#wish there were more genuine jumpscares :(
blissfali · 7 months
final movie thoughts: i loved the story a lot it was really good. i think the only thing it suffered from was pacing issues. everything else was magnificent
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immoralkombat · 9 months
Kenshi has been blind for maybe an hour or two.
Johnny looks over at him with sympathy. He's not sure what he could possibly do or say to make things seem any less bleak for him. The man was just trying to get his family's heirloom back and now, after months of training and dedication, one of his five senses is gone permanently through no fault of his own. If Johnny were in Kenshi's position, he's sure he'd be feeling just as desolate, if not more so.
Kung Lao is sitting in the far corner, talking to Baraka. He seems genuinely fascinated by Tarkat as a disease. Were Johnny not in the same situation as them, he would find that particular conversation topic a bit morbid. Right now, it's really all they have to talk about. They've already exhausted all the small talk options you normally go through when first meeting someone. They might as well start talking about the disease that'll eventually kill Baraka.
The salve on the cloth seems to have worked a little, because at least Kenshi isn't moaning in pain every few seconds anymore. Not that it makes things significantly more cheerful, but it does help the atmosphere a bit.
Johnny taps on his knees as he sits, eyes darting between looking at Kung Lao and Kenshi. He's kind of in between where the two have sat themselves, a visual and metaphorical median between the two ways one could possibly react to getting imprisoned by a sorcerer that's almost 100% going to kill you. (To be fair, there isn't much that connects the points of "casually talking about a stranger's terminal illness with them as though you're both standing by the office water cooler talking about whatever hit TV show is airing these days" and "rocking back in forth in the corner about how a different terminally ill stranger took your eyes and you have nothing left in this world." Johnny supposes the best middle point is "looking anxiously between your two co-workers and not saying anything because Jesus Christ, what the fuck are you supposed to say in this situation besides aforementioned terminal illness.")
He really wishes that Kenshi still had his eyes, because every time he looked at Johnny, it always seemed to make everything feel okay.
Johnny thinks for a second and then scoots closer to Kenshi. It's only once he accidentally bumps up against Kenshi's foot and scares the living shit out of everyone in the cell that he realizes he probably should've given an audible cue that he was going to be approaching the newly blind guy.
After Kenshi's done having a mini panic attack over the sudden Hollywood A-lister jumpscare he's gotten, Johnny looks at him and asks, quietly, "Do you want to hold Sento for a bit?"
Kenshi turns to face him and even underneath the newly christened blindfold, Johnny can tell that Kenshi is looking at him with the most surprised and reverent eyes in the universe. The kind of look that you'd get and say "fuck this stupid sword, I'd pay $3 million just to get this guy to look at me like that again."
Kenshi's mouth opens as though he's going to say something, but it shuts again before any words or sounds can come out. He opts to nod in response and Johnny takes the scabbard from off his back, holds it in his hands gently and passes it to Kenshi. Their fingertips graze one another, a way to indicate that the blind man is in the right spot. The touch sends crackles of electricity through Johnny and he wonders if Kenshi feels them too.
It's like the tattoos on Kenshi's hands are swirling around him, colors dancing in front of his eyes. It's more beautiful than any lame fucking Disney movie ever could be.
The yakuza's voice is hoarse as he says "Thanks." It's so small that Johnny can almost see it breaking in the air. He wants to put his hand on Kenshi's and tell him that things will be okay, that he's going to pay for a sight companion, any kind of corrective surgeries he wants, whatever it takes. He wants to tell him that he's still just as strong and fierce and goddamn handsome now as he was before. He wants to kiss him so fucking badly it makes his entire being ache.
He settles for saying "You're welcome," and then sitting next to Kenshi in silence.
He watches the way that he holds Sento in his hands, feels every single nick in the scabbard, every single imperfection. It's the first time in Johnny's life that he's ever wanted to be a sword and, if he keeps hanging out with Kenshi after this, (which he hopes he can), it almost certainly won't be the last.
Johnny wishes that Mileena had taken Kenshi's tear ducts with her after she'd stabbed his eyes out, because the short sad sobs that wrack through his body are almost too much to bear witness to. When he cries, it moves through his entire being. It sends a shockwave from his gut upward, makes him lurch his shoulders forward and hug himself.
"H-Hey, what's wrong?" Johnny asks. He knows it's a stupid fucking question, obviously everyone knows what's wrong, most of all the guy it happened to. But it's all he can think to ask as he watches Kenshi continue to awkwardly jerk alongside his cries.
Kenshi's head turns to face Johnny. From beyond the thin red cloth that covers his eye sockets, Johnny can feel them boring into him.
"Cage, could I touch you? I want to remember what your face looks like."
If Johnny were operating on his full mental capacity, he would probably explode at this question. He would become the fireworks they popped last night at the banquet over their heads as they feasted. He would be attached to one end of a fuse with Li Mei holding the other end, readying herself to spark it and send him to the stratosphere.
"Y-Yeah, of course you can, Ken-doll. Just make sure not to damage the goods - people pay good money for this mug to show up on their big screens."
The smugness in his voice would normally earn him a "tch" or a groan, (or an eye roll), from Kenshi. Hearing him chuckle under his breath makes his heart soar.
He turns his face toward him and waits, but no touch comes. His eyes close, he anticipates the electricity to come back... and instead he hears Kenshi clearing his throat awkwardly.
Johnny opens his eyes and finds that Kenshi's still got his hands on Sento. He tries not to be jealous of the sword again, but as with any other time he's tried not to be jealous of someone or something that has what he wants, he fails miserably.
"Could you get closer, Cage?"
"Not the first time I'm hearing that question, won't be the last. How close you need me, handsome?"
The words come out before he can even process them. Jesus Christ, is he really that much of a disaster that he can just openly call a guy he's been crushing on for at least a month handsome without even thinking about it? He's a fucking mess. His wife left him and now he doesn't know how to act. She was gonna be the only person he'd ever be able to trick into loving him and now she was gone.
"I'm going to turn, and I suggest you do the same. I want to be facing you. You can sit with your legs touching mine if it helps."
Great, now Kenshi has a colorful blindfold that also serves as a perfect swatch for the shade of red Johnny's face turns every time the man says something that's totally fucking normal for two people that are acquainted with one another.
Johnny does as he's told, because if there's one thing he's good at, it's taking directions. (Ignoring literally every single major motion picture he's ever been in, every statement he's ever made to the press after consulting his legal teams and public consultants, and generally living life up until this point.)
His knees knock against Kenshi's and it takes him aback for a second, how giddy and childish the butterflies he feels in his stomach are. Getting to know Kenshi was so simple. He wishes he had just taken a second and been less of a dickwad back when they'd first met, because maybe then it'd be easier for him to grow a pair of cajones and tell Kenshi that he doesn't spend a single night without thinking about how much he wants to trace the tattoos on his hands and arms. Maybe if he had just given Sento over, it'd be easier to admit that the low rumble of Kenshi's voice does something to stir up the pool of heat in his stomach that he thought had been long since gone after getting married to Cristal. Maybe if he hadn't tied Kenshi to one of his kitchen chairs, it'd be easier to ask him if kissing washed-up celebrities was something he'd be interested in doing.
"I'll put my hand out, you lean forward to match it."
Kenshi's palm is extended and it takes every ounce of willpower in Johnny's aching body to not press his lips against it. He leans forward until his cheek is lightly touching the yakuza's hand.
He must be hearing things, because he swears he hears Kenshi's breath hitch when they make contact for the first time. Nah, surely not. Must've been the wind.
If Kenshi's senses are heightened because of the loss of his vision, then Johnny's senses are heightened because of the gain of his touch. He purses his lips together to stop from letting out some sort of obscene sound as he feels Kenshi's hand slowly smooth over his cheek. He thanks whatever fucked up Gods exist other than Liu Kang that he finally got on that moisturizing routine that he learned off of TikTok three months ago.
As Kenshi's hand slowly feels out every angle and curve of Johnny's face, his thoughts rush a mile a minute. He wonders if he should've done a closer shave today - maybe his stubble is gonna be too sharp and it'll hurt Kenshi and leave him with little cuts or rug burn on his pretty perfect wrap-around-my-throat-please hands. He wonders if his nose is too big. He wonders if he maybe should've invested in hair plugs after that one weird SNL dropout made a comment about his weird square hairline back when he guest starred on the Comedy Central roast of Megan Fox. He wonders if his eyes are too small or too large or too close together or too far apart. He wonders if he should smile so Kenshi can feel his dimples.
"Yep, it all feels just like how I remember it. Although the stubble has gotten a little longer."
That is certainly not the answer he was expecting to hear.
His voice is small, barely there, as he chokes out his question. "You remember what I look like?"
Kenshi nods. "I do."
Johnny goes to open his mouth to ask, "Then why did you ask to touch it if you already knew?"
But then Kenshi's fingers are on his lips, tracing them with the reverence he'd have holding Sento, and for a moment, Johnny finally thinks he's better than that stupid fucking sword. His smile has the same curves, the same edges. The only difference is that Kenshi can't accidentally hurt himself this way. (He can, however, accidentally hurt Johnny. But even that would be better than the alternative, he thinks.)
Kenshi's thumb is on his bottom lip, the rest of his hand now holding Johnny's chin. If he tilts it up even one degree, Johnny thinks it'll be over for him, that he'll be kissing Kenshi before he can even think to stop himself. He'd always had poor impulse control - why else would he have spent $3 million on a fucking sword to hang up in his living room?
"These are the same, too. I'm glad you weren't hurt in the fight, Cage."
Johnny feels so fucking overwhelmed. He wants to ask so many things. First of all, what does "these are the same, too" mean? Second, why does he care about the guy who bought his fucking family heirloom and refuses to give it back? Third, why does he insist on calling him Cage like one day he won't end up calling him Johnny and breaking his heart? Fourth, what in the goddamn fuck does he mean about Johnny's fucking lips being the goddamn motherfucking same?!
Johnny decides to play it up like he always does. "Well, 'course. Gotta keep my pretty mouth. It's what makes the big bucks. I wouldn't be the same without it."
Kenshi smirks, and thank Liu Kang's weird god siblings that he's blind right now, because Johnny is beet red, mouth agape, with his eyebrows raised (and he's fairly certain that something else also rises).
"That's true. You would not be the same without that infamous mouth." Kenshi accents the compliment(?) with a playful slap to Johnny's cheek, and then his hand is withdrawn entirely, leaving an empty ghost where he should still be holding Johnny's face in his hands.
He bites back the urge to immediately ask if Kenshi wants to know just how infamous the mouth is, and settles for clearing his throat and moving back to sitting against the wall next to Kenshi.
He looks over at him after he's gotten calmed down. His heart is still jackhammering against his ribs, but as long as Kenshi can't feel his pulse, he doesn't have to know. Kenshi seems to sense Johnny's eyes on him because he turns to face him, red blindfold all that stands between the gaping holes where Kenshi's eyes used to be and Johnny's gaze full of adoration.
The yakuza grabs Sento from his lap and hands it back to Johnny.
"Thank you. I appreciate you letting me hold it. And I appreciate your help in grounding me back to reality."
Johnny nods, taking Sento back and putting it where it so wrongfully deserves to be, strapped against Johnny's sore fucking back.
"No problem. Lemme know whenever you get the urge to feel out what an Adonis looks like, I'm happy to oblige." His comment is a means to an end. He plays up the egoism to ignore the shock that courses through him as Kenshi's fingertips touch his one last time.
He resolves then and there to give Sento back as soon as they escape from here, and they will escape.
This cannot be the last time he feels Kenshi's hands on him.
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Baraka whispers, about as well as he can without lips or an inside voice, "Do they not realize how much they yearn for one another?"
Kung Lao shakes his head, putting a hand on Baraka's shoulder and immediately regretting it once he feels a spike tear into his palm. "They've just gotta be stupid about it for a bit longer. They'll figure it out."
"Surely their pining has to cause some sort of agony for you as well, does it not, Earthrealmer?" Baraka looks genuinely confused, or as close to it as he can get from what Kung Lao can tell.
Kung Lao hangs his head, sighing languidly. "Of course it does. But what else am I gonna do about it? Tell them? They're not gonna believe me. Trust me, they've got to figure it out on their own time, or they never will."
And as he sees Johnny's hand inch closer to Kenshi's, finally overlapping the tattoos and interlocking their fingers, Kung Lao thinks that maybe the agony won't last much longer.
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brightgoat · 5 months
Hey hi! I’ve been an avid follower of yours for awhile for your Pucci art but, this green child au has me hooked more and more lately! Your art is stunning by the way, thank you for posting!! The final metamorphosis panel has me excited for the next installment you share ngl.
Anyways, I was wondering if I could ask a few things about it? Specifically, what has happened after O-moon came into the picture, and the buildup to part 13 and 14? Of course if you wish to keep things vague or don’t know, there’s no need to answer! I’m just curious.
When did Jotaro get alerted to the incident and decided to finally come around? Did he encounter Pucci first or Jolyne? After the revelations that O-moon revealed to Jolyne, how did her perceptions of her father and Pucci shift? Did Jolyne ever figure out what Pucci was most likely about to do to FF while they were cornered by him? Have you thought about how Weather Report factors into this AU at all (since he’s probably in prison at this point)?
Sorry for the bombardment, and again no pressure to answer these if you don’t wish to!
- Kimera
Greetings! Thank you very much for the compliment, hope the payoff to that comic was satisfying haha
So, I wanna keep things vague with this AU, telling the main story beats through images and short comics- not only cuz I like it that way but also cuz... I haven't decided a lot of the details hahaha-
Answering this via lore dump, hope you like reading, this can be just one of many ways it could've happened:
I imagined that while Pucci and Jolyne were out getting souls, Jotaro was studying whatever is left of Dio's followers, and eventually tracks down Pucci, and travels to the US. Perhaps he finds out Pucci has been tutoring Jolyne from Jolyne's mum (who knows maybe they reconnected).
Oh and yes, Jolyne's mum knows abt Pucci, but of course not who he really is.
During this, Jolyne has awakened the Green Baby and fused with it. Jotaro may even sense that something is wrong through their family psychic bond thing.
Jotaro, realizing Pucci is a step ahead of him by already taking in his own daughter, tracks Pucci down to the church and confronts him there, sparing no time and going straight to beating answers out of him, where's Jolyne, what happened to her, what's your plan etc.
I had this thought, that once Jolyne fuses with the green baby, she inherits a bit of Dio's knowledge, and it helps her realise she's been getting used by Pucci all along. Not only that, she inherits the will to go to Heaven, and it drives her to complete the plan, she's strung along by fate now.
Now obviously she feels betrayed by Pucci, but still sympathetic to him, and rescues him from Jotaro. She's conflicted, she's angry, the only reason both Pucci and Jotaro reached out was because of some bigger-than-her plot, and not because of herself. She doesn't know how much of what Pucci gave her was genuine or because of her use to him.
(had this idea for a scene that right after Jolyne rescues Pucci, all three of them are still in church and Pucci realises she's transformed, he yells for her to stay still so he can get Whitesnake to take whatever's inside her out, but as soon as Whitesnake reaches out, a hand bursts out, he thinks it's Stone Free and suddenly JUMPSCARE O-Moon jumps out at him and the reversed-gravity throws everyone away from her-)
The only friend she has left is FF, and yes she finds out what Pucci did to them, furthering her anger. So she drags FF along with her, they are eachothers' only allies here, and although FF doesn't fully understand what's happening to Jolyne, they'll stay by her side (cue the uhhhh 'oh jolyne gave me so many memories and memories make up my intellect so i owe her yadda yadda-')
Aaaaand as for Weather, yeah mf's still in prison lmao I haven't thought too much about him. I wanted this to focus on Jolyne and Pucci, though if I did turn this AU into an entire actual story, Weather would probably come up at some point. God knows how though lmao-
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luvrsux · 8 months
"Movie Night"
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word count: 3.6k
summary: ace invited you to watch horror movies on halloween even though you’re terrified of horror movies. ace tries to relax you after being scared of noises coming from his home
cw: NSFW !! oral (receiving), fingering
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“Hi baby!”
Ace’s enthusiastic voice hugged your body before he did. He pulled you into his chest with a warm, tight embrace. Of course, all you felt was bare skin since the man never heard of wearing shirts but it was fine—his body was a sight for sore eyes after all. You sprouted in giggles when Ace pulled you indoors with his toned arms like you hadn’t seen each other in eons.
Ace kissed your face until he left a long-lasting one on your lips. Your cheeks were on fire from how hard you were smiling. Ace was like a puppy waiting for his owner to get back home; his reaction once you did was priceless.
“Love, It’s only been a few weeks since we last saw each other” You reminded as soon as his clingy hands detached from you. You slid off your coat to hang it up with the family of coats on a coat rack.
“I know, and they were the most agonizing weeks of my life” Ace, now much calmer, wrapped his arms at the hook of your back to gently pull you to his chest. You smile sheepishly as his freckled face lowers to kiss your lips.
“How dramatic of you” You coo, receiving a hearty chuckle from your boyfriend. You two shared kisses until you finally broke the hold to get the date started.
Ace loved Halloween. He only loved it for one sole reason; to scare you. You were easily frightened by horror movies or games, but with a single promise, you gave in. Ace begged you to have a horror movie date since the last time you came over to his place. The thought gave you anxiety, but how could you resist a boy like him? When he heard you agree, his eyes glistened and he had a bright smile. He beamed like a dork and you even told him to put on one of his favorites.
Ace didn’t hesitate to prepare snacks and beverages for you. They were all set up and ready to be devoured all night long innocently on the table. You loved your sunshine of a boyfriend, but the anxiety of watching a horror movie was vastly more powerful. Considering this was one of Ace’s favorites, it could be gruesome. His touch, pulling you closer to his torso and wrapping a skull-patterned, fuzzy, throw blanket onto you made your anxiety vanish in an instant though.
“Marco is out, so we have the entire place to ourselves, hun” Ace smirked. That grin was speaking for itself. As bubbly and dorky as he is, he loves pleasing you in ways you can’t even fathom. It’s his specialty.
“Where is he?” You say, watching your boyfriend's arm switch his TV on to display the horrors of a movie to you. You pulled the plump bowl of popcorn towards you.
“Halloween party. He left ages ago, but I was asleep so I couldn’t say bye” Ace shrugged. His slumber might as well be a coma to Ace. No one could wake him up, aside from maybe the fresh scent of food.
“This’ll be a fun sleepover, I hope” You giggle, tugging the hem of your blanket to your face to snuggle. You heard a chuckle from Ace and felt his touch grow tenderly.
“You bet, baby” With that, Ace began the movie from the start. His smug grin was enough to say that he was excited to hear your shrieks of terror but comfort you after. You took in one deep breath and prepared to suffer for the next hour or so.
A scene of a door slamming open to display a dead body was enough to make you jolt. You let out a sharp gasp while Ace seemed unfazed by the jump scare. He felt your body jump and it caused a snicker to erupt. The difference between you two was apparent, and you hated it. Ace, though, rubbed your shoulder comfortably, reassuring you that it’s just fiction.
“It’s okay, hun. ‘Just a movie” He said with a smile. While his words were genuine, he was still finding you humorous. That singular jumpscare had you shaking like a leaf under the warmth of the blanket.
You wished the movie would conclude. Not even halfway, another jumpscare nearly made your body pass out. You shrieked, causing a small fit of laughter to come from Ace. Your lungs hadn’t stopped grasping for air as your heart pumped out of your throat.
“Not funny, Ace! This movie is horrifying!” You punch his exposed chest playfully before he gives you a chaste kiss on your forehead. The kiss tranquillized your hyperventilating body and you grew much calmer.
“It’s okay, it’s all fake,” He says, while the most graphic scene of a girl getting her body chomped off by a creature that could say otherwise. You gave your boyfriend a side-eye in a way of saying ‘Yeah, right'
Just then, the creeping floorboards could be heard from above. Your heart began to sink, but to avoid your horror-loving boyfriend from making fun of you more, you stayed shut. That is until you heard rustling. As if someone, or something, was upstairs. You separate your eyes from the gruesome movie to the ceiling, which is arguably a better sight.
“Everything alright, hun?” Ace asked from beside you. The rumble of his voice startled you, which was becoming a frequent occurrence all night. You flicker your eyes from the ceiling to his freckled face that would always make everything better.
“I heard something. Upstairs” You murmur. Ace hummed and raised an eyebrow, opening an ear to hear what you heard. The movie was chattering nonsense you could care less about in front. Ace then shrugged nonchalantly.
“I hear nothin’. It’s probably your pussy-nerves” Ace chuckled, wriggling his fingers devilishly to tease you along with that menacing grin. You pushed his face with your palm to save yourself the embarrassment.
Ace tugged you into a warm embrace once again to finish the movie you dreaded. The noises would occur more frequently, you’d even hear slight chatter but it was so muffled and faint, that it was practically gibberish. Ace never commented on his house being cursed or haunted, and you’ve visited countless times before. Did someone break in? Your mind was spinning circles, ricocheting with possibilities that the movie didn’t make any better for you. You lost it when you heard a very audible thump.
“Okay, that’s it” You huff, breaking yourself free from Ace’s loving restraints. You nearly choke out the TV remote to pause the movie on a rather bloody scene. Ace sighed, wondering what your cowardly antics were up to now. “Did you not hear that?” Your finger pointed upward to the ceiling above.
“(F/N), it was probably an animal outside. You’re fine, baby” Ace sat up perfectly straight to face you, to stare deep in your eyes. He knew you were beyond petrified, so with a touch of his hand on yours, he knew his loving care could make you feel better.
“No, no. Ace, what if someone’s inside here?” You frantically say, your voice cracking. You tried to speak in a low tone so whatever that was upstairs lurking couldn’t hear you. You didn’t want to be the main character of a homemade horror movie.
“Oh, baby, c’mon. There’s no way” Ace chuckles. He shakes his head, looking the other way before facing you. He notices your genuinely scared expression, so his more humorous one softened.
“Look, I promise, if anyone were to be here. I’d be here to protect you” You felt his warm hand cup the side of your cheek. Your eyes, still filled with horror and anxiety, stared into his dark ones. He could feel your body jitter and tremble beneath his touch.
“Ace, I’m so fucking scared” You laugh nervously. That smile made one crack at his lips. You watched his face inch closer until his lips met yours. It was slow, but rich and tender. You two synced your lips together like it was muscle memory. His hand traveled from your cheek to the back of your head.
“Lemme help you relax, sugar” Ace murmurs in between your lips. As soon as your back was met with the couch and your boyfriend’s lips scavenged your neck, you mewled.
“But the… Movie” You whisper, having a hand rub his dark locks while he leaves marks of purples and pinks all over your neck. You saw his face rise from the nook of your neck to face you.
“Fuck the movie” He grins. You felt his lips peck your lips until they flowed down your face to your chest. You watched in awe, not even daring to object to the magical talents Ace had against you.
His warm hand snaked from under your shirt to crunch it up, too hasty to take the time to throw it off, not to mention the brisk temperature of the house. As soon as he was presented with your breasts, he felt like a kid on Christmas. You whimpered when his hands kneaded them with care. Ace would flicker his eyes from your chest to your flustered face, your mouth shaped as an ‘oh’ with furrowed eyebrows by his simple touch.
His lips planted loving kisses on the tops of your chest, his teeth slightly nibbling them out of excitement making you hitch your breath. He hooked one out of the grasp of your bra and didn’t hesitate to attach his mouth to your nub. You squirmed and stroked his hair, which he loved. Your body felt the vibrations of his small groan by your touch, only feeding you more pleasure. As his lips separated, he wiped his lips with his thumb. His dark eyes looked up at your submissive ones with half lids.
“Feel better, hm?” He hummed with that same grin that’d make your knees weak. After his buttery smooth words, his teeth hooked his bottom lip to tease you even more. This man could get you aroused with a single look.
“I think I’m still oh-so petrified” You giggle. You watch Ace creep up from below your chest to tower over your face. His toned, muscular arms barricaded you from side to side. It didn’t help that he was already half naked by not having a shirt on.
“Yeah?” He hummed. Once again, his teeth bit his lower lip while his hand moved like it had a mind of his own. You nodded accordingly while you felt his fingers glaze your exposed chest, your stomach, and the heat of your sex. You wore loose, Halloween-themed, pajama shorts, so access was more than easy enough. Ace maintained direct eye contact with you while his fingers caressed your lips through your shorts.
“Want me to help you s’more?”
You let out a soft, gentle moan while Ace’s fingers stroked up and down to feel you. At this rate, you’d think Ace could feel your sleek wetness through the clothing. Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull his face closer until your foreheads were touching. He could feel your hungry breath on his lips.
“Please, Ace… Feel me” You begged, which was more than enough for him to dig his hand into your clothes to finally feel your wetness, all while giving you a devilish grin. His thick fingers drew circles on your drenched clit that caused a fire to burn in your womb. Your moans became more audible but that wasn’t a problem. Ace’s roommate was gone after all—now you can fill the entire house with your lustful noises.
“That feel good?” He breathes, seemingly just as excited as you are. You gave a quick smile of euphoria, feeling the warmth and shockwaves coming from your clit. You buck your hips every now and then into his hands as if you were begging for more.
“Mhmmmph…” You whimper. Your noises were bliss to Ace’s ears. Despite him nearly bursting through his pants since the start, him making you feel so much better was a priority.
Finally, you feel Ace burry his middle and ring digit into your hole, causing you to slightly gasp. Ace gave a small chuckle while he felt your sleek walls wrap around his fingers tightly. One moan was enough for him to curl his fingers into jamming your g-spot lovingly. Your expressions; the sweet, lustful ones you’d make from his own hands made him hum and groan. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you while you had yours shut tight.
“Fuck, Ace…” You breathe. You heard him chuckle while your body delated as he exited his fingers out of your entrance. He presented the dewed digits in front of you only to slide them past his lips. Ace licked his fingers with a groan, loving each drop of your taste.
“Damn, you taste so fuckin’ good” He smiled. All you could do was sheepishly laugh at his compliment. You knew Ace couldn’t get enough of you and your body, especially how it tasted. He’d devour you like a full-course meal if he wanted.
“Take these off f’me” Ace wipes his lips, similarly to before, and tugs on your shorts. He departs his green god of a body away from yours to give you space to undress. Your clothing flew in a corner that only god knew while you spread your legs in front of your boyfriend, who’d gaze upon your entrance like it was a statue.
“God, you’re gorgeous” He ran his fingers through his locks, the strands of hair falling downward to go back to its previous shape. You giggle, loving his lovey side when he is trying to be sexy.
“Ya ready?” He asked. You had never happily nodded so fast in your life before but here you were. Ace bent downward to kiss your inner thighs, occasionally trailing his tongue across your skin. You watched in anticipation, waiting for his tongue to graze upon your cunt instead. You let out a small whimper.
Ace knew what he was doing. He’s been dating you this long to know, so with one smug smile and a wink, he slowly traveled his drenched tongue from the bottom of your cunt to the throbbing clit. You threw your head back to let out a confident moan. His lips latched onto your bud to lick it and give all his attention to it to have you squirming and moaning beneath him. Ace didn’t leave an inch of your cunt untouched. His tongue explored each crevice and made sure you were a mess by his mouth. As soon as he pushed his index and middle digit into your hole, you were gone. Your back arched and your hips bucked into his face to the point you’d be suffocating him. His tongue flicked as fast as it could on your bud while his fingers jammed into your sweet spot flawlessly.
“Oh, fuck fuck fuck~!” You cry, signaling your euphoric climax is about to rise. Your noises were uncontrollable, filling each room and wall with your lustful noises that the neighbors might as well faintly hear it. You didn’t care, though. Ace knew how to please you to the point you could see the cloud gates of heaven above.
“C‘mon, baby. You can do it” Ace mumbles on your cunt, not stopping for a second for you. The sheer pleasure caused your hand to move on its own to push him further into your cunt. Your fingers clamp his locks and tug on them. You felt the grumbling vibrations of his voice in return. "You taste so good..."
“Ace, baby, I’m gonna cum~!” You shriek. Ace stared at you with eyes completely washed with lust. Your back rose and your head was cocked back with a hearty scream.
You spurted your juices to glaze his face. Ace hissed in pleasure and savored every drop. Your chest heaved in your breathing and your eyes were clouded, Ace still riding your high out. He’d give your cunt a few kitten licks before crawling up to your worn-out face. His wrist cleansed his dewed lips.
“Now ya feel better?” He smiled like he just earned a gold star for doing such a great job. You cracked a weak smile before pressing your lips on his own, tasting a bit of yourself from his lips.
“Much better, baby… Thank you” You whisper. Ace chuckled and placed kisses alongside your cheek lovingly. You couldn’t help but giggle at his affectionate love. That is, until, he bit the lobe of your ear. You gasped.
“We’re not finished yet, though, doll” He whispered in your ear. You took a quick glance at the peeking wood sticking from his pants and you couldn’t agree more. He’d been restraining himself since he kissed you. You immediately sat up to tear off your shirt completely.
Ace cupped your face to clamp his lips on yours which caused excited groans and moans to emit from the both of you. By the looks of it, you two would rock each other's brains out for the entire night until dawn, knowing Ace’s endurance. That would be the case until footsteps, loud and hard, began to rumble towards the stairs. You two parted lips to stare at each other, all lust and arousal completely vanishing.
“Who is that?” You whisper ever so lowly. Ace stares back at you and you swear you’ve never seen the boy so horrified in his life. He’d usually make fun of you or laugh, but he looked like he meant business.
Footsteps crept toward the couch you two were sinfully “relaxing” on and your body felt stiff. You knew it, someone was upstairs. Now that “someone” was ready to attack you and your boyfriend on Halloween night. Your body began to tremble and Ace was ready to sock whoever intruded the house in the jaw. The steps finally reached the doorway of the living room and a blood-curdling scream was building a knot in your throat. Ace never glared at a doorway in his life until the lights flickered on. The brightness were darts to your eyes as well as Ace. You both unanimously winced and shielded your eyes.
“Can you guys fuck quieter”
The familiarity of the voice caused you to yelp and quickly cover your exposed body with the blanket you and Ace innocently cuddled with. The man wasn’t a creature, or an intruder, rather an unexpected roommate your boyfriend swore was gone. Your cheeks flushed in redness and you never felt more embarrassed in your life.
“Marco?” Ace squinted. Marco, the guy that was supposed to be away partying, stood at the doorway with a rather agitated expression. He wore casual, comfortable clothing as if he’d been here all day. If your heart wasn’t pounding drums into your ears, you’d scold both of them.
“Did you forget I’ve been your roommate for years now?” Marco asked, crossing his arms. In all honesty, you’d be upset too if you had to hear your best friend have sex with his partner at full volume. You couldn’t help but internally apologize profusely.
“I thought you went to Izou’s party, dude” Ace stood up straight, not even caring that his bare chest was out. He rubbed his eyes to adjust to the bright light considering he’d been in dark, pitch-black lighting for hours now.
“Party got canceled, man. I came back home while you were knocked out, dead asleep” Marco explained, which answered the biggest question in your head. As said before, Ace’s naps might as well be comas of how hard he sleeps. All the man did was chuckle.
“Oh, that makes sense. My bad, dude” He acts as if Marco hadn’t been violated from his ears. He blinked in disbelief and swore that if you hadn’t been there eating away at your own shame, he’d punch the freckled brunette in his mouth. You mouth ‘Sorry’ to the blonde to receive a reassuring smile in return.
“And you wonder why I hate you” Marco rolls his eyes back at Ace, exiting the living room to let you two continue where you had left off—not like you were even in the mood for it anyway.
“I’m gonna spend the night at Izou’s if (F/N) is staying the night so you two can have fun,” Marco says before trotting up back upstairs to hide away. You exhaled and rubbed your temple.
“That was so embarrassing, Ace…” You murmur. You felt hands tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear to grab your attention. Your eyes trailed to his face and you counted the freckles sprinkled alongside his cheeks.
“Yeah, well, at least we know now there aren’t any monsters” Ace smiled. His dorkiness was enough to make you snicker and laugh, forgetting all about your embarrassment.
“Yeah, yeah” You roll your eyes. You saw Ace flicker his eyes down to your lips from your eyes, anticipating whether or not he should go in to kiss you or not. You caught on almost immediately and took the first initiative. Ace pulled your body close, not daring to separate the connection you two created.
“What do you wanna do now?” You say in between pecks of kisses on each other's lips. The clicking of the front door echoed throughout the house, indicating that Marco gave you two the privacy you actually needed.
“Whatever you want, baby” Ace chuckled, forming a smile on your lips. You giggled and continued to sync your lips onto Ace’s with ease and collapsed on the couch.
A night that typically had screams of horror and bloodshed ultimately ended with screams of pleasure and lust from you. Ace didn’t stop until his body did, collapsing on top of your own in a deep slumber right before daybreak. It was now a new month, a month that wasn’t so terrifying and you didn’t thank time enough.
Happy Halloween
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lefluoritesys · 9 months
A while ago, we decided that while we can make the body look more feminine or masculine depending on our preferences, we're going to take it as a separate being, a vessel for all of us to "decorate," rather than an extention of all of us.
Storytime. /ref
We, as any system, struggled with the fact that we all want to look more like ourselves in the inner world. The body never really felt like "ours" to any of us except for 2 people I'm not going to name (since that entire discussion about "why" and "who" is personal). We tried many ways of making it feel "more like us" via clothes, hairstyles, accessories, etc, but it didn't really work. There were also no genuinely helpful resources on how to feel better in the body as a system. Seemed like everybody was having the same struggle, and nobody knew what to do about it. Unless you could cosplay, obviously.
About a year ago, though, I, host, finally decided to dye our hair red and not tell anybody about it. I thought long and hard about it years before we even knew we had DID, then one thing led to another, and our hair was, officially, red. I honestly thought that I'm gonna get scolded for it, and nobody's gonna like it the way I do. 90% of us don't even have red hair in the inner world in the first place. But let me tell you, we looked pretty. Fabulous, even. That shade of red suits the body so much. And when other alters fronted? I saw them look in the mirror, get jumpscared for a second, then look closer at it, and their eyes lit up. They told me we looked adorable, pretty, handsome, beautiful, incredible, fashionable, fabulous.
But, most importantly, nobody said it looked like them. People said it looked like us.
It only then clicked that to semi-sokve our gender dysphoria, we could try to take the body as a separate being that we all collectively "possess." We still wore the clothes we liked, we even somehow got a bra that acted almost like a binder, we still have different clothing styles, accessories, etc. But we know that when we front, our mentality for dressing the body and being in the body is not "I wish that thing looked like me in the inner world" but "I possess this thing, and it's not me, but imma make it have unique attributes that both make it look pretty and feel more like me."
We don't have to have our inner form and inner abilities irl to feel comfortable in the body. We learned to accept it for what it is rather than try to change something that doesn't even really need to be changed. We have way more unique traits that just our appearance, like our hobbies, our accents, our personalities, our interests. The body exists as it is, and it may not allow us to look like ourselves, but it allows us to be ourselves. And that's the most important thing. There will still be days when we wished we could look more like ourselves, and body dysmorphia is not going away any time soon. But we, with our limited resources, with our incapability to drastically change the body or cosplay, with our disabilities, would rather accept it, nurse it, take care of it, and tell it that it's pretty rather than hate it for what it was created. The body didn't ask to be the way it is just as much as we didn't ask to be the way we are. We gotta cut it some slack. It's already been through many horrible things. We survived with it, not in it.
Will it work for every system? No. But it works for ours. /ref /pos
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triangular-eye · 5 months
moods of the moon orbiting through the zodiacs ♏️🌚🌊
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.          ⠀⠀⠀✦ ⠀ ⠀              ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀* ⠀⠀⠀.          . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
「 hiii:> this is more of a little throwaway hehe post rather than objective like i usually like to put out, but i’ve been in a bit of a creative block and moon in the different zodiacs is some of what i have been pondering on…。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 」
「 this is my observation of what my general state is like throughout the different moon signs, i am a cancer sun, scorpio moon 2nd house. it would be interesting to see if other water moons relate to my experiences, or to hear some opposing opinions, which i seem to encounter from fire moons XD 」
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- aries: feelings of strange, uneasy, slightly depressed, anger and uncertainty
it’s as if i was struggling to BE in my masculine energy, i would be embodying it, yet uncomfortable with how to proceed.
- taurus: i feel blessed, stable, calm & collected
i felt like i was simply set. the way i am needed to be. i have everything i could ever ask for energetically. i might have felt best during this moon since my scorpio moon is lacking exactly that, the taurus’ influence of enjoying the simplicity, i feel emotionally whole when the taurus moon comes by…
- gemini: numb, heavy anxiety, panic attacks, certainty about life yet uncertainty about self
gemini moon is a time of heavy uncertainty in myself, it feels similar to aquarius and the uranus influence but more in your face, aquarius is more of a creeping in the background type of uneasiness, gemini feels like a sudden jumpscare, and when quiet, preparing for another jumpscare.
- cancer: crying, feeling homely, feeling a lot of love for everyone (faint ‘mdma effect’)
crying with enjoyment for crying, pouring from the heart, feeling whole and complete when balancing the mother (cancer home of moon) alongside the father (capricorn - opposite side of axis), or balancing between your house feeling like a home and your career. i might’ve had an easier time with the cancer moon since i’m a water moon, i’d imagine air placements having a tough time here..
- leo: confidence, being put together, clear mind
leo moon is THAT BITCH ERAAAA!!! am i the only one? literally no notes just feeling like that bitch at all times😭🤣 my leo stellium is showing here sorry x
- virgo: organising your life, organising your mind, being on top of things
virgo is a time of organising EVERYTHING! the house, the corners of each cupboard, every drawer, my mind, my subconscious, my feelings etc etc
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- libra: crying, releasing attachments in relationships, unsettled anger
libra moon is always a shitshow for me yall🤭, problems about every romantic person i’ve ever dealt with start to arise out of nowhere naaaahh😭😭
- scorpio:unsettled grief, breakdowns, feeling ‘far away’, physical pains that were previously not dealt with, realising how far you’ve come
scorpio is SO… attention seeking. like hell? do you acknowledge my influence? not enough… oh okay… so remember that family member that died ages ago? remember your childhood pets? do you realise how deeply unlovable you are due to all of your life falling apart? not crying enough… ok so, here’s a breakdown ..xx
- sag: sex drive focus, heavy astrology interest, a lot of time on social media, educating yourself
sag is a bit like an air sign in a way it affects me? sag moon is that one fun teacher in middleschool that lets you eat your crisps while writing your classwork essay.
- cap: lazyyy, emotionally flat, avoidant, isolated
captaincorn🧢🌽 is so strict and authoritative but also you genuinely do feel the dopamine reward after actually doing things so… you get what you get i guess…
- aqua: productive, slightly less isolated, emotionally aware however still feeling ‘distant’ from my emotions, wishy washy
aquarius is like the white foam of the sea… wish wash wish wash wish wash bhhshshhsprprp
- pisces: aware of everything + subconscious, stable yet flexible
the focus is on the awareness, awareness of said awareness, where am i looking and how am i looking at it? do i truly feel everything or is there more i have been refusing to view?
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bitchliteraria1906 · 1 year
Raeda hcs because I've been tired/burned out and these hags are a big source of comfort.
•When they dated for the first time, it was Raine who said "I love you" first. It was impulsive/unplanned, and probably during a moment of vulnerability, which made it even worse. They immediately started panicking and apologizing, only for Eda to chuckle and say it back.
•In their post canon relationship, however, it was Eda. Most likely during a cuddle session that made her feel extremely happy and sappy. She reacted similarly to Raine, apologizing and trying to change the subject, and Raine's reaction was simple: they kissed her, said it back, and then went back to their cuddle position, a big smile on their face.
•She cried, ya'll.
•This was something that kept happening during their first few weeks back together, actually. Eda tearing up at Raine's affection. She would get especially emotional when they did something that reminded her of the good parts of their past relationship, because it shows that, despite all the changes, her Rainestorm is still the amazing witch she remembers at their core, and their feelings for her also haven't changed.
•As much as she was happy to be with Raine again, she kinda hated this part. They made her too vulnerable. It felt pretty pathetic to tear up at Raine just... being sweet.
•It eventually stops happening, and until then, Raine makes sure to always reassure her that it's okay to be emotional when it comes to changes, and that they were also nervous and scared about them being together again, they just hid it better than her.
•Spending so much time in a system that forced them to engage on social situations and perform despite their wishes took a lot of energy from Raine, and it left a lasting impact. Sometimes they're talking to someone and they just... stop. They go non-verbal and need to leave the situation out of nervosism and/or social fatigue.
•They hate it. They trained to get better at public speaking while leading the rebellion, and now it feels like they've lost a lot of their progress.
•When this happens, Eda speaks for them and is extremely patient, waiting until they can talk again and looking out for them.
•They can't sleep in complete darkness because Eda might have one of her "curse-dreams" and need to find her elixir late at night, so there's light glyphs in the room.
•One night, the first night they slept together, Raine found her making the light glyphs and questioned it, only for Eda to info-dump about wild magic for a long time. Raine loved every second of it. Not only were they genuinely curious about glyphs, seeing Eda happy as she talks passionetely about magic is just... Titan, they love her so much.
•So yeah, she teaches them glyphs, including all the glyph combos, and they're actually a pretty quick learner.
•These two watching horror movies together is... an interesting idea. Raine hates jumpscares and Eda laughs whenever a character dies in a stupid way.
•They mostly just watch action movies, it's something they have in common.
•Cleaning the house is just an excuse for them to dance around and sing with brooms as their microphones, much to King's suffering.
•Speaking of which, Raine's singing voice is actually really pretty and comforting, and Eda is one of the few people who get to hear it, since they don't sing in public. Girl has privilegies.
•Okay, so I used to be one of the "Raeda wedding real" people, but when you think about it, the demon realm probably interprets relationships differently than us. I like to think that there's less pressure about dating and settling down with someone, and that they're more accepting of polycules, friends with benefits, qprs, and pretty much every "uncoventional" kind of relationships. My point is, they might have a completely different concept of marriage, especially considering it's patriarcal (is that the word?) origins. Relationship labels are complicated in the Demon Realm, at least for humans.
•So, for now, let's just say Eda and Raine are not in a hurry to get married and stuff. They love each other and that's what matters.
•Sometimes the fact that they lost a big part of each other’s lives keeps them up at night, drowning in guilt and sadness.
•Whenever this happens, they get extra clingy, as if the other would dissapear if they let go. They already have physical touch as their primary love language, but when bad thoughts creep on, they have an even harder time keeping their hands off of each other.
•Raine still plays and whistles Raine's Rhasphody/Eda's requiem all the time. Sometimes they just start doing it out of nowhere, and it warms Eda's heart to see how much the composition means to them.
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lucy-dulap · 12 days
Requinted Friendship
<Previous _ Index _ Next>
It had been 3 days since Lucy got dropped in Paradise Lost and they already got attached to Gamigin. Even though Lucy was perfectly healthy, neither them nor Gamigin wanted to part ways.
At 6 in the morning, Gamigin sneaks into Lucy's room, making sure that none of his brothers see him. He walks to Lucy's bed with a silly smile trying to surpress his giggles. He wanted to wake up his patient with a spook, play a prank on them if you will. He inhaled and decendent his arms on Lucy who suddently turned and tackled him.
Gamigin screamed at the sudden jumpscare as Lucy started maddly laughing. Losing balance, Gamigin fell to the ground, Lucy on top of him. For a moment they just stared at eachother, trying to gauge the other's reaction, but that was soon replaced by the lively laughter of the two teens in the heart of the hospital.
"Did you drink the dew on the way here?" Lucy took one of the tears of laughter in their eyes and handed it to Gamigin who dutifully licked it.
"That's the reason I wake up so early every day." The dragon licked his lips and started stroking Lucy's face pinching their cheeks and cooing. "Humans are so soft... and so pretty and so smart and so interesting and... you're perfect." Gamigin's rosy blush spread all over his face as he looked up at Lucy, whose head was illuminated by the strong LED lights in the room, making it look like a devine halo was adorned on their head.
Lucy had no words and just ackwardly got up and set back down on the hospital bed. "Eh, not all humans are good. Some are awful. And the worst part is that humans sometimes do things that hurt you... for no reason."
Gamigin kneeled in front of Lucy, his head between their thighs and using one of them as a cusion. Lucy was playing with Gamigin's blue locks, twirling them, pulling them, messaging them, to Gamigin all of Lucy's touches had the same calming affect on him.
"Do you think humans are inherently evil?" Gamigin was genuinely curious. Since he's never met a human before and he rarely heard anything about their land, he was more than happy to hear any tid bit of information about this foreign species.
Lucy looked at the wall for a while. They had previously pondered this question, especially when they were younger, but they could never come up with a satisfary answer. "Maybe some of them are. I don't know, there's over 8 billion people on Earth and I've barely talked with 2000. I doupt we could ever find an answer."
Silence set in the room, but, unlike the one at home, this one felt comforting. Even when nothing was spoken, the message was clear. Lucy looked down at Gamigin and they felt puzzled. This... creature could make them feel so vulnarable. Were they opening up too fast again? The last time that happened was with... Lucy would rather forget his name, just like he probably forgot their's already.
For some reason, they just felt like trusting Gamigin. He was so genuine, so honest, so passionate about everything that it was hard not to open up to him. Gamigin was what Lucy wished to be. He was perfect.
A loud knock disturbs the duo, and before Gamigin could question the identity of the visitor, he made himself known by barging in. Ppyong and a very grumpy untied Marbas entered the room.
Marbas groaned and lazily gestured towards the two youngsters which were in a very compromising position.
"Thank you so much, sir Marbas! And sorry for waking you up like that, aye!" Ppyong waved at Marbas who dragged himself out the door, closing it with all his might.
"Shunks, we just fixed that door last week." Gamigin whisper, as he got up to great Ppyong. "I'm sorry, sir, but this room does not accept visitors." Gamigin spoke firmly, putting on his professional doctor façade on. That always made Lucy blush.
"I was sent by his Majesty Satan which talked with his Majesty Lucifer and they both agreed to let me visit the child of Solomon." Gamigin was still not that persueded but an order from Lucifer is to be respected and abided by.
Ppyong flew to Lucy's bed and the two started chatting as Gamigin looked from a distance. He sat next to Lucy eventually, finding comfort in the proximity between the two.
"His Majesty Satan really wanted to see how you were doing since he dropped you off here,but those damn angels attacked again. They caused such a ruckus that all the nobles in Gehenna and some from Tartaros have joined forces to try and stop them."
To be perfectly honest, Lucy didn't really care. They went to hell to die, them getting this far was already stepping into unplanned teritory. The only thought in their mind was hanging out with Gamigin. Finally, something Ppyong said made sense to them.
"His Majesty Satan made it possible for me to go to the human world and get you something if you need it. He realised that maybe you need medicine we don't have in Hell or something."
Gamigin felt personally offended by that statement. "We don't need medicine in Paradise Lost. We use real power to heal our patients. Lucy doesn't need drugs to cure them." Even though Gamigin was a laid-back guy most of the time, there were certain subjects that would make him instantly turn serious.
But Lucy's mind was sharper and they immidietly got up and started writing on a small paper. It was a letter towards Minhyeok, nothing fancy, just a request for some old CDs.
"Does Paradise Lost have a CD player?" Lucy asked from the other side of the room.
"I think Lucifer might have one in his office. He likes collecting antiques."
Lucy turned to him with a triggered expression "H-hey, they're not... that old. I mean, I grew up watching CDs daily."
"Human technology is based on hell's tech so all of it seems old to us." Ppyong tried to clarify but Lucy pushed the paper in his face. "Tell Minhyeok that I sent this to him out of familial platonic love and that it's a 78 emergency! Now go!"
Ppyong grapped the paper and rushed to the human world. Lucy turned to Gamigin and pointed at him.
"You! Go make popcorn. I am going to indoctrinate you."
Gamigin laughed and did a mock military salute before trying to open the door... which fell off as soon as he touched it.
"Aaaaand this is why Marbas isn't allowed in the hospital untied."
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Quickie Reviews
Immaculate (Michael Mohan)
Cecilia, an American nun of devout faith, embarks on a new journey in a remote convent in the picturesque Italian countryside. Cecilia’s warm welcome quickly devolves into a nightmare as it becomes clear her new home harbors a sinister secret and unspeakable horrors.
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Immaculate is a peculiar yet untamed exploration of Catholicism's darker aspects in cinematic form. It occupies a unique space between the jumpscare-centric horror characteristic of Blumhouse and the more nuanced, "elevated" horror epitomized by A24. While it draws from both traditions, it doesn't fit neatly into either category. The film follows Cecilia, a Catholic Nun, who joins a new convent in Italy to care for her ailing sister in faith. As weeks pass, she inexplicably finds herself pregnant, leading many to believe she carries the Son of God. However, as strange phenomena and unsettling visions unfold, doubts arise about the true nature of her pregnancy. On paper, Immaculate promises a chilling exploration of religious trauma and the intersection of women's bodies with faith. Yet, in execution, it falls short of realizing this potent blend of horror.
In the initial half of the film, tension is primarily manufactured through cheap jump scares rather than allowing the story's natural ambiance to set the mood. These jumpscares feel contrived, lacking originality and failing to evoke genuine fear. However, as the narrative progresses into its latter half, the film begins to leverage its inherent atmosphere to truly horrify the audience. The transition marks a shift towards a more immersive experience, where the unfolding horrors stem from the organic progression of the story. The horrifying realization of being unwillingly impregnated is terrifying as it is routed in reality. Additionally, when juxtaposed with moments of authentic tension, such as the harrowing escape from captivity in the convent catacombs while undergoing labor, there's an inherent sense of unease that permeates the scene. I just wished the entire film had this momentum that it showed in the film's later half. 
The performances in Immaculate offer a varied experience. Sydney Sweeney is inconsistent in Immaculate. She has many moments, especially in the first half, where she is unintentionally funny in what would have been serious and unsettling scenes. However, when she is finally allowed to go full Scream Queen, she kills it. She has this horrifying intensity in these unholy moments that proves she is a perfect match for this genre. Overall, Immaculate is interesting and terrifyingly fun at points, but feels like it is wasted potential. 
My Rating: C+
Damsel (Juan Fresnadillo)
A dutiful damsel agrees to marry a handsome prince, only to find the royal family has recruited her as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt. Thrown into a cave with a fire-breathing dragon, she must rely on her wits and will to survive.
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The title of "most likely written by AI" in 2024 undoubtedly belongs to Damsel, a Netflix production that is so undercooked that a dragon would dare not eat it. This film is a colossal failure, lacking in excitement, originality, and substance. Its narrative is painfully predictable and riddled with pretentiousness, making it seem like I had already pieced together the entire story from the moment the first poster and synopsis were released months ago. Despite claiming to break away from the "damsel in distress" trope, Damsel ultimately succumbs to it, failing to deliver on its promise of subversion. Millie Bobby Brown's performance is disappointingly bland, portraying a character that attempts to be different but ends up feeling forced and unconvincing. Her portrayal lacks the intimidating presence she brought to her role as Eleven in the first season of Stranger Things. The only redeeming qualities of Damsel are its costume design and the visually appealing dragon design. However, these aspects alone are not enough to salvage what is otherwise a forgettable and lackluster movie.
My Rating: D
Road House (Doug Liman)
Ex-UFC fighter Dalton takes a job as a bouncer at a Florida Keys roadhouse, only to discover that this paradise is not all it seems.
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On one hand, I appreciate that Road House didn't take itself too seriously and embraced the campiness of its story, which made for an enjoyable experience. However, on the other hand, I'm frustrated by how it spiraled into a chaotic mess. The remake of the 1989 classic, Road House, is a film characterized by tumultuous disarray. Amidst this chaos, there are moments of fun, particularly in the first half. The fight scenes are entertaining, and the chemistry among the cast members adds to the enjoyment. Initially, the film strikes a balance, embracing its campy nature while still maintaining some grounding elements. However, this balance is lost as the movie progresses into its second half. The once-cohesive story and characters are abandoned in favor of poorly executed CGI fights and nauseating cinematography. As a result, what started as an enjoyable romp devolves into a disappointing mess.
The dialogue throughout the movie feels forced and awkward, reminiscent of lines one might encounter from non-playable characters in the Elder Scrolls games. This feeling is exacerbated by the noticeable use of ADR (Audio Dialogue Replacement) throughout the entire film, sometimes even for entire characters. Conor McGregor's acting debut is particularly noticeable in this regard. While his skills as a UFC Fighter are evident, his portrayal outside of fight scenes comes across as a bit cartoonish, making it difficult to take him seriously. Although he seems to be enjoying himself, he stands out starkly from the rest of the cast. McGregor's talents might be better suited for roles as a stunt coordinator or stuntman. On the other hand, Jake Gyllenhaal shines in the movie, carrying it with his natural charm and impressive physique. Despite the poor dialogue, Gyllenhaal manages to infuse his scenes with comedic brilliance. While the rest of the ensemble delivers adequate performances, Gyllenhaal stands out as the highlight of the film.
In general, Road House presents a varied experience. While it has its enjoyable moments amidst the chaos, there are instances where the tumultuous nature of the narrative can overshadow even the most entertaining aspects of the story.
My Rating: C
Problemista (Julio Torres)
An aspiring toy designer’s work visa runs out, and a job assisting an erratic art-world outcast becomes his only hope to stay in the country and realize his dream.
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Problemista left me somewhat lukewarm. While I found merit in its narrative, character development, and the societal critiques it presented, the comedic elements failed to fully resonate with me. Although there were sporadic instances of humor, I felt that the execution often fell short of its potential. One highlight was witnessing Tilda Swinton's portrayal of a fiery Karen, accompanied by Julio Torres in a comedic tug-of-war. These moments provided a delightful contrast to the otherwise lackluster comedic delivery. However, outside of these standout scenes, the film struggled to maintain my interest. In summary, while Problemista boasts strengths in certain aspects, particularly its performances, it ultimately failed to capture my attention due to its inconsistent comedic tone.
My Rating: B+
Late Night With the Devil (Cameron and Colin Cairnes)
A live broadcast of a late-night talk show in 1977 goes horribly wrong, unleashing evil into the nation’s living rooms.
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Late Night With the Devil is an innovative horror satire that brings new life into the found footage genre. Framed as a late-night talk show from the late 1970s, we follow our host, Jack Delroy (David Dastmalchain), through a night that will never be forgotten as he brings a child onto his show who claims to be possessed by the Devil. The opening sequence immediately plunges the audience into the satanic panic and frenzy of the era, while also highlighting Delroy's struggles to compete with his rivals. Following the tragic loss of his wife, Delroy's show spirals downward, leading him to desperate measures in his quest to dominate the late-night talk show scene.
The narrative progresses as a typical late-night talk show on Halloween night. We have three guests, a psychic medium, an ex-magician turn skeptic, and a parapsychologist who brings her teenage patient on air. As tensions begin to brew between the guest, the host, and the network, Delroy pressures the teenage girl to concur up the entity on air, and all Hell begins to break loose. Late Night With the Devil walks a very fine line between horror and satire. It is a slow-burn horror that isn’t particularly scary, but the ambiance that the entire crew was able to build is undeniably unsettling. However, Late Night With the Devil is filled with the ironic spectacle of late-night TV that is similar to Martin Scoreses classic, King of Comedy. This unique blend of horror and satire creates a truly unforgettable film. 
David Dastmalchian has been in nearly every single franchise and has worked with some of the most talented directors in Hollywood, but hasn’t gotten a role as a leading man until now. Hopefully, Late Night With the Devil will finally be a sign for Hollywood to cast David Dastmalchian as a leading man. Dastmalchian is excellent here as our host for a night that we will never forget. He transforms into the charismatic host, Jack Delroy. He shows the undeniable talent of his character charm while also highlighting the mediocre limits that are holding his character back from becoming the greatest. But his performance is more than just the imitation of an average Late-Night TV host. Within his performance, he has subtle layers of 
unresolved grief from his wife’s death, while also showing subtle desperation and envy for becoming the best. His performance is perfect and shows everyone that he has been overlooked as a leading man for far too long. 
Now with the controversy surrounding the 3 AI images used in the film transition cards. If you are going to boycott this film because of this, fine, more power to you. However, you are pushing creativity and independent filmmaking because a graphic designer in the movie art department got lazy and decided to use AI instead of their talents to create the transition cards. To punish an entire film because of the actions of a few people is insane as every graphic designer I know today uses AI for editing or as an inspirational sandbox for their designs. So please do not punish this movie because someone got lazy. This is an excellent horror satire that breathes new life into this genre. 
My Rating: A
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astramachina · 2 months
For those of you who've been following me for a while now, there's a good chance you got to experience my journey reading the Remembrance of Earth's Past series last year. I loved Three-Body Problem, but The Dark Forest and Death's End were like pulling teeth. Both books had their very very good moments, but getting through them was a tedious experience I considered giving up on on multiple occasions. I will give it to Cixin Liu tho, I needed to know how the series ended and that alone was the sole reason I pushed towards the finish line. Any author that can make me tough out bad writing for the sake of seeing the end deserves some kind of award (and he won a ton anyway, so).
I approached the Netflix series with zero expectations given their propensity for shitty adaptations (One Piece notwithstanding), but after watching the first episode I was left cautiously optimistic.
Having watched all 8 episode I'm still unsure how to feel about it. I spent most of the series hitting pause to rant at my roommate about it, both positively and negatively.
I had many issues with the books, but some of the more obvious ones came from a writing standpoint. I love hard sci-fi. I could not excuse the sheer length of those final two books. The atrocious treatment of women as objects to romance and use as bartering for the main character. The abysmal MCs (specifically Luo Ji) that made me want to yell to the high heavens due to annoying they were. The lack of human connection between characters.
For books so steeped in sociopolitical and ethical commentaries, the flagrant misogyny and homophobia was eye-rolling. And not even in a "This is Bad" sort of way, just in a "This is So Fucking Boring" kind of way. I cannot speak for the author's biases, because the contents of a book in no way reflects the views of an author or their character.
Where the books shone the brightest were during the battle scenes, the looming dread, genuinely horrific thought experiments.
And, surprisingly? It feels like the people at Netflix thought the same.
I've never watched Game of Thrones but I understood why people were against it from the get-go. That, along with the whole "whitewashing" thing which I consider to be interesting. For starters, you're using whitewashed wrong. Yes, they moved the central story from China to England which was... a fascinating choice, but of the core five (that quickly became the core four), only two of them are white. I'm not saying it was okay for a western adaptation to take a cast and further diversify it, I'm just saying that that's not whitewashing.
That aside, I did like some of the choices that were made from a narrative standpoint. Reshuffling and streamlining events, for one. Removing the whole plot line about Luo Ji hunting down a woman who he invented in his head in order to marry her? I'm not entirely sold on the idea of taking core events and divvying them up between four different people, but I do understand what they're trying to do.
The book series failed at crafting believable and impactful relationships between its human characters, which made the narrative feel hollow and one-dimensional. This adaptation aimed to change this by slapping a band-aid over the issue. Like I said, I'm still unsure of how I feel about this.
A lot of unnecessary stuffing was removed to make a suitable run time, and I say unnecessary because there's really no scenes that are making me go "oh, I wish this had been included". Was some stuff rushed? Yes. The passage of time could have been outlined a little better, but that's a small nitpick on my end.
The scale of things was toned down, and I don't think Netflix has the capability (or budget) to tackle space battles.
Honestly? I don't really see this getting a second season for a variety of reasons, and I'd be okay with that.
It was an "okay" watch, in the end.
Tho, I'm still flabbergasted by the random "gory scary jumpscare" scenes????? Where did those come from??? I don't remember anything like that being in the books but, you know. I've read a lot more books since finishing these, so.
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khaoticsincubus · 1 year
Ren x Reader x Strade
Warning: mentions of suicidal tendencies, self harm, kidnapping, murder, rape, trafficking, binge eating, manipulation
(I hope I managed to put it all in the warning. Feel free to let me know if I missed any warnings to add)
The Stockholm Project
You were recently brought in by Strade, spared by the feral within you refusing to die. The collar shocking you for every attempt to go out, it was fun, not trying to escape, but the thrill and burn left by the metal. Like a jumpscare within your grasp, in which you can activate whenever you desire.
You grew fond of it, before all of this nightmare you used to wear a scarf, your favorite one, when you wanted to sleep or just feel comfort. Imagining if you ever might choke one night in your sleep unaware of the ill fate.
Life had other plans.
A mistake at the bar, inconvenient, but may as well be worth it. School may not make you bleed as much as living in this house, but it was better. Parents think you've gone missing. Kidnapped, murdered, raped, trafficked... What else is considered a parent's worse nightmare?
You know the truth behind closed doors. Lies. Lies. IT IS ALL FUCKING LIES THEY INSTILLED UPON YOU.
They say they want the best for you.
But they're not being genuine. They just want an investment, a living trophy, a sentient dress-up doll to show off to whom they please. You know. You may not have recorded as many evidences to prove your words as one to be trusted but your sanity is unwell, it is unwell for a different reason.
Nobody has taken you seriously since then and left you to suffer in the shadows.
They have no regrets raising you as abusive as they can get, to tame the wildness inside you. Freedom. Such a funny concept.
You've wanted to drop out since like... 3rd grade? Wow, so fucking young and yet so fucking desperate to never step into school, yet you poor fucker, look at you now. Those shitty school bullies replaced by much bigger threats to your helpless self.
You got stronger.
Missing from the real world and your friends and family worried sick. You planned to run away some day, but this was not part of any plan you foresaw.
New scars, new trophies. They were YOUR trophies. Gifted by Strade, himself. Proof of something you are actually proud of, unlike them.
Sickening. You don't know what's appropriate or not anymore. But you like it here. You get to do whatever you want with your self, your body, do whatever unholiness you couldn't do before. But also still aware of the boundaries and your own morals.
Just more freedom. More cuts. More medals to reward yourself. You can punish yourself if you feel like it and you don't even need to hide it as much as you had when you were out there.
The cuts and burns making you limp and slow to move around, but you don't mind. You like it so much you're putting up with it. Another coping mechanism?
You've been clean of some things, but developing newer, riskier habits to indulge in? You stopped keeping tabs of what was once there, what's still there is, and what's going to soon be there.
Alcohol, self inflicted wounds, human meat. You've always were curious of others' meat. Freshly slaughtered people lying on the basement floor every now and then. Soft, hard, fatty, and sometimes boney. Ren eats some of it too, but you? You can't control yourself, can you? Eating every last chunk you can stuff your already full stomach.
You're no stranger with the whole Stockholm syndrome. You grew up with it before going missing. That one was... Not one you welcomed. It's been almost 2 decades of suffering.
This one? You like it. Strade may think otherwise but you already permitted him and Ren to do as they wish unto you. Whether you're conscious or not you prefer to stay silent cuz you like keeping that as a secret.
You're sick. You're unwell. But here, you're no stranger, you're like them. It's a home you could get used to.
On some days when Strade is busy doing whatever else he is doing with his life you and Ren accompany each other watching the recordings of those unlucky victims. The screams, the harmonious screams of some lulls you to sleep and Ren sometimes hate it when you leave him to watch the rest of the recordings himself. You can't help yourself.
You've taken a special interest in him. You look down on him, despite the two of you being very much the same. Close age, close height, well what's with the hierarchy? Because he reminds you of your past. So weak, unable to stand up to the abuser. Practically a grown adult, stuck in the fear that haunts them since the start of the tragedy. time stops for no one, they say, but time stops to mock you, repeating the punishment as you age.
You like Strade, unafraid of him, you can't choose whether to die or stay alive. You just let him choose that path for you, and you savour every bit of it.
Disgusting. Filthy. Makes your insides leap in excitement.
"Hey, Ren. Ever thought about testing the waters with Strade?" You grin, eyes wide, soulless like the many times you present when you have an idea you can't wait to execute.
The two of you lying on the cool floor bored yet restless to not want sleep.
"Huh?" Ren looks at you confused, sheepishly. You gave him a grin, face so scrunched up from the devious thrill, one might mistake you have no whites in your eyes. Barely any light in them now.
"Oh you know... Defying him? Like... Exercising that Stockholm problem of yours, ya know".
That freaks him a bit, the foxy parts beginning to puff up. Your insides are now REALLY tossing and turning that you jumped at him and squish his cheeks cooing him with compliments of how much he's a cute fox. A good boy. The best, fluffy fox there is. And he took it.
Petting him was a favorite. To change the subject, to entice him with your plans. You can begin to smell the worry lace with the affection you're giving. You're human yet so... Inhuman. You know things that should be there. It may be your instincts, experiences over the years of repeated patterns, trials and errors of those who latch unto you for friendship, attention, or just validation.
You feel like a god everytime. Sometimes dreaming to one day start a cult and immediately leaving the idea once you are reminded of the huge responsibility. Oh well.
"I-I don't want to..." He trails off still uncertain and under the influence of what Strade could do to him, to you.
"Ah, shush! Try it when he's drunk as he can fucking be. He's not as dangerous then. Trust me, I've been playing around!" You let out laughter that can only come from a deranged clown.
You stare at Ren, intimidating him to follow your advice, still petting him.
I might make another part soon =0w0=
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myrskytuuli · 2 years
So, confession time, when I was twelve I was like Huuuuge Kishigo shipper and that’s how I for the first time found my way tot he wonderful world of fanfics and fanart, but now as an adult I obviously see how toxic and problematic the ship- HAHAHAH GOT YOU GOOD! In this house I don’t grow and don’t become better.
Anyway, now that I’ve dusted off my almost 20 years old Kishigo ship-sails, let me just say how pleasantly surprised and absolutely hopeful I am about their dynamic in the reboot, based only off the short clip in the opening. Because we all know that the original Kishigo dynamic was fucked up as hell. It would be really funny and enjoyable most of the time and then briefly take a sharp turn to completely fucked up and then return back to the genuinely funny like nothing had happened. Oh early 2000s you were truly a different time and Ichigo’s three weed smoking boyfriends were all very much trapped in their 90s boyfriend harem archetypes. The gentleman. The tsundere with a heart of gold. The actual psychopath.
(As an aside, remember how fucked up it was that every girl with several suitors always had to have one of them being an actual sex offender. Like that was just a thing. Remember when we as pubescent girls said shit like “I wish I was raped by character X” like that was just a normal thing to say. And we would all blush and giggle. How did any of us survive puberty in the early 2000s?)
Getting back on topic, the fact that they replaced the nonconsensual kiss in the intro with Kisshu just jumpscaring Ichigo fills me with hope that they have gone the sensible route and toned down the uncomfrotable intensity of Kisshu’s “crush” and maybe kept him as an annoying flirt without it veering into disregarding Ichigo’s actual boundaries. (aside from the fact that they’re fighting obviously.)
The relationship between kisshu and Ichigo was really funny when they weren’t being weirdly sexual, and I want more of that best nemesis dynamic from them.
I want Ichigo and Kisshu to immediately have the very special kind of chemistry that only two people who understand each other at their base clown level can have, the kind of where they immediately dumb each other down and truly bring out the least dignified version of each other that there is.
The kind of where they both think that they are L and Light from that Death Note opening, standing on those colour-coded pillars, the only equals to each other’s genius, expect that they’re both dumb and make each other actively dumber. Casual strangers on the street describe them as “those two best friends who were yelling at each other in the park again.”
The kind where they will both ditch much more important tasks to fistfight each other in the 7/11 parking lot. Both of their teammates are begging them to please just focus on the mission and ignore the other, but the clown music taking over their minds the closer their proximity is to each other is too strong. Nobody thinks their rivalry is impressive expect them. They also know stupid amount of useless information about each other because they cannot help but overshare a weird amount of personal and emotional information to each other while punching each other in the face. One time while fighting Kisshu accidentally teleported them both inside a movie theatre. They were both so tired that they decided to take break and watch the movie together. It was okay, Kisshu thought the spacecraft in the movie looked stupid and unpractical, Ichigo didn’t like how only female character was a love interest, but they both agreed that the special effects were good.
Aoyama-kun, being the saint that he is, understands that sometimes a girl needs time with her alien nemesis. He just wishes that it was less often in the middle of their date-night.
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llitchilitchi · 11 days
Kids horror is interesting because like it started with stuff like fnaf, which wasn't bad, games that didn't go too hard on gore or disturbing stuff but still had it and weren't CATERED to kids, just something that can be used as a baby's first horror- but again, they weren't catered or targeted towards kids, that wasn't the focus
Then slowly people decided that kid's horror is the perfect thing to make, and from all the internet censorship and the talk about kids needing to not be shown a lot of things when people started making "kids horror" they catered it towards kids and focused so much on that that they got rid of everything really scary and just put jumpscares- look at the backrooms, a pretty good concept that now a lot of YouTubers are like "oh the kids love the backrooms so I'll make stuff for kids" and just make videos walking through a backrooms esthetic place and then add a jumpscare so it's "kid friendly"
And then from there since yes there are people online who want to cater to kids to get money because they see that as the money maker, more and more people started doing sanitized horror to the point it started to drown things out and people started piggybacking off of it deciding that THAT'S what modern horror is
It's so interesting to see the change in YouTube and video game horror over years go from genuine fear and disturbing content to "let's put a jumpscare and some blood"
And that's kinda what happened to horror
100% agree with all of this. there's a lot more that could be said on the topic, but all of it would still boil down to one thing: the internet has been sanitized and what has not been sanitized is overrun with people who wish to make money off of kids and young teens, since those are the demographics that have the most time to spend online and thus are the 'key audiences' - which sucks, since a large aspect of modern popculture is dictated by internet and influencers.
and just, it's kind of a pity. there's so much more to do if people were a bit more open to the concept of things not being sanitized, but we've been "brainwashed" to view that as a massive taboo now.
man, I miss when kids horror was creepypastas and there was market for more than 'this would make for a marketable plushie'
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69bitterbeingz · 6 months
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DISCLAIMER: This is a reupload from my prev account! best to follow the fic through ao3 [linked below] to avoid any future issues PAIRINGS - johnny knoxville, bam margera, steve-o, chris pontius, ryan dunn x female reader WARNINGS - swearing, drinking, injury
ao3 version
The moon floated in the cloudy night sky like a coin in inky black water, stars barely peeking through the haze like drops of milk. Big Ben’s spire pierced through the veil, and when the camera panned down, a man– no, creature , howled in the lonely streets, his hands raised towards the stars. 
“This has got to be the dumbest one yet.”
“Dumber than getting thrown around like a football?” Johnny replied, laughing incredulously at your remark; you shook your head.
“No no , that’s a totally different breed of dumb. This is just…” You trailed off, then gestured at Chris, gleefully sprinting down the road in a hoodie and wolf mask. “Look at him.”
“C’mon, don’t be a fuckin’ killjoy.” Steve-O teased, nudging your ribs a little harder than you expected and making you jolt. With a jab back at his ribs, you smiled.
“I can call it stupid and still enjoy it.”
It was hardly even a stunt, simply an excuse to run around like a knob and weird people out, and all of you followed along like giggling kids. Some shots were a bit of a hassle - should’ve known that popping out at people on a late night tube would tempt some wanker to take a swing at Chris, but you all managed to escape just as the carriage doors opened, so no harm no foul. Besides, you bet these guys have been in worse scraps. To be honest, out of all the stunts the lot of you had filmed over your time in England, this was by far your favourite. No cringeworthy accidents, nothing totally disgusting or grim, just running around like headless chickens while Chris howled for all he was worth. It was just lighthearted fun, and a great way to close out your shoot. Even you got involved, although… not knowingly . You were distracted settling a debate with Steve-O [“you can smoke damn near anything, trust me, i have” “yeah but smoking incense like a cigarette can not be good for you”] when his expression suddenly changed from neutral to a shitty smirk. Before you had time to question what the hell he was so smiley about, you were literally swept off your feet. You screamed, as whoever had you in the bridal carry howled like a mad man; at least it was obvious who it was long before he had reached the park, giggling in a very un- wolflike way.
“What the hell are you doing?!” You asked, a little breathless as you clung to the front of his hoodie - you really wished he wasn’t wearing that shitty wolf mask, the low light of the street lamps made it look genuinely freaky. 
Chris chuckled, putting on a darker tone this time. “ You’re fresh meat.” Though the ‘intimidating’ voice didn’t last long, as he broke back into a dopey giggle. When he finally ran back to the crew and put you down, you promised yourself to watch your back more vigilantly in the future. With that little escapade, everyone decided you had enough footage of Chris jumpscaring poor passers-by, the executive decision was made for celebration drinks in a bar near Tower Bridge. Tremaine was nice enough to get the first couple rounds for everyone, toasting the crew for their hard work on the past few months of shooting; he then turned to Johnny, Chris and Steve-O to make a special mention: “takes balls to do the dumb shit you guys put yourselves through.”
“Hear hear!”
Down the hatch, let the good times roll. Sure, you drank every night here, but this really did feel special, a joy and undeniable relief that everyone felt with the end of filming. The only thing was that you wish truly everyone was here to celebrate it too - despite not knowing Dave and Ehren that well, they deserved to be here much more than you believed you did. Not to mention Bam and Ryan… you stared into the bubbling liquid in your pint glass as the thought arose. Shit, you really missed them. You haven’t even been gone that long and you missed them. It was great being here with Johnny, Chris and Steve-O, but you couldn’t shake that feeling of an important piece of the puzzle being missing. You raised your glass to your lips and wondered what they were doing right now…?
You should ring Bam...
“Hey, what you staring into space for?” 
You raised your eyebrows in surprise at the tipsy Chris now sitting next to you. Wait, where did everyone else go? Your head darted around, noting how the group had splintered off into different parts of the bar - you must’ve been so wrapped in drinking and thinking that you hadn’t noticed them all go. 
“Huh… don’t know. How long was I out for?”
“Oh, dunno really, I was caught up with some guy. Anyway, you looked like you were thinkin’ too hard so I came over to get us some drinks. Wanna do shots?”
You quirked an embarrassed smile, letting your preoccupations slip out of your head. “Sure, get whatever you want, I’ll pay.”
“Oho! Well if you insist~ ” He giggled coyly, twirling his shoulder-length hair around his finger before turning to the bartender with his order. As he chatted, you lingered on the outline of his profile, the way his nose curved into his lips and other poetic nonsense. You never noticed how cute his nose actually was, it complimented his face nicely. Not that his face really needed complimenting, it was pretty damn great already. Then there was his pretty hair, slightly curly and hanging a little ways past his ears - it was long enough to run your fingers through and catch the knots. It suited him well.
Oh no, the booze was getting you all sappy .
You squinted at your beer for a second, as if to scold it, then quickly decided you didn’t give a shit
“You gonna grow it out?”
“Huh?” Chris asked, tilting his head to the side slightly like a confused puppy as he pushed your shot in front of you. You motioned to his head.
“Your hair, I mean it’s already kinda grown out but, like, gonna grow it out s’more? Get real hippy dippy?”
“Oh… yeah, I was thinking about it.” He seemed caught off guard, shifting on his stool. A little hazy eyed, you nodded, face unreadable.
“...Your hair’s nice, soft. I hope you grow it out. Hippy dippy looks good on you.”
For a moment he just blinked at you, but a grin soon split his cheeks, and if you looked a little closer [or were a little less drunk] you would’ve noticed the splash of red that started to stain across the bridge of his nose. 
“What a charmer! Your hair’s nice, too - really nice, actually. Hope you let me comb through it again.” 
You smiled bashfully, bumped your shot glasses together with a ‘clink’ and knocked back the pair of snakebites. Burning, tinged with the citrus of lime juice, but it felt good going down, and Chris’s warm smile only served to soothe that burn. His eye twinkled mischievously as he watched you set the shot glass back down with a heavy hand.
“Wanna do another?”
The two of you got caught in your own world for god knows how long, chatting about who the fuck cares and getting totally shitfaced. You didn’t remember the last time you felt so light - it’s always so easy with Chris, he’s such a calming presence. At one point in the night you told him he reminded you of a capybara, and he drunkenly laughed and said you reminded him of a deer. You pulled a face and asked him why the hell are you a deer? And he said, “ No it totally makes sense. You’re this pretty, flighty thing but you got antlers and they fuckin’ hurt when you use them. Also, when you get surprised you get this cute wide-eyed look.” There were no further questions, you were busy downing your drink to quell the fuzzy feeling in your chest.
It could’ve been minutes or hours the two of you spent talking, but it couldn’t last forever. You were far gone, but you were with it enough to notice raised voices near down the other end of the bar. You furrowed your eyebrows, ignoring Chris mid sentence as you leaned to the side to look around him and see what the big deal was, only to see Steve-O jabbing his finger at a much larger bloke’s chest. 
“What?” Chris turned to see what you were looking at. “Ah shit. ”
To Chris’ surprise, Steve-O didn’t even seem to be the aggressor this time - the stranger, clearly wasted off his fucking nut, had a demeanour like a rabid dog, shoulders hunched over and shoving at Steve’s shoulder. Instinctively, your face screwed up in distaste as you watched it unfold, tensions rising when the guy grabbed Steve by the front of his shirt. Like you were on autopilot, you got up from your stool and marched over, ignorant to Chris’ slurred questions and your unsteady feet.
You knew damn well Steve-O can take care of himself, but to be entirely honest, this wasn’t for him. You were pissed in both senses of the word, and this was what you wanted to do.
“Mind your fucking business!” You barked, yanking the guy by the back of his shirt to get his attention. He looked over his shoulder, but didn’t pay you much more mind. Alright dick, as if you were gonna get ignored like that. You looped round, wedging yourself in between him and Steve and started pushing at the strangers chest. “Hey asshole fuckin’ look at me! I said mind your fucking business! ”
“The fuck ‘s this?” He asked, shoving you back by the shoulder like he did Steve. “Your fuckin’ bird stickin’ her neck out for you?”
“‘M not a fuckin’ bird shit for brains.”
“The fuck does he mean ‘ bird ’?” Steve asked nobody in particular, because right now your tunnel vision was set on the random man twice your size.
“Stop yapping and get the fuck out of my way, dizzy cunt.” The stranger spat, moving to push past you but you threw your entire weight into his front, managing to knock him back.
“I'll show you a dizzy cunt you fuckin’ bell end!”
You jammed your boot into his shins as hard as you could, and though it knocked you off balance, you steadied yourself in time to catch him wincing. However, it didn’t nearly have the effect you hoped. What followed happened too fast for you to really catch on - one second you were on your feet, the next your head hit the sticky bar floor, hot pain starting to radiate across your face and the taste of metal arising in your mouth as the edges of your vision started to black out. The stranger was ushered out by security - no matter the fact you were the little shit starter, if security sees a big guy knock someone out, they’re gonna be the one getting kicked out. Just before you totally blacked out, some familiar concerned faces crowded around you, and it kinda reminded you of when you wiped out on that ramp the first time you met them all, especially when Knoxville said,
“ Shit, [Y/n] you good? How’s your head?”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Your head really fucking hurts.
You don’t know who you are, where you are, anything really, but you could be sure of that much.
Your head really really fucking hurts.
Well, that and one other thing you noticed - the distant sound of people talking, maybe in a hallway? If you opened your eyes you could probably figure it out, but you didn’t really feel like it right now. In fact, considering the way you felt right now, you didn’t want to move for a million years. Which is saying something, since whatever you were lying on was pretty uncomfortable, starchy and stiff, nothing like your sheets at home. So, you could rule out home. One step closer to solving the mystery. You could hear other sounds nearer to you, things like coughing or hushed conversation; if you put in the effort, you could just about make it out. Something full of jargon, sounded professional. Well that’s just confusing, why would you be asleep somewhere professional? Through the thin skin of your eyelids, you could also tell there was a lot of bright light, light that’d probably hurt when and if you decide to open up. Looking forward to that. Bet that’ll do wonders for your head. Despite your hesitation, you knew you wouldn’t be able to get much more information without using all of your senses, so begrudgingly, you opened your eyes.
“ Jesus! ” You jolted at the unexpected presence of a man in hospital scrubs standing right next to you. The initial spike of your heart rate soon calmed as he looked at you with confusion; your expression was purely disgruntled. “Do you just… hang around like that? Waiting to jumpscare unconscious people?” He didn’t respond, simply picked up a telephone receiver on the bedside table and made a succinct message. You started to look around, eyebrows furrowed and eyes twitchy every time a certain movement made your head hurt. “Why aren’t I at the bar? Why am I in a hospital?”
“Your friends brought you into A&E about two hours ago, apparently you were knocked unconscious in a fight.”
You sucked the air through your teeth, reaching up to massage your throbbing temple.
“Shit, again? Man, I’ve gotta stop doing this, can’t be good for my head…”
“Not the first time then?”
“Well, first time getting my shit kicked in by a dude, I think. Unless I just don’t remember.” 
The nurse hummed, he seemed concerned, but ultimately didn’t ask any more questions. He pottered around a bit, checking your blood pressure and heart rate only for it to come back pretty normal, if on the low side. All the while, the painkillers he gave you started to kick in. 
“Hey uh… don’t know your name…”
“Nurse is fine.”
“Impersonal, alright, anyway you said I came here two hours ago? Was I really out that whole time?”
“Actually, when you came in you were conscious, but you fell asleep in the waiting room, and that was a concern due to the possibility of a brain injury.”
At least you weren’t knocked out for that whole time… you started to pick at your hospital wristband, noticing the dried blood stains on your shirt as you looked down. The wristband was kinda cool the more you looked at it, maybe you could laminate it and keep it as a bracelet or something… then when you craned your head up again, you were alone. Huh, no goodbye? Probably a pretty busy guy if he’s working A&E, you didn’t mind hanging out on your own for a bit; in fact, you could probably do with some solitude.
Well too bad, you weren’t getting any.
“Found ‘er.”
Following the familiar gravelly voice came Steve-O’s head ducking through the hospital room doorway. 
“Oh, hey. Did they not tell you where I was?”
“Didn’t even let us follow you, dude.” Steve-O complained, taking a seat next to the hospital bed. “Fuckin’ weak, dunno why they rushed you off like that.”
“Probably ‘cuz of my bad brains.” You flicked your own forehead for emphasis, but just caused a twinge of pain in the process. Steve-O shrugged, leaning his arms on his thighs so he was a bit closer to you.
“You’re fine, bet you’ve gotten worse.” He trailed off for a second, staring at his shoes then back at you. “Why’d you get in between us like that?”
“Eh, don’t know. Had a lot to drink, wanted to piss somebody off… didn’t think he’d actually take a swing though.”
“All bark, huh?”
“No way I have bite, kicked the guy in the fuckin’ shins. He was being an ass anyway, deserved it.”
Steve-O smiled, not the impish one you’re used to but something softer. “...Thanks. That was pretty cool of you.”
You stalled for a second, but settled for mirroring his smile. “Don’t mention it.”
“ [Y/n]!”
Enter, Johnny and Chris. Chris wasted no time coming right up to your bedside. “Dude, did he scramble your brains?”
“Yeah, don’t even remember your name, Chris.”
Chris snickered, but he seemed preoccupied by something. “I, uh… I feel kinda bad about the whole thing, I should’ve held you back or something. I don’t know why I didn’t, it just–”
“If it makes you feel any better, I literally wouldn’t let you stop me.” You assured, shrugging nonchalantly, and he managed to crack a smile.
“Still, sorry.”
You rolled your eyes and ruffled his hair it might’ve been an excuse to touch his hair again . “You’re too soft for your own good, y’know.”
“Jeez, you’d think they’d at least clean the blood offa ya, you look a mess.” Johnny commented, coming up on the other side of your bed to get a good look at you. He looked around for a second, then reached for the box of tissues he spotted.
“There’s blood ? Seriously? But my nose doesn’t hurt..”
“I think the guy had rings on or something, gave you a gash on your cheek.” Steve-O explained, scratching at his left cheek as if to demonstrate. 
“Eh, don’t worry about it, I gotcha.” Johnny assured, dipping a tissue into a glass of water enough to wet it but not have it break apart; his free hand cupped your cheek, warm and directing so he could keep your head facing him, and with a gentler hand than you thought him able, started to dab at the dried blood on your face. Sure, it still hurt , after sitting on your skin so long he had to scrub at some parts, but it was relaxing nonetheless. He let out little ‘sorry’ s every time you winced or hissed, and all too soon, it was over. Without thinking, your head followed his hand as he released your face, chasing the warmth of his palm, and to your relief he didn’t bother to mention it.
“There, now we’re even.”
“Nurse Knoxville.” You teased, resting your arms in your now folded lap as Steve-O and Chris chuckled.
“He’d be a shit nurse.” Steve-O snarked, followed by Chris.
“Bet he can’t pull off the outfit like I can.”
“Real nurses don’t even wear that skimpy shit, look–” Johnny motioned to the nurse stood in the doorway, staring disapprovingly at the group. “ That’s what they actually wear.”
“You shouldn’t be in here.” Your nurse said bluntly, fully entering the room. The guys all brushed him off.
“Nah, ‘s okay, we know her.” Chris assured, as if that was the issue.
“That doesn’t matter, only immediate family’s allowed. We’re not sure of her condition yet.”
“Aw c’mon , look at her, she’s fine.” Steve-O insisted, but the nurse wasn’t going to be convinced as he started to usher Steve out of the shitty plastic chair he was sat in. 
“Really, I’m fine, we’ve gotta go catch a flight anyway so–”
“I really wouldn’t advise that. We’d like to keep you overnight so we can monitor your condition–” The nurse was interrupted by a beeping in his pocket; he pulled out a pager, took one quick glance, then heaved a heavy sigh. “There’s something I need to tend to… can you hang on for ten minutes?”
You nodded, so he swiftly left. Busy, busy man.
Johnny whistled, playing with his hands as he turned back to you. “You don’t have to give ‘em your insurance info or anything?”
“Nope, free healthcare.”
“Great, let’s get you out of this miserable li’l matchbox.”
You weren’t going to argue, you had shit to do. Lucky they didn’t put you in one of those paper-y hospital gowns because you really didn’t feel like staying longer than you absolutely had to. Once Johnny helped you over the metal railing of the hospital bed and Chris picked up your jacket, you hightailed it out of that A&E room before any nurse could stop you. It was still dark when you made it outside, but clearly nearing daylight, as that deep navy started to lighten to an ultramarine blue. You always liked that stage of the night sky, thought it was so pretty when everything was bathed in that hazy blue glow. The rental car was pulled up in front of the hospital entrance so you were all able to pile in as quickly as possible, then off you went on the way home. 
Flashes of street lights flitted past the car window, and you watched as the cityscapes changed and flowed. A tug at your hospital wristband caught your attention, and you turned to Chris.
“Gonna keep it?”
You hummed and gazed at it again. “...Yeah, looks cool.”
With all your fondness for Chris, you hoped you weren’t sitting next to him on the plane back.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 9 months
@audriegreywind requested that I make a Nine Realms version of the "summarising every HTTYD movie/special/episode" post that I made ages ago so:
Tom: Jestem Hardkorem!
Tom almost gives a dragon food poisoning: The Episode
Oh, how I wish Tom and Jun had got Kentucky Fried Viggo'd during the Romantic Bootleg scene and we'd just never seen them again
"It is NOT safe outside!" Well it doesn't look very safe inside either HOLY FUCK ALEX LOOK BEHIND YOU-
Rescue Riders was better.
"I'll roam the Hidden World with the rest of these hideous whores!"
🚚 <( my main goal is to blow up )
Bootleg Silkspanners try to kill Bootleg Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
Razorwhip absolutely BLAZING IT fr
Skrill leaving the Crystal Meth Realm like the soul leaving my body during my first watch of Return of Thor Bonecrusher
It would be really funny if they used the Monstrous Nightmare gel as an adhesive and then the gel got wet and absorbed the water and became flammable again and then Tom had got lit on fire in the Blaze-It Realm and he'd burned alive and died, I think that would be hysterical
We were gonna get shirtless Hiccup. We were gonna get shirtless ASTRID. We are DESPERATE to see shirtless Viggo. But THIS is what we get???
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate-
DeAngelo almost recreates the Austin serial bombings
The Hidden World is just Australia clearly
The Magma Breather caused the Norwegian Butter Crisis of 2011 after getting addicted to deep fried butter on a stick (confirmed)
Did they rip off Wings of Fire with these Moonwatcher 'n Winter lookin' hoes??
Cocaine Realm. That's it. That's the joke.
Competency? In the Incompetency Show? It's more likely than you'd think… but Watch Out.
Bruhhh we need whatever these kids were getting high on after this shitshow, I don't feel that it's morally right to even remind people that this episode exists
🙋‍♂️ I wanna teach Viggo how to ride "dragons" (Yes I did watch Audrie's reviews instead of the actual TV show in order to make this list, how did you know?)
Tom gets put on house arrest and breaks out in order to enter the Weed Realm
Quick, someone edit those Scuttleclaws fucking exploding
Genuine character growth in the Adult Baby Fetish episode… yeah checks out
Get Jumpscared, Idiot
🚁 🤸🏼‍♀️ <( gonna catch me ridin' dirty )
I won't be updating this list until Audrie posts her TNRS6 review because I'd rather wait and give her the views than go watch TNRS6 now and give Universal money.
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one piece live action episode 1 thoughts:
yeah, i'm months late. who cares?
also. full disclaimer: i have both a huge sentimental connection to one piece (first ever manga, first read when i was like. 8.) and am an enjoyer of it current day (have read the whole thing 3 times. can and will bitch about it at length but genuinely do love it. have posted like. 45k worth of one piece fic.) so absolutely biased as hell.
show is silly goofy which is correct. one piece is silly goofy first and foremost. just relax, enjoy the ride, accept the cartoon shonen logic. once i did that i had a good time.
i 'm actually a fan of the changes made to pacing. breaking up the first chapter with all the luffy flashback lore makes a ton of sense for live action and makes more space for present-day stuff. we don't need to know all that right away. we'll get to it. episode was still a bit rushed but tbh the manga had that issue too with the early chapters (had a lot to do and oda did not yet have free rein to bloat)
along the same lines, introducing nami and zoro at the same time makes a lot of sense. gives us more time with both of them. get to see nami in her element a bit more-very cool. also the map gives them all more of a reason to be in shell town causing havoc.
i especially like the reworking of how zoro and luffy meet and how zoro teams up with him (not a crew! yet!). it always kind of bothered me that luffy somewhat coerced him into joining in the OG - thematically that was a cognitive dissonance, so luffy freeing him without expectation felt a) more luffy and b) will make zoro eventually joining more meaningful imo
do sort of wish that they'd somehow managed to keep zoro stubbornly hanging there starving for like. days. because i think that's a really good intro to his character and what's important to him but at least he still managed to eat the floor rice. like overall i think the changes were a good idea but they do give a different spin on him. (i think he accepted being freed too easily in this one. but. oh well.)
big fan of the alabasta foreshadowing. and zoro's opening scene. kind of ate ngl. cool to see things only offhandedly mentioned in the manga.
acting/writing. hm. i think some of the serious dialogue was a bit clunky and some bits the acting felt a bit...self conscious? sometimes luffy seemed a bit Too Self Aware/and not relaxed enough. during the sillier bits though i thought he did better and loosened up. same with zoro. no notes for nami though.
i was expecting to hate the rubber CGI but. did not mind it. fight scenes felt a bit silly but that's okay they are silly. (it is a plot point in the early manga that luffy fighting looks bizarre.)
fight scenes pretty decent, considering the medium change. three-sword style does just look flimsy live, unfortunately.
why is Garp here????????????????????
surprisingly faithful to all the important bits, honestly. we'll see where this goes. interested to see what they do with orange town now that the set-up has changed.
fun thoughts:
was that crocodile in the execution crowd? oda was apparently pretty involved in all this, so if that Was crocodile then that counts as evidence for my favorite One Piece theory. crocomom real?
spotted Foxy and Bellamy bounty posters, which imply both of them have been to the East Blue. interesting but probably inconsequential set-building. curious on what posters i missed.
my instagram ads keep showing me a one-hole zoro earring set (all three dangles but you only need one piercing) and i've never been more tempted. damn the algorithm.
huge fan of koby's hair
was jumpscared multiple times by british accents. which is on me and my USAmerican-ness.
unfounded guess but i bet they're going to change how kuina dies. please.
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