#whether these opinions are unpopular or not? eh
cockneydio · 1 year
🔥 on the whole fanon characterizations of Bruno and Abbacchio being reduced to the 'team mom and dad'
Honestly, I don't have a problem with it. At least, I don't vehemently hate it like a lot of people who oppose this characterization do. And here's why.
Fanon exists not because one person comes up with a headcanon that everyone else adopts, but because many people across the spectrum watched a show and got similar impressions of it. When you first saw fanart of Bucciarati as a cat, say, with Mista, Fugo, and Narancia his precious kittens, and Abbacchio his husband begrudging the addition of two more little scamps, did that idea strike you as cut from whole cloth? Or did you see the parallel between Araki's Bruno, who built his gang from an assortment of rejects that wound up sharing a mutual respect, if not friendship or love? I'm going to guess it's the latter.
People see the Bucci Gang as a found family, rightfully so - at least based on the tiny sliver of their lives that Vento Aureo gave us. While you could argue that forcing a nuclear family structure on found family groups is reductive, we tend to draw on what's familiar to create new things. The parental roles go to the people who are older and ostensibly wiser, because that's what we know (and/or want) from our experiences growing up. And if the gang hadn't been comprised of a bunch of teenagers, there might not be such a robust fanon that imagines them as children adopted by the older and (again presumably lol) wiser members - although ofc found families of characters who are similar in age to each other still impose this dynamic. Araki gave us a group of people who care about each other and go through some rough stuff together, and if that's not a family, I don't know what is.
Where I object to the bruabba mom and dad dynamic, though, is the disregard that characterization often has for who Bucciarati and Abbacchio actually are as characters. I've said before that there's tragedy in imagining either man responsible for the wellbeing of others. They're kids, too, the same generation as the rest of the squad, and they've got problems enough keeping themselves alive, let alone being in a position to give the proper care that a parent should to a child. Imagining them as the leaders of a family unit is fine, but the fandom tends to project an ideal upon these characters that misreads who they are and what they're capable of. Too much softening of the rough edges of a character will turn him into Ned Flanders (and even Flanders has more depth than some fans give to their flanderized faves).
In the end, I think fandoms want their characters to be happy, to imagine a world where they don't suffer the trials and heartbreaks that lie in canon. That's beautiful. But willfully ignoring the way those characters are written takes away qualities that literally (because characters don't exist unless someone creates them) define them. At that point, you may as well make an OC.
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dylanconrique · 1 year
"i feel like i'd look so sexy pregnant" 😏
"maddy, please do not get pregnant" 🙄
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haikyuufanficwriting · 4 months
Chapter 5: Tendou
Prompt: (Character) annoying Reader until they go on a date. Character: Tendou ___________
Maybe this was an unpopular opinion, but you despised Tendou Satori. With your entire being, you disliked him.
Whether it was his mannerisms, his appearance, personality or simply anything he did, it annoyed you to no end. Now, maybe you were being a little harsh, but in your defense, it wasn’t like he even tried to be nice to you. Its been mutual ever since you met.
Being a first year at Shiratorizawa Academy, not to mention being the Ushiwaka’s younger sister, you were introduced to the volleyball team quite quickly. You remember being a nervous wreck walking to the gym. You needed to be on your best behavior. You didn’t want to disappoint Wakatoshi, plus you had a reputation to uphold. You were known as the smart one, the kind one, the one that was always there to lend a hand. You had spent your entire middle school career, working for that reputation. Being under what you could only assume was the biggest shadow, and the enormous shoes to fill that were left by Wakatoshi, you worked long and hard, never slipping up, being the perfectionist and goody-two shoes everyone thought you were. What you like to think you are. Now that you were finally in high school, you had to work all over again, and much harder.
But you were nothing but determined.
Though, when it came to meet the team, it seemed there was nothing to be nervous about. The group of boys were both eager and curious to see what you were like, considering there only point of reference of your family was the stoic ace himself. Not that he gave much away. Surprisingly, while your brother was known for his emotionless nature, you were not. In fact, you could express your emotions easily and freely, to his team’s surprise. Meeting Wakatoshi’s teammates was actually really fun, and you enjoyed conversing with them. They were all kind and respectful, and even managed to make you laugh a couple times.
Then you saw him.
“Eh, Wakatoshi-kun, this is your sister? She’s a lot smaller and scrawnier than I imagined.” You see a tall skinny boy with spiky red hair, leaning his arm on your brothers’ shoulder. Eyes wide and full of amusement, looking you up and down. You could see the whole team flinch at his bluntness, with the third years already looking tired. You grit your teeth subconsciously.
Like you should talk, you literal twig.
You pay no mind to the insult, giving him a polite laugh and a bright smile. “Yes, I suppose I am a little on the smaller side.” You hide your annoyance flawlessly. At that, you see him purse his lips, eyes searching your face. The gesture does manage to annoy you further, but you still pretend to turn a blind eye.
What’s this guys problem?
“Since everyone has already introduced themselves, I assume you’re Tendou. I’ve heard a lot about you from onii-san. Pleasure to meet you, Tendou-senpai.” You outstretch your hand in courtesy, except you really didn’t want to shake this man’s hand. But the amusement had come back full force, and he took your hand almost eagerly. His rough, calloused, giant hand basically ate yours. And he noticed too.
“Wow, your hands are tiny! Wakatoshi-kun, are you sure your sister is eating?”
Yup, its official. You don’t like him now. You try to laugh it off, obviously sensing the team’s discomfort from Tendou’s comments. He’s actually starting to get to you now, because even Wakatoshi could hear the strain in your laugh, turning his head slightly in confusion.
Yeah, your brother had the social skills of a potato.
Yet, you see your brother nod in agreement. “Yes, she is quite petite. I often tell her she should eat more.” Then Wakatoshi turns to you. “You should eat more, (Name).”
You felt your cheeks flush. Did he really have to act like a worried aunt in front of his team? You do nothing but nod, mumbling about having a large meal at lunch, trying your best to get the conversation off you and onto some other topic, but Tendou is relentless. You feel your eye twitch.
“So, do you play volleyball like our Wakatoshi-kun?” You give nothing but a respectful smile, doing everything you can to not show your distaste. “Ah, sadly no. I spend way too much time reading or studying to be on a sport team.” You laugh, rubbing the back of your neck.
Semi, one of the third years, tries to pick up the shattered pieces that were left of the conversation. “So, what do you like to-”
“Ah, just as well. With Wakatoshi-kun over here being a prodigy, I doubt anyone would notice you.” There’s a pause. In that moment, all you see Tendou. You see his stupid smirk, leering over you. His eyes wide and searching your face, looking for something, anything.
Looking for a crack in your façade.
You feel your nail dig into your palms.
“I’m sure I’d find some way Tendou-senpai. After all, if you did it, it shouldn’t be that hard.” You don’t even know what you’re saying until you’ve said it. You look up at them in surprise, and they you. Your light and kind voice had slightly dampened, frustrated undertones shining through in your moment of weakness. You look to Tendou, expecting to see a somewhat offended, or even surprised face, but all you see is satisfaction.
You realize he egged you on, on purpose.
You don’t even have time to correct your statement, before you hear a loud, obnoxious laugh.
“Wow, (Name)-chan sure is feisty, huh?” Tendou turns to Wakatoshi, and all Wakatoshi does is nod confusedly. By now the rest of team has told Tendou to knock it off already, and to give you some space to breath. You try to ease their worries by waving them off, telling them it was fine, but really it was anything but.
How could a guy you’ve known for five minutes, break you so easily? All the years you’ve spent training, perfecting yourself, shattered within a five-metre vicinity of this man.
Well, one thing is for sure; you needed out now. You pretend to just notice the clock on the gym wall.
“Ah! It appears I’ve overstayed my welcome. I’ll have to head home now. It was a pleasure meeting all of you.” You say, making eyes with everyone except Tendou, who huffs out a tiny laugh. You bow in respect before getting your stuff, you hear footsteps behind you.
“I will walk you home. It is too late for you to be walking alone.” Wakatoshi says, picking up his items to follow you. You stop him immediately. You knew that the relationship between your brother and mother was incredibly strained, has been ever since the divorce, and you really didn’t want to put your brother in any uncomfortable situations. “Onii-san, I wouldn’t want to bother you. You have class in the morning. Plus, you told me you have a test coming up. You shouldn’t waste your time. I’ll be fine.”
You place a hand on his arm, comforting. Still, he doesn’t relent. You see from behind Wakatoshi that Tendou is still standing there, eyes only on you. His expression was calm, calculating, as he studied your face. You make a point to not look at him.
“I don’t feel comfortable letting you walk by yourself.” At this point, you’re willing to just agree and let him come. You just wanted to leave, because, though you were willing yourself to not make direct eye contact, out of the corner of eye, you could still see Tendou, watching the whole ordeal. It makes the back of your neck hairs stand on end.
“I’ll walk her.” Oh, you so badly want to scream ‘Over my dead body!’. But, you manage to compose yourself, looking over and trying to immediately shut down the situation.
“Like I said there’s no need-”
“It’s not a problem for me. I have no tests coming up and I have free period tomorrow morning.” Tendou gives you a smirk, and it only stirs up anger. He knew exactly what he was doing, from the moment you met, he wanted something. But what it was you weren’t sure. You hadn’t even done anything to him. You always tried to be on your best behavior, put on your brightest smile, and kindest laugh for everyone you meet, but him…
You’d rather dig your own grave and bury yourself.
You were about to say no, when Wakatoshi speaks up for you. “That would be great. Thank you, Tendou.” Your rejection immediately dies in your throat. You try one last ditch attempt to get out. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to bother you.” You say sweetly, but with the undertones of ‘back off and leave me alone’ which is something you know he understood fully. He leans closer to get down to your height, still with the biggest smile.
“No, please. It would be my pleasure.” He holds your eyes before walking to the doors of the gym. “Come on then, Kogara-chan*. Wouldn’t want your parents to get worried.” You feel your hands tighten around your bag at the nickname, but your face showed nothing but gratefulness as you turned to your brother and said your goodbyes.
Well, if he wasn’t in your bad book before, he definitely was in it now.
He managed to get you completely at his mercy, and you could do nothing but curse inwardly and follow him outside, starting your walk to your house.
It started out quiet at first, with you hearing nothing but the sound of his and your footsteps. After about five minutes in, you were starting to think he wouldn’t say anything at all.
But you wished too soon.
“Is it not tiring?” You pause, before looking back at him, with an innocent and confused look on your face.
“What do you mean, Tendou-senpai?” He clicks his tongue in annoyance.
“Ya can drop the act, Kogara-chan. No one’s here.” You felt yourself freeze, but you compose yourself quickly. But not quick enough, you could tell he saw your tiny slip up. Still, you refuse to break. “I’m sorry I’m not sure I follow, senpai. What act?”
“The innocent goody-goody act. I don’t know how everyone else hasn’t seen right through it, it’s fake as hell.” He laughs a little, making annoyance flow through your veins.
“You’ve never even met me before; you have no idea what my personality is like.” Your voice has dropped a couple octaves than the higher, sweeter one you’ve used for years. It almost feels weird. You see him smirk once more. God, if you weren’t already tired of it.
“Call it a guess.” You reached your street. Just a couple more minutes, just a couple more then you’ll be home free. You don’t even think about what your saying, blurting out your thoughts as all you’re focused on is getting away from him.
“Alright, what does it matter to you that it is?” You hear him hum.
“Ah, so it is? Thanks for clearing it up! I’d really rather prefer if you weren’t like that. It was so annoying!” Tendou’s teasing voice rings in your ear, letting you revel in what you just did.
This bastard.
In your tiny moment of weakness, the devil himself managed to wean his way right into your dirtiest secret. Your biggest insecurity. The one thing you managed to keep from everyone, even your family, Tendou managed to find out in less than hour.
You stopped walking. Letting the cool air blow harshly against your face, but you can’t even feel it. You feel so many emotions, so much hatred for the middle blocker, that any kind of rational thinking is thrown out of the realm of possibility.
“Fuck it.” You mutter, head down, refusing to look at him. You hear Tendou’s footsteps stop as well at your voice and turns around. But to his surprise, you’re suddenly in front of him, grabbing his hoodie and pushing him against a random pole that littered the streets. For the first time in the evening, he looks legitimately surprised. You’re a lot stronger than you look, that’s for sure.
“Listen here, you fucker. I don’t know what I did to deserve the shit you’ve been giving all night, considering that I’ve never even met you until today, but I’ve worked too hard to have my reputation thrown down the shithole from some red-haired lizard. So, what do you want? Money? Some clothes? Anything to say that you’ll keep the stupid mouth of yours shut.” You growl. Now, you really didn’t want to give this asshole anything, but you knew what kind of status he had.
Being a third year, relatively smart, and on the volleyball team gave him a level much higher than yours. In this school, it would be his word against yours, and one tiny rumor could definitely end the image you’ve made for yourself. And you can’t let that happen.
Not after you’ve worked so hard.  
Tendou manages to shake his surprised expression quite quickly, turning it to his usual asshole smirk. What you would give to be able to smack it off him…
He takes the hand that’s gripping his hoodie and pulls it off him, only to pull your arm to bring you a lot closer than you’d like. But you stand your ground; you wouldn’t fall for his antic any longer.
You refuse too.
“My, my… I mean I thought you’d be a little different, but you’re like a new person. I’m impressed…” He purrs out the last bit, and it takes everything in you not to cringe. You manage to keep your face passive.
“Cut the bullshit. What is it that you want? Tell me and then we go our separate ways.” You hiss, voice filled with venom. He chuckles, before tightening his grip slightly, he pulls you even closer and whispers:
“Go out with me.”
Out of all the things you thought you were going to hear, that sentence was probably in the bottom thousands.
Eh, make it hundred thousands.
You convince yourself that it’s the surprise that makes you flush, before whipping your hand away from him and taking a couple steps back. “Wh-what?” You stutter, which only makes him snort before howling in laughter. You half expect him to go ‘sike!’ halfway through it, but when his laughter dies down, he doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t explain himself, but just leaves that heavy sentence in the air. You stand there awkwardly, going over the sentences over and over in your head.
“Go out with me.” I mean what? You’ve never even been on a date much less a boyfriend. And you sure as hell wouldn’t want your first to be him.
Tendou stretches, before checking the watch on his wrist. “Wow, it’s later than I thought. I’ll have to leave you here, I guess. I’m sure you’re more than capable then walking yourself the rest of the way.” His stretched arm goes to pat your head, which makes you freeze. You don’t even have time to swat his hand away before he removes it himself and starts walking back to the academy. You watch his retreat still too shocked to say anything else. Then, once more, he stops, and turns to you.
“I’ll see you later, Kogara-chan~” His voice turns sing-songy, at the end, giving you a wink, then turning back and walking away. Leaving you in the dark street. Completely and totally baffled.
You could practically hear your image flushing down the toilet.
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teawinx · 8 months
Do you have a favorite character (or characters) from the Descendants verse? Whether they’re from the books or movies.
What are your unpopular and infuriating things about Descendants?
Uuuuhhhh it's bit hard to choose, since they're all kinda well
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No one ever reached their potential to be fully fledged characters
But if I had to choose one, it would be Carlos. I think because Cameron Boyce had acting talent to add so much personality into a character with minimal dialogue and very minimal plot relevance. Just a massive shame they didn't do anything with his characters.
There's a lot of infuriating things about Descendants. But I think my biggest gripe, and potentially unpopular opinion, is that Mal got no consequences for her actions. And was then ungrateful for the position she was handed.
She got with Ben because she drugged him, and got no consequences. But now she's dating the king and has won at life. She went from living in a slum with criminals, to living in the castle of the BIG FISH through no work of her own. But then in the second movie is discontent with this lifestyle because it's not "who she is". Tough. People have it worse than you, Mal. And then in the third movie, she chooses to close the Isle off from the mainland because she wants to protect the people from said mainland. Conveniently forgetting that she's the one who's benefited the most from the barrier being opened. Protecting her not-earned status quo of wealth and splendor.
So yeaaahhhhhhhh
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realmyths · 3 months
send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes. bonus points if you include a specific topic to talk about, like follower count, softblocking, graphics, etc.
I think that graphics shouldn't really matter at all in the RPC. Don't get me wrong, if people want to make pretty graphics for their muses, they should. But it shouldn't be such an important factor. It shouldn't make or break whether or not someone interacts with someone else. At least, in my opinion.
I don't mind if someone soft/hard blocks me, really. Everyone needs to curate their own experience here. But I do sorta miss when people would just unfollow. For me, anyway, soft/hard blocking (especially hardblocking) feels a tiny bit more personal, even though I know intellectually it isn't. Unfollowing feels more like "eh didn't work out but I wish you well." Whereas soft/hardblocking, to me, feels more like "how dare you think you could RP with me." Now obviously I know it's not meant to be that way. But I can't help but feel more obviously rejected when someone soft/hard blocks. And that's not a fun feeling for me. So yeah....I totally get why people do it, but I do wish we could just go back to unfollowing. (Both suck, don't get me wrong. Losing mutuals is never fun. I just wish it wouldn't be done in such a final way, personally. Because maybe somewhere down the line the two RPers WOULD want to RP together and then couldn't. But maybe that's just me, idk.)
I do wish there wasn't (still) such a stigma with multimuses. As someone who enjoys playing a variety of muses but doesn't want to have 10000000000000 single muse blogs (not that there'd be anything wrong with that, it's just my personal preference), I wish people would understand that having multiple muses on one blog doesn't mean that the RPer is any less dedicated to each one. If anything, it means that the RPer can't give up any of their muses, but simply finds it easier to have all their muses in one spot. (I sometimes wish I could have 2 multis, one for OCs and one for canons. But I don't know if I could handle that even.) An RPer having a multimuse blog is not ~less dedicated~ to their muses than an RPer with several single muse blogs. Neither are wrong, it's all a matter of preference. But I do wish multis wouldn't carry such stigma, even now.
Thanks for sending this in!
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darkstarofchaos · 5 months
Unpopular Opinions: EarthSpark Wishlist Edition.
Was going to give some thoughts on S1 a while back but never got around to it, so eh. Let's look ahead to S2 with some things I'd like to see and some I wouldn't.
Ironically, the one character I wanted to see but didn't think would fit the show seems like he's actually going to appear. I've already written up an extensive Prowl wishlist, but to summarize: socially awkward and seemingly cold or rude, but nice once you get to know him; either not a cop or an ex-cop; disability optional but strongly encouraged. Also, if he's going to have low empathy or a strongly numbers-based approach to the world, don't villainize him for it.
Aside from Prowl, the only characters I have strong feelings about are ones I don't want to see. Basically all of them are MTMTE/LL characters, but the only ones I'm going to call out specifically are the DJD: I feel like they would need to be a season-long threat to be properly utilized, and since we've already had one major "hunt down Decepticons" plotline, I'm not interested in seeing another.
Not a deal-breaker, but I'd rather not see any more gender-swapping. I don't mind Ravage or Nova Storm and I warmed up to Frenzy, but Skywarp just doesn't feel like the same character. By which I mean I wouldn't be able to write her the same way I write him, because the way I write him would be a female stereotype applied to her. And I couldn't do her relationship with Starscream the same way either (same goes for her relationship with Thundercracker if he shows up). So as far as fanfic goes, she's literally a different character who I'd need to approach completely differently, and I just. If you need a bigger female cast and you can bring in characters like Hardtop and Skullcrusher, you can give little-seen female characters some time in the sun. Do that instead.
So first off, kudos to EarthSpark for finally producing a Megatron & Optimus dynamic where they actually feel like friends, but that's all I see them as, tbh. In fact, there's only one pairing I have any interest in so far, and that's MegaStar. And with that being said, I would like to see some development between them in the next season. But not Megatron trying to make things right with Starscream: Starscream deserves to have his desire for distance respected. Instead, put them in a situation where they're forced to cooperate and let them start to work things out from there. Maybe some apologies that neither is required to accept (we don't actually know what Starscream might have to apologize for in this universe, but I'm sure there's something).
As far as potential future pairings, I guess I wouldn't hate TaraProwl. On one hand, I would prefer as few IDW influences as possible, but on the other hand, the monsterfucker in me wants someone to pair Tarantulas with. But if they're going to interact, I need Prowl to not be a jerk and I'd love it if they didn't already know each other.
Other Random Desires:
Minimal IDW influences.
Normally I wouldn't think about this in a Transformers show, but after the Mother's Day episode: no more holiday episodes please (I will make an exception for an Independence Day episode that highlights recreational explosives as a horrible way to celebrate. Seems perfect for this show).
Still torn on whether or not I want to see Nightshade become aware of transphobia, but I'm thinking not. Won't say no to having more trans/nonbinary characters, though (I will make an exception to the no gender-swapping thing if the swapped character is explicitly trans).
More disabled characters! If not Prowl, then someone (was kinda disappointed that Twitch's optic got repaired by the Magic, not gonna lie).
Okay, that's all for now. Might revisit this when we get a trailer for S2.
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so what's your thoughts on jimmy/gary?
sobbing!! of course i love them?? fun fact they were actually my first ship as soon as i got in the fandom, even before i opened this sideblog
what made you ship it?
it really came naturally with the progression of the plot really. how they started out as these two friends but then how they kept just. mirroring each other one step after the other. thinking they were able to predict each other's next move but they were really just chasing each other like dogs running after their tails. and how it all climaxed in the tower scene and how all of their feelings towards each other exploded. all the grief and the sense of loss and the could've been-would've been-should've been. how both of them wished so hard they could trust each other and that scene on the tower is really just a confrontation, about whether this is possible. and the tragic conclusion that it... isn't. i'm crying on my knees
2. what are your favorite things about the ship?
i think the most wonderful thing about them is how they will never really leave each other. you have damaged me irreparably but so have i to you so it's okay. you and i have begun to blur and now i don't know where i start and where you finish. there's a before us and an after us. i wish i wasn't strong enough to let my paranoia / hubris destroy what we could've been. i can't tell if i'm seeing you in my dreams or in my nightmares. whatever souls are made of yours and mine are the same (derogatory). these violent delights lead to violent ends. "you and me, we can do things" (but we never will). animae dimidium miae. i'm all over the place
3. is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
mmh. i think my unpopular opinion is that... i like them toxic? lmao. no but for real. i do understand, that it can be much healthier and wholesome and satisfying if they manage to kind of. develop a healthy relationship, based on mutual support through the hardships of fluctuating mental health and so forth.
but really, once you take away what makes them troubling characters, these distorted mirrors that they re of each other, these unresolved tensions that will forever be part of their souls... idk, it kinda loses that sense of tragedy and soul-wrenching agony that makes them so interesting to me tbh. fairly speaking i don't think i would even enjoy too much a fic about them that happens after the game, because what makes them special... it's all in there. it's this whole spiraling down and them dragging each other into the abyss. once they've reached the end of it... eh. the story is over for me, i'm sorry
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arda-ancalima · 4 months
my little meow meow for the ask game? 🥺
Yesss thank you for the ask!!
First impression: Part of me was like "eh cliche vampire" and he wasn't nice so I didn't like him, but I was also kind of scared of him lol my brother was reading the dialogue with me and he gave van Zieks this soft, ghostly, ominous voice that added to the intimidation lol
Impression now: I love him. I love his snarkiness and kindness and grumpiness and intelligence and silliness and moodiness and integrity and how he's so closed off but will open up a tiny bit here and there and he'll be patient for a while until he's just done with everyone around him being an idiot
Favorite moment: For a serious moment - "I know the name of the Reaper"/"This narrows the suspects...to one!" For a funny moment - when we get to visit his office the first time and dunk on him (I remember being sooo excited and thinking how much Susato would enjoy this)
Idea for a story: At the moment I don't have an idea for a van Zieks-centric story, though he definitely features prominently in a few ideas! I enjoy writing him from someone else's point of view while he talks all fancy and makes snide comments or awkwardly tries to navigate human relationships but I haven't found a strong point of connect with him yet, some way that I get him where I would feel confident writing from his point of view for very long
Unpopular opinion: *glances around* *crawls into a little cave* I say his first name like 'barrack' NOW I KNOW most people say baroque which is cool and nice and makes sense but bro and I either didn't think of it at the time or dismissed it somehow and I wouldn't mind changing to baroque but I've been calling him barrack for so long now 😬
Favorite relationship: It's probably obvious but him and Kazuma haha I am such a mentor and apprentice person (got lots of practice in the Star Wars fandom) and I am obsessed with their dynamic and imagining it post-canon
Favorite headcanon: I suppose most post-canon things are headcanon, so tbh probably something about him snarking with Kazuma, but for something more concrete, I like the idea that he grows to be one (1) inch taller than Klint, to Klint's great dismay (though he insists that he is still broader and has more muscle, whether or not that's true)
This got kind of long, pray forgive the discourtesy of responding in essay form haha
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tamelee · 2 years
You said NH is more toxic than SS hwo!?!? SS literally can’t be more toxic than any other relationship I’ve ever seen in media Sasuke is never home or looks miserable and Sakura is just creepy and childish. At least Naruto and Hinata just seem to be a bit more normal like a family as Hinata takes care and Naruto does too. Sasuke doesn’t give a shit about his wife and leaves Sakura in dirt. No way NH is more toxic. Explain im curious please Love your art tho
Exactly. "Seem to be." And that’s why. 
Toxicity is a relative thing y’know? 
Meaning with anything, the dose of it matters.
Some poisons aren’t lethal until its breathed deeply into the lungs, for others mere skin contact is already fatal. Some people burn off their hair by bleaching it once, others, like ..myself can bleach it 3 times, but still can’t get the damn green hair dye out 😑 though still have soft hair luckily (my secret is a diet of chocolate milk and chicken nuggets. I keep telling people- science is wrong). It’s also possible to die from drinking too much water as it can poison your brain. (Again, chocol- nvm.)
Some couples (SS) are aware of it’s toxicity- (Sasuke knows, Sakura puts on an act- but knows, Sarada is hopeful- but knows, I know, you know, your first cousins’ best friend from pre-school that smears expired custard all over the place knows) and to a degree have been forced to accept a middle-ground in this environment of toxin overload as there is no fresh air available when it’s all three of them together. That’s why Sasuke escapes from the village for the sake of his lungs so he can start the detoxification process and heal his damaged immune system.  
And other couples (NH), live their lives while their livers, kidneys, lymphatic systems.. you name it, have not been evolved to deal with this growing number of toxins they unknowingly interact with everyday. 
Today we hear health advisers of all kinds talk about ridding the body of toxins. Except, Naruto seems to be displaying similar behavior like Sasuke, perhaps unknowingly listening to his body (or (the ghost of) Kurama) that tells him to get rid of the toxins that linger within by avoiding his wife as much as possible. Experiencing fatigue, memory difficulties, sleep impairment, depression, or “brain fog” without acknowledging/being fully honest as to why this is. When this happens, real damage is imminent and toxicity much, much more fatal. 
All jokes aside, this is of course a biased opinion and an unpopular one, but I will stand by it. I neither like SS nor NH, but NH’s “normal” family faux-facade makes me want to gag. 
But most importantly, SS's turmoil is not only visualized more straightforward than NH, but it’s literally handed to us on a silver platter that in the most confident and convincing manner says: 
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Sure, right.. 😂
Even though Sakura knows (whether she admits it in speech or not) how Sasuke feels, she is completely oblivious about something she thinks is the only thing between them that represents something positive. (Apart from Sarada I guess.) I know that a lot of people contemplate what this “thing” is that Sakura has received from Sasuke that is supposed to be better than a kiss (since she hasn’t even received that.. I mean..) (some people say a semen sample, lmao. Letter: “You can do it yourself, eh” “Darling.. thank you” 😂). 
((( context )))
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But I’m quite sure she meant the forehead poke: 
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Because when Sasuke distanced himself from them again after having been there briefly and poked Sarada’s forehead, she recognized the gesture from the day that Sakura did it to her regarding the question "what's better than a kiss?" But, Sakura never told her more about it. (Why didn’t she? Who knows.) 
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And they’re both completely unaware that Itachi used this gesture to keep Sasuke at a distance as his life was tainted with lies and deception which he didn’t want his little brother to be involved in. Until the gesture wasn’t needed anymore and brought him in close finally. Then again, Sakura doesn’t know anything about Sasuke at all. A supposedly married couple that didn’t even share a memory or anything? Physical and Emotional distance. Nice. 
SS just makes it too obvious, Sasuke isn’t hiding much apart from us readers and Sarada not knowing how she’s conceived, because Karin saying “I’m the one who delivered Sarada!” at the end of Gaiden all of a sudden, literally doesn’t explain everything else and it doesn’t convince me. She doesn’t say: “It was between Sakura and Sasuke!” (I know how biology works, okay, but you know what I mean. She chased him and suddenly Sarada was born in “our” hide-out? What’s up with the whole DNA-thing?) Nothing ‘directly’ indicated anything specific. At least not with the translations I have. They might be wrong of course, we'll just have to wait and see.
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And "Sasuke leaving Sakura in the dirt".. well-
Sakura knew what she would get herself into and chased after him anyway. Continuously so, regardless- she asked for it and still pretends all is well when its clearly not, just like Hinata, but at least SS feels less fake even when its trying to be for Sarada's sake. D’you know what I mean? It’s hard to explain if I’m being honest. If anything, I can at the very least respect that.
Now.. NH however.. there is a lot to say, but I’ll save that for my Hinata post. We all know how miserable, crushed, mutilated and pulverized our Naruto has become, but even Hinata went from “🥺👉🏻👈🏻” to “:))”.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not concerned for her character she may get stabbed by wooden spears for all I care, (sue me) but I can’t imagine a woman so infatuated with another person, to be happy in this situation either. Her plan of forever “yes men”-ing her longtime obsession with (in her mind) positive reinforcement, love bombing him with intended praise or reward type behavior with a newly discovered flavor of tea, but only receiving reciprocation in the form of romantic drama’s as she isn’t getting any in real life- seeing Naruto then being illustrated with such lethargic disinterest … 
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.. or emphasized multiple times that he doesn’t sleep next to her at all, but rather on a couch or on a one-person bed:
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.. completely backfired. And this is perhaps Naruto’s way to avoid not just his family (which he does painfully often for someone who craved one his whole life), but also conflict. It is impossible to avoid a disagreement otherwise without addressing it, especially in a long-term relationship/marriage.
Ah, but Hinata could never, she is the perfect waifu after all and Naruto wouldn’t say anything to her either, she’s too delicate and he wouldn’t hurt a “wallflower”, she’s too kind. So… avoidance it is.
Hinata Hyuuga bores him to death, literally killing Konoha’s 7th Hokage after having blackmailed him into this garbage marriage. 😂 She may be that strong after all.   
But nah, everything is paradise and sunflowers. Just a “normal” family as you say. 
Naruto: Hinata :) 
Hinata: Naruto-kun :)) 
Naruto: ..
Hinata: ..
Naruto: ..
Hinata: .. would you like tea?
Naruto: oh.. sure. Thank you Hinata :) 
Hinata: :)) 
Naruto: *Zzzz* 
Hinata: *entertains self with drama’s* 
Of course you can never fight or disagree with anything ever if you don’t really communicate. If I HAD to pick one? I much rather prefer harsh rejection than “:))” + this faux-facade that pretends to be that “perfect” and “normal” family when it’s not. Again, they make me gag. 
Personal preference (+ my dislike for Hinata) is all Non.e. 
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Character ask: The seven dwarfs (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Favorite thing about them: In all versions of the fairy tale, I love their kindness in accepting Snow White into their home and how devotedly they come to love her. As for Disney's iconic dwarfs, I also love their comedy and their endearing individual personalities: especially adorable Dopey, and Grumpy with all his funny lines and his arc of gradually warming up to Snow White. I love the fact that despite being silly cartoon characters, they're still such warm, engaging figures that back in 1937, they moved an audience full of tough Hollywood moguls and stars to tears with their grief at Snow White's apparent death.
I also enjoy seeing the creative ways that different adaptations portray them. Their names and personalities vary, of course, as does whether they're gnomelike creatures or humans with dwarfism, and exactly how comically or seriously they're portrayed varies too. They've also been portrayed as a brotherhood of priests, as a band of thieves, as the last survivors of a noble Tolkien-esque race, as rainbow gnomes who control the weather, as magical craftsmen who made the Queen's magic mirror, as seven average-sized human siblings whose surname happens to be Dwarf, and as seven formerly-handsome princes transformed into green dwarfs as a punishment. I love the variety!
Least favorite thing about them: That some people with dwarfism, like Peter Dinklage, view them as ableist, dehumanizing figures.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like gold and gemstones.
*Like Disney's dwarfs, I can be messy.
*If a person fleeing from danger were to arrive at my door, I would also take them in and try my best to protect them.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I've never worked as a miner.
*I'm of average height.
*I live in a condo, not a cottage, and I thankfully don't share it with seven other people.
Favorite line:
From the original tale, after Snow White "dies":
"We cannot bury her in the black earth."
And when the Prince offers to give them anything in exchange for the glass coffin:
"We will not sell it for all the gold in the world."
From the Disney version:
When they discover the sleeping Snow White and Bashful compares her to an angel:
Grumpy: Angel, ha! She's a female! All females is poison! They're full of wicked wiles!
Bashful: What are wicked wiles?
Grumpy: I don't know. But I'm agin' 'em!
When Snow White asks "How do you do?":
Grumpy: How do you do what?
When Snow White offers to cook for them:
Doc: Uh, can you make dapple lumplings? Er, lumple dapplings?
Grumpy and Sleepy: Apple dumplings!
Doc: Yes! Crapple dumpkins.
(Sneaking a little toilet humor past the Hays Code on that last line, eh Disney?)
When the other dwarfs are washing:
Grumpy: Next thing you know she'll be tyin' your beards up in pink ribbons and smellin' ya up with that stuff called, uh... perfoom!
brOTP: Each other and Snow White.
OTP: None.
nOTP: Snow White, unless it's a retelling where one of them is portrayed as her love interest.
Random headcanon: I firmly ascribe to the belief that Disney's dwarfs are gnome-like beings, not humans with dwarfism. They have a magical connection to the earth, which explains why the gems they mine appear cut and polished. They're also immortal, and already several hundred years old when they meet Snow White – some of the movie storybooks and earlier drafts of the script make this explicit.
Unpopular opinion: While I love Grumpy's character arc of resisting Snow White's presence at first but ultimately learning to love her, I don't have any desire to ship them the way some do. I'd rather view his love for her as more fatherly; he's an old man and she's a young girl, after all. I'd sooner ship him with Doc (assuming they're not brothers – whether the dwarfs are related to each other or not is another thing that varies between adaptations), because their blend of closeness and bickering gives off an "old married couple" vibe.
Song I associate with them:
"The Washing Song (Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dum)."
"The Silly Song."
Favorite pictures of them:
This illustration by Anastassija Archipowa.
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This illustration by Warwick Goble.
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This one by Angela Barrett.
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This one by Trina Schart Hyman (who allegedly modeled all her dwarfs after people she knew, including herself – the young-looking one with black hair is a self-portrait).
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This one by Arthur Rackham, showing them trying to revive the poisoned Snow White.
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This one by Charles Santore, showing them crying tears of joy at Snow White's resurrection.
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This picture on a Lindt chocolate bar.
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And these pictures from the Disney version.
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youngerfrankenstein · 5 months
Leaving you with two options for the character ask : Ephraim and Dedue ? :)
Por que no los dos?
First impression: He’s an Fire Emblem lord I guess.
Impression now: I do quite like him! Hyper competent in battle but has to learn responsibility and that there are things he can’t just stab. I like his and Eirika’s parallel arcs.
Favorite moment: Getting tricked into giving the Demon King one of the stones. It’s fun seeing a character who’s pretty much torn through every enemy so far get so trapped, and hear what he does.
Idea for a story: Learning more about the Darkling forest from Myrrh.
Unpopular opinion: I still think Eirika is the better lord, sorry.
Favorite relationship: He and Eirika genuinely have a great dynamic, they’re sweet siblings and they balance each other out well. Also the tragic friendship with Lyon.
Favorite headcanon: Dotes on his horse way too much.
First impression: Eh, he’s fine. Kind of a bad unit.
Impression now: Oh my god Dedue. He’s willing to take SO much for the chance of saving his people. He’s so patient and so put-upon and give him everything!!!
Favorite moment: DEDUE IS ALIVE!!!
Idea for a story: Dedue is already pretty much running a cooking class, why not make it official?
Unpopular opinion: Uhh…
Favorite relationship: I mean, Dimitri obviously. Whether you interpret it as romantic or not they’re clearly the most important person to each other and have been through SO much together. Though I also really like his dynamic with Byleth and Flayn.
Favorite headcanon: I do like to think that he keeps in touch with the Duscur group who saved him during the timeskip.
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13eyond13 · 2 years
☕️ death note should have had a maid cafe arc
☕ Ahahaha. An entire arc, eh? Interesting concept... Would L be a regular patron at one and awkwardly force Light to go to their tennis/coffee date interrogation at it with him? Would Misa start working at one undercover for some weird reason in the Yotsuba arc? The possibilities boggle the mind... I'll mildly agree with you there
send me a ☕️ and an opinion (popular or unpopular) and i’ll say whether i agree or disagree
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Hello, I just wanted to say I love your work, and enjoy them very much. They help me escape the negative stuff in my life and I thank you for your talent and you writing your fanfic's.
I'm new to Tumblr and plan on making Loki Laufeyson fanfic's , Eddie Munson fanfic's and many more as well. I'm currently working on one at the moment. A question I have Is it hard to make a blog of your written work? Also my blog / personal one is 18+. How would you keep minors away any tips? My work is more fluff a smut kind eh.. that be private if I did one. ^,.,^;
Well please take care~
Hello dear 🤗 welcome to Tumblr 💞
I'm Glad you are able to enjoy my writing and starting to write your own fictions.
It's not hard to maintain a writing blog, there are some difficulties at first (like how to add link to a post, using gif etc) but the more you'll post here the easier it will get.
About minors, unpopular opinion please don't crucify me for it, it's not my responsibility to fend minors off my blog, the least i can do is warn that I write 18+ fics which is not at all suitable for minors but if someone is hell bent on indulging in such content they absolutely will, you can't stop them (trust me i used to be a minor once), some people block minor accounts so you can do that. Personally I don't open every blog that follows me or interacts with me to check whether they're minor or not.
Enjoy writing and sharing dear, it's a beautiful place to let out your creativity and some people are extremely supportive here , i myself never thought I'd ever start writing, let alone write full blown stories the way I do. Sending love 💚🤗
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faunabel · 1 year
hetalia enneagram (and some mbti)
what’s up everyone. i’m too lazy to go into detail about these and nobody will know what i’m talking about anyway but i’m gonna ramble about the hetalia character’s enneagrams (mbtis for some of them). the only one i’m 100% positive on is veneziano’s but i put thought into anything i’ve listed! even if i’m too lazy to explain it all this is literally just a thoughts dump
veneziano - 9w1 so/sx 926
he’s typed as a 6w7 on PDB but this guy is so OBVIOUSLY a 9. also, he seems to show a sp blindspot and fits the so/sx “sparkly” energy + seems to use sx as a playground more than sp (ex: being NAKED all the time, also how he’s a fairly open person which seems like him using sx (vulnerability) to benefit his dominant social (bonding)), and also so/sx is one of the three stackings that moves towards people while so/sp moves AWAY and he’s clearly social dom so he can’t be so/sp. 6 and 2 fixes are an obvious consensus. he’s also an enfp (Ne+Fi and high, unvalued Fe, weak Si and Ti). i’m thinking his heart fix is stronger than his head fix because i’m a 962 and that 6 fix makes disintegration hellish but he doesn’t seem to get quite as intense with it which makes me think his 6 fix is weaker. for disintegration behaviors, he goes from overly chill to overthinking like hell in typical 9 fashion. displays neuroticism in the social department due to his need for attention and affection. seriously guys he’s not a 6 core he lacks so many of the 6 core traits, a big one being how trusting he is when 6s are known for being distrustful, yes, even sp 6s, not to mention he’s clearly so/sx so how could he be a sp 6? he focuses on the positive to shut out the world as a coping mechanism i could literally talk for an hour about this but i won’t.
romano - 6w5 648 sx/sp
6 with 4 fix, possibly 8 for gut fix? unsure of wing but leaning towards 6w5. i was stuck between 6 and 4 core for him but no, he’s definitely a 6 core. shows many key 6 traits including distrust and projection. also shows disintegration to 3 behaviors. 4 fix seems pretty obvious with his fixation on veneziano and general victim complex + he displays some disintegration to 2 behaviors. anyway, unsure of his instinctual stacking. unpopular opinion but i think romano’s an istp and his trauma outbursts make him come off as an isfp or something. he seems Ti-Fe over Fi-Te for reasons i can’t word right now. for romano’s instincts, i’m not entirely sure. i think he uses sp, so i wanna say he’s sp/sx because he seems to value social the least and he has some of that sx flair. however i’m not sure i’d say he’s neurotic about sp stuff, either so maybe he’s a sx/sp instead? he is quite intense and often stressing about being seen as appealing if i remember correctly, which could be sx or social but seems more sx in this context. the only issue is he does seem to also care about social stuff but whether it’s the social instinct or his one-sided rivalry with veneziano, i don’t know. overall i’m gonna say it’s more of a sx instinct thing though. he doesn’t seem to particularly value his relationships which fits with a social blind.
germany - 1w9 sp/so 162
i was stuck between 1 and 6 core for him but he’s definitely a 1, most likely with a 9 wing because he seems to care more about seeming peaceful / kind than helpful or admired. completely unsure of heart fix but maaaybe 2? which contradicts what i said but eh. seems pretty clearly a sx blind kind of guy. most likely an ISTJ but i’d have to give it more thought to be positive. Te-Fi over Ti-Fe. also as an ISTJ he’d be the same as veneziano but backwards and that’s pretty neat. for instincts, the sp/so subtype fits him best and plus i don’t see him as a social dominant. he’s not neurotic about bonding with others. but he seems neurotic about SP stuff for sure. overall seems like a textbook e1 sp istj.
france - 2w3 sx/so ESFJ
i have nothing to go off of other than the vibes for this one so don’t take it too seriously. france just strikes me as a 2 core and it fits with my personal interpretation of him, as well! unsure if sx/so or sx/sp. i also see him as Fe-Ti over Fi-Te (he’s often typed as an ESFP). Fe-Ti is more give-and-take which is how i imagine him lowkey being (giving but also wordlessly desiring something in return). I’d say maybe he’s an ESFJ, not sure, I think he’s an extroverted feeler, though, and a sensor. oh yeah i say sx dom because he has that more intense energy, but i could see someone arguing he has sx playground instead BUT he comes off as so intense i’m gonna say sx/so. i could see him being neurotic about sx endeavors
canada - 945 sp dom
i’m not sure but he seems like he has 4 and 9 somewhere in there. repression of anger, passive aggression, victim complex, etc. i think he’s probably a sp dom? it just feels right. possibly a sp 9 with a 4 and 5 fix? triple withdrawn maybe? no clue for mbti. maybe isfp or infp. thinking Fi-Te. sorry that’s all i got i really don’t like canada lol
russia - 6 sx blind
this is just off the top of my head but maybe russia’s a 6? my only reasoning is how he tries to make friends by seeming nice but he actually terrifies people which could also fit 6′s duality? and doesn’t he sorta have this group thing going on, too? i’m not seeing sx so maybe he’s sp/so or so/sp. possibly so/sp because maybe he’s neurotic about the social instinct? since he’s so lonely. idk im just spitting possibilities here. NO IDEA for mbti.
that’s all for now!
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joe-moi · 4 months
Eh I think that tracks though so I might agree with you. He seems like he would be flippant and more casual with something that IS casual and he knows it vs how he is so guarded and self depreciating with things that he is really passionate about or are personal to him. Whether it's music or acting I could definitely see this translating to personal relationships and friendships too.
I stand with you on the unpopular opinion
thank you 🦩!! I know it’s super unpopular I’ve just seen men do that and he kinda gives me those vibes. And it’s not a bad thing! I do the same shit 🙃
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
Zukka for the ask game ship
(Send me a ship & I'll say whether I ship it & answer three questions based on whether or not I ship it)
Okay absolutely hilarious that I got Zukka & Jetko in my inbox back to back for this meme. Good thing I'm a multi-shipper xD
I do ship it!
What made you ship it?
Honestly, I thought their dynamic in the 'Boiling Rock' episodes was super fun & I think Sokka was totally flirty with Zuko during a lot of book 3. So, I was casually like "nice, I ship it," when I was watching. But then I got into the fandom & encountered some incredible fanfics & art that got me fully onboard.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I think that there's something incredibly fun about the whole "ball of sunshine (who has a lot of pain deep down) x dark angry goth (who can be really funny too)" thing they have going on. They're just very cute together & there's basically endless potential for both angst & fluff.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on the ship?
Eh, not really that I can think of lol? Just that I've sorta moved on as far as my writing focus goes, but that's not exactly an opinion even, just a creative choice. I continue to think the ship is great & the fandom is filled with talented creators
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