#tom × lyd
localravenclaw · 8 months
Blood Sacrifice AU
Tom Riddle × Lydia Parkinson (OC)
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Sebastian Sallow × Ren Aries (OC)
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I could not write a synopsis for this AU even if I tried. Too complicated. Too much angst. Too many deranged plot twists. But I'm glad I'm sharing this delusion with you @esolean ♡
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reckless-v · 7 months
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@esolean sorry for the late asf Birthday Present 🎁😔
You deserve the world
My interpretation of Ghost AU 🤤♥️
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kitnita · 8 months
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jason robertson for nhl network, nov. 7, 2022; photo by sergei pelski, may 5, 2022 // post by mclennonyaoi // jake oettinger's exit interview may 31, 2023; photo by zak krill, jan. 16, 2023 // jason robertson in the background of jake oettinger's draft video; tweet by sadderlizards // quote by theotreptos // "the pull of you" by the national; 40 goal scorer, jason robertson // "float" by harbour; photo by tom fox april 13, 2023 // "alternate methods of sexting" by lyd havens; photo by sam hodde, jan. 21, 2023 // tweet by matt defranks; quote from jake oettinger's postgame dec. 1, 2022 // "alternate methods of sexting" by lyd havens.
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soendagsbarn · 1 year
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en mærkelig ting men om ikke andet noget der fungerer for mig. i mine psykoser bøvler jeg med stemmer og høje lyde inde i mit hovede. en af stemmerne råber TUN og jeg krymper sammen af den høje lyd inde i mit hovede og zoner ud i mange minutter og er på renden til at kaste op af det ubehag netop den lyd. jeg hører lyden af en gaffel der skraber mod bunden af en tom dåse tun. 
mit realitetstjek er så altså at tænke på tun , for når jeg ikke er i psykosen hører jeg ikke lyden , det er bare en tanke. samt der ikke er nogen der råber det ved mit højre øre. syko strategi men det funger sku for mig .
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ditte-i-brisbane · 4 months
Fra Sydney til the Great Ocean Road (GOR)
D 8. december blev jeg hentet af Chiara og Brita i vores hvide Golf, også kørte vi mod the Great Ocean Road.
Første dag kørte vi til Fitzroy falls, hvor vi sov på Bendeela campingplads. Denne campingplads var fyldt af vombatter (wombats), så dem fik vi set masser af, inden vi gik i seng.
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Dagen efter kørte vi fra Fitzroy til the Snowy Mountians aka the Australian Alps. Her var vi på vinsmagning, hvor Chiara og Brita blev lidt halv snalrede, men jeg måtte spytte ud, da jeg skulle køre. Efter det kørte vi forbi Australiens højeste bjerg, Kt Kosciuszko, som er hele 2228 m højt! Vi fik desværre ikke gået nogle vandreture her, da vi ikke havde så meget tid. Her sov vi på Tom Groggin campingplads, som lå langs en flod. Her kunne man altså få en kold morgendukkert, hvilket var ret lækkert, efter et par dage uden bad :)))
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Fra Tom Groggin kørte vi til en by som hedder Bendigo. Bendigo var en af de byer i Australien som nød mest af deres guldfeber. Det var en hyggelig lille by, og her kunne vi sove på en gratis campingplads, så der var ikke meget at klage over :))) Vi fik også set et gratis kunstmuseum inde i byen, som var virkelig flot!
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Efter en dag i Bendigo ramte vi om aftenen endelig the Great Ocean Road. Vi sov denne nat på et hostel i Apollo Bay, midt på den kendte havvej, da dette var en del billigere end at sove i Melbourne.
Vores tur på GOR startede altså d 12. december. Efter vi havde haft dejligt solskinsvejr hele turen ned til Melbourne, holdte dette dog ikke længere, og turen startede med en del tåge og lidt regnvejr. Det er vel hvad man kan forvente af Melbourne....
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Trods det lidt ærgerlige vejr, fik vi begivet os ud på en vandretur i Great Otway nationalpark. Det var en kort tur på omkring 5 km, men den skuffede virkelig ikke. Vi fik nemlig set omkring 10 koalaer på denne korte tur. Det var så fedt! Jeg havde kun set en vild koala i Australien og Chiara og Brita havde endnu ikke set en, så at se 10 på den første gåtur på GOR var jo helt fantastisk. Derudover var turen også i sig selv virkelig flot med eucalyptus skov og udsigt over både flod og hav. I bilen på vej videre fik vi også lige set to koalaer løbe på vejen. Altså sådan en vild oplevelse.
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Efter denne vandretur kørte vi ned til kysten og så så mange af de flotte sten i vandet. På en af vores gåture her, fik vi også spottet min første Echidna (myreslugerpindsvin). Den var så sød. Virkelig fedt og underligt dyr. Vi brugte resten af dagen på at kigge på seje sten i vandet. Det kan altså virkelig noget. Til slut kørte vi til Panmure for enden af GOR, hvor vi havde fundet en gratis campingplads. Kæmpe score.
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D 13. december valgte vi lidt spontant at køre til South Australia, da vi havde lidt længere tid end ellers forventet, og vi derfor kunne bruge en dag på stranden. Så fik jeg da også lige hurtigt besøgt den stat :)) Vi kørte tilbage igen samme dag, og brugte natten på den samme gratis campingplads.
Næste dag kørte vi igen på GOR, hvor vi nu fik spottet de sten, vi missede dagen før. Derudover fik vi også set en by nord for GOR som hedder Colac. Her så vi noget vulkanskabt landskab, og nogle meget gamle kratere. Det var ret sejt. Vi brugte natten på endnu en gratis campingplads som lå ved siden af en stor sø. Det lyd virkelig hyggeligt, men viste sig at være ret koldt og blæsende. Vores telte overlevede heldigvis, men vi var nødsaget til at spise aftensmad inde i vores bil. Dette var nok den koldeste aften på vores campingtur.
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D 15. december kørte vi tilbage til GOR. Igen så vi flere seje sten, troede vi havde set dem alle, men det viser sig, at der er RIGTIG mange sten på GOR. Vi fik også brugt lidt tid på stranden, og fik gået en ret fed vandretur i Lorne. Denne dag sov vi på Allenvale campingplads, og dette ville være vores sidste nat på GOR.
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D 16. december kørte vi nemlig det sidste stræk fra Lorne til Geelong. Denne del af havvejen viste sig ikke at være ligeså fed som fra Apollo Bay til Warrnambool, så det tog ikke længe at køre dette stykke. Fra Geelong havde vi fundet en gratis campingplads lidt tættere på Melbourne. Denne campingplads viste sig ikke at være gratis, så vi sov lidt ulovligt, men den viste sig også at ligge midt i en nationalpark med grusveje. Vi har kørt lidt på grusvej med vores lille Golf, men denne vej var af en anden kaliber. Jeg sad helt stille på bagsædet og holdte virkelig godt fat i sidedøren i mens Chiara diagerede Brita op af den alt for stejle grusvej med kæmpe vandløbs huler. Chiara råbte til tider "Don't lift you foot from the speeder! Keep going! Don't break!", da det var meget usikkert, om vores sommerdæk kunne holde grebet på vejen. Heldigvis gik det, og Brita kørte virkelig godt! Jeg var bare glad for, at det ikke var mig der kørte :)))
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D 17. december fandt vi heldigvis en lidt mindre udfordrende vej ned fra campingpladsen, endda en asfalteret vej, og så gik turen til Melbourne.
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helmar-weiss · 2 years
Mobiler Musikunterricht Regensburg - Modes for Guitar von Tom Kolb - Lyd...
Drei schöne Riffs aus der tollen Gitarrenschule "Modes for Guitar" von Tom Kolb. LYDISCH: Tongeschlecht: Dur Struktur: 1 2 3 #4 5 6 7 Ganzton- und Halbtonschritte: GT GT GT HT GT GT HT Willst Du dein Klang-Vokabular auf der Gitarre bereichern? Vereinbare jetzt eine kostenlose Probestunde: https://www.facebook.com/MobilerMusikunterrichtRegensburg #ModesForGuitar #GuitarTutorial #MobilerMusikunterrichtRegensburg #Musikschule #Regensburg #GitarreLernen #Lydisch #Lydian #HerrschaftsgebietMusik #Gesamtkunstwerk #AllesFürDieKunst #ImNamenDerMusik #KleinodMusik #BollwerkMusik #KostbarkeitMusik #DisziplinMusik #HoffnungsgeberMusik
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every time I read smutty fics in the house with tom or haz i keep thinking that someone is going to walk in on them but that also makes me think how they would handle it! so basically i think tom would be super cheeky about it and playfully tease everyone else but haz would be the total opposite and just be super caring and protective
ohh tom is 100% a cheeky little shit. he would giggle and distract you and maybe even be loud on purpose 👀👀 and then afterwards he’d walk out into the living room like
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haz, tho, would freak out a bit, try to cover you up (with his naked body probably lol) and throw a pillow at the door “dude! get out!” and he’d be really sweet and apologetic, even though you reassure him and say you’re fine. when he does see his roommates again, he shoots them a sharp look and says “nobody saw anything, nobody say anything. okay?” and everyone’s like “🤭🤭🤭 mkay sure” lmaooo
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If you and I were to strike up a conversation, what would your topic of choice be? -Lyd
I suppose it would depend on how we came into conversation in the first place. Are we studying together? Or perhaps I’ve seen you reading in the common room. I can never resist asking about a interesting book.  
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everythingcollided · 6 years
Radiation [Peter Parker]
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(credit to owner)
Summary: Peter decides to finally tell her how he feels, but he’s too late. 
Word Count: 2,058
Warnings: Swearing, Angst (i guess), Peter is wHIPPED, the metaphors and similes are strong with this one, oh yeah there’s fluff too
A/N: No one asked for this but I was in a mood so read my unedited garbage and request if you want your own piece! and just a random shoutout to @beautiful-writings cause she’s always here.
He was finally going to do it. 
Twirling the sunflower stem between the pads of his fingers, soul on fire, nerves tied together and running through his blood. Peter can barely breathe, but he’s sure about this. He’s spent years loving her and it’s time to admit it. 
It’s the last day of school and no one’s sure why or how it became the Midtown Tech equivalent of Valentine’s Day. Paper hearts litter locker doors, teddy bears holding chocolate are being carried down the hallways in the arms of interlocked couples, and roses nurtured in plastic wraps are just about everywhere Peter looks. 
He wouldn’t usually participate in it. Going home to mope seemed like a better option than approaching her and getting rejected. But this year, for some reason, he’d flipped his perception and decided that - what the hell - he’d give it a try. 
He’s regretting that decision right about now.
“Come on, dude,” Ned says for what Peter feels like is the fifth time. His hands are digging into his shoulders and Peter knows it’s to keep him grounded. He’s been smiling since the beginning of their last class, and it’s not helping him at all. “Look, there she is, go get her.” 
His hands are shaking so badly he’s scared the petals are going to fall off of the sunflower. 
It’s her favorite. Peter’s well aware she likes things simple, and he’s respecting that. Opposed to the hundreds of rose bouquets he’s seen today, he just has a singular flower and a question that will hopefully be met with a yes.  
All he really wants is a chance. 
Ned spins and shoves him into the masses moving about, hurrying to get out and start their summer. Peter has enough time to turn around with a panicked look and see the thumbs up his best friend is sending him before he has to move in fear of getting trampled. 
God, he’s sweating. He rubs a palm against his shorts. 
She’s standing in front of her locker, turning the dial. Her hair is tied back so that he can perfectly see her furrowed eyebrows, lips pressed together as she concentrates. She’s wearing the school sweatshirt and some athletic shorts, looking flawlessly lazy and like everything he’s ever wanted. 
Peter hides the flower behind his back with one hand and tries his best to do something casual with the other. His heart is pounding. “H-Hey.” 
Hey eyes flicker to him, brightening. “Hey, Peter! How’d your last exam go?”
“Um, fine. Great, actually.” His palm involuntarily rubs at his neck, and he startles at the moist skin. “You?”
She rolls her eyes and tucks a rogue hair behind her ear, turning back to enter the last number of her combination. “Terrible. Halfway through one of the essay questions I started falling asleep so most of it just looked like chicken scrat-“
She stops when she flings open her locker, annoyed expression falling blank. Then she glances at him, alight with confusion and...something else.
Something that looks a lot like hope.
And that’s when Peter’s heart gets crushed.
Because before he can even ask what’s wrong or peek over her shoulder to find out, Mason Daniels appears out of thin air with his blinding white smile and deep voice. “Do you like it?” 
Mason Daniels is the reason why Peter and Ned have never really held out hope for girlfriends. He’s quarterback of the football team, not bad at all when it comes to good grades, and anyone in the school will admit that he’s incredibly good looking. 
Peter’s confidence takes a nosedive. 
Like what?
Her eyes are wide as she reaches into the small space and brings out a fluffy, caramel colored teddy bear. There’s a bold red heart held delicately between it’s paws and all Peter can do is stare. 
He’s so stupid. 
Everything suddenly seems pathetic. All Peter has is a flower and a voice still undergoing the horrific cracks of puberty. Mason stands a head taller than him, rigid with the assurance that only a guy like him could have. There’s obviously no competition here.
But, Peter also has the promise to love her.
What does Mason have?
“It’s so...cute. That’s really sweet of you, Mason.” She gushes and Peter’s heart splits in two.
He guesses a promise isn’t enough. He’s still Peter Parker, and she doesn’t want him.
His chest is hollow and painful bundled into one at the glee in her smile, the pink flush on her beautiful face. He’s never regret being bit by that spider until now. The misery curling around his stomach is multiplied by ten and he hates it because it makes him want to cry.
He wants to sob until his throat is raw and until the pain blooming in the spaces between his ribs is washed out. He wants to curl into Aunt May’s side like he did when he was a scared seven year old boy with nightmares.
But he can’t, he can’t because he has to stand here and still give the girl he’s in love with her sunflower. Peter doesn’t want to keep it. The second he’s out of sight he knows he’ll smash it into the ground and he reckons she’ll take better care of it.
After all, she is the Sun.
And so he calls her name before she can go running into the quarterback’s arms and runs the stem behind her ear. He pretends that he saw it at lunch and thought of her and tries not to think about the nice lady from the flower booth and the ten dollar bill sitting in her cash register a half hour away.
He pretends that she doesn’t look like summer and happiness, all warm skies and soft grass.
He pretends that she doesn’t burn him. He pretends that her smile doesn’t light him on fire and reduce him to ash because they’re best friends and only best friends.
Best friends don’t burn for each other like Peter does for her.
And that’s all right.
He pretends it’s all right.
She smiles at him and there’s a twinge of sadness lacing along her lips. It looks a lot like a goodbye and Peter has to get out. Water is pushing against his resolve and he has to get away before he cracks. 
He stares at the vibrant petals of the plant so he won’t catch himself in her eyes. “H-Have a good summer.”  
There’s a break in his voice, and with that the dam crumbles. The flood blurs his vision and he turns away before she can see. He already resents himself for crying; he doesn’t need her to see him vulnerable like this. Mr.Stark never cries, never lets people see him exposed. 
Peter is once again reminded that he can never be like Tony Stark. 
It almost hurts more than knowing he’s not good enough. 
He ends up sitting on the steps outside of the school. May would kill him if he got injured because he was stupid and rode his bike while simultaneously crying. Plus, she’d been really excited about today. Peter didn’t want to watch the disappointment show on her face. Not yet. 
So he hides his face with one hand and pretends to look through his Twitter feed with the other so no one will come over to ask him if he’s okay. Giggling couples come and go, sometimes stopping to kiss against the bricks of the building and stomp all over Peter’s emotions. 
He feels like shit. 
It’s been fifteen minutes and he still feels like shit. 
His eyes are irritated from wiping at the trails before they can move and his chest aches from holding in the noises. He wants to stop hurting but he can’t because of that damn spider and because of her. 
It’s always her. 
The metallic cling of the door opening sounds again and dread pools at the thought of hearing more love.
His head whips up and there she is. She’s all soft edges and eyes and she’s always, always been beautiful to him but with the sunlight bouncing against her hair she’s ethereal. The knife in Peter’s gut twists. 
He remembers how disgusting he must look a second too late. Worry melts into her and she takes the space next to him, her fingers pressing against his collarbone and bringing his heart back to life like it’s forgotten she was the one who flattened it in the first place. 
“Hey, look at me,” she murmurs. Her breath ghosts against his ear and he shivers but he doesn’t obey. She smells like vanilla and she’s too close. “Are you okay? What happened?” 
Peter can’t help but glance to his right. He should say yes, but all that comes out when he sees her empty hands is, “Where’s your teddy bear?” 
He watches her eyebrows furrow at the croak in his voice. “I gave it back to him. Thought it was rude to accept it if I didn’t feel the same.” 
That gets his attention. His eyes snap to hers. They wash over his face and she frowns. “I thought it was from you.” 
“The bear. I thought it was from you.” She mumbles her way through the words but she never once casts her gaze away from him. They don’t really make Peter feel better. All it does is explain why she looked so shocked when she opened her locker. 
“Oh. I thought you wouldn’t want something cliche like that.” 
“Peter,” she sighs, and suddenly she looks so worn down, like she’s on the verge of tears too. “Why did you get me the sunflower?”
“Cause it reminded me-” 
“Stop with the bullshit. I can tell when you lie.” Scooting closer, hand moving to grasp at his forearm. Desperation shines with the reflection of the Sun in her eyes. “Tell me the truth. Please.” 
Peter doesn’t want to, but she’s under his skin. Forever under his skin. “B-Because I wanted to...ask y-you out.” 
She smiles. Really smiles, like she’s intentionally trying to wreck him. “Good.” 
Hand grazing his jaw and staying there, tucked warmly against his skin, she pulls him into her lips. His arms go to her waist without him thinking about it, clutching the delicate material in his fists. 
That bundle latched onto his lungs feels like it’s being drawn out through the breath they’re sharing. She tastes like the strawberry chapstick she’s used in all the time he’s known her, and again he’s thousands of embers buoyant in the air electrifying around her. 
But this time she’s blazing with him, igniting him with the wildfire of her lips and the inferno of her touch. 
Peter doesn’t mind being reduced to ashes anymore. 
The pull away is slow, like she doesn’t want to leave but the air demands it. Peter’s scared to open his eyes to something fake, something his mind created under the pressure of breaking. 
But there she is when he does, crouched into herself, lashes fluttering, fingers pressing against the skin of her lips. She looks disoriented and red in the face and Peter’s mind isn’t working correctly but it still knows that she’s radiant. 
“S-So,” he starts, rejecting the urge to touch at his own mouth. It was searing with the memory of her and Peter couldn’t wait to incinerate more. “Do you want to go out...with me?” 
Instead of responding with words she’s back on him and maybe he won’t ever breathe properly again, but if she’s there to share her breath with him he doesn’t care one bit. 
“Yes,” she breathes against him. Hair tickling against her flushed cheeks, eyes luminous and the surest he’s ever seen them. “Oh, and thanks for the sunflower. You’re right; that bear was too cliche for me. Total deal breaker.” 
She giggles at her own words, clutches his shirt. “Well, that and the fact that I’m into someone else.” 
Even though he’s sitting down Peter’s still weak at the knees. He hums in acknowledgment. 
“Really into someone else.”
She’s trying to kill him, that playful spark gives it all away. He’s not giving that to her though, she’s already gotten enough reaction from him today. 
“Good.” Is all he counters with. She rolls her eyes.
Peter kisses her face until she smiles. 
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Once again Tom Hiddleston shows us he is The Ultimate Marvel Fanboy™
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bearsimz · 3 years
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With a little bragging about her skills in multiple instruments, and her star level slowly rising, Lyds managed to actually impress Tom Wordy
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reckless-v · 7 months
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I'm so grateful for this friendship u don't even know. They support my delulu soo good I even sometimes have a will to live >:D
AI Renders by @localravenclaw
Edit by @esolean
(cc) Akande Ogundimu x (oc) Eve Morel wedding
ai haters and haters in general please dni. let me be cringe in peace
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dedicatedtononsens · 3 years
Jeg mødte djævlen på en TexaCo tank.
Den summende lyd af lysstofrørene flyder ud i rummet mens Jonas vasker gulvet på den lille TexaCo døgntank. Han svajer langsomt fra side til side delvist til rytmen af køleskabenes evindelige dunken, delvist til bassen fra sin walkman. 
Langsomt mens han fortsætter ned gennem  slikafdelingen, lader han slapt blikket falde på det gamle analoge ur. Klokken er næsten tre om natten konstaterer han tørt. Fucking nattevagter, tænker Jonas. Da han mødte klokken 22, mens sommervarmen, stadig hang i luften lod han ofte trøjen blive hjemme. Det ville han altid komme til at fortryde når natten var koldest. Det altid kørende Airconditionsystem  var en velsignende på de varme sommerdage, men en forbandelse når det sendte iskolde fingre ned langs ens rygsøjle i de tidlige morgentimer. 
Jonas klør sig eftertænksomt på hagen, som er sporadisk dækket skægstubbe og den akne han for længst burde være vokset fra.
 Langsomt fortsætter Jonas sin rute ned langs slikhylden. At udføre sit job notorisk langsomt var en af de ting han selv betragtede som et “personalegode”. Når klokken alligevel var lort om natten og TexaCo tanken tom, kunne man gøre lige som man havde lyst til mente han. Om det så var at vaske gulv i slow-motion eller holde rygepauser efter for godt befindende. Her til aften var det sidst nævnte.
Bag containeren lader han den tunge røg fylde sine lunger. 
‘Fantastisk gemmested!’ Tænker han ved sig selv og skutter sig lidt i natten. 
Åndsfraværende glor han ind gennem ruden, ind på fjernsynet på skrivebordet, som viser overvågnings båndene fra butikken. Smart, hvisker han for sig selv og lader blikket glide ud over markerne. Her fra kan jeg både se og høre hvis der kommer nogen besøgende. De sølle rester af cigaretten bliver kvalt på siden af containeren og derefter kastet ud på parkeringspladsen.
Da Jonas træder indenfor ser han en mand stående foran kassen med en flaske whiskey i hånden og et skævt grin. 
‘Der står han og studerer etiketten, tænker Jonas med en vis afsky. Som om der er noget godt at komme efter her på stedet. 
Han tager manden i kort øjesyn og lægger mærket til at han er ulasteligt klædt. Sjældent noget man ser hos folk som køber sprut på en tankstation kl lort om natten.
Surt skal Jonas til at spørge manden, som tydeligt er over 18,  om han kan få lov til at se noget ID. Lige da han skal til at åbne munden og stille det forhadte spørgsmål, får han kigget ordentligt på manden på den anden side af skranken. Åh gud, der er noget galt med hans ansigt, tænker Jonas. Er det hans pande? Hage? øjne måske? Synet af den fremmede gjorde ham utilpas og han slog blikket ned.
“Har du noget ID?” Mumler Jonas ned i disken
“Selvfølgelig min gode butiksekspedient” svarer manden og hiver med stor fingersnilde et ID ud af inderlommen på sin blazer.
Tavst tager Jonas plastikkortet og kaster et blik ned på det. ID kortet er tydeligvis en forfalskning fordi på det er et billede af Elvis Presley med tilsvarende oplysninger. 
“Jeg skal bruge dit rigtige id”
“Hvad får dig til at tro at det ikke er mit rigtige ID” Siger en velkendt stemme.
I et øjebliks overraskelse synes Jonas han hørte manden tale med Elvis stemme. Paf Skyder Jonas øjne op fra kortet. Hans ansigt, normalt. Normalt? I forhold til hvad? Hvad var det da hvis ikke det var normalt før? Spørger Jonas sarkastisk sig selv. Det var Elvis svarer en lille stemme bagerst i hovedet på ham. Han var Elvis lige før jeg kiggede op. 
“Dit ID kort” gentager Jonas og laver en gestikulerende håndbevægelse.
“Så gerne” Manden hiver endnu et kort op af lommen til Jonas.
Han tager imod det og kaster kun et kort blik på det inden han ser det også er falsk. På det plastikkortet er påtrykt et billede af en storsmilende Danny DeVito. 
“Hr..” begynder Jonas, men stopper så, for da han kigger op er det ikke Danny DeVito han ser, som han halvvejs havde forventet, men derimod en djævel. Askegrå hud, kulsorte øjne og horn Så tykke som Jonas underarme springer fra  djævlens pande. Jonas ville have skreget hvis ikke hans strube havde snøret sig sammen som knuden på en ballon, så luften hverken kunne komme ind eller ud. Halvkvalt vælter han baglæns ind i kaffemaskinen og lukker øjnene i smerte idet håndtaget fra maskinen borer sig ind mellems han skulderblade.
Da Jonas åbner sine øjne igen står han oprejst bag kassen som om intet var hændt. Det eneste som fortæller ham dette ikke er sandt, er en lille dump smerte øverst på ryggen mellem skulderbladene. Manden smiler til ham og spørger
“Hvor meget for sjælen?”
“Hvor meget for sjælen?” gentager Jonas lavmælt. Koldsved danner sig i armhulerne på hans forvaskede unifromspolo.
“Woah, knægt ikke sjælen,” Han gestikulerer mod flasken “ Jeg sagde sjatten”
“Åh, ja selvfølgelig” får Jonas fremstammet. “Det bliver 95kr”
Manden rækker ham en hundrede lap og i det Jonas tager imod den lægger han mærke til den lugter brændt. Jonas giver byttepengene og på vej ud af butikken stopper manden dem i inderlommen, kigger sig over skulderen og ønsker Jonas en god nat.
Hans øjne, de er kulsorte, flyver det gennem Jonas tanker. 
Ude på parkeringspladsen gasser manden op og drøner ud i natten. Jonas går formålsløst ud på parkeringspladsen og glor efter den fremmede og hans billygter som forlængst er forsvundet i mørket. Han ser ned på parkeringspladsen hvor bilen holdt og lægger mærket til at skoaftryk er ætset ind i asfalten på førersiden. Han lader fingrene glide over den ru asfalt. Nej, tænker han ved sig selv ikke ætset, smeltet.
Inspiration fra dette post, som jeg ikke kan finde rip
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 years
tagged by @gabe-lewis thanks my guy
nickname: besides all the fun nicknames that have surfaced from my parents since quarantine that i wouldn’t dare bore you all with,,, i get called lyd short for lydia sometimes
star sign: sagittarius
favorite musicians: jordan feliz, the beatles, journey, tobymac, queen, lecrae
favorite sports team: i don’t want y’all to know where i live but uh, my home baseball team
other blogs: no side blogs we have all our interests in one disaster blog like men
how many people i follow: 539
tumblr crush: like an Actual crush? i mean i love my mutuals but not like that 👀
lucky numbers: i don’t really think i have lucky numbers but my favorite is 7 cuz i like putting the dash through it
dream vacation: greece! ireland! iceland! spain! also now i want to go to cornwall, england just because of poldark lmao
dream car: one that works well and doesn’t look like a disaster i guess
favorite food: baked mac & cheese, watermelon, fried chicken— oh my gosh i listed the perfect meal and now i’m sad i don’t have it
drink of choice: pog juice!!!! POG JUICE!!!
instruments: not a one, though my best friend keeps telling me i should use quadrantine to pick up the guitar or ukelele. though i probably won’t and that’s fine
languages: grew up taking german for eight years, but don’t remember any of it. took spanish in high school and remember basic stuff ! i also know the ASL alphabet and like two words
celeb crushes: dev patel, mena massoud, tom hiddleston, trevante rhodes, raúl esparza, gugu mbatha-raw... beauties
fun fact: i’ve never had a brain freeze cuz i eat too slow and i’ve never had a nose bleed but that i don’t know why
TAGGING: @enchanted-keys @queenamidalas @stillood @ceasarslegion @rosemoon621 @lumiereswig @hiddenblood + anyone else!
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xquiet-thoughtsx · 4 years
17 Answers Challenge
tagged by my beautiful baby @haikyuumanga 💞
Nickname: Lyds, Liddy, Lyd
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5’6
Hogwarts House: Gyffrindor bc i’m that basic bitch haha
Last thing i googled: the correct spelling of Gyffrindor lmao
Song stuck in my head: Fight Night by Migos,, i blame tik tok
Following: 106
Followers: 43 💖
Amount i sleep: 3-6 hours :)
Lucky numbers: 9
Dream job: crime scene investigator
Currently wearing: grey hoodie with black shorts
Favorite songs: uhhhh that’s a long as list so i’ll give 3... Lost it All by Birdy, Cry Baby by The Neighborhood, and Another Love by Tom Odell
Favorite instrument: piano, violin, guitar, and drums
Random fact about me: i play college softball
Favorite authors: um i don’t really have one ://
Favorite animal noises: my cats when they purr, oinking from a pig, a dog scratching on a door bc it wants to be let in lol
i tag @rogertqueen @ben-hardy-with-a-mullet and @harringtonhq
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kaiserkeller · 4 years
about me tag
i haven’t done one of these in a long time so i thought i may as well, thank u @bbbrianjones for tagging me x
nicknames:  lyd
sign: pisces
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
last thing I googled: kris humphries (i was doing my regular kuwtk yt binge)
song stuck in my head: just watched an interview of tom hanks talking about playing mr rogers so his theme song i guess
following:  246
followers: 1.1k
lucky number:  3, 22
dream job: idk, something to do with history probs as that’s what i’m doing a degree in. i wanted to be a genealogist for a bit but it’s a bit niche so idk. but if i could do anything in the world it would time travel to the 60s and become a singer/actress
wearing: black hoodie and pyjama bottoms
favourite song currently: everybody’s been talkin’ - the mugwumps & laisse tomber les filles - france gall
instruments: viola (BADLY), and i sing so that’s technically an instrument  
random fact: i can say the rlly long place name in north wales, everyone seems to be impressed when i do it
aes: klaus voormann doing anything, 60s paris, carnaby street, françoise hardy, john lennon in 1964
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