#those r 3 things i am not quite known for
pomogranategf · 2 years
got a job working w 15 toddlers this summer Who let this happen every time one of them breaks a rule i want to laugh and go FUCK ya dude the only child i’ve spent copious amounts of time w recently cussed like a sailor, threw tantrums to rival zeus’s thunderstorms, and ran barefoot through the wisconsin wilderness catching chickens and holding them like infants he was 7
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tenthgrove · 5 days
Reverse Engineering the OIAR Tagging System
I'm not the first to theorise that the tagging system is important - this post is inspired by the person who noticed that Needles and Bonzo share both a CAT and an R tag.
This is an incomplete attempt to decode the entire system for theorising purposes. Unfortunately, I was not able to figure it out as thoroughly as I hoped but I'm sharing it here in hope others can make observations. Here is the table:
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For those who want a better look, or cannot see the image due to screen-reader use, here is a google document with the same table: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wc4COCMHdwKz6N-KawvMOs4Y3k3W6Kq-NDhZ7brcRLg/edit?usp=sharing
So, my observations thus far:
CAT (probably short for categories)
There are four categories so far- 1, 2, 3 and 23.
Needles, both Bonzo statements and the very first statement are the only CAT 1s so far.
Needles and Bonzo are likely to be major recurring characters, so this could suggest the creature in the first statement (which to me gives distortion vibes) may also be.
Alternatively, CAT could suggest danger. Needles and Bonzo are serial killers, while the CAT 3 statements tend to refer to very old or contained objects, so perhaps these are less dangerous? The only gap in this theory is InkSoul being CAT 3, which makes little sense given their livestreaming. Unless... could InkSoul be dead?
Generally, but not absolutely, newer statements tend to be closer to CAT 1, and older statements closer to CAT 3. Bonzo and Needles both referred to statements taken days before the episode dropped. Again, this isn't an absolute rule and the first statement is again the odd one out.
What I absolutely cannot figure out is CAT 23. I thought it was a typo until I encountered it again for Ep 11. It clearly means something special. Unlike for the R system, I don't think it means between categories 2 and 3, because the statements we get are both quite important. We'll probably have to wait for more episodes to figure this one out.
R (probably short for rank)
This is the one I'm more sure about. I believe it indicates 'grades' of some measure, like school grades. A is best, B is after that, and so on.
I think AB and BC are borderline grades.
Ep 3 and 4 (plant boy and violin man) do not have an R tag. My working theory is that this indicates the statements are below a grade C.
So what does R actually grade? Again, it could be importance (assuming that isn't what CAT means), or usefulness to the institute, but then why is our known external Mr Bonzo only a B?
So far we have no rank As and only one rank AB - the Red Canary statement.
If there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that the first rank A statement is going to be very big indeed.
I believe category and rank indicates any two out of the following: importance, danger, level of OIAR control, level of usefulness to OIAR, certainty of being true, amount of evidence. Ultimately, we need more statements to be sure.
For whatever two measures these systems represent, I am fairly certain that a category closer to one and a rank closer to A represents a better grade on that measure, with the exception of CAT 23 which I think is its own thing. The ultimate purpose of this post is to encourage people to pay attention to these tags more as I am certain they contain clues, and if anyone smarter than me can spot them as more episodes come out, then great.
PS: As I was just about to post this I had a sudden idea as to what CAT 23 *might* be. It could be dimensional cracks. This is clearly what's going on in the magnus institute (with the dice statement being exempt because it was taken before the institute burnt down) and it's possible the graveyard in Ep 11 also serves this function. This is pure speculation however.
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oathbreakerapologist · 2 months
Sortie Conlang Exploration 1: Oh God We're Really in It Now
There's really nothing to justify this project other than my sheer desire to peel back every layer I can find in this goddamn comic until I've burned it into my brain permanently. What's this project? There's a conlang in Sortie (et al) and I'm gonna try to figure it out the long way.
The first appearance of this script in SADS/Sortie is at the end of SADS #5.
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Based on placement and context, I think this is a transliteration of "thank you for reading" (written right-to-left) because the letters line up where I'd expect them to be (e.g., see the repeated glyphs at the end of the third word from the right and the start of the fourth word from the right—that'd be the "R" in "for" and "reading", and see the repeated glyphs in the second position of both of the middle two words, that's the "O" in "you" and "for"). I'm going to use this as a key. This is a big assumption that I'm accepting for now because it's the best way I have to start, but I recognize that the rest of this project fails if I'm either (1) wrong about the meaning of this inscription or (2) wrong that the letters that show up in Sortie correspond to their usage here or (3) wrong about both. So with that liability in mind, I proceed.
The first part of this process is to collect all uses of the conlang in Sortie (#1–#3, for now) and figure out which of the letters that appear there are ones we now speculatively know (based on the key), and which ones we don't.
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I went through and filled in blanks for all the ones I knew based on the key phrase—those are the ones in green next to each inscription. Then I went through the ones I didn't know from the key phrase and recorded them in the unknown box. I ended up with eleven unknown glyphs, which is not a terrible number (actually much lower than I expected, but more on that later). I might even have less than that, because some of them are quite possibly just slightly different forms of ones I have already seen; I was deliberately quite liberal about classifying things as unknown, as I'd rather artificially inflate my number of unknowns than misclassify something if I wasn't absolutely sure it was an instance of a certain letter. I numbered those unknowns and filled in the blanks with those numbers in yellow. If/when I reference a word like "H(1)(2)RD" (from Sortie #1 p. 121, and of course written RTL there—I flip words to LTR for my convenience when writing about them), read that as H-(mystery letter 1)-(mystery letter 2)-R-D.
Then I marked all the letters that appeared in the key phrase but not in sortie in orange in the known letters box. This is a surprisingly high number of letters; of the 14 unique letters in the key phrase, only 7 appear in the several bits of text taken from Sortie. The 7 letters omitted include all the vowels, except (infuriatingly) "O," which appears exactly once in Sortie #3 text. Jumping the gun a bit, but for reasons I'm about to get into, I suspect that the glyph I took to be "O" has actually been repurposed for something else, because I don't actually expect the letter "O" to appear in the text.
And that's because I think this conlang is an abjad, a writing system in which only the consonants are represented, leaving the reader to infer the vowel sounds. That explains the omission of vowels. And, for the record, I am fairly confident that the vowels are actually omitted, for a couple reasons.
Firstly (and most speculatively), our bank of letters from the SADS inscription gives us 6 consonants. Then we have at maximum 11 mystery letters, so at maximum 17 letters. Even if we're making use of an extremely limited vowel inventory (say, 4 vowels), that leaves us with at maximum 13 consonants. That's a much more limited consonant inventory than we'd expect, even if we assume there are a few uncommon letters that don't appear often enough to show up in the text taken from Sortie. Most European languages are in the mid-20s, so ~17 letters is quite short (there's several Pacific languages with letter counts in the teens, so it's not impossible, but it's unusual, especially considering the obvious Phoenician influence to the language). But ~17 is a perfectly reasonable number of consonants.
Secondly (and most concretely), there's just a bunch of consonant clusters that are probably unpronounceable if we assume they're supposed to be pronounced as written, i.e. without vowels, like "RFH," "RKR," and "DGD."
So I think it's an abjad. That's useful to know.
As for next steps, I think I'm going to write a quick script to count frequency of individual letters as well as two- or three-letter strings at the starts and ends of words, with the hopes of identifying commonly-occurring word parts. Without it, I can already pick out a few interesting words, but it'd be faster and more accurate to have a script for it. As for interesting words, "H(1)" is short and it shows up a couple times at the start of a sentence. If I can identify the word order (I think Phoenician was VSO, but I'm not going to assume that's true about the conlang), that'll help me figure out what part of speech "H(1)" is. There's also one string that seemingly occurs twice with an interesting variation: "H(6)(6)DGD" is said by the masked man on Sortie #1 page 123, then "H(6)(6)DGR" is said by him on page 124. A change of suffix? A verb tense? That's all pure speculation, but I'm guessing that is the same word root.
To be continued............
(Man, it'd be really fucking funny if I'm wrong about the key phrase I've been using to decode these.)
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k0k0-library · 9 months
Obey me! Random shit at 12 am that's not 12 am because I said so >:)
Third realm, let's goooooo. Human realm. " but LID, We know the human realm we're humans-" SHUSH! Let my brain rot hunny. (Why am i literally having a fight with myself...)
3. The Human Realm
I'm going to start this one with maths, calculus. Or a reinterpretation of a well-known theorem. Lagrange's theorem. Say we have earth P, then this means that there exists earth P' with or within reach of R-to-the-power-of-infinity. So there's a huge soup of universes in the multiverse. And multiverses into omniverse. And omniverses sandwiched in between The Celestial Realm and the Devildom. The rule of the co-existing universes was set that there cannot exist two universes that are the exact same within the same multiverse. Multiverses are, by extension of this rule, different by at least a spec of stardust.
Talking about the human world of the game (we are in the universe in which it is viewed as only a game, sadly), things are quite different from what we know.
First, the existence of humans began before angels and archangels were created. To be more exact, these humans were in their 1400-1500 A.C. when Lilith decided to make the first approach to humanity. People were not living in a lie, because Mephistopheles was the one who tricked Adam & Eve into eating the apple. Which btw, it's not an apple, it's tears shed by the Ze Schebrach when they were slain. Yes... there were so many that it is enough for each and every universe to have them. Damn, The Creator(s) didn't have mercy-
Second, as we can tell from some of the interactions in both the main story and some event stories, angels were allowed to visit the human realm in this universe. But why...? This is the oldest yet universe, the first if you will, and therefore everything was experimental. The Creator(s) were very kin to know rather or not humans and Celestials can live in harmony together and as known from the very beginning of the humans' existence... they can't.
Humans are very unpredictable and therefore they are not allowed to be in contact with elements from either the Devildom or The Celestial Realm, or there would be consequences (ThE rEBeLiOn). Celestial objects enchant humans with new abilities, closest to those of even archangels. Imortality being one of them. (Does this mean Lilith's boyfriend is still alive-). Devilish objects make humans see the real world, the real suffering that was behind their creation and in most cases, those humans who came in contact with these objects commit suicide or turn against their own kind.
As stated before, humans cannot enter that easily in The Celestial Realm, at least not anywhere except what we know as Heaven. It is like a simulation of a garden, peaceful. Yet, some humans believed that if they entered Heaven they should be able to get to enter other divisions of the realm as well. For exaple, here are a few humans that are known to do so with or without completing the Trial of Souls in The Great Hall: Solomon, Aurelius, Luke, MC.
This also goes for the Devildom, there is a special subdivision where humans are "kept", but unlike the Celestial Realm, demons do no mind humans roaming around their realm as much (this is also the reason why The Devildom started the exchange program in the first place).
As there is not much to say about the human world for now, I'll be leaving it here... edits, oh edits, let down your words (rapunzel rapunzel let down your hair)
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snowflakesnsundry · 8 months
Until Dust C 89: It's Not Much, But It's Something
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Word Count: 3,302 Summary: With a bit of sorrow-and a bit of rage-the reader does the best that she can. Loki takes a nap. Warnings: Story is Rated R. Author’s Notes: Hello all, I am sorry for the absence- I have been sick the last two weeks, and in a way that's left me a bit disoriented. I have been writing, but it's been snips and bits of different chapters across the remainder of act 3- so nothing publishable. I have finally managed to get this bit done, and while it's not my most exciting chapter, it is required setup for later. I am a few thousand words each into the next two chapters, so hopefully I can get those up soon as well. Thank you for your patience-you are all so kind and never complain, it means the world <3
Your comments as well always bring me so much joy- I love hearing even the most mundane thoughts or questions- rhetorical or otherwise haha.
Love you all, and hope you are all healthy, happy, and safe.
<3 <3 <3
Evening came gently.
Slipping their fingers through the grass, the twilight winds chased away the heat of the day and guided the people of Asgard indoors. Given that the sun had not fully begun to set, many would find their way back out to seek out good company, a good drink, or -if they were lucky- a bit of both.
The two of you-having returned home a few hours prior-had settled in your room, listening to the the sounds the winds carried. Loki had stepped through the door, shifted form, dried his hair, and nearly thrown himself down-half naked- upon the bed. The bed frame rattled so loudly you both feared it might break; and when he seemed satisfied it wouldn’t, he let his face fall back into the blankets. As you set your things away, you could have sworn you heard him muttering something about ‘remembering that for later’.
Figuring that a quick bath was warranted, you left him where he lay-finding him still there when you returned; stretched out on his back, one arm draped across his eyes to keep out the dwindling light of the day. His chest rose and fell slowly, and he was still enough that you could tell he was half asleep.
Moving as slowly and delicately as you could manage, you rifled through the small sampling of items the servants had left in your wardrobe-the remaining ones, you assumed, likely taking up temporary residence in one of the guest rooms. It took a bit of finding, but eventually you managed to get your hands on some of your older clothes. Specifically, you sought out a dress that had-quite some time ago- been a brilliant marigold yellow; but over the years had been worn and faded to the point that it was almost unrecognizable from its original state. It slipped easily over your head- although you did note, with a bit of pride, that the fabric around the bicep was noticeably tighter than you had remembered.
On light toes you crept up beside the bed, marveling at how quickly and easily Loki had fallen asleep. How many times had you awoken in the middle of the night only to find him fixated on one thing or another? Had you ever seen him fall asleep in the daytime?
As far as you could remember, just once- on the day you found him in the library, fading in and out of sight-back when you had hardly known one another. Despite how much energy maintaining multiple projections took, and how visibly exhausted he had been, Loki had still lingered- simply because you had asked him to explain.
The evening breeze drifted in past the curtains, barely shifting his hair as it lay settled in waves atop the sheets. Although currently shielded beneath his arm, you knew that the dark circles beneath his eyes were not what they had been. He had put less effort into pinning his hair flat against his head, and-after today- there was the faintest hint of color forming against his skin.
You didn’t think the travel or late night had tired him; nor did you believe the pacing, walk, and eventual swim had been enough to wear him down-after all, it had yet to wear you down. With a soft smile you leaned down to place your lips against the top of his head. Of all the people you imagined you would one day find in your bed- a Prince of Asgard had never been one; much less this prince in particular. Still, you dared hope that-just maybe- the reason the God of Mischief lay sleeping silently before you was because he had simply…relaxed.
As your lips touched his skin, you felt Loki jump- guilt quickly washing over you. “Sorry, sorry…” you whispered, placing your hand against his arm as he lifted it from his face. “-I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Pushing up onto his elbows, he seemingly struggled to regain his bearings. “No no, quite alright- I shouldn’t have fallen asleep-” His eyes settled on what you wore, an immediate frown carving its way onto his face. “What are you wearing?”
“Work clothes.” You replied flatly-not too concerned the item in question did not suit the tastes of a royal. “I just meant to tell you I’m heading out back-I won’t be long.”
“I’ll come with you…” He muttered, rubbing the heel of his hand against his eyes. Given just how mumbled his words were, you could tell he was struggling to pull himself free from sleep’s grasp. “-just…give me a moment here and I’ll…”
It took a bit of strength to push his shoulders back down onto the bed. “Though I appreciate it, I can assure you I will be fine.” Taking advantage of the contact, he had locked his hands about your wrists-holding you still so you might continue to hover over him. With a lazy grin, he stared up at you- the light blue of his eyes almost dusty grey in the fading light. “I promise I won’t be gone long.” You assured him.
“Can I ask where you’re going, at least?”
You laughed. “I told you- I will be out back.”
Loki rolled his eyes. “Yes, but where out back.”
“Ah, right…” You fumbled for words in your mind. Just a moment ago you thought you could make it out the door without having to say out aloud-without having to mention the very thing you had been trying so hard to avoid since you had come home.
She was the ghost that roamed the halls-a silent voice that still rang clearly in your mind. Every memory that lurked at the edge of your consciousness threatened to send you into tears if you were not careful- and there were oh so many memories about. Your mother was carved into every inch of this house, which was fitting for a person with so bright a presence.
The smile on your face flickered- you could feel it. The ease with which the expression had come only moments before, was replaced by something stunted and plaster. “The regimen Sif sent along- I’ll need a place to practice…” The corners of your mouth fought hard to pull themselves down. “My… we have one out back- a little training pit- just hasn’t been used in some time im sure. I was going to just go and check…”
The look of concern on his face somehow made it worse. “Are you sure you don’t need company?”
“Very sure.” It suddenly felt very important to exit quickly- to leave the sight of everyone else before the dams broke. As you pulled back, Loki released you with quite a bit of reluctance- but settled back against the bed as you offered him a slightly stronger smile.  “I will only be a second.”
He replied with a hesitant nod. “Alright then… I will be here.”
“Don’t let the servants catch you looking like this-” you teased, hoping it might push aside any uncertainty he felt. “-you’ll frighten them.”
He smiled an empty smile- brimming with manufactured conviction that did not quite reach his eyes. “No promises.”
-Continued on AO3-
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elionwriter · 2 years
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The new cutscenes from the game and the Anniversary mode that ties all 4 main titles together were the things I really enjoyed the most out of Origins (beyond the fact that you can re-try the special stage levels!!! Can I get a wahoo?). Of course this brought about a little bit of retconing but it wasn't really anything major and it was just a really nice way to redefine the classic age as it has been envisioned in the modern era.
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One of the things I was shocked to read so much around was people feeling confused as to why Sonic CD was elevated to major mainline game on par with 1-2-3. And the only answer I have for that is: BECAUSE IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN?!?!
The fact that CD has been up till recent years criminally ignored and underrated doesn't mean it wasn't always meant to be a main title of the bit era. It certainly has all the trappings of one! From the first ever animated cutscenes to the first complex story, the incredible level design and original score and most importantly the introduction of two main characters, Sonic CD is just as iconic as the other games. To those saying Metal Sonic and Amy had too much screen time in the cutscenes when they are hardly relevant characters in the classic era, HOW?!?!?!
Amy is literally one of the most recurring characters ever, yes, even in the old games, even though she is not a playable character in CD ( she should have had a mode made for her in the collection though😤😠) and has a small role in Drift, Drift 2, Fighters and R. Metal Sonic was literally Sonic's first big 'not Eggman' rival. The race between them in Stardust Speedway is one of the most iconic moments in the saga's history! I am honestly so grateful for Origins finally giving this game its due.
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The idea that the classic adventures go beyond the main games and the characters have many more untold stories is something that the comics (both Archie and IDW) and the Mania Adventures shorts have been really pushing forward in recent years. So it really just makes sense to me that Origins sanctified and canonised it.
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(If you haven't yet, do yourself a pleasure and pick up Archie's 2 Sonic Mega Drive issues, IDW'S 'Seasons of Chaos' and the second 'Free comic book Day' issue. One of my greatest regrets is that Archie never managed to publish the final number of the mini-series)
The idea that the final cut scene is basically a set up for those future, untold adventures feels really good! Not only does it open up the opportunity to new, classic inspired games like Mania or a series (be it comic books or animation) in which old characters can re-live and be re-used like the hooligans and Mighty and Ray, but it also creates an interesting and in some ways new overarching plot for these games:
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It's always been a well known fact that Amy foretold her meeting with Sonic and has been in love with him ever since. But the final cut scene from CD adds a new, beautiful twist to the story.
As Amy sets her cards again, she draws out a card which quite clearly represents friendship, a double tail and finally a chaos emerald or the master emerald.
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If one wants to interpret it in the most basic way, it just sets the scene for Sonic 2. But going in a bit deeper and interpreting the last card as a symbol for Knuckles as the second card is clearly one for Tails, then that means that Amy foretells everything that will happen in the next games and that Sonic is set to meet both his future friends. Amy smiles as she sees Sonic fly away in his plane and this time doesn't try to follow. Why? Because she knows that he has things to do and people to meet and that they will all eventually come together as a team, as seen exactly in Origin's finale.
I just find it very sweet that in this perspective not just Amy and Sonic but Tails and Knuckles too are all bonded together by fate. In the long history of Sonic's adventures this interpretation sets 1-2-3 and CD as, well, just that, an origin of how fate brought these four characters together against Eggman.
If Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Eggman are indeed all bonded together by destiny then that is a very good 'in universe' explanation of why all of them have pretty much the same thing going on in most adaptations (Well, all the modern ones anyway). It was just meant to be!
I wonder if Sonic Prime, which is meant to deal with a multiverse of sorts, is going to have a similar reading of their bond or is gonna take things in a different direction.
In any event, till proven dead wrong, this is my new headcanon for these characters! What is yours? Do you agree with this interpretation or think it's too much of a stretch? Let me know and let's discuss it!
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halfax-a · 1 year
Lin and tumblr
The past year has changed how i use this website quite a lot, and i have feelings about it.  Here, i’m writing a mini essay to help me make my mind up what to do about it all.
The first big painful truth i have to face is: i don’t like my dashboard anymore. I find it increasingly hard to sit and just scroll through and pay attention. I know that a few years ago it used to be better balanced - divided into fandom content, meme content and music content. 
This year, more than ever, saw the absolutely bonkers avalanche of fandom content, which cannibalised both music and meme side of things. I experienced genuine mass hysteria with the flood of people, and i don’t regret that or hate that, but all of it ended up feeling more like witnessing a group of friends having an absolutely insane party - through the front window of their hourse, having your nose pressed to the glass. 
Why it felt so much like that, can be anointed to how i chose to interact with tumblr - 2022 was the year i fully turned to blog-crawling. It ended up impacting me a lot - in ways you can see (7 fandom posts in a row reblogged from one blog), and in ways you can’t (all those hours reading and internalising and the r word). Waking up every day, obsessively searching up 5 to 12 different blogs and spending up to 3 hours just reading updates (combined with my brief stint on twitter in the summer) fucked me up quite well, i think. 
Well. Actually. This is not new behaviour for me. Obsessive checking of tumblr blogs, forum threads and twitter accounts dates back well into 2016. But this is the first time it has fucked with my enjoyment of this site, and i am at a loss what to do.
I feel trapped. My brain does not think it can go without tumblr, because twitter, instagram, even the mighty youtube have surrendered to this blue hellsite, and let it reign the supreme doom scroll hole of my life. 
At the same time, i recognise that i am not really truly having a good time on here(or at least as much as i used to). The more time i spend on specific blogs, the less i am on my dash, which means the less opportunities i have to make connections with my remaining mutuals, and to make new ones.
I feel trapped and i feel isolated. A few years ago i used to know at least 5 blogs that were guaranteed to appear in my notes at any given time. There were more tag games, more casual @/ing and more interaction. Nowadays i feel quite alone. Yes, i did bring this onto myself with 1. aforementioned blog crawling and 2. jumping into excessive fandom posting. I’m just afraid that getting out of there is not as easy as it used to be. 
I’ve seen a lot of people move on, or drift out of my circles over the years, which makes reconnecting with old acquintances/old topics of interest difficult or downright impossible. And as i get on in age (in my old age of 22), i get increasingly nervous seeing 16,15, 14-year-old on here, and interacting with their blogs.
I am also a bit at a loss for how to curate my dash to regain that optimal meme/fandom/music equilibrium. Meme culture has changed a dizzying amount since 2018, and i know i have been left behind. With music and fandom cannibalising and engulfing each other (in that shiver-inducing mass of conciousness known as “mcr fandom”), i am left to try and find some “general” content. But from where??????
All of these things combined has made me feel like i might have to ditch tumblr soon. Either i put in massive amounts of energy, overhaul my dash and find out what i enjoy (while being concious of how to keep the parts of fandom that are truly enriching for me, when the mass hysteria inevitably starts again), or i log off, block, and try to keep my doomscrolling urges fed on fanfiction and youtube shorts.
With my unfortunate mental state, i sure know which seems easier
Now. Why am i still here at this very moment then?
It’s because of drafts! 
See, in my mind, it is possible to Finish Tumblr. During my years here, i have amassed a significant amount of drafts - gifsets, link masterlists, audio, video and photos, and each of them serves a purpose - to remind me to Consume that thing. The day i listen to the final album, final song, the day i watch the final tv show, movie, the day i let that final draft go; that’s when i can say i have Completed Tumblr, and can log off with a light heart. 
So, i haven’t acknowledged it, but i actually have a concrete goal in mind here, and as long as i work on that, i’ll be shackled to this blue hellsite
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scattered-winter · 1 year
treasure planet au and/or treasure planet ramble? 👀
:] don't mind if I DO <3 (@dauntingday is the coparent of the au btw <3)
it started out as a pirate au but gradually shifted to a space pirate au while still keeping the aesthetic of a normal pirate au (for the uninitiated, it's space ships. with a space in between the words. space. ship. &lt;3) so <3 carlos reyes is a space pirate captain known by many names, including Phantasm, Phantom, or The Ghost, and his ship is called the Silver Jewel. the crew includes michelle (medic/first mate), marjan, nancy, paul, mateo, judd, and quite a few ocs :] tim was part of the crew, but he was killed in a raid, and after that the ship became sentient <3 these things are in fact connected <3 tk joins the crew as a stowaway, injured and half-dead, and after getting better he joins them <3333 he was running away from home because i am incapable of writing owen as a decent human being in any capacity <3 it is a problem i will not be resolving anytime soon <3 I have a few half baked scenes in my head but <3 those r the basics my guy <3
send me a keyword and I'll tell you about something from my brain (aus, ocs, etc) that relates to it <3
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eyoricka · 1 year
Movie and lyrics Promt
here is a list of prompts for Thomas I made based on movie quotes. I would love to write them, so feel free. You can ask for fluff, angst and now even smut, tho the smuts will be posted on my other account dedicated to them (@sluttyercobra ). If you have any ideas or have a specific scenario in my mind, feel free to tell me.
I'll write each prompt only once, and the ones already used will be highlighted.
Things I don't write : anything related to SA, pregnancy loss, abusive relationship. For the smuts I won't write anything with underage partner, non-consensual sex, age regression.
I also added a list of prompt based on lyrics (also for Thomas). Those are prompts that have posted in August but flopped so I am hoping to get request this time around ☺️
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Movie Quotes
A) “Why did you call me at the office today?”
“I had nothing to do. I wanted to hear your voice.”
In the mood for love
B) “I can’t remember anything without you”
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
C) „ I want you.”
“I want you too.”
“Forever. There is no life without you.“
Mister nobody
D) “Do you ever miss your regular life?”
Dallas buyer club
E) „You two had a nice friendship.”
Call Me By Your Name
F) “I love your hands, they are so gentle.”
Two lovers
G) “ I just don't think I have what you're looking for.”
“I think you do, actually.”
“What makes you think so?”
“That smile for one thing.”
Velvet Goldmine
H) „What, you really believe that? That everything's fated?”
Before sunset
I) “Truth is: I’m just an idiot who has been extravagantly unlucky”
3000 years of longing
J) “I'm tired. I don't want to hurt anymore and for some reason when I'm with you, it just hurts the both of us.”
Everything, everywhere, all at once
K) „ I've always loved you.”
“And I have always known.”
L) " Can you dance?"
"A little. The cha-cha-cha."
Mamma Roma
M) “See me. See me now”
N) “You are not the man I know”
O) „ Confucius said, "Marriage is a bottomless pit of sorrow that makes you forget who you are."”
„ He did not.”
Palm Springs
P) “You shouldn't treat me like a dog! You were just amusing yourself.”
Q) „ What are you thinking?”
„ I'm thinking how happy I am.”
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
R) „ It's not meant to hurt you.”
„ It does.”
Out of Africa
S) “I tried.”
“And the more you tried, the more I wanted you.”
Interview with a vampire
T) “I loved her so. And she knew what I did. She knew all the fucking stupid things I'd done. But the love... was stronger than anything you can think of. “
1) You can't read my mind, so read my lips
2) You got what you been asking for
3) Bet I know what you're up to
4 )You just pretend there isn't a problem
5) I wish I could believe you'd never wrong me
6) I got kinda drunk and told her that I liked her
7) Say the word, your wish is my command
8) I think I'm falling and there's nothing I can do
9) I miss seeing the red on your face when I made you blush
10) I can't do this alone
11) Baby if you let me I won’t hesitate
12) I've never met anyone / Quite like you before
13) It was good what we did yesterday
14) However far away I will always love you
15) I can't decide / If I love you more at morning / Or I love you more at night
16) I wish I weren’t single now
17) Your eyes told me, "Girl, come ride me"
18) I didn't know that you were lonely
19) What have I gotta do to make you love me?
20) No teasing, you waited long enough
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start-updigi-louge · 3 months
Start-Up Digi-Louge Tapay,D.S.
Interview Journey
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A point of pain? A pain, problem, struggles, and concerns. Those were the things that kept running into my mind trying to come up ways in order to approach people in campus to ask about things they struggle about. As we come closer to a group of students sitting, I am feeling quite shy and nervous if again we would receive the answer no. Fortunately, luck has finally decided to accompany us, and we were able to interview them. Admittedly even I find it quite interesting how ask with the question (What do you find as a struggles or problem in campus?) seems to erase all thoughts about things we found bothersome. But things really are difficult only at the start because after that encounter between those group of students comes as a trigger to set our sail to more conversations to interviews.
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Of course, a number of problems were mention by students all around the campus. Some were about the environment, social, personal and financial. And during our way a lot would agree that environmental issues became quite concerning to all of us. Interaction and space to be able to build connection to other students were also mention a lot. A number of students also struggle with the Affordability products and services to the campus. There are a lot mention but those are the common answers.
We also opted to use online resources to extend our ways to interview student for them to be more comfortable, since not all people like to talk personally. This method made things a lot easier and faster to get that information we wanted to collect.
Team Brainstorming
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With gadgets present we would frequently use online platforms (messenger) to discuss about the next steps we wanted to take as our start-up. During break time in classes we would also discuss and share our ideas and opinions to the group, subjectively and also objectively assessing them. After we collect all of our thoughts our team would often ask questions and clarifications especially in which aspect we would like to prioritize. We would collectively agree unto things we should opt to explore and find solutions.
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Even today waste management is still one of the leading problems worldwide. The number of wastes generated has reached levels that is concerning, posing significant problems not only to our environment but also implications to society. Data released by World Bank, saying that, global waste generation is expected to increase from 2.01 billion metric tons in 2016 to 3.40 billion metric tons by 2050, representing a sharp rise of nearly 70%. This growth underlines the need for comprehensive waste management strategies to prevent environmental degradation and resource depletion.
Here in the Philippines, according to the latest Solid Waste Management Status Report (2008-2018) an estimated 18.05 Million Tons in 2020 is produce. As population continue to grow and getting urbanize it will be quite concerning for those number to increase. Especially when it comes to paper waste. Paper waste is one of those trash that are highly unlikely recycled by people, because its considered biodegradable and can be easily broken down. But with the amount of paper waste produce by people every day it will be quite hard to just leave it decomposing on its own.
This point of pain is also experienced by students, instructors, and staffs in our university. Through our efforts of interviewing people all over the campus, waste management has really shown a threat to the environment and experience of those present. Now all we have to do is to strike it where it hurts and hitting it with punch of solution.
When it comes to management there are a lot of programs not only imposed by government organization but also the university. One known program is the 3 R's but now developed as 5 R's (refuse, reuse, recycle, reduce and repurpose). Taking that concept, we plan to reuse and recycle paper waste into new set of paper, focusing on affordability and reducing paper waste in the campus. It is an effort and action to help our environment.
At the end of our interview, we were able to recognize small things that are actually something that people struggle about, we also realize that there are a lot of things that people and you yourself have in common. That after all we are not living in our own and we are not so individually different but maybe in terms of the how and quality you've experience it may differ. And taking action to these problems requires everyone cooperation but in order for everyone to get engage we should take a step and make footprints that everyone can see clearly and follow along. Taking this step to lend a hand in helping not only the environment but only people in the campus.
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I didn't think my heart could be more broken. That Twitter post felt...malicious. Mean. But then again, I think you have already basically written me out of your thoughts and heart. So the idea that i still follow you. That I didn't want this. That my feelings didn't change. How hurtful the titling of that would be to me? Who am I? Just some dude now haha. I still cant believe how things went. I think about us video chatting and you trying all the underwear on that you bought with that gift card I got you for xmas. My stupid note that some of the card had to be used on thongs. what a idiot haha. I just knew your butt would look great in them. I was right. But now your new boyfriend is getting those pics. In the underwear I essentially bought you. ugh. I don't know what i expected. This situation was never perfect to be honest. In some ways, it was. To meet someone that you've known before. You’ve kissed before. You’ve made love to before. That shit was unreal. I don't think my brain ever quite understood it. Idk that every person is equipped to experience the cosmic. Especially to like, not have it mess with them. But then you have these people brought together but at a imperfect time in each of their lives. Yeah, I helped you realize what real love feels like. What you deserved. Helped you fast track getting into marriage counseling. And i think it was really the counseling that helped you realize the horrendous things that had been put on you for years by your now husband. Sucks that your new boyfriend Andi gets tagged with being the one to help you realize that. I remember the Monday after getting back from that weekend in December. And you were CHANGED. Meeting me changed you. You realized you had never felt that safe, loved, cared for. Your words. And you realized, holy shit I’ve been in a crumby relationship for 6 years. I do wish you had listened to my concerns about Chad early on in our talking. But I can understand I guess. I was in love with you. And I think it was easier to think, eh. He’s just jealous. Than to acknowledge the physical abuse & r@pe. I blame myself. Not for those things happening. They’d been going on long before we met. But I think, maybe if i had been able to express my worry in a different way. Hell, i WAS jealous. That dude did not deserve you in any way, shape or form. And everything he’s done since your breaking up has show that he is a bad person. And I really question if he didn't know he had HSV. At this point, I would not put it past the guy. But yeah, I wish i could've expressed things in a way that didn't come off jealous. But honestly, I don't think you were ready to see and understand what had happened and had been happening. And i really don't think me conveying my worries in a less jealous way would've had you seen the truth. Its fucking awful. I just think, christ. We started talking September 1st and i KNEW this guy was bad news then. And I really wish I could've made you see so you never got married. Now you have to go through VA’s laws regarding separation first for 6 months THEN divorce. You have to keep your relationship with Andi a secret essentially. Chad always seemed so disconnected from the relationship. I hope he doesn't see your Twitter and think, “whos ‘he’?” I worry what that fucker will try with the divorce. He’s already attempted to defame your character. Blaming you finding your own sexuality and creating this yarn that your and Andi’s relationship is why the marriage fell apart. Which, if the world fucking knew what HE did to you? They wouldn't believe ANY of his shit. But yeah, its really hurtful that you have made Andi your savior in seeing what was going on. Because per your own words, I was the catalyst for you getting everything going that made you realize what was truly going on. It’s so messed up that your relationship with Andi is essentially starting on this like, pile of lies almost. What would Andi say if he knew about us? Knew you were cheating on your husband with me. Knew that you were going to try to use your husband creating a open relationship not to be with Andi, but so maybe you and I could actually be together. Andi doesn't know anything about you and I. No one does in your life. You never told Lolly/Fenne. Granted, I told you that you didn't need to. But dude, you didn't need my permission. haha. Christ. It was a constant weight on my that i was the dirty lil secret. But I know that was unfair in alot of ways because the only person I told was my Mom. Man, I sort of wish I kept it like that hahaha. I admittedly kind of cracked when you chose Andi over me. I had just driven down to see you. And I would've driven straight through to Richmond. I didn't have to stay in Hershey, PA. Yeah, I didn't want to lose the money I had spent on the hotel for us. But I would've driven straight to you to try to salvage things. Show you the truth. God i really had hoped you would meet me for lunch that Saturday. i KNEW once we were together you'd see the truth. I wasn't perfect. I still am not. Christ I am trying. Trying through the worst grief I have experienced since my father died unexpectedly from COVID. But still fucking trying man. And i just knew you would see you were wrong about me and us. Man, I felt so positive after that weekend. Truly, i felt...powerful. We were powerful. I’ve never felt that way before. For me, I really felt like i solidified how special we were and how we are supposed to be together. And that we could work on things. I was so fucking positive that we could get back to where we were but BETTER and STRONGER. But i didn't know about you and Andi. I didn't know that you had been getting feelings for him behind my back. And all the while that was happening, you started focusing on the negatives of you and I that needed work...but without ever disclosing the work that needed done. The things i was doing that were weighing on you. Focusing on how easy Andi was. Comparing and contrasting him and I. Its just...unfair. But hey, life isn't fair. While I thought my coming to see you would show you i would  go to the ends of the earth for you and us, I think much like my first visit, it kind of shocked you. Fuck, he was right about us feeling the same. Fuck, he really will change. He really will do anything for me and us. Honestly man, I couldn't have known you would've been jumping into a relationship before your marriage was even officially over. You talked about yourself being a serial monogamous relationship person. Your relationship would end. Maybe a month goes by, and you're already in another long term relationship. But when you talked about it with me, you spoke like it was a negative trait. And with your marriage ending, you spoke about wanting to be single and find yourself. I genuinely believed you. It does stink that I’ll never know what really was happening. With you confessing about Andi, and your feelings and committing to him exclusively almost immediately, it really makes me question why the concept of us was always pushed back. 8 months and we will see. Etc. But if I think about all the stuff you didn't talk to me about, and kept to yourself and kind of dumped on me when everything ended, i might go crazy. Hell, I already have gone pretty crazy over this. haha. I finally told people about us. One night I was honestly losing it. I didn't and don't understand how something that feels absolutely...cosmic? otherworldly? How it could be cast aside. I reached out to a friend Brittany. I knew she was into astrology and some different things. Her and I had been pseudo romantically linked but ended up just being friends. And that was cool. Doesn't usually happen. But we got along really well. She had moved to PA to be with her BF, now husband, but prior to that we had been coworkers for a bit. But I reached out and basically said I had been going through such a crazy situation for the last 6 months, and i really wished she was around to talk to about it because I felt crazy. And she was receptive and idk why but i told her a bunch. The choice nugs, if you will. But omg she told me I wasn't crazy. She brought up stuff about twin flames? I had NEVER heard of this shit in my life. She said this situation was VERY special. Said it didn't sound like we were soulmates because some things i described don't track with those i guess. But she said regardless. Most people will never meet a soulmate, let alone a twin flame. And she said its even MORE unlikely to find one of those that also has a romantic element. She said i should feel very lucky and special. It’s definitely hard to feel that way when you chose someone else. haha. But god. Reading up that next day on twin flames? I was CRYING in my office. There were things there that Brittany hadn't mentioned but OMG did they mirror you and I. Trying to be rational, I was trying not to play into that. But omg some of it was so compelling I found myself messaging you. You probably already knew about twin flames. I hadn't thought about that at the time. How you are already aware of alot of these things. I’m sorry for that. Guess I worry about things. Alot of it tracks but the seemingly inevitable point in the twin flame relationship where flaws in the partner are pointed out. And then looking into twin flame breaks? How it can feel like a death? omg that's what I’m still going through. But everything i have read has basically said that this is the time and chance for self improvement. The breaking of the twin flames is supposed to lead both to focusing on bettering themselves, and truly working on their personal flaws that the other has pointed out to you. I know what I have to work on. You had made it clear. But that last message I sent you. The one i regret. You know the one. I think that may have put a magnifying glass over some of your own flaws. And things you weren't ready to acknowledge. I think it was easy to have me be the bad guy. The end. but when i was like, yo. these things are kind of messed up. Idk, just think it was too much. Now you are telling me not to message you again until August. Will I? idk. Will i message you before then? god i think about that all the time. What's the point if you will just leave me on read? And who knows if you wont leave me on read in August. But I guess the thing is Courtney, if this time is supposed to be for each of us to work on these flaws and improve ourselves, how are you going to do any of that while throwing yourself into another potential long term relationship? I hope I am not the only one that's going to work on themselves. I think about how i spoke to you and conveyed my thoughts and pain and hurt. I hate myself for it. But at some point, god i hope you realize it takes two people to make a relationship work. And without open communication and honestly, how can you improve anything? Can you work on your own flaws while focusing on another relationship? Without even recovering from your marriage ending? I know you are supposed to start therapy next month. I hope a professional can help guide you. I am actively looking for a therapist. I would like one that understands spiritual relationships but that's probs a reach. Idk if you and i are twin flames. I don't want to say we are. The similarities are fucking fairly uncanny though. And regardless of label, what you and i have (yes, have. not had) is something next level. Brittany got REALLY new age on me. Divine Timelines. Past Lives. Cosmic Guides. It was all so much. idk what I do or don't believe. But with so much of what she said linking to you and I, i would be lying if i said that I have not been speaking to my guides every day. Every time I miss you. Every time my heart aches. Every time i just want to die and give up. I just talk to them. Does that make me crazy? Maybe. I just ask them for guidance and let them know I am open to it. I am open to see the signs. I bring up all the signs they showed you. And I ask for them to show me signs that lead me on the path I should take. God typing that makes me sound unhinged haha. In those moments, it gives me temporary solace. With all the cosmic signs you were shown, I have to believe there is something bigger to you and I. In my heart, i hope they are showing you signs all the time now. Things ramped up as your marriage approached and during your honeymoon. The eerie shit where it was like, there's no way this isn't purposeful. Brittany said alot clearly. haha. But one thing she said is that these guides will send you undeniable signs. And the more you ignore them, the more they will show you. That feels like your honeymoon like omg. You knew you shouldn't have been with him. You knew something unreal was happening between us, but you still went forward with the marriage. And they showed you. Just like when I left in December. They were trying to tell you, you need to follow Matt. Well, maybe not follow, but that there is something there with me. That's my thoughts anyway. You were able to reject these seemingly cosmic signs then, and I cant really imagine you giving them weight/credence now that you have your new boyfriend and relationship. I do want you happy. But man. Rebounds are a thing. And from what youve told me? Like, EVERY relationship you've had is a rebound because you never actually have that time to yourself to go over the relationship. I hope the therapist can help you. God I hope I can find one and they can help me. Regardless of you and I, this has put such a magnifying glass over me. My flaws. I feel like, if only i was perfect. If only I hadn't created my negative coping mechanisms. If only i didn't have bi polar. If only i didn't have an anxiety disorder. If only. But who knows. None of those things are excuses. And at some point you have to realize your faults and work on yourself. It sucks feeling like losing my person, a piece of myself. The part of me i didn't know i was missing but once i found, i felt like, more complete. it sucks that this fucking traumatic event is what will lead to growth. But I am sure you feel that way about your marriage too. And I am forever sorry I couldn't save you from it. If I follow the twin flame theory, this was always supposed to happen. The thing that sucks is there is no way of knowing what happens. We work, we become better. I become someone you can actually imagine being with. Having a future and life and family. All the things you told me over and over again. And then taking back in a heartbeat. But it still doesn't mean anything necessarily. Apparently meeting a twin flame can just be to lead to bettering yourself. If that's the case, I would just say, how unfair that there had to be romantic feelings connected to us. To know in my heart, i will never love another human as i love you. And to know it could be all over forever. How does one go on knowing there perfect person is out there and not with them? I guess we will see. August feels so far away. And yet it feels like not enough time. I don't feel like me working on myself is enough. Like when we reconnect, i worry if I am not 100% fixed, you wont give me the time of day. I know the changes are supposed to be for me. But its so hard working to make yourself better when you have never liked yourself. Its alot easier when you have this amazing woman there for you somewhere down the line. And this life that you've always dreamed of in your sights. A goal. A finish line. Feeling the loss and grief that I do right now, its hard to make positive strives. Especially if the only person I am doing it for is me. Because right now, I don't like me. Can you imagine not liking yourself already, and then someone who is like, your one. Your other half. Cosmic partner. Whatever you want to call it. That person ends things, picks someone else over you because that person is better (when you already have abandonment issues and feelings of not being worthy or good enough for you) and basically tells you, its all your fault. Can you imagine liking yourself enough to do ANYTHING with only your own self betterment in mind? It’s so hard. And honestly, even if you wont acknowledge me, i still feel like I will check in with each personal goal post i reach. Cause this might be one of the hardest things I have ever been faced with. And whether you and me romantically are through forever, or there is some chance. Regardless of that. I want you to know that you matter to me. And the loss of you, was a wake up call. I wish I worked on all of this sooner Courtney. You cant know how much I wish it. But much like you realizing your relationship needed to end only happened once you met me, I think you breaking things of and choosing another man over me was the catalyst for my own personal growth. I hate that it happened this way. Because in a alternate timeline where I had already worked on myself, maybe you would've chose me. I would've been good enough. I don't know. I’ll never know. But god I want to show you who I should've been all along. And I hope you welcome me back into your life in SOME form. How you could go from “i cant ever imagine not talking to you and having you in my life” to where we are now in such a short period of time is staggering to me. But I know this is my fault. And I have to try to not focus so much on the past. I cant change how i was. Or the negative moments between us. But I can become who I should've always been for me and you and us, and remember the magic. That magic will never die. You will see. 
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seekfirst-community · 2 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2022. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.net
Meditation: Was Jesus really against wealth (Matthew 19:23)? And why did he issue such a strong warning to the rich (as well as to the rest of us who desire to be rich)? We know that Jesus was not opposed to wealth per se, nor was he opposed to the wealthy. He had many friends who were well-to-do, including some notorious tax collectors! One even became an apostle! Jesus' warning reiterated the wisdom of the Old Testament: "Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is perverse in his ways" (Proverbs 28:6; see also Psalm 37:16). "Do not wear yourself out to get rich; be wise enough to desist" (Proverbs 23:4).
We are all poor beggars in need of God
Jesus seems to say that it is nearly impossible for the rich to live as citizens of God's kingdom. The camel was regarded as the largest animal known by the Jews where Jesus lived and taught. The "eye of the needle" could be interpreted quite literally or it could figuratively describe the narrow and low gate of the city walls which was used by travelers when the larger public gate was locked at night. Normal sized people had to "lower" themselves to enter that gate. A camel would literally have to kneel and crawl through it. Until we humbly kneel before the Lord and acknowledge our total need and dependence on him, we will not find true peace, security, and happiness that can sustain us now and forever. Only God alone can satisfy our deepest need and longing.
Augustine of Hippo reminds us that we are all poor beggars of God.
"Even though you possess plenty, you are still poor. You abound in temporal possessions, but you need things eternal. You listen to the needs of a human beggar, yet you yourself are a beggar of God. What you do with those who beg from you is what God will do with his beggar. You are filled and you are empty. Fill your empty neighbor from your fullness, so that your emptiness may be filled with God's fullness." (Sermon 56,9)
Possessions can create false security and independence
Why is Jesus so cautious about wealth? Wealth can make us falsely independent. The church at Laodicea was warned about their attitude towards wealth and a false sense of security: "For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing" (Revelations 3:17). Wealth can also lead us into hurtful desires and selfishness (see 1 Timothy 6:9-10). Look at the lesson Jesus gave about the rich man and his sons who refused to aid the poor man Lazarus (see Luke 16:19ff). They neglected to serve God. Only those who put their trust in God and who depend on him, and who share what they have with those in need, will find true peace, security, and happiness which lead to everlasting life and joy in God's kingdom.
Where is your treasure?
The Scriptures give us a paradox - we lose what we keep and we gain what we give away. Generosity will be amply repaid, both in this life and in the age to come (Proverbs 3:9-10, Luke 6:38). Jesus offers us an incomparable treasure which no money can buy and no thief can steal. The thing we most set our heart on is our highest treasure. Material wealth will shackle us, like a bound slave, to this earth unless we guard our heart and set our treasure in God and his kingdom of everlasting life and joy. Where is your treasure?
"Lord Jesus, you have captured our hearts and opened to us the treasures of heaven. May you always be my treasure and delight and may nothing else keep me from giving you my all."
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2022.
warning! extreme danger!
“It is easier for a camel to pass through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” —Matthew 19:24
Many of us are middle-class Americans and consequently are among the richest people in the world. Therefore, Jesus’ words apply to us: “I assure you, only with difficulty will a rich man enter into the kingdom of God” (Mt 19:23). Although there is nothing wrong with being rich (see Sir 31:8-11), Jesus indicated that it was almost impossible (Mt 19:26) not to grow haughty from our riches (Ez 28:5). In the book of Proverbs, Agur prayed to not become rich “lest, being full,” he deny the Lord, “saying, ‘Who is the Lord?’ ”  (Prv 30:8, 9) Moses warned the Israelites in their prosperity to be careful not to “become haughty of heart and unmindful of the Lord” (Dt 8:14). Hosea observed that the more prosperous the Israelites were, the more involved they became in idolatry (Hos 10:1). Money, possessions, and wealth are a “temptation and a trap” (1 Tm 6:9), which are almost impossible not to fall into.
Pope St. John Paul II taught: “This super-development, which consists in an excessive availability of every kind of material goods for the benefit of certain social groups, easily makes people slaves of ‘possession’ and of immediate gratification” (On Social Concern, 28). The Pope concluded: “I therefore exhort the disciples of Christ and all Christian communities — from families to dioceses, from parishes to religious institutes — to carry out a sincere review of their lives regarding their solidarity with the poor” (Mission of the Redeemer, 60). “We need to turn to a more austere way of life” (Mission of the Redeemer, 59).
Prayer:  Father, may I not carelessly expose myself to exceptionally dangerous temptations.
Promise:  “For God all things are possible.” —Mt 19:26
Praise:  St. Stephen of Hungary wrote, “without [virtues] no one is fit to rule here on earth or attain to the heavenly kingdom.”
Rescript:  "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for the publication One Bread, One Body covering the time period from August 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022. Reverend Steve J. Angi, Chancellor, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio January 31, 2022"
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
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yunhohours · 2 years
entering your inbox…
definitely agree, like obviously researching astrology and getting to know the signs and planets etc is helpful but i think actually putting it into practice helps the most. i love reading idol’s and my friends charts for this reason; so i can get familiar with making those astrological connections! ohmygosh so ur a taurus moon ??? thats so cute !!! does one of ur love languages happen to be gift giving/ or receiving ? also i am a taurus rising <33
hshshs joshie will have to do a LOT for me to ult him, I’ve only got two ults, one of them i considered more of a semi ult >_> but yeah! my ults r v special to me :33 but i wouldn’t mind him joining my ults hehe. and i would love to see what you write for him but dont pressure yourself too much, out yourself first.
hshshs my perfectionism tends to lean more towards being a downfall but it has its good moments. and i 100% get it, i also like writing and have had multiple blogs on tumblr before but more often than not, perfectionism takes over and i abandon the blog bc its not “good enough”. i do want to get back into writing but it takes me a long time to complete one piece. ahhh thank you 🥺🫶hehe thst made me blush a tad !!
question of the day who are your kpop ults ? >:D btw do you prefer longer asks or shorter ones ?? <3
💌 — virgo anon
yes, me too! i am so known amongst my friends and family to be like "his ____ moon is popping out rn" because i familiarize myself with idol birth charts so much hahah. yes, i am a taurus moon! tysm you're so sweet <333 the love languages i receive the best are actually quality time and physical touch, but i do LOVE gifts and especially giving them! i find that i tend to prioritize all 5 love languages equally when giving love to another... virgo perfectionism, perhaps. hahah.
aah, who's your other semi-ult? i think you've only talked to me about taehyun before joshua so i'm curious! my personal ult list is LONG and grows all the time. what can i say? i've got a lot of love to give dsdfgs. i think i will write something for joshua soon! he is quite inspiring. thank you for not pressuring me though, i appreciate that so much <3
oh, me too. my perfectionism is the bane of my existence tbh. i'm glad it helps me put out good work when i need to but it makes me feel the need to be perfect in EVERY way and that is just not realistic nor sustainable. i love hearing that you've had writing blogs before! i can't blame you for feeling that way and taking them down because i have thoughts like that from time to time too. and writing does take SO LONG to complete like... anything. and it's the worst because most people don't care as much about the quality of my work as i do. there's no reason for me to be so obsessive about it ahh. you can always dabble in writing by posting little things to me if you feel inspired! i don't want that love of writing to go to waste entirely <3
oh gosh, i mentioned earlier my ults list is long and i meant it gjsgs. my ults are pentagon's wooseok, cix's hyunsuk & seunghun, ateez's yeosang & yunho, wayv's ten, seventeen's junhui, wei's junseo, omega x's junghoon, and seungwoo! i love them all to pieces <3333
and i don't think ask length matters to me much tbh! i think the content is more important. i can answer a long ask that inspires me much easier than a short one that i don't feel inspired by.
i hope you're having a lovely day, my virgo anon <33
0 notes
jazzapples3 · 2 years
So I saw a post by @bilbobagginsbrainrotblog with one of those iceberg things for lotr:
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and I've decided I'm going to try and Explain the iceberg so here goes:
"Read the Hobbit as a kid": where it all began. Good children's book though.
"One does not simply walk into Mordor lol" classic Boromir meme from that infamous scene in Fellowship of the Ring, though the accompanying still is usually from the part where he is talking about the Great Eye.
"The Peter Jackson LOTR trilogy": how most people get into LOTR, and the most well known of adaptations.
"Did you know that when Viggo kicked the helmet he broke his toe": the most quoted behind the scenes movie trilogy fact, commonly used tongue in cheek on r/lotr. During the scene in Two Towers where the three hunters find the piled pyre of Uruk corpses, Aragorn kicks a helmet and screams. He had actually broken his toe kicking the helmet and the scream was real.
"1977 the Hobbit animated": not actually Ralph Bakshi, it was a TV film by Rankin/Bass. Though more faithful an adaptation (the bar is quite low), it does come away with a higher dwarf death rate. I do remember it having an 'interesting' Gollum design.
"Knows how to say phrases in Elvish": look I know some stuff like 'mae govannen', 'hannon ie', 'ada', 'estel' etc, but languages in general are not my forte. If you hear enough elvish you are bound to pick something up.
"Read The Lord of the Rings books": if you read the Hobbit this is bound to happen at some point. Classic adult high fantasy, but no longer as easy reading as the Hobbit (though nowhere near the level of the Silmarillion).
"I think its in the Silmarillion": as mentioned above, Silm is not easy reading (it bears much resemblance to read epic poetry, which JRRT studied. As there are lots of references in LOTR to previous ages, it is fair to guess that they must be found in Silm somewhere, if not in the Appendices.
"Plays of has heard of LOTR online": an MMORPG by Daybreak Game Company, is generally viewed as good. I've never been into MMORPG's myself but have at least heard of it. As far as I know, its still running.
"Has read the Silmarillion": ...am currently in the process, as it is by far one of JRRT's densest works, and his study of the epic cycles definitely shines through in the style. Recounts the making of the world, the War of the Silmarils in the First Age, and some of the Second Age. Is generally viewed as a hard read.
"How could they cut Tom Bombadil": Tom Bombadil was a character that appeared in the Fellowship of the Ring book, encountered by the hobbits in the Old Forest outside of Buckland. Of indeterminable age and origin, he contributed the fact that the Ring was effectiveless on a person with nothing to desire. Later, in the Council of Elrond, it was suggested to send the Ring to him, but that was quickly shot down. Most of his lines were given to Treebeard in the films, along with the part with Old Man Willow.
"Ralph Bakshi animated Lord of the Rings": a 1978 film quite endlessly screenshottable, and again shafts Glorfindel in favour of Legolas. Never actually finished telling the story, as it didn't cover the events of ROTK. I do believe that another film was made by a different company that covered the ending? Or am I creating false memories?
"Can translate all elvish used in the movies without subtitles": as previously mentioned I am horrible at languages but this is defintely possible as JRRT did not pull any punches in creating languages, and elvish (both forms) are able to be learned. Though, you can just do as I do, and just memorise the translation and look clever later.
"Holy shit Aragorn is 87": as a Dúnedain (Númenorian descent) Aragorn as a lifespan greater than that of other men (I think he ended up living to +200 years). At the start of the books, the timeline of events makes him 87, but he turns 88 on his birthday March 1st when he meets Gandalf the White in Fanghorn Forest (so the film is slightly off the mark here).
"Legolas only says three words to Frodo the whole trilogy": actually what he says in the films is 'and you have my bow' which is 5 words, but this is one of those 'Luke I am your father' situations where the quote is misremembered. Aside from that this is true.
"Stephen Colbert probably runs a Tolkien blog he could be any of us Oh God": the TV guy Stephen Colbert is very famously a Tolkien Nerd (tm) so this would not surprise me.
"BBC audiodramatisations": a 26 part radio drama series produced by BBC 4. Fun fact: Ian Holm (plays Bilbo in the Peter Jackson films) is Frodo in this.
"Tom Bombadil was Tolkien's reader-insert": Tom Bombadil is a very mysterious character in Fellowship of the Ring, which much speculation as to who, or what he is, since Tolkien refused to elaborate. It's fun to see the very read scholarly arguments on Wikipedia, but it is stated that the character was inspired by one of JRRT's son's dolls. Perhaps this is what the iceberg is referring to? Please tell me if you know something more, I'm going insane.
"Vill you vear vigs? prank interview": Dominic Monaghan (who plays Merry Brandybuck) prank called Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins) posing as a german 'interviewer' Hans Jensen, asking all sorts of off-the-wall questions, including the infamous 'vill you vear vigs?' This interview is freely available on Youtube.
"Is this Quenya or Sindarin?": Elvish as a language is split into two distinct forms: Quenya (the language of the High Elves, which is spoken by the Noldor and the elves in Valinor), and Sindarin (the language of the Wood Elves, spoken by the Sindar and presumably the Avari, those who lived in Middle Earth). They both use the Tengwar script of writing though. Sindarin is most commonly spoken, as in the First Age King Thingol of Doriath banned the speaking of Quenya.
"Has read Lost Tales and History of Middle Earth": The Book of Lost Tales and The History of Middle Earth is a collection of 12 volumes on legendarium lore spanning the history of Middle Earth and Arda. Like the Silmarillion, this was edited and published by Christopher Tolkien, though if you have read all 12 volumes of this, I have massive respect for you, since I've only managed to source two of the volumes for myself so far.
"Bro Elrond needs a break": damn Elrond has a backstory. Dad is absent, later becoming a star, his mum jumps off a balcony in the sack of Sirion and turns into a bird, not coming back, his murderous foster dads leave and don't come back, his wife is tormented by orcs and leaves to Valinor early without him, he leaves his kids behind in Middle Earth when he sails, one who he'll defintely never see again... damn.
"STRONG opinions on Feanor": on r/silmarillionmemes, there are two flairs for Feanor; 'Feanor did nothing wrong' and 'Feanor did everything wrong'. Dude was a pretentious prideful arsehole who kinda fucked up a lot, but he did have the balls to challenge Morgoth and call out the Valar, so opinions are up to you.
"Can recite the Lay of Lúthien from heart": if you mean the Lay of Leithian, this is an unfinished poem published in the History of Middle Earth vol 3, detailing the story of Beren and Lúthien, also told in prose in the Silmarillion. If you want to try and memorise it, be my guest, though it is 4200+ verses.
"Can quote the entire trilogy from heart": a tall order but this can probably be done? Valar help the soul who tries it though.
"Favourite character is someone who is never seen of mentioned in the films": I'm sure the Silm fandom has your back. Maedhros deserved better.
"Sauron was once a hot guy": Sauron (or Mairon I guess) used to be super hot. After the fall of Númenor, where Sauron had basically orchestrated the entire fall, the Valar forbade him from ever taking a fair form again (or as I like to call it, revoked his sexy privaleges). Now he is not allowed to be super hot.
"Differentiates Finrod, Fingolfin, Fingon without issue": if he's blond, nice and friendly looking, and is maybe singing, its Finrod. If he's dark haired with braided in gold, maybe with a harp, or hanging out with Maedhros, its Fingon. If its neither, it Fingolfin.
"Has watched LOT but everytime Sam takes a step... 9hr long video": its an edit where everytime Sam takes a step he says 'its the farthest away from home I've ever been'. You can imagine why its so long.
"owns at least one replica sword or would if able": god I wish.
And there you have it! Am I making a video? Possibly not, but this explanation is here anyway. Hope you enjoy!
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : basically everyone at this point from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of killing + mention of explosion + EXTREME grammar issues
↳ form : story
↳ published : 02 april
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 2.5k
↳ synopsis : within the jujutsu world, there were three famous clans to be aware of, the Kamo clan, Zenin clan and the Gojo clan. However, unknown to many sorcerers there was one last family that was known to be apart of the three, only for them to disappear after the golden era leading some to speculate that they had died in battle after the sealing of ryomen sukuna, but....
↳ previous episode : kyoto sister school exchange event - group battle 2
↳ next episode : sage
↳ barista’s notes : hehe you guys really don’t trust me anymore ʕ ꆤ ᴥ ꆤʔ...but here is the real episode everyone ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ i hope you enjoy it with all your hearts and don’t worry about anymore pranks, i am not that type of person unless it’s april 01 ʕ – ᴥ – ʔ
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1. the whole story belongs to Gege Akutami and the credits go to them and them only.
2. the spell curses used belong to Tite Kubo due to them being the ‘Kidos’ being used on the manga and anime ‘Bleach’ - but none is mentioned in this chapter.
2.5. for the ‘cursed spells’/kidos (bleach) i will link this video here and tell you the time stamp to check out what i am intending to show - remember i add a few twist here and there by adding the katana to link with Y/N’s cursed technique : hopefully this video is slightly better...
no cursed spells used this episode..
crescent moon shape cursed energy swing : here
3. if you are confused on anything, please don’t hesitate to message me since i know this whole thing is so confusing.
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“You want to become the head of the Zenin clan?!” you questioned in a surprised tone before turning your head to the side to face the weapon specialist sorcerer, only for your upperclassmen to continue to take a swing from the water bottle that you had brought her.
“It’s to spite them. What? Don’t you believe in me?” Maki responded to you once she twisted the lid of the water bottle closed before turning to look at you with a small smile.
“No, it’s not that...it’s just the process is just a whole drag, you know the paperwork, the connections with the other clans as well as your own family, it’s draining,” you commented before slowly laying down on your back leading your head to land on your track top that you had placed as a pillow.
“I’m surprised that you didn’t mention anything about the criticism,” Maki mentioned, leading you to stare up to the sky for a second before shifting your eyes to her direction, only to peer at a face that didn’t show any hesitation nor worries but rather confidence.
“I don’t care about criticism at all, it’s just a whole drag ass of a process, especially when you have to deal with two other male clan leaders,” you muttered under your breath since you didn’t want to mess up by saying three since you were technically the head of the L/N clan unofficially.
“I guess so, but I can’t wait to see the look on my family’s face when I become a hotshot sorcerer though,” Maki mentioned as she took her glasses off to give you another smile causing you to fully turn your head to the side to gain a proper clear view of your upperclassmen before giving her a soft smile back.
“If it’s you, then I wouldn’t mind at all Maki-san,” you declared causing the sorcerer to giggle lightly at your comment leading you to follow on since the laughter of Maki became really contagious for some odd reason.
‘If it’s you, then I wouldn’t have to hide anymore…’
“By the way, where is that idiot taking you this week?” Maki suddenly questioned, causing you to look at her with a slightly perplexed expression on your face before you came to the sudden realisation that she was talking about the strongest sorcerer that became your adoptive father.
“He’s taking me somewhere this week?” you asked confusingly as you quickly sat straight up only to find the mentioned man wearing a pair of black tinted glasses with the classic outfit of a simple white button-up shirt with black suit-like pants waving at you.
“Looks like he is, have fun on your daddy-daughter date,” Maki teased before standing up to continue training with the other second years as well as your classmates that gave their teacher a glare since they wanted to train with you a little longer.
“Why does Maki-san have to suffer because of that stupid clan?” Nobara shouted loudly causing you to jump slightly because you didn’t expect her to be yelling in the middle of Starbuck with her chocolate Frappuccino in hand before you started to look around to make sure no one was looking in your direction since people weren’t supposed to know about the existent of sorcerer as of right now.
“What’s wrong?” you asked in a concerned tone since you didn’t really want to cause a scene right now as you moved your vanilla cream Frappuccino straw away from your lips. 
“I don’t get why the Zenin clan are halting Maki-san’s promotion, it’s stupid!” Kugisaki declared as she waved her arms around to exaggerate her statement nearly making you giggle at the sight since she looked like a sea creature right now.
“Well, it is quite common for families to do that when one of their members do not have cursed energy within them, they don’t even take the Heavenly Restriction into consideration,” you answered before taking another sip of your sugary drink.
“But why, isn’t superhuman physical prowess a good thing?” Kugisaki asked, before beginning to scroll through her phone to look up other places that you and she needed to visit before you both left to go back to Jujutsu Tech.
“Well, once they reject someone, they won’t take someone back, it saves them from the embarrassment of taking someone back,” you answered before looking to the side where there was a window, showcasing the roaming crowd in the city of Shibuya as some students were roaming around with books in their hand to head off to the library and some office workers, who were rushing back to their workplace from their lunch break.
“To be honest, it’s quite pathetic, it’s better to have someone that has superhuman strength and speed than a pure jujutsu sorcerer sometimes,” you commented, causing your classmate to look at you with confusion on her face.
“Why do you think that?” Kugisaki questioned as she was becoming intrigued by what was going on in your mind right now.
“Sometimes they survive things that other sorcerers can’t, it’s like a cheat code from certain death,” you answered as you turned to look at your friend before taking another sip of the vanilla drink that was right in front of you. “Besides, the Zenin clan are just full of weak men that are scared that they have to bow down to a woman, it would be funny to see them shocked,” you stated with a smile on your face leading Kugisaki to look at you with a surprised expression before seeing the slight hint of amusement in your eyes once that statement left your mouth to which caused a small smirk to appear on her face as well.
“There’s a reason why the queen is the most important chess piece on the board,” you comment before taking another sip of your vanilla Frappuccino letting the sweet flavour fall onto the tip of your tongue as if you could already taste your victory if you ever went against the Zenin clan in your lifetime.
“Do you get it?” 
Snapping out of her thoughts, Kugisaki quickly looked up to discover her opponent in an extremely irritated expression, who was currently in the air as she was sitting upon her broom that just minutes ago slammed across the face.
“They don’t demand strength from female jujutsu sorcerers, they demand perfection! And on top of that, Mai-chan is also fighting against even more outrageous demands,” Nishimiya declared as she stared down at Kugisaki while trying to explain the disadvantages of being a female within the sorcery world that they were both currently in while trying to make Kugisaki conscious about the situation of her lower classmen and somewhat make her feel some sympathy towards her.
“I get that you’re a pain in the ass!” Kugisaki declared as she used her cursed energy to raise up three nails before swinging towards them Nishmiya leading her to dodge with her broom effortlessly before using a huge gush of wind towards the first-year, only to her surprise that Kugisaki was still standing with a smirk on her face, just like the one she showed you back when you both went on that Starbucks date.
“I’m used to getting knocked around and that attack isn’t even enough to compare to what I’ve been through,” Kugisaki mentioned while lifting her bangs away from her face as she began to recall the amount of time you had made her lose her footing as well as violently hitting her to the point where Panda had to save her a few times before she could even hit the tree she was going to crash into during the two months of training that everyone had.
“All done with your lecture?!” Kugisaki rhetorically asked as she raised up more of her nails before violently smashing them with her hammer towards Nishimiya again leading the sorcerer to dodge them once again while continuing on with her speech.
“Perfection is easy compared to what’s demanded of Mai-chan! She’s from the Zenin-can, one of the three major clans of elite jujutsu sorcerers. Perfection is expected as a matter of course there,” Nishimiya commented as she continued to ride her broom before stabilising herself once the attack had finished. 
“‘Inherit the Zenin clan’s hereditary technique.’ Anywho don’t meet that demand, start their sorcerer lives as failures. Among those, women aren’t even allowed to stand at the starting line. Without the Zenin clan lineage, they’re not considered jujutsu sorcerers and if they’re not jujutsu sorcerers, they’re not considered people,” Nishimiya yelled out as if it was her own story that she was reciting to Kugisaki, leading to the first-year to somewhat zone out as she began to remember something that you had mentioned to her one time.
‘Gender should not matter at the end of the day, if you can beat or exorcise them...why should you care what gender they are? You won the chess game, right?’
“She’s lived her entire life with such scorn in a family without a shred of affection. Can you imagine how much Mai-chan and others suffered just to obtain what we enjoy as a matter of course? Why don’t you try thinking over with that brain of yours that confuses curses for friends?” the blonde-haired sorcerer questioned, before swiftly dodging a nail that was thrown at her suddenly.
“Shut up. Do you think misfortune is a free pass to do anything? What, then? You’re satisfied with those who are blessed getting trash-talked behind their back? That’s how Saori-chan…,” Kugisaki questioned in a low and threatening tone as she began to reminisce about her childhood friend that was run out of her countryside town just because she was from the city.
“I can’t stand her, regardless of her upbringing and I love Maki-san, who endured the same upbringing. Have you all even bothered to think about what kind of person the idiot you’re trying to curse is?” Kugisaki asked once again, only to get a silent and annoyed expression as her answer. “What makes us obligated to meet such perfection or such absurd demands? Gojo...she doesn’t even strive for perfection as a special-grade sorcerer. Is your entire life just a job?!” the first-year yelled out before lifting her hand as she angrily activated her curse technique leading to multitudes of large explosions of cursed energy to surround the entire forest, forcing Nishimiya to fly around the area in a panic towards getting hit by any of the blasts.
Suddenly, as Nishimiya tried to, once again, stabilise herself on her broom, another nail was thrown causing it to land on a tree trunk only for a sudden foot to make its way on top of it as a stepping platform leading Kugisaki to jump up with full strength to reach up towards her opponent. However, it only led her to grab a few bristles of the flying divide.
“You might have brought me down, but you still won’t reach me!” Nishimiya declared as she released another gust of wind to push Kugisaki back down to the ground only for your classmate to land roughly on her feet as she took out one of her straw dolls from her school jacket.
“No, I reached you. This is plenty,” Kugisaki mentioned as she stuck one of the straw bristles on the doll as she continued with “I don’t give a damn about ‘men’ this and ‘women’ that! You can keep that shit to yourselves! I love myself when I’m pretty and all dressed up! And I love myself when I’m being strong!”
“I am... Kugisaki Nobara!” Kugisaki proudly declared before slamming her hammer down on her doll letting her cursed energy flow into her equipment, suddenly causing Nishimiya’s broom to malfunction as she began to drop.
‘If I hit here with my hammer, I might kill her,’ Kugisaki thought as she remembered what you told her leading her to smirk, yet she knew she couldn’t break the rules causing her to reach behind her back to reveal a red and yellow hammer that suddenly expanded to which lead the Kyoto sorcerer to identify it as a squeaky hammer only to be violently smacked with it across her face.
“One more time!” Kugisaki yelled out. However, before the hammer could even connect to Nishimiya’s face again, a sudden small but large impact was felt on her temple causing Kugisaki’s body to be flung over to the side leading Nishimiya to look surprised before facing forward as she wondered who was the person responsible for saving her.
“Hello? Momo?” Mai greeted as she placed her phone on her ear trying to communicate with her teammate. “Don’t worry, it was a rubber bullet,” she then reassured Nishimiya as she knew that the third-year already sympathised her and now she was worried that she might have killed someone during the Exchange Event.
“Most importantly, that light was Ultimate Cannon, right? But I can’t get in touch with Mechamaru. If he was cornered enough to use such a powerful technique, and now this, he most likely lost,” Mai informed her schoolmate as she was trying to relay information that she could assume since it was important to know the status of the Kyoto team right now.
“Panda will likely be returning, you should leave that spot and support everyone from the air. We’re all in trouble without you,” the Zenin member mentioned leading to the other person on the line to agree before she slowly uttered her name.
“It’s all right, Momo, I know,” Mai mentioned in a soft tone, trying to convey to her friend that it was alright before hanging up once Nishimiya got the message.
“What? Not going to call your friends?” someone yelled out as they stood on a branch, directly opposite to Mai at this current moment in time. “I don’t mind going two-on-one,” the second-year confidently stated with a smile on her face.
“There are many ways to enjoy this, right?” Mai asked before processing to stand up on her feet. “I could have everyone beat you together, but I’d like to enjoy you...by myself,” Mai declared as she raised her gun with a vexed expression displayed on her face as she faced her twin sister.
“Call me ‘Onee-chan,’ little sister,” Maki stated as she raised her katana.
However, before they could even start a fight another deafening explosion was heard causing them to turn in the direction to where it was heard, only to see a similar crescent-shaped wave of cursed energy flung into the air leading Mai to took at the scene with widening eyes as she slowly came to the realisation who was the cause of it.
“I think you should call Kamo and tell him to stop fighting with Gojo...it might lead him going to the hospital,” Maki mentioned before pushing herself forward to attack her sister.
‘If it’s you, then I wouldn’t mind at all Maki-san’
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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elizabethsaige · 2 years
The Clock App
Raffie Pugh x Reader (female)
Request: Now- hear me out raffie pugh is a little too fine so could you make a raffie x female reader where r blows up on tiktok for having amazing fashion and her confidence (we stan confidence and self love) and creating all these fashion trends and so one day raffie does one of her trends and r being her super big marvel fan the comments under raffies post and from then and there they become close and eventually catch feelings for each other and all the fans just ship it
Word Count: 3,809
Warnings: None
A/N: thank u for being patient while I get this out lmao it was a struggle...also I really struggled writing raffie, idk why, but it kinda had a hard time with this one,,sorry if it sucks :/
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One viral video and 600k likes was all it took for your TikTok account to blow up overnight. Your life went from living in a small town, working as a barista while studying in college, to the girl with 500k followers on the dance app, known for her killer confidence and amazing style that everyone wanted to copy.
The account was originally made to document your everyday life, as many videos on your “for you page” showcased people romanticizing their mundane and boring lives. If everyone else could do you, you could too. The social media platform was a great outlet of self expression for you, as your regular barista job didn’t quite fulfill your needs in the right way.
But quickly, you knew you wanted to do more with the content you were creating, even if barely anyone saw it. Slowly but surely, you began posting fashion and advice videos, teaching people how to grow into their confidence and learn to love themselves.
At first, you’d get anywhere from 100-500 likes per video and barely any traction, but one short video changed that.
emilyjune34: her confidence is so contagious, i hope she knows how much she’s helped me <3
tyoliver109: you are the cutest! love the video!! can’t wait to try this trend!
fluffybunny04: y/n reminds me of a ray of sunshine, i wish i had her confidence :( please post again soon!
Comments flooded your notifications as you sat down on the couch with a cup of hot tea. The sun was barely up, the majority of the town still asleep, but you unfortunately had to be awake to go to your 6:30 am opening shift at your coffee shop. Mornings like this made you wonder why you took the job in the first place, as your managers always scheduled you to open the store in the morning. Seeing as this was probably going to be your only free time for the day, you decided to check TikTok before you left.
Last night, you posted another video, this time creating a new trend, challenging whoever wanted to participate to create 3 fashion looks from the clothing in their closet that made them feel their most confident. It was important to you that people felt comfortable and confident in the clothing they put on their body, so a simple trend like this felt appropriate for you to post. It wasn’t much different from the usual content you put out, often combining fashion with the topic of confidence to spread the message.
You understood the concept of confidence might be a hard thing for those who struggle with it, as you yourself used to have a hard time. However, the people you looked up to growing up really helped and encouraged you to work on learning to accept yourself and you wanted to return the favor, even to one person.
The video was up for barely 12 hours and already it had gained 200k views, 65k likes and 8k comments, majority of them kind and encouraging. The hate comments never usually bothered you, as you understood that these people were projecting their own personal grievances with themselves onto you, but every once in a while, you’d find one that stuck out to you.
Luckily, this time was not one of those times, as your alarm interrupted your scrolling, letting you know it was time to head to work. Putting your barely touched, now lukewarm tea in the sink, you grabbed your backpack and keys to get a move on to work.
The city bus that ran in your town was the fastest way to get to your job most days, but the sun was rising and the birds were chirping so your bike was going to be your choice of transportation for the day. You threw your backpack in the basket on the back side of your bike, hopped on, and started for your cafe just 10 minutes away.
After the short ride, you arrived at your job and locked your bike in it’s usual spot by the door. Your coworker and close friend, Jamie, was already waiting by the door, eager to get inside to begin the shift.
Jamie was once just a coworker, but as you two began working together more, you quickly figured out how much you two had in common, and what once was a work friendship blossomed into a legit friendship. You could easily describe Jamie as one of your best friends.
“I saw your new video last night,” Jamie said as you two walked through the door. The cafe was dark, only the light from the security cameras and faint light from the sunrise  illuminated the room. It was a challenge every morning for you to get to the back of the shop, usually needing your phone flashlight to aid you in getting there.
“And? What did you think?” You and Jamie sat your stuff on the table by the lockers provided by the shop, hanging your flannel on one of the hooks.
“It was good! I think outfit number 2 was my favorite, the one with the denim jacket,” she replied, throwing her apron around her waist. You followed, tieing the string behind your back.
Jamie was always your number 1 supporter and harshest critic. You knew she’d tell you the truth about your content, even when it was hard to hear, but you appreciated her honesty.
A small smile appeared on your face as you thought back to the video, trying to remember the outfit. “Oh yeah, that’s my favorite too. I’m glad you liked it, I was kind of nervous posting it. I wasn’t sure how people would react.”
Jamie shrugged as the two of you started for the front of the cafe. “It seems like everyone likes it so far! I don’t think I’ve seen a negative comment yet.”
“What, of the 8,000 comments on that video? There has to be at least one.” Truthfully, you didn’t really care how many negative comments were left on your videos.
“Well whoever leaves one is dead to me. You know I always have your back, Y/N.”
You flashed a grateful smile her way. “Thanks J, I appreciate you and your support.”
The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, less customers came by than usual, but Thursday mornings at the cafe were pretty unpredictable. The few regulars that did stop in complimented you on your new video, many of them being college students your age that followed your account. You were like a small celebrity to the people around your area, many of them knowing at least your name.
It was always nice to see some of the faces that watch your videos, and even nicer to hear them give you positive feedback in person.
As your work day came to a finish around 1 pm, you found yourself remembering all of the studying and schoolwork you had to complete. It was normal for you to remain at your cafe after your shift ended, placing yourself either in the back corner of the shop or in the backroom to work on school stuff. Today was no exception. The second you clocked out, you made your way to your favorite back corner to set your stuff down, then back up to make yourself an iced lavender latte with oat milk to get you through the next few hours.
The buzzing of your phone on the hard surface of your desk woke you up from your deep sleep. Half of your torso sprawled out across your laptop and hardback textbook, papers messily shoved to the sides. You rubbed your eyes and ran your hands along your cheeks, feeling the bit of dried drool that fixated itself across your right cheek.
Glancing at your phone, the caller ID jam :) was displayed on the screen. That was your nickname for Jamie, an inside joke between the two of you. You grabbed your phone and pressed the green answer button.
Confused, you groaned into the speaker, hinting at the fact that you just woke up. “What are you talking about?”
Your heart dropped as you heard the name ‘Florence Pugh’ come through the speaker and into your ear. “Wait, seriously? Please tell me you’re kidding.”
You put Jamie on speaker and clicked on the TikTok app, going right to your notifications button. Right near the top of the screen, it read @raffpugh tagged you in a video. You clicked on it as fast as your finger could manage to click the screen and it brought you to her video. A quick 30 second montage of Raffie Pugh showing 3 different outfits appeared. The caption of the video read “trying out @y/u/n’s challenge, i loved her video and had to do it myself”
“Well? Did you see it?” Jamie was patiently waiting on the other side of the phone screen, fully expecting you to freak out.
For a long as you can remember, the Marvel franchise had been your favorite, and most recently, the Black Widow movie took the #1 spot in your rankings of favorite movies ever. Your obsession/fascination with Florence Pugh only grew stronger when you saw her play Yelena Belova in the movie. Like any other fan, you did a major deep dive into the actors and actresses that had the job of being in your favorite movie, quickly finding out that Florence had a younger sister your age, named Raffie. One deep dive led to another and all of a sudden, you were binge watching and liking all of Raffie’s TikTok videos, falling into an infatuation with the brunette.
She was gorgeous and so funny, just like her sister, but in a completely different light. Her accent was thick but was like music to your ears. It didn’t take long for her to follow you back, not after you liked almost every video she posted. Jamie, of course, made fun of you for embarrassing yourself for doing that, but hey, it got Raffie’s attention.
“I can’t believe it,” you whispered, staring at the video that was now playing on a loop.
You figured one or two people might do the challenge but never did you think that anyone like Raffie would do it. Your heart was beating so fast, like it could burst out of your chest.
“I have to, like, message her or something. I-would that be, I don’t know, weird?” Stumbling over your words, the butterflies in your stomach fluttered faster as you tapped on the message button on Raffie’s account page.
“Not at all, go for it! I’m sure she’d answer,” Jamie encouraged. Nodding to yourself, you start typing out a short message, erasing it almost instantly.
“Dude, I don’t even know what to say, what do I say?”
A pause from the other end of the phone made you nervous, hoping that Jamie would help you out with what to say. “I’m not sure, but hey, I gotta go. Text me and tell me what she says!”
And before you could respond, the call ended, leaving you to your own devices.
Twiddling your thumbs around the keyboard, beads of sweat formed on your forehead as you searched your brain on what you should say to Raffie.
The task shouldn't be this challenging, right? I mean, it’s no big deal! It was chill; you were calm, cool, and collected.
Except things were not chill. THE Raffie Pugh knew that you existed and that was enough to make you want to hide your face in embarrassment.
Come on, Y/N. You can do this. It’s just a small message, no need to freak out. Just talk to her like she’s a friend.
@y/u/n: hey raffie! I just saw that you did my challenge! I loved your video, the outfits you put together were so cool and I could tell how confident you were in them!
Your bottom lip was caught nervously between your teeth as you chewed on the skin, leg bouncing up and down causing your desk to shake.
Before you lost your mind, you set your phone faced down on the desk and ran your hands through your knotted hair.
A high-pitched ding came from your phone, signaling a notification coming through. Immediately, your hand reached for the phone, the bright screen illuminating your face as you checked to see who it was.
Unfortunately, it was just your mom wishing you goodnight like she does daily. A small sigh escaped your lips as you typed out a quick message back to her.
Minutes went by as you anxiously stared at your phone, waiting for a response from Raffie. It’s not like you knew if she was even going to respond or not, but the little bit of hope you had kept you nervous for what she would say.
Finally, the high-pitched ding rang through and a notification from TikTok popped up on your phone screen.
@raffpugh responded to your message
@raffpugh: hi darling, thank you so much! your videos have helped me so much with my confidence, i hope you realize how much you’re helping others <3
A loud squeal came from your mouth as you read and reread the message. THE Raffie Pugh responded to your message AND served you a hefty compliment.
Thoughts raced your mind as you tried to figure out what to say. I mean, what is there to say? Thank you???
Moments passed as you wracked your brain and still, nothing. This coming from the girl that preached confidence and normally was able to be chill in these situations.
Looking at the clock that read 12:03 am, you knew you had to head to bed or else you’d be dead to the world tomorrow morning. But not before typing out a message to Raffie, hoping it would do you justice.
y/u/n: thank you, you have no idea how much it means to have you say that! :)
Quickly, your one time message to Raffie turned into a daily conversation. The two of you would exchange messages through the clock app multiple times a day, as you could, considering the time difference. Soon enough, a month had gone by.
To be completely honest, you never expected this to go on for so long. I mean, not that you didn’t want it to, you just figured Raffie had better things to do than talk to you all day.
But truthfully, talking to you was the highlight of Raffie’s day. You were an escape from her usual life, and not that she only saw you as that, but she quite liked getting to know you.
In fact, Raffie’s friends would constantly tease her about being on her phone more than usual, talking to “some boy she couldn’t get enough of”. None of them know who you were, and Raffie wanted to keep it that way, for now.
The longer the two of you talked and got to know each other, the more you started to fall for her. You knew it was soon and you two barely knew the other, but you couldn’t help it. Raffie had developed the same feelings as you, but was a little more on the cautious side, as she didn’t want to move things too fast or ruin the relationship you two already had. It was small but it meant a lot to Raffie.
The sun was setting as you climbed out of your window, onto your rooftop, ready to relax after a long day at work. There was a slight breeze, making the night cooler and more bearable.
Work had been so frustrating and tiring, all you wanted to do was sit and watch the sun go down before having to climb in bed and do it all over again tomorrow.
It had been a few days since you and Raffie talked. For the past few days, her messages had been getting further apart; before, she’d reply almost instantly, despite the time difference, but recently it would take her hours to respond, each text dryer than the next.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you sad, but you saw it coming. It might have been unrealistic to expect Raffie to keep up with you, or even be interested in talking to you for so long. It’s not like you could see each other in person, where the conversation would be easier to keep up with and things wouldn’t be so awkward.
The recent changes made your mood change. Even Jamie noticed. She offered you a tight hug and said, “Sometimes, conversations just don’t keep up. It’s her loss anyway, anyone would be lucky to talk to you.”
You didn’t believe her, but appreciated her support nonetheless. It just bummed you out that someone’s silence would have such an affect on you, but hey, the show must go on.
So you sucked it up as much as you could and put a smile on your face, even for a while.
A loud car horn brought your mind back from your daydreams, causing you to jump a little. The sun was now fully set, although you didn’t realize before because you were lost in thought about Raffie.
An alert on your phone illuminated the screen, shining some light in the dark. It was from TikTok, a message from Raffie. Your heartbeat started to race, confused as to what she had said. You quickly clicked on the notification and read the message.
@raffpugh: hi love. I’m so sorry I haven’t messaged you in a few days, but i kind of need to tell you something. do you have a minute to skype? xx
You climbed back inside and ran to plug your phone into it’s charger, opened the Skype app and sent your username to Raffie so she could send you a chat.
Worries started to cloud your mind, desperate to know what Raffie could possibly need to tell you. Was she mad at you? Did something happen? So many possibilities and yet none of them were being confirmed, making your palms sweat more than they already were.
This was your first time seeing Raffie “in person” and the thought of that made you so nervous. She’d seen you before in your videos so it wasn’t going to be a surprise but TikTok videos and video chats are two totally different avenues and not the same thing at all.
Finally, the video chat request was on the screen and with the push of a button, Raffie was on your screen.
A small smile formed on your lips when you saw her. She was beautiful.
“Hi Y/N,” Raffie said quietly, looking right into the camera. You waved, smiling back at her. God, her voice and accent were perfect. Just the sound of it made your stomach form butterflies.
“Hi Raffie, how are you doing?” She smiled and looked around her before saying anything. She was outside in what looked to be her garden, but the video was slightly blurry so it was hard to tell.
“I’m okay, doing better than before. That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. But before that, how are you? It’s so good to finally meet you through video instead of just text. I’ve been waiting for what seems like months to see you,” she replied.
You pursed your lips before responding. “I’ve been okay too. Just really busy with work. I’ve missed talking to you.” Raffie flashed you a sad grin.
“I know love, I’m sorry I kind of disappeared. I sort of had a few things to think about and needed some time away from, you know, everything,” she said. You nodded back at the phone, completely understanding what she meant.
“Raff, it's okay. I get it, I was just confused because I thought we were really getting along and our conversations always seemed so good and then they kind of just…stopped.”
Raffie paused, looking away from the screen before turning her head back to her phone. She took what looked like a deep breath.
“I really like talking to you, Y/N, and I’m sorry I stopped responding. But truthfully, I was scared to keep talking to you because I began to like you, and I didn’t want to ruin things with you. I was really scared of how you would respond so I kind of ran away from the situation to think but all I could think about was you.”
Your brows creased at what you heard. “You like me?”
Raffie nodded, her bottom lip caught between her teeth, worried if she said anything else before you processed, she’d scare you away.
“Wow,” was all you could respond with. Raffie looked at you through the screen, reading your facial expressions to see what you were thinking. But all she saw was confusion.
“Y/N, please say something.”
Snapping back from inside your head, you looked at her. “I like you too.”
She smiled her huge, beautiful smile as her cheeks flushed bright red.
“You do?” You nodded eagerly. A giggle came from Raffie, who covered her mouth in disbelief. “Well, I’m so glad to hear that because I was so worried for a second there.”
“Sorry, I just can’t believe it. I’ve liked you since we started talking but I was too afraid to flirt with you or anything.” Shocked, Raffie questioned you.
“You, scared? Really?” Nodding, you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and propped your phone up on the table, freeing both of your hands.
“Of course! I mean, you're super gorgeous and funny and kind and I was intimidated,” you exclaimed, hoping she didn’t judge you for being nervous. But all she did was laugh.
“Y/N, are you kidding me? You had nothing to be scared about! If anything, I’m the one who is intimidated. You’re amazing.” Warmth from your stomach rose to your cheeks, making you hide your face bashfully.
The smile on Raffie’s face as she looked at you made your heart swell. Seeing her and hearing her say those words to you made you so happy, all of the nervousness was all worth it.
tags: @earthtocarsyn​ @imapotatao​ @ohgrays
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