#wife is nourished.
airxn · 23 days
i love... my wife @chiryxushi giving her so many hershey kisses this day for her to munch on
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complexcollective · 27 days
guys. if you spin her in a microwave for prolonged periods of time its like her brain nourishment. now she can continue on with her day.
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day 4: microwaved!!!!!!!
look at her. shes a little angry but its okay with this will help!!!
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kitkatscabinet · 7 months
Nothing fucks with my baby
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Simon Riley x wife reader
Summary: Simon is the Earth orbiting your sun and he'll do anything to keep you safe and happy, even if that means resorting to bloody means.
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: attempted non-con (not by Simon)
@ghosts-cyphera for you pookie, hope you enjoy!
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Eight months. It’s been eight long, tortuous months since Simon saw you in person. Eight months of living off brief Skype calls interrupted by work schedules and shitty internet cutting out mid-call, an age since he’s touched you. Since he’s breathed in your scent and cradled you against his muscular chest, since he’s tasted you. Pictures of you weren’t enough, even if you’d gifted him a set of delectable Polaroids showcasing your gorgeous body decorated with black and white lingerie.  
Long deployments had never bothered him, not until you’d become the central part of his life. Simon was the Earth, orbiting your sun reverently and fervently. He’d worship you on his knees for eternity if that’s what you desired.
His appetite for you has always been ravenous, but his need for you has been greatly nourished after months of no contact. The door to your shared home swings open with a bang, the anticipation coursing through his veins diminishing his control in a way he knows you’ll scold him for. His bag is dropped carelessly in the foyer as he stalks through the space, a man on a mission to find you. Not even the weary exhaustion after months of shit sleep and shared communal spaces would deter him from his mission. 
You’re not in your home office or the bedroom and Simon’s frustration simmers under his skin as he marches straight back out the door. It’s only the knowledge that you’ll be devastated to have missed his surprise homecoming that tempers his annoyance. 
Ghost is beyond irritated by the time he arrives at your work, not necessarily at you, he knows how seriously you take your career, it’s one of the reasons he was so drawn to you. Once some lowly private had made a snide remark about you being the breadwinner, scoffing at Simon for letting his wife ‘emasculate’ him like that. It was only Price playing damage control that kept him from a dishonourable discharge that day. He had no regrets, especially after the incident taught people to keep your name out of their mouths. 
It’s late, well past working business hours when he keys into the building using the code you’d given specially for him. So it shouldn’t surprise him how empty it is, most of the lights turned off as he made his way to your office, but Simon hadn’t survived over a decade in the military without learning to trust his gut. A distinct uneasiness settles in his body, narrowed eyes surveying the space for anything out of the ordinary as he increases his pace to get to you. 
The light in your office is on, the door is left open carelessly and gives Simon a clear view of the sight of you bent over your desk trying not to cry as a man holds a gun to your head and fumbles with your sleek dress pants. Simon thought he knew rage, but any anger he’s ever felt is drowned in comparison to the sheer righteous fury that alights his veins. 
He closes the gap in record time, red filtering out the corners of his vision and spraying over his knuckles as he rips the interloper away and viciously lays into him. Any slurred words pleading for mercy are ignored and shut down as Simon’s fist renders the man’s mouth an inoperable bloody mess. 
His arm aches furiously by the time he pulls back, chest heaving with breaths that have long since been silenced from the scumbag that now lay dead on the floor of your office. It’s the sound of your shaky sobs that pulls Simon back from the brink, immediately darting towards you, shaky hands stained with blood cradling you against his bulk gently. 
He’s vibrating with an explosive cocktail of fury, fear, outrage and relief. You press yourself tighter against his chest like you’re trying to burrow into the safety of his ribcage. Simon can’t bring himself to speak, mouth dry and tongue heavy as he buries his face into the top of your head. The silence is broken by the shaky inhales of your rattling breaths and sobs. 
All too soon you’re pulling away, even when he fights to keep you safe and sound against his chest. “Simon? What… what’s going to happen with-” You try and turn your gaze towards the corpse staining your carpet but Simon prevents you with a hand grasping your jaw, preventing you from getting a glimpse at the carnage. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head darling, I’ll take care of it. But first, let's get you home yeah?” He walks you from the building to your car with a supportive arm wrapped around your shoulders, tucking you against his side before sliding you into the passenger seat of your car. It’s a testament to how shaken you are that you don’t protest, remaining silent and clutching the hand that grasps your thigh like a lifeline. 
It doesn’t take long to tuck you into bed, wrapping you tightly in the blanket like it will protect you from the horrors of the outside world. The adrenaline had faded from your body making way for the exhaustion. Simon doesn’t leave your side until he’s sure the clutches of sleep have pulled you under, and even then, it's with extreme hesitation that he stands and leaves the bedroom, reaching for his phone to make a call. 
Luckily, you don’t wake even once in the hours that follow as he waits for news of the cleanup. He spends that time alternating between checking in on you, watching you breathe peacefully and pacing the linoleum floors that you’d insisted on. 
A single knock on the front door pulls him from the spiral of thoughts that threatened to pull him further and further into darkness. He opens the door to an unimpressed Price, who pushes his way in with Gaz and Soap trailing after. Expectantly he stares at them, watching as Price lights a cigar and takes a long drag. 
“It’s done. Did you have to make such a mess though son?” It’s an innocuous enough comment but one that raises Ghost’s hackles anyway and he shoots a venomous glare at his captain that would never have been acceptable in any other circumstances. His shoulders tense and it takes everything in him to keep his voice somewhat level. 
“That fucker laid his hands on my wife!” He inhaled shakily as he remembered what he’d almost been too slow to prevent, unable to prevent the rise of volume as he yelled at his captain, “My wife! He’s lucky I didn’t paint the room with his insides!” The baritone of his booming snarl is loud enough that even Soap flinches slightly with widened eyes. 
There’s a tense silence but his captain nods, something like approval in his gaze before his eyes slide towards the right and Simon turns just in time to witness you call his name, voice hoarse with sleep and eyes red from tears. 
He crosses the space and curls you against him in record time, nonchalantly throwing a dismissive wave towards his team who simply nod in understanding and file back outside. “Were those the boys? You didn’t have to kick them out” you murmured though Simon was already hushing you, leading you back to bed with a firm hand on the small of your back. 
“Don’t worry ‘bout them lovie, they were leavin’ anyway” he waved away your concerns, finally kicking off his shoes, trapping you in his arms and pulling you down onto the mattress. You squeak at his actions, giggling as his stubble tickles the skin of your neck. 
Despite how pent-up and desperate for your touch he is, Simon makes no move to escalate the situation, settling you in his arms and simply breathing you in. Neither of you speak about the earlier incident, not willing to shatter the peace. Though Simon lets out the occasional hum when your hands trace gentle circles over his heart, focusing on the steady beat of his pulse beneath your palm. 
Inevitably the lingering emotions of the day would have to be dealt with, but not yet, Simon would allow himself to relish in the peace just a little longer.
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csuitebitches · 8 months
Whilst you nourish your body with exercise, slow yoga, nighttime body milk, adorn it with jewellery and sultry perfume, carefully drape it with clothes that fit… don’t forget to nourish your mind. Classical music, podcasts, brain games like crosswords, sudoku, mental math, art even if you’re terrible at it, gardening even if your plants never seem to grow, cooking even if you might burn the house down - embrace learning, embrace curiosity, and enjoy your own company. Be the best wife you could be to your own self first. Care for yourself, defend yourself, grow, teach, constructively criticise yourself; be the best parent you could be to yourself.
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azure-cherie · 1 month
Some astro observations pt:4🧡
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It's been a year I have done an observations post ☠️ I hope you guys enjoy this one 💟
In case you want a reading :
Paid readings, paid readings 2 , masterlist
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🍊 Combust or retrograde Venus can be cured through worship of Devi , respecting women and general and treating yourself well . Whereas combust mercury can be cured through practicing mathematics. Combust Saturn through practicing more routines.
🍊 Rahu synastry makes you delusional true but ketu synastry is even more delusional you will feel a sense of familiarity with the person you have the synastry with but soon you will realise oh it was all play and eventually the ketu person will actually start hating the moon person .
🍊 I think purva bhadrapada is he sign of sati as when sati was born on earth to be wife of Shiva only the expansiveness of purva bhadrapada could make her realise her true potential as mahadevi herself how she's nature and everything that truly exists in the cosmos . Likewise purva bhadrapada expands their horizons to realise their true purpose . I found some purva bhadrapada prominence in her media depiction of sati as well .
🍊 Purva bhadrapada are also truly sweet and kind people who have so much intelligence but it stays hidden for the early part of their life .
🍊 Purva Ashadha as a young girl or a maiden is often envied by her peers for being pretty , use protective things as a means to protect from evil eye , PA is associated with liver and evil eye can cause bumps in the face or skin disease .
🍊 Shravana girls have the quite confidence, they're genuinely bubbly but it's hidden in the quite girl interior, they know who they are and are constantly working on themselves.
🍊 With pisces placements in a man's chart one can have a good balance between the masculine and the feminine energy, I have generally seen pisces creating a nice atmosphere for their wives or the girls they love . They enjoy cooking and also get a lot of girl friends around them who trust them .
🍊 Gemini guys in general are the most confused people though girls can be assertive or be quickly change the men are just diplomatic about everything.
🍊 Vishakha women have the tridosha of kapha , which makes them effective in transforming their body fast .
🍊 I've seen that you might attract the sign of your 7th house but mostly it doesn't work out 💀 rather the sign in your 12th house works better , the chemistry is unbeatable and they treat you so well . Even in my case Taurus is my 12th house 💀 Taurus men be spoiling me 👑
🍊 Sun moon synastry is so passive agressive
🍊 Your atmakaraka can provide you insights on which Devi you should worship , for example if mars go for some ugra Devi like Kali , Durga etc . They can prove to be your ishtha or kuldevi please note that to find one's ishtha /kuldevi more things are to be considered.
🍊 Sun in the 10th house gives one fame but makes one work hard asf , when you're at the verge of giving up that's when true fame comes in to save you being the house of Saturn .
🍊 Jupiter in 3rd makes one materialistic they were the kids that were obsessed with new toys and gadgets as it generally makes one fidgety, also they were fulfilled in their wants for toys .
🍊 Combust mars in a girls chart overworks themselves because they feel a lack of vitality, they don't know where to exactly put efforts or what to do to make themselves feel better. Combust mars in a man's chart has the delusion of being masculine when in turn they do nothing to nourish their essence , true help in this case can be attained through puja in Tuesdays of Mangal Dev or Hanuman .
🍊 Ketu and mars can give hidden anger issues and can cause anger outbursts like Taurus mars . One way to combat that is to donate blood .
🍊 Saturn in 1H should do atleast one thing they don't like to do but is Essential for them everyday as this position might show feeling inferior or uninterested in themselves the act of doing something for themselves makes them more confident.
🍊 Mercury in combust , 6th house gives skin problems .
🍊 Rohini isn't materialistic for money but for comfort .
Thank you so much for reading, have a great day/night 🧡
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monster-disaster · 12 days
Me again from the male monster and human woman ask about the monster thinking he’s going to be eaten after sex.
I had a few follow up thoughts…
Scenario #1-
Male monster is worried about his human wife not having enough nourishment during pregnancy because she did not eat him. So monster brings home tons of food to try to get her to eat more. Some foods are quite “questionable.”
Scenario #2-
Male monster’s female relatives try to kill him *comedically* because they think he’s being a horrible father/spouse for not dying for his future children/wife. The female monsters then proceed to ask the human woman how’d she’d like him prepared to eat. (Baked, boiled, roasted, fried, etc.)
The female monster relatives had yet to be informed that humans don’t kill/eat their spouses. So it’s tragically funny when the male monster introduces human woman to his large female family, as you’ve added on to.
Gods, I still love this!
Scenario #1 And imagine the poor monster's guilt every time his wife has morning sickness during pregnancy. He thinks she has a difficult pregnancy because she didn't eat him. Just one look at his husband, and she knows what's going on in his mind. Even the thought makes him nauseous. "I won't eat you!" "What about an arm?" The monster asks. He could definitely live with minus one arm. It wouldn't be a problem. Every time he says things like this his wife feels like she is in a weird horror movie. "Just stop it!" And the next second, she is bending over the toilet again.
Scenario #2 His female relatives are a bit disappointed when they see that he is still alive, but his young male cousins! He becomes a hero in their eyes! They look at him with hope shining in their eyes. "You are still alive." The monster grins, proud. "I am!" His older female cousin just grimaces. "But why?"
Scenario #3 Imagine our monster boasting about not being eaten after sex! And he tells it to anyone who listens! It's definitely a horrifying and weird experience for everyone but hey, he doesn't care, he is still alive!
And one more scenario When he meets Reader's family for the first time and sees her male relatives with their family and kids. So it's true! She really won't eat him! He grew up with females, and watching her girlfriend's male relatives fitting in the family opens a whole new world for him.
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softieekayy · 7 months
Hannibal Lecter x reader
Word count: 1.8k
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Hannibal Lecter was a stoic man with stoic impressions. He did his job, he left and he came home. Not many people knew much about him and the one who did, Will Graham, was a mystery of his own.
Having said that, there was one person who knew his entire soul, for their souls were entangled with each other. Hannibal’s wife. She knew him and his antics like the back of her hand. It was to be expected, especially since they’ve known eachother since Hannibal was a young man in medical school and her a young teenage girl with a crush on him. He never entertained it through, no, he always taught her things that she found useful later in life. It was fate who decided that they would spend the rest of their lives together.
Hannibal would do anything for his wife, she was his sun, moon and entire universe. He worshiped the floor she walked on. Not to mention that the young Mrs. Lecter was a beautiful woman with shiny hair and satin like skin. She was ethereal and people often thought she was an angel posing as one of their kind simply because of her beauty. Her beauty didn’t end physically, not at all. The young woman was a saint. She wouldn't hurt a fly, in fact, she would nourish it and then set it free.
“Why is he so hard to cut up!” (Y/n) whined to her husband, stomping down her expensively clad feet in a tantrum, blood seeping into her satin, champagne coloured shirt, staining the material. In one hand she held a butcher's knife with blood coating it, the body beneath her indicating the frustration she very obviously felt.
“Well, darling” Hannibal grunted, “cutting people with knives like this isn’t easy.”
“Yeah I see that now, my love.” She muttered back, reverting to her former position on her knees and hacking away at Mr. Zaine Lammer’s arm. A disgusting man he was, objectifying Hannibal’s wife to him. The dinner the couple held was for charity. Just because they killed people didn’t mean they were monsters. (Y/n) still loved and cared about children and would never harm them, they can be tuned and molded into anything you’d like. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for adults.
Hannibal looked over to his, completely entranced by the pure and utter annoyance on her face. She knew Hannibal killed, it wasn’t a secret to her. She’s helped with the crimes. However, (Y/n) preferred the killing and setting up the scene part, she did not like the hacking away at the body. No, she left that to her dear husband to do. Not that Hannibal minded. He’d prefer for her to not get touched by the blood of filth.
“Ugh. I give up. I can’t do this anymore.” The young woman stated, throwing her hands up in exasperation. Hannibal laughed at his wife’s reaction, making her glare at him.
“Don’t laugh at me Hans!” She told him, a small smile threatening to break out on her face. Hannibal looked at her, not saying anything but rather just observing. His wife was the most beautiful lady to have ever walked the earth. An angel that was put amongst sinners. He put down his knife and walked over to her, putting one arm around her waist and tugging her closer to his body, her hands resting on his chest.
“Hi.” She whispered softly with an equally soft smile gracing her face.
“Hello.” Hannibal whispered back, leaning down to steal a quick kiss from his wife.
He remembers meeting her like yesterday. She was a young little thing, younger than him, about 8-9 years or so. Yet when Hannibal saw her, she was the most beautiful person he’d ever set eyes on. The young woman had just been coming into the book store, soaked from the rain outside, hair sticking to her face and yet she still had a smile painted on her dark red lips. Hannibal watched her as she greeted the older man who ran the shop warmly before shedding her coat to let it hang. She turned around and caught Hannibal staring yet she gave him a smile too. Her quick movements reminded Hannibal of a cat, yet when he looked into her eyes for a brief moment, he saw his own reflection.
“I’ve never seen you around here.” She tells him, running her fingers across the spines of books before pulling one out. It was an old book with a forest green cover.
“I don’t live here, I’m just here to visit my aunt.” Hannibal didn’t tell her that Lady Murasaki was long dead and that he was just here to visit her grave. His aunt was a crucial part of his life, she shaped him into the man he is today.
The young woman nodded in acknowledgment, her hair moving along with it.
“Well it’s nice to meet you..” She trailed off, waiting for Hannibal to introduce himself.
“Hannibal lecter.” The older man introduced himself, shaking her hand gently. It was as soft as she looked. In return (Y/n) introduced herself. The two grabbed their books and spoke about everything and anything. Hannibal learned that she went to medical school here and frequented this bookstore often, hence her close relationship with the owner. Hannibal told her of Lady Murasaki and how he’s in charge of keeping her home. Before they knew it, time had passed and it was the dead of night, Hannibal walked her home and from there it took them to now. A married couple.
“We should really clean up.” (Y/n) grimaced, pulling away from Hannibal’s embrace to look at the mess on the floor. Hannibal agreed with her, the blood won’t come out easily if it’s been too long.
Hannibal pulled away from the embrace and went back to chopping up the man while his wife began to mix the solutions for cleaning.
Within another hour or so they were done. (Y/n) stood at the entrance of the basement with her hands over her hips, heaving lightly from all the scrubbing she did. Her once neatly done hair was now falling out of its place messily. Hannibal disposed of the meat in the freezer before walking back to his wife and kissing her on the side of her head, gently leading her upstairs with his hand on the small of her back.
“With all that leftover meat, we ought to have another dinner party. There’s only so much we alone can eat.” (Y/n) grumbled to Hannibal as they both reached the first floor of their home. She walked into the kitchen and took out two wine glasses before pouring her and Hannibal some.
“I agree.” Hannibal nodded. “We should invite Will, Jack Crawford and Alana Bloom for dinner these days.” He finished, taking a sip of his wine, watching his wife’s stare on him harden.
“You know I don’t like her yet you keep inviting her. Don’t be surprised if she ends up as our dinner one day.” (Y/n) warns him, anger seeping through her voice. The young brunette clearly had a crush on Hannibal, everyone around her could tell. Hannibal used that crush to manipulate her. His wife on the other hand, wasn't too fond of another woman making heart eyes at someone who belonged to her.
“You worry for no reason, even in death my heart will belong to you. Alana Bloom can’t match your intelligence or grace.” Hannibal comforted his wife, running his hand up and down her arm and she tucked herself closer into him. The younger woman hummed in response, taking Hannibal’s hand in her own and playing around with his fingers.
“I still don’t like her. That smug little face she makes towards me whenever you talk to her. All I can think about at that moment is how nice my hair pin would look coated in her blood.” (Y/n)‘s hand clutched tightly around Hannibal’s as she thought about Alana bloom. The brunette woman never failed to enrage Hannibal’s wife.
“She’s not worth you pretty little thoughts.” The older man told his wife, dragging his nose from the back of her neck to the side of her head, planting a living kiss. (Y/n) smiled slyly, turning her body to face him fully.
“You think me wanting to feel Alana’s blood on my hands is pretty?” She asked him, still smiling and toying with his hair. Hannibal latched his arm around her waist and pulled her atop him.
“I think everything you do is pretty.” He tells her and she hums. The two sit in silence for a while, sipping on their wine. No need for mindless chatter, being by each other's side was all that they needed. Hannibal knew that his wife would never betray him under any circumstances and she knew that Hannibal would never do anything to harm her. However they both knew that to drag attention away from one another, they may need to harm each other. It wasn’t a pleasant thought, it ripped Hannibal’s heart apart to even think about hurting his pretty little wife. His pretty wife with doe eyes. His pretty wife with a sinister smile. The two were a match in every sense possible, both hunters who enjoyed the art of killing. They were skilled and under Hannibal’s expertise and care, his young wife went from an amateur to someone just as talented as Hannibal.
“It's getting late, moonshine.” Hannibal uttered into her hair, nosing her hairline. She was wrapped around him, like a cat. Hannibal thought that if reincarnation was real then his wife must’ve been a cat in her past life.
“Yes, honey, I know. However there are no plans set in place for tomorrow.” She grinned, turning around and crawling onto him fully now. Hannibal held his wife by the waist, grinning.
“Are you suggesting we stay up late tonight Mrs. Lecter?” He asked her, caressing her hair. The two smiled like a lovesick teen age couple. So in love that it made others sick. Jack Crawford was one of them, he’d known the famous Mrs. Lecter since he’d met Hannibal.
“Yes I am. In fact, I’m suggesting that we go out for some ice cream.” She tells him, running a finger down the buttons of his shirt. Hannibal gasps in faux shock.
“Scandalous. You’re so very scandalous.” He tells her, shaking his head in disappointment. They both know it’s just an act anyway, Hannibal would bend over back wards for her. (Y/n) giggled before getting up and grabbing her coat. She waited for Hannibal to join her giddily, like a child who had far too much sugar.
“Shall we go?” Hannibal asked her, offering his arm for her to hold. (Y/n)’s hand softly tucked itself into the crook of Hannibal's arm as they headed out. Into the dark of the night, like wolves hunting for prey.
Tagging my lovelies: @jake-g-lockley @shawty-writes-a-little <3
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apollodarling-writes · 7 months
Yander levi ackerman with fam reader pregnant headcanons I need this 😊
yandere! levi ackerman with a pregnant reader hcs
cws: soft levi, stockholm syndrome, fem! reader
— the moment yandere! levi finds out youre pregnant it’s over… and by that i mean he completely switches up his act. what once was forceful and heavy touches now becomes featherlight and hesitant.
— yandere! levi would take time off no matter the cost (keeping his odm gear just in case) and will return home to cater to your every need.
— oh, you need to use the bathroom? here, let him help you up! you’re hungry? hes already making your favorite food. late night cravings? hes whipping something up for you right now.
— yandere! levi will also force you to take vitamins so you and your baby are healthy. there will be no more skipping meals out of anger, no more defiance, nothing. you and your baby need to be healthy. even if you bite the rest of his fingers off, he will make sure you’re properly nourished. you’ve been good for him lately though, so he doesn’t think he’ll have to worry about that.
— yandere! levi is already decorating the spare room for the baby, consulting for everything. what colors are you thinking about for the nursery? which blankets you think the baby will like? are the blankets soft enough? are three dressers enough baby clothes? he got both boy and girl clothes in every style he could find to make sure you could switch up the aesthetic if you feel like it too!
— yandere! levi loooves rubbing your pregnant belly. he often wonders if the baby can feel the love he has for them this way. he also puts his ear up to your tummy and presses gentle kisses to it, murmuring how much he loves you and your mommy and how nice you’ll have it.
— yandere! levi will gently lift the bottom of your tummy once it gets big to take some of the weight off of your hips and back too!
-yandere! levi wants you comfortable, so he’ll make the bed around you more comfortable with blankets. levi will also massage your back and rub your feet once they start hurting. anything for his lovely wife!
— yandere! levi would be a wonderful dad too. he wants only the best for his family and will accept nothing less!
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HE CAME IN 20 PULLS……………….. ……… ….. …. . … …. .. .. . . … . .. . .. . . . TRULY YASaSHii OF YOu, GOOD SiR 😭
***Crowley Groovy, chibi sprite, lesson lines, and vignette spoilers below the cut!***
Unfortunately, we do not get any more details on his profile. It’s the same as the profile he had before the update. Age and birthplace unknown, 185 cm tall, favorite food is wild game, and his hobby is vacationing.
SDFHEGYOGYFQEN;jkhaCWIDODB A LOT OF CROWLEY'S LINES ARE VERY CHILDISH OR GOOFY... Like he has one where he complains about Grim eating his snacks, tells on students who are sleeping in class, and gets distracted by shiny objects (which, I guess, is par for the course for a crow).
Crowley cannot attend Alchemy class and does not have Chats. His Buddies are Deuce, Vil, and Grim (with Grim being his Duo Magic partner). Deuce and Vil are interesting choices, I wonder why those two in particular... (Some friends and I were memeing earlier about how "all those characters have single parents so Crowley must be a single parent" and, "Vil is the Evil Queen and Meleanor is a princess of evil", etc.) Crowley can, however, attend the other lessons and it’s every bit as awkward as you think it is. (He has a pre-lesson line where he expresses surprise taht he has to do homework 🤡)
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THE CROWLEY DOPPLEGANGER ALLEGATIONS ARE TRUE 💀 He can just straight up run into a clone of himself during lessons… THE DEVS KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING, they even goofily have Crowley say, “Oh! Hello, me!” while the other Crowley is in class for the special lesson… THEY KNEW HOW DUMB THIS WOULD BE 😭 (The dialogue states the Crowley that barges into class is a magical projection…?)
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Here are some of his chibi sprites, as well as his Groovy candy. Crowley is not only very yasashii, but also very cute!!
He does, in fact, have vignettes but they are unvoiced. The first part is him running an assembly with the dorm leaders present. Crowley discusses the health of an adolescent apple tree in the school's courtyard, and no one seems to be interested in his speech. Malleus barges in late and, in a fit of anger at having not been invited, starts unleashing lightning. Wow, just like how Meleanor shoots lightning at Lilia... Like husband, like wife/j Everyone retires to their dorms, leaving Crowley to deal with an upset Malleus. The second part features Crowley having lunch with the other staff members (Sam included!). Each staff member is eating something different (Vargas is of course having eggs), and Crowley is revealed to have a great appetite in spite of his age. Crewel and Trein wonder how many decades old Crowley is, since he was apparently still headmaster when Crewel was a student and when Trein started teaching at NRC. Finally, Crowley is walking down main street and spots Yuu, Grim, and some mob students skipping class… so he uses his Lash of Love to discipline them! He binds everyone together and proceeds to drag them back to class. (It was surprising, we haven’t seen the Lash of Love since like… what, the prologue? I almost forgot about it.) Crowley alludes to the fact that even though the students joke about him, he is actually a very powerful mage that shouldn't be taken lightly, you know?? The vignettes end with Crowley referring to his students as "apple trees" that he is nourishing and watching over as they grow, which rounds us nicely back to the apple tree he mentioned in his first vignette.
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It’s so pretty AaAAaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaAaaAHHHHH 🥺 His grotesquely detailed hand reaching out to the viewer, who appears to be awaking from within a coffin… and do I have to mention the parallel between Crowley here and the mysterious hand that is offered to us in the mirror at the very beginning of the game????? Which could imply that Crowley is beckoning/summoning us into another world... The dim room, light spilling onto the Mirror of Darkness… So atmospheric!! If Crowley knows how to do one thing well and consistently, it’s drama~ The Groovy totally reminds me a lot of the prologue when Crowley tells Yuu to go before the mirror to get sorted. Omg guys... He's posted like Masquerade Malleus/j
One detail I super appreciate in this illustration is that you can see the dorm leaders in the background! If you squint, you’ll realize that there are 5 of them posing exactly like how they are in the following promotional artwork:
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The one without a matching pose is Idia, who is present via his tablet. Though… I feel like we’re forgetting something 🤔 … Eh, I’m sure it’s nothing, nothing at allllllllll~
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vedicwhore · 1 month
Nakshatras in relationship observations pt1🫣🫣
Mula tend to self sabotage and can be very destructive a lot in relationships being able to uproot and get rid of partners very suddenly and abruptly but when committed they stay to your side like dogs and are very loyal
Ex. Denzel Washington has been married for 38 years with heavy mula prominence.
Bharanis can be very intensely passionate as if they were going to die almost. In dushtana houses this can bring sexual abuse even. This can make impulsive sexual situations occur. There love language could be physical touch.
Swatis want to be everywhere at once if there partner prevents them to do so they will feel like a caged bird there can be a prominent factor of having problems in relationships because of you always being away doing work, socializing, juggling 3 other things. Rahus involvement will leave your partners intrigued but confused you can be best partner at the most intense level and next you will be gone being next person somewhere else.
Anuradhas have the hardest time in heartbreaks and can experience many. They can start to feel like last choice and be in several love triangles. But they will be one you remember and hold dear or a long period of time. Saturn being its nakshatra lord. It’s suggested to find partner later. There partners can become obsessed and over protective.
Uttaraashada are the most nonchalant towards love. To them it’s almost as if it’s not necessary they can subdue long periods of being single almost without notice. They tend to like things that help with there status/reputation people that can fit they’re “ brand”. Also having very public relationships with famous figures or a famous relationship.
Magha subconsciously very early on thinks family life with partners and if it aligns with there family lineage and its future. They would want respectable partners with from respectful backgrounds. They can have many relationships but take very few seriously as many do not meet there standards of what the best mother/wife should be or husband/father. In their mind they cannot share the throne with just anyone.
Pushya tend to be the most emotionally intelligent and rational in relationships creating a peaceful and nourishing setting in relationships with its stability from saturn rulership. They will be familial in a traditional sense. Can bring emotional balance and comfort to partners lives.
Uttara bhadaprada can have fairytale like love with its mystical combination of Jupiter and Saturn and Venus being exalted in Pisces. It can feel like most experiences with them is dreamlike. Going on the best of dates. Getting to know others in the most intimate but passionate way. Dream girl feeling
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months
Just Like Dad (3 of 4)
Content & Warnings: referenced military career, domestic fluff
Word Count: 804
A/N: Part of the Imagines & What If Series
Soap stumbles through an explanation when faced with a barrage of questions.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // just like dad masterlist
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Johnny is a firecracker. The spark from struck flint.
He dives in headfirst, charges forward, his actions led by his head and his heart. Johnny might be high-strung at times. Rambunctious and eager. Sometimes he’s stubborn when it comes to people and things he cares about.
All of that is true. And all of it is also reflected in his six-year-old daughter.
The two of them stand in the middle of the kitchen. Johnny has his hands on his hips. His daughter mimics his movements, forcing all her attitude into it, even adding a single arched eyebrow. Johnny would laugh but he’s trying to be serious.
She looks so much like her mother it’s startling.
He’s trying to keep his demeanor calm under the barrage of questions about his job. His daughter is a curious creature. She wants to know everything, oftentimes asking so many questions at once they start to run together.
Usually, Johnny is indulgent. He loves nourishing that curiosity. But right now, that curiosity is treading on dangerous territory. Of everything Johnny is protective of, it’s his daughter. But more than that, it’s to protect her from the realities of his career.
It isn’t pretty. It isn’t clean.
And she’s asking endless questions. So many that they’re melting together, pushing him toward every bad mission and terrible death.
“That’s not one of the questions,” he replies cooly, nodding toward the piece of paper resting on the kitchen table.
It’s a questionnaire. One the school sends that has her basic interests along with information about family. She’ll use it for projects and to make connections with classmates. It’s a standard thing, something sent out early in the schoolyear as a form of introduction.
His daughter stands mute. Unmoving. She’s trying to be tough, and while it makes his heart warm with pride, it’s also incredibly frustrating.
“I’ll answer the questions on your paper. Nothing more.” Johnny is setting a boundary because it’s all he can do. He won’t lie to her, but he’s not going to swim through rough waters.
Her bottom lip pops out in a pout and Johnny sighs, crossing his arms. “Why do you want to know so bad?”
She takes a deep breath, shoulders softening. “Because I want to be like you when I grow up.”
Because I want to be like you when I grow up.
The automatic response is “no.” That isn’t what she wants or will ever want. All she knows are the friendly faces, of how Simon’s mask is way too big for her head, or Price’s hugs which she loves more than anything.
Those are not the realities. Those are soft things. Pieces that keep her satiated.
“Why do you want to be like me?” he asks slowly, chest slightly tight with dread.
“Why not?” she shrugs, as if that is a perfectly logical stance.
Where is his wife when he needs you? You would help. You would distract and move her on to something else so that Johnny doesn’t have to flounder under all these questions. She came like a fury of rapidly popping fireworks, peppering him until she finally ended her chatter with wide eyes and heaving chest.
Why not?
Because there are dark tendrils that cling to him that won’t let go. She doesn’t need those. She shouldn’t have to carry those burdens with her everywhere.
There is no reason to crush her dreams. There is no reason to smack this idealism down. Not yet. When she’s older, Johnny can be clearer, he can be more upfront about the toll this line of work has taken on him.
Sighing, he walks up to the kitchen table, picking up her sparkly purple pencil. It is rough against his fingertips as he bends at the waist to peer at the questionnaire. She stands next to him, watching intently, leaning on an elbow, peering over his arm as he starts to fill out information on the page.
Johnny takes his time. He is truthful in his answers. He is part of The Special Air Service. He runs covert missions. He vaguely lists out what a day might look like for him when he’s not deployed. His daughter watches on, saying nothing.
 But there is no snarky comment or attitude that he usually expects from her.
“Thank you, Daddy,” is all she says, neatly folding the paper in half to stuff into her schoolbag. Johnny offers her the glittery purple pencil and she takes that too.
He bends at the knees, getting on her level. “Want to help me start dinner?”
“Yes!” she beams.
“Grab a chair,” he says, nodding toward the dining table.
She drags it across the floor, pushing it up against the bottom cabinets. She turns, smile wide, hands clasped eagerly in front of her.
This is the distraction he needs.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth @miaraei @coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @unhinged-reader-36 @pearljamislife @miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @pertinentpostmortem @enfppuff @berarenado @saoirse06 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @thewulf @hayleybarnesx @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos @enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67 @jade1605 @contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe @jaggersinclair
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suguruplsr · 6 months
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That boy is mine
featuring.. Shidou Ryusei
✰ ✰ ✰ Everyone knows that the oh so famous footballer has had many women in his bed, despite his uh.., wild, behavior. But all that had shut down when he met his, now, assertive and successful girlfriend, (wife). Unfortunately, there’s a few people that just don’t understand the saying, “my man.” Good thing your boyfriend likes it when you’re a bit worked up.
,, x fem reader , slight jealousy , party setting , dirty talk w/ sensual moments + groping , light public sex (implied people know it’s happening) , fucks u in a garage on his car , pussy eating , light clit play , male masturbation , suffocating (briefly)
↬ 1K Event Masterlist
wc: 2.5k+
- divider @/benkeibear
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The party was bustling with people coming in and dancing to their hearts content. which of course meant you had to greet hundreds of people as they came to congratulate you, the CEO of your company and an upcoming millionaire. with a hair care line and salons that have helped many people with their hair, keeping it healthy and nourished, over the past few years, you’ve able to build over one-hundred salons from your own hard work and dedication.
and of course, your loving pro soccer player boyfriend decided to throw one big ass party for you at one big ass mansion he rented for the time being. and you love him. you really do. but it’s just so frustrating seeing him flaunt around with his good looks, not bothering to correct the woman who get too comfortable with him. not saying that he doesn’t. he’s just less.. watchful? about it, compared to you. he won’t hesitate to shrug them off, but any compliments and giggles boosts his ego.
much to your dismay.
finally able to get away from the stale area around big double doors, you head towards the table filled with drinks, passing by a few people whom you can’t remember and brushing off their hey’s. you’ll just lead them to believe the loud, and frankly, shitty, music to have clogged your ears. you grab a wine cup filled with lemonade, thanking the worker beside it before bracing for the large crowd that was in the living room.
could they be anymore clingy? you think, with disgust of course. you were greeted with the sight of ryusei raising a toast, loud and proud with a grin while there were people who, tried, to touch up on those muscular arms of his.
maybe you could pay off everyone to not talk about you hitting someone with a wine glass..
you shake away the mildly disturbing intrusive thought, “and of course, this one goes to the cute woman who stole my heart.” you see him flashing his silly smile towards you, making one of your own form and dissipate the heavy feeling in your heart. you raise your glass up with him, making everyone fall suite with aw’s and praises of their own.
“you sure know how to draw a crowd.” you walk over to him, giving him a quick peck on his lips that he chased after, but clicking his tongue, clearly displeased with your swiftness. “yea, gotta keep em’ happy~” he drawls, looking at you as he takes a sip of his beer. you believe his words, especially with how attractive he looks in his black low cut button-up, with a pair of matching black slacks that he’ll probably complain about being too tight later. along with his sleeves rolled up, veins peeking out lightly. busy admiring him, you step closer, feeling the signature movement of his arm wrapping around your shoulder.
and his cologne smells good. not that surprising considering he only wears the ones you buy for him.
but fuck, no wonder they wanted your man.
“ya done?” ryusei’s fingers slid under your neck, lifting your head up to his, and you hum, fiddling with his buttons, dragging a hand along the open area of his chest. “not yet.” you flirt, making him chuckle, guiding you towards the long couch. you two sat at the end of it, placing your drinks on the counter right beside it, both of you finally away from the party goers. and you decide to bask in your tiny moment with him, you really needed it if anything. “oh look at youu. gorgeous ♡!” ryusei pulls your legs over his as you giggle, pulling yourself onto his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“baby cmon, s’just a dress.” you sigh. you chose something simple, really, too busy focusing on doing your hair only to find out it wouldn’t match your previous outfit like you hoped it would. so you opted for a cute little metallic dress with a matching pair of silver heels. heels you already want to take off. “nah. it’s not just a dress..” ryusei trails off, pink eyes shamelessly stuck on the dip of your cleavage. “uh huh. eyes up here big boy. maybe you can can take it off later.” you smack his chest lightly, making him groan with a little pout, leaning down and stealing your lips.
“gonna get me hard if ya keep talkin’ like that baby.” he huffs against your lips, and trailing his hands around the curve of your waist, groping it. “maybe that’s the point hun.” but you pull away, grinning at the sight of him all riled up, giving your plump thigh a slap, “you playin’ with me t’night sweetie?” and you only give a sound of amusement, adjusting so you can feel around his pockets. you made sure to graze your fingers around the ever growing bulge, “you still got my lip gloss ryu?”
ryusei scoffs, biting back his complaint and playing into your teasing. “yea, on your right.” and you pull out the tube with a grin, placing a kiss on his lips. “thank you. do it f’me?” he eagerly takes the lip gloss as you wipe away the gloss on his lips that transferred from yours. “course’ baby. anything f’you.” notice the lower octave of his voice, as if he’s way more tame that usual. and you almost fear for yourself as he holds your chin gently, fixing you up in a well practiced way that came from him sporadically deciding to learn how to do your little makeup routine months ago.
you two get lost in your little conversation about the strawberry scent of your lips gloss, giving each other soft touches and sharing your drinks. “c’mon sweetheart~ s’ the closest thing ta’ kissin’ those pretty lips of yours.” and you smack ryusei’s chest for the nth time that night, “and if you eat it, it’s gonna be the closest thing to your death, antenna head!” and ryusei raised a brow, putting his beer on the counter, “eh? you wanna act like that itoshi now? might hafta’ teach ya how to be nice..” and you smile, placing a kiss on his chin as he grips your waist tighter.
you’d love to make joke about his crush on rin’s brother, but you two get interrupted by a shrilly voice, “ryusei!! oh my god! it’s been—“ “it’s shidou.” ryusei clicks his tounge, mood obviously dampened as some girl slides beside him on the couch, ignoring your presence, but saying hello and every word under the sun in that annoying voice of hers towards ryusei. “wait- hold up. who are you again?” you narrow your eyes, looking at the girl expectantly, making her look at you as if, you, interrupted her conversation.
if anything, a one-sided conversation. but you’ll save that joke for later.
“oh im just a friend, but anyway—“ “anyways. im busy with my girl. so could you back the hell off?” ryusei rolls his eyes, leaning back and intertwining one of his hands with yours as you wrap a hand around his neck. maybe you felt a bit possessive tonight. but you knew tonight was just not the night to have any annoyances or anything mess with your mood. “oh, i thought she was just one of your little girlfriends.. y’know how you are..” she purrs, glancing over to you.
it took every minuscule bone in your body to not reach over and slap that disgusting look off her face. “you mean how he was? you know, i’d say you could come back after you correct yourself, but considering your invitation was clearly a mistake, you should go. unless you really wanna know how he is now?” your sweet voice was laced with an obvious annoyance, pretty acrylic nails running along ryusei’s neck. you don’t even notice the trance-like look in his eyes, darker and focused on you. the girl looked upset, looking over to him for help, gaining not a single drop of attention in response.
“tsk, i’ll be on my way then.” she shrugs, and you smile, waving and quickly pulling ryusei into a kiss the second she gives one last glance. and he kisses you like he’s fighting your lips, biting your bottom one and stealing away your breath. you two could care less about any other eyes that could possibly be on you two, staring at each other hungrily as you leave kisses around each others lips, holding onto each other as if you’ll pull away. “fuck. you’re so hot like this. all fuckin’ worked up n’ shit. you jealous baby?” he says, voice all breathy with need as you whine. “no. just irritated.”
and he gives you a look, not believing you. “uh huh. c’mon, gonna fuck it all away cuz’ a pretty princess like you deserves it.” ryusei grins, lifting you up while you wrap your legs around him. you feel the hot air circulating around the house brush your ass, dress riding up. “ryu~ they’re gonna see my..” you stop, embarrassed, and gesturing behind you. but he licks his lips, big hands grabbing your buttocks as he takes long strides to the garage. “shh. s’okay. they’re not gonna remember.” and you hope he’s right, hiding your face in his chest.
you swear you could’ve heard a few whistles, murmurs and questions thrown at you two, but it all disappears with a loud slam of the door. ryusei locks it before setting you on the cold metal hood of his new car, a Silver 2024 Ford Mustang. you look up at him with a disgusted look. “seriously?” “seriously.” ryusei grins, rolling up your dress and crouching down, wrapping his arms around your thighs to lock his head between your thighs.
“been wanting to fuck you on it y’know? y’r cum is the last decoration to make it look perfect~” he murmurs into your thighs, kissing and biting around your cunt. his breath ghosts your panties that were already stained with wetness after all those kisses and touches. one of your hands fall to his spiky hair, running though it while you lean back a bit. “y’r so nasty ryu. wantin’ me to cum all over. bet you’re gonna fuck me on the truck next. then make me suck you off i-in the car..” your words make him giggle into your skin, biting and licking at the fabric of your panties. “ya know me well babe. sit up, needa taste you.” and you bit your lip, listening obediently and helping him roll down your undies.
which he tucked in one of his pockets.
“gonna make you forget all about that bitch from earlier, kay? only thing y’r gonna think about is me makin’ you cum.” his confidence makes your pussy throb, nodding and pulling him up closer onto the car by his hair. ryusei groans, mouth latching to your cunt. he quickly starts lapping up your juices, not stalled by the movement of your back arching, pulling the blonde-pinkish strands harder. “mhm! wanna make you up l-lick up my cum n’ make a mess ryu..” you mewl, grinding into his face as his nails dig into the plush of your thighs.
he kisses your clit, rolling his tongue around it before aiming for your pussy and inserting his tongue. the fat muscle reaches deep in your gummy walls, his mouth agape around your pussy to suck your pussy lips. “mm, love y’r tongue ryu! always making me feel good~” you moan, and he thinks he can feel how your pussy throbs, beating with a heart of its own and clenching around his tongue.
ryusei moans into your pussy. his cock was straining in his slacks, pushing against the fabric and trying to get free. he pushes you down further on the car, pulling up from your addicting cunny. “shit, gonna cum in my pants.” he whines, adjusting you so your body was sideways. believe it or not, he does care about his windows. you smile, looking down at the bulge peeking in his pants. “s’okay ryu, touch yourself, wanna hear you moan in my pussy.” you slide closer, lower body hanging off so he could reach down to his hard cock without the car getting in the way.
“you’re too nice baby.” he smirks, giving a slap on your clit. he un-buttons his pants, cock meeting the cold air. he leans down, kissing your the neglected bud of your clit, slowly moving down to your hole that dripped down to the hood his car. “tastin’ so good.” he mutters, dipping his head lower to let his mouth suck on its comfort place.
your pussy of course.
as his tongue slides back into your hole, one of his hands grab your shaking thigh, raising it onto his shoulder while he gives his cock a few slow strokes. “ryuuu, go faster. make sure you fuck your cock at the same pace too baby~” you whimper, easing your other leg onto his shoulder. and he hums into your pussy, heat welling up inside him as his balls tighten. “yea baby? look at you, always thinkin’ about me. so cute.. fuuuck.” ryusei moans as he slurps up your cunt, thrusting his tongue consistently into your plump and goey pussy, making you whine, eyes rolling back. “um.. uh— o-oh my god. gonna cum ryu!” you cry out, feeling each hungry lap of his tongue.
you think you can even hear him swallowing.
“yea? cum on my tongue and my car. make one big ass mess f’me baby~” he purrs, moving the hand on your thigh to your clit, rolling and rubbing the bud under his finger. your squirming does little to deter him, only egging him on to fuck into his hand faster. he practically gets off to the fact he’s making you feel good. your back completely arches, pussy pushing closer to his mouth as you cum, mind blank and body full of pleasure as your thighs clamp around his face, ryusei feels a sudden rush of blood heading towards his dick. fuck, getting suffocated between the home of your thighs is a fucking miracle. the juices and globs of cum that seeped and fell to his open tongue made it even better.
hot warm cum spurts into the palm of his hand and he licks you up, his eyes rolling back with a low “fuuuck” and you two sit in your moment of high until he’s prying open your legs, a big smug look on his face as he looks at the mess you created. “good fuckin’ girl. look at you, messin’ up my car mama.” he chuckles, licking his lips and smearing his cum stained hand along your soaked thighs. making you gag and swat him away.
he helps you get away from the puddle of cum on the hood, untying your heels, which surprisingly didn’t stab him in the back at all this time. “can’t we just go home ryu? i dont wanna put those back on. plus my thighs are aching because of your big head.” you whine, hugging him and sitting your chin on his chest. he feins a look of thought as you kiss the abs that peeked through out from his shirt.
he grabs his phone his pocket, checking the time. “sorry baby, just a bit longer and then we can kick em’ out. til then.. how about we pick up where we left off, sweet cheeks?”
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ceilidho · 9 months
Every time I read about bear shifter! Price I get the urge to cook for him, so:
It’s in the beginning of his hibernation that he gets woken up by his doorbell, he probably forgot to turn it off.
Reluctantly he gets up to answer the door and is greeted with the sight of his pretty neighbor, with a bowl of hearty potato stew in her hand asking him if he wants some because she made to much (she always cooks for a small family despite living alone)
That’s how Price finds himself being fed through his hibernation by his neighbor. What a perfect wife/mate she makes :)
(At some point he probably gives her a key and tell’s her to just cook in his kitchen)
ok i really had to fan myself over this one
gruff bear shifter!Price who's been working himself to the bone trying to train the new rangers before his leave of absence. putting in 60-70 hour weeks, hardly leaving him any time to cook or clean or prep for hibernation. he hasn't even got done a quarter of the repairs around the house that he wanted to finish before slipping into the winter torpor.
groggily wakes up on the couch after a particularly rough shift. maybe he even ran into another bear (a real one) hassling a couple hikers and had to gently get them away before dealing with the other bear himself. and now he's full of cuts and bruises, his side only mending a particularly nasty gash because of his advanced healing. absolutely starving because he hasn't had a chance to cook himself any supper (and he barely had anything for lunch) only to find the sweetest thing waiting for him on his front porch with a bowl of stew and homemade sourdough bread.
and his interest just goes up and up as you continue feeding him throughout the week. perfect mate keeping his belly full, keeping him nourished after a hard day's work. keeps him company on the couch when he invites you over on the weekend and you're so grateful because otherwise you wouldn't have had anything to do, and you're shamefully a bit excited to spend more time with the hot older guy that's been your neighbour for the last six months. it's a shame that he's always so exhausted whenever you hang out, but you know how tough his job is.
you feeding him and spending time with him is confusing though. confuses his bear. it associates all those things with mate. so he can't help dragging you into his lap before passing out on the couch, leaving you befuddled and uncertain. his arms don't let you up though. they keep you pinned to his chest until he wakes back up an hour later, nuzzling the bristles of his beard over the soft skin of your neck and dragging a big palm up the inside of your thigh, seeking out the warmth between your legs even half-asleep.
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lunamoonbby · 2 months
🌺💖🎀Simon's Little House Wife🌺💖🎀
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Gif credit goes to @poohbea
Warning ⚠️: slight body insecurities on Simon's end, female reader, reader is referred to be short like 4'11 height, reader being called wifey or lovie simon is referred to as hubby, reader having a slight belly pouch, and NSFW MINORS DON'T INTERACT
Being Simon's short little house wife who enjoys cooking and baking sweets for her hubby cause he's big and needs a the nutritional food he can get.
Simon who wasn't a big fan of sweets until he tasted a cupcake from his lovie.
Simon who can't help himself to just only one plate and will eat how ever much servings as he possibly can
Lovie who has to cook for a literal army meaning the pot that can have everyone eat the same leftovers for 5 days(I'm pretty sure we all know the pot) cause her hubby has an appetite as big as him.
The pot never really having 5 day leftovers inside but only enough for lovie and hubby to have for lunch the very next day
Lovie who make sure there is always sweets around, like cake, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, pies...just baked goods in general
Simon who starts to gain a bit of weight but doesn't know until someone tells him
Wifey who enjoys seeing the weight he put on cause it was her food that did that, and Simon is much more comfortable to cuddle with since he isn't all muscle anymore and has a nice dad bod going on
Simon who did his on base medical exam finding out he gained weight cause the doctor asked if he was bulking again (doctor was afraid he was going to go from walking brick wall to a walking tank cause he's already menacing enough)
Simon who is confused and when he really sees himself that's when he notice the weight gain
Simon who comes home and eats only a little bit of food and wifey being confused as to why that's happening
Wifey asking simon what's wrong you always EAT my cooking and that looks like a snack for you
Simon who tells her his insecurities saying he gained weight and he fears that he's no longer attractive
Lovie giving him that look before saying that she knows about the weight gain and that he's still the simon she married and that he's much more comfortable to cuddle now that he's not pure muscle, and his body heat keeps her warm at night, and it swells her with pride knowing that her food is that great and that he is getting the nourishment that he needs, and that he also eats her out like a man starved leaving no crumbs behind
So with that said simon is like I want dessert first and lovie being excited cause she made a yummy peach cobbler and Simon having to tell her not that kind of dessert but I will have me a piece of that cobbler when I'm done with you and my dinner
Lovie not being able to wait anymore goes in the living room lies down on the couch and lifts the skirt part of her dress up and removes her panties so Simon can get to eating which he does until reader has to push him away and squeeze her thighs together like she's gonna crush his skull
Simon who is content with his life
Lovie who brought in a batch of cupcakes for 141 cause it was prices birthday and it gave her and excuse to be a little baker
Soap saying that his LT's wife looks like a milf cause the sundress + belly pouch = mom bod and she also mothers the 141 and ghost reprimanding soap
141 getting a taste of lovies cupcakes and everyone telling ghost that they can see why he gained weight cause his lovie just makes really delicious food
Wifey who is like say all what you want about my hubby but I love him just the way he is, he looks even more grizzly, he knows exactly how to satisfy me and I love my walking tank he makes my size kink go brrr and he keeps me very warm when it's cold just like a bear and she just starts singing cuffing season by SZA
Simon bringing his wife in for a hug cause his wife is his hype woman and he can't get over how loving she is
141 wanting to have a wife like Simon's cause they're all jealous of the treatment simon is getting from his wife
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angllqvr · 3 months
hannibal is the greatest “these two characters don’t need to kiss in order to be in love with each other” piece of media ever because did we not watch the same show?? the subtext???
“could he daily feel a stab of hunger and find nourishment at the very sight of you? yes.” THAT WAS LITERALLY A CONFESSION IN OF ITSELF. from bedelia none the less, but still.
“is your wife aware of how intimately you know hannibal?” + the comment bedelia made about BOTH of them being hannibal’s bride.
not to mention hannibal quite literally turning himself in so will would always know where to find him, he knew will would come back to him.
also carrying his ass MILES through the snow, bridal style. bc that is such a normal thing to do for your totally platonic bff who’s equally as crazy as you
yeah, they totally aren’t in love! ( i am SICK ) and hannigram deniers are insane
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azure-cherie · 6 months
☀︎︎𝑃𝐴𝐶 : 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ☀︎︎
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Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
Hey there guys , I hope y'all are having a lovely time so for this PAC
THE CONCEPT is in this pile i call upon one of your ancestors to narrate a story from their life so that you can learn something from it or just get the Ancestral tea ☕ .
Reblogs and feedback are highly appreciated !!!!
Want a personal reading: Paid readings , Paid readings 2
Choose using your intuition, you can choose multiple and take what resonates and leave the rest . Since this is a general reading take what resonates and leave the rest .
Pile 1 :
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My dear pile 1 , i hope you're doing well
Some charms for confirmations and messages: Maple leaf , moon , bicycle , trumpet , tortoise, panther , yantra symbol , peacock , camel , flower wings , infinity symbol, clown , lantern. Some numbers : might be age , year or era ; 5,1,6,5,7 ; some initials : K , L , I , Q .
Who will I be channeling : The Empress card they could be a very nourishing female who was well regarded in their family , they were a queen , princess , authority , they married rich . They were really a successful and kind women
They want to tell you a story about : Strength , how they were courageous
Once upon a time in your ancestry , born in either Mongolian , Chinese , French or Italian roots , your ancestors were regarded as inventors of something creative , they liked romance a lot , they wanted to keep the fire in themselves alive , they could be cavemen and drew various types of architectural plans , for some buildings , could be of Moroccan descent , you had a very big family , the head of the family was a very nice man , your ancestor was the head of the family as well , as the wife of your male ancestor , she also was a very creative person , made antiques and stored them , was regarded as one of the bad bitches of that era, and everyone wanted to marry her , though she broke many hearts she married your male ancestor , they lived really happily until there was some , war in your place and some things were burned down in your place or in your home , the fire could be symbolic as well , they were left with no choice then to sacrifice themselves . Either they sacrificed themselves or something that belongs to them . I think some of your family history also burned along with the fire , could be representative of also fury of old powerful people lurking into your family wellbeing .
Through the course of wheel of fortune ,there was a change because of a smart person in your bloodline who really finally crafted a way to rise again , this could be your ancestor herself or some other person from your family I get the vibe of the sister in law , or an aunt . Because of that you were capable , your ancestors could be into herbal medicine or Ayurveda . Your ancestors helped the poor a lot and conducted lots of charity . They either had a rabbit or a furry animal by their side , the pet was one of the legacies and the pet really protected , could be a dog as well , if cat they protected from spiritual attacks .
Your ancestors later became the leader of some organization , and they were some sort of vigilante and served everyone with justice , were one of the most powerful . One of the next generation male member sore really high and was regarded , they gave everyone a head start at creative potential , they rose again from what hurt them , they later settled in some colder place probably .
There could be some curse due to which your family went into hiding , because the son of the empress was a vigilante they rose again and built up after moving places , they brought lands and could be the family was travelling , that could mean some hippie ancestors for some of you , and it could also be someone wanted to move places , lastly your ancestor went on a spiritual journey , the empress went on a quest to find herself and was looking into a peaceful life
She wanted to tell you about this lesson of strength , that no matter what happens you should go on , also they wanted to tell you that if you want something good in life you must also leave something , to understand the value of sacrifice , despite the hardships she went on a quest , her main aim to wait was to see her family well and after she was done she was ready to leave , this story might also be about detachment .she wants to tell you that though everything is nice , if you feel you're missing something , you must go after it , and that’s how your soul will feel happy
Pile 2 :
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My dear pile 2 , hope you're doing well
Some charms for confirmations and messages: Fox , mermaid tail , shell, angel, coconut tree , crescent moon , sun , kangaroo, wine bottle . Some numbers : might be age , year or era ; 7,2,9,2 ; some initials : R,U,O.
Who will I be channeling : Ace of swords ,could be a warrior , they were really courageous , free thinker .
They want to tell you a story about : Page of coins , of abundance of a bright future
Once upon a time there was a break in your family because of lot of disagreements , everyone fought each other or just left their own ways , this could be about middle eastern , desert areas , ancient India , Mediterranean , there was lot of conquest , here comes about your grandmother or just a women in your family who was a psychic , she wanted everyone to be together , that lead to the family coming back together because she made everyone thinking she was sick , they later came to know she wasn’t ,
She realized there was someone was casting a spell for your family to break apart , your ancestor already had the vibe , and they worked hard to let it into their heads , might have conducted an uncrossing spell to get rid of the damage , the spell came from a family member who was obsessed with money and wanted to keep everything to themselves , your ancestor wanted to keep everyone safe and happy , and because of their good deeds things were right , there were minor issues but because your grandmother was so observant and a psychic , the family didn’t break and was happy . They kept lot of optimism.
They wanted to tell you this because you are having self-doubts about your abilities or judging people without knowing the whole story , listen more to your intuition , you're reaching conclusions without thinking and analyzing things properly and they wanted to let you know that . I picked another card , so they tell you to take rest and not think too much .
This is actually really cool because I was about to start pile 3 but I couldn't remember the image , haha they want to tell you one more story woah , this could either be for the same group or this story might not be for you , use your intuition
This is about a situation where they had both of their hands tied , they were people putting allegations onto them and they wanted to about sometimes to get forward you'll have to lose something , you have to work hard and put all in , you shouldn’t run , things may become severe but know that youre stronger , don’t run away , you must hope for the best because only then it comes to you , being emotionally connected is a blessing , never take your own emotions for granted
They served a king or a higher authority could've worked as warriors or oracles of their place , they were considered very courageous , this could also be someone from Salem witch trials , there's lot of fire as well as witch symbolism , so I feel this could be it , they revolted a lot against the men who were capturing them . There was someone who was so in love with your ancestors and tried to save her , she tried and got away though it was painful , they came together and lived happily ever after , this story could also go about some Brazilian , Hawaiian , ancestry .
They wanted to tell you this as a sign that hope can be found even after most gut wrenching times .
Pile 3 :
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My dear pile 3 hope you're doing well
Some charms for confirmations and messages: fish , elephant, gun , cap , shell , infinity symbol, witch , cat . Some numbers : might be age , year or era ; 9,8,2 ; some initials : M, A . Please check pile 2 if you were drawn
Who will I be channeling: Knight of wands adventurous, enigmatic person
They want to tell you a story about : The Sun , of fame and dignity
Once upon a time there was someone who was a miser and wanted your ancestor to be wed off , just so they could get rid of your ancestor , they thought your ancestor was a crooked person , who wanted to be reckless all the time , they didn’t appreciate your ancestors free spirit at all , the guardian showed they were happy but they wanted to destroy the life of your ancestor , your ancestors might have been kept hostage or had an evil step parent for some of you .
Someone could have died or poisoned , the husband of your ancestor was very supportive , the guardian didn’t like it , someone might have told that to your guardian , or higher authority , only to cut the wings of your ancestor , she yet lived with happiness because she was actively practicing freedom and was loved and supported by her husband , I think she wanted to be in a higher position , in education or in the swordsmanship sector , this could go back to Europe , in the renaissance period , haha your reading is reminding me of the anime called " Arte " .
She was shown love because fate turned her life around This reminds me of " My happy marriage " (anime).
There could be a lot of jealousy shown to her by the men around, the neighbor's , but your ancestor was always rising higher , there could be someone who sabotaged her telling her that she's a bad person , she payed no mind to them , she became one of the greatest of her times , swordsman , merchant . This could also be in the education sector , they became highly educated , just saw 333 might be significant to you .
They were abundant and happy , they later became a teacher in their sector , kids loved them a lot , probably rose to nobility , were honored as a survivor and a riser .
They want to tell you this story to make you believe in the power of love , though its mostly about bravery her husband helped her get through a lot of it , she wants to show how if you take a chance in love , love can be good for you . Though her arranged marriage was scary things turned out for the better so will it turn out for you , keep the belief , I got one more card , they also wanted you to let go of your mentality that everything will go bad trust that good things will happen to you , if you hit the rock bottom you can only go higher do what you need to do
The back of the deck is Empress , how sweet is it that the pile 1 started with empress and you're finishing at it , you come from line of very powerful women who worked so much for their dreams they're always here for you just call upon them . I see 555 as I conclude can be significant for you.
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Thank you so much for reading have a great day/night 🧡
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