#providing meal for my wife
airxn · 23 days
i love... my wife @chiryxushi giving her so many hershey kisses this day for her to munch on
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trikaranos · 4 months
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TRIKARANOS is a dramatized narrative based on ancient events following Crassus (and Pompey and Caesar) through the years 87-48 BCE. Intended for an adult audience.
⭐ Trikaranos will always be free to read. In the near future, you’ll have the option to support this comic & my ability to spend time making it (I Am Extremely Fucking Broke And Have Bills To Pay etc etc) through Patreon! currently, I have a tip jar!
⭐ There is no set update schedule (chapters vary in length and will be posted as I finish working on them)
⭐ alternative places to read it (coming soon!)
CREDITS all additional art used are in the public domain, and the specific images used are open access, etc
🍊the first collage panel is combination of: Plate 113: Greeks Battling the Trojans (from Ovid's Metamorphoses), Antonio Tempesta / The Trojans pulling the wooden horse into the city, Giulio Bonasone (after Francesco Primaticcio) / Terracotta hydria displaying Achilles waiting to ambush Triolos and Polyxena 🍊the second collage panel is: The Lictors bringing Brutus the bodies of his Sons, Jacques Louis David / the paint over of Brutus executing is own sons is my own work based on the composition of this relief of Brutus and condemning his sons to death. 🍊I also used my own art: a panel from the Prologue, and my own illustration of Brutus with the bodies of his sons
📖 PREVIOUS CHAPTER | START HERE | ToC (under construction!)
UNDER THE CUT creator’s commentary, ancient citations, whatever else seems relevant. ideally, this is optional! you shouldn’t need the citations for it to make sense as it unfolds since it’s a comic and a story first and foremost, but it’s here if you’re curious about something or want to see where the inspiration is coming from!
I'm so fucking normal about Crassus and his family (<<< this is a lie)
Marcus Crassus was the son of a man who had been censor and had enjoyed a triumph; but he was reared in a small house with two brothers. His brothers were married while their parents were still alive, and all shared the same table, which seems to have been the chief reason why Crassus was temperate and moderate in his manner of life. When one of his brothers died, Crassus took the widow to wife, and had his children by her, and in these relations also he lived as well-ordered a life as any Roman.
Plutarch, Crassus
like, it actively fucks me up that this is something that's survived about him for over 2,000 years. they all ate together at the same table. Jesus Christ.
so! Crassus' dad! Publius Licinius Crassus (consul 97) fought on the side of Cn. Octavius (consul 87) in the Bellum Octavianum, and it didn't go great for him.
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Crassus: A Political Biography, B.A. Marshall
also. currently, if you look Publius Licinius Crassus up on wikipedia for an overview, his page lists his son (and also my main character for this comic) with the cognomen Dives, which is in-fucking-correct.
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Marcus Crassus and the Late Roman Republic, Allen Mason Ward
and to circle back to houses and meals shared with family, some citations that made me feel some kind of way when I read them
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Marcus Crassus and the Late Roman Republic, Allen Mason Ward
finally, there is discourse or whatever on the placement of the sons of Publius Licinius Crassus. Crassus is the baby brother here simply because I'm writing this story and I get to pick the themes, but also because no one has provided a solid enough argument for him being the second eldest son that I'm willing to buy into with enthusiasm, and I'm more inclined towards G. Sampson's conclusion on the matter.
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Defeat of Rome: Crassus, Carrhae, and the Invasion of the East, Gareth C. Sampson
and while I'm just kind of talking about stuff that I read that I enjoyed, this article by Martin Stone lives in my head rent free
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A Year of One's Own: Dating the Praetorship of Marcus Crassus, Martin Stone
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explosionkatsu · 4 months
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Unadorned Love
Human!Alastor x Waitress!F!Reader
Warning: Gore
Alastor finds you to be quite similar to his deceased mother which made him enticed to you. He couldn't help but visualize you attending to him with a cup of hot coffee instead of the random stranger who ordered it. He couldn't also help his smile widen, yet at the same moment, his heart ached when he saw you smile at the man who appeared to be flattering you.
He didn't appreciate the thought of you, going home to a male who wasn't him.
Alastor has been visiting the same cafe for almost years now. At first, he would just simply walk in, have his breakfast then depart after dining. But once you began laboring at the said cafe, he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of you. He couldn't keep his eyes on how elegant you looked just as you gracefully cater to every consumer with a smile. That softly angelic smile seemed to capture his being.
This is why Alastor now spends most of his time dining in the cafe to catch sight of you.
Finally getting out of his daze, he looked at the same menu, scrutinizing every dish he knew he tasted these past few years. Nothing changed, only a few new meals were summed up but he couldn't bring himself to order them. After finalizing what to feast for this morning, Alastor raised a hand as he tried and catch the attention of the waitress who happened to be you.
“Ah. A lovely morning, Mister Alastor.” You bowed your head while clutching the clipboard to your chest. “What have you chosen to devour this morning?” You raise a question and pull the pen out to write his order, your glossy natural pink lips forming into a gentle smile.
Alastor glanced down at your lips which you caught on before he darted at you with his eyes half-lidded. “Good morning as well, Y/n.” He spoke. “My, how numerous times do I have to inform you to call me by my name only.” He chuckled telling this.
You laughed lightly after hearing this. “Mister Alastor, you are a paying customer. Every customer must be treated with respect.” You explained smiling at him.
Hearing your laugh was the best melody he listened to. He cannot help himself but gaze at you fondly whilst his pride swells up for his ability to make you laugh. “But not every customer respects you, don't they?” He expressed. “Do you still consider they merit the respect they can't provide in return?”
“Well, I presume there is no harm in disregarding that, as long as they won't provoke any physical harm..” You drifted off as you guessed about it.
“Hm.” Alastor hummed. Oh how easy it is to control you. You were indeed destined to be his wife. “Think about it, my dear.” He continued. “If things like this ever occur, do not hesitate to reach out to me.” He spoke before fishing out his calling card to his chest pocket and handing it to you. “Now! Please add these waffles along with the eggs! And don't forget the maple syrup!”
You took his card since you guessed you were never gonna use it in any way, but an incident earned you to consider otherwise.
No. It was not concerning her job. It was something else.
You didn't quite expect the cafe to finish off this late due to a colleague who wasn't able to arrive for work due to a crisis and the number of consumers suddenly increased. You, being an understanding person as you are, stood for their shift. The 16 hours of labor was finally taking a toll on you and you didn't appreciate it. Your back was aching and your heels were weakening. This is the first time you've had a tough time stepping on 2 inches heels on your way home.
11 pm is what it says on your watch once you inspect it. You were grateful though that your boss let you take an off tomorrow since the usefulness you provided today wasn't a joke. You were already planning your day when a sudden chilling feeling ran down your spine. You sense somebody is watching you, observing you. Just pondering about this made you clutch your purse to your chest as you fearfully proceeded with strolling on your way home. It’s still a 15-minute walk which caused you to swear under your breath.
Looking behind you will do no good so you pressed on, concentrating on going home safely. But the noise behind you urged you to run, but you didn’t. Instead, with your trembling hands, you took your phone out and attempted to recollect any number you could to dial down but nothing came up. It would be a hassle for you to take your contact book out of your purse and flip through it in a situation like this.
All of a sudden, you remember the calling card you hid in your bosom. With minimal movement, you seized it out and had to squint to read in the darkness of the pavement. After successfully dialing it down, you placed your phone to your ear as you hear it ring.
Your pace is now rapid as you hear the steps behind you grow closer. You were chanting in your mind for him to please answer.
‘Finally!’ You thought. “M-mister Alastor.” You whispered getting slightly breathless.
Alastor was just finishing up after his broadcast. He thought he could use a liquor after his shift since his shadow is quenched for now which means he doesn't need to slaughter for now. Once he stood up, he took notice of his telephone ringing. ‘This late?’ He thought raising an eyebrow before proceeding to respond to it. “Hello-”
His eyes slightly widen when he hears your voice. It's you. You called him.
“M-mister Alastor.”
He immediately senses that something seems off. You were stuttering, whispering, breathless, and appeared to be terrified.
“I-i know I-it’s a bit late. But c-could you please escort m-me on my way home..”
“My darling, where are you?” Alastor muttered as calmly as he could as he gripped his telephone tightly causing his knuckles to turn white.
“I-I’m here walking alone near the- AAHH!!”
“Y/n!?” Now he was panicking. He instantly put on his ebony trench coat and fedora, fleeing his home in the middle of the woods. “Find her.” He spoke, his voice low and dark. “Keep the insolent fool alive until I arrive.”
His shadow nodded in response before finally fleeing.
When he finally arrived at the scene, his blood was raging as he gazed at the scenario in front of him.
You were half-naked, cowering to the corner of the alleyway. Your beautiful dress was ripped and torn, your hair was everywhere, and your smile wasn’t visible. He could see tears streaming down your cheeks whilst you made an effort and cover up under your thin arms.
Something snapped inside Alastor. His smile was crooked when he laid his eyes upon the drunk bastard who tried claiming you forcefully.
Before he could initiate his vengeful plan, he took off his coat and draped it on you. “My darling. Shh. You are safe now.” He whispered wrapping his arms around you and leaving a kiss on your temple. “My love, will you close your eyes and cover your ears for me? Do not open them until I said so, is that clear?”
You, looking at him with your terrified expression, nodded and did as he said.
“Such a good girl for me. You shall have a reward after this.” Alastor spoke before finally turning his eyes onto the guy who was being beaten down by his shadow.
“As for you..” Alastor smiled, his steps were gradual as he walked nearer to him. “You’ve made a great mistake of touching what’s mine.”
A cry of agony was the only noise through the night but no one appeared to hear this.
Alastor and his shadow feast on the organs of the now-dead man. The splatter of blood was everywhere when he tortured him for what he did. His intestines were shoved down his throat, his eyes were out of their sockets, and his heart was now missing, as well as his other organs. “Take care of the rest. Make sure there's no trace left behind.” He spoke before finally standing up and walking toward you whose eyes were still shut and ears covered.
Alastor carefully lifted you in his arms as he fled the scene and returned to his sanctuary where he planned on taking care of you. He was now replacing the nasty lewd kiss spread on your delicate skin and the marks that he was trying to cover with his own.
“Ma belle cheri... I shall take care of you.”
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greycaelum · 1 year
Scribbles & Doodles— Coast & Altitudes: { Meddle }
—Mafia Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis: The pressure of giving your husband an heir is surrounding you like a vice, amidst it Satoru quells your heart.
𑁍 Genre: SFW: domestic fluff, traditional arrange marriage, hints of yandere if you squint,
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (2.3k)— fertility issues, meddling in-laws, angst-comfort, domestic life, talk of pregnancy and children [tell me if I missed something] Base on THIS request.
𑁍 A/N: Hi guys~ How are you? I finally managed to crawl out of my burrow, and here's a small step out of the writer's block, I hope you like it~ —Grey,
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The clattering of plates and light chattering kept you on a constant edge. Gripping your utensils to hide the urge of hiding away from the weekly lunch with your in-laws. the food made by the family's chef tastes stale, almost like a powder on your tongue. It feels like you're going to have indigestion.
"Y/n, dear. How's the food to your liking?"
Minami, your mother-in-law smiled. Beside her Satoru's grandmother look at you with her stern eyes. Your eyes resisted the urge to look in your husband's way and answered as politely as you could.
"It's wonderful Mother." The honorific sounded so foreign it was almost unspeakable.
"That's good, here eat more. I can't have my beautiful daughter starve. You need to take care of your body or else how can I have grandchildren running around?" She lightly chuckled.
But your body only tensed at the sight of food on your plate that you could feel sweat starting to form on your temples despite the full-blast air conditioning system.
"Oh the two of you will make very beautiful babies I can't wait, right Y/n?" Satoru's grandmother added, but her eyes hold you in a rigid manner. "It's been a while since the two of you wed. Why am I still not seeing young ones?"
Make it stop. Their words repeated like a broken tape inside your head it's making your heart race. Their eyes are like daggers sheathed under their words. Perhaps their want for a child is genuine but they do not treat you no more than a broodmare.
"Don't start." It was a warning drawl. A large hand enveloped your cold palm, the callousness of the hand grounded you back to reality.
"Oh come on son your grandmother is right, it's been almost half a year. I still cannot see children running around. What's taking so long?" Minami sighed, and look at you for a long time. "Is it because you're too busy with work dear? You should focus on making a home than making more money you can't even spend."
His Grandmother added more salt to the wound, not giving you or Satoru a chance to speak.
"My grandson can provide for you Y/n, what more is there to busy yourself in this work you are raving about—"
"Mother, Madame I—" You breathe but your words died down at your husband's growl. A sense of relief and fear washed over you as he uttered the words you are desperately waiting to hear.
"Thank you for the meal. But you don't meddle with our marriage, it seems you didn't learn your lesson yet."
Satoru set down his utensils, leaving his food, and motioned for you to stand despite his mother's protest and grandmother's unforgiving gaze directed towards you. The meal is done. Another ruined meal with this neverending cycle that no one seems to end.
"Satoru." You tug your wrist from your husband's grip. He never stopped until both of you stand before his car. You could feel the shame of leaving abruptly devouring you. What would his mother say the next time you meet? "Satoru I..." You look at him but stopped at the grimness of his face.
His jaws clench, withholding the rage burning in his eyes. You could see the way he stare, so cold and ruthless that it was better to keep quiet or else you might aggravate him more. You hung your head low and took a step back but it only seem to make him angrier.
"Get inside." He opened the door to his car, closed it, and turned around to the driver seat. Motioning for the guard to open the gates as the two of you leave his mother's house.
You are reminded of what you are expected to fulfill as his wife.
To fulfill the duty of providing Gojo Satoru with his heirs as much as you could. The mere thought of it brings a shiver to your spine. A broodmare in simple words. No matter what you achieve it will never change the fact you need to give him children to satisfy the people around you. You desperately want that as well. A child to love, a child to take care of. A family with your husband even if this marriage in the first place was a matter of strengthening your yakuza clans rather than genuine love. You don't care because for once, you can finally have a family of your own.
You have a husband that takes care of you. A home that has the warmth you have been desperately praying for.
But it seems the heavens never liked to grant your wishes.
You watch Satoru's inked-covered back flex as he works his way around the kitchen, wearing only cotton shorts with a towel around his neck, fresh out of the shower. Unlike the morning he wears a suit and the holster of his gun to work, he wore almost nothing in the confines of your home. So trusting to show his scars and let you in his world.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. You've been married to this yakuza gang leader for almost six months. The callousness of his palm whenever his touch hovers on your skin reminded you he touches guns, not roses. His vivid tattoos scream danger. His rough kisses told you he isn't used to fragile things, he's rough and ruthless.
"C'mere, you haven't properly eaten lunch." He called, setting down a plate of grilled salmon and fried rice on the plate on the kitchen counter.
 It's so strange that this ruthless man everyone fears and respect for his cruelty is the only man to treat you with genuine care. It's as if the marriage wasn't borne out of contract. You watch Satoru scoop the rice for you and pour you water and after he also made his plate but before making sure you get the larger portion of the salmon he cooked.
Or perhaps it really wasn't...
Satoru is not a saint. You can count the times you saw your husband shed blood remorselessly. But for you, the ruthless yakuza leader would peel clementines with one look from your hungry eyes. Satoru is the man that if you asked him for a marble he'd give you a diamond. 
"It was negative." You started. Regretful for bringing this up when you're just enjoying each other's presence. But you were never one to hide this kind of thing from him when he has every right to know.
Satoru fell silent. He tilted his head as you slowly lean to see his reaction. He pursed his lips and continued peeling the clementines and putting them on your plate.
"Is that why you're upset enough to drown yourself with work?" Satoru effortlessly grabs your waist and put you between his open thighs, your chest pressed against his, your nose touching as he continued staring at you even at such a close distance, his gaze robbing you of precious oxygen.
You can't answer him at all. Bothered by his eyes boring into your soul, and the heat of his body leaving you flushed and squirming in his hold. It was too much to handle at once. You were opting to dive into your husband's neck, pressing yourself as close as possible as if it could help, but you didn't have the time to. He lifted your chin but never urged you to look at him when you couldn't.
Your eyes fell on the coffee that has gone cold. Satoru followed your gaze and move the mug away from your eyes until your gaze finally landed on him. There's a complicated look you cannot name whirling in Satoru's eyes that you cannot name.
"I can't have you getting sick over that baby girl." Satoru exhaled, brushing your hair out your face. Watching your lips wobble and sight off the tears in your glossy eyes. So brittle, so precious.
Pampering you with his words and touch has always been a pleasure to him. Building you up and seeing you fall apart from his touch is ecstasy for his dark heart. It's so twisted yet right at the same time knowing he's the only one you allowed into your heart to be this close.
To feel the heave of your chest against his. The way your eyes quiver under his stare. To hold your hand when your fingers start to fidget. His heart preens at the fact he's the only one who can see you like this. To have every piece of you, so close. And he would do anything to cherish you, anything. So why would his wife have such a somber face etched on her beautiful face?
"It's reasonable to question this Satoru. Everyone is asking for a child from you and me." You shake your head, still unable to meet his eye. No one really knows how your dream haunted you like a nightmare in daylight.
"I already told you, Baby. We don't need to rush. I don't want any of our family meddling with us." He sighed and paused a bit. "Can we just have time for ourselves first? I want to have you right now, just you and me Baby. I want my wife first, can we have that hmmm?" The patience his blue orbs hold is almost heartbreaking. 
Satoru looks dark and serious as he waits for your answer. This time his hand brought your palm to his cheeks while the other held your back to balance you on his thighs. It's around you that his rough edges may be a little coarse but you never complained. 
"If my family's opinions are straining you, I'm sorry-"
You shake your head vehemently. Cupping his cheeks and shushing him. Your head fell as beads of tears started falling. The way he is handling things is breaking your heart. It feels too reassuring. Too good that it's almost surreal. What did you do in your past life to even deserve a husband like him?
"I'm sorry too. For forcing this when I know we're not ready yet." You bit the insides of your lips. "You have nothing to be sorry for my selfishness 'Toru." You said quietly, shame creeping down your spine.
Satoru shushed you. Bringing the back of your palms to his lips. Pressing kisses all over your hand as he brushes the unshed tears from your lashes.
"I want a child with you too. I want to be parents with you. We will be, I promise you." Satoru stroked your head. "I just want you to know that I don't listen to people's opinions when it comes to you. This is our marriage Baby, and you will be my first all the time."
Satoru hates it. Hates it when you beat yourself up over uncontrollable things. Hates it when he sees you upset when he vowed to only make you happy by his side. Hates when you're the reason for his happiness but he's the cause of your distress.
No. It's not even him. It's the people, irrelevant people in your marriage around you.
"Even before I married you, I didn't think about our groups or the expectations of my family. I think of you... if you wanted to be my wife. If you wanted us to be a family." He kisses your palms. Your heart feels like being pinched by his confession. "I knew how much you wanted to build a family. And I wanted to be in that world you're going to have, with or without a child we're still family Baby, you and me." He licked his lower lips and tilted his head. It's as if he's probing what's in your mind. He gently kissed your tears away. Feeling your heart settling down with the assurance he laid for you.
When your mother gave birth to you, was she happy? Maybe, maybe not. You have always reminded her of a failed marriage, her nightmare. Perhaps, that's why she is desperate to keep you out of her life. Away from her, and her family.
Your eyes landed on a photo frame on your working desk. A boy and a girl, somewhere around six years old sporting the same hair as you, but their eyes are shining, filled with innocence and life. You didn't know that your family has a history of twins.
"A twins huh?" You imagined a young boy and girl with Satoru's eyes and your hair. That would be perfect.
"Madame?" Miwa interrupted your train of thought. "The Boss is here to pick you up from work."
"Already?" You picked up your bag and rushed to the elevator.
Miwa was quick to follow. You can't be more thankful for the witty and efficient girl Satoru arranged for you as your assistant.
"Been waiting for you." Satoru greeted you with his signature boyish grin, leaning on his Ducati with a helmet on his arm. His suit is replaced with an all black rider outfit.
You notice he was alone in the basement. Miwa also offered to take your bag and left the two of you alone. Satoru strode to you, adjusting the helmet on your head, taking off his biker's jacket, and wrapping it around your torso. That leaves him with his black tee shirt, hugging your husband's body like a sleeve exposing his beautiful tattoos.
"Is this safe?" You breathe.
Satoru just smirked and adjusted his gloves, helping you get on the back of his big bike as he revs up the engine, tucking the stand back.
"You just hold on to me and don't ever let go. Got it, Baby?" The engine sound made him lean over your ear and brought your hands to wrap around his waist. "Got it?"
You nodded and sigh, placing your cheek on Satoru's back. Your grip around Satoru tighten as he tore through the busy night road of Tokyo, letting the wild sound of his bike and the wind drown everything around but your body pressed close to his hot back.
Perhaps... A little more time, a time just for the two of you doesn't sound so bad after all.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby  @aeanya  @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld
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gojoshooter · 9 months
Sukuna bringin in a Hindu bride 💳💥💳💥 DO YOU SEE THE VISION???
wait wait wait I SEEE hold awn i got you
Ryomen Sukuna and his Hindu!Bride
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a/n: beyond my idea of loving this dynamic, i think this would fit so perfectly. plus that's his damn aesthetic iyk?!
It's the moment you, his pretty pretty Hindu!Bride walks down the petal aisle, Ryomen Sukuna sees the goddess of his very own eudaimonia in your ethereal beauty of jewel covered figure. Holding a garland as if reins to his power.
Hindu!Bride who addresses him as “Swami” which means 'master of self' (master, in general) —he's enthralled. Way to fuel your husband I guess.
Husband!Sukuna learns the word “Ardhangini” is how a husband calls his wife, connoting 'the better half' of him.
“Indeed you are” Sukuna coos internally, looking at his beautiful wife who touches his feet gently as a sign of respect and humility, to seek his blessings.
His grinch little heart would flutter at the sight of his woman blushing about the smallest of his acts, or whenever he complies to your request, big tender fingers putting vermillion on her parted hairline—the very sign of her wifehood.
Husband!Sukuna never liked a cooked meal; he used to eat the raw flesh each day, until enters his new wife in the godforsaken scullery. It's a first that a queen enters the kitchen to serve, first time he tasted something entirely different to his taste... saporous, still ended up liking it. There are a lot of firsts he experiences with you by his side.
“Not... bad” he grumbles, his lips betraying and twitching into a slight grin. Delicious... he thinks, because Sukuna can get used to this flavour rich meal already. Just how perfect can his little Miss perfect get?
Husband!Sukuna who allows you to put pretty earings on him, he'd spend a little more time looking at himself in the mirror. Maybe he loves your compliments too much.
But nothing parallels his Hindu!Bride clad in golden jewelleries head to toe. Your long hair and the forehead, honey toned face, the arms and wrists, your plump waist and even your lotus like feet... that all makes him a poet whose favourite genre is your jewelled guise.
Maybe that's why he calls you a treasure. His treasure. There's a sort of pride filling his chest when he walks with you with the way you dress; you need high maintenance and lot of care that no man but he can provide.
And their goes a saying that a woman acts like a mom to the one in love with—that's so true with you and your Husband!Sukuna cause you literally baby him whenever the chance. Feeding him the first bite with your henna decorated pretty palm, he loves that so much. Likes the smell it adds to whatever you make him eat.
But can you blame yourself? He is a baby. A sulky big baby at that. Sulking when he finds his other side of the bed empty, sulking when you leave his chambers without permission, sulking cause you were too busy to give him kisses or just purely to get your attention.
He makes sure you see him sulk.
It's just you who can walk in on him when he's throwing and thrashing things around in rage—unaffected. Everyone in this palace knows that's a privilege only you get, because you're his only one.
No one dares hold his face and look him in the eyes like his Hindu!Bride. No one dares order him to “calm the fuck down” like his queen. Literally none in the three worlds would cradle the big soft-haired head of the King of Curses in their lap to tell him he's a grumpy little child.
That's how it has always been between you two, completing and fitting each other's pieces like Yin & Yang. You couldn't be happier anywhere out of this trance of love you're in for him and he couldn't even imagine to successfully manage a day without his treasure. There couldn't have been a better pair, never could have he met a woman to match his devotion for her.
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PART 2 !
TAGS: @anubisisthebomb @dianagracesworld @stellagrangerreads12 @momochina-sama @xxkay15xx @whodoesthatanymore @heresan @nanamikentoseyebags @4sat0ruu
been thinking abt @xxnghtclls 's fic Permission & this ♡
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lovelycupid47 · 7 months
Lies, Love, and Lullabies | Yandere! Cheater! Jungkook One-shot
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a/n: This took longer than usual and it is kind of everywhere. Also a little inside of what my mind comes up with.
pairing: Yandere!Cheater! Jungkook x pregnant! housewife! female reader. Slight Taehyung x female reader
warning: cheating, miscarriage, yandere behavior, obsession behavior, blood, murder, physical assault, manipulation, kidnapping, gun involvement, mentions of attempted murder, suicidal thoughts, and inconsistent pace. (unedited)
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Since you were little, you had a dream of meeting the perfect husband and having a happy family with two kids and a dog by your side. The picture-perfect family you always wanted. You thought you did. You met your husband during college and have been married for 2 years after graduation. You are now 7 months pregnant with his child and you couldn’t be happier than ever, but things never last long.
For about a month, your husband, Jungkook, has been suspicious. Leaving the house early, coming home late, and asking for two portions for lunch, his phone has been buzzing non-stop, and made sure that he had it in his possession at all times. His excuse was that he had been working overtime to provide more money for the baby, you were a little hopeful but noticed the lack of intimacy that you were craving.
You tried initiating some intimacy but always claimed that he was tired and that he wasn’t in the mood which was off since he always had a high sex drive. Now that you are asking for it, he doesn’t want it anymore. Really increases your insecurity when you are growing a human being inside you causing stretch marks and extra fat on different parts of your body. You were starting to think that Jungkook doesn’t want to look at your body anymore. 
However, there would be times when he is his sweet lovable self that you fell in love with. He would be talking to the baby late at night and would rub your bump to feel your baby kicking. Things like that erase his past actions, but it never lasts for long. 
One day, your husband forgot his lunch, and being the good wife you are, you decided to surprise him at work and bring his lunch. He has been working hard for the baby and it felt right to make sure he has his meal. 
You waddled out of your car with lunch kit in hand and hand on top of your belly. You were heading towards the receptionist and asked for your husband. “You can right ahead in, Mr. Jeon should be on lunch break now.” She told you where the lunch break room was at and you headed straight toward the room and saw that your husband was there along with a woman that is tall and you can tell from the window door, that she had a better figure than you did. She had a skin-tight black dress with red stilettos heels and had perfect wavy hair. Neither of them can see you since their back is against the glass door.
You were about to open the door when you saw Jungkook, your husband, gently cupping her cheek and having an arm around her waist. You can tell they talking to one another and the closeness is making your heart beat faster than ever before. Tears were silently streaming down your face and you were near breaking down any moment.
It was when you saw your husband slowly lean in and leave a kiss on her lips and that is when you broke. You slammed open the door and looked directly at Jungkook who was so shocked that he immediately stepped away from the women. 
 “Honey! What are you here?” He exclaimed while trying to walk towards you. You didn’t scream, you didn’t shout, and you definitely didn’t give the reaction that he was expecting. All Jungkook saw was tears streaming down your face and with barely any emotions. 
“Hi honey, I was just bringing you lunch. Just being a good wife I am.” You said as you slowly took out his lunch box from the bag and opened the box showing him the cute little bento lunch you put all your love and work on. 
“Listen, it is not what you think.” You looked at the woman and back at him with quirked eyebrows.
“Really? What were you two doing that is not what I was thinking then. Please enlighten me Jeon Jungkook. Tell me what is ‘really’ going on that I can be wrong of thinking.” Your voice started to rise as you slowly walked towards him, with the bento still in your hands. 
As expected, he didn’t give an answer and you weren’t going to accept that. Before anyone knew it, you slammed the bento into his nice pristine suit that you ironed this morning, leaving a huge stain on his clothes. Jungkook and the woman were so shocked that they didn’t acknowledge that you already left the room and started heading towards your car. It was a struggle since you were caring about a 10-pound baby, but you managed to make it in your car, locked the door, and sat there in silence. You were so shocked that you didn’t register that you started the car and headed to your best friend, Kim Taehyung’s, apartment. 
When you knocked on his door, he was not expecting to see you and your red tear-stained face. All you did was just hug him as much as possible you can and start sobbing in his arms. 
“Y/N? What happened? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?” He kept asking, but all you did is sob even harder. 
Once you both settled into his living room, cuddled up with each other in silence. He waited until you spoke up, he didn’t want to ask too much because your hormones are haywire due to your pregnancy.
“Jungkook… Cheated on  me.” You finally spoke, leaving Taehyung flabbergasted. He was angry but didn’t want to overwhelm you. You explained from that past month until now how Jungkook was caught in the break room.
“What are you going to do? Whatever you decide I’ll be right there for you.” Taehyung was ready to be there for you and even perform any task that you needed to do.
“That is the thing, I don’t know what to do. I’m a housewife who is 7 months pregnant and the majority of my items and furniture belong to Jungkook, my parents are on the other side of the world, and I have no money. I’m stuck.” You were already thinking about going back to Jungkook. He is your rock. He promised that you won’t have to work anymore and to always depend on him. Looking back now, you wished you would have argued more about that rather than being naive and accepting the lifestyle. 
“Stay here with me.” Taehyung offered, looking directly at you, “I’ll provide for you and the baby. Heck, I’ll take the extra shift at the bar, if it means to make sure that you don’t go back to that scumbag.”
“Tae, I can’t have you doing that. You won’t be able to afford another human being. Then when the baby comes out, that would be even more expensive.” Tears started streaming down your face again. 
“I don’t care. I love you so much, and I don’t want you to go back to that asshole, who clearly doesn’t understand that you are perfect. I’m willing to make sacrifices just to make sure you stay with me.” He leaned his forehead against yours and at this point, you can’t say no to him when he is willing to do everything for you.
Suddenly they heard a rapid knock at his door. It was already late and Taehyung wasn’t expecting anyone to come over. The knocking wouldn’t stop and you could tell the person on the other side was impatient. 
“Taehyung! It’s me Jungkook! I need you to open up.” You look at your best friend and can tell he doesn’t want to answer the door. 
“Go to my room. Make sure he doesn’t see you. I’ll handle this.” He slowly got up from the couch and approached his door. He looked back to make sure that you were in his room out of sight before opening the door. 
There he saw a disheveled Jungkook with a brown stain button-up shirt, impatiently knocking on the door.
“Taehyung, have you seen Y/N. We kind of went into an argument. I’ve tried calling her and messaging her but she is not responding.” Taehyung kept a straight face, making sure his facial expression did not give anything away.
“No, I haven’t. The last time I contacted her was last night.” Both of them knew that was a lie. Jungkook can be obvious sometimes, but when it comes to Y/N, all senses come back. 
“Really? Are you sure?” Jungkook straightened up and was advancing towards Taehyung. Jungkook had always disliked your best friend since the first day you introduced them, but Jungkook wanted to impress you and held his grudge against you. Now that you aren’t here, he was ready to release hell on him.
“Listen, dude, I’ve never liked you one bit and I know you don’t like me, but right now I just want my pregnant wife back and I KNOW for a fact she is here because her car is parked outside your apartment.” In reality, he put a tracker on your phone and followed it from his phone. 
“Look, you are not allowed to see her. I don’t care if she is your wife, but the shit you pulled on her, you don’t deserve her. Don’t worry about the baby because at least it won’t know who their true father is. An asshole douchbag that only wants to get his dick wet by some lousy coworker.” Taehyung was ready to shut the door, but Jungkook burst through and grabbed him by the collar. 
“You know what, I can just kill you right here and take my wife with me. No matter what, I’m getting my wife back with you alive or not.” Jungkook started choking him while Taehyung was struggling since he wasn’t the most muscular out of the two.
“JUNGKOOK! Let him go! Please!” You burst out of the room and grabbed his shirt from behind. Jungkook didn’t want to let go, but for your safety, he let go and grabbed you. He held you against him as gently as possible because of your bump.
“Honey, please, I’ve made a mistake, please can we work this out? I want to explain everything and we can start all over. Please don’t leave me.” He had his head nuzzled in your neck feeling his tears. 
“Jungkook, please let go. I can’t do this right now, I need space. All of this is too much to handle right now.” You tried distancing yourself from him, but he tightened his hold on you not wanting to let go.
“No! I understand it is a lot, but we can go through this together. I’m not leaving you with him of all people.” 
Taehyung was getting irritated. “Leave my house! Before I call the police for trespassing.” When you think he is going to let go and leave, but before anything happens, Jungkook swings his fist at him and starts beating him up. 
“This-” punch, “Is-” punch, “Your-” punch, “Fault!” Jungkook was out of control and only seeing red. Instead of blaming himself for this situation, he was blaming Taehyung for his own mistakes. The way he saw it is, if Taehyung wasn’t around, you wouldn’t have a place to stay, you wouldn’t have anyone to depend on someone else other than him, and most importantly you wouldn’t have someone protecting you other than him.
“JUNGKOOK, please let him go- AHH” You suddenly felt pain in your abdomen and you bent over clutching your bump.
“Y/N!” Jungkook let go of Taehyung rushed over to you and gently set you down on the ground. You were feeling immense pain and couldn’t even stand. Then you felt a warm liquid coming out of you and you were thinking of the worse. 
“Jungkook, the baby, something is going on with the baby.” Jungkook carried you bridal style and rushed towards his car and sped through traffic towards the hospital. It was all a blur for you. All you can do is pray in your head to hope that nothing bad happens to the baby.
Once at the hospital, you were rushed into the ER room and that was the last Jungkook ever saw you. It wasn’t until a nurse came up to him in a rush and asked him the question he thought he would never be asked, “ Sir, we need you to save on, your wife or the baby?” He was at a loss for words, he loved them both, but he had to make the ultimate sacrifice.
4 hours later, you woke up in a hospital room with Jungkook beside you holding your hand. Once Jungkook felt movement, he put his forehead against yours and started crying, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but I had no choice.” You felt one of his hands pressed on your now flat belly and you knew what he meant. 
“Why? You could have saved it… WHY?” It has been a stressful day and the baby was the only thing that was going to give you happiness.
“I can’t lose you, I just can’t.” He started pressing kisses all over your face, “I know I made a mistake, but now I’m here to redeem myself. Please Y/N, don’t give up on us. Please….” He looked at you with his doe-like eyes that you love. They were still a little red from the amount of crying he did, but he didn’t take away the beauty that you adored.
“I need time to think. I just found out the love of my life was seeing another woman, tried killing my best friend, and now I lost my baby. I need to think Jungkook because everything is too much to process.” He laid his head on your shoulder and knew that everything that happened today took a toll on you.
“Okay, I’ll give you space, but I want you to know that I always love you. No matter what. I’ll fix everything. I promise.” He kissed your lips before he walked out of the room. 
Everything was just too much for you. You were hoping that the baby would be your own source of happiness, but now that it was gone, you lost all hope for even living. You wished that Jungkook would have saved the baby other than you, you would have finally been put out of your misery. You don’t think it is even possible to live a complacent life where your mind blames you for Jungkook cheating and the death of the baby. You wished that you could wake up and hope that everything was just a dream and you were still happily married with a healthy baby on the way. Why did everything have to change?
Jungkook kept his word and stayed away from you until the day of your discharge. He was happily pushing your wheelchair toward his car and kept blabbering about how he made some changes to the house and that you would love it. You kept quiet. You didn’t even want to go home. The house of how you wished everything would go back to how things were, but you have no choice with how fragile and weak you are. 
Once you and Jungkook arrived home, he directed you toward the front of the supposed-to-be baby room.
“I know you don’t want to go in, but I have a surprise for you that would make you forgive me for my past mistakes.” He opened the door and all you saw was darkness. You were confused and stepped in with Jungkook behind you. There was a terrible smell surrounding the whole room that made you gag. Once you both were in the room, Jungkook closed the door turned on the lights, and revealed a horrific sight that could make you throw up on the spot.
There in the middle of the room was Taehyung and the women from Jungkook’s workplace, tied up to a chair that is facing back against each other. They were both covered in blood and with cloth covering their mouth and their eyes. 
“Do you like it, honey? I decided to take care of our problem. Obviously, it's a work in progress, but I thought I could show you what I have done.” Your eyes widened and faced Jungkook who looked at you expecting praise or any positive words coming from you.
“JUNGKOOK! What is wrong with you?” You rushed towards Taehyung and uncovered his eyes, you shook him awake and you could tell he was barely even conscience. You see many punctured holes in his abdomen, and bruises that develop on his face. You can’t believe that your husband did this. 
“But honey, if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be in this situation. They are the reason we lost our baby. For that, they need to be gone, so we can go back to the way it was.” Jungkook was now confused. He believed he did the right thing. If it wasn’t for them two, they wouldn’t have lost their baby in the first place. 
“Jungkook, it was neither of their faults. It was YOU. If you hadn’t cheated on me, NONE of this would have happened. If YOU kept your dick in your pants, we could have gone back to normal. So stop blaming people for your mistakes!” You were done with all of this nonsense. 
“Y/N….” You turned back to Taehyung and started untying him, “It’s okay Tae, I’m right here, and I’ll drive you to the-” You heard a click behind you and you froze. You turned around and saw Jungkook pointing a pistol at Taehyung. 
“Step away Y/N. Or I finish him.” 
“Jungkook, you are losing it. Let him go!” You raised your hands up high.
“What are you talking about honey? I’ve always been like this, I’ve just never shown you this side of me.” He approached you with the gun still pointing at your boyfriend. Jungkook eyes weren’t the same doe-like eyes you used to love. They were blank as ever with barely any void of emotions. His stare at you was cold, not the same loving stare he always gave you.
“I should have known you were this crazy,” Taehyung spoke up and next thing you know, Jungkook shot him in the leg making him scream in pain. Blood started seeping out on the floor and you were close to passing out. 
“Please stop! You are hurting him.” You tried grabbing his arm but he had you pressed against his body preventing your arms from moving. 
“Listen, honey, you have two options. You obediently stay with me and pretend that nothing ever happened and we can start over while he lives or you stubbornly reject and I kill him right here right now. So what are you choosing?” He pressed the gun towards Taehyung’s head.
“Don’t listen to him, Y/N. He is bluffing.” Jungkook looked at Taehyung and brought the gun to the woman behind his chair and shot 2 rounds into the woman’s head. Then brought the gun back to Taehyung.
“Am I bluffing now?” You were at a loss of words, he just killed a person right in front of you and now is waiting for your response to do the same thing to your best friend.
“Jungkook, let’s talk about this-”
“PLEASE! You are not thinking-”
“OKAY! I’ll stay. Just please don’t kill him.” You were sobbing into his shoulder, stuck and weak in this moment. You had no choice.
“That’s what I thought.” He gently rubbed the gun against your head scaring you even more. Jungkook couldn’t be more proud to have you vulnerable in his arms. This is exactly what he wanted, scared, vulnerable, and helpless. Only reaching out to him, and no one else.
“It’s okay honey, I’ll fix everything just like how I said.” He kissed your dry lips and your forehead. This is your new reality. Being in the arms of a psycho killer that you call your husband.
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cameronspecial · 3 months
Ghost Of A Memory
Pairing: Dad!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Loss of a Spouse During Childbirth and Grief
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.9K
Summary: All Rafe wants are memories of his family, but sometimes he has to remind himself that he can't have that.
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The warm summer sun glows across Rafe’s pale skin, kissing it so that it will soon tan his skin a darker shade. Laughter fills the air and a sappy face falls on Rafe’s face as his eyes fall on the sight of his wife and daughter on the playground. Hannah is climbing the ladder on a mission to go down the slide again; Y/N is waiting for her baby girl at the bottom of the slide to catch her. Hannah plops her butt onto the plastic contraption and squeals in delight as she zooms toward her mother. He finishes laying out the sandwiches on the plates and calls out to his girls, “Lunch is ready.” Y/N keeps her daughter in her arms, taking them both to the picnic blanket, where their lunch is laid out on it. “Salami, tomato, arugula and garlic cream cheese for me. Cheese and lettuce for Little Lady. And turkey, lettuce, tomato, and Havarti for my love,” Rafe announces, pointing to everyone’s meal as he lists the ingredients. Y/N leans forward to kiss his cheek, “Thank you for getting this all ready, Handsome.” Rafe’s cheeks warm like they always do at the nickname. It’s such a basic nickname, but coming from her, it makes him feel like he can do a thousand backflips one after the other. Hannah throws herself into her dad’s arms with her own thank you directed towards him.
The family finishes their food and Hannah is invited to play ball with a boy around her age. Y/N rests her head on Rafe’s shoulder as they both watch their daughter play with her new friend. “I think we should have another one,” she whispers to him. He beams at the idea and presses his lips to her temple, “I think I would love to have another one. Maybe a little boy with your hair and my eyes this time.”  “Hmm, that sounds like a great idea,” she agrees. Hannah lets out a scream in delight, except the longer it goes on, the more it starts to sound like a cry.
Rafe wakes up with a jerk into a sitting position. He rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands as he looks around the dark room. Hannah stands in her crib in the corner of the room, rattling against the bars with her cries. Her father swings his feet over the side of the bed and pads over to her. She reaches her arms up toward him and he picks her up. He brings her to his chest, letting her nuzzle his neck. “Shh, it’s okay. I’m right here, Little Lady,” he soothes. He bounces in hopes of providing her with some sort of comfort. He is so tired, yet he can’t go back to sleep because it seems as though Hannah doesn’t want to sleep. He presses his lips against her forehead, “Please, Little Lady, go back to sleep. Daddy is tired.” He tries to see if she is hungry and quickly learns that she isn’t. “What can I give you so you can go to sleep?” he begs, picking up her stuffed penguin. The penguin is rejected, so he tries offering her her blankie. Hannah screeches and throws it on the ground in dissatisfaction. His eyes dart around the room in search of anything that will appease the bebe. Finally, he spots what he thinks is going to cease the crying.
He picks up the fading navy zip-up sweater and wraps it around his daughter's shoulders. The nine-month-old immediately calms, snuggling into the fabric of the hoodie. Rafe sighs, “I know. I miss her too.” He sits in the rocking chair opposite the crib. He looks at the empty spot on the bed beside his, drawing in the figure that should be there for himself. The woman creating a dip in the bed sits up and gives him a lazy smile. “Did she wake up? I don’t know how I slept through her cries. Is she hungry?” Y/N mumbles, standing from the bed. Her footsteps drag against the floor to stand in front of them. He grins up at her, “It’s okay. I figured out what she wanted. It was your Chapel Hill sweater.” He lifts Hannah up a bit so Y/N can see the school logo on the back. “That makes sense,” she agrees. “She’s always been a Mama’s girl.” Rafe chuckles, “So true. I can’t blame her though. She has a pretty amazing mom.” Y/N leans over to kiss her family members and he closes his eyes to embrace the feeling, but just as her skin is supposed to make contact with his, the daydream he is creating for himself dissolves. Instead of the feeling of her lips, he gets a kiss from the wind and he opens his eyes with furrowed eyebrows.
The room is void of any other human being, except for Hannah in his arms. He looks over to the other side of his bed and finds it empty. Likes it has been for the last nine months. The room lacks air and Rafe begins to hyper-ventilate. His immediate thought is to get up to look for the missing link in the room. And then he finally remembers that his dreams can only ever be the ghost of a memory he never gets to make because the love of his life never made it out of the hospital with their baby girl. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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kamesama · 24 days
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domesticity with ryōmen sukuna
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— note + warnings: my lil' head is full of him; headcanons but not rlly formatted like them idk; modern! au; disgusting domestic fluff; spicy moments here and there ( feat. brief mentions of nudity, pet names, degradation, praise, just some basic intimacy yo ); mentions of food; brief mentions of alcohol and tobacco; fem! ( wife! ) reader; long post ( almost 1.5k and i still wanted to write more but i need to get ready for class ).
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every now and then, he comes home with burdened hands; a thickly arranged bouquet, your favourite pastry from that bakery standing a pesky distance away from your home, little bag with lace and frills and silk neatly folded at its bottom. he adores your reaction — the way your eyes are rendered overwhelmed with shimmer the moment you see him and whatever saccharine little thing he decided to please your wits with that day. the way you cling onto him, your muscles nearly aching from a sense of gratitude and excitement, or merely tenderness on the days you are fatigued and just quietly thankful. it's so fun to see you pleased with such a gesture; so silly, so endearing.
his armchair is his throne, and your throne is his lap. at times, he settles for the spot on the sofa; the one that has his name engraved on it with an ink of memory and habit. lounging there provides a proper view of the space around him, so when you walk in, showing off whatever delicacy he's bought to hug your curves, he sees the entire picture, perfectly framed. he cocks his head to the side, his knuckles pressing into his cheek as he tells you to twirl around for him, princess, so that the skirt of your dress may flutter or so he could have a good look at the way that lace-edged hem of your brand new knickers lightly sinks into the soft flesh of your buttocks. he pats his lap for you to come and take a seat like a good girl, and he may just show his appreciation for how ravishing you look.
yet, on the drearier days, when time seems to drip painfully slowly and when the invisible frost seems to linger in the corners of your home and bodies, he leans back into his mighty armchair and pulls you close — bare or modest, it matters not, as long as you are against him and he can trail incoherent patterns across your hip or run his fingers through your hair. something weighs on his vision and his eyelids threaten to falter underneath the dull pressure — he yawns and closes his eyes, aware that you, too, have given in. his thick glass of whiskey sits empty, sweating cold droplets of water; the cigarette butt squished in the ashtray.
meals are greatly indulged in; homemade, takeout, eating out. after all, sukuna's a connoisseur of gastronomy. wrinkled widows and middle-aged housewives did not utter a single word of lie whilst making the statement that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach, for sukuna indeed shows immense pleasure if you decide to treat him to a little something, whether it be some quick morsel or a sightly dinner sprinkled with the grandiose. his tastes are peculiar, however, so your outings in the evening either start or end up at a pricy spot with mouth-watering dishes.
when either one — or both — of you demand a rest from the confinements of your home, thoughts or chores, cruising through the highway and city roads is a welcome option. whether it be in a car or sukuna's motorcycle, a ride is a ride. underneath the streetlights after dark, or in the minutes just before the sun starts to sink into the horizon, or right after the rush hour when the roads are suddenly free of a tremendous burden. it's a little bit of adrenaline, and head free of pesky thoughts, your arms around his waist and your laughter that seems to fade into the breeze after a few seconds. the glimpse of you staring out of the car's rolled down window as your favourite song plays on is oddly sweet, and sukuna finds himself content with smaller things in life.
the ultimate betrayal of trust is giving in to the unholy, godforsaken urge to watch that one episode after a frustrating cliff-hanger — alone. there are spots in your routine which you fill with some stupid reality show or a theatrical series, most of which neither of you expect to grow so attached to. the image is that of a dimly lit living room, a bright screen and sound of chewing as you lay close to one another, occasionally commenting on and reacting to whatever is occurring within that wondrous glowing box of visionary delight. sukuna is transparent with his tastes; his expression twisting in some vague sense of disgust at poor writing, or brows raising in interest as the music shifts to a melody that is a tad more dramatic. the salt remains on your tongue and sticks to your lips.
he loves the way you attempt to be subtle with your affections and desires when the movie you're watching proves to be too dull. he sees you within the periphery of his vision — how you throw a glimpse or two towards his handsome profile, your gaze smoothly trailing down the line of his nose, dripping from its tip onto his lips only to take a turn up his sharp jaw. he'd call you dumb and naïve for thinking that the gears within your skull are not being obnoxiously loud with some starved intent, but he bites his tongue for the sake of indulgence. the tip of your index finger ghosts over his skin before you press your lips to his cheek gingerly, begging for a sprinkle of attention, and when he does not go out of his way to satisfy your whims then and there, you whine and complain into his ear how the movie is so boring... truthfully, he would have scoffed and wrinkled his forehead at the terrific acting and horrendous story-telling, too, but he swallows down whatever atrocity his eyes are witnessing on screen lest you grow bolder and needier with your advances, because he adores seeing you try harder.
some days you're bolder, when you come stomping to him as his eyes follow the rows and rows of black-ink characters pressed into the paper or glowing from the screen. your perfume is demanding, your outfit revealing, your lipstick's shade a herald of debauchery. try harder, he wordlessly dares as he spares you but a single glance, acknowledging the intent that you're absolutely overwhelmed with. sometimes he is not in the mood for your little schemes, so when you push at all his buttons with that voice thick with desire and relentless attitude that ignores his every warning, what else could he possibly do than give you what you've wanted, tenfold? he bruises your thighs with violet handprints and paints your neck with ruby red stamps of wanton need and irritation and leaves your legs quivering, shaking like a leaf because you, needy, naughty little thing, have asked for it.
other days he demands your attention. when you're reading your book, or watching your show, he approaches with bold, shameless kisses to your neck; open-mouthed and wet, not shy of whatever thought clouds his mind. sometimes there is barely any lechery in the way his fingertips sink into the flesh of your thighs or the way his palm caresses your back. sometimes he hungers for that which he deemed unfamiliar before you; for his head to rest against your breast and the sound of your heart-beat echoing in his ear. no matter what the motive is, his approach is direct, and his arguments temptingly good.
the smell of clean bedsheets, stained only by a whiff of slumber, is intoxicating on the weekend mornings; those always end in some lounging and rolling around, small kisses and sleep-laced grumbles. it's slow, it's leisurely, as if time holds no weight or consequence. they lead to another thirty minute nap, or a hungry yet slow session of love-making that ends up lulling you all the more. it's a shared shower, toast for breakfast, smell of bitter coffee or matcha, and the two of you in your own little world for the day.
sometimes you wake up before him and abandon your spot on the bed; let it grow cold and lonesome. standing on the sidelines, by the nightstand, provides you with a different view from the one you're used you when your cheek is sunken into the pillow. other than sukuna's resting face, you see the entirety of him fully — the cover half-heartedly trying to hide any indecency; the expanse of his muscular back moving rhythmically with each breath, resembling the way sea-waves come to hug the shore before being pulled back by an invisible force. the scratch-marks from your desperate fingernails are faded red on his shoulders, and he seems so tenderly mellowed as he roams his own dreamworld. you could lap up the sight, eat it up and engrave it into your brain, but settle for acting like a little stalker for just a minute or two, appreciating the sight of peaceful, unburdened sukuna who has his features halfway devoured by the soft embrace of his pillow.
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thank you for reading!
— kamesama.
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astro-royale · 11 months
「Astrology: What Men find attractive」
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A man with Moon in Aries likes brave, strong, capable women subconsciously seeking a leader in her; Venus in Aries provides preference for women with crew-cut who go in for sports, are slightly muscular, skinny and even bony. Such man also likes a woman to “ get “ him.
A man with Moon in Taurus likes affluent women, good cooks, women who are thrifty and who economise; with Venus in Taurus he likes plump women with pronounced feminine characteristics, courting takes place over a good meal without fail…
A man with the Moon in Gemini likes talkative, intelligent women, he goes for a “ good conversation”, likes women who look and act young and enjoy going for a spin and short trips. Venus in Gemini produces preferences for women of a very narrow waist, fine hands and shoulders …
A man with the Moon in Cancer likes women who cry easily, are stay-at-home types, good housewives and subconsciously, in a woman he seeks his mother. Venus in Cancer expresses preferences for nice breasts, provocative cleavage and likes to see his woman looking nice even at home.
A man with Moon in Leo likes successful women in high places from well-known and reputable families, he likes to be proud of his wife. Venus in Leo – a woman must be dressed exceptionally well as if she was about to take part in a beauty contest …
A man with the Moon in Virgo likes diligent women, pedantic and neat, the ones who take care of their husband’s health …Venus in Virgo provides special liking for sexy belly button, fine tummy and ordinary clothes…
A man with the Moon in Libra likes sweet and good-looking women, models, politicians, lawyers, women active in public life. With Venus in Libra he is very much receptive to women’s buttocks …
A man with the Moon in Scorpio likes women who came into a property of some kind, women with pronounced sex appeal who do not hide their charms, women whose looks and appearance imply “ a straightforward offer “…With Venus in Scorpio he likes see-through dressing style and goes for gipsy music …
The Moon in Sagittarius produces a man with a special liking for women who follow the fashion and in their appearance resemble the women from foreign countries; he likes educated women with university degree who go in for sports, especially tennis … Venus in Sagittarius makes him responsive to long legs, short skirts, shorts …
A man with the Moon in Capricorn goes for a darker complexion, dark-haired women of a serious and even melancholic expression; he also likes older women…Venus in Capricorn produces liking for conventional clothing style, women wearing leather and dressed in darker shades.
A man with the Moon in Aquarius likes outgoing women; his motto is “ friends first, relationship later “, he likes intelligent women …With Venus in Aquarius he likes eccentric-looking women of an eccentric style, is responsive to women’s legs, and especially calves.
A man with the Moon in Pisces likes mysterious, withrawn, shy women who always seem as if they are in need of protection…Venus in Pisces produces liking for fine stockings, shoes, lingerie …
What’s your opinion🤔✨?
If you want to support this blog as well as my research there’s a Tip option in the bio. Or CashApp me £astroroyale .This way I can keep posting high quality content for you as it encourages me in the process <3 :) Thank you & Much love
Original article link, by Nikola Stojanovic
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2cool4ghoul · 10 days
Dream a Little Dream of Me
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Part 1 <3 Part 2 of I Can Dream, Can't I?
AO3 link <3
Word count: 4,454
Summary: You get dragged along to one of your husbands business dinners with his insufferable obnoxious colleagues. But when one of the attendees can't take his eyes of you, you begin to question his intentions...
Warnings: Smut, semi-public sex, fingering, swearing, AFFAIRS I guess, an adulterer, smoking?, unprotected sex, p in v, age gap
cannot believe that part 1 did so well, that's big fun vibes thank u for reading it and enjoying that with me ! I apologise for how long this took me however life got ahead of me.
we have a flashback episode today to provide some lore and content for you and coopers past. I had intended to include some present ghoul content in this however it got so long that I have to split it up. sorry bout that.
<3<3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3<3
It had started just like any other dinner. Your husband, parading you like a trophy, in a ridiculously tight dress, for all his likeminded businessmen colleges to congratulate him on. The line rehearsed and repeated every single time. “This, gentlemen, is my gorgeous wife, you can look, but keep your hands to yourselves.” It was becoming increasingly difficult to fake the smile that had made you famous, ignoring the jeers and laughs, which had been meant as compliments. 
This particular dinner, was with executives and stars from the studio he’d recently snatched up with the promise of making you a star. And whilst every night was the same, the same men, the same stares, the same pressed suits and watches, cigar smoke, martini’s…. There was one particular entity who seemed to catch your gaze from the other side of the table. He’d been watching your every move it felt like, his following your silk gloved fingers as you lit your cigarette. 
You took note of his features and of his silence amongst the loud overbearing men. His eyes seemingly closed in the dimly lit restaurant, his lips wet with whiskey, no doubt as he sat back relaxed in his chair. His staring was uncomfortable, like he was trying to figure you out, looking deep behind the facade you’d been forced into, hiding any remnants of your past life on the farm. You blew smoke from your lips, the conversations around you had faded, letting your eyes gaze away from his for a moment, only to look back to confirm if he was still looking, which he was. If you hadn’t known any better, you’d of thought this was a proposition. This caused you to tense, finally addressing his forwardness.
“Didn’t your mother teach you that it was rude to stare?” You finally broke your silence, raising an unimpressed eyebrow. With your back straight, a scowl had painted your face as he released a scoff, adjusting himself in his seat. Robert, looked between the two of you as a silence had fell upon the table.
“Please, Mr Howard, excuse my wife’s forwardness, she gets a bit overexcited at times!” He apologised, waving a hand in the air before turning towards you, who’s eyes were still locked with the mans. Who you now knew to be ‘Mr Howard.’ “Hon, Thats Cooper Howard, he’s a pretty big name at the studio, don’t go causing a scene.” He warned, his voice low, spoken into your neck with a kiss. It was a threat, one that you knew would be further implemented the moment you arrived home. You pouted like a scolded child, turning your attention to your martini in front of you, taking a large sip. You glanced from behind the glass rim, Coopers attention no longer on you, but with a man beside him. You had won a small victory, your point had been made and he was no longer staring you down. 
The rest of the meal seemed to carry on as usual. The waitress had come round to get the tables order, a side salad ordered for you, more martinis. Conversations of business, of the war, ill-timed political jokes and opinions. Over the past year or so, you’d managed to master the art of disassociation, your body being present at the table yet your mind was back in the fields, tending to the animals, hanging your clothes on the washing lines to dry… You could rehearse an entire daily routine so well that you could’ve sworn you could smell the morning dew on the grass, the breeze causing goosebumps to peak on your skin. Yet every now and then, a drunken obnoxious laugh would tear you from the safeness of your mind, reminding you that you were still there amongst these men. Where had it all gone wrong? 
You needed air.
“Excuse me, boys,” You spoke lowly, “I’m going to go powder my nose.” The men nodded towards you, Robert lifting his head to get a better look at you. Pushing your bleached blonde curls over your shoulder, you placed a red lipped kiss on his cheek, leaving an imprint you knew would anger him. Smirking on your heel, you walked as he hastily scrambled to remove any trace of the make up left on his skin. 
On your travels to the ladies room, the effect of the, god knows how many, drinks had taken their toll on you, causing a slight stumble in your step. You ended up finding a secluded garden area, lights hanging from branches of trees, twinkling. There was a chill in the nights air, but you preferred the silence, listening to the crunch and rustle of the leaves in the wind. Leaning against a brick wall, you lit a cigarette, staring up into the stars, creating your own constellations. A lonesome smile ghosted your lips, finding peace in this moment to yourself, watching the smoke dissipate into the blue darkness. You could run. Leave and never look back. But where you would go? You were sure the farm had been sold months ago, despite how much Robert denied it. The very thought of it bought a lump to your throat, your jaw clenching, biting the side of your cheek. 
The door to your hiding place opened, your head rolled to the side to examine who opened it. Your admirer from the opposite end of the table. A soft hum of acknowledgement left you, rolling you head back to the stars, flicking ashes from the end of the cigarette. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Closing the door behind him, he stepped closer.
“No, not at all.” Kissing your teeth and keeping your eyes forward, you felt his presence close next to you. “You not enjoying yourself, Mr Howard?” 
“No, no, its not that,” Chuckling coolly, the click and snap of a metal lighter illuminating your peripheral, “Politic’s is not really my area of expertise.” 
“Right.” You nodded a sigh, finally allowing yourself to turn and meet his eye-line.
Upon closer exception you realised he was really rather handsome. A classic look to him, dark hair pushed back with noticeable grey hairs peaking through. His bone structure was distinct, chiselling and framing his face. Those eyes which had been looked on you, twinkling in the sparse lighting. Your tongue ran over your bottom lip, the taste of nicotine filling your mouth. You didn’t know his age, but he was definitely significantly older than you. “I don’t believe I got your name?” His voice was smooth, making your stomach do flips.
“I don’t believe that I said it.” You smirked, staring up at him through your lashes due to him standing much taller than you, even when he was leaning on his shoulder against the wall. He let out a laugh, raising his eyebrows, waiting for a response to his answer. “Lana.” Lying, you held out your hand for him to shake, keeping your real name close to your chest. 
“Lana,” Testing the name on his lips, he blew smoke in your direction which you inhaled through your nose discreetly, “what a pretty name, for such a pretty young girl, like yourself.” The smile that he was flashing you caused you to roll your eyes, releasing a sarcastic giggle.
“I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Only the pretty ones,” He teased you, winking at you. You pretended not to notice his eyes trailing down to your chest, stealing a glance at your exposed cleavage from his height advantage.
“What about the married ones?” Raising a brow, you bit back at him, the smirk on your lips letting him know that was a sadistic joke at your own expense.
“Where you from, Lana?” His question was heavier than he knew. Something about him made you want to tell him the truth. But you couldn’t just reveal yourself to any man who made you smile.
“Why’d you wanna know?” Suppressing your southern accent had never been more important, the recognition of his own caused you to work extra hard to hide yours.
“It’s called small talk, somethin’ tells me you’re not too good at it.” He wrapped his lips around his cigarette again, your breathing heavy as you kept your gaze focussed on his mouth, inhaling the smoke. 
“I grew up in New York, moved here after I met Robert 2 years ago.” The story and all of its details had been a fabricated story made up by Robert so that you could prove yourself more marketable. A socialite from New York, from a rich distinguished family.
“Is that so?” He seemed intrigued, letting his lips turn downward. “And now, your gonna be filming at the studio, huh?”
“Are you interrogating me, Mr Howard?” It came out more seductive than stern, a way of avoiding anymore questions by distracting him. “I hear you play a big time sheriff in your movies,” You stepped closer to him, the amusement evident on his face as he sized you up, “you gonna cuff me up?” You could tell he was thinking about it, his answer hesitating on his lips. You wished he would, there was something so enticing about him, his whole demeanour and charisma causing you to ache between your legs, feeling the dampness against the lace covering your heat.
“Now, what would your husband think about that?” This was a fun game for him, the way you were looking up at him, so willing and eager sending shivers down his spine.
“What he don’t know wont hurt him.” Shrugging playfully, you fluttered your lashes, watching as he licked his lips, a taunted groan leaving from his chest.
“You’re real trouble, you know that?” He waved a finger at you, you tempted wrapping your mouth around it, sucking down to the knuckle, your spit dripping around him as he filled your mouth. Instead you smacked it away lightly, remembering your place. You turned away from him in a way to release some of the attention, your mind roaming to unholy places. 
“I’m a good girl, Mr Howard.” Scoffing, your cheeks ached as they tried to conceal the wild grin he was pulling from you. Maybe it was the confidence from the drinks swirling around your system, but this was the most exciting and arousing interaction you’d had. Everything with Robert felt so transactional, ticking boxes out of necessity. But this was different.
“I bet you are.” He praised and you pretended shock at his forwardness.
“I’m not that kind of girl.”
“And I’m not that kind of man.” He raised his hands in defence, yet when they lowered, one brushed against the bare skin of your arm, a quiet gasp leaving your lips, turning back round to face him, becoming aware of how alarmingly close he now was to you. His breathe was fanning over your wet lips, your cheeks flushing to an embarrassingly shade of red. You were locked in eye contact, for what felt like the millionth time that night, watching as he undressed you with his eyes. 
There was silence between the two of you, all except for the heavy breathing leaving both of you, wondering who would make the next move, wondering what the next move even was. This was wrong. It was wrong because you were married, it was wrong because two hours previous to this you didn’t even know he existed, it was wrong because you were pretty sure he could’ve been the same age as your father, maybe even older. But you felt electric, like you skin was on fire and only he could put it out. You wanted him to put it out, you would’ve dropped to your knees and pleaded with him for anything. Maybe it was the adrenaline of getting caught. Maybe it was the way he was eliciting such innate desire from you, from just the tiniest of interactions. You were aching for him, and judging by the tightness and the way he was adjusting himself in his trousers, he was aching for you too.
“You love your husband?” His question took you off guard, yet you didn’t hesitate to answer.
“No.” Shaking your head quickly, your eyes were wide. Biting his lip, he allowed himself a moment to ponder the morals he was breaking. 
“Goddamn, what am I going to do with you, huh?” His hand came up to brush your cheek, pushing away a few stray hairs, his fingers grazing your skin so gently, you were starved for more. You decided to pursue an earlier desire, his thumb carelessly brushing against your bottom lip for a second, leaving you free to take advantage. 
You parted your lips, allowing the tip of your tongue to taste him first, before pushing your head forward, maintaining widened eye contact, taking his thumb into your mouth. You sucked around him, your tongue working around, tasting as much as you could, trying to savour the moment in case he, fairly, ripped his hand from you as punishment for taking it too far. You waited for this, yet he did not. He knitted his brows, mouth falling slightly slack before tutting at you. “Fuck this.” He muttered, taking his hand from your mouth and instead wrapping it around your neck, forcing you forward. 
He forced his lips on you, taking the dominance, leaving you whimpering at the sudden feeling of his mouth hot against yours. Pushing against him, trying to feel as much of him as possible, hands finding themself tightly squeezing the wrist of his hand, still gripping your neck. His tongue licked against your lips before finding its way into your mouth, working alongside yours as the kiss deepened, your cunt squeezing around nothing, begging for something to soothe the throbbing ache that was pooling between your legs. When his hand finally left your neck, it was replaced by his lips, smudging red lipstick down your chin and neck. His hand travelled down your chest, taking a moment to squeezed your breast on the way down, frustrated by the layers of material that stopped him from getting a better look at you. By this point, he had you pinned against the rough exterior of the brick wall, his body pressed against yours, thigh between your legs. “Oh, Mr Howard.” You moaned between bitten lips, head falling back exposing more of your neck to him. 
“Call me Cooper.” He muttered, “If we’re doing this, we’re at least gonna be on a first name basis, alright, sweetheart?” Your heart fluttered at the pet name. 
“Mmhmm Cooper- Oh!” Whilst you nodded in agreement, his fingertips had found their way under your dress skirt, hoisting it up your legs. The cold air tingled against your wet cunt, legs squeezing against his thigh. 
“Christ, look at you.” He mumbled to himself, bitting his lip, taking in the sight of the mess you’d made in your panties. “Need me that badly, huh, doll?” You could only make out an embarrassed hum in response, blushing at his southern drawl which made everything eel so much more erotic. He touched you through the lace, leaving the thin layer on to tease you even more. You needed as much friction as possible, grinding against his fingers, feeling a tension building within you, that you’d never felt before. His fingertips seemed to focus where it was most sensitive, having no issue finding your clit even through your panties. The sweat blanketing your body make your make up run slightly. Tipping you head forward, you looked down, watching him play with you, his fingers damp even with the barrier of lace keeping him out. You were biting your lip to stop moans from escaping you. You couldn’t explain the feeling taking over your body, every inch of you reacting, goosebumps covering every bit of skin, nipples hard. 
“Please.” You couldn’t stand much longer, meeting his gaze again. You didn’t even know what you were begging him for or what he was willing to give you. You just knew that every part of you needed it, heart racing like it was going to jump out your chest. “Please Cooper, give it to me, I need you.” You planted kisses over his face, moving to just behind his ear, sucking and eliciting a growl from him, his hand pushing aside the soaking lace. 
“Dripping for me, aren’t ya, angel, making a mess?” He use his other hand to push hair out of your face to view the pathetic ruin he’d caused. You’d open your mouth to agree with him, telling him anything you’d believe he wanted to hear, but you words were stopped and choked in your throat due to his finger fucking its way into you. He was wasting no time, the slap of his skin and the wetness of your cunt erupting into the quiet night. Your eyes squeezed shut and he released a smug chuckle, proud of himself for the reaction he was causing. 
Upon adding another finger, he had to force his other hand over your mouth as you frantically tried to keep in your moans, his fingers curling inside you finding the sweet spot that was sending you over the edge. “It’s gon’ be a tight fit, princess, you best kept that pretty little mouth shut,” He pressed his lips to your ear, “can you do that for me, you gon’ be a good girl for me?” You could only silently nod and hum in response, his hand firm over your mouth. “Good girl.” He pressed a kiss to your ear.
You felt empty when he removed his fingers to unbuckle his belt, the jangle of the metal stirring excitement within you. With one finger, he tugged your panties down your thighs and you stepped out of them, shocked when he shoved them into his back pocket. “I’ll look after those.” He smirked, winking at you at your flushed cheeks, hand finally leaving your mouth. He pulled his cock free, your eyes went big seeing the size of it, hard, his fist pumping around it as he scoffed at your reaction. “Told ya, sweetheart, tight fit.” He let go of himself, hand reaching round to slap your ass, gesturing for you to jump up, your dress bunching round your waist. You did so, wrapping your legs around his waist. His forehead rested against yours as you both watched him line himself up with your throbbing entrance. “You sure you want this, sweetheart?” He kissed you lightly on the lips, his tip pressing against you, hot.
“I need you, Cooper Howard.” You pleaded against his lips, begging for the tension within you to be relieved somehow. Groaning at your response, he nodded.
His cock stretched you, squeezing around him, eyes rolling back into your head. Unable to make noise as you winced, mouth wide open. He also, silently, bit his lip, breathing through his nose through a frown. Your slick cunt pulled him in, he seemed to not end, leaving you panting by the time he’d bottomed out. You were gasping for air, going slightly lightheaded as he filled you, giving you a moment to adjust. Your hands were splayed out against his chest, his own heart beating against your palm. “Can I?” His voice almost desperate.
“Please, fuck me.” Nodding, you buckled your hips forward, forcing friction and movement from him.
When he finally moved, he tediously pulled out all the way, making sure you felt every inch of you, watching as you dripped a white sheen cast on his cock, before snapping brutally into you. You gripped at the suit jacket, knuckles turning white at this harsh movement. This was the start of a cruelly quick pace, slapping into you whilst his balls fell against your bare ass. “Oh fucking christ,” He cursed his head falling into the curve of your neck, gasps leaving your open mouth, “You’re taking me so fuckin’ well, darlin’” Cooper gripped on your hips, holding you in place whilst he relentlessly fucked into you, his cock forcing you open. 
You had been trying your hardest to hold in your moans, but to no avail, so his hand had returned to your mouth. Your eyes had rolled back into your head, the white showing. Pleasure was rampaging through your body, your back arching into him, gripping onto him. Watching him disappear into you made you turn dizzy, feeling him deep inside you, brushing and pressing against your cervix. Your hands tugged at the buttons on his shirt, pushing your hands under to touch as much of him as possible, leaving one against his skin, the other lacing through his hair, pulling him closer.
Tears were running down you face, your make up well and truly ruined, smeared everywhere, read covering his face too. “Look at me, Angel” He commanded, “Feel good? Yeah?” His lips were brushing against your forehead before meeting your covered face, your curls coming loose. “My cock feel good?” He whispered against your neck, earning another delighted hum from you. “I can feel how much you love it.” He thrusted into you, pushing deep as you walls clenched around his heavy girth.
The build up had grown too much for you, you were begging to let go, to let your body rest and release. And he was coaxing it out of you too quick and too sweet, you didn’t know what was coming. The heat pooling in your lower stomach like nothing you’d felt before. You couldn’t explain it but when your body became so hot, heart beat so fast, your whole stomach clenched. “You coming for me, princess, go on, good girl, come around this cock.” He furrowed his brows at your feeling your body tremble and go rigid, your grip becoming deadly around him, eyes squeezed shut. His pace slowed slightly, so he could feel every squeeze every contraction. You had never felt this sensation before, like your whole body had just been ignited. His hand did little to cover the moans, only muffled them as you cursed vision blurry, stars filling your vision. 
After giving you little time to recover, your body slightly limp, he proceeded in using your cunt to fuck himself to his climax. You’d made a creamy mess, forming at the bottom of his cock. He didn’t care, he seemed to enjoy it more, unable to keep a steady pace, growing needy of his own release. He dropped his hand, gripped at your waist again as you pulled him closer for a kiss, using that a buffer for the whines and whimpers. His lips were frantic against you, biting your lip. “I’m close.” He growled and you locked your legs around his waist, keeping him deep inside you.
“Please, give it to me, please.” You whined, his hand returning to lock around your neck, forcing you to look at him in the eyes whilst he filled you up.
Grunting, he buried himself deep into you, feeling as he emptied everything he had in you. You were warm inside, content and stuffed. He was blinking, regaining his steadiness, littering kisses over your face, sweat beading over his forehead. He gradually let your legs drop down, fulling your dress back down to somewhat of its original state. You were wobbly, clarity finally coming over your lust clouded mind. He’d rubbed his face and then stuffed himself back into his trousers, looking you up and down as you timidly stood against the wall, expecting him to tell you what a bad thing you’d done, about how you should tell no one about this ever. 
“I guess you are that kind of man, Mr Howard.” You joked, breaking the silence whilst wiping your dried tears with the back of your hand. He did a double take at your before chuckling and shaking his head.
“I guess I am.” He buckled up his belt, readjusting the crumpled suit jacket. “People will be wondering where we are.” He tipped his head towards the door and you suddenly remembered where you were. 
“Right, yes, of course.” You brushed your hair with your fingers, trying to create some semblance of dignity whilst his cum dripped down your inner thigh.
“I’ll see you back at the table.” He smirked, looking you up and down, turning towards the door, leaving you standing meekly. You watched him leave, the bunched up bulge of your white lace panties peeking over the top of his trouser pocket. 
After a quick trip to the bathroom to wet your face and try to remove any traces of what just happened. That was dirty, you’d been a dirty, low down girl. Here you were, wiping another mans semen from your thighs whilst your husband waited for you in the other room. It made you feel slightly sick, now that you were alone and had time to think about it. But the way he’d made you feel was like any other. You still didn’t understand what had happened to your body, but you were sure he caused it. And that was something you wanted to feel over and over again. Readying yourself to face not only your husband, but also Cooper, you believed you were finally presentable to return to the table and although you’d sobered up, you still walked with a stumble due to the lack of Coopers body between your legs. 
When you had returned, you were disappointed to see no Cooper at the table, his seat empty, his coat missing from the back of it. You did little to hide this disappointment, Robert turning to face your flush body. “Here she is, I was beginning to believe you’d gotten lost!” He scoffed loudly and you remained standing.
“I don’t feel very well, I would like to go home.” You spoke dead pan.
“God! There must be something in the water, Howard said the same damn thing!” He slapped his thighs, standing up and planting a wet scratchy kiss on your cheek, making you quiver.
You’d made a swift exit, waiting in the car with your legs squeezed shut, keeping quiet. Cooper’s own quick exit had made you feel like a whore. Which you supposed thats all you were. You shouldn’t have enjoyed that as much as you did. And having Robert in the car beside you, a chauffeur driving you two to your shared home, made you feel 10 times worse. He wasn’t a good husband, or a loving one or an intimate one. But you were making a fool of him. And that scared you. “I was hoping you’d get to talk to Cooper Howard, but you being sick and all…” He trailed off.
“Why?” You turned to him.
“Because I got you a role in a movie with him.”
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itzjaza · 9 months
Taz Skylar as Your Husband:
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The proposal: Taz had been planning this for weeks. He wanted it to be perfect. He made Emily take y/n out for a girl's day so that he could prepare everything. He cooked her favorite meal, prepped their outfits for tonight, and bought her favorite champagne. When y/n got back it was safe to say she was surprised. After dinner, Taz took Y/n out on a walk at the beach to watch the sunset. As they walked along the sand, Taz took Y/n's hand in his and stopped in his tracks. "I can't imagine a life without you," Taz said, looking deeply into her eyes. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" y/n's eyes filled with tears of happiness. She had been waiting for this moment for so long. "Yes, Taz!" she said, smiling widely. Taz reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful engagement ring. He placed it on her finger, and they embraced each other in a tight hug. As the sun set over the ocean, Taz and then pulled her into a kiss that was ruined by their friends knocking them down onto the sand for a hug.
The wedding day: It was a beautiful day in the city, and y/n was getting ready for her big day. She was nervous and excited, but she knew that Taz was the one for her. Taz was waiting outside the church, looking handsome in his suit. As y/n approached him, he took her hand and greeted her with a smile. The ceremony was simple and elegant, and it was clear that Taz and Y/n were both over the moon with happiness. At the end of the ceremony, they exchanged their vows and said "I do". The reception was full of love and laughter, and all of their friends and family were there to share in their joy. As the night came to an end, Taz and y/n said goodbye to their guests and headed off to their honeymoon. It was the most perfect day of their lives, and they couldn't wait to start their life together as husband and wife.
The honeymoon: y/n and Taz went on an amazing honeymoon to a remote island in the Caribbean. They stayed in a beautiful resort surrounded by palm trees and white sand beaches. Taz was the perfect husband, and he treated her like a princess every day. Every morning, they woke up early to watch the sun rise over the ocean. Then they headed out on boats to explore the surrounding coral reefs. Taz showed y/n how to snorkel and they saw all kinds of colorful fish. In the afternoons, they lay out on the beach and relaxed in the sun. They talked about everything and nothing, and y/n felt more in love with Taz with each passing day. At night, they went out for delicious dinners. Taz was a great cook and he would make y/n her favorite dishes. Then they danced beneath the stars to the music of a live band. It was safe to say that y/n's and Taz's honeymoon was the most magical, romantic time of their lives. They returned home with incredible memories and a new level of love and connection.
How he would be as a husband: Taz would be a wonderful husband. He would be selfless, caring, and dedicated to making his wife happy. He would always put her needs first, and would be there to support her through thick and thin. He would be a great provider, and he would always go out of his way to make sure she felt loved and cared for. Taz would be a great conversationalist, and he would always make her laugh with his charming wit. He would be a great listener, and he would always be there to lend an ear when she needed to vent. In short, Taz would be a husband any woman would be lucky to have.
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phoneuserhana333 · 9 months
what about neighbor!ellie? — headcanons
miscellaneous neighbor!ellie thoughts while i brainstorm. enjoy <3
• i imagine ellie and you are neighbors in a huge apartment complex, you live below her and she has a balcony where she smokes weed like every day
• ellie is the type of neighbor to romanticize interactions she has with you; unlike abby, who has a clear dislike towards her neighbor, ellie will put up with anything you do. you could blow up the apartment complex and she’d call dina and be like “lol guess what my cute neighbor just did? :’D”
• orders sooooo much fast food. she can’t help it! she gets munchies whenever she smokes. if you bring her a warm, homemade meal she will MELT !!! it feeds into her wifing you up fantasy where you cook and she goes to her 9-5 to provide for u. horribly cheesy. someone help her
• her apartment is full of posters. bands, animals she thinks are cool, her favorite dinosaurs. her sheets are a plain forest green, she leaves dirty plates everywhere.
• she enjoys a good weighted blanket, funny mugs, those ugly grandpa slippers (iykyk), dino nuggets. always stocked up on sweets. never stocked up on period products (she just forgets, would cry if you brought her a lil basket of period products and sweets)
• lurks. a serial lurker. wants to know if your house appliances need fixing (if they do, she’s swooping in with a toolbox she ‘borrowed’ from joel to save the day), wants to see what you like, basically she’s looking for an excuse to start a conversation with you
• fails to start a conversation every single time. she ends up leaving her phone number under your doormat, praying you’d find it. surprisingly, it took you a few days to find it and you texted her.
• neighbor!ellie is defo the type to be all bark and no bite, she’ll send you flirty messages HOURLY, and then when she hears your flustered squeal through the thin walls she’ll tease you even more.
• but when she sees you in the hallways, or god forbid, the elevator? she’s a stuttering, blushing mess of dodgy eyes and awkward laughs. the close proximity makes her nervous, the smell of your perfume and how warm you are might be too much for her. can’t stay sane when she sees you.
• hasn’t brought any girls over since you moved in. what can i say? she’s stupidly loyal.
• ellie wishes she could just move in with you already! whines to dina on the phone about how she’s in love and how you’re her soulmate. she’s done everything in her power to make you fall in love with her (she was just saying ‘hi’ in the lobby), so why wasn’t it working?!
• little does ellie know, you’re eavesdropping on her very loud nightly phone calls, smiling to yourself as you plan your first date and how you’re going to ask the useless lesbian out.
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kinokkotsu · 8 months
Tender — Nanami Kento x Reader
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々synopsis: After years of balancing love life and work life, Nanami has finally came up with a day where he asks for your hand in marriage.
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Please let — Promise Of The World (from Howl’s Moving Castle) play in the background for better experience xoxo.
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A normal life is what Nanami has always desired to have.
He always dreams to become a person who is a provider for his partner and his children— a responsible and respectful one.
Now that he has been in a relationship with you for over three years, he couldn’t bare to wait any longer. He wants to become a member of your family. He has always visualised cooking meals with you in the kitchen, the room filled with nothing but only laughs of joy. He has visualized staying in a foreign country where the peace radiates— somewhere near the countryside maybe, with a cat and a dog, he only needs to see the curve of your lips.
He has been working hard for the past few years in order to provide you financially, so that you must not worry over bills and expenses.
Now that everything has been settled, it is time for the ring.
The sun is setting and the birds chirp while they fly back to their homes. Nanami awaits in the living room, anxious. He has a small box in his hands. You won’t be back from work till 5.30 and it is currently 5.17.
Thoughts run wild in Nanami’s brain while he sits.
Was he being too desperate? Is three years such a short period time to get married? Will you even actually like the idea of getting married to him?
He wonders.
Time passes so fast that the door swings open as you come in swiftly with a tired smile on your face. “Dear..I’m hom- oh my, you almost scared me,” Unexpectedly, you laugh when you see Nanami sitting on the sofa with his face all pale and sweaty.
“welcome home,” he greets as you hum and lock the door securely. “We need to talk,” Nanami utters.
You glance at him with a slight surprise, “talk? about what?”
At this point you are as anxious as he is too. With his face being too serious, the atmosphere somehow makes you uncomfortable. “What is it? Is something wrong?” You ask, putting your hand your on your thighs when you settle down next to him.
Now the sky is getting darker, radiating the area with dark orangey glow. The city lights illuminate the night sky as the sun peaks down from the horizon.
Nanami sighs— a deep one. He gets up as he kneels down in front of you, “kento,” you call him out In surprise.
“It has been three years since we’ve been in a sincere relationship..with our friendship lasting for over a decade I believe it has finally reached the day where I shall ask for your hand in marriage,” he says, using big words which claims a weak grin from you.
Kento looks up at you and gives you a soft smile, “will you marry me?” he asks.
You look away. The tears burn your eyes while you sniff them away. Nodding profusely, you brush the tears away. Your throat is as dry as a sandpaper at the moment, you couldn’t speak.
He smiles, ear to ear.
He gently pulls your hand closer to his body before giving a peck on it, pushing the ring onto your fingers afterwards. The ring size is just perfect. He knows of course. He has every single detail of you memorized, unintentionally.
“I’ll protect, forever..only until death do us apart.” He vows before embracing your whole hand and putting your palm onto his head. Your fingers run through the blonde strands before you give him a tender kiss on the forehead.
You sob, unable to say a word just yet. He looks up at you, smiling as you do. “..My wife— my woman,” he says. Your stomach twists with joy. Never has you ever been loved so conditionally by a man, there is this man from your teenage years, appealing as the future father of your children.
You hug his head while he lays on your stomach, “..love you so much, Kento.”
“I love you too,” he matters before he returns the hug as he wraps his arms around your waist.
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You can tell I have been watching ghibli movies so look forward to seeing more cheesy stuff like this too. Reblogs, likes and follows are highly appreciated.
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isaksbestpillow · 2 months
Our Dining Table eng sub masterpost
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Drama synopsis:
Eating around other people is a struggle for salaryman Yutaka, despite his talent for cooking. All that changes when he meets Minoru and Tane—two brothers, many years apart in age—who ask him to teach them how to make his delicious food! Yutaka soon finds himself having a change of heart as he looks forward to the meals they share together.
Surprise! I started subbing this show last year because the official subs were incomprehensible at times, but I was heavily struggling with undiagnosed endometriosis at the time and eventually my situation got so bad I was unable to complete the project, missing the last two episodes. However, having an unfinished project started bothering me, so I decided to sub the last two episodes now. Here they are!
I've also revised the previous subs (font size, line breaks), so I'm uploading the subs for all ten episodes as a single .rar file.
As for the raws, I'm only providing them for episodes 9 and 10 since I didn't upload them last year. If you've missed or lost any of the previous episodes, you can easily torrent them on nyaa. Subs for episodes 1 and 2 were originally timed to my screen recordings but I've lost those files so I've re-timed the subs to the web rips.
Please do not reupload my subs to any streaming sites or share the links in public outside of tumblr.
Episode 9
Episode 10
Subs for episodes 1-10 (.rar, please extract using Winrar or similar)
Notes for episode 9:
Kotoshi no yogore wa kotoshi no uchi ni/Get rid of this year's dirt within this year: This is originally the slogan of a detergent commercial
Joya no kane: A bell that is struck at midnight of December 31st as part of Japanese Buddhist rituals. Most temples ring the bell 108 times.
Notes for episode 10:
Many Japanese couples start calling each other Mom and Dad after becoming parents, but Ueda-san still calls his wife Mika-san which I think is romantic!
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dtfpeta · 11 months
Domesticity with Price...
(a/n: yes I want to make my lover a home cooked meal. yes I want him to wrap his arms around me while I cook. also I was this close to putting nsfw but I may just make a part two)
tags: husband!price, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, f!reader
Word Count: 1.8k __________
Price who comes home to his doting wife standing in front of the stove. A roaring pot of boiling water being salted by your delicate hands which form a harsh pinch on the granules before releasing them into the porcelain dish.
He watches from the door as you slowly canter your hips, humming along to the soft melody of Al Green from your distant record player. His cheeks contort with a smile when he hears your abysmal attempt to recall the lyrics. Startling you out of your unaware serenade when his hands catch in the fabric of your dress to wrap around your waist.
"Smells good." He comments regarding the dish. His face is buried in the side of your neck, breathing in the scent of garlic, rosemary, and other spices that coat the house in its aroma. Your own fragrance of vanilla overwhelms his senses as he sighs into the crook of your neck.
"It's not nice to sneak up on someone like that..." You chastise, knowing the irony that lies in your statement being as stealth is not something your husband is unaccustomed to. "Could've burned myself." You add, half-heartedly scolding and rolling your eyes as his arms tighten their purchase on your hips.
On the stove lies a pot boiling with its now added component of rigatoni. To its side is a sizzling pan that has been providing the house with its encapsulating smell. John eyes the skillet. The melted butter works to caramelize the now translucent onions coated in sparse flakes of red pepper and rosemary. A wooden spatula wielded in your hand stirs the minced garlic cloves, doing your best to prevent their quick to burn nature.
Price loves your cooking and you love to cook for him. Seeing as his face melts into bliss when he tastes what magic you have cast on something as simple as a chicken pot pie. Or the way his eyes bulge when you reveal that a dish he has been scarfing down like a starved dog over the past several months contains mushrooms.
Ever since that day, he has not once argued about an ingredient in your cooking. Even as he eyes the tomato sauce being added to the pan, knowing he is going to suffer a severe case of heartburn but almost welcoming it, as he knows it will accompany an array of flavors he will be holding up his plate for more of.
"M'sorry love." He relishes. "Been looking forward to this all day. N' watching you from the door just made me miss ya' even more."
You scoff at his cheesy comment, placing your left hand to rest on his forearm that is draped around you as your right stirs at the still hard noodles.
You lay your utensil down and lean back into his embrace. Closing your eyes as you feel your bodies link together like a puzzle. One piece being a head taller than the other, but fitting together nonetheless. You sway with your husband to the tempo of the song playing in the background. His body is warm against your back, being stripped of his tactical gear and left in a black cotton shirt tucked into the waist of his same toned cargo pants, the legs of which are folded above his combat boots.
"How was work?" You ask, eyes still closed and body entangled in him. He regards your question with a low hum, feet lightly stepping side to side.
"Hm, the usual. Told some of the boys we could treat em' to dinner sometime. Be nice to get together, maybe show you off a lil'?"
He lightly pinches at your sides while pulling you closer to him. The scruff of his beard dances against your skin as he attacks your neck in quickly scattered kisses.
"John!" You laugh while attempting to distance yourself from his assault. Only to be swiftly turned around where you find his blue eyes smiling fondly at you. The warm tinted light from a nearby lamp casts soft shadows on the crows feet that crinkle near his eyes. The edges of his smile lines sharpening the more he beams at you.
There's not a place on Earth he would rather be.
For the longest, he distanced himself from love. Only finding that unachievable compromises would be asked of him, and due to his work, he was never able to fulfill those wishes. It only put a strain on his and his partners' relationship. He learned to deal with the lack of intimate companionship over the years. Just having the bond of his brothers in arms till he would return to his empty flat and scrounge up whatever microwaveable dish hadn't gone freezer burnt or remnants of leftovers left in his barren refrigerator. Until he met someone he could incorporate into the unpredictable schedule of his life.
The first time you cooked for him he was floored. Joking about how he'd have to hire you as his personal chef and saying how he could only dream of coming home to this every week. You had brought the ingredients to his apartment, insisting that you would treat him to a hot meal if he helped you, which he gladly agreed to. He stood slicing carrots and celery while you stirred a pot of chicken stock, placing sprigs of thyme and bay leaves into the broth as the chicken roasted in the oven, soon to be shredded and added to the pot. Said pot being three times bigger than your head.
"You trying to feed the whole squadron?" He'd teased. To which you only responded with a light snicker, knowing that in making such a large portion would provide him with leftovers for the rest of the week-and then some.
Several years later you now stood in your shared home, a simple wedding band adorning the both of you two's hands. Price's socks litter the shared space until you have to reprimand him to pick them up. Him responding with his own accusations of how you frequently leave your bra on the couch as well as your adversity to keep your hair ties in one place. What can you say, it's just more convenient when they're around the house.
The two of you's cleaning habits aren't the only thing that could use work though. The decorations are an obvious clash of one person who enhances the space with homely, comforting pieces, and another who has a hard time letting go of secondhand artifacts. And after Price's constant defense of his 'live laugh love' banner hanging on the wall of the kitchen, you began to give in to the cliché relic.
A more than familiar tune begins to play from the record player.
"Oh my God" Price's teeth shine through his grin as he picks up on the melody as well. It's the song you shared your first dance together to.
His coordinated hands move to your hips, your own responding by wrapping around his neck. You gaze up at him. The quickening of your heart makes its frequent appearance as he looks down at you. The butterflies you feel every time you look at him have yet to diminish their strength over the years. Even as you heard stories of the dreaded period following the honeymoon phase where couples do nothing but bicker, your heart remained the same.
The only thing you can focus on is his hickory-toned voice humming to the lyrics of the track. The vibration rumbles through his chest, making its way to your ear resting upon him. He sways with your body against his until you are replicating the dance from that night. Since that night he has always made it apparent you were his first priority. He protects and serves you, as you have brought a peace to his life he didn't think was possible.
"Y'know on my way home," he began "saw this woman with her kid. Maybe 5 years old. He was sitting on a bench while she was on the ground tying his shoe. He was swinging his leg, reading some comic book to her. Poor lasses feet barely touched the ground!" He lets out a breathy laugh before pausing for a moment. "Just got me thinking."
"Bein' a dad." He stated, kissing the temple of your face. "Making you a mum."
You smiled into his chest. John knew you wanted kids, and he did too. The time just never found itself convenient. And even now there are uncertainties, but the knowledge you have that John would be an excellent father left you planting seedlings of the idea in his head when you had the chance. Passing by a pair of cute baby shoes in the store. The ring of adolescent laughter when you'd visit the aquarium. Or even a dress you would buy, waiting for your husband to compliment it before mentioning the garment worked as a maternity piece too.
Something had been pulling at his paternal strings lately, however. He yearned to fill the house with the both of your makings. Leaving your marks in its foundation. Whether that be with the rug you both haggled for at the flea market. The broken spring of your living room couch, product of an intense wrestling match between you two. (In which both parties were considered victorious by the end.) Or the poolhouse-toned blue paint that made its acquaintance on the crown molding of your bedroom wall. (Also caused by some spout of play fighting or whatever attempt Price had to get his hands on you.)
You leaned back to search his face, only finding a look of great fondness pulling at his features. Your palms came to cradle the sides of his face before a smile stretched on your own.
"Yeah. I think I'd like that." You brought his lips to yours, embracing him in a tender touch as you laughed into the kiss. Your hold on one another tightened. Knowing that Price was ready to take such a giant step now made you giddy as you imagined him holding his future child, playing make-believe with them, and cleaning up their bumps and bruises from playing in the yard.
"Can't believe you're saying yes to a baby before a dog, John." You both laughed before you turned your head at the smell of burnt garlic.
"Shit!" You quickly grabbed a wooden spoon to stir at the red mixture before turning the stove off.
"Don't tell me you lost your touch already, sweetheart?"
"You were distracting me." You declare, pointing your spatula at the towering man. "Just get the bowls from the cabinet and set the table, yeah?"
"Of course, hun." He mocked.
You glared a burning look into the back of his before he did as instructed, your temper cooling as you poured the pot of soft noodles into a strainer.
You and John were able to turn a house into your home. Soon the floor and walls would be sheathed in memories of your family. One of the first being your dinner of a burnt tomato rigatoni pasta.
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privitivium · 3 months
HIII i have a fic idea , maybe kishibe with a house(wife)husband reader? with some feminization 🤗 like some soft domestic stuff
genuinely love this idea,.. it is actually insane that there are barely any kishibe x male reader. disgraceful ngl,,, also working on an ask of kishibe hcs so thats on the way. ejehejkrjv,,,,,..... cw for v mild feminization, kishibe refers to reader as wife - fem terms, reader is amab. no mentions of makima ruining lives.
dom kishibe x sub househusband reader!
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kishibe,,, married to a man? who would suspect such a thing!! a man of such ... simple likes. women, booze, and killing devils. genuinely, no one would ever think that he was in such a commited relationship with a younger man.. thinking such things of relationships and kishibe didn't exist-! thinking that he's a simple man, with no one to go home to...
he likes it that way. enjoying his quiet life he rather surprisingly submits himself to quite easily... it's just the effect you have on him... his ... younger little husband who was seemingly so infatuated with him. it's such a surprise that he could make such an old - refined man such as kishibe so flustered!! you deserve a reward... but he wasn't going to give you one.
and still, despite your circumstances of living with and married to a rather "dangerous" devil hunter so proudly... you were so happy - so absent-minded; you still managed to live lively as ever with a smile present on your face. he was ... almost envious. what have you got to be so happy about??? was it truly him? did he seriously make you that happy? ah, don't get all sappy..
ㅡah, yes, yes... quickly kicking them off and shuffling to follow you as you meander toward the kitchen where a lovely smell was emanating. coming home to his husband cooking a meal for him... just like those little 1950s housewives... he could never get used to it. merely admiring your frame, leaning on the doorway... before leaning in too close and hovering over you... taking care to notice the apron you were wearing. frilly... pink. a contrast to your frame.
being greeted by his doting husband at the door of your apartment after a hard day... always warms his heart. not that he outwardly shows it - as you take his things, and his coat... treating him with gentle care. something he didn't quite know he needed nor was worthy until someone like you came along... it's comforting.
knowing someone likes him - appreciates him so much. greeting him with a soft kiss and a gentle, joking scold of;; "careful with your shoes." unheedful to the taste of cigarettes and beer on his tongue - you didn't mind, he was a grown adult who could very well handle himself... but at times he did need help... which you were right there to provide it. he just,,, has a hard time accepting it. hnn...
yes you had a knack for liking feminine things... he couldn't help but tease you about it. "beautiful." he so affectionately dubs you, brushing his fingertips along your cheek. your cute little reactions when he calls you his wife. when he calls you his pretty girl as your walls clamp on his cock in bed - ah, and you turn away... bashful. trying to hide your face... sighing in solace as he leans toward you - hunching over and nuzzling his face into the crook of your face and you scrunch your shoulders; his scruff tickling your neck. humming softly... distress draining from his body from merely embracing you and inhaling your natural scent,,, hands grazing along the sides of your torso and dipping underneath your pants -
ㅡ "hmm..." grunting, all gruff and brooding as ever as he hunkers over behind his little h-husband.. wife... speaking of - "coming home to see my little wife all dolled up..." he hums, the corners of his lips twitching upwards as he roams his thick, huge hands over your hips affectionately, ever so slightly fiddling with the fabric band of your black lacy underwear you had put on just for him underneath,,,, beforehand... "this all for me?" he snaps it against your hip.
and you,, glancing back at him with a near bashful smile - "that's right... just for you. i know today must've been especially rough - relax for me, hmm?" and not so innocently pushing your hips back into his... humming softly in a soft yes, before turning back to your dishes you were preparing, letting the old man do whatever he wanted.,,, and he can't help but imagine,, those eyes, glazed over with tears as your mouth hollows around his prick so lovingly. so eager to please him - so eager to love him. hnn... leaning inward to kiss the crown of your head - a soft "my wife..." indistinctly leaving his lips as he admires you,,, so good to me, he finishes.
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