#ty surf for making this possible
i-eat-deodorant · 2 months
i don't think i ever posted this
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dozing-marshmallow · 10 months
A BURNING STAR- Chris McLean x Reader
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The beginning
Success was a funny thing. Are people born to it or do they make it themselves? Do they burn from the pressure to blow up when least expected or are they sealed under the skin, like of a woman, who walks down the pavement like the normal?
Lightning bolt earrings and pink silk scarf, it had been another wonderful day for (Y/N) at the studio. Though it did cut into some of her studying time as a nineteen year old, nothing threaded life in her veins faster than tying her salmon shoelaces to head out for a morning of singing. Summer was especially motivating, every step surfing like a symphony, where she’d hoped that year she’d find a bigger reason to separate her curtains further.
Passing by the usual shops and crossing the correct roads, a ringing noise builds its way into (Y/N)’s ears, which was not part of everyday. She pauses, not sensing pain, merely strangeness. A make belief she first had was that it came from her place of work, however discovered it to be way up ahead. Naturally, she skipped towards it and clocked what it was- a guitar and...singing. Where was it coming from though? The by passers around her weren’t fazed at all, was she the only one that could hear it? Distant, but longing...
It wouldn’t hurt to get a closer listen, right? Aw what the heck, she had nothing better to do anyway.
So she went, crossing the unusual roads and passing by uncertain shops, finding herself in an alley where the ringing had diverted absolutely into a higher volume of outside music and synchronised voices. She was very close. One more turn and she would practically find the source. 
But she didn’t want that. It sounds like...a boy band, in the middle of a song. Their young baritones enhanced melodiously by a bass and a hitting drum set. Bar lines meant for a rhythmic dream girl, she’d feel not only flustered, but guilty if they found a stranger getting nosey and messed up their performance because of it. Oh, the awkwardness.
Hence why, she peered around the grimy wall as discreetly as she could, and what does she know, it’s exactly as she thought.
I stand against the wall, waiting for you to ask me to dance, my heart is in your hands!
It was quite a thing to come across on a typical day of travelling home. There were four of them, one that proved her attention to bass and another proving the presence of a set of drums true, with the other two being the core singers. Whether it was an instrument, a microphone or a drumstick they held in their hand, all of them had stage presence in a place that lacked quite technically that, with a choreography that flowed very smoothly with the tempo. Even the sun was amazed that the quartet was pulling off a song in a dodgy passageway where anything of nature could happen, through its selected support to fall its gold upon them, ethereal, magical. And while the judgement of the golden yolk that hanged above them was justified, (Y/N) couldn’t help but center her attention around one of the singers, the one with black hair and a clean face...only because he...was also wearing something plaid, a flannel, red too, alike her dress, her nice cozy dress. As he finishes his note, he brings his view down from the sky and presumably reopens his eyes where he freestyles around for this segment, the very man she had been gazing at catches sight of her hem that naturally pulls him into making eye contact with her. 
Oh, uh...! Dang it! Just what I...! Before the warmth of exposure took full effect, she snapped the trance and quickly walked off as though she hadn’t come the particular way to feed her curiosity. She didn’t remember the route being this long...
That vaporised to the least of her concerns when a moving silhouette of a tower dashed towards her from the side. Needless to say, when the light spontaneously disappeared, her mind flashed the worst possible thing to sight, may have jumped or ga-
“My bad,” The thing had spoken.
Huh? She turned around and visibly gasped:
It was that singer?,“Didn’t mean to scare ya, my fault for not making myself known earlier.” He advanced, ironically owning a speaking voice shyer than his consuming shadow sprawling on the ground.
(Y/N) remains silent to take in his figure, now that she was watching from a closer distance. His messy black hair mahogany in the sunlight, ripped grey jeans that were a bit too big for his ankles, right arm used to bear a transducer behind his head, stumbling in continuation,“I...noticed you watching our performance...and I wanted to hear what you thought about it. (This is also my first time meeting a fan!). Sorry, if this was sudden.” The second to last part was mainly for himself, but she’s glad it was external.
Makes it easier to clear up the misunderstanding,“Oh, no... I’m the one that should be sorry. I could have distracted you. I...was just curious.” She had never been more thankful for sunshine,”The music was really nice, so I wanted to check out where it was coming from. I didn’t mean to look for that long.”
But the male wasn’t insulted,”Ohh, I know where you’re coming from. Don’t worry, I wasn’t distracted,” He stops to look at her,“...I know it’s not conventional, having a guy talk to you in a place like this, but if you don’t have anything else to do... Want to talk for a little bit?”
Though he was well built and looked marginally older than her, (Y/N) didn’t have any alarms swirling in her stomach; the sun did flow well on his red, a shade of rose rather than blood.
“Uh...” she hastily looks to the side, not realising that alternative shortcut from whence he came upon her first arrival,“Sure!” 
“Really? Alright then!” He was acceptive of both choices?,“And don’t worry about the others coming in on us, they all go home the other way.”
“G-Gotcha!” Isn’t it wonderful that he who she laid eyes on was he who came for her?
Nothing like a sunny afternoon with a singing stranger surrounded by brick walls dried with graffiti.
“So, do you always come here for rehearsals?” She asked, sitting up next to him on the recycling bin, closing the lid beforehand.
“Nah. We kinda did just start, so we haven’t done this kind of practice in a public setting like this before. Normally, we’d go to one of our garages.” His silver ear piercing aligned similarly to his teeth.
“Makes sense. What’s the name of this band?” 
“We’re Fametown!” His response great with energy.
“Okay Fametown. What kind of genre do you make? Love songs?” She teasingly presumed.
His hand immediately slaps onto the side of his neck, sheepishly confirming it. Aw, who knew! “It may sound cliche, but with the talent of all the other guys in the band, we’ll get a record deal sooner or later!”
That’s the spirit of a fellow singer she likes to hear! The more belief you have in yourself, the sooner you’ll reach your goal!... Albeit, to (Y/N)’s disappointment, the other supposed singer in the alley didn’t reciprocate her enthusiasm,“Actually about that...” he begins, shifting closer to her in means to whisper as though he wanted nobody else to hear,”Don’t tell my other bandmates about this...but I’m actually not all that big about singing.”
“Really?” She blinks. With a voice like that, it was hard to believe he lacked passion.
He nods,”It sounds deceiving, but... I just... I really want to be famous. And singing to me is one way where I can be guaranteed fame, even if, I’m not sure if it’s what I like.”
I see. She had to hold in her sigh. Just when she thought she found an opportunity to connect and befriend another musically inclined soul. At least he was honest with himself,“Then...maybe, if it’s not what you like, you should quit. You can get famous by doing anything nowadays, especially if you love it.”
“Quit?” He repeated, as though it was a bleak suggestion. Man, he wasn’t giving (Y/N) a lot to work with,”But... I want to give it more time to see if it’ll grow onto me. If not, then I totally will.”
What does this man like otherwise?
He looks away with sparkles in his dark eyes,“I’d love to get into acting again...maybe even start my own show!”
“You acted before?” She smiles, interested. Had she accidentally stumbled upon a hidden celebrity?
With that asked, he blew up with excitement,“Uh huh!” He rapidly nods at the same speed as his enjoyment in the conversation,”You know that talking cats movie from about a year ago? I played a huge role in that one!” Almost as though it wasn’t often.
Maybe (Y/N) knew why after hearing his description,“Really?” He wasn’t talking about that movie, was he-
“Yeah, one of many! You know CATostrophes?”
...Yep. He was talking about that movie. The one everyone kept making fun of back in tenth grade... She decided to keep that part to herself.
“Ohhhh! It was you who made that! Wow!” Her false smile slowly returning sincere. Sure, it was terrible- so terrible, it’s funny,“Who knew I’d get to meet the...star of that movie?” Hidden was a lot more appropriate.
“And who knew I’d get to meet such a beauty after my rehearsal?“ He winked, causing her to playfully roll her eyes,“I plan on getting into another, maybe a sports movie!”
“A sports movie?” She repeated in puzzlement, not realising how much correlation there was,”I guess boys like their sports... Are you in any clubs?”
“Back when I was in high school. Are you?” He rapidly redirects the question as though it was a topic he wanted to avoid.
“Just coaching for singing.” She hummed dully. It was only fair.
“Oh, right... How long you been singing for?”
For some reason, she wasn’t expecting him to ask an organic question, so it was relieving that the instinct was false,“Since I was younger, like thirteen.”
“Oh wow... Yeah, you for sure are more passionate than I am...” he sways his feet back and forth,“Did you need to pay for coaching?”
What kind of question is that? Still, she answered calmly,“Normally, you’d need to pay about two hundred dollars monthly, but because my high school provided it as an option, it was free until I left, where my teacher was kind enough to reduce it to fifty dollars.”
“Impressive...” he commented, genuinely intrigued.
How come? Didn’t he go to at least one voice coaching lesson before joining this band?
He was reeled from his admiration,“Not really... Unless bandmates count.”
“Mm,” She’d give the benefit of the doubt,“Relying on the feedback of your bandmates isn’t necessarily advisable for constructive criticism. But you know what, there are lots of singers from around the world that are self taught, like uh...Elvis Presley.”
“Elvis Presley is a generous comparison...” he added, in a way that spoke incomplete attention, not long after he checks his watch,“I better get going now.” he leaps off the bin,“Does the lady want to exchange landline numbers? No pressure, I enjoyed the conversation.”
“Sure! You seem like a pretty good guuuy...”  she dragged out as though trying to recall what his name was. When connected the dots, the man face palms.
“Oh, how forgetful am I! I’m Chris. Chris McLean.”
Has a nice ring to it,“(Y/N) (L/N),” she smiled.
“(Y/N) (L/N)?!” He suddenly jumped back in disbelief,“You’re...that singer (Y/N) (L/N)?”
“Surprised?” She didn’t think it was a big deal.
“O-Of course... I lis- Would it really be okay to get your number...?” Aww!
She isn’t that light!,“Why wouldn’t it!” She fishes out a paper from her handbag to give him, seeming that the contact of it cured him of his shock.
Now over the plot twist, he quickly scans over it and grins at her as a result,“You...just had it on your person?”
She vertically waves her hand,“Oh please! I always carry my landline number on me in case I happen to find a groovy man with a voice as hot as the sun! Nah, I wrote it beforehand.”
“Soooo you were planning on giving it to me way before I asked?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“Don’t get the wrong idea.” She firmly averred.
He gives a light chuckle, then extracted a receipt and a pen from his interior pocket. He looks around for a surface to write it on and ended up leaning over the bin. Two steps ahead in memory.
“Have you given your landline number to a girl before, by any chance?” She smirked as he scribbled it down. From this angle, his attire suited the bricks perfectly.
“Sure I have! To chicks from high school, chicks from the streets...” Straightening his posture, he gives the crimped complete paper to her in exchange,”Call me soon alright?”
“Desperate?” Her smirk not fading. Did he say that to all the others?
“No! Not at all. Just...let me know when you get back home.”
“Sure will.” She made sure he watched her slip it into her purse.
And she did and had herself, twirling the wire and kicking feet in the air, marking meet ups with him on her neglected calendar and lyrics in their flesh. Her house had never felt so empty while her hand was the furthest thing from that. She never would’ve guessed that this relationship she composed with a dreaming guy from an alley would get serious, but despite all these dates and growing intimacy, she never let the case of being another simple chick from the street in his eyes fade from her mind. But their frequent visits and very little mention of other girl names, soon morphed into a question of What made her so special?
“Double doubles are my favourite!” The musician exclaimed, having a jolly sip. Here, they were much more civilised, with napkins on their laps and paying lunch. (Y/N) wasn’t wearing a dress this time around, rather baggy jeans, similar to what Chris had on.
“Meh, soy lattes are way better.” The former one claimed with less spirit, drinking from said preference while sitting in front of her.
“So! You left your band?” She put out in reminder, twirling her fork around her spaghetti.
“Yep, and it was for the best. You should’ve seen how ticked off they were! I mean, I gave it my best shot and that’s how they react? Unbelievable!” He scoffed, gesticulating with knife in hand,“Whatever, I don’t care about them anymore. I’ll find new people, way more awesome than them. And that starts off with a new dream.”
By this time, he had hair prickling all over the lower half of his face and took sensible measures with the hair on his head; gel was never let out of his cabinets again.
“Yeah! Like the badminton movie you landed! And you got the lead role? Doooope!”
“I hope you can be the first one to see it!” He points excitedly.
“Aw, I absolutely will!” Red coloured her cheeks,“You should come around soon you know.”
“Heck yeah I will!” He chimed, slipping a forkful of food into his mouth,”After I’m done filming, there’ll be plenty of time for us to hang out... I still can’t believe I’m talking to someone as cool as you.”
“Aw, give yourself more credit, Chris! You were the one that took the chance to start talking to me.” Her eyes gleamed in its beautiful (E/C),“Could we go to the ice cream palor first? It’ll be so fun!”
“Who am I to reject that? Unless I don’t feel like it that day.”
Only makes sense! It’s his movie they’ll be celebrating after all. He lets her know she has a coffee stain on the corner of her lip, and she’s warm, not from humiliation, but from the enrapture. The pink, purple aura of this diner really did fit with what was starting to sweeten the air- their desserts, of course!
Not only that, (Y/N) would realise, finding herself cooing, a year or so later, to the same ambitious man, tugging onto his collars one day,“You’re as handsome as ever... That stubble looks great on you.”
“What doesn’t!” He twitted, before kissing the tip of her nose.
Chris was now investing time in his show, alongside the adoption of a signature necklace tied around his flawless neck- meanwhile, (Y/N) had finished college and debated on whether university had her best interest or not; she was already doing well with music, and whatever money she would have had was mostly reserved for the apartment they rented together anyhow. Call it a wild decision, to move in with a guy she met in an alley and hasn’t known him for the same amount of time it takes one to be a sixth grader to graduating as a senior, but who cares! It was bound to happen, finding their primary strength relying on that neither of them had ever met one like the other before. It was only a matter of time before her honeysuckle chorus was made real.
“Alright!” He cleared his throat, finger pointing upwards,”Today marks the day of the pilot episode of my cooking show, Keep it Plain with Chris McLean!” 
“What dish did you make for it?” She had faith it would be mind blowing, something she hadn’t heard bef-
“White rice!”
“Just that?” ...She didn’t think he meant it literally.
“Before you go all judge-y, hear me out!” Now that he stopped singing, his voice was at liberty all the more,“I have to start off basic and simple, then I can make my way towards more complicated dishes, like lasagna and poutine!”
She’s a bit doubtful of his way of thinking, but didn’t want it to get in the way of her ability to support him,”Alright! Just...please be careful. I did have to pull strings with the company to make this possible, so if this fails, it also looks bad on me.”
“You worry too much, baby! Just leave it to me, I know what I’m doing!”
“A show about watching paint dry would be more entertaining than this.”
“Worst twenty minutes of my life!”
“Did he already run out of ideas to make WHITE RICE?”
“Desperation at its finest.”
“If that’s what he chose to make for the first episode, I don’t even want to know what he’ll make next. Hot water? Peeled potatoes?”
“It was okay, nothing too particularly exciting, but something my grandpa liked.”
“Even my mom with dementia knows how to cook better rice than this weirdo.” 
“I just know someone got food poisoning listening to this.”
“He didn’t even mention seasoning... Yeah, I wouldn’t ever let this guy come into my kitchen, eh?”
“You know the show is doomed when your sister that wants to be a chef turns the tv off whenever this comes on.”
“Sorry man, but this really wasn’t a good way to introduce your show.”
“Honestly, reading all of these reviews on one hand makes me relieved that I’m not the only one who thought this show was embarrassing for McLean, but on the other hand, I feel bad for him.”
“He’d be better off as a commentator because what was this recipe?”
“Just stay an actor, no one wants to see you cook.”
“Man makes dish everyone and their babies know how to make! Yay!”
It hadn’t even been a month since his first episode aired. Shame graced on one harder than a swinging bat. Switching her sight back and forth between the letter and Chris’ reaction, (Y/N) saw the love he had for his show burn. The paper gradually twitched in his hands as more time passed where they should’ve by now reached the final nail in the coffin on how the show would permanently be removed from the network’s listing. He had never seemed so close to tears.
People can be so horrible.
“Chris...don’t listen-“
“It’s fine.” He bitterly interrupts, scrunching the acidic letter up into a sphere,”They just don’t know true art. None of them do. An artist is never understood in their era.”
“Hey... You’re not okay. Let’s go outside, to the park, okay? I’ll grab a few things we’ll need.”
“Whatever!” Without warning, he yelled, hurling the ball of humiliation to the floor with (Y/N) watching from a frightened frame,”It’s just like how people reacted to my first film! Nothing was ever good enough! I am so done with them! What in the name of television standards do they want? I’ve tried everything! Everything!” He was dangerously close to ripping his hair out.
Lord! She didn’t expect him to suddenly lash out! She needed a minute to recollect her senses. 
Once regained, (Y/N) carefully rubbed his back,“That’s why, we’re going to take a break from people.”
A sulking man and a thoughtful woman. For a sunshine day like this, (Y/N) was surprised there wasn’t a lot of families outside especially from the area they lived in. Though, it was probably because it was a working weekday, so she didn’t really pay mind to how empty it was, aside from the ordinary dog walkers.
“You think I’m some sort of kid?” Chris murmured, trailing behind.
That got her attention,“What makes you say that?” he gestured gloomily behind her- the unused climbing frame, set of swings and roundabout that had lived there longer than they had was all the answer she needed,”Huh? You think I chose this park so you can go on the monkey swings? I mean, we can if you want to. Though we’ll have to do it before we eat.” She wiggles her finger,”Can’t have you feeling sick!”
“I’m good... Let’s just find a spot already.” He proposed morose, hands still stuffed in his pockets, obvious that the sunshine hadn’t brightened his mood yet.
“Hm... How about you pick it, dear?”
He seemed taken aback, but soon accepted the idea by taking a hand out to pinpoint one, near a hill, absent of sheltering trees. Not a typical spot, you could remark, but it was the spot he chose in the land of countless spaces and that was enough for her to beam and approach while watching him slowly come out from under the raincloud. 
She set the blanket down and followed him to the ground.
“How did you have all this ready?” He asks, watching her take out a different variety from her basket to the blanket.
“I went shopping yesterday. I was hoping this could’ve been a celebration of your new show... But you know what, let’s still make that happen, while add it on as a way to cheer you up.” She takes out a bottle filled with red liquid,”I noticed you’ve been drinking tomato juice a lot more recently. So I made special note to buy that. Don’t drink anything right from the bottle, I brought cups.”
“Thank you, (Y/N)...” he lets out, watching his finger stroke the body of the bottle,”Y’know, I feel like I barely pay attention to you anymore.”
“Don’t feel that way.” She didn’t want him to be in an even worse state,“Sure, it’s...true. But you’re not doing it on purpose. You had a script to memorise, and you were the host.”
“I know that...but seeing how people are reacting to it, maybe I’m not fit to be on TV, so I feel like I wasted time even bothering when I coulda just been with you.”
A frown collapsed on her lips,“If you really don’t feel like hosting again because you don’t think it’s what you’re made for, I’m in full support of that, not because of a few negative comments. You’ll get those no matter what you do, in any business. Don’t let other people decide what you can and can’t do.”
“But that’s the thing, I need other people’s opinions, don’t I, (Y/N)?” Whether he intended it or not, his interpretation addressed like ice,”I need people to watch me, to have their eyes on me, to give me the worthy name. I need people to praise my work, to praise me. I need the world to go to the stars.”
“Oh Chris...” she responds, rocking her head to him. Besides from occasional pauses of tomato juice, Chris hadn’t touched any of the food,”You can’t make everyone happy. And maybe there were more people that liked your show than you think, but the radio station only decided to include the negative parts in the letter. Besides, you did achieve some of that reputation, didn’t you? Like from your badminton movie you did?”
“A big mediocrity that could’ve gone a lot better...” he was quick to counteract,“The storyline, the setting, the other themes... No wonder why you don’t hear people begging for a sequel like Child’s Play…” he grouches, relying the weight of his ponderous face on his knees,“I’m hopeless. Absolutely hopeless. Is there any point bothering anymore, (Y/N)? Maybe I’m not meant to be famous...”
“My love…don’t say that.” She couldn’t eat after hearing that. Was that really how he thought? The clouds won’t go away easily, will they?,“I think you might just need to breathe…and accept the outcome of your cooking show. All the successful people you admire was in your position once...even I was. They pour their time and heart into something, but still witness it not getting as popular as they wanted.” She scooted closer to him,“Tell me, do you have a passion for cooking?”
He gives a thoughtful glance,“Well... I guess I’m okay at it, but it’s not something I can imagine doing for the rest of my life.”
Figures! She knew from that pace he didn’t,“Now, let me ask you. If it’s not what you’re passionate about, why did you start a show on it?”
“I guess... It just seemed easy. Truth is, I still don’t know what it is I exactly want to do, so I figured if singing or acting wasn’t my feel, I could try hosting. And cooking shows seemed good enough to suck up for... I didn’t think people would see through the pretend if I had thought more about the joy of being famous rather than...” He trailed off, appearing to ingest the messy thought process behind it...
There. She sits up, after leaving a gentle kiss on his cheek,“See? That was the root of your failure. There was nothing wrong with your charisma nor you in general, Chris, but don’t undermine your audience- they can tell if you’re doing something that doesn’t come natural to you. There’s the bigger absence of soul, and we all know what atmosphere a dead body sets. Hearing that you didn’t like it to begin with, I’m honestly happy that it failed. Imagine if it blew up and you were stuck doing it for months, years, just for reputation sake? Why make a misery out of your life when you can be famous for something you love instead?” She takes a munch of her sandwich,”In other words, yes, there is a point bothering. Remember what I said? You can be famous by doing anything. There’s no point wasting it on something that just happened to be convenient. You just have to reflect, hosting, what kind of show do you want to host? Acting, what genre do you want to star in?”
Chris doesn’t respond right away. For a second, (Y/N)’s stomach drops as though she had said the wrong thing- taking sight of the expression knitted on his face, however, she found that it wasn’t the case of searching for a verbal answer to give her- but an answer to himself. In spite of his eyes already being the darkest colour possible, a wide range of heavy thoughts had glimmered from his strange brain in them, taking her word of reflection to the next level extremely.
For what felt like an hour of listening to the wind whistling and strands of hair dancing, the epiphany (Y/N) casted on him was alas put to rest as Chris drops his body onto her lap, groaning,“I’ll think more about it later... Right now, I...think I really just need to take my mind of it.” Guess he realised he had tried exploring so many methods at once, he had forgotten to use himself as the starting point.
Warmly, she locates her accepting arms around him,“Hang in there, baby. Your time will come along.”
After that, Chris got a lot more attention. Better attention, from other actors, singers, producers. He never told her what he did that led to it. Whether he used (Y/N)’s connections or found some of his own, it worked, and now, smiling had never been more permanent on his face.
A pink balloon to her wrist, (Y/N) hopped in circles on their carpet. Even their Venus flytrap was greener for happiness was alive and well, evident by Chris’ current calls for his sweetheart one day, the ecstatic voice followed by rushing footsteps, the more it repeated, the closer it would seem he’s gotten to her, racing with a grand smile carved in his face. Before the woman at urgent request could verbalise, he gripped onto her waist to swing her off her feet out of this pure excitement,”I got it, I got it, I got it! I got the job!”
Who could not have smiled at such an act?! This along with what he said was definitely a time of good news! 
“Woooo! Where, Chris, where?!” She laughed with him as he put her back down.
“Hosting! I’m going to be hosting a brand new reality tv show!” He announced, hand to chest, the words flying out faster than he can think them.
Oh my God.
Her eyes widened.
This really was a miracle.
“Oh my God!” she squealed recklessly loud, her go to tighten her arms around him,”That’s incredible Chris! Oh I’m so proud of you!” No wonder why he was so happy! He was going to have a second chance at one of the best positions in the industry!
“Thank you, (Y/N)! This is totally going to be my breakthrough! No way I’ll get fired now! And...” his voice tones down for a crucial confession,“I want you to be part of it.”
“Huh, me? Meeee? Lil old me?” she had caught her own wide smile, letting go of him. 
“Uh, yes! I can’t have you in the shadows when there’s the whole world to shine for!” He explained as though it was obvious.
“Ohhh I don’t know...” the beloved lady puts a considering finger on the side of her face,“I won’t be as good as you with being on live television, and... Well, I want you to be the centre of it all, not me by accident.”
“Ohohoho...” he laughs, lightly squeezing her face,“Don’t worry, you for sure won’t be stealing my spotlight. Come on... It’ll mean the world to me! And it’ll be my way of saying thank you for believing in me. Pleaaaaaaaaase?” He grasped his hands together in front of his face.
“Hmm...” What was really stopping her? She had the confidence for it and she’d get to really celebrate Chris’ success on landing such a good job by being a part of it,”Alright! If it’s for you, then absolutely! How should I apply?”
“Apply?” The soon to be host with the most repeated, confusion narrowing his beautiful features, before cracking up at such inquiry,”I already signed you up! It was actually the producers’ idea to get someone like you on the show!” He puts his hands forwards, cracking knuckles, no going back,”Prepare for showbiz Y/N, cuz we’re in for the ride of fame!”
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 months
Glue (Part 1)
Summary: JJ is living a nightmare when his best friend, Reader, is kidnapped and held for ransom by his father.
TW/CW: Routledge!Reader x JJ Maybank, Reader is held at gunpoint by Luke, JJ is beating himself up about it as well as the tree.
Requested?: No
Word Count: 1,822
A/N: omg this took so long to write... Requests are Open! Much love to all!
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That’s (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Routledge. My sister is a jack of all trades. Surfing, mischief, singing, boating, fishing, you name it, she’s probably good at it. Her favorite place to be is on the surf. She’s a feisty little firecracker and I often find myself dragging her out of a sticky situation. Love her to death. She’s a hoot. 
(Y/N)'s POV
“(Y/N)!” my best friend yells.  
I throw my arm over my eyes and yell back, “What JJ? What could you possibly be yelling about this early in the morning?” 
No response. I throw my arm down and poke my head up over the side of the hammock. Looking around I see no one and assume he’s just screwing with me. I close my eyes and throw my arm back over them. “(Y/N)!” This time I shoot up glaring around. Finally, I see the hood of the HMS Pogue up. Grumbling, I stumble out of my comfy spot and shuffle toward the dock. I can’t stop a large yawn as I spot JJ with his head buried under the hood.  
I sigh rubbing the bridge of my nose, “What the fuck are you doin’, JJ?” 
“Damn engine is clankin’ again,” comes his muffled reply as he fidgets with the engine.  
I grab the back of his shirt and tug, “Get out of there, will ya? Before you screw something up.” 
“I’m not gonna fuck it up. Hand me that wrench?” He responds pointing with his free hand. I roll my eyes and pick up the wrench, handing it to him before plopping down on the side of the boat. He fiddles around inside the engine compartment for a few moments before asking, “Where’s John B?” 
“How should I know? I just woke up,” I answer, annoyance evident in my tone. 
“Chill Princess. Was just askin’” he laughs. 
A few moments go by of silence aside from the bumps and knocks of JJ’s tools and the soft splashing of the waves. Suddenly JJ yells, yanking his hand out of the boat’s insides and looking at it in frustration. “What’d you do?” I ask. 
“Uhhhh,” he quickly hides his hand in his shirt, “Nothing just banged my hand.” 
I get up from my seat and shuffle toward him. I gently tug his hand into view and spot a large gash across the back of his hand. He hisses as I wipe the blood away with my shirt. “I’ll go get the first aid kit.” 
I clamber off the boat and make my way to the rebuilt Chateau. The first thing my brother did after the whole gold mess died down was rebuild our childhood home. Making my way to the bathroom I fish the first aid kit out of the cabinet and grab a towel from the hook. As I exit the bathroom, I bump into someone, “You’re usually not too excited to get bandaged up,” I comment, assuming it’s just JJ. The person places a gun to my stomach and puts their other hand over my mouth. I drop the supplies as I realize who it is.  
“Make a single sound and I’ll shoot you,” Luke growls and I can’t help the wave of fear that rolls through me. “You’re coming with me, darlin’,” my stomach rolls. I debate my options mentally. I could try to fight him, but I have no real chance considering he’ll put a bullet in me before I can make it out the door. Before I can come up with any kind of exit strategy, he drags me out of the house and to a truck parked a good way from the house. He shoves me in the passenger seat and takes off, keeping the gun trained on me the entire time. It’s not long before we pull into a marina and he’s yanking me around again. He drags me inside a houseboat and shoves me into a small room, tying my hands before leaving. 
I pause my one-handed work and drop the wrench to wipe blood away from my cut again. I look toward the house and see no sign of (Y/N. I check my phone and realize she’s been gone for a good fifteen minutes. She should’ve been back by now. I hear a truck rumble in the distance but think nothing of it as I make my way inside. “(Y/N)?” I walk through the house and finally see the first aid kit and a towel on the floor outside the bathroom, “(Y/N)!?” I yell, starting to panic. Ripping my phone out of my pocket I run outside as I dial John B’s number. It rings and rings and finally goes to voicemail. I dial again, still searching everywhere for any sign of (Y/N).  
Finally he picks up, “Yo, what’s up? Got that rust bucket running yet?” 
“(Y/N)’s gone,” I say, too worried to beat around the bush. 
“What? What do you mean she’s gone?” 
“I mean she’s gone, man. She went inside to get the first aid kit because I cut my hand up and when she didn’t come back, I went looking for her,” my voice shakes as I hurriedly explain, “I found the first aid kit and a towel on the floor but no (Y/N).” 
“We’re on our way now. Sit tight, don’t do anything stupid,” John B answers, sounding panicked himself, as the line clicks dead. I throw my phone at the ground and my fist at a tree. I was right outside. What the hell happened? I should’ve gone in with her. I throw another punch at the tree as countless similar thoughts run through my head. 
By the time the Twinkie turns into the driveway, I’ve beat my knuckles bloody and am sitting on the porch steps with my head in my hands. After coming to a screeching halt, John B and Sarah jump out of the van. Sarah runs over to me, checking me over and taking note of my destroyed knuckles. John B on the other hand rushes inside and starts yelling for his sister. When he emerges from the Chateau, he’s frantic. Sarah stands and places her hand on his shoulder, “Just sit down and call Shoop.” She walks inside and returns soon after with a first aid kit.  
“I need to file a missing person's report,” John B states as Sarah takes a seat beside me and holds her hand out to me, expecting me to give her mine. “(Y/N) Routledge. She was last seen wearing,” he pauses and looks at me as he whispers, “What was she wearing?” I don’t have time to answer, “She was last seen like thirty minutes ago.” Having cleaned them of blood, Sarah wraps my hands in gauze as John B stands abruptly, “What do you mean I can’t file yet? She’s my sister!” He listens for a second as Sarah finishes with my bandages. “I don’t give a damn if it hasn’t been twenty-four hours. You know what? Put Shoop on. Let me talk to Shoop.” He removes his phone from his ear and glares at it, “They hung up.” His phone joins mine in the grass as he plops down beside me, dropping his head into his hands. 
“You both just need to breathe for a sec, okay? We’ll find her. We’ll round everyone up and we’ll get her back,” Sarah states trying to calm us down. She pulls out her phone and types out a short message before returning her attention to us, “It’s gonna be okay.” 
Feeling defeated I mumble, “‘Preciate the positivity but we don’t even know who took her.” 
“We can’t just sit here,” John B firmly states, standing to return inside, probably in search of clues. 
I drop my head back into my hands, yanking on my hair, “Fuck!” Sarah places her hand on my shoulder. “If I had gone inside with her instead of being focused on that damn boat- “  
Sarah doesn’t let me finish, “Don’t you dare. Don’t start blaming yourself. You had no idea.” 
John B returns, plopping back into his seat and assuming a position that copies mine. The three of us sit in silence for a while. Kie, Pope, and Cleo arrive and make their way to us. “What’s going on? Where’s (Y/N)?” Pope asks. 
John B and I don’t bother to look up, so Sarah responds, “She’s missing.” Pope throws his hands up to his head and takes a few steps back  
“Are you sure? Sure she’s not just out doing (Y/N) stuff?” Cleo questions, fiddling with her knife. 
“We’re sure. She went inside to get a first aid kit for JJ and didn’t come back out,” Sarah answers. 
“Did you call the police?” Kie inquires, taking a seat beside Sarah. 
“Of course, I called the cops Kie. They said we can’t file a report until she’s been missing 24 hours and wouldn’t let me talk to Shoop,” John B shoots back, sounding a bit harsh. 
Before anyone else can say a word, my phone starts ringing from the weeds. I jump up and run over, “It could be her.” I pick it up and my hope falters. An unknown number is there where it should say Pogue Princess. I answer it anyway, “He-hello?” 
“I want $100,000 in cash or you’ll never see your little girlfriend again,” comes a voice I hoped to never hear again, Luke. 
I quickly run back over to the others and put my phone on speaker, “If you hurt her, I swear- “ 
Sarah pulls her phone out to record as soon as he starts to respond, “You swear? Swear what? What are you gonna do boy?” Shock plasters everyone’s features but he’s not done, “$100k in cash for your girl. You know what? Tell that Routledge boy he owes $100k too. And don’t even think about running to Shoop, soon as I catch wind of him, I’m putting a bullet between her pretty little eyes.” As he hangs up, Sarah ends the video and starts toward the van. 
“Where’re you going?” John B inquires as I stand there frozen in shock and fear. 
“We can take this video to Shoop and then he has no choice than to help us find her,” she answers. 
This shakes me back to reality, “No! He’ll kill her.” 
“He won’t if he has no clue. The police are trained for this sort of thing.” 
“Sarah, we’ll find her and then send Shoop after him. I’m not risking my sister’s life,” John B interjects. 
Sarah looks at us, silently begging us to do what she thinks is the right thing. Having no such luck, she looks to the other three hoping for backup. 
Cleo nods her head as Pope speaks up, “I’m kind of with Sarah here.” 
Kie shrugs, “She’s right They’re trained for this. We’re not.” John B and I look at each other knowing we’re outnumbered and we all head for the Twinkie. 
Part 2 Here
More JJ Maybank Imagines
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noahtally-famous · 11 months
seastar/heathette hcs!! 🐬🌟
( I’m not that good at art lmao, so have these cutsey hcs instead! heathette sweep pls and ty 🙏 @totaldramabrackets )
- bridgette being clumsy and heather catching bridgette either in her arms or pulling her into her arms (”god, you’re such a klutz” *says fondly*)
- heather: I’m not going in the water. I’ll get my hair wet!
bridgette: *grins and splashes water at her*
- bridgette being the one to get rid of the bugs in the house while heather is perched on any flat surface farthest away from it, legs pulled up and shrieking
- romcoms! bridgette loving them and heather tolerating them--but soon grows to like them though she pretends she doesn’t--so whenever it’s bridgette’s turn to pick the movie, you bet it’s either a romcom or an ocean-life documentary
- heather carrying bridgette around for the heck of it--especially when she knows she’s gonna do smth Not Safe and just totes her away lmao
- heather loves horror movies, bridgette hates them; cue heather putting on a horror movie just so bridgette is curled up against her, eyes only visible above the pillow she’s holding in a death grip, hand gripping heather’s. (the jumpscares get her literally jumping partway onto heather’s lap, which heather’s totally not secretly loving, nope....)
- bridgette tends to be a bed-sprawler, like she’ll stay at one side in the beginning but when morning comes, she’s all over the place. when heather starts sleeping with her, she guarantees that when she wakes up, bridgette will be practically on top of her, limbs akimbo
- canonically, heather’s good at dancing, especially ballet, but I see her as being good at most types of dance. oftentimes, when she wants to let off some steam, she just plays a song and pulls bridgette into a dance, maneuvering them all around the room (sure bridgette steps on her feet a lot, but they’re also smiling and laughing and the music is playing and the atmosphere is light and she loves seeing that light in bridgette’s eyes so all that makes up for it--and yes, she’ll def do it again regardless of how much her feet will hate her for it later)
- bridgette teaching heather to surf (the possibilities of this are endless; bridgette correcting heather’s position, holding her waist and gently maneuvering her stance from behind; their surf practices dissolving into petty splash fights; both of them ultimately flopping on the sand, out of breath but smiling and ending up kissing right there by the shoreline)
- (heather doesn’t learn to surf for a long, long while. she blames bridgette for being a distracting teacher. bridgette only smiles and winks)
- beach days!! (heather chilling out on the sand, sunbathing, with a front-row seat facing the ocean so she can watch her surfer gf slay)
- bridgette has killer puppy eyes. heather is far from immune, however much she says she is, yet she’s also the one out of their friend group least affected by them (having seen them so many times, she’s developed her own armor against them. the rest of their friends are horrified when they see how resistant she is to them)
- bridgette loves making pillow forts. she and geoff made them all the time when they dated, so naturally she tries to get heather into it too. at first, heather is averse thinking that bridgette is trying to put her and geoff’s interests into their relationship, but when bridgette reassures her that she just likes pillow forts in general and ropes everyone she loves into it, heather relaxes (and if she ends up liking the experience, that’s only for her to know :))
- it’s easy for bridgette to say the word ‘love’—she says it first in a casual setting, totally out of nowhere, blindsiding heather. heather takes a lot longer to warm up to the idea and then to say it aloud, but when she does, she leads up to it—maybe a fancy date or a relaxing night-in—almost like a proposal but one that says ‘I’m baring my heart to you, will you treat it right?’
- bridgette helping heather study for finals/midterms. their typical routine is her sitting on the floor with heather’s notes quizzing heather as she styles bridgette’s hair (complaining abt all the tangles and chiding bridgette for letting perfectly stunning hair go so uncared for)
- heather fully ready to smacktalk a homophobe (or just a plain asshole) to a grease spot under her heels, like she’s metaphorically rolling up her sleeves, already slipping in insults, in the person’s face, not caring if she’s making a scene. bridgette, ever the mediator, is trying to pull her gf away, apologizing to bystanders, whispering to heather to calm down please, trying to ignore the person…until they say smth abt heather that bridgette knows will affect her (or that she thinks will affect her). then she’s ready to throw a punch bc goddammit she’s not as good at verbal sparring or just verbal smacktalk as heather is—she’s just not that good at getting into fights in general, but she’s perfectly willing to throw hands if anyone crosses her limit (and one of those limits is hurting the ppl she cares abt)
- heather patching her up going “oh darling, I could’ve handled them” and bridgette huffing “they insulted you” and heather, actually not that insulted especially after seeing her gf back her up so passionately, going “my pint-sized knight in flip flops”
- speaking of, I can def see bridgette as the type to wear crocs (heather is horrified but bridgette is stubborn af abt keeping them)
- heather stealing bridgette’s clothes all the time and walking around in a hoodie that’s a bit too small but she doesn’t give a crap (bridgette steals her clothes too, but out of the two of them, heather’s the frequent clothes-stealer, shoes-stealer, etc)
- heather being the one to do bridgette’s makeup bc she’s an expert at doing it on-point (bridgette doesn’t care much for makeup, but she indulges in it if only so heather can do it for her bc she loves to seeing the concentrated look on her face—and she loves sneaking kisses here and there with their faces being so close)
- bridgette staring at heather when she’s talking passionately abt smth and there’s legit pure love in her eyes, and she just lets her talk even if she doesn’t know what heathers talking abt bc she just loves hearing her talk—especially if it’s abt smth she’s passionate abt
- and when she sees heather rlly getting worked up, she’ll squeeze her hand or hug her from behind and rest her forehead between her shoulder blades, and just small things like that to help ground her
- heather is more or less the opposite but not in the sense that she doesn’t want bridgette to keep talking—she loves when bridgette gets passionate, it’s always a pleasant surprise given how chill the other girl usually is. (typically marine life and aquariums and stuff like that are the main things that get on bridgette’s nerves). but what heather also does is not just sit there and listen, she’ll listen, yeah, but also put her input in, to let bridgette know that she’s engaged in the conversation and basically it’s heather’s way of saying ‘keep going, baby, you’re amazing and I agree 100%’ like she’s not a passive listener, for sure
- bridgette’s love language is gift-giving and touch/physical affection—over the course of their relationship she has showered heather with various gifts (particularity seashells, pebbles/rocks, cute stuffed animals, pretty plants)
- heather’s love language is words of affirmation, support, and spending time with her partner—while bridgette showers heather in simple (or sometimes not-so-simple) touches, heather is sure to return the favor verbally (especially once she says “I love you” for the first time, it’s far easier for her to drop it in conversations like “I love you, sweetheart, but...”)
- both like gift-giving tbh; bridgette’s favorite pair of earrings are the dolphin ones heather gave her; heather wears the necklace bridgette made for her on their first date, made up of small rocks and shells
- heather lives for bridgette’s hugs; they can instantly make her relaxed. when she’s stressed about exams or angry, bridgette just wraps her arms around her shoulder (or waist, if she’s standing) and kisses her shoulder, and heather just sighs long and slow and gives into the inevitable lmao
- they help each other’s mindsets too, both intentionally and unintentionally; bridgette helps heather be less of a bitch, to be exact, but basically be a bit nicer and chill; heather helps bridgette bring out her more assertive side instead of being an emotionally and mentally passive person and let ppl push her aside to get to their goals
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desultory-novice · 2 years
you have a crazy hc for gryll you say. hand it over /lh
So, I get terribly unlucky with Stone transformations, almost never seeing the rare ones in a given playthrough. (I, uh, also don't use Stone very much...) 
One day, while daydreaming about someone exporting and cleaning up all the Dream Friend stone transformations from Star Allies and turning them into 3D printable statues on Thingiverse for me to decorate my shelf with or something SILLY like that (...if, um, anyone wants to do that sometime, let me know...?)  I finally perused the wiki to check out all of the transformations across the whole series! And that's when I spotted that transformation in RtDL that pairs the Star Rod with the Magical Paintbrush and the Triple Star!
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It's also RtDL that makes it clear the Star Rod was made by the ancients. Logic suggests that those three items aren't just paired together for no reason. They are likely ALL creations of the ancients.
(It’s not even a stretch since the Magical Paintbrush is deeply associated with Drawcia and judging by the history of the unknown painting - and Drawcia’s golden eyes - she's likely tied to the ancients/Halcandra as well.)
But then we go back to the Triple Star. The only time we see it, it's one of a small handful of powerful but otherwise unremarkable weapons in Daroach's possession. Daroach is, of course, a planet-hopping intergalactic THIEF, and it’s likely that not everything he possesses was, oh, originally his...? 
There's also the fact that while his ice cane very much suits his "suave gentleman thief" look, the Triple Star doesn't mesh with his aesthetic quite as well - or at all, if I'm being honest... 
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(Now THIS is Daroach’s defining look to me.)
The Triple Star is big, clunky, and chunky. It's also more like a wand than a cane (despite being called a cane) and you'd almost expect to see this wand type item in the hands of.........a magic user, say?
Long story short, I think Gryll was the original bearer of the Triple Star. Or at least the previous bearer before Daroach got ahold of it. You see, Gryll is also an intergalactic traveler, and thus, would have plenty of opportunities to have a run in with Daroach before either of them visited Pop Star.
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Gryll is heavily associated with blocks. I mean, that's what Super Star Stacker IS: a game about throwing blocks at people! The block on the tip of Gryll's hat is nearly identical to the one crowning the Triple Star. And when Gryll attacks you, they turn their broom around and swing the larger end at you, just like how the ancient weapon is used in combat. 
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And again, the thing makes blocks. (...Okay, okay. It throws projectiles, but it was GOING to make blocks! At least, that’s the speculation, back when it was going to be the “Block” ability.)
Now, if the Triple Star was ever in Gryll's possession, how did Daroach end up with it? The most obvious answer is to say that Daroach STOLE it from the onion witch. But hey (hey, hey) it's also possible that Gryll lost it in a bet or a competition! Maybe Daroach is really, really good at playing Star Stacker...?
Now, why bring up the Triple Star as a creation of the ancients here? Well, there's not much tying Daroach into the ancients (...unless you assume he was another one of/was descended from the animals left behind on the forgotten land, and that the former residents went on to become the ancients - a theory which I'm still not completely sure I believe just because I can't make a rational path from the average-human-height-if-you-translate-the-signs-in-Wondaria-park FL residents to Gonzo I mean Squidworth I mean Hyness and the Jamba cult, at least not yet - and though it took Elfilis messing with Leongar's brain to teach HIM how to speak, maybe Daroach was a/descended from lab rats and so had more exposure to humans than your average zoo animal yadda yadda the Squeaks of NIMH/gee-Daroach-what-are-we-doing-tonight etc etc...)
...Sorry, got off on a tangent! 
Anyway, while there's nothing on the SURFACE tying Daroach to the ancients, so far, every canon magic-user in Kirby has had a VERY close relationship with an ancient artifact. Nightmare and the Fountain of Dreams, Marx and Galactic Nova, Drawcia and the Magical Paintbrush, Magolor and the Lor Starcutter/Master Crown (Gee, Magolor, how come HAL lets you have two ancient artifacts?) Taranza and the Dimension Mirror, and Hyness and the Sisters and the Spears of the Heart/Jamba Heart.
That leaves just Gryll without their very own ancient artifact! Boo! While it is a little anti-climactic to get this far and say, "So, okay, they had it once, then they lost it/it was stolen from them" I still think it's a solid theory!
...The real sad thing is that Daroach STIll has it in Star Allies, meaning that if Gryll has any aims on getting the Triple Star back, they've got a long way to go! (Psst, HAL! Gryll returning cameo plz!)
...Soooooo...I forgot about this until I was looking up screenshots to add to this post, but there's also that unused design for a set of Beam Mage equipment based on Gryll planned for Super Kirby Clash and yeah, Gryll is TOTALLY wielding the Triple Star there.
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 I mean, the embossing is reversed and it’s green instead of gold, but the cane glows green in game so I’ll allow it. After all, these are rough sketches and Gryll’s hat is backwards and missing the block tail so one can assume that the details aren’t meant to be 100% accurate at this stage anyway. Most importantly, it's got the same basic shape it's NOT Gryll’s broom, which they would otherwise be using.
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So, given that fairly decisive bit of evidence (?) maybe this theory of mine isn't really a wild theory at all, but something everyone else had already figured out? Either way, at least I get to share it finally!
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loremmagazines · 3 months
Issue 4 - Grocery Bag
It’s no secret that Austin, TX is a hotbed for musical talent, producing captivating live acts in any available corner. While compiling a list of every must-see band may feel like a seemingly impossible task, there’s no doubt that Grocery Bag would find themselves at the top.
Acting as one of Austin’s premiere rock ensembles, Grocery Bag leaves audiences in the wake of their own fevered mosh pits, incited solely by the fast paced rhythms that define the “psyche-punk” ethos found in every one of their live performances. Now being recognized by the Austin music scene with nominations in the Austin Music Awards and official showcases as SXSW artists, Grocery Bag has found themselves with the recognition they have long been deserving of.
The band is fronted by guitarist Bella Martinez, with Jimmy Mercado on drums, Dillon Aitala on lead guitar, and Logan Kerman on bass. 
Following an electrifying performance filled with intense head banging and frequent crowd surfing, Grocery Bag and I found ourselves seated on the back patio of Hotel Vegas discussing how the the current lineup of the group came to be.
Bella: Grocery Bag used to be an old band that I had in San Antonio. I had gotten asked to do a show and I was like “Hey guys (current Grocery Bag line-up) I have this old band, would you guys possibly want to start something with this?”
Logan: We literally had our first band practice over Instagram Live mid-covid.
Met with a coalescence of shared influences ranging from Rush, Ty Segall, The Police, and more, Grocery Bag has found themselves with a truly unique sound. With the ability to show off their technical virtuosity in a musically rewarding way, the group allows each and every song to be elevated beyond a previously set standard.
Dillon: I think it’s our love to create. I want to reciprocate in some sort of way, the energy our favorite bands give us. All of the bands we love, we want to put it into our own words by playing our instruments.
Jimmy: I just like how, complex musicianship can like, heighten a song and make it super intriguing and powerful. I think bands like Yes and Rush, they just compliment the music with their drums differently then maybe someone like, Ringo Starr. 
Following the release of singles such as Alone and XING, Grocery Bag announced their highly anticipated debut album Break You, with an official release in November of 2023. This quintessential introduction was set to record at Matchbox Studios with producer Jackson Baker at the helm.
“Without him the album wouldn’t be the same.”
Bella: It was a whole week of being together in such a great environment with Jackson. It felt like we were hanging out with our homie, making music with him. He was just like ‘oh, do this, do that, add this!’”
Jimmy: When you think of a producer, they’re someone who really thinks about the music. Jackson really spiced it up and put his flavors into it and made it sound amazing. It was just like working with your best friend. 
As our interview with Grocery Bag was wrapping up, a security guard from Hotel Vegas kindly informed us that they were closing for the night. Making their way back inside to gather their gear, the band was kind enough to answer one final question before heading out.
Each member of Grocery Bag has had their own unique level of involvement in the Austin music scene prior to the group’s formation. From playing in multiple bands, being a concert photographer, booking DIY shows, and more, this band has been, and still is, a part of the engine that keeps this scene alive.
Now being recognized by the Austin Chronicle as a nominee for Best New Act at the Austin Music Awards, along with their recently announced status as the official artist of SXSW, their hard work is beginning to receive the recognition it has been deserving of.
Jimmy: It really means something that people would nominate us. It’s really it’s own destiny in a way.
Logan: I think it’s just motivation to keep going. It’s validation that we’re adding to the collection of music Austin produces. 
Dillon: A true privilege. I feel very lucky, I definitely don’t deserve this life nor to play in a band like this.
Bella: It feels pretty crazy! Also, it’s Dillon’s first band!
With each electrifying performance leaving a trail of audiences in a fevered frenzy, Grocery Bag continues to solidify their status as Austin's hottest band. As they gear up for a packed schedule of official SXSW showcases, you can listen to Grocery Bag’s latest release, 'Break You', available on all streaming platforms. Keep an eye out for restocks of physical copies in select Austin record stores; copies of this must-own album sell out fast!
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ettalongaustralia · 1 year
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rat-typewriter · 3 years
hello ^^ can I get some headcanons of botw link and his super wreckless s/o? Like I’m talkin, walking side by side and one second they disappear and come back riding on top of a hinox wreckless. ty!!!
Hiya!! Thanks so much for requesting!!
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Link with a Super Reckless S/O
ok so we all know that goblin man himself is pretty reckless
so it's no wonder that you guys end up getting together
i mean this in the best way possible but you guys are just the same breed of chaotic dumbass
like you're goofing around and you have the e x a c t same sense of humor
or you see a hill and both of your immediate thoughts are to do shield surfing
obviously, link does worry about you
like whenever you disappear
mother mode TM engages
straight away he's a curious and a little concerned as to what shenanigans you've gotten into
99.9% of your antics make him grin at your silliness
but if you do anything dangerous or actually end up hurt
he'll probably be a bit upset
like not too bad just removing you from any danger and hugging you very tightly
he's gotten into the habit of holding your hand everywhere you go because he figures that at least that way, whatever stunt you pull, he can join in on the fun and keep you safe
he just loves you and your silly acts a lot
his way of showing you he loves you is keeping you safe
My requests are always open!!
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adorehs · 4 years
Hi the beginning of this story was stuck in my brain for a while… so here it is lol. Got lazy at the end and this really isn’t all that good to begin with.
Summary: Surfer!Harry meets Lifeguard!Y/N after a tragic fall. (6.4k words)
Warnings: unprotected smut, kinda cringey as fuck at the end
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Harry was trying to decide how harsh the waves would be by looking at the sky. It was a difficult task but proved to be more accurate then looking at the ocean, so he opted to stare at the sky like a lunatic for a few minutes before each surf.
“What's the consensus?” Louis asks, slapping two hands on Harry’s shoulders.
Harry shot his coach, Louis, a pointed glare, “Probably a bit heavier than usual but it’ll be doable.”
Louis, only a two years senior of twenty four year old Harry, had a spine fracture, resulting in the stiffness of his lower back. It wasn’t an uncommon injury, but it was a bad one. He found himself unable to surf for almost a year so he began coaching other athletes in the meantime. Meeting Harry at twenty two was one of the best things he could’ve done for himself.
Harry was a natural athlete, meaning he learned quickly and took direction well. He was self taught and was unable to do more than a few basic skills when Louis met him. Originally, Louis wanted nothing to do with Harry but he heard some scouts were onto him so he introduced himself and taught the twenty year old how to do a floater- riding the breaking lip of a wave.
He was impressed with the speed Harry picked up the skill so he returned the following day and taught him another skill and cleaned up some of his older ones. They both returned again and again for weeks until one day Louis asked him if he was looking for a sponsor. Harry agreed, and not only did Louis' life turn around as a coach but his companies profits broke records in the industry.
And Harry’s life changed for the better too. His body changed rapidly as he learned more and he was soon able to do almost all skills thrown in a pro competition, though some were sloppy. Louis began enrolling him in surf competitions so he could get some experience and visuals of the skillset of other surfers. In a matter of a year, Harry was surfing in the men’s qualifier for the championship tour to come the following year. At twenty four Harry’s name was racing to the top of the men’s surfing leader board.
Harry stood next to the bed of Louis’ truck, deciding which board he would ride with for the first round. There were three that laid flat, bound together with a cord taught against the rails. Louis always told Harry to pick the one he practices with, but Harry theorizes that each board puts him in a different mood and helps with different aspects of surfing. He would have to do a test run before he decides.
He unwound the cord and pulled out his practice board, making Louis smile in victory. “Don’t get too excited,” Harry mumbles, “Gonna decide later.”
Louis nodded in response and rounded the car to get Harry’s all black wetsuit for the competition. “Bathrooms round the corner,” he pointed at a large tent, “I’ll sign ya in and get your board.”
Harry took approximately five minutes in the ocean before paddling back and telling Louis which board he wanted to use (to which Louis rolled his eyes before getting him the white board with black accents). The wind was becoming increasingly heavy and the lifeguards called out everyone who was not in the competition from the area.
Harry squinted as he watched the sun reappear from a sliver between a few clouds, before lining up behind the surfers who stood before him in the queue. There were four competitors before his turn and he was watching as other athletes shook their knees in an effort to stay steady on their board.
“Remember, keep your body forward and don’t take off your leg rope,” Louis scolded him from his right.
Harry had a habit of removing his leg rope before getting up on the board- he says he can’t get a steady stance and he feels restricted. Louis, on the other hand, always butts heads with Harry on that point, claiming taking it off can get him disqualified in some competitions so keeping it on always will help him adapt. Harry never listened until he had to.
It wasn’t that he wasn’t serious, but rather too carefree. He wasn’t one to watch for form and technique unless he had to. He enjoyed the addictive serotonin he seemed to gain from surfing more than anything else.
The queue moved steadily forward and Harry found himself gripping onto his board and digging his toes into the sand as he felt the cool air nip at his exposed feet, “Double pump around, stay tight,” he mumbles his maneuvers to himself. It was only a matter of minutes before it would be his turn to find a wave. The forty-eight seconds allotted to each surfer seemed so short until they were in the ocean.
Harry gets waved in by a judge and he nods kindly before jogging towards the ocean. His hair was beginning to whip around his neck so once he got a bit further in, he sat on his board and tied it up into a bun before continuing forward in search of a wave.
You watched as Harry Styles was announced from your spot on the jet ski you were stationed at. You were listening to the live radio broadcast of his turn from your post, the jet ski shaking smoothly and jumping over small waves as the surfers got weaker and weaker from the unpredictable weather.
“Styles starts the final pulling into the pin nice and easy… a clean entrance,” you listen as the wave covers Harry’s body entirely before he reappears on the other side, falling onto the backside of the wave in celebration. You hum in acceptance of the man as he climbs back onto his board, fiddling with his foot rope.
He pauses as he sees another wave approaching and he paddles to the top so he can drop in. “Setting it up clean from the back, Styles is going in with a calm top turn wrap,” you watch as Harry gracefully maneuvers his body along the back of the wave, turning up the back and onto the side, hardly backtracking towards the rush of water.
“Right there! A lay back dagger under the lip. Very smooth, nice and high up on the wave… look at that wave crash too! Good momentum,” the announcer rambles about Harry’s next turn. You cheer silently at his success as his head bops out from under the wave.
“Deep off the bottom, crushing the finish! Another big hack he lets go of!” You watch Harry’s body twist, slightly uncomfortable, through the harsh wave. The water higher than you’ve seen it before, nearly covering your view from the lighthouse on the other side of the beach.
Harry groans at the sight of another good wave- hardly having recovered from the last. His knees were weak and his back was growing stiff at the unearthly winds that whipped harsh water onto his wetsuit like a slap on the back.
He drops in, “Big whip on the oncoming section, holds the rail into a huge top turn wrap and he’s pulling back into the pin,” and Harry’s hand comes in contact with the water once again, making him pull his hand back harshly.
He panics at the feeling and shakes his hand vigorously, slowing down the direction of his surfing. He steps backwards slightly, shaking wildly at the wind hitting his unstable board. Within moments, the board flies out from beneath his feet and hits him square on the head.
Harry’s body falls flat onto the water as his leg lets off the loosened rope and his board comes up without him.
“Styles seems to have taken a trip under for a moment,” the announcer continues, “He has one wave left until competitor Horan makes start.”
Your eyes watch with shock as you wait for Harry to rise from the water- to see his mop of hair or the electric blue of his wet suit. Thirty, thirty one, thirty two, you counted in a rhythm. At forty, you were required to begin your ride towards the athlete.
“Y/N,” you hear on the radio channel, “Head out!”
That was all the invitation you needed as you stood up slightly, grasping onto a ring buoy with an extended cord and tying it to the base of your jet ski. You remained standing as you raced towards the waves, the wind almost knocking you over multiple times as you looked through the water for any indication of Harry.
Your heart drops as you hear the radio go silent with a short static ring and the ocean water grows darker as the sun falls behind a group of clouds. A clap of thunder startles you as you see other lifeguards arriving to take the other surfers back to shore.
You swam in large circles around the area for what felt like a few minutes, but in reality only lasted another thirty seconds.
Out of the blue, you see a small wave crash over Harry’s board and his head makes a light appearance.
Fighting to get his side as quickly as possible, you drag him up onto the buoy you held and tied it to the back of your jet ski. He lays flat on the floating donut, face up, as you wave your arms wildly to indicate you need help.
Harry was lying limp against your back as you rode back steadily, the weight of his buff body heavy on yours as you tried to keep the two of you steady without dropping him or falling over.
Coming to an abrupt stop, three men race towards you, “Jesus Harry,” you hear one curse. You look up and make eye contact with the man who is staring at the boy on your back, “Told you keep you fuckin’ leg rope on,” he continues. You conclude the man must be Harry’s coach.
The two other men help him off of you and you curse as you temporarily beach your jet ski. The men had grabbed Harry by the arms and were dragging him onto the ground to see if he needed CPR. “He has a pulse,” one mentions, “But he doesn’t seem to be breathing properly.”
You curse under your breath, “Move,” you mutter, leaning above Harry. Your hands meet his chest as you do a routine of thirty chest compressions and two rescue breaths, “Call first aid,” you scold.
Your mouth meets Harry’s for a second time and you feel his lips twitch under yours. You gasp and sit up, beginning chest compressions again so you don't get water in your own mouth when he starts breathing again.
Sure enough, Harry lets out a dramatic gasp and begins coughing up a bit of water. You lean back before he can project any of the salty water onto your body and continue doing chest compressions until you can feel him breathing normally again.
“You good?” You ask as his coach brings him a towel, “Fall seemed pretty harsh but your run was good.”
“Thanks,” he glanced at you dismissively. “Lou, do you know if I can get my time back?”
“Probably not,” ‘Lou’ replies, “They already started with Horan so I doubt they’d put you back in for just one run.”
Harry nods sadly at his coach and looks back at you, “Do you know where I can get some warmth?” he asks.
Your mouth opens then closes a bit, “Uh- not exactly?”
“It’s a yes or no question,” he counters.
“Yes,” you pause, “But I don’t know if I can take you there.”
He glares at you, “Well can you find out,” his teeth are chattering from the cold air and strong winds blowing his hair entirely to one side.
“Uh.. yeah,” you reply, “I’ll be back.” You walk out of earshot from Harry and his coach and find your dad, the head of the competition.
“Hey- uh Dad?” you ask, tapping on his shoulder. He is speaking to a group of coordinators for the event, moving his hands animatedly.
He turned with a large smile, “Hey honey,” he eyes your wet body, “Everyone good?”
You nod, “Yeah I- uh,” you hesitate, “I wanted to know if I could bring Harry to the lighthouse?”
“Harry Styles?” he asks with a grin, “He’s a great kid, how’s he doin’?”
“He’s alright now, he wanted to get some warmth. I just pulled him from the water.”
Your dad’s eyes widen, “Yeah.. take the bike and be safe.”
You nod a quick thanks before throwing an “I love you,” over your shoulder and finding your duffel bag with the keys and a spare change of clothes.
You present yourself in front of Harry once again, holding onto your duffel and spinning your motorbike keys around your finger, “Come on, gotta get there quick, hm?”
He looks at his coach and nods back at you, “Okay, let’s go.” He stands up and follows you as you lead the way to your motorbike.
“Sorry, I don’t exactly have a warm car,” you say, straddling the bike and kicking the stand up, steadying it with your legs. “Hop on, though, we’ll be there in a few minutes,” you tap the seat behind you, turning forward and holding your helmet back so Harry could use it.
“You should use it,” he comments, pushing your hand slightly back towards your body.
“I know how to be safe, you use it,” you counter, handing the helmet back. He takes a long look at your unwavering stare and sighs as he pushes the helmet onto the mop of curls that are slowly drying off the top of his head.
Once you are sure he is secure, you check around your shoulder before speeding out of the parking lot.
It was mildly uncomfortable- Harry in a skin tight wetsuit and you in an awkwardly fitting one piece. You were both extremely cold and Harry found himself wrapping his arms around you as best as he could to preserve any bit of warmth from both of your bodies as he could.
You sighed in content as you see the lighthouse approaching ahead of you. You slow the motorbike down and park it right before the miniature entrance to the large building, kicking the stand down and locking the bike.
“There are lots of stairs but the place is pretty modern,” you shrug. Between each loop of the spiral staircase there was a different room- a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, a study, and an observatory.
“You can stay down here, I have to turn the heater up,” you begin walking up the stairs before turning to look at him, who’s looking around the kitchen with wide eyes, “Do you want any clothes?”
“Umm,” Harry looks down at his current outfit, “Yes please.”
You nod, going up to the bedroom which was the next floor up. The thermostat dial makes a clicking noise as you increase the temperature in the building, the vents exhausting as air begins flowing. You then changed out of your wet bathing suit into a large sweater and some shorts before finding some of your dad’s clothes of a similar nature before going back down and handing them to Harry.
“They should fit, you can go up and change. I’ll make some food,” you point upstairs without looking at Harry, making your way up to make do with what was remaining in the lighthouse food storage.
You look through what your dad called the freezer- in reality, you thought it was more of a poor excuse of a fridge- and find the stash of frozen meals your family tends to keep there in case of emergencies. “Chicken parm,” you mumble aloud, turning the box over in your hands multiple times in an effort to find and read the expiration date. “Next week… guess I have no choice.”
You turn on the toaster oven that was hidden inside a cabinet and wait for it to heat up. You hear Harry’s heavy footing coming down the wooden paneling of the stairs and you glance at him as he walks over and opens a cupboard.
“Thanks for the clothes,” he mentions, hardly sparing you a glance. “Is there anything edible we can have with that?”
You shrug, “Feel free to look. I have a feeling everything else is just as bad as this.”
He nods, rummaging through the cardboard boxes and plastic containers that were half full from your quick meals. “Ah-ha!” he manages out- head buried deep into the cupboard. “Cocoa powder,” he grins childishly.
You let out a soft chuckle under your breath, “Be my guest,” you gesture towards the stove tops with a set of pants sitting on top of them.
He happily makes his way over, cracking open the box in the process. “Need to boil some water,” he mentions, looking at you.
You find a bottle on the table that hadn’t been opened and hand it to him. He pours the water into the pan and allows it to sit and boil as he watches you carefully reach your hand into the oven and check if the chicken parmesan was at the right temperature.
“Can you even tell like that?” he asks, back leaning against a counter and arms crossed over his chest, making him look even more buff.
“Kind of,” you shrug, glancing over your shoulder, “I bet it’ll need another minute in there before the inside actually warms up,” you conclude, pulling your hand from the oven and closing the door to it.
The water begins to boil in the pan and Harry brings the heat down to a simmer, adding the cocoa, sugar, and a pinch of salt that he found in the same cupboard. He hums in approval as he pours the hot chocolate into two mugs, adding the milk he heated up in another pan into each and mixing them until he is satisfied with the new consistency of the drink.
“Perfect for a rainy day!” he smacks his lips obnoxiously after taking a sip.
“This is definitely the weirdest food combo I’ve ever had,” you pull the chicken parmesan out of the oven.
Harry chuckles, using two forks to move the bulk of chicken onto a plate impatiently. “I’ve had worse. Eaten bugs and s’mores.”
“See, but at least that makes sense. I can guess you’ve had that when camping… this just seems odd.”
He shrugs, “I guess,” he takes a bite out of the chicken. “Why is this really good?” his eyes widened.
You let out a hearty laugh, “Because I cooked it fully and made sure it wasn’t expired?” you explain in a ‘duh’ tone.
Harry rolls his eyes, “Where’d all this sass come from? You were so shy twenty minutes ago.”
“You were a lot meaner twenty minutes ago,” you counter. Your eyes dart towards your phone when you hear it begin to vibrate abruptly.
“Hey dad,” you pick up.
“Hey hon, you guys being safe? Don’t think the storm’s gonna let up anytime soon, so if Harry’s gotta be somewhere he’s gotta go now,” your father's voice comes blaring through the speaker of your phone.
You feel blood rushing to your cheeks at the comment, you wanted to seem independent, “Yeah, we’re safe. I’ll ask him. You good? Need any help down there? I beached my ski by the way, not sure if you saw…” you rambled.
“No, just stay there hon. We got your ski docked and we’ll take care of everything. Check with Harry and don’t go out unless you absolutely need to!”
You hum a response of understanding and bid farewell before hanging up. “Do you need to go somewhere? Or are you staying here?”
“Am I allowed to stay?” he counters.
“If you don’t need to leave tonight then sure. There’s room,” you shrug, picking up your now completed dish and placing it in the sink to wash later.
“I’ll stay,” he confirms, getting up and placing his dish in the sink too before soaking them with water to get the grease off easier.
You nod and look out the small window in front of the sink. The wind was making boats rock and you could see a tree branch fly in front of the window, likely meaning the storm was going to turn into a full fledged hurricane.
You hear the water running smoothly as Harry scrubs each dish and sets them out to dry on the counter, “So what happened?” you ask.
“Like, when you were surfing. How’d ya fall? You don’t seem like the type,” you shrug, turning to face him.
He glances at you before sitting back down at the dining table, “Lots a things… took off my leg rope, fucked up my footing, hit my head with my board… the list goes on.”
You squint at the man before nodding in disbelief, “Okay. What got you into surfing?”
“Thought it looked cool and I had moved to Malibu. Just rented a board and learned how to stand in a few days. Figured someone could show me the basics and then I met my coach Louis and he signed me,” Harry explains dismissively, “Why’re you a lifeguard? And how’d you get in here?”
“My dad owns this building and he’s the coordinator of the surfing events. Says he knows you but I don’t believe him-” you were cut off.
“No way! Your dad is Mr. Y/L/N? He’s so cool,” Harry gushes. “Paid for my first board and got me a waiver for my first competition out here.”
You let out a laugh, “Yeah, I told him to do that.”
Harry’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and his eyes pleaded to know why you would ask for such a thing for an inexperienced surfer. “I was following Louis before his injury and I knew he wouldn’t put on a bad athlete. Started following you once you got signed,” you continued.
“Did you think I was good?” He asks after absorbing what you had said. You noticed he’s not particularly keen on talking about himself.
“At first I thought you sucked,” you chuckled, sitting down with him at the table, “But the more I watched of you the more drastically you improved. By 2018 I think I was sold completely on you as an athlete. Listened to most of your runs by radio.”
“Only took you two years?” Harry asked, surprised, “Most people are hardly starting with me. Just got my first offer to switch sponsors last week.”
“Always rooting for the underdog a bit, I guess,” you giggle. Though you’ve been sitting with Harry for quite some time now, you are just now realizing the gravity of the situation- you are sitting with an athlete you had admired for years. “I always knew you had potential, though. Went from mediocre to average in just a few months. Impressive,” you smile at him.
“Ah so you were a fan from the start,” Harry teases, “Attracted to my ambition and drive, I bet,” he continued on.
“Don’t let me inflate your head too much, but yes,” you laugh, “You could call me a fan.”
“Now are you a fan of me or a fan of my talent?” he asks.
“Hmmm...” you hum teasingly, “Both?”
“I’m a fan of you too,” Harry smiles. You thought he had some narcissistic qualities to him but he earned them from being so talented.
You step closer to him with a childish grin of your own, “Just me? Or do you like that I saved you?”
His eyes darken to a deeper sea green color at the thought of you, “I like you. And your actions,” he pauses in what seems to be appreciation, “And how fucking sick it is that you drive a motorcycle,” he adds thoughtfully.
You let out a laugh and a quick thanks, smiling at him widely. You didn’t realize you were staring until you heard him clear a hack from his throat, “So what now?”
“Umm,” you hesitate before carefully choosing your words, “You can kiss me?” you ask.
Harry pauses, eyes wide. You knew you made a mistake with that and you quickly tried to retract your previous question, “I- uh- sorry,” you apologize bashfully, “I definitely read the room wrong. I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfort-”
You were cut off by Harry taking an impulsive step forward, his left hand finding your waist and his right meeting your jaw. His lips met yours with such great force, you didn’t think moving your mouth against his would end well with all the pressure his mouth forced upon yours.
He pulls away from you slowly, letting the feeling of his lips linger on yours, “Read the room perfectly fine, love,” he comments before reattaching your lips.
This time, the kiss was filled with lust and executed more passion than the previous. You smile and let out a breathy gasp when Harry's fingers squeeze your waist where you find yourself very ticklish. He smiles back against your mouth and slides his hand under your sweatshirt, working it up towards your breast.
“Fuck,” you moan into his mouth as he begins to knead your breast with precise movements. His hand covered the majority of your breast, his palm directly on your hard nipple. He grunts as your hand lowers on his body, cupping his cock through the shorts you gave him.
“God, baby,” he moans as you start palming him through his shorts. Your treatment excites him and he starts rolling your hardened nipples between his index finger and thumb, switching breasts every few minutes so keep the pleasure ongoing.
You let out a whine as he pulls back, “Bedroom,” he pants.
You nod hastily, his hand meeting your lower back as he helps you walk the swirling steps that cover the perimeter of the room. You throw your body onto the bed that is laid in the middle of the room, shoving your shorts and panties off and flinging them to the foot of the bed. You do the same with your sweatshirt and Harry follows in suit, falling on top of you when he’s done.
Once again, his mouth finds yours, this time his hands making their way down to your dripping cunt. You let out an exaggerated, “Fuck,” when his cold finger makes contact with your swollen clit.
His legs are straddling your body, hand rubbing quick circles on your clit, and yours finds its way to his hardened cock.
It sat stiff against his stomach, begging to be teased so you obliged. You reach down and take his cock into your hand, squeezing it softly eliciting a loud moan from Harry’s pink lips. He moves his lips down to your neck, burying his head into the crook before sucking harshly, sure to leave you purple.
Your head rolls back and to the side giving him more access to your neck and you quicken your hand movements on his cock, sliding your hand up and down quickly, your thumb swiping on his opening and using precum as a lubricant.
You let out a wrangled moan as his fingers trail down to your hot cunt, sliding in fully, his finger gaining warmth quickly from your core, “Feels so good,” you let out.
He hums into your neck, sitting up and kissing you full on the lips. He lays down and finds himself leaving wet, hot kisses across your skin from your ankle up to your inner thigh. His teeth find a home on the soft flesh of your inner thigh and leave a dark mark on your skin, making you moan at the sight.
As his lips travel towards your clit, you find yourself unable to breathe, constantly gasping for air. Your heart is beating out of your chest as he lays his tongue flat on your core, licking you from the bottom to the top repeatedly.
Your hands find their way into his hair as you tug him closer to your body. He lets out a soft giggle at the motion and kisses your clit in appreciation. He begins his assault on your clit, nibbling it softly and moving it around his tongue as your gasp for air beneath him.
You begin tugging on his hair, begging for more. You needed to feel him fully. He understands your inverbal signal, standing up properly from his place, a bit of cum glistening on his chin. As if he senses your eyes on his chin, he uses his thumb to swipe the cum off, sucking his thumb clean.
You groan at the sight of him teasing you, using your hands to pull him on top of you again, “Please,” you beg.
He smirks at your desperation and lets out a simple, one word question, “Condom?”
You shake your head vigorously. No time for that, you thought. “Wanna feel you,” you tell him, “Is that okay?”
He lets out a laugh, “Yes, what kind of question is that?”
His cock finds its way into your hand again, you lining it up with your slick entrance. Slowly, you push your bodies together, letting them mold together perfectly. You gasp immediately at the feeling of him inside you. You understood his size, but when he was on top of you, you found he was much larger than you first anticipated.
You push him away once he gets halfway through, “Hold on,” you grunt, adjusting your position on your bed. He hums in acceptance, catching his breath as well.
He sighs in relief as you grant him permission to push further, both of you moaning in unison. Him at the tightness and you at the stretch. You both found immediate pleasure within each other without much else needed.
“Fuck,” you groan into his ear as he starts quickening his pace. His both moved in quick, deep strokes as your lips met over and over, making the room sound exclusively of your skin touching and breathy moans.
He slows down a bit, his strokes becoming a bit more sloppy, as he feels you begin to twitch beneath him. “Harry,” you plead.
He smiles, still working you up slowly, “Yes?”
“Fuck me please,” you beg, you head jerking back as he quickens his pace once more.
He increases speed and you shift your body to the side a bit to feel him deeper than before. You were nearing your orgasm and Harry could feel it too. That’s why he’s fucking with you, you tell yourself.
“I’m about to come,” he warns, pulling out of you completely. You whine at the loss, your hand reaching towards his again. “No,” he whispers, his hand swatting your hand away and meeting your clit once more. His fingers work fast, teasing you with soft touches, and soon enough you have come all over his fingers.
“Fuck,” you comment one last time.
You and Harry sat on the bed, him holding you close to him from behind, as you watched a film. As engrossed as you were with The Princess Bride, Harry could not relate. He had seen the film multiple times before- a result of growing up with an older sister- and could practically quote it with his eyes closed.
Harry was bored, to say the least.
At first, he tried to make you pay attention to him, but it didn’t work. This was one of your all time favorite movies, after all.
He tried to squeeze you closer to him, play with your hair, even tickle you. Nothing was working. You were zoned into the film, watching as Westley chants ‘As you wish!” as he tumbles from the hilltops, Buttercup quickly realizing her mistake and tumbling down after him.
Harry sighed in frustration. He was needy and horny. He wanted your attention.
His hand trailed down from where it sat on your waist to your legs, spreading them apart as he pleased. You hardly gave the action a second though, spreading your legs at his will and leaning further into his back.
Harry smirked, his hand rubbing up and down your bare thigh, making you shiver at his touch. He understood the effect he had on girls but you weren’t just a girl- you were a woman. A beautiful, sexy, kind woman.
He teased you for a bit, still attempting to get your attention. His goal was an utter failure, though. All he got was a few laughs caused by the film and some slight squirming- not what he expected.
You gasped loudly as Harry’s hand moved its way down towards your core for a second time that night, moving your panties to the side as his index finger met your clit.
He began slowly, rubbing soft, slow circles, “Keep watching,” he’d remind you.
You would let a weak nod through your poker face, trying to diverge your thoughts to the couple portrayed on the screen in front of you, but it was impossible. Harry was all consuming.
The soft and slow circles abruptly became quick, and the one finger became three. His hand laid flat against you, occasionally slipping down into your dripping cunt. You gasped every few moments at a new sensation you felt along your body, whether that be his lips on your ear or his other hand on your breast.
Your leg moves farther from your center, finding a new home propped up on Harry’s bent knee. He pushed your leg up when he brought his knee closer to his chest and rubbed you from what seemed to be the best angle yet, beckoning a, “Right there, fuck,” from your swollen lips.
“Feels good, hm?” Harry asks, his lips right on your ear. You feel your face begin to heat up as pleasure seems to overwhelm your body from the past days events.
“So good, don’t stop,” you edge on.
Harry obediently continues his assault on your clit- fingers moving quickly as your back arches against him in a continuous rhythm, your head thrashing back and forth in harmony, and it was safe to assume that the movie is long forgotten now.
You let out a loud moan, your body beginning to shake with pleasure, as Harry’s other hand found its way to your dripping core. He continued rubbing whilst also penetrating you slowly and teasingly with his fingers.
Within the next minute you came, the room filled with your screams and breathy moans and Harry’s smug laugh. You decided he enjoyed watching you struggle under his hands.
It was a longstanding tradition of yours to have tea at the observatory the night after a big storm. You felt it was nice to assess the damage from the one place it could look beautiful.
You woke up to the sound of seagulls pecking at a lighthouse window as they usually the night after a storm. It was theorized that they were on the hunt for food. You turned to look towards Harry, hoping they wouldn’t wake him up. He laid next to you, arm sprawled out and over your shoulder and you were forced to chuckle at the sight because you hadn't seen someone look so good while asleep in a while.
You carefully untangled yourself from his hold and walked downstairs to the kitchen in hopes of making some tea.
You went through the grueling ten minute process of boiling a pot of water on a gas stove before transferring the water into a mug and adding a green tea bag into it, making sure to add a note stating you would be on the top floor just in case Harry woke up before you were back.
The stairs took far too long then necessary to climb but they were long and drawn out, hardly stairs at the point. You reached the top deck with a significantly cooler mug but you didn’t mind. Part of the tradition.
You looked out over the beach- trash littered over the bleachers they didn’t have time to put away, tree branches all over the ground, the sand looking darker than usual- likely drenched from the previous night's rain.
It was an odd sensation- to see birds flying in circles looking for the food and their old homes.
“Well fuck,” you mutter, taking in what you would be cleaning up for the next few days with your dad.
“Woah it looks rough out here,” you hear Harry’s deep and groggy morning voice. You turned to look at him, his eyes hardly open as he stretched his arms out behind him, his torso out on display.
“Yeah, gotta clean it up soon,” you speak softly. Even through the darkest storms, the water stays relatively calm. The waves crashed just as intensely as before, claiming the sand as their own as you watched from a birds eye view.
“Need any help?” he offers.
You smile and shake your head before turning back towards the ocean, “No, that’s fine. You should probably train some more anyway.”
“It’s nice to take a break sometimes too,” he tells you, stepping forward so he is standing directly to your right.
“I guess,” you shrug, “Wasn’t last night a good enough break?”
“Definitely not,” Harry shakes his head.
You shoot him a glare, about to give him a piece of your mind before he continues, “Nowhere near long enough.”
“Well, how long would you like this break to be?” you ask him, turning so your chest is practically touching his.
“Like,” he pauses teasingly, “Like a long time,” he decides.
“Is this your corrupt way of asking me out?” you ask with a smile spread across your lips. Harry nods in response, making you squeal with happiness.
Your arms find their way around his broad shoulders as he hugs you, lifting you up and off the ground slightly.
“So that means you’ll help me clean right?” you ask Harry, making him groan. “I’m just kidding, you can stay here in this lighthouse with me,” you seal your promise with a deep kiss on his lips.
“Hmm, sit in this lighthouse with you all night, surf all day. Sounds like a dream,” Harry comments, his arms finding their way around your body, holding you close to him. Your chests heaved in unison as you found your heartbeat rising.
“You’re a dream.”
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mrsmaybankhere · 4 years
Ten things I hate about you
soo there is it!! i’m very sorry for any mistakes
lmk what you guys think, your feeback is the most important!! ty and ily all xx
Words: over 3.5k 
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**I DON'T OWN THE GIF, CREDIT @toesures **
"I hate the way you talk to me...
"Hey, Kook princess!" A familiar voice screamed behind your back, but you didn't even bother to look at him. You already know who it was since no one else call you Kook princess with so much mockery than JJ Maybank. His job is to laugh at you and he enjoys it very much.
"I know you heard it, princess!"
Daddy's girl or just princess was the other nicknames he use very often and you hated every single one of them.
"What do you want, douchebag?" You snap turning around and you almost throw your cup of liquor in his handsome face. Yeah, he irritates the shit out of you on a daily basics, but you admitted to yourself only that he's one of the most handsome man you ever saw. He don't have to ever know that.
You kind of caught JJ off guards. He didn't wanted to tell you something, he just messed with you because that's the only way he get to talk to you. And now that you actually give him the chance to speak, he doesn't know what to say to you.
"So?" You raise your eyebrows at him, your arms at your chest and your cheeks a slightly red because of all the booze and the dancing around with your Kooks friends. JJ looks at you, analyzing your features and the way your body looks in that yellow dress and he just can't think straight and lie to you.
"You look pretty tonight."
You don't even have the time to think about what to say because he just walks away from you, going back to the Pogues like nothing happened. But your first reaction is to genuinely smile, happily like a little girl who get noticed by her first crush.
And you probably were one.
... and the way you cut your hair.
"You think he would do a good job?" JJ asks for 100 times in that day. You sigh as you let aside the old Vogue magazine you were looking into, waiting for your hairdresser to be ready for your boyfriend.
"I told you this many times Jay, but yes. He would do a perfect job." You chuckle a little as JJ is running a hand through his long blond locks. He looks amazing and very hot like this, but it's time for a little change. "How can you trust John B to cut your hair and not a professional hairdresser?"
"It happened one time and we were shitfaced, so..." JJ says laughing and you quickly do the same, the little room now full with your colorful laughs.
"Don't worry. You will look just like Rafe after it." You casually say and you can see how big his eyes got, you biting on your lip to stop you from laughing and ruin your joke. Bobby, your hairdresser, got into the room just in time and you wink at them, especially at your boyfriend.
"I'll kill you." He mutters to you after sitting down onto the chair in front of a big fancy mirror and you laugh happily because you know he won't.
Twenty minutes later, JJ gets up from his chair and you can see the smile playing on his plump lips. His hair is still long enough to run his fingers through it, but shorter on side parts and at the back. He looks even hotter now with a fresh cut. How's that even possible?
"So..." You smile as you walk out of the salon.
"Don't say it." He says quickly, knowing you well enough to anticipate your next words.
"I told you." You say it anyway and you jump onto his back, forcing him to carry you back to the car.
I hate the way you drive my car.
"Fucking hell, JJ! Please, look at the damn road!" You scream and pull the steering wheel. He was too busy looking at Pope who was laughing onto the back seat.
Smoking on a hill at the sunset was a very good idea back then, but now you realized that JJ has to drive your mom's car back to your house since you don't have a driving licence. JJ driving was already a hard pill to swallow, but him high off his ass and driving? That's another level.
"Damn, you almost smashed that car!" Pope is laughing with not a single worry in the world and you want to slap them both right now.
"At least I'm not driving." JJ says with a smirk towards his friend, still smoking a blunt and driving way past the speed limit. They both burst into laughs again and you just can't hold your anger anymore.
"Is not fucking fun!" You yell catching their attention and for a few seconds they got quiet until your boyfriend speaks with a lower voice.
"Momma's mad."
He looks at you only for a second and that was more than enough. The car got off the road and stopped right into a tree. Luckily, JJ slowed down when you screamed and that probably saved your life. You wanted to scream when you felt the impact, but you just couldn't and the three of you stayed in silence for a while, not knowing what to do.
"My mother is gonna kill me." You mutter for yourself and JJ opens his mouth, ready to say something to calm you down but you stop him with your index finger pointing at him. "And I'm gonna kill you."
I hate it when you stare.
"She really did that? Omg" You scream while laughing with the rest of the Pogues, leaning your head on Kie's shoulder as you can feel tears on your cheeks. Nights like these when you all are around a bonfire with cold beer and some weed, telling stories and jokes are your favourites. Even more than any party.
You catch JJ looking at you as lean your body towards him, smiling but still having some tears in your eyes. As you lock your eyes with his you can see something different glaring back at you. Something you don't know how to explain. Maybe awe? Adoration? Love?
"Why are you staring like that, you creep?" You say amused but only for him to hear and you bite on your lower lip as his fingers slowly grab a piece of your hair, moving it away from your face. Soft little gestures like this made you fall hard for him in just one month of relationship.
"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
You take a few seconds to realize what he just say to you only because you expected something like "you have something on your face" or "your laugh is ugly" because you are kind of insecure about it, but in his eyes you are the most beautiful girl. And not just outside, like most boys see you, but on the inside.
You can't say anthing because you get really emotional at his words, instead you just pull him into a kiss long and deep enough to hear disapproving shouts coming from your friends. You and JJ show them your middle fingers while smiling into the kiss, not ready to be apart yet.
I hate your big dumb combat boots...
"Come on, baby! Are you ready?" JJ screams for you to hear. He's been waiting in your living room, playing on the Playstation for what feels like hours. The others are already surfing without you by now and JJ loves to be the first onto the waves.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Couldn't find my new bathing suit." You say and you know JJ will forgive you when he will see your new sexy black suit. You bought it especially for him.
"Can't wait to see it, but come on. We have to-..."
"Wait." You stop on the last step of the stairs and watch his combat boots. JJ groans because you're not hurrying to leave at all and you groan because he's still wearing them.
"Jay, can't believe you're wearing boots when there is a heat wave...Seriously. You are gonna sweat your ass off. " You mutter while coming closer to him, wearing your comfortable pink flip flops.
"The girl with flip flops is talking about my boots? You should keep your pretty big mouth closed."
"Or?" You ask and a smirk is quickly to rise on JJ's face. He knew you gonna say that.
"Or I will make sure to close it for you, baby."
...and the way you read my mind.
"Guys, you know what I'm craving sooo bad right now?" You yell out of nowhere, making John B jump in his place in the hammock. You are on your period and you've been a mess all day. The heat is already insupportable and the pain you feel in your lower stomach make it even worse for you as you lay on the porch's floor with a warm bottle on your stomach, hoping the pain will go away.
"What's that?" Kie asks, understanding your pain.
"Burgers and melon ice cream." You smile, thinking at your favourite ice cream flavor and your friends chuckle a little. Right now that's all you need: some ice cream and your boyfriend back from work.
"I will text JJ and he'll get you some. Okay?" Pope says with an amused grin and you nod your head, your smile fanding into a frown as you’re in pain again. "I forgot there is no signal."
You close your eyes, but after a few minutes of hearing them talking about the hurricane that was here days ago, you also hear a motorbike you can recognize it from anywhere. JJ got up from it and as he does the Pogue salute with John B, Pope and Kie you can see a bag in his other hand.
"Hello baby" You get up a little and manage to smile at him, ignoring the constant pain. He smiles back at you, placing a soft kiss to your forehead and your lips.
"Hello beautiful. How are you feelin'?" He asks because in the morning when he got up from work, you were still asleep and you stained the sheets. That didn't mattered to him, but he assumed that you are not feeling too good now. Periods are awful, he knows from Kie.
"The pain is killin' me and I wanted some..."
"Ice cream?" He raises his eyebrows to you and opens the bag, pulling out your favourite melon ice cream, some chocolate and burgers for all of you. Your friends are looking at you, all speechless and JJ saw it.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He says, confusion all over his face.
"I just said I wanted ice cream and a burger..." You say and you almost forget about the pain because emotions take now control over you and your body. So much that you can feel tears in your eyes.
"You know me so well!" He pulls you into his arms, wrapping his arms around your body as he's softly kissing the top of your head.
"'Course I do. I got you, sweet girl."
I hate you much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right.
"What a hell of a shortcut you knew, Pope! Thank you!" JJ says with a roll of his eyes and you look around, trying to recognize something but there are just trees. There's nothing you can actually recognize.
"Well, it was a good camping night guys." Kie says with sarcasm fulling her tone and everyone quickly starts arguing for nothing.
"Hey, hey! Chill out" You say, knowing this is going nowhere and you speak again after a short moment of thinking. "I think we have to go to the left."
"What? Bullshit. We have to go straight" Your boyfriend says and you put your arms in your hips, looking at him and already starting to get angry.
"No, I don't think so."
"I'm the best at orientation and-..." You just can't shup up so you interrupt him.
"Who ever said this, hm?"
"Well, actually no one. But I'm better than you anyway."
"Oh, bite me. We are going left."
"No, we're not."
And you should shut up right there because after a huge fight, you went straight and you find the camping spot.
After loading off the Van, JJ loosely grabs your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. A proud smirk on his lips as he's talking to you.
"Do you have something to say, [Y/N]? An apology maybe?"
You frown not wanting to do that, but when you try to move away from him, he pulls you even closer to his side.
"I can't hear you yet."
"Oh, shut up, you're enjoying this too much. You were right, okay?"
"Don't worry" He peck your pouting lips. "I still love your stubborn ass."
I hate it when you lie.
"JJ, tell me the truth. You did it?" You ask and you watch him impatiently, hoping to hear what you wanted and not be a lie. "You pulled the gun at Topper?"
He already lied to you a few days ago when it happened. You weren't there as you were stuck at a family dinner and later he didn't wanted to ruin the first night between you two. So he didn't told you what happened at the boneyard. Even if he knew you will eventually find out.
He just hoped it won't be that soon.
"Yeah, I did."
"Why would you lie to me, Jay?" You slowly ask and you take a step back, for the first time ever feeling really disappointed in him. He can see it on your face. He gets up from the stairs, trying to grab your hands in his, but you reject his gesture and you can see the hurt flashing in his beautiful eyes.
"Don't act like this, baby...Come on. It's not that big of a deal anyway."
"It's not? Do you really think that? Cause I think it is!" Your voice is higher by a tone and you don't want to turn this into a screaming match, so you just take another step back. "I need to calm down, okay? Don't call or text. I'll do it when I will get over it."
JJ said nothing as he's watching you leave the Chateau's backyard and he can't stop the feeling that he's letting you leave for good. But you said that you'll call.
And you will. He hoped so.
I hate when you make me laugh...
"Stop, stop it now please!"
Everyone who's hearing you right now would think that you are getting hurt or something. Thank God that John B doesn't have any neighbors because you are just begging JJ to stop tickling you as you laugh so hard you can barely breath properly.
... even worse when you make me cry.
"You want what?" You ask, your voice cracking even if you try so hard to keep yourself in one piece in front of him. You're pride is too important for you, but is getting hard to lock your tears in.
"A breakup. I'm sorry [Y/N], I really am but..." He looks away from you, trying to find his words and when he looks at you again, his eyes are watery too. How dare he? How can he be the one crying when he's the one taking the decision? "I don't feel good anymore. I feel like I'm caged up and I'm not that type of guy. I'll never be. I know that's what you wanted princess, but-..."
He didn't saw it coming, but that nickname made you slap him across the face. His head is now turn to the left, a red mark of your hand imprimed on his cheek.
"I guess I deserve that. But I can't be what you want and you know it...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
You don't even realize that you are crying that hard, not until you hear yourself sobbing and gasping for air in front of him. His face is a blurry vision for you, you can't really see him anymore because of the waves of tears, the pain shattering you inside.
"No, shut up! You're not sorry. Don't sell me shit." You scream and you run your shacking fingers through your hair. You wipe your eyes with your palms, trying to stop the tears and instead you just ruined your mascara.
"Please, don't hate me."
Tears are wetting his cheeks as well and you simply can't stand there with him anymore. You shake your head, still watching him while you slowly take steps back. You need to get out of here before you fall apart for good in front of him. You can't be more pathetic than you already are, humiliating yourself for a guy when all you wanted to do was to love him.
"Don't hate me. Please, don't." He says again and you want so bad to scream that you do hate him for breaking your heart, but you can't. Your lips can't move as you just walk away, almost running with a hand to your mouth stopping a scream.
I hate it that you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call.
When you walked into the house with your hair and clothes soaked wet from the rain, your makeup smashed all over your face and your eyes puffy from all the crying, your mother already knew what happened. He wanted to say "I told you" because she really did told you that the Maybank boy is just trouble and you didn't listened to her. And as she hold you, she hoped that you didn't get to love him, that you will be fine after a few hours of sleep or a day or two. But now it's been two week and nothing could get you out of your room. Not even Kie and Sarah, your best friends.
You felt pathetic as you kept watching your phone screen, waiting for him to call you. To text you, to do anything to get to you. You even deleted his number, knowing you would want to call him and you did it anyway with a private number. He answered and you both stayed in silence for two whole minutes. He knew it was you and he was smiling with tears in his eyes. You didn't care that knew.
Listening to his silence was better than nothing at all. His absence was killing you.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
You think that Kie, Sarah, Pope or John B are knocking at your door now, trying their best to get you out of the house. You went out with them for a few days for  a few hours while you know JJ was working and before you had to meet him, you would left. But you open your door now and you can't leave.
You don't know what to say. There's nothing to say as you both are looking at each other. You can see on him the same dark circles that you see everyday on you. You are wearing his shirt and he's wearing your hairband at his wrist. You blink a few times just to stop yourself from crying again.
"What are you doing here, JJ?" You ask after seeing that he's beating himself up to say something and he can't find his words.
"I-...I don't know." You can see how dilated and red his eyes are. He’s stoned and your heart sting at the thought of him being here only because of this, because he can't think straight.
"Okay." You want to close to door, but his combat boot got into your way stopping you. "What do you want from me? I gave you everything I had, I tried to be the best girlfriend and-...And it wasn't enough. What more can I give you beside myself, hm?"
Not even close...
"What?" JJ slowly ask, shocked to hear that you are thinking this way. All this time he was sure that you hate him, despite him and regret ever welcoming him into your perfect life only for him to ruin it, but you were doing the opposite.
You think that there's something wrong with you, not with his damaged ass. You think that you aren't good enough, when in fact you are more than he can handle. That's the problem: you are too much, too precious and too good and he's the dirty douchebag who just found a diamond and he doesn't know his true value, he doesn't know what to do with it. In JJ's point of view, that was your relationship like.
"Why wasn't I enough for you?" You voice crack and you fall, but JJ catches you into his arms before you can hit the floor. He walks into your house, holding you tight at his chest while taking a sit on the couch. That damn couch when he made love with you for the last time.
"You are enough, babe. You always were enough, but I'm not."
"Fuck you!" You scream while crying and you try to break his hug around your body, but there's no way he's letting you go away from him again. "How can you say that? Don't you see?"
"See what?" You raise your head from his chest, his fingers tracing lines on your cheeks. He wipes your tears and you do the same with his.
"You can't see that I don't hate you? I wish I could hate you. But I can't....
...not even a little bit...
"I'm not even close to that....
...not even at all..."
"You broke my heart into pieces and I can't hate you at all."
JJ is the one who's crying now. You never saw him like that before, not even after the worst fight with his father. Sobbing that hard while holding you tight, his head into your chest as he keeps repeat "I'm sorry" and "please forgive me".
"I've never been loved like this, [Y/N] and-...I kept telling myself that I don't deserve it, that you try to change me because you don't love the piece of shit I actually am and...And I almost lost you because of that."
“Don’t ever say that. You are amazing and you deserve love and happiness.”
You kiss the top of his head, his forehead and his salty lips before pulling his head back at your chest, both of you trying to calm down. This shouldn't happen, but you know that this is gonna bring you even closer to each other.
"Do you still love me? Like you did before." You ask with a little smile playing on your lips. JJ raise his head to look at you and his eyes speaks even before his lips.
"Yes. I'm crazy for you, [Y/N]." You both meet in a sweet kiss before he pulls away, his forehead pressed against yours. "Do you-...?"
"Yeah, I do. I do love you, JJ. You have no idea how much."
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I read the new chapter!!!!!
Okay, so first of all, I'd like to personally thank you jellyfish that stung Zara. We could never thank them enough for their service.
Dude, the brotps!!!!! You have no idea how the platonic love made my day. Jace and Emma, Alec and Kit, Jace and Kit, Alec and Jace of course, all of them.
I screamed at the part where Clary offered Jace a massage. Like they make me things.
Izzy, Jace, and Alec group chat is all that matters in the world.
Alec and Julian arguing (affectionately) over who would win the tournament has me happy. Honestly, loved Alec fighting for Jace, platonic stuff hits differently.
Kit calling Jace a nerd is something I didn't know I needed.
Ty and Kit are so precious, pls.
Kierarktina is so valid and beautiful and amazing. like just stan them.
Passive aggressive tshirts is something we all need.
I still want to adopt Leo. Like, I'm not supposed to want a kid this young, but I love that kid. Also he makes me miss my younger siblings, those little monsters.
Jem being a good father aa always, and Tessa being her book loving self. And then Mina having power over us just by being her adorable self 😌
Alec and Jace just being themselves together is always something we love to see. Also, I swear to have a friendship like theirs. the platonic love is strong with these two 🥺🥺
Malec date was so precious, and the way they talked about stuff and comforted the other ahhhhhhhhhhb. They are so beautiful. Why are they so perfect?
Magnus forever has my sword.
Also question, was Jace actually conceived on a surf board? Because if so that would actually be quite the story 😂
Also, the London institute part hit hard, not gonna lie. RIP Will, RIP.
Also, I started crying from laughing at the duck part, no seriously, I had to wipe way tears. I love Jace with my entire self. I swear, he cracks me up. But also I understand his fear, them seaducks better stay away from my man. 🤣🤣
There's so much more, but basically the entire chapter was amazing, and I love this so much.
Once again, heartfelt gratitude to the jellyfish.
I love scenes between Alec/Julian and Emma/Jace. They have so much in common and I love exploring that!!
Honestly Alec-Jace brotp has me so jelly like where is my soulmate smh.
It is a rumour that Jace was conceived on a surfboard. Possibly started by Jace himself. Who knows if it's true or not lol.
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years
Modern ATLA AU Headcanons Meme
Reblog this post, and your own answers!
I love myself some modern AU's, and I love how different they all are, so, I made this so we can all share, and feel free to add characters if you want, and just not do any of these if the character isn't important to you!
Bending? Yes! Always!
Monarchy? Nope
Our world or theirs? Their's all the way
Animals? Boring ones from our world, it's what I know the best lol
Tattoos? yes, always, and I keep the inspired by the ones in the movie (the movie is awful but the tattoos are cool and actual rl inspired?
Home life/family/upbringing? I usually go with him being raised by Monk Gyatso, and keep everything else kind of vague
Major/job? I go back and fourth, but I like him as a tattoo artist, or as a vet, anything with animals, or as a nurse, preferably a pediatric nurse!
Hobbies? Skating, in any form, yoga, meditation, painting and art
Vegetarian or Vegan? I think he's be cruelty free as far as it's possible
Appa and Momo? Big, fluffy rescue dog and small, shifty cat
personality compared to canon? Pretty similar, maybe a tad less traumatized considering the war didn't happen, but he's still the Avatar, and he still suffered great loss very young
how long have they've known the Gaang? Toph since always, water sibs since middle- or high-school, Zuko either middle school or uni, spending on the story, Suki in high school when she dates Sokka
some random headcanon(s)? he doesn't drink, but he does occasionally enjoy some ouíd at parties or when others drink
Home life/family/upbringing? Their mother died when they were really young, and Hakoda married his lifelong best friend, Bato. They're generally a happy family.
Major/job? I love doctor Katara, and vet Katara, but also Katara in Politics, working hard making the world a better place!
personality compared to canon? Extremely similar, kind, brave, not afraid to speak her mind, awkward in certain situations, a pesky but loving younger sister, etc.
how long have they've known the Gaang? meets Aang and Toph early high school, Suki pretty fast after, Zuko late high school or uni
Hobbies? Sporty, likes to play all sports but doesn't do any seriously, swimming, surfing, writing, reading
some random headcanon(s)? she very good in school, but she's not a goody-two-shoes, she likes a good party as much as anyone
Home life/family/upbringing? Their mother died when they were really young, and Hakoda married his lifelong best friend, Bato. They're generally a happy family.
Major/job? I always like him as some type of engineer, but anything clever and creative is cool!
personality compared to canon? Similar, but maybe a little less... insecure? in that he never had to protect for his entire Tribe very young, and he did very well in school and had lots of talent, but also he has enough struggles to not be a dick? Extremely competitive and protective tho.
how long have they've known the Gaang? meets Aang and Toph early high school, starts dating Suki soon after, Zuko late high school or uni
Hobbies? Surfing in summer, skating, always, drawing and painting, gaming
some random headcanon(s)? has ADHD, is a bi-king, very comfortable with that, and is somehow good friends with all of his exes
Home life/family/upbringing? Similar to canon, just a modern rich asshole version of Ozai, who's either a huge criminal or just inherited a lot of money, Ursa out of the picture, Iroh as caretaker from a young age, but still lived kinda sheltered and was very lonely in his kid and teen years
Major/job? I like tons of stuff for him, either him managing a Jasmin Dragon, preferably with him adding a book café, but also a writer, photographer or tattoo artist
personality compared to canon? very similar, but since I usually write them uni aged or older, he's more mature? But he does still have some anger management issues, can be oblivious to social settings, awkward, brash and has very little knowledge of some basic stuff due to growing up rich. But he's also very loyal, loves his friends so much, and wants everyone to be okay, all the time.
how long have they've known the Gaang? Aang either middle school or late high school, Toph from a young age, and the others either late high school or uni.
Hobbies? Writing, photography, reading, fan fiction, musical nerd, bad gamer
Scar story? Ozai, in some way, preferably when Zuko speaks against something evil he did in front of the wrong people, so similar to canon
some random headcanon? used to have a pretty bad stutter, and even tho it's almost not noticeable anymore, he's very insecure about it
Home life/family/upbringing? Extremely sheltered, barley got to go to public school, snuck out a lot, moves out the second she can and has a tense relationship with her parents
Major/job? I never know tbh, so many possibilities, but I like her as some sort of teacher, either in earth bending, or martial art!
personality compared to canon? Pretty much similar as canon? Loud, unapologetically herself, fiercely protective over her friends, funny af
how long have they've known the Gaang? Toph and Aang since childhood, water sibs since early high school
Hobbies? passionate about good music, is a talented drummer, knows piano from childhood, is a fairly popular youtube gamer/streamer
some random headcanon? demiromantic bisexual, she teaches Zuko how to play the piano and he loves it sm it's their thing
Home life/family/upbringing? Was raised by a single mom and has a bunch of siblings, not poor, but lower middle class, but comes from a loving home
Major/job? Professional athlete of some type, then a coach when retired
personality compared to canon? The same as for what we know! Good attitude, including, funny, very passionate.
how long have they've known the Gaang? most of them from high school when she starts dating Sokka!
Hobbies? Surfing, gaming, material arts, music, plays the bass
some random headcanon? flannel bi, has lots of freckles and big, green eyes
Home life/family/upbringing? Similar to canon, but her mom divorced her father around the start of high school, and they had it a lot better then. She loves her little brother a lot, he's pretty similar to her and looks up to her a lot.
Major/job? Forensic Science major, usually
personality compared to canon? Similar, very similar. Quiet and calculating, but loves her friends and family dearly. Witty, in a quiet way.
Hobbies? plays the violin, reads a lot, goes to a lot of concerts
some random headcanon? I think of her as a lesbian, but I like aro ace Mai, too
Home life/family/upbringing? Same as Zuko, but she moves in with Iroh a little later than him. No contact with her father after that tho, goes on the fitness stand against him after the Zuko thing. Very protective of Zuko, and she doesn't hide it, but she can be ruthless with him, too.
Major/job? Leadership, of some kind
personality compared to canon? She's definitely still Azula, she's amazing at reading people, can be cunning, and mean, but not cruel. Had a major psychological breakdown a few years after their father got sent to jail, a reaction to pushing everything away for. so long, and spent some time in a psychiatric hospital, and dealt with a lot with the therapists and doctors there. A very loyal friend.
Hobbies? material arts, advanced fire bending, fashion and reading
some random headcanon? was the leader of the debate club in high school, became a straight up legend in that crowd.
Ty Lee:
Home life/family/upbringing? Basically the same as canon
Major/job? professional gymnast
personality compared to canon? Same as canon
Hobbies? Dancing, cosplay, fashion
some random headcanon? Knows everyone's name, always.
Idk, tag a few people if you wanna, but no pressure to ever do it!
@flamelo @littlespoonsokka and literally everyone who wants to sorry I'm so bad at tagging jslkgg
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underfell-crystal · 3 years
~The first chapter of my bittybones story is up! If you want more bitties to appear in future chapters, comment which types you'd like either on this post or in my ask box!
Please reblog, as it helps spread my work! You can find the second story I'm working on here!
I do not own any of the characters. I will try to make this as gender-neutral as possible, so let me know if I make any gendering mistakes!~
~~~A Little Bit(ty) of a Small World~~~
~~Chapter One: An Unexpected Houseguest~~
As soon as you moved into your new apartment, things started to go missing. It started with bits of fruit that looked like something tiny had taken a bite out of it, then you having less of your favorite cereal than you thought, and then having random objects going missing, like that one safety pin you never bothered to move from your desk or the pair of earbuds you always kept on your bedside table. After nearly a week of this tiny creature confusing you, you decided to set out food especially for whatever was eating your food. It obviously wasn't a mouse or a rat, they wouldn't have any interest in safety pins and earbuds. You honestly didn't know what it was, but it was smart enough to avoid the mousetraps you had set out the first day you noticed food going missing, so that had to count for something.
You ended up going grocery shopping for the rest of the week while you were searching for more food for the visitor in your house, and stumbled through your apartment door with your arms full of grocery bags. You dropped everything onto the counter with a groan of relief, massaging your arms where the plastic had been digging into your skin. You looked down at the plastic bags proudly for a moment before getting to work putting the groceries away. You ended up buying a bunch of fruits and cookies for your visitor since you couldn't decide what it liked better, and after you finished eating your dinner, you put some fruit and cookies onto a teacup saucer and left it on the counter, where you hoped the visitor would be able to see. You went through your nightly routine and checked the plate of food before going to bed.
You woke up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. It was still dark, and according to your phone, you'd only been asleep for about an hour. Your throat felt dry, so you sighed and slid out of bed, quietly padding to the kitchen. However, as you exited the hallway connecting your room to the kitchen, you froze. There was something sitting next to the saucer. It hadn't appeared to notice you yet. You took a step closer, forgetting about the creaky boards. It's gaze snapped to you. It had red eyes, and looked to be..... was it a skeleton??
You started. "Wait-!"
Before you could get anything else out, it disappeared. You quickly looked around, but you didn't see anything. You flicked on the kitchen lights and walked over to the saucer. Almost everything had been devoured, save for a half-eaten strawberry, which it had left after you startled it. You frowned. Well, that definitely confirmed it wasn't a mouse. But what exactly was it? You turned around. "Um... hello? I.... I just wanted to let you know I'm not gonna hurt you... I can keep leaving food out for you, if you'd like?"
You received no answer, which you expected. You sighed and scrubbed your palms over your eyes, resigning yourself to a sleepless night. You wanted to find out what that thing was. You turned off the kitchen light and went back to your room, sitting down at your tiny desk and opening your laptop. You began surfing the web for something similar to yours, and found a couple cases similar to yours involving tiny creatures called Bitties, which sent you down a whole new rabbit hole. You were fairly confident the bitty living in your apartment was an Edgy, though it could be a Cherry, as well. Both species had red eyelights, and tended to hide whenever new humans were around. You glanced at the clock and saw that it was three a.m. You shook your head and turned your attention back to the computer, continuing to read an article about how to gain bitties' trust. You were vaguely aware of yourself nodding off, and before you could turn off your computer and climb back into bed, you slipped into unconsciousness.
The next morning, you woke to a slight weight near your collarbone. You tensed slightly and slowly peeked open your eyes, looking down as best you could without moving your head. Your eyes widened in surprise. It was a skeleton bitty! It was curled up just above your collarbone, sleeping peacefully. You didn't know what to do. Why was it sleeping on you? You wracked your brain for an answer, then remembered that bitties needed Soul Time with humans in order to live, which was basically the bitty just being close to it's human, preferably being held. Just as you came to this revalation, the bitty sleeping on your shoulder began to stir. You immediately froze, staring at it as it began to wake up. It's sockets opened drowsily, then the lights locked with your gaze. It's eyesockets widened, and it vanished again before you could open your mouth. You quickly stood up and looked around, hoping to see the bitty, but you found nothing. You sighed and scratched the back of your neck. The bitty probably still didn't trust you, and likely hadn't meant to fall asleep on you.
You decided you would call the closest bitty center and see what they recommended you to do, now that you were fairly sure you had an Edgy bitty living in your apartment. You stood up, wincing and popping your back, giving yourself immediate relief from the cramps in your muscles due to the poor sleeping position you had adopted. You walked back to the kitchen and made yourself another bowl of cereal, pausing when your gaze wandered over to the saucer. You decided to leave some more food out for the bitty and give it some time to eat while you went to the bitty center. After you finished eating, you dumped your bowl into the sink, got out some more food for the bitty (this time you left out a quarter of a PB&J), and headed to the bathroom to get ready. Half an hour later, you were heading out the door. You called, "Bye!" to the bitty as you left and locked the apartment door, descending down the stairs and heading outside.
It was a nice day out, and the center was only about a mile away, so you decided to walk. You put your earbuds in and listened to your favorite songs as you made your way to the center, pulling them out and tucking them into your pocket as you pushed open the door. A woman at the register looked up and smiled. "Welcome to Bitty City! How may I help you?"
You smiled and made your way over to her. "Hi, um.... I was wondering if you could give me some advice on a wild bitty in my apartment?"
The woman raised her eyebrows. "Oh my, a stray bitty? Do you know what type it is?"
You tilted your head side to side in a vague 'not sure' motion. "I'm pretty sure it's an Edgy, but I haven't ruled out it being a Cherry."
The woman nodded. "How long have you noticed it living there?"
"I moved into the apartment recently, so at least a week, though it's likely been there longer."
The woman hummed in acknowledgement, jotting down some notes on a piece of paper. "Was the bitty injured at all?"
"I'm not sure, but I don't think so."
The woman nodded thoughtfully. "I see... it sounds like it's not a feral bitty, so that's good. I recommend trying to catch it and bring it here, so we can make sure it isn't injured and then put it up for adoption. Would you want to keep it?"
You chewed your bottom lip, thinking. Pets weren't really allowed in your apartment complex, and this bitty was likely one that would bite and scratch. But you didn't want to just get rid of it, so you looked up at the woman and nodded in confirmation. She beamed at you. "Oh, lovely! I can bring you a cage people use specifically for catching strays."
She bustled away, leaving you to explore the bitty center. There were quite a few bitties there, including some in penned areas that you were more than happy to give attention. As soon as you sat down, a swarm of Baby Blues and Papys began climbing on you, chattering excitedly with you. Their energy was infectious, and you were sad when the woman came back with the cage and you had to leave. You waved bye to them as you walked back to the register and fished out your credit card to pay for the cage.
As you began to walk home, you contemplated catching the Edgy right away or trying to coax it into going to the bitty center with you. On one hand, you could give the bitty the proper care it needed as soon as possible, but it likely would be afraid of you. On the other hand, you might never earn the bitty's trust, and just have it living in the walls for the rest of your life. You didn't know which to pick. You decided you would sleep on that decision, then make a choice the next day.
After all, you had all the time in the world.
~The first chapter is done! Thank you for reading, my gems!~
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augustwxllow · 3 years
part three
maybe this will be the last instalment maybe it won’t be idk, we’ll both find out at the end together
henry’s pov
henry watched as the doctor scrambled for the paddles and the nurse started doing chest compressions on alex
he didn’t know if the doctors knew he was there but soon they probably would if he sobbed loudly
“charging... clear!”
the anaesthesiologist took the oxygen tube, which connected to the machine, out of henry’s mouth and the nurse removed her hands just in time as the shock was delivered
both the nurse and doctor, as well as henry, looked at the heart monitor
no change
the nurse immediately went back to doing chest compressions as the doctor waited for the paddles to recharge
“charging... clear!”
it was a routine that went on for two minutes and henry started to panic
he felt his hands fidgeting with the strap across his chest
henry caught attention of the doctor who took a step back and shook his head at the nurse
the nurse didn’t stop but instead nudged her head towards henry’s direction
henry’s panic only became worse when the doctor turned around and saw him and went wide eyed
the doctor quickly turned back to look at his patient and then back at henry and then grabbed the paddles immediately
“charging... clear!”
no change happened but he looked at the nurse
“go find me as much ice as you can and bring it here. im not having the death of the first son of the united states on my hands”
the nurse immediately ran out and almost came back immediately with two buckets and placed it around alex’s head
henry’s panic kept rising as he watched the clock
“come on love. don’t do this to me” henry whispered
“don’t leave me”
“charging... clear!”
no change
the nurse resumed compressions
“it’s almost four minutes doctor”
henry thought he squeaked at that and he knew he did when the nurse looked at him
henry knew not all medical shows weren’t accurate that didn’t mean he didn’t research stuff afterwards
but henry knew that after four minutes there would be permanent brain damage
“please love. i love you. please” henry begged one last time
henry watched as the doctor charged the paddles
“history, huh? bet we could make some” henry whispered to himself
henry looked down at his feet as he listened to the doctor deliver the last shock which would help prevent permanent brain damage
that sound
the sound of reassurance
the sound of life
the sound of henry’s fiancé being here
henry looked up and saw the heart monitor beeping at a normal rhythm and watched as the doctor quickly put the paddles away and worked on fixing alex’s shoulder
“fucking hell alex you dramatic asshole” henry let out in a shaky breath
henry watched as the doctor finished up with tying the wound up without the worry of alex would flatline again
henry stayed where he was
he didn’t think he could move after he watched alex laying lifeless on the table for nearly four minutes
suddenly the sound of a door opening caught henry’s attention
he turned around and saw the doctor there looking at him
“apologies your royal highness. im sorry you had to witness that”
henry held back the urge to roll his eyes
“the first son is in a stable condition and hopefully he will make a full recovery. we will have to keep him here for awhile to see if there is any brain damage due the amount of time he was deprived of oxygen”
henry just nodded and the doctor looked at him
“i know im not to speak to like this in front of a royal but he is one lucky bastard”
henry smiled at that and laughed smally
“that he is” henry replied
the doctor nodded and moved his head in the direction of the exit and showed him to alex’s private room
when the doctor reached it with henry he turned around when he heard his sister yell out his name
“you do rather need to be quiet in places like this bea”
“im sorry but i did call out for you four times but your brain was clearly preoccupied with the thoughts of your fiancé being okay”
henry sucked in a breath as the doctor looked at him
“i will not speak a word” he said simply as he held the door open for bea and himself
the two of them stepped in and bea handed him a bag with some clothes in it
“please do get changed so we can burn that uniform. i don’t want to see it again”
“when did you have time to get the clothes?”
“well when you originally told me to go get them i went downstairs and got shaan and zahra and then when i was waiting out there i got bored so i decided to go home and get you some clothes and eat your hidden stash of jaffa cakes”
“excuse me?”
“oh hush hush. just get out of that hideous thing”
henry listened to his sister and went into the bathroom and stopped out of the uniform
“you know what have a shower too” bea called out
henry did do that because he needed something to clear his thoughts before he sat down beside alex’s bed for the next god knows how many days waiting for him to wake up
henry felt clean when he stepped out of the shower and felt comfortable when he pulled out his sweatpants and the alex’s shirt
when henry stepped out, he saw bea had taken occupant of the lounge as she channel surfed so it left henry with the chair next to alex’s hand no doubt bea doing it on purpose
henry sat down and took hold of alex’s hand just as zahra and shaan burst into the room
“shhhh!” bea scolded
shaan shot bea a look but zahra’s eyes were focused on the rise and fall of alex’s chest
“i have to call ellen” zahra stepped out of the room, shaan not far behind
shaan and zahra never came back in and henry could only presume they were standing outside guarding the door
it had been hours since henry last ate and he was starting to get hungry but as if bea knew she left and immediately came back with food for henry
“you can go home bea. i will be quite alright” henry told her as he ate a bit of whatever she got him
“so who proposed to who?”
henry choked
“did you propose to alex, or did alex propose to you?”
“it is none of your concern” he told his sister simply
“oh dearest brother, how could possibly think i would not want the juicy details?”
“i really do not think you would want to know bea” he gave her a look
she did not deserve to know who proposed to who it was henry of course as if she couldn’t tell by the band that was around alex’s finger
she also didn’t deserve to know the aftermath either henry hid a smile after remembering that did more than just two rounds after alex said yes
bea just gave him a disappointed look
“you’re no fun baby brother”
henry smiled at that and finished off whatever he was eating and just looked at the rise and fall of alex’s chest
henry had no idea how many days had passed
he didn’t know and his heart began to sink at the thought he would recover
bea had persuaded henry to go home multiple times but he refused there was no home if alec wasn’t there
ellen had flown in two nights ago with june and nora in tow
they’d all stayed for a bit and nora grinned when she saw the band on alex’s finger and june freaked out and ellen just gave henry a kiss
henry didn’t realise how welcoming they claremont’s had let them into their arms nora was a given since she was dating june
what surprised him most is when his nan had sent flowers to alex though when he looked at the card he could tell they were not from her as the words were too kind for her bitter heart about henry’s love for alex
henry was sitting in one of the chairs when he heard someone enter the room. he turned around and saw his brother standing there
“i just wanted to pass on my congratulations to you and alex”
“im sure you don’t mean that” henry scoffed
“i know i may not approve of it like nan does not but bea may have slapped some sense into me the other night”
henry took notice of the bright red handprint which cover his brother’s cheek and he held back a laugh
“oh... well um thank you i suppose”
awkward silence sat between the two of them and henry wished he would leave already
“just because i do not approve of it-”
“phillip” henry gritted out
“doesn’t mean i shouldn’t stop you from being happy”
“bea made you say that didn’t she” henry said after a moment
“no. i may have had martha slap some sense to me too” he commented as he pointed to his other cheek
at that henry did laugh
“i’m sorry if i haven’t been the best of brothers but hopefully some time in the near future we could become better”
henry sat there for a moment and thought bullshit like that would happen
“i’d like that” henry said simply i would very much not like that
not long after henry said that phillip left and bea entered the room
“did you really slap phillip?”
“yes and it felt bloody good to do so” she beamed
henry laughed at his sister
“mum wants to come to visit but she can’t bring herself to. she thinks it’s her fault since the assassination attempt was on you because she made you go out to the research facility”
“mum can come. im not mad at her or hurt by her if that’s what she thinks”
bea nodded at her brother and then left the room silently
henry let out a sigh and bea entered the room again
“also, not the best time but there are a whole bunch of music playlists people have been making on spotify-”
“bea” henry groaned
“you need to listen to them. the playlist all have to do with you two and i don’t know whilst you’re waiting for your fiancé to wake up maybe you could pick out a song for your wedding”
“you need to stop saying it like that”
“i will ask alex, as soon as he wakes up, who proposed to who, watch me”
bea left the room again and it was just henry and alex
alex and henry
just the two of them like it was and how it should be
stealing moments together
but not like this
this was pain and torture
“please love. come back to me” henry said as he squeezed alex’s hand
not long after henry released his grip, the other hand twitched and henry felt his heart surge up and almost go through his mouth screw the exaggeration
henry looked at him and the heart monitor started to increase slightly but died down when alex’s eyes opened
alex gave him a quizzical look and henry almost burst into tears
he didn’t like that look
not one bit
he hated himself for having to witness that look
the look of ‘who are you?’
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thegreatestofheck · 4 years
Little Village pt.7*Outer Banks*
find the first six parts here!! 
word count - 4.6k  warnings - Swearing that’s pretty much it. synopsis -  June’s losing it, just a little bit. As she starts work again, she’s on the very edge of her rope. When JJ starts to distance himself, June finally explodes. tagging -  @apoguecalledjj @ijustreallylovethem @deathcompass @lolitstiana @ jxpiter-sxturn @parkerpetertingle @diverrdown ​, @ponyboys-sunsets​, @outerbanksbro, a/n - I’m sorry this took so long oof. Some more fluff in the this chapter, but also, get ready for the ANGST. Yay. 
Sarah’s words refused to leave June’s head. 
Sure, it was entirely possible that June was closer to JJ than she was to Kie or Pope, but she’d known him for so much longer. She had been cleaning up his bruises, telling him to make his bed, chasing away his nightmares, and making him breakfast since she was barely old enough to take care of herself. 
She was the first person he ever confided in about his home life. She was the one person he always called when he needed to be picked up from school because his dad forgot him again. She was the one who made sure his grades were up and his homework was turned in. She went to the parent-teacher conferences and the mandatory school recitals and all the surfing competitions. It had always been her. 
So of course they were close. Just not that kind of close. 
Of course.
The only time June wasn’t constantly consumed by her conversation with Sarah was when she was with Eleanor. The more June reminded herself to breathe, the easier things got. She was still exhausted waking up every morning, still sleeping on the blow up mattress some nights when she just couldn’t stay away.
Her daughter was beautiful. Eleanor could barely smile and still she had the cutest dimples that June had ever seen. June was convinced that her baby had been kissed by the sun itself. With eyes a light hazel like the color of fall and brown curls already starting to grow on her head, June let herself daydream about the beauty that this baby girl was going to be. 
She let herself laugh about all the boys she would have to fight off from her daughter, let herself imagine that day when Eleanor finally met the one. June wondered it she would walk Eleanor down the isle herself, or if there was someone out there who would love June and Eleanor enough to be there for the both of them. 
June almost made herself cry thinking about it. All the things she would get to do with Eleanor that her own mother had never done. She couldn’t wait to hear her first word or see her walk, to send her off to school, to teach her how to surf. 
Pushing herself off of the blow up mattress on the floor, June took the risk of rousing her sleep baby to pluck Eleanor out of the crib and hold her close. Eleanor mewled like a small kitten, but never woke, resting her head against June’s shoulder instead.
“I will never leave you,” June whispered, rocking her baby back and forth. “You are mine and you always will be. Until the end of time.” 
“How long before Little Pogue walks?” John B asked, cradling Eleanor in his arms. June walked around almost frantically, one hand holding her hair up in a high ponytail and the other pulling on one of her shoes. 
“I dunno, John,” she said. She hopped across the floor, reaching for her other shoe, passing JJ as she went. 
“Toast,” he said, holding the piece of bread in his hand. June took the bread in her mouth and mumbled a thank you. With both of her shoes on, June finished tying off her hair and pulled the toast from her mouth, chewing quickly. 
“Let’s go over the rules again,” June said. JJ groaned and rolled his eyes. 
“We’ve been over them a million times already!” 
“Yes, I know, but if either one of you slips up-” She waved her half eaten toast between her brother and JJ. “You lose all baby privileges. The both of you.” 
“Rule number one,” said John B in a baby voice as he made faces at Eleanor. “Don’t bring any alcohol or weed into the house.” 
“Right,” June confirmed. “JJ?”
“Rule number two, no strangers in the house while you’re gone,” JJ said begrudgingly. 
“Including hot chicks.” 
“Thank you.” June would be lying if she said there wasn’t another reason she didn’t want girls around the house, but she would keep that to herself. “Final rule, one of you has eyes on Eleanor at all times. You got me?” 
JJ pushed himself off the counter with a loose grin and walked over to John B and the baby. 
“She’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen in my life,” JJ mused in his joking tone. “How could I ever take my eyes off of her?” 
June rolled her eyes to cover the roll in her stomach. Now was no time for hormones. 
“My shift today is only a half shift,” she said as she picked her purse off the ground. “So I won’t be long. Don’t burn the house down while I’m gone, please.” 
“We won’t burn the house down, will we?” John B cooed to Eleanor. 
“No, no we won’t.” JJ said in the same tone. June laughed quietly to herself, walking toward the door. 
“Thank you guys, for doing this,” she said. It didn’t appear that either of the boys heard her as they continued talking back and forth to each other in their baby voices that they had almost perfected. 
June smiled as she left the house, only mildly prepared to actually return to work. 
All three of them were asleep by the time June got back. JJ and John B lay passed out on the couch, while Eleanor was in the arms of Kie, who was lightly humming and dancing around the kitchen as she prepared a bottle of milk. 
“Hey,” June said, setting her bag down quietly. Kie spun around with a grin on her face. 
“Hi! How was work?” Kie asked. She moved back and forth, swaying the sleeping Eleanor in her arms. June smiled despite the exhaustion that weighed on her bones. 
“It was good. Same old, same old at the diner, you know.” She pushed herself into one of the chairs and let her tight muscles relax. 
“Anyone give you any trouble?” Kie had one hand on the microwave so she could open it before the timer hit zero and woke up everyone in the house. 
“Oh, you know. I think the ‘June Routledge got knocked up and had a baby’ jokes have all been spent at this point.” June had meant it as a joke, but by the way Kie’s smile dropped, she didn’t take it that way. 
“I swear, if I hear a single person saying anything bad about you or Eleanor-”
“Relax, Kie,” June laughed, leaning back in her chair. “I was teasing. Nobody said anything. Got a few stares, but that was about it. I’m just tired now, is all.”
“I can imagine.” Kie popped open the microwave. “Do you want me to feed her?” 
“I got it. Thank you.” 
Kie handed Eleanor and the bottle over to June before sliding into the chair next to her. 
“I see my oh so loyal guard dogs fell asleep on the job, huh?” June asked with a smile, nodding over to John B and JJ. Kie waved her hand and rolled her eyes ever so lightly. 
“Eleanor was running circles around them. They were so out of their depth, they had to call me.” June laughed right along with Kie. “They fell asleep almost as soon as I took her.” 
“Good thing Sarah agreed to wait to have babies with your brother.” 
As June and Kie laughed, Eleanor made quiet sounds of protest at June moving too much. 
“Sorry,” June whispered. She turned back to Kie. “How was your day?” 
She and Kie made quiet conversation for a few minutes before they started laughing again, as they always did. But it wasn’t Eleanor who protested this time. Both JJ and John B rolled over on the couch, groaning in their sleep. 
June put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Their giggling died down after a few seconds, but their smiles lingered. 
“Sarah called me this morning,” Kie said finally, looking down at her hands. June’s heart plummeted. “She told me about Rafe.” 
June let out a breath, shifting her grip on Eleanor. 
“What...what are you thinking about it all?” June asked. Kie sighed. 
“I know it’s her brother, but after everything he did....” Her words fell and she glanced up at June, who understood completely. 
“We have to be there for her,” June told Kie, her jaw tightening. “She’s just trying to take care of her brother. If it was us, we’d probably do the same.” 
Kie let out another heavy breath. 
“You’re right. But it’ll be harder to convince the boys.” Both of them glanced back to John B and JJ, who still slept soundly. June wanted to change the subject. Talking about Rafe still made her uncomfortable, but there was something that she needed to ask her friend. 
“Do you think....” June cleared her throat. “Do you think I’m too close to JJ?” 
Kie seemed taken aback by her question. 
“I- Why would you think that?”
“Something Rafe said and something Sarah said and something Lukerman said.” June wanted to hide her face in her hands, but they were currently full. 
“Jue.” Kie reached out and put her hand over her friends. “What are you talking about?” 
June felt her chest contract and she scowled. Was this really the time to actually try to sort out her feelings? No, probably not. 
“It’s nothing,” June shook her head. Kie squeezed her hand and looked at her with the stern face that she had learned from June so well. It almost felt like she was looking in the mirror. 
“It’s not nothing. What’s wrong?” 
June heaved out a sigh and looked down at Eleanor. 
“Do you remember that fight JJ got in with Lukerman before Eleanor was born?”
“He said something about...about me and JJ.” June felt so strange talking about it out loud. These were thoughts she was supposed to be keeping to herself, not vocalizing. “And when I was at Sarah’s, Rafe asked if Eleanor was JJ’s, as if there was no one else on the island that could be her father. And then Sarah told me that she always thought me and JJ were close, closer than I am with you or Pope.” 
The more she spoke, the angrier June started to feel. Angry with these people for assuming her feelings? Maybe. Angry with herself for having these feelings? More likely. 
Kie just sat there and listened, never once moving her hand from June’s. 
“It feels like everyone knows something that I don’t know,” June said once she had forced herself to calm down. “Like they’re all looking at me and seeing someone else. And I just...I guess I just don’t know what to do.” 
Kie was silent for a few more moments, waiting to see if June was going to say anything else. But she had put a stopper on her tongue. She wasn’t going to risk saying something that could incriminate her further. 
“Why does it bother you so much that people think about you and JJ that way?” Kie asked, finally moving her hand away so she could lean back in her chair. 
“Because it’s not true? Because he’s my little brother’s best friend and I don’t want people to look at me and think of me as some kind of freak, like I’m praying on someone younger just because he’s there. Because I don’t want people to look at him and assume that he knocked me up. Because JJ and I are just friends. I mean, how did you feel when everyone assumed you liked my brother?” 
“It made me feel trapped,” Kie admitted. “Like I couldn’t confess my true feelings.”
“So, what are your true feelings?”
“What?” June was taken aback. 
“You don’t like people assuming you and JJ are together because it makes it difficult to admit your true feelings. So, what are they?” 
June scoffed, side-eyeing her friend. She thought about saying it for a moment. But then she let out a quiet, half hearted laugh. 
“Is this what I always sound like?” she asked. Kie paused for a moment before taking June’s words as a desperate need to change the subject. Eventually, Kie smiled, even though it was strained. 
“Yeah, most of the time.” 
“God, that’s embarrassing.” 
“Hey, you got us through the worst of times, Jue. We tried to push you away and you wouldn’t let us. Never forget that we’re here for you now, too.” 
June felt herself give a real smile. 
“I know.” She looked over at JJ, who still slept on the couch. Her stomach flipped at the sight of his slightly parted lips and his tousled hair. She shook her head and looked back at Kie, who had one eyebrow partially raised. “JJ and I are friends. Nothing more.” 
Kie was disinclined to believe her. 
As June’s shifts at the diner got longer and more frequent, she needed to find someone else who could watch Eleanor while she was working. Pope relayed this information to his mom, who called June the next minute offering her services. June didn’t want to accept, afraid of burdening the woman with a responsibility that wasn’t hers, but Mrs. Heyward would hear none of it. 
The first time that June brought Eleanor over to the Heyward abode, she realized that Mrs. Heyward wasn’t going to feel burdened by the baby at all. Just from the way the she smiled at Eleanor in her little carrier, never once taking her eyes off of her while she spoke to June, she knew that Mrs. Heyward was smitten. 
“You sure it’s not a problem?” June asked, setting the carrier down. Mrs. Heyward crouched down and pulled the wide awake Eleanor out of the buckles that kept her in. 
“This little ray of sunshine could never be a problem,” Mrs. Heyward beamed, bouncing Eleanor back and forth. The little girl laughed. June teared up at the prospect of not seeing her for an entire eight hours. She would miss every single one of those little laughs. Swallowing the thickness in her throat, June turned her gaze back to Mrs. Heyward. 
“Just wait until she starts crying. She’s quite the banshee,” June said with a laugh. 
“Ah, you got lungs on you girl?” Mrs. Heyward asked, poking Eleanor in her small nose, making her giggle again. “Just like your mama.” 
June grinned. 
“Thank you, Mrs. Heyward,” she said. 
“Of course, hon.” Mrs. Heyward made a face that told June that ‘it was nothing’. “Let me tell you something, my dear. Come, sit on the couch.” 
“I’ve really gotta go, Mrs. Heyward. I can’t-”
“Come sit with me on the couch for a minute. Just for a minute.” 
After all Mrs. Heyward was doing for her, June couldn’t deny her request. Once they were sitting on the couch, Mrs. Heyward put Eleanor on her legs and held her steady. 
“I was a working mother, too, you know,” she said, still fawning over Eleanor as she grinned. “When Pope was just a small little thing like Eleanor here, Mr. Heyward and I were both working. A high schooler named Tricia watched Pope for the first year or so before my husband got his business in a place where I didn’t have to work anymore.” 
June smiled. 
“Pope never told me.” 
“Ah, he doesn’t remember it at all.” Mrs. Heyward waved one hand dismissively. “But, I want you to know, being a working mother isn’t easy. You’re going to feel like you’re missing out on everything. I’m going to tell you right now, I’ll make sure you aren’t missing a damn thing. Don’t you worry your pretty little mind while you’re at work. You’re girl is in good hands.” 
June felt a weight lift off of her shoulders. Of course she trusted Mrs. Heyward. She wouldn’t be sitting on her couch right now if she didn’t. But hearing her words made it all the more better. 
“Thank you.” June leaned forward and put her arms around Mrs. Heyward’s shoulders, earning a deep laugh from the older woman. 
“Now, go on. Get to work, my dear.”
With a newfound energy and a smile, June stood and left the house. 
They went on like this for weeks. June wasn’t any less exhausted. She had traded in eight hours with her daughter for eight hours working at a diner five days of the week. But she felt like life was sort of normalizing with her job. She had found a balance that worked for her and didn’t put too much pressure on anyone else. 
And she didn’t feel like she was missing anything with Eleanor. She was still young and there was still so much for June to witness and she was just excited to see it all. 
But things got tense between her and JJ. She wasn’t sure if it was her fault and she was obliviously acting strange or if she had done something to upset JJ and he was avoiding her. Either way, there was something going with him and he wouldn’t even let her get close enough to ask what was wrong. 
On one of her days off, after putting Eleanor down for her nap, she tapped quietly on the guest bedroom door where JJ had locked himself away. He didn’t answer when she knocked. She thought that maybe she should walk away and let it go, but she couldn’t. So she opened the door anyway. 
“Hey, J,” she said, leaning up against the door frame. 
“I’m doing homework, June.” He didn’t look up at her. June scowled and tilted her head to the side. 
“That’s new.” 
“Ha ha.” His voice was dry and humorless. June’s stomach dropped into a pit. 
“What’s going on with you?” 
“It’s clearly something.” 
“It’s nothing. Can you leave? I have a test tomorrow.” 
Still, he didn’t look up at her. June tightened her jaw and held back a concerned sigh. 
“Okay. My room’s right down there if you want to talk. Door’s open.” 
June took a step out of the room and shut the door behind her. There was a bitter taste in her mouth as she went back to her room. She wanted to lay down for a nap, but her thoughts plagued her, keeping her from sleep. 
Something was wrong with JJ and she was determined to find out what it was. 
The answer came sooner than she thought. 
The next day, after a long shift at work, she got a text from Mrs. Heyward saying that Pope and Kie had taken Eleanor back to the Chateau to play and put her to bed, so June wouldn’t have to come pick her up. 
It was a hard day. The diner packed and busy. June was almost relieved that Eleanor would already be in bed when she got home. Sometimes, putting that girl to sleep was like wrestling a bear. 
But the peaceful night that June was envisioning wasn’t what she got when she walked into the Chateau. As soon as she stepped into her home, she knew something was up. She could hear the sounds from JJ’s room before she even got to that side of the house. She had heard them enough times in her life to know exactly what was going on. 
This girl was louder than most. JJ was oddly quiet. A year ago, June would have let it go, walked out of the house, gone to get ice cream, hung out at the beach. But a fire lit underneath her and her face reddened with rage. Her stomach twisted and her heart tightened in her chest. Mouth running dry, she had the sudden feeling that she couldn’t breathe. 
This was her house. Her baby was just two doors down. That was her guest bedroom and her guest bed and her best goddamn friend. 
And no matter how hard June tried to convince herself to stand down, she found herself storming through the house, dropping her purse at the front door so she wouldn’t use it to strangle anyone. 
She shoved the bedroom door open and the girl shrieked, hiding under the sheets. 
“Get out,” June said, her voice uncharacteristically dark and low. JJ fell back onto the bed, his face a red and his hair a mess. The girl who shared the bed with him looked over at him for help, but he didn’t even glance at her. “Get the fuck out of my house!” 
June felt a twinge of pity for the girl as she scrambled out of bed in just her underwear, plucking her clothes off the floor as she went. She moved out of the way so the girl could slide past her, pulling a sweatshirt on over her head. With the girl gone, June turned all of her fury onto JJ. 
“What happened to no strangers in the house?” She asked, struggling to keep her voice from rising. JJ sat up nonchalantly, staring at the opposite wall. “I trusted you to keep your word, JJ!” 
“Relax, Jue,” he laughed as he stood and turned to look at her, wearing only his boxers. “John B’s in the nursery with Eleanor. Everything’s fine.” 
“You broke the rules.” 
“They were stupid fucking rules.” 
“This is my house and you are a guest here!” 
June could only imagine how she looked now; her hair still a mess from hours of working in a humid kitchen, her face red with anger, her body shaking from the adrenaline. She hated confrontation. She was terrible at it. Especially when it was JJ. 
“Damn.” JJ gave her a lopsided grin. “Someone’s panties are in a real twist.” 
June scoffed, narrowing her eyes at him. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” She asked him, her voice almost breaking. “You’ve been off for weeks.” 
“Nothing’s wrong with me.” He crossed the room to stand closer to her. She could smell the sweat off of him and it made her nose scrunch. “But I think there’s something wrong with you.”
He reached his hand up to poke her nose but she swatted his hand away, still glaring at him. 
“Jealous, maybe?” He asked. 
June scoffed and straightened her back. 
“What do I have to be jealous of?” 
JJ nodded his head slowly, putting his hands on his hips. 
“Right, right. ‘Cause you and me, we’re just friends, right? Nothing more?” He said. June could hear the bitterness in his words. The cocky and arrogant front he put on when he was upset dropped and June was finally seeing a taste of his true feeling underneath. 
“I heard you talking to Kie the other night,” he said and June’s stomach dropped. her scowl softened and her heart rate slowed. 
“I wasn’t wrong,” she said, trying to regain some of that courage that her anger had given her as she crossed her arms. “We are just friends.” 
“It’s not bullshit.” 
“It’s bullshit and you know it!” He pointed a finger at her, his hands shaking. JJ never shook. He was always so sturdy, so strong like a rock that could not break. 
“I’m not having this conversation now,” June said and turned toward the door. But JJ got there first and shut it harshly before she could even reach for the doorknob. 
“Why not?” 
“Give me a reason.” 
“You’re insufferable!” 
“And you’re a coward!” 
June pinched her eyebrows together, that anger beginning to smolder in her stomach once again. 
“Let me out, JJ.” 
“Just give me a reason. One good reason why you keep running away from me,” JJ said. There was something new in his eyes. Something she hadn’t seen in a long time. Desperation. 
“Don’t make me go there, JJ,” June said, shaking her head once before pressing her lips together. A strange and sudden feeling washed over her. It came with the urge to cry, but she couldn’t place what it was. 
“Why not? I’ll say it if you won’t.” He stepped forward and reached out to take her hands. Just as his fingers grazed across her skin, fuel for the flame within her, June snatched her hands back, holding them away from him. 
JJ heaved out a breath, his chest deflating. 
“Just say the word and I’ll let it go.” He took another step closer to her and then another until he was just a breath away, staring down at her. She shouldn’t let him get this close. It would just make it worse. “Say you don’t feel the same way and I’ll let you go.” 
June opened her mouth but found herself speechless. She could end this here and now. All she had to do was say she didn’t care for him like he wanted her to, that she only ever saw him as her little brother’s best friend. Or she could stop being a coward and own up to her feelings, the feelings she had been shoving away for so long. 
“I’m tired,” was all she managed, her eyes swarmmed with tears. “I’m so goddamn tired.” 
JJ looked like he was going to say something or move in closer, but then June heard a quiet cry from the other side of the house. She flicked her eyes toward the door before glancing at JJ quickly. She let out one breath before stepping around him and making an exit. He didn’t try to stop her. 
By the time she burst into the nursery, tears were falling from her lower lashes. John B was, in fact, in the nursery, sitting in the rocking chair that Mr. and Mrs. Carrera had given to June as a gift. His headphones were in and his eyes were on Eleanor as he smiled. 
“She’s crying,” June said crossly as she walked toward the crib and pulled Eleanor up into her arms. “You’re supposed to hold her when she cries.” 
John B popped out a headphone. 
“She was just asleep like 30 seconds ago so I thought if I made her laugh-”
“Doesn’t matter.” June kept her back to her brother as she cradled the crying baby to her chest. 
“You okay, Junebird?” He asked, standing and stepping toward her. The front door opened harshly and slammed shut again, making June jump and Eleanor cry even harder. 
“I’m fine,” June said, lowering her head so Eleanor’s face was nestled beneath her jaw. John B looked between JJ and June before he let out a sigh. 
“I shouldn’t have let him bring that girl in here.” 
“It’s fine.” 
“I just thought he seemed so off and that it might help. I thought if I stayed with El-”
“I said it’s fine, John.” 
The boy straightened his back, surprised at the harsh tone in June’s voice. He couldn’t remember the last time she had spoken to him like that. She was always so calm, so collected. What the hell had happened that made her fall apart so quickly? 
“I’ll just go then.” 
“Good idea.” 
John B didn’t say anything else as he headed toward the nursery door. He offered a small wave to the still crying Eleanor as he left, shutting the door behind him. Still scowling, he head toward the front of the house. He was convinced that JJ had something to do with his sister’s sudden change in disposition. He was about to have some choice words with his best friend. 
As soon as John B was gone, June fell back onto the mattress, her tears soaking through Eleanor’s onesie. She tried to muffle her cries by shoving the back of her hand into her mouth, but it wasn’t working. And it definitely wasn’t calming Eleanor down any more either. 
“Shh,” June whispered, her voice trembling. “Mommy didn’t mean to wake you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” 
June held her a little tighter, rocking her back and forth until her quiet cries started to die down. 
“I’m sorry,” June whispered. “I’m so, so sorry.” 
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sysba · 4 years
the game they destroy everyone at for Bryce please!
ty 💖 I'm gonna do all of em because I’d never say no to Bryce headcanons lol
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod: I’m sure he has some rap music but I don’t listen to it so I couldn’t give you titles; I’m even more convinced that he’s a Rihanna stan so he has her whole discography. Extra: TiK ToK - Ke$ha, Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper 
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to: sometimes he falls asleep in the cinema, if the movie is really boring. at home it doesn’t happen because he can talk freely lol
the game they’d destroy everyone else at: local beer pong champion
the emoticon they’d use most often: 😏 smirk when he's flirting or being dumb, 🥺 virtual puppy face when he's asking for something
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: clingy and cuddly. lowkey cute af. unless he's at work, then being too sleep-deprived is a problem... it makes him snarky
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: good old hot chocolate but loaded
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump: does something fun, like going to the arcade or go-karting or wherever. ideally he'd go surfing or at least to the beach, but it's not always possible. if it's not an adventure, mc is his comfort person 😌
what they wanted to be when they grew up: probably a professional surfer? or idk, escort
their favorite kind of weather: sunny. warm/hot.
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): he's a little out of tune but he's got the spirit lmao does well enough at karaoke but it's not his forte. maybe baritone.
how/what they like to draw or doodle: I'm toying with the idea of Bryce absent-mindedly doodling mc for no other reason than the fact that he's a simp and it's a cute thing
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