#therapy in motion am i right ladies
hillerskaroyals · 2 years
growth is when wille is telling simon that august has them pinned bc they both clearly explain their sides and when simon accuses wille of telling someone he gives wille a chance to explain himself and call felice to confirm. this is such a far cry from all the heated, poorly explained arguments they’ve had in the music room it makes me wanna walk into the ocean
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medusas-musings · 9 months
Coffee's for (Elevator) Closers
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(A/N) First fanfic on Tumblr! If you have any requests for one shots, feel free to message me, I'll come out with a list of what I write for soon! Also Gif not mine 🖤
As I walk down the crowded and unforgiving streets of New York, I curse myself for not leaving 5 minutes earlier to get this coffee run in time for the shoot today. My shoes barely graze the street as I do my best to push through the crowd and reach the building we’re supposed to film in today. I stop in front of the skyscraper, and I double check the address before turning around to use my back to push through the doors and feel the weather change from the cold streets of Staten to the warmth of a heater. My lungs take a breather as I stop in front of the double elevators with a socially acceptable distance from the only other person also waiting for a lift. I find less anxiety clouding my mind now that there’s someone else most likely getting to set as late as I am. I take a glance to my side to notice that it’s one of the guys starring in today’s shoot. My knowledge on the show and who they were was very limited; If I never got a job as an assistant, I would’ve never even heard his name, nevermind seeing him in person. The doors shift to open and I see him look up from his phone, and gesture it forward in a motion applying the gentleman’s value of “ladies first”. I give a nod and a small smile in return and I assume that’ll be the most of our conversation as I enter the elevator and put my back as firmly as I can to the rail. Normally, I would be gripping both hands onto whatever I can stabilize myself in whatever way possible, trying to stifle the irrational fear in my head. The least I can say is that moving to a big city can certainly become exposure therapy for a fear of heights and elevators.
However, it turns out my worst fears would only become realized as I suddenly jolted forward, doing my best to recover my balance and spill the least amount of coffee possible. My pulse quickens as I can’t feel the inertia of moving up or down gives me, which only strengthens my fear worse. A curse escapes my lips, as I put the trays of drinks into a corner and go over to the panel, pressing any button I can. While I want to believe one of these will be the magic answer to getting out of this hellbox, but I was then gently set me aside to accept the fact we were stuck by the man I shared the space with. “Here, hon, I got this.” He murmured, then hit a button with a phone icon above it, one I thought I’d never have a use for it. Even in the state I was in, I didn’t let how attractive the simple gesture was. In a moment, another voice came through the speaker, and the shaggy-haired man explained the situation to them; it’s as if he wasn’t freaked out but I couldn’t help but feel my hands shake and my breathing quicken.
“You alright, sweetheart?” He said, making sure his tone was tender. I looked up, remembering his name–Well, nickname–Q. Seeing him on set, he seemed so much more intimidating to talk to, so unapproachable. Right now though, I could tell he was doing everything he could to keep the young woman in front of him from having a breakdown. “Don’t worry, I used to be a firefighter, you’re in good hands. Just breathe” His deep brown eyes pierced into mine, making me have to keep my gaze to my shoes half the time he was calming me down. I caught a glimpse of his chest raising and did my best to mimic the rhythm, my lungs filling with stale elevator air.
My heart can’t stop beating regardless of how much calmer I felt in the predicament we were in. What set in for me was the fact that this was the man I not only worked under, but I would catch glances at while I ran around him, like a small treat to my workday. I couldn’t deny that this was a guy I had a bit of a “workplace crush” on, but I didn’t think I would ever be so close to him, let alone being alone together. My brain finally registers a comprehensive thought in my daze of anxiety, and I turn around and kneel in front of the coffees, scanning the orders until I pull out a plain black I hand over to Q. “Here,” I say. “At least someone should be able to get their drink on time.” I continue, hoping to bring a little less tension to…well, everything.
He gives me a chuckle as he takes the cup from me, our hands grazing just barely. Even in that small moment, I could feel how small my hand felt next to his. “I appreciate the speedy delivery, Miss…”
I tell him my name, filling in the gap of his sentence. “I’m one of y’all’s assistants today. Shit, I’m gonna get chewed out for getting there so late.”
“You’ll be alright, Sweetheart, I won’t let ya get in any trouble.” Q reassures me. The comfort he’s supplying me as well as the slight display of power both send a shiver down my spine. “All I want you to worry about is keeping calm, alright?” His eyes keep mine in such a gentle glance. I can’t help myself when I feel the heat in my cheeks rise.
“Thanks.” There’s a pause in the air as I let out a small chuckle. “I really didn’t expect to talk to you more than just getting your lunch order later.” I grasp at anything I can grasp for a conversation. Hell, if I’m gonna be stuck in a closed place with my attractive boss, I’m gonna make the most of the opportunity.
Q took a swig of his coffee before a slight smirk crept onto his face. “Well, I guess it’s one way to meet the cute coworker.”
My brows furrowed and my mouth became agape, as if I was going to say something but nothing came out. After my brain finishes rebooting from the shock. “Is this a way to get my mind off being stuck in an elevator?” I ask, a slight smile occurring on my face. It doesn’t feel like a real thing that happened, as if this was some nightmare turned lucid dream.
“A little.” he shrugs, taking another drink of his coffee. “But it’s not a lie. I’ve seen you around, I’ve been meaning to find a way to introduce myself. But when I finally get a break, you’re usually busy so…” Q trails off as he keeps his eye contact. It was astonishing how honest he could be with me without a hint of fear. You couldn’t pry information like that out of me if you tried. “Well, guess the universe helped you out.” I brush my hair out of my face, trying to mimic his levels of confidence. “So tell me, if you ever did have a chance to talk to me, what was the game plan?” Q lets out a hearty chuckle. “You realize 90% of the show is excuses to talk to strangers? The actual excuse to approach you would be easy. Like the coffee.” Q pointed to the tray. “I could make up some bullshit about saying my coffee tasted wrong then go with you to replace it. Probably buy you something too as a thank you.” My eyebrows raise, an amused smile spreading on my face.
“Impressive, I can tell you're a professional.” I say. “If we’re being honest here, I also thought you’re kinda cute too. I just figured it wouldn’t be anything…” I trail off, searching for the right words. “… realistic?”
“If I’m being honest, I have caught you staring once or twice. It’s the only reason I would lay it on so heavy.” I looked down with a smile on my face, slightly embarrassed, but enjoying the teasing words.
Before I could reply, we could hear a commotion on the other side of the door; the technician was here to help, prying the doors open with a crowbar. As we get out, I take my coffee trays from the elevator. “Hey.” I turn around to see Q standing over me. “Let me help you with that.” He takes the second tray from my hands, allowing me to feel so much more stable. I thank him and we go up a flight of stairs together, making small talk as he holds each door open for me. We get to set, and we place the coffees onto the table. No one bothers to fuss about coffee being late since Q walked in with me, a shield for any higher ups to take their drink instead of nagging me.
Before I could walk away to check what else I have to do, Q gently grabs my shoulder to get my attention. He has his phone in his hand, pointed towards me on a ‘new contact’ page. “Hey, I’d love to get your number, maybe plan something that isn’t in a 5 by 5 square foot box.” Q’s eyes look nervous while his smirk tries to give off the impression he’s as cool as a cucumber. Biting my bottom lip to keep myself from smiling like an idiot, I take the phone from his hands. I put my number and name into his phone, but I can’t resist putting a green heart and an elevator emoji next to my name as a little inside joke. I give the phone back to him and he smiles at the name I used. “Thanks, I’ll see you around” Q concludes, waving to me with his phone in his hands before joining his co-stars.
I smile as I walk away, and I feel my phone buzz with a notification.
(New Number): Nice to meet you! And be your hero from that elevator encounter ;)
I quickly add the new number to my phone, knowing this isn’t a number I want to lose anytime soon. I may have to take the stairs for the rest of my life now, but at least I got to score a date with my hot boss.
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compo67 · 1 year
Wincest 34 💜
[Hello, my dear! I hope you don't mind that I delved into the Chicago Verse for this one. <3]
#34. to pretend.
It's a tough day in physical therapy.
None of the exercises come easy to Dean, and what's more, he had to be up by 6 AM to make the 7 AM appointment. Sam would ordinarily quip at Dean that if he didn't want to go to PT, then he should keep up with his exercises at home.
But seeing Dean wince and growl in pain during basic exercises and stretches hits Sam square in the chest. He hates seeing Dean in pain, but they both know--from experience--that if Dean doesn't move, the pain will only get worse.
Today's unlucky physical therapist is Devon, a lovely young lady who could probably find easy work being Zendaya's stunt double. Dean hasn't snapped at her... yet. She's been exceptionally patient with him, and has refrained from pushing him too hard. But Sam knows Dean could snap at any moment. This is partially why Sam came with today--to smooth things over if/when Dean needs it.
And to provide support. Though Dean won't ever admit that he needs Sam to be at his PT appointments. That's fine with Sam. They each have their own security blankets of denial.
"Easy," Devon says, keeping her voice as calm as a dinosaur trainer. "Remember to breathe."
Sam watches Dean grit his teeth during each clam exercise. Clams involve lying down on his side and pushing his top leg up. They look like a terrible ordeal, but Sam won't ever admit that.
I hate this so fucking much.
I know, it'll be over soon.
Not soon enough, she's killing me.
Ask for a break.
And extend this torture session? I think not. Fuck!
"Ow!" Dean blurts out. "I'm done, done with these clams--"
Before Dean can launch into a tirade, Devon pats his thigh and nods. "You're done. You did well." She hands him a red stretchy band.
Dean reluctantly sits up. He slips his feet and legs into the band, until the band sits mid-thigh. His job is to open and close his legs using the band--twenty times.
The phone up front rings and the receptionist asks for Devon to come over.
"Call of duty," Devon sighs. She looks at Dean, then at Sam. "Can you count for him? I'll be right back. Here. Sit in the chair of honor." She stands and motions for Sam to sit in front of Dean. "You two just count to twenty."
Puh. 'Just count to twenty,' she says. Like it's so damn easy.
If you do it in little pieces, it's not so bad, Dean.
"I can't take advice from someone who jogs five miles a day," Dean moans, squeezing his eyes shut. He starts with two stretches, then peeks his eyes open. "For pleasure, no less."
Sam sighs. He keeps up his exercise regimen because it makes him happy. The endorphins are worth it. His mood is different when he exercises. He feels a certain sense of satisfaction after a good run. Apparently, not everyone thinks this way.
"Let me help," Sam offers. "Just keep your eyes closed."
"That's easy," Dean grumbles. "Eyes closed. Now what?"
"Now count."
"Duh, Professor, that's what I was doing--mmph!"
Sam leans forward and smacks a kiss on Dean's lips.
Dean whimpers and bites his bottom lip. Two. He successfully completes one whole stretch.
Three. Sam kisses him yet again.
Four. Brow furrowed, Dean struggles, but succeeds.
Five. Sam licks into Dean.
Six. Dean is anywhere but here.
Seven. Encouragement comes in the form of a deeper, longer kiss. Sam even nips at Dean's bottom lip--daring him to continue.
Eight. Dean opens his mouth a little more and tosses the reigns to Sam.
Nine. Sam takes control over every kiss.
Ten. Dean shudders.
Eleven. Sam tosses a picture out there--the front seat of the Impala--and works to shift their attention. They're sitting on the Impala's leather seats, side by side, with the radio on. There's Springsteen in the background and the windows start to fog up.
They can play pretend--they're anywhere but here.
By number fifteen, they're basically making out, with Sam's hands over Dean's hands on the edge of the table.
By twenty, Sam needs a breather in order to... collect himself. He bumps their noses together and opens his eyes. No more Impala. But Dean's eyes are still shut, which means he's still in pain, but dealing with it, and working on coming back to reality.
Sam sends over a wave of calm and relaxation.
Little by little, Dean opens his eyes. He looks at Sam with a vulnerability in his eyes Sam both hates and loves to see. Sam runs his right hand through Dean's hair. He tugs on Dean's left ear.
Two steps away from their station, Devon clears her throat.
"Little unorthodox," she comments, sneaking a smile towards Sam. "But I think y'all counted to twenty."
"Twenty-five," Dean says, loosening his grip on the table.
Sam nods. "Twenty-five."
Devon charts this. She wonders out loud if maybe Sam could accompany Dean next week. Just to see if a certain technique will work again.
When Sam brings up concerns over her coworkers and other patients bearing witness to this new 'technique,' Devon merely smiles.
"That's what these curtains are for," she says, drawing one over her shoulder. "Privacy."
Later on, Dean decides he likes Devon.
Sam decides he likes her, too.
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sallysgrancanwrite · 1 year
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Chapter Twenty-Four
Chloe motioned for Hope to sit down. Beth and Chloe both sat on the couch.
“Would you care for a drink,” Beth asked.
“No, thank you for asking.” Hope responded.
Chloe could see she still covered her face. How horrible it must be to live like that. But why blame Michael? He was a good and decent man.
After a few moments Hope spoke.
“I read in the paper that you and Michael are to be married very soon now.”
“Yes we are,” Chloe replied.
“I think you know why I’m here Chloe. Don’t you?” Hope asked her, in a raspy voice that sounded like she had smoked her whole life. But they all knew why she talked that way. Smoke and fire damage.
“No, I don’t actually,” said Chloe uncomfortably.
“Why are you here?” Chloe said squirming in her seat.
Deep down she knew she would hear something she didn’t want to hear and something that she would have to keep from Michael.
“Chloe, you don’t know what you are walking into, just as I didn’t. I thought he was great until the wedding was over and the guests were gone. He became a different man.”
“What are you talking about? Michael loves me.” Chloe said.
Hope continued, “He once loved me too Chloe. Then the insults, belittling me and telling everything I did was wrong. Yes, there were happy moments. But so few.”
Beth stood up. “That’s it Chloe, you’re not marrying this creep!” She yelled.
Chloe calmed Beth down and told her;
“Hope is making it sound worse than it was.”
“Am I Chloe? Then the beatings and trips to the ER started. Eventually he stopped taking me or letting me go because he didn’t want trouble with them. He knew what he was doing was wrong Chloe but he didn’t stop.”
“Why didn’t you just leave then?” They both asked her.
“He wouldn’t let me. He had all the car keys, all the phones. He quit having a cleaning lady and we lived miles from the nearest neighbor. But one night I did get my courage up and while his parents were visiting I snuck out and had gotten some car keys. They had all been drinking so I thought he was passed out.But he heard me. As I opened the car door he grabbed me. He threw me in the house. He told his parents to go out back. He locked me in a bedroom and left me to die.”
“I’m confused,” Chloe said. “If his parents were out back how did they die in the fire?”
“They went back in to get some warmer clothes because it was cold out, not knowing what he was going to do. We three were all upstairs in the bedrooms which is where he started the fire. His parents had no chance. I cried a long time over that. Blaming myself. If I hadn’t tried to run he wouldn’t have done it and they would be alive.”
“Chloe,” Beth said, “do you so the psycho you are going to marry. You can’t do this! Please!” she begged.
“He’s changed. He’s gone through therapy and has made a change in his life. I’m so sorry for your pain Hope but he isn’t that man anymore.” Chloe stated.
Hope stood up. “For your sake I pray he is different. Be safe Chloe. Goodbye.”
Beth walked her to the door. When she came back Chloe was coming out from the bedroom in her bathrobe.
“We’ll, she said, are you ready for movie night?” She she asked.
Beth just stared at her then said,
“After everything you were just told, you still want to have movie night? Unbelievable.” She shook her head. As she undressed and got her robe on Chloe said.
“I really believe he had changed. He has kept his promise and not bothered us this weekend right” Chloe asked
“Okay, I admit he has. I just don’t want you hurt.”
“I won’t be I promise.”
They sat with some wine, and some seafood from room service and watched old movies. Beth wondered when she would get to do this again. It made her sad and put a lump in her throat. She just swallowed hard and took a deep breath. She thought; “Jeez girl pull yourself together. Maybe I’ve had too much wine.”
When they crawled into their beds that night they both said it had been a great day.
“Thanks Beth, for this trip. I needed it.” Chloe said.
“No problem, we’ll have to do it again sometime,” Beth responded.
After chattering and laughing for an hour they both fell asleep. Tomorrow they would be pampered. When they woke up breakfast was waiting in the room for them. A note said, I miss you and love you, Michael.
“Aww, isn’t that sweet. He had breakfast delivered.”
Oh my, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, pancakes, waffles, hash browns, fried potatoes, different flavored syrups and biscuits and gravy.
Chloe look at all the pastries. They basically brought a buffet to them. They ate so much they thought they would bust, but it was so so good. Then they realized the time and they only had a few minutes to get to their spa appointments downstairs. They just ran a brush through their hair and threw on some clothes.
Out the door they ran. When they got to the spa it was just in time, not a minute to spare. They ordered the whole treatment. First they swam a few laps in the pool and then got in the whirlpool to relax. The whirlpool was so nice they didn’t want to get out. They put a muddy face mask on the girls with cucumbers to cover the eyes. It felt strange and when it started to dry it cracked and peeled and made Chloe itch.
She was glad to get off and have her face washed and the lady took oil and massaged it into their skin. They both almost fell asleep. The Technician had them roll on their stomach and they got a total back massage. When that was done they got a pedicure and a manicure. Chloe needed a pedicure. Her feet were dry and cracked. The pampering felt heavenly.
“We have to do this more often,” Beth said.
“As long as we keep the mud part out.” They both laughed.
On their way back to the elevator to their room they stopped at the gift shop. They had beautiful things. The girls decided to buy Edith a gold bracelet that had her initial hanging as a charm. They look for Bob and we’re about to give up when they saw an engraved crystal whiskey decanter along with four glasses. They had Bob’s initials put on it. Both gifts were wrapped for them.
“I should get Michael something,” Chloe said
Then Chloe saw a storm weather predictor in the shape of a large glass raindrop. It was something he could put on his desk at work. But she wanted something more personal. Then she saw a gold pocket watch and it had a simple leafy design on it. Chloe had it engraved.
They got back to their room and decided today they would just hang out in this glorious room and do nothing. They did need to start getting their things together though because they were checking out tomorrow morning. They spent the day coloring each other’s hair. Both of them had roots showing and needed it done for the wedding. They did their nails. Remember childhood memories and just had girl time. Beth was struggling with this. As the day wore on she started to cry.
“Beth? What’s wrong?” Chloe asked.
“I just hate to end the weekend not knowing when or if we’ll ever get to do it again. And before you make a promise you can’t keep, just don’t. The fact is you don’t know what he’ll be like. But one thing is for sure, you will always have Edith, Bob, and me. No matter what. You know that?” Beth said.
Chloe sighed, “No, I can’t promise we’ll do it again soon and I don’t know what life will be like after I’m married. I know I have you three, buy you will always have me too. I’m not walking away from you. You’re my best friend. Okay?”
“How about some Chinese food tonight?” Beth asked.
“Let’s just do something easy, like steaks from room service.” Chloe said
“Hmm, steak I can eat anytime. Steak it is!”
They ate and watched their favorite tv show, reruns anyway. Then decided they better get to picking up. It took them over an hour to pick the room up and pack up for tomorrow. They had stuff everywhere and had to search for some stuff.
“I’m going to jumped in the shower before bed,” hollered Chloe from the other room.
“Okay, I’ll take one after you’re done. I’m finishing getting my stuff together.” Beth hollered back, but Chloe was already in the shower and didn’t hear a thing.
This was a great weekend, why did it have to end? Beth thought.
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Drabble #82
You know Arthur is a hopeless case when the other two thirds of the "I will keep all my feelings right here and then one day I'll die" squad attempt partner therapy.
Drabble Collection on Ao3 Ship: Railey (+ Arthur)
"Damn," Robert said. "I get the whole 'You wearing the suit and not the suit wearing You' now."
Tahir had stopped adjusting his earring when Robert had spoken up. Clip-on of course, his mother would kill him and he himself had no interest in the permanence. They were courtesy of Ala, who had used them when she was younger.
He smirked over his shoulder. "If you can't fill out a suit, you can't fill out the role you're wearing it for."
"Oh, you're filling it out, handsome." Robert's eyes did not meet his. 
The smile dropped off his face. "You're staring at my arse, aren't you?"
Robert did indeed and grinned, while Tahir rolled his eyes and turned back to the mirror. "But the rest also looks lovely, handsome."
Tahir made no further comment other than straightening his back and vest. Due to the mirror, he was fully that Robert was walking up to him.
He didn't protest the hands at his hips and  stopped his motions when Robert leant around to softly kiss the already adjusted earlobe. "I really like this touch, too."
Tahir snorted and chuckled quietly to himself.
"Thank you," he said and turned to face him, their noses touching. "I talked with Ala about whether you'd want some as well." Robert blinked, as his eyes widened in surprise. Tahir grinned. "She said you'd google which ear is the gay one."
Now it was Robert's turn to roll his eyes before he pecked him on the lips and turned away. Tahir still smiled to himself when he attached the other. "Are you sure about your outfit though?"
"Course I am." Tahir looked him once up and down. Robert noticed and stopped in his tracks. "It's just the French. Désirées probably going to show up with her tie backwards or triple layered dress and is gonna call it a fashion statement, so untwist your knickers, Tahir." Tahir sighed. "And I look well fit with the leather jacket."
"At least tuck your shirt in."
"With the leather jacket? Forget it, I'm not square. Won't catch me walking around like my own father."
"Fine! You're right." He looked back into the mirror. "We're gonna look like quite the pair, with me all dolled up and you all butch." Tahir could see in the mirror that Robert seemed to enjoy the notion. "You would google which ear the gay one is," he said, but before Robert could muster an answer, someone knocked at the door. 
Robert walked over and asked: "Who's there?"
"It's me," Arthur said. "Can I come in?"
Robert looked to Tahir for a brief moment, who nodded, and then opened the door.
"Sure, come in." Robert stepped aside a little as Arthur did just that. "The Lady over there's still putting her lippy on."
Arthur adjusted his lapel when Robert hadn't even closed the door and his hands didn't leave his suit when he strode into the room.
"I see," Tahir said after he had turned around to face him. "You chose not to wear the suit he bought you."
Arthur looked up from his cufflinks, but did not cease his messing with them. "Yes, because I'm perfectly capable of dressing myself, thank you very much. And I don't see what's wrong with this suit I bought in Oxford. Certainly, our tailors aren't any less talented than theirs." 
"And you're not Froglegs' dress up doll," Robert said as he ambled over to the bed and Arthur nodded.
"That as well. I'd appreciate the loving intent, if it didn't end up warping back into utter self-centered egotism."
Tahir simply watched him tighten his tie. "I won't argue with that angle. However, since I would not date François under any circumstances in the first places, while you do ... maybe meeting him halfway would be a nice gesture between lovers?"
Arthur re-buttoned his suit jacket while he glared at him. "How I handle this relationship, of whatever nature it may be, you may leave to me, Tahir."
Tahir smiled faintly but knowingly. "Of course, Sir. Apologies."
"I mean, there's always other options," Robert said. He had sat down on the bed. "Who really wants to ride the horse they learnt riding on? No one."
Arthur's face had turned at least a shade redder and his head snapped to Robert. "Excuse me?!"
"Did you have to phrase it like that?" Tahir asked. "Let me retract that - Did you have to say that at all?"
"What, I can't give a piece of advice as well?"
"Advice is solicited, something I clearly did not do with your opinions!" Arthur said. "Aren't you going to end up with your own relationship squabbles tonight, as always? Do you need to concern yourself with mine as well?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Robert asked.
"If you are going to be like that for the rest of the evening, I can see where he's coming from," Tahir told him.
"Didn't I tell you to untwist your knickers?"
"If you aren't going to back me up, but instead backstab me from two different directions, I won't put a single good word in with Arielle." He shoved his hands into his pockets and raised both his eyebrows for a moment, gaze turning to the side. "Or, well, rather try and distract her from whatever's going on."
"Oh, don't worry about that," Robert said with a grin on his face. "For all I care, she can fume all evening about not getting her way. Let her do it together with François."
Arthur looked at him, then his gaze unfocused. All the while, Tahir squinted slightly at Robert.
Arthur smiled. "Well, as much as I like the thought, I wouldn't want anyone to encourage him in his wailing. Guess I'll have to be a gentleman about all of this."
"Someone has to be," Tahir said, with a his eyes still on Robert, who seemed unaffected by the stern look and joyless mouth.
"You can only be a gentleman to a lady." He got to his feet and put one arm around Tahir's waist. "Ready to go, handsome?"
Tahir grabbed his suitjacket and adjusted it in front of the mirror.
"That's a marvelous shade of green," Arthur said about the suit and Tahir smiled for a second.
"Thank you, Arthur." He turned around. "I like the contrast of yours, is it bespoken?"
"Of course it is! Be a shame not to wear it, isn't that right?"
"Do you wanna take bets on what Désirée is going to wear?" Robert asked and Arthur laughed. He reigned himself in.
"I'm sure she'll wear something appropriate."
"Fuck off. If it's not at least a weird shirt, then she knocked her head real hard."
"Robert, were you earlier implying that Miss Halévy is not a real lady?" Tahir asked.
Robert poked his earring, which had Tahir catch him by the wrist. "You're more of a lady than her tonight. I'll tell you outright that she's a bitch."
"Robert!" it came in unison from Tahir and Arthur. The door fell shut behind them and soon, their conversation was carried away from the hotel room, through the lobby and into the Parisian spring night. 
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Friday, April 14th: Mid-Bloom
It’s good to be alive right now. Kelly and Kendall are making me laugh in the group chat, the elderly hippie lady (Terri) and I had a stop and chat about the benefits of meditation, and I’m in the mood to wear a long green sundress as I write this on my bed. 
Aesthetics are everything and there’s nothing wrong with romanticizing life when things feel fresh and bright. Wearing perfume around the house and doing yoga stretches for no one to see. I’m smiling at strangers, it’s all of a little ridiculous. But good vibes beget good vibes, I have my (hopefully final) interview with Diff Eyewear on Monday.  
My meditation today was focused on time. Investing it, wasting it, spending it. Yoga, daily walks, reading, writing, therapy, and the meditation itself all count as investing. Gaming and binge watching count as wasting (but fun waste none-the-less). Grocery shopping and doing taxes count as spending. 
Fuck. That reminds me I need to do my goddamn taxes. And grocery shop and sleep less, but I am poetry in motion, work in progress...a little lazy after all that yoga tbh. 
But, I ask as I run my fingers over the rose necklace Hannah and Emily got me for my 25th, what’s romantic about that? Turbo Tax doesn’t match with my indie playlist of Coin, 1975, Harry Styles, Arctic Monkeys, The Wallows, Tame Impala, Arlie, The Regrettes, and Royal Otis (among others). 
My skin tingles from a post-run shower and my toes are cherry red from a recent pedicure. The house has a good vibe, with Kate taking meetings in a black bikini outside, annoyingly tan. I told her so before pressing my butt up against the glass door at her. She laughed. We vibe. 
I read a ton of “Margot” last night and there’s a letter from it I’ll write out and post next. The writing really is beautiful. And often funny. Literature makes me want live more like a character, see meaning and notice details. 
The other night I hugged James while wearing his T-shirt in the kitchen. He rested his chin on top of my head and we fit. Like puzzle pieces for a night, fitting satisfyingly and separating just as easily. 
My 1% improvement today will be donating clothes/items I don’t use, dressing chic, and eating a little healthier than I have been. That’ll have to do. 
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colleenmurphy · 1 year
"Did you feed Tubbs?"
"Yes, I fed your bloody cat will you please help me lift into the back of the van please, Candy?"
"Alright, just stop wiggling it. On three."
A false count and Billy dropped his end of the couch that they had somehow agreed to pick up for Candy'd cousin Stevie. The city smelt of a mix of balmy summer mingled with asphalt and late garbage pick up. New York was certainly the city of dreams.
'Or bloody nightmares..'
He hadn't realized that he had dropped it right smack down onto Candy's left hand. He wasn't sure just what happened next. He remembered looking down and seeing her fret hand badly mangled between the couch and the metal bottom of the Chevy van she drove. The fact that she didn't even scream right away or the fact that her eyes straight up screamed murder at him. He watched her motion for him to back up as she went to the front of the van. It roared to life, almost gave him a growling warning of it's owner's emotions and it lurched backward stopping only to slightly drag couch a bit before it hit the van's roof, denting it in the process. One foot on the brake Candy started rocking in her seat all while giving Billy the glare of most certain doom if he dared say a peep. One final very hard rock and the couch came down with a solid thud into the back of the van. Billy took a step forward and Candy gunned in and took off a few feet before slamming on her brakes with the screech making both doors slam shut. Her head popped out of the driver's side window.
"Let's GO!"
William Percy Goode had never moved so quickly in his entire life.
"Are y-.."
"It's broken I know that much. Accidents happen, Billy. It's ok. I just..how am I gonna roll my spliffs? Or pack a fucking bowl?"
He hadn't thought it was possible for anything to make Mary Colleen McGuire cry. This was it. His stupidness had made his lovely stoner lady cry.
"I....I'ma gonna fix it."
Billy had done most make and manner of hard drugs but he had somehow skipped marijuana entirely. Nowadays he just drank like a fish and smoked Marlborough's like a chimney. He had never been baked until he took to rolling for Candy. She had simply asked him to light the first one for her since she was still shaken. It was all it took and he'd fallen in love with whatever strain she smoking.
"You ever see my basement?"
She smiled innocently as she took him on a guided tour of her growing set up.
"Y'know a spliff where I'm from is usually more tobacco than Mary Jane, Candy my darling."
"I know but this is just how it happens over here. Besides, I don't smoke cigarettes."
"Supposedly if you smoke a menthol after smoking on your joints...funny word that....yeah anyway you're supposed to get higher."
His face felt like blue tack and he giggled as he rolled into his side to face her.
"I'm really sorry 'bout your hand, love. I didn't mean for that to happen."
He studied her hands as she ground a bit of bud between her long tapered fingers. Her left hand had finally healed and her at home therapies were going well.
"I know you didn't. I'm still going to tell you the same thing I told you the day that it happened. It's ok. It was an accident."
"Your playing style's changed."
The coy pirate's smile graced her face as she sealed the joint and passed him the lighter.
"New sound for a new age. We're reinventing ourselves."
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thedoctorcried · 2 years
the thing is i’m such an out of sight out of mind kind of person. what i can’t see doesn’t exist and if i’ve never seen it i can’t summon any faith to believe it exists. it’s logical, y’know? that kind of logic that’s really just emotion, just fear, just shame.
but look, the thing is i’ve never seen anybody actually *like* me. and i’m not talking about love, we’re not even hoping for the lofty goddamn heights of love anymore (except of course goddamnit we are) but i can’t believe anybody *likes* me cause i’ve never seen it.
the people i pass in the street, the guy behind the counter in the shop, the lady from four doors down who walks her overexcitable dog—they’re all polite. they smile, they say good morning, they ask me how i am. they say all the things you’re supposed to say and all of it, all of this is so empty.
and my friends, when i had them, were all lovely and sweet and kind and then we’d go home and nothing ever happened again. no parties, no sleepovers, hardly even a text. we were only friends when we could see each other. when the box was closed, i stopped existing.
and my family? oh, that’s a whole load of therapy waiting to happen. we’re all just going through the motions, right? just killing time til tea. most of the time they’re not even horrible anymore, just not really connecting. and i don’t know how to believe that everything they’re doing isn’t done out of obligation alone.
i mean, you gotta love your daughter, right? she’s your daughter.
i’m your daughter, goddamnit
0 notes
nightowlfandom · 3 years
Yandere! Hawks (Keigo Takami) - Scratches and Bruises
Alright I’ll do it...I’LL WRITE HAWKS SMUT....but I won’t like it.
Okay people so This is gonna have talks of death, abuse, yandere shit.
“What’s a pretty girl like you do sad for?”
You looked up from your phone to find a man practically leaning over the restaurant table. You could smell the alcohol from miles away and the way he was moving wasn’t helping his case either. You were instantly put off by him. Correction: You were disgusted by him.
“What’s a ugly man like you so bold for?” you smiled sweetly as the venom dripped off your words. “I’m really not interested.” you looked back down at your phone. You were just about to get a new high score on your favorite phone game and this asshole was ruining your chances. Your character almost died twice since he began bothering you. It was really starting to get on your nerves. If you didn’t unlock that new skin, you might kill someone.
“Oh come on.” he slurred. “Can a guy just compliment such a pretty lady?”
“Not when he looks like fucking Voldemort.” you replied just as quickly as he ended his sentence. “You’re kind of bothering me right now.” you pressed pause on your game and looked up again. “I’ll ask again. What do you want, seriously?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a guy at one of the booths, staring over at you. It didn’t feel creepy, but it was enough to capture your attention. 
“I wanted to-”
“What do you want?” you cut him off again. “We’re wasting time here.” you threw your phone on the table. “Save me the headache and save your ego...” you crossed your arms. you faked a smile. “Goodbye.”
“You bit-”
“Is there a problem?” 
A new person walked up to you two. The same guy who you had noticed before stopped in front of your table. He had sandy brown hair, and very sharp looking eyes. You swore you’ve seen him somewhere. You weren’t too sure.
“Nothing buddy, just about to show this bitch who she’s talking to-”
You crossed your arms and shifted around in your seat. “I mean I don’t need to be shown anything.” you shrugged.
“Oh are you?” he laughed. “Well I hate to break it to you but I’ll have to intervene” the stranger laughed out loud. 
“What do you mean-”
The drunk was instantly floored as this stranger grabbed his by the neck and slammed his face against the table not even an inch away from your phone. The drunk landed on the floor with a thud, moaning in pain. You weren’t even sure if he was registering the pain he was in or the fact that he had gotten his ass handed to him in the first place. All that you knew was that he was being peeled off the floor and escorted (more like thrown out.).
“You’re welcome, lady.” the guy didn’t take another look at you before be took a step forward. 
“I didn’t need your help.” you snatched your phone off the desk. “I can take care of myself.” you rolled your eyes. “And I wasn’t gonna thank you, either.” you stood up. “I’m definitely not going to now.”
The man slowly turned around, revealing his face clearly. “Oh really?” 
He was attractive, no doubt about it. His tight black muscle tee with baggy jeans and boots...damn he was a looker. Yet you weren’t like most MC’s...it would take a bit more than that for him to have any impact on you.
“Really.” you repeated. You put a hand on your hip. “Now if you’ll excuse me...I’m off to find another table to sit at.”
The man who ‘saved’ you didn’t take his eyes off you all night. Even when your friends came and joined you. 
“Hey Y/N, is that Keigo Takami looking at you?”
“I think it is!” another friend piped.
“Who?” you stared at her as you lowered your drink. “Who is Keigo Takami?”
“Y’know...Hawks.” she whispered. “I heard they call him that when he served time...” 
“He’s a literally crazy person. He’s an absolute menace! He’s a former hero...”
“Can imagine why...he beat the shit out of this guy who tried to hit on me.”
“Him?! I haven’t heard of him ever doing that for anyone before.” your other friend widened her eyes. “Y/N, I’ve heard of his past relationships...they didn’t end well. They all ended up missing...or in therapy.”
“I can take care of myself.” you shrugged. “I’m sure whatever Hawks has for me, I can take.”
“Don’t say that so freely, Girl. I heard he has a lot of screws loose.” your friend put a hand on your shoulder. “Like a lot.”
“Well whatever Mr. Man has in store for me, I’ll be prepared. It can’t be that bad, right?” your confidence dispersed a little bit. You looked behind you back at Keigo who had been cracking open a can of beer. He looked a little to interested in his own world to see you staring. 
“Y/N...Y/N!” your friend snapped her fingers in your face. “You okay?”
“Y-yeah!” You focused back on your friends, feeling your emotions sort of switch. 
From the corner of the room, Keigo’s eyes followed you. He took his bottom lip between his teeth as he studied you. Never in his life had he ever seen a girl like you before. He had never been so...fascinated either. Something inside him snapped, he had to get to know you.
He had to.
“Is there a reason  you’re following me?”
On a trip to the supermarket, you couldn’t help but voice your opinions. Keigo was hiding in behind a display of cans whilst you stared at the cheese. Hmmm Cheddar or American? Maybe Havarti! Hmm Pepperjack? Why were there too many types of cheeses?! Too many options!
“You have a very keen eye.” he revealed himself. “I like that.” he began walking along side down down the aisle. “Try this one, it’s the best on burgers.” he grabbed a package of Pepperjack cheese and tossed it in the cart.
“I’m just very aware.” you replied boredly. “It comes with the territory.” you opted to ignore him trying to shop for you. 
“Of being a hero?” 
His words made you freeze. You hadn’t been a hero in years, let along thought about it. It had been so long...
“I hung up my cape years ago.” you rebutted. Your tried to keep your voice steady, but he could tell his words affected you. It made you wonder how he even knew that.
“I can say the same.” he winked. “Only I traded the cape for...other things.”
“I can tell...Hawks.” you grumbled in reply. “That’s what they used to call you right?”
Keigo knew you were challenging him. Part of him was angry, others not so much. He was interested to say the least. No one dared call him that anymore. Hell, no one lived long enough to even finish such a sentence. What made you so different? You had guts...he liked that.
“Yeah...that part of my life is over now.” he began following you down the aisle. “What about you? Why’d you give up hero work?”
“That’s not something I want to discuss with a stranger in the middle of the store.” 
“I get it...how’s 7:00 sound?”
“Pardon me?” You and your cart skid to a stop. “What did you just say to me?”
“I’ll meet you at the bar we met around 7! Don’t be late, and tell the bartender Takami Keigo is gonna be waitin’ for ya.” he winked. “Don’t leave me waiting princess...”
“I don’t even know you!” you were taken aback. “You don’t even know my name...”
Keigo’s face twisted into a smirk. He took a step towards you. You flattened yourself against the aisle wall as he trapped you against the cereal. “So tell me...What’s your name?”
“For a hero...you’re pretty dense.” he chuckled, nearing his face closer. “I asked your name, Hun.” he winked. “Won’t you tell me?”
“Y/N.” you replied breathlessly. “My name is Y/N.” Why did you tell him that, you had no clue. Idiot!
“Okay then Y/N.” he neared his face towards yours. “7:00 tonight...okay?”
“Uh huh.” you nodded. 
“Wonderful, I’ll see you tonight, princess.”
You sat at the bar stool, spinning around lazily. You called all of your friends, your parents, hell even your grandparents. You didn’t tell them the details, but you told them if you didn’t message them back by 9:00 AM the next morning, call you just in case.
“What can I get you?” the barkeep walked up, wearing a kind smile on his face. You suddenly remembered that Keigo had told you, and you didn’t trust it one bit. “Can I get a water please?” 
“Coming right up, young lady.” the older man kindly looked at you. “Anything for the former Number 1 hero!”
You giggled bashfully. “Please, that was years ago.” you shook your head. “I appreciate it though.” you smiled. Hero work, the bane of your existence. Your past buddies and partners had all begged you not to leave, but with the amount of scars and suffering you endured, you had no choice.
You wouldn’t put yourself through that again, not for anyone. 
“Here you are miss.” the glass was set in front of you. 
“Thanks.” you put your hand over the top of the glass. Now that it was in yoru hand, you could move accordingly. “I was also supposed to meet someone here?...Told me to tell you to expect me...Keigo Takami?”
The barkeep’s face fell, fear striking his features. “O-oh! You’re Mr. Takami’s company for the night! I’m supposed to escort you to his special booth.”
“Special booth?” you repeated.
“Y-yes, please follow me!” he urged. “Only VIPs are allowed back here, but he rented out the entire back area just for you!”
You felt your senses go off, fight or flight mode. Now or never. You reached in your purse. Knife, check. Mace, check....Gun...check.
The kind barkeep took you to a back area. It looked like the main dining area, only a lot more high end. Slow jazz music was playing in the background and the lights were low. He was right, there was no one here...except one person.
He dawned a brown leather jacket, black skinny jeans and those all to familiar boots. He tapped his fingers against the table as he stared down at his phone.
“Mr. Takami. She’s here.”
Keigo looked up with that shit-eating smirk. “Thank you Hideo, leave us.”
The barkeep stalked off leaving you alone. You suddenly felt out of place. You looked around, taking note of the city beaming outside the windows. 
“Beautiful isn’t it?” 
You looked back over at Keigo again, almost surprised. “Yeah, it is.” you nodded.
He motioned next to him. “You wanna sit down or are you gonna stand there staring at me? I don’t bite.” he winked.
Silently, you sat down, still keeping your distance from the man. You were about a good two feet away from him. You weren’t too keen on getting any closer.
“I’m surprised you came. I thought you’d find a way to get out of this.”
“I am too, but I figured I’d entertain this idea...just for tonight.” you shrugged. “Don’t try anything, got it?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Keigo cracked a genuine smile. You looked stunning and he wanted to tell you that. He wouldn’t admit it, but he knew about you when you were going by your hero alias. He recognized the way you walked, the way you spoke. You could have killed that freak who hit on you if you wanted to. However you didn’t. He was curious about that.
“Why did you ask me out?” you raised an eyebrow before he could get a word out.
“I’ll let you know in a minute.” he winked. “I’m more interested in you.”
“Like what?” you raised an eyebrow. “How interesting can I be?”
Keigo didn’t want to say he did extensive research on you and couldn’t find shit. It drove him crazy. It was making him go quite literally insane. He was more that interested. He was invested. When he didn’t answer, you sighed.
“You tell me first.” you crossed your arms. “I know your reputation proceeds you.” you raised a brow.
“Princess, that’s not how this works.” he tried to sound as if he was joking. “I ask the questions here.”
“Well it is today.” you shrugged. “Either we have an even exchange or you’re out of luck.” you shrugged. “You decide.”
Keigo stared blankly at you. You were a tough nut, that was for sure. Plus you sure as hell weren’t afraid of death. That must have meant you had no idea what he was capable of. Then again, it must have been your Hero Side taking a stance.
After what felt like a minute, he sighed in defeat. “...A friend of mine was killed by a hero.” he confessed. “You ever hear of someone called The Bronze Monk?”
“That name sounds familiar?” you raised an eyebrow. “He’s another hero, right? He can turn his fists into bronze.” You tried to recall.
“Mhm...He killed my friend.” Keigo clenched his fist. “I did 6 years because of him....”
“I don’t understand.” you raised an eyebrow. “What does that have to do with you?”
“This was while you were dominating the game I guess, so I don’t blame you for not knowing.” he shrugged and he slapped a hand on the table. “HIDEO! TWO BEERS.”
“So I’m confused. I heard The Bronze Monk died mysteriously...he fell from over 500 stories...”you paused. You took to time to noticed that Keigo has aired out his wings this time around. You didn’t even noticed he HAD wings. “It was all over the-...wait a second...You never said who your friend was.”
“She was a- she was a villain.” Keigo sighed. “She was like a sister to me and I was tryna get her to stop being so dumb...turn over a new leave and she was doing so well! Shit, but...one day she dumbly got into a fight with that asshole and I watched my friend die right there.” Keigo hitched his words slightly.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.” you said sadly, regretting opening your big mouth. “I didn’t mean to-”
“No...it’s fine. I guess in order to move on I gotta talk about it right?” he sat up straight as the barkeep came back with two mugs and quickly stalked back off. “I was so blinded by my own anger. What type of hero would go out of their way to punish someone trying to make amends....” he seethed. “I flew him up to the tallest building in the city and dropped him...I only got off on good behavior...”
It finally all made sense, to you at least. You let what he said marinate and sit well...it felt surreal.
“So.” Keigo grabbed his glass and took a huge gulp. “I’ve said my peace. You’re turn.”
You stared at this guy for what felt like ages. Something told you that this guy couldn’t be trusted. All the alarms were going off at the same time...but for some reason-
“My parents wanted me to be a hero.” you said. “My quirk is hereditary, so it’s passed from person to person.” you shrugged. “I loved saving people, helping people...then-” you paused. “I saw how corrupt, and hateful, and disgusting these so-called heroes were...I lost someone important to me too.”
Keigo raised an eyebrow, suddenly interested. You took a swig of beer, trying to gather your thoughts. 
Keigo took note of the way you were fiddling with your left hand. Your thumb grazed over your ringer finger as if something was missing...something important.
“Who was the guy?” Keigo asked, snapping you out of your trance. He had a gut feeling he already knew, but he wanted to hear it from your mouth.
“...H-he was um...we dated since high school.” you shrugged. “We were a team, him and I.” you smiled at the memory. “When he turned his back on the hero world, they turned their back on him too.”
“They sold him out.” you choked. “They left him for dead and told me he would be okay. I should have gone back for him but they held me back, they told me there were other people that needed my help.”
“What happened when you learned the truth?” Keigo asked. He only knew that a poor hero lost his life, he didn’t know that the only other survivor just so happened to be his future wife.
“I had to choose...my friends and my morals or being a hero. If anyone knows just how two faced and conniving these people are, it’s me.” you shuddered. “I’ve met traitors, and killers disguised as good guys. At one point I couldn’t take it anymore and I gave up! Forget being number 1, forget status, forget everything...Being a hero...lost me everything.”
“Hm. Thank you for sharing that with me, Princess.” he replied. “It must have been hard to do...it’s nice to know you trust me so much.”
“It was only fair, I guess.” you boredly drank. “It not that big a deal.” you stared down at your fingers. “It was years ago, I’ve moved on.”
Keigo took note of how your mood faltered. He couldn’t have that.
“Hey, look at me?”
“Hm?” you looked up from your glass.
“I’m sure where ever your fiancé is, whatever he’s up to. He doesn’t blame you.” he put a hand over yours. “He wouldn’t hate you for moving on either.”
“He wouldn’t?” you narrowed your eyes. “How do you know?”
Keigo couldn’t answer, he just wanted to say something, anything, to put a smile on your face. It was like a second nature in such a short time. He wanted to be your hero. “It’s just a hunch...you shouldn’t be afraid to move on...sometimes all you need is a push out the nest.” he winked as his wings twitched behind his back.
“Bird humor? Really?” you scoffed.
“It’s what I do, princess.”
After the heavy and depressing, you don’t think you laughed that hard in years. 
“Wait hold on.” you stopped laughing. “Pause for a minute! You, with those big ass wings got your ass handed to you by some chump named ‘The weather man?’” you were crying from laughing so hard.
“He could control the wind!” he defended, also laughing. “You shoulda seen it!”
“Well maybe you need to exercise your quirk more.” you crossed your arms.
“As if you’re the master of your own.” he playfully rolled his eyes.
“As a matter of fact, I am!” you raised an eyebrow. “Shall I demonstrate?” you scooted out the booth and stood up. “Don’t blink or you might miss it.”
Keigo leaned back in his seat, now very interested in what you were about to display for him. He watched your eyes narrow in focus as you held your hands out in front of your face. Slowly, a very tiny tornado formed in your hands, small and handheld. This mini tornado was soon replaced by a tree sprouting out of the top. You waved your hand around and miraculously summoned rain out of your palm. 
“Okay Y/N, focus.” you mumbled. Suddenly, out of everything, a flame erupted from the center of your hand. 
He watched in awe, he had never heard of anyone with a quirk like this one before. With another flick of the hand, everything you had summoned disappeared. “Ta-da!”
“That was amazing.” he commented as your sat down. “What was that??”
“I come from a long line of ‘benders’. Funny name, I know.” you giggled. “I can bend another element...spirit. I can only do it when I’m really happy though.”
“Why didn’t you try that one?”
“...I said I can only do it when I’m happy.” you smiled sadly. It didn’t take long for Keigo to catch on. 
“Oh.” he raised a brow. “Sorry, I-”
“It’s alright.” you shook your head. “Ever since...he died...I’ve never been able to do it.” you shrugged. “Maybe one day I’ll be able to.”
“I’d love to witness that.” Keigo laced his fingers within yours, making your face heat up. “I bet it’s beautiful.”
“...S-shush.” you scoffed, looking away bashfully.
Suddenly the song changed, a slow jazz song began playing. A slow beat, with soft drums and what you could describe as a romantic saxophone.
“Dance with me.” he held out his hand. 
You smiled, rolling your eyes playfully as you took his hand and stood up. He guided you to the middle of the floor. he pulled you flush against his chest. The slow music seemed to drown out the hustle of the city noise outside. He hummed thoughtfully, singing to the tune for you. 
“You never told me.” you mused as you two moved in sync.
“Told you what, princess?”
“Why did you ask me out?”
“Truth be told, something drew me to you.”
“Like what?” you innocently stared. “What about me could possibly interest you?”
“Out of everything you’ve told me, everything really.” he bit his lip. “You’re amazing, everything about you.”
“You aren’t so bad yourself, Keigo.” you shyly replied. You turned around and rested your back against his chest. He rested his head in the divot of your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your waist, guiding you along to the music. 
He was right, he wouldn’t leave you, not now. Not ever. 
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Go for it, princess.”
“If I admitted I was wrong about you, would you hold it against me?”
Keigo nearly froze. A shock was sent up his spine as the words left your lips. “You shouldn’t say things like that, princess.”
“How come?” you turned around to face him. 
“I want to-” he bit his lip. A gentle hand rested on the base of your neck, his thumb caressing your throat. He laid a kiss on your lips, passion dripping off of every peck. His tongue slipped through the small gap as he moaned against your mouth. You whimpered and shivered feeling his tongue dominate your mouth. He responded with sounds of his own. Shaky breathes and low groans.
You responded to his touch, allowing his hands to travel under your shirt. “Keigo.” you whimpered. Your feverishly ran your hands through his hair, practically gluing your bodies together. You felt his fingertips creep under shirt, dancing across your skin. “W-we can’t do this here.”
“You’re totally right.” he didn’t cease, instead opting to kiss down your neck. “So...my place or yours.”
You felt yourself lose all sense of direction. “Y-yours.”
“You’ve just opened up Pandora’s Box, princess.”
You fell back on his bed, crawling backwards. He rid himself of that jacket and his shirt, leaving him to flex his muscles, his wings, and everything. You stared up, trembling in anticipation. 
Your friends would probably kill you, but you didn’t particularly care. You hugged yourself, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. 
Keigo loved it. It meant you still had innocence flowing in your veins, not for long. He would toy with your brain. He would bend you to his will and drive you insane with lust. You would be the perfect sidekick for him. He stalked over to you, biting his lip. 
“Look at you.” he mused. “You’re so cute.” he giggled. He rested a knee at the edge of the bed, beginning to crawl towards you. 
You noticed his wings were spread wide, covering over you two like a shield.
“C-can I?”
“Go ahead Princess.” he smiled knowingly. He had the look as if he knew something you didn’t. You reached a trembling hand to gently brush his beautiful feathers. A low groan erupted from his throat.
“Oh my gosh! Am I hurting you?” you almost withdrew your hand back.
“Don’t stop...please.” he growled lowly. 
It was only then you realized, this was turning him on. You ran your hands through his feathers. They were soft, shiny even. 
“Enough!” he grabbed your hand and pinned it above your head. “Look at you, princess. All ready for me.” he laughed. “I wonder how wet I can make that pussy for me.” he used his other hand to fumble with the button of your jeans.
You trembled under his touch, feeling your pants slide down your legs. You were completely drowned in your own lust. A fire was prominent in your chest. You were shaking under his fingertips. 
“Enjoy this, princess.” he winked before crawling down. He lifted your shirt up and planted little kisses along your stomach. He grabbed the hem of your panties with his teeth and pulled them down. 
You were squirming in anticipation, waiting. 
“You smell so...so-” he didn’t finish his sentence because he had drove his tongue up your slit. A gasp escaped your lungs. Absentmindedly, you had grabbed a fist full of his hair. 
“Fuuuh~” you couldn’t speak. You weren’t even sure he’d be able to hear your over the sound of your wetness. You could feel your water dribble down your thighs. 
“Wrapped your legs around my head.” he growled, digging his nails into your thighs. “Grind that pussy against my tongue, princess.” 
You thrashed against his mouth, feeling warmth gather in the pit of your stomach. “Keigo!”
He wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked harshly, making you cry out even louder. 
Keigo felt himself lose touch with everything, he was only focused on you in the moment. Fuck, was he hard too. Hearing your moans. Shit, he couldn’t wait to bury himself into you. 
“Baby, do you hear that?” he looked up at you as he promptly replaced his tongue with his fingers. “Listen.” he pumped his fingers into you. “You sound so fucking cute” he groaned, mimicking your soft whimpers. “It feels good, yeah?”
You couldn’t speak, so you just nodded. 
Suddenly, he yanked his fingers out of you. His head fell forward to rest on your pubic bone. He sounded as if he came just now even if it was you getting all the pleasure. 
Like a predator stalking after it’s prey he meet your eyes. He wore a sadistic grin with his bottom lip taken between his teeth. He sat up, fumbling with his belt buckle. 
“You ready for me, princess?”
“Yes, p-please?” you whimpered. 
Fuck, you couldn’t do that to him. He had a mind to tear you apart where you lay. Your jaw went slack as his cock was released from its restraints. Would that even- Inside you?! 
You felt it brush against you, slightly. You met his eyes and froze there. He was staring down at you. He looked absolutely feral. You could barely look away as he slid himself inside your throbbing hole. He painfully slowly rolled his hips into you. He twitched inside as he bucked his hips into you. 
“Look at how good we fit together. That’s right.” he managed through clenched teeth. “My cock was meant to be here. I was meant to fuck you.” he snarled. 
You tightened around his length as he thrust harder. “You’re so fucking beautiful, princess.” His jaw dropped again. “Say my name, please?”
“K-keigo.” you obeyed. You felt a warmth in your chest as well as your core. It was like a fire was being ignited in the pit of your soul. “I’m gonna-”
“Fuck! Don’t finish that sentence.” he snarled. “You don’t wanna know what I’m gonna do as a result.”
In a swift motion, you were suddenly staring down at Keigo. He had a death grip on your legs as he was now thrusting upwards. You had your hands on his chest in an attempt to support yourself.
“I think I like you more when you’re riding me.” he bit his lip. “You look so fucking sexy. Those moans, that body, your pretty fucking pussy-”
“Keigo, please! I can’t it anymore.”
“Oh yeah, you gonna cum? You wanna cum for me, baby?” he spoke in a babyish voice. “You wanna cum all over Papa Bird’s cock? Do it, do it for me...ARGH FUCK!”
You felt his warmth inside you at the exact same time you had came. He was shaking under you, rolling his hips upwards to relieve the friction he had caused. 
Keigo stared in amazement at a bright light erupted from your chest, a small bird in the shape of smoke began flying around the room.
“That would be spirit.” you laughed tiredly, watching the quirk you had thought died reactivate out of nowhere. 
“I hope you know...you can never leave me now.” Keigo sat up to lay kisses on your neck. “You’re mine now.”
(AND DONE! This was Hawks debut on the blog so lets all give hem a huge hello!)
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
Hello! Can i request a platonic about diluc and kaeya helping a lost child find their parents. I can totally see them arguing while comforting the crying child. Thank you!!!
a/n: hi!!! ty so much for the request!!! i tried my best to focus on how they would interact based on current canon status of the relationship between the two. sorry if this isn’t exactly what you envisioned, but i’m not the best at writing kids! i hope you like it, though :)))) title: diluc and kaeya are upstanding citizens of mondstadt (otherwise known as: diluc makes a kid cry) word count: 1.2k pairings: diluc & kaeya (platonic!!!!) warnings: mention of adult activities (as a joke, nothing explicit), spoilers for diluc and kaeya’s backstories (webtoon) and potentially for diluc’s hero quest?
Before we begin: I already feel bad for this hypothetical child
Diluc and Kaeya don’t really get along, but I can definitely see them encountering each other when Kaeya is ordered to go clear a camp of hilichurls near Dawn Winery. When he arrives, he spots Diluc speaking to a child nearby.
Alarm bells go off in Kaeya’s brain (Diluc with children? Something isn’t right.) He hasn’t been close with his brother since their father’s death, but Kaeya believes that he would at least know if Diluc had a kid.
As Kaeya sneaks closer to get a better look, he realizes Diluc’s expression is a pained one and the child, a young boy, is on the verge of tears. So, being a good and faithful (and a definitely not nosy) Knight of Favonius, Kaeya decides to intervene.
Because Kaeya is known for his charms (and isn’t Diluc), the child’s tears immediately begin to subside as the child begins to explain that he is lost and doesn’t know how to get back to his family in Springvale.
“I saw a Crystalfly,” the kid blubbers, running up to Kaeya and holding onto the Calvary Captain’s leg for dear life. “And I followed it here but then it flew up in the air and left and now I can’t get home and my mom’s gonna be mad at me if I miss dinner because she always tells me to be home before dark and I’m gonna get grounded and not be able to have any des-”
“He’s from Springvale,” Diluc states plainly, interrupting the boy’s rant. “He needs to be escorted home.”
Diluc’s blunt tone causes tears to arise in the kid’s eyes again, so Kaeya immediately offers to escort the boy home. It’s his duty as a Knight of Favonius to ensure that the people of Mondstadt are protected (and conveniently places a raincheck on the much more difficult tasks Kaeya has waiting for him back in Mondstadt).
However, much to Kaeya’s surprise (and Diluc’s own personal chagrin), Diluc insists on accompanying them as well. Diluc explains that there have been Abyss Mage sightings on the way from Dawn Winery to Springvale, therefore it would be safer for him to accompany the kid as well.
The young boy climbs up on Kaeya’s back, piggyback style, and the two brothers begin their forced family therapy session as they walk back to Springvale and they live happily ever after with all of their problems fixed.
Except… not quite. The three of them journey in silence as the young boy is lulled to sleep on Kaeya’s back, nestling his face into the soft white fluff of Kaeya’s uniform collar.
Kaeya is the first to break the silence. “Wow, Diluc, I can’t believe you almost made a kid cry.”
“As if you could do any better,” Diluc retorts with a huff, sending a glare at Kaeya out of the corner of his eye.
“I can do better and I have done better.” Kaeya states proudly, as he exaggeratingly shifts the boy’s weight on his back and gives Diluc a smug grin.
“I am not particularly fond of children, nor do I encounter them in my profession.” Diluc says.
“Really?” Kaeya feigns shock. “I never would have guessed, I thought children would be knocking down the doors of Angel’s Share for some dandelion wine.”
Diluc flashes a brief look of disgust in Kaeya’s direction and the conversation settles down for a while. Until, of course, Kaeya has the most brilliant idea of a new conversation starter.
“So, Diluc, when did you become a father?” Kaeya inquires, lacing his tone with false innocence. If Diluc didn’t know better, he would have believed Kaeya to be genuinely inquiring about his supposed family. However, Diluc is all too familiar with Kaeya’s antics, causing Diluc to let out a long sigh instead.
“Why would you ever think that child on your back is derived from my supposed irresponsibilities?” Diluc deadpans, refusing to look at Kaeya and continuing to trek towards Springvale.
Diluc alters his pace ever so slightly so he remains a few steps in front of Kaeya, not wanting to walk side-by-side with his adopted brother. Kaeya, however, spreads a shiteating grin on his own face and hurries his own pace to remain in step with Diluc.
“Why not? The kid only mentioned a mother. And, last time I checked, there’s two people involved in the process of making a baby,” Kaeya jests, his tone lilting in a playful manner.
“Last time I checked, I never asked for your inquiries,” Diluc responds, once again attempting to walk ahead of Kaeya.
“C’mon, Diluc. You really buy this kid’s story of wanting to catch a crystalfly? No, he was at Dawn Winery looking for you, his true father, but instead you made him cry,” Kaeya says, lacing his voice with indignation at Diluc’s supposed rejection of the child on Kaeya’s back, who looks nothing at all like Diluc.
“I am not that child’s father,” Diluc asserts, finally deciding to scowl over his shoulder in Kaeya’s direction. However, Diluc jumps ever so slightly when he realizes Kaeya is matching his pace and walking directly next to him. Kaeya’s exaggerated expression of abhorrence towards Diluc’s abandonment and rejection of his own child is still plastered on his face, but it quickly morphs back into a cocky smile as Kaeya notices Diluc’s surprise at Kaeya’s close proximity to the redhead.
“There is no way I am that child’s father,” Diluc insists, falling directly into Kaeya’s trap and beginning to get riled up. “I’ve never even been with a wo-”
Before Diluc can finish his words, Kaeya doubles over in laughter, waking up the sleeping kid on his back.
“You’ve never WHAT?!” Kaeya nearly screeches, almost dropping the child on his back as his body shakes from laughter.
Diluc’s face begins to flush the same shade as his hair. His lips press into a tight line as he realizes what he admitted to his brother. However, Diluc’s mortification at his own divulgence of this information to someone he hasn’t spoken to in years is interrupted when the boy on Kaeya’s back raises his head up to yawn and ask a question.
“Are we there y-” The boy begins, but his eyes widen as he spots the flickering flames of Springvale streetlamps up ahead. Clambering off Kaeya’s back, the boy excitedly tugs at Kaeya’s shirttail. “Up ahead! That’s my house!”
As Diluc and Kaeya arrive at the boy’s house, the boy excitedly hugs Kaeya as a thank you, before tentatively hugging Diluc for a brief moment. Diluc stiffens under the boy’s startling gesture, but makes no motion to end the hug.
“Thank you, Mr. Kaeya! Thank you, Mr. Diluc! When I grow up, I wanna be a knight, just like you guys!” The boy cheers, before turning around and running into his house.
Diluc opens his mouth ever so slightly to respond, but sighs instead. His thoughts are interrupted as Kaeya claps a hand on Diluc’s shoulder.
“Good work with the kid,” Kaeya says in a serious tone, before shifting into his usual banter. “And also, if you ever need help with the ladies, I can give you a few tips. After all, it’s only my duty as a knight to help my fellow Mondstadtians out.”
“Inefficient as always,” Diluc huffs under his breath, but Kaeya pretends not to hear it and simply smiles as Diluc begins to head back to Dawn Winery. Kaeya watches him for a few moments, before beginning to walk back to Mondstadt.
Y’know, I think that went pretty well! Kaeya thinks, while Diluc wonders why he didn’t just let his brother and the kid take their chances in walking back to Springvale alone.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
I Only Swim Free: Chapter 5
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You’ve done swimming all your life. You’ve gotten to your dream college on a scholarship for your outstanding freestyle technique back in high school. Relationships never crossed your mind however, that was before you met your swim team captain: Bela Dimitrescu.
Warning: Broken Heart, Depression, But it gets fluffier when you read more into this chapter, ends in SMUT
A/N: This chapter about to get SPICY
“Busted and Blue” - Gorillaz
Word got out [rather quickly] that Bela’s now ex-boyfriend had been cheating on her. Since Bela went to look for you during the fraternity house party.. It was also because of how he was seeing you and her always so in close proximity to each other. Although he feels guilty for what he’s done, he’s been trying to reach back out to Bela to tell her how sorry he is and that he’ll be a better guy for her.
Lousy excuse really.. 
“To be honest I’ve heard lousier excuses from my own past exes,” You sigh, looking down at your textbook, writing down some notes for a class you missed because Bela didn’t want to be left alone, even if it was in your own apartment
“I was right about him,” Daniela called it
“What do you want a cookie?” Cassandra jokingly asks
“Yes,” Daniela says, giving her sister the ‘puppy dog eyes’ 
“Go nuts,” You say, pulling out a cookie you bought from the student center
Daniela happily takes the cookie and immediately bites into it.
“You have to unwrap the plastic first dumbass,” Cassandra sighs, deciding to go up into her room
You took Bela back to her house however, she immediately locks herself in her room. Her mother or her sisters check on her, despite her wanting your company the most. You had been trying to focus on your school work but at the same time trying to be there for Bela as much as you could was already a clashing combo to work with. Luckily, your teammates and her two sisters had been there for her too when you weren’t able to.
“Hey thanks Dani for offering to look after her tonight, I owe you one,” You sigh
“No worries, I knew her boyfriend was nothing but trouble,” She sighs, “But-but you- she’s taken a real liking to you though.”
Well, we did kiss in her car after that one fraternity house party she dragged me to, she continuously stays at my place. Not that I’m complaining though..
“Really?” You ask, slightly blushing, “Well, I wouldn’t want that on our minds right now. Thanks again!”
You heard that Dean Dimitrescu had been close to going at his throat for hurting her daughter. However, she also knew it would look bad on her part; taking her personal anger out on a student was not the best idea. 
“I’m angered just as you are Dean,” You sigh, scribbling into your notebook, breaking the lead in the mechanical pencil
Scribbling into your notebook was one way you were able to take out your frustrations.
“We trusted him,” She growls, pacing in her kitchen, “But, I do highly appreciate you being there for my daughter, is there anything I can do to repay you my dear?”
“Nope,” You sigh, “I don’t want to be given one of those special treatments, even if I am helping one of your daughters.”
I would want you to accept me as Bela’s new Lover. Please and Thank you Dean...
“Well, you’re welcome here,” She slightly smiles, “And please, when it’s after classes, you may refer to me as Ma’am, My Lady or Alcina. Alcina is my first name.”
Very fitting for an elegant lady such as yourself Ma’am.
“Yes Ma’am,” You say, “I’m going to get dinner, Do you and your daughters want anything?”
“I’m sure my girls will text you, I will make due with what we have in this fridge my dear. Thank you for the offer,” Alcina smiles
She tips her hat as you make her leave. You casually salute three fingers to her as you were about to do the same hat tip, just minus the hat. You send out a text in the Dimi-Daughters groupchat Daniela had made for the four of you. Almost immediately Bela and Daniela text you with whatever food they wanted, Cassandra being the last one. 
As soon as you and Bela show up to practice the next day, you were excused from classes as Donna had given the email out to all professors regarding State Finals, Donna has you all gathered at the poolside.
“I have the results of the semi finals roster,” She announces, “And... We are going to the State Final championship!”
You and your team cheer and congratulate each other.
“Okay okay girls calm down,” Donna calms her children, “This doesn’t mean we won’t win, so tonight we will prepare for it, this Saturday.”
In an instant all of the girls began giving their all into swim practice. You on the other hand, were just going through the motions. Not sure how to handle the sudden pressure.
“Didn’t I tell you that we all pull through this together or we lose?” Donna asks, coming up to you
“Yes coach,” You say, sighing
“You’re going to do fine, an excellent rookie like yourself should be proud you get to do this your first year,” She smiles
“True,” You sigh, beginning to shake off your nerves
“Now get your ass into the water y/l/n!” Donna yells encouragingly
After coach’s announcement you finally took a shower after skipping them to beeline it to your apartment for Bela. You turn around once you hear the shower curtain open behind you. you wipe your eyes and see Bela stepping into the shower with you. 
“Hey you,” You smile, giving her a hug
“Hey yourself,” She smiles, putting her arms on your shoulders, “Quite the show at practice today..”
“Says you, even after what happened you still managed to get your shit together and nail practice,” You smile
You snake your hands on her hips as the both of you begin washing each other from the chlorine gathered from today’s practice. Even after giving each other a shower, the both of you just settled in each others’ embrace as the hot shower began wasting away. 
“You remember when we first met in the locker room?” Bela asks, slipping on the hoodie you gave her
“How could I forget?” You smile, slipping on some shorts
“You were looking at my ass through the mirror weren’t you?” Bela asks, smirking
You almost drop your brush as your chees go red and begin heating up. You slightly look up from the mirror and see her slowly walking towards you. Like a predator stalking its prey.
“Did you... Enjoy it?” Bela flirts, turning you around and pushing you against the sink
“Well-I-uhmmm-ummm,” You stutter, trying to find the words
“You did didn’t you?” She smirks, putting her hands on your stomach
You felt yourself tense up when her palms touched your bare skin. You could feel them slowly running up your stomach and begin feeling the tips of her fingers go under your sports bra. 
“Bela! Y/n! Hurry it up I’m going to lock the swimming area soon!” Calls Donna from the entrance to the locker room
The both of you snicker as Bela drags her fingers away from your bare skin; you almost growl when her hands moved away from your skin. Bela practically moved into your place when she got the news. Thankfully her exes fraternity brothers kicked removed him from the fraternity house and helped her with her things when she decided to live with you. 
You and Bela had finally settled a day where you’d take her out to her favorite restaurant, as a make-up for not being able to see her very often. 
“Yeah, midterms are such a pain,” You sigh into your phone, “But, I’ll make sure you get tomorrow night with me okay?”
Bela decided to stay with her family for the next couple days as she’s been cooped up in your place for so long, not that she was complaining, she missed being around her family.
“Thanks for the ride y/n,” Bela sighs in relief, “I miss you.”
“I miss you too,” You blush, “Hey, we’ll see each other at practice later okay?”
“Yeah,” She sighs, “I gotta go, mother is calling for me. I love you.”
“Love you too,” You smile through the phone
Wait... She added I into the “love you”.... 
You didn’t say it back, no matter, you’d tell her how you’d feel about her tomorrow night. Even though you haven’t been able to see her, the both of you were able to be on the phone with each other every night before the both of you would go to bed before your classes in the morning. State finals were upon the swim team before finals. So you’ve also been working your butt off for the missed time you’ve had to sit out because of your calf injury from the first meet. 
“Hey you,” Bela smiles as she picks up the phone
“Hey,” you smile, “How you been?”
“Doing a lot better,” Bela smiles, “If you hadn’t hooked me up for that one therapy session, I would have still been sulking.”
“I wouldn’t want that happening to you,” You sigh, “Hey, it’d be better off if you stay at home for tonight. Have an exam tomorrow morning and I have. To. Study!”
“Okay,” Bela sighs, slightly pouting
“Hey,” You say, gently, “We still have dinner tomorrow night. No pouting until before then. Okay?”
She sighs, but shakes it off, “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The next evening, You and Bela settled that you would be driving. Once you reach the Dimitrescu estate, you decide to get out of your car and walk up to the front door and knock on it. Cassandra is the one to greet you. 
“Bela’s finishing up y/n,” She says, “Nice getup by the way.”
“Thanks Cass,” You sigh, adjusting your shirt
You wait around awkwardly but you see Dean Dimitrescu sipping on wine in the kitchen.
“Will you do me one big favor y/n?” She calls from the kitchen
“Of course My lady,” You say, turning to her 
“Prove to me on why you’re worthy of my daughter,” She says calmly
“Yes ma’am,” You smile
“Mother I’ll be fine,” Bela calls from the stairs 
You look up and your eyes widen. Bela is wearing a wine red lace dress; the lace drapes behind her legs. You were a sucker for lace. You were a sucker for Bela Dimitrescu. Seeing Bela Dimitrescu IN lace is a whole show.
“Wow...” you say breathlessly as she takes your hand in hers
“Don’t have too much fun now lovebirds,” Daniela teases the both of you
“Shut your mouth Dani,” Bela sighs as she drags you out the door
“Your family is something Bels,” You smile
You open the passenger seat for Bela and she smiles at you as she gets in. Just as you shut her door, you were going to open yours when you see Bela reaching over to open the door for you as best as she could.
“Why thank you my lady,” You smile, getting into your driver’s seat
As you pull into the restaurant that Bela had made reservations for, you’re again in awe. 
“Are you sure you’re fine with paying?” You ask
“You’ve done enough for me. Both taking care of me when I was heartbroken, setting me up for therapy, teaching me freestyle.. The lost goes on,” Bela smiles, “It’s my turn to treat you.”
You couldn’t argue with that. Bela takes your arm as the both of you walk into the restaurant and basically see class. Something you don’t have however, you managed to find your ‘go-to’ nice outfit and a suit jacket at a nearby thrift store. 
“Did I tell you how fine you look?” Bela whispers right into your ear
You felt a shiver crawl down your spine as she asks you.
“No,” You finally say, “Did I tell you though that you look absolutely beautiful?”
Bela blushes as she leads you to a two-person table away from the rest of the patrons.
“Mother made arrangements for us so no need to worry about money,” Bela smirks as she sips water from a fancy glass, “I can easily tell you’ve never been in a fancy restaurant before.”
“Parents could never afford it,” You say, “So, it was the cheap diners. But hey, nothing wrong with diner food every now and then.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” Bela adds
After the restaurant date, the both of you reach your apartment by midnight and you allow Bela to enter your apartment first. However, just as you closed the door, she turns to you.
“What is it?” You ask her
She says nothing as she walks up to you and cups your face in her hands. She doesn’t crash her lips onto yours, giving you the chance to pull away if you so chose to. However, your lips gently mold right onto Bela’s. She lets out a high-pitched gasp as you bring her body closer to your, both of your forms fitting perfectly against each other like puzzle pieces. Your hands trail upward to find the zipper to her dress and slowly remove it, teasing her. She helps you slip her out of the dress. She turns her body towards you, revealing a black lace lingerie set.
“Oh? So you’re wearing these for me? Was this all apart of your little plan Bela Dimitrescu?” You ask, slowly walking towards her
“Whatever do you mean,” She bites back
“You know what I mean,” You coil your arm around her waist, “Any pretty kitty like yourself should be punished for tempting me.”
In one quick motion you pick her up into your arms and place her onto your bed as you settle your hips between her thighs. You dip your head down and begin kissing her along the crook of her neck. You smirk in her neck when you hear her let out a small whimper as the tip of your tongue ran gently along her neckline.
“Hmmm sweet music,” You whisper
You lift her up for her to straddle her in your lap. You give her another kiss on the lips before laying gentle kisses along her breasts. Bela guides one of your hands to cup one of her breasts and you oblige. However, your thumb rolls over her nipple, making it hard. You hear Bela let out a strangled moan. Strangled; your mouth was latched onto her throat.
“More,” Bela breathes out
You reach around her back and with a flick of your fingers, her bra unlatches. She lets it fall off her arms and she discards it somewhere onto the floor. 
“What-what do you think?” She asks, blushing
She tries to hide her flushes cheeks and turns her head away from you. You gently run your fingers along her cheek to have her look at you.
“I think, you are so fucking beautiful my love,” You say
Bela sees the moonlight reflection coming off your eyes and she drops her head down for her lips to meet yours. The kiss was at first soft and gentle however, once you gained yourself, you began losing your self control and turned the kiss to be more intense. Bela lets out a muffled gasp as she felt the pillow at the back of her head. You pull yourself away for a moment to strip off your shirt. Bela knew you were fit because of swimming. She never thought she’d be getting up close and personal with you.
“You’re beautiful,” You whisper against her ear
You kiss and lick your way down until you stopped above her bare chest. You look up at her with pleading eyes. 
‘let me’ your eyes pleaded
She runs her fingers through your hair and pushes your face into her breast. You leech onto her nipple and gently make circles around it. She arches her back, forcing your tongue to gently lick the tip of her nipple.
“Y/n!” She gasps
While you run the flat surface of your tongue along the surface of her nipple. Your hand snakes up to her other breast and you squeeze it. Then, gently squeeze her nipple. 
“Ah!” She screams
Your mouth switches onto the other breast to give the same gentle treatment. 
“Y/n...” She says breathlessly
Your fingers trace her curves as you continue your exploration of her body down to her dripping hot center.
“Are you already wet for me?” You ask, once you arrive to her panties
She nods, “You already made me excited...”
You lowly chuckle as your fingers hook around the thin lining of her panties, lifting them. She lifts her hips to help you fully remove them from her body. You, again discard them somewhere onto the floor. Your hands gently run along her thighs to hoist them over your shoulders.
“Hmm, so you were,” You smile
Bela felt you gently breathing against her wet, dripping center, making her squirm a little bit.
“If you’re just going to keep teasing me ju-”
You drag your tongue along her pulsating lips and you insert your tongue into her, making her let out many small whimpers. Her fingers run along into your hair and you feel her pulling against you. She bucks her hips to feel more of your tongue. Your arm reaches around her hip and you press your palm down, keeping her from moving her hips along with your tongue.
“Babyyyyy I need more,” She whines
You pull your tongue out from inside her and give a small kiss on her clit before crawling up to meet her face. You give her a long, lingering kiss for her to taste herself on you.
“You’ll get more kitten you need to be patient,” You chuckle, “But, damn you taste so good.”
“Give it to me now,” She growls
You hook her leg over your shoulder, so that your arm is under her thigh.
“What-what are you- AH!” Bela chokes
She felt your finger insert itself into her. 
“How does that feel baby?” You ask, looking down at her
“It feels so good,” Bela moans
“Good girl,” You coo
You slide your finger in and out of her slowly, hearing her let out little breathless whimpers was music to your ears. You stop for one moment to add another finger when you slid them back in. Bela again arches her back to feel more of your fingers. Your pace began going faster and faster.
“Y/n... I’m-I’m gonna-”
Before you let Bela climax, you force your fingers out of her and hook both of her legs around your hips. You jerk your hips forward to feel her wetness against yours. You let out a growl whilst she lets out a small whimper. You lean down towards her face as you continue grinding on her. 
“Oh god baby,” You growl, picking up your grinding pace
Bela swings her arm around your shoulder and the other around your hips and begins clawing at your back.
“I’m so close y/n,” She whispers in your ear, “Faster.”
You let out frustrated grunts as you stop for a moment.
“Why-why did you s-stop?” She asks, panting
“I want to look at you,” You smile
However, you don’t really give Bela time to process anything before you jerk your hips again, making her lean her head back into the pillow. 
“Together-together y/n,” Bela requests, “I want to cum with you..”
You smirks as you could feel yourself reaching your climax as well. You cup her face into your hands as you begin letting out pants and slight whimpers. 
“Bela...” You whisper her name into her ear, breathlessly
You could feel her nails sink deeper into your back. You didn’t really feel any pain towards her nails. You only felt her clit against yours.
“Bela... Bela... Bela!” You growl as you come undone
Bela holds onto you for dear life as the both of you slowly come down from your high. Everything was blurry in your vision however, Bela was clear as day. You smile as you lean down to kiss her. Once morning hit, you rub your eyes however, Bela’s arm drags your arm back down across her bare waist. 
“Morning baby,” You smile, kissing the back of her head
She stretches her arms as she turns her body so that she’s facing you, “Morning.”
She gives you a good morning kiss and lays in your embrace.
“Hmmm,” Bela hums
“What?” You ask
“Are you sure you haven’t had sex with a woman?” She asks, smiling
“I’m sure love,” You say, “Why?”
“Those fingers... That tongue of yours.. Worked.. Wonders.. On me,” She says, seductively
Your cheeks flush a faint red as she laughs with a low tone. You let go of her and pull the covers over your head in an attempt to prevent her from seeing you blushing however, she follows you under the covers.
“Oh? Is my girlfriend blushing now?” She smirks
“Enough already,” You groan, pulling the sheets to separate the both of you
Bela yanks on the covers and lets out an enticing giggle as she gets up to straddle you. You sit up to snake your arms around her bare midsection.
“Iubita mea,” Bela says
“Hmmm is that.. Romanian?” You ask, blushing while smiling at the same time
“Maybe,” She teases as she drops her head down to kiss you again
It was an early Saturday morning and you weren’t up for it. But, Bela agreed to drive the both of you there.
“You excited?” Bela asks
“As excited as I’ll ever be,” You sigh, “I just hope there’s no last minute events...”
“Coach gave us the whole events roster,” Bela explains, “Rest assured those are the events that are in there, we’ll be doing.”
You smile in relief, “Good, because I think I would permanently damage my calf if I ever did another 1500 meter freestyle event...”
“You’ll be fine,” Bela reassures you
The Arena was a little ways out of hometown but nothing surprising for State Finals. Your team gets there about the same time you do, and follow whomever your guide was for the day. She shows you to the locker rooms, where all of you get changed into your uniform swimsuits and make any last second preparations for the final meet of the season.
“Dimitresu University Women’s swim and dive, you ready?” Your guide comes back into the locker room
Chapter 6
126 notes · View notes
Massage Therapist Erik
warnings: Anal, AU Erik, Nasty talk. 
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I am here to worship your mind and your body.
To me in this moment no one exists but you.
I am here to appreciate every stretch mark,
Love handle,
And scar. 
You are more than your pain. 
You are the embodiment of life and love.
Let me help you find you again.
As a massage therapist you must be careful to make your clients feel as comfortable as possible from the moment they step into the office. A clinical style office with bare white walls and empty shelves will make a person seeking relief feel more like they walked into a doctor’s office than into the hands of a competent, caring therapist. Paint the walls a warm color. Start with pale neutrals or warm, dark colors such as shades of brown or a rustic red or orange. Set the ambience with candles of different scents on shelves. Candle light always sets the mood and sparks relaxation. Invest in massage tables with thick foam cushioning and thermal capabilities. A whirlpool jacuzzi tub is a beautiful, visually pleasing, and fulfilled look that will have your clients envisioning they are in the comfort of their home. Soothing massage oils and creams will leave your clients skin extra soft and incredibly smooth while giving them a rich healthy glow at the same time. Your clients can also add the oils to their jacuzzi bath for a long and relaxing soak that will leave them practically glowing.
Erik Stevens, licensed Massage Therapist and Instructor for six years just opened his very own center titled Infinite Pleasure Day & Nite Spa with a full staff of young black Massage Therapists and Estheticians fresh out of the school he’s an instructor for. Erik offered them full-time and part-time positions and pay starting at $25 HR with the chance to earn more. The center closes at 10 PM but depending on the clientele, the center can stay open as long as it needs to. The uniforms for the ladies are black tunic wrap tops with black pants and the guys wear black polo shirts with black pants. On the back of the uniform shirts in gold is Erik’s business logo. It's the Hand of Midas with the silhouette of a woman’s curves superior to it. Even though Erik has his own spa, he takes personal house calls from some of his favorite lady clients. Erik will have a consultation with his clients to discuss and collaborate on how the mood should be set for the therapy session. Some prefer total silence because it heightens their senses, others like it if he talks with a soft spoken voice, sometimes they like it when he plays R&B music, and almost always they want the lights out with candles lit to set the mood. 
As much as he loved being a Massage Therapist, the physical demands can cause you to burn out. Self-care is indubitably important and being as physically fit as possible. The most important piece of equipment a massage therapist has is their own body. Erik stresses the importance of proper nutrition and diet, getting good enough sleep, and taking time out. It’s all about rejuvenation. Poor body mechanics can cause injuries to your hands, arms, shoulders, and back. Generating pressure from the core of the body and relieving neck strain by not looking at his strokes----keeping the head and neck in a neutral, extended position, and resting his chin against his neck to relieve the extensors is how Erik prevents work-related injury. Erik prefers to close his eyes when working because it reminds him that he does not need to watch the work being done so often---it allows him to better focus on what he is feeling with his hands. Erik’s strong, smooth hands have been compared to that of an angel or silk dragging across your skin. His smooth baritone allows you to let go and heal. Imagine how intense it is to have Erik as your Massage Therapist and not be turned on?
When I touch my client’s body, I touch their whole being---their intellect, their spirit, their emotions…
It’s a Thursday evening at Infinite Pleasure Day & Nite Spa and so far throughout the scorching hot day, at least twenty clients have been tended to. Kobi, the new hire receptionist, grabs the keys to the spa entrance, locking the commercial glass double doors. She twirls the key ring around her left pointer finger while walking back to the front desk. Kobi removes her black blazer, stretching out her arms to relieve tension in her back before pulling the bottom of her white blouse down since it had ridden up from her stretching. Kobi leans her head side to side, cracking her cervical vertebrae and then she rolls her shoulders before grumbling in pain. Her cleavage heaved when she released a deep breath before grabbing her black, mini Tory Burch bag from beneath the desk. Kobi then grabs her phone and charger, placing it within her bag. Shuffling from behind the desk, Kobi shuts off the front lobby lights, turning the corner towards the back of the spa. 
Kobi punches out with her personal PIN number on a wall-mounted time clock. Finally, Kobi lets her heat-damaged, curly nut-brown hair down, using her fingers to separate the half wavy, half curly strands. The faintly lit hallway made Kobi’s skin more sepia as she walked towards the back entrance of the spa. Kobi notices one of the massage room doors is still open, sighing with a roll of her eyes before approaching the door to close it. Upon arriving at the door, Kobi fought back a rising panic when she noticed the room was still occupied. When the person turned around, she breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. 
“Erik, I thought you had left,” Kobi says with a faint smile and a hand to her chest.
“Spilled some of this massage oil, I forgot to recap it,” Erik chuckles at her terror stricken face while using a black cotton rag to absorb the oil spill from one of the shelves used to store items. Once he was finished, Erik tossed the rag in a linen basket before blowing out the candles. 
“Will you be in tomorrow?” Kobi asked as she watched Erik cover each candle. Kobi’s eyes cascaded down Erik’s back like she was following a stream of water. Even through his black polo, Erik’s sculpted body is clearly seen and wickedly tempting to caress.
“Hey, Kobi, can you push that button to turn off the music?” Erik asks. Kobi pushes a black button beneath the automatic lightswitch to the room, pausing the instrumental to Brian McKnight’s Anytime. While he wiped down the massage table, Kobi examined the way his muscles flexed and bunched beneath the russet skin of his bicep. Eyes traveling up the length of his bulky arm, Kobi allowed her coffee-brown eyes to outline the shape of his thick lips, and chiseled jawline. His tapered locs were covering his onyx eyes before he straightened his back, extending his neck to remove them from his line of vision. Erik could feel Kobi staring and when his onyx eyes connected with hers, Kobi immediately looked away before bringing her hand up to massage a kink from her neck.
“Still in pain I see. So, that must mean you didn’t take my advice?” Erik raises an accusatory brow at Kobi, “You know how important it is to take care of your posture, Kobi...c’mere,” Erik motioned with a curl of his finger for Kobi to come to him, “Sit right here, it should be dry now.” 
Kobi takes a seat on the edge of the massage table, resting her bag, black blazer, and car keys next to her right thigh. Kobi clears her throat nervously before straightening her back, a whimper slipping past her oval-shaped lips. Erik shakes his head before standing behind Kobe, bringing his skillful and veined hands up to her slender shoulders, leaving a little space between them to make it more comfortable. Erik formed a loose ‘C’ shape with his hands while keeping his thumbs straight. Erik feels for the smooth contour of the muscles just above her collar bones with his fingertips. 
“I didn’t even realize how long your hair is, Kobi,” Erik spoke with a hushed tone.
“Oh,” Kobe shakes her head so the strands can fall forward, “Yeah, I do wear it up a lot.”
“Well, maybe you should wear it down more often,” Erik begins, drawing Kobi’s muscles up with gentle, consistent pressure. He constantly presses the tips of his fingers and thumbs into her trapezius muscles from both sides, starting at the inside of her shoulders closer to her neck. Everytime Erik would roll her muscles up towards her collarbones without releasing his grip, Kobe would groan. The muscles in his arms worked to squeeze and lift and as quickly as he started, Kobi became more comfortable and relaxed. 
“This damaged hair? Please,” Kobe lets out a panting breath before closing her eyes, “I need to chop it all off and start over again.”
“Shit, I think it’s pretty,” Erik raises and lowers his forearms with slow, smooth motions while focusing on the side of Kobi’s pretty brown face, “The two different curl patterns...I like this wild look on you.”
“Stop with the lies, Erik,” Kobi rolled her eyes before hissing, “Damn...that felt good.”
“Yeah?” Erik went slower to make it feel even better, “Wait until I get to your neck, you’ll be moaning then.”
Kobi’s eyes shot open and her eyelids rapidly blinked, “Then I guess it’s a good thing that I’m wearing pants instead of a skirt---shit, that was inappropriate,” Kobi slaps her forehead. Erik could do that to you---make you say the first thing on your mind no matter how vulgar and X-rated it is.
“It was honest,” Erik clarifies with a deep voice so close to Kobi’s ear that it made the tiny hairs on her earlobe raise, “It happens all the time believe it or not.”
“...What happens all the time?” Kobi says with rapid attention.
“My lady clients getting wet,” from her shoulders, Erik starts to massage Kobi’s neck with light, long strokes, finding her tension spots and applying focused pressure, “A lot of my clients get nervous and scared because they think they’ll get wet or aroused...who cares...if you’re stopping yourself from getting turned on you have too much control over your body...I always tell them to let go, it’s okay, we replace the sheets between every client,” Kobi and Erik share a laugh, “But honestly it’s just about enjoying yourself and letting your mind run free during the experience...I got you,” Erik kneaded his thumbs into Kobi’s tense muscles in a circular motion before gliding his fingers into her hairline.
“Can I be your new client?” Kobi says with a honeyed voice. Erik bites his lip before bringing his fingers around to massage Kobi’s throat.
“Why? So I can make you wet?” 
Kobi wanted to say, “But you already make me wet, daddy.” Instead, she says, “So you can help relieve this pain, Mr. Stevens…” Kobi blushes.
“You know I got you, Kobi...I do house calls too.”
Kobi nibbled on her bottom lip. She realizes that her panties are soaked. If only she could let go and unfasten her pants, kick them off, and pull the crotch of her panties to the side. If his fingers feel this good on her skin his tongue would feel even better licking her clit. Her imprudent thoughts in this precise moment are barbaric and Kobi wanted nothing more than for Erik’s heavenly hands to slip inside of her blouse to twirl her nipples. Kobi’s thigh jerked and her fingers gripped the edge of the massage table so harsh that it rubbed painfully against the palm of her hand. 
“Better?” Erik’s voice knocked Kobi out of her fantasy. She flexed her back and rubbed her neck before turning to Erik with her appreciative eyes sparkling, “Thank you so much, Erik. I don’t know how else to thank you.”
“Come in with your hair down tomorrow...like this,” Erik uses his thick fingers to part Kobi’s hair and stroke it to the left side of her face for a more untamed look, “You look freshly fucked.”
Alarmed by his words, Kobi’s coffee-brown eyes blinked at Erik slowly. No man has ever talked to her so boldly like that. Kobi licks her lips then bites her bottom one. Kobi was definitely playing with fire since Erik is her boss and she does have a boyfriend waiting for her at home. It would surely be inappropriate if Kobi were to lay back on the massage table, take off her black pants and drenched panties, and spread her thighs so wide so  her wet little pussy can open up for Erik to see. She could almost feel the warmth of Erik’s breath drawing closer and closer as his head lowered between her trembling thighs. Kobi wondered if he stroked pussy with his tongue first or if he wrapped his thick lips around the inner folds to suck. Either way, Kobi’s clit jumped, her walls quivered, and her nipples stiffened to pebbles. 
“Is your boyfriend picking you up? Erik gives Kobi a teasing smile with a tilt of his head. His onyx eyes damn near tunneled through hers the more he stared. 
“No..I drove the car today, “ Kobi inhaled sharply, “It’s getting late, I should probably head out.”
“Yeah, he’s probably worried,” Erik creates space between them both and it felt much colder, “Go ahead...get some rest baby girl, you know it’s gonna be yet another busy ass day tomorrow.”
“You’re right, let me get my ass home,” Kobi laughs nervously before standing from the table. She adjusts her pants, “Thanks again, Erik. For real...I appreciate it.” 
“Don’t trip, you know I got you whenever you need me.”
Silence hung between them both and from the way Erik was watching her Kobi was worried about what she would do...what she shouldn’t do. Gathering her things, Kobi gives Erik a final polite smile before turning to leave, sauntering out of the massage room as quickly as she can leaving Erik and his fattened dick behind.
XMilanaRoseX: It’s demon time, how should I fuck this phat pussy tonight?
Milana Russell--- Nevada born and raised before she moved to California. Milana graduated from the University of Southern California with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and is now pursuing a master’s in criminology. Milana has a heart-shaped face, high cheekbones, full lips, shoulder length locs with honey blonde tips, 5’10 and full-figured. Her golden eyes are captivating and her mellifluous voice makes you bend at her will. Milana has her webcam set up in her newly furnished bedroom for some late night play time. There are an assortment of toys on her bed and she’s already oiled down to make her curves stand out more for her horny viewers. Milana is wearing pastel multicolored fluffy cat ears with a holographic heart choker and  dramatic grunge makeup with pink glitter and glitter gloss on her lips. Milana kneeled on her heart-shaped bed in white velvet while cupping her large breasts and pointing them towards the camera. Milana jiggles both D cup breasts before releasing them and making them sway in the camera.
“I know Tuesday was titty day but you can never have enough titties,” Milana massaged her oily breasts sensually, “I bet you would love to have a pair like this...these pretty ass titties...you wanna dick my pussy down while sucking on these big ass cocoa titties? Huh? Suck on these chocolate hershey kiss nipples? Hm? I bet your girlfriend don’t know how much you wanna lick and suck on my nipples...not to mention this sweet juicy black pussy,” Milana sucks on her fingers before dragging them down to rub her clit. Her attentive eyes focused on the screen of her Macbook, reading the comments and giggling at some of the responses. 
SoulSnatcherrr: Damn babi they are so beautiful.
TyanaBiLove: Can I have you please? 
Nuttinyou_: I’ll hold them up for you mama don’t worry. Then I’ll slobber all over them bitches.
TribbQueen94: You wanna meet up? I just wanna rub my pussy against yours all fucking night baby. Then I wanna eat your pussy over and over until you cum on my face. 😛
LaflameDaddy: Made it home just in time to see my favorite girl in action...as always those titties are looking scrumptious...I’m tryna see that chocolate pussy...can’t forget that tight ass either...turn around and show big daddy where his dick belong at girl...stop playing with me.
“Oh yeah, Laflame?” Milana says to one of her fans, “you wanna suck my pussy and fuck my ass? You always wanna fuck my ass, daddy,” Milana turns around, showing her orbit of an ass off that filled up the entire camera. Milana takes one of her hands to spread her cheeks to reveal the amethyst jeweled butt plug snugly fitting into her asshole.
LaflameDaddy: I’ll stretch that tight ass until your eyes roll back little girl...I see you got them toys out…Always ready to fuck that tight pussy like a good girl...I need your pussy in my mouth...wish I could show you this big dick right now standing straight up. 
Milana read the comment from LaflameDaddy while biting on her bottom lip, “That’s exactly what I plan to do, daddy…” Milana and whoever LaflameDaddy is have been flirting and sexting back and forth for about three months now. His avatar is a picture of his muscular torso oiled down, his thick brown pipe in his hand, and the devil emoji enlarged over his face. Out of all the nasty, freaky comments Milana receives, LaflameDaddy stood out the most. Milana was sure her other fans envied his gifted tongue that impressed Milana. She really wanted to know how he looked. Milana didn’t do meet-ups with any of her fans for many reasons but LaflameDaddy was worth the risk. 
“So, I don’t know which one of you sent me a new toy to play with but I’m excited to use it tonight,” Milana reaches behind her with a big smile on her face, grabbing the little pink love egg to show it off proudly, “isn’t it adorable?!! I heard about these things and I’ve always wanted to try it out,” Milana plays with the little antenna with her finger, “this shit is powerful. I turned it on to test it and the vibration is so damn strong...and it’s controlled with Bluetooth technology so I already know whoever got this for me has something planned,” Milana positions herself towards the edge of her heart-shaped bed with her legs elevated and spread wide open. Milana grabs her bottle of oil, tilting it over so that the heated oil can glaze her phat pussy lips. 
LaflameDaddy: your soul is about to be knocked out. 
AlluringAlyssa: I have one! We should FaceTime and cum together!
blackhornyyyvirgin: I can’t wait to see you squirt 😊
Shaq_88: ummmmm 😋
Milana rubs her outer lips, leaning back on her elbow while rolling her hips seductively in the camera. The tips started racking in and LaflameDaddy was tipping in a lump sum amount. In a short amount of time being a cam girl, Milana’s tip goals were hit faster and faster. They tip her because they WANT to see her shows. Milana always does things right, and her viewers anticipate it all day. Her computer chimed each time Milana would show off her yummy pussy. 
LaflameDaddy: $30
LaflameDaddy: $40
LaflameDaddy: Stop teasing and put that vibrator in…and that butt plug is adorable but I know that asshole is begging for some dick...ummm I see that pussy leaking mama...I wanna lick up every drop of your pussy juice and bury my tongue in your ass 👅
“You’re a nasty nigga, Laflame,” Milana laughs lightly, “You live in Oakland?”
I-love-eating-pussylipss: I’m in Oakland. What's good baby?! 
Nastyasfuckkk: $25 👀
PussiiFairy: Laflame can you tip me too? 🥺 Check out my OnlyFans big dick daddy…
LaflameDaddy: 😈 didn’t I tell you to put that vibrator in daddy’s pussy? Stop playing with me. 
“Okay, daddy, shit,” Milana laughs again before bringing the pink bullet vibrator to her snug entrance, rubbing it up and down her labia before pushing it inside. The pink antenna dangled from her pussy. Milana brings her knees to her chest and with her phone in hand, Milana starts playing some music. The viewers were even more provoked by Milana’s little show when Twista ft. Trey Songz- Girl Tonite started playing. Milana hisses, here golden eyes love-struck as she focused on the camera. Full lips wide with surprise, Milana started panting. There is no way she could hold her moan. A single vein popped out of Milana’s neck and her gluteal muscles clenched. The different vibration patterns were jumbled on purpose so she wouldn’t expect it. 
“FUCK!!!!!” Milana’s fists clenched and her hips left the bed, “Umph, mmmmmmm, uhhhhh, Unh!!!!!” Milana closed her thighs, “Oh my God—“ Milana was creating a puddle of liquid beneath her cheeks, “Goddamn, who is controlling this?!!!”
The vibrations stopped. Milana sat up in her bed, wiping the sweat from her chest. She brings her left hand down between her legs, tugging on the antenna and pulling it out. There, creating a honey trail is her sticky arousal. Her expressive eyes alone showed how shocked she was. That tiny, almighty toy made her squirt and cream in less than a minute. Milana’s golden eyes focused on her camera, wondering just who was the culprit that sent her this heavenly toy. It came with a hand-written card. Milana still remembers those compelling words as if it was recited to her. 
Surrender yourself so I can cater to you.
Submit to my flow.
Aren’t you tired of being in control?
Don’t you deserve a moment to see what it feels like to be catered to.
To have all the attention on you. 
Don’t make me wait...come get on this table. 
Milana was confused by the last bit of the note until she noticed a free pass for an all-in-one spa experience. Infinite Pleasure Day & Nite Spa. Milana heard so much about it. Her best friend, Kobi is a receptionist there. She always talked about how amazing the black-owned business is. Milana had been meaning to get around to it but the pricing was extreme and she already has so many other things to take care of. Car payment, rent, student loans, utilities, cat food, and not to mention anything she needed for herself. Seeing that free pass reminded Milana of how much she needed to relieve stress, reduce muscle tension, and increase her joint mobility and flexibility. A playful smile spread across Miana’s lips as she typed a message on her live chat. 
XMilanaRoseX: Thanks daddy Laflame 🥰 are you gonna come clean me up with your tongue when I’m done cumming on this amazing gift?
LaflameDaddy: girl I would eat all of that. Why don’t you put that toy in your mouth and tell daddy how good you taste so I can bust a nut. You’re welcome cutie. 
Milana sucked on her toy, “It tastes so sweet.” 
DigHerOut_: I wanna eat the hell out of her!!!!
EroticSoulBeauty: fuck that’s so damn juicy 🤤
LaflameDaddy: Yummy...phat creamy pussy...ima indulge in that deliciousness all fucking day when I get you...make your Lil ass cum all over my thick dick. 
Milana lifts one leg up before impatiently bringing the vibrator back to her pussy like it never left. As soon as her vaginal walls clenched the toy the deep, rumbling vibrations damn near galloped through her body. Milana bites on her knee to focus but there was no way in hell she was going to fight off her next nut. Laflame was not playing with her. Milana locked eyes with the camera as if he was staring right back at her. She didn’t need to rub her clit because the intense vibrations had her entire pussy trembling and begging for a release. 
LaflameDaddy: That's a good girl...I wanna suck that phat cum filled pussy baby...let me lick all that for you girl...shit…
LaflameDaddy: DAMN!! 
Milana was leaking all over the place. When she tried to take the vibrator out Laflame turned it up higher causing her fingers to tremor. Her body fell backward against her bed and her hips started rocking back and forth. The vibrations would start off faintly and increase pulsate to a supreme level that has Milana’s abdominal muscles tied up in knots and her heart skipping a beat. 
“Shit daddy you got my pussy cumming so hard…” Milana grabs her nine inch, girthy crystal dildo, sucking on it sloppily while twirling it in her mouth. The vibrations continuously fluctuates and at this point Milana didn’t even anticipate her orgasm——it just happened within the blink of an eye. Dildo slipping from her mouth, Milana yanks the vibrator from her pussy and replaces it with the crystal dildo. Her pussy was jammed-full with the circumference of the dildo. Milana rests the vibrator against her clit at the same time she fucks herself. From the tip and down to the base Milana saturated that dildo, covering its transparency with her cream. 
LaflameDaddy: got me throbbing hard Milana. Can I have some of that pussy? That thick wet pussy needs some dick mmmm 😋 
LaflameDaddy: ima hit that pussy hard...oh you really creaming now...that’s a pussy I’m not pulling out of. 
“This big ass dick...I know how much you like to watch me fuck myself...you wanna stretch me out just like this dick don’t you? both of my holes?” Milana knows exactly what to say to drive Laflame crazy. He tips her money again. 
LaflameDaddy: It would be my please to stretch that asshole open for you...get it used to being filled up to the brim 😩 ima have your ass addicted fucking with me. 
Milana started seeing black spots. Her loud, ear piercing moans were on replay. Milana’s clit was stiff and hypersensitive from the vibrator. It dropped from her shaky fingers and for the third time that evening Milana climaxed. The grip from her pussy around the dildo caused her to squirt yet again. It was the wide tip stroking her G spot that created the water works. Milana blinked tears from her eyes. Words couldn’t describe how hard she just orgasmed. Usually, Milana can last at least an hour in a session, however, her body was so weakened that she couldn’t even sit up in her bed. Every time she tried to touch her clit Milana would yank her hand away because of the heightened sensitivity. Her walls would lock up like a boa constrictor would his prey. 
LaflameDaddy : Milana, you still tryna meet up? I need to take care of that body, baby...I just need one night to change your life, girl...you know you want daddy to make you cum so what’s good?”
XMilanaRoseX: tonight? 🥺
Brownskinmami: Can I join y’all? 😢
DarkskinZaddy: ayo Laflame we can share her bruh! 
LaflameDaddy: Yeah tonight, I’m not playing no games. 
Did this even need a thought process? Laflame sent Milana a $180 dollar tip tonight and that’s not even the highest he’s tipped her. He sent her a gift, spending more money on her when he could simply be a freeloader and watch her cum without emptying his pockets. Laflame made her pussy wetter than any big dick man that had the opportunity to sample her cookies. At this point, she didn’t even care if he wasn’t the best looking guy, his body and his fat dick was enough to convince her that he could do whatever he wanted to her. 
XMilanaRoseX: tonight it is then. My place 😊
LaflameDaddy: Bet. I’ll bring my stuff to set up 😏 ima send you a DM. 
Milana spoke into her cell, voice barely audible. Laflame kept his word and sent Milana a DM for her address and cell number. This was probably going to be the only time Milana ever met up with one of her webcam fans. She hoped that he was about that action. 
“Milana,” His smooth baritone voice rocked her like an unsteady boat.
“You said your name is Erik,” Milana nibbled on the rim of her wine glass.
“Yeah, that’s me...I’m on my way to you but I gotta ask you something first if that’s okay.” 
“Sure,” Milana was a little wine drunk, “Ask away.”
“Aight, so, I’m a professional Massage Therapist. I know I sent you a free pass to my spa but I really want to give you the experience at home.” 
A male masseuse. This man was the total package. He’s a freak, he’s an entrepreneur, and he’s got gifted hands. Milana felt spoiled and she wasn’t about to turn down a goddamn massage especially when she needs one tremendously. 
“After all that squirting you were doing you need me to take care of you.” 
“So...are you coming to fuck me or massage me?” Milana cracks a smile.
“I’m coming to fuck you and massage you…”
“Mmm...so what’s your question?” 
“I like to give my clients the full experience, you know? Make them feel appreciated, give them a taste of passion...what do you like? Music playing? Me whispering in your ear? Candles lit to set the mood? What?”
“I’d like all of that actually,” Milana twirled her glass of wine with a blush on her face, “I need that so bad tonight.” 
“Well I got what you need, I’m here to relax you. Are you allergic to strawberries? Coconut?”
“I don’t have any allergies.” 
“Good, cuz I got something special in mind for you, Miss Milana.” 
“A man who’s not only gonna dick me down and slut me out but also worships my body...I want and need this, Erik,” Milana says with a soft, smooth, and pleasant sound of her voice in Erik’s ear. 
“I'm one of those men that likes to take care of a woman... not only dress her in sexy clothes... take her out when the opportunity arises... but pamper her stressed out body with no expectations... treat her to a sensual massage not only to relieve the worries of the world but also to help her heal from the relentless pounding of my always horny and hard dick. Daddy has to take care of his play things.”
“Damn...you have so much passion for what you do.” 
“...Nothing I love more than giving a woman a great massage followed by a deep, strong dick down.” 
“Ohhh yes,” Erik was stimulating Milana’s mind with his sultry tongue, “When I say I need a massage....this is exactly what I mean...what I gotta do to get this treatment on the regular?” 
“Open your door first.” 
Three knocks at her apartment door has Milana jumping up from her spot on the couch, fixing her black silk robe. She tucked a few of her locs behind her ear before sauntering towards her apartment door. With one golden eye, Milana glimpsed through the wide angle lens of the peephole to find a man dressed in athletic attire and carrying a bag on his shoulder and a portable massage table under his left arm. Opening her door, Milana comes face to face with LaflameDaddy himself. He’s wearing a pair of black and gold Nike running shoes, light grey Champion sweats, and a black muscle tee. His tapered locs are pulled back into a ponytail with the sides faded. Erik’s eyebrows knitted together and his onyx eyes surveyed her like she was standing naked before him. 
Everything on Milana was heavy-set; her breasts, her hips, her pudgy belly, her thighs. Her skin reminded Erik of the rich amber color of honey. Those striking golden eyes and lashes that framed her eyes like black lace are spellbinding. Erik would have never guessed that Milana was a tall, thick woman. His affixed eyes slowly descended her body and when they came to rest on her feet he had to bite back his gravelly groan. Pretty pussy, pretty asshole, and pretty toes. Erik wanted all of them in his mouth. Milana’s French tip acrylic nail lifted Erik’s jaw off of the floor. He chuckles with a bite of his lip. Erik stared at the doe-eyed beauty attentively as he walked into her apartment. Erik notices a few totes piled near her apartment door, a new suede sofa set, a mahogany wood coffee table, abstract black woman wall art, and an open balcony with sheer autumn-colored curtains billowing from the wind of the eventide sky. 
On Milana’s upper left thigh is a large tattoo of a lion with a mandala flower design. She looked like she was fresh from the shower——smelled like it too. Erik sits his bag on her couch and leans his portable massage table against a nearby wall before moving Milana’s mahogany coffee table out of the way to create more room. Erik grabs his massage table and starts setting it up within the space he created. His sexual appetite for Milana became excessive when she took a seat on her couch with her robe loosely wrapped around her body to expose her big tits for him. When her tits spilled out Erik could only smile at her eagerness. 
“Do you offer naked massages?” Milana asks with her beautiful voice like music to his ears. 
“I already planned on doing that. Question is, can you handle it?” 
“I can handle whatever you give me, daddy...I handled that gift you sent me.” 
Erik checked to make sure the massage table was sturdy and secure before strolling over to Milana, taking a seat beside her on the couch. Erik pulls out his phone and unlocks it to show Milana his mobile STD testing results. Negative across the board. Milana did the exact same thing, grabbing her phone and showing Erik her results. Also negative. It was something so mature and sexy about the entire exchange and it made Erik crave her more. Without evening thinking about it Erik’s hand reached out to caress Milana’s exposed left thigh while his hungry eyes drifted to her heavy tits spilling out of her robe. 
“So...then I shouldn’t be worried about how you can handle the way I nurture and admire your body and slut that pussy and ass out on repeat?” 
“No need to worry baby,” Milana’s hands fondled Erik’s biceps, “ Exactly what I need right now, the sooner I get undressed, the sooner we can do it.” 
Erik couldn’t wait to satisfy this freak. Closing the space between them, Erik presses his thick lips against Milana’s. She tasted damn good. He couldn’t combat his tongue and now it was slithering between her full lips and into her wet mouth. He could taste the fruity, tart flavor of the red wine she was drinking. Since it was so silent, the sound of their wet lips smacking with each kiss and their soft moans were amplified. Erik’s lips left Milana’s sticky ones gently but his hand didn't stop stroking her scalp. He doesn’t even remember it being there. The scalp is full of nerve endings and even with the slightest brush of the hair can send tingles through your body. Milana’s eyes closed and her head fell forward slightly. Erik ran his fingernails slightly over her scalp, paying close attention to the space behind her right ear and just above her neck. Milana moaned in his ear when he tugged on her locs in between massaging her scalp. 
“Damn, baby, that shit is amazing,” Milana whispered. 
“This is lightwork, baby,” Erik spoke with a low tone, “Let me relax you...tell me about your day.” 
“It was dull until tonight,” Milana’s lips parted, “mmm, yes.” 
Erik’s hands left her hair and Milana’s breath halted when she could no longer feel his touch. She looked up at him through her lashes with pleading eyes for him to continue. 
“It’s time for me to give you a good, hard, powerful massage that'll really have your ass moaning and weak to these knuckles and fingers.” 
Erik rose from the couch and went to open his bag. He pulls out five different massage oils, a fluffy white towel, a thin white sheet, and three hand-poured massage candles. 
“Aight miss Milana, I want you to take off your robe and go lay on that table for me face down,” Erik dug into the left pocket of his sweatpants and his hand came up with a lighter. Milana unfastens her robe and as she walked to the table she allowed the robe to fall from her body. Erik couldn’t fight the urge to steal a peek when Milana climbed onto the table with her round derrière sitting up. Milana folded her arms and rested her chin there with her head propped up and eyes closed. 
“Which oil would you like for me to use? I have coconut pineapple...it reminds me of having a cool drink in my hand while relaxing on an exotic beach.” 
“That sounds perfect...what are the others?”
“I have Strawberry dreams...it’s pretty sweet. I also have vanilla sandalwood, tropical mango, and island passion berry.”
“That’s a hard one,” Milana giggles, “Uhm...which do you prefer?”
“Well, if it was me and I’m giving my girl a massage I would go for the vanilla sandalwood. That creamy, rich vanilla with that alluring scent of sandalwood...it’s like spending all day in the spa without leaving your home.”
“Then let’s do that,” Milana stroked her locs from her back to give Erik more access. 
“Good choice,” Erik sits the massage oil on Milana’s table followed by the three massage candles. Once that was set up, Erik set fire to the candles before turning off the lamp lights in her living room. The candle gives far less illumination than the meanest of electrical light bulbs, yet it is all Erik’s eyes can take. By the flickering yellow the room is dark, the shapes of the furniture discernible but the colours so muted that they are almost grey. The blend of jojoba and soybean oils with warm notes of amber, cedar leaf,  and lemongrass, was gentle and soothing. 
“Any music preferences?” Erik questioned, his eyes focused on the smooth skin of Milana’s back while he covered her ass with the thin sheet.
“Something sensual would be nice.” 
“I can do that,” Erik says with a smirk before finding his favorite R&B playlist. Discovering the perfect song, Erik let’s it play, before resting his phone on the table. There is a sort of poetry behind real R&B music. Usher’s Nice & Slow was one of Erik’s favorites. He was anticipating showing Milana his skills. Removing his muscle tee, Erik grabs the vanilla and sandalwood oil. The bottles were warmed up before he came. Erik applies a little to his hands before doing the same to Milana’s back. His large, veiny hands rubbed in the massage oil with gliding movements in long, even strokes. He could practically see her worries melt away when his hands started working. 
“Like that?” Erik inquired. 
“Hell yeah,” Milana’s eyes focused on Erik, “you have soft hands for a man.” 
“My guess is you ain’t used to that,” Erik tilted his head down at Milana, “where do you have the most tension?”
“My upper back and my lower back.” 
“Okay...take slow, deep breaths for me...it’ll help you relax.”
“Like this,” Milana demonstrates her breathing for Erik.
“Exactly,” Erik used the whole of his hand and started at the bottom of Milana’s back, moving upward while applying pressure, and then he lightly brings his hands down the outside of her back delicately. His fingertips stroked the sides of her breasts each time he brought his hands down. Milana’s teeth tugged on her bottom lip. This is definitely foreplay. 
“You’ll have me leaving a wet spot massaging me like that.” 
“And I’ll be right here to lick it up when I’m done,” Erik reminds her while maintaining contact without applying pressure as he brings his hands back down. He didn’t forget Milana’s shoulders and neck area. This went on for 3-5 minutes while he gradually increased from light to medium pressure to warm up her back muscles. 
“Mm,” Milana’s brows furrowed.
“Got a lot of tension in your back, girl,” Erik started with a petrissage technique using shorter, circular strokes with more pressure. He rolled and pressed his hands into Milana’s back to enhance deeper circulation. Erik has her moaning with every motion of his strong hands. Erik’s dick tented the front of his sweats. Looking down, he could see his thick rod twisted to the side. Rolling his eyes with a shake of his head, Erik ignored the pulse from his crotch and continued massaging Milana. 
“You are great with your hands, daddy...lawdddd,” Milana hissed.
“It’s nothing like making you feel good with my hands,” Erik whispered.
“Just your hands?” Milana raises a single brow satisfyingly. 
“I promise I'd fuck u just as good if not better...let ur pussy wet my dick up…”
“Talk nasty to me,” Milana gasps when Erik’s fingertips tickle the small of her back. The slightest touch there evoked Milana’s pleasure. Erik lowered his head and started licking and kissing that area. Milana’s head shot up and her hips arched from the table. Erik’s forceful hand pushed her back down. Milana looked over her shoulder at him, her golden eyes unblinking. Erik slowly lowered the thin sheet to the floor, revealing her plump backside. Grabbing the oil, Erik covered Milana’s ass while rubbing it in with his free hand. 
“I can’t wait to stroke this ass...can you take it?”
“Never did it before, I’ve been training with my plugs.” 
Erik spreads Milana’s cheeks and with his thumbs he starts rubbing between her cheeks. That phat pussy from the back caught Erik’s attention and now his thumbs were rubbing up and down her outer lips. Milana’s thighs spread open further for Erik to have more access. With her permission, Erik takes his thumb and pointer finger, spreading Milana’s pussy lips. Her pink glistened like the juiciest piece of fruit. Erik’s tongue is getting hard. He wanted to drop his fat dick all in that pussy. Squeezing his dick through his sweatpants wasn’t a good idea because any type of contact had him ready to bust a nut. 
Walking around the table, Erik stands in front of Milana, his hips leaning over her head. Erik started to perform muscle-lifting strokes to Milana’s back in a twisting motion, “When you finally let me fuck that ass ima have you falling in love with anal for ever. Have you wishing  you would have been given this ass up,” Erik pushed gently down toward Milana’s lower back, massaging the muscles on either side of her spine. 
“With a dick this huge I’m sure you will.” 
Erik lowered his head when he felt Milana tugging on his sweatpants. He didn’t stop her, why would he when that monster needed to be freed. Erik’s hands extended down to Milana’s ass and he started kneading the flesh. Milana brings Erik’s sweats down to rest on his upper thighs and she comes face to face with his dick since he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Grinning, Milana grabs Erik’s dick in her hand and starts jerking it. 
“Fuck, here,” Erik straightens his back, reaching for the massage oil. He squirts some oil on his dick and Milana’s hand. Recapping the oil and sitting it down,, Erik brings his hands to rest on Milana’s shoulders, kneading them gently while she rubbed the oil in on his dick. With both hands now, Milana jerked Erik’s dick like she was grinding pepper. Before her golden eyes like magic Erik’s dick thickened even more in her hand. The oil brought out the beautiful definition of Erik’s veiny shaft and wide tip. Milana’s eyes glossed over and she exhaled deeply when Erik’s thumbs smoothed out the tension from her shoulders. 
“Give me your throat baby... It’s not too much to ask for right?” 
“Definitely not,” the flexible tip of Milana’s tongue stroked the head of Erik’s oily dick while she jerked him with both of her hands in a twisting motion. Erik grew impatient and palmed the back of her head, applying pressure and forcing her to swallow him like he wanted. He didn’t care if there was oil on his dick, all he wanted to see was all ten inches of his dick vanish down her throat. Milana’s noisy sucking blended with the R&B music in the background. With her oily hand, Milana massaged Erik’s nut sack while eating his dick up with her drooling mouth. 
“I see you know how to handle this fat dick with your mouth,” Erik closed his eyes and extended his head, “take care of daddy’s dick baby and I’ll take real good care of you.” 
Milana purposely gags on Erik’s dick while innocently looking him in the eyes. When her lips slipped from around his dick she started jerking him with a smile on her face, “can you please explode on my face daddy?” 
“You’re my sexy dick pleaser?” Erik smoothed Milana’s dreads from her eyes.
“I’m your sexy dick pleaser, daddy...make me choke on your big black dick until I cry...I want you to cum on my face.”
“All over this pretty face? Hm?” 
“Yes, please,” Milana sucked on the tip of Erik’s dick with a tight suction that had Erik’s nut sack so tight it almost retracted into his body. 
“Deeper...open that mouth...stop playing,” Erik pushes forward into her mouth with his toned hips, “oh? You wanna keep playing with me, Milana? I’m gonna put it all in ya throat watch and see,” Erik gripped Milana’s head and started fucking the shit out of her throat like it was a pussy. Yes, he did come here to relieve some tension in her body but he always wanted to slut her out with his fat ass dick. Milana has been teasing him for a few months now. He’s already insatiable when it comes down to pussy. So greedy that he was willing to blow Kobi’s back out in that massage room. Boyfriend or not he was gonna stretch Kobi pussy the fuck out. Now, he finally has Milana’s freaky ass to himself. 
Erik puts it all the way down Milana’s throat and watches her get too messy with it and gag because Erik was training her throat. He held his dick there to remind her of how daddy’s dick is supposed to be sucked. Her tears cleansed her cheeks and just when her nose began to run Erik’s dick drew back from her throat. She stared at Erik’s dick with her eyes crossed like she was bewitched. 
“I love fucking a pretty face...stay focused baby and make daddy nut...fuck, Milana,” She was driving Erik crazy with the jerk and suck combo, “just like that baby...damn...nasty girl, suck that dick,” Erik licks his lips, “Open that pretty little mouth of yours for your daddy,” Erik takes hold of his dick and slaps it on Milana’s tongue, “Fuck I’m about to bust all over your face, hell yeah that’s a good girl, begging for more? So fucking hungry,” Erik painted Milana’s face with his cum and she tilted her head back far enough to catch some in her mouth as well. 
A real-life fantasy is what Milana was experiencing.
She giggled at first, but once she got past the tickle response her laughter was replaced with moans. Milana is on her back now, the front of her body completely exposed for Erik to caress. With his soft, masculine hands Erik rubbed-down Milana’s breasts with the warm oil while his thumbs circled her nipples. At this point, Milana is leaking on the massage table. She didn’t think her nipples could actually get this hard. In between his rubbing, Erik would give her nipples a nice suck to change the pressure. Now, Erik is kissing her neck and moving his hands to her torso. With his hands on her hips, Erik lifted Milana’s back from the table in an arch position. 
“I wanna put my face in your ass and pussy so bad...fine ass.” With his fingertips, Erik stroked Milana’s torso with his onyx eyes ablaze and his dick ready to bust yet again. Milana gives Erik a sultry smile before grabbing his dick in her hand again to remind her of how big he is. Erik’s hands slid against each other in opposite directions across her stomach, repeating it over and over until Milana’s hips thrust from the table. 
“Patience, baby girl...I gotta work my way down,” Erik walks to the foot of the table to stand between her legs. Erik grabs one of her legs, bringing it up so that her foot could rest on his shoulder. Erik used gentle and light pressure near her bones and sensitive areas. As his circular motion increased, the intensity of the massage increased. Milana was up on her elbows from the bed to watch him knead all the kinks out of her legs. She didn’t know how much she needed this until now. 
“You got some pretty feet,” Erik gives Milana’s foot a soft kiss. Grabbing her by the ankle, Erik rests Milana’s toes painted coral pink against his lips. Up and down, Erik rubbed Milana’s toes against his lips. His eyes were enough to show Milana that he was surrendering to her but this time her toes are in his mouth. She never experienced a man sucking on her toes and wouldn’t have imagined how sexy it is to feel and watch at the same time. 
“Mmm, that feels so good, baby,” Milana gasps when Erik’s tongue licked the side of her foot, “You’re such a freak, Erik.” 
With a smirk on his face, Erik uses his teeth now to nibble on her ankle while his hands massage her foot. Using his thumbs, Erik applied pressure to the ball of Milana’s foot and she almost sat up on the table. 
“Yesssss, fuck,” Milana brings her other foot to Erik’s oily chest, “Do this one now...fuck, I like that,” Erik sucks on Milana’s toes, “Unh, fuck, that shit is so damn good baby.” 
With her foot, Milana makes Erik’s dick bounce before dragging her toes down to his balls. Erik’s hips jerked back and he playfully bites down on the side of Milana’s foot causing her to giggle. After massaging her other leg, Erik seized both of her legs, pushing her knees towards her chest. There, covered in oil and sitting phat and pretty between her thighs is Milana’s sweet pussy. Seeing it up close and personal almost made him weep. Rubbing down the back of her thighs, Erik really wanted to eat that hot meaty pussy right now. He would eat that pussy till his tongue fell off. Then there’s her tight asshole. He wanted nothing more than to beat it down from the inside. Same thing for her creamy pussy. Hitting both g spots with reckless abandon and endless precision. Play with that pussy and make her focus on him while he beats that ass into submission...and she better not look away...
“...Perfect ass for anal pleasure.  Do you agree?” 
“Mhm,” Milana moves her hips in a circular motion, “Don’t you wanna eat me up? Have a taste baby? It's good for you,” Milana uses both of her hands to spread her pussy lips. 
“What a beautiful view baby,” Erik’s head disappears between Milana’s thighs and the first thing she does is grab for his hair, yanking it from its ponytail, “I want that pussy cumming in my mouth too since you wanna pull on my hair like that.”
Erik tongued every drop of that delicious sight before his eyes. So much pussy juice. He was absolutely overwhelmed with how much she produced the more he licked. Now, Erik’s mouth is watering and his spit is mixed in with Milana’s wetness. Stunning, absolutely delicious it looks so tasty, how good would it be to taste the juice of this gorgeous pussy. That was Erik’s first thought when he first saw Milana’s pussy on webcam. Pussy is the prettiest thing, he would think while he fisted his fat dick into another explosive orgasm. He was sucking Milana’s pussy into submission. He was sucking not just on her clit but on her inner folds and outer lips as well. Got to get the whole pussy in his mouth to really make her cum. At this point, Milana was Erik’s favorite thing to eat with the way she creamed in his mouth. With the way his lips are slurping up and down her pussy, Milana lost whatever control she had and surrendered herself to him for the rest of the night. 
“Eat that pussy,” Milana’s eyes grew wide when Erik’s tongue started stroking her ass, “oh my fucking goodness.” 
Was Milana really ready? He talked about fucking her in the ass so many times before so she already knows that he will take it by force. He must have read her thoughts because now Erik is fingering Milana’s booty at the same time his mouth found its way back to her pussy. 
“Daddy?” Milana questioned while his finger twirled in her booty, “Are you gonna fuck my ass first or my pussy? Unhhhhhh, fuck,” Milana’s thighs locked around his head.
“You got that phat pussy running away from me?” Erik held Milana in place with one strong arm, “When that hole give up and you finally take it you’ll be hitting my phone for this big dick to fill your ass up anytime...fuck, it’s so damn tight...can’t wait to get in this ass,” Erik stopped talking and continued slurping on Milana’s pussy. Her cries were ignored the more he worked his thick lips over her pussy. She could feel herself getting ready to cum again and it was so strong that Milana’s lower half was lifting from the massage table. Her sweet moans of defeat came soon after she started cumming in Erik’s mouth. She had no other choice but to lay there and take it. His mouth didn’t leave her pussy, he sucked his way through her nut until he felt as if she had enough. 
“That sweet pussy cumming?” 
“YES!!!! Fuck yes it’s cumming for you.”
Erik’s lips were back on it. 
“Yes!!!! Yes, make me cum, make me cum, Unhhhhh fuck,” Milana was frozen but her stiff body didn’t stop Erik from licking up every single drop. When he lifted his face from between her legs, he was glazed from the oil and her juices. 
“I think it’s time for me to massage that pussy with this dick don’t you think? Get up and go to the couch now,” Erik didn’t wait for Milana to answer his question. His fat dick was in his hand and he jerked it with a desperation to finally dig deep in Milana’s guts. Milana sat down on the couch causing Erik to kiss his teeth and slap her right thigh. 
“Turn over,” It was a request that needed to be fulfilled with how deep his voice was. Milana was on her belly again, Erik’s hands landing on her ass with two rounds of rough slaps that stung her flesh, “Daddy’s got your back baby, lift this ass up.” 
Milana carefully positioned herself with her thighs nice and wide and her face resting against the suede cushion of her sofa. 
Mhmmmm,” Erik tapped his dick on Milana’s pussy before grabbing a handful of her ass, pushing himself inside. Even with the amount of lubrication Erik’s dick still expanded Milana’s pussy past limits she wasn’t used to. Sure, she’s taken long dicks before but long and fat? That’s a different story. 
“Is this dick up in your guts?” 
Milana rapidly nods her head the more Erik pushed. Milana had her doubts that Erik was going to fit but he proved her wrong. Erik’s entire shaft fit perfectly inside of Milana’s pussy like a puzzle piece. His hands stroked her oily skin from her twin globes all the way down her arched back and back up to her hips. Gliding in and out of her pussy, Erik can feel Milana reaching back to grab his wrists. 
“If you think I’m about to fuck you with half of this dick because you can’t take it you got me fucked up,” Erik slaps Milana’s hand away a few times before she decided to loop her arm around his, “Nah take this punishment from daddy.” 
“Fuck me just like that,” Milana moaned.
“Fuck you just like that? Oh, now you want this dick?”
“Yes. I need that big fucking dick.”
“This big dick right here?” Erik’s hips smacking against Milana’s ass was vivid in her ears, “All up in this puss with my dick…keep that fucking arch Milana I’m taking this pussy.” 
Erik started off with that rough sex, straight giving it to Milana. As much as she cried she was taking that long dick. It felt so good that the feeling of his dick applying pressure to her stomach was worth it. He was pounding Milana out like he had pinned up tension towards her. It was as if he wanted to leave her pussy shaking. He was punishing her for sure, Milana couldn’t even look back over her shoulder at him. He was making her take responsibility for her actions——teasing him on webcam. 
“I’m pounding this tight little pussy...pussy getting dealt with right?” 
“Unh,” She couldn’t only moan.
“Talk to me, oooh this pussy wet wet…beating this wet shit up baby…come on, open your fucking mouth...tell daddy how much you love this dick.” 
“I love this big dick,” Milana exhales when Erik slows down to stroke her at a moderate pace. Slowing down made Milana feel just how much dick she was taking. Erik would pull out all the way to the tip of his dick then push all the way in down to the base. Milana could feel the urge to squirt and she really didn’t want to do it on her new couch but it was too late. As soon as Erik’s wide tip hit the bottom of her pussy, Milana was squirting on her couch. 
“Got my dick extra messy with this pussy...I needed to fuck you so bad shit ain’t even funny,” Erik slaps her ass, “Make it rain baby, yessss,” Milana was squirting again, and Erik increased the speed of his hips, “pussy so fucking good girl.” 
“Umph!!! Unh!!!!!” Milana was whimpering into the couch, “Erik, please, I’m about to cum!!!!” 
“Fuckkkk!!!” Erik’s jaw clenched from Milana’s grip, “Nasty Bitch taking all this dick you better cum like a good little slut, Milana.” 
Milana did exactly as she was told and made even more of a mess beneath her. Erik starts slapping her ass cheeks around with his dick still buried inside of her. 
“You ready for me to get in that ass?” 
“Uh-huh,” Milana’s eyes rolled shut when Erik’s dick left her quivering pussy. He didn’t bother to tell her to clean off his dick with her tongue because he wanted to use as much lubrication as possible to fuck her in the ass.
“Let’s take this shit to your bed, it’ll be better,” Erik picks Milana up from the couch and carries her towards the direction that she pointed to. The infamous room of Milana Rose. That signature heart shaped bed. Erik lays Milana on the bed while he is on top of her. They both share an intense kissing session with a whole lot of tongue and spit. 
“Come on, girl, bring your legs up,” Erik whispered. 
Milana’s knees are against her chest for Erik to do whatever he wants. Standing from the bed, Erik positioned Milana on the edge so he could have the perfect angle. That asshole is...Erik couldn’t even form words. Dick still wet and Milana’s ass nice and oiled up, Erik bends his knees slightly before planting one hand on the bed while the other grabbed his dick, bringing it to her ass and then with a slow, easy stroke, Erik started pushing and Milana was so nervous that her asshole clenched up.
“You gotta relax if you want me to get in that ass, Milana. It’s okay baby...you’ll love it...I know you will...you’re a nasty slut…” Erik tried again, pushing enough to get the tip of his dick in, “mmmmm, you just might make me cum and I ain’t even have this ass the way I wanted to yet.”
“Daddy it hurts,” Milana pushed at Erik’s abs.
“Hold on I got a little bit more for you...it’s almost in there I promise,” despite her cries, Erik finally conquered the tightest hole he ever fucked. 
“Ima pull out a little bit,” Erik withdrew his hips, “Fuckkkkkkk,” Erik pushed back in, “I should be balls deep but you acting like you can’t take this dick.” 
“It’s too big in my ass,” Milana’s mouth grew wide with shock, “Oh my God it’s in my ass…”
“Milana, stop clenching up,” Erik spoke through clenched teeth, “If you relax I can open this ass up how I want…”
Erik pushes and pushes with his hips. So tight it felt like Milana was trying to squeeze his dick like a tube, “I’m already in there, baby, just take this dick,” Erik’s hands are resting on either side of Milana’s head. She was loosening up for him and her cries of pain turned into soft sighs. Her phat pussy sitting right above her ass needed to be filled too so Erik takes three fingers to finger fuck her. 
“Oooh, shit,” Milana eyes rolled back, her body shaking with only half of Erik’s dick in her, “That big dick looks so good in my ass…”
“Grab my dick and push it in this ass.”
Milana sat up on her left elbow with her other hand reaching between her thighs to grab Erik’s dick. When her hand wrapped around his shaft she couldn’t believe how much of him was left. Adjusting her hips Milana forced Erik’s dick in.
“Take your time to ease it in, I’ll wait,” Erik’s fingers twisted and twirled in Milana’s pussy, “There you go baby, there you go,” Erik moves her hands out of the way, “Hold your cheeks open…” moving his hips, Erik started digging Milana’s ass out. 
“I’m laying this pipe all in your ass-“
“Yesssssss,” Milana really thought she would be able to handle the way he was fucking her but her hands on his thighs pushing him proved to Erik that she wasn’t ready. He didn’t give a fuck, Milana knew what it was from the beginning. 
“Next time, I’m tying your fucking hands down, you can’t take it but you’re moaning while I’m stuffing this ass,” Erik’s fingers rapidly stroked Milana’s pussy, “That's it, spread your cheeks slut and look at this hard dick sliding in and out of your tight little asshole.”
Milana’s eyes connected with Erik’s dick, “Unh, fuck.” 
“You’re a good girl?” His dick started hitting her ass faster.
“I’m a good girl-yes, get it baby.”
“THAT'S what i'm talking about,” Erik could finally go at the pace that he wanted, “Train me daddy, fuck,” Milana’s ass started creaming Erik’s dick, “I’m a good girl I’ll take it in the ass.” 
“Damn, girl…” Erik chewed on his plump bottom lip. 
“Let me show you I’m a good girl,” Milana gripped her sheets and started moving her hips to meet Erik’s strokes. Just minutes ago she was crying about how it hurt and now she is accepting Erik’s fat dick in her ass. 
“Oh yeah? Put that work in for daddy,” Erik’s fingers alternated between rubbing Milana’s clit and fingering her pussy. 
“Yes, daddy,” Milana’s face frowned with ecstasy, “Unh, fuckkkk,” Milana started squirting. 
“Yeah, you’re a good girl, keep squirting, come on,” Erik pushes Milana’s thighs back and pounded her ass. Milana’s hips kept moving and Erik was growing frustrated. Slapping her ass, Erik’s fingers squeezed Milana’s legs harshly and his nails were digging into her skin. He really loved her ass. Milana scratched his abs and slapped his chest. He was getting balls deep in her ass, growling in her ear, biting her neck, and gripping her thighs. 
“If you keep it up daddy will fill this ass up with my fat nut,” Erik whispered in her ear. The squishing sound of his big dick pistoning into her ass as he rocked her body brought him to the brink of climax just as Milana reached hers. 
“This big ass dick got me squirting…UMMMMMMMPH! FUUUUUCK,” Milana pushed that squirt out her pussy and it stained Erik’s dick and thighs. The dick was buried in her ass and yet her pussy still reacted to it. Erik quieted Milana with his lips. He swallowed her cries and pushed himself in deeper to make his balls slap her ass. Unable to hold back any longer, Erik pushed himself all the way in and held it there. Dick pulsating, Erik’s thick cum filled Milana’s ass. Her warm hole drained him dry like she was sucking the life force out of him. Erik couldn’t speak, all he could do was sweat all over her and kiss her lips and face. Pussy a creamy mess, ass filled to the brim with Erik’s cum. Lifting his sticky body from hers, Erik kissed a trail down Milana’s body before his thick lips found her pussy. He used the suction of his lips to clean off her pussy. 
“You still want that free massage? I’m there all next week.” 
Eyes like stars, Milana gives Erik a tired smile with her hand stroking his goatee. It felt so good and so right in his arms and this was her first time with Erik; to accept the adoration that was being given to her. Milana was very certain that Erik has other women waiting in line for the opportunity to have him. What transpired between them has Milana anticipating future sex. If only.
“How does next Friday sound?” 
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twinkleallnight · 3 years
A Twisted Tale
Chapter 1
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Word count: 1787
Characters: Liam, Leo, Riley.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: None.
A/N: An AU of The Royal Romance paving its way through mixed emotions of wants, needs and desires, of revenge and regrets, of trust, faith and hope.
A joint venture brought to you with love by @annekebbphotography and @twinkleallnight .
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Liam’s POV
It is one of those days again. I have to attend a UN function and I am not looking forward to it. There’s more than one reason, one is that none of my friends have joined me for this function, and the other reason is that the girl I am pinning for doesn’t want anything to do with me. How in the world will I win her over? I have tried everything, but I am almost sure she sees me as my father.
I look myself over in the floor length mirror, I look the same as always, the regal king. Did I want to be king? No, but when my father died unexpectedly and my brother took off, I had no choice but to take over. That is when things changed for me and now, I am fighting an inner battle with myself.
After a short drive, I walk into the hotel where the UN function was being held. Like always everything is posh and regal. What I wouldn’t give for something to be a little different. I scan the room and my eyes land on a petite brunette. She has a pink floor length dress on, it hugs her curves perfectly. My feet follow their own path as they walk over to her. She isn’t like everyone else, she’s open and her smile is divine.
I freeze as my heart stops when she laughs. Why am I feeling like this when I am in love with someone else? Maybe it’s just because I am feeling lonely.
She turns around and locks eyes with me and I swear I feel my heart skip a beat. She’s got the most dazzling blue eyes, but it doesn’t compare to the eyes that haunt my dreams. What I wouldn’t give to be with my love right now.
“Hi, I’m Riley Brooks.” She holds her hand out to me to shake. I take her small hand in mine and smile at her.
“Liam Rys.”
Her eyes go wide and she drops in a curtsy. Her cheeks have a faint pink tint to them.
“No formalities please. It’s just us.” I give her a reassuring smile.
“It’s nice to meet you.” She says relieved.
There was something about her that made me want to get to know her better, not romantically, but as friends. She makes me feel at ease.
A song comes up and I give her a wicked grin as she shakes her head from side to side. “Would you like to dance?” I hold my hand out to her as everyone else watches us.
“I would love to dance.” She says through gritted teeth and takes my hand. I lead her to the dance floor and pull her closer to me.
We move together perfectly, she leans in. “I am so going to get you for this.” She whispers, and for some reason that statement excites me.
“Do your worst.” I twirl her out and pull her back to me. She laughs as we move around the dance floor perfectly.
After the song ends, we walk off the dance floor and towards the bar.
“You are not what I expected. When they told me that a king was going to be here, I thought he was going to be old and uptight. I am happy it’s you though.” She glances at me to see my expression. All I could do was smile at her.
We order our drinks and take a seat at one of the tables. We talk about everything and anything.
I learned that she has a political degree and has applied for a PA position in Europe. I also learn that it is just her, no family and that she hopes to find that special someone one day. She is the fresh air that I need in my life.
I look at my watch and see that It’s almost time for me to meet Leo, but I don’t want to say goodbye to Riley just yet.
“What would you say if I offered you an PA position at the palace?” I ask without hesitation. I need a personal assistant and with what I see and heard, she will be perfect for the position.
“Are you being serious right now?” She basically jumps up and down in her seat.
“Yes… I want you to be my personal assistant. You will have to come back to Cordonia with me tomorrow.” I raise my brow and wait for her to explode with excitement.
“I would love to. Where should I meet you and what time?” Her eyes sparkle with excitement and I can’t help but get lost in them.
“Meet me at the airport at 8am. The flight leaves at 8:30. Please don’t be late.” I look at my watch again and know that I have to leave right now.
“I will be there.” She smiles as I get up.
“I have to go. I will see you tomorrow.” I lean down and kiss her cheek. It doesn’t feel the same as when I kiss HER. The one that has had my heart for so many years. I need to speak to Leo, he would be able to help me get my mind right.
I give Riley one more wave before I walk out of the room heading to where I have to meet Leo.
I walk into a dimly lit bar and see my elder brother sitting at the bar. He looks happy and relaxed.
“Sorry, I’m late…” I apologise.
Leo smirks at me. “Your majesty!” He curtsies teasing me.
“Always the funny one. How have you been brother?”
I take a seat next to him as he pushes a glass of whiskey over to me. I need this so badly. I have two pairs of eyes haunting me right now.
“ Never felt better.” Maybe he is trying to express his new found freedom after abdication.
“Are you alright little brother? You seem delusional.”
I have as I take a sip of whiskey letting it burn my throat as it goes down.
He continues prodding. “Are the kingly affairs burdening you or the extra affection for the king from the fairer sex exhausting you?”
“I…. I’m confused….” Leo raises his brow at me motioning for me to continue talking. “I’m in love with someone but she hates me or should I say our family. Or that’s what I gathered. And then tonight I met a girl with the most dazzling blue eyes and the sweetest personality. But she’s just not Her….” Leo nods in understanding.
“Green versus blue or green versus brown.. maybe we Rhys men are always in a dilemma to choose.”
I know he is comparing my situation with his own. Referring to Madeleine’s green and Kate’s brown.
“It’s not for me choosing. I know who I want, she just doesn’t want me. To make it worse I am taking the girl I met, back to Cordonia with me.
“Woah! You mean you have your baklava in the freezer back at home and you are buying cronuts to take home?”
I spit the whiskey I had just taken a sip of, out and cough. “What…. No not at all. She will be my new assistant.”
Leo sits there unaffected just smiling at my state. “The assistant, like the billionaire’s assistant from the romantic books?” He nudges.
“Nooo, it will strictly be professional….” I get half a smile as I take a small sip again. “And maybe a bit to make someone jealous.” I know I am all confident with Leo,but let’s face it I will never do anything more than just attend functions with her.
“All work and no play makes the king a dull boy”. Leo tries to push in his playboy streak.
“I will have you known that I am not dull at all. I have my fun.” I say a matter of a fact.
Leo’s eyes widen to take in the new image of his younger brother displayed in front of him.
“Close your mouth big brother, you will catch a fly.” It’s my turn to tease.
Leo’s open mouth turns into a wide grin. “I will make sure to follow ‘The Trend’ to read about your adventures. Make the Rhys blood proud, baby brother!” He raises his glass in a toast. “So what advice are you looking for Li?”
I consider him for a moment. What did I want from him?
“How do I make Her fall in love with me? How do I make her see I am more than just a Rhys.”
“You have been drooling over that girl since you grew balls. Had it been me, by now I would have given her the magic of my physical therapy. That always works for me.”
I wince at the imagination of my brother in action. Before Leo can give more varied ideas I raise my hand. “ I think that’s enough food for thought.”
Leo shrugs, “ As you wish. I would still say, be bold and try taking some risk. What fun life is without a bit of adrenaline rush?”
I nod and ask for the bill.
On that note, I bid Leo farewell and get back to my hotel to prepare for the journey back home.
I wake up with a heavy headache the next morning. Why can’t I get the two ladies out of my head. It is like they are playing ping pong in my mind. ‘I need to get back home. I need to make Her see that I care about her. I need her to see that I am not like my father.’ I get ready with that thought.
I have been waiting for Riley at the tarmac. She messaged that she was running late. I think of calling Her in the meantime. I heard the phone ringing and it dragged me into her thoughts.
She must be sitting at her tea table at this hour. Her slender manicured fingers playing at the rim of the cup making circles. Her pink lips touching the porcelain softly, sipping the hot beverage. The skin on her throat would be moving slowly, warming up as she would swallow her drink. I have imagined my fingers over her silk smooth neck, many times. Her sharp voice pulls me back from my day dream. “Hello” At the same time when Riley calls, “Hey Liam. Sorry I got late.”
I signal Riley to hold on for a minute.
“Good evening to you, Olivia .”
Olivia snaps, “You are with someone? And calling me?” She abruptly hangs up with that.
My head is hung low. Riley looks at me questioning.
All I can utter is, “Bad timing!”
Tags : @ao719 @anjanettexcordonia @bebepac @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @cordonia-gothqueen @drakewalker04 @eadanga @gkittylove99 @glaimtruelovealways @krsnlove @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @idontknowwhysblog @jessiembruno @jovialyouthmusic @jaxsmutsuo @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @khoicesbyk @shewillreadyou @lisha1valecha @lovablegranny @mrswalkers-blog @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @no-one-u-know @ntoraplayschoices @princessleac1 @ritachacha @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @shanzay44 @texaskitten30 @txemrn @queenrileyrose @sanchita012 @sfb123 @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @drakewalkerfantasy @els31 @rainbowsinthestorm @darley1101 @the-soot-sprite @ladyangel70 @rafasgirl23415 @anotherbeingsworld @callmeellabella @msjr0119 @walker7519 @ofpixelsandscribbles @cocomaxley @lodberg @jared2612 @gnatbrain @cmestrella @queenjilian @iaminlovewithtrr @marshmallowsaremyfavorite
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zelenacat · 3 years
When We Were Young- Chapter 29- An Obitine Story
Satine was shaken awake by Obi-Wan at three-thirty, he was dressed and cleaning up. The Duchess whined for him.
“I wanted to let you sleep,” the Jedi confessed, “but I’ll help you get ready.”
“Ben,” Satine whispered harshly, “I can’t get ready in half an hour!”
“Hurry then.”
The Duchess dressed as quickly as she could with her corset, trying to be patient with Obi-Wan as he fumbled.
“I swear I did it this morning.”
“I know!”
“Stop pressuring me!”
Satine sighed.
“Remember when we were young?” she asked.
“This would happen all the time.”
“Only now,” Obi-Wan tugged, “we’re grown adults with children ourselves, and no Master Qui-Gon.”
“Very true.”
Satine’s hair took longer than it should have, but fortunately, she hadn’t unpacked much. 
“Now I wish Parna had come,” the Duchess whined, “Ben, carry my bags.”
The Jedi sighed, but did as he asked. Jaym met them in the hallway.
“Everyone is worried,�� he smiled, “we thought you were dead.”
“Not dead,” Satine assured, “just tired.”
Jaym took the bags from Obi-Wan and headed down the hall. Satine pressed a quick peck on Obi-Wan’s cheek.
“Love you, Darling.”
“I love you too.”
The Duchess ran to catch up with Jaym.
“So-” he began
“No comments,” Satine interrupted, “we’re late.”
They weren’t that late, maybe because Korkie, Tristan, and Mara were goofing off with Ahsoka, but Satine saw Padme’s face.
“Very fashionable entrance,” the Senator smiled as they hugged, “we should’ve known.”
“Time slips away from us.” Satine shrugged.
“Duchess,” Anakin kissed her hand, “I hope you enjoyed your visit.”
“Don’t act so smug, Anakin,” Satine scolded, “and make sure Tyra doesn’t get into too much trouble.”
“I’ll try.”
Satine approached Ahsoka.
“Keep an eye on my twins, will you?”
“Of course.” Ahsoka nodded
Satine turned, “Children, we don’t want to be late.”
It wasn’t till they were sitting down sipping tea that Korkie asked his mother how their father was doing.
“Fine,” Satine raised an eyebrow, “he seemed in a good mood when I left.”
“Honestly, Lady Mother,” Mara sighed, “try to be more subtle.”
“I hid you all from the Jedi Council for your entire lives,” Satine countered, “I would say I’m quite subtle.”
Tristan laughed, “Maybe you’re losing your touch.”
Satine gasped, “Never.”
  There was a small group of reporters waiting for their landing, eager to see the reunion. Tristan hugged his foster parents and put on quite a good show, thanking the Jedi for their rescue. Parna received her niece, though their reception was much less ostentatious.
“And you, Duke, is it good to be home?”
Korkie smiled, “Most certainly, and I would also like to thank our saviors, we really appreciate their kindness and hospitality.”
“Thank you for all the kind wishes we’ve received as well,” the Duchess added,placing a hand on Korkie’s shoulder, “our family is reunited again.”
The press could likely spin that comment, but Satine didn’t mind. She strode past them and into the palace, her children behind her.
“Lady Mother,” Korkie whispered as they climbed the stairs, “am I really just supposed to go back to school?”
Satine frowned, “What do you mean?”
“I want to learn more about what I can do,” he confessed, “and I think I need therapy.”
“So do I,” Mara agreed, “on both counts.”
Tristan also wanted to see a professional, he claimed that the Sith did strange things to your mind, and he definitely needed a break.
“Lady Mother?” “I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance,” she frowned, “I hate what they did to you.”
“The Sith Lord is in custody now,” Korkie smiled sadly, “Maul and Dooku won’t be able to do much.”
“They can still try.” Satine countered.
The Duchess didn’t know how right she was, that night, after Tristan went home to his foster family and Mara to her mentor, Satine and Korkie sat having dinner with her ladies. 
“Let me get some more tea, Your Grace,” Khaami stood, picking up a tray, “I’ll be back.”
Conversation continued until Parna noticed that it had been twenty minutes and Khaami had not returned.
“Why don’t you go check on her,” Satine suggested, “and bring the desert course.”
Parna grinned, “Gladly.”
Korkie was in the middle of complaining about how much schoolwork he’d have to catch up on when the glass doors to the balcony shattered. Both the Duchess and her son jumped up.
“Stay where you are,” Dooku growled, “and this will go a lot easier.”
Maul held both Khaami and Parna behind a lightsaber, and Korkie raised his hands.
“Don’t try anything, boy,” the Count snarled, “we’re here for your mother.”
In spite of what Dooku had just said, Satine stepped in front of Korkie.
“We won’t hurt him, Satine, if you come with us.” the Count added, eyes blazing.
Maul growled and the Duchess squeezed her son’s hand.
“Alright,” she exhaled, “but my ladies must be freed as well.”
“No,” the Zabrak snarled, “they come with us.”
“Then why-”
Dooku picked up Satine using the force, clenching her waist with his mind.
“And for good measure,” the Count smiled, “this.”
Korkie flew back and hit his head on the wall, Satine wailed.
“Come on.”
They were prodded onto a ship, and Satine and her ladies had their wrists bound. Huddling the corner of a hull, Parna whispered that her brother could help.
“He’s dead,” Darth Maul called.
“No, Satine,” Dooku frowned, reading the Duchess' thoughts, “Mara wasn’t there.”
“Don’t you dare use her name.” Khaami spat.
“I killed Ursa Wren too,” Maul smiled, “it was great fun.”
Tears welled in Satine’s eyes, Ursa had raised her son for her, and now she was dead because of it.
“You monster!” Parna growled, voice breaking.
“Oh, right, he was your brother,” Maul laughed, “what an interesting family you made.”
Silence filled the ship.
“Where are we going, Kal?”
The Count smiled, “To your enemies.”
“I don’t have enemies.” Satine replied without thinking.
Maul snorted, “If you believe that, Duchess, you’re more naive than we thought.”
Satine retreated inwards? Who could be considered her enemy besides the Sith and the Separatists?
“Pre Vizsla.” the Duchess frowned.
Dooku and Maul didn’t acknowledge her, instead, they maneuvered the ship into the lower levels of Sundari. Satine swallowed, corruption on her planet was fueled by the Vizslas and their desire for war, them and all who followed them. No good would come of this.
“Do you have the prize?” a voice croaked over the radio.
“Yes,” Dooku smiled, “and the ladies.”
“Did you hear that, son,” the voice asked, “they even got the ladies too?”
Raucous laughter burst out from the radio and Satine shrank back. So many voices, so many people.
When they landed, Maul used the force to carry the ladies by their necks and bring them off the ship. The Duchess was greeted by Tarrei Vizsla, grinning maliciously as he shoved a gun to her back.
“Walk,” he ordered.
Satine followed Count Dooku as he made his way through a series of tunnels, bribing guards and telling passers by to spread the word. The Duchess had been caught.
“Ah, Duchess,” Pre Vizsla smiled when Satine arrived, “so good to see you’re looking well.”
The criminals around Vizsla laughed, like a pack of hyenas about to eat.
“Shame on you,” Satine growled, “all of you.”
“The poor Duchess,” Pre Vizsla gave a mock frown, “she thinks she hasn’t been ruining Mandalore.”
“You all should be ashamed of yourselves,” Khaami spat, “treating the Duchess like this, she’s saving Mandalore.”
“Ha,” Tarrei Vizsla laughed, “she degrades our very purpose.”
“And what purpose is that, Tarrei?” Satine asked.
“Restoring Mandalore to her former glory!”
The criminals cheered.
“War will get you nowhere,” Parna disagreed, “and many people will die that would’ve been saved by our Duchess.”
“Your Duchess,” Pre Vizsla growled, “is a Jedi-sympathizing b-”
“If you continue with this,” Satine warned, “know that none of you will survive.”
“On the contrary, Satine,” Count Dooku spoke up, “it is you who won’t survive.”
The Duchess had almost forgotten her ex-fiance was there, so she turned to him.
“What do you plan to do once I am rescued?”
“Bold assumption,” the Count smiled, “though I suppose you have faith in your Jedi lover.”
Satine pretended to be horrified, she had no idea if it worked.
“So it’s true?”
“Most definitely,” Count Dooku nodded, “and they most definitely have children.”
“Who do you think you are,” Parna spat, “making up these lies?”
Count Dooku ignored Satine’s lady and announced that he had a plan to set in motion. The Duchess growled at him as he left. Pre Vizsla turned to face Satine.
“First things first.”
The pain in her cheek appeared out of nowhere and throbbed. Laughter echoed in Satine’s ears.
“How dare you,” Khaami thundered, “how dare you strike the Duchess!”
“Oh no,” a criminal whined, “what are you gonna do about it?”
They were led to a cell and locked in with such flair Satine wondered if there was a camera. Suddenly, Parna burst into tears.
“He’s dead,” she wailed, “dead, dead, dead.”
Satine gripped the cell bars tight.
“I’m sorry, Parna,” Khaami whispered, “I’m so, so sorry.”
”Awful,” Satine shook her head, “these demons deserve hell.”
“Careful, Duchess,” Tarrei Vizsla appeared, “now you sound like one of us.”
Satine growled at him.
“Why are you here?” Khaami spat, holding tight to Parna.
“To guard you, torment you,” the former Count shrugged, “it’s all the same to me.”
Satine glared at the Mandalorian, how dare he identify with her people. Her good people.
“But I do have one question, Duchess,” Vizsla smiled, “are the rumors true.”
Angry, Satine stood and spat in Tarrei’s face.
“You know, I much prefer words.”
“You’re vile, Tarrei,” she barked, “you will regret working with Mandalore’s enemies.”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Vizsla raised his hand, “your enemies are my friends.”
“Go away.” Parna sniffed.
The former Count laughed and Satine’s rage fueled. The bars of the cell began to shake.
Tarrei’s eyes went wide, “What-”
Satine glowered at her former ally and the bars shook harder.
“Are you doing this?”
The Duchess let go of the bars and stepped back, but they still wiggled uncomfortably. The eldar Vizsla ran in the opposite direction. The bars stopped shaking as he turned round a corner.
“Satine?” Parna questioned, eyes still red.
“That wasn’t me,” the Duchess shook her head, “honestly, it might’ve been the force.”
Parna snorted.
“You and the force,” Khaami laughed, “allies, who would’ve thought?”
They sat in silence until Tarrei Vizsla returned with his son and three other guards.
“She made the bars shake, it was like,” he gasped, “it was like-”
“Are you a Jedi?”
Satine burst into laughter, completely astonished at the unexpected comment. Parna stared dumbfounded at the criminal who asked while Khaami mocked him.
Pre Vizsla turned to the man, “A Royal Mandalorian Jedi?”
“There’s no other explanation.” Tarrei agreed.
Pre Vizsla looked back at Satine.
“Make the bars shake.”
Satine stared at the man as if he were crazy.
“I can’t.”
“She’s lying.” Tarrei frowned.
Satine gestured, “It wasn’t me!” 
“Son,” the former Count was firm, “it was her.”
Pre Vizsla stared at Satine for a long time.
“What possible explanation is there?” he concluded at last.
The Duchess could think of quite a few reasons, fortunately, no one in front of her was a mind reader.
“Leave them, what can they do?”
Tarrei Vizsla wouldn’t speak to the prisoners for the next three days. When Satine awoke on the fourth day, her neck stiff from sleeping awkwardly, she sat up to the opening of the cell door.
“Come on!”
The Duchess wasn’t expecting to be yanked by her hair, and gave a little yelp when her scalp was pulled.
“Hurry up!” Pre Vizsla barked.
Something must’ve been wrong, and this filled Satine with joy.
“Stop smiling,” Tarrei slapped her, “you’ll regret it.”
Angry, the Duchess growled, but no one seemed to hear her. She and her ladies were being tugged along a back hallway that seemed to have hardly been used. Trash littered the floor and more than once Satine stumbled.
“Hurry!” someone barked.
An explosion boomed in the background, and it rattled the Duchess so much that even when they were in a ship flying away, her teeth still chattered. In the pack, Khaami and Parna huddled together, shoved between boxes of illegal substances. Satine was tied in the back by the fresher, and it smelled awful.
“Oh, suck it up.” Pre Vizsla spat.
There were two other criminals besides the Vizslas, which seemed to be a small group for precious cargo.
“What happened?” Satine asked.
Tarrei Vizsla snorted.
“Like we’d tell you.” a criminal answered.
They had no problem getting off of Mandalore, the Vizslas had too many friends, what shocked Satine was when their ship was shot down while they went to refuel on a desert planet she’d never heard of. It wasn’t a bad crash, seeing as they were caught by a ray and lowered to the ground.
The ship door burst open and Khaami screamed. Gruffy looking soldiers with giant weapons entered the ship.
“Ah,” a man, their leader smiled, “fellow criminals I see.”
“What do you want?” Pre Vizsla asked, tone sharp.
“You came to our planet,” the leader gestured wildly, “it’s us who should be asking that question, friends.”
“We’re not our friends.”
Parna gasped, “You’re Hondo Ohnaka?”
The man turned, a smile on his face.
“A prisoner with sensibilities? That’s rare.”
“I’m Parna Supreis,” Satine’s lady began, “and-”
Satine gasped as Parna was gagged.
“Are you,” Hondo grinned, “then you must be the Duchess of Mandalore, no?”
The Duchess watched as he came close, then spat in his face.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Hondo snapped, “men, take them.”
”Now hold on-”
“Who’s in charge here?”
Khaami pointed at the Vizslas, “They are.”
“Then take them too,” the pirate ordered, “the government will likely want them.”
Satine watched in horror as the other two criminals were shot. Only this time, she didn’t feel quite as bad, and that scared her.
“Come on, ladies,” a pirate tugged on their new bonds, “it’s time to go.”
A couple men snickered and dread settled in Satine’s stomach, this was much worse than she had anticipated.
They were forced onto speeders and taken to the pirate hideout, which was much grander on the inside than out.
“Are those Zygerrian rugs?” Satine frowned.
Hondo laughed, “They most certainly are.”
Zygerrian rugs were made by slave labor and very expensive.
“You’re disgusting.” Khaami growled.
“Now, now, that won’t earn you any favors.”
Satine and her ladies were placed in a cell, all tied together at the hip with some glowing contraption. Fortunately, their cell was actually nice. There was nothing to aid in an escape of course, but there were pillows and couches.
“This is for our most distinguished guests.” Hondo smiled proudly.
The Vizslas were put across from them, in a sour smelling hold that reflected on their true nature.
“You’ll regret this, Satine.” Pre Vizsla growled.
“What did I do,” the Duchess asked angrily, “wasn’t this all your fault?”
Hondo laughed, “Enjoy yourselves, friends.”
Satine, Parna, and Khaami all decided that one person should keep watch. Satine had the first slot.
Satine jumped backward, “When did you get here?”
“I’ve just had a very interesting call with your sister,” Hondo smiled, “she has captured Count Dooku and is willing to trade him.”
Satine grinned, “You must enjoy having the Count in your custody.”
“Oh, I do,” Hondo nodded, “almost as much as I enjoy having you and your ladies.”
Satine frowned, “When is the trade happening?”
“First,” the pirate held up his hand, “you must choose the two prisoners the Count will replace.”
Satine fumbled for words, “May I conference with my ladies?”
“You may.”
Gently, the Duchess woke her ladies and explained the situation.
“We can’t let the Vizslas go alone,” Khaami whispered, “they could escape.”
“But you both deserve safety.” Satine stated.
“We should definitely send Pre,” Parna decided, “and one of us should accompany him.”
“Oh, Duchess!”
Satine turned.
“If you chose to go, you will be the only one released.” Hondo advised.
The Duchess frowned.
“Parna should go,” Khaami whispered, “guard Pre and give testimony.”
“It will give you time to mourn.” Khaami added.
The Duchess announced her decision, and the next day, Parna and Pre were taken outside and Count Dooku was thrown in the cell across from Satine.
They did not speak for two days, a stalemate occurring when both sides of the battle were prisoners, but finally, Hondo spoke for them.
“I have to ask,” he began, “how was the engagement party?”
“We never threw one.” Count Dooku answered.
“What, but surely-”
“I throw garden parties all the time, Hondo,” Satiine smiled bitterly, “it’s a natural part of being in charge.” “That I can understand,” the pirate nodded, “I throw parties as well.”
“Do you?” the Duchess asked.
“I do, for instance,” the pirate smiled, “I’m currently throwing a party to celebrate your capture.”
Dooku snorted.
“It’s true,” Hondo opened her cell, “and you’re going to be paraded around.”
Satine ground her teeth as the count laughed.
“Her Grace is royalty,” Khaami gasped, “you will not treat her as some peasant!”
“I shall,” Hondo grinned, “and if you don’t cooperate, your lady will suffer.”
Satine growled, “She has a family.”
“Then you appreciate what you must do.”
Satine swallowed, standing on shaky legs.
“You will regret this.” the Duchess warned.
Hondo rolled his eyes and tugged Satine by her hair into a room that stank of pirates. They laughed at her.
“So this is the Duchess of Mandalore?” one asked.
Satine balled her fists and stared at the voice.
“Angry, aren’t you?”
Suddenly, tremors attacked the ground.
“I am Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, Second of my Name, and Lady Krewella,” the ground shifted, “and you will treat me with respect.”
A pirate snorted and Satine turned her fury on him.
“What is it, peasant,” she asked, “can’t stand being reminded of your place?”
The man would’ve lunged at her had he not fallen on the uneven ground.
Hondo frowned, “Duchess, is that-”
Shaking with fury, Satine shouted, “Silence!” 
Rocks began to fall from the roof. Then it went black. 
The Duchess groaned Khaami’s name.
“It’s alright, you’re back in the cell.”
It hurt to open her eyes, but Satine managed.
“They think you caused an earthquake.”
Dooku groaned.
“Honestly, Satine, you heard what your lady said.”
Khaami helped Satine over to a lounging couch so she could lie down.
“I knew it,” Tarrei shouted, “you are a Jed!”
Satine sighed, Dooku gave the Mandalorians a strange look.
“It’s true,” Vizsla continued, talking to Dooku, “she made the prison bars shake back in Sundari.”
Dooku raised an eyebrow, “Did she?”
“She did.”
“That wasn’t her,” Khaami shook her head, “it was-”
“There’s no other explanation!” Tarrei gestured.
“It sounds like your Jedi-Spawn are helping you from miles away,” Dooku snarled, “the blood of your force-sensitive bastards is within you, and their midichlorians have fused into your body.”
Satine gaped.
“That can’t be true.” Khaami whispered.
“Either that or you’re expecting a force-sensitive child.”
Khaami turned to Satine.
“It’s too early to tell.” she mumbled back.
Vizsla’s eyes went wide, “Kenobi is the father of your children!”
“Oh, please-”
“It is true,” Dooku added, “their force signature is a mix of yours, his, and their own attitudes.”
Satine glanced at Khaami.
“You,” Tarrei pointed, “you’ve been working for the Duchess longer than the Duke of Sundari has been alive, you would know!”
Khaami held up her hands, horrified, “No, no, that’s not true.”
“Is it not?”
No one had noticed Hondo in the corner.
“Because I just did an image search of the Duke of Sundari, and he looks a lot like Kenobi.”
Satine opened her mouth and closed it.
“Why would you care?” she eventually asked, quiet.
“Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is a dear friend of mine,” Hondo bowed, “it’s an honor to meet the mother of his children.”
Satine swallowed, “Will you tell him I’m here,” Satine asked, “will you let me go?”
“Not cheaply,” Hondo answered, “but he knows you're here, he and Skywalker might come to collect Dooku.”
Khaami walked right up to the bars, “You must let her see him.”
“I’ll think about it,” Hondo hesitated, “I am very interested in this story if you must know.”
“Please,” Satine begged, “please.”
The pirate looked at her once more before leaving.
“Please,” the Duchess yelled, “please!”
It took two months for the Republic to decide what needed to happen, and by then, Satine knew she was pregnant again. Prime Minister Jaru was coming for Tarrei Vizsla, Pre had already been sentenced for life, and it was likely his father would face the same charge. Anakin and Obi-Wan were coming for Dooku, Satine knew lots of money had been exchanged. For some reason, no one had a plan for the Duchess. Korkie had been staunchly advocating for her return, being forced to take on many of her duties and claiming it wasn’t his place to do so. However, the asking price for the Duchess was so high, that Mandalore couldn’t pay it without suffering financially.
“You’re cruel.” Satine decided, speaking to Hondo.
“I might be,” the pirate shrugged, “but business is business.”
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anxiousstark · 4 years
S2 07 | Restraint
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, murder, swearing (always).
A/N: This is more likely a filler chapter. I swear as chapters go on they get better! I’m so excited for those ones to come out!
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"You will not go within 50 feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically." Noah Stilisnki glanced at us with deception. It broke my heart to see him feeling so ashamed of us. If only he knew everything that was going on.
Jackson had told his father about us, and now Scott, Stiles, and I had a restraint order.
The Hazel-eyed boy gazed around. "What about school?"
"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50 - foot distance."
"Bu-. Okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other?" Mr. Stilisnki, Melissa, and Jackson's dad sighed, crossing their arms over their chest. "I'll just hold it."
Stiles was bickering with his dad. "Move," Melissa pushed Scott and me slightly. She focused her gaze on her son. "It's not just this. Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it. The completely behaviour, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris for you to make up that chemistry test that you missed." She now looked at me. "I truly didn't expect you to follow whatever these two had in mind while preparing such a stupid joke to Jackson." I felt a pang on my chest, biting my lower lip, deciding that it was better to remain silent.
"I missed a chemistry test?"
"Really, Scott? Really? I have to ground you. I am grounding you. You are grounded." Her eyes again on me. "That goes for you too, young lady. I have to ground you too." I nodded.
"What about work?"
"Fine.Other than work. And no TV."
"My TV's broken." And I didn't watch TV.
"Then no computer."
"I need the computer for school." True.
"Then no, uh, no Stiles."
"What?!" Stiles and I snapped at the same time.
"No Stiles?!" Said boy came closer to us.
"No Stiles!" She shouted, making me and the boy back up. Damn, Melissa was quite scary when she yelled. "And no more car privileges. Give me your keys. Give 'em to me!" Her hands shook a little as she tried to take the car key. "Oh, for the love of God."
"Mom, you want me to-"
"Mom, come on, let me just, mom. Mom!" He grabbed her trembling hands.
"What is going on with you? Is this about Allison?"
"Do you really wanna know?
"Yeah. Is this about your father?" Stiles nodded in the back, telling Scott to lie. I was too distracted by the mention of our sperm donor. "It is, isn't it? Okay, you know what, um-. We'll talk about this at home. I'm gonna go get the car." It made me think. Why did he leave Scott and Melissa?
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"So did you guys get into much trouble?" Allison asked me, her right hand tightly clutching her bag. "Melissa seems like a woman who has a strong attitude."
"She does." I nodded. "She took Scott's car keys, TV, my radio, and no Stiles." I pouted. I opened the door of the library, motioning for her to go first. She grinned at me.
"Woah, no Stiles." She winked while I looked at her confused. "Must be hard for you."
"Uh? What do you mean?" She didn't answer, gazing at the camera that was installed on the top of the wall, walking directly to a determined place. I wanted to ask her again, but if the Argents knew that she was talking to me, hell would break. That is why when we entered the library, I walked away from her, finding Scott and Stiles.
I smiled at both boys, Allison separated from us by a big shelf. From one of the spaces between the books, she slid a tablet. "It's everything Lydia can translate. And trust me, she was very confused."
"Yeah, what'd you tell her?"
"That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." She replied, making Scott chuckle.
"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." He gazed at both of them, feeling insulted.
"I-I do too." Stiles's head turned towards me as he heard my confession.
"You do?" I nodded. "Want to come to my house and play together? We could complete all the missions, I'm already on the second part of the new event that finishes on-"
"No way!" I interrupted him. "It started one month ago! How did you get so far?"
Scott grinned, interrupting our passionate talk about our online community. "Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?"
"Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers."
"Yes!" His aggressive gesture celebrating that he was right almost hit me on the face.
"It calls the Kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the Kanima to execute murderers in his village."
"All right, see? So maybe it's not all that bad." I nodded along.
"Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to."
I groaned, punching Stiles's arm playfully. "Why did you have to talk so soon?"
"All bad, all very, very bad."
"Here's the thing, though. The Kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be-" Allison couldn't finish her sentence as the person in charge of the library got closer to her, trying to organize some books.
"Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it." Scott finished fo her. A chill ran through my body, I knew what was in my past.
"Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself." If I was the same as Jackson, a Kanima. Would I be a werewolf after discovering what manifested this all?
"What if- It has something to do with his parents? His real parents." That could be me too. Jackson and I could have ended up being this monster for similar reasons.
"Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?"
"Lydia might."
"What if she doesn't know anything?"
"Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so- I'll talk to him myself." That wasn't a good idea. Jackson wouldn't be able to control his instincts if he was mad. And yeah, Allison was a pretty great hunter, but she could still get killed.
"Okay, what do I do?"
"You have a make-up exam, remember?" She grabbed his hand. "Promise me."
"Are they going to have sex right now? Here?" Stiles chuckled after my comment, grabbing my hand, taking me away from them to give privacy.
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Scott was trying to past the chemistry test that he didn't attend, and I hoped that he would pass it. Stiles had spent the night before it helping him as much as possible, without Melissa knowing, of course. Remember, no Stiles.
Allison went to talk with Jackson and Stiles with Lydia. Allison didn't let me go with her, saying that she could protect herself, but I felt like something was going to be wrong. Stiles decided that Lydia would shy away if we went in a group to talk to her, so I was resting my back against the lockers while he followed the strawberry blonde girl.
I heard the ticking of a clock inside my head, I groaned. "Y/N?" Scott? Was I hearing Scott inside my head? "Allison needs me. Go get Stiles, he is in trouble. Keep an eye on him?"
"What about your exam?"
"They need me. She needs me, please."
"Go get Allison," I whispered aloud. I started walking fastly, trying to find Stiles. I did, and he was following Erica.
"You can't tell Derek, okay? There's a lot more to this that you don't know about. And just because you got the Alpha bite makeover doesn't give you a license to go around destroying people."
"Why not? That's all anybody ever used to do to me. I used to have the worst crush in the world on you. Yeah, you, Stiles. And you never once even noticed me. Exactly how you're not noticing me right now." Her hand rested on his chest, and I could feel hot all over. I didn't think twice, walking fastly to them, grabbing her wrist.
"I told you," I growled. "Don't touch-"
I was interrupted when the boy's locker room opened, Scott flying in the air, falling brutally into the ground, groaning. Jackson jumped on him, not being able to control himself. I ended up jumping on top of Jackson, trying to free Scott from him. But Whittemore punched me on the chin. Still, I continued fighting until Erica grabbed Jackson, and Stiles grasped me, lifting me from the floor. His arms were tight around my waist, mouth near my ear, letting me know that my eyes were ice blue. "Close them. Close your eyes. Breathe with me." He whispered.
We all ended up getting detention, Jackson had gone out of the room. He was pale and crazily sweating. When he came back, he still looked like he was going to pass out. Mr. Harris had left us on our own, letting us know that we needed to organize the library. I hated that dude.
Erica had let us know that Jackon's parents died in a car accident. Her father was the insurance investigator. Every time he sees Jackson drive his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18. During all this, Stiles was sitting next to her, and she tried to lowkey flirt with him.
"It means he was born after his mom died by c-section. They had to pull him out of her dead body."
"So was it an accident or not?" Allison and I were staring at Jackson while organizing some books. The sooner we finished, the sooner we could get the hell out here.
"The word all over the report is inconclusive."
"Then his parents could have been murdered?" My parents weren't killed. My mom was a murderer, and my dad was an asshole who didn't have the heart to take care of any of his kids.
"If they were, then it falls in line with the kanima myth. You know? It seeks out and kills murderers."
"Then what about me?" I whispered.
"You aren't a kanima," Hazel-eyes peered deep into mine. "I told you before. We would have known that you were the Kanima like we knew that Jackson was." His hand rested on my back. "Don't worry about that. We will continue investigating."
After comforting me, Scott decided that we had to talk to Jackson. They continued talking, but I decided to ignore them. I felt dizzy, so I continued grabbing books, placing them where they belonged. My eyes went to read the title of the book 'Close your eyes, Y/N'. I blinked, a couple of times until those words disappeared, and the real title of the book appeared.
I grabbed another book, glancing at it. 'Obey or they die.'
"Stiles," I grabbed his arm, but he was trying to talk to Allison and Scott, deciding what to do with Jackson. "Stiles," He finally looked at me, a questioning look on his face. "W-What is the title of this book?"
He grabbed the books from my arms, still confused. "To kill a mockingbird." I nodded after his reply, smiling and placing the book where it belonged. I walked around, trying to find Jackson. But I found Matt, laying on the floor, blood dripping from the back of his neck.
"What the heck?" I heard Scott behind me when I turned around to look at him, glass shattered from above us, books falling. Scott threw his body on me, trying to shield me from the glass. "You okay?" I nodded my head, then he called for Erica. We heard her scream, and then, a thud.
We both quickly got up from the floor. We had to check on Erica, Allison, and Stiles. Stiles, was he okay?
Scott ran to Allison, and Stiles asking both of them if they were alright. I took a step to go to them but was stopped by Jackson. Half of his face was squamous, yellow eyes. He pushed me with incredible strength, my back hitting something, making me groan in pain.
Stiles clutched my hand, moving me to them. "Hey, hey. You okay?" His worried eyes examined every part of my face.
"Hurts like a bitch." I answered, grinning to lower his anxiety. Jackson was now acting odd, he was acting like the kanima. He was being controlled. He began writing on a blackboard "STAY OUT OF MY WAY OR I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU." Then he flew out of the library, smashing his body against a window.
We got into our feet, Stiles and I running towards Erica while the other two were too focused on the board. "Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey! I think she's having a seizure." Stiles took Erica into his arms.
"He's alive." Allison checked Matt's pulse.
"Hey, we need to get her to a hospital."
"Derek - only to Derek." Even if her body was shaking, she just wanted to go to Hale.
"When we get her to the hospital-"
"To Derek. To Derek."
"Go." Allison looked deeply into my- Scott's eyes.
"I'm staying here with you."
"He can't take her alone. Not like this. And Matt - I've got to call an ambulance for him, just go."
"Guys," I interrupted. "Take Erica to Derek, now. I will stay here with Allison," I gazed at Scott, who was utterly anxious. "We will be alright." I felt other eyes on me when I turned my head I was met with Stiles's eyes. "Taker her to Derek, okay? Then, come back to me." He nodded.
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People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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dwellordream · 3 years
“Even beyond the age when girls might be encouraged to play in the city streets, their presence was sanctioned by another activity: the healthful walking between home and school, and the long constitutionals judged critical to a maturing girl’s health. If the lives of Victorian girls were defined by disciplines, one of those disciplines was daily exercise, most commonly long walks, sometimes of several hours’ duration, from one side of town to the other.
Good daughters embraced a walking regimen as religiously as they did a regimen of diary keeping. Like writing, though, walking suggested form rather than content. In their long rambles from one side of town to the other or into the country, or their promenades back and forth along Main Street, girls achieved a level of social freedom which ran against the grain of chaperoned domestic propriety. 
Most physicians and advisers agreed about the benefits of walking. Writing in the 1890s, the Ladies’ Home Journal quoted ‘‘a celebrated physician’’ when it endorsed walking as the preferred form of exercise. ‘‘Tennis, he believes, is too violent; cycling renders women awkward in their walk; cricket is also an uneven exercise; at golfing the strokes made are not conducive to the cultivation of physical beauty.... Riding is one-sided, and croquet is not exercise at all. Walking, however, may be fast or slow, according to the desire or health of the individual. Walking is probably the only exercise which calls every part of the body into active and healthy motion.’’ 
Earlier, a writer for the same magazine instructed American girls how to walk: ‘‘Let the arms swing free; throw the shoulders back, the chest forward and the head high.’’ Another columnist recommended other sports for girls, including tennis, bicycling, rowing, and any men’s sport ‘‘with but one exception, foot-ball.’’ But she fell back on walking as both the simplest and ‘‘perhaps the best,’’ suggesting that girls build up to six miles per day. Walking was an approved form of exercise for a range of Victorians, but it was clearly girls who had both the most time and the most need for its healthful effects. G. Stanley Hall, in his opus Adolescence, suggested the special role which walking filled in the lives of unmarried women, who ‘‘are, and ought to be, great walkers.’’ Walking, Hall implied, might tap energies otherwise likely to go to unhealthy activities, such as ‘‘estheticism’’ or the solitary vice of ‘‘self-abuse.’’ 
He explained, ‘‘Dr. Taylor thinks . . . that the difference between boys and girls in learning self-abuse on account of the more obvious anatomy of the former is overestimated, and that the latter, more commonly than is thought, not only find their organs and use them improperly, but are more difficult to cure of this vice.’’ A healthy alternative for unmarried women was to spend that excess energy in walking which married women and mothers might spend ‘‘normally in other ways—’’ an allusion both to the demands of raising children and to coitus itself. Walking was exercise, therapy, and ideology all in one. Sarah Browne, a married woman writing at midcentury, explained her walking in language appropriate to her region and class: ‘‘I walk again this forenoon in search of health—my walk is a principle, a religious duty, so the time is not lost.’’ 
Time spent walking was time invested rather than squandered. Less intense than modern jogging, aerobics, or weight regimens, the walking of nineteenth century girls nonetheless could compete in seriousness; what it lacked in strenuousness was compensated for in its duration, sometimes occupying two or three hours of the day. Margaret Tileston’s sister Mary was afflicted with health problems throughout her adolescence in the 1880s.
Undoubtedly Margaret’s regular walking, on the streets of Salem, Massachusetts, at first in her sister’s company, was in part a response to Mary’s ‘‘search for health.’’ Beginning at the age of thirteen, Margaret worked up to two hours per day as the time she was expected to walk. Even when it was bitterly cold outside, Margaret walked. Even when she had no company, she walked, ‘‘simply for the sake of taking a walk.’’ 
Some of her walking took place at school recess, but that still left an hour and a half of walking to do either before or after school. When she missed an hour of exercise, she recorded it in her diary. She sometimes walked early in the morning before the sun came up. (One May morning she got up at 4:20 and walked an hour before breakfast.) She often did not return home until after dark, one winter night not making it back until 7:00 p.m.
After one day of walking, during which she had ‘‘thought a good deal,’’ she still found herself short of the required two hours, so she and her sister walked up and down in front of the house before going to bed. Only once did she confess to her diary that walking two hours was ‘‘a tiresome thing to do daily.’’ As befit her self-improving temperament, she instead used this bodily discipline as the occasion for a mental one, explaining that during one long walk she had ‘‘got some more ideas about walking.’’ 
Seldom do we have witnesses—or walkers—quite as disciplined as Margaret Tileston, but documents of other teenage girls suggest that walking was considered both a preventative and a palliative. When Alice Stone Blackwell’s head ‘‘felt as though I had been hung up by the heels and all the blood had run into it, filling it almost to bursting,’’ her cousin Emma ‘‘prescribed a walk, and we found our way to the chocolate factory.’’ When she took a long circle route home from school—‘‘about 7 miles I should think’’—she relayed her sense of accomplishment: ‘‘Am at present in serene enjoyment of a good conscience and blistered feet.’’ 
…In addition to being a discipline, however, walking was a necessity for most maturing girls. Going to school in the nineteenth century usually meant walking to school, often in company with friends and classmates. Between discipline and necessity, there were enough agemates walking in the streets that urban girls rarely needed to walk alone.
Indeed, the hours spent walking became opportunities for sociability, for making and broadening acquaintances, for flirtation. The walking that began as a discipline or an expedient eventually turned into an occupation in its own right, which gained its meaning from the opportunities it offered for peer relations beyond adult authority. Walking to school in itself could become a highly choreographed peer ritual. 
Jessie Wendover attended public high school in Newark, New Jersey, in the 1880s and 1890s, and in her diary she enumerated her walking companions. When she was fifteen, Wendover often collected friends as she went so that ‘‘we eight went down together.’’ Sometimes, however, they would break into pairs or regroup, as when one friend ‘‘got one of her amusing cranky spells on and tried to make herself believe she was mad at me, and said she would not walk with me.’’ The foursome broke into pairs then, with one pair removing their hats as they puffed up the hill, and the other sitting on the stoop and laughing at them. For Wendover the significance was that ‘‘we four have gay times going to and from school now-a-days.’’ 
…For the more reserved Margaret Tileston, walking in the Salem streets only gradually expanded her social world and encouraged her to take initiatives within it. After a slow beginning in coeducational Salem High School, Tileston gradually discovered connections to her community. ‘‘I can scarcely take a walk without meeting one of my school-mates or at least some one that I know,’’ she observed in the spring, after beginning classes the previous December. She soon began to walk with some of these schoolmates, noting the next fall, ‘‘I begin to feel better acquainted with the girls in my class.’’ 
The next winter she noted the company of a boy: ‘‘Dick Manning walked along with me for a part of the way.’’ By the following month, she confessed in the spine of her diary, she felt bold enough to initiate relations: ‘‘I bowed to Master Smith on my way to school.’’ The next week, the group of girls she was walking with actually invited some boys to ‘‘turn round with us, but they could not.’’ The confidence Tileston was gradually accruing allowed her on her own to overtake a boy that month and accompany him to school. Margaret Tileston did not record the ensuing conversation, but she did note some of the subjects she touched on in her long walks with other friends. 
On one three-hour walk, she and her companions talked of friends, boys, teachers, and dancing. In different walks that summer of her sixteenth year, Tileston mentioned conversations ‘‘about calling boys by their first names.’’ Margaret Tileston was a purposeful young woman, as her extraordinary diaries make clear. Yet even for Tileston, the meaning of walking gradually incorporated its sociability.
For many girls less focused than she, walking up and down city streets—or ‘‘promenading’’ as detractors would describe it—nearly lost its function as exercise in its fostering of peer intimacies. Ruth Ashmore, the Ladies’ Home Journal columnist championing restrictive morality, cautioned that if there was a possibility that a girl might be joined by boyfriends on a walk, she should be accompanied by a chaperon. (And in any case, a girl of eighteen should not go out without a chaperon.) 
This was only one of a long collection of warnings—observed mostly in the breach—offered by advisers anxious about the freedoms of girls in the city. Ruth Ashmore’s advice ran at cross purposes with other, older codes of courtliness which made men responsible for the safe passage of women through city streets. In reflection of this chivalric remnant, it was customary for boys to escort girls during and after evening events, dances, or parties. Often these escorts seem to have been assigned by the hostess. In a later interview, Etta Crawford recalled her life as a girl in frontier Portland, Oregon, in the 1860s and 1870s. Customarily, she would receive written invitations to dancing parties in homes, which specified the name of the escort who would be responsible for getting her to and from the event and for seeing ‘‘that you were properly escorted all evening.’’
She was careful to distinguish this constant attendance from the practice of ‘‘dating’’ popular in the 1930s at the time of her interview: ‘‘We really didn’t have dates. Mother considered we were too young. . . . I don’t approve of this present-day manner of traipsing around half the night. None of the boys that attended me to the dances were on calling acquaintance.’’ This imposed arrangement was reflected in other girls’ accounts of such evenings.
At the age of twelve in Milwaukee in the 1860s, Cassie Upson wore her white dress and pink sash to a ‘‘sociable,’’ returning home at 11:30. She declared that she had enjoyed herself ‘‘only pretty well,’’ perhaps because of her partner: ‘‘I think my escort’s name was Clark. Oh! he was a gawky.’’ When Jessie Wendover attended a boy’s birthday party in 1885 at the age of thirteen,  she noted that there were about a dozen ‘‘couples there.’’ She arrived at about 8:00 p.m., she said, and returned home at the extraordinary hour of 3:00 a.m., noting that ‘‘Harry Mccarthy saw me down to supper and home.’’
Wendover led a protected life and was most often accompanied by her parents to and from social affairs and when she went downtown in the evening. It appears, though, that her parents on the Atlantic seaboard shared with Etta Crawford’s on the Pacific Coast a parental protocol which sanctioned the assignment of ‘‘escorts’’ for girls as young as twelve and thirteen.
Whether assigned or not, though, it was incumbent on boys or men not to leave girls unescorted in the evenings—especially as those girls became young ladies. (This chivalric convention put a strain on outnumbered high school boys, who nonetheless remained responsible for their female classmates after evening events.) 
While a student at the Harvard Annex, Annie Winsor recorded an embarrassment in the diary written for her parents. She had attended an evening party in Cambridge which her attractive Latin instructor was also attending. She and a fellow female student had agreed to go home together. (She reported that her friend ‘‘trots to and fro from Miss Smith’s at all hours and did not a bit mind going from here alone.’’) The two young women timed their departure carefully: ‘‘We waited till Mr. Preble [their teacher] and two girls had got safely out the door and away, and then started downstairs, and with averted eyes ‘thro’ the entry, opened the front door, and there stood Mr. Preble leisurely fixing his neck handkerchief—evidently waiting for some one.’’ 
The friends ‘‘felt like two children caught at the jam-pot and no way of escape.’’ The consequences were preordained. Mr. Preble would be obliged to walk everyone home, which was indeed what happened. In a letter to her brother, Ellen Emerson, daughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson, described her discomfort with such genteel expectations when she returned from a party.
Her escort, she explained, was a Mr. Soule, ‘‘who— I can imagine your exultation—made me take his arm. But the experiment confirmed me in my old opinion. It is easier and pleasanter to walk alone and be able to keep one’s dress out of the dust. There!’’ Like other chivalric practices, being escorted was a ritual meant to convey obligation as well as protection. Girls’ presumed need of escorts provided access to welcome and unwelcome suitors alike. 
Cassie Upson noted in 1866 that ‘‘that abominable little nip of a Perkins’’ had walked her home from church and had discerned only that ‘‘I wasn’t quite as talkative as usual.’’ A reprinted item from a student newspaper in Kingston, New York, in the 1880s suggested that girls reject the terms, replying, ‘‘‘I would rather be excused,’ when asked by young gentlemen for the privilege of escorting them home from church at night. The practice may be hard on the ‘boys,’ but it is one which every self-respecting girl will adopt and adhere to. For a young lady to be asked on coming out of church, . . . to surrender herself to the society of some young hoodlum who has been waiting outside while she was decorously attending divine worship, is an insult which would justify a kick from father or big brother.’’ 
Rather than seeking contact in ‘‘this sneaking, unmanly, vagabondish way,’’ an interested suitor should ‘‘call upon her at home, and take pains to ascertain whether his society is agreeable to her parents as well as herself.’’ This item suggested the dilemma embedded in the system of boys escorting girls: sometimes the solution was worse than the problem it was meant to address.
The practice of escorting equally opened possibilities for flirtation, of course. The Milford student newspaper slyly noted that the ‘‘girls of ’88 all believe in ‘protection’—after class parties.’’ Lily Dana noted one such arrangement: ‘‘Of course Brinckerhoff went with Edith Barry and I saw them turning up one of those lonely streets by the Catholic church, in just the opposite direction from her house. Mother says she does not think it was proper.’’ 
Whether proper or not, it was clear that intimacies contracted within approved contexts of school or church would have ample room to flourish even within genteel practices coming and going in the city streets. The historian Beth Bailey has found radical changes in courting practices in the 1920s resulting from the movement from the maternally supervised ‘‘front porch’’ of home to the ‘‘back seat’’ of male-owned cars.
The fact was, though, that many middle-class girls in the nineteenth century were not at home but at church or at school, and in the evening they were presumed to need male escort well beyond the surveillance of their mothers. During the day, girls had more freedom to walk on their own. These less formal walking arrangements—ostensibly undertaken to run errands, to get to or from school, or for exercise—provided ample opportunity, too, for flirtation. 
Alice Blackwell and Lizzie Morrissey, both writing in Boston in the 1870s, though from different class perspectives—found themselves unwitting walking partners in such scenarios. When Alice Blackwell, nearly phobic about encounters with boys, went to meet two schoolmates, the pair was otherwise occupied, talking loudly and waving handkerchiefs to attract the attention of two boys. Alice was so mortified that she hid behind a hedge and finally strode home by herself, ‘‘descended to the cellar, groped my way to the milkroom, and soothed my irritated feelings by drinking an enormous quantity of milk.’’ 
When Lizzie Morrissey walked to a nearby square to hear a public band concert with two friends, she reported that the walk down was nice, ‘‘but when we got there Ida soon left me for Art Woodride and didn’t come back again; I felt provoked. Then Hattie left me for two fellows, but she came back and introduced them.’’ After this bad experience, Morrissey concluded that she would ‘‘never go to the square again when anything is up with either of them.’’ Part of her subsequent isolation within her house might have been a response to discovering herself abandoned by her best friends in favor of flirtatious promenading. 
A more willing participant was Mabel Lancraft, a high school student and spirited daughter of a Fair Haven, Connecticut, oyster grower, whose 1880s diaries cover her fourteenth through seventeenth years. Lancraft spent much of her time in her early teens promenading and flirting outdoors. One summer day of her fourteenth year, for instance, after a trip to the ocean, she and her friends were playing house—‘‘I was the mamma and they were the children’’—when a neighborhood boy came along and suggested they go to the park. ‘‘So we went and we met Mr. Hovey down there though he didn’t approve of us going.’’
The group of friends continued to play, though, picking up others. ‘‘Sadie and I had our arms around each other and Sadie was my beau.’’ The boys accompanied the girls nearly home and exchanged compliments. ‘‘Sadie said I was awfully pretty and if she was a boy she would be in love with me. And he [Ed Dupee] said what pretty eyes that Miss Lancraft has got and he agreed with Sadie.’’ 
Mabel Lancraft later drew a line through the above, an early—and ineffective—moment of reserve; Lancraft grew more daring as time went on. By the end of the summer, she announced boldly that she and a friend met two boys of their acquaintance ‘‘and we raised and we promenaded up and down with them in front of Mr. H. Olds.’’ At the beginning of the summer, Lancraft simply disregarded the advice of a neighboring adult; by the end of the summer, the opportunity to flout respectable opinion was part of her pleasure.
Mabel Lancraft’s early teenage flirtations were generally confined to friends and schoolmates, whom she met and bowed to in their mutual walks around her Fair Haven neighborhood, to the station, and also sometimes through downtown New Haven. When she was seventeen, though, Mabel Lancraft confessed a modest initiative with a stranger. ‘‘Coming out in the car a young fellow stood up in front of me and I am afraid I flirted a little.’’”
- Jane H. Hunter, “Friendship, Fun, and the City Streets.” in How Young Ladies Became Girls: The Victorian Origins of American Girlhood
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