#tw: bipolar disorder
thepupperino · 1 month
Galladrabbles #125 - Trista Mateer poem
Thank you @ardent-fox for this week’s @galladrabbles prompt, it’s a perfect poem for them!
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It comes back in flashes sometimes, the drugs, the sex, the dirty decisions.
Mickey doesn’t care about the drugs, he knows that, but the sex? He remembers how pissed he got about the porno. It didn’t make sense at the time, when mania twisted his thoughts and made him focus on the money, but it makes sense now.
He tells Mickey about the guy; he doesn’t remember his name, but he remembers his face and the things he did.
He feels small, being held by Mickey like this, and thinks maybe he should feel weak. Instead, he feels loved, protected.
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sam-loves-seb · 8 months
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loving you with no conditions
“Are you okay?” he asks for the third time that day, but he already knows the answer before the words even leave his mouth. Ian looks up at him, slowly, with big, sad eyes and a frustrated line between his brows. He swallows, and it looks like that alone takes the life out of him. “No,” he answers quietly, staring straight at Mickey’s shoulder. He doesn’t elaborate. He doesn’t need to; Mickey understands.
// post-canon: ian goes through a depressive episode and mickey takes care of him
whumptober 2023 -- day 17
prompt: touch aversion
[ ao3 | ko-fi | etc ]
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I don't want to brag or anything but I have this superpower where I can actively induce a depressive episode with a very specific combination of certain media and allowing the spiralization of ensuing thoughts. Like, I can just do that whenever I want. Just flip the switch and bam depression. Impressive, right?
(Haven't figured out how to actively flip the switch back off though so I have to be careful with actually using this superpower. I'm basically the Hulk but less angry.)
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the-sugar-crash · 1 year
the best paper I've ever written was a 5 page argumentative essay about me diagnosing Holden Caufield from The Catcher in the Rye with bipolar disorder.
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sanjarka · 3 months
my dad's manic again and it feels like our whole family is sinking again. and then i just feel selfish cause it's not like he has any real power or control. he didn't choose this. but it's all so tiring. my mom's perpetually exhausted and my sister is too young and confused and he can't get the help he actually needs cause we don't have the money and what? the doctors will just drug him until he falls into depression again. his last manic episode lasted for almost two years, how long is it going to be now? like what are people like him supposed to do? never get a chance to be independent or confident or secure in themselves.
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mishervellous · 2 years
One thing I particularly don’t love about the portrayal of bipolar in Shameless is the lack of nuance. Both when Ian is depressed or manic. There’s so much more to that, so many little things that may come acrosss as indicators that don’t necessarily mean he’s too far gone. I wish they had explored that
i absolutely agree! i do also understand why those first few months they would let it escalate to the point where it did, nobody knew what was really going on and i think they wanted his disorder to come across as clear as possible to make the audience understand. but yeah, not enough nuance after that
like don’t get me wrong, i do like how they let Ian lead a normal life, but i also don’t trust the writers enough to say with certainty it was intentional on their part dnsksnsj if they had acknowledged its subtler aspects then maybe yes, but it was either none or full speed so i don’t think it was purposeful lmao
it would’ve been nice to see Mickey learn his cues, you know? they almost gave us that but not really dnsksnsj like if they’re fighting and Ian seems a bit too invested or angry Mickey notices, sits down with him after and asks him if everything is ok. something healthier for the both of them! if he runs too much, wakes up too early, goes to bed too late he notices.
not to say that you can’t do those things and still be perfectly stable, but it would’ve been nice to see Mickey checking up on his husband, making sure he’s safe and happy
but hey, that’s what fanfictions are for 😌
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Well I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder today. We had been going over a checklist every visit to keep track of it being a possibility so it wasn’t a total shock but at the same time kind of was.
While I'm happy that I have a diagnosis so we can treat it head on with less of a guessing game, I'm also terrified because my step mom is bipolar and she's had a lot of issues with suicide attempts and just unhinged manic behavior.
I know part of the issues that she has are from going on and off her meds and the me right now says 'I know I need to take my meds'. The problem is later me who's manic and 'feels better' thinks I don't need to.
So what if I go off my meds and make an attempt or walk off in the middle of winter with no coat and try and steal someone's car. THAT scares me.
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mimsyaf · 2 years
Hypomania is like having the “Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell” song stuck in your head and it’s delightful and also everything glitters with little tiny c*caine sparkles, and everyone’s a heart-friend (except Evildoers) and you’re having some BRILLIANT IDEAS and we are all connected and also also you’re mos def Wile E. Coyote who’s just run off the cliff and hasn’t looked down yet, but is about to.
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As a girl with Bipolar II, who experiences a lot of Bipolar rage, I appreciate the fuck out of this song.
(I know my mental health experiences are certainly not universal, but I wanted to post about this one specific one. )
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tophsazulas · 8 months
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thepupperino · 11 months
Galladrabbles #81
Thank you to @thisdivorce for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: "Love is insane. You feel like you're always subtly asking: "Do you still love me even though I'm flawed?" And the answer just keeps being "Yes." - Gayassnatural
I've been out of the drabble game for a couple weeks and I'm excited to be back!
tw: bipolar disorder, depression
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He gets in his head sometimes, when the depression gets bad. Questions the things he knows are true.
One question cuts the deepest, keeps him up at night, makes him sick:
Does Mickey really love him?
It makes him act weird. Withdrawn.
Mickey notices, because of course he does. Sits beside him on the couch, their thighs barely touching.
It would be enough, but Mickey doesn’t settle for “enough”. Not when it comes to Ian.
Makes it his mission to calm fears and anxieties and racing thoughts.
“I love you.”
He repeats it, shows it, until worries fade to comfort.
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undrcssed · 10 months
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FC: Madelyn Cline
While Rosaleen came from humble beginnings, her life now is a far cry from how her life started. Being the only sister to the most powerful drug trafficker in Boston definitely has it’s perks. She doesn’t have to work for anything, and she certainly takes advantage of that. Cailin never faults her for it though, when you grow up with nothing, it’s easy to get caught up in wanting everything once you can afford it.  Her social status isn’t the only thing that’s changed though, once a shy, reserved bookworm, Rosaleen is now photographed at clubs, stumbling out of bars drunk with different guys (and girls). Rosaleen thrives on the attention on some level, but there are moments when it can be overwhelming too, that’s when panic sets in and she hides away from the world. She’ll disappear from the public eye for weeks, nursing her anxiety and bipolar disorder in solitude. The only person who even knows about her mental health struggles is her older sister, and though she tries to encourage her to get help, the younger girl resists it at every turn, trying to convince herself and her sister that she’s got it under control. Most of the time.  But the truth is, she really doesn’t. She constantly engages in risky behavior, whether it’s the people she hangs around, or getting behind the wheel drunk racing through the streets of Boston. She will shoplift even though she can afford things, and there’s been more than one night where Cailin had to bail her out of jail for petty crimes. No matter how bad things get sometimes though, she refuses medication, stating that they make her feel dull and void of life.
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aaannyanka · 1 year
I look like a potato and it’s so frustrating cause I don’t think I’m eating that much more than when I was 10 kg lighter, I’m convinced my meds are stopping me from losing weight, but I’m also really scared of what I might become off meds
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knchins · 2 years
I know yesterday depressive episode Ally made an appearance to say they might fuck off until next year but manic episode Ally is here today to tell you that that's not happening.
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dormienschas · 2 years
TW: Bi-Polar talk
Ughh Bi-polar ruins everything once you go into Manic mode. I can't concentrate, my brain is running a million miles a minute, I'm so irritable because I can't concentrate. I wanna both cry and laugh at the same time. I hate it. I hate it so much....
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wanting to kys to prove a point but also wanting to get better and be the best person you can be to prove a point
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