#the dark crystal: age of resistance fanfic
fiorimaya · 9 days
I'M ALIVE and ready to write (again)
Me returning to Tumblr after months of a hiatus and finishing all my requests? It's more likely than you think!
And I actually mean it this time.
If you're just finding me- hi! I'm Maya, a 22-year-old Creative Writing student who loves Dark Crystal and Muppets a little too much!
2023 was an amazing year but also so horrible at the same time. I'm doing a lot better and finding motivation to write again! And what's even better is my college finally started to offer a Creative Writing major and when I saw that I switched majors so fast. I have learned so much already and think the things I will write for you all will be much better than all my previous writing!
Now that I'm actually fully back, feel free to send me any requests for The Dark Crystal (including Age of Resistance) and Muppets! I do have a few rules as well as more info about requests that you can read below! Please read the whole thing before requesting something (I tried to keep it as short as possible). I would be happy to write something for you! :) Please be patient though as I'm going in order of oldest to newest requests (and some people have been waiting nearly a year... I'm so sorry!) Check the comments on this post for a list of requests I have that I'll be working on and finally posting soon!
I also just love talking about these things in general! Feel free to ask me anything (thoughts, theories, etc). about The Dark Crystal/AOR or Muppets! You can PM me as well if you'd rather talk there :)
Love you all! Hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves! Xx - Maya
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wd-ghosty · 2 months
Loyal Seladon
Era of unification chapter - 1
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Remember when I made a dark crystal AU where the gelfling won the garthim war? No!? Me neither, until now that is. I've already made a couple chapters, but I never posted any here so here it is. I think ya'll already know what this chapters about considering the name... let's go.
After the battle of Stone in the woods as everyone was celebrating their victory Seladon slipped away from the crowd of mixed gelfling, she was glad that they won but there was this terrible turning in her stomach… “What if they find out what I said?” Her eye dilates, she feels all the booze she drank coming back up, and her head starts aching. “No. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no.” Her mother and her younger sister are both dead at the hands of the general, she only has brea left, she's all maudra now, and she has no one to depend on. If they all find out that she offered her whole race up as collateral for the lives of her and her sisters what would they do?
She got on her hand and knees and started throwing up everything that went down, the sour taste of half-digested food and beer were engraved in her mouth, she tried to take a breath but the puke just came on coming, and after it was all gone she could just cry. She heard someone screaming her name but she didn’t care she cried until she passed out, she knew that eventually, they would all know and she would truly be without anyone she didn’t want it to happen but she knew it was the truth.
When she woke up she was on an uncomfortable bed, the sheets were rough, the pillows were hard, and the blankets were thin. She was in one of the abandoned stones in the wood houses, the sunlight from the open window burned her eyes as she tried to open them, once she finally sat up straight she was greeted by a tall drenchen man leaning against the bed she was on. He was sleeping… He was, “Gurjin?” She screamed as she jumped back in shock, but that scream had woke up Gurjin along with every other person in the town. “Seladon… Good morning” Gurjin being his old bubbly self greeted Seladon ignoring the fact that she was freaking out. “Wha- What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here?” her screaming didn't stop, Gurjin stood up his dreadlocks fell over his shoulders and back as he towered over Seladon. “Why are you screaming so much? You’re gonna wake everybody up.” Gurjin managed to quiet down Seladon for the moment, but then he asked a question that made Seladon's stomach sink.
“Why did I find you in the woods passed out with puke on the ground?” Seladon instantly remembers everything that happened last night and her pale face instantly flushed, “AaA!? I, uhh.” She scrambles trying to look for a reasonable excuse, “You don’t have to tell me I just wanted to know if everything is alright. Gotta protect the All Maudra, right?” Seladon looks at him with a blank expression, “Yes you're right. I must lead all of Gelfling kind to victory, against the Skeksis empire.” Her voice was monochrome as she said that she looked as if her body was on auto-pilot or her mind was somewhere else. Gurjin was confused by this sudden change but didn’t mention it, “I’ll be off now.” Seladon walks off into the town to look for her sister.
As she walked through the stone in the wood village she saw the way all the gelfling of different clans interacted with each other. The Vapra and Sprinton soldiers all acted as if they were better than everybody else, never referring to the drenchen by their names but by their race. The sifan were staying away from everybody, mainly just doing what they needed to do without interaction. The grotton were avoided like the plague, nobody but the dousan would interact with one. All stone in the wood gelfling that remained were childlings and their caretakers, all the soldiers were either fused with the arathim spitters or drained. And the dousan were tending to everybody's wounds, and nurturing all of the injured, even if the majority of them couldn’t read they did have the best doctors and medicine in all of Thra.
As she looked around the town, she saw nothing but division, Even though the gelfing race had started a new era we were still stuck in the last one. This is what the Skeksies had done to us, we were all one but none of us saw that, and that’s why they’ve remained in power for 2000 trine.
“Seladon!” she heard her name so she looked around to find the source and found her sister, “Brea! I've been looking for you.” They hug each other before Brea drags her off, “the Maudras are having a meeting, but they can’t make any real decisions without you.” Brea led Seladon to what was once where the late Maudra Fara would ten to the needs of her people, all the Maudras were standing in a circle conversing obviously panicked, but when Seladon stepped into the room they all went silent. “All Maudra Seladon.” all at once they bowed to her, and the awkwardness in the room was too much to bear. The first to act was Maudra Maudra, “How are we actually supposed to wage war on the Skeksises? How are-” Maudra Seethi cut her off “Mara! Did you not ask that question at Seladon's coronation?” Seethi is very obviously annoyed.
Maudra Argot spoke up trying to calm the others down “Everybody. Let’s allow our Maudra to speak.” She motions to Seladon inputting her into the conversation, “Uhh…” The anxiety inside of Seladon takes a deep breath and remembers all the meetings she had to sit through with her mother. “I- I officially want to go to war with the Skeksisies. They drain us gelfling for our essence to ensure they don’t die, they’ve been diving us scine the start of the era of divvsion, everythign they’ve ever done is to ensure they maintainpower over us gelfling, but all of that officially ends today.” All of the Maudra look at eachother their faceses amixure of calm, worried, and fear. *Clop!* Maurda Leaside Bangs her cane on the group instantly grabbed the attention of everybody in the room. “Why are we still thinking about this?” She glares at all the ladies in the room.
“It doesn’t matter if we go to war or not, We Will Be Drained.” *Panting* Maudra Mara’s breaks her silence and screams “How are we supposed to go to war with immortal Skeksies? We are nothing compared to the-” Someone put their hand on Maras back and grabs her face, “We are thousands compared to eighteen! Their are over fivethousdand Gelfing of everyrace of thra, not including those of mixed blood. Their are eighteen Skeksies on Thra, we will survive!” The calm and colected Maudra Seethi barred a person for the first time in what feels like forever, “Fara is dead! Our sister has fallen by the hadns of the Skeksies and as you sit here wailing the Skeksies are probably scheming. Pull yourself together Mara!”
As Brae stands their watching the women she looked up to scine the day she was born, panic, and scream at eachother, she realises that this never happened when mother was around. Mother could always keep the maudras in check, none of them doubted her, Maudra Fara even said that she’d follow her into the mouth of the mondoleviaden if it was what she wished for. “Everybody Quiet!” This is the first time she ever seen Seladon genuinely angry, she would always get mad at her but it was more frustration or sadness but never true anger. “Is this how you would all act if my mother was here? Or Maudra Fara? The woman who probably has the most battle knowledge died right before a war stared, and our All Maudra is also dead. The skeksies took out our most reliable leaders and now were all lost, but I urge you all to calm yourselves.” This was the first time brea ever saw her mother in Seladon. She’s always been the perfect heiress, she never talked back to mother, everything about her appearance was perfect, she was well educated, and she was trained since birth in leading our people. So seeing her like this was exzlierating for brea, shocking, but still fun to watch. “We need to prepare for an attack, considering the skeksies have been able to fool us for twothousand trine they’ll probably strike first, but we cant act before we know what were up against. They might try to get the podlings on their side this time around, so we need to focus on defense, and we have to make sure we have enough food and water for everyone.” Maudra Ethri but’s in, “What do you mean by “Everyone”?” Seladon looks at her confused “Everyone is what I mean? I believe it’s best if All gelfling stay together until our threat is defeted, Power in numbers you know.” *Gasp* All of the maudras including brea look at seladon in shock. “What about? Uhh…” Maudra Mara tries to reject her proposal but can’t think of a good reason to, “Where will we all go? Will see stay in certain capitals, or will we completely abandon our towns?” The once calm seethi started to distress, and that made all the other maudra’s worry but Brea offers a answer.
“We can pick the places hardest for skeksis to get to. I bet it would be hard for them to get theri carriages into the caves of grot, the great sog, and the crystal dessert.” All the other maudras look around filled with doubt. “But we need to think of food, and the only place that growns alot of fruit out of those three places is the great sog. unless you’re all fine eating moss everyday, and escaping nurlock attacks?” Maudra Arogot inputs her two sense. “Shouldn’t we think about sami thicket? They have alot of fertile land we can’t just leave it?” Maudra Ethri tried to calm down Mara with her nomonation. “And they have one of the biggest capitals, they’ll be able to hold the most people.” Maudra Leaside is annoyed by all the ruckus. “Ladies! Please stop arguing. We need to think of places the skeksis can’t get to easily, but we can still thrive in… well, we won’t be able to thrive, but we need to be able to survive. We all saw the magic The Emporoe used, what happenes if any settlement is attacked and the grotto girl isn’t with them?”
“What happened to the collector could happen to any number of gelfling.” Seethi cuts off Maudra Leaside and the chaotic room instantly quiets down. Seladon gets up from her chair. “This meeting is adjourned. Brea.” Seladon and her sister leave the throne room and soon all the other Maudra’s soon follow. But Maudra Mara and Maudra Ethri were last in the room but before Ethri could leave the room Mara stops her. “Can we talk."
Seladon and brea walk through the town square, “The second sun is centered, we were seriously in their for that long?” brea comments on the time to try and get a reaction out of Seladon. “Yeah, mothers meeting would rag on for a long time, I would always loose track.” Brea is trying to strike up a conversation with Seladon but it’s ineffective, Seladons mind is somewhere else. Brea spotted a certain dousan boy and sneaks off, and Seladon walks back into the woods.
So I made this chapter awhile back, so it's kinda wonky I tacky hope it didn't bother any of you. And I joke you liked it. <3
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fishtail-tavra · 3 months
tavonica 100 word drabble - Usual
   “Elder Cadia is up to his old tricks.”    Suddenly Tavra wishes for her sword. “With you?”    “He should know better.” Onica smiles. “Stop glowering. It won’t help your headache.”    Tavra tries.    “But I worry for Ethri.” Onica’s smile fades. “She still feels so young.”    “She is a good maudra.”    “And doubts it.”    “Her, or Cadia?”    Tired laughter. “Both.”    “What does Tae say.”    “What all Sifa say. We love her.”    Tavra matches Onica’s heavy steps. “What do you say?”    More laughter, but lighter. “Ethri knows that already.”     Ominous. “Onica.”     “Mm?”    “…Did you call her a headless hooyim. Again.”    A grin. “Maybe…”
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tofadeawayagain · 2 years
Fic Update
After a one year hiatus, here’s chapter 10 of Live Unbruised.
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fenth-eiria · 9 months
What if.... Virin married Isthma before retiring... (Au Scene rewrite from Chapter 6 of Bloom in the Canopies)
Isthma was occupied straightening Virin’s workspace when his ears picked up angry bickering. He poked his head out into the hall to see what it was about. He saw his partner and the future Drenchen Maudra in the middle of an heated argument, he let out a heavy sigh before yelling. “Virin! Laesid! Will you both please stop the senseless quarreling?” He amused, resulting in the important Drenchen to look at him with annoyed looks. He walked over and gently patted his spouse’s head. “There are better ways to settle this ~maybe~ Let her heal your best hunter, who actually can do his job and life correctly, and ~maybe~ Kick Orren, Gern, and Galia off the guild.” He added, stating the obvious, causing Virin to get a bit worked up.
“Like I said. Let me do my JOB!” They exclaimed, before the old Stonewood looked at him with a frown.
“Then why haven’t you yet?’ He asked, his head tilted in confusion. The Drenchen elder tried to say something, but no words could form and all that came out of their mouth was a noise.
“EHUHMMM…..” They realized that Isthma could be on to something. They added with hesitation. “I’ll consider it, after everything that has happened…It probably is my only option…Especially after how they treated you earlier this unum…” They flinched as they recalled what the three Drenchen trainees had said to him. They clenched both their fist and teeth before yelling on the top of their lungs. “ORREN, GERN, AND GALIA!! YOU ALL ARE OFF THE HUNTING GUILD!!” Before anyone could object, crying could be heard and Virin froze in realization as they remembered their little baby girl was taking a nap. “ Son of a snipp…Isthma, could you please go fetch Fuchsia? I must have accidentally startled her awake..” They requested, trying to pull themself together so they do not scare her when they receive her. The old farmer agreed as he turned around and entered the room that his daughter was in. Once he returned, little Fuchsia was squirming and crying in his arms which caused Virin to pity her. They simply smiled warmly as they scooped her into their arms and started to sing her a quiet lullaby while rocking her back to sleep.
So I needed to state the obvious and what Virin should have done with Orren, Gern, and Galia, so I used Isthma for it.
Virin, Orren, Gern, and Galia belong to @sifanjewel
Isthma and Fuchsia belong to me
Laesid belongs to the Jim Henson Company
Again this is AN AU and IS NOT CANON to Bloom in the Canopies.
Edit: tagging @childlikegoblinqueen
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amri-and-art · 1 year
Chapter two is out! Sorry for the wait lol I rewrote it several times because I’m a chronic perfectionist
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rapid-apathy · 1 year
A little Dark Crystal fic? A little Dark Crystal fic.
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blossoms-in-sog · 1 year
Chapter one:
Amri held a hand to his eyes as the brothers shone brightly into his private room.
His hammock swung gently in the early morning breeze. Amri felt a shiver crawl up his spine as the cold brushed over him, soft and calm.
Naia had told him to meet her in the early morning, before the drummers pounded with the song of Thra to wake the sleepy drenchen gelfling.
He pulled his daytime clothes on, the green juxtaposed his pale bluish skin. Drenchen clothing, he learned, is very different from Grotten.
Leggings, tunic, and a light cloak. Their clothes have to be light, the mud makes it hard enough to navigate the swamp as is. And the quickest route through sog is leaping from apeknot to apeknot above the canopy, which in heavy clothing would make a hazard. Not to mention the humid, hot environment.
Amri was finally good enough at leaping through the trees that Naia doesn’t have to monitor his every move.
Countless times she’s had to launch into the air, catch Amri, and glide them to safety.
He swiftly stepped through the great Smerth, not making a sound as his feet gently tapped the wooden floor. Amri often used to get lost in the many rope bridges and rooms that interlaced, creating a beautiful pattern of passageways from place to place in the damp branches of the trees.
Although, now he found it much easier to navigate, memorizing the patters and turns through his new home.
He was much more quiet flowing from bridge to bridge now that he could ditch the shoes he’d worn for so long. Though he had become used to the feeling, he loved being able to return to his cave dweller roots, nimble and agile on his bare toes. though he never forgot Naias advice about ‘heel first’.
Before he knew it he’d reached the base of Smerth-Staba.
He squinted in the sun’s light, though he hoped, many unum ago, that his eyes would adjust to the blinding heat and light of the suns, it never really seemed to get much better. Perhaps it was just due to his cave borne eyes.
He gently touched the rough bark of the home tree. His eyes filled with sympathy for the poor thing. Black charred bark, burnt and fading away. He could tell, deeper within the tree, it’s life force was leaving it. Slowly, but surely the tree was dying. Where the tree had been abused by Skeksa, the pieces of dark bark stripped away revealed dark, almost black crystal veins, completely and entirely consumed by the darkening.
At this point in time, there was nothing in the world that could save the tree, not even Naias dreamfasting, or even her healing Vliyaya could save the thing the Drenchen had called home since the beginning of the Gelfing race.
He let out a sigh of sadness. The tree would only last so much longer, who knows where the gelfling would relocate after it finally passed.
But that was a question for another day.
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sunderedandundone · 2 years
UrSkeks Do the Damnedest Things (worldbuilding/lore)
[More UrSkek/Homeworld setting writeup, filling in a lot of canon gaps in general but most especially the ones that explain how the Fallen UrSkek found themselves in such trouble as to get their effulgent asses transported/deported to Thra. IOW, #Paths to Heresy cont!]
Competition, Collectivism, Cussedness, and Games
...among the pineapple/tree aliens
UrSkeks — at least the UrSkeks of Homeworld — aren’t fond of competitions. (The usual caveat about how far-flung and isolated many UrSkek colony worlds now are applies here too; just going by the cultural variations already known to exist among colonies still in contact with the mother planet, one hardly dares speculate what might have sprung up in more unmonitored corners of the Uni-verse.)
Though competition in itself isn’t logically irreconcilable with Homeworld’s strict collectivism, in practical terms, it can be difficult to host such, ah, stimulating activities without accidentally encouraging — well. Nothing so alien and crude as selfishness per se, surely…but after all, even advanced beings can occasionally succumb to the lure of what Homeworld terms ‘overindividuation.’ Left to itself, that minor fault can eventually corrode into outright Deviancy; and then Crystal alone knows what might transpire — up to and including the nigh-unthinkable spectacle of an UrSkek briefly enjoying someone else’s misfortune.
Indeed, UrSkek “strict collectivism” is so strict that openly relishing one’s own victory in a contest or game is considered to be ipso facto taking a disgusting pleasure in others’ loss. Thus, the only morally acceptable winner of a competition is the one who doesn’t actually care all that much about winning…or who can at least put on a good show of modest detachment.
Which for most species — not to mention the very rare UrSkek who both enjoys winning and can admit that to themselves — does rather tend to take away the point of the thing. Thus: not many UrSkek competitions.
Said other species often point to this as yet another example of intolerable UrSkek priggishness. UrSkeks would reply, with some justice, that beings who possess power equal to many cultures’ angels and demigods must be correspondingly fastidious about their self-control, for everyone’s sake. Other species might then of course question what the point of ascending to such an advanced cyberbiological state is, if you end up so constrained that even relatively high-ranked individuals spend most of their lives acting as glorified functionaries for a famously static consensus. These conversations rarely end anywhere productive, so we’ll leave them aside for the moment and move on. (Noting, however, that this quirk of UrSkek culture proved an irresistible prompt to Deviancy for more than one of the Fallen Twice-Nine, including HakHom, YiYa, and SilSol. Watch this space. 😊 )
Games are far from unknown among UrSkeks, however — though they too must be indulged in only within the framework of proper ethics. There often comes a time in a newly-Awakened UrSkek’s early life when they and another innocent friend are discovered in the midst of some spontaneous game that treads just a bit too close to rivalry for their elders’ taste: an excited argument about which Itapi beetle will beat another across a doorway, for example, or seeing who can best imitate the song of a roosting paperwing and so persuade it to fly to their hand. This is so common, in fact, that it’s now regarded as an informal rite of passage; one that mentors of the young (such as SoSu once was) almost look forward to as a landmark ‘teachable moment,’ to be addressed with their most tradition-hallowed parables, Socratic dialogues, and koans about the dangers of cacophony.
To be fair, Homeworld’s outlook on games in general isn’t all that different from the Gelfling or human outlook on games that take place privately among friends — i.e., things are fine so long as everyone’s having fun and no one’s taking any of it personally. What UrSkek society could never accept is the kind of tribalism, gloating, and anguish that attends major-league games in human sports (or an exceptionally dramatic Podling shovelball match).
That spirit of “…until someone loses an eye” infuses every aspect of their game design. For instance, elements of obvious luck to balance out the odds and thus take the sting out of defeat are considered desirable, especially within the sort of small-group games that get trotted out at informal gatherings and especially certain holidays of ‘homecoming.’ So are cooperative games, in which a team of UrSkeks is ‘competing’ only against a non-sentient AI or a random event generator — since most UrSkeks have internalized their society’s consensus values to the point where they’d never even think to risk team coordination or the general good humor by openly disputing their teammates’ judgment calls.
In fact, most of the time UrSkek teams, whether for work or play, don’t even require a formal leader, much less a literal telepathic link. The ideal UrSkek approach to group action is much akin to playing in a jazz ensemble — a matter of constant, near-instinctive stretching and contracting, testing and improvisation, scrupulous turn-taking and strategic blurring of boundaries, all within a traditional and well-circumscribed format. These are the means by which each member seamlessly and often enough non-verbally gives and receives feedback on which of their teammates’ contributions are augmentative and should be pursued further, and which by consensus should...not.
While the lack of a clear authority to appeal to often initially troubles aliens who end up working with such a team, many find that once they get used to it, they find this particular bit of the UrSkek way well worth adopting on their home planets. It’s often far more stress-free and productive — inherently conducive to a Flow state, one might say — and doesn’t even impinge on members’ creativity when done right.
UrSkeks also usually take good care to ensure each teammate’s acknowledged individual specialty or strength receives honor of place somewhere in the project...again, much as happens within a skilled jazz ensemble. (Yes, they may outwardly act as though their species has never had any concept of ego, but their culture de facto realizes that leaving everyone a little space and a personal sunbeam or two to blossom in is immeasurably easier than having to constantly monitor social settings for the often near-invisible first stirrings of resentment. Though their collectivism is strict, it would never have held together this long without a subcutaneous network of unspoken customs nodding in reality’s direction.)
Of course, should an individual UrSkek ever find themselves neglected or given short shrift — and it certainly does happen, just ask the Twice-Nine — it’s considered extremely poor taste to raise the subject in any way. Such a situation is surely temporary, after all: an unfortunate but unintentional embarrassment that’ll naturally be resolved somewhere in the proper unfolding of the larger process. After all, UrSkeks never deliberately disrespect each other (even when they absolutely 100% do). That is strictly a dysfunction of primitive, barely-sentient, organic species.
Despite this deep, almost inborn Homeworld tradition of eschewing competition, however, there are a tiny handful of impossibly ancient games — such as WiiEP’huUOi-INtaintou (or ‘Intaito,’ for impatient offworlders) — which, in contrast to nearly all other UrSkek games, are incredibly complex, absurdly long-running, and most strikingly, entirely skills-based.
…In other words, just the sort of game it’s dangerously easy for any sentient, even an ‘enlightened’ one, to get too emotionally involved in.
Calmly and amiably having such a game in progress with a close friend or colleague is thus, paradoxically, regarded as a mark of singularly high prestige, especially if its existence is openly acknowledged. Most plebeians wisely leave these exalted realms to their very-much-elders, who have Ages of formal training in UrSkek philosophy and advanced meditation under their belts, not to mention countless trine of character-steadying experience. Indeed, even said elders will usually have practiced thousands of series with a specialized AI in order to hone their nonattachment disciplines before they even consider challenging another sentient. To be caught succumbing to a conspicuous loss of emotional control over a mere amusement!? — would be catastrophic to their hallowed reputations.
Which of the Fallen UrSkek may have been totally engrossed in such a game with someone at the time of their exile is an exercise left (for now) to the reader. 😉
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twiggystarrdust · 2 years
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fiorimaya · 10 months
please help heal all of our hearts a lil bit and do a dark crystal aor AU where it’s like years down the road and the garthim war NEVER happened
Sure thing! You didn't say any specific ships or anything so I'll use my favorites... hope that's alright and hope you like it! :D <3 Glad to write some peaceful, happy moments of them where they're not worried about war and stuff and can just be happy :') Also just in general, please no one come at me or start arguments just because of who is who's kid in this LOL we can all have our theories/ideas and keep the peace! (This Kira's parents theory I don't even fully 100% agree with because I'm back and forth between it being these two and another ship. I just strongly prefer these two to be her parents 😭😂 so unless requested otherwise, they always will be in my writing.) This is fictional so don't take it too seriously. Plus, I know nothing is confirmed yet.)
"Is this it?" Brea asked from atop the counter, holding a jar she'd just pulled out of the cabinet.
Deet glanced up, stirring the contents in the bowl as thoroughly as she could. "Yes!"
Brea got down and walked to her, opening it and ready to add it in. Once Deet stopped stirring and held it out to her, she did. Brea watched as Deet mixed it in with the other contents before adding it to what was in the pot.
"Mother?" The two heard a voice behind them. They both turned and smiled at the girl.
"Yes sweetie?" Brea asked.
"Jen and I are starving. Is the food almost ready?"
"It shouldn't be much longer, Kira," Brea answered, going over and gently patting her face.
"It will be ready shortly," Deet answered before turning her attention back to stirring the pot.
"There you go! That's it!" Deet heard Rian's voice from outside. She looked through the window and saw Rian with their son and smiled at the sight of them. Rian was teaching Jen his forms- something he'd longed to do since even before Jen was born. Rian had wanted to teach his son everything that Ordon had taught him. He'd shown Jen things occasionally once he was able to stand steady on his feet; but now he was the right age that he could really get into the depths of things. Deet's heart melted when she saw Rian ruffle Jen's hair and continue to praise him. Jen had a proud smile spread across his face.
A few minutes later, the food was ready. Brea held Kira up so she could reach to get the bowls from the cabinet. After that, Brea set the table while Kira ran outside to get her father as well as Jen and Rian. The four walked back in as Deet was filling each bowl with the food she'd just made.
Kylan pulled Brea's chair out for her, kissing her cheek softly after she sat. Brea smiled at him, a blushing mess, and was able to give him a quick kiss on the lips before he got up straight again, making him blush as well. All those trine together and they still got red in the face at every little moment like that between them. Kira was sitting beside her father, and Jen was sat beside of her. They saw that moment between Kira's parents and looked at each other. "Ew," they giggled.
"Cut it out," Kylan told them with a smile.
Deet had washed the pot out and put it back in its place when Rian put his arms around her from behind. He kissed her neck, making her shiver a little, but she smiled. "Something smells good."
She turned in his arms to face him, placing her hands on his shoulders as his went to her waist. "Something I haven't made in a while. I believe since even before we started courting so long ago."
"Hm," he smiled. "Can't wait to try it."
"Then go try it!" She giggled.
He kissed her lips gently before taking her hand and walking her to the table.
Jen and Kira looked at each other again. "Ew," they giggled again.
"Very funny," Rian spoke as he sat beside of Jen, causing the two to give each other a look at then giggle even harder.
Since everyone was seated, they began eating. "Mmm," Kira beamed after a few bites. "Deet, this is so good!"
"Thank you, sweetie," Deet smiled at her.
"She's right," Rian told Deet. "Absolutely delicious, my love."
"Good thing I watched her prepare it so I'll be able to make it for you at home too," Brea told Kira.
Kylan gave his wife a look. "You're going to start cooking?"
Brea put her glass down after taking a sip of her water and looked at her daughter. "Good thing I watched her prepare it so I'll be able to tell your father how to make it at home for us too."
Once evening fell, they decided to go outside and start a fire. When the fire was lit, all but Jen and Kira sat around it and Kylan pulled out his firca. "I brought my firca!"
Brea beamed. "Wonderful!" She always loved to hear him play it.
"Rian," Deet looked at him. "You should go get your lute!"
"Deet..." Rian gave her a look.
"Oh, come on. You play wonderfully!" Deet stated.
"And I play for you. And Jen."
"Well, the way I see it, if you can play for us inside, then you can play out here as well," she smiled. Rian kept the same expression and just stared at her. Deet pouted a little. "Pleeeeease."
How could he say no to that? He sighed but smiled. "Fine."
"Oh, good!" Deet giggled as he walked past her and towards their house.
"Mother," Jen said breathlessly as he reached Deet. He was out of breath from running around with Kira, who walked up to stand beside him.
"Yes, sweet?" Deet looked at him.
"Could Kira and I go get some empty jars?"
Deet looked around and knew what they planned on doing with them as she saw the firebugs lighting around them. They liked running around and catching them each summer when they were out. Deet smiled at him. "Of course. Bottom right cabinet, I believe."
"Thank you!"
The two smiled and ran to the house, passing Rian as he returned with his lute. He sighed and sat beside of Deet again. "Alright, I've got my lute."
Deet clapped happily and Rian couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was. Her happiness made him happy. After a moment, he started playing as Deet shifted closer to him to lay her head on his shoulder. Kylan quickly picked up on the song Rian was playing and played along on his firca as Brea laid her head in his lap.
Song after song was played throughout the evening, with talking and laughter in between. Jen and Kira had eventually got tired of running around and were dozing off sitting on their mothers' laps, heads against their chests. They rocked them and hummed softly along with the soft music from the guys until the two children were finally asleep. Once they were sleeping, Rian sat his lute beside of him as Kylan put his firca away.
"These two have just worn themselves out," Deet whispered with a smile, still holding Jen close to her. Rian had put his arm around her and was smiling at his son. "We should get him to bed," he said. She nodded.
"We should get this little girl to bed as well," Brea whispered, looking down at Kira.
"Let's go," Kylan told her.
"Maybe you three should stay in the guest room," Deet offered. "It's getting awfully late."
"Thank you," Brea beamed, standing up slowly while holding Kira. "That sounds wonderful."
Deet smiled and Rian stood up, gently taking Jen from her. "I'll be sure to make their favorite breakfast for them in the morning," Deet beamed.
And with that, the four and the two sleeping children made their way back to the house after a long, but wonderful day together.
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wd-ghosty · 9 months
Victory AU
I've been thinking about this for the longest time, but what if there was a AU where the Gelfling won the garthim wars?
After watching their loved ones be drained and murdered, and watching their towns burned and destroyed, I feel like the Gelfling would start playing by skeksis rules and beat the shit out of them.
I have a couple of head cannons but let me list the biggest ones.
The castle of the crystal has been destroyed.
During the war I feel like the dousan warriors would ride their flying things (I forgot the name) over the castle and bomb it. After thru captured all the Skeksies the would take the crystal and bomb the castle.
General Seledon
I'm a really big Seledon x Gurjin fan and I thought this up while thinking about them. So Gurjin was a very high ranking General, and Seledon would've planned out they're battles. (She would've read some books about war and battles strategies in Faras library) So one day Gurjin was positioned in ha'ra because they had a big battle coming up. Seledon was alone in the citadel because all the guards were on the front lines or ded, and Brea was in the dessert, so she let gurjin stay with her. In the middle of the night the citadel and all of Ha'ra was attacked by garthim, so gurjin went to protect the people and in the process was severely injured and in a coma line state. So Seledon decided that she could fight as the commander as Gurjins Substitute, and I feel like she would wear Fara's crown into battles to feel as if Fara is still with them. ( and she's obviously wearing Gothic armor on the battle field)
Captured Skeksies
Because of course some of the Urskeks need to go back to there home world, instead of executing the Skeksies they would have them locked up in a different part of thra, and they would be watched by their ur counterpart. (Like that one guy in the caves of grot) I feel like after the Gelfling started to win more Skeksil would get SkekSo to call all the other Skeksies back to the palace for protection, but that would lead to their down fall Because it was easier to get them all when they're in the same place.
Hiding spots
So we all know they used the crystal bat's to find where the gelfling were hiding, but if the garthim can't get to them they'll be safe. I feel like the safe spots in thra would've been,
- the Caves of grot (they got the nurlocks, Arathim, and a bunch of hiding spots)
- The drenchen swamps (of garthim can't swim they'll just sink into the water, the swamp could be hard to get through and once you get off the hiding spot all the Gelfling would be gone)
- Any island they can find (if they can't swim you are good! And the mermaid mystic can protect you)
- with the Sifa on boats (war ready cruise ships, they would take you to the island)
- In the valley of the mystics (the mystics can control the garthim so they would just leave)
Of course only childlings and care takers would be sent to safe zones with gaurd just in case.
Obviously all the Gelfling would have different roles in this battle that would contribute to their victory.
- Brea, Seledon, and the rest of the Madruas would making battle plans and think of ways of persevering their race throughout these terrible times. (Brea would go on rescue missions from time to time)
- Rian, Gurjin, spider Tavra, Hup, would be generals and on the front lines of WARRRRR. spider tavra would lead the arathim while chilling with onica on a boat from time to time.
- Deet, Hup, and Brea would be rescuers. Brea and set would have their own group of soilders to assist them, and the majority of them would be women because wings. They wound attack the garthim that captured Gelflings in the safe zones and fly away with them in hand.
- Nia, and amiri, would be the heads of the medical department.
- Kylan, and Rek'yr, would be clan representatives. And I feel like the sprinton and Dousan would work together the get everyone food. (and the sprinton area would be most protected because they have the best soil)
All Madrau Seledon
This one is also for Fara. After Fara died Seledon would try to be a leader just like her, and after gurjins sacrifice she would lead her troops into battle just like fara. And she would learn how to use weapons but her favorite was an axe because it reminded her of Fara. Because of Seledon being a, Goth, warrior, Madrau, she would've wore Goth makeup and clothes onto the battle field, and she also would cut her hair (shoulder length in the front, below ears in the back with triangle bangs.) I also feel like it was seledons idea to storm the castle of the crystal, and they did it in the middle of the night to make sure that the Skeksies would be off their guard. Seledon may or may not have tortured Skekso into telling her how to control the garthim, and after they Skeksies weren't a threat anymore the could start on rebuild the destroyed villages.
Rebuilding Gelfling society
- The first thing Seledon would declared as the new All Maudra is that its 100% Legal to mate and marry out of your clan, (because of her love for gurjin) and Maudras aren't allowed to discriminate against or exile anyone who dose.
- I think they would've had the most battles in Stone in the Wood, and after the forest had been destroyed by the garthim the Stone in the Wood clan would have the biggest city. Because Skekmal isn't in the black forest anymore anyone can now live there, and they expand the city alot. IDK if Maudra Fara had any kids but if she didn't O think they would have a group of people running the city. (They would've the they first democratic clan in thra, and obviously Rian would've been the leader of this group)
- after the Skeksies are gone it still takes awhile to get over clan racism but while rebuilding the cities together it fades away, (after a bunch of manual labor, and a war you stop caring about where another person is from)
Fun ship head cannons
-Brea and Rek'yr would go on a date to the well springs. During the war there were some grace periods when you can just live, and Brea was in the dessert alot so during the grace periods they would go on dates. Rek'yr would've taught her how to fly one of the flying fish.
They would have two houses one in the dessert and one in Ha'ra. Every six months they leave one horse and head to the other, the Ha'ra house would get summer and spring, while the dessert house would get winter and fall.
- Seledon and Gurjin would really like pressing flowers. Seledon was really stressed with everything falling into her, and gurjin taught her how to press flowers to blow off some steam.
Seledon fell in love with gurjin because he was always so happy and it helped her get through her depression. So when she saw him laying unconscious on a bed she couldn't help but feel rage. With her mom and Tavra she was so helpless and mortified, but with gurjin she was basically engulfed in the flames of unnatural fury. The Gelflings were losing because they refused of actually murder the already dead garthim, but seledon decided to start playing the the Skeksies. She is constantly compared to the Skeksies by some soilders, so she would actually start to act like one. She didn't care if it was unethical she was gonna win the war by any means necessary, she told Gelfling if they didn't destroy the garthim they would be punished and soon there were that many left. Not after long everything fell into place and they won the war, Seledon believed the Gurjin was gonna die and if it went for Brea she would fallen into the puts of despair but two months after the end of the war Gurjin woke up. (He was asleep for 10 months) but after he awoke she acted as if nothing had happened, but he was shocked by her hair.
- Onica and Tavra continue to be the best ship.
Thank you so much for reading please tell me if you liked this AU and please like this post. Luv you bye ♡♡♡♡♡
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fishtail-tavra · 2 months
tavonica 100 word drabbles - Stress
   Their memory ends, leaving worried lines between dark eyes.    “You,” Onica sighs, “are going to put frost in my curls.”    Tavra blinks. “…what?”    A tugging hint of a smile. “An expression.” Onica plucks playfully at Tavra’s braids. “Cares bring snow– for those of us not born with white hair, at least.”    “Ah.”    Tavra catches her hand.    “I would rather see the snow come naturally to you, then.”    “And I never will!” Worry melting into laughter. “Now, your bandages.”    “Onica–”    “Tavra.”    Once again Tavra droops.    Onica pokes her. “Don’t mope, my love.”    “I do not mope.”    “Hm.”    “I don’t.”    “Mmm….”
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skeksha97 · 1 year
New Chapter Up:
For those of you that have been enjoying my first fanfic on AO3 I have finally posted a new chapter. Please go check it out. For those of you unfamiliar my fanfic is called Eternal Love: A Dark Crystal AU. So excited to finally have a new chapter out for you guys. The next one I’ll be working on takes place at the start of Age of Resistance. Hopefully I’ll get it out in a couple days for you guys. Been a while since I published a couple chapters in a weeks time.
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leopardqueen15 · 1 year
Warrior Nun Season 3
Just heard the news and I am furious!! Warrior Nun was a beautiful show with outstanding characters, fantastic writing and a perfectly adorable couple!! Warrior Nun had some of the highest viewership ratings and positive reviews of ANY Netflix shows, and they fricking cancelled it?! How are any shows safe after this?!
Sadly I will now add Warrior Nun to the ever expanding list of Netflix shows that I loved and have been prematurely cancelled, along with Julie and the Phantoms, First Kill, Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance etc.
I'm gonna go read some cute avatrice fanfics to cheer myself up!
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amri-and-art · 1 year
Rewriting my fic, second draft will be in third person like the YA novels.
It was originally supposed to be a little short story about Naia and Amri enjoying an evening together; but I’ve since decided to change it to a bit of a longer story, basically my headcanon about what happens after the war of stone in the wood.
Here’s the blog where all the chapters will be uploaded as I go.
Also changed the fic name lol
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