clueless-writer · 6 months
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What Happens After This? (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/261486373-what-happens-after-this?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=DoctorQueen07&wp_originator=xi64hxvgpgpOIug%2Bvz%2B0gcZ6E%2BLazteZchjdsFStQNo02IXEP6aSZ47uKWWxmTivap%2BnIOKhvnTaOnSXvpgunMEDaXxXv4UzJjq11G7UIoTOm7awZAAORYBp4LMdzsui Inuyasha and his friends finally beat Nuraku, but what happens after that? What choices will they have to overcome during the journey? What happens when Sesshomaru comes to find them? Highest ranking: #14 Sota 10/24/2023
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emigleyce · 2 years
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Descobrindo o Amor - 15 Sophie II (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1014513709-descobrindo-o-amor-15-sophie-ii?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Emi_Gleyce&wp_originator=ArbWt3rhc5Md%2BOL8OmZLoOYFQSC2RBiOr2%2B1LRj8XcKGTDm5Tv%2FDZ1qs6zAkei1Xh5tc1lYX08GNZnXEOqbQ%2FZZo5s8VxzqAcvxKYSPb1nCtmCm39VK%2FXpYd%2BdE6KT4N A vida é cheia de altos e baixos, fases, propósitos e processos, mas Deus sempre cuidando de tudo. através da vida desses jovens, o senhor mostra que o amor e cuidado dele aparecem de várias e várias formas, basta olhar ao redor. Kathy e Henrique junto de seus amigos e familia, descobrirão que o caminho até o amor tem espinhos também, e o sentirão de muitas maneiras diferentes. aos leitores fiquem á vontade para comentar e opinar...com carinho a autora.
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Deem uma força lá galera, obrigadaaa
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Yeni kurgum wattpad de sizlerle ♡
Şans Kurabiyesi
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tokpi · 2 years
Where in Sariel and Autumn are past lovers, when an accident suddenly happened that cause sariel suffered from amnesia and when the moment her memories back, she already forgot autumn.
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What will Autumn do so that Sariel remember her, again?
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drcarmel · 5 months
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Jack Rivers & The Isle of the Immortals - Summer (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1045424964-jack-rivers-the-isle-of-the-immortals-summer?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=DRCarmel&wp_originator=krxaz0bdgo6CDMdDOkbKvcrFyJbmUabw36HvpzN8VY4TvtQWPVyE2Lhpo3U62SnjKPdPEsMyKpk9RlmOzQmqGSp3SrT9nbcSjs8u%2B2HPNz7teoIkI1QnUie82nEyk7uE Join Jack in a delightful adventure as he tries to protect the immortals.
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blogjenlou · 6 months
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AVALANTIA THE DRAGON WARS - THE GIFT (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1068827833-avalantia-the-dragon-wars-the-gift?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=jennab5566&wp_originator=8PryX0U%2FaekTLLYDJTPpSOyBXr1Gpb6Ga8uC5ozDPVjSw5FqAc%2FlJ%2BwTQSrWISk4hQmNYmOFqjd7rw%2FOR%2FFs3d%2Bzt2roOdzq%2FDdx3auqXPljr00M%2FU4A4X6mmN82gIKO Set of short adventure stories. keep adding to them all the time so keep and eye out for future stories. Brython the Wizard and weapons master had been called forth by the Lord-on-High to train his wayward son Denethore. After an incident involving Denethore and a young woman called Zanna, he ends up having to train both. Zanna is a gifted witch and swordswoman but the true nature of her gift has yet to be revealed.
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indigo-boi757 · 11 months
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CHARMED - The Book of Shadows - Season One (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/219606121-charmed-the-book-of-shadows-season-one?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=IAMMukhtar&wp_originator=tcGqiFRJwuSk2SLHxNyG%2BUI%2Ff0JUNdpRIaAJXxQp4%2B%2By3jSM74nOvT3G7o624uqxBvFXgxoUUXiilBsm141ytSmIKK9imUtm2NnrhfGGi6O%2B6qVysyne4Hc61hKZRHRF The enchanting TV series "Charmed" debuted in 1998 and was an immediate hit! Now, rediscover the magic with this definitive guide to Season One. Bursting at the seams with significantly detailed information, "The Book of Shadows" contains elaborate character biographies and extensive explanations of the spells, the demons and all the magical lore of the season. a MUST-READ read for any Charmed fan!
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littledemonlorne · 2 years
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Under His Thumb (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/232778233-under-his-thumb?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=mstiqueb4be&wp_originator=J7HMuf3rWRhsmqshz0twhB7RVaHI0d1hId%2FnS7%2FLUUNsyw1xP1C6WWAlzoiH55V3Rr0bdrRMEQbkbGsqFYpwKF4akHSmER%2FUYPvdvopf3%2FMQSPKejmSNPowx160SiHPd Coming home for the Holidays. Always a stressful time for anyone. But Frank was somewhat dreading this. As he and his Father weren't the best of friends anymore. But he couldn't entirely remember why. As he started spending time with him, he slowly remembered what made him stay away in the first place.
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sea0726 · 2 years
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When Dreams Come True (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/244239913-when-dreams-come-true?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Seaesa0726&wp_originator=RDVEWlZw9021p7QD7Rb4%2FpoyR09eHr%2B%2Fefe1LqXwg8WQqq7i48hfnmSkeE9974vI3x0KHwENwXoghjOgKl%2FgpJgZTifgHo1XNm4mEclDYsdTmrIit4XStspHUT3YriDl A rated PG-13 story starring A.C.E and a girl too afraid to love. Follow the journey of accumulating feelings towards two internet strangers. What will happen when they finally meet?
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ream-universe · 2 years
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Loves, I need your help! Please tell me what is best for my story cover
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prisma-alves · 2 years
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Presente do Destino (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/281526259-presente-do-destino?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=PrismaAlves&wp_originator=jYl3oWWhYX2Re5t81BWJjNFf5q8%2FTSe34VscZ%2F%2FOImN2%2BbPUN0tThPVqxHXm1O9hzUO1p0h0Ef7%2BHSJmcZVf68L8U8Mo00xTtGW5zEqYis98otbwkM%2BqTQJygmiBiuNZ Nem um romance, pode ser considerado perfeito. Nem mesmo aqueles que se iniciam em um rompante... Mas o que esperar de um amor repentino? É capaz de dar certo e se tornar duradouro? Será sólido para que os amantes encarem os problemas sem se abalarem? Enfrentará consequências inesperadas? Terá a probabilidade de se perdoarem, quando algo der errado? Essas são as perguntas que poderão surgir a partir do romance entre Ramon e Kendra. A forma repentina como se conheceram não foi barreira para que outros encontros ocorressem. Mas muita coisa aconteceria para colocar à prova, o amor de um pelo outro. O que resta é seguir o conteúdo até o fim, para descobrir se isso realmente deu certo. Pois os imprevistos serão muitos à medida que ambos se dispõem a fazer com que realmente dê certo. Ramon e Kendra são totalmente diferentes um do outro. Mas isso não os impede de serem lançado diante de uma paixão avassaladora que faz com que Kendra se aparte do acontecido, completamente assustada com a capacidade do inesperado. É preciso que Ramon saia em sua perseguição para descobrir se tudo o que havia descoberto era de fato, real. Um é totalmente seguro de si. O outro precisa de tempo e certeza para ganhar confiança diante de qualquer expectativa. Ambos precisarão de tempo e paciência para vivenciarem todas as descobertas em um relacionamento a dois. E só o tempo será capaz de junta-los, sem deixar brechas para a incerteza.
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atwarwithherself · 2 years
Ne kadar güçlü olursanız olun, o gün olmasa da yaşamanız gereken duyguyu bir gün mutlaka yaşıyordunuz. Hiçbir sebep yokken kahkaha atmak gibi.. Dans ederken durup ağlamaya başlamak gibi.. Yaptığın o şey, gelip eteklerine yapışıyordu.
Biri sizi düşünüyor/ ng kabal
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ceemre · 2 years
Anlıyorsun değil mi? O kadar anlamadılar ki beni...
Umarım anlıyorsundur...
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blogjenlou · 2 years
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AVALANTIA THE DRAGON WARS - THE GAUNTLET (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1068829577-avalantia-the-dragon-wars-the-gauntlet?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=jennab5566&wp_originator=NigrfOIEOaafxTxXX3OnaU6CwZx3FnXBjPSOyVCVc%2BiMbRDrTAvhSgGC9MbS2ZtlnxNCNlqCzWYhRir7bTPcEdcGDItQYIYo49EzjnEjEE17MbMlsllvzwQCMOZ6JdtX #ANCIENTALIENS #DRAGONS https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B094KLMF36 Brython the Wizard and weapons master had been called forth by the Lord-on-High to train his wayward son Denethore. After an incident involving Denethore and a young woman called Zanna, he ends up having to train both. Zanna is a gifted witch and swordswoman but the true nature of her gift has yet to be revealed.
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