#weightloss form
meat-wentz · 1 year
How do you feel about the people who were like Patrick needs to regain weight when he was skinniest or the I only liked him when he was fat "fans"
legitimately always thought it was weird af behavior like i just can’t like wrap my head around the thought process of “he needs to do something about his body to appease me/because *i’m* worried about him” which goes along with both gaining and losing weight. like it’s just like icky and gross behavior to me especially when it comes along with all kinds of speculation about a person’s relative health when it’s like 1) a giant can of nunya fucking beeswax and 2) damaging not only towards the person in question, but towards the audience of your comments.
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Building Muscle and Burning Fat: How to Incorporate Strength Training into Your Weight Loss Plan Safely
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Strength training is an essential component of any weight loss plan as it helps to increase muscle mass, boost metabolism, and burn more calories throughout the day. When combined with a healthy diet and regular cardio exercise, strength training can help you lose weight, improve body composition, and achieve your fitness goals. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of strength training for weight loss and provide tips on how to incorporate it into your weight loss plan. The Benefits Of Strength Training For Weight Loss The first benefit of strength training for weight loss is that it increases muscle mass. As you build muscle, your body will burn more calories even at rest. This is because muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue. This means that even when you're not exercising, your body will burn more calories to maintain muscle tissue. Additionally, the more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate will be, which means that you will burn more calories throughout the day. Another benefit of strength training is that it helps to boost metabolism. When you lift weights, your body's metabolism increases to provide the energy needed to complete the exercises. This increased metabolism can last for several hours after you finish your workout, which means that your body will continue to burn calories even after you're done exercising. Additionally, as your muscle mass increases, your body's resting metabolism will also increase, which means that you will burn more calories throughout the day. Strength training also helps to burn more calories during exercise. When you lift weights, you are working against resistance, which means that your body is expending more energy to complete the exercises. This means that you will burn more calories during your strength training workout than you would if you were just doing cardio exercise. Additionally, strength training exercises that use multiple muscle groups, such as squats and deadlifts, can burn even more calories than exercises that focus on just one muscle group. A well-rounded strength training program should include exercises that work all major muscle groups, such as the legs, chest, back, and shoulders. This will help to ensure that you're building a well-rounded physique and preventing muscle imbalances. It's important to use a variety of exercises in your strength training routine. This will help to challenge your muscles in different ways and prevent boredom. In addition to free weights, include exercises that use bodyweight and resistance bands. This will help to provide a challenge for your muscles and allow you to work out different muscle groups. Proper form is essential when strength training. Make sure that you are using proper form for each exercise to prevent injury and ensure that you are targeting the correct muscles. Start with a light weight, and as you get stronger, gradually increase the weight. In addition to strength training, it is important to include cardio exercise in your weight loss plan. Cardio exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming, can help to burn calories and improve cardiovascular fitness. Cardio exercises should be done at least 3-4 times a week, depending on the individual's goals. To see results, it's important to stick to a consistent strength training routine. Aim to strength train at least 2-3 times a week. Keep track of your progress by taking measurements, keeping a workout diary, and taking progress photos. This will help you see how far you have come and motivate you to keep going. If you have any health issues or concerns, it is important to consult a professional trainer or doctor before starting any new exercise regimen. A professional trainer can help you design a workout program that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. They can also teach you proper form and provide guidance on how to progress your strength training program. In conclusion, incorporating strength training into your weight loss plan can help you lose weight and improve body composition. It increases muscle mass, boosts metabolism, and burns more calories during exercise. By including exercises that work all major muscle groups, using a variety of exercises, and using proper form, you can achieve a well-rounded and effective strength training program. It's also important to combine strength training with cardio exercise, and a healthy diet to see the best results. A healthy diet should include a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, and be rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It's also important to set realistic and measurable goals for yourself. This will help you stay motivated and on track towards achieving your weight loss goals. Remember that weight loss is a journey and it takes time and dedication to see results. It's important to be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. Incorporating strength training into your weight loss plan can be a fun and effective way to lose weight, improve body composition, and achieve your fitness goals. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create a strength training program that will help you reach your weight loss goals. Remember to consult a professional trainer or doctor before starting any new exercise program, and always listen to your body. With consistency and dedication, you can achieve the results you desire. What To Avoid In Strength Training For Weight Loss Strength training is an essential component of any weight loss plan as it helps to increase muscle mass, boost metabolism, and burn more calories throughout the day. However, there are certain mistakes that people make when incorporating strength training into their weight loss plan that can hinder progress and even lead to injury. In this article, we will discuss what to avoid in strength training for weight loss to ensure that you achieve your goals safely and effectively. One mistake that people make when strength training for weight loss is not using enough weight. Lifting light weights will not provide enough resistance to challenge your muscles, which means that you will not see the same results as if you were using heavier weights. Additionally, lifting light weights can lead to muscle imbalances, as some muscle groups will be stronger than others. To ensure that you are challenging your muscles and preventing muscle imbalances, it's important to use weights that are heavy enough to fatigue your muscles within 8-12 reps. Another mistake that people make when strength training for weight loss is not using proper form. Using poor form can lead to injury and prevent you from targeting the correct muscles. It's important to learn proper form for each exercise, and to make sure that you are using good form throughout the entire exercise. Additionally, it's important to start with a light weight and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger. Many people make the mistake of focusing too much on isolation exercises. Exercises like bicep curls and leg extensions are isolation exercises that only target one muscle group. While these exercises can help you build muscle, they will not burn as many calories as compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once. Compound exercises such as squats and deadlifts are much more effective for weight loss because they burn more calories and work multiple muscle groups at once. Overtraining is a common mistake when it comes to strength training for weight loss. Overtraining occurs when you do too much exercise and don't give your body enough time to recover. This can lead to fatigue, injury, and even muscle loss. It's important to give your body enough time to recover between workouts, and to listen to your body when it comes to rest and recovery. Another mistake that people make when strength training for weight loss is not giving the muscles enough time to recover. This is particularly true for beginners, who may be tempted to work out the same muscle groups every day. It's important to give muscle groups at least 48 hours to recover between strength training sessions. This is because muscle tissue takes time to repair and rebuild, and working out the same muscle group before it has fully recovered can lead to fatigue and injury. Some people also make the mistake of not warming up properly before strength training. Warming up is an essential part of any workout, and it helps to prepare your body for the exercise to come. A proper warm-up should include light cardio exercises, and dynamic stretching to get your blood flowing and muscles ready. Skipping the warm-up can lead to injury and make your workout less effective. Finally, not having a well-rounded strength training program can be a mistake. Focusing on one muscle group, such as the arms or abs, while neglecting other muscle groups can lead to muscle imbalances. Additionally, not including exercises that work all major muscle groups, such as the legs, chest, back, and shoulders, can make your strength training program less effective. It's important to have a well-rounded strength training program that works all major muscle groups to achieve a well-rounded physique and prevent muscle imbalances. Read the full article
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spiritboxxhoe · 10 months
General Tips for people with EDs
Water :
We absolutely must drink water to survive, and it has zero calories, so there's no excuse to not drink it. As we typically get much of our water content through foods, when we reduce food intake we begin to dehydrate ourselves, which is dangerous. Also, cold water chills the body and may raise metabolism to get warm again.
Reasons to drink water:
It lubricates the joints
It forms saliva and mucus
If delivers oxygen throughout your entire body
It boosts skin health and beauty
It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissue
It regulates body temperature
Your digestive system depends on it
It flushes body waste
It maintains your blood pressure
Your airways need it
Prevents kidney damage
Weight loss
Finally, it reduces the chance of a hungover
Vitamins and Minerals:
We must have these, too, to survive and so again there is no excuse to not take at least a basic daily multivitamin (which may help reduce some cravings as well). Vitamins are vital in keeping our bodies functioning and our skin / hair / teeth nice. Particularly be aware of electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, salt, along with water balance) and calcium.
Reasons to take to help with weightloss....
Vitamin C: it has been proven that people with low vitamin C status tend to burn less fat when exercising
Vitamin B12: Faster metabolism
Omega 3: Increases fat breakdown, decreases muscle inflammation, large amounts are usually taken by big time athletes
Ashwagandha: Increases muscle mass which results in a faster metabolism, improves sleeping patterns(Lack of sleep = High blood sugar = weight gain)
Vitamin B2: Helps your body break down fats, carbs, and proteins
Fenugreek: it’s an herb that works as an appetite supressant, just be careful with it and do research
Vitamin D: Helps with hairloss, dry skin, and depression
Protein is necessary, particularly if you're exercising. It maintains and repairs our muscles, including heart muscle, which is (last I heard) kind of a requisite for continued survival.
Reduces appetite and hunger levels
Increases muscle mass and strength
Good for your bones
Reduces cravings and late night binging
Boosts metabolism and increases fat burning
Lowers blood pressure
Helps maintain weight loss
Helps your body repair itself after injury
Helps you stay fit as you age
Fat Intake:
Fat has, per gram, more calories than any other source of energy and is stored more easily. Switch to low fat everything, then progress to nonfat. Nonfat food tends to taste like crap (in my opinion) and you may end up eating less because of that.
While caffeine can be an appetite suppressant and can increase your metabolism, it will also act as a diuretic. Drink a glass of water for each cup of tea, coffee, or diet soda you have. Again, dehydration is a potentially serious problem.
Always read labels to avoid nasty surprises. This happens to me all the time and makes for some panicky stress-moments. Also, look up food charts and be aware of the caloric / nutritional content of everything you eat.
Understand yourself. Learn what you need, and when, and why. Everyone is unique and there are no hard-and-fast universally applicable laws. Our bodies are very good at telling us what we need, and knowing what you need gives control over how you choose to satisfy those needs.
Find your binge triggers, be they food or places or people or feelings. Avoid them at all costs. Figure out more acceptable ways of dealing with those triggers than stuffing yourself silly.
Learn when you tend to eat and why you eat then in particular. Plan to be doing something unrelated to food at those times. Many of us find night to be the hardest time to avoid food.
Get plenty of sleep. Steal naps whenever you can and rest when you need to rest. Sleep deprivation increases appetite and makes you age faster.
The end! Thank you for reading <3
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teadietdiary · 1 year
⪩ ♡ ◞ reasons for weightloss ⚖️°◞
- you can wear beautiful clothes, skirts and dresses will finally suit you
- guys will notice you, look at you. And you would be with your bf the perfect couple - you the little tender, skinny & little girl who looks like she needs a protector.
- your arms and legs are so thin that you can grab them with one hand
- your ribs form wings that protect you and are your faithful companion
- if you stay at someone's place and they offer you clothes, you don't have to worry that it's too small and you might break it
- People around you/on the street will stare at you in awe, envying and admiring you for your discipline and stamina.
- you could finally become a model
- without hesitation you can buy expensive clothes because they will fit you
- hot underwear will look incredibly good on you
- thin people will be loved, fat people will be shunned
- you can cross more food off your fear food list
- you make ana proud - she will envy and reward you
- you have done something in your life that you can be proud of & that many people can't do
- anorexia' this word describes you, a dream come true
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youngballoontheorist · 4 months
How to grow chest and build muscles.
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To enhance your chest's appearance and create and catching point:
1. **Strength Training:** Focus on exercises like bench presses, chest presses, push-ups, and chest flyes. Aim for a variety of angles and movements to target different parts of the chest muscles.
2. **Progressive Overload:** Increase the weight you lift gradually to challenge your muscles, promoting growth. Aim for 8-12 reps per set to build muscle size.
3. **Proper Form:** Maintain correct form during exercises to effectively target the chest muscles and prevent injury.
4. **Frequency and Consistency:** Train your chest muscles 1-2 times per week, ensuring adequate rest between sessions for recovery.
5. **Nutrition:** Consume a balanced diet rich in protein to support muscle growth and repair. Include lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and nuts in your meals.
6. **Get Enough Rest:** Allow your muscles time to recover and grow by getting adequate sleep and avoiding overtraining.
7. **Consider Variation:** Incorporate different exercises and variations to challenge your muscles and prevent plateauing.
Remember, building muscle takes time and dedication. Consistency in your workout routine and attention to proper form and nutrition are key factors in achieving a well-developed chest
Important notice all types fitness and weightloss products available anyone interested DM me.
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cobrex · 5 months
I'm honestly angry at this point that anyone thinks they have the right to comment on my body.
I got so self conscious I tried to get weightloss surgery and they told me I was too fat and to come back after I lost 30 lbs.
I'm angry at everyone who told me my body wasnt attractive enough for them. Sorry my corporeal form isn't pleasing enough for you, would you like me to take a knife to it? Will I be fuckable enough yet?
Want me to spend all my time out of your sight working out so that when we do see each other I'll make your dick hard?
How dare you. As if I'm not a fucking goddess that you're telling isn't good enough for mortal dick. I take care of my body. I'm strong. Stronger than everyone gives me credit for. I'm not going to apologize for existing in a way that isn't visually pleasing.
If I'm too fat choke on me.
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crypticsesh · 6 months
Pain changes a person.
No one knows this more accurately than myself. At 33 years old, I should be enjoying my life. I should be out having adventures, being happy, and just enjoying all that life has to offer.
My life though actually reads more like a tragic tale of sadness and self despair.
It started with my knees. A small ache here and there. No need to worry. My job had me moving around a lot and maybe I just sprained something. The pain continued to grow throughout the oncoming weeks. Each night I'd lay on the couch with an ice pack on each knee trying to reduce the pain. Nothing seemed to work. I went from walking around like any normal person to barely being able to stand.
Then comes the torturous process of finding a doctor who'll actually see you. The medical system is notably known for fat shaming. Looking at your weight as the sole problem for all your aches and pains and what ales you. So I fought. I fought to be seen. For years. The only answer I ever got was lose weight. Everything would go back to normal if I just lost weight. But how do you lose the weight if you can't walk? How do you begin a physical transformation when you can't physically handle your day to day tasks? The doctors had no answers. So I continued to search.
10 years and a lifetime gone and I found a doctor who actually saw me. We tried various forms of PT, injections, topical gels, pain meds, anti-inflammatory meds, everything. Nothing helped. So after everything failed we tried a last ditch effort to see if weight loss would indeed help. He told me numerous times that my weight MAY be a contributing factor, but it isn't the sole contributing factor. So more medication it was. Weightloss meds were added to my growing medication collection. These days I'm up to 12 pills every morning.
So the medication worked. I lost 50 lbs in two months, but with each pound lost new pain crept into my life. My back started to ache so unbearably bad that I couldn't handle the pain.
We set up an MRI of my back and found the answers we'd been searching for, for so long. Bulging disc's, nerve damage, pinched sciatica, and arthritis. It gave an explanation for everything. I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease. What it didn't explain was what happened. What caused my back to completely shift to an unbalanced and decaying state? I still don't know. I've never been in a major accident. Never fallen from a great height. There's no explanation for my body to be the way it is.
All this to say, pain changes people. Sometimes slowly. So so slowly. It creeps into your life and carves out its own space deep inside. Killing off the joy, happiness, and beauty that life brings. I've been living in the body of an 80 year old for the past 15 years. The arthritis has spread, and continues to do so at a faster rate then id like.
It's funny, not so much haha funny, but ironic funny...when I was a kid I'd see the older folks sitting and fussing about the weather. Rubbing their joints and saying, "looks like a storm is comin in". I'd look at them with fascination and an understanding that youth brought with it, that they were just silly old folks. They were just making up stories like they do. I'll be damned if my arthritis doesn't flare up when a storm is brewing, when the weather changes, or hell if the wind blows the wrong direction. It's funny how I can look back and remember moments like that. I can look back at all the pictures I took when I was younger and I can see the happiness lit up on my face. I can see my smile reaching my eyes and a glow just burning brightly. I miss that. I miss being happy. I miss seeing the beauty around me. I look in the mirror today and I don't recognize who it is staring back at me. My eyes are dead. There's no glow left in my body. Each day the pain just hammers more and more into my system. Burrowing its way into my soul. I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I don't know what my life will look like a year from now, hell 5 years from now. It's scary to think about. To wonder how much more decrepit I'll become.
Throughout all of this I wish I could say I've grown to love my body. That I see how hard it's working and see how beautiful that is.
I'd be lying.
How can you love something that is constantly hurting you more and more each day? How can you give love to something so broken and damaged. I don't know how to accept love. I don't know how to love this body when each day it deteriorates a little more. Leaving me less and less able to do the things I want and need.
Pain changes a person.
It's not always a fast transition. In my case it's taken years. I miss me. Who I used to be. I want so badly to go back to the person I was. I miss her.
I miss who I was before the pain.
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skinimini80 · 6 months
Tbh if ur looking to break a b/p cycle not purging post binging/overeating is the WAY.
Whenever I b/p, I literally get rewarded for bad behavior in the form of weightloss. Like I enjoy some flavor (mostly stop caring about taste like a couple minutes in) and wake up skinnier. The only things that punish me are the awful feeling of I’m actually going to die any day now, dehydration, fear of any amount of food, fear of water, financially fucked (fr this one is the worst for me).
Yet the only thing I really care about is progress.
My binges have grown due to b/ping so when I truly binge, I almost always throw it up whether I want to or not HOWEVER when I overeat I can sometimes keep it down.
When I overeat and weigh myself the next day, it isn’t easy to see the number go up but it does make me feel like I have a better sense of where my body is at. I’d rather lose through calorie restriction and be like 5 lbs heavier than I thought than constantly be dehydrated.
Plus when you keep food down you can be wayyyy more exact in your calorie counting.
Anyways overeating leaves me full, bloated, and not wanting to binge. Like I do obsess over what I’ll eat but I have no desire for that frenzy of eating whatever I want. I used to feel that kind of desire when I was anorexic, but if I’m being totally candid I’ve been more bulimic than anorexic for years now. I’ve binged over and over and over. It isn’t fun if I can’t purge it. It isn’t desirable. When I eat more than enough my mind isn’t even on food unless I’m planning to allow myself to eat. I can keep food in my kitchen and not touch it! Not even think about it!
Lately I’ve been spiraling back into my b/p fasting hell. I’ve interrupted the cycle for two days now. I already feel a renewed sense of I wanna restrict. Maybe I’m delulu, but I feel a second wave of a honeymoon phase coming on.
So yeah idk maybe try it. Just a day or two. Hell I’m doing a week (sort of, I don’t really wanna eat today lol). Trust me, I almost always get a new honeymoon phase once I get past the initial dread of thinking I gained everything back.
This isn’t targeted towards all bulimics btw. It’s really more towards those who are in the late stages of literally leaving nothing in their stomach. Bulimia is such a crazy thing because most people gain from it, but once you get to a point you can really lose real weight. It’s not worth it. It’s not quicker than just restricting. I’ve been so ill (like near death sickness not an ED) and truly bulimia hell felt so much worse than that.
Btw I call it bulimia hell because I still think I’m bulimic, but I’m not afraid of water anymore and I can convince myself to eat more easily.
Another option is just go full gym bro. Eat enough, build muscles, obsess over calories and feel in control while somewhat improving your health (it’s unhealthy to not take a minute to let your body heal first and it probably will bite you in the ass but it is better than continuing a bulimic spiral)
Also if you can just stop trying to lose weight that would be best for you. You would feel far more hopeful than the solution I’m offering. I just know I’d rather someone stop dehydrating themself like a raisin and restrict their calories than just say “you haveeeeee to accept weight gain! No other way! You simply must go all in! Even though this disorder is all about all or nothing! You have to giveeeeee up that mindset of all or nothing while simply declaring absolutelllyyyyyyyy NO more disordered behaviorrrrrrrrsss”
If you can, yay! I’m so envious! I’m truly astonished at your bravery and commitment. Most of us aren’t so incredible. We are all capable of it, but clearly we tend to lean on coping mechanisms. We feel we need something.
I’m just so god damn tired of being told I must be ready to recover in order to improve my quality of life even a little! I’m not ready! Why would I be! I don’t want to recover but I don’t want to die over a toilet either! Let me wean off! Let me reduce harm! Give me my fucking time!
Anyways I’m horrified at quasi recovery so I am restricting and stuff still but idk I’ve been through these phases a couple of times in the past two years and I gotta say, I didn’t get fat. I didn’t go back to being 140 lbs. I had moments of pure hope and joy. I felt my body relax a little. I’m losing again and have a new breath of air in my lungs. I’ve got the second wind in the race. It’s okay to regroup. It’s okay to harm reduce.
It’s okay to eat. It’s okay to compromise. If it means not having a heart attack because you refuse water, than by all means eat 1200 cals and keep it in! It’s so much better than nothing!
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akajustmerry · 2 years
Hopper's weightloss isn't that deep, dude.
the way we represent weight-loss in media is actually that deep, dude! having a character lose weight as a result of a traumatic experience and then framing that weight-loss as something positive from that trauma is actually really fucked up! showing a fat character pursue someone romantically for 3 seasons and then have that romance plot come to fruition AFTER they've lost weight is fucked up! there are millions of young people who are watching this show at a very formative time in their lives who are going to see how the duffers framed hopper's body transformation and it will impact how they view their own and other's bodies! so it is that deep, dude!!!!
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 year
Bringing back an oldie but goodie with a twist. If you want it to look more like the banana sushi rolls you’ve seen me do in the past, you can roll the banana in almond or cashew butter, then roll it in hemp and/or chia seeds. Since this was a pre-workout meal, I wanted more punch per bite, so I dipped each banana slice individually. I used almond-cashew butter w/ cinnamon. This snack or pre-workout meal offers plant protein and healthy fasts in the form of hemp seeds, almond butter, and cashew butter. The banana gives you potassium, which will help with cramping, and healthy carbs for energy and brain health. This combo is excellent fuel for your body, and great for gut health!
#foodie #fuelright #health #eatforyourgoals #eatforhealth #veganathlete #foodisfuel #bananasushi #hempseeds #plantprotein #healthycarbs #preworkout #healthypreworkout #vegan #healthy #healthybreakfast #plantbased #veganfoods #veganmeals #whatveganseat #healthymeals #guthealth #brainhealth #healthtips #vegetarian #nutrition #diet #eatgoodfeelgood #food #weightloss
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measuringlife · 1 year
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I wanted to get my last workout in today before posting this! I did some form of activity 306 days this year. 159 of those days I only walked. I worked out with my trainer @kcarterfitness 76 times and I taught 24 group fitness classes! I love how walking (more than 20 minutes for me to “count” it) is a baseline. I really want to up my activity outside of walking (any hikes I did counted toward a workout as opposed to walking). I had 147 days this year that I did worked out beyond walking. I’d like to push it to closer to 200 days, which means averaging 4 days a week of activity. In addition to wanting a regularly weekly BodyPump class to teach this year, I want to get back to being a group fitness participant - I miss kickboxing and spin! #fitness #fitnessmotivation #ww #activelifestyle #active #moveyourbody #moveyourbodyeveryday #weightloss https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm2e2LQLQEx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mtnkat3 · 1 year
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11.49am. Ok my loves...... I feel like you..... need me to say this as much as I need to say it.
There is a difference between art & pornography.
There is nothing ugly about the human form either.
But being as I'm very much a Christian woman I'm not one to overtly flaunt myself. Won't change that much with weightloss either.
I will were classy, sexy, & some things that maybe I wouldn't otherwise when I'm with you..... because. I am with you.....
But this trend to were sheer clothing & be basically naked but.. "bedazzled."
I have lost all respect for actors or anyone with public influence that does such. Period.
We are not in the Garden.
Therefore we are instructed to cover ourselves.
But. Yes I'd wear bikinis. With you.....
I guess my issue with pornography is things that go with it inherently.
Ie, the damage to the sex workers psyches, sex slavery, human trafficking, child abuse, sexual exploitation of people & families & what happens to them. If they survive it.
These are not even about the diseases, pregnancies & the damaged children of the world that are used to create pornography.
Yes I am very much in love with my soul's precious beloved loves & mates.....
So the ones I like are about that.
I actually don't look at a bunch of others anymore. A few friends that I check on but I don't look at my homepage anymore. [Mobile app.]
I am focused only on my loves..... on here. Period.
I guess you could say that I looked at a bunch of different stuff when I looked at this site back 2015, before I even started being "active."
But quickly tired of porn.
Doesn't take long to notice it's the same people & that just makes me sad.
But importantly to me, that shows the lack of connection between the people involved.
I personally have lived like a nun. I would continue to for God if that is His Plan for me.
I do not believe that God Created me to be such. He made me to love abundantly as I'm an extremely sensitive, sapio sensual & sexual woman.
My self, my nudity, all of these things...
For my loves.....only.
If I ever share a picture of myself here, it will be with my loves.....blessings. no other way.
I'm not a model, even though I've done a few things. I'm not ugly.
As long as my loves find me beautiful.....
Blushing beet red bowing head covering my face with my paws.
I will never be into porn & "slam, bam, thank you ma'am." Hookups & all that crude nonsense.
So those who want that behavior,
go elsewhere.
I find the human form a miracle & beautiful in how God Created us.
I do not however wanna have to see twerking in my face ever again. Bad memories.
But being healthy & doing a split & belly dancing for my loves.....
Oh heck yes!!!!!
Being connected with my soul's loves.....
That is swoon worthy, let me melt into a puddle of kat goo at your feet.....
Pornography is a desensitization of the human form & its beauty & causes more suffering than it is to enjoy. It's evil using human beings desires to control them. It is another from of zombie media control.
I personally have pulled back from all of it but for my loves..... I haven't read any erotica in a year.
[This is the only social media I'm on other than contact with family & lifelong friends. ]
Why? My mind is a movie reel. I see the beauty of the future with my loves..... & there ain't anything in this universe more sexy to me than that!!
You my loves.....
Are the beez honey swimming pool to me!!!!!
I'll kick poohbear out & never come out of your pool of love ever again!!!!!
So yes, I enjoy art that celebrates the beauty of the human form.
I grimace at pornography & tend to stay away from it but for my loves thoughts & feelings about it all.
& I'm absolutely freaking appalled by amazon's new commercial. I'm about to put them on my boycott list.
Blushing beet red, bowing my head, chewing my lips.
My thoughts on art vs pornography.
Hopefully I am clear & make sense.
Chewing lips shyly.
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix.🌺✝️☸⚓⛓🔗🙏🤲👣🐾🐯🦉🐢🐛🐐🌱🌟🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🐺🧩♠️♾🧭🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
Fr.3.24.2023 12.59pm.est.
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nutrabeast · 1 year
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Don’t forget to get your samples of the first supplement from #NUTRA Fill out the form an pay for shipping to get your #CryptoNite https://forms.gle/zB68J5NrPE9suQ9R9 @nutraceutical.finance https://nutraceutical.finance https://linktr.ee/nutrafinance https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0x603b4270d4353aa15edd8604383fe439cc60c5ab DYOR!! #crypto #cryptotrading #cryptocurrency #cryptonews #supplements #eth #ethereum #bitcoin #btc #gym #gymmotivation #nutrition #nutraceuticals #supplement #health #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnessaddict #fitnessgirl #fitness #crossfit #weightloss #weightlifting #exercise #defi #altcoin #altcoins #nft @ianheinischmma @eyeknowcrypto @patriots @walmartcanada @giantfitnessclubs @eagle.fightclub @ufc @popeyes_ontario @worldwidemfc @goodlifefitness @volt.inu.official @itspatsnation94 @famous_dyl @cryptoxcraig @angry_ginger__ @ckfultz https://www.instagram.com/p/CkrKbRmPWEO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cannafitshop · 2 years
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🏋️🏽‍♀️Benefits of Lifting Heavy Improves Bone Strength. Helps Prevent Muscle Loss and Build Muscle. Improves Body Composition. May Prevent Falls in Older Adults. Improves Functional Performance. 🏋️🏽‍♀️So, how can you tell how heavy is heavy enough? A good guideline is to lift heavy enough that the last 2-3 reps on each set feel challenging to complete but not so hard that you can't do them with proper form. muscles burn off more calories than fat does when the body is at rest, and having more muscle tone can help you to burn off more fat. . . . . . Follow @cannafitshop Follow @cannafitshopllc Follow @cannafitshopapparel Follow @happyhourforyourbrain Shop Now link in bio Www.cannafitshop.com Please Share this Post with a friend. Remember to Save this Post and Turn On Notifications to be the first to see my new (almost daily)content. . . . #weightlifting #fitness #gym #bodybuilding #workout #crossfit #powerlifting #fitnessmotivation #motivation #training #gymlife #fitfam #fit #strength #strong #gymmotivation #weightloss #strengthtraining #muscle #deadlift #personaltrainer #squat #gains #girlswholift #health #squats #snatch #strongman #lifting #cardio (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CifQh-FAq0f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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palomascorcafava · 2 years
PURADROP REVIEW ⚠️((Puradrop Reviews))⚠️
PURADROP REVIEW ⚠️((Puradrop Reviews))⚠️683 visualizações  13 de set. de 2022  PURADROP REVIEW ⚠️((Puradrop Reviews))⚠️ ✅Link official website: https://cutt.ly/Puradrop Puradrop is a weight loss supplement that has been proven to be safe and effective. In this review, we will take a look at Puradrop and tell you everything you need to know about PURADROP this weight loss supplement. I want you to be as informed as possible about the products you are buying, so I am sharing my honest opinion about PURADROP. I hope you find this video useful to make an informed decision about buying it or not! What is PURADROP GUMMIES? PURADROP is a very healthy weight loss dietary supplement that detoxifies your body. If you are looking for a definitive form of effective weight loss that does not require a radical change in your routine or workouts? Assuming this is the case, then you need to know PURADROP GUMMIES. How does Puradrop Gummies work? PURADROP GUMMIES are a characteristic method for losing weight. They work by stifling your hunger and helping your digestion. They are also gluten-free and vegetable lovers, so they are great for people with food sensitivities. The gummies come in different flavors, chocolate, strawberry, grape and mint. You can eat a few gummies a day, depending on how much weight you need to lose. Puradrop weight loss gummies have been tried and tested by many people all over the planet. Puradrop weight loss gummies are a dietary accessory that has lately raised a ruckus in the city and has many interested people. The guarantee is excellent, if for some reason you regret it you can ask for 100% of your money back. ✅Link official website: https://cutt.ly/Puradrop PURADROP REVIEW ⚠️((Puradrop Reviews))⚠️ PURADROP REVIEW ⚠️((Puradrop Reviews))⚠️ PURADROP REVIEW ⚠️((Puradrop Reviews))⚠️ PURADROP REVIEW ⚠️((Puradrop Reviews))⚠️ PURADROP REVIEW ⚠️((Puradrop Reviews))⚠️ #puradrop #puradropreview  #puradropreviews #puradropgummiesreview #puradropgummies #puradropgummiesreviews #puradropreviews2022 ➡️Share the video: https://youtu.be/Jo2njSKdwZc Ignore tags:PURADROP REVIEW ⚠️((Puradrop Reviews))⚠️, puradrop, puradropreview, puradropreviews, puradropgummiesreview, puradropgummies, puradropgummiesreviews, puradropreviews2022, puradropreview 2022, puradroprealreview, puradropwork, puradropreally work,puradropusa, puradropsupplementreview, puradropingredients, puradrop customerreviews, puradropreallylegit, puradropcustomer review, puradropreallyvideo, puradropreallyworking, puradropworks, puradrop weightloss, getpuradrop, puradropgummy
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irynatopfit · 2 years
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Protein powders - yes or no? I’m back to work and here’s my opinion on protein powders as an Advanced Sports and Exercise Nutritional Advisor - if you hit your daily protein intake from the whole foods you don’t need them. I myself love eating food, I like to buy the ingredients, to see the quality and freshness, I like to prepare my own food, and I enjoy the process. If I personally have a choice to eat a steak, or a piece of chicken breast, or fish, - I would go for it. This doesn’t mean I don’t take protein powders. At certain days when I don’t eat enough protein I do make shakes, and boom - my protein intake - done. For example, to hit my daily protein intake at the moment I would roughly need to cook 350 grams of raw chicken breast - which has only 110 grams of protein and eat that, which is a lot. Protein powders is a good option to cover your protein intake if you struggle eating meat. It’s easy, it’s fast, and it’s comfortable. Some of my clients who had bypass gastric surgeries for weightloss have to drink shakes with protein powders to prevent losing their muscle mass. If it’s not protein powder, they blend chicken or meat with veggies and drink it in a liquid form. The choice is yours. If you want to know your required daily protein intake drop me a DM or leave me a comment with your current weight, age, and activity level. The information on the protein powders in the next post tomorrow. #protein #dailyproteinintake #proteinpowders #onlinefitnesscoach #onlinepersonaltrainer #proteinintake (at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChheTrzK85q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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