#true wave sup
tsukasalvr · 8 months
Sup! I saw that requests were open!! Hanako x reader who whenever Hanako makes a perverted joke they’ll respond with “ Damn didnt know you were into that I don’t judge though “
s/o responding to his perverted joke
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Anime/fandom: Tbhk
Character: Hanako
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: shout out to that one guy in my school that whenever he sees me he always calls me gorgeous and how gorgeous I am
Tbhk masterlist | Main masterlist
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Hanako is known to be pervert and make pervy comments to tease, and you were his favorite to tease
He anted to make you crack in a way, you were never bother by his comments and instead joked back which he absolutely loved but he also wanted to make you flustered and shy at least once
“Oh looky here [name]!” He said with a giggle as he held up some handcuffs and rope he picked up from a drawer while trying to find parts to make a body
Kou and Yashiro understood what he meant, Yashiro looked the other way while Kou called him a sicko with a red face
You smiled at hanako and laughed, “Oh wow Hanako! I didn’t know you were into that, I don’t judge though!” You said and it only made Hanako feel shy instead of you
He loves how you never get mad at his jokes and if you ever make a perverted joke, he falls so hard
You were sitting down on the bathroom floor, you were stuck on a question for physics. It was only you and Hanako in the girls bathroom and Hanako leaned over to see what you were doing and giggled
"You're stuck on a question? Come on! It doesn't even look that hard!" he remarked with a laugh and pressing his finger into your cheek to annoy you
You huffed and waved his finger away "If you're so confident then why don't you help me solve it and I'll consider giving you a treat after." you winked at him after, making him look at you in awe and red cheeks.
Hanako immediately got to work and instructed you how to solve it, hoping that you stay true to your word and give him a prize after. He can feel himself get all giddy and red at the thought of it
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
Sup uhhhhh i did this as a reference for writing. Maybe it can be usefull for someone else out there.
It’s all trolls with known signs’s classpect and tittle acording to the extended zodiac
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The hotdog juggling guy i made it up. I just like him. he’s just a lil guy.
Also, we all agree Fiamet is a lime in disguise right? the lime socks, the lack of fins, the tail(???) why the heck does she have a tail when no other troll in history have had one? no one knows, a little mary sue if you ask me. But whatever acording to the extended zodiac, her sign is Aquamino = violet/doom/prospit wich i think is a fake sign to blend in and her real sign is Camino (means path in spanish lol) exactly the same aspect and moon but with her real blood, lime. Wich looks like water waves, tiding up to the whole axolotle shiny-pokemon thing
EDIT: aparently Idarat, the OC  from the winner of the comic contest is canonically also a lime in disguise and like what i theorized with Fiamet, his true symbol acording to his creator is the same lunar sway and aspect as his visible teal sign, but lime.
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loveysloveclub · 7 months
this is why we can’t have nice things - jamie drysdale
in which, here’s to my baby, he ain’t reading what they call me lately
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soft sniffled echoed through the otherwise silent apartment as you sat on the couch in the living room. you had been home alone for the past few days, both trevor and jamie having been on a roadie. the apartment was dark, apart from your phone screen. twitter lit up the screen and even thought it was clearly bad for you, you couldn’t help but keep refreshing your tag.
horrible messages and untrue rumours. that’s all there was.
a good friend of yours had done an interview a few weeks back, and it had been released late last night. in this interview, she had completely trashed your name. and what’s worse? people believed her.
you knew in a few weeks it would all die down, and your management team had you on strict orders to nit respond to her claims. so you suffered in silence, all alone while you waited for your boyfriend and his best friend to get back from their trip.
they had won their game while away, so when you heard the keys rattling in the door of the apartment, you released one last sniffle before wiping away your remaining tears.
it was so dark in the apartment that neither would be able to see that you had been crying since the early hours of the morning.
trevor entered first, he had tried to be quiet but at the sight of you still awake, he dropped all his belongings loudly. “sup gracie.”
you smiled at the energetic boy, offering him a small wave. “nice goal, trev.” he winked at you before disappearing behind his bedroom door.
“i don’t think trev will ever stop hitting on you.” jamie groaned as he fell on top of your laid out body. his arms immediately snaked around you as he rested his face on your stomach. you laughed at his remark softly, but even you could tell the humour was half hearted.
your hands made your way to jamie’s hair as you began to comb your fingers through it. “how’ve you been? didn’t miss me too much?” you could hear the humour in his voice, and it tugged on a heart string to know you couldn’t be as happy as him in this moment.
“i’ve been okay, and you know i always miss you too much.” your voice broke, which you scolded yourself for. you still felt the urge to cry, but you tried to hold it in for the sake of your boyfriend. but jamie knew better, his head snapped up and you watched as his face crinkled in confusion as he inspected your own.
“you’ve been crying, why have you been crying?” he was climbing off you now, opting to sit across from you.
you took a deep breath before spilling the events of the past few days to him. he listened intently, as if it was the last thing you were ever going to say to him.
“why would she do that?” he asked, pulling you over to him as he wrapped you up in a hug. you shrugged you shoulders, “that’s not even the worse part. you should see what people are saying about me.”
you leaned over jamie to grab your discarded phone and began to open twitter. you didn’t get very far until the phone was plucked out of your hands and thrown to the other side of the couch where it would be forgotten.
“i don’t care what people are saying about you. i know you, gracie, i know none of it’s true.” jamie mumbled, pushing a few stray hairs out of your face. you smiled at his attempt to make you feel better, which it slightly did. you sighed before allowing your head to fall to his shoulder.
“people are so mean.”
“and trevs got mean twitter fingers, i’ll tell him to start running his fat mouth and all will be forgotten.” you laughed at his dig at his roommate, before said roommates door swung open.
“gracie! you have to see what that stupid bitch of a friend said about you in an interview!” trevor yelled as he jumped on the couch in between you and jamie. jamie rolled his eyes at his roommate, who wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “don’t worry, i got you girl.”
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Sup! Can you do a rottmnt turtles x male reader (seprately ) where the reader is a natural flirt but when they flirt back he absolutely Loses his shit and becomes super flustered?
Yes! yes omg yes! I can totally do this! tysm for the request Anon!
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Rise Boy's With A Flirty Male!Reader
Raph isn't the flirty type.
Most of the time he just says cute shit that makes you all happy inside.
You however,
Are one flirtatious son a batch.
You're usually carrying the relashonship in that aspect.
So one day, while the two of you are spending time together,
When you make an offhanded flirty comment,
You expected the usual stuttering and mumbling,
You were not expecting him to flirt back.
You literally did a spit take and whipped your head around like,
Excuse me?
What did my baby boy just say?
And why did I kinda like it?
Raph immediatly goes into panic mode at your reaction,
He legit thinks he did something wrong.
He calms down after you explain to him he didn't,
And that you were just surprised.
He starts flirting back alittle more after that,
But his most common response is his usual flustered state.
It's no secret that Leo is the flirting KING.
So your guys' relashonship is pretty much a challange to fluster the other.
And you have zero clue who's winning.
But you guys will go back and forth with flirty comments for hours.
Much to the utter dismay of literally everyone around you.
You are positive you have the upper hand in your latest battle of flirtatious comments.
Leo proves you incredibly wrong however,
When he renders you completely speechless.
And this mf is cocky as hell about it too.
"Who's winning now, huh, hottie?"
You are literally hiding your face so he doesn't get the satisfaction of seeing your blush.
That doesn't last long,
Since he literally pulls you face up for a smooch.
Donnie is the stoic bad-boy.
He likes to think that nothing gets to him.
But as his boyfriend you know that's not true.
He's not as good at hiding his flustered state as he thinks,
But he's never attempted to flirt back.
He mostly just complements you if he feels like it,
But never straight up flirts.
Well, until today.
It was the usual day hanging out in his lab,
Him tinkering away while you talked,
With a flirty comment thrown in here or there.
You honestly thought he wasn't paying attention.
That's why when this smooth mf responded to your flirting with some of his own.
You literally short circut.
You just freeze and stare at him,
Your face is so red you might as well have stolen one of Raph's masks.
And this asshole just smirks at you, before returning to his work.
You have no idea how to react,
It takes like ten minutes for you to process that event.
Mikey is your ray of sunshine.
You would do anything for him to be happy,
Which is why you flirt with him so often,
Because his face lights up everytime.
He never really flirts back though,
Poor boy doesn't really know how.
So he doesn't really try.
That's why you practically passed out when he delivered the smoothest line you had ever heard.
Even you didn't have that rizz.
Mikey straight up thought you had somehow died when you just kinda stood there,
Blushing like an idiot.
He went and got his brothers for help,
Leo literally doubled over laughing when he heard what happened.
Donnie mumbled something about time waster's,
Raph just kinda chuckled and pat Mikey on the shell.
Mikey had no idea what to do to snap you out of it,
So he just waved a cookie under your nose.
You snapped out of it pretty quick.
Your ask is served Anon! I hope this is written to your liking, and have a wonderful day!
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“hey, ‘sup?”
grian whirled around, an iron sword flashing into his hand. “who— oh. hey, pearl. doing fine.”
“hi,” the cleaning lady greeted cheerfully, her wings fluttering as she skipped the last few steps of the jagged bridge leading up to grian’s base.
“no flying,” grian smiled.
pearl shrugged. “well, it’s break time. the rules don’t really apply right now.”
”yeah, whatever. what’d you come here for?” grian pulled out an axe and started hacking at the wood of the trees he’d been growing nearby.
she hummed a wistful tune and strolled underneath grian’s structure. “nice place you got here. very interesting.”
“it’s an abstract staircase.”
“it’s a staircase, you’re a nutcase, whatever.” pearl turned around to face grian. “grian, i’m not going to beat around the bush here. this life series feels different.”
“what d’you mean?” grian stopped mid-swing, and his grip tightened on the axe.
“i dunno,” the mounder flopped down on the grass, absentmindedly twirling her sword. evidently, she didn’t think it threatening. or maybe she did. ah, psychological warfare. “it feels more… grounded? like, real. with limited, double life… the gimmick felt so out of reach. a timer ticking down your life? your life being linked to someone else? it felt like something that came down from the heavens.”
pearl paused. grian let the axe drop onto the grass and leaned against the nearest tree, folding his arms. “well?”
“but now… it’s so close. it’s so subjective. we don’t even know if we’ve completed our task yet.” here, pearl grinned. “part of why i failed my second task, heh. but i didn’t figure human interactions were really their kind of thing. usually they throw us the idea and we just go along with it.”
“who’s they?” grian asked, the answer already drumming in his head.
“you know. the watchers.” pearl glanced at grian with a strange spark in her eye. “with a literal sculpture of, well, them giving out the secrets? feels more your kind of thing, if i’m going to be honest.”
“so?” grian said defiantly, already seeing the wave of truth about to crash onto his shore.
pearl sighed. “grian, the life game this time — martyn calls it a death game, haha — it’s not the watchers. it’s you.”
grian swallowed, feeling the sun burning his brown hair. he reached up and ruffled it. “i-i may still be a watcher, but i’m…” he hesitated. “one of the good ones.”
“yeah,” pearl rolled her eyes, “they always said that. ‘we’re here to help’. and here to punish if it’s more entertaining,” she added with disdain. “that’s them, eh? don’t really care if we’re happy or sad, as long as it’s fun to watch.”
grian looked up at the sky, and then at the ground, and groaned. “look, i… i thought it would be fun, alright? just a little— a little game. would be fun to watc- play.” he spit out a curse word in the ancient watcher dialect.
“unfortunately, i understand that,” pearl sighed. “is that why? you were so wound up when scar won the hard task. he’d beaten the system— you. you were the system. and watchers hate losing control.”
“i shouldn’t have gone soft on him. humans are so—”
“grian, careful. you’re turning bad again.”
grian stopped himself. “right, right. right. i’m human, scar’s human. you’re human.”
“grian, why?” pearl looked at him sadly. “why did you want to— put us through this two months of torture again?”
the watcher looked at her, pained. “pearl, i… i promised myself, this life series would be better than the watchers’. it would be fun, and goofy. there was even a slumber party, right? most people at your house since double life, i bet.” grian had to admit, double life was a low blow, and he felt bad immediately, but he was defensive and that was pearl’s greatest chink in her armour.
pearl flinched. “what, and forcing people together is any better? creating fake friendships for the sake of a game? having whispers spread and secrets kept between friends who can’t tell or risk eventual death sounds a more watcher than grian thing, if i’d be honest. i’d rather have true pain than false happiness.”
“this series is different from the other ones. i’m not like the watchers at all.” grian protested.
pearl stood up and kept her sword, her wings wavering from anxiety. “it’s different? when compliments aren’t real and people aren’t themselves? that’s good? mumbo built his house sideways because of bdubs’ task. sure, it’s harmless and funny now, but when the ink the secrets are written in turn to blood…” she shook her head. “it’s not going to benefit anyone.”
“i’m a good person,” grian repeated, trying to calm the thumping in his ribcage.
“are you sure? are you really sure, that when this server, this town is painted red, you wouldn’t watch and bask in the glory of the death and blood? you keep insisting it’s different, but it’s exactly the same as every other time.”
because power is what you crave. there’s watcher in your soul, grian. there’s always been and there still is.
grian wasn’t sure where the words came from. he wanted to blame it on the watchers, but somehow he knew it was coming from himself, his mind pleading with his heart.
“pearl, i—” grian’s wrist beeped. “session’s starting. look, pearl, i’m not sorry, it was a good decision—”
pearl shook her head. “i’m not mad, i’m just… well. gotta get back to do my intro.” she walked two or three steps down the bridge, then stopped and turned back. “got a secret to keep?”
and grian’s heart felt the wind whip across it, harshly lashing it as he watched her leave.
always watching.
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yoihoshi-maki · 2 months
5th member part.2
Blackpink’s 5th member is trying to leave her past that left her not remembering her old friends, so after years of her being an idol, her interest in F1 is starting to grow. What will she do when she will start to remember?
Tags: @kokomot @jinx53 @maximoffsimp
and a special tags to the two most people who commented @cherry-piee and @charizznorizz
I will also do this
Reyna sighed in tiredness as she got off the private jet of blackpink. Grabbing her suitcase from the flight attendant with a soft yet grateful smile, she walked away heading straight to the exit with she security guards right next to her ready to block anyone who would want to come up to her.
Reyna smiled as she waved at her fans who immediately surrounded her but was blocked by her security guards
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| reyna_231: well if you have seen the news, then yeah it’s true
Liked by: landonorris, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55,maxverstappen1, 50,279,284 others
user36: WE KNEW IT
user37: I KNEW IT
user20: marry me
user27: girl has the most of the F1 grid on her likes can We be like her 😩
user29: Lando said he watched all of blackpinks music videos
user47: Charles said that he was there with Lando 😂
user94: I never thought I could love her more
user29: max also liking it!?!?!
user49: never thought the hot could get hotter
user264: adopt me.
carlossainz55: I hope you come by to the Ferrari garage
charles_leclerc: what he said
maxverstappen1: nah mate she would be in redbull
landonorris: nope nope she will be here in the McLean
user37: not them fighting 😂
Reyna finally got in her hotel room and immediately flopped down into the bed, with a sigh of happiness she turned to her side and smiled as she saw her phone bing with messages from Instagram, she opened her phone and looked confused right after as she saw the f1 drivers fighting on which garage she is staying in,
but the problem was she never told anyone about the race or not warned about the invitations. The 21 year old girl went straight into her emails and finally noticed the emails the teams has sent her. Reyna eyed all the emails with uncertain look. She sighed and clicked on one of them and began reading
“ Dear Reyna of Blackpink redbull invites you to blah blah blah” Reyna clicked out of the email and read the other one “ Dear Reyna of Blackpink McLean invites you to blah blah” Reyna frowned as she read the other, before deciding to not decide right now, “ Well not how I thought this day will go…” Reyna looked out the window before siting up and grabbed her bag and walked out
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| reyna_231: Just me myself and I, oh look F1 is here too!
Liked by: roses_are_rosie, sooyaaa_, cristiano, and 28,027,107 others
Comment disabled
Don’t get Reyna wrong about the comment thingy, she is just lazy to read through it.
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nkirukaj · 2 months
The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe (6)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Angst/Fluff (& Humor!)
Word Count: 2.7K
<Chapter 5
6. Ducky
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“Okay, so is it true that your birthday is October 31st?” she asks
“Haha, no.”
“Really? When is it then?”
He puts his finger to his chin “Nobody was really keeping time when I was created, so I’m not really sure.” He grins at her “I was never ‘born’ either, so it’s a bit of a moot point. When’s your birthday?”
“November 1st,” she answers “I was born in 1996.”
“Wait, what year is it on Earth?”
“Well, it was 2024 when I died so…”
“Golly! That’s it? It feels like it’s been an eternity!”
“Well, that is an eternity to us!” Voe laughs
She had been spending a bit of time with Lucifer since he had consoled her the week before. She was in his tower now, just getting to know him a bit better, trading information about each other.
“Is your hat your crown?”
He glances back at his top hat on the desk “Yeah, kind of. It has a crown in it.”
She gets giddy “Can I wear it?”
“Sure!’ He hands it to her and she squeals all excited
She takes the hat and places it on her head, taking selfies with it on.
“You wanna take a picture?”
“You want to take a picture? With me?” he seems shocked and caught a bit off guard
“Fuck yeah! Come here!” she reaches for him and he comes into the frame of her camera “Okay let’s do silly faces.” They make funny eyes and stick their tongues out, laughing at themselves the whole time
“Can we do cutesy pictures?” He asks
“Of course King!” She presses her face against his face and they both do cute little smiles, he blows a raspberry against her cheek while she laughs when a knock is heard at the door
“Come in!” Lucifer calls
It’s Charlie. She comes in sounding bright as ever “Hey Dad I just wanted to see if you-“ She stops in her tracks, retreating into herself “Hey Voe.”
“Hey,” she waves at the Princess
Lucifer sits up straight “What did you need sweetie?”
“I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out or talk, but I see that you’re busy so I’ll-“
“No no, me and Ducky were just finishing up.”
“Ducky?” Charlie questions while Lucifer blushes
Voe stands “That’s me. I suppose I can head out. Bye Luci,” she bats her lashes at him going to walk out “Oh!’ She takes the hat off of her head and hands it to Charlie “Put that back please?” exiting the room.
She takes the elevator down to the parlor, where Angel, Niffty, Husk, and Alastor are occupying the space. Occupying the same space, but all doing separate things. She heads over to Angel, who’s lying on the couch texting on his phone.
“Just editing these pictures.”
“Don’t make ‘em too bright,”
She snorts “That’s a rookie’s mistake. I’m a pro.”
“Okay pro,” he smiles, his gold tooth shining in the parlor light “What’s the picture of?” She tilts her phone over to show him the photo “Is that Lucifer? When was you taking pics with the big dick in charge?”
Voe smirks “Just a few minutes ago, then Charlie came up and-“
“Interrupted you ‘bout to get dick from the big dick?”
Voe turns pinkish and pushes the spider “Uhh no!”
“Mhmm, I know how you get down dollface.”
Niffty crawls into her lap “Can I see Mommy?”
Angel raises his brow, Voe whispers “I don’t know, she just started calling me that.” She puts the phone in front of Niffty
“Ooo, look at his claws! *Rawr*” Niffty bares her little claws
“Real close to your neck toots” 
“Okay, it’s not even all that.” Voe rolls her eyes
Angel seems very unconvinced, pursing his lips and squinting his eyes.
She turns to the kitchen where Alastor is focused on yet another meal “What you cookin’ today Bucky?”
“Something casual,” Alastor responds “Just spaghetti.”
“Better not be breaking the noodles,” Angel says vaguely threatening
“What’s wrong with breaking the noodles?” she asked him, now rubbing Niffty’s hair.
Angel looks at her disgusted “Everything,”
“Such as?”
“I don’t even wanna talk about it,”
She shrugs “I just assumed you would break the noodles. Like, does everyone not break them?”
“I can’t believe this. W-what am I hearing?”
“You break the noodles Bucky?”
“Of course my dear.”
Angel covers his ears “I’m living in a hotel of heathens!”
Voe looks around “Everyone I’ve ever known or seen cook spaghetti has broken the noodles. I mean, how else would you fit them in the pot?”
“You’re supposed to boil the bottom and then push the rest in!”
“How do you know when to do that?”
“You keep watching it!” Angel curls up into a ball “This conversation is painful!”
Voe shrugs “Maybe it’s just a Black person thing.” She turns around toward Alastor “Are you Black?” Voe asked the Radio Demon, getting microphone feedback in response. The others stare at her “What?”
“Hey! How would you feel if someone asked you if you were Black?” Angel chimed in 
“I’d feel fine, and I’d answer. Because I am Black.”
“Really? I thought you were Italian like me.”
“Okay, first me being Italian would not preclude me from being Black, and second, why does everyone think I’m Italian?” she pinches her fingers together
“First of all, your hand gestures, second of all your accent.” “I’m just from New York!”
“Hey me too!”
“That doesn’t matter!” She turns back to Alastor “Are you Black?”
Alastor’s brain doesn’t know how to process that question, so he is frozen in place while Voe sits and waits for an answer.
“Hey.” She goes up to him to make sure he hears her. “Are you?”
He turns to face her, his smile static and unnerving “Why?” his eyelid is twitching
“Well, you’re a Louisiana boy, and you said that your mom made that jambalaya recipe, and you speak French. And also you break the noodles”
“So?” Angel asked from the couch
Voe turns to acknowledge him “So…that sounds like a recipe for a Creole.” She turns back to Alastor “Are you?”
“N-no,” he lies
Voe watches him for a few moments after he answers. She does not believe him but does not press him, as she can finally sense his unease with the question, and decides to get more information later.
“So what exactly does it mean to be an Overlord?”
Voe stood in the parlor in front of her mounted smartphone and waited for the audience to give her responses.
be a bad bitch
be Bomb
be powerfll
“Well, that can’t be it. ‘Cuz if that was it, I’d already be one!” She tosses her hair back over her shoulder.
the Vs are overlords
true true
“Oh, they are, are they?” Voe strokes her chin with her index finger “But like, what does that mean?���
being an overlord is about owning souls mamas
“Owning souls? Is that why Velvette asked me to sign away ownership of mine?”
you work for velvette???? no wayyyy
i wish she owned my soul :(
tbh i’d give you my soul if you asked
“Wait,” she acknowledges the last comment “You’d give me your soul? Just like that? You wouldn’t want anything for it?”
hell yea!
fuck yes
i’d get to see that ass evryday that’s enuf for me
Voe ponders a bit more “Wait, so how many of you would want me to own you if I was an Overlord?”
Lots of commenters sent in hand emojis, indicating that they would want to be owned by her. She smirked at the thought of gaining that kind of power.
back in the day you had to kill other overlords
that’s what the radio demon did
he was killin’ all them bitches!
“So, Alastor is an Overlord?” She leans into the camera to read the comments
he’s like the most powerful one
that’s debatable
i think the vees are btter tbh
“Okay, you guy’s spelling mistakes are driving me mad!” she huffs in frustration
“What are you talking about?” She asked the live
yooo she got here after the whole shit with extermination day!!
“Extermination day?? What the fuck?! Explain, now”
and adam kicked his ass
“Um, ew gendered language. And oh, this is not something I knew. I love all the tea being spilled tonight.” She pretends to drink from a teacup
tbh you could prolly kick his pussy ass
“Well, I don’t wanna fight him. I don’t really fight men.” she leans back from the camera “I destroy them from the inside.” she clenches her fist with evil intent in her eyes. “Wait, if he’s an Overlord though, does that mean he owns souls?”
he owns mad souls
Voe sits and ponders this new information. If Alastor is an Overlord and had this much power at his disposal, why was she given so much leeway? 
“Does he get like really rampage-y when he’s mad?”
hell yeah
can’t believe you’ve been there all this time and haven’t heard all this stuff
he use to rip peoples souls apart and put them on his radio broadcast
“Ohhh, that’s why he’s called the Radio Demon.  Okay, that makes way more sense, because I deadass thought it was because y’all knew man’s was obsessed with radio and old 1920s-looking shit and I’m like how did y’all figure that out? Like, did he tell y’all that? Like why would he tell y’all that?”
wait wym girl??
nah do tell
1920s shit like what??
“Oh, like obviously he’s obsessed with radios, but like he won’t let Charlie update the TV, even though he’s not the one that has to watch it. I’m like ‘Girl stand up for yourself!’, but she don’t. He also gets mad when he sees other people using their phones. Like, how you mad that other people are enjoying tech after 1930? Like, we not making you use it. And he still looks at me sideways when I talk about being an influencer. He told me ‘that’s not a real thing’, like obvi, it is!” She starts laughing as she remembers something “BRUH, guys like a few weeks ago, he saw my speaker, which looks like this,” she lifts her speaker into the camera “ and was like ‘that’s not a speaker, it is a box with small holes in it.’ and I’m like ‘no???’ and I stood there and explained to this GROWN ASS MAN how Bluetooth works, and when I was done, he looked at me like this.” She tilts her head to the side and opens her eyes wide to an exaggerated degree, to look stupid “like his brain didn’t work or something” She starts cackling and clapping at how amused she is with herself.
oooo you in trouble lmao
“Hmm?” her laughter dies down, she raises a brow “What?”
Alastor clears his throat behind her, and she turns to meet his gaze. “If you have something to say, my dear, say it to me. Not to your little ‘fans’ on your little picture box.”
“Well, the thing I’m recounting was a conversation we had, so it’s not like you were unaware of it. Or did you forget?” She crosses her arms “Fossil,”
Alastor widens his eyes, surprised at her boldness, given the things he knew about her. This was the direction she wanted to take their relationship in? After the things he’d seen? 
“My dear, did we forget your bout of tears because I did not want you touching me?”
A blush rises up her neck “I told you I wasn’t crying. And that’s not even why I was upset.”
“Really? And why were you so upset? Apparently, you cried to Lucifer? Or so I’ve heard.”
“I was upset because you’re an ass, and I didn’t cry to Lucifer. He just happened to be there. Why does it matter to you anyway? Why are you keeping tabs on me? Why do you need to know what I’m up to and who I’m with hmm?”
“Why do you need to talk about me?”
“I don’t. My viewers just brought you up, and I told them something that I thought was funny. You can relax Bucky, you are not the center of the universe.”
Alastor looks at her full of condescension, and dissipates into shadows. Voe turns back to her still going live. “Yeah, trot along deer boy.”
girl i was already planning your funeral
see? pussy
“Okay, I’m still not liking the gendered language,” she speaks to the screen
“Who is it?”
“It’s me!” Voe opens the door, leaning in “Ducky,” she bites her lip, teasing him before entering
Lucifer slaps his forehead “I cannot believe I said that in front of Charlie.”
“Me either, but I’m owning it. I’m a cute little duckling.” She laughs sitting down next to him “What’s up on the agenda Your Majesty?’
“I told you, you can just call me Lucifer,” his eyes are kind and soft
“I know, but I like the power dynamics involved.” she makes her eyes seductive
Lucifer’s neck turns red and he loosens his tie slightly “I’m just sorting all my rubber ducks.” he tells her
“Hmm,” She reaches over him for his top hat, and the blush rises further up his throat. She places the hat on her head “I love this thing,” 
He stares at her and sighs, smiling. He blinks regaining his thoughts “Did you want to see them?”
“The ducks? Sure!”
He gestures to his creations, she starts touching them. He clears his throat “I saw your live by the way. Good job, standing up for yourself,”
Voe widens her eyes “The King of Hell watched my live?”
He laughs “Yeah! I’ve been watching them since I met you!”
“Wow, I am honored!” She smiles really big and it’s sweet
“Oh c’mon, it’s not anything more special than us sitting here and talking.”
“I’m honored for that too.”
He waves her off “It’s nothing.”
“No,” she touches his hand “I really am honored. I’m being serious. You’re the King of Hell, who knows what important stuff you have to be doing. Including making these ducks! But you took the time to console me when I was upset. I mean, I’m pretty important, but compared to a King? It really means a lot to me. Thank you.”
Lucifer’s eyes are watery while listening to her, but he scrambles to hide it when she looks back up at him
“Is this a Charlie duck?” She holds up one that looks like his daughter
He blushes “Um, yeah. I made it for her, but haven’t found the right time to give it to her.”
She looks through them further “And Vaggie!”
Lucifer mumbles under his breath “Oh, Vaggie”
“Here’s Niffty, and Husker, How did you make one of Angel? And-“ she looks back at Lucifer with wide eyes and a laugh dancing on her lips “Is this Alastor?”
Lucifer’s blush takes over his whole face “I make them when I’m feeling intense emotion.”
“Wow, I’ve never seen a rubber duck look murderous before. Oh-“ she picks up a little stick “Is this its tiny cane?” She laughs in delight “These are amazing. You have to make me one, please. I will pay you.”
“Oh no no no, definitely not. If I make you one, it’s on the house.”
She moves closer “Not if Lucifer, when. You are going to make me a rubber duck that looks like me.” She walks her fingers up his chest and pulls on his bowtie “Understand?”
He swallows “Yes ma’am.”
“That’s right, be a good boy for Ducky.” she winks
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A/N: Hey! Here to remind you to PLEASE comment when you're done reading! Comment and reblog to let me (the author) know how much you liked it! Thanks, and have a great day!
Chapter 7>
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
You've sucked me into the human kink, I have been bewitched <3 tmi but my new go to spank material is that I'm an adventuring party's precious lil cleric, especially in a group of butch warrior women. I offer full body ;) care and they reward me for my services with orgasms and protection.
With a stoic stone butch Half-Orc ranger serving as our leader, an older playful dwarven woman as our fighter, the party rogue is a surprisingly bashful tiefling, there's a mean hard dom drow lady who is our magical expert wizard, and a dragonborn Paladin of the same deity who can be especially protective.
After a very successful job we all rent a big room in a tavern and they all run a train on me..... okay I'll see myself out
Each time I try to write about cleric reader, i get flashbacks to playing squishy supports in moba games where the enemy runs a train on me under the turrent with my useless adc spamming "sup dif"
Maybe if our jungler wasn't busy sucking the mid off, then they'd have had a bit of time to disway the enemy jungler from blowing my guts. Idk what the top is doing honestly, they're in their own world half of the game. Who are they even fighting? The enemy top is right here under the turrent cucking my adc by wave stallling.
But anyway, cleric human let's go.
Imagine it was originally just you and one of them at the start. A new adventuring team, a half-orc ranger, and her precious human healer who tends to her every need and fawns over her every cut and scar.
The second you walked into that adventuring guild, you didn't even get to have a look around before this intimidation half-orc woman approched you. Her tusks were so big and sharp, het gaze sends chills down your spines and her biceps were easily the size of your head.
It was obvious you were a cleric from the way you dressed. The holy clothes, the innocent attire and the cute necklace with a symbol of your god on it. The spellbook you clutched to so adorably as if it will protect you from the dangers of the world outside.
The second she saw you enter, she knew the others here would be swarming you like flies. Everyone wants a healer but nobody wants to be the healer, everyone wants to be the hero of the story.
Not her tho, she never did this for the fame, glory, or gold. She truly was it in for the betterment of the world, no matter how much her own kind is viewed as evil and self serving, she did not care for what others think of her, she'll gladly crush their skulls with her bare hands.
So she tested you as she stood in front of you, not saying a word and watching your reaction closely. Will you run away from this scary half-orc with tears on your pretty cheeks and go hide behind the first human fighter you could spot?
But no. You didn't. Instead, you've only extended your hand to her with a friendly smile. Introducing yourself and asking for her own name. You also spoke normally, unlike how others, especially elves, tend to talk to her own kind with slow condcending words as if she was a brute who didn't understand basic language.
With her by your side, no one else dared to approach you in the guild hall. She walked you through the process of registering as an adventurer, making sure to explain everything you didn't understand and answer all of your questions. Clearly taking pride in showing off her intelligence as a high level ranger.
That's how the two of you met, and since that day she has been by your side. She was clever and knew how to win fights before they even started, a true warrior of the mind that could trick her enemies into walking straight into traps.
But even then, some fights she had to face head on and take the hits meant for you. She always made you her top priority to protect, even sometimes forsaking the mission for your own safety and carrying you away.
At night, the two of you sit around the fire. Her familiar companion cuddling into her side, with you in her arms as you doze off in the safety of her lap.
Then, eventually, someone else approaches the two of you in the guild after turning in a certain mission. A drow wizard with her expensive looking dress walking towards you with confidence.
Staring the two of you down, her confidence didn't falter even after meeting the half-orc eyes. But she did give a small smile towards you, reaching out and holding your chin in her fingers. Turning your face from side to side as she took in your features in great details.
Your half-orc companion got agitated at this strange woman thinking she had the right to just walk up to and touch you. Almost slapping her hand away, wasn't it for the drow pulling back her hand first.
Her next words, are her announcing the fact she is joining your party, human.
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fishfingersalad · 4 months
The foretold fic of Connie and South helping Wash bleach his hair for the first time! Includes Wash and Lina as siblings.
Fic under the cut
Lunch was a rather boring affair with York away on a mission and North on shore leave with his sister. If you asked Wash who was more likely to come back injured, he couldn’t tell you. The man was abruptly jolted out of his musings by something slamming down onto the table in front of him.
“‘Sup loser”
Wash sighed and turned to the voice, “Hi South. I thought you were supposed to be Austria or something”
South dramatically threw herself down on the bench next to him, “Firstly, it was Australia, second, I got sent home early for an attempted assault of an officer,” She flipped her hair out of her face. “Thirdly you now owe me thirty dollars.”
“THIRTY DOLLARS??? What- I- Why??” 
“Thirty dollars Australian, not American, and,” she gently threw a plastic shopping bag onto the table, “I heard you were thinking about going blond”
Wash shot up so fast he almost fell off the bench “How do you know about that? You weren’t even in the room?? I don’t even think you were on the ship?!?”
South waved her hand ambiguously “You told Ohio who told Connie who told me, and I needed to pick up some dye to redo my tips anyway. So, wanna do your hair?”
Wash considered it for a minute. Getting hair products outside of shampoo while in space was hard, plus the only other people he knew who dyed their hair were Vera and Carolina. He’d listened to Vera complaining about getting chemical burns on her scalp so he didn’t exactly trust her skills, and asking Carolina for help seemed like a good way to end up on the training room floor. It looked like South was, unfortunately, his best bet.
He sighed, “Yeah, sure. Why not.”
A slightly manic grin spread across South’s face before she spun around and yelled across the mess hall, “HEY CONNIE! HE SAID YES!”
Connie turned and yelled back “WAIT REALLY?!”
Someone, probably Georgia judging by the voice, shouted, “SHUT THE FUCK UP ASSHOLES, I’M TRYNA EAT”
As he stared at the women's twin smirks, Wash got the feeling he may have made the wrong decision. He sighed, resigned to his fate. “Can I atleast finish my lunch first?”
Half an hour later saw Wash sitting on a bench in the women's showers wearing an old torn shirt he’d stolen from Maine. South was shaking a bottle with something blue in it, while Connie was gently finger combing his hair. Wash turned his head towards South, “Remind me why both of you need to be here again?”
South smirked again, “‘Cause I’ve been dying my own hair since I was like thirteen, and Connie knows how to cut hair so if we fuck up she can atleast make you look decent.”
Connie reached over to smack South on the arm, “I’ll have you know I used to bleach and dye my hair all the time. I probably have more experience with bleach than you, Miss natural blonde.”
Wash almost dropped the box of pink hair dye he was looking over, “Wait, seriously? You with coloured hair?”
Connie laughed, “Yes, seriously. I was really into scene and emo culture, I’ll show you some pictures sometime.”
South slammed the bottle on the sink a couple of times before going back to shaking it, “What like, teased hair, raccoon tail dye, all that?”
“Yep! Bright pink and green too.”
“No way!” South tilted the bottle a bit before walking over to Wash and Connie,“Heads up Wash, this is gonna smell like cat piss and itch a bit. If it starts burning, wash it out.”
“Wha-” His words were cut off by the odd feeling of a thick liquid on his hair. True to South’s word he felt a tingling feeling on his scalp, it was uncomfortable but not painful. He did have to resist the urge to scratch it as the blond woman rubbed it into his hair.
“Y’know,” South started, “We’re probably gonna have some leftover bleach, Wash’s hair is pretty short… Connie, how ‘bout we bring back the old hairstyle?”
“Are you asking if I wanna bleach some of my hair again?”
South shrugged, “I mean, why not? We’ve got all the materials.”
Connie pondered it a second before nodding, “Yeah sure, probably no raccoon stripes this time though”
“Hell yeah! Wash is just about done now.”
Wash suddenly zoned back in, “I am?”
“Connie, flick his cheek for me and then sit your ass down next to him so I can bleach yours” Connie happily obliged, “Wash, grab that plastic bag and put it over your hair”
Wash tilted his head, thinking maybe he heard her wrong “What? Why?”
“D’you wanna question me, or do you want your hair to be bleached properly?” Wash silently complied. “So, Connie, where do you want me to bleach?”
Connie eventually settled on bleaching the shaved part of her hair for the effect of, as South put it, ‘a sickass hot pink undercut’. The packaging said they had to wait half an hour before washing out their hair, none of them particularly felt like wandering around with plastic on their hair so the three of them were sitting on the tiled bathroom floor and gossiping. They were halfway through Connie telling them about how she accidentally walked in on Florida and Wyoming in a storage closet when the alarm on South’s watch went off.
The two of them with bleach in their hair went to separate stalls to rinse it out. Together, Wash and Connie turned to look at themselves in the mirror. 
Connie turned a little to look at her now blonde undercut from a different angle, “Y’know I think it looks good! How about you, Wash?”
Wash stared at his reflection for a second before turning to the third person in the room, “South”
“South, why is my hair ORANGE?!?” Connie tried to muffle her giggles for a moment before giving up and beginning to laugh so hard she had to gasp for breath.
“Well, Wash. You have dark hair. Like really dark. It's- pfft- it’s not gonna go blond in one round of bleaching”
Wash looked at her, his face full of betrayal, “We have to do this AGAIN?”
South just shrugged “I mean, I thought we might. There’s a reason I bought two boxes of bleach.”
“We should- we should wait another- pffft- another day or two before bleaching it aga- again” Connie was just about rolling on the floor.
“Awww cheer up Wash,” South punched his shoulder, “You’ll be right”
Wash just pouted at her.
Two days later, the three of them were back in the bathroom, rinsing out their hair again. The girls hair with pink dye, Wash’s with a second round of bleach. Wash was hesitant about looking in the mirror, but both the girls' hair looked amazing, and Connies assured him that his did too. Taking a deep breath, he turned to his reflection. It looked… familiar. He felt a gentle smile come over his face. A hand reached out and ruffled his hair “Seems like you like it, if that dopey grin is anything to go off of”
Wash whacked the hand, “Oh piss off South.”
The woman shrugged and smiled her crooked smirk, “If it’s too yellow I can always message North to pick up some toner”
“No, no, it’s good! Yours is too.” As Wash was talking, Connie reached over to fluff his hair. “What is it with you guys and my hair!”
Connie stuck her tongue out at him, “You wear your helmet all the time! We hardly ever get to see it!”
All three of them snapped their heads towards the door as it was thrown open. Carolina walked in and paused for a second before noticing the three by the mirrors. 
“You three, what are you- Wash? Why are you in the women's bathroom? I-” You could practically see the moment her brain processed what she was seeing,“South, Ct, could you two… give us a minute?”
“Sure thing boss,” South saluted her sarcastically before clapping Wash on the shoulder, “Try not to die, Rookie.”
The door closed behind the women as they left, most likely to try and eavesdrop.
Carolina looked almost shocked, she briefly reached out her hand towards him before dropping it again, “Your- your hair, it’s-”
“D’you… like it?”
“You look… you look just like mom…”
Wash reached up a hand and ran it through his still drying hair, “Yeah that was kinda my intention. Dad’s gonna hate it.”
“Dad hates everything, I wouldn’t worry about that,” She sighed and looked away for a moment before walking over to lean against the sinks next to him, “It suits you y’know?”
Wash leant his head against Carolina's shoulder, “Thanks, that- that means a lot.”
She gently ruffled his hair, “Yeah, I know. I know.”
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silversed0 · 5 months
Ruminations on the Chosen of Bhaal (Or, Enver Gortash is Down Bad)
"The Chosen of Bhaal." A lofty title to be sure. I remember thinking it fit well upon the man's broad shoulders, a terrible mantle he used as cloak and cudgel. Some days you'd barely notice his looming presence, until you turned and saw those glimmering red eyes glaring in the shadows. On others, ill intent would radiate from him in waves, their intensity practically pushing you aside if you weren't already rushing out of the way on your own. Even Bhaal's other adherents gave their leader a wide berth, veneration so easily giving way to fear when their Chosen dared walk among them.
But it's one of my many points of pride that I am not a man so easily intimidated. No status nor savagery would win him my respect. No woeful deity's spawn would have my attention without first showing me why they deserve to have it. Not that he seemed interested in anyone's approval but that of his daddy dearest.
And then, as I watched him, and spoke with him, and fought with him, I'd noticed something that gave me pause.
One would expect the Chosen to laugh with glee as he hacked apart and supped upon his foes, to grin madly as he rutted against his victims' remains, to fill a room with unholy reverence as he lavished praise upon his bloody Lord.
I could not yet say for certain that he had never done these things. But for as long as I'd known him, the Chosen of Bhaal did not smile. Did not laugh. Did not seem to take pleasure in many things at all, really. Yet to call him sullen didn't seem quite right. Dour, perhaps. Humorless excepting for the blackest of comedies, silent save for when his words mattered most, tense and coiled like a spring until the moment he should pounce.
This was a man given to efficiency, I'd realized. Rational and measured in spite of his bile, a confident player and an equally effective instrument when he took the star role. It made him not just easy, but satisfying to work with in a way I'd long been unaccustomed. And it sickened me, frankly, to see someone who did such great work have such a tremendous lack of fire, to have no spark of ambition whatsoever.
Perhaps I'd wanted to light the fuse. Perhaps I merely pitied him. I sought to use him either way, that much was true. The Lord of Tyranny's Chosen would not suffer an equal content to remain a pawn.
So then, I still ask myself, why oh why did my chest clench the very first time I saw that ugly, toothy, blood-flecked smile of his?
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lovelytsunoda · 1 month
welcome to wherever you are (the lore behind the verse)
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'sup guys, here is the long awaited post about the very real lore behind the welcome to wherever you are series! i am a big fan of music from the eighties, specifically rock and new wave. i was really inspired to write this series shortly after learning about the life and times of inxs, a band i have loved since i was a kid listening to 'the stairs' for the first time. this is a very niche special interest area, and i feel like sharing the lore would really add to the series. so, without further ado, the real life history behind one of my favorite reader inserts. the lore is under the cut :)
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y/n elodia heaven hutchence, was two years old when her father, australian rock god, michael hutchence took his own life in a sydney hotel room. while his death occurred in 1997, and lance stroll was born in 1998, i have adjusted (and been purposely vague) about his time of death to make the ages for the story line up. she was raised by her single mother, and eventual stepfather paul, with the help of her father's ex-bandmates, kirk, gary, tim, andrew and jon. of the four, she's closest to kirk for reasons she can't explain.
given her father's popularity in australia, comparisons were not easy to escape. she leads a very private life, away from the prying eyes of the gossip magazines. every few years, she carefully composes a statement that she releases to the press, giving minor, inconsequential life updates.
now, it is important to note that while the basis of this au is based in real life, almost all of it is fiction. the true story of michael hutchence and the people he left behind, including daughter tiger lily, is sad.
here is a link to an article by the new zealand herald that talks about his downward spiral, brought on by a massive brain injury he suffered in the early nineties.
helpful links about the life and legacy of michael hutchence: inxs wikipedia page, michael's wikipedia page, podcast episode on michaels death, inxs' first interview since the death of micheal hutchence
it's stated that micheal had a fear of not being loved, and a confirmed fear of growing old. i'd like to think that these are traits baby hutchence shared with her father until she met lance.
despite being australian by birth, micheal was buried in los angeles, where his mother lived. he is buried in the same cemetery as matthew perry. baby hutchence has never visited his grave.
lance and y/n would have met through a friend. and by friend, of course I mean kirk. kirk and his wife would have gone to a grand prix, and when kirk first laid eyes on lance, he had a gut feeling that he was a good fit for yn.
their first date would have been low key, on the beach at sunset. a picnic followed by a trip out on tim’s boat (before tim lost his fingers in a fishing accident).
they were married two years later. andrew thought they were rushing into it too fast. gary and kirk thought that when you know, you know (they also have four divorces between the two of them, so what do they know?)
all y/n and lance knew was that they were truly and madly in love, and that’s exactly where our au starts.
for those who want the full inxs story, please consider watching ‘never tear us apart’.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Learning to blossom - Chapter 9
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Stunning banner created by the wonderful @ladycheesington 💕
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, fluff, modern AU, Uni AU, confessions, tattooed Levi, drama, flustered Levi, smut, oral, multiple positions and orgasms, loving, dom Levi, spanking, bites, love.
Concept: Hwan reveals his true intentions to you shocking you and others. Levi takes you home and shows you body-shaking love. Levi gets his famous undercut haircut which you fawn over. You both become playful and snuggle together in bed.
AO3 link
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
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Levi held your hips as he pressed you against the wall in the hall. He tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth before pushing his tongue into your mouth. He hummed in delight as he kissed you with all the love and passion in his heart. He ignored people walking past and just focused on you. You’d both reaffirmed your love for each other. You’d comforted Levi as he confessed the troubles in his heart and mind.
He pulled back and lightly kissed your lips. “Enjoy your lecture, okay?”
You cupped his face. “I will and remember, you are loved by me, I am going to marry you and you are perfect.”
He nodded. “I’ll remember.”
You lifted his left hand and kissed his ring. “Mine.”
He blushed. “Yours.”
“Have a lovely lecture and please tell me all about it after. I want to know how your business plans are going.”
He hummed a laugh as he thought about the future you had planned together. He smiled fondly. “I’ll tell you all about it.” He kissed your hands. “Off you go beautiful.”
You giggled. “You’ll need to let go of my hands.”
He blushed hard. “I’m working on it.”
You pulled your hands out of his grip finally. “I’ll see you soon.”
You giggled. “Levi.”
He groaned. “I’m going.”
You waved to him as he walked away. You released a long sigh before turning and slipping into your lecture hall and finding your seat. You got everything out and stretched a little as you thought about Levi and going home. You couldn’t wait to just go home and wrap your arms around your man. You were in desperate need of a nap and love.
You turned your head and smiled at Hwan. “Hey.”
He looked down at your work. “Still not using a laptop.”
“I like writing things down.”
He eyed your phone to see Athena’s nap pop up. “How are things?”
You texted Athena back. “Pretty good. How are things for you?”
“Not bad.” He hummed. “So, about the BBQ and beer, I suggested the other day…”
You looked over at Hwan. “Oh yeah, sorry we didn’t do it but I had a dinner date with Levi.”
“It’s okay, so I was thinking we do it today or this weekend. You could invite Athena.”
You frowned a little. “Do you know her?”
Hwan nodded. “She does odd jobs for people with their computers. She fixed my laptop for me.”
You smiled a little. “I could as her if she wanted to come along.”
“Great. It’s so your fiancé is okay and doesn’t get upset.”
You hummed a laugh. “Sure thing.”
You both looked ahead at your professor and listened to her talk. You made notes and joked a little with Hwan and talked with him. You enjoyed the lesson and texted Athena and Levi now and then. You noticed that Hwan kept looking over at you and staring at you. Whenever you looked over he’d look away from you. You would frown a little and carry on doing what you were doing.
You gathered up your things at the end of the lesson and walked with Hwan out of the lecture. “So, what are your plans for winter break?”
Hwan stopped in the hall and gazed down at you. “Hang out with you.”
You laughed. “Funny.”
He placed his hand on the wall by your head and leaned closer. “I’m not joking.”
You gulped hard. “Hwan, that’s not funny at all.”
“I told you. I’m. Not. Joking.”
You whined a little. “I’m with Levi.”
He frowned a moment. “Wait, did you think I’m into you?”
You looked behind Hwan to see Athena. “W-Well…”
He laughed at you. “Wow, that’s funny.” He shook his head and sighed. “I would never want you. Have you seen you? I don’t even understand why Levi does. Seriously, he deserves better.”
You welled up. “What?”
He grabbed your neck and gripped it. “You’re an ugly stupid bitch. I’m only talking to you to get to Athena and you keep dragging your fucking heels. You’re just her ugly fat friend, that’s all you are. You’re pathetic. How self-centred can you be to think someone as good-looking as me would want something disgusting like you?”
You winced a little. “You’re hurting me.”
He released you making you cough and touch your neck. “God, you annoy me. You’re so pathetic. I hated having to be friends with you. I’m done. I’m just going to go straight to Athena. Maybe I should spread rumours about you so Levi gets some sense and leaves you. He really should leave you.”
Athena stormed over after the shock disappeared. “I’ve heard enough, you piece of shit!”
Hwan jumped at Athena’s tone. He turned to her and gave her a strained smile as he held his hands up. “Athena! Let me explain.”
Athena punched Hwan hard in the face before pulling you into her arms and holding you. “You’re a piece of shit. How can you not see how beautiful she is? Plus, using her to get to me? You’re fucking disgusting.” She looked down at you and smiled. “This little cupcake is the sweetest and yummiest piece of ass there is!”
You pulled Athena’s arms from you. “It’s fine, Athena. I don’t care how he sees me. I only want Levi to find me attractive. I don’t like that he tried using me to get to you. Insult me all you like Hwan, but I won’t let you strangle me and try to fuck my friend.” You slapped Hwan hard. “You’re an asshole.”
Hwan touched his cheek. “Cheap whores.”
Athena flipped him off as he walked away. “Dickhead! Go take your tiny infected dick elsewhere!” She sighed and pushed you along. “What an asswipe. I’m sorry.”
You lightly touched your neck. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not though.”
You smiled a little at her. “It could have been worse.”
She moved your hand and inspected your neck. “You have a mark. Levi will ask about this. We’ve got to tell him what happened.”
You nibbled your lip and whined. “Could you tell him?”
“Sure.” She put her arm around you and squeezed you. “I’m sorry this happened.”
You leaned against her. “I just want to forget about this all.”
“I understand.” She looked ahead to see Erwin and Levi walking over as they chatted. “I’ll go chat with Levi, you hang out with Erwin.”
Athena ran over to Levi and grabbed his arm. “Need you!”
You waved to Levi as he was dragged off. You looked up at Erwin and smiled. “Hey.”
Erwin ruffled your hair. “You all right?”
You hummed in response. “Kind of.”
“What happened?”
You sighed as you walked with Erwin. “Found out Hwan was just using me to get to Athena. He called me a lot of names and gripped my neck a bit. Athena heard him and we both ripped into him.”
Erwin shook his head. “What a piece of shit.”
You hummed a laugh. “Sorry, I’m not used to you swearing.”
Erwin smiled a little. “My girlfriend will tell you otherwise.”
You smirked. “I’m sure.”
He blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “So, what are you going to do with this lecture? He’s going to be in it probably.”
“Sit away from him. I’m just going to stay away from him.”
“Seems the best.” He looked over at Levi. “Looks like he wants a word.”
You smiled at Levi. “Hey.” You squealed as he tackled you into a hug. “Levi.”
He lifted you and held you as if you were precious and could break. “I’m so sorry he hurt you. I should have been here. How dare he say all those horrible things! You’re stunning, cute and sweet. I love you more than anything in this world. You are perfect and I don’t deserve you. I want to marry you.”
You blushed at his words. “Levi, I know you love me. I have no doubts about us. I’m just in shock that I was used and didn’t even know it. I feel stupid.”
Levi covered your face in kisses. “You’re not stupid! You’re wonderful.” He stopped kissing your face and noticed the marks on your neck. “Tch, I’ll kill him.”
“He’s not worth it. He’s really not worth it.”
He let out a long sigh. “You’re right.” He turned and carried you out of the building with his friends leading the way. “Let’s go home.”
You blushed a little as he carried you. “You don’t need to carry me.”
“I want to.” He squeezed you. “I want to hit him so badly. Hwan is a piece of shit.” He shoved his way through the front door and stormed upstairs as his friends went to their rooms. Levi sat you on the bed and kissed you. “Let me look at your neck, okay?”
You pulled your winter things off and held your head high. “I don’t think it’s that bad.”
Levi lightly touched your neck and whined. “He marked you.” He growled a little. “Only I can mark you.”
You giggled as Levi kissed and nipped your neck. “I love you, Levi. Thank you for making me smile again.”
He pulled back and slowly pushed you down on the bed. “Can I make love to you?”
You blushed bright red. “R-Really?”
He whined a little. “I just…I want to show you love. I want to remind you I adore you.”
You slowly pulled down the zip on Levi’s hoodie. “Lock the door.”
Levi ran over to the bedroom door and locked it. He yanked his jacket off and tossed it onto the office chair. He slowly dragged his shirt off and smiled at you as you blushed. “You are so incredibly beautiful.”
You smiled and pulled your jumper off making your skin prickle at the cold air. “You’re so handsome.”
Levi crawled up the bed towards you. “Are you cold, my bunny?”
You nodded as you linked your arms around his neck. “I am. So, why don’t you come closer and warm me up?”
Levi smiled as he tilted his head. “Happily.” He pressed his lips against yours and sighed through his nose. “Mm, you’re delicious. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I’m being spoiled to get you as my wife.”
You giggled as he growled and nibbled at your jawline. “I’m the spoiled one.” You released a sighing moan as he licked your neck. “Levi.”
He kissed down your body and paused at your jeans. He undid them and slowly dragged them down your legs along with your underwear. He tossed it all to the floor and purred at you. “So soft, so delicious, so perfect.”
You squeaked as Levi’s grabbed the underside of your thighs and pushed your legs against your chest. “Le-Levi.”
He licked his lips as he stared at your pussy and clit. “What a delectable soaked in such perfect honey. I must eat you like this and then push my cock slowly into you.” He flicked his gaze to your blushing face. “You love being fucked like this, don’t you?”
You whined. “Y-Yes.”
He dragged his tongue up your slit so slowly it made you whimper and pout. He smirked at you and knew he was teasing. He leaned closer again and started softly kissing your clit over and over. He smiled as he felt you wiggle under him desperate for more. He wanted to tease you as much as he could because he knew that if he did, your orgasm would be incredible.
He flicked your clit with his tongue a few times making you buck a little. He traced your bundle of nerves with his tongue making you shiver in delight. He took your clit into his mouth and sucked hard. He gripped your thighs as he moved his tongue against your plump bud and sucked with all the passion in his heart. He massaged your skin as you panted and moaned below him.
You reached down and pushed your fingers into Levi’s hair. You tugged a little making Levi growl against you. You clenched your legs a little as you whined at the vibrations that went through you. Your heart skipped a beat as you cast your gaze down at Levi as he passionately devoured your clit. You mewled at Levi causing him to pay attention to you. You blushed as he looked up at you and smiled a little.
You leaned your head back as you felt a full-body blush at the way Levi looked at you. You nibbled your lip as you felt your coil tighten. You clenched your toes tightly and whimpered as you felt your orgasm rushing closer. Your voice cracked as you moaned in delight. You shivered as you felt the heat of your bliss rush through every inch of your body.
Levi leaned up with his tongue sticking out a little making him look adorable to you. He licked his lips and smiled softly. “Good? Did I do good?”
You nodded and hummed in happiness. “Amazing.”
He nuzzled against your face and smiled. “I’m glad.”
You giggled at how sweet he was. “You always make me feel good.” You cupped his face. “How about you put your cock in me now.”
Levi released your legs. “Don’t move your legs, okay?”
You hugged your legs to your chest as you grinned. “Yes.”
Levi pulled his trousers and boxers off. He held his thick and hard erection in his hand and began running his plump sensitive tip up and down your wet lips. He moved against your clit making you whine at him. “So sensitive.”
You whimpered. “Levi, don’t tease. You’re supposed to be nice to me.”
He hummed a laugh. “No more teasing.” He pushed his tip into your pulsing pussy opening and slowly pressed himself in. He held your thighs and gave them a playful squeeze. “You’re so hot and wet.”
You shivered as you felt Levi’s thick cock slowly stretch you and slide deep into you. You looked down to see your pussy wrapped around Levi’s cock. You felt yourself drooling at the sight of him slowly disappearing into you. You moaned in delight when all of him was deep inside you and his pelvis was pressed against your lips. You reached down and parted yourself to enjoy the view more.
Levi growled at the view. “Delicious, right?”
You nodded and mewled in response. “You look so good inside me.”
“I do and it feels so good to be inside you.” He leaned down and kissed you. “You take me so well each time. My cock was made for you.”
You cupped his face. “Yes. We were made for each other.”
Levi shifted his legs and began pumping his cock in and out of you. He gripped your thighs hard and shivered in delight at how your pussy walls dragged him back in. He smiled at you as he moved nice and slow for you so you could both enjoy how he moved in and out of you. He felt a tingle of pleasure burn through his spine. He was in pure ecstasy as your silken walls massaged his thick cock. He adored you and loved you more than words could describe.
You felt so delicate and loved as Levi dragged himself in and out of you. You moved your hand from parting yourself and began touching your clit. You clenched up instantly making Levi grunt above you. You blushed a little and gave him your love-filled doe eyes asking for forgiveness. Levi instantly melted above you. You giggled as he leaned down and crashed his lips against yours. You hummed in delight as Levi kissed you with all the love and passion in his heart.
Levi’s teeth tugged on your bottom lip. He smiled before pushing his tongue into your mouth he pressed your legs against your chest. He pulled back a little to speak against your lips. “I love you.”
You whimpered. “I love you too.”
“I love you so much.” He turned his head and bit your leg. “Good girl. You’re taking me perfectly.”
You whimpered. “Levi, your cock is so good.”
He panted and smiled at your declaration. “Is my cock going to make you cum?”
You nodded and mewled at him. “Y-Yes.”
“Cum for me. I want to feel the moment you break.”
You threw your head back and cried out as your wall broke. Your legs shook between you and Levi as your orgasm rushed through you. You felt like you were drooling as you were consumed with spine-tingling pleasure. “Levi.” You panted as he slowed down. “I love you.”
He shifted and released your legs so they could flop down. “I love you so much, my sweet bunny.”
You ran your hand down Levi’s chest and purred at him. “You’re so handsome.”
Levi tangled his fingers in your hair as he slowly rocked his hips against you. “Thank you. Now, how to pleasure you next.” He covered your face in kisses. “On your stomach, little bunny.”
You shivered as Levi dragged his cock out of you. You shifted and rolled onto your stomach and giggled. “You going prone?”
“Later I am, but first…”
You squeaked as Levi yanked you onto your knees and pressed his hand on your shoulder. “Levi.”
He slammed his cock into you making you both moan. “But first, my little bunny, I’m going to ravage you.” He spanked you hard and smirked at your cry of pleasure. “Good girl. Want me to fuck you and spank you?”
You nodded against the bed. “P-Please.”
Your eyes rolled back in your head as Levi bucked hard and fast against you. The room filled with the sound of Levi’s pelvis slapping hard against your buttocks. Lewd noises of your wet pussy taking his thick throbbing cock rang out. Levi’s elegant hand collided with a sharp slap against your buttocks. Levi’s hand gripped your shoulder tightly as he showed you the power and dominance that you craved from him. He was dominating you but you felt in control. One word from you and he’d stop.
Levi leaned over you as he opened his mouth a little he snarled a moment before biting the back of your neck. He smirked as you squealed out in pleasure as he rutted his cock into you. He grunted and whined against you as you clenched his cock so tightly with your pussy. You gripped the bedsheet hard below you as you drooled and moaned in pure ecstasy at how Levi was ravaging you. Your legs were shaking from you kneeling for so long and from the pleasure pulsing through you.
Your pussy was dripping and coating your thighs and the bed. You were drowning in your own pleasure and Levi was too. He was gripping you hard as he tried to control himself. Levi wanted to last, he wanted to make you cum a few more times before he filled you to the brim with his hot sticky cum. He released the back of your neck and knelt up. He gripped your hips and began pounding his cock into you as fast and as hard as he could.
Levi grunted. “Fuck, you’re so tight bunny.” He moaned. “You take me so well. Good girl.”
You whimpered. “Le-Levi.”
He panted and smiled. “Tell me whom your pussy belongs to!”
He gripped you. “Tell me who fucks you good!”
Your eyes rolled back. “You!”
He smiled as he felt your wall quiver around him. “Tell me who can only fuck you and make you cum.”
“Good girl. Now cum.”
You screamed in pleasure as tears ran down your cheeks at the body-shaking euphoria that ripped through your body. You collapsed against the bed as you twitched and bucked as your nerve endings went into overdrive. You shivered and whimpered against the bed as you rode out your incredible high. “Mm.”
Levi kissed his way up your back and nuzzled against your cheek and the crook of your neck. “Want to stop?”
You shook your head. “N-no. I want to feel you cum inside me.”
Levi blushed hard. “Do…do you like that?”
You smiled at him. “I love it when you fill me with cum.” You whined. “I need it.” You rolled your hips as best as you could. “Please, Levi, give me all your cum.”
Levi lay his body against yours and hid his face against the crook of your neck as he started grinding deep into you. “I’ll give you everything I have, bunny.”
You entwined your fingers with Levi’s and moved a little with him as he humped your sensitive pussy. You turned your head and captured Levi’s lips in a passionate kiss. Your tongue moved with his as you both wanted badly to cum together. You knew it wouldn’t take long for you both. You were tired and your coils were wound tightly. You wanted to melt together in a puddle of pleasure. You moved together as if your bodies were one being instead of two. You were joined together in pure love.
Levi pushed both his hands under your squished body. One hand gripped your breast as the other lightly moved against your clit. He massaged your breast in his hand as he kissed and nibbled your back. He smiled as you panted and sighed against the bed as you felt like Levi was showering you in love. His dominating persona was gone and now he was just showing you just how much he loved and adored you. He was holding you so tightly in his arms and giving you everything he could.
You both whimpered together indicating that you were close to cumming. You both gasped in delight as Levi’s cock rubbed your g-spot a lot. He was rubbing you so much that it was close to overstimulation. You arched your back against Levi a little and mewled as you felt you’d body give in to pleasure. You gasped as your walls collapsed and your orgasm burned through every inch of your body. You wiggled under Levi and mewled in delight as you felt yourself burning.
Levi gripped you tightly as he lost his rhythm fully. He snapped his hips against you a few tips before slamming his cock deep into you. His cock twitched inside your pussy as he poured his cum deep into you. His moan was high in pitch, almost needy. He nuzzled the crook of your neck and whimpered as he bucked again so he could get all his cum deep inside you. His hot pants heated your neck as he twitched above you.  
You smiled a little and reached up to pet Levi’s head. You ruffled his hair and hummed a laugh. “You okay?”
Levi nodded and nipped your shoulder. “Mm.”
“Do you need a moment?”
You hummed a laugh. “Can I just say, that moan you let out when you came inside of me was the single most attractive sound in the entire world.”
He nuzzled the crook of your neck and kissed. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You sighed as you felt relaxed and at peace. “Could you roll over so I can face you? I want to snuggle.”
Levi pulled his cock from you and lay on his side. “Okay.”
You shuffled onto your side and opened your arms. “Come here. Snuggle against me. I’ll be the big spoon.”
Levi pressed his face against your breasts. “Mm.”
You gently played with his hair as you hummed a song to him. “My sweet bear.”
“How are you feeling? Are you better than earlier?”
“I am.” You kissed the top of his head. “Thank you.”
He squeezed you and nuzzled. “I just love you so much.”
“I love you too. You’re my everything.”
Levi lifted his head from you and gaze at you with his big doe eyes. “You’re my world.”
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Levi pulled his beanie down and hurried through the streets as he slowly made his way home to you. It was winter break and you both decided to spend it together as a couple. Kuchel was with Kenny, your parents went on holiday but missed you terribly. You called both Kuchel and your parents as often as possible, but most of the time you and Levi were left alone so you could be a sweet couple.
Levi jogged across the road in the snow and huffed. He smiled at his hot breath curling in the cold air. He shivered a little and looked at the house getting closer. Erwin and his girlfriend were staying for winter as well, so there were just four of you in the house. You were so wrapped up in your partners that you didn’t hang out much over the winter holidays compared to any other time. You all wanted to be with the person you loved.
He unlocked the front door and kicked off the snow on his shoes. He pulled his winter things off and slipped his shoes off. He walked by the living room and waved at Erwin and his girlfriend cuddling on the sofa. He waved at the two of them and said his hellos before running up the stairs and to the front big bedroom. He paused when he heard the soft sounds of you playing a game.
He pushed the bedroom door open and smiled at you snuggled up on the seat with a blanket as you played your game. “Tch, cute.”
You looked over at Levi and smiled. “Hey, bear! You okay?”
He nodded and walked over to you. He slumped into the chair next to you with pink cheeks. “Mm.”
You paused your game and gazed at your fiancé. “Show me.”
He reached up and gripped his beanie. “I uh…”
You placed your hand on his thigh and gave him a reassuring squeeze. “Come on, show me.”
He pouted a little. “But…you really love my fluffy hair.”
You moved closer. “Levi, I will love you no matter what. I am sure you look incredible. So, show me your new hair!”
He whined a bit. “Okay.” He slowly dragged his beanie off to reveal his new haircut. He ruffled his hair and sighed. “Here is the undercut.”
You gazed at Levi with a sparkle in your eyes. “Levi…”
“You hate it, don’t you? I shouldn’t have gotten it done. I know I mentioned it before, but I made a mistake. I’m sorry. I just wanted to look handsome for you and more grown up.”
You launched at Levi and grabbed the beanie from him. “Don’t put that back on!”
He blushed at your tone. “Wh-why not?”
You purred at him. ��Because you look so good!”
His eyes widened. “Really? I do?”
You walked over to Levi and straddled him on his chair. “So good.”
He smiled a little as he touched his hair. “I’m glad you like it.”
You reached closer and whined. “I want to run my fingers through your hair!”
“G-Go head.”
You shoved your fingers through Levi’s hair and shivered as you felt the shaven part. You scratched the shaven part and moaned in delight at how it felt under your fingers. “So good…”
Levi shivered in delight. “Mm…” He closed his eyes as he relaxed. “Nice.”
You leaned closer and kissed up his cheek to his ear. “You’re so soft. I love this look on you!” You pushed his hair back from his face and blushed hard. “You’re so cute and handsome!”
Levi chuckled. “So, the new haircut was a good thing?”
“I’m glad.” You sighed in delight. “Can I keep doing this all day?”
He laughed a little. “You’re like a cat wanting to knead.”
You blushed a bit. “I’m not.”
He cupped your face. “Maybe I should start calling you kitten instead of bunny?”
You wrapped your arms around him and hid your face. “Mm.”
He rubbed your back as he laughed. “Did I fluster you?”
You squeezed him. “N-No.”
He ran his hands down your body. “Don’t worry, my love” he gripped your ass and yanked you close to him causing you to gasp. He looked up at you and smiled. “I’ll call you anything you want me to as long as you scream my name all night long.”
You covered your face with your hands. “Le-Levi!”
He tilted his head and licked your neck. “Or do you prefer good girl?”
You pulled your shirt up and hid your face. “N-No fair. My heart can’t handle this!”
He bounced you on his lap a little and purred at you. “Such a cute thing.” He smirked as you climbed off his lap and got under the covers. “You hiding?”
He growled at you and stalked closer. “I like it when we play this game.”
You squeaked and shuffled under the cover. “Evil kinky man.”
He dove under the covers. “Come here little bunny.”
“No one is home!”
He chuckled and grabbed your ankle and yanked you down the bed until you were under him. “Hi.”
You whimpered. “B-Bear.”
He growled at you. “I’m a hungry bear.”
You giggled nervously. “How hungry?”
You squealed as he tickled you and nibbled your neck. “Mercy, please!”
He hummed a laugh and looked down at you with the soft winter sun lighting him up a little. “You are so adorable.”
You smiled and cupped Levi’s face. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He closed his eyes and hummed. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
“And you to me.”
He lay on his side and wrapped you up in his arms and hummed in happiness. “Can we just spoon here all day?”
You closed your eyes. “Yes.”
Levi petted your head and hummed. “Your game is paused.”
You sat up quickly. “I have to save!”
Levi watched you leap out of bed and return to your game. “Bunny?”
You played a bit of your game. “Give me a moment.”
He pouted as he watched you. “Bunnyyyyy.”
You glanced over at Levi. “I’m just gonna play it to the next checkpoint!”
He got out of bed and walked over to you. He leaned over the back of the chair and grabbed your controller. “Bunny.”
You gasped and reached for the controller. “Just one more minute.”
He saved the game for you before turning on a show you both liked. “Come to bed.”
Your cheeks burned at his words. “Y-Yes.”
He lifted you out of your seat and carried you to bed. He wrapped you up in his arms and the blanket. He nuzzled the back of your neck as you both watched your shows. “Good girl.”
“What do you want to do for your birthday?”
He hummed in thought as he lightly traced the underside of your breasts. “I just want to do this.”
You frowned and rolled onto your back so you could look up at Levi. “You want to just lie in bed all day?”
You lightly scratched his undercut. “You sure you don’t want anything else or something special?”
He smiled at you. “I just want a lazy day with you, that’s all.”
“Are you sure?”
He smiled at you. “Very.” He leaned down and kissed you. “I love you and I just want you.”
You pouted a little. “You are too cute for your own good.”
“That’s my line.”
You giggled as he tickled you. “I adore you.”
He wrapped you up in his arms and hummed. “Mine.”
You squeaked as he bit you. “You’re like a cat.”
“That good?”
You nodded and played with his hair. “Yes. You’re perfect, Levi. I love you for everything you are and more.”
He smiled softly. “Good. I always thought I was like a dog because I follow you around and get sad when you go, as well as get excited when you return.”
You kissed him and sighed. “You’re right, you’re a dog too. You’re just wonderful.”
“You too, my darling love.”
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evewasheretoday · 9 months
Heathers Reborn AU -
“Veronica, can I borrow your jacket?” Mac asked, hugging herself to try and retain some warmth.
“I told you you should have brought your jacket with you today.” Veronica replied before rolling her eyes.
She took off her jacket and handed it over to Mac. The blonde girl thanked Veronica before slipping on the jacket.
She immediately felt a tad more at home in the heavy leather jacket that brunette always wore when it was cold.
“Thank you for lending me your jacket.” She said. “What are friends for?” Veronica responded with a smile.
“You're cheating.” Duke hissed as she moved her bishop into position.
She and Chandler had been playing chess for the past two hours while waiting for Veronica and Mac to arrive.
Chandler moved her knight and took away Duke's queen.
“Am I?” She asked with a smug look on her face. “Or are you just terrible at this?” She added.
The raven haired girl narrowed her eyes at Chandler before moving one of her rooks back to where it belonged.
“This is stupid.” Duke commented. “I'm not gonna lose to you again.” She finished.
Chandler smirked and shrugged. “I won't be too confident about that, If I were you.” She remarked.
Duke frowned before rolling her eyes. “Yeah, whatever.” She mumbled under her breath. “I'm going to beat your ass, Heather.” She grinned wickedly.
“Bring it on.” Chandler laughed before taking her next turn on the board.
By the time Veronica and Mac arrived, Duke was gripping her hair out of frustration and glaring daggers at Chandler while she just chuckled lightly.
“Sup.” Chandler greeted them with a small wave.
Veronica looked at her confusedly while Mac looked at raven haired girl in concern.
“What's going on here?” Veronica questioned, pointing over to Duke who closed her eyes and huffed.
“She keeps losing to me.” Chandler explained simply.
Duke stood up from her chair and jabbed a finger at her. “You're cheating, there's no way you were able to beat me two times!” She yelled.
“I don't want to get involved in this.” Veronica sighed. “Maybe Heather is just really good at it.” Mac whispered loudly beside the brunette.
Duke turned her head to look at her with a frown.
“Heather, calm down.” Chandler stated softly. “It's just a game.” Veronica commented.
Duke opened and closed her mouth before sighing deeply. “It's just a game.” She repeated softly.
Mac placed a hand on Duke's shoulder reassuringly while the raven haired girl gave her a soft smile.
“It's alright, Heather.” She said. “You're good at plenty other board games than chess.” She assured.
“Yeah, think about it this way.” Veronica began. “If Heather was in fact cheating, you'd be the true winner.” She explained with an amused grin.
“If she wasn't, you lost fair and square to her. No hard feelings, right?” Duke stared at her blankly for a moment before letting out a deep breath.
“I still hate her.” Duke stated. Veronica snorted. “Yeah, of course you do.”
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phantomdoofer · 7 months
Everybody Loves a Clown
Trigger warning for blood, dismemberment, death, and abuse.
Paolo hunched in his room, fiddling with a small radio he'd snuck from the trash. After cooking, it was his favorite thing to do. He rubbed his cheek where his father had backhanded him. The imprint of his ring was visible on his cheek. He hated that ring. He'd been hit with it enough. His father Giorgio fiddled with it constantly, and never took it off.
Mama never liked it, either. His missed his mother dearly, but she'd passed away last year. His father had been very tight-lipped about what happened - one day she'd simply fallen over, shaking and convulsing, and he'd rushed her to the hospital. A few hours later, she was gone.
He dropped the tiny screwdriver, his mind drifting to her face. He missed her so much. It was one of the only things he and his father agreed on. Unfortunately, ever since she'd passed, he'd been pushing him even harder.
You're not gonna be some damned cook! You're gonna get a real job!
Paolo picked the screwdriver back up. Even though he enjoyed working on mechanical stuff, the thought that it pleased his father had started to make him hate it, too. But he knew, so long as the man lived, he had no hope of being a cook, his true passion. So he tinkered, and read, and refined his knowledge.
Maybe once I'm free of him, I can do what I really want.
He clipped the last wire into place, and carefully put the faceplate back on. He twisted the power knob, and scratchy noise came out. Well, it's got power at least. Let's see if I can get anything. Carefully he twisted the tuner, searching for a station. After several seconds, a scratchy tune squeaked out of the speaker.
Paolo smiled. Success! He twisted the knob, looking for other stations. Then he caught a new one:
"*Squark* ...reports are... Demons have turned their sup...eapon on ... Ninda... at least five cities, including the capitol, destroyed... casualties... millions..."
The radio gave a last screech and burst into flame. Paolo quickly threw a cloth over it, smothering the flames. Then the meaning of the broadcast hit him.
They destroyed our home.
Though they lived in an Allied nation, his father had been very vocal about supporting their old homeland. "'Bout time they did somethin' right," Giorgio had said, "that's right, take it all back! We deserve it!"
Paolo ran to the living room. He might hit me again, but he better hear this. As he turned the corner, he started to speak. "Dad, did you hear what-"
He stopped. The TV was on, and the news showed images of the capitol city, a melted, burning pile of slag. Giorgio sat staring at the screen, his mouth slack, completely stunned.
"D-Dad?" Paolo approached cautiously. His father could be explosive, but he'd never seen him like this. Paolo waved a hand in front of his face, but there was no reaction, not even a blink.
Paolo quietly backed away. If it meant he could just exist unmolested for a while, he'd take it. As he moved through the doorway, though, he heard Giorgio spoke. "They... that can't be right... why would... we were winning... they... they're all..."
Paolo quickly darted back to his room. He closed the door just in time to hear his father roar in rage followed by a crash that sounded suspiciously like the TV going through a window.
Paolo looked down from his bedroom just in time to see Giorgio storm out into the front yard, waving his hands and ranting at the top of his lungs. He turned, and Paolo ducked back, hoping he hadn't been seen. He'd caught just a glimpse of tears on his father's face, and he knew if Giorgio knew he'd seen it, he'd beat him red and yellow out of his own embarrassment of being seen to be "weak."
The ranting continued for several minutes, until he heard a police siren out front. Guess the neighbors called the police again. He peeped out in time to see Giorgio being loaded into a squad car, still ranting. As the car began to roll away, Giorgio looked up, and Paolo was shocked. For once, on his father's face wasn't rage, but sadness, fear, and grief.
Paolo sat against the wall, considering what he'd seen, and what he'd heard. After several minutes of turning it over in his head, he came to a conclusion. Dad thought we'd take over the world, but those Demons just wiped most of us out. How much family did we just lose? We might be an endangered species now.
While he hadn't thought he'd care, the thought chilled him. His vivid imagination, so long suppressed, provided him with gruesome images of what the Demon's weapon probanly did to the people in those cities. His thoughts filled with the smell of burnt bread and the sound of screams.
Paolo gripped his head and cried. "Stop. Please stop." He looked over at the TV, the small video player still loaded with his favorite show. He quickly went and turned it on - shortly wacky images of cartoons and clowns danced across the screen. He laughed, his fears forgotten, the images fading as he dove headfirst into the world of the cartoon.
He climbed into his bed put the video on repeat.
"And now, please welcome to the stage, this year's valedictorian, Paolo Totino!"
The audience politely applauded as Paolo took the podium. He looked into the audience - Giorgio had actually shown up for once, but he looked at the ground, refusing to look at Paolo. Paolo had long since learned to hide his true feelings - while he seethed inside at Giorgio's indifference, outwardly he was all smiles and charm. Just play to the crowd, Paolo. Give them the show they want.
Paolo cleared his throat. "Thank you, sir. I'll try not to keep you guys waiting, it's too hot out here." The audience laughed. Paolo smiled. "It's been an experience being here at this school, and I've felt so welcomed since I moved here. I can honestly say this is the best place I've ever been." The audience cheered. Paolo smiled once again. It's just so easy! He took on a stern demeanor. "We lost so many people in the war. You can still see the scars on the land today." He gestured at the land around them - while trees and grass had grown, the craters and burned remains of trees were still visible. The audience grumbled. "But we've pressed on, and persevered! Now it's up to us to bring the world back - not just to the way it was, but even better!" They cheered again. "Thank you."
As he stepped away and the audience cheered and clapped, he waved and pretended to stumble down the stairs. Everyone laughed. Yes, yuk it up, you plebes. Don't mind ol' Paolo, he's a big clumsy clown!He sat down and waited for the principal to start handing out the diplomas. He glanced over at Giorgio. He caught the old man looking at him, and Giorgio quickly turned away. Paolo grinned. All the fire had gone out of the old bread when the Demons had committed genocide on the Ninda. Even now, there were less than a million of their kind left in the world. Which suited Paolo just fine. He'd never met another Ninda he liked. But because of Giorgio's lethargy, Paolo had had to get an after-school job to get them by. Paolo had hardly slept the last few years, between school and work. But I did it, you old crust. I'm done. I'm at the top.
Paolo heard his name called, and he walked across the podium, smiling his shiny smile for the audience, waving cheekily for the cameras as he accepted. He did a little dance on the spot to look like he was excited. The audience laughed. He made a point to ham it up whenever he could. Everybody loves a clown, after all.
He wished sometimes he felt it in his heart.
Paolo got out of the cab at the hospital. He'd barely had time to get his day started when someone called him: your father is in the hospital. He's not expected to survive.
Paolo felt... strange about the whole thing. If anyone had asked him how he'd feel about Giorgio dying, he'd have said good riddance to the abusive old coot. But now that it looked like it was about to happen, he felt... nothing, really. He was just here for the look of it. He'd rather be in class.
He took the elevator up to the ICU, and was met by a nurse almost immediately. "Oh, Mr. Totino. Your father is in 19. He's asking about you."
Oh, is he now? He thought. Probably wants to make some deathbed confession. He thanked her, and walked to the room.
The shriveled old crust barely lifted the covers up now. The oxygen mask barely fit around his rounded face, and his features were shriveled and dry-looking. Fell far in a year, haven't you? Paolo sat next to him. "Giorgio? I'm here. The nurse said you asked for me?"
Giorgio weakly turned his head. "You actually showed up, you little bastard. Figured you'd leave me here to die alone."
It wouldn't have broke my heart. "Well, I'm here now. What did you want?"
Giorgio coughed. "Wanted to make sure you got this before I was gone. One of these nurses would probably steal it while they moved me." He held out a hand, and Paolo held his own out. Into it Giorgio dropped... a ring. That damned ring! Paolo looked at it - the perfectly round garnet stone reminded him of a pepperoni. Paolo loathed it with all of his being. Unconsciously he rubbed his cheek.
Giorgio was too far gone to notice. "Take... care of that, Paolo. It's... the symbol of our family. It's old... no one knows how old. Don't let it... out of your sight." He reached up and grabbed Paolo's collar. Paolo was surprised the old man still had the strength. "I... mean it, boy! If... you listen to... one thing... I've ever...said... don't let it... go..."
Suddenly the hand slackened and dropped. The heart monitor flatlined, and the nurses and doctors rushed in to try and save him.
Paolo stepped back. There's no point, he doesn't want to be saved. But it made them feel better to try. He walked out of the room, feeling strange. He was finally free, but he almost felt... sad. Having someone to hate had, in a strange way, been an anchor for him. Now it was gone.
He looked down at the ring. I know exactly what to do with you.
Paolo stood before the building, his smile glossy as the sun. He held a comically large set of scissors, and he cut the ribbon blocking the doors. "Pizzaboy's Pizz-Pizza is now officially... OPEN!" He threw his hands up as confetti launchers blasted around him. "Come on in, folks!" He honked the tomato nose on his face. Everyone laughed and went through the doors, where the staff waited to help them. The animatronics were already working, singing a jaunty tune.
Paolo thought about what it had taken to get to this point. He'd pawned the ring immediately, and he'd used that to make a series of smart investments. Finally he'd decided to live his dream - he'd opened a pizzeria. Sure, he'd had to cut some corners - animatronics weren't cheap, after all - but he was happy.
Paolo bounced from table to table, acting like the clown he was dressed as. He'd studied his childhood cartoons obsessively, and could imitate them perfectly now. The kids loved it. The parents acted a bit nervous - a seven-foot-tall clown could have that effect - but they finally got into the spirit of it. Paolo was having the time of his life.
"Boss, you can't just keep cutting corners like this. People are starting to complain about the pizza being..."
Paolo looked up angrily. "Being WHAT?" He was testy. For some reason he couldn't get that damn ring out of his head. Maybe it's guilt? But when he'd gone to get it back, it had been sold to a collector, some Italian multimillionaire, and he wanted a king's ransom for it. He was trying to save money, but the pizzeria was so expensive...
The man flinched. "One of them said it tasted like..." he gulped, "...cardboard."
"Cardboard? CARDBOARD?" Paolo stood up, knocking things off his desk. The clown outfit made his rage even more terrifying. "I've tested and tested that recipe! It's scientifically perfect! Balanced to be the ultimate combination of taste and nutrition!"
The man flinched back even more. "The recipe's not the problem, boss! It's the ingredients! The budget just don't allow for the stuff we need to make it work!"
Paolo slammed his hands down on the desk! "No excuses! You're just not trying hard enough! MAKE IT WORK!" He shoved the man out of his office and slammed the door. He flopped down in the chair, which creaked alarmingly. He brooded. I've got to get it back. Somehow.
Outside, the manager was met by the few employees still working. Most of them had walked out by now. "So what'd he say, boss?"
The boss shook his head. "He said "make it work." Like we're not stretched to the limit as it is."
Another worker spoke up. "Make it work? We're losing customers fast! We can't keep up! If we can't improve the quality, we'll lose what few customers we got left!"
"At least the animatronics still work," a third said. "But I swear I saw the boss put something weird in them the last time he worked on 'em..."
The boss shook his head. "No, we can't do this anymore." He clapped his hands. "I'm out. Anyone staying?"
They all looked at each other, and shook their heads.
"Figured that'd be your answers. Come on, let's get out of here."
Paolo worked furiously on a small device he thought would improve the animatronics. If they can make their own decisions, they'll be even better! I could sell the tech and make a fortune! He'd found the parts in an abandoned building, near the edge of the city. The only problem was, it looked like Old Tech. Even I can't replicate that. He held it to the light critically. I'll try it tomorrow.
He put it in a desk drawer, stood up, and tweaked his bowtie. Time to go play to the crowd! He stepped out... to an empty dining room. He looked around. No customers, no staff. He ran to the kitchen. No one. A note sat on the counter. He read it...
Boss, we can't do this anymore. We're all quitting. We all got offers from other pizza places around the city. We loved this place at first, but you're running it into the ground. If you ever decide to be your old self again - somebody who cared about quality over money - let us know. Sorry.
Paolo crumpled the note. Ungrateful bastards. He yelled at the ceiling in frustration. "Fine! I'll just do it myself! I don't need them!" He ran outside into the street, desperately playing the clown. "Come on in! Best pizza in town! You'll have a great time!" The person he'd approached cringed away, shaking their head. He ran up to a family. "Come on! Lots of fun at Pizzaboy's Pizz-Pizza!" The little girl started crying, and the father pushed Paolo away. "Back off, you freak!" He hustled them away.
Paolo went from group to group, getting more desperate with each one. Everyone was scared or disgusted. Finally, a police officer approached him. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to stop harassing people, we're getting complaints."
Paolo turned and grabbed his shoulders. "I'm just trying to get customers, YOU IDIOT!"
Everyone around gasped. One woman spoke up. "Well, with an attitude like that, I'll never eat there!" Cries of "For shame!" and "what a jerk!" echoed around Paolo. He looked around. His dream was falling apart. He wanted to cry.
The officer brushed him off. "Lay hands on me again and I'll arrest you. Now get inside before I have the place closed down!"
Paolo's shoulders slumped as everyone walked away.
All he knew was he had to get it back. Nothing else mattered.
Paolo looked out the window of the plane. What am I doing? He was flying to the city where the man who'd bought the ring lived. But why? I'm broke, I can't buy it back...
As he left the airport, he walked towards the address he'd found. The man's mansion was luxuriant, covered in stonework and vines. Classical Tuscan architecture, he remembered. He pushed a button at the gate.
A stuffy voice came though. "May I help you?"
Paolo cleared his throat. "Yes, sir, I've come to see your Master. My name is Mr. Totino, I believe I had an appointment?"
"Very good, signore," the stuffy voice said. The gate opened. "Come in. The Master waits for you upstairs."
Paolo passed through the huge front doors and walked up a grand stairway. At the top, a butler bowed and opened a door. "In here, signore," the same stuffy voice said.
Paolo entered, and was greeted by a corpulent man sitting behind a deep red desk. Balding, fanning himself, he waved Paolo forward. "Come in ragazzo, come in." Paolo sat. "You said you had something to ask me? About your ring?"
"Yes, sir," Paolo said. "You know I've made several overtures to you about repurchasing that ring." He shifted uneasily in the chair. "I'm afraid I'm... no longer liquid enough to try to buy it from you. But I've come to plead. Sir, that is a family heirloom, one I'm sorry I ever let go. Would you ever consider just... letting me have it?"
The man laughed raucously. "GIVE it to you! Don't be absurd, boy! If you wanted it, you never should have sold it!"
Paolo blushed, repressing his fury at the casual dismissal. "I was desperate, sir, and young and foolish. I know better now. I'll ask again sir - will you return what's mine?"
The man's face grew red. "The cheek on you! Even if was willing to just hand such a thing over-" he twirled it in a maddeningly similar way to how Giorgio had - "I've grown attached to it. So no. I'll never part with it. Now get out of here before I have you thrown out!"
Paolo stood and bowed stiffly. He was absolutely furious. As the gate crashed shut behind him, a plan started to form. It's mine. It's MINE.
The man grunted as he settled into his bed. His back ached. I should see if my doctor can give me anything for that. He shuffled his awkward weight around. He was always hot now. Air conditioners are crap these days!
He heard a faint noise. He whipped around and turned the light on. "Chi è là?"
No one. He was alone.
The man snorted and turned the light back off. Jumping at shadows. He closed his eyes.
Another noise. Before he could reach the light, a hand clamped down on his face with unbelievable strength. He could just see a pair of red points hovering above... a clown suit?? A glossy grin hovered between those hellish lights and a bowtie.
Then he noticed the glint of a knife.
Before he could react, the knife plunged into his belly. He screamed, the sound muffled by the glove-covered hand on his face. It plunged down, again and again, into his gut, his arms, his legs, his chest. He tasted blood. He screamed, but it couldn't get past the damned glove.
As his mind swam with pain and blood loss, he felt the figure fiddling with his hand. He shrieked as he felt his ring finger being sawed off. He trembled as they held up their prize, the round red ring glinting as his severed finger slid out of it. As his mind faded, he heard a familiar voice.
"It's mine... It's MINE..."
Paolo slid the ring onto his finger. At last, I've got it back! He smiled happily. Now that he had it back, the world felt right again. He glanced down at the corpse. Good riddance. He stalked past the body of the butler and the gate guard. Should have hired better people!
As he stood in the dark street, he felt a strange urge to go west. He started walking, a manic grin on his face.
He didn't know how long he'd been walking. Days, definitely. Maybe weeks. But now he was sure he was where he needed to be.
He dug through the rubble of the ruins, not entirely sure what he was searching for. You'll know it when you find it.
He wasn't sure why he was so confident. But he knew beyond a doubt he was right.
He saw a depression in a stone wall that looked no different than the hundreds of others. He pressed it, and the wall vanished. He walked inside, and the wall reappeared. He was inside some sort of structure, descending downwards. He walked down a spiral staircase, the purple stone dusty and piled with debris. As he looked around, he saw faint lights imbedded in the stone.
He walked downwards for what seemed like forever, until he found a room full of... monitors? He walked over to a control panel, and somehow knew which button to press. The screens flickered, and the lights brightened. Welcome back, the words flashed on the screen in front of him.
He sat in a stone chair, fascinated. It was more advanced than anything he'd ever seen. At first the words were incomprehensible, but suddenly they had switched to his own language. He read a list. Cloning tanks, tesseract controls, cloaking systems, weapon controls, teleportation systems, reconstruction protocols... what is this place?
Then, somehow he knew - he was home.
Pizzahead sat back and grinned. He twirled the ring on his finger.
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tesstuffsblog · 11 months
Flirty drunk
L» Pairing: Ben Gross x female reader
Rating: Fluff / flirty drunk/ enemies to lovers
Summary: Lorelai Colombo, 17 years old. She returns to L.A. for her junior year of high school after spending a frivolous summer that everyone knows about. One night she goes to Trent’s party with her friend Devi, she gets drunk…
Taylor Swift is her narrator<3
(this is a chapter form my wattpad fanfic "The story of us", here if you want to read it)
English is not my first language!
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Lorelai changed her clothes in hurry before going out
Taylor: "'Escape' come on she literally got out from the window"
She wore a mini white skirt, a simple tank top and some boots. A simple outfit but she felt like herself in it and her makeup is basically the same she was going to wear that night she just added glitter on the eyeshadow.
"Oh, hey what are you doing here?" Trent says opening the door "Did you forget your calculator or something?" he adds
"Did you forget your calculator to something?" he adds, almost as shocked by her presence
"Hi!" Lorelai gives him a little smile waving her hand
"Ohi, you're here too! Lorelai came!" Trent literally yells to someone inside
Funny how three months ago they didn't even consider her.
"Whoa! You came" Paxton peeks out "And you brought California Brittle. This slaps, come in" he adds taking the chocolates. In fact, her mom would never let her show up in someone else's house without something to offer.
Trent's house is a simple American house, but there was an industrial amount of bottles of alcohol everywhere. Lorelai can swear to have seen in that house people never met at school, someone is drinking, others are smoking, others just dance or chat.
Not even the time to get in, that everyone is staring to the girl walking through the front door, certainly Trent didn't help with that.
But who can blame them, Lorelai is beautiful. The clothes are perfectly wrapped around her body and her wavy hair left loose sways around her shoulders as she moves around the room.
"Do you want a drink?" Paxton asks them leading the way
"Oh i need it" Lorelai replies
"Oh yeah beer me. Love that bread soda" Devi says taking a glass in her hands
"Are you already drunk?" Rory the shocked question Rory swallowing the first shot
"No, but that's my purpose for the end of the night"
"I definitely agree with you."
"You're not having one?" Devi asks Paxton that, as a good boy he is, takes a bottle of water
"No. I can't during swim season. You gotta keep the body right, you know."
"Yeah, totally. If i had your body i'd treat it right too."
"Oh my god" Lorelai takes her friend by the arm and drags her away from that awkward situation "We have to perfection your flirting skills, Devi."
"What did i say wrong?"
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
Taylor: "Well it didn't take long, apparently Lorelai achieved her goal before Devi because I don't think it's normal to dance like that... no definitely drunk."
"'Sup people! Who wants some 'za?" Ben starts by suddenly entering with a stupid smile on his lips
"Ugh i wish he brought tacos..." Lorelai hears someone saying
"Oh my god, Ben! You brought pizza, i'm so hungry i love you" Rory drags herself towards him slurring her words
"What had gotten into her?"
"Oh well i'll leave her to you. Apparently she tolerates you when she's drunk. Oh wait should i get you a getorade? You seem real thirsty"
Ben scoffs "What are you too doing here?"
"Getting drunk." Rory says not even bothering to consider lying while sitting next to someone on the couch.
That day had been long and your mom never seemed to make it easier, so she wanted a few drinks to feel better.
"Yeah i see that" the boy replies checking her out "Shouldn't you be counting your friends on three fingers?"
"Uh you're the one to talk. How you're even here? These people don't like you." Devi says like it was obvious.
Taylor: "Because it's actually true"
"Yeah, they do. Hey what's up, Trent?" Ben tries to hive five gets brutally ignored "Whatever."
"Devi! Zoe is talking to Paxton" Lorelai points out and Devi immediately swallows half a beer
"Well..." Ben trails off taking one for him and sitting next to Rory "So..." he clears his voice "thank you for helping with that history project by the way"
The girl next to him gives him a little smile and and she is about to drink another shot
"Ehy easy there" Ben takes her glass away "take this" instead offers her a bottle of water but she doesn't bother to drink it
Suddenly she feels a liquid falling on her shirt.
"Ah i'm soo sorry!" it's Zoe who just spilled her drink on Lorelai "Was that marked Chanel?" she asks grinning into her face
Rory stands up and almost slips "Cazzo! That fucking bitch!" but Zoe was already gone
"Hey." Ben stops her "Forget it, it's not worth it." but her face still angered "Come here let's vet you cleaned up" Rory's face softens, it's Zoe what else could she expect...
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷
"How could she do that! Like...what have i done to her? Ben...are you listening?"
The music makes the floor vibrate as they meander around the hose.
"If you don't shut up right now i'll...i'll call your mother" Ben points her finger at her annoyed after finally finding the bathroom.
"God not her. Oh my..." she trails off watching him casually taking off his sweatshirt. Fortunately he had a t-shirt under it.
"Yeah you wish. Here take this" he offers Rory his sweatshirt
"Thank you" Lorelai thanks him offering him a warm smile "umh can you?"
"Oh-oh yeah sure. I mean obviously" Ben immediately turns around so Lorelai can get changed freely
"I'll give it back to you at school" she turns around, the sweatshirt a bit big for her
"No problem, you can take it"
"Why are you suddenly so..." Rory turns her whole body so now she can face Ben
"So- what?"
"so pretty! you've got such a good 'nd nice smile." she smiles at him widely, studying carefully the boy's face as if it was the first time she saw him
Taylor: "Yeah still drunk"
"Umh..." Ben couldn't help it and Rory is too drunk to notice the blush creeping on the boy's cheeks and ears "Have your eyes always been so...blue?"
"Yeah? I- i think so" Lorelai was flushed from the alcohol and her big brown eyes were the only two things Ben could focus on at the moment
Taylor: "Soo Rory is actually flirty drunk! This is getting interesting"
"Holy shit! There's a coyote on the lawn!" some weird guy yells
Taylor: "Oh come on!"
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Sup bitches im back
Very excited bout this fic, it's a favorite concept of mine that I haven't written before (I don't think)
havent had the best day but hopefully this will help both you and me
So yeah enjoy
It was a peaceful, warm (at least inside the common room it was), quiet evening in the gryfinndor common room.
Remus was curled up in his favorite armchair by the fire, reading.
For once it was a book he wanted to read to relax not for studying or school work.
He looked up after about half an hour of quietly reading. It was too quiet.
Something was wrong the small voice in his head told him. Maybe not wrong just missing.
Ah, gryfinndor's two resident trouble makers must be currently terrorizing someone else in the castle instead of making the common room as loud as a amusement park.
He shrugged and turned his focus back to his book, he had the feeling the common room wouldn't stay quiet for long so better make the best of it.
After another half an hour his prediction came true (you don't have to be a seer to know that James and Sirius wouldn't stay away for very long) as James and Sirius crashed through the portrait hole.
They hopped through, gigging like misbehaving little kids.Remus spared them a glance but then ignored them.
They walked over still in the heat of a post prank conversation and sat down, James on the edge of the couch and Sirius on the floor a few feet in front of Moony.
"Oi Remus," Sirius said, grinning like a mad-man. "Do you wanna hear about the prank me and James just pulled?" He giggled.
Remus responded with silence, his eyes still gliding down the page.
"Remus?" Sirius asked a little louder. "Helloooo!"
He waved he hands in front of Remus but still got no response. When you lived with three trouble-making idiots you got pretty skilled in the art of ignoring people.
Remus did respond with an surprised "Hey!" when Sirius snatched the book out of his hands.
"Aha! He lives." Sirius exclaimed triumphantly.
"Welcome back to the world of the living, Remus." James grinned at Remus' eye roll.
"Give me my book back." Remus demanded before Sirius could start on his epic story of James' and his' shenanigans.
"What this book?" Sirius wiggled the book and Remus nodded.
"Come and get it," Sirius stood up and held the book close to his side, protecting it from Remus grabbing it.
Remus sighed in 6'3 to Sirius' 5'10 and stood up as well, instantly reaching to take his book back.
Sirius moved it out of his reach doing it a second time when Remus went to grab it again.
"Sirius, stohop." Remus couldn't help but laugh at Sirius' antics sometimes.
"No! Ack-!" He shouted in surprise when Remus almost tore the book from his clutches before throwing it to James.
James grinned and jumped over the couch to escape Remus.
A game of monkey in the middle started, Remus against Sirius and James.
It was decently hard for James and Sirius to throw it over Remus' head because of his height but they managed.
"Come on, just grab the book." Sirius held it teasingly out in front of him but when Remus went to take it threw it back to James.
"Oh my god," Remus muttered as Sirius and James laughed.
When Sirius held it out in front of him again Remus didn't fall for that trick and instead tackled him to the floor.
The two immediately started wrestling for the book, rolling across the floor in front of the fire.
"Give it back!!" Remus shouted, crawling over to where the book lay.
"No!!" Sirius laughed, reaching it first and curling up with it in his arms.
Remus tried to pry Sirius open but to no avail.
He frantically moved his hands around Sirius' torso to see if there was an opening somewhere where he could worm his hands.
Instead he only managed to get Sirius to yelp and giggle a bit.
"H-hey! Nohoho tickling!" He said through some soft giggles.
"Tickling? What?" Remus asked before an idea struck him. It was his turn to grin before he wiggled his fingers and dug into Sirius' belly.
"Wait, hold on- Remus, nohoho!!" He laughed.
Remus reveled in his childish laughter, his hands tickling where ever they could reach to make Sirius laugh the hardest.
His fingers slipped under his shirt and softly fluttered around his belly button making Sirius' laughter to silent.
It came back with full force when Remhs switched back to kneeding tickles.
"Jahahames!!" Sirius yelled, getting his attention.
Sirius threw the book at James who caught it. James and Remus looked at each other before Remus got up and started chasing him.
James didn't get far before Remus tackled him to the ground too.
James was laying on the book with Remus sitting on his back to pin him.
Without hesitation he dug his fingers into James' ribs causing James to instantly start cackling.
"Not the rihihibs!!" He groaned.
Jamss flopped around uselessly before attempting to push himself up.
Sirius whom had been watching from a far, jumped in to help Remus.
He grabbed James arms and pulled them above his head. Remus let Sirius roll him over so that James was now lying on his back.
Remus took the book and layed it aside so that it wouldn't get further damaged.
Remus once again dug into James' ribs, wiggling his finders in-between the bones making his friend throw his head back and kick his feet.
"This is what you get for taking my shit!" He said to James' hysterics. He leaned down quickly and blew a raspberry on his ribs to see James' reaction.
He squealed and laughed harder, squirming relentlessly.
"He started it!" James nodded up at Sirius.
Remus and Sirius made eye contact for a good ten seconds before Sirius let go of James and ran with Remus right on his tail.
He grabbed Sirius around the middle, holding him in a trapping hug.
Sirius attempted to escape but was grabbed by James who had caught his breath enough to help Remus with Sirius.
Remus sat on his waist and James sat on his arms so that Sirius was rendered useless.
"What's wrong Padfoot?" Remus asked while Sirius giggled in anticipation. "Scared I'm gonna do this?"
He dug his hands into Sirius' thighs and grinned at Sirius' reaction.
"Oh, you though I was gonna go for your belly didn't you?" Sirius flushed red, hiding his face with James' leg.
"Don't worry, I'll tickle your belly Padfoot." James said digging into the sides of Sirius' belly, grinning when Sirius howled with laughter.
"Rehehemus hasn't been tickled yehehet!!" Sirius shouted before falling back into high pitched laughter.
Now it was Remus' turn to look scared as James grinned at him.
"Noooo.. no, James!! Dohon't- don't touch mE-!" He shrieked when James pulled him by his foot so now Remus was on the floor, on his back with James sitting on his waist.
James squeezed his sides and, using his thumb, kneeded into Remus' stomach.
Remus frantically giggled and latched onto James' wrists, pulling them away from his sensative torso.
"Oho no you don't," Sirius hoped up and grabbed Remus' hands, pulling them above his head.
Remus looked up at a grinning Sirius before Sirius dove down to kiss his neck, which Remus thought shouldn't have tickled but it did.
James moved spots to Remus' hips, squeezing them once to hear Moony yelp and let him now what was coming.
He was too busy gigging at Sirius' hands or lips to notice much.
James smirked and circled his thumbs into his hips, digging into the ticklish bundle of nerves.
Remus threw his head back and cackled which wasn't very smart of him because it opened up more places for Sirius to tickle.
"I give, i gihihive! You guys wihihin!!" James and Sirius immediately let go and high fived.
Sirius leaned down and actually kissed him this time but it was a little awkward because they had never kissed each other upside-down.
James and Sirius lay down next to panting Remus and stared up at the ceiling.
"You okay?" James asked Remus when he huffed out a little batch of giggles.
"Yeheheah, it still tihickles." They all chuckled at that.
"Go ahead and tehell me about the prank yohu two pulled.." Remus said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
Sirius instantly jumped right into the story of how he and James set up glittery dung bombs to go off at the slytherin table at breakfast of the next day, James adding along adds the story went on.
Quiet was nice, Remus could admit that. But he could deal with the noise these two brought along with them.
Hope you liked
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