#the vision though
cicaklah · 1 year
Me: it's fine I'll go to IKEA and buy a new sofa like an adult
The deranged interior designer who lives in my head and who has never had a good idea in her life: we could buy a Balzac armchair and just continue to have no friends that aren't made of felt
eBay: did you know there's a Balzac sofa and it's only £4000
Me, now a thousand listings deep and cross referencing with auction houses at 1 am: no this is fine we are fine this is normal I am a normal woman who will buy a stranger's butt print for multiple thousand pounds
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qquell · 2 months
here’s my pitch for the rat grinders spin-off:
kipperlilly: surena marie
oisin: ify nwadiwe
mary ann: brian david gilbert
buddy: mike trapp
ivy: anjali bhimani
ruben: freddy wong
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fleabag-15 · 5 months
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hello everypony HAPPY NEW YEAR i started this back when the first dlc came out but kierans one of my most fav pokemon characters ever LOL
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dittydipity · 2 months
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going INSANE. what is he thinking. why did he say this. why does he do all of this. i am thinking so hard.
we know he's seeking arceus to recreate the world bc in his eyes the world is cruel and unjust and it needs to be destroyed and remade. he's set himself on a mission to create the better reality he's envisioned for his whole life.
but everything else he does. the way he spends his time on pasio making people smile with togepi. even if he justifies it as something purely transactional to get more customers, we know he doesn't really take his merchant job seriously. the way he loves his pokemon so much that they will pop out of their pokeball to excitedly tell whoever will listen how much they love volo back. him trying to capture these moments of happiness tangibly because they never last long and can be wiped away any second.
he still hangs onto hope so much despite what's implied to have happened to him. in spite of all the anger and bitterness that's festered in him, he doesn't really want to destroy everything as he says.
it all started with a wish for the world to be a better place, for the good in the world to outweigh all the cruelty. he's still trying to spread what happiness he can.
but at the same time his past drags behind him and reminds him that he can't afford to trust in the goodness of the world.
that self-assigned mission to usurp arceus's power and rewrite everything.. to him, it's his duty now. he has to do it for himself and, as he rationalizes to himself, for the world.
so he ignores the flaws and holes he finds in his own reasoning. he can't help but seek out the brightness and happiness and goodness that does exist in the world, yet he has to dismiss it to justify his goals.
... all this to try and explain to myself why volo's asking all these questions and making all these comments that seem to go against what we'd expect given his ulterior motive and plans. and it's like he's asking the few friends he has to remember him as the one who seeks joy, even when he does the worst to fulfill his dreams
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The only eating out I do is at the olive garden
- an asexual with an arm full of breadstickd
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confusedmothboy · 25 days
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main party as political slogans plus izutsumi (i wanna turn these into stickers so bad)
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g1ngerbeer · 4 months
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created by love & unmade by it
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alcoholicpilot · 4 months
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another twitter request lawl
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lunacias · 2 years
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statement of jonathon sims, regarding a childhood encounter with a book formerly possessed by jurgen leitner
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galedekarios · 8 months
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"It creates a distinct visual motif not found in other romances that captures the connection between the two characters while feeling distinctly not of this world."
"We wanted this to feel like Gale and their partner were really merging into one, new, perfectly harmonious being."
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bakudekublogblog · 4 months
it's the last chapter mha and there's been a time skip and bkdk are pro heroes out on patrol on a rooftop over looking the city. katsuki walks over to izuku and drops a bag of chips into his lap before sitting down next to him. they open the little card packets together. katsuki gets a deku card; izuku gets a dynamight one
"damn," katsuki says, admiring his card. "i got a huge fuckin' nerd"
izuku beams. "and i got my best friend!"
"tch," katsuki grabs izuku's head and ruffles his curls, and after a moment adds. "yeah me too."
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surven-snacks · 1 year
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This one tag: *lives in my head rent-free until I draw it*
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Me: *draws it*
He's rocking it though,
(Pats the top of his head ) This boy is so handsome he can fit so many traumatic memories looks on him
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Miguel O'hara is the definition of pretty privilege. Man had beef with a fifteen year old and probably has a ton of anger issues, yet he's being thirsted over like he's the last can of coke in the Sahara desert.
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sersfandomthings · 17 days
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(referenced from that one shot in the 3.3 interlude quest)
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WAHHHH I LOVE THIS 🥺🥺🥺 the pining and flirting and slowburn of it all… model!satoru and his favorite designer suguru geto, both of them undeniably skilled and born with an eye for fashion….. well-known and adored……..
designer!suguru who gets tasked with showing you the ropes, who’s always so patient and kind despite your inexperience. diligent with his teaching but also so laidback, so easy to talk to… he looks intimidating, but he’s so polite that you can’t help but swoon a little. and he admires your enthusiasm so much…… grows fond of you soooo quickly bc you’re just such a breath of fresh air compared to the divas he’s forced to work with all the time. he thinks you’ve got real potential and he wants to nurture it.
and ofc you end up running into model!satoru eventually…. bc he’s always hanging around suguru whenever he gets the chance. and he’s maybe a little jealous that you’re hogging so much of his personal designer’s attention, but… he also thinks you’re so cute . T_T like a little puppy following suguru around… so excited to be apart of something you’ve dreamed of for so many years……… he looks into your eyes and sees the same sparkle he had before he made it big, and it makes his heart race.
yeah . i’m just thinking abt the peaceful coffee breaks with suguru….. how he’d insist on paying for your drink, ”since he’s your senior” (he wants to be your favorite </3)…… and how he’d just be so protective over his little intern. don’t get me started on the close proximity with satoru when you’re taking his measurements, the glance and smile he sends your way during an impromptu shoot… the way he always calls for you with a sweet coo of ”how’s my favorite intern doing today?”
😔😔😔 yeahhhhhh. they make me feel ill.
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tetrameryxx · 9 months
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I. The Magician
Crafty black-billed magpie is a master of resourcefulness in the sagebrush steppe. Cascades mountain ash, western juniper, big sagebrush and western diamondback rattlesnake make their homes here, too
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