#this one was really fun! I had a blast writing it :D
ln4madness · 3 days
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summary: y/n and lando visit a family friend of y/n’s who just so happens to be a boy
warnings: none
pairing: lando x fem!reader
You and Lando were sitting in your car. You were visiting the country you’re from and you decided to go visit as many people as you could.
You were sitting in your car with Lando, going to your family friends house. “So who are these people now?” Lando asked since you were visiting so many people he lost count of who everyone is. “They are our family friends, our moms were friends in college and now they’re one of our best friends.” You said as you pulled up to their house.
“Heyyyy! I missed you guys” You said as you got out of the car and gave f/m/n (friends moms name, idk how else to write it) a hug. “How are you y/n, tell us everything you’ve been doing in monaco!” she said. “Yeah i’ve been doing great, living with my boyfriend now, really missed home tho.” You said as Lando got out the car and stood next to you. “This is my boyfriend, Lando” You said. “Well aren’t you a handsome guy” f/m/n said as she hugged him. “Let’s go to the backyard terrace, everyone’s there” y/f/m said.
You went to the terrace and saw f/d/n (friends dads name). “Omg you’re so grown up since the last time i saw you.” He said as he hugged you. You let go of the hug and f/d/n turned to Lando to shake his hand. “This is Lando, my boyfriend.” You said as they shook each others hands. “F/d/n, nice to meet you.” f/d/n said.
You all were sitting down and eating when you realized that y/f (your friend) isn’t here. “Oh btw where is y/f?” You asked his parents. “Oh he’s gonna be here soon too, he had to work today.” f/m/n said.
You heard a car pull up to the house. “That must be f/n, go greet him, i’m sure he’s missed you as well.” F/m/n said to you. You got up to go meet your friend, and lando got up after you.
Way taller now, a mullet, a perm, your friend looked way different now than the last time you saw him. “Hey, it’s been a long time.” You said as you saw him get out of his car. “Yeah, hey, it’s so good to finally see you.” He said as he gave you a hug, which Lando didn’t really like, he would’ve preferred a handshake or a smile.
Hours later you were hanging out with f/n and Lando in the living room.
“You uhh wanna go on a drive? Like the old times?” F/n asked you. “Yeah, it’d be fun, god those were some times weren’t they?” You said.
As you got in the passenger seat of f/n’s car, leaving Lando to sit in the backseat, you noticed a bracelet hanging from the rearview mirror. “oh hey, you still have this here.” You said as you pointed to the bracelet. “Yeah, it’s been there forever” F/n said.
“Wanna go through the woods? Drift a little?” F/n asked you. “Obviously, that’s all we did back then, wasn’t it?” You replied as you smiled remembering the old times. “All you did huh?” Lando said as he looked at you and your friend.
“Yeah, every time i would come here we would go drive in the woods with this car. Can’t believe it’s still holding together” You said. “Well i’m planning on getting a new one soon, gonna be hard to say goodbye to this one” F/n said as he drove to the woods. “Awhhh, you’re getting rid of it? The memories in this car were amazing tho.” You said, which made Lando get even more jealous.
“What memories?” Lando asked, voice getting deeper and eyes getting narrower, you could tell he was getting jealous.
“This is the car in which i learned how to drive, Lando” You said as you turned back to look at him. “I thought you told me you learned how to drive with your sisters car.” Lando looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “Technically i did, but this is the car i learned all the basics in.”
You were flying through the woods with the car, drifting through certain corners, windows down, music blasting through the speakers.
“I know i drive cars super fast for a living, but this is fucking crazy.” Lando said as you flew through another corner.
“Yeah well f/n has quite a skill of doing this.” You said. “Yeah, been doing this since i was like 15” F/n said. “Oh I’ll never forget the first time we ever went for one of these drives, nearly broke the car.” You said.
You all were now back at F/n’s house. You, Lando, F/n and his parents and sister all sitting in the living room, catching up, sharing stories, having fun. Lando getting super jealous seeing you talk to f/n, the way you laughed and smiled every time f/n mentioned some of the things you used to do together, talking about all the fun you had on vacations you took together with your families as kids.
You could see and feel Lando get more jealous throughout the whole evening.
“Well i think it’s time for us to head home now.” You said. “Make sure to visit us more, can’t wait to see you again.” F/m/n said.
You and Lando were in your car now, driving back to your house. His hand on your thigh, holding on to it like he’s about to drop you off a cliff if he lets go.
“Lando what’s going on?” You asked him, knowing well what’s going on.
“Was there ever something going on between you and f/n?” Lando asked, getting straight to the point. “What do you mean?” You replied. “Oh come on, don’t act like you don’t know. You were talking with him, looking at him, like you are some kind of a married couple visiting your hometown.” Lando said. “There never was really anything between us Lando, except for a few times we’ve kissed” You said.
“YOU KISSED HIM?!” Lando was the tiniest bit away from yelling. “WHEN WE WERE KIDS LANDO, YEARS AND YEARS AGO.” You practically yelled at him. “I don’t like him, next time we visit this house i’m making sure he has to work even later.” Lando said.
You arrived home and immediately plopped down on the couch. “i’m so tired.” You said. “Go to sleep then, baby” Lando said. “No i don’t want to, not yet, come here.” You said. Lando went over to you and sat next to you, you leaned against his shoulder immediately and he put his arm around you.
“So you promise there was nothing ever going on between you two?” Lando asks. “Of course Lan, nothing was ever going on.” You said. “Okay okay, i love you baby.” Lando said as he kissed your forehead. “I love you too my jealous boy.” You said and giggled.
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giggly-toybox · 1 year
By the way thank you for taking my request can you please do a part 2 where ilumi's darling asks him if they can paint his nails
Illumi with an s/o who paints his nails
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Alright last request before I go to bed :) but this one was really fun! I hope you like it :D
He didn’t understand why you wanted to
He didn’t see the point but eventually he allowed you to
I don’t think he really cares about doing things that are “feminine”
He’s disguised himself as a girl for missions plenty of times
Bro just kind of stares at you the entire time
It’s actually pretty pressuring because his gaze is so damn intense
He’d point out every little mistake you made
“You smudged it” or “You missed a spot”
He’s not trying to be rude he’s just trying to help you
After you finished he looks down and stares at them for a while
“They look nice”
Don’t let his lack of words get you down, he genuinely really liked them :)
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Hi there!! Your milgram drabbles are actually giving me life. If you're still taking requests (if not, totally fine!!), how about Haruka and Colours? :)
Aww thank you so much!!! :D Thank you for the request ooh, it's such a fun prompt for him! I ended up going with something for him and Muu between the first two trials, but I still wanted the main focus to stay on his voice and growth 👍
“This is your wardrobe?” Muu's eyebrows raised. “That's all there is?”
“W-well, I don't own much else that I, I really like to wear. Sorry." Haruka’s mind whirled into a panic. His new friend had been in his cell for less than two minutes and he was already a disappointment. She knew a lot about clothes and fashion, but he didn’t know a thing about that. They’d have nothing in common. She’d grow bored of him, and hate him, and -- 
“Aw, you don't need to apologize! The warden should be sorry for making you wear this. Muu will have to fix it.” 
“Fix what?” He bit down on his thumbnail. He knew there was a lot of him that needed fixing. That’s what he’d been told as long as he could remember. But what did she plan on doing that no one else could?
“All white does not do you justice. I'll request some things for you, okay? Let’s see…" 
She spun away from the clothes to examine him. He squirmed under the sudden, intense gaze. She looked him up and down, without saying a word. He hugged his arms to his chest. He had too many painful memories of people looking at him like that. But at the same time, he hoped she would never stop…
Her lips twisted into a gentle pout. “See? You poor thing, you don’t feel confident in that at all.”
“W-well, it’s only that --”
 “-- Don’t worry about a thing. Muu will get some neutrals, and a few accents. That will help bring out your eyes.”
“My, uh, my eyes?”
“Mm, they're your best feature.” She said it as if he were crazy for not knowing. His mouth gaped. He had a best feature? 
“Speaking of, I'll have to grab some pins to keep your hair back, so you can actually see them…” She reached out to brush some of his hair aside. He flinched, but let her touch him as she tried out a few things. While poised over his face, she looked at him seriously.
“How do you feel about purple?”
He swallowed. How did he feel about purple? Haruka thought it was a strange question, but if Muu was being so nice to him, he should trust her. He should respond perfectly. He went back and forth on what the right answer could be. How did everyone else feel about purple? How did Muu feel about purple?
“Nevermind.” She put her hands on his quickly raining shoulders. He relaxed them. “I think I’ll go with green.”
He sighed with relief. “Oh! Okay!”
Muu continued muttering to herself about different colors and styles, to which he nodded along. If she thought it would help him, he believed her. 
He stepped into the dining hall for breakfast. The prisoners were used to their routine by now, so nothing really caused disruption anymore. It was why Haruka was unprepared to be a disruption himself.
“Haru~” Mahiru called. “Wow!” 
His eyes widened. As he scrambled for a reply, Mikoto nodded from another table. “So colorful!” All the eyes turned to him. Even Es turned from where they were speaking with Jackalope in the kitchens. They all smiled at him.
“How fashionable!”
“It suits you well.”
“Aw, look at you!”
The sudden praise forced his hands up to cover the huge smile on his face. “Me?” 
He could feel his cheeks redden, but his heart raced in excitement. At their request, he did a stiff turn to show off the whole outfit. “Ah… it’s only because of Muu…”
“And it looks like I did a great job!” She appeared beside him, pressing her palms together. “You look wonderful.”
With so many kind eyes on him, he couldn’t help the giggle that spilled between his fingers. 
“Buuut Muu can’t take all the credit,” she said. “Or your clothes. This is you. You look happier. You’re holding yourself differently.”
“I didn’t know…” He hadn’t meant to do that. That was a good thing, right? Haruka felt his legs shift, as he thought too hard about how he was standing.
Is this why he was forgiven? People were finally seeing him. Es really looked at them during his interrogation. The prisoners had noticed him more and more. Even the voices that whispered in his cell at night had taken a strong interest in him. And now, everyone was showering him with their praises. Muu was right, it was more than the bright colors he was wearing.
“Yeah, you seem more confident.” 
He lowered his hands to return her beaming smile.
“I… I think I am.”
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punkitt-is-here · 11 months
Frequently Asked Questions!
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Heyo! I get a TON of asks each day, so I'm making this post so that folks know what's already been asked so my followers don't have to see the same stuff over and over, haha.
Hi! I'm Punkitt! I'm a game developer, artist, editor, director, and a bunch of other stuff! I'm working on an RPG called Astral Guard, a platformer called Susan Taxpayer, and I have a couple more fun projects in my pocket like Happup and Super Mario Death Row.
Why do you have so many hats? Do you know you have that many hats?
ye i like hats. :) free tumblr badges for one pea i like one piece and took as many as i could. free.
Where can I find your art/game development/horsecomix?
Great question! Everything I make that's my own and not a reblog is under "my posts", every bit of art I do is under "my art", any game development I do is under "gamedev", you can find all my MLP art under "mlp, my art" or "horsecomix" for the best stuff. I also have an "animations" tag and a "shitposts" tab. I also properly tag all my asks to be asks and write out the asker's name, so if you don't wanna see those just mute the ask tag.
Do you have a Patreon or a Ko-Fi?
I do have a ko-fi here! I also JUST launched a Patreon, which you can find here :)
What do you use for your art?
I use FireAlpaca and Paint.net for misc. effects!
What are you using to make your games?
I use FireAlpaca do make my assets! Astral Guard, Happup, and any other top-down RPG games I make are all made in RPGMaker 2003. Susan Taxpayer is made in SMBX2 Beta 4, a Mario fangame engine with lua support!
Why are you using a 2-decade-plus engine to make games?
It's fun!
Do you have a sideblog or something for your art?
Not right now! What you see is what you get. I do have a sideblog for Astral Guard though, if you want to follow that game specifically! @astral-guard
Can I make an OC based on your work? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!! THATS THE COOLEST THING EVER!!!! LET ME KNOW IF YOU DO!!!! I WANNA SEE!!!!
Can I do dubs/redraws of your comics? As long as you credit me! I get a ton of notifs each day, so if you wanna show me (and PLEASE i so do wanna see fun dubs and redraws!!!) tag me or DM me!
Can I use your art as a PFP? Sure! Just credit me somewhere. :D
Are you the one who trapped her coworkers in a room and made them listen to TF2 lore?
Yep! Everyone had a blast actually. :]
Did you make that comic where Fluttershy eats the weed brownie/Rainbow Dash has a male living space/someone has a cutie mark that says they'll kill Ronald Reagan?
Yep! That's me.
Where are you in MLP right now?
Currently just finished Season 7! Haven't watched the movie yet.
Have you watched Equestria Girls?
Yep! Thought it was super cute. I watched up to Rainbow Rocks and plan on watching more.
What's your opinion on MLP so far?
I love it! I think it's cute. I really don't agree that there was some sort of huge quality drop after season 2 or whatever.
What do you think of G5?
Not my style! I don't really like either animation types and it just seems like I'm not in the audience anymore. That's totally chill, but it just doesn't grab me!
Have you watched any other MLP stuff from previous generations?
Nope! But I did see a compilation called Minty Being Autistic for Six Minutes Straight that I loved. she's perfect.
Favorite pony?
Don't got one, I love all the Mane Six a LOT, but I'm particularly fond of Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity!
Favorite episode/season?
I'm so bad at picking favorites! But any season past Season 1 I have a blast with because I feel like it's just more my style. I don't have a favorite episode, but the most recent one I can remember LOVING is the one where Starlight bottles up her emotions because it was REALLY funny.
Do you like Pony.mov?
Nope! And stop saying my stuff reminds you of it, it's a lil annoying!
Have you watched the Mentally Advanced Series/Friendship is Witchcraft/Other fandom vids?
Probably not! My interaction with the MLP fandom prior to last year was pretty minimal, so I'm making my way through the show first!
What do you think of Fallout: Equestria?
I think it's super weird but really fun because of that. I've never properly read any of it but it's very fascinating to me.
Are you transgender?
Yep! I go by she/her, I'm a trans woman. Have been for many years, but I only recently came out online!
Are you a lesbian?
Nah, I'm bisexual!
Can I commission you?
Yeah! I only have my commissions available on my Ko-Fi at certain times though, so keep an eye out! I usually announce slots being open at least 12 hours beforehand. Slots are usually first come first serve, but we'll see.
Can I use your art as a Discord emote?
Yeah man i'm not scouring every discord on the planet to find stickers of my work. i think it owns if people take my stuff and make it stupid injoke emotes between friends that makes me very happy.
Can I send you an ask inquiring about gender dysphoria?
I feel like this is beyond my capabilities of advice! I'm actually very comfortable with my body and I have been for many years, so I don't know if I can give any good or helpful advice on that front. Apologies, but there are many resources out there where you can ask about those things if you look for them, like Discord channels!
Favorite Color?
I'm a sucker for blue!
Favorite coffee?
Can't drink coffee, my stomach is cringe.
Favorite tea?
I'm lame and can't drink most tea but I love this one orange-flavored tea a lot. I also LOVE ice tea.
Can I say you're horsegender/punkittgender/a little gender goblin void thing?
Well, I can't stop you, but I'm kind of beyond that phase now! I really am a boring ol' plain she/her girl, and I like it that way. It's not much, but it's honest gender.
What's your favorite game series?
Mother, Kingdom Hearts, Mario, and I USED to say Fallout, but I found out I'm really only a big Fallout New Vegas fan.
Favorite game from those?
Mother 3 is one of my fave games of all time! I love KHII, and I'm tied for SMB3 and SMW. Also Fallout New Vegas fucks hard.
Any other favs?
Bug Fables, SLARPG, and TF2!
Favorite Movie?
Everything Everywhere All At Once, no question.
Oh, are you going to college?
Yep! I'm a film/theater major.
Do you have a YouTube channel?
Yeah! Click right here for it, I stream there and upload footage of my games/animations/my film projects + other stuff.
What is that little orange creature I see?
That's bweenop, my little persona that I use when I'm feeling a little scrunkly.
Do you have a ponysona?
Yep! Her name is Star Magnolia, you can search her on the blog to see art of her.
When will Susan Taxpayer/Astral Guard/etc. be out?
No clue! I take things slow, that's just how I am.
How do you work on so many things at once?
I make small, satisfying amounts of progress! I never try to complete one giant thing all at once, I just like doing small bursts of fun stuff. I got ADHD, so I learn to work with it.
Did you know you look like Weird Al?
Im going to run you over with a clown car watch out
WHY do you work on so many things at once?
Fun! I like learning, I like making cool stuff, and I like showing it to people :)
Do you need any help with your projects?
Potentially! I'll probably put out a post asking for help if I need it.
If you could be a horse, would you?
You kidding me? Several ton beasts with the frailty of a sickly Victorian boy; my clumsy ass would never survive.
Are you some sort of...furry?
Why do you reblog so much?
Brother I LOVE posting. that's just how it is.
Fav music artists?
It changes literally ALL the time but I will recommend ANYTHING by Vylet Pony, its music is incredible and probably the reason I'm a weird niche microcelebrity now.
Why are you like this?
theater kid + having a lot of fun on the internet makes you a bit silly hehe hoo
Is it out? Not yet! But hopefully sometime in the next year. I dunno! I take things at my own pace and keep stuff fun. :)
What are you using to make it? SMBX2! It's a free fangame engine for Mario episodes, but it's incredibly versatile and has a wonderful community, so I decided to make Susan Taxpayer in it.
Is there a demo? You betcha! You can find it right here. I'll also probably put it up on my itch.io.
How do I install it? I made a post here about how to run the SAGE '23 demo!
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 11 days
can you recommend your favourite queer historical/fantasy novels or series for me?? desperate for some new books to read 🙏
Anon I'm so mad, I had a couple of rec lists floating around but what do you know, tumblr has eaten them!! So I'm putting together a new one for you. I should pin this somewhere really.
Queer historical romances
Anything by Cat Sebastian. Seriously. Anything. My personal favourite series is "Seducing the Sedgwicks", and her two most recent 50s-set books are both exceptional.
Equally, anything by KJ Charles. Again, they're all brilliant, so it doesn't really matter where you start. I really liked Band Sinister.
Olivia Waite does lovely f/f historical romances. I really enjoyed The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics.
Sebastian Nothwell (hello @nothwell) writes brilliant historical romances (and also has a couple of fantasy romances too). Planning a re-read of some of his when I've actually got time 😅
Solomon's Crown by Natasha Siegel, loved this one a lot
The Gentleman's Book of Vices by Jess Everlee (there's a f/f sequel coming out soon!)
Queer fantasy romance
I am utterly obsessed with A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows. I loved it. It's like it was crafted just for me. Also, the sequel just came out!
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland, SO indulgent and tropey and fun, I had a blast reading it. (hello @ariaste). Also, Alexandra's next book is about to come out - it's called Running Close to the Wind and its about PIRATES. YES.
The Last Binding series by Freya Marske. Absolute best of the best. Everyone loves them.
(See also, Swordcrossed, also by Freya Marske, coming out later this year)
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh. Short, sweet, and engrossing. Finishing this book is like stepping into sunlight for the first time after being lost in the woods for hours.
Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. It's a classic for a reason.
Queer fantasy/sci-fi with romantic elements, but isn't a straight-up romance
Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune. I cried.
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree, extremely cosy domestic fantasy in the traditional D&D style, about an orc who sets up a coffee shop.
A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock. Frankenstein-style horror but with queer people and plants. More horror than fantasty, tbh.
Our Hideous Progeny by C E McGill (waving at @c-e-mcgill) is classic gothic horror/sci-fi, but this one is Frankenstein but with dinosaurs. And queer people. Very light background romance. Loved it.
OH WAIT ETA: What Manner of Man by @stjohnstarling - not sure if this fits your needs as its more horror romance than anything else, but its basically "dracula, but gay", and it's very good.
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marvelobsessed134 · 2 months
Going to Disneyland with Elvis headcannons
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A/n: First Elvis fic! I’ve had this idea for a couple days now and finally decided to write it! Also just a disclaimer even though I am a huge Disney nerd especially for the parks I may get some information inaccurate because I was obviously not around in the 60s to go to Disneyland during that time. I have been an avid Disneyland guest for my whole life basically so I do know a lot about how the park is run and things like that.
Pairings: Late 60s!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Warnings: too much explanation about vintage Disneyland sorry
Okay so the day would start out where the two of you would get there bright and early for rope drop (when the park opens and they drop the rope that blocks off the rides)
You wanted to make sure you could get on the E ticket rides (Back then Disney had tickets for rides and you’d buy a little ticket book and there were different tickets: A, B, C, D, and E. E ticket rides were the popular more thrilling rides like Matterhorn bobsleds) before the lines got too long
Elvis always had a blast at Disneyland with you being able to let out his inner child
After a couple rides you’d get breakfast on Main Street and talked about your plans for the day after eating. You’d both stare at sleeping beauty castle in awe and a cast member (what the employees are called) would offer to take your picture in front of it which of course you’d say yes
Elvis obviously being extremely famous has people come up to him and ask for autographs and such and he’d politely decline, saying he was here to have a good time with his girl
Cinderella definitely had a thing for him when the two of you went to get your picture with her, she was paying much more attention to Elvis than you. She was trying to hold in the fangirling and not break character
Elvis thought it was funny that you were a tiny bit upset about it until non other than Prince Phillip seemed so enamored by you and he felt how you were feeling previously. The two of you just laughed it off together though
You went on the smaller (but still fun) rides like the carousel, teacups, Snow White’s Scary Adventures, Pinocchio, and Mr. Toads Wild Ride
Elvis loves the Mickey ice cream bars and you love the cotton candy
You had a lot of fun waving to the mermaids that sat on the rocks above the submarine voyage ride
Elvis didn’t like that other men thought it was okay to whistle and be disrespectful to the mermaids but he didn’t say anything to them just muttered to you, “The lack of respect these men have is disgusting.” Which made you giggle a bit and agree
Midday you’d watch the parade and then go into the Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln attraction to watch the amazing Abraham Lincoln animatronic (it’s actually really amazing one of the best animatronics in the park)
You’d ride on the pack mules on the trail through natures wonderland attraction which was super fun
And even go on the canoes which Elvis helped the whole boat with how good he was at rowing
The day would end at night, standing in front of the castle with your head resting on his shoulder as you watched the fireworks.
And of course you’d fall asleep on the car ride home
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piplup335 · 13 days
Darkheart x reader!
H E L L O, F E L L A S ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I'm back to write! My exam just ended 2h ago, and I'm doing alright! To whoever requested this, I'm so sorry you had to wait so long ;-; I had stuff to do and I had to rush this because I may not be posting for another month or so otherwise ;-;
but yea, enjoy the story! :D
Crossroads. Known for being the lively town which joined all four factions together...and the only thing stopping them from engaging in war.
Blackrock, Playground, Lost Temple and Thieves' Den.
For generations, Blackrock had considered themselves sworn enemies with Playground, and the phighters of Playground thought likewise, so the sight of demons from each faction leaving the other alone instead of going at each other's throats in Crossroads was a treat for everyone. 
It also just so happened to be the only place where people of different factions could meet up and relax after a long day of phights. 
Someone from Lost Temple could chat with someone from Playgrounds without any conflicts happening on either side. 
Someone from Thieves' Den could walk into a bar with someone from Blackrock, and that would be perfectly fine on all sides. 
However, Crossroads wasn’t just the number one hangout place for phighters- it was one for the SFOTH deities, too. Especially during their days off. 
And sometimes, they just so happened to be in the places no one would expect them to be. 
Of course, Firebrand was standing in the centre of it all, boasting to demons about his great power and how he ruled over the entirety of Crossroads. 
Other deities hid elsewhere. They watched over Crossroads from the shadows, save for Windforce who went to Banlands to find her son. 
They all had a favourite place to watch Crossroads from. Illumina enjoyed standing at the edge of the Crossroads tower, watching demons move around like ants on a grid. 
Some of the deities’ favourite spots were slightly unusual, however…
…such as underneath a bridge. 
“Freaking finally…”
The weekend was here. You, a phighter, made a living by duelling other demons in “phights”. They were regularly hosted by Dom and Valk, the two famous idols known as Flipside. 
They were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and you were participating in these phights to maybe, just maybe, make enough from them to ensure you get to live well for the rest of your life. 
You knew you already could, however- because of your lover. 
He had everything. Strength, affluence, hell, he was also well-known around the Inpherno.
He had offered you everything you could ever wish for. He just wanted you to be there with him until the end of time. 
You refused, however- how could you let your loving boyfriend do all the work?
So, you still worked by phighting- you enjoyed the job, anyway. Your boyfriend would even visit sometimes. Just, well- to annoy the hell out of others.
"A little bit of chaos is fun...don't you think?"
You internally cheered at the sight, but everyone else groaned. Even Biograft, despite it being a robot, seemed to tense up, gripping its energy blades harder...
To you, it was a blessing.
To other players, it was a curse...literally.
“Feeling vulnerable…?”
Just then, the enemy Biograft seemed to falter, its lights dimming. Seemed like he got the curse…
Those were his last words before getting obliterated by your ally, Hyperlaser…
Your ally, Shuriken, was chasing down Sword, who was on 15 HP. 
“We’re feeling a gust of wind come along…!”
The next thing he knew, Shuriken got blasted upwards…and out of the map. 
Of course, Darkheart would make sure that you were out of harm's way before casting another one of his curses. Though, he wasn’t as merciful with your teammates…
So here you sat, after a long day and a hard battle, snuggled up in your boyfriend’s arms. 
"Darkheart...I'm exhausted..."
"No need to worry, dear...we'll be here..."
You never really understood why your boyfriend always referred to himself plurally, but it was just another one of his quirks that you adored about him. You loved him, and he loved you back.
His one withered wing wrapped itself around your frame- his own special way of hugging you. Another one of his little habits. 
"We just don't want Illumina to get to you, you know...? We're trying not to be too overprotective...who knows what he'd do to you?"
You giggled. Typical Darkheart- always protective of you, fearing for your wellbeing...sparing you from the usual curses he'd inflict on the others- hell, Darkheart would even curse other people if they got too close to his beloved. 
As you fell asleep in your boyfriend's arms, you couldn't help but let out a small smile. Seeing your happy expression, Darkheart let out a small chuckle.
"Sleep well, my dearest..."
This was your life. Yourself, with Darkheart by your side. Sure, there were little disputes or disagreements in your relationship, and sometimes people would laugh at you because Darkheart was so much taller than you. But despite all this...
...you couldn't ask for more.
- thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! this is my second (I think lmao) romance fic, so if you have any feedback do leave it in the comments so I can improve my writing for you guys! :D
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
The Wayhaven Chronicles—17/March/2023
Can you believe how close we are to the release of Book Three?! Aaahhhh!
I’m both unbelievably excited and consumed with anxiety—I just really want everyone to enjoy so much! :D
The release content is well underway now, and were so glad to see you’re all enjoying it!
So this week we worked on things for after the Book Three release as well as continuing on with Book Four prep.
The checklists we came up with have really helped to calm me down a little from last week. Although it’s a lot, it definitely is now achievable goals seeing them written out so clearly. Most of it is finally just actually getting down things from past books (variables, events, possible branches, etc), which I have all in my head but at this point—with how much branching and how in-depth the books are getting—need to be actually written down for much easier reference.
But one of the fun things with that is that we’re going through all the previous books again to look for all the variables and where they pop up. It’s been a blast going back to the beginning to where this all started! :D
It’s also been very interesting to see how things have developed and changed from my very original plans to where I’m at now! Some moments came from nowhere and have led to surprising story events, and other things I planned to happen just didn’t come to fruition.
I did also sneak in a little Book Four planning. I’m definitely holding fire on that until all the prep is done and Book Three is released, but…it’s impossible for me not to, hehe! Mostly I’ve been working on the antagonist because they are much more of a… heavy hitter than they other antagonists but in a very different way from the antagonists I’ve had so far in the previous three books.
I've been very excited to write them for a very long time, as well as just what influence they'll have...
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll update you all again next Friday! <3
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hotchlove · 2 months
Trustworthy | Reader X Aaron Hotchner
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hi!!! welcome to my first one-shot fanfic :) i had a blast writing this and hope u'll have even more fun reading it.
• i take requests! plsss dm me or leave them here if u have anything fun you'd like me to write. it can be angst, anytype of trope, smut, etc. • PLZ NOTE: i ONLY do oneshots. they differ from long to short depending on the character and story. i do not write series! • trustworthy - 3.1k+ words (i got carried away D:) • desc.: - quite a bit of angst - probable inaccurate description of readers job - happy ending ♡
• • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~ • • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~• • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~• • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~ • • • •
it's been about five or six months since i've joined the behavioral analysis unit in the fbi. it's not like i've been counting the days...
who am i kidding? it's been exactly 191 days - whereas like 2 of those days my boss, SSA Aaron Hotchner, was actually nice to me.
those being my first two shifts.
on the third day, i had to make a spontaneous choice whilst on a case - one that, sure, was reckless and stupid and to quote hotch "unprofessional", but i managed to save many unpredictable lives with that choice.
we were on a case in miami, a state the team hasn't visited yet up until that day.
it was a 3h flight but it was a big case, so those hours flew on by as garcia briefed us. a 36 year old mother recently lost her teenage child to the hands of a drunk and supposedly has had hallucinations of her late child telling her to kill other kids, as revenge, i'm guessing - spooky, right?
i suggested manic schizophrenia - clear symptoms and obvious manic signs (the killings). that suggestion kind of cleared the foggy air on the jet. hotch gave me a nod of approval and i felt pretty damn proud of myself, it was only my third day after all.
on the third and last day, we finally cornered the woman on a traffic free highway. she had no where to run, agents were surrounded all around her - but she was holding a shotgun. the simple way out would've been having one of our federal snipers shoot her - but i couldn't let that happen. she killed the children of many, and letting her die a painless and simple death just didn't feel right.
i swatted the snipers away, the red laser that was planted on her forehead now gone. i throw my gun on the floor and pretend to surrender, hands up. "you remind me of my mother." i tell her, my arms up.
"Y/N." hotch warns me. his eyebrows furrow as he sees me now weaponless, basically staring the shotgun in it's eyes. i don't turn to him, i don't even acknowledge him. "she tried so hard to protect me." i say and walk tiny steps towards the woman, who now walks backwards to avoid me.
"stop! one more move and i-i'll shoot." no she won't. "she basically devoted her life to making sure i remain scratchless and pure." i chuckle.
"well, look how that turned out. i've got scars all over my body and a fun memory to come with all of them." i get even closer to her. "i know how you feel. i know how much you miss him." the woman cries and nods.
"i do. i really do. what did i do wrong?!" she yells and she points the shotgun at me. "i protected him like he was made out of glass, whilst other mothers - bad ones - let their kids wander everywhere alone."
hotch jumps a little seeing the woman point her hefty gun at me. "Y/N. move." he warns, his tone as stern as his expression.
i shake my head but don't look back. "other mothers - bad ones - still have their kids. and mine," her tears fall. "my baby boy got swept off his feet the only time - an exception - when he got to walk home alone from school." she cries.
"you're right. you did everything right," i reassure her and walk even closer, only 10 meters standing between me and the shotgun barrel.
"except you forgot one thing," i scoff. "teaching him to grow the fuck up."
the gun drops to the floor shortly after she shoots. morgan runs towards her, putting the metal cuffs on her wrist. he reads her rights and takes her to the sheriffs wagon that was parked just 2 minutes away.
the bullet didn't hit me - she had no idea how to take an accurate shot. god, she barely even held that shotgun - the weight of it almost holding her instead of the other way around.
"agent Y/L/N!" hotch runs towards me, i pick myself up. "we got he-" i get interrupted by him. "what is wrong with you?!" he yells.
"are you actually insane? i gave you a direct order to move. do you think of me as a fool?" he yells, his voice basically growling.
"excuse me? i just basically handed her to you." i say, offended he's yelling at me for doing my job. "and in the process you almost got your head blown off." he's even angrier as i talk back.
"head blown off?" i scoff. "hotch, the woman couldn't even hit a giant red target if she tried. it was a risk i had to ta-" he interrupts me again.
"no- no, agent. it wasn't. you put your life on the line to appear macho infront of everyone here." he puts his pistol in it's holder and crosses his arms, taking slow but sure steps towards me. "you took control of the case like you're a veteran - but actually, you're just a rookie that will probably quit in the span of 2 months because you'll realise you can't do this." he growls again. that one hurt. "badge and gun. you're flying back to quantico tonight. i'll put in a request for a two week suspension as soon as i am back." he holds out his hand, waiting for me to hand him my gun and badge. my eyebrows furrow. "what?" my mouth parts - speechless. "you can't be serious." i say, unsure if he is. he's silent for an entire minute.
so he is serious. i give in - i have to, he's my boss, so i hand him my badge and my gun. without saying anything, i walk away. leaving the crime scene, wasn't authorized to be there anymore anyway. and ever since that day, 188 days ago, aaron hotchner has got it in for me.
everyones sitting in the briefing room except me and garcia. i walk in 2 minutes late and excuse myself, "sorry, lost track of time." JJ nods and hotch says "you own a watch, don't you, agent?" his angry expression once again tainting his face.
god i'd pay a ridiculous amount of money to punch him just once. "yes, sir. will not happen again." i reassure.
no one calls hotch sir except me. it's kind of a unspoken rule - the others are close to him, which i am not. which i will probably never be, considering he still judges my mistake as a way to not trust me with anything.
garcia walks in just a minute after me "sorry, guys, kevin was blabbing and blabbing and i could not get him to shut up." she says and smiles awkwardly. "it's fine" hotch says. "everyone's allowed to be late - once." he raises an eyebrow and looks at me.
just one punch.
JJ briefs us on the case and tells us the local police department doesn't want us there - so she's going to have to convince them, which can take a day or two. i don't mind - i was honestly not in the mood for a flight today. everyone goes back to their every day business. files, reports, coffee and smalltalk in the kitchen - or for morgan and garcia, friendly flirting in her office.
me and spencer are both stirring a fresh cup of good ol' joe in the kitchen, talking - or well, he's talking - about some new physics crap. i just nod and pretend i understand.
the color of the beige wall behind him looks particularly interesting today. he keeps explaining and suddenly goes "BOOM!" his hands wide and i jump a little at the noise - spilling coffee all over my pink blouse. i look at him annoyed, "oh my god. i will murder you." he can't contain his laugh and bursts, "i was just demonstrating!" then goes running out of the kitchen before i can get to him. i sigh and look at my now brown blouse - this would be awfully devastating if i didn't have a go-bag. i place my almost empty mug in the kitchen sink and head towards my tabe - emily giving me a curious stare. "what happened to you?" she scoffs, "physics." i reply and take my go-bag, fishing out the only blouse i have - a white one.
emily just nods at my remark and goes back to her file as if it was the most normal thing ever. considering it's me - it probably was. i change in the ladies room and scrunch my coffee splattered blouse into a ball. standing infront of my mirror i realise how see-through this blouse is - especially with a pink bra that i wore just for the pink blouse. "you have got to be kidding me." my eyes widen. it's really not that bad, but it's noticeable. so noticeable HR might force us all into a "appropriate clothing" seminar tomorrow. i really don't have much of a choice so i walk out like that, hoping or praying no one notices. my hope is diminished when i meet garcia in the bullpen, holding her palm to her hand so she doesn't burst out laughing. "not a word, garcia." i look at her, my eyes shooting arrows. thank god for kevin, as he comes and pecks her lips, her surpressed laughter now gone like the wind. saved by the bell. or well, by a kiss. i sit down at my table and keep working on my reports - if i slouch down enough you really can't see it. i'm a great problem solver. a rough, deep voice calls my name from a distance, "agent Y/L/N, my office, please." hotch says standing in his doorway. my head drops in defeat - i really have no luck today. i grab the file i was working on and hold it on my chest, basically hugging it - it makes me look weird but not weirder than having my pink bra open for everyones eyes. i stand infront of his door, mumbling to myself about how i hate my life and knock twice. "come in" hotch says, his eyes glued to his computer. "sir. you wanted to see me?" he nods and tells me to sit down, still not looking up. and so i do, i sit down and keep hugging my file like it's gonna grow legs and walk away. he finally raises his head and looks at me. his eyebrows furrow at the sight of me holding for dear life on the file, "is that for me?" he asks. "huh?" the file. "oh, no- i just really like this file." i smile awkwardly and his mouth parts as if he wanted to say something more, but he doesn't. the embarassement i'm feeling right now could wash half the population off of the earth. "you're gonna have to be transfered to a different unit." he says and coughs, his throat sounding almost dry as he barely speaks that sentence. my eyes widen to 3x their size, "what? but i didn't do-" i take a breath. "i didn't do anything wrong? you're just gonna transfer me? just like this? wh- i don't get it." i rise from my seat not realising i let my file drop. he stares at my chest and then back to my eyes like 10 times till i realise. i heastily grab the file again, sit back down and cover my chest back up, "i spilled coffee on my other blouse." i explain. hotch sighs, "it wasn't my decision. strauss wants you gone." he coughs again. "i tried to convince her, agent." i scoff. sure he did. he was probably the first one to agree to the transfer. "you're joking, right?" i stand up once again, file still in my embrace. "i know you want me gone. i just know you were the first one to agree with strauss decision." i raise my voice slightly. "wanting me gone is one thing, so is transferring me - but lying about it? you're pathetic." hotch's eyebrows furrow. he doesn't seem angry, he just seems.. apologetic? "agent, listen to m-" this time i interrupt him, "i'm done listening," i drop the file on his table "here. it's yours now." i exit his office but notice in my peripheral vision that he stood up, as if wanting to follow me. all eyes are on me and how i storm to my desk, either that or my pink bra. but i don't care. i grab my bag and jacket, my files still scattered around my desk - but they're not mine anymore, so why should i care? "Agent Y/L/N." hotch calls and exits his office, i ignore him and just keep walking. "Y/N." he calls me by my first name now. i notice the elevator is about to leave so i ask the person in it to hold it, a hand splitting the doors as i manage to walk in just in time, aaron standing 10 feet away looking defeated. --
i took a cold shower as soon as i got home to calm my nerves. didn't help much but pretending it did helps. got myself dressed in a large shirt and some raggedy pyjama pants and poured myself a glass of red wine. then another one. i'm reliving today in my thoughts - why did i get fired from the bau? and why did aaron - sorry, hotch - lie? everyone knows he despises me and wanted me gone as soon as possible, and he did so, why lie then? i gulp down another sip of wine and hear a knock at my door. if this isn't the chinese food i ordered i'll be heavily disappointed. i open the door without checking who it is and see hotch standing infront of my apartment door, the arms of his dress shirt folded up to his elbows and his jacket held on his shoulder by his hand. he looks pissed. like always but worse. "what are you doing here? i don't need to transfer to another apartment, do i?" i mock him and cross my arms. "can i come in?" he asks with a stern expression. "why?" i look at him, awaiting an explanation. i'm not just gonna let my asshole boss into my apartment with no plausible reason. "we need to talk. please." his expression changes and my heart breaks a little. i don't know why. i hate him. he's rude and selfish and made me doubt my career. but i let him in anyways. i take a seat on a bar stool at my kitchen island, sipping on my red wine waiting for him to say what he has to say. "i didn't request your transfer. i didn't agree with strauss either." i scoff but he keeps talking before i can, "but i couldn't disagree either." i knew it. god this motherf- "you got offered a unit chief position." he says and my eyes widen. "it's gonna be great for your career. it's a better pay and everything." he walks towards me and chuckles, "you'd be in a higher department than me, and that within just 6 months of working at the fbi." my eyebrows furrow, he better not be playing with me because i'm believing every second of it. "i didn't want you gone. you're an amazing agent and we," he gulps. "i was so lucky to have you. but i can't deny you a promotion out of my own selfish reasons." my mouth parts as i inhale a small breath. this is.. unexpected, to say the least. "hotch, i'm so sorry for going off at you like that." he shakes his head, "don't apologise. i know how i've been treating you and it was unfair. and totally unprofessional." he takes small steps towards me, stopping just infront of me. he swipes a strand of hair behind my ear and my body freezes - his warm fingers slightly touching my ear, his gaze so soft. i've never seen him so vulnerable before. "i care for you. and even though i handled it poorly, i thought i'd lose you on just your third day." he exhales and his arms now cross. "i couldn't let that happen. so ever since, i thought going hard on you would cause you to be more careful, less reckless." his head drops and his eyebrows furrow. "i know it was selfish, and god did i hate seeing you on the verge of tears everytime i had to discipline you." he looks me straight in the eyes, they no longer shoot fire arrows, they shoot soft looks and quick smiles as his mouth curls a little. "i'm sorry, Y/N. and i hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me." he closes his eyes and leans forward, placing a kiss on my cheek. i stand there, still frozen. i don't manage to say anything but i notice him moving. leaving. he grabs his jacket and twists the doorknob on my door without a word. "wait -" i manage to blurt out and he turns around, surprised. i walk towards him in a very quick manner, basically sprinting. if me two hours ago was put in this position, i'd finally take swing at the punch i've been begging for. but i don't. instead, i cup his cheeks in my hands and kiss him.
he doesn't react at first, the kiss starting slow, but then he grips at my waist tightly and pulls me towards him. he grins into the kiss and it feels like he just wants to eat me whole. he's greedy, unwilling to share, like he's wanted this for a while. i break the kiss so i can take a couple of breaths, he doesn't let go of my waist and looks me in the eyes. "i'm really sorry" his thumb carressing my left cheek. "you've said that."
"not enough." his lips land on mine again, this kiss shorter, more like a peck. his strong arms embrace me and my head lays on his broad chest. "isn't this unprofessional? a boss and his subordinate?" i ask as he hugs me tightly, "you're not my subordinate anymore, though, uniet chef Y/L/N." i chuckle into his embrace and pull myself away from him, looking into his eyes. "what if i don't take the job?" his eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head, "you have to, it's an amazing offer." i shrug and look up at the ceiling. "maybe. i kinda like my current work place though, i'd be willing to go back. unless of course my snarky boss won't take me." i grin playfully and he kisses my forehead. "monday 8:00 o'clock. don't be late this time."
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colesluvr · 1 year
REQ: Heyy :]I don't know if you still accept requests, but maybe could you write a GN!reader × Lloyd? Like Lloyd had been busy lately and it's the readers birthday but he forgets? I leave your imagination the rest of it, but please let it end in Fluff cause one more Lloyd angst oneshot from ANYTHING and i will break LMAOOO
Birthday Surpise: Lloyd Garmadon x GN Reader
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TO ALL MY OTHER ANONS WHO REQ'D: i have not forgotten about the rest of you, yall are coming up next 🫶
B/D : birthday day (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
"Lloyd?" You called out to yourboyfriend who was training out by the courtyard. He seemed foucsed because he never noticed your presence. He aims the tip of his sword to the neck of the dummy he was currently training with. 
You stood on the side of the courtyard, slowly moving around to face Lloyd from a distance. 
"Lloyd?" You once again called, and this time your eyes caught a glimpse of a energy blast zoom it's way toward you. You reflexed fast and dodged it, the blast hitting the wall leaving a burnt mark. 
Lloyd called out, running up to you as you stood up, rubbing your arm. "Are you crazy?" 
"Sorry," Lloyd awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I-I didn't think anyone would be up this hour." He was right. The time was 7am. Everyone else is probably still asleep, or awake up in their rooms doing whatever. 
"Sure, but you could've done much worse then make a burnt mark on the wall." 
Lloyd aplogized once again, checked for wounds, and went back to the middle of the courtyard to countine training.
"Hm?" He replied, landing a hit on the dummy.
"Well," You began, "I was thinking about something."
He nod, telling you keep talking. You stepped down on the rocky path and made your way toward him as you spoke, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today! Y'know, because it's nice and early and your already awake?" 
Lloyd paused to look at you, "I'm sure, but not for long. I've been sloopy durning training sessions with the others. Trying to get better, but I'm sure we can get an hour in together. 
"Just one hour?"
Will that be enough time? 
"I mean, yeah, why not. I'm sorry babe,but I really gotta focus today." 
You took a miunte to think, "Lloyd, do you know what today is?" 
Lloyd slammed the dummy to the floor, it bouncing back up in less then 2 seconds and paused to think, "Uhm. B/D?" 
You waited to see if he'll continue, but he didn't.
"Yes, but what's special about this day?"
"Y/N, what are you talking about? It's a normal B/D. Look, I'm pretty busy right now, how about we plan tomorrow? I'll take you to your favorite-"
"Forget it." You waved off the ninja, making you way back inside in the Monestary. Lloyd raised an eyebrow, but shugged off your sudden outburts.
Inside the Monestary, you felt tears begin to build up in your eyes. How could he forget your birthday? Is is Ninja business more importabnt then you?  You walked down the hall, trying to cover our mouth to prevent you from sobbing out loud. 
Why are you even crying? Its not our fault he forgot, he should be the one feeling your pain. 
Sudden;y, you bumped into a figue the walked out of a room. In a panic you wiped your eyes as you made eye contact with the person.
"Zane." You chuckled, "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." 
"It's quite alright, Y/N. What are you doing up so early?" Zane asked, looking at you. He noticed your eyelids were red but didn't say anything about it until you replied to his question. 
"Oh, I-I just said hi to Lloyd, I-I'm heading back to my room."
Before he could say anythin you push by him but pause, "Zane, do you know what today is?" 
"Well, of course I do. Happy birthday, Y/N."
You smiled softly, thanking him and returning to your room. He watched as you entered your rooom beside Nya's and Kai's. 
It was now later in the morning, around 9AM. Lloyd came back from outside and he was done training for a couple of hours. At least 1 or 2 he told himself.
As he entered the kitchen, he ran into Zane who was finishing up breakfast. "Good morning, Lloyd. Have you finished training?" 
Lloyd smieles as he sits at the table, "Yeah. I am." Lloyd soon looked around the room. With the corner of his eye he spots ballons and banners in a supply closet. He tilted his head to the side, "We still have these? I thought we put them away after Nya's birthday last month?" He said as he took a sip of water that Zane placed down for him. 
"Well, we did put them away, but I took them back out for Y/N's birthday today-" 
The sound of Lloyd spitting water out of his mouth caused Zane to jump slighty, obviously not expecting it. "WHAT?" He basically shouted, wiping his chin. "It's for Y/N's birthday today, I asked Cole to assit me in putting up the banners and Nya and Jay offered to get them presents from all of us. Kai will be in charge blowing up balloons."
Zane spoke, looking over to Lloyd to see panic all over his face. "Lloyd," he started slowly, placing down his cloth and cup he was drying, "You do remember it's Y/N's birthday? Correct?" 
Lloyd stared at the table in thought. What the fuck? he asked himseld over and over, How the hell could I forget my own partners birthday?!
"I mean- I-I was distracted by all my ninja training, I-I didn't think-"
Zane gave a sworrowful look as he shook his head. Lloyd grumbled as he slammed his head to the table. 
"Oh. Sorry Y/N, I didn;t know you were-" Cole had accdeintly walked in on you in the bathroom, and as he was aplogizing you were quick to move from the mirror nad wipe your eyes. You and him made eye contact and as you prayed he's close the door, he instead opened it slowly, noticing your puffy eyes.
"Y/N? Are you okay? Are you crying? 
You shook your head fast, too fast, causing your head to hurt and tears to spill more. "N-No." Your voice cracked as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
Cole didn't know what to do, not until you choked out his name and the tears were more visiable. "Cole..." He immediatly wrapped his arms around you as you cried into his shoulder. 
"Oh god, ssh. ssh. It's alright, hey, hey, hey!" He smiles as he sups your ace togethet to get a better look at your face. Your tear stained face caused a frown to form on his face, "Awh, Y/N." He hugged you once and rubbed your back in comfort.
"How-How could he forget?" You spoke. 
You and Cole have moved into the hall and back into your room. He got you issues, your stuffed animal, your blanket, anything to make you feel more safe and happy. He rubbed your shoulder as he sat beside you, 
"Who forgot?"
"Lloyd!" Your voice squeaked as you coughed out a cry. "How-How could he forget my birthd-day?" You squezzed your stuffed animal as Cole paused to think.
Suddenly, he started to chuckle and you snapped your head at him, More tears started to form, and Cole quickly noticed. "Omg, Y/N." Cole handed you a tissue, but still wiped your tears for you. "I thought you meant he forgot something like an aniverrsity, or a graduation."
You cocked your eyebrow at Cole, "Y/N. A lot of people forget birthdays! I do sometimes. Lemme'tell you, when I forgot Jay's birthday he was crying his eyes out. I felt bad, but he didn't take any offence of it."
"True, but he forgave me because it was only a one time thing. Tell me, when was the last time Lloyd ever  forgot your birthday. Or Kai's birthday? Or even Darreths?!" You looked at him as you were deep in thought.
He was right. 
Lloyd never forgot your birthday and even if he would, he would ask someone, no? 
You shrugged your shoulders, rubbing the arm of your stuffed toy. Cole smiled, "See. Now, don't let one person who forgot your birthday ruin your entire day. Hae fun, you only turn (A/N) once!" He joked, shaking your arm to egt you to laugh, which much to your liking, did.
"You only turn any age once, dummy." 
You and Cole laugh, not hearing the sudden door knock until the door creaked open. You both snap your heads to find Lloyd peeking his head in. Your stomach dropped for a minute, but you remained calm. 
"Uh, Y/N. Could I talk to you?"
Cole looked back at you and smiled, you look back at him and slowly smiled back as he stood up after rubbing the top of your hair. He walked by Lloyd anc gave him a pat on the shoulder and a smile. 
You placed your legs on your bed to sit criss cross on the mattress. As you didn, Lloyd entered with his hands behind his back.  He sat where Cole was perviously before he left. 
"Y/N. I-I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I forgot your birthday and that was a dumb move of me. I'm your boyfriend, and I've already forgotten your birthday, I felt so bad when I remembered. This morning, when you asked me if we wanted to hang out, I was a jerk and set you off for tomorrow. So-So I want to make it up to you, if you'd let me." 
You saw him reach into a bag he placed on the bed as he sat down, he took out a small box and handed it to you. You look at him, you could tell he was on edge. So you took the box, taking a moment to open it and when it did you were met with pieces of papers. You took one out and read it."
"Coupon #7 : Movie Night." 
You look up at him confused, "I-I don't have any money on me, so I decided t go old-school and make you something, Basically, I made you (A/N) coupons, cause that's how old you are now, and which ever one you pick every hour we will do." 
He took the paper from you, "Example, You got Coupon #7" Movie Night. Meaning tonight we'll watch a moive, you're pick but I do have those rented movies we got at Doomsday."
You paused, "I know. I know, It's not the best present, but I felt really bad that I forgot your birthday and I wish you could for-" Before you could let Lloyd finish, you jumped into his arms, tossing him backwards on the bed.
His back hits your blanket and you laid on top of him. 
You laughed into his shoulder before showing him your smile with small tears in your eyes. "Thank you." You squeaked, hugging him again, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Your the best, I love you so much, Thank you, this was such a cute idea!" 
Lloyd.EXE has stopped working. 
"You're-you're not mad, or-or upset."
"Of course I was, but I realized it's you." You kissed his cheek, "I know you wouldn't forget my birthday because I know you'll remember sooner or later." 
Lloyd's lips formed into a smile as you kissed his lips and pulled away. You took the box and closed it, shaking it. 
"Now, what will the amazing Lloyd Garmadon do with the awesome Y/N L/N today!" 
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast, but it's Metadede?
Ohohoho-!! This one really got me thinking!! :D If I had unlimited emotional bandwidth and time this could be a fun concept to explore a BUNCH! I'm a sucker for fairy tales! I'm not capable of fully developing this idea right now, but I did brainstorm a little bit!
There's some aspects of that story that I just can't think of good parallels for (Like Gaston, Belle's dad, Belle's character motivations and such). So this is more Beauty and the Beast inspired than being a perfect retelling.
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So when I read this ask, I immediately got slammed with a very passionate and explosive Brain Blast: Dedede as Beast!! BUT he's got an appearance inspired by King D-Mind (And Dark Mind by extension) and a beastly demeanor like his Primal form in Forgotten Land. So this is not Shadow Dedede!! Important distinction!
Like Dedede's personality in early Kirby games, he would be selfish and arrogant enough to be cursed by an Enchantress to find true love and compassion. (So the rose and its petals are still connected to this curse's time limit.) But at his core there is a being capable of love, compassion, and self-sacrifice! It just takes a bit of character development to get there!
Meta stumps me a bit more. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy singing about how "there must be more than this provincial life..." And who would Gaston even be?? Beats me.
So instead of being a damsel from a small town with big dreams, maybe he's some kind of traveling knight or mercenary who has always worked alone. He's got a stoic demeanor that can even come off as cold since he doesn't make many meaningful connections with others. But those walls he's put up over his life are indeed capable of coming down with a little care!
You'll also have to forgive me for how little I changed Meta's design... I did this during my lunch break and all I could think of was adding some gold flourishes to his outfit- but there is definitely more potential there than I came up with!!
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Why would he get stuck being Dedede's prisoner? Perhaps he bartered someone else's imprisonment for his own. Or he found himself in debt by chance to the King, or accidentally disturbed/destroyed/or damaged something important to him and has to pay with a prison sentence.
Whatever the reason, he's truly stuck living there. And they super do not get along at first. Dedede's fiery temper and Meta's colder exterior would be at odds a lot of the time.
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Jumping ahead a bit, here's that scene from the original where Beast defends Belle from a bunch of wild wolves (but here they're Primal Awoofies!)
And from there, the character development continues.... Meta warms up a little and shows more emotion and vulnerability than he ever has before. Dedede cools down in turn and learns that he is worthy of affection and genuine connection... And so on and so on~
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As for the supporting character roles filled by "Beast's servants," I figure most of Kirby's allies could be in this role! I just only explored Bandee and Kirby to start with.
I had trouble coming up with household object forms for them (granted I didn't invest that much time into it). So I thought about another time-sensitive form they could take that is high-stakes enough that they'd want to turn back to normal and break the curse. So I came up with the ghostly angel form that happens when you get knocked out in Kirby Fighters. :)
So there you have it! A few days worth of daydreaming for a metadede Beauty and the Beast-type story! Hehe. If anyone happens to find themselves inspired and wants to develop this further as an exercise in AU writing or just plain having fun with it, DO IT! This is my donation to the internet, lol.
...Just please share it with me. I love reading people's stories. <3
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illylli · 2 years
Sweet Thing | Steddie x fem!Reader (18+)
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→ Getting high at Lover’s Lake on a soft summer’s day seems like a perfect idea, until both Eddie and Steve realise they can’t keep their hands to themselves when they see you in your bikini.
→ 4k words: minors DNI; mentions of drug use, public oral (female receiving), choking kink
→ a/n: this was super fun to write, I absolutely adore wholesome n sexy threesome dynamics. If this gets enough traction, I might write a part 2 ;)
♫ mood: ‘sex, drugs, etc.’ by beach weather
Screeching tires alerted you to the boys’ arrival, and you knew what that meant.
Eddie and Steve were bickering over cassette tapes as you slid into the backseat, their argument ceasing as soon as you leant over the console, gifting them both a kiss on the cheek and a flower each.
“What’s this one?” Eddie asked as he brought the pale orange blossom to his nose. You were always sneaking a few from work for your friends.
Steve snorted as he put the car back into drive. “What, they sponsored by NASCAR or something?”
“Har har,” Eddie pushed the stem of his flower behind his ear, big brown eyes dazzling you as he smiled. “Do I look cool?”
“You look pretty,” you beamed, settling back into your seat. Steve put his gift onto the dashboard of his new car, which was now filled with a variety of dried and fresh flowers from each time he’d picked you up from the florist.
He reached his hand back, patting your knee as he drove, “Thanks, buttercup.”
You groaned at the nickname; one of many that stuck as soon as they’d learnt where you worked. You didn’t really mind it. In fact, you found it endearing. But letting them believe you hated it always led to them coddling you, and you were a sucker for being sucked up to.
It worked especially well when they were drunk, as it always led to precious kisses, which led to make-out sessions, which led to nothing more, because neither of them were gutsy enough to cross that line.
Maybe it was because they both liked you, thus decided not to put this flirty dynamic at risk by pursuing anything real. All you knew was that something was bound to change eventually, and you were eager to be the catalyst.
“You okay back there?” Steve asked as he heard you shuffling around. Glancing in the rear-view mirror had him swerving on the highway. “Christ, (Y/n)!”
“Don’t look, I’m getting changed into my bikini.”
Steve swore under his breath. “You couldn’t have said something earlier?”
“Dunno why you’re complaining, man,” Eddie mumbled, leaning back to put his feet up on the dash. Steve swatted at his Reeboks.
“Down,” he ordered, “And I didn’t see anything.”
He wasn’t lying. At most he would’ve gotten an eyeful of your thighs when he looked. But it was the possibility that he could’ve seen more that had him on edge.
While he was distracted, Eddie slipped a Dio cassette into the player, and Steve pre-emptively turned the volume down before it started blasting.
“Metal isn’t made to be listened to at a low volume,” Eddie argued, twisting the knob back up.
Another argument broke out; their tiffing the backing track to your wardrobe change. You were at Lover’s Lake in no time, so their bickering fizzled out, excitement setting in.
Eddie hurried to get your door for you, flourishing his hand dramatically. You took it, and he helped you exit. He made no attempt to hide how he ogled you in the wrap dress you’d haphazardly tied around your body to cover up before you reached the shore.
Steve retrieved the picnic stuff and nudged the back door shut with his hip, then struggled to lock the car with his arms full.
They both looked utterly adorable in their beach get-ups: Steve in a thin stripey shirt, red lifeguard-esque swimming trunks, and his signature sunglasses. Eddie went for a more utilitarian look: a dark acid-washed shirt with a few holes in it, his bottom half donned in the most distressed pair of black jeans you’d ever seen (you supposed for airflow). He clamped his teeth around a hair tie as he brushed his mop of hair off his neck, no doubt already feeling the heat.
After he’d tied his hair into a ponytail, and both you and Steve had sufficiently stared at him with hearts in your eyes, Eddie hauled the beach umbrella over his shoulder.
“Don’t forget the sunscreen,” Steve warned, and Eddie gave him the thumbs-up.
You took in the crowded shoreline, filled with families and some familiar faces. “Let’s find somewhere a bit more private,” you suggested, and the boys agreed. You led them through the forest, following the edge of the water until you found an empty stretch of sand, nestled between the trees.
Steve got to work with the sunscreen, ever diligent with his application. With a swift tug, your cover-up fell to the ground. His hands stilled.
“Well, Mr. sun safety, you gonna do me?”
Steve cleared his throat. “Yeah,” he nodded, “Yeah,” he said again, taking a step towards you.
His hands were warm when they connected with your back, his fingers dipping under your bikini string to make sure he got every inch. Eddie came along to help, smothering your face in sunscreen, his tongue sticking out in concentration as he smoothed it out, down your neck and arms.
Satisfied with his job, he promptly snatched up the book he’d brought with him and beelined for the hammock that hung under the shady trees. Steve’s lips brushed your ear as he whispered a devious, “You thinking what I’m thinking?”
With a nod you were on to stalking your prey, employing a pincer movement as Steve snuck behind the tree-line. You served as the bait, luring Eddie’s eyes away from the pages, distracting him while Steve jumped out, wrapping his body in the hammock and spinning him upside down.
Eddie released a hilariously high-pitched screech as he hung cocooned.  
You leaned over, flicking his nose. “You have to swim with us today, no more hiding in the shade. You can read anywhere.”
Eddie groaned, “Can’t have a single relaxing day with you two.” He tried fighting out of his entrapment, limbs pushing against the canvas fabric fruitlessly. He huffed his defeat. “Fine.”
Steve put him right, providing an arm when Eddie stumbled back onto his feet, grumbling his discontentment. Eddie rid himself of his shirt, chucking it at Steve’s face, who caught the balled-up fabric with ease, but almost dropped it again when he drunk in the pale, tattooed chest that sunk into the jeans low on his hips.
You’d all seen each other in these states of undress before. You’d even visited Lover’s Lake a couple of times, enjoying the cool water on humid days. But as your attraction never wavered, so did your reactions never change.
Eddie’s knowing smirk lit up his face. He shoved Steve’s chest playfully.
“Don’t forget to do me too, Harrington”
While Steve’s movements stuttered, you started, tugging on the belt loops of Eddie’s jeans to bring him closer before unbuttoning and unzipping them.
“I knew you only wanted to get into my pants,” he teased as you tugged them down, exposing legs that had never seen the sun.
“You wish,” you retorted, sinking to your knees. Eddie’s eyes went unfocused then, the position providing a perfect view down your bikini top. Your expert hands slid up the soft flesh of his thighs and started to feel faint.
Steve’s hands steadied him as he started doing his back and arms, paying extra attention to the tattoos littered across his upper body. He massaged his biceps, fingers following the pronounced veins that wrapped around his muscles.
“Jesus, dude, you’re rock hard.”
Eddie chuckled, turning his head, “From fingering my sweetheart all night long.” He caught the snort you gave in response to his reference to his guitar. He pushed a hand through your hair, tugging, making you look up at him. “Wish that was you, huh.”
You left him with a stinging slap to his upper thigh that left him hissing. You backed into the water to avoid consequence.
“Race me?”
Steve grinned. “You guys don’t stand a chance.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie crossed his arms, getting in his face, “We all know Stevie’s the swim champion.” He then shoved him, stalling him for a second as he ran for the water, giving you both a head start.
The goal was the little island in the middle of the lake, and you were in the lead until Eddie caught up, snagging your ankle. You tried not to laugh, but it was difficult as his ticklish touch crawled up your calves. While Eddie was trying to dunk you into the water, Steve leisurely freestyled his way to the island. After leaving you flustered, Eddie joined him soon after, the two of you prepared for the show of you exiting the water.
Dripping wet with your hair slicked back, the two men felt like they were looking at something that shouldn’t be allowed. During the race your top had become loose, and you were fidgeting with it when Eddie came to the rescue.
“Here, let me help you with that babe.”
The knot was tight, so he had to pry it open with his teeth, his lips brushing the back of your neck. Steve pretended not, his hand hovering suspiciously over his crotch as you pressed your hands to your boobs to keep yourself from being exposed.
Once Eddie was done, your top now secure, he pulled his hair out, shaking it out and splattering you with water droplets. He laughed at your offended look and reached out to pinch your side.
While you watched Eddie retrieve a bag filled with a few joins and his lighter, Steve took the opportunity to palm himself. He was going absolutely crazy watching the drops of water roll down Eddie’s chest, his eyes following to the curve of your body beside his as he passed you a neatly rolled joint.
“My best work so far,” he commented, his wet hair brushing your shoulder as he hovered close.
Your eyes lit up at the pattern on the paper. “Grape flavoured?”
“And apple for Stevie,” he said, passing his friend the one he’d rolled for him.
You all lit up, sitting on the shoreline, water lapping at your feet. With your free hand you played with the damp strands of Eddie’s hair. Steve pointed at his bare hands.
“You lose your rings?”
Eddie shook his head. “Didn’t bring them for that exact reason. I’ve lost a fair few while swimming. Never again.”
Steve placed his hand on his back, rubbing supportively. “That must’ve been really hard, man, I’m sorry,” he teased, playing off Eddie’s unnecessary dramatic wording.
Eddie rolled his eyes, unable to retort verbally while his joint was between his lips.
After that he began to teach you how to blow smoke rings. Steve was going crazy as he watched Eddie press his thumbs to either side of your mouth, demonstrating the shape it needed to be in to achieve the rings. He showed you how he curled his tongue to do it, and you, the apt pupil, got it pretty quickly. Steve showed off and blew one on his first try.
You hummed, licking your lips to taste the residue of the flavoured paper after each puff. Both Eddie and Steve knew you liked sweet things, hence the picnic sitting ready for you back on the mainland, filled with fruit, chocolate and sugar.
As you reached the end of your joints, Eddie started playing with the frill on your bikini bottoms.  “Where’d you get this little set?” he asked, taking in the black and white Gingham, “You look like a snack.”
You shrugged, but the compliment obviously left you chuffed. “Got it on a trip to California.” Then, a minute later, “I’m starving.”
The swim back to your picnic spot was a lot more relaxed, taking a moment to just float and watch the clouds drift across the bright blue sky. Unbeknownst to you, Steve and Eddie were watching on, admiring the glittering sunlight reflected against your skin, making it appear like you were swimming in gold.
“She’s so damn pretty it’s stupid,” Eddie smiled gently. His hair had started to curl as it dried.
Steve was glad they were standing in waist-high water, because the tent in his pants agreed. “Pretty, smart, funny. It really isn’t fair.”
“You guys know I can hear you,” you beamed, eyes still closed. The men laughed, and Eddie splashed you.
Steve waded over with a pebble he’d been playing with, and placed it atop your bellybutton.
Eddie swooped down to pick a rock up from the lakebed, placing it on your stomach. Thus, it became a game of balancing. You shook with restrained giggles as they covered your floating body with little stones. The breaking point was when Eddie placed a tiny pebble on your nose. When it slid off you erupted into laughter, turning upright.
That was your cue to finally have lunch. As you exited the water, Eddie asked Steve what he’d do if someone were drowning. He put on a half-assed act of drowning. You heard him say “I think I need CPR, because you just took my breath away,” and were amused by the way the cheesy pickup line genuinely flustered Steve.
They came to sit down on the blanket, thanking you for setting it all up while they fucked around. You reclined, still wanting to bask in the sun, but as you reached for a strawberry and cream sandwich Steve tutted.
“You’ll choke,” he warned, and with a dramatic groan you sat up, resting your head against his crossed legs, which seemed to be good enough since he didn’t say anything else about it.
Eddie mixed up some cocktails in plastic cups, garnishing the top with a candied orange slice.
“You sure it’s all good to drink and smoke?” Steve asked.
“Golden rule,” Eddie raised a finger, prepared to impart his wisdom. “Beer before grass, you’re on your ass. Grass before beer, you’re in the all clear.”
You hummed in delight as the carbonated drink hit your tongue. Eddie made eye contact with you as he sucked on his candied fruit. Steve tried to focus on not getting hard, hiding his face in his drink as the weed and sugar and his two hot friends drove him insane.
As you reached for a chocolate, just out of reach in your reclined state, Eddie noticed and said “Let me grab that for you, sweet thing.” He hovered over you with the treat, “Open,” he coaxed, then fed it to you. “Messy girl,” he tutted, “Clean me up.” You licked his fingers clean where the chocolate had melted.
He popped one into his mouth, and you mentioned that he got a little chocolate on his face. The mood became more playful as he took another, purposefully smearing it against his face as he frowned at you. “Here? Shit, here?”
You laughed and pulled him down, hands on either side of his face, and you licked the chocolate from the side of his mouth and up his cheek.
Eddie’s dark gaze fell on Steve’s pants and he smirked. “Want one, Stevie?”
You pushed your head back, looking up at him as he tried for nonchalance and said “Why not?”
His stomach flipped as Eddie plucked a chocolate and placed one end between his teeth. He hovered over you, placing his hands on Steve’s knees, drifting closer and closer until Steve opened his mouth to take a bite, their lips brushing in the exchange. You watched the scene, a heat starting to stir in your core.
Eddie acted like the mood hadn’t completely shifted, leaning back to grab a beer before lounging back on his elbows. A cool breeze blew past as the clouds crossed over the sun, and Steve felt painfully restrained as he caught the way your nipples hardened underneath your bikini top. Eddie was looking too, his fingers circling the mouth of his bottle.
“Did you plan this?”
“Hm?” You glanced up at Eddie as he leaned over you to pluck a grape from the bunch.
He motioned between you and the blanket. “You’re matching.”
“Oh yeah,” you giggled, wondering how it’d taken him so long to realise.
“You did that on purpose, didn’t you? What, you want us to eat off you instead?”
He placed the grape down on the front of your bikini bottoms, a mini picnic hosted above your sweet spot. Steve began playing with your hair; he had to do something to occupy his hands as he watched Eddie’s mouth lower to your crotch, his lips pressing against the fabric of your bikini as he closed his mouth around the grape.
You sucked in a breath, your hips inching higher ever so slightly, a rumbling laugh reverberating in Eddie’s chest as he chewed, moving away.
“Eddie,” you whined,” Please.”
“Please what?” He laughed when you didn’t answer, “Sweet thing, if you want me to fuck you, you should’ve said something before Harrington got a hardon.”
“I’d be happy to watch,” Steve kidded. “Hang on. You guys aren’t joking?”
Eddie ran a finger up the inside of your thigh, your whole body shuddering under his touch.  “Nah man, I don’t think we are.”
He slid two fingers over your clothed slit, chuckling darkly as you let out a whimper. Steve felt like he couldn’t breathe as Eddie lowered his mouth to you again, teeth sinking into your hip, causing you to buck into him. He apologised with a lick as he hooked his fingers into your bikini, pulling it to the side before pushing a testing finger into you.
“Jesus Christ, you’re already so wet. You like my mouth that much?”
You nodded. Steve groaned.
“So responsive. Uh-uh.” Eddie tutted, pushing your thighs apart as they attempted to jerk closed when his thumb circled your clit. “You want my mouth on you again?” You nodded again, desperate. “I wanna hear you babe.”
“Yes.” Your voice was little more than an airy breath. Eddie smiled.
“Such a good girl,” he beamed, “You want Stevie to play with your tits while I eat you out?”
Steve didn’t hesitate any longer, his hands sliding over the damp material of your bikini top, pressing a squeeze to each.  You looked up, reaching for his face to pull him down into a kiss. He stroked the edge of your jaw as he savoured the sweetness on your tongue, his back stiff as he parted.
Your hand flew to grip his wrist as Eddie’s wet mouth pressed against your clit, his tongue soon flicking against the sensitive nub before he began to suck. Paired with a second finger sliding into your hole, you felt immediately overwhelmed.
Steve wanted so badly to jerk himself off to such a lovely sight, your body twisting, Eddie’s elbows digging into your thighs to keep you still. But he wanted you to feel good first, so his hands dipped back to your breasts, pulling your top down with a low groan. He began alternating between flicking your nipples and squeezing the flesh of your breast. You turned your head, biting down on his forearm hard as Eddie fucked you with his fingers and mouth.
Eddie motioned with his free hand, mumbling something Steve didn’t catch. He made a c-shaped grabby hand, and Steve frowned.
He took the moment to come up for air, pushing his hair out of his face. “She likes being choked.”
“What?” Steve looked down at you, eyebrows raised, “You do?”
“Gently,” Eddie said pointedly, “Like this-“ Eddie reached up, his fingers still in you, pumping slowly as his other hand wrapped around your neck, fingers squeezing the sides, “You don’t want to put any pressure on the front of her throat. Just on the sides. You like that, don’t you sweetheart?”
You responded with the arch of your back, Eddie humming contentedly.
“Yeah, she loves it.”
Steve remembered it now, catching the two of you making out at a party, Eddie’s hand wrapped around your throat. That’s where he must’ve learnt of your preference. Steve tried not to let jealousy wash over him. He wanted to make you feel good, too.
So, he let Eddie’s advice sink in, carefully positioning his hand. He gave a test squeeze and your brows fell in pleasure. “Let me know if I’m hurting you, okay?”
You nodded, tears springing to your eyes as Eddie’s mouth pressed to your pussy again. Everything felt like too much and not enough, every touch and squeeze heightened by the high that was coming on now.
“You look so good like this,” Steve cooed, his thumb digging into your pulse. You were biting your lip so hard he was worried you’d draw blood, trying to contain the sounds Eddie was working so hard to coax from you. He bent over, pressing his mouth to yours, and a cacophony of your moans fell onto his tongue and against his teeth.
Eddie made a whiny sound against your pussy as he heard you falling apart, his pace picking up, fingers brushing your sweet spot as they pounded into you. Steve hooked his thumb into your mouth, holding it open so that your pretty sounds released into the air.
Eddie chuckled, lifting his mouth to tell you “You sound like a fuckin’ porn star, baby. God, you feel amazing, clenching around my fingers like that. You gonna cum, babe?”
A chorus of yes yes yes started tumbling from your lips, and Steve cracked onto the fact that you enjoyed the praise.
“You taste fucking phenomenal,” Eddie’s voice muffled as he sunk back to tease your orgasm out with his mouth.
“You’re doing so well, beautiful,” Steve encouraged, “C’mon, I wanna see you cum on his face. Let’s see that. You like it when I play with your boobs?”
Steve’s cock started throbbing when his name fell from your lips in a whimper. At least he could see Eddie was just as affected. Despite his pinpoint focus on getting you off, he was grinding his hips against the ground, chasing friction.
Your nails dug into Steve’s arms as your orgasm built, the pitch of your moans growing higher and higher until you tensed up, your toes curling, a wave of pleasure washing over you, Eddie’s name exhaled dreamily as you rode out the high, enhanced by your actual high.
You slumped against Steve, Eddie panting as he pushed himself up, hovering over you to place a sweet kiss to your lips, still slick with your juices.
“So good,” you whispered, feeling all spent, content to just lay there for a while. “Your turn soon,” you promised.
“Steve should go first,” Eddie told you, “I’m exiling you both to sex island,” he pointed, and you both tittered.
“What makes you think he doesn’t want to fuck you too?” you asked.
Steve held his hands up, “Guilty.”
You all burst into laughter at his response. The day was still young, and you were all high enough to afford yourselves a few reckless decisions. Two of which were devouring you with their eyes, eager to indulge themselves.
They wouldn’t have to wait much longer.
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→ message me to be added to the taglist for future steddie x reader fics → comments & reblogs are super appreciated as it encourages me to post more → please do not repost any of the art or writing in this post, thank you!
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yourbestprincess · 7 months
HIIII! I was wondering if u could write a michael afton x fem reader smutt where they're coworkers as security guards and they kinda hate each other but somehow end up f-ing at work? Kind of like enemies to lovers :D thank uuu
WARNINGS- Smut 🫶, Fem!reader/Dom!Michael afton, lap sitting, kissing, p in v, creampies, Mike being super possessive, enemies to loves trope 🙏, Mikey falling for you, vulgar language (you should know that by now), slut shaming, daddy kink..,SLIGHT humiliation IF you squint. Enjoy!!! :3
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You flinch out of your sleep. The alarm clock on your cutesy nightstand said 11:00pm.
“Stupid ass alarm..” you mutter to yourself, barely awake. You dread going to work most days. It’s not the job itself, the jobs great, kinda. It’s a fun adrenaline rush, but what you hate the most, is Michael. Michael Afton. You had known the guy since high school. You always thought he was the cutest and most attractive man you’ve ever laid eyes on, but man, was he a jerk. He was so rude to you, especially.
Why me…
You think about the times back in 83’ where he would bully the hell out of you. At some point in the midst of him treating you like a dog, you begun to treat him equally. The bulling never stopped, even if you wanted it to. Michael was always so nice to everyone else, but he would say the meanest things to you, and you didn’t even deserve it. Poor thing.
It was a terrible miracle to work with Michael. You got to be around him all the time and he was almost warming up to you. The bulling was never as bad as it was in high school, but you still dreamed of being adored by him.
You move yourself gently to the edge of your pretty pink bed and slide off, putting your slippers on so your feet don’t get cold on the wood floor. You grab your black skirt and black t-shirt, then lastly slide the security vest over it. You put your black converse on, pretty pink ribbon as laces. You gain the willpower to move yourself to the bathroom. You brush your teeth and put light makeup on so that you don’t look half-dead.
After readying yourself, you grab your purse and keys. You go out to your car, already freezing from the coldness of November. You blast the heat in your car as you drive off to go to the best worst office.
I hope I’m here first. You think to yourself. I need to be here before Michael. You were usually there early anyway. 11:30, on the dot.
You quickly walk up to the front door and shakily get out the key for the door.
“Mrs. Early bird, huh.”
You turn around before putting the key in the lock. It was Michael. He was there early, for once.
“Yeah? what about it.” You say back, reluctance in your voice because you don’t feel like getting bullied tonight.
“Didn’t know you got here so early.” He roughly grabs your arm and turns you towards him. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
The sudden jerk of your body sent shock flowing through you. “o-oh, yeah. m’ sorry mike.” You said, blush burning at your nose and cheeks.
“Lemme unlock it cause you can’t seem to be able to do such a simple thing, princess.” Michael scoffs to himself.
Did he just call me princess? You turn even more red from the sudden ‘kindness’
After he unlocks the door, both of you get inside and rush to the office.
Michael looks down, into your eyes. “Okay dork,” his British accent is faded, but still there. “I’m working on the left today, so you take the right. I’m trusting you on that side.” He mustered out.
“Oh, um, okay, I guess.” You look back up at him.
“Mike, I just got one question.” You spoke.
He rolls his eyes at your statement . “And that is?”
“Why are you still so mean t’ me? I don’t think I deserve it.” The red, still flushed over your nose and cheeks as you speak.
“I- I um, I don’t really know. I don’t think I know how to stop.” Michael says, completely phased by the question.
“You knew how I felt about you in high school. Why did you push me away? Why did you resort to making us enemies?” You speak as you check down the hall with the built in light.
Fuck. You think to yourself. I said too much.
“I gotta go check on the…uh, whatever. I’ll be back.” Michael walks away with watery eyes, maybe you did say too much, or maybe you said it wrong? The feeling of messing up more with Michael makes you feel like you’re sinking.
You sit in the chair that Michael usually sits in. It was comfy and had a big cushion in the back. You tuck your knees into your oversized t-shirt and pick at your nails, waiting for him.
“MIIIKE! hurry up! It’s 11:50!” You yell across the pizzeria, hoping he would come soon, considering the time.
Did he leave me here all by myself..?
You hear fast footsteps outside the left door, holding something in his hands.
“I’m sorry.” He comes up to you, pries your hand open, and let’s you grab onto what he was holding… a plush version of Chicas’ cupcake.
“My da- I mean, the owner won’t care if you take this.” He said softly.
His dad?
You smile warmly, “Thanks Mike.”
He looks into your dark brown puppy eyes, “listen, I’m sorry about the past. I was and still am an asshole, I know, I’m sorry.” He sighs, “All I’ve ever wanted to do was to treat you good. I couldn’t stand you being with anyone else that wasn’t me.” He covers his face with his hands.
“It’s okay Mike. I forgive you. Y’know It was always obvious how much I liked you in high school.” You say, flustered.
“I- really? You did? I didn’t kn-“ before he can finish his sentence, you move grab his face gently and pull him in to look in your deep gaze.
“Can I…can I kiss you?” He says shyly, the bully in him leaving rather quickly.
You nod as Michael pulls you closer. Both of you indulge in the kiss, taking as much time that feels right.
You pull back, “Mikey…you feel so..good.” He picks you up, off the chair and sits down in your spot. He motions you to come sit on his lap, and you do.
“I’m so sorry, princess. Just wanna treat you so good. I need to make you feel so good, baby.” He slurs out.
“Please..” you whine, grinding yourself against him. At this point, his jeans will have a wet mark on them because of you.
Michael unbuttons and then unzips his pants, letting you rub his clothed hard and veiny cock.
You began to be impatient, so you take matters into your own hands and slide down his boxers. His cock springs out.
“Mike..how are you going to fit-“ your words being silenced by his lips again.
He lifts you up closer to his shaft and moves your soaked lacy pink panties to the side so that he can get access to your pretty pink pussy.
“Like this, baby.” He says as he shoves his length inside of you, making you whine like a bitch in heat.
“AH- fuck! Michael! Too much…t’ much…” your words become slurred by the pleasure of Michaels lengthy pushing on your g-spot repeatedly.
“Fuck, sweetheart. Atta girl, just like that baby.” Michael growls and whimpers from you bouncing on him over and over again.
“Mikey…feel so good in me, ugh can’t take it~ feels so good!” You whine out as you get pounded by him.
“Sweetheart, I’m sososo sorry. I needed to fuck your tight pussy so fucking bad baby.” Michael yells out. He picks you up and makes you bend over the desk.
He chuckles, “Better check those cameras while i fucking pound you, pretty girl.”
You turn the cams on, looking for any missing animatronics.
“looks clear for now..”
“Good job, princess. You’re doing so good for me, baby.” He giggles, “I bet you fucking love this don’t you. God your just such a slut for my cock aren’t you sweetheart?” He says pridefully. His words cause you to whine out.
“Oh cmon baby, just cause I don’t treat you like shit anymore doesn’t mean I don’t get to tease you, and both us know you fuckin’ love it.”
“Mikey…t” much…it hurts! Slow down!!” You whimper
“Oh yeah? I know you can take me. That’s what good girls do, baby. They take it like a good fuckin’ slut. Now, don’t you love?” He says as he picks up the pace, slamming into your walls.
“Oh fu- Daddy..~” you moan out, getting close to your orgasm, white heat flowing over you, taking over your body.
“Say that again.” Michael demands.
“Wh-“ you barely say before Michael thrusts deeply and painfully into you.
“I said fuckin’ say it, I didn’t studder now did I princess? You better say it before I don’t let you cum all over my cock.” He growls.
You whine and yelp, but you know you need to cum now, there’s no reason to fight it now.
“Fuck~ daddy… I need t’ cum so bad daddy! Please mikey, m’ so close…” you cry out. Your pussy grips him tightly, practically begging to cum.
“Holy- yesss, that’s fucking it. Good girl. Cum for daddy, just like that baby. Fuck yourself dumb on daddy cock.” The white heat fills up both of you as you go dumb by being fucked this hard.
“Mikey! I’m cumming, pleasepleaseplease-“ you helplessly cry out, Poor baby.
“Fuck! Me too, sweetheart, where do you want it?” Michael groans.
“Inside, please…”
“You want me to…fuck…breed you?”
“Yes! please daddy! I- ’m cumming!!” He continues to thrust into you sloppily, forcing his cum inside of you.
“Oh- oh my god- you feel so…so good.” Michael falls into your back, having his still-hard cock inside of you. His breath trickles down by the crook of your neck as your catch your breath.
“Oh shit! Check outside the doors!” Michael pulls out of you and looks outside of the left door.
“Fuck! Bonnie!” He slams the door down.
“Maybe next time we do this at my house, hm?” He says leaning against the door.
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cvther1ne · 2 years
candy hearts | part 1
eddie munson x cheerleader!fem!reader
summary: it’s valentine’s day at hawkins high, which means it’s time to buy a valentine gram for that special someone. and eddie being eddie, thinks that it’s so stupid, and lame. until, receives one from someone he would’ve never expected.
warnings: bad grammar lol
author’s note: hi!! it’s my first time writing something here on tumblr so pls be nice but also let me know what you think! also if u want to request something for eddie, or any character from stranger things, or any character from other things, go ahead and put it in my ask box! and i’ll try and make a master list soon. okay, i’ll stop now. have fun reading!
read part 2 here
Feb 14 1986. Valentine’s Day. To couples, it was the best day of the year.
To Eddie Munson, it was the most dreadful day of the year. Not only is it because there’s couples at every corner of the school eating at each other’s faces 24/7, but also because of the cliche high school Valentine grams. To some people it might be a way to show your love for each other, to others it might just be a bag of candy and a meaningless card, but here at Hawkins High, it was a popularity contest. The more grams you got, the more popular you were. And every year, it’s seems that everyone got at least one. Everyone except for Eddie.
It’s not like he cared anyway. I mean it was just some stupid high school cliche. That’s what he would tell himself at least. But deep down inside of him, he secretly wished that there was at least one person in this school that cared enough to spend a dollar on him. And he secretly wished it was you.
Y/N L/N. Co-captain of the cheer team, Chrissy Cunningham’s best friend, and one of the most popular girls in school. Girls wanted to be her, and guys wanted to be with her. Guys including Eddie Munson. 
He didn’t want to admit it but he was obsessed with you. But not in the same way as everyone else. Other guys looked at you and all they could see was a hot girl, single, and their next hook up. To Eddie, yeah you were the most beautiful girl in the world, but you were more than just a pretty face. You were smart, and treated everyone with kindness. You treated Eddie with kindness. Eddie couldn’t help but think about you almost every moment of the day. Most days he would think about what it would be like to hold you, kiss you, and tell you how much he cares about you, and some days, he would think about the day he had been wishing for since the day he saw you. The day that he would finally get the courage to talk to you. And today was one of those days.
As Eddie walked in to the classroom, late of course, black lunchbox in hand filled with you know what, headphones on blasting “I Was Made For Lovin’ You” by Kiss. He listened to this song every morning before school ever since he heard you humming it during class. As he walked into the class, his heart started beating faster in chest. He caught a glimpse of you across the room, listening to whatever the girl behind you was telling you. He looked around the room, looking for an empty seat, and low and behold. The only empty seat, was right next to you. Looks like cupid was on his side today.
As he approached the seat, you looked up at him and smiled. “Hi Eddie!” you cheered, as he took his seat. The way you looked at him, the way you said his name, Eddie for sure thought that he would pass out right then and there.
“Hi” he said shyly. You smiled at him once again, before facing the front of the class as Mrs. O’Donnell took attendance, then continued on with the lesson. Eddie tried to pay attention, he really did. He was so close to a D in this class which meant that he was so close to graduating, but he couldn’t help but stare at you. He started noticing the little things you did. The way you would glance between you paper and the board while taking notes, the way your brows furrowed when you didn’t understand something, the way you would lean against the desk when you found something intriguing, and the way you would bite on your lip when answering the problems on the board. He noticed it all.
He continued to stare at you for the rest of the class hour, then was snapped out of his day dream. Chrissy Cunningham walked in with a bag of Valentine grams on her shoulder for the last 5 minutes of class. As she started calling out names and handing out the little goodie bags, Eddie couldn’t help but lean his chin on his hand. Waiting for this to be over. Chrissy called out your name, and handed you what looked like about 10 grams. Eddie wished that he had gotten you one. He thought it was stupid, but he saw the way your eyes lit up as Chrissy handed you the bags. He wished that he could’ve been the reason for that.
As Chrissy was near the end of her list, Eddie officially zoned out. Staring down at fingers tapping on the desk.
“Eddie Munson” Chrissy called out. Eddie was too caught up in his own mind that he didn’t hear his name get called. “Eddie Munson?” Chrissy called out again. Eddie’s head shot up. The room went silent. Who would’ve sent the freak a Valentine gram?
Eddie raised his hand, before Chrissy came over to his desk. She handed him the bag and smirked at you for a quick moment before leaving the room. Eddie hadn’t even noticed the interaction the two of you had, he was too focused on the brown paper bag with his name in cursive on it. As O’Donnell wrapped up her lesson, and told everyone the homework for the weekend, Eddie was opening his bag. He saw the different types of heart-shaped chocolates and candies, and pulled out the red envelope. He ripped it open, read the card, and he couldn’t believe what he was reading.
Happy Valentine’s Day Eddie! Hope this makes your day <3 - Y/N
At this point, Eddie’s eyes were bulging out of the sockets. He couldn’t believe that the one girl that he wanted a gram from, actually got him one.
He nervously turns his head to the left to look at you, and sees you stand up, putting your bag on your shoulder. He looks at you with his mouth slightly open. You reach your hand out towards his chin, and close his mouth, causing his eyes to bulge out more if that’s even possible. You smile at him, then leave for second period.
Eddie, just sits there. Not really sure what to do next.
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herozdiary · 3 months
aa !! i'm so glad to have found someone who writes cry of fear x readers!! could i request simon with a reader who doesnt usually show emotion, but one night just has a meltdown while theyre hanging out?
have a great day/night!! :D
Life is tough
Simon x reader!
This diary entry contains: Mental breakdownsl Established relationship|Simon is such a sweet heart in this| may be short idk
HIII IM SORRY FOR JUST POOFING OUT OF THIN AIR FOR A BIT BUT!! Im back and im supposed to be getting a new laptop today so thats fun!
I really hope you do enjoy this🥳
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You and Simon were alike in so many ways.Maybe it was the fact the both of you guys had a hard time opening up and communicating.Unlike Simon who had a therapist and tried to talk to people you kept yourself all shut it.
You hated crying around people and you weren’t a big fan of smiling as much.People never understood you like Simon did because Simon was understanding and didnt push you to show emotions like other people.
that was all until one night when you went to hang out with simon.You had been on edge all day.It started with your teacher putting you on blast in front of the class for slacking off,Then at lunch you spilled milk on yourself which did end up starting to smell forcing you to haunt down simon to borrow his hoodie for the rest of the day.
on the train ride to his house you nearly tripped in front of a group of college kids who tried to hold in their laughter.You felt embarrassed as you sat down in the seat in the far back.
You just wanted to go ghost and not speak to anyone besides simon and close friends.Once you arrived at his house you stared at the house as kids played in the streets and colored on the sidewalk.
you felt so out of place in a way.So gloomy stuck in a colorful place.you push open the gate before walking up the steps.The sound of the steps must have alerted his mother as she came rushing to open the door and greet you.
"(Y/N)! it's so sweet to see you after all this time"She said while pulling you in for a hug.The smell of her perfume filled your nose as you hugged her back.
"Simon is in his room,He seemed so excited to spend some time with you im truly happy he found you"She said as allowed you in.You nodded as you made your way through the familar house layout.
Coming up to the door you knew belonged to simon,You knocked a couple of times before hearing the sound of a window opening,coughing and something being sprayed.
his bedroom door swung open as he smiled slightly.No words were exchanged as you shuffled into his room.He closed the door before looking at you with a worried expression.
"Did something happen?You look upset"He asked while sitting on his bed.You felt hot tears fill your eyes slowly at the question.Simon took noticed and open his arms slightly.You walked over before plopping into his arms and letting out a chocked sob.
"I try so hard simon and it's like nobody understands besides you.I keep messing up while trying to be good at things and it's eating at me slowly"You ranted as tears fell from your eyes.
Simon rubbed your back as he nodded before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead."I know it may seem hard and trust me i know but something i learned is that you have to learn how to well do things on your own without trying to be good for other people"He explained.
You sniffled as it went quiet besides the sounds of the kitchen sink being faintly heard and kids screaming at each other.After a bit of crying in his arms,Simon placed you in his bed before laying next to you.
"Your very speical and you shouldnt be so worried about how people think of you.Just know i think your a cool person even if you barely show your emotions"He explained while pulling the blankets over you the both of you.
"I had something's planned for us but they can wait you clearly need a nap"Simon said while holding you close and closing his eyes.You slowly copied his movement as you felt safer in his arms.
for once you were glad you showed some emotion to simon because now you know you can rely on him to comfort you.
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prince-liest · 3 months
Your last 666 series installment is the best thing that happened to me. Its full of gore, somehow fluffy and wait-.. do I finally see some FRICKING COMUNICATION between the two idiots!?!?!
Ngl, Vox's 'Alastor not being able to love' statement hurt my soul. Your writing is brilliant and and let's just see what ending ya wro-..O MA LORD IS THAT VAL'S LOVE POTION!?!?!?!?
This series is a blast♡ love it!♡ makes me weirdly passionate and excited hah!
Some communication, and some communication failure, hahaha. They're going to be talking a lot more in the next one, actually, because I meant to write some NSFW and they had to go and attempt a healthy conversation instead. What can you do.
Thank you so much, I'm delighted that you're enjoying! :D
And: Way more anon asks about the latest 666 getting answered under the cut! <3 I combined a bunch from the last couple of days.
prince, I'm going insane over the latest fic. so we know from Alastor's inner monologue that he knows the roofie was an accident, but considering the super stressful situation, the fact that Vox was the one to ask for a kiss and the fact that Alastor accused him of wanting instead of loving him not a few minutes ago…. makes me wonder if Vox might not be at least a little worred that Alastor might think it was on purpose <3 gonna be rotating this in my head for the foreseeable future - ✨
I am so glad that these things are on y'all's minds, hahaha. Because you can bet they are on mine. >:D And THANK YOU, very pleased to be dragging everyone down into insanity with me.
“Should I stitch together the scars your teeth left in me in a mirror of my own signature on your body.” Fucking. POETRY. 🐈‍⬛
I am always so happy when I write shit like this and instead of everyone pointing at me and going, "Look, what an EDGELORD!" the response is you people being VERY nice and leaning into the feelsy fun! 💛
holy moly ??? i love the new 666 addition aaaah 😭🙏 the trials and tribulations of feeling scorned and ghosted by a loser who confessed his love to you and the next time you see him he’s holding your LITERAL heart in his hands by alastor ! OMFG this was too good esp the part where vox is like “bro why do YOU CARE ?? i thought you didn’t love me huh?” and alastor is like well. maybe i.do. 😐 LIKE CMONN this really played out like some soap drama and i loved the neat details on resuscitative thoroctomy (learned a new word too so double bonus) the fact vel was on the line w her and val’s apparent surgeon for val’a little ‘incidents ??? GOLDEN I SAYY hope we see more of ur oc … 🫣🫣 btw ofc vox would love to an end an argument with a kiss OF FUCKING COURSE HE WOULD 😭 thank u sm for this chapter princeliest my dear <3 hope life is treating u well too !! -🦌
Vox is ahead of Alastor in terms of effective in-the-moment conflict resolution, but goddamn if he isn't fucked up in his own fun little ways. They're so not done with most of these issues, but at least they're on they're way to maybe be able to have a real conversation about them!
You know. If they chose to do that kind thing. Instead of whatever they will probably do instead.
Anyway, THANK YOU!! I had a great deal of fun writing this chapter and digging into some of the issues that have been slowly collecting underneath the surface of kinky radiostatic, so I'm happy you guys are enjoying as well!! :D
Just read the new addition to the 666 verse, and inside of me are two wolves: The first is saying: Immaculate, artistry of the highest form. We finally get Alastor’s own confrontation with his vulnerability and him trying to figure out what exactly the relationship with Vox means to him. Cannot wait for how this all is going to develop. The other part of me: THE BREADCRUMBS WORKED THE MUSE IS WRITING!!! Followed by this image (since tumblr won’t let me attach it while being anonymous) https://i.redd.it/hx2shk642vs71.jpg -🕊️
LMAO THAT PIC. Amazing, flawless, thank you. The breadcrumbs DEFINITELY worked, please keep feeding. Digging into Alastor's shit is bringing me life and I'm happy to share it, hahaha. We're swinging even harder on the introspection in the next one!
As a sucker for medical gore and aroace angst, I lack the words to express my love and appreciation for your most recent installment of 666, but your writing of radiostatic's dynamic was captivating and proved to be such a lovely read as always! I loved that you touched on Alastor's relationships with the women around him as that has always been such an interesting aspect of his character to me! I never really put much thought into how Vox's apparent avoidance of Alastor in the show could mirror Alastor's disappearance, and now it will Not leave my mind. My heart hurts for these two dorks, super looking forward to chapter 2!
"Medical gore and aroace angst" should be the title of my memoir. Honestly, this series has ended up a lot more edgy-bloody than I expected it to, since I usually tend to prefer to portray my whump/angst/violence/etc in a much more roundabout way, but it's actually kinda tipped over into, like... part of the point is how banal it is, how beside the point. The upsetting heavy-hitting bits aren't the blood, they're everything else that goes on around it. Anyway, thank you so much! <3 I think your heart will find some relief in chapter two, haha, I hope you enjoy!!
Meanwhile alastor, completely convinced that there’s no situation where vox actually loves him and is happy with the way things are—either vox wants more and is going to start asking for more, or he doesn’t actually love him and just wants to have sex with him and thus either way he is a Liar. They’re so fucking bad at this. No one is capable of being the adult here. I think they need an auspitice.
It's really funny that you said that, because that is kind of exactly the role that [spoiler] ends up playing, though in a more roundabout way, hahaha. They certainly need someone to, like, get them to be having the same conversation with each other instead of two parallel ones. I think the fun thing about writing Alastor reacting to his own feelings is just how much his reaction can change based on how things are framed for him, and it leaves a lot of wiggle room for how differently I've ended up writing him reacting to the season 1 finale in 666 vs in Happily Ever After, and Other Shit Nepotism Can't Buy.
But, god, you really nailed the description of what Alastor is feeling. <3
Vox in the latest 666, my ENTIRE HEART. Literally nothing about how he read the situation was a bad take or a leap to conclusions, but alastor constantly says the opposite of what he means and refuses to admit vulnerability or friendship and what the hell else was vox meant to do with that, of course he backed off, they need to have this talk so badly
YES, PRECISELY! Like, I hope it came through that really neither of them was completely crazy to react the way they did! It's a result of how much of their communication has been nonverbal, implied, and talking around things - they'd been doing so well up until this point, but there's only so far that can take you before you start thinking that you're on the same page when really you're reading two completely different books! Thank you sm! <3
‘But I am capable,” Alastor says gently. “I love you very much.” Vox gapes up at him. “...I. Fuck you.” His voice is tight, strained. “I don’t fucking believe you.” Alastor feels his smile thin. “Well. That’s just dandy, then, isn’t it?”’ I AM NOT OK GOING FUCKING FERAL
Probably one of my favorite lines to write, ehehehe. THANK YOU ANONNNN <3 It's kinda interesting to see how differently some people read this. Some folks thought Alastor was saying it to hurt Vox (which is how Vox read it). Some folks thought it was true (how Alastor intended it). Some folks thought Alastor was trying to fit into the mold that he thought Vox wanted from him (how I intended it). All of them make sense as readings! >:)
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