novasdarling · 1 year
I kinda wanna see what will yan delusional todo would do after makin up scenarios bout fem reader "cheating" on him when she just livin her life
I tried, but I kept rewriting it sooo..... kinda ended up with Todou misunderstanding people need to work and can't just rely on him to live.
TW: Yandere behaviour, Possessiveness, Forceful Touching, Female Reader, Aged Up.
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It had been a long day, work had made you stay late yet again. Pushing you to pick up extra shifts with a moment's notice. They just took and took without checking whether you wanted them or would even agree. All because they decided to book event after event without properly staffing the place. Nevertheless, without that stupid place, you wouldn't be able to pay your bills. It was work and work again, barely any rest. That was life, it had all rotated around work. Any moment you could spare, you gave it to your boyfriend Todou. Though, recently you had barely seen him. Too busy to go on dates, to watch a movie, or even too occupied to sit down and properly have dinner together. It was pathetic, you two acted like awkward roommates rather than partners. It was sad, but in the back of your mind, you hoped things would eventually fall back into place. Yet, as the weeks went by, things didn't slow down. Your work was always keeping you busy, even on your days off. Making you answer calls and texts. It had been rough, but you assumed Todou understood. Sure he was moody and sometimes snippy, but you always presumed he knew it was work. That work was doing this. That you truly had no say. That you needed and wanted this job.
Getting on your coat, you cussed to yourself. Another last-minute call to fill in a no-call, no-show. If they just hired a few backups, you wouldn't need to come in every time someone wasn't able to make it. You called out to Todou who you guessed was still showering. Letting him know you were going.
"You're leaving."
Todou had just gotten out of the shower. The white towel hanging dangerously low. It was unfair, he always looked so good when you needed to leave. He had a habit of it. Teasing you, tempting you to stay. You bit your lip, running your eyes up and down his body.
"Yeah, I'm filling in for someone. But" you walked over to him. Letting your hands linger over the tie of the towel. "When I get back, maybe we can..."
Todou seemed to ignore your teasing. Ignoring how your fingers dipped below the towel. Playing with the skin where he had attempted to tie it around his hips.
"You said today's your day off."
"It was." You could tell he was irritated and so were you. They promised you today off. You weren't even on call. "I'm sorry. I'll see if I can have another talk with my supervisor."
Though you knew he wouldn't care. He would give the usual speech about how everyone needed to pitch in because times were tough. That if you still want your job, you would pitch in the extra hours. You gave him a sympathetic smile before turning back to the door. As you walked to the door. You tried to figure out a way to make it up to him. Perhaps some takeout on your way back. He really liked the steak from the place beside your work.
Before you could open the door to leave, Todou was behind you. Placing his hand on the door above your head. Keeping you from opening it.
"Very funny Todou, but I need to leave."
"Why are you working so much?"
"Because they're assholes and I need the job."
"No, you don't. I make enough for the both of us."
You turned to look at him. Rolling your eyes at his comment. He always said that when you complained about work. Though you never took him seriously, assuming he was just playing with you about it.
"Please don't go. Quit"
"One day I might just." You laughed as you tried to open the door. Your efforts were still being blocked by Todou. "Todou, this isn't funny anymore."
It went back and forth, Todou asking you again and again. You giving the same answer. Each round making you more irritated. Todou had made you late before, but usually from begging you for one more round in bed. Not from holding the door closed and he stared down at you. As he kept a cold look on his face.
The back and forth was beginning to get annoying. He was making you late. Keeping you back when you could have been down the street already in line for a coffee before your hell of a shift.
"Todou I get it, you're mad, but this is pissing me off now."
"No." Todou's tone had dropped. It wasn't his usual voice he took with you. He sounded serious. He didn't sound like him. "Why do you always go when he calls, huh?"
"He's my supervisor. He's threatened my job Todou. I need to go whenever he calls."
"No. Tell me the truth." Todou had managed to relock the door. Closing you in more. Pushing you against him. Forcing you to look up. "Why are you putting this job before us, before me?"
There it was. There was the real reason Todou was acting so off. Sure there were times when he had gotten jealous and possessive, but you had been able to talk him down easily before.
"Oh, my love. I'm sorry, I'll try to find another job or something" That would be tough, the job market had been rough lately. "We can talk about it later."
"Why does he have such a hold on you? Are you seeing him?"
You were floored that he would even ask you this. That he would question your loyalty to him. No words could form as you looked at him. You stared at him in disgust. The man standing before you wasn't the Todou you knew and loved. Sure he could be possessive at times, but nothing like this. He never looked at you with those emotions before. It looked like pure jealousy and rage.
You could tell his eyes were searching your face for something, but it wasn't done out of concern. After all this time together, he really was questioning your loyalty. Questioning your intentions, your love for him. You tried to figure out how you got to this point. How he was able to get from you being overworked and used by your company. To it being about faithfulness. You tried and tried, staring at him to see if he would give you a hint. Tell you what happened, say someone thought they saw you and you could explain the misunderstanding. Yet, it never came. Both of you just stared at one another. Waiting for the other to break first, waiting for the other to give in and speak. Nothing, not a word from you or him. Even when you tried to speak, to plead for him to let you leave. To claim your innocence. Nothing came out, your mouth hanging open, waiting for the words to appear on your tongue. They never did, at least not in time.
Todou mumbled to himself. You couldn't quite catch his words, they didn't sound like anything comprehensive. As if his mind was working faster than his mouth ever could. The one thing you could understand was his movement. His hands were on you, pushing you away from the door. From your exit out of here. He was pushing you further into the apartment. Shoving you to the living room.
"N-No, s-stop To-"
"I don't want to hear it."
Your words had finally found their way to your mouth. Just unable to be completed. All you could do was shove him. Push at his hands, tear at his grip on you. He was still damp from the shower. Your fingers merely just slipped off. Though you knew even if he was dry, there would be no chance of getting him off of you. Todou was strong, he took pride in that. Always claiming he could protect you. You never thought that the same man who swore you'd be safe with him was acting like a lunatic monster.
Your attempts didn't stop, hands still prying at his. Mumbles of begs coming from your lips. Even when he pushed you over the edge of the couch, you still tried to talk him down. Attempting to talk some sense into him as you crawled away. Trying to get to the man you knew and loved. The Todou who you woke up with this morning. Yet, as his hands made their way to your ankle, and he pulled you towards him. Causing you to lay flat. You saw nothing familiar in his eyes. All you could make out was anger in his clouded look.
"You're seeing him aren't you."
Crawling on top of you, his hands moving from your ankle to your face. Elbows and knees holding him up as one hand grabbed your cheeks. Managing to squish both in his palms. Forcing you to look up at him. His wet hair dripped down on your cheeks. He was a site to behold. You had been like this with him before, under him as he held you down. Completely at his mercy, but not under these circumstances.
"I thought you loved me."
"What the Fuck Todou, of course, I do."
"Then why?." Todou leaned down, resting his head between your shoulders and cheek. Nestling his head into your neck. Whispering against your skin. "Why would you do this to me. To us? I told you to quit so many times."
It felt oddly soft, a tender moment in this chaos. Like he was back to his usual self. To the man you loved. You were too afraid to say anything. Too terrified to set him off again. Would it be worth it trying to explain that he was crazy, that you were simply just off to the hellhole you call work for money? You needed this job because you didn't want to rely solely on him.
Your mind raced, trying to find an answer. A way to calm him down, a way to leave. Anything to get this to stop. Your eyes searched the room, but there was no escape route. No way to get away from, out from under him and try to calm him down.
"I'm-I'm sorry."
It was all you could say. All you could manage to push out of your mouth. Your mind went to the only other option. If he wasn't comprehending why you would work at such a shitty job. Then all you could do was plead with him, try to buy into his delusion and work your way from there. If he wasn't buying your clueless attitude. Perhaps he would buy your plea. Fall for your mock apology. You could play into his illusion if that meant him being normal again. If it meant him letting you go.
"I'm so sorry. I-I, uh," You were stuck, playing into his delusion could mean he would be worse. Todou was possessive, you'd seen his tendencies before, just not like this. You debated with yourself for a while before continuing. "I've tried to quit, but he won't let me."
You were putting the blame on someone else. Rinsing your hands of the blame in Todou's eyes.
"You've tried? When?" Todou looked puzzled. Raising his eyebrows at you.
"I wanted to quit, but he threatened to call every place I applied to and tell them I'm horrible at my job."
You had no idea where you were going with this lie. The words were falling with no real direction. Was there a way you could play into this delusion without him being even more upset and possessive? Without him expecting you to actually quit later? Or worse, him challenging your supervisor. Sure he was a prick but didn't deserve Todou's wrath.
Todou looked down at you as you talked. Trying to explain things. His face barely changed. He looked stern, yet shocked. You knew he was going to use this as ammo to get you to leave this job and probably work completely.
"Oh, my dear" His hands were squeezing your cheeks, keeping your eyes locked on him. "I can't believe he did that. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was scared."
Todou's look changed now to pure rage. You were an idiot for saying that. With a few simple words, you had set him off. His grip on you tightened.
"He scared you? Oh, sweetie." Todou leaned down, placing a delicate kiss on your lips. It was sweet, unfitting for his expression seconds earlier. "My poor dear." He was condescending now. "It's okay, I can help."
"No, No. Todou-"
"Shh, it's okay I'll take care of it. That piece of shit won't bother you again."
"No don't, please." You were beginning to tear up. You weren't sure if it was because of anger or confusion. Perhaps both.
"I wasn't there and that asshole took advantage of that." He was raising his voice now, getting more irate as he went on. He prides himself as your protector, an image you had just messed with.
"No Todou-"
"Yes he did, he used you. Worked you like a dog and had the nerve to threaten you. Don't you see? He saw you were vulnerable. He took advantage of that."
Sure your supervisor had made remarks before about your employment, but not like you had made it out to be. It was mostly yelling and asking you again and again if you really wanted this job or not. Things you were willing to put up with if it meant getting a paycheck at the end of the week.
Todou stood up, letting you free. He was pacing around the couch. Rubbing his cheeks. Ranting how this was all his fault. That him being too busy with his own work, or not forcing you to quit sooner was what caused all of this. You could tell this wasn't just him going on a rant. It seemed like he was searching for a solution to the fake problem. You hoped he would just insist you switch jobs. Something you could do and would appease him.
"I'm sorry, but we can talk about it later." You sat up, watching as he paced. "I can go in and talk to the other supervisors or even look for another job."
Todou stopped pacing. Refusing to look at you. Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned going to work now. He seemed to be lost in thought for a few minutes before heading to the bedroom. You could hear him getting ready. Shuffling things around. Getting up, you made your way after him. Curious and nervous about what he was doing. Before you could open the bedroom door, Todou snapped it open. Fully dressed as he pushed passed you. It felt like he hadn't even seen you. He made his way to the front door. Getting his shoes on.
"Todou where are you going"
"To make sure he doesn't speak to you like that again."
He was talking about your supervisor.
"What do you mean." You had made your way to Todou, now you were the one blocking the door,
"He won't bother you again. I'll make sure of it. Now move"
"No." You couldn't let him go and mess with him over an exaggeration.
"I said move." He was staring at you, jaw clenched. "He needs to know he can't talk to you like that. I couldn't help you before, but now I can. So move."
You didn't, you couldn't move. Couldn't let him do this. Refused to let him go and do something over an exaggeration to pacify him. There was no way you would let him do this. You couldn't. Yet, as he realized you weren't going to move. There was nothing you could do as he picked you up. Moving you by force. Making his way to open the door.
"Don't do this. Please don't. They'll fire me and then I'm fucked."
You hoped he would have pity on you. Listen to your pleas and realize you needed to work no matter how much he wanted you to depend on him and quit.
"Sweetie." He stopped, already halfway out the door. His hand left the handle and found its way to your torso. Pulling you closer to him. Todou leaned down, kissing the tips of your ear before whispering.
"You never liked it anyway." He straightened up, looking down at you. "Don't worry. You have me. I mean you were going to have to stop working eventually. This just showed me I should have pushed you sooner."
Todou gave you one last kiss before closing the door behind him. Stopping before the door latched.
"Don't go anywhere. I expect you to be here when I get back."
You stayed standing there for a few moments. Taking in what had happened and what was to happen. Going over every moment in your head again and again. Trying to figure out how one thing leads to the other. Nothing added up. Nothing made any sense. There was nothing you could do. When Todou was set on something, he rarely let up. All you could do was wait. Wait until he gets back and forces you into his little fantasy.
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pfpanimes · 5 months
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⌕ jujutsu kaisen 2 • ep 20.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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full-metal-negro · 4 months
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stars-and-clouds · 1 year
How to Play Hakuoki SSL on PC
I didn’t find a straightforward guide how to play Hakuouki SSL (modern day AU game with the shinsengumi) so, here is what I did:
I: Things to download:-
1. Download the emulator. I used Vita3k.
2. Download the english translation patch.
3. Download the game. In case the webiste is not working, here is the dropbox link for a copy of the pkg file.
II. Installation:-
1. Emulator:
The emulator should be easy to set up.
Simply follow the onscreen instructions. Make sure to download and install the files it asks you to.
2. Game
1. Click File > Install .pkg on the emulator.
2. Select the game file from step I.3. Let it complete its installation as per usual.
3. It will ask for a zRIF code which is this:
paste this in the box.
Game should be ready after this step!
3. Translation Patch
1. Extract the zip file of english patch.
2. In the folder, go to ‘HakuoGakuen.Otogelib.Hakuoki_SSL_English_Patch_v1.1\PCSG00297\data‘ and copy its contents. There should be two files- ‘GAME.cpk’ and ‘SYSTEM.cpk’
3. Now go to the game data folder location. you can do so by right clicking on the game in the homescreen on the emulator.
For me, it was here ‘C:\Users\AMY\AppData\Roaming\Vita3K\Vita3K\ux0\app\PCSG00297\data‘
4. Paste the two patch files into the data folder. Click ‘replace the files’.
Done! You should be able to play the game in english now.
Note 1: quicksaving was not working for me for some reason, so make sure to make regular manual saves!
Note 2: There are a series of mini games at the end of every route and since they use a randomiser, they are not translated. It is recommended to play Okita's route first for this reason as his games are the easiest (apparently). I have never played it past the mini games on my Saito route and my sister didn't either past the Harada route. It's not undoable ofc, we just don't have the patience for it xD
Once you finish one ending, you can skip the last mini games in other routes.
Note 3: The keyboard controls I could discern so far were:
c- enter
x- back
v- menu
arrow keys to move around the menu
q- quick save
p- emulator menu screen
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vinz-aor · 3 months
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coffeeeyes99 · 2 years
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mazojo · 2 years
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He means everything to me
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noisylovepatrol · 19 days
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Jujutsu Kaisen Cards
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akashi-tetsuki · 5 months
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We are the exceptions.
▸Jujutsu Kaisen S2 ✦ EP20 ✦ Aoi Todou
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myykster · 3 months
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rare pairing is my speciality in fandoms as u can see
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novasdarling · 2 years
thoughts about sundress + no panties season with your faves? 👀
Good one!!
Yandere Thirsts! Dark Content!
Okay so I'll only list a few cause I love so many:
Chrollo would be possible the most reserved (besides illumi). It's not he doesn't like it, but he's a calculated man. Doesn't want to tackle you down to the ground. Would rather tease you, play with you a bit. May even make you regret your decision. Hands creeping down your leg and under your dress when you two are out for dinner. About to let everyone know what you two are up to if you don't keep quiet. Whispering in your ear how good you look, how if he wanted to he could just take you right there and then. Chrollo is living off of how you react to his advances and touches more than anything.
Uvogin is a beast when it comes to you. Just a man that loves to fuck. Usually clothing isn't an issue for him, anything is easy to rip. But the fact you're wearing no underwear on purpose and a dress that is so easy to lift. It's a blessing to him! A miracle! Something he's waited for, for so long. He's feral, uses it to his advantage every moment he can. Has his hands between your legs most of the time. Almost crying when you try to push his hands away. Though you both know when he gets tired of playing he can easily have his way. Let's just say he's gonna put up a fight when the season is over.
Illumi is....well confused at first. I don't see him as being a very sexual being before he meets you. So he may not be well versed in these actions and why. But once he does, he decides to indulge in it. Leading you away from crowds to have some fun. Letting his hands linger on your waist and ass. I think he's more enjoying that it's there if he wants. Also that to him, it means you want him like he wants you.
Todo is a man who is obsessed with you. Obsessed and makes it well known. The sundress and no panties mix drives him up the wall. He's already so happy about the sundresses, jokes saying they show off your body so well and it allows easy access. He didn't think you'd take that comment seriously, but here you were. In a cute sundress without any underwear. Can go two ways-1. Almost faints at it, just fucking nose bleed when you tell him. Or 2. Becomes a monster, not as bad as uvogin, but still bad. He may even do both, faint then get up and fuck you like crazy. You're lucky if you get out of the house.
Nanami is confused, it takes him a whole for him to understand. Now because he doesn't know why, oh he knows. It's more because he sees it as foolish and a bit dangerous. What if a gust of wind comes? Then everyone will see you bare, everyone will see what should be only for his eyes. That part makes him hesitant. Keeps you inside till you agree to change. Even if he sees it as impractical for outside, he won't lie he's obsessed with it when you're inside your shared apartment.
Aizawa, another man who sees it as impractical more than anything. Don't get me wrong, he smirks at the idea of it. Enjoying the thought of it. That he could simply lift your dress and you'd be ready for him. But his hero status is stopping him from doing it in public, if he even let's you out. Will probably stop you and tell you to change if he finds out about it. From there on, he'll lift up any dress you wear to double check. Is it to make sure you're wearing something under, or to see more of you? Who knows.
Present Mic is a man who loves these things. Loves teasing, leading each other on, so this is just perfect for him. You're lucky if you leave the house. As soon as he realizes he's just crazy, dragging you to the bedroom, to the kitchen to bend you over the counters. It just doesn't matter, he just needs you. From now on, he may insist you start wearing underwear less. After all, it just makes things easier, especially when he gets to see him cum run down your leg.
Shigaraki doesn't completely understand it at first. It's impractical to him, it would be so easy for a slip up to happen. Especially in your shorter dresses. I think it would take you wearing them in the house, bending over and giving him a great view, for him to understand. To finally get why it's so great. He becomes a creep, lifting up your dresses all the time. No matter who's around. Wondering if you're wearing anything under. He becomes a little menace, hands lifting your dresses even if you're talking to someone else. Asking you if you're wearing anything with others around. If you are, he asks why as yesterday you didn't when you guys went out. Loud enough for others to hear. He mainly becomes more annoying about it. However, he will fuck you, that he does in private though.
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pfpanimes · 4 months
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⌕ jujutsu kaisen 2 • ep 21.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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uhm... i really liked that todo fic u did i absolutely love him...
could you do jealous todo? like maybe he saw megumi talking with u and he got mad and decided to like....u know if u know
YOOOOOO I hope in time people come to know me as a professional Todo lover. Thank you for the request. I shall commence cooking. Here's some initial thoughts, more on this soon.
Just thinking of him glaring at people from behind you, marching over to literally pull you out of the conversation and remind you who you belong to....
You'll come back with weak legs and hickeys so dark they look painful. He can't blame you for being so perfect though. He'll just have to try harder to fight off everyone who comes near you.
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visjules · 3 months
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newmusictodayfan · 3 months
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Jujutsu Kaisen Key Animation
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epickiya722 · 4 months
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I thought that looked familiar! Volume 5 cover!!
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