#the perfect reason to take a break from their hard work :3c
pixelatedraindrops · 18 days
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This is another project that I'm currently working on with @kazinsblog! We adore makoyuma and they're our number one faves.
So we decided to make a little 4koma style side special of Kazin's mini series "The Kanai Ward Case Files"
This intro is the only normal comic in this story.
Prologue: Flu season hits worldwide, and Makoto calls Yuma one day and gives him the warning. Yuma notices his congested voice so he wants to head to to Kanai Ward to check on him. But meanwhile, Yuma is trying his best to hold his cough as he talks on the line. Only to suffer the fit after Makoto hangs up. He isn't well either.
When Yuma arrives in Kanai Tower finding Makoto completely disheveled and passed out at his work desk, he ushers the stuffy CEO to bed. The two were shown pushing themselves while being sick alone. But now that they're together, these stubborn workaholics will finally rest and break from their duties in order to take care of each other.
further information below
Of course since I'm involved in this project, they're obviously not going to be doing well... XD But this story is going to be a lot more fun and lighthearted than others I have written. (It's essentially written in a silly sick filler episode of a cartoon kind of vibe) meaning less whump, and more sick comfort and hilarity. There may be a few somewhat whumpy ones here and there (I can't resist) but it won't be as common.
Full Story Summary:
This RainCode fan side story revolves around slice of life comedy 4koma style strips with scenes of Yuma and Makoto being sick together and spending time with each other in Kanai Tower for about a week. They both have different halves of cold symptoms, Yuma with throat based, and Makoto with nasal based. (hence the title) Various cute and wacky stuff happen between the two and their bond grows stronger spending this sick week together away from their duties as detective and CEO. They may be sick and miserable, but at least they're in it together! What could possibly go wrong?
The comic strips will be drawn by Kazin, but there will be some bonus art that the two of us will work on together (similar to the title which was a collab by us both)
Also, both of us agreed that these strips should be posted on my blog rather than Kazin's. Reason being is that this story is based on illness and my blog is half an illness blog so it makes more sense to share it to mine. You all likely expect this sort of thing from me at this point anyway… XD (I’m also the director so I write the descriptions of them.)
And this series will continue to be ongoing so long as Kazin and I have ideas. (we currently have almost 100 strips planned)
I will update this in separate posts whenever more strips get fully digitally drawn by Kazin whenever she can work on them. With the tag #kanaiwardcasefiles h&h. Some strips will be random, some will be two parters, and some will have a timeline or are connected to others.
We both hope you look forward to this project! There will be a lot of funny and cute moments between these two, so we hope you makoyuma enjoyers are excited!
Also bit of a fun fact: This was inspired by when my mother and I had covid late April 2024. Something similar happened to us, and we each had one cold-like symptom more than the other. So I thought of this idea!
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ibijau · 3 years
jin ling / oyzz 32 pls!! :3c ❤️ u!!
so blocked on other things that I’m finally getting back to my prompts yay
If there was one thing Jin Ling had learned early on, it’s that fate hates him. His familial situation is good proof of this, though it is his love life that makes it the most obvious.
At twelve, he developed a crush on a girl from another sect who was staying in Jinlin Tai as a guest disciple. She was about two years older than him, pretty as the sunrise on Yunmeng’s lake, and strong enough to break a fierce corpse’s neck with her bare hands. It took Jin Ling weeks to decide how to talk to her, and when he finally did, an enormous pimple appeared right in the middle of his nose, disfiguring him. Jin Ling tried every remedy he could buy to bring his face back to normal, but only managed to make things worse. He never had a chance to talk to that girl, and she soon returned to her own sect, leaving Jin Ling completely heartbroken and ready to swear he would never love again.
A few months later, at thirteen, Jin Ling fell in love with a Yunmeng Jiang disciple. He tried to impress the older boy by showing off his diving skills. It was a common game for his uncle’s disciples, and Jin Ling had played it often enough as well. He liked to think he was good at it. His uncle had said he was good at it! And yet when he tried to dive in a very cool way to impress that one Jiang disciple, Jin Ling hit his head against something and nearly drowned. After that, he refused to come again to the Lotus Piers for ages, not until his uncle dragged him away from Jinlin Tai and forced him to go to a rather ill fated Night Hunt that changed his life.
If Jiang Cheng hadn’t taken Jin Ling to Dafan Mountain, he wouldn’t have met Mo Xuanyu. If he hadn’t met Mo Xuanyu and been rescued by him, he wouldn’t have had a debt toward him and helped him run away from Jiang Cheng in Qinghe. If he hadn’t angered his uncle like that, Jin Ling wouldn’t have needed to lay low for a while, and he wouldn’t have stumbled upon a group of juniors from various sects. And then…
Then he wouldn’t have met Ouyang Zizhen.
Meeting Ouyang Zizhen had been both a blessing and a curse. Well. Mostly a curse, actually.
Jin Ling, fourteen, with a bad ego, an even worse temper, and about to be hit in the face by more family secrets than any fourteen years old boy ought to have dealt with, just didn’t need the added horror of being in love again. It really was unfair and needlessly cruel of Ouyang Zizhen to be just that perfect, and handsome, and eloquent, and kind, and…
For a good while, Jin Ling managed to keep himself under control. He had bigger things to worry about, such as not getting killed by Xue Yang, or not getting killed by fierce corpses, or not getting killed by his uncle, and also discovering that his family was an even bigger mess than he’d ever realised, which was really saying something. And yet even with all those much more important things to keep him busy, Jin Ling couldn’t stop thinking about Ouyang Zizhen’s smile, his heartfelt tears for that ghost girl in Yi-City, the fierce way he’d fought in the Burial Mounds, how he hadn’t hesitated to stand up for Wei Wuxian… and also how he had firmly sided with the Ghost General against Jin Ling.
It really was Jin Ling’s fate to be eternally unlucky in love, he’d thought after that. And then, when he’d learned what kind of men his uncle and grandfather were, he’d figured that maybe his bad luck was just so his family would end with him, and stop making a mess of things.
And yet, in spite of being clearly cursed with the worst luck in the world, a few weeks after suddenly becoming sect leader, Jin Ling had received a letter. Not just any letter, either, but an invitation to join some other boys on a Night Hunt, among which Ouyang Zizhen who had been the one writing that invitation. Jin Ling’s broken heart had mended on the spot, delighted to find that Ouyang Zizhen had thought of him for this. Considering their last interaction hadn’t been too great, it had to mean something if he was invited, right?
It took some effort to convince the Jin elders, but in the end Jin Ling was sect leader now, and so nobody could really stop him from going wherever he pleased. He flew as fast as he could after leaving Jinlin Tai, and arrived less than a day later at the residence of the Baling Ouyang sect where Ouyang Zizhen welcomed him with that beautiful smile of his.
“You arrived a little early,” Zizhen said as he guided Jin Ling inside. The Baling Ouyang sect wasn’t very big, nor was it very rich, so the place they lived in was not much when compared to Jinlin Tai. Yet because Zizhen was there, Jin Ling found that simplicity charming, and that smallness cozy. “My father has a guest with him,” Zizhen explained, “but they’ll be leaving to their own Night Hunt soon enough. Well, they say Night Hunt… mostly Yao zongzhu and him like to head out and find a nice place to drink without my mother and auntie Yao bothering them.”
Jin Ling grimaced. Sect Leader Yao wasn’t very high on the list of people he liked to deal with. Zizhen noticed his expression of course, and laughed.
“I know, I know,” he said, leading Jin Ling inside a reception room decorated with rustic charm. Or at least, so Jin Ling chose to call it. “Jin zongzhu, just wait here and…”
“You can call me Jin Ling.”
“Wouldn’t that be disrespectful?” Zizhen asked. “I imagine people already give you a hard time for being so young, I don’t want to be too familiar and undermine your authority.”
Jin Ling’s poor heart started beating faster in his chest. Ouyang Zizhen really was too perfect, kind, courteous, clever… Even other kids in Lanling Jin were sometimes making a fuss about using Jin Ling’s title, especially those older than him, but here was Ouyang Zizhen, worrying about his image!
“I don’t care what others think,” Jin Ling said with all the haughtiness of a teenager with too much power. “You are my friend, so you can call me as you like.”
“Then maybe Jin Rulan?” Zizhen suggested. “It would be less…”
“You can call me anything you like, except that,” Jin Ling promptly corrected.
“Ah. Well, Jin Ling it is then,” Zizhen said, giving in. “Listen, I do have to tell my father that you’re here, or he’ll be cross later. He’ll probably want to drop by, but I’ll do my best to make sure it’s short. And then… it’s still early, and I don’t expect anyone else to arrive until tomorrow, so we could try to have some fun in town together?”
Jin Ling eagerly nodded at that proposition. Time alone with Zizhen sounded like the best thing ever. If he played this right…
While Zizhen left to go see his father, Jin Ling started pacing the room, trying to plan a course of action for the evening. He didn’t know what they might end up doing, since he’d never spent any time in Baling before, but surely he could hazard a few guesses. They’d have to eat, for example, and Jin Ling would of course offer to pay. Zizhen might protest, being the host, but Jin Ling would use the rank card and treat the other boy to any and all delicacies could be found in these parts. And surely there were interesting sights to see, or a scenic place perhaps? If they could go walk somewhere pretty, then Jin Ling would just have to take Zizhen’s hand and…
Or would it be better to talk about his feelings before? Jiang Cheng always said it was better to be direct in those things, so there could be no misunderstandings. Of course Jiang Cheng was terminally single, so perhaps not the best example to follow. But directness had seemed to work pretty well for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in that temple in Yunping, so clearly there was a merit to that idea. But how to confess? Zizhen was an eloquent person with a poetic turn of mind, whereas Jin Ling… well, Jin Ling knew where his strength laid, and it definitely wasn’t in eloquence. It ran in the family, apparently.
On both sides.
It was fine though. There was no shame in having a practical turn of mind. When they were married, Zizhen would be eloquent in his stead, and Jin Ling would do the accounting, and they’d be a perfect team. For that reason, it made sense that his declaration should be a reflection of his personality: direct and to the point. He just needed to stay calm, find the right words, politely express his intentions, and everything would be fine.
Jin Ling just needed to keep his cool.
All things considered, he should have remembered that this was not something he’d ever been good at.
So when he saw the door start to open again, when he caught a first glimpse of Zizhen’s beautiful smile, of his elegant eyes, Jin Ling panicked.
“Zizhen, I like you a lot!” he shouted. “Please allow me to court you!”
Ouyang Zizhen froze on the spot, while the door finished opening, revealing sect leader Ouyang and sect leader Yao behind the teenager, both of them staring at Jin Ling in shock.
Realising what he’d done, Jin Ling nearly fainted.
This time his reputation was ruined for ever, and he was never going to live it down.
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*cracks knuckles* Clearly I’m going straight for the Blackout. 
Under 1000 Words
take my burdens (and bury them deep) by @thelionshymnal​ Rated M Nothing makes me happier than a fic of my favorite BroTP, especially when Obi is offering to disappear Kiki’s dirty dealings. Content warning for attempted sexual assault and Obi doing what he does best: getting rid of the body.
A Fic That Got You Involved In Fandom
Seven Suitors for Shirayuki by @sabraeal​ Rated T Look. You all are just going to have to accept that there is a certain generation of this fandom that was dragged in, kicking and screaming, by this fic. I wanted to diversify by saying something else managed it, but no. It was the fact that this story was stuck on chapter five for MONTHS that made me vibrate until my own fic fell out. XD
Made You Laugh Out Loud
An Extra Rise Before Dawn by @sabraeal​ Rated G I don’t often worry that I am going to pee from laughing so hard when I’m reading something, but this one definitely does. In one spot in particular. You might be able to guess it. It is simultaneously an incredible sweet and incredibly funny fic that hits all the right notes for me.
Favorite Trope Reversal
Fussing with Firedrakes by @leewritingrecs​ Rated T 1) Dragons. 2) Damsel in distress is no damsel and she is NOT in distress thank you very much 3) Kiki is a DRAGON 4) Obi is cursed, and 5) DID I MENTION D R A G O N S ???
Fic That Made You Friends With the Author
The Wide Florida Bay by @sabraeal​ Rated E I had to think about this because while I read Seven Suitors first, this was the series that made me start sending anons and eventually made me join tumblr where I proceeded to endlessly play the ‘what if’ game with Jen. CLEARLY this is where our friendship was forged.
Action-Packed Fight Scene
Agent, Parts I, II, and III by @infinitelystrangemachinex​ Rated T Like Jen, I was positively torn, because both Andi and Sarah do fight scenes SO WELL, but Agent ultimately won out because there is just something so delightful about Shirayuki flailing and clinging to Obi like a cat that doesn’t want to go in the bath while arrows zip all around them
Edit: Screw it, I’m reccing them both
Republic of Tanbarun by @claudeng80​ Rated T An action adventure series where romance is involved but is by no means the focus. Zen and Obi adventures abound. Politics galore. And some masterfully done slow-motion to quick motion fight scenes that I L O V E D
Gen Fic
Fugue in Three by @infinitelystrangemachinex​ Rated G Ryuu casually destroys Obi and Shirayuki by breathing as they count down the days until he comes of age. Technically this fic has a romantic pairing, but it is by no means the focus of this fic. If you don’t agree, you are welcome to meet me under the Big Oak between the hours of 12 and 4 for a duel.
Missing Scene
Like Brothers Do by @claudeng80​ Rated G Obi is clearly Kiki’s annoying big brother and handles Mitsuhide’s rejection in the best way he knows how. Also read: Mitsuhide gets what’s coming to him. (ง'̀-'́)ง
Canon Divergent
We work at the mall by @kaedix​ Rated T With how many AUs we got floating around this fandom, I was hard pressed to choose a favorite. But there is just something so sweet and wholesome and American teenager about this. It just latches onto you and never lets go. (Also the gang all work at my favorite places in the mall when I was growing up. What’s not to love?)
Steamiest Kiss
Were Hearts Not An Unknown Country by @sabraeal​ Rated T LOOK. SOMEONE was going to have to go dig this out of the rubble of her compilation fics and it might as well be me. Also the birthplace of the much loved AnS fandom practice of solstice kissing.
Contains Your Favorite Headcanon
The road to Clarines is Gravel by @codango​ Rated E Not the focus of the fic as a whole, but like, Torou and Obi are siblings. GALAXY MIND EXPLOSION. I mean, I loved that so much that I wrote a pre-canon fic of this fic. Additional note totally not related to the bingo square: I will ALWAYS be here for positive sex worker representation in fics. Fair warning, though, this is the most unfair AU in existence because the brain screams that it SHOULDN’T WORK and yet by some sort of writerly sorcery, it DOES. PLEASE READ IT IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY.
Wept Real Tears
let it make you by @thelionshymnal​ Rated M It’s not every day that someone manages to write a fic that makes me stare numbly at the very first line for a solid 15 minutes, big fat tears rolling down my cheeks, but Hymn did it. And then she somehow managed to kiss it better. All in 1100 words.
Free Space
AnS Role Swap AU by @owlsshadows​ Rated M This series has it all. Shirayuki as an assassin. Obi as both a royal bastard and a pharmacist. A mysterious meeting out in the woods where it makes you question whether Nanaki and Obi are two different people or the same. Also Zen having some very conflicted feelings regarding his royal authority and how he can choose to handle rejection.
Edit: Since I’ve already doubled up once, let me double up again, I have so much love to give and not enough space to give it!
Blizzard by @nebluus​ Rated T This is one of the earliest fics I read in this fandom and it remains to date one of my absolute favorites. Obi gets hurt protecting his Miss and a blizzard rolls in. Thankfully they find a cabin where Obi, who is definitely on his death bed if no one finds them and SOON, proceeds to still fuss over his Miss. Best scene: When he warms her hands with his. Also the second chapter is all sorts of delightful domesticity I IMPLORE you to please read it and soon.
Favorite Fan-Made OC
All Pain Will Turn to Medicine by @sabraeal​ Rated M All y’all should’ve seen these coming from ten miles out. I fucking LOVE Herr Anda, the cantankerous little bastard. And Jen knows this because she designed him specifically with me in mind. Academic catnap >:|
AU That Made You Find the Source Material
All Knotted Up by @sabraeal​ Rated G Admittedly, there are a great many AUs out there that made me look up the source material, but this Tangled AU is the most recent because I finally got on Disney+. And yes, Mitsuhide is the horse. Ryuu may be Pascal a little bit, but Mitsuhide. He’s The Horse. XD
First AnS Fic You Read
Loyalty by Evelyn Fiedler Rated K+ (which is basically G on AO3) My one and only ff.net rec from my earliest days in the fandom when I was combing for absolutely any content I could find, begging the fandom to help me decide if I was down for Obiyuki and all that it implied and this author most assuredly delivered.
Favorite Minor Character
Undertow by @jhalya​ Rated E The fic itself is a space odyssey of sorts. One mission among many where humanity attempts to colonize Mars. However the real selling point here, if you didn’t know, is Lord Seiran. He is a delightfully eccentric billionaire who clearly always wanted a large family, judging from how easily he fills out the adoption paperwork.
Caulk dirty to me by @leewritingrecs​ Rated E Have I mentioned I love the sex worker trope? I. Love. The. Sex. Worker. Trope. Also Obi is clearly divine at all of his jobs. Shirayuki already got to experience his skills at one of them. I wait with BAITED BREATH for her to experience the other :3
Canon Compliant
Thicker than Blood by @infinitelystrangemachinex​ Rated G In the aftermath of the death of King Kain, Izana and Zen must decide on which path they will take moving forward. Amazing fic. Unfinished, but a wonderful look into the dynamics between the Wisteria brothers and their absent mother.
Worth his Weight in Rice by @claudeng80​ Rated T AU set in an Edo-adjacent Period where a disease has wiped killed off a significant portion of the male population. Resulting societal shifts occur. If you go into the comments, I have a couple of pages worth of reasons why I love this AU, but what I appreciate even more is how you have an absolutely perfect oneshot in this fic. It is a well-translated universe where we get a delightful clear, beginning, middle, and end, all in 5k. NOT an easy feat. Please enjoy.
Rare Pair
the fog pushing through my mind by @thelionshymnal​ Rated E Obi/Yuzuri, friends with benefits. Two pining idiots with some sore feelings decide to get stoned and take comfort in another warm body for the night. I just really enjoyed the casual intimacy of the encounter and how this is clearly neither of their first experiences with a one night stand. Neither of them are going to make it weird in the morning, they just need to take the edge off, ya know? Additional bonus for Obi being ready to stab the dumbasses who made Yuzuri feel like she was a weirdo in her past.
AU You Took a Chance On (And Now Love)
Lightning in a Bottle by @jhalya​ Rated M I mean, if Jules is gonna play dirty by making Obi the hot fish man running around without his shirt on 99% of the time, then of COURSE I’m going to enjoy Deep Blue Sea. It’s, like, one of my favorite movies now.
Favorite Trope
Moonshine Phantom by @leewritingrecs​ Rated T We got a murder muffin who ALSO used to be a sex worker? Sign me the fuck up, I am 1000% here for this. Also all the showgirls who clearly love their coworker and only want him and his adorable wife to have the best. They may have never heard of her before, but she looks sweet, and they all have a silent agreement between them that if she breaks his heart, they’ll cut her.
Fic That Gave You a New OTP
What the Heart Wants by @sabraeal​ Rated G Haruto/Mukaze. An attempted kidnapping and subsequent rescue makes Zen and Shirayuki painfully aware that their parents have had, at some point in their lives, sex. Izana may not be happy about someone banging his mom, but is HE rather pleased at having a new sister. >:3c
The Wolf in the Woods by @krispy-kream​ (YES I STILL HAVE THIS BOOKMARKED) Rated G Everyone knows that I have very delicate food feels and this ALMOST went under the Wept Real Tears category, but I like to spread out the crying as much as possible XD Shirayuki finds a boy at the edge of the wood and decides he needs something to eat. Filed under: Guaranteed to wreck me in 500 words or less.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
rank your favorite ship in K and the reason why, ridia!!
Are we talking all my ships because I have a lot of ships XD Maybe just the highlights...also I feel this needs to be split into Fushimi ships and non-Fushimi ships because I have a bias okay.
So Fushimi ships:
1. Sarumi - As I once said on Twitter, I have many ships but at the end of the day I'm just a basic bitch who loves Sarumi. For me I think it all comes down to their wonderful dynamic, they have all this history and angst and pain and reconciliation and it's just perfect for me. I love how Yata was the first person to ever show Fushimi affection and how Fushimi just quietly clings to that all through middle school, how the two of them just manage to be on the same wavelength and become so important to each other that the idea of breaking apart feels like it could never happen. And then they join Homra and everything gets dragged down by misunderstanding and miscommunication and Fushimi's deep-seated issues that don't allow him to believe in Yata's honest affection the moment Yata finds someone else intriguing. So Fushimi breaks it himself and styles himself to become Yata's enemy, except he utterly fails at that because even with all the cruel words he speaks the both of them are just so clearly still unable to hate each other – Yata can't delete his phone number even after everything, Fushimi can't cut his ties to Yata completely, and it's all just waiting for these two to finally be honest and accept that their connection is too strong to be broken and I love that (though technically I love Misaru more because bottom Fushimi is my jam).
2. Reisaru – Second favorite pairing, another wonderful dynamic. This one's completely different from Sarumi but wonderful in its own way, how Munakata does really understand Fushimi in a way I think even Fushimi himself doesn't, and how Fushimi respects Munakata even if he won't ever say it out loud. I also love Munakata's doting side, how he gives Fushimi all this praise and makes a position in Scepter 4 just for him and basically is the one who gives Fushimi a place to belong. And Munakata as this pleasant dork who just wants his gloomy boyfriend to be happy is always fun, just imagining their dates with Munakata so eager for Fushimi to enjoy things and Fushimi acting annoyed when really he is in fact enjoying himself is a nice image.
3. Mikosaru, Hisaru, AkiFushi – Okay I'm cheating because honestly I can't rank these, I like them all equally. Mikosaru is tantalizing because they really shouldn't work but that's part of the fun, Fushimi hates Mikoto and is afraid of him but then at the same time it's clear in canon that despite what Fushimi thinks Mikoto does actually care for him. Their dynamic in general is just very full of possibilities and needs more attention.
Hisaru is a cute pairing with eager puppy dog Hidaka who wants to get to know Fushimi more and who won't let his superior's gloomy exterior bring him down. He's a bit like Yata with being all open and honest about his feelings but at the same time I think there's a bit more maturity there and none of the baggage that Sarumi have, instead Hidaka wants so much to learn about Fushimi and what he likes and doesn't like while also being a person who can give Fushimi the kind of open affection that he needs.
Akifushi is a more low key pairing, with Akiyama as the endlessly patient and mature type who worries for Fushimi while also letting Fushimi grow at his own pace. I admit I've kinda moved Akiyama into the positon of the guy who perpetually gives Fushimi drinks but it fits for them I think, in canon I feel like Fushimi treats Akiyama in a friendlier manner (in his own way) than any other member of the alphabet squad and I feel like Akiyama watches over him a bit. Instead of being someone who crashes into Fushimi's life like Yata or Hidaka Akiyama takes his time scaling those walls and he's always ready with a calm smile or soft encouragement that makes it hard for Fushimi to push him away (also secret dom Akiyama works very well with bottom Fushimi :3c).
4. TotsuFushi – You know that scene in LSW, where Mikoto saves Yata and Fushimi during the surprise party and Totsuka hugs Fushimi? Yeah, I like that scene. That's a good TotsuFushi scene. This is another good dynamic too, Totsuka who sees through Fushimi more than Fushimi would like and who seems kind but can also be very pointed and even a little cruel in his own way, and Fushimi who is uncomfortable when Totsuka's kind but would have no qualms pointing out that cruelty or those faults. 
5. KurohFushi – It's not really a crack pairing if they have a short story together, right? Blame the tweets book for this and that story where Kuroh makes Fushimi meat with veggies mixed in. I just want to see Kuroh scandalized by Fushimi's terrible everything and attempting to get him to become healthy while also finding himself unexpectedly attracted, is that so wrong?
6. YukariFushi – I don't think they even have an actual pairing name do they XD I have one (1) doujinshi about them and I just want Yukari to call Fushimi 'Saruhiko-chan' all the time and to do his makeup.
7. HisuiFushi – Only in dark, twisted 'going to betray you but you're also currently my King' ways, but still, I ship it.
8. KusaFushi – Honestly this is only so low because I always feel like Kusanagi's 'older' in a way that makes pairing him with Fushimi feel unbalanced? (No shade to anyone who likes it btw, this is solely my personal feelings and I still enjoy this pairing, just not as much as some others.) They get along well and Kusanagi is clearly impressed with him, so it's all good.
Bonus: non-Fushimi ships:
1. Niki’s face/my fist
1. Akiben and AkiHida -  I can't choose between these two, I love them both equally. Akiben just have that perfect partner dynamic, while AkiHida have a lovely 'serious mature bunny meets overly enthusiastic puppy dog' vibe (also again, Akiyama as secret savage dom and Hidaka just screams 'tie me up and have your way with me'). 10/10, would ship them both.
2. Mikorei -  They are stupid and I respect that. Also gotta love the whole 'this is my boyfriend, I hate him but we can't stop making out' vibe. The tragedy of S1 is just the icing on the cake.
3. Munatotsu – That they barely interacted in canon is a crime, I tell you. Imagine the hobbies. The bonding experiences. The sparkles. They would be the worst best couple.
4. Izuseri – Actual adults? In my K project? It's more likely than you think.
5. Douseri – They never met but they should have. Awesome ladies being awesome together and eating terrible food.
6. IzuTotsu -  Is it because of the tragedy? Maybe. Okay, yes, it's the tragedy.
7. MikoTotsu – Weirdly I like them better as unrequited with Totsuka pining, but still it's good.
8. MikoIzuTotsu – Actually you know what just put them all together why do we have to choose. 
9. MikoIzu – I like them more as friends but I will 100% buy that they have had drunken sex at least once, I'm just saying. 
10. HabariZenjoh – I have a couple doujinshi, okay? I feel they deserve a rank for having doujinshi.
11. KurohShiro – They cute. They'd be higher but I'm mostly indifferent to the Silvers.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 4.6
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Title: We’ll be home for Christmas
Day Four – Five Billionaires and No Wives – Part 6 Prologue | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6
Author: Gumnut
24 May 2020
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: The boys can’t fly home for Christmas, so they have to find another way.
Word count: 3495
Spoilers & warnings: language and so, so much fluff. Science!Gordon. Artist!Virgil, Minor various ships, mostly background. A little angst in this one along with a little minor sexual reference.
Timeline: Christmas Season 3, I have also kinda ignored the main storyline of Season 3. The boys needed a break, so I gave them one. Post season 3B, before Season 3C cos I started this fic before we saw it.
Author’s note: For @scattergraph​​​​. This is my 2019 TAG Secret Santa fic :D
Wow, written all in one day. I’ve been rereading the fic and running out of it and wanting more. Unfortunately, for there to be more I had to write more. I checked my archive and the last bit went up on May 11 right before everything at work went to hell, so I’m guessing that was the cause of the delay of this bit. I hope it was worth waiting for. This fic is nearly finished. A few threads to tie up in the next chapter, which, depending on what the characters do (cos they’ve thrown me two curve balls in this ::glares at both Grandma and Virgil:: so who knows what else they will do). i hope you enjoy it.
Many thanks to @i-am-chidorixblossom​​ @scribbles97​​​​ and @onereyofstarlight​​​​ for reading through various bits, fielding my many wibblies, and for all their wonderful support.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
Scott stared as his home crawled over the horizon. Lit from the west, the peaks of Tracy Island were sculpted in gold, the water surrounding her sparkling in the dying sun.
It was a beautiful sight.
Virgil shifted against him, snorting softly in sleep.
Scott had been out on the bow of the boat for hours. First talking to Virgil, working through some of the events of the day until his exhausted brother slowly tipped sideways, falling asleep despite the breeze and the soft toss of the boat.
Scott just wrapped an arm around him and held him while his brother slept.
His butt was numb from lack of circulation, but he didn’t care.
John had approached at one point and quietly handed him a tablet full of information about whales. It was full of data he didn’t understand and he desperately needed to talk to his genius brother about what it all meant.
But for the moment, he was content to listen to Virgil’s breathing, the wind and watch their home inch closer and closer.
He was aware of Gordon keeping an eye on both of them, the pilot adding more speed to the journey today than he had any other day. There had been relaxation, but all of that had disappeared with recent events.
Hell, it had disappeared the moment they had discovered the trapped calf.
Fire ignited in his belly at the thought. He needed to speak with Penelope and follow up on what had happened to those responsible.
His father’s desk lay waiting on the Island.
Relief and dread waited with it.
He closed his eyes and evened out his breathing. It had been such a relief to let go last night. Mel had met his energy with her own, her hands in his hair, a pardon on her lips. No ties, no obligation, just a moment to be himself, find comfort in her arms and let go.
He was ever so grateful. His brothers may laugh, but it was the only way he could truly release everything that built up day after day. Life was a challenge and he was willing to take it on, but everyone needed a moment.
Mel had given him that moment...and a little more.
Virgil shifted against him as Gordon turned the boat slightly and began to slow on approach.
Scott opened his eyes to watch Mateo shift to starboard. The bow dropped a little as their speed lessened, the background noise of the engine changing pitch.
Virgil muttered something and shifted again.
Scott held him that little bit tighter.
A Little Lightning arced around the smaller island that protected their caldera from the open ocean and the yacht entered the sheltered lagoon smoothly.
The petrel colony raised a ruckus and squawked like crazy as they motored past, Gordon cutting their speed to almost nothing as the yacht coasted over coral.
There were two docks on Tracy Island. One on either side of the villa. Gordon chose the one adjacent to Two’s runway for obvious reasons. It was harder to dock such a large vessel, but it would be easier to get Virgil onto land, and, via the hangars, up to the villa. The other dock, near the beach huts, required a hike up to the house that Virgil was in no shape to make. Scott had checked his brother’s incisions earlier in the day and they were well into healing, but...it had been a weird day and Virgil was still asleep.
Gordon nudged the yacht ever so slowly up to the little used dock. It had been designed for supply delivery early on in the venture, but once the runway had been built, it had been used for little other than the occasional Thunderbird Four testing regime and a little recreational boating.
Nothing as big as A Little Lightning.
Gordon had mentioned early on that they would likely use the inflatable when they reached home, but the aquanaut had obviously changed his mind.
Virgil was definitely the reason.
John darted past Scott and Virgil, docking pole in hand, turquoise eyes targeting both of them. He didn’t say anything, but the concerned frown shot at Scott said everything.
Ropes were launched at the wharf bollards and the engine dropped down to a bare rumble. Alan yelled an acknowledgement at the back of the boat and John held up a hand to signal to Gordon. A slight shift sideways and A Little Lightning nudged up against Tracy Island and was secured.
Gordon cut the engine and its absence was profound.
John turned and smiled at him.
They were home.
Soft fingers touched his cheek.
“Honey, it’s time to wake up.”
He screwed up his face. He was in that pleasant warm place just below consciousness and he didn’t want to leave it.
But his pillow rumbled just a little with quiet laughter. Cotton moved against his temple and an arm tightened gently around him.
“You’re going to have to be more direct than that, Grandma.”
Those words, said in his brother’s voice, and enough neurons came online to recognise that he was curled up on something hard, leaning against...the warm cotton shifted and a breath was drawn in. A heartbeat pulsed against his ear, slow and sure.
The whirr of a scanner made him frown.
Light flickered under his eyelids and he clenched his eyes shut.
“C’mon, Virgil, we’re home. You can’t sleep out here all night and my butt is going to drop off if it doesn’t get circulation soon.”
Another voice piped up. “And then you’ll have to face Mel for the loss of that perfect butt.”
“What do you know about Scott’s butt?” Higher pitched. Alan?
“Remember number twenty-nine? Or was it twenty-eight? The one that worked in that circus we saved from the flood? She wrote letters about it.”
His pillow shifted sharply. “What the hell, Gordon?”
“Hey, you’re the one who left your email open for all to see.”
“It is encrypted!”
“Only to those who don’t know the encryption code, Scotty.”
“Boys, keep it down. Give Virgil a chance to wake up properly.”
He found his mouth. “Too late.” A groan and he was pushing himself upright. Everything complained.
Everything. His gut, his back, the numb leg that had somehow been denied blood when he leant on it.
Several hands helped him sit up and he found himself blinking against the golden light of sunset.
What the hell?
“How long have I been asleep?”
“Long enough.” His eldest brother was standing up, stretching his limbs and obviously rubbing blood back into his extremities. “You’re heavy.” But the smile Scott sent him was fond and happy. “We’re home, Virg.”
John, Alan and Gordon were arrayed beyond Scott, but as he turned his head, two other presences made themselves known. Grandma was in front of him, scanner in hand, blue eyes frowning at him in concern.
And on the dock, beyond the railing, stood Kayo.
Her frown vanished the moment she realised he was looking at her and was replaced with a small smile. “Welcome home.”
It was addressed to all of them, but she was looking at him when she said it.
“Let’s get you off this boat, young man.”
Yes! He was home. His ‘bird’s runway stretched along the cliff above them and the whole purpose of the boat trip came home to rest in his heart. As he stood, Scott helping him to his feet, he turned to his brothers. “Thank you.” He could claim that his voice was rough from his half drowning a few hours ago. “Thank you for taking me home. You didn’t have to, but you did anyway.” Okay, now he was getting emotional. “Thank you.”
An arm slung about his shoulders. “Anytime, Virgil, anytime.” Scott’s eyes flashed almost green in the evening light.
Alan muttered something and darted past Gordon to wrap his arms around Virgil. “Don’t do that again.”
Virgil blinked. “Not planning on it.” He wasn’t sure whether Alan was referring to his appendix or the whale thing, but whatever. His arm came around his brother and held him tight.
John’s smile was soft, but full of enough to swell Virgil’s heart.
A moment and Virgil untangled himself from Scott and Alan, took those few steps to his fish brother and smothered him in a massive hug. As expected, Gordon squawked and struggled just enough to make his protest shown, but Virgil hung on.
“Thank you, Gordon. Best idea ever.”
Arms encircled his waist, but his brother didn’t answer.
The moment was broken by Grandma placing a gentle hand on his arm. “Virgil, I would like to do a full medscan. John reported that you’ve been rather active today.” Virgil shot a look at his younger brother. John just smiled a little more and shrugged.
It was to be expected. Virgil would have done the same thing under the circumstances.
He sighed and let Gordon go.
Russet brown stared up at him a moment before Gordon stepped aside and gestured Virgil towards the gangplank that connected A Little Lightning to the dock.
Scott materialised on one side and John on the other and he had to force himself not to roll his eyes in exasperation.
Between the two of them, they made sure he stepped securely onto solid ground, ghosted him up the hill to the runway and to one of the little runabouts they used to transport cargo about the Island. It was clear that he was the cargo.
Well, at least it wasn’t a hoverstretcher.
He let out a sigh as Scott drove him into Two’s hangar and his ‘bird loomed over him.
It was a matter of elevators and examinations after that. Grandma was very thorough. The word ‘pneumonia’ was bandied about as a possibility if he didn’t look after himself properly. Apparently, he had breathed in a little too much seawater.
Fortunately, his incisions were quite happy and well on the mend despite the two dunkings for the day. Grandma didn’t frown at him, but the firm line of her lips was enough to keep him quiet.
You did not mess around with Grandma regarding medical matters.
Hell, when cornering his brothers as a medic himself, often the only threat that kept them corralled was that he would bring in Grandma if they didn’t behave.
When Virgil was ill, there was no-one else. Grandma was always the one who looked after him. She always had.
And, in turn, he now looked after her.
“What happened out there, Virgil?” Her voice was soft. They were alone and his grandmother was putting away her instruments. She had run him through everything, even a brain scan. She was obviously concerned.
“I don’t know, Grandma.”
“John says you spoke to whales.”
He shook his head and let it drop. “I don’t know.”
A finger caught his chin and drew his head up to look into her eyes. “You keep yourself safe, Virgil. You hear me? You have family who need you. Family who love you.”
“I’m okay, Grandma.”
She stared at him a moment longer before letting out a breath and turning back to her instruments. “You’re off rescues for another week, but I suspect you knew that.”
He did, but part of him had hoped he could shorten it. One glance at Grandma and he knew he didn’t have a hope. “Yes, standard recovery period for an operation of this type.”
Blue eyes shot a suspicious glare at him, but he didn’t respond.
“Lots of bed rest. None of your heavy lifting. No gym until next week.”
Damn. “Yes, Grandma.”
She turned back and he was in her arms. “Welcome home, Virgil.”
He blinked and returned the hug. “I’m fine, Grandma.”
Those arms tightened just a fraction.
He frowned. “Grandma?”
She let him go and turned away. “You better go downstairs. Kayo has dinner ready for all of us. It’s Christmas Eve.” She straightened up and looked at him, her eyes saying something he couldn’t quite decipher. “We should celebrate as a family.”
Her hand landed on his arm and squeezed gently before letting go. He took that as a dismissal, slid off the bed and grabbed his shirt. “Thank you, Grandma.”
She didn’t turn. “I’ll see you down there shortly.”
He frowned, but did as she asked and headed off to the comms room.
Scott stared at John and Gordon. “You think he is actually communicating with the whales.”
A pair of copper eyebrows rose. “We think so.”
“But Virgil told me himself that he doesn’t understand it.”
Eos’ voice was deceptively wise. “Commander, he may not understand consciously, but subconsciously.”
“Explain.” Scott glared at the simulacrum of spinning lights on the holoprojector.
“His brain is at least partly processing the information, enough to receive an impression of the content, but not enough to clarify it. He has processed enough to produce a vocalisation that connects with the whales despite the lack of range in his vocal cords. Humans cannot produce the sound required to emulate whale song without electronic enhancement. Virgil’s physical contact appears to have amplified his emissions enough for the whale to recognise his voice as a form of communication.” A graphic appeared on the ‘projector. A small portion was set aside and fit into the larger like a puzzle piece. “The whale was able to clarify his vocalisation into something that could be understood.”
“What did Virgil say?”
John answered him. “We don’t know.”
“We should ask him.” Gordon stood up. “And I think he should be part of this conversation.”
Scott bit back a retort. Every bone in his body wanted to protect Virgil from this.
But he knew he couldn’t.
Sagging, he sat down on the couch behind him and nodded.
Gordon stepped around the ‘projector and perched beside him. “Sam and I will find out more. I promise, Scott. This is a major breakthrough, you know that.”
Scott turned slowly to look at his little brother. “You saw what it did to him.”
“Do you trust me, Scott?” Russet brown bared his little brother’s soul.
He stared into those eyes. Little rapscallion Gordy, the prankster of the family. The ray of sunshine on moments so dark Scott feared his own survival. Did he trust Gordon? Trust him with Virgil’s life?
All the time.
“Yes, I do.”
Gordon swallowed. “Then trust me with this. I’ll keep him safe. I promise. We’ll work this out. Discover what it means. What exactly is going on.”
John cleared his throat. “Perhaps you should both speak to Virgil first?”
Scott turned to find his engineer brother standing by the kitchen stairs, staring at them.
“No!” His older brother threw his hands up and Gordon took a step back. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
So, of course, Scott took a step forward. “Vir-“
“No, Scott! Not now. Just leave it. I need to work this out for myself. I...I thank you for the information, John, Eos.” He nodded to the ‘projector. “Gordon, I understand the interest and I...empathise.” He sighed. “I just need time, guys, okay?”
“Okay.” It was parched and apparently his voice. The frown creasing Gordon’s forehead was deep enough to hurt. Why wasn’t Virgil letting him help?
His brother reached out and laid a hand on his shoulder. “Just some time, Gords, please.”
“Then I’ll come to you.” Eyes a deeper brown than his own were pleading for understanding. “I promise.”
“Okay.” Gordon swallowed and cleared his throat. “Well, in that case, I vote we go eat before Alan inhales everything.” It was a simple distraction, but it worked.
Virgil squeezed his shoulder, his expression flashing thanks before turning away. The tension in the man’s back was pulling his shirt tight.
Maybe he was right. Maybe they should wait.
A blink and another swallow and Gordon followed Virgil from the room, Scott and John behind him.
The evening was a quiet one. All five brothers were tired after the day’s events, even Virgil who, despite having slept a few hours in the morning and afternoon, still looked like he was going to fall on his face at any moment.
Even Grandma was more reserved than usual, her gaze landing on Virgil repeatedly, her eyes distant as if in thought.
It was unnerving.
Kayo served dinner. A buffet of Asian dishes accompanied by rice and noodles. Most were purchased, but she had also made her own stir fry, a family favourite with just the right amount of chilli and cilantro. An appropriate welcome back feast, but none of them had the energy to truly appreciate it as much as it deserved.
After dinner saw them stocking presents under the massive Christmas tree in the comms room. Alan made various comments, especially when Virgil lugged out what was likely a painting wrapped in several layers of wrapping paper.
The fact he lugged it by himself led to words from Scott and the present being confiscated. Virgil’s protest that it wasn’t heavy was followed up by John stepping between the two of them and declaring he was going to help Virgil with his load. The two of them disappeared upstairs and Gordon was left with a grumpy Scott.
The whole lack of spirit finally cracked the aquanaut and he grabbed some tinsel off the tree, wrapped it into a ball and threw it at Scott’s head.
The astonishment on his big brother’s face was worth it.
Scott carefully placed the painting-shaped present down beside the tree and turned to verbally retaliate only to have his face muffled by a lounge cushion thrown by Alan.
Gordon idly noted Brains taking one look at the resultant expression on Scott’s face and, grabbing Max, making a beeline for the elevator.
“Yes, Scott?”
Gordon threw another ball of tinsel, silvery strands fluttering in the air as it flew.
Another couch cushion whacked Scott in the face.”
More tinsel to the head.
Hmm, this tree really did have a lot of tinsel on it, but just in case, Gordon darted in and grabbed two of the balls he had already thrown.
He was not surprised when the remaining tinsel ball retaliated and hit him between the eyes.
Alan was landed by a return cushion volley. Scott really was a good shot.
“Oh, you are going down, bro.” Alan was positively gleeful and before they knew it, cushions, tinsel, several Christmas baubles and a pile of tribbles were hurtling back and forth across the room.
Kayo stood to one side and just rolled her eyes. Grandma joined in and was the likely source of the tribbles.
When John and Virgil returned, it was to utter chaos and not a small amount of laughter. Both got tribbles stuffed down their shirts and tinsel bounced off their heads.
John protested loudly at the use of his tribble stash, but Grandma told him to lighten up...right before she bounced one off his nose.
What followed that was a free for all.
The night got better, much to Gordon’s relief. His brothers loosened up, a little alcohol was dragged out and moods mellowed.
Of course, Alan was the first to nod off, curled up beside Gordon. He was fast followed by Virgil who yet again fell asleep on Scott. The worry that appeared on Scott’s face only made Gordon’s heart sink.
Grandma called it then, sending them all off to bed.
Virgil was nudged awake enough for Scott and John to get him on his feet and guide him to his bed. Gordon shouldered Alan and dragged him to the elevator.
“Thans, Gords.”
“Not a problem, bro.” The elevator was taking forever to return.
Alan turned into Gordon’s shoulder and slumped against it, half snoring.
“C’mon, Allie.” The elevator arrived and he helped his little brother aboard. If there was one thing Alan had in common with Virgil it was his ability to sleep.
Some complaints about the boat still rocking and Gordon tumbled his little brother into his bed. Shoes off, covers on. Gordon sat down beside his sleeping brother.
It had been one hell of a trip and now it was over. It was less than a week since Virgil folded in his pilot’s seat, yet it seemed years ago. One boat, four days and five brothers.
Alan rolled over and snorted in his sleep.
Gordon reached out and placed his hand on his arm.
“I’m gonna getcha, John.” It was quiet and mumbled into Alan’s pillow, but it was enough to push Gordon to his feet.
A blink that lasted longer than it should have and Gordon realised he was exhausted. One more glance at his little brother who was now muttering something about space resources and was no doubt plotting his brother’s video game demise, and Gordon made his way to the door.
One boat, four days, five brothers...and tomorrow.
Gordon went to bed.
End Day Four.
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radramblog · 3 years
MtG: The Dean Problem
The newest Magic set, Strixhaven: School of Mages (a subtitle I was better off not knowing existed), has provided an absolute bounty of legendary creatures for commander players to fawn over. A new set of Elder Dragons with splashy and interesting abilities, another Planeswalker commander, and a full cycle of uncommon legendaries for those who love the design they bring to the table (like me!).
And then there’s the Deans.
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These are not proving popular, and there’s pretty good reasons for that…but why?
The Deans, in my eyes, are the culmination of a compromise between multiple design elements that didn’t quite come together right.
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The first of these is Partner. Partner, and Partner with, have proved incredibly popular commander designs, though a large part of this can be attributed to some of them being incredibly potent. The simple idea of having two commanders instead of one is just appealing to a lot of people, not to mention the customisability involved with the unpaired ones. They were an excellent solution for Commander Legends draft, and a way of making it so your options for certain colour combinations, particularly 3-4 colour ones, weren’t as limited as design philosophy and practicality (it’s often hard to fit 3C cards into a set when the set isn’t built around tricolour, and not many are) would normally make them.
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The other is double-faced cards in general. Not many transforming commanders exist, but the Deans do share this trait with the Gods from Kaldheim. They have a modality that lets you build around one or both sides, many of them have cool and splashy effects, and perhaps most importantly, they are unique and interesting. The transform commanders have their own issues, but most of them (just pretend Ulrich doesn’t exist) are powerful enough, unique enough, or popular enough characters that people are going to be playing them.
The Deans do not fit either mold, and it’s to their detriment. It’s pretty clear that the design inspiration for each of them were the Partner With pairs- two monocoloured legends with effects that play off each other. Shaile puts counters on creatures so that Embrose can get value from them. Augusta lets you use Plargg’s ability extra times. Imbraham dumps cards to benefit Kianne’s ability. And this is all well and good for 60-card formats, where drawing a second copy of your Legend is normally a downside, but you can just play the other half and get some synergy out of the deal. But in Commander, you only get one at a time.
The key difference in commander is that you don’t get to play both halves of these cards. Outside of shenanigans like Supplant Form (which only Uvilda/Nassari and Kianne/Imbraham get to play), it is nigh impossible to play both halves of these commanders at the same time unless your playgroup rule 0’s to let you do so. And while this is also the case with Kaldheim’s Gods, many of them are clearly designed with this in mind, following one of two MDFC principles. Either A., their modes are differently powerful depending on a situation but a deck helming them wants both anyway, such as Halvar being a bloke or a sword in a deck that often lacks one or the other, or Jorn ramping early on and his staff being better for value lategame. Or B., they just, can come back to your hand, like so you can play both, like with Alrund and Toralf. These cards are far from perfect, and have a lot of the same issues as the Deans, but it isn’t as pronounced.
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The other biggest issue with the Deans is that they’re…kinda mid? Pretty meh? With the Partners, you’re often playing one as your commander and the other for the colours- like I love me an Ishai, but everyone’s just playing him so they get White and Blue in their Vial Smasher or Reyhan decks (though they at least synergize with the latter). The Deans wouldn’t be so bad if individual halves of them were interesting, and the deck got to play that as the commander but with an extra colour, but they’re…just not? Of the 10 faces of these cards, there are maybe 2 (Nassari and Augusta, who I’ve kinda come around on) that I’d even consider playing as solo acts with a colour bonus. This is kind of an inherent limit of the designs of these characters- they’re all teachers, which in this case means they need to be humanoid and therefore not super huge with fun splashy effects, and they’re modal, which means they can’t have a million lines of rules text so people don’t get too overwhelmed (not that that stopped some of these, whoof).
At time of writing, the Dean cycle occupies 5 of the bottom 6 most built commanders out of Strixhaven (I’m surprised to see Mavinda among them, but I guess Feather exists). This was not a shock to me the way some of the other placements here are (people are catching on to Quintorius lets gooooo), and it’s pretty clear why. I’m pretty sure at this point most people are sick of MDFCs in general, considering we’ve had 3 sets worth of them and not a huge number have caught on- while price isn’t always a good gauge of playability, it’s rather telling that 2 of the 68 printed managed to break a 10 dollar price point.
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It’s unclear as to whether this experiment is going to return, but I’m very concerned it will with the Innistrad sets releasing later this year. Considering Innistrad was the first set with any double-faced cards in the form of the transform cards, we’re very likely to see some DFC action show up in there. And not to inject too much of my opinion here, it would kinda ruin it for me if they went back to MDFCs for them. The transform cards are not only more interesting from a gameplay standpoint, they’re much better for storytelling and flavour. The Werewolves worked so extremely well, as did many of the beasties the set came with. A huge flavour hit comes just from whether or not the card can flip back to its front face, the difference between modality and a permanent transformation. The difference between a recurring, endless cycle and a step you take that you can’t come back from.
The difference Deans, and MDFCs in general, don’t have.
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Poppy your daimond au is giving me life! I love how they all fit into their different roles so well and now I'm wondering what their auras(?) would be like since diamond don't seem to have gem weapons so much as pure manifestations of energy? Not to mention those seaglass and diamond interactions are just (~˘▾˘)~ tres fantastique. (Plus you found a way to make the boys even bigger and I am WEAK!!)
Oh dude, same, just give me the biggest of bois and I will fold every time like a crappy house of cards hgfsfdghg…….
As for powers, I imagine they can all fire laser blasts (like the canon diamonds in SU all seem to be able to!), but their auras…
Sans (Undertale): When Blue Diamond tells everybody to chill out and they don’t, he doesn’t need to ask twice. His aura is very calming and peaceful, to the point that you could be as mad as you’ve ever been and then suddenly wonder what you could’ve possibly been fighting about a moment later. He likes to give rowdy or aggressive gems the chance to do it on their own before forcing the issue, so he tends to ask once and then, well…he gave fair warning.
Papyrus (Undertale): There’s a reason Orange Diamond is the one giving most of the speeches, when a speech is necessary– his aura is just as likely as his inspiring words to get the listener all fired up and excited, provided they happen to be physically present at the time. He’s really only peripherally aware that he has this power, though, and since most of his speeches end up broadcast across the universe without his aura and still end up well-received, it doesn’t have all that much practical use. If any gem ever needs a supernaturally rousing pep-talk, though, he’s your Diamond!
Sky (Underswap Sans): Yellow Diamond…doesn’t like to use his aura, on anyone, ever. He’s only ever used it twice, mostly on accident, and as far as he can tell, it improves gems’ moods. A lot. Which doesn’t sound so bad, until you have a bunch of gems beaming at you, ready and willing to do anything you say, like some kind of…really creepy forced-happiness-daze of idolatry. He likes to see gems happy, he really does, but not like that, it’s a hard pass from him! The gems that follow his orders do so because they respect his authority, not because they have no other choice, and if his court is happy it’s because he’s doing a good job setting and actualizing goals for the Empire. He takes great pride in that!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Green Diamond is the one you want around if you have limited gems, an urgent task, and a nigh impossible deadline because his aura is rejuvenating. Not a hard reboot or anything so extreme, but even without the need for food and water, gems still get worn down and tired when worked hard without a break of some kind… unless he’s around, in which case even the most overworked gem can perk right back up like they’d reformed fresh. He tries to make time where he can to spread the wealth, so to speak, among the gems of his court and it’s probably part of the reason he can ensure so much work gets done without doing all that much himself.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): Red Diamond’s aura is maddening…not in that it causes insanity, but a far more literal state of being mad. When he unleashes his aura, it triggers a beserker-like state in the gems around him and makes them fight on the battlefield with intense ferocity and single-mindedness. In the event of his opponent being a gem as well, you’d think it would be less desirable a tactic to use, but actually he prefers it– mindless rage is easier for him to predict than subterfuge and tricks are, and it’s even easier to counteract. It’s a greater boost to his ego to win battles and wars without having to rely on it, but he won’t hesitate either.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): Black Diamond’s aura is one that inflicts fear, a general feeling of foreboding and terror. Those hit with it either freeze completely or panic and run off rather than face the doom they’re suddenly certain is coming if they stay where they are even a moment longer, and as you can imagine he uses the ensuing chaos and scattering to great advantage. He hardly ever uses it at all, though, and considers it both a crutch and an absolute last-ditch effort. He prides himself most on his tactical mind, after all, and just scaring the hell out of everybody feels like cheating.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Purple Diamond’s aura can be quite insidious. Even though the room has just been bathed in purple light, it doesn’t seem as though anything’s happened… at first. You feel the same, your body moves and functions normally, you can’t imagine what’s supposed to have happened until he asks you a question and you answer it– with the whole, uncensored truth and then some. His aura demands perfect honesty and not even the most subtle half-truth or obfuscation can get around it. Naturally, if you have something to hide, Purple Diamond’s court is not the one you want to serve in.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Violet Diamond’s aura is more or less a confuse ray, like slapping a pair of beer goggles on you, plugging your ears, spinning you around a couple times and then sending you to try and walk a straight line across the room. The end result is nothing less than total disorientation, which wears off quickly enough but certainly buys him time to either remove himself from a situation or retaliate. He really only uses it in emergency situations, generally willing to trust his guards as a first line of defense.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): Sleep doesn’t come all that naturally to gems, but it does if they happen to get hit by Gray Diamond’s aura. Even if they’ve never experimented with sleep before, they’ll find themselves wobbling and swaying, their eyes falling shut, everything going…dark… Depending on how powerful a pulse he sends out, you could be asleep for a few hours or a few days, but like many of the other Diamonds he neither wants nor needs to rely on his ability nine times out of ten. Easier to just give an order and have it be obeyed because he’s a Diamond, y’know?
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): Brown Diamond’s aura can freeze you in your tracks. There’s no accompanying emotion with it, like Black Diamond’s, or a shut-down of cognitive function like Gray Diamond’s, it’s just that… your body will stop responding to the commands you give it. You’ll be stuck there, wherever you are, rooted to the ground– able to think and speak and everything but take one more step forward. When he says ‘Stop,’ you stop, and you don’t go again until he gets far enough away from you or intentionally dispels his aura. He mostly only uses it for peacekeeping purposes, making sure nobody gets hurt or keeping situations from escalating unnecessarily.
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Five Otome/Romance Game Men I Adore
Hai hai many thanks for thinking of me for this tag game @justine-the-guillotine !!
 I always feel pressure to do these things perfectly, even though it’s just talking about things I like :’) so please bear with me in my, probably, screaming appreciation. I’ve been thinking of a list a characters for a whole day and honestly I’m suddenly blanking,,, who do I adore? lol who knows,,, Well actually you are about to know cause I am going to tell you LOL. OkAY. Enough of this blabbering, onto the list of many mens.
Please know I am excluding Lucien (MLQC) because it is obvious that I adore him to a fucking fault. If you want to see me do a whole appreciation about those him just hmu in my asks or message me and I will go on for days bby
This list is in no way order of most to least adored, I physically could not make that kind of decision jkdfjksdfh. ALSO PLS KNOW I DO SWEAR LIKE A FUCKING SAILOR AND I TALK OF SMUSHING LOVELIES OFTEN. IT”S JUST MY PERSONALITY SO SHHHHH IF YOU DON”T LIKE IT DON”T READ IT BOO, THAT SIMPLE!
Takeda Shingen (Ikemen Sengoku) - Okay, I will be honest, I was very skeptical of sengoku period romance games because I had played some in the past,,, but holy shit, Shingen blew me away. He quickly rose up the ranks of otome men in my heart, and I think about him at least once a day now. I related so much with his MC because it was so hard not to lust and swoon over that man. I have no idea how or when I fell hard for him but it happened and I am not mad at all. I self insert so much with my games,,, and it’s easy for me to slip my real feelings into my fantasies. And honestly I really wish I could have Shingen IRL, ~~though I’m sure I would absolutely freak out and hide under a rock if he ever paid me any attention. He represents the perfect man, lover, and husband to me; he’s on a god level kind of man. Shingen is compassionate, knows boundaries and has never restricted MC from doing anything she loved (without good reason), he’s reliable and strong in a way that makes my heart melt. AND  LET’S NOT FORGET HOW FUCKING BRILLIANT THIS MAN IS, HE IS SO FUCKING SMART AND I WISH CYBIRD LET US SEE HIS EXTREME INTELLIGENCE MUCH MORE,,,, He’s just so damn perfect it is near infuriating how good of a man he is. He fits my normal type so well; me saying “Tall, Handsome, Flirtatious, Sexy as Fuck and Infuriating” might of as well have been about Mr Takeda “I’ll marry you and give you everything for one smile” Shingen. I also really like characters that are loyal to their loved ones (yes in contrast to my bastard villain type kink, I also love those who show loyalty and devotion to the people they love) Shingen does more than enough of all of and I really do look up to him as a person and model for character,,,,, oh gods, and the way I imagine he would make sweet baby making love to ---*cough cough* ALRIGHT LETS STOP HERE BEFORE THIS BECOMES A WHOLE ASS SHINGEN APPRECIATION POST!!!
Sirius Oswald (Ikemen Revolution) - I’m really tempted to just insert a daddy kink meme and leave it at that,,,, He is my absolute top otome man, or rather,,, one of my top “I wish you were real and we were married” men. As much as I whore around and claim to love a new man the most (besides Lucien because they’re on the same level now) every week,,, I will always come back to Mr. Flower Daddy. He holds such a precious spot in my heart, I can only try to explain the things that he makes me feel. Like a giddy school girl in love for the first time, but in this story they end up together. High school sweetheart kind of love that lasts till they’re old and wrinkled with time. Gods, thinking about Sirius makes me sob and my wallet sob harder . I must have a thing for men who keep denying their affections for MC (aka me self insert) because of things like responsibility, friendship, being labelled an old geezer,,etc. I have played his route about eight times over (probably) by now, it’s a little upsetting that his route wasn’t as spicy as his side content. Please Cybird, let Mr. Flower Daddy be the sexy and dramatic man he can be. I love the way he cares for others, how hard he works to achieve the bonds and peace he has now for not only everyone he loves, but for the country they all live in as well. His many layers intrigue me, seeing his reactions as well ughhhh I love this man so fucking much, how do people irl deal with love like this? I’m sitting here dreaming over Sirius Oswald,,, and his,,, big hands,,, Never have I held such large and terrifyingly real emotions and lust for an otome character. The man just screams let daddy take care of you baby but also let daddy wreck your pretty whore mouth, little lady or maybe that’s just me projecting my kinks onto this pure (lol) man. Not only is his body, heart, and morals absolutely stunning, HE IS ANOTHER INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT BEING AND I CANNOT STRESSSSS HOW MUCH I FIND SMART PEOPLE INCREDIBLY SEXY AND THE WAY HE USES HIS TALENTS TO SUBTLY AID HIS LOVED ONES UGHHHHHH I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE. GODS PLEASE LET ME BREAK INTO THE SIXTH DIMENSION AND MARRY THIS MAN!!!! 
Kent (Amnesia Memories) - OKAY LET ME JUST SAYYYY HE IS THE BIGGEST BABY AND BIGGEST MAN AT THE SAME TIME AND YOU CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS IDC BUT HIS OUTFIT IS THE SHIT!!! FUCK YOU BELT HATERS!!! His outfit and his love slaps like the wholesome man he is. Absolutely I would love to h*ld his h@nds and give him the best smooches I can give. Because that is what he deserves. I really loved this game, growing to love Kent was easy despite his big brain fucker throwing math questions at me from time to time. I’m not sure what makes me like Kent so damn much, but I do and that’s what matters skjdfdskjfh. He is so damn precious,,, you all know those  “you so fucking precious when you smile” song video thingies? That is exactly how I feel about Kent. He’s so damn precious I want him to be happy always. And I will fight anyone who bullies him hnnn. 
Myeong Hwi aka Theodore Wilson + Lee Gun Wook aka William Harris (Mystic Code) - Mystic Code used to be one of my favs, till they did the whole updating and redoing the story thing, with no full voiced lines etc (I really hope they bring that back). But two stood out to me the most was Captain Wilson and Lieutenant Harris. Both have very strong personalities and care for the greater good, and thick as fuck lets be real with that dom energy . I adore men with strong and noble (?? is this the right word??) personalities and also possess a compassionate heart. As Theo is with the MIU team members and Will is with MC. 
Theodorus Van Gogh (Ikemen Vampire) - whoallowedthismantobethisfuckingattractiveandlegal??????  *insert his magic mike CG* I have played Theo’s route in JP a few times, once to completion but knowing him in the EN version I am already absolutely in love with this man. How this came to be? Maybe it’s his bittersweet personality, the way he cares for MC in the same way Sirius does, but he’s a bit more brash about it than Sirius. I absolutely adored his character growth in his route and as you get to know him better he opens up more and more, ahh the tsundere is quite the cute trait XD. He is strong willed and passionate, he is caring of his loved ones, he is loyal to his family, blood or found, and he is an absolutely attentive loving person. Why ask for more when you can just love Theodorus Van Gogh? He is the absolute softy packed into a large brooding and brash package with a shiny 8-pack abs that I wish to slather maple syrup on and lap up for the love of----  for someone who loves pancakes so much. And I very much admire his drive to do what he wants and needs to do to the absolute best of his ability. His will to thrive for the best he can get has me swooning. He truly is a breath taking man,,, whether that be because he is being a complete sweetheart all of the sudden or he’s whipping you some nasty insult that is itching for a rebut.
Alright, that’s it! I cheated a little lololll but there aren’t any rules so >;3c I can do as I wish. 
I uhhhhhhh don’t interact with many other otome blogs T^T (but maybe you can change that hwehwe) so I won’t be tagging anyone. However, if you do see this and want to join in and tag your friends pls do!!! Share the love, pass it on, scream about more 2D mans.
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ifollowfugo · 5 years
Can I ask for some cute fluff for Josuke, Okuyasu, Mista and Narancia with a shy fem s/o? :3c
Josuke and his girlfriend are walking through town, hand in hand, chatting about how their day had been going when a thought popped into his mind.
“Babe, do you love me?”
“Of course I love you, honey. Why do you ask?” She is starting to worry, Josuke almost never has confidence issues.
“And how much do you love me?” He is very clearly ignoring the question, but he doesn’t look upset. She’s just confused now, but willing to play along with whatever he is planning because she loves him.
“I love you so much my heart could explode any second, and even then I’m not worried because I know you will help me.”
Josuke can feel his soul warming up for her words, he can’t believe how happy he is.
“Okay then, if you really love me that much, you have to help me pull a prank on my mom. It will be the best way to introduce you!” She froze right where she was standing. He had never mentioned introducing her to his mom before, but more importantly, he knows how shy she is! There is no way she could prank a stranger and then act like nothing happened, she’d just die first.
“Josuke, no! I can’t do it. You know I can’t! Besides, you can’t just do that to your mother. You should respect her and treat her kindly.” Looking at her with warm eyes, Josuke knows he picked the perfect girl to introduce to his mom for the first time.
“You know, I love you a lot too, and I already knew what your answer would be. I just love seeing you all nervous like that, it makes me want to kiss you.” Color is rushing to her cheeks as Josuke touches them lightly before scooping her up and kissing her passionately.  
Okuyasu has had girlfriends before but never had he felt like this about any of them. Not that he didn’t love them, but the way he felt about (Name) was intoxicating. It filled him with joy and happiness invaded every moment they were together.
So one day, Okuyasu invited his love out for lunch. Wherever they wanted to go. They chose this little restaurant a little far from the center of the city, it was lovely and very romantic. Flowers on every table, dimmed lights even in the daylight. Everything was laid out to have a very romantic experience. The waiter brought them their menus, they placed their orders and had a little chat while waiting for the food. When it arrived, both of them tried every dish on the table and continued talking about whatever came to mind, sometimes laughing too loud and breaking the whole aura the restaurant had created.
After eating, they decided to take a  walk around the park, and they sat on a bench near a small puddle with fish, She loved looking at them moving without really thinking where they went. And Okuyasu loved looking at her, so focused on the little being she never noticed his eyes filling with affection and pride of being with her.
“Y’know, (Name), before we met I thought I knew what love was. But now, I know love is looking at you and never wanting to look at anything else, it is laughing so hard you interrupt other people’s meals and don’t even care because you are having so much fun, it’s not caring about what you’re going to do because you already have everything you need.” He picked her up and sat her on his lap, her side against his torso, so he could really hug her. “Here.”
Mista has had a free day because everyone else was on a mission where he wasn’t needed. He wanted to go anyway, but he had been working non-stop for two weeks, so they forced him to stay in. Faced with nothing to do, he decided he’d dedicate all day to the light of his life. As much as he liked the work he did, she was the reason he needed to get out of bed every morning.
So he called her, and she just happened to have the whole day off too, so she went to his place. When she arrived, he immediately picked her up and carried her to the couch, kissing her lovingly and demonstrated how much he had needed her company all that time. He sat on the couch and placed her comfortingly beside him with her legs over his, still embraced to each other, and asked her if she wanted to watch something or if she just wanted to listen to music, that day was going to be completely about her.
They put some chill music, slow rhythms and sweet guitars, and decided to catch up on what they had been doing, as they hadn’t seen each other in a long time. After, they took a nap, right then and there, not caring to stop the music. When they woke up, still intertwined with one another, prepared some snacks, but really fast so they could go right back to the couch. As Guido prepared the food, his girlfriend remained hooked to his waist from behind, following him wherever he went and placing soft kisses on his back.
They decided to watch her favorite series while eating, even though she had seen it a thousand times, he hadn’t seen it yet, and she had so much to say about it. For every scene, she had twenty minutes worth of fun facts and explanations. But as he saw her with passion in her eyes, as she gestured with her whole body because she really wanted him to understand, Mista thought she was the most adorable thing in the world, he couldn’t live another minute without kissing her. And so he did, he grabbed her face with both hands and gave her a big smooch on the lips.
“What was that for?” She was giggling, grabbing his hands and caressing them with her thumbs.
“I just couldn’t contain myself, you are the absolute best thing in my life. There isn’t anything I like, or want or need more than you right now.” Foreheads together, they enjoyed this little moment together.
Narancia has never been a quiet, “stay in one place and don’t complain” kind of person. When he decided he’d take his girlfriend on a date, he wanted to do something romantic, but everything he had seen in movies or heard from other people bored him. Instead, he decided to take her to do something he liked more, like playing games at the arcade.
He picked her up at her house and they walked together, he placed his arm on her shoulders and she put her arm around his waist. Every now and then she tickled him and he threatened to tickle her back which resulted in them running and shouting at each other and then everything would be solved with a kiss, only to start again.
It took them like an hour, but eventually, they got there. They got a card for each one and played the afternoon away. They had both won around the same amount of tickets, so they decided to go change them for something fun, as both had done pretty good. They got to the little stand in the middle of the place where they kept the prizes, and she saw this beautiful and absolutely adorable giant bear with which she fell in love on the spot. She wouldn’t take anything else. But it costed double of what she had. Her eyes got so disappointed, Narancia had to look away to not get sad himself.
And then he had an idea.
“I’ll give you my tickets, (Name)!” Her eyes lit up for a second, before considering that would mean he would be left with nothing.
“I couldn’t let you do that, love. You’d be left with no prize!”
“Your happiness is my prize, babe!” He didn’t realize that sentence was soaked in sentiment, as it was a normal feeling for him, he adored her and wanted her to have everything that would make her happy. That included his love.
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Hi, Lizbob! I hope you’re having a nice day! :3c My sister and I have been chatting about s13, and she HATES Mary... says she’s an interesting character, but feels she’s a terrible person. Obvs she’s entitled to her opinion, but I’m having a hard time articulating why I disagree... I was hoping some thoughts from you would help jumpstart my brain lol. So what are your thoughts on Mary, as an individual rather than a character?
Oh, I love Mary but I do agree she’s not a perfect person at all and that’s part of why she’s a great character :P Part of what I loved about her return in season 12 was that they made her mess up so much and be so much what they hadn’t expected. She has a strong streak of selfishness in her actions and if you don’t take time to see things from her POV it looks terrible. When you look at it from her POV it’s still her being selfish, but as a sympathetic character that you root for to be selfish.
There’s a few random details about Mary as a person that I really like. 
We know she has an interesting taste in music, because in 4x03 we see her looking at her records, and we know some or all of the car music is her taste or stuff she would have liked, considering she and John bonded over Led Zepp, turning it into a key Winchester Romance tool… She still likes loud music in the car and probably would like most of what Dean likes, even modern stuff. 
In 4x03 also we get Samuel mocking her for wanting to be a cheerleader so I think she wanted to be popular at school but wasn’t really allowed to join in, so I imagine she was a lot like Sam and Dean in different ways in that episode about them at school. Probably not many friends even though she lived locally because she always had to go home to do hunter stuff instead of after school activities, and Samuel would stop her getting too invested in non-hunter things. 
She also never learned how to cook even though we see Deanna is really housewife-y so we have to assume that Samuel really monopolised her, raising her as a hunter and depriving her of skills that would go towards normality and the apple pie life - she literally has to buy that pie and re-heat it so all her housewife-ery is really fake, which Dean mourned in 12x02… If you flip it around it’s like… She’s been forced to be a hunter and learn all this stuff and it was still in a very traditional household and still with strict gender roles for her mom and dad, even if she was being raised as a hunter.
I sort of feel like she has this incredible isolation towards the happiness which Azazel promised her - white picket fence, nothing would ever hurt her and her family again (as long as she left him to do what he wanted in the shadows… Whoops.) She retired but then she had this vast emptiness that she wasn’t trained to be a housewife but it seems that was all she was to be to John, and the angel breeding program is COMPELLING her to, like, mate with him to propagate some vessels. So she becomes a mom and does her best, and I always wondered about this metaphor but season 12 was really interesting about painting it as a post-natal depression metaphor, and she’s got this huge problem with Sam she doesn’t have with Dean, like, Sam is the reason she died, Sam is her monster baby that she can’t bear to look at, Sam is the child she ruined and failed… In 12x22 she ends up hyperfocussed on baby Sam while seeming not to see or initially hear Dean as he rants all his neglect onto her, and if you read it as a suicide metaphor - death by demon deal mistakes instead - then all of what Dean says about how he blames her for everything is true. But only insofar as seeing suicide as a selfish act taking from the people around them, rather than focussing on what was happening internally with them in the first place. 
Dean breaks Mary out of that dark place, and she seems more present and connected with her family for the lil bits we see of them, but she seems way more alive in the apocalypse world, where there are no expectations on her to be a mom at all, and then it turns out the world super validates her actual choices, and gives her a sense of mission and purpose and a connection that her alternate self broke it, but her own choice is validated. She’s finding some measure of peace, I guess. It’s sort of like, there are consequences, sure, but she can make compassionate choices without the sort of personal consequences that have been making things so hard for her since she got back. 
Like the BMoL thing was a disaster compared to how easy the choice is to sign up to fight against a clear world-ending threat. THEY were like we’re going to help rid the world of monsters, and she wanted that sort of total peace because it would be like a clean slate, for her mistake, and for her family, and she felt like she could give them that, and at the same time she was so driven by guilt and horror towards her own children and what they became, because they’re in that worst thing she could imagine for them, that it was almost impossible for her to see past the BMoL until their lives were in direct danger and she had proof, because it offered her a chance to fix things and wipe away that guilt, at least in the way it was sold to her. And that process sort of metaphorically twists into the mind control they did on her, because it takes her further and further down the path of robotically wiping out threats, including ones who aren’t threats at all, because she’s being protective of her children and trying to make herself feel better, but in the worst possible way. It’s how they got their hooks so deep into her. She was newly resurrected, purposeless, and confused in this world, and Billie could see how she didn’t belong and wanted to die, and that all turned into working with the BMoL… She repeatedly was put in the spot of choosing to live or die, and it was a horrible process to adapt to being alive again. 
… I could keep talking about her all day, like how Jack represents picking up against where she left off with Sam as he arrives to her when he’s 6 months old, or ramble about her and John, or her as a ghost, but argh, I talk too much about her :P I love looking at the character they give us and wondering how her head is at based on what we know about her and what they hint. I don’t think any of this is deeply buried if you care about her and watch her stuff and try to think critically about it instead of knee jerk saying she’s doing nothing… but then I really like her character, so I don’t know how biased I am :P 
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Jaden nd bastion for that domestic ask thing? >:3c
THE OTP YES i have so many feelings and everyone needs to hear me sob over the nerd baby and his superhero 
also that icon is the content i look for on this hellsite well done 
who is the big spoon/little spoon Jaden is the little spoon!! he prefers being the big spoon tbh he likes curling up against bastions fuckin ripped back but jaden always falls asleep first because he has to get this twelve hours or else he will be a grumpy boy but bastion?? bastion stays up all night drinking coffee and doing god knows what bc he’s the type of guy thats like ‘hey jaden im gonna go read a bit before i got to bed’ and then he fuckin stays up all night because he has no self control lmao so when it’s like 3am and he’s finally put down his book or finished dicking around on the computer he finally gets in bed and he doesnt want to wake up his husband (yes theyre married in my mind ok im love them) so he just lays down and pulls the human kuriboh to his chest and falls asleep 
what is their favorite non-sexual activity the standard answer is Card Games but besides dool masters they like to go on drives and look at stars and talk abt whatever. bastion is a chemical engineer and jaden’s his professional duelist trophy husband so they dont get to be together as much as they want bc jaden’s tournament schedule so when they’re together they gotta make it count u know so bastion will pick jaden up from the airport and they’ll just start driving out of the city talking about DM or what bastion’s been up to or whatever’s going through jaden’s mind (an enigma lmao) and then when there are no more streetlights to make it difficult to see the stars they’ll pull over and lay on the hood and cuddle and keep talking. it’s like 4am before they finally go home and since they’re going to sleep at the same time jaden finally gets his chance to be the big spoon 
who uses all the hot water in the morning getting jaden to shower is a fucking struggle he’s like a cat. living in the slifer dorm made him accustomed to being a generally gross person in general so he lives off dry shampoo and body spray so he doesn’t smell like hassleberry after a workout so that leaves bastion to take all of the water because he showers every morning after his run and insists on h is hair being perfect and well taken care of. like the guy has at least five different hair care products in the shower at all times while jaden, even though he’s dumb thick rich, buys that 3-in-1 crap he and syrus used to make stretch for a month back in college. jaden is also known to stick his kuriboh hair under the sink and shake it out like a dog because he is a gross boy that usually gets up about ten minutes before he has to leave so there’s no time for an actual shower and we’ve gotten away from the actual question but the tldr is bastion stands under the hot water he’s got one of those mirrors to shave in the shower while he’s doing his deep conditioning treatment and has a pore strip on his nose for beautiful ™ skin 
what they order from take out this one ties in a lot to my sageshipping BrOTP headcanons (on god there needs to be a brotp ask so i can scream to the world my love for bastion/alexis friendship) but the bit of background is that bastion and alexis would always order from this indian place that was open real late at night when they were in grad school together (no delivery at duel academy cause its an island u know) so it has a special place in his heart. jaden is a wimp when it comes to spice but since bastion loves it they order it anyway and the people that deliver the food know to make it wimpy baby spicy for jaden so he doesn’t end up sweating half his body weight up and crapping out lava four hours later 
what is the most trivial thing they fight over oh god they dont fight a lot because they love and appreciate each other’s eccentricities but if they’re going to fight its going to be over who’s doing the driving. they both love cars, bastion likes taking it apart and modifying them and whatnot and jaden likes the aesthetique (though his aesthetique is painting flames on a corolla jaden u lil shit smh) and they both like to go fast so when they go out they bitch abt who gets to drive. bastion tells jaden he doesnt appreciate the feel of the machine and jaden says bastion drives like a fucking old man so they end up settling the matter with rousing game of rock paper scissors 
who does most of the cleaning NEITHER OH MY GOD theyre both total slobs. bastion’s desk and home office is covered in his notebooks and duel monster cards, his walls covered with god knows what (formulas, dates, to-do lists, grocery lists) the guy just grabs the sharpie and starts writing because he’s afraid of forgetting something if he doesnt get it down right then. jaden lives in filth he has three day old bowls of cereal at his desk and uses used napkins as tissues he is certifiably NASTY. anyway they hire a housekeeper to make sure the entire house doesnt fall into disarray and she’s like their surrogate mother making sure they eat more than takeout and coffee and making sure the house smells nice. they call her Mama Cheryl (good middle aged mom name) and she’s the embarrassing mom at jadens local tournaments the kind that prints out huge pictures of his face and wears shirts with Neos on them and cheers for her boy v loudly. again we’re away from the question but i have a lot of headcanons abt this i’ll probs put in my dissertation lol 
what has a season pass in their DVR hmmm this is an interesting one…i like to think jaden loves crime shows because they’re heroes and he likes watching the good guys ™ win in the end. his favorite show is psych (which u all should watch its hilarious) but since that ended a while ago he’s been in to criminal minds and SVU because he likes watching the really diabolical criminals get caught. bastion never knew his mans was into such dark stuff until he opened the season pass thingy and got quite the heart attack because he thought jaden was all butterflies and flowers and funny stuff but bastion had to learn the duality of man the hard way. bastion doesn’t watch television that much but his guilty pleasure is vikings on the history channel and stuff on the discovery channel because he loves learning what a nerd 
who controls the netflix queue jaden is the one that likes to watch netflix the most but i wouldnt say he’s in control per se. they’re usually down for watching what each other likes but in the end jaden will sometimes end up superseding bastion because dammit bas we are not watching a documentary about the dead sea scrolls you dont even believe in god and bastions like fine youre cute we can watch Castle (even though thats not on netflix but i wish it were) 
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working jaden. jaden all the way. bastion brings up a a wikihow article about how to fix the hvac system and he’s like I CAN FIX THIS and jadens like ily babe but you work with chemicals not with this kind of thing ur gonna break it like the time u tried to fix the sink and fuckin clogged the shit out of it we are calling Cheryl and Cheryl’s like jaden im a housekeeper call someone who actually does this for a living. anyway while theyre waiting for the professionals to get there bastion tries to demonstrate he knows what he’s doing he is smort by writing the steps and shit on the wall and jadens like youre so cute but no dont touch the heating system. he has to distract his lil nerd by asking him about what deck he should use for his next tournament or what the probability of drawing three polymerizations on the first turn is and bastion loves talking about math so jaden keeps asking questions until the system is fixed (he doesnt remember much of bastions mathematical explanations but bastion looks so cute with his eyes all bright and shiny talking about statistics) 
who leaves their stuff around BOTH they are slobs. jadens a bit worse if we’re being honest because while bastion leaves his papers and cards around schmaden schmuki leaves his underwear and food and cups in the living room and is prone to stripping off his clothes for one reason or another and just laying on the couch watching ESPN with his goddamn pants on the floor and saying they were constricting his knees or some shit when bastion asks why he feels the need to be half naked all the time. bastion had his own room in college so he doesnt quite understand why jadens comfortable just answering the door with a trail of clothing behind him because most people that dont know him assume he’s been getting bizzay but nah he just be Like That
who remembers to buy the milk jaden do because he drinks milk in his coffee. bastion drinks it black so if theres no milk its like eh whatever but jaden is a mess without his caffeine and he hates how bitter and gross it is when theres no milk in it so even if jaden’s not the one going to the grocery store he’ll write it on the wall so bastion will remember it because his mans dont check his texts that often but anything on that wall he fuckin remembers and jaden doesnt understand why he be Like That 
who remembers anniversaries both! they are dumb thick in love with each other and they like to plan little things to do for the anniversary of their first date, when they made it official, their wedding, etc. jaden is much more extravagant and will do something like jump on the bed until bastion wakes up and then drag him out for breakfast and get atticus to sing a really off-key renditions of classic love songs and bastion blushes so hard and its so cute it should be criminal lmao. bastion will get jaden a cute little gift like one of those pictures where the artist takes a photo and paints it so they can hang it on their wall. or bastion will fine tune his duel disk or get him a new card for his deck. they are in big gay love and i love them so much 
thanks for this ask on god i just wrote 1800 words of tutorship feels i have a problem lol 
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mmmuses · 7 years
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anacrusis -- ch 6 snippet or, I should say, chunklet?
Slowly making progress, but work has been kicking my ass and energy levels to the point I simply want to collapse on the couch and veg out on Inspector Lynley Mysteries. Anyhoo, I managed to put this together yesterday....enjoy!
Ross stared down at Demelza standing near the podium, her eyes meeting his in shock and utter disbelief for a full five seconds before she cleared throat. “P-Please take a seat.” Her voice, low and husky, forced his feet to move forward. He tore his gaze from hers, stumbling a few feet over to an open spot near the top of the auditorium.
He collapsed in his seat, the flap on his messenger bag sliding open to dump his laptop and textbooks onto the carpeted floor with a dull thud. “Be careful,” a voice whispered to his left. He turned to find a pretty young woman, dressed in full on hipster regalia, from the woolen beanie perched atop her curly blonde hair to the oversized sweater, barely there skirt, black tights and Doc Martens on her feet. “Don’t want to break your computer on the first day of class.” She handed him his book and a copy of the syllabus. “I’m Jemma.”
“R-Ross,” he said automatically, nodding his thanks.
“Excuse me, Dr Carne,” a harsh, abrasive voice came from Ross’s right, on the other side of the aisle from where he sat. She gestured in his direction. “This student seems to think we are in the middle of a social club.”
Ross felt the blood rush to his cheeks and barely kept from rolling his eyes. Why hadn’t he paid attention to where he was sitting? Dr Thomas-Tregothan had had it out for him for the past year, as he’d ducked and dodged his way out of the introductory courses his last two years in school. That was until this semester, when he’d been cornered by his adviser and re-registered two the two intro classes he’d been evading: music history and music appreciation. “I’m sorry, D-Dr Carne,” he stammered, her last name tasting foreign on his tongue.
She met his eyes, giving him a jerky nod and flipping through her notes before continuing on with her lecture. “Students will be required to describe general stylistic characteristics of music and influential composers of the Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Identify various musical styles and genres, extending and enriching their comprehension and enjoyment of music. You will need to apply your knowledge of elements of musical style to identify musical works by historical period and genre. Comprehend the historical development of musical style in western culture in relation to political, economic, social and religious developments and values of various periods in history…”
She could be speaking Swahili for all I know, he thought to himself, his brain failing to make sense of what she said. His eyes surreptitiously watched Demelza over the top of the syllabus. Her hair was bound in a low bun at the back of her head, the collar of the off-white sweater climbing up to leave an inch of skin exposed at her hairline, a red-gold tendril feathering past along her neck as she moved. The soft, woolly garment skimmed over her body, demure yet enticing the touch of his fingers. The autumnal plaid fabric of her skirt smoothed over her hips and thighs, ending midway down her calves. He stifled a groan. She wore sleek, chocolate-brown leather boots, the heels doing gorgeous things to her legs.
What were the chances of this happening? He’d thought they might run into one another. There were under twenty-thousand people who lived in Truro, so it stood to reason it might happen at some point. At some fundraiser, where 3C were booked to cater, or maybe if she’d had to move something and had done a search in Yelp – he did have amazing reviews. But for her to be a music professor here at the college? Never in a million years! Music professors were grouchy, attitudinal, perfectionistic, and…well…old. He cast a sideways glance at Thomas-Tregothan. The old goat was watching every move Demelza made, busily scratching notes into her composition pad. Aha…first day observation, he thought to himself, and here I am being the arsehole student for Demelza’s first day. Nice move, Poldark.
Had Demelza said anything about her profession? They’d been too busy fucking each other’s brains out to chatter about what they did for a living. All he knew was she was smart, witty, and insatiable. It had definitely worked for him. Was this the same woman who’d seduced him with her infectious laughter, her confidence, her sensuality a little over a week ago? Sleek, professional, her sea-green eyes were hidden behind the teal and brown tortoise-shell frames, her makeup subtle and natural, the shell pink of her glossy lips torturing him, knowing what those lips could do to him, what he’d dreamt of them doing every night since they’d parted.
He forced himself to pay attention to what she was teaching, but it was difficult when he’d catch glimpses of her when she would do or say something, a mannerism or an expression, that he’d seen or heard from her at the hotel. Like when she’d run her hand up along her throat, or if she’d bit her bottom lip. He’d bitten back a groan when she’d leant forward on the podium, her pert bum almost the mirrored image of the moment when they’d fucked by the window sill, making him wonder what it would be like repeating the act, except in her office, that pencil skirt shoved up to her waist, her booted feet spread for him. Sparks raced along his skin, the pulse in his crotch heavy, his cock thickening.
The bell rung, drawing Ross back to the present. Perfect time for a hard on, you twat. “Read Chapter 1 - Music in Antiquity and Chapter 2 - The First Millennium for our next class,” Demelza called. “Coursework includes the first three quizzes in the gradebook as well as your brief essay on why you are studying music. One page only using the online template in the gradebook. Office hours are noted on your syllabus, however I will be delayed until four o’clock this afternoon. Thank you very much, everyone.” The din of the students leaving the room was staggering, but he noticed she’d raised her head to meet his eyes before she turned off her computer. He had to talk to her, to sort all of this out, and he thought he read the same need in her eyes. Her expression changed when Thomas-Tregothan started to make her way through the students swimming upstream towards the exits. He imagined Demelza would be busy with her for a while. Just as well – he had reserved one of the practice rooms until half past four o’clock. He slung his pack over his shoulder and exited the room.
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fairlyqualityanon · 5 years
Pink, lime, yellow, and white For the ask thingy you reblogged. not sure how long ago that was tho or if your still doing it
Am still doing it yup :3c - rebagled from my own self because I don’t like having duplicate copies of the same meme on my blog.
pink - what types of vore do you like?
I go by technicality in my definition - vore is oral, ‘eating’; literally all the other types I’ve heard of are absorption.
MOUTHPLAY - it can make or break a vore drabble/fic and I wish it were more popular than it seems to be.
If I’m understanding terms right, I personally count as a Switch so I love it if someone manages to work both POVs into their writing - and I try to do so myself. I also like giant-tiny because size difference and because I like the prey to just fill up the stomach, enough for the pred to feel them and enough for the prey to be able to feel the walls.
Prey doesn’t have to give consent, because I have Issues™ and use vore to work through them. Of course, this means there’s a whole world of psychological twists open for use whenever I’m not craving fluff.
Porn, smut, nudity, etc - those are triggers and so my vore has to be clean, no exception. I also can’t stand hard vore but for different reasons. Not a fan of fatal.
lime - flavor of prey?
If you’ve read anything of mine you’ll know that I adore mouthplay, so something sweet and/or fruity - has to be natural flavors though. Took a semi-popular quiz and apparently I myself taste like cinnamon, hmu if you know of other vore ‘personality’ quizzes.
yellow - bright light, bright stomachs, flashlights, (ex; prey takes items into stomach with them. like lights) or neon colors?
Ahahaha I work nights and despite thicc glasses see pretty well in the dark compared to other people. Plus the light is a strong contributor to sensory overload, and I also like post-nom naps. Flashlights would be fun if I was curious about the stomach, and I’d certainly ask the pred if any light was visible from outside.
white - How nice do you like a predator to be?
As p much all my prey OCs could tell you, I kind of like preds who are arrogant assholes that nonetheless dote on their prey. Major bonus points if the first nom (or two) is the pred not giving a flying F about obtaining the prey’s consent (pred is still careful not to hurt prey) but the two eventually grow close and become quasi-friends (pred never stops being an asshole *side-eyes major non-vore fic project* *sweats*).
Growly voice preds are great, whether for fearplay or their voice is just like that. (is it just me or does the Inner Voice from Fade To Silence have the perfect tone? *appreciative purring*)
Pred’s a possessive asshole? And part of why the prey hangs around them is because pred takes personal offense to anyone - pred, prey, other - ‘interfering’ with ‘their’ prey? SIGN ME TF UP
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"Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw." ( I LOVE HEATHERS I COULDN'T RESIST )
(Heathers Starter Meme for @daturida ;3C )
 “Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw…..!”
                 That little phrase certainlyoozed Senran’s mood at the current moment. For the first time in the shitty andtragic Mobius strip of her life, she found someone she could relate to…inalmost every single way…and they rejected her. Not to say she was terriblysurprised about it all, no, truthfully she expected it to be this way. And whata fucking load of chuckles it was that another person who she cared aboutselflessly was at risk of being taken away from her in a very different way. Itwas almost comical, and the sort of humor a man about to fry in the electricchair would give a final giggle and a shit over due to the sheer unfortunateirony of it all. It was all too terribly unfair really…and while she had toadmit, her dear Kichi-sama had done some bad things, who the fuck hadn’t?  Her dainty fingers raked through her verylong purple hair that had done as much growing as the rest of her body hadsince her little ‘operation’.
Kanou might have been a depravedsick fuck, but he had given her what she always had wanted ever since shebecame a teenager and had still been forced to ride out the emotional aspectsof puberty in the body of a brat. Now she finally had a ‘normal’ body. Ofcourse vanity’s sake wasn’t the only reason she wanted to change herself. Whileshe admitted she personally liked herself a lot better now that she looked heractual age, being the size of an adult had its advantages. You could protectsomeone important a little better….
And yet if circumstances and abunch of hypocrites would have had it, they’d take away two of her mostcherished people. All for some bullshit idealism that Furuta was achieving in whatshe felt, was a more realistic way. No rational person could have possiblyexpected all ghouls and humans to join hand in hand and fucking sing Kumbayanow did they?! How?! The CCG had made a very successful and bloody venture ofkilling ghouls…and ghouls of course, had no choice but to treat a human beingas livestock at least once every so often to satiate a hunger a hamburger steakcouldn’t.  Donato was so damn right, theworld was positively brimming with hypocrites and the scene in Tokyo was socomical it could honestly have put Gaki No Tsukai out of business.
She had no quarrel with anyone whowanted to see ‘peace’, but really, what the fuck was peace? Wasn’t peace forone side likely to mean the other side would suffer? Like sure, the Goats couldget their little hero’s ending but it was as if they didn’t really care as longas they put a halt to Kichi-sama’s plans. She laughed to herself a little asshe tugged some of her hair that her fingers had a grip on as she ignoredanother headache. Making sure Kichimura was safe wasn’t easy but definitelydoable as she was just too plain stubborn and relentless in her efforts to doeverything she personally could do to keep him safe. Ahhhh how many times had peopleshe known asked why she was ‘defending that bastard’….
‘Fuck I cannot even remember now…how many times did Kaneki or Uta alone askme?…fuck it. Who cares?!  What’s it tothem? My reasons for protecting him are none of their fucking business! My feelings are mine and nobody can changed them! Who thefuck do those shitheads who have a problem with Furuta think they are?! MotherTeresa?! Haaaaaaaah, gag me with a fucking dick! OH PLEEEEEASE!’
She mused to herself in the privacyof her thoughts as she hung around the roof of a reasonably sized apartment buildingthat was located niiiice and close to the main office where she knew Furutaworked. Hmm…how strange…if she thought back long and hard, teehee, Kichi-samadid say she was his favorite fan. Of course, one of his more vocal detractorstold her she was a moron for believing him. That he was just using her for somekind of amusement and that when he got bored of her being around him, he wouldsurely get rid of her like he did to the Ami girl. Ahhh how many times didKaneki dearest tell her all about that one? Tch. What did it matter to Senran,really? It’s not like she was expecting marriage out of him like that stupidass Ami did. Senran truthfully almost felt insulted people thought she even expectedanything out of Kichimura personally.
Like what, did sex guarantee a fucking weddingnow all of a sudden!?!  Who was this naïvestill? Didn’t Ami ever get taught by her mom not to give it up to the firstpretty man who made her feel like she was prettier than Vanna White or someshit? Or at least not till he fucking put a ring on it like Beyonce said?  Ugh how fucking stupid some of these humanswere….At least they got the advantage of doing something like that with someonewho they cared about, a far cry from her own experiences mostly.
“Sorry, but I really had to wake you;See, I decided I must ride you till I break you.‘Cause Heather says I gots to go;You’re my last meal on death row.Shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!Come on!Tonight I’m yours,I’m a dead girl walking!”
Sen sang a song to herself as shedanced on the rounded metal safety railing, spinning slowly and skipping withthe sort of daredevil’s grace that would have probably had her dearly departedTatara screaming at her in angry panic for her to stop. She giggled and as shehad her fun, kept a watch and didn’t notice any unusual activity for a whileand eventually came down when she finished. She easily found her way down andwithout any harm or foul, stepping her way to a bench where people could sit and wait for the bus but as usual, shewouldn’t be waiting for a bus. Now she was at ground level and able to makesure no one who wanted to take the only person, who said they saw themselves inher, out of the game. Kichimura was too important to her to let some dickweedwith a Cloud Strife complex take him away.  She blew some of her hair out of her face,revealing the beauty mark underneath her right eye, only to be taken bysurprise by loud squealing. Oh dear…the fucking Kichi-sama Fangirls again…SHIT.And soon she was surrounded by a group of pain in the ass highschool girls, incosplay or wearing fake moles. Wielding their fans with his perfect facepainted on them, they began interrogating why a ‘bimbo’ like her was doing nearthe CCG, and that she looked kinda slutty to be one of their members.
‘’LOOK! She didn’t even draw hermole in the right spot!’’–Said one of them who wore the most low qualitywig she had ever seen. Senran was annoyed just looking at her and hearing herand the rest of those schoolgirls. Ohhhh but then Wig Girl just had to reach outand try to ‘smear the mole off’.
It happened before she evenrealized what she had done.  Senran hadseen red and then as if having a fucking out of body experience, watched as herfist launched forward like a rocket fueled by every repressed emotionaldisturbance she had been feeling lately, and along with her aversion to beingtouched by strangers. She watched it go smashing into the fangirl’s nose withenough force to knock her backwards and cause her to flip backwards, ass overteakettle into a nearby garbage can filled with glass bottles. The other girlsran away screaming about ‘some crazy bitch in ero-lolita clothes and a badattitude that TOTALLY murdered their friend.
               To beFAIR, while she had indeed WRECKED THE SHIT out of this girl’s face,she wasstill alive. Teens were so dramatic, honestly. She could hear angry voicesshouting and saw a police officer approaching and sighed. ‘Well here we fuckinggo again!’
‘’Fuck me gently with a chainsaw indeed…” –She huffed as she ran, her heelstapping wildly against the pavement and turning a corner and had been gratefulfor the traffic coming along with the MOST perfect timing to allow her toRECKLESSLY weave in and out and be lost to the police pursuing her as sherounded a corner of the fence surrounding the CCG, pausing a moment to catchher breath. These boots were made for WALKING, not fleeing the law. That wasfor sure. But at least no one had seen that embarrassing debacle back thereright?
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kitty-bandit · 7 years
Your Poker Pair things are truly the best. ;w; Recently, I keep on imagining Allen working as a stripper in a nightclub to earn money, even if he's not happy with this kind of work. And then, it's like he meets Tyki in this place, and he's enchanted by Allen's way of dancing and moves. What would you suggest of NFSW and romantic for them?
Anon, would youbelieve me if I told you that I’ve barely written any Poker Pair before thischunk of requests I’ve gotten recently?? (Honestly, I’d written maybe 2-3drabbles, and I didn’t think they were particularly good, either.) But I seemto have found my rhythm, probably because of all the recent practice. XD Thankyou for thinking my drabbles are good. ;w;But—my oh my ohmyyy… Stripper AU, eh? I do love Stripper AUs. :3c((God, this ended up way longer than I thought, and forgive my rambling tone, but this is the best I could do before I fell asleep tonight))
Forthis, with Allen being the stripper and Tyki finding him oh so irresistible, I could see this developing so slowly. Tykiwould likely become a regular at the club, giving Allen extra tips just for thepleasure of the show.AndTyki would ask for private shows—because why the hell not? And Allen, seeinghim as an easy mark, would continue to play this further and further. Allenwould take complete advantage of it. He’d take as much as he could from Tyki—cash,gifts, favors—anything. This was how he made his living, and hooking a marklike Tyki meant more cash for him.Andthings would continue like this for a while, a routine if you will. Allen wouldwork his charms on Tyki; Tyki would shower him with money; Tyki would leave theclub with a boner the size of the Pacific Ocean and stumble home to take careof it.Butthen it changes—because during one of Allen’s private shows, Tyki asks forsomething Allen knows he shouldn’t give: a date. And Allen knows—he knows that that’s something he shouldn’tdo. Dating wasn’t good. Dating was dangerous. Tyki was a client—not a lover or a boyfriend or even a friend.But,Tyki was so handsome, and he had so much cash to spare… And really, what wasthe harm in one date? It wasn’t as if he’d fall for the guy, right?So,Allen goes. And the date is wonderful, and Tyki treats him to a fancy restaurantand to drinks, and everything is perfect. And at the end of it all, Allenexpects Tyki to pressure him for more, for sex, and when he doesn’t, Allen isleft thinking—Why?Then,their routine continues for a week, Tyki coming in like usual, asking for a privateshow, and Allen giving it to him. When the end of the week hits, Tyki onceagain, asks Allen on a date.Thistime, Allen stops, gives it to him straight—The date was nice and all, but they’renot a couple. Tyki is a client, and nothing more. Tyki says he understands, andstill asks him out.Andonce again, Allen can’t say no. It’s too good of deal to pass up.So,their routine changes. Tyki comes in during the week to see Allen dance, and onSunday nights (every Sunday night),Tyki takes him out on a date.Allenthinks this is okay—he can handle this. It’s just a job, like it’s always been.ButTyki isn’t just handsome; he’s charming.And witty. And beautiful. And he takes an interest in Allen as a person and notjust his body. And, fuck, Allen hasn’thad anyone interested in him in so long.Andone night, after too many drinks and too much shared laughter and jokes anddancing, Allen finds himself at Tyki’s apartment. And they’re kissing andtugging off each other’s clothes and before he knows it, Allen’s letting Tykido whatever he wants to him. The sex is good, better than he’d expected fromsomeone who spends all his free time in a strip club. But the morning comes toosoon, and Allen knows he’s fucked it all up. He leaves before Tyki wakes up,hurries home and tries to pretend he didn’t fuck up the best thing that’d everhappened to him.ComeMonday night, Tyki is back, asking for a private show as he always does. Allentells him he’s too busy. Tyki says he’ll wait, all night if he has to. Allenknows he would, too. So, he tells him straight up, he can’t do this anymore. It’sgone too far. They shouldn’t have slept together—it was a mistake to sleep witha client.Tykitells Allen it’s not a mistake. It was the best night he’d had in a long time.Allen can see it, see that he’s telling the truth, and as much as he feels thesame, he knows he can’t admit it. Allen says it’s over—no more dates, no moreprivate shows. This has gone too far.WhenTyki resists, tries to keep Allen from breaking whatever they had between themoff, Allen pushes him away the only way he knows how. He tells him he’s usinghim, that he’s never been anything but a client. That they only reason he everagreed to do anything with Tyki is because he’s loaded, and Allen needs the money.So,Tyki leaves. And Allen feels a hole in his chest, a pinching, tight, dark holeforming where there had never been one before.AndTyki doesn’t come back, not even for regular shows. Allen keeps looking in theaudience, thinking he might catch a glimpse of him at one of the tables, butno. Nothing.Weekspass, and that painful hole has turned numb. Allen’s friends notice he’s notthe same, and his boss tells him his focus on work is slipping. So, he takes timeoff, to clear his head, but all that leads to are more depressing thoughts andan urge to drink alone.Allentries to text Tyki, but finds that whenever he opens a new message, he can’tmake himself type. He walks past his apartment, but can’t go inside. Weeks turnto months, and nothing changes. Allen regrets his decision more and more, untileverything starts to turn to shit. He loses clients left and right, his poorattitude effecting his work until his boss finally tells him point blank: Shapeup or you’re fired.So,Allen leaves work early that night, exhausted and numb and not knowing what he’lldo if he loses this job—God, he needsthe money. He wanders the town, lost in despair, and not caring where he endsup. As he stumbles through the streets, he bumps into someone, literally, andof course, of course, it’s Tyki.Tykiis concerned with Allen’s appearance, since he’s cold and shivering and tiredfrom his constant walking to clear his head. He asks if Allen’s okay, becauseof course he does, because Tyki’s been nothing but sweet and kind to him.Andall Allen can do is laugh, laugh at himself and this man who fucked it all up. Allentells him as much, tells him he hates Tyki for what he’s done to him, forburying himself in his heart and ruining his life and making things so, sohard. Why is everything so hard now?Andhe cries. Allen cries like he hasn’t in years, and Tyki doesn’t know what to door say. Hesitantly, he pulls Allen in, hugs him, and when Allen doesn’t resist,he squeezes him closer. And it’s so warm—Allen doesn’t remember how he becameso cold, but wrapped up in Tyki’s arms, it’s impossible to ignore.So,Allen apologizes. He apologizes for lying to Tyki, for falling for him,because, God, Tyki deserved someone better than him, someone better than a stripperwho whored himself out for extra money.AndTyki asks Allen why he thinks he kept going to see him?AndAllen doesn’t know. He thought maybe Tyki was lonely, or stupid, or both.Tykilaughs, and tells Allen what he’d never told him before—that the reason he cameto see him night after night was because Allen had him captivated since thefirst night he’d seen him on stage. Tyki couldn’t explain it. Maybe it was hismoves, or his body, or his eyes, or just the sweet, mysterious air about him. Eitherway, he’d been enthralled with Allen, and had wanted nothing more than to be inhis presence.Tykiapologizes for making things awkward, for breaking Allen’s rules, for pushingthings further than he should have. He never wanted to hurt him, and it wasobvious that’s all he had managed to do. He tells Allen he’ll continue to stayaway—But,Allen grips his arms tight. No, Allensays, Don’t stay away.Allencan’t take the loneliness, the sleepless nights, the ache in his chest. It’stoo much.Allenbegs him, tells him he needs Tyki to stay. He misses him too much. He can’t thinkanymore, can’t concentrate, can’t sleep.Just stay,Allen begs. Please.And so, Tyki stays.
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amicicidalgambler · 7 years
you know what fuck it kitty did it so i have an excuse and im sick so i need something mindless to do
1: Do you have a crush at the moment? not really nah.
2: Have you ever been deeply in love? just with nadaya :3c
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in? id be willing to say its nad
4: Have you ever changed for someone? yyyyyyyes? shes willing to fake things she doesnt feel and play up certain parts of her personality for a relationship
5: How is your relationship with your ex? theyre all dead jim. except eridan and kanaya and she hasnt talked to kan and her relationship with eridan is Awkward
6: Have you ever been cheated on? as far as she knows no, but for the npc relationships its possible?
7: Have you ever cheated? nah
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating? yeah, she doesnt really care
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship? having fun but like. said in a way that sounds like she has no fucking idea what another answer would be
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? flings? she likes short barely committed relationships.
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”? shed be okay with it. more than okay with it even. so okay with it that actually she doesnt care you can leave for a while and shell barely notice.
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with? i guess the drone thing kinda counts but none
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship? she feels like she was a tad harsh with eridan but otherwise i cant think of anything
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”? yes? she feels like if you meet someone and youre meant to keep talking to them youll Know
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet? yeah dude
18: What do you consider a deal breaker? either not being interesting enough or outright hurting her
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship? vris gives up as soon as she starts feeling too bored with them, but thats the only way shes done it so otherwise she has no fuckening clue 
20: Are you currently in a relationship? ya
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends? when theyre not dead yes
22: Do you think people should date their friends? sure
23: How many relationships have you had? 3 since this blog started, 2 from canon, and ive fleshed out 2 of the npc relationships so that would be 7? ye
24: Do you think love can last forever? for other people yes. for her not so much.
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things? no.
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be? the first thing that came to mind was “May8e don’t.”
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work? its kind of hard for trolls with instant transportation to do the whole ldr thing for real.
29: What do you notice first about another person? how their brain feels to her powers
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual? bi/pan and grey-aro
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness? ehhhhhhh. depending on what it is it could work but dont expect her to be that helpful.
33: Do you want to get married one day? shes not really familiar with marriage but the idea of actually committing like that usually freaks her out.
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed? n ah she doesnt even like regular tattoos
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex? she prefers it that way
36: Are you still a virgin? no but only because drones
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality? personality?
38: Do you enjoy love films? there has to be something else violent going on in the plot also but sometimes
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses? probably has received them, probably hasnt given them
40: Have you ever had a valentine? ppprprprprprprprobably not
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”? a murder date. really though shes not super picky as long as its fun and not too crowded
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends? mmm. she feels like your partner is supposed to be a little more important than your friends but in practice its p even for her.
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”? half of the time yes. the other half she feels like shes Not Meant for relationships.
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends? yes but im not saying which one aha
48: What’s your favorite love song? meant to be yours from the heathers musical, my love wont wait by two gallants, and true love by thoushaltnot are all the ones that show up on her trntbl more than once. but im also going to add the squeaky wheel by the dear hunter
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? im pretty sure most of them were too busy bleeding out to be heartbroken
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are? shes single in pale because she doesnt really want a moirail? she doesnt see much reason to since she has nadaya and doesnt see her being as comfortable as someone else. then in pitch she has kind of weird needs and its hard to meet them.
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy? like 90% of the people shes dated have been rich douchebags. also she is a rich douchebags. thats just kind of who she usually gets along with.
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships? a broke clock is right twice a day
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single? ssssssssort of. she kind of flips between being repulsed by seeing other couples and being jealous
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)? having other people know shes together with someone is important to her but there doesnt need to be any spectacle to it yknow
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”? vriska can get really fucking jealous in the wrong circumstances. like “i want to kill your other mates” jealous. shes not super clingy though she can only talk to her mate once every couple of weeks and be fine. it can be better for her that way sometimes tbh like with mak rn.
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship? yes
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship? shes like the non-sexual equivalent of a power bottom Or Something. she wants control of whats happening but is more submissive Or Something.
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary? she never forgets but it doesnt always last long enough for that kind of thing to come up lmao
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships? she doesnt have anything against them but theyre very much not for her. shes way way to jealous to share a quad with someone and doesnt feel any need to take more than one mate in a quad, and isnt big on non-quad romance
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated? yes she does
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”? SHE REALLY REALLY IS BUT WONT ADMIT TO IT
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