried to remember what happened but the last thing you could remember was when you opened the door of the rooftop, hearing bullets getting shot and that’s it
“at least i’m not dead,” you sighed, going back to sleep
you woke up due to yelling in the hallway
“i told you to call me as soon as she woke up! you had one job!” you recognized your boyfriend’s voice
“sir, sir!” the nurse called him out but he opened your door and his expression softened as he saw you awake, softly smiling at him and rolling your eyes
he hurried to you, taking your hands in his softly, “i really want to hug you, but i don’t want to hurt you,” he started. he let out a shaky sigh, “ i was so scared, i didn’t want to believe i had lost you,” he burried his face in your chest, you noticed his shoulders started shaking slightly
“hey it’s fine baby, i’m here, you can’t get rid of me easily,” you started playing with his hair. “we’re gonna be old and bitter and people are gonna say how i aged like fine one and how your wrinkles are covering your grumpy face,” you chuckled
he lifted his head to look at you, “what?” you ask, your voice in a whisper
“i love you,” he said, you smiled soflty and carressed his cheek.
“i really want to kiss you but my breath stinks,” you chuckle, he rolls his eyes. “how long has it been? you ask
“week and a half, it felt like forever,” he pressed his forehead against yours, cupping your cheek
“i’m back now, right?” you smiled. “come, ow,” you tried to make somle place for him
“omg careful dumbass,” he leaned next to you and held your hand
“how are the others?” you ask, looking at your interwined fingers
“everything is alright, we got all of them we’re done with this case,” he tried to end the topic. “i’m glad,” you voiced your thoughts
“i’m glad you’re alive,” he added. “i don’t want to be away from you, i want to spend the rest of my life with you,” surprised, you looked at him with wide eyes. “love, life is short especially with our job and i don’t want to take the risk to spend one more day without you being my wife. i want to bicker with you over the dumbest things, see you tease me back when i tease you, wake up everyday next to you and your horrible bedhead, enjoy our food together and i can keep on listing what i want to live with all day long. i know this is not the best proposal ever but i’ll make it up to you,” he balbbered all of a sudden, you just kept staring at him this whole time, tears blurring your vision but you blinked them away, the situation itself was already way too emotional for you
“so, y/l/n y/n, do you want to become old, bitter and grumpy with me?” his eyes were full of hope
“i wish i could hug you right now,” you started. “but yes, i want to!”
he cupped your cheek and kissed you deeply, he still tried not to hurt you
“but you are the one with the horrible bedhead,” you pulled away
“right, you’re the one with the stinky breath,” he teased you
“hey, are you crying? i should be the one crying,” you noticed his glossy eyes
“what are you talking about, it’s allergies, tsk,” he flicked your forehead, you winced in pain and hid your face, over exaggerating, making him worried. “didi hurt you? omg baby i’m so sorry love, i didn’t mean into, should i call the doctor?”
you finally showed your face and stuck your tongue out, “dumbass,” he smiled.
he cupped your face and pulled you into another kiss
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bigbadwolf-16 · 3 years
anyway heres the thing for wolf and i am SO sorry if the readmore doesnt work oof this bitch long
slightly modified it
Mentally twelve, but roughly Dark Age old.
Call signs/alias:
Wolf. One syllable, easy.
He / Him
Preferred subclass(es):
Gunslinger, but he’s handy with Void and Stasis. Never got the hang of Arc.
Ghost's name:
Serenity, but she reluctantly answers to Red sometimes.
Their Vanguard:
He came late to the party and properly joined the Guardian ranks sometime after Tallulah died, but he was closest to Cayde-6, rip.
Fireteam name:
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo (former) Maelstrom (former) Exodus (current)
Fireteam teammates:
In Foxtrot: Liz Cabrera, King-3, Armani-7 In Maelstrom: Amelia-9, Atticus Maav In Exodus: Puck-13, Aera-9, Emmanuel-7
Favorite legendary weapon:
Dire Promise IKELOS SMG Seventh Seraph SAW
Favorite exotic weapon:
Ace of Spades Riskrunner The Lament
Favorite exotic armor:
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps The Sixth Coyote St0mp-335
Are they offense, defense, or support:
Generally offense, he’s blindingly fast and is a crackshot with any weapon you put in his hands.
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range:
He prefers mid to long, but ends up getting in close more often than he’d like. The agility kind of nerfs his ability to take a lot of damage all at once, so he goes airborne the second he gets surrounded.
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive":
A bit of both! He’ll pull a surprise attack and jump in to get his hands dirty if he has to, which makes him a pretty good distraction if there’s a lot of enemies looking for a bullet sponge, but he prefers a little bit of distance if he can get it.
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible:
Getting him into strikes takes a lot of perseverance, honestly. He’ll do them if Zavala can actually hold him down long enough. Hunters are elusive as hell anymore, and the amount of times he’s been back to the Tower or even within the City’s walls since the Red War can be counted on one hand.
Crucible is also kind of a gamble. Serenity doesn’t like him doing it because he gets ruthlessly competitive and tends to favor Stasis which gets... ahhh, intense...
He fucks super hard with Gambit, tho. If he’s anywhere near the City, he’s probably playing Gambit because the Drifter won’t give him the good stuff until he does.
Who was their mentor:
If anyone was, it was probably Serenity and only insofar as teaching him how to be fucking normal. It hasn’t worked very well.
Who are they mentoring:
He went through a brief stint where he mentored Atticus. He couldn’t teach him any Warlock things, of course, but other stuff like no-scoping an Acolyte or picking locks? Absolutely.
What ship do they have:
After Forsaken, all of Cayde’s stuff was pretty much left alone, but Wolf asked the Vanguard if he could take the Queen of Hearts and they let him.
What is their Sparrow:
Blood in the Water
Favorite Ghost shell:
Serenity picks her own shells. When they met, she pretty much had the Rust Punk shell after the one she was created with got messed up pretty badly. The new one didn’t stand up very well against the elements.
Wolf keeps a handful of them in the ship so that she can go between them and her favorites are Wisteria Orbit and In Fine Omnium, but she goes back to her old one occasionally if she doesn’t want to get the others dirty.
Favorite color:
Red, but sometimes purple.
Favorite food:
Any kind of spicy ramen and shawarma.
Least favorite food:
He doesn’t like anything with a bitter taste and there are a lot of veggie-based things he just genuinely cannot stand the thought of.
Favorite Pre-Collapse music:
He discovered classic rock and hasn’t looked back once.
Favorite place in The Last City:
Before the Red War when he spent more time in the city itself, his apartment. It was small and pretty cozy and also loaded with his hauls from various jobs. He’d sit in the window and play video games on his off days and just chill with Serenity for hours.
There was also a bar he’d frequent with his old fireteam (and sneakretly sometimes with Cayde) where they pretty much knew everyone who worked there by name. It’s the one place he never got kicked out of for causing a ruckus.
Favorite NPC(s):
Cayde and Wolf hung out a lot when either one of them had the time. These days, if he’s anywhere near the Tower, it’s only to see Amanda or Banshee.
He also likes to kick it with Devrim, Variks, and Failsafe. Osiris finds him frustrating at best, but he and Crow are kind of a package deal at this point.
Least favorite NPC(s):
He finds Rahool kind of dry and nerdy and has nothing but bad things to say about Hideo.
Favorite patrol location:
The EDZ. It’s more or less his home now and he knows every square inch of it by heart.
Least favorite patrol location:
Anywhere on Europa or the Moon. Europa he’ll at least go to without being dragged, if only just to say hi to Variks or Elsie and check up on how things are going, but after the Lunar Incident he won’t step foot on the Moon unless Eris requests him specifically.
5 things your Guardian likes:
Glimmer, babeyyyy!! Also food, bad jokes, going real fast, and springtime.
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything):
Handling trauma in a healthy way like normal person, having to be responsible for people, being told what to do, big open spaces, and waiting.
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like:
Wolf can and will sleep just about anywhere and in pretty much any position. His old apartment in the City was destroyed during the war, and he just never went back, so now he knocks out in whatever place has enough cover or is out of the way enough he won’t be found.
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?:
Lots. He usually goes for a more urban style, so lots of huge hoodies, joggers, chunky sneakers, snapbacks, that kind of thing. He generally only wears armor when he’s actively working.
What hobbies and/or skills does you Guardian have:
Outside of Guardian stuff, he’s picked up a handful of skills over the years. He can rap and sing and figured out how to autotune his voice/mimic others, he’s pretty good at woodcarving and making little things out of scrap metal, and even if his designs are intentionally tacky he’s good at custom paint jobs for jumpships and Sparrows.
As for hobbies, that mostly consists of exploring. He’s got a lot of patrol areas memorized, and does a lot of urbex in places that aren’t very thoroughly mapped because he likes finding pre-Collapse artifacts and seeing places not very many others have. Mostly for selling.
He also does a lot of gambling, but whether or not he’s any good at it is arguable.
What would your Guardian's lore book be called:
Sixteen Wolves
Where was your Guardian reborn?:
Somewhere in the humid and shitty swamp that used to be Houston, Texas. It was tough going for a while, but they eventually traveled all the way to what would eventually be the City.
What were they wearing when they were reborn:
Rapidly disintegrating work gear from, presumably, some kind of security job.
What was their reaction to being reborn:
Confusion and alarm, but he warmed up to Serenity pretty quickly, so it wasn’t too bad after the initial shock.
What was their reaction to their first rez:
Very surprised until Serenity explained what had just happened. After that, all bets were off.
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles:
Like many, the first sentient form of life he met was hostile, but it wasn’t aliens. His first run-in with other people was a group of survivors who had a lot of mistrust regarding the Risen and he didn’t want to fight them, so he took off.
Who was the first other Guardian they met?:
He definitely doesn’t remember, but it probably wasn’t a pleasant encounter.
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found:
Exos get the luxury of at least knowing their name, but Wolf found his etched into a corner of his chest plate in cool letters. He didn’t remember anything from his past life beyond random glimpses if he dug hard enough, and nowadays those glimpses are pretty rare and extremely vague. There’s never any memory fragment that’s enough to really grab onto, so he tends not to bother with it.
How did your Guardian get their name(if they didn't rez with past life mementos):
Exo thing! He doesn’t remember if it was just some kind of moniker or part of his actual original human name, but Wolf sounds cool so he’s not worried about it.
Going back to your Guardian's lore book, what would be some quotes or passages from their book:
The Hunter dove for the ball and caught it, whipped it back across to his companion with a well-practiced flick of his wrist and tumbled. The Warlock caught it a bit more gracefully and without getting dirt on his clothes.
“Do you ever think about home?”
“What do you mean?”
The Warlock shrugged, tossing the ball back and forth between his palms. “Home. You know. Where you’re from. Your people, I mean. I think about the Dreaming City a lot. I don’t remember how it used to be, but... I like to think maybe I had family there once. Someone to miss me when I was gone. Dreadful to think of how it’s been destroyed...”
“Hm.” Wolf considered the question, then it was his turn to shrug. “Dunno. Guess we don’t really have one.”
“You must have something, Wolf. Exos had to come from somewhere. Everyone has a home.”
“Y’all might have a home. All we got’s a graveyard.”
Does your Guardian have a significant other:
He’s had a handful over the years. He’s still friends with Liz, not that anyone can tell because all they do is fuck with each other and cause trouble when they’re together. He and Amelia were a thing briefly but that one had to be called off to preserve their friendship because, even though they’ve known each other for decades and get along surprisingly well, they are very, very different people.
The last one was Cayde, and that didn’t end well for anyone. Cringe culture is dead, don’t @ me.
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to:
That was kinda the name of the game back then. The City was just a dinky little encampment and Wolf was on a completely different continent, so by the time he actually got there it was a dinky little town with not much to explore. He ended up breezing through a few times before anyone even really realized he was a Risen. The section of the wall he helped build is actually still there.
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City:
A little bit surprised, honestly. He already knew there were a lot of little camps and small towns scattered around, but he hadn’t expected to find any that were that organized and so full of lightbearers and mortals, just working side by side.
Is your Guardian a part of a clan:
Yes! He’s part of the Exodus Family.
Does your Guardian's clan have a back story? If so, what is it?(if you want to or able to share):
Not much that I’m personally aware of, just cus my friends and I haven’t talked about it at length, but basically everyone is an Exo and having a fairytale/biblical theme is pretty common. Like. Puck is an obvious one. Wolf and Serenity are a little bit Little Red Riding Hood themed, only insomuch as Serenity having an affinity for red shells and Wolf thinking he’s all big and bad and tough.
(He’s not, he’s a baby.)
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be:
I have a couple of these actually, all inspired by some really good quotes I’ve seen.
Wolf Moon’s Chase (Exotic) “Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.” A hand cannon with a wolf head grip and the Howlin’ Wolves perk; Successive precision kills gradually reload the clip and boost Super energy regen even if stowed. Missed shots have a chance to track enemies and explode.
Last Man Standing (Exotic) ”I was always taught that if you shoot for the Moon and miss, the vacuum of space will suck out your eyeballs. Failure is not an option. Go kill ‘em.” Chest armor with the Knock ‘Em Dead perk: Low health massively boosts damage, resilience, and mobility for a short amount of time.
Bad Blood (Legendary) ”The strength of the pack is the Wolf. The strength of the Wolf is the pack.” A Hunter’s cloak with the Vermilion Stripe down one side and a moon shattered into three pieces on the back.
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians, Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rogue Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords tell us about it!:
Wolf’s been around a while and he’s seen a lot of things, so let’s dig into this one.
He’s not as well known in the City except by name unless he’s wearing his wolf mask, but he drops in at the Farm pretty often and he’s on good terms with everyone there. He does a lot of supply runs for them and will stick around if they’re shorthanded to help with upkeep or defense if there’s a lot of hostile activity in the area. In general, he doesn’t interact a whole lot with mortals unless they’ve been out on the front lines like Devrim or Suraya. There’s way too much cultural and social disconnect there and he doesn’t have the patience or really even the language to try and explain to them that he, even as a Guardian and Old Light, is just as human as they are and while he may be immortal and have crazy cosmic superpowers given to him by a mysterious and sentient white spheroid, dying hurts and the trauma every Guardian walks around with just is not worth it.
Where Eliksni are concerned, he tends not to initiate fights with them. If they shoot first, all bets are off, but for the most part he has a lot of respect for what they’ve been through and can relate to feeling lost and completely adrift with no identity. He helps rebels on Europa either fight back against Salvation or escape to Earth to join the House of Light. He’s made a lot of friends that way.
Cabal he has a lot of respect for as well, for similar reasons. They lost their home to the Hive and are trying to survive in the best way they know how, even if he doesn’t agree with their politics. He doesn’t know what’s going to happen with Caiatl, but he’s trying to maintain hope that her empire and humanity will eventually reach an understanding. They’d be unstoppable as allies.
He doesn’t fuck with the Vex. Even before things came to light on Europa, even being near them made his brain itch and one of his biggest fears is being infected with some kind of Vex virus that’ll turn him into one of them and spread to other Exos or Ghosts, almost to the point he’d prefer to avoid them altogether.
He is terrified of the Hive. I’ve mentioned the Lunar Incident before, and the trauma of it caused such an intense meltdown that it forced a reset. Unless Eris Morn specifically asks him personally to go to the Moon for any reason, he doesn’t go anywhere near it. He can deal with them in other places like the Reef or on Earth, but the combination of Moon + Hive just scares him to death.
Taken and Scorn both are kind of a wobbly thing for him. He feels bad for what happened to them, but knowing that it can’t be reversed and that just killing them is a mercy makes it easier to deal with them. With Taken and anything relating to them, the spatial distortion they cause kind of overwhelms his processes if he’s dealing with it for too long and can make him feel a little sick, but that usually subsides once he’s gotten some distance. (Scorn are just... Oof. On the one hand, he kind of feels like they’re not too dissimilar to lightbearers just in that they were brought back from the dead and now won’t stay dead, but he always wonders if they’re suffering or if they even know where they are or what they’re doing. It’s just incredibly sad to see them like that, and the same goes for the Wrathborn.)
Rogue lightbearers? He kind of is one. He didn’t join the Vanguard until long after the City was established and before that he was just kind of doing his own thing being a thieving little shithead. It was Amelia who encouraged him to do it, and he’s shaped up a lot since then and become a lot more sympathetic toward other people. He still has that wild edge and always plays it fast and loose with the rules, more so than even most other Hunters, so he’s always butting heads with Zavala about that. In general, he doesn’t think much of them unless they’ve genuinely gone bad and are actively out there hunting and hurting other people.
Warlords/Iron Lords, uhhh. He was friends with a Warlord back in their day, but he didn’t pay them much mind outside of that. As far as he was concerned, if they stayed out of his way and he stayed out of theirs, everything was fine because other people’s problems weren’t his problem and he had no intention of getting tangled up with all that shit when he had a free pass to do all the petty crimes he wanted. He’s always thought the Iron Lords were stuffy and holier-than-thou, but he does kind of respect what they did back then and he might rip on Lord Saladin, but he understands his perspective on things. That kind of survival instinct and total victory or death philosophy, like... ya know. Wolf grew up in different times, too, and back then it was genuinely kill or be killed and you couldn’t trust anyone not to stab you in the back over scraps. He gets it. He may not always agree, but he gets it.
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards):
Definitely. It didn’t start with Crow and Spider of course, but they’re a pretty good example. As a Hunter, he is connected. He knows a guy for everything you can think of and most of that knowledge is very under the table kind of shit. If the gains are good, he’ll partner up with just about anyone and his only hard limit is probably wholesale murder and not necessarily even because he isn’t comfortable with it. It’s a lot of mess, and a lot of potential to get his ass into really deep trouble he’d rather avoid.
He’s got a lot of Eliksni and Cabal buddies out in the system, most of whom he met in some makeshift prison or while trapped somewhere. More than once it’s been a situation of kidnapping where he just accidentally became friends with his captors.
One of his best friends for years was an Eliksni vandal out on the Tangled Shore, so he has absolutely no issue with having unconventional allies.
(Plus, like. With the system in total fucking chaos, you’re gonna need all the friends you can get. He’s dumb but he’s not stupid.)
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis:
Wolf has mixed feelings about Stasis. With Exos being pretty much literally born of Darkness, he has a natural affinity for it but being such a sensitive dude makes it very easy for the Darkness to manipulate him through. Any time he uses Stasis, he gets weird and a little bloodthirsty, so he tries to only use it when nothing else is working. He’s got a lot of willpower, but you can only hold out for so long when someone’s promising you salvation, peace, and power after the sort of life an Old Light has to deal with. Fear and trauma are very easy to appeal to when everything is looking increasingly more bleak all around you.
As far as other people using it, he’s still very “not my circus, not my clowns” about it. The only time he’d take issue is if someone was using it like legitimately trying to RTL someone he cares about.
Did they run The Last Wish raid? How did they react to seeing a live Ahamkara a.k.a Riven:
I’ve only done parts of it myself, but if he has met Riven he definitely almost short-circuited. I think anyone would if they met a supposedly extinct magic space dragon for the first time.
Did they run The Deep Stone Crypt raid? How did they react to the Crypt and seeing Exo Eliskni:
It was harrowing to say the least. Everything on Europa has been a nightmare, just from his own standpoint as an Exo. He goes through phases where he thinks that being one is the greatest thing ever because you’re faster, stronger, and tougher than anyone else, but at the same time, like. Look at what they have to deal with.
And all the secrets that came out as we learned more about Exoscience and Clovis Bray? Yikes, dude. Any time he’s not feeling cheeky or neutral about it, he just feels this weird sense of shame and guilt. Why would anyone want to be an Exo? Why would anyone willingly hand over their peace of mind and their security in their own identity like that? Most Exos don’t know who they were before, some don’t even know who they are now, and all because they got too close to the truth or their fundamentally unsustainable existence backfired again and they had to completely erase everything and start over.
Seeing Atraks was like watching a car crash knowing you wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop it. All these people seeking that out, wanting to make themselves or their allies into Exos just to be top notch unstoppable war machines when they don’t even slightly understand what it’s really like to live inside a completely foreign body is something he just can’t wrap his head around. He tries not to think about it too hard.
Is your Guardian from D1? How did they react to seeing Taniks alive once again:
He has his own beef with Taniks, but like. If he kept being killed and revived in shittier and shittier conditions, he’d probably be really pissed off too.
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War:
The Red War kind of spelled the end of him transiently living in the City proper. His apartment was in one of the residential areas that got leveled, and he just never went back once the dust settled.
He did what he could to help, but his main concern was just keeping Serenity safe. He’d never admit it out loud in mixed company but if it came to having to choose between her and a handful of mortals, he’d choose her every time. She’s been the one constant in his life since he was revived and he couldn’t imagine having to try and carry on without her.
It really brought home just how much abuse he could take before his body would quit on him, and he almost didn’t make it through the whole thing. He’s way too reckless now to survive long without his Ghost, but it brought them a whole lot closer together.
For the most part, he teamed up with other Hunters to scout for safe exits and round up survivors, and when the Vanguard left to take care of business he stayed to help keep his lil classmates on task. After that he stayed at the Farm for a while dealing with the whole self-repair and maintenance deal, and he spent a whole lot more time out in the field when it was over.
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them >>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled:
Wolf likes Osiris. Anyone who’s reckless, stubborn, uncouth, and a little bit feral is always going to be someone that Wolf likes and wants to be friends with. They get along for the most part, but because focusing doesn’t even make the list of Wolf’s strong points, Osiris can get exasperated with him pretty quickly when they’re going over some kind of batshit strategy and Wolf is over there in his corner texting. Osiris has no idea how he’s survived this long and has definitely said as much to his face. Wolf isn’t so sure either.
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm:
He’s a bit intimidated by her. She was kind of the catalyst for one of the most traumatizing events of his life, so being around her now still makes him feel a little bit weird and very nervous. Despite that, he still respects and trusts her immensely and will always come if she needs him.
They’ve taken time since All That Mess to talk to each other and she’s incredibly remorseful over what happened, but Wolf doesn’t blame her for any of it.
She has a very unique perspective on the Darkness and the Hive what all of this shit means, and he generally will trust her word over someone else’s when the topic comes up. She’s got a lot of wisdom in that crazy head of hers and they have a bit of a shared experience when it comes to being trapped in a Hive nest.
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard:
Lemme roll out the simp wagon for this one, ahem.
Wolf adored Cayde. Before The Dare, he joined in on Cayde’s little crew every so often for jobs and over time they got to know each other about as well as anyone can know Cayde or Wolf, and Wolf ended up falling for him pretty hard between all the snarky banter and watching him in action. They did some casual messing around and I’m sure anyone with eyes could see how bad he had it, but he never got the gumption to really confess and never tried to actually pursue anything beyond casual fun.
Cayde’s death absolutely destroyed his entire world. He’s seen plenty of death and his fair share of RTLs, but none have hit him as hard as that one. He spent a little while just immobilized by grief until it morphed into anger because, honestly, I don’t think any Guardian handles loss very well, and he decided after the memorial service to hunt down Uldren regardless of the cost.
The whole thing caused a bit of a rift between himself and his old fireteam and the Spider got a few good laughs out of calling him ‘Killer’. He doesn’t remember a lot of it now due to his reset around Shadowkeep, but he still gets flashes, and he definitely still blames himself. If he could have gotten there just a few minutes sooner, he knows Cayde and Sundance could have survived.
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard:
Mad respect for Ikora Rey, especially when she low key high key supported his revenge mission. She has a unique way of being shady about things that Wolf really likes, and they don’t have much in common but he’s enjoyed working with her any time he’s gotten the chance.
When he has things to report on that he knows Zavala won’t like, Wolf goes to her first since she knows best how to soften the blow, and when he has the forethought to even bother, he runs strategies by her to get input. She’s the best Crucible player in history and he kind of sees her as a Warlock that thinks like a Hunter in a lot of ways. In the absence of Cayde, she’s the Vanguard he answers to the quickest.
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard:
Wolf and Zavala have a tense relationship. They don’t agree on most things and any time you put them in the same room together it inevitably devolves into some kind of argument about the best course of action to take on anything. Wolf’s story has him kind of lined up to be promoted to Vanguard because of experience and technicalities on the Dare, and while it’s not entirely up to Zavala, he does have a lot of sway as the Vanguard Commander. Wolf could not be less interested in the seat if someone was holding a gun to his Ghost.
He’s intentionally unprofessional as hell any time he has to work with Zavala directly and tends to go out of his way to use very unconventional methods that he know Big Blue won’t approve of, because he’s a child. Being petty is the spice of life, and Wolf is still mad that Zavala forbid him from going after Uldren. That he does remember.
With all of that said though! He does respect Zavala. You wouldn’t know it, but he truly does. The guy has the weight of the entire Sol System on his shoulders and never once has he complained.
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard:
Wolf is very fond of Saint and Saint is probably one of the few people left who has a way of getting Wolf to slow down and just take it easy for a while. Before Wolf dipped out for good, he’d sometimes just track the guy down to spend time with him and listen to his various wisdoms.
These days, he still calls him up sometimes to shoot the shit and check in on things and he always asks Saint to tell the pigeons and the Colonel that he said hi.
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords:
Wolf clowns on Saladin a lot but he does understand his point of view when it comes to survival. I’ve mentioned it before, but Wolf “grew up” in the same time period and gets where the intensity and giving no quarter comes from, because back then it really was a life or death decision with way more immediate consequences. Table politics are kind of lost to him and the turning tide between humanity versus the Eliksni or the Cabal is calling for a more open and foreward-thinking willingness to take that risk in allying with them against a common enemy. Wolf’s a quicker learner though, and spending as much time as he has with both has taught him that, in a lot of ways, they’re just like us. They had their homes taken and destroyed, they’ve lost loved ones in droves, and they’re struggling to hang onto a thread in the only way they know how.
Wolf hopes that Lord Saladin will come around and let go of his dated worldviews, because the old ways aren’t what’s going to win wars anymore. Things are far, far bigger than us versus them now and Wolf has a feeling that humanity is gonna need more resolute leaders like Saladin to survive what’s coming.
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone:
Don’t leave Shaxx and Wolf alone together unless you want complete and utter chaos to unfold. Any time they get together, they get rowdy, and no piece of furniture is safe from having one of them suplexed or dropkicked into it. Shaxx is kind of like a cool uncle to Wolf and they have been known to test new weapons on each other.
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider:
Whoof. When Wolf first met Crow, he was absolutely gobsmacked. Of all the things running through his head, the biggest question he had was why. He almost shot Crow on sight, but he hesitated for some reason. It took a long time for Wolf to warm up to him and in that time he was uncharacteristically quiet and a little cold. Serenity managed to get him to keep his stupid mouth shut, and he’s glad he listened for once.
I think just spending all that time with him hunting Wrathborn, just being a team and really going through it together, was what brought Wolf closer to him. Learning about what Crow was dealing with in his personal life, everything he was going through just as a consequence of existing. Wolf opened up over time himself and once he worked through that big C6 obstacle, he found himself really endeared to both Crow and Glint.
These days, Wolf would probably consider Crow one of his best friends. He’s taught the kid a lot of old Hunter tricks and they hang out a lot, to Glint and Serenity’s immense relief. Crow is like the little brother he never had.
The Spider, The Shore's Only Law, founder of "House" Spider:
He may or may not have low key threatened Spider before he left the Tangled Shore with Crow. From day one, even as someone who is by default insufferably cheeky, the amount of disrespect. Ooh, bitch.
Spider calling him Killer (especially around Crow) got under his skin so fast, you would not even believe, and it was all Wolf could do not to leap across the room and strangle him to death any time they had to do deals.
As far as Wolf is concerned, if he never sees the Spider again, it’ll be too soon.
Uldren Sov, Prince of the Reef, Master of Crows:
Khhhh, hoo boy. The hate. The Frothing Hatred he had for this little man. Wolf had never in his life wanted someone dead as badly as he wanted Uldren Sov dead.
Being friends with Crow and his 16th reset has softened that a lot, and he’s learned a few things about Uldren that have made other things make a lot more since sense then, but. Yeesh.
Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef, Queen of the Awoken, Ex-Kell of Wolves:
Very mixed. He never dealt with her directly, but Wolf has a natural aversion to any form of leadership just by nature. That she cornered the House of Wolves into subservience doesn’t help, but on the other hand, if she hadn’t been at war with them, things would have turned out a lot different for humanity at Twilight Gap.
Variks, the Loyal, founder of House Judgement:
Speaking of shifty motherfuckers.
Wolf definitely likes Variks and his reset between Shadowkeep and now has conveniently erased the memory of knowing Variks had a hand in Cayde’s death.
He does what he can on Europa to help Variks get Salvation rebels to safety if they just want to get the fuck up out of there and is happy to do knife tricks for him when he asks. Variks has made a lot of questionable decisions, but it’s all been done for what he believes is the good of his people, and Wolf can respect that.
Mithrax, the Forsaken, Kell of Light, founder of House Light:
Hasn’t met him, but he’s heard... a lot. With Mithrax being the Kell of the House of Light, Wolf is hopeful it’ll be a good step in the right direction toward uniting humanity and Eliksni. He’s pretty sure they’re both doomed if they can’t at least fight alongside each other temporarily.
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth "Elsie" Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray:
Wolf is incurably nosy, so he finds Elsie pretty frustrating. She’s full of secrets and never hangs around long enough to explain what the hell she’s talking about or what her end goal is, but she’s been invaluable on Europa. Once she finally opened up a little bit and started actually telling him important things, he found her a whole lot easier to get along with and it helped to have her around when he was discovering a lot of things on his own about where Exos came from.
Eramis, of House Salvation, Kell of Darkness:
He... gets where she was coming from, in a way. She was angry and desperate and that kind of thing is easy for the Darkness to take advantage of. He can’t rightly blame her for grabbing onto anything she thought might save her people, even though it’s ended in yet more trauma for them.
Eramis isn’t someone he’d go out of his way to try to be friends with if she was ever freed from Stasis, but he would hope she’d more or less see the Light and realize that her methods needed some serious rethinking.
Empress Caiatl of the Cabal Imperial Empire:
Wolf has a lot of respect for Caiatl. She watched her home burn down around her and has used that pain to fuel a cause he thinks is pretty noble. Humanity has been at war with the Cabal for a long time now, and both sides have suffered incredible losses because of it. He thinks that trying to mend that and join forces is a good idea, but for once he’s kind of with Zavala on something: They shouldn’t have to swear fealty or subservience to a foreign empire to have their support against a threat that’s coming for both.
He’s holding out hope that if they show their strength against her greatest warriors, she’ll understand that Guardians and humanity as a whole are more beneficial as equals, not cannon fodder. It only takes one Guardian to decimate an entire Cabal squad, after all.
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it:
He’s... handling it. It’s been getting harder in recent years to just not think about things which has been his entire motto since he was first revived. More and more he’s having to confront head-on the things that scare him the most, and there’s only so much running away you can do before you run straight into a corner and have to choose between extinction and fighting until you draw your last breath.
Wolf isn’t a pacifist by any means, but it’s just one of those things where he’s starting to realize his way of living just isn’t sustainable with the system in such chaos. The Hive used to be just another threat he had to deal with every so often, but now they’ve become the Big Bad that are outpacing even the Vex in terms of imminent destruction of several species all at once. His biggest hope right now is that humanity, Eliksni, and Cabal can all set their differences aside, at least long enough to try and put up a defense against the Hive and the Darkness. If they can’t, then... well, they won’t have to worry about it for very long, at least.
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights:
Be good. Be understanding. Tell the people you love that you love them every single chance you get, because you never know what could happen out there. Don’t treat everyone as your enemy, because you may find friends in strange places, and how you treat someone may be the difference between waking up dead and surviving to see morning, but most importantly; Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.
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be-more-cryptid · 7 years
A Winter’s Date Night
A quick college au genyatta thing I finally finished. It’s just under 3k words so it’s on the shorter side but I wanted to finish it up.
i might do more with this college au in the future too.
(also if y’all want a spicy second chap let me know)
Link on Ao3
Genji stands in his bathroom staring critically into the mirror. Who gave his hair permission to not cooperate on date night? He groans and seriously contemplates taking another shower just to get all of the gunk out of his hair and start fresh, but a quick look at his phone tells him he does not have time for that.
“Look, let’s find some middle ground here, yeah? I know you’re mad after that last bleaching but I promise, if you work with me tonight I’ll pick up some of that deep repairing conditioner and fix you up right,” Genji mumbles to his own goddamn hair as he goes in for another round of trying to get his hair to work with him. Who knows, maybe his hair could be a merciful god tonight.
“Are you… bargaining with your hair,” Hanzo raises an incredulous eyebrow as he leans on the bathroom’s door frame.
Genji flips him off behind his back without looking away from the mirror, “Yeah well if I was you, I’d be doing more than bargaining. Or maybe I missed the fashion trend of untended split ends.”
Hanzo rolls his eyes and scoffs, “Have you tried not being a total ass when you’re stressed? And are you seriously getting so bent out of shape over your appearance for someone who grew up as a monk?”
Genji groans and lets his head drop back to look at his brother over his shoulder, “Can I just be vain in peace here? It’s important to me.”
“Sure, fine,” Hanzo shrugs and pushes himself away from the doorway, his hands dropping down to be shoved into the pockets of his Archery Club sweats, “but just so you know, you should have left five minutes ago if you wanted to get to the other side of campus in time.”
“What!” Genji shrieks and scrambles to grab his phone off the bathroom counter amidst all his hair products and makeup. The phone lights up with a 6:25pm on the lock screen. Shit shit shit. He was supposed to pick Zenyatta up at his dorm at 6:30, but it was clear on the other side of campus which was at least a 10-minute walk.
“Why didn’t you warn me!” Genji tears out of the bathroom and snatches his coat off the back of his desk chair, shooting an accusatory glare at his brother now lounging on the couch with his phone in his hand.
Hanzo looks up from his phone at him with a less than impressed look, “I’m not your keeper. You should be responsible enough to keep track of time for your own dates.”
“Augh, fine, whatever. But you better not be here when I get back! We had a deal,” Genji says as he hops on one foot to tug his boot on, then the other.
“You don’t have to remind me, I actually remembered the plan for the night,” Hanzo retorts, a hint of smugness creeping into his tone.
“Fuck off, but thanks.” Genji snatches his keys off the hook near the door and speeds through his mental checklist: keys, check, phone, check, wallet, check, yeah good enough.
“Okseeyoulaterbyeeeeee,” Genji calls as he rushes out the front door of their apartment and slams the door shut behind him. He takes the two flights of stairs down two at a time. Once down at ground level, he starts power walking down the sidewalk to get over to Zenyatta’s dorm. The cold air really hits him then. He pulls his scarf up over his mouth and shoves his hands in his pockets. A brief glance at his phone shows the time at 6:28 and he winces. So much for being on time.
He could run the rest of the way, but then he would be sweaty and out of breath to pick up his date. He might be in amazing shape, but a sprint across campus in a couple layers of clothes will still take a lot out of him.
Instead, he pulls up Zen’s chat thread and taps out a quick omw lost track of time, sorry!
It buzzes before he can put his phone back in his pocket with Zenyatta’s response: No worries, thank you for the heads up. I can’t wait to see you! Followed by two heart emojis which definitely do not make Genji grin like a love-struck idiot. Nope, not at all.
When Genji finally makes it across campus, Zenyatta is already outside on a bench in front of his dorm building. Genji smiles and pulls his scarf back down from his nose as he approaches his partner, “Hey there handsome, what’s a guy like you doing out here alone in the cold?”
Zenyatta looks up from his phone and a warm smile spreads across his face. He stands and pockets his phone, “Oh just waiting for my boyfriend. He has a habit of being fashionably late.”
“Does he now,” Genji slides up to Zenyatta and slips his arms around his boyfriend’s trim waist.
“Yes, but since he is the one with the plans for our evening, I think I’ll have to let it slide,” Zenyatta retorts. He leans up and kisses Genji, looping his arms around the taller man’s neck and happily sharing his warmth in the cold winter night.
When they break away Genji is left with a fluttering heart and a doofy smile on his face. Looking down at his boyfriend he wonders for the umpteenth time if he was ever going to get tired of kissing this man. He leans his forehead on Zenyatta's and mutters, “I am sorry for being late though.”
Zenyatta hums and slides his hands down to cup Genji’s jaw, “All is forgiven.”
They share one last quick kiss before stepping out of each other’s space and settling for Zenyatta’s hand tucked into the crook of Genji’s arm. Zen smiles up at him and asks, “So, what is our plan for the night, dearest?”
Genji starts walking, Zenyatta easily falling into step with him as they walk down the path away from Zenyatta’s dorm, “How does dinner then back to my place for movie night sound?”
Zenyatta hums again, his nose already rosy on the tip from the cold, “That sounds lovely. Where to for dinner?”
Genji shrugs and shoots a small wave to a couple of his friends from the kendo club as they pass the couple on the walkway, “I figured since I chose last time we could go someplace you wanted. And if not I’ve got a few places in mind we could hit up.”
“Oh you know, I’ve been dying to go back to that diner across from the science building. The one with the spiced oolong tea. I think miss Mei-Ling works there part-time if I remember correctly.”
“Sounds right. Angela was telling me about that the other day. Both of them spend more time in the science building then most of the faculty, I swear,” Genji chuckles fondly.
“Indeed, they both work so hard. Hopefully, miss Mei-Ling will have some time off to rest between work and her course load,” Zenyatta muses while they walk.
Zenyatta shivers and presses himself closer to Genji’s side. Genji smiles and pretends not to notice, but his heart flutters from the contact.
It’s not long until they’re passing the science building then crossing the street to the little diner that is well loved by the students. The Willow Diner is surprisingly quiet for a Friday night. Though, it’s not exactly the hotspot around campus, especially with all the clubs just a few blocks down the city streets. Even so, it’s a 24-hour diner next to a college campus, so it’s got a few people in the booths.
Mei is wiping down a booth when they walk in. She turns to greet them as the chime of the bell above the door signals that customers have walked in, but when she recognizes them she immediately lights up, “Genji, Zenyatta, it’s so good to see you two!”
“Hey Mei,” Genji grins and gives her a little salute.
“Greetings, miss Mei-Ling. How are you tonight,” Zenyatta untucks himself from Genji’s side now that they’re in the warmth of the cafe. He unwraps his oversized scarf and hangs it on the coat rack next to the door. Genji does the same and adds his jacket to the rack as well.
“Oh, I’m good, about to get off shift actually. Go ahead and sit anywhere and I’ll grab you guys some menus. Your usual drinks too?” She smiles and tucks her rag into the strap of her apron.
“That would be delightful, thank you,” Zen says and Genji flashes her a quick thumbs-up then leads the way over to a booth by the windows.
They settle into the booth and Mei drops off two menus and a small, steaming teapot and two cups, “Give it a few minutes to steep and you’re set. Like I said, I’m about to clock out, but Andrew should be off his lunch any minute now. He’ll take care of you guys.”
“Sweet, thanks, Mei. Got any big plans for the night?” Genji flips through his menu as if he wasn’t already set on what he wants to order.
“Nothing interesting. I’m actually going back to the lab after this. There’s a bug with my weather tracking and prediction model that I have to get figured out before my team’s milestone on Monday,” she sighs and glances at the clock above the front door, “we said we would meet at 7:30, so I got Andrew to cover the last hour of my shift tonight.”
Genji leans back in his seat and whistles, “Shit man, that sucks. Good luck with that. If you see Angela in lab tell her I said hi. And to get some sleep.”
Mei laughs and shakes her head, “As if that will do any good. I swear the only way to get her out of there is to actually drag her away from her projects. Well, I’ll see you guys around. Enjoy your meal!”
They both wave as she turns and walks behind the counter. Genji goes back to scanning the menu while Zenyatta actually decides what he wants, finding his attention pulled back to the man in front of him more often than not. Genji loves noticing all the small movements and details Zenyatta makes when reading. The slight squint when he’s focused, the small tilt of his head when he’s considering something, Genji has them all memorized by now.
Dinner itself was peaceful, the perfect break from their busy schedules. They chatted about life, their classes, their friends. The tea warmed Genji from the inside out and brought the cutest flush onto Zenyatta’s cheeks, which Genji pushed further with casual flirting spread throughout their conversation. Zenyatta, never one to fall behind, dropped his own flirtatious remarks in stride with Genji.
Zenyatta insists on paying when they’re finished since Genji covered on their last date. They bundle back up before heading out into the chilly night, Zenyatta automatically slipping his hand into the crook of Genji’s elbow.
Zenyatta looks up at the dark sky, not a star to be seen under the thick cloud over, “They’re predicting snow over the weekend. Maybe it will stick this time,” he sighs and pulls his scarf up to cover his chin, “I always start to get homesick this time of year, but a fresh layer of snow reminds me of home. And of playing in the snow with my brother when we were young before our duties kept us inside,” he chuckles, fondness clear in his voice.
Genji nods and they start down the path that will lead back to his apartment. He was lucky enough that his parents were willing to cover the rent for an apartment next to campus so that he didn’t have to stay in a dorm. The only conditions were to stay in school full time and to room with Hanzo, a small price to pay not to deal with RAs and campus restrictions.
“I’ve always liked the snow, especially when it snowed bad enough to close school. When we were younger, I used to goad Hanzo into playing in it with me. Even when we were teenagers, I could usually get him outside. Though then it turned more into a sparring match in the snow,” Genji laughs. “That went about as well as you could imagine.”
“It sounds wonderful,” Zenyatta smiles up at him, eyes full of mirth, “yet something tells me not much has changed. I believe I recall a certain someone starting a campus-wide snowball war last year during finals week.”
Genji snorts, “Hey you have no proof. And to my credit, Hana and Jesse were the ones who started it. I just got it more… involved. Plus we needed the break, the campus felt like a time bomb with too many short fuses. The students here need to learn to relax!”
“Mm, yes, relax,” Zenyatta shakes his head, cheeks bright from smiling and the cold, “I’m sure Angela would agree with that.”
“It totally wasn’t my fault she got pelted coming out of the science building. Ok, it might have been a little my fault, but I did apologize and make it up to her by buying her morning coffee every day for like two weeks.”
Zenyatta laughs and pats his arm, “I know, I know, I’m just giving you a hard time.”
When they get to Genji’s building, Genji fishes his keys out from his pockets and Zenyatta follows him up the stairs, “Fun fact, we have the place to ourselves tonight.”
“Oh?” Genji unlocks the door and Zenyatta steps in behind him, “Did you shoo your poor brother-”
Genji steps into Zenyatta’s personal space and cuts him off him off with a kiss, shutting the door and locking it without looking. He wraps his arms around Zen’s waist to pull him closer, smiling into the kiss when he feels Zenyatta’s arm loop around his neck. Zenyatta tastes like the spiced oolong tea that they love so much and Genji can’t get enough of it.
Zenyatta eventually pulls away, flush high on his cheeks and a little breathless, “Can I at least get my shoes off?”
Genji barks out a laugh and pecks him again before stepping back, “Yeah, sorry, I got impatient.”
“No need to apologize, dearest, you just surprised me is all. I don’t think I’d ever truly complain about something like that,” Zenyatta unlaces his boots and scoots them out of the way of the front door.
Genji pulls off his scarf and jacket and throws them on the low bench next to the door, “I’ll make us some popcorn.” He tosses his boots to the side, looking haphazard next to Zenyatta’s neat placement, “Make yourself at home!”
Genji busies himself in the kitchen, throwing a bag of popcorn in the microwave and putting the kettle on the stove for more tea.
Zenyatta’s head peaks around the corner and catches Genji’s attention, “Do you mind if I move some blankets around?”
“Nah, go for it. Building a nest?” Genji asks as he pulls out some chai.
“Perhaps,” Zenyatta hums then disappears back around the wall. Genji chuckles and finishes preparing the snacks and tea. He brings a bowl of popcorn and two mugs out into the living room and stops, taking in the state of the couch.
The spare blankets they keep under the couch have been pulled out along with the pillows from both the loveseat and the recliner, all stacked together to make a nest of sorts on the couch that faces the TV. Zenyatta twists and looks at him over the back of the couch with a proud smile on his face, “Like what you see?”
Genji snorts and presses a kiss to Zenyatta’s forehead, “Always. Now budge over, hot stuff coming over and I’m not talking about the tea.”
Genji winks for emphasis which has Zen laughing as he moves. They settle in next to each other, mugs of tea held in their laps and the bowl of popcorn between them. Genji cues the movie up on his phone then flicks it over to the TV.
Zenyatta perks up when he sees Cloud Atlas start playing, “Oh I haven’t seen this movie in so long. What a good choice, Genji.”
“Thanks, Hanzo actually recommended it. I’ve never seen it, but I did some research and it seemed right up your alley.”
“It’s perfect,” Zenyatta leans over and kisses Genji’s cheek, which gives him the perfect chance to then turn his head and capture Zenyatta’s lips in another long kiss. When they break away, Zen insists on pulling the movie back to watch what they missed, saying otherwise Genji won’t really understand what’s going on. He does so without complaint, then puts the popcorn bowl on his lap so that he can pull Zenyatta closer. Genji wraps an arm around his shoulder and plays the movie, already content not knowing what the hell is going on in the movie if that’s the price for spending some quality time with his boyfriend.
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sheusedtobesassier · 4 years
Day 10,311
In the mood to express but having a hard time starting because I’ve got maybe eight directions I’d like to go in with this but um, they don’t really have much to do with each other? So. I don’t like to write without continuity. I don’t enjoy it. I want there to be a flow. But. Tonight I’m happy to say fuck it.
Five lamps on. An empty container that had blackberries in, some Spicy Cajun Crawtators lol, and maybe 10% left of a bottle of water. Make that 2%. Paused Shameless, fourth episode of season 9. Took a eight o’clock shower so my hair is top notch currently. Took the shower without music because I needed, mm let me find the word. it’s not grounding but it’s something along those lines. Ally does it with Alayna to calm her she’s having fits, but I can’t think of it. Something to do with sensation? Anyways. Took a shower in silence because I can’t have anything coming in right now. No external factors. There is basically never not noise right now. There is never a soft place to land. Wait that’s not true. I currently have a new bedroom that so quickly became cluttered and safe. That deserves a big hell yes.
Things to look forward to this summer in no specific order of importance and/or place on the calendar:
1. Genevieve’s wedding festivities.
2. Finishing Shameless.
3. Hamilton comes out on Disney+.
4. Hopefully getting a part time job.
5. Reading the few books I brought with me.
6. Going teal for the summer.
7. Endless opportunities for quality time with the girls.
8. Becoming buddies with Jayden Michael Lee.
9. Receiving my final CAUSEBOX.
10. Hopefully receiving my 2019 refund and PUA money.
11. Filling up the strawberries journal.
12. Drinking a lot of Jeremiah’s beer.
13. Helping Ally and being helped by her.
14. Weightless interactions with strangers.
16. Consistent walks with Tuck Boy.
17. A lot a lot a lot a lot of time that is mine.
18. Oklahoma!
Addey just popped her little head in to tell me she loves me before going to bed. That girl. Sleeps in just her panties. Dedicated herself to figuring out how to do her own ponytails a couple afternoons ago and was overjoyed every time she pulled it off. “That’s an important thing for a girl to know how to do.” She thrills me.
What’s happening in the Black community right now is gigantic. I don’t know if I’m allowed to be hopeful, but I think I am. I mean, most of my experience this week has been being really unsure of what I’m allowed to do as a white girl but. I’m trying. And accepting that me trying is potentially awkward or worse problematic but not trying isn’t acceptable. So. I will do my best not to knock shit over as I MOSTLY LISTEN. Listening keeps feeling like not doing enough? But. Whatever. I wrote somewhere else and will now write here, I can handle my own discomfort because I am not who this is hard for. I am not the center of this and dear God I hope this is my time to learn how to decenter.
Dear God, How do I learn how to decenter? Amen.
Here are a few takes that keep getting reposted that I am the bullseye for. (Omfg did you see that? Did you see me immediately literally center myself?! The fuck.)
1. Limit your response to what is of real, tangible help to us. Give money, call your reps, protect Black people at protests, elevate our work and voices. Don't make us swim through your tears while we fight.
2. white people be like “idk i don’t wanna be performative” bitch you like musical theater
3. White men are socialized to think everyone cares what they have to say & white women are socialized to think everyone cares how they FEEL.
I mean. Nah I won’t write what I was going to because I think it’s just an attempt to relieve the tension of feeling like I might be perceived as useless here. I want my ally badge. Gold star for making the effort. But it’s not like that right? It’s not like that. I’d write if I had a secondhand story to tell you about something real, something other than my hard but then not actually that hard white experience. Idk. Maybe I’m being too hard on myself? But then at the same time, GOT A SINKING FEELING THAT I’M A LANA DEL REY HERE. Like. Still unsure why what she said qualified her for being burnt at the stake. Like genuinely confused, not defensive. Idk. MORE LISTENING RIGHT? More listening. Listening and listening and recognizing when the conviction is trying to move me. (Lol writing that literally makes me want to go post a flowery Facebook status. Get me the hell out of here.)
Look decentering is maybe what I need to learn period. Across the board. Maybe that’s what tanked being in love? Like with Omar and maybe way back then with Brandon too? (He got engaged last week. The sky is falling.) I just. I’m a girl in love with her own narrative maybe. Like, willingly taking on the role of manic pixie dream girl and not trying that hard to shirk it. Like I’m putting it in my goddamn Tinder bio. That is? Idk maybe it’s a bigger problem than I realize. Passing as quirky when actually I’m one of the most selfish women in the universe. Like I think that might be really real? And I know the people who love me would try to persuade me otherwise but. Idk. Self obsessed as fuck masquerading as strong independent woman who don’t need no man.
The last time I went fully blonde I went into the salon noticeably stuffy and really nervous about a bad interaction. Had a lovely little time chatting with the blue haired wonder lady who was doing the work for me. At first she was like, “Oh you probably just have allergies.” But then once she heard my cough she got wary. Which. Of course she did. How disgusting to be getting paid to be up close and personal with a plagued woman. I wilted and told her she had my full permission to talk shit about me later to the other girls. And I 100% meant it. Ultimately, that’s probably my core objective. Giving permission to anybody who encounters me to come to the conclusion that your girl suhhhhcks. I do. You have my personal guarantee. You might like it about me haha, but I suck.
I’m not doing well and making light of it on Tumblr might help?
I want to write about Omar because I always have something to write about Omar but hey maybe if I don’t write more than this short paragraph then that counts for something. To be able to miss him the amount that I miss him AND ALSO leave him the fuck alone. I thought last night that maybe it would be a good thing to thank him for what I learned from him regarding the fucked upness of being white but like. I immediately disregarded that thought because of the heavier thought that he might regret putting so much effort into a well spoken white girl who turned out to be consistently complicit. What a disappointment? Lol oh fuck I said a short paragraph. Get rid of me.
0 notes
just-a-re-blog · 7 years
Question Tag
My homegirl @evangelene​ tagged me in this, so here goes--more than you’ll ever need to know about me RIP
Rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
1. coke or pepsi?
2. disney or dreamworks?
3. coffee or tea?
Tea--but fancy good tea, like earl grey, not Lipton
4. books or movies?
Books bring me happy
5. windows or mac?
I only own Apple products
6. dc or marvel?
7. xbox or playstation?
8. dragon age or mass effect?
i don’t know what these are
9. night owl or early riser?
I like rising early, but I am at peace at 1 AM
10. cards or chess?
Cards, specifically ERS, but let me be clear--I am ALWAYS down for a game of Real Wizards’ Chess ™️
11. chocolate or vanilla?
le chocolat
12. vans or converse?
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar?
i don’t know what these are either. sorry.
14. fluff or angst?
Mafia and Soulmate AUs which include moments of both
15. beach or forest?
Redondo Beach and North Cascades National Park forest
16. dogs or cats?
I have always wanted a dog, but cats are my everything
17. clear skies or rain?
clear skies to do stuff in and rain to watch and listen to from the seat by the window like the emo fuck i am
18. cooking or eating out?
I am bad at it, but I like to cook!
19. spicy food or mild food?
listen, I like spicy food, but I never eat it because jalepenos bring my taste buds joy but bring my mouth great pain
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas?
I celebrate Christmas from December 26th to December 25th
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot?
A little too cold. I love winter.
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
23. animation or live action?
I plead the Fifth
24. paragon or renegade?
25. baths or showers?
26. team cap or team ironman?
27. fantasy or sci-fi?
Fantasy (looking at you, Bilbo)
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they?
“It’s like when you are excited about a girl and you see a couple holding hands, and you feel so happy for them. And other times you see the same couple, and they make you so mad. And all you want is to always feel happy for them because you know that if you do, then it means that you’re happy, too.” ~Charlie, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” ~Marianne Williamson, Our Deepest Fear
“I am a weak person pretending to be strong.” ~Min Yoongi
“These wings came from pain, but they are wings headed for the light. Though it’s hard and it hurts, if I can fly, I will fly so I won’t be scared anymore.”  ~BTS,  A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone
29. youtube or netflix?
30. harry potter or percy jackson?
Daughter of Apollo with the heart of a Hufflepuff who was sorted into Gryffindor. Yep.
31. when do you feel accomplished?
Those rare moments when I FINALLY finish a chapter/story
32. star wars or star trek?
Give my son my lightsaber.
33. paperback or hardback books?
Hardback yo. I am a destructive human being that can only be trusted to handle things that are sturdily constructed.
34. horror or rom-com?
Hit me up to watch The Proposal any day--I live my love life vicariously through others.
35. tv shows or movies?
TV shows...like I have time to watch them...
36. favourite animal?
Giraffes are great, but I also like elephants. And bears. And dolphins. And I am forever in love with the indomitable banana slug. Also, I like Pikachu. A lot.
37. favourite genres of music?
Classical piano, K-pop, J-pop, Chinese pop (my sister who is Chinese told me not to call it C-pop or Mando pop), soundtracks, 70s singer-songwriters, 80s rock, 90s rap (yes, I know those lyrics are the definition of misogyny, it’s not a perfect art form), 2000s pop, Keith Urban style country (yes, I said it), James Ingram/Yolanda Adams style gospel, Casting Crowns style Christian, WALK THE MOON/The Fold style indie rock/alternative, Charlie Wilson style R&B
38. least favourite book?
Ugh, Matched. I was just really not a fan. Or Gulliver’s Travels. I hate that book.
39. favourite season?
I don’t really have one, actually! There’s good and bad that comes with each. But I guess I’m pretty partial to winter because snow and, you know, Christmas
40. song that’s currently stuck in your head?
Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers???
41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear?
whatever’s on top in my drawer (or in front in my closet if I need flannel)
42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day?
i live in a constant state of existential crisis. my brand is crisis
43. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be?
I choose my favorite song of all time--Young Forever. 
44. favourite theme song to a TV show?
That’s a three-way tie between the Teen Titans theme song, the 1960s Batman theme song, and the opening theme of the Chinese drama Eternal Love
45. harry potter movies or books?
I love the books, but literally nothing in this world can top sassy 11-year-old Emma Watson (”It’s Wingardium Levi-o-sa. Not Levio-sa.”) and clueless, lovable 11-year-old Rupert Grint (“Yes, Hermione, I think this is gonna be exactly like real Wizards’ Chess.”).
46. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it?
Look, if Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok can finally get together like they’ve always been meant to, then my knowledge of tumblr is a small price to pay
47. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? 
Once upon a time I played viola. Then I played French Horn. Now I sing, and I’ve been playing piano for almost 9 years.
48. what is the worst way to die?
Being eaten. I have had countless nightmares about something consuming me and just the thought of being eaten alive, I goTTa gO
49. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do?
Probably do cute lil things to make my friends’ days better like flip their textbooks to the right pages when they’re not looking or leave them coffee at their table when they get up to go to the bathroom. i is too cowardly to do those things for my crush, so it would be nice to be invisible
50. What are you planning on doing with your life?
Imma be a music video producer, y’all. Catch my name in the tiny credits
51. Favorite Disney movie?
52. One must have item you always carry with you?
A necklace my sister gave me. It is my security blanket.
53. Drawing or telling stories?
Telling stories because I can do it through so many mediums, ya know?
54. If you could have a superhero sidekick, what animal would it be and what would you name it?
My question: Stuffed animals or figurines?
Tags: @thatirishgirl078 @bts-exo-seouls @callmyexodus @whysoinvisible
Joke’s on you if you thought I was really about to tag 53 people
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operakitten · 4 years
y’all I cook a lot and have done....even more quarantine cooking in the last six weeks lol
mostly this is for my own damn reference because 98% of these meals were a++  but can confirm all are super tasty
instant pot 15 bean chili with 1 lb beyond meat and about 1 lb sweet potato instead of the 2 lb ground turkey it calls for (will be using leftovers for chili dogs and probably chili mac as well, super tasty)
marinated baked peanut tempeh over a bowl of kale, quinoa, a quick homemade cabbage slaw, carrot ribbons and asian roasted potatoes and broccoli because I already had carrots and wanted to use up some baby potatoes that were going bad (we’ve had this two or three times, it’s great)
sweet potato and black bean tacos and a sweet potato and kale salad based on that recipe, where I just used a quarter of the sweet potatoes I’d already roasted for the tacos and omitted the pumpkin seeds because I had none (tahini dressings are in, everyone should try one)
cinnamon apple quick bread, subbing monkfruit sweetener for the sugars because it’s lower points on weight watchers for my mom. DELICIOUS, EVERYONE SHOULD MAKE THIS
pav bhaji with turmeric rice that I just made in my instant pot instead because it was quicker. I served the rice with I think three different indian recipes because it’s good and my mom doesn’t like white rice (make the pav bhaji because I love priya)
spicy sweet sambal pork noodles that would have been much better if I’d followed the recipe as written, but we’ve been quarantined so I used pork tips instead of ground pork and added some veggies. still pretty good!!!
I’m fairly certain I also made chicken yakisoba but perhaps not this exact recipe. honestly we’ve been on lockdown for six weeks I’m surprised I remembered this much. 
patty melt sandwiches with beyond burgers. I used a slightly different recipe for the sauce (no relish because I fucking hate it), and cut the cheese in half because we are lactose intolerant in this household. served once with homemade sweet potato fries (garlic powder, salt, paprika, a little cayenne. bake them at whatever you like baking fries at) and once with zucchini fritters? or possibly zucchini fries, zucchini does not work well on my silicon baking pads so they were a failure. the burgers were fucking dope though
chickpeas and also pinto beans because my mom eats like, half a can of beans every day with her lunch and nobody had any canned beans. the beans were about as good as beans can be, which is to say don’t expect them to change your life, but they were nice. would make them in my instant pot instead next time.
baked apples with oatmeal filling, again with monkfruit because we wanted something pie-y but I didn’t want to make pie crust and also I think I was out of flour at the time
cheese and yogurt quick bread which I made I think three or four times and then I had to go back to work so now I’m not baking as much. quick, great with soup, 10/10 I love quick breads. I probably used fat free greek yogurt because that’s who I am as a person, regardless of what the recipe actually says
chickpea tikka masala, I think substituting coconut milk with fat free half and half because that is what was on hand and I am not actually vegan. pretty good but honestly this was six weeks ago I remember nothing about it other than I like it
yeast-free cinnamon rolls because I discovered all my yeast is dead and there’s NO FUCKING YEAST ANYWHERE. again, I substituted monkfruit sweetener. these were DELICIOUS, and they were actually better cold the next day. talk about a sugar high
tomato and lentil curry, which I make every time I remember the recipe, which is probably every six weeks or so. it’s sooooooo good and it makes a ton. again, I might have subbed fat free half and half for the coconut milk but it’s deliciousssssss
I’m not 100% positive I’ve made this during quarantine but I’ve for sure thought about it because I’ve made it six or seven times before and it is GOOD. lentil soup. the recipe is literally called the best lentil soup ever and aside from like. a JUST lentils and aromatics soup at our local mediterranean restaurant, it’s pretty much the best lentil soup ever. IT HAS TEXTURE, which is important. a mix of textures, even better
sweet potato, kale, and chickpea soup that also has farro (or barley, or cooked quinoa, they’re all good) and cayenne and curry powder and it is WONDERFUL. sweet, spicy, salty, great blend of textures. LOVE THIS SOUP
french-ish onion soup because I bought a shit ton of onions and also I love onion soup. IT’S GREAT.
fancy beans on toast that you should not eat if you want the actual experience of eating beans on toast because it’s nothing like that. like, if you are really craving beans on toast, eat that. it was fancy beans served with a toast accompaniment, but it was nice the next day over spaghetti.
spaghetti with homemade meatballs that were, you guessed it, made with beyond meat!!!. I used oatmeal as my filler instead of breadcrumbs because that is what I had, and damn it, we substitute during quarantine! super yummy, a little messy because beyond meat is sticky raw in a way that real meat is not, but 10/10 would make and consume again
a chicken, sausage and rice skillet that I make pretty frequently for meal prep for work. I use 2.5 cups of rice, about 3 cups of broth, and cut the sausage content way down because I make these for lunches and the chicken sausage at costco is expensive (10 servings instead of 6-8, I think). I often don’t have shallots so I just use onion, today I’m out of peas so tomorrow I’ll probably add some chopped broccoli for veg. it’s also good with mushrooms! I add a little cayenne because that’s what I like. again, I make this in my instant pot so I just hit the rice button and seal after I’ve deglazed my pan (and I often don’t toast my rice). YUMMY
saag feta because priya is right and it might be better with feta??? it’s real good guys.
bbq jackfruit tacos with a side of roasted potatoes and cilantro lime coleslaw. I made 3 portions of jackfruit, so I used the rest of the dry seasoning on the potatoes and roasted them in a little oil at 425 for I think 35 minutes. the recipe is obviously for sandwiches but I didn’t have buns and I DID have corn tortillas. hence the different coleslaw. I do use the jalapeno, did not use a blender because I live on the wild side, and add maybe 1/4 cup of ranch dressing because I’m not that wild and also it tastes good.
also, cold and spicy asian noodles and poutine from the good and cheap cookbook. I believe I also made the roasted potatoes with chilies into tacos because I’m like that
and HOLY CHRIST I JUST REALIZED HOW MUCH COOKING I’VE DONE. we’re pretty good about eating our leftovers and usually only eat out on weekends (which we’re still doing via carryout to support our local restaurants), but there’s usually like, a hot dog night or sandwiches or just scavenge the freezer for food from thanksgiving nights. I HAVE COOKED A LOT
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abiteofnat · 7 years
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You’d be amazed what 6 weeks off of life can do- between travel, eating beautiful dinners out with my family at our favorite haunts, finding new treats in old places, and having no access to a real gym/ gym routine, I was glutenous. But rightly so! And honestly every bite was so worth it! Now I have 100 new places to blog about, bring friends to, and look back on fondly while I try to remind my muscles they need to get back to #werk.
New Year’s is always about new beginnings and people making this hooplah about how they’re about to run the Chicago Marathon and learn how to deep-sea dive and pay their taxes on time (which if you actually do, damn, go you) but I’m going to keep it plain n’ simple. Along with being a better human on this planet, my resolutions include eating at these four new places. Every season I have a running “wish list” of places to eat and sometimes they happen, most of the times they don’t. But here are standing places I will try to make it to before the end of the year, and I’m actually pretty excited to see when they happen and with who.
1. Oyster Bah: New Orleans in Chicago, Tuesday nights!
Y’all, this is the best thing I’ve ever seen. After going to New Orleans for the first time last summer, I fell in love with the spices and unique preparation of food they employ down there. No where up north can replicate it quite as well, which is good because there’s a reason New Orleans is as magical as it is and it should stay a kingdom of flavor. However sometimes grits and spicy, cheddar corn muffins are alllllll I can think about and sad southern copy cats just make me... sad? Oyster Bah stands at a different level though due to their constant southern inspiration as well as their immaculately prepared food, so now that EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT THEY HAVE A FULL NEW ORLEANS MENU, I AM SO DOWN. Take a look and tell me this doesn’t sound like the makings for the best night ever, especially in the drab depths of winter??
2. NaanSense: The Elusive Food Truck
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Indian food (or any food which involves 4-10 sauces, to be honest) so trying to find time to find this Seattle-based food truck business is my newest goal. I’ve seen pics, tweets, etc. about their delicious foods aboard this moving kitchen and I desperately want to be part of it. With the typical Indian delights and offered vegetarian or not at all, it’s lit. Currently needing some naan and rice, ASAP.
3. Public House
This place is literally an upscale sports bar open all times of the day that’s 6 blocks away from where I work/ go to school/ am currently sitting highly caffeinated with no food in my system. The thought of rich, fancy bar food and a tall boy (pint? I don’t know bar talk) is making me feel some type of way and that way would be... HUNGRY. From nachos to mac & cheese to the french fries, every picture on Insta of this place looks like the perfect happy hour snack or a perfectly crafted Sunday-Funday menu. The catch? I’ve been here already, had that mac & cheese, and it was great. There’s still a whole unexplored menu though! And a BRUNCH menu! Lots left to eat here, and by the end of 2017 I will have become a trash garbage Public House haunt. Pretzel bites? Got my eye on you.
4. Maple & Ash: Someone please give me a fancy occasion
Oh wait, I graduate this year. BRAIN BLAST. This place has been on my list forever because I’ve heard lovely things about their seafood and bites, and if there’s something to celebrate I will not hold back on ordering oysters, shrimp, risotto, a whole fucking lobster, you dare me and I’ll try it. I love nothing more than eating sushi in my cozy fleece pants, but I also love sitting down to a meal that’s excellently presented and is worth putting on a *dress* for. Fun fact about me, every time I have to do a fancy thing I end up wearing Spanx and then having to take them off in the bathroom because this girl likes to eat! And Spanx don’t like large ribs! Which I have! Given a slim waistline and half a lobster in butter sauce finished with a chocolate souffle, body norms be damned. They even have a featured item on the menu called “I Don’t Give a F*@k” that sells for $145. What is it? I don’t know, it just says “house specialty” so maybe you literally don’t give a fuck and they give you whatever they feel like. If I graduate college on time, #yolo, that’s enough responsibility and I’d let them surprise me.
I’m going to keep scouting new places, you should send me suggestions, somewhere along the way I’ll get my six pack back. But never at the sacrifice of a donut, pasta, etc. Never.
Until next time, Happy Eating!
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