#yandere piper
frickingnerd · 1 year
yandere piper mclean
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pairing: piper mclean x gn!reader
tags: yandere themes, isolated reader, manipulation
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everyone thinks you are the luckiest person ever to be dating piper! 
she's one of the prettiest and smartest girls in camp and on top of that, she absolutely spoils you!
piper is very affectionate with you, loves to show you off and fulfill every wish you have – even using her charmspeak to get what you want! 
yet piper will always assure you that she'd never use charmspeak on you
which is just a big lie, she definitely has used it on you before, when you got upset with her, yet you simply have no recollection of it
you just naively believe that your relationship with piper has always been this happy and flawless!
since you started dating piper, you lost most of your friends, yet you never had to worry much about being lonely, since piper was always there for you
what you don't know is that she's the one who started to isolate you from your friends, telling them lies and getting her charmspeak to keep them away from you
you only need her, so they'd only distract you. in a way, you should be thanking her for getting rid of them!
now you got more time to spend with her, your flawless girlfriend~
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
Can you do a Yan!Piper love letter?
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Dearest (Y/N),
Not all the words in the world would be enough to express how I feel about you. From the moment our paths crossed, my heart was lost in a maze of emotions that only you can unravel. Every thought, every sigh, everything seems to revolve around your presence in my life.
Every laugh shared, every challenge faced together, strengthens the bond we have. You are my source of courage in difficult times, and the light that illuminates my darkest days.
I feel compelled to protect our love with an intensity that goes beyond the limits of the ordinary, but when it comes to love... Everythingis fair. My love for you is like the fire of Hephaestus, burning and unquenchable. There is no obstacle I am not willing to face to maintain our love.
Your every word is a melody that echoes in my mind, your every gesture is a flame that warms my soul. Our love is like an epic adventure, full of twists and surprises. Even in times of danger, I know I can count on you by my side. Your presence is my security, the shelter where I find comfort.
(Y/N), you are my hero, not only in battles against monsters but also on the battlefield of the heart. Your every gesture, every affectionate word, is a direct arrow to the center of my affection for you.
I promise to stay by your side, face challenges and celebrate victories together. Our love is a story that will continue to be written, chapter by chapter, and I look forward to discovering each page alongside you.
With all my love,
Piper McLean.
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Yandere M!Pied Piper X F!Reader
Warnings: Mild body horror, possessive + yandere behavior masterlist
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Once upon a time, in the land cradled between the winding waters of the river Weser, there lay two towns, Hamelin and Weidehohl, each a curiosity of its own. To the west, Weidehohl nestled amidst the towering, age-old trees, where the pagans roamed, their shadows falling on creatures of the forest, and their deeds shrouded in darkness. They committed crimes that troubled the very heavens, where cats were denied their lives, and dogs met a mournful fate.
On the opposite bank, to the east, stood Hamelin, a settlement graced by the protective embrace of four mighty forts, where no soul could pass unseen or unnoticed. It was a city crafted from the warm, welcoming wood of time, its heart radiating with peace and prosperity. In Hamelin, the gentle hand of Christ blessed the land with abundance.
And in the blessed town of Hamelin lived a widow named Y/N. Her heart was as pure as the morning dew, yet heavy with the sorrow of a love lost. Her beloved had embarked on a sacred missionary journey, and for seven long days and seven nights, he had vanished from her sight. It was on the seventh night that his lifeless form was returned to her humble dwelling, a pitiful sight to behold. His body resembled a mangled corpse, the limbs poking out in odd angles, the silver cross ripped from his neck. Even the cherished keepsake, a timepiece adorned with a lovingly-crafted portrait of his beloved wife on their wedding day, had vanished into the shadows.
With tearful eyes and a contrite heart, the widow sought solace in the confessional, where she bared her soul to the priest and questioned the sins that had led to her husband's gruesome fate at the hands of the pagans. But the priest, hidden behind the confessional booth, offered words of comfort and guidance.
"Nay, dear child, the burden of blame lies not upon your shoulders," he whispered gently. "The pagans of Weidehohl are the architects of this sorrow, and their lives shall remain fraught with wretchedness unless they turn to the benevolent embrace of Christ."
"Father," Y/N confessed, "in my despair, I confess to having missed Sunday Mass twice in succession. What penance must I undertake to cleanse my soul of sin and ensure the reunion of my husband and me in the heavenly kingdom of our Lord?"
"My dear child," came the priest's soothing reply, "perform acts of charity, extend your hand to the needy, and become a sponsor to the orphan. Through these acts of benevolence, your soul shall find its path to redemption, and in the divine grace of our Lord, you shall one day be reunited with your beloved in the heavenly realm."
And so, the widow poured the essence of her very being into the sacred act of spreading the love of the Savior. She became the guardian of the forsaken, running a humble orphanage for the downtrodden street urchins. Beneath the sheltering eaves of her makeshift home, she provided not only a sanctuary from the cold, unforgiving world but also warm soups that chased away the hunger that gnawed at their fragile bellies.
To those who approached her with intentions other than those of the divine, she responded with an unshakable steadfastness. Her words, like a sermon from the heavens, would gently rebuke them, reminding them of the plight of the orphans and how humanity had often forsaken those less fortunate. In her wisdom, there was a grain of truth: Why should the Church entrust a humble widow with the monumental task of caring for orphans, while it basked in the wealth derived from indulgences?
Yet, Y/N knew better than to arouse the ire of the Church, for as a widow, a solitary soul, she teetered on the precipice of society's margins. A single misstep could condemn her to the mercy of the clergy, leaving her precarious existence hanging by a slender thread.
But despite her pure intentions, the Devil would test her belief in God once again. This time, He unleashed upon her beloved Hamelin a deluge of rats and mice, a horde of vermin with ravenous appetites. They descended upon the city like the overflowing waters of the river Weser, devouring the meager stores of grain, defiling the once-pure waters of the public well with their loathsome droppings, and spreading pestilence and death throughout the land.
In the face of this vile pestilence, the people of Hamelin turned to their faith with fervor, seeking solace and redemption in daily worship. Their voices echoed with praises to the Lord, sung until they grew hoarse from their devotion. Yet, amidst their piety, the plight of the orphaned souls remained unseen, their suffering ignored. Hearts once kind were now veiled by self-righteousness, their pride preventing even a morsel of bread from being offered to those in need. And so, Y/N toiled away once more, her body growing weaker and more fragile as the weeks passed by.
One day, a curious traveler, bedecked in a garb of vivid hues, sauntered into the fortified realm of Hamelin. Bemused and bedazzled, the city's folk kept a wary distance from this stranger, their wariness ignited by his flamboyant cloak and hair ablaze like Hell's own fire. At his neck, he wore not the sacred cross but a flute, intricately carved from bone.
"Citizens of Hamelin," rang out his voice like a melodious tune, "I bear, through secret charms unknown to most, the power to summon forth all creatures dwelling beneath the sun—those that crawl, swim, fly, or race across the land. These are the creatures that oft bring harm upon you—the mole, the toad, the newt, and the serpent. People call me the Pied Piper. If I but free your town from its rat-borne scourge, shall you grant me a thousand guilders?"
"A thousand guilders? Secret charm?" laughed the crowd. "We'd sooner drink cow's urine than entertain the whims of a charlatan like thee! Why, you are clothed like the pagans of Weidehohl! We good Christians would never associate ourselves with infidels like thee!"
And so, the Pied Piper found himself slumbering upon the city's cobblestone streets, right before the doorstep of the humble orphanage. Unable to turn a blind eye, she fed him with the crusts of bread the children could not eat, and soup made of vegetable scraps.
He looked up at her, bewildered that one of the citizens who had rejected him would dare nourish him. "Dost thou not fear condemnation? To aid a stranger such as I?"
"Nonsense," came her swift reply, "before me, I see neither stranger, nor maverick, nor even one hailing from Weidehohl. In this moment, I behold but a fellow soul, a man who may succumb to the bitter cold if aid is not given."
Bringing the broth to his lips, the Pied Piper relished in its salty aroma. How could a denizen of Hamelin, known for their stern devotion to God's path, radiate such tender warmth? In what felt like but a heartbeat, the soup disappeared from his bowl. "Is... Is this the doctrine of thy Lord?"
She smiled as she took the bowl from him, "Indeed, it is the teaching of our Lord, who bids us to love one another as He loves us."
The Pied Piper could only chuckle and rake his fingers through his red hair, which twirled upwards in delicate curls at the base of his collarbone. "Throughout my long years upon this Earth, they have regarded me as but an exterminator, a mere tool to rid their towns of the earthly vermin. Never have I been graced by the presence of Mother Mary herself."
"Mother Mary? How does a pagan such as yourself know of her?" curiosity laced Y/N's voice as she sat down next to him. Inside the orphanage, the children, intrigued by the unusual encounter, giggled and vied for a view between their surrogate mother and the curious visitor.
The Piper bestowed upon her a subtle, enigmatic grin, and with a deft movement of his fingers, he began to play a soft, mesmerizing tune on his flute—a melody so enchanting that it seemed as if the very stars had descended to dance in the moonlit night.
The children, drawn by the enchanting music, abandoned their timid hideaways and gathered around the pair. Their eyes, wide with innocent wonder, bore witness to the magic of the Piper's tune—a melody that had never before graced their ears. For indeed, the orphans had never heard of the wonderous music before. It was unlike the solemn hymns of the church, rigid and controlled. Instead, it was a music that spoke of freedom, of joy, and liberation from the chains of the mundane.
Y/N couldn't help but feel that it danced on the edge of sin, but she could not deny the children their delight. She allowed them to dance and frolic, their laughter rising like the joyful laughter of forest spirits.
In the end, she never received an answer to her question.
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With the passage of time, Y/N perceived a waning in the rat population, witnessed the orphans suffer less from the grip of disease, and felt her own health flourish in the absence of the rodents.
"Perhaps the Lord has graced me for extending sustenance to the Pied Piper?" she pondered, conversing with her fellow women during Sunday Mass.
"Hush, dear," came their swift rejoinder, "you were simply a fortunate soul. Our homes still teem with the pestilence of mice!"
"But consider this," Y/N beseeched, her voice laden with earnestness, "What if God sent this plague as a trial? A test of our kindness and charity, a challenge to alleviate the traveler's suffering, even if he be unconventional? If each working man were to bestow but one guilder upon the Piper, he would amass a bounty sufficient to lead the rats away from Hamelin!"
Her words did not go unheard by the mayor. Share his own coffers of wealth would he not. But pluck a thousand guilders from the working class to please the Piper—a fine deal indeed. After Mass, he called the Pied Piper to his office and told him of the proposal.
In response, the Piper laughed and shook his head, "Gentleman, the thousand guilders were but a jest. All I seek is a fine wife in exchange for my services."
The mayor's eyes lit up in delight. Now, he would not even need to part ways with his beloved coin! "Go forth, and choose an unmarried woman of your liking! Do anything that you must in order to kill the rats of Hamelin!"
On the morrow, the good folk of Hamelin awoke to a sight most peculiar. The Pied Piper, with his mop of hair burning red, led an army of rats away from the town, all the while playing a merry tune on his bone-carved flute. His garments billowed like swallows riding the breath of the wind, whilst the rats scurried at his feet, dancing with mania. They squeaked and chirped, running and tumbling in circles, over cobblestone roads, through the gates of Hamelin, over hills and meadows, until they reached the winding river Weser.
"Little rodents! Ye must be parched from your toil! Go, partake of the waters that the Lord Christ hath graciously provided!" sang the Piper, twirling around his own axis as he played the hypnotizing tune.
As if by some mystical command, the rats leaped into the river, one by one, and there, they met their watery fate.
"My, 'tis sorcery!" screeched the resident priest, clutching his cross in the palm of his gnarled hand. 
The mayor interjected, "But Reverend, thou must admit, the young lad hath cured us of this plight! And in return, all he seeks is a companion—a wife!"
The Pied Piper turned toward the crowd and bowed with theatrical elegance. The colors of his cloak simmered and contorted—one moment, a vibrant lemon yellow. The next—deep cerulean blue. Loud gasps of wonder and awe erupted from the crowd, who had formed a small comune along the river bank.
With a dazzling smile, the Pied Piper got down on one knee and raised his arms to the heavens, "Fair maiden, protector of the orphans, a soul akin to the benevolent Mary herself! Amongst the Christians of Hamelin, you alone treated me with the grace of human kindness. Would you do me the honor of becoming my cherished bride, despite the unfavorable reputation that taints my name among your townsfolk?"
Y/N froze and averted her gaze to the ground. Using the sleeve of her dress to conceal her face, she replied, "An outcast for an outcast, it seems. Piper, you have placed me in a most wretched predicament. I have dedicated my life in service to God and find myself an unwedded widow, a spinster by the world's judgment."
His expression darkened but was soon replaced by a charming smile. "Fair lady, I take it as a no?"
Unable to speak another word, the widow nodded, unable to reciprocate his smile. What use was there in accepting the hand of a man whose name remained a mystery to her? Besides, the priest would never officiate a marriage between a believing woman and an infidel. Even an infidel who saved Hamelin from certain ruin.
"Fear not. I had a lingering suspicion that such would be thy response."
Once more, he brought the bone-carved flute to his lips. But this time, the melody that poured forth carried an almost otherworldly quality, a tune that seemed to teeter on the brink of the supernatural.
The children, both orphans and those with families of their own, emerged from their homes, their gleeful laughter and exuberant cries resonating through the air like the unholy revelry of a wicked tarantella. Yet, as the music wove its spell, a sinister transformation overtook them. Their limbs elongated and stretched, contorting to grotesque proportions, as if every ounce of their humanity was being pulled apart by unseen hands.
The adults could not move a single muscle, it was as if their feet were planted firmly in the ground. Y/N herself was no exception, and she screamed and begged the Piper to stop this madness. But whenever she tried to take a step toward him, her legs were met with a gripping pain, searing through her body, mind, and soul. 
There was no doubt: The Piper wanted to see the Hamelians suffer. More specifically, Y/N.
Their movements grew wild and untamed, limbs flailing and twisting with a grotesque grace that defied the laws of nature. It was as though their bodies had become marionettes, but marionettes manipulated by a malevolent puppeteer, their movements driven by a dark and unholy force. They twirled and spun, their movements growing increasingly frenzied, entrapped in a wicked ritual that defied the doctrine of the Lord itself.
Laughter mixed with the cracking of bones as the children frolicked and pranced, following the Piper as he led them away from Hamelin. Together, they crossed the shimmering waters of the river Weser, traversed rolling hills, until they disappeared into the foreboding depths of the woods that led to Weidehohl. 
Y/N was the first to break out of the trance. With lightning-fast reflexes and a heart heavy with dread, she sprinted toward the looming woods that led to Weidehohl, her voice raised in a desperate cry. "Children! Come back! This is not the path ordained by the Lord!"
But her pleas fell upon deaf ears as the possessed children, their eyes vacant and their limbs contorted, followed the Piper deeper into the shadowy woods. Deeper into the woods she ran, the gnarled branches of ancient trees clawing at her as if trying to hold her back. She followed the trail of broken branches and twisted footprints, breadcrumbs of waning hope that stretched endlessly into the heart of the forest.
Finally, at the heart of the sinister forest, she stumbled upon the lame boy, his eyes wide with terror and confusion. His frail form quivered, unable to join in the manic dance of his peers. Y/N knelt beside him, murmuring prayers of protection and strength. "Where have they gone, dear child?"
"There..." the lame boy whispered, pointing to a clearing in the midst of the woods.
The widow told the boy to stay put and approached the clearing. To her surprise, the clearing appeared utterly ordinary, as if untouched by the dark enchantment that had gripped the children. Bewildered, she turned back to check on the lame boy, only to have her heart plummet to her very shoes. He had vanished without a trace.
Heart hammering in her chest, she ran through the woods, between the ancient trees, leaping over quaint forest streams. But the lame boy was nowhere to be found. Not even the wretched Piper or the remaining children.
A gloved hand grabbed hers. Y/N shrieked and begged to be released, but it only caused the grip to tighten. She blinked and the next thing she knew, she was in a forest village, surrounded by the children she had come to love oh-so-dearly. 
Overcome with relief, she ran forward and embraced the children, sobbing and wailing just like at her deceased husband's funeral. Through tear-filled eyes, she beheld a wondrous transformation of the world around her. Waters gushed and sparkled, fruit trees burst into bloom with an otherworldly splendor, and flowers unfurled in hues that defied earthly comparison. Sparrows radiated a brilliance surpassing that of peacocks, their plumage resplendent. Horses bore wings akin to eagles, and even the honeybees had shed their stingers.
"Welcome to Weidehohl!" announced the Piper, taking her hand once more. Ignoring her pleas for release, he dipped and twirled the maiden with practiced ease, his steps sure and confident. Whispering sweet nothings, he drew her close for a kiss, and his gloved fingers brushed away the tears that streamed down her face. They danced in graceful circles, surrounded by the mesmerizing melody of the birds and the bees, who serenaded them with joyful chirps and buzzing.
It was then that she noticed the transformed children, each playing a flute similar to the one that dangled from the Piper's neck. The tune that flowed from their instruments was all too familiar—a cherished church hymn reserved for weddings. Dread seized her heart as the realization settled in, and all she could do was weep as the Pied Piper kissed away her tears,
As she danced, a small piece of metal fell from within the man's garments and onto the forest floor.
A timepiece, engraved with a lovingly-crafted portrait of herself on their wedding day. But in place of her late husband now stood the Pied Piper.
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imagine-silk · 1 month
Thank you for doing my insecure Pre-war Ghoul request! Could you do it for the ladies too?
》A follow up. I like it.
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【Cait】 "No one will think that as long as I am around."
She might be the most encouraging because of her blunt enthusiasm to help you defend yourself from people judgment. She is adamant about how you are perfect. When someone tries to speak ill about you or gives you a look she punches them without even asking you.
【Curie】 "I do not understand the issue."
She understands in theory but in practice it fails. She is just as infertile as you and you both won't really age. Because you both have the same issues the problem is dropped. Try explaining vanity to her and it will be a long talk. After that talk she will tell you a compliment every day at random.
【Piper】 "Aren't you just the cutest thing in the entire Commonwealth."
She's going to shower you with praise and love. When you tell her things like how you think you look weird she will brush it off and say you look beautiful/handsome. The only issue to her is the fact you will never have biological kids but she gets over that almost immediately when you bring up adoption out of fear.
【Haylen】 "I love you. How could you say I'd leave you because you're a ghoul?"
She takes the chance to manipulate you. She guilt-trips you into relying on her rather than focusing on making you feel better. But she does clean up by reassuring you after she's sure you stop focusing on it.
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Hey! Do you have any headcanons (SFW or NSFW) for Piper from Fallout 4?
Piper Wright
When you came to diamond city, looking so scruffy and honestly speaking, frightening, she didn't know how to feel! Piper had biases, and she always judged people before meeting them.
Of course, after finding out more about you, she felt... guilty. You were simply a gentle giant. Quiet, barely talked, yet so sweet and caring. The way you shielded her from harm, the way you took care of Nat as if she was your own child, the love you held in your eyes, it was breathtaking.
Piper didn't want to accept she was developing feelings for someone. She had Nat to take care of, and a paper to run! There was no place for love in that combination. Except, it's not that easy to tell your heart that.
Especially when she's prone to getting extremely jealous.
Why, why, just why was everyone so attracted to you?! Whenever you were at a bar, men and women wanted to get it on with you. People you would save would fall head over heels for you. It was as if you were a magnet for crazed lovesick freaks!
She wasn't one, though. No, no, she was one of the good ones, one of the normal ones. If she kept telling herself that, she will believe it one day, right?
She was indeed right. She was the only one who could protect you. If you were hers, then nobody else would harass you, it was a win-win situation, for sure!
"Blue... Come on, I'm doing this for your own good!"
Piper is a desperate lover in the bedroom. If you have male parts, she will always be on top, desperately trying to pleasure herself on you, and if you have female parts, she always rides your face.
She wants to be on top. Wants to feel like you're giving her all your attention and love. You're hers after all.
Piper loves whenever your hands touch her body, making her feel the very little scar on them. Play with her breasts, it's her weak spot.
She doesn't really enjoy going down on you, as she's a very selfish lover, making it everything about her, and proving to the world that you're hers.
She will leave marks on you, and if you have male parts, she always begs you to cum in her.
If you made her pregnant, you wouldn't be able to run off anymore, right? You love kids, right?
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picdpipcr · 2 years
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¿Saben que se me antojo? Un AU.
Un AU con Hyunseok.
Un AU con Hyunseok... Como Tomie
Hwa Hyunseok as Kawakami Tomie from Tomie (Junji Ito)
0 notes
star-my · 2 months
BTS Fic Recs ☆ Tumblr (i)
These are all available on tumblr as of April 2024. Some are likely crossposted on ao3 as well.
~Ao3 RECS HERE~ ~Recs (ii)~ ~Recs (iii)~
Almost all are complete works, those with “+” after WC are incomplete. Most are BTS x (F!)Reader.
Most of these are Mature or Explicit (usually because of smut) ~ mdni ~ italicized titles rated G or T ~ Please read responsibly
If any authors tagged here wish to be removed/untagged, please lmk! | Shoutout to @ggukkiereads who does an amazing job creating rec lists, which helped me find many of these fics
F2L = friends to lovers ; E2L = enemies to lovers ; FE2L = frenemies to lovers ; R2L = rivals to lovers ; BFB = best friend's brother ; BBF = brother's best friend etc
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☆ BTS Reactions by @dreamescapeswriting | SFW + NSFW |
☆ BTS Scenarios by @btsjfans | SFW + NSFW |
☆ BTS Scenarios by @bulletproofwhalien | NSFW + SFW |
☆ BTS Scenarios by @salvejoon | SFW + NSFW |
☆ BTS Scenarios by @sunshine-and-bangtan | SFW + NSFW |
☆ Desperado Series by @heartbeatan | Mafia AU | PJM + JJK + KTH (in progress) | 60-160k(+) each
☆ The Company series by @btsmakesmehappy | Agent AU | 25-37k(+) each (in progress)
☆ Mafia BTS Reactions by @ninetailedfoxmanchi | Mafia AU (+Yandere AU) |
☆ #CodeBTS series by @yminie | Mafia AU | 1-12k each
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Kim Namjoon
☆ The Ghost in Apartment 1403 series by @notsoguiltykpop | Ghost AU, Supernatural AU, Roommate AU? | ?k
☆ beauty & the bookworm by @jungshookz | E2L Library AU, Uni AU | 20k
☆ la vie en bonsai by @jungshookz | S2F2L Neighbours AU, Baker AU | 38k
☆ The Seven Nights series by @theunknowncryptid | SMAU, Mafia AU | 13k
☆ real magic by @heretobbtstrash | S2F2L Single Parent AU, Coffee Shop AU, Coworkers AU | 17k
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Kim Seokjin
☆ {Unavailable}
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Min Yoongi
☆ Take One by @untaemedqueen | Pornstar AU | 24k
☆ The Deal series by @untaemedqueen | Mafia AU | ?k
☆ suit & tie by @jungshookz | CEO AU, Office AU, Coworkers AU, PA AU | 21k + drabbles
☆ hellish by @jungshookz | E2L Demon AU, Roommate AU | 22k
☆ strike a chord by @snackhobi | S2L Pianist AU, Bar AU | 16k
☆ straight shooter by @snackhobi | F2L/E2L Cyberpunk AU, Dystopian AU | 14k
☆ devil with the mint hair series by @theharrowing | E2FWB Brother's BFF AU, Stoner AU | 11k+
☆ a wager of lords and love by @hisunshiine | S2L Historical AU, Arranged Marriage AU | 7k
☆ daechwita by @chemicalpink | Daechwita AU, Assassin AU | 10k
☆ stay by @luffles424 | Daechwita AU, Assassin AU | 3k
☆ daechwita by @se0kie | Daechwita AU | 4k
☆ make me proud by @moonscriptsx | Established Relationship AU, Canon Idol-verse | 6k
☆ by its cover by @kittae | S2L Cat Dad AU | 2k
☆ misfortunately, yours by @sor-vette | S2F2L Dark Fae AU, Dark Fantasy AU | 32k
☆ mixtape by @jungblue | F2L Uni AU, Radio AU | 15k
☆ cyberslut by @kimnjss | SMAU, Uni AU, Fboy AU | ?k
☆ alive aha fxck by @softyoongiionly | F2L Neighbours AU, Vampire AU | 43k
☆ a brew of wings by @inkedtae | S2F2L Dragon AU, Witch AU | 10k
☆ fury of their scales by @kpopisthereasonihavenolife | Dragon AU | 18k
☆ inheritance series by @jincherie | Hybrid AU | 21k
☆ tuxedo series by @whatifyoulivelikethat | Cat(-shifter?) AU, Roommates AU | ft JJK | 49k+
☆ Assuage series by @btsqualityy | Omegaverse AU, Werewolf AU | ?k
☆ show by @httpjeon | Pw/oP ft BTS | 2k
☆ drip by @here2bbtstrash | Pw/oP | 5k
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Jung Hoseok
☆ midnight confessions by @snackhobi | BFF2L Coworkers AU, Office AU, Buzzfeed Unsolved AU | 27k
☆ the bride of ashmedai by @jeonggukingdom | Demon AU, Arranged Marriage AU | 13k
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Park Jimin
☆ The Bird Cage series + The Lion's Den series by @untaemedqueen | S2L Mafia AU | ?k
☆ Set It Off series by @btsqualityy | Mafia AU | ?k
☆ the hunt by @httpjeon | Shifter AU, Fantasy AU | 8k
☆ lovebug by @httpjeon | Hybrid AU | 12k
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Kim Taehyung
☆ Pied Piper by @untaemedqueen | Mafia AU, Established Relationship AU | 10k
☆ maybe i do series by @chateautae | Arranged Marriage AU, Chaebol AU, CEO AU | 410k + drabbles
☆ kinda hot by @kimnjss | BFF2L SMAU, Uni AU, Fboy AU | ?k
☆ nip it in the bud by @opaljm | Brother's BFF AU, Piercing AU | 10k
☆ heatwave series by @curly-bangtan | F2L Roommate AU | 12k
☆ under the covers by @jessikahathaway | Agent AU | 23k
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Jeon Jungkook
☆ heavy lifting by @snackhobi | Coworkers AU | 13k
☆ Miss Vagabond by @bubblesuga | F2L Gamer AU | 8k
☆ blizzard by @curly-bangtan | S2L Roommates AU | 16k
☆ Sparkle by @btsmosphere | F2L Roommates AU | 3k
☆ Hands-On Learning series by @ladyartemesia | Uni AU | 5k
☆ kiss it better by @jincherie | Uni AU, Sports AU, Cheer AU | 12k
☆ ghosts just wanna have fun by @sugaxjpg | Ghost AU, Supernatural AU, Uni AU | ft MYG + KTH | 20k
☆ tell me your secrets (i'm all ears) by @jinpire | Uni AU, Hybrid AU | 7k
☆ under the bridge by @jincherie | Hybrid AU | 11k
☆ Swipe right by @ppersonna | BFF2L Tinder AU | 9k
☆ overtime by @cupofteaguk | CEO AU, Office AU, PA AU, Coworkers AU | 12k
☆ I won't stop you series by @imsarabum | Vampire AU, Fantasy AU, Office AU, Coworkers AU, CEO AU, PA AU | ?k
☆ life eternal by @jungkookiebus | Fae AU | 9k
☆ hotter than hell series by @chateautae | Demon AU | 136k
☆ Hellblazer series by @jungkookiebus | Demon AU, Constantine AU | ?k
☆ agent of love series by @ppersonna | SMAU, Agent AU | ?k+
☆ strawberry kisses series by @kimnjss | SMAU, Brother's BFF AU, Tinder AU | ?k
☆ drag me down (to hell) series by @kimvtae | Mafia AU, Single Parent AU | 58k (abandoned)
☆ Concealed Weapon by @gimmesumsuga | Mafia AU, Husband AU | 10k
☆ hate sex by @yeoreos | FWB Pw/oP | 4k
Overall Favourite Authors (If I recc'd all their works like I want to/more than I have, I'd have to make this series even longer >.<)
☆ @bonvoyagenoona's masterlist
☆ @chateautae's masterlist
☆ @flowerwrites06's masterlist
☆ @here2bbtstrash's masterlist
☆ @hollyhomburg's masterlist
☆ @icyhobi's masterlist
☆ @jungshookz's masterlist
☆ @justcallmenikki7's masterlist
☆ @kpopfanfictrash's masterlist
☆ @ladyartemesia's masterlist
☆ @luxekook's masterlist
☆ @magicalsalamander's masterlist
☆ @yminie's masterlist
☆ @yoonia's masterlist
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alexxxamichelle · 2 months
What and who I will write for
Who I will write for:
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Silena Beauregard
Clarisse La Rue
Grover Underwood
Thalia Grace
Leo Valdez
Hazel Lavesque
Frank Zhang
Nico Di Angelo
Will Solace
Luke Castilian
Reyna Ramírez Arellano
Finney Blake
Vance Hopper
Gwendolyn Blake
Robin Arellano
Billy Showhalter
Bruce Yamada
Natasha Romanoff
Yelana Belova
Kate Bishop
Maria Hill
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Wanda Maximof
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Deena Johnson
Kate Schmidt
Tommy Slater
Ruby Lane
Constance Berman
Abigail Berman
What I will write for:
Social media
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11queensupreme11 · 6 months
If anyone from the prophesized 7, outside of Percy, were put in Percy's situation -- who is most likely to survive the ROR Gods and who ends up being dead eventually? I like to think Nico has a high chance of survival, JUST BECAUSE, he's the son of Hades and his father happens to be well respected. Annabeth as well, she seems to be careful enough? Leo and Piper are definitely goners though. Piper especially, her attitude isn't going to work here!
it really all depends on if their godly parent is willing to take them in or not tbh
anthonius: 5/10 survival. athena won't want to take him in. sees him as too inferior due to being half-human and not logical enough for her tastes. might be taken in by zeus, but hera's temperament puts him in danger. he's smart tho so he might survive
piper: 0/10 survival. aphrodite would take her in but sees her as inferior due to being a half-breed. she'd treat her with poisonous sweetness and piper would return with her own sneering behavior and we all know how dangerous aphrodite gets when pissed. piper's definitely not lasting the day
leo: 10/10 survival. i see ror!hephaestus as somewhat similar to pjo!hephaestus tbh, just a lot less affectionate and caring. he'll take leo in but would pretty much ignore him. leo has free reign to do whatever in the palace tho so he'll just build stuff to pass time. hephaestus will get intrigued by his inventions and slowly but surely, they'll bond over that. he'll learn to see leo as his son and care for him
as for hazel, frank, and jason.... well, if i tell you, it'd spoil some stuff i have planned about the romans in ror
nico's not part of the seven, but you included him anyway, so i'll just do it too
nico: 8/10 survival. hades will happily take him in! persephone won't care for him, but will pretend to be a caring mother because that's what hades expects from her. his sibs will be nice too. i docked 2 points away tho because nico tends to run away a lot and he'll definitely try to run away once he realizes how much of a platonic yandere hades is, he'd def try to run away and might get himself killed by the monsters/demons in helheim 💀
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
Yan! PJO + HOO the first time they tell that they love the Reader? You can choose the characters you want to write! Love you work 🥰💕
❝ 🌊 — lady l: I only did a few, since you gave me the freedom of choice. I hope you like it and if you want a part 2 with other characters, I will do it! Good reading and forgive me for any mistakes!
❝warnings: none, just fluff, very soft!yandere and me being a cheesy romance reader.
❝🌊characters: percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, luke castellan, jason grace, nico di angelo, will solace, piper mclean and leo valdez.
❝dividers by: @cafekitsune 💙
❝Yan!PJO/HOO ❝The first time they say: ''I love you.''
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Percy Jackson had never been good at expressing his feelings in the healthiest way. He knew he loved you, he knew it from the first time he met you but he didn't know how to put those feelings into words, he just knew how to show them.
And he showed in an unconventional way how much he cared about you, how much he loved you. His favorite way and the one that worked the most, in his mind, was being a bully to those who bothered you. He once almost drowned Clarisse to death after she knocked you down in training. Percy only stopped when you begged him to do so.
He knew there was failure at the moment, so he decided to have another strategy. He needed to confess what he was feeling, get those suffocating feelings out. With the advice of some friends, Percy decided to ask you to go swimming with him. When you were sitting on the riverbank, chatting away, Percy used his powers and made several hearts with the water, along with the sunset, it became a romantic environment.
He got close to her face, held her hands tenderly and whispered loud enough, ''I love you.''
When his lips connected, Percy knew he had known true happiness.
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Annabeth Chase always knew what she wanted and when she wanted it and she knew she wanted you. She knew it since she met you at Camp Half-Blood and she knew you were meant to be hers.
Due to her more reserved personality regarding her feelings, Annabeth didn't have much of an idea of how to express them to you. A simple ''I love you'' could be enough, but she wanted something more. She was proud and wanted something that really screamed for her.
So she spent weeks planning how everything would go. The atmosphere, the lighting and the exact words she would say to you. Annabeth had a whole plan, everything was carefully planned. She invited you to go with her to a more distant part of the camp, where you could be alone.
Everything was going as he wanted, the silence was good, the light was beautiful and most importantly, you were there. After you ate some fruit and talked a little, Annabeth knew this was the time. But she got nervous and could no longer say the speech she had planned, so all that came out of her lips was, ''I love you.''
But that was enough. She was slightly blushing and felt her chest fill with happiness when you said you felt the same and when you kissed her.
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Grover Underwood is much more cautious in its approach. He is a satyr who is shyer than the others, more reserved, especially towards you. He knew he was in love, but he wasn't sure if you loved him back.
And the gods knew how much it would break him if you rejected him.
So Grover chose to just be friends with him, to yearn for you from afar. He was satisfied with this choice, with this position in his life, but it didn't take long for him to be consumed by jealousy when he saw another demigod or satyr near you. That's when he knew he couldn't stay in the shadows any longer.
He asked Percy and Annabeth for advice, who advised him to be direct, but be more romantic when confessing to you. Grover was still afraid of being rejected, but he couldn't live with himself if he didn't at least try. When the moon was in the sky and the stars were shining and the two of you just watched it, that was when he gained courage.
Grover was a bit confused with his words, but he managed to say everything he wanted. When he said, ''I love you'', you pulled him into a breathless kiss, sealing your love. Grover almost melted in his arms.
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Luke Castellan was much more interested in his revenge against the gods than in his feelings. He tried at all costs to ignore them, that is, ignoring you, but it got to the point where he could no longer ignore what he felt.
He was soon overcome by feelings of jealousy, of anger that left him breathless when he saw you near another demigod. When you spent your time with others other than him. He knew he was being a hypocrite, after all, he was the one who left but that didn't mean you could replace him.
When he saw you laughing with one of Aphrodite's children, that's when he knew he had to make it clear who you belonged to. During a cold, calm night at camp, Luke invited you to walk along the beach because he wanted to talk to you.
His eyes widened slightly when the son of Hermes held your hands and with gentle words, the gentlest you had ever heard come out of his mouth, he confessed how he felt to you. You were surprised, even more so when you heard him say, ''I love you.''
Luke waited for your return and when you said you felt the same, he kissed you. For the first time in a long time, he actually felt happy.
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Jason Grace was nervous about his feelings, shy even. He was confident in many ways, but he didn't know how to tell you, the person he loved most, how he felt. He had no idea how to make you see the truth, see what he really felt and not just words that could be empty depending on the context and the person.
He was sitting by the lake, watching the gentle waves as he tried to collect his thoughts. Jason knew he needed to find the courage to express his feelings, but every time he tried, the words seemed to slip out of his mouth, leaving him even more frustrated.
He picked up a smooth pebble and began to throw it into the water, watching the circles form and slowly dissipate. It was like his feelings, he thought. They were there, clear as water, but they were lost before reaching the surface.
The sun was setting over the horizon, dyeing the sky in orange and pink tones, while Jason felt increasingly restless. He knew he needed to find a way to show the truth, to make you understand without his words faltering. With his mind made up, he got up and walked to where you were sitting, looking at the sunset.
With a lump in his throat and his heart pounding, he sat next to her, took a deep breath and, on impulse, took her hand and let the words full of feelings come out of his mouth, in love, ''I love you. '', it was said and when he finished speaking, you kissed him passionately, admitting that you loved him too. Jason could die right then and there and he would be happy.
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Nico di Angelo was afraid to admit what he felt, he was afraid for you. He didn't want to accept that he was in love, no, that he loved you deeply because he was afraid. Being a demigod was already a danger in itself, but being a child of the Big Three, a forbidden child, only made everything more difficult. But he was selfish, he couldn't stay away from you.
He struggled daily with his own feelings. The weight of being a demigod, a son of Hades, added an extra burden to his already tormented heart. Nico tried hard to hide his passion for you, fearing the consequences of this forbidden love.
Yet his soul longed to be close to you, even if it meant defying divine rules and risking his own safety. He found himself torn between the responsibility to protect himself and the uncontrollable need to be by her side. Every moment together was an internal battle for Nico.
He tried to be distant, but your presence next to him was constant. His eyes held deep secrets, and his silence hid the intensity of what he felt.
One day, when the pressure became unbearable, he summoned the courage to confess. With hesitant words, he revealed the whirlwind of emotions he carried with him. He was afraid of her reaction, but he could no longer deny the love that consumed him. Nico just let the words come out, he didn't try to stop them or control them, he just vented his feelings and when he said, ''I love you'', that's when he knew there was no going back. When you kissed him and returned his feelings, Nico almost cried.
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Will Solace was excited to confess to you, to the person he loved so much. He could already imagine your future together and happily. But he was still unsure how to confess to you and he knew it would need to be at least perfect.
He was determined to make this confession a memorable moment. Will spent days thinking about how to express his feelings in the most sincere and meaningful way possible. One afternoon, while walking through the Camp, he saw some flowers that were planted by Demeter's children and, after asking their permission, he had an idea.
With determination, Will began to set the stage for his confession. The chosen location was a clearing near a waterfall, a peaceful place full of meaning for both of them. He spent hours arranging the petals, creating a delicate, winding path to a central point, where he positioned a carpet of grass, adorned with more flowers, forming a heart.
When you arrived at the place, with your heart pounding, Will took a deep breath and, with all sincerity and love, expressed his feelings. He talked about how much the person meant to him, how precious every moment shared was, and how he envisioned a future filled with adventure and joy together.
''I love you.'' Will said, his eyes shining with love. He waited for his reaction and when you hugged him, kissed him, he knew it was worth it. You were worth it.
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Piper McLean was confident that you loved her back, not more than she did because no one else could love you like she did. She was very confident and knew exactly what to say and what to do to tell you how she felt. For her, all that was needed was words and a kiss to seal everything. She was a daughter of Aphrodite, after all, no matter how different she is from her half-siblings.
Her confidence was like an aura around her as she approached. Piper knew how to seduce with words, but this time, it was something deeper, something that went beyond the persuasion skills typical of a son of Aphrodite.
She approached you with a smile, her eyes full of determination and tenderness. It was like she knew exactly what you were thinking, like she could read your mind. With a gentle touch to her face, she whispered words that would echo in her mind for a long time.
''I love you.'' It was her first words after a long look and when she saw your face blush slightly, Piper knew what she would have to do.
You felt the warmth of her hand on her face, her eyes shining with a rapturous sincerity. Piper approached slowly, lips hovering close to hers, an emotionally charged silence stretching between you. When they broke apart, she looked into his eyes, a tender smile playing on her lips. There were no more doubts, no words needed. What existed there was a mutual understanding, a palpable love that no divine power could overcome.
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Leo Valdez was always that type of person who lit up any room with his contagious energy and playful way. His relaxation and optimism were like magnets, attracting those around him. However, behind his constant jokes and his eccentricity, there was something deeper that he couldn't easily express: his love for you.
He looked for ways to show his feelings, but his mischievous nature and his difficulty in saying what he felt complicated him. He wrote letters, tried to be more serious at times, but always ended up turning everything into a joke, too nervous to express his true affection.
One day, in the middle of one of your games, Leo suddenly stopped, looked into your eyes and, with a somewhat awkward smile, said: "Did you know that I love you?" You almost spat out the drink you were drinking, without having not sure if he was just joking or serious.
When it became clear that it wasn't a joke, you stayed quiet for a few seconds, until Leo pulled you into a hug, placing his head in the crook of your shoulder. You closed your eyes and melted into the warm embrace.
''I love you.'' Leo whispered, holding you tightly.
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Fo4 Masterlist
Oneshots / Drabbles
To Victory - Danse x Reader
Mystery Swim - Deacon x Reader
Kiddie Kingdom - Platonic!Gage x Teen!Reader
Was It Worth It? - Hancock x Reader
World On Fire - MacCready x Reader
Gorski Cabin - MacCready x Reader
Wounds - MacCready x Reader
Seaside Sunset - Platonic!Old Longfellow x Reader
Out Of Time - Yandere!Preston x Reader
Neighbor - Sturges x Reader
Headcanons / Reactions
Cait NSFW Alphabet
Curie SFW Alphabet
Desdemona SFW Alphabet
Desdemona NSFW Alphabet
DiMA NSFW Alphabet
Ellie Perkins NSFW Alphabet
Nick SFW Alphabet
Nick NSFW Alphabet
Piper NSFW Alphabet
[Valentine Idolizes You]
[Danse Idolizes You]
[Curie Idolizes You]
[Deacon Idolizes You]
[MacCready Idolizes You]
[Piper Idolizes You]
[Cait Idolizes You]
Nick Being Fatherly To Sole
DiMA As A Dad
Hancock As A Dad
Gage And The Nuka-World Leaders With A Shy!Overboss
Gage And The Nuka-World Leader With A Short!Overboss
Nuka-World Leaders With A Child!Overboss
Companions (+Sturges, DiMA, and Travis) Reactions to being taken to Nuka-World
Companions (+Sturges, DiMA, and Travis) Living At Homeplate With Sole
Companions When You Come Out As Queer
Companions (+Sturges, DiMA, and Travis) As Coffee Shop Customes
Companions Favorite Settlements To Stay At
Hancock, Nick, and Danse as Yandere’s
Yandere Deacon, Nick, and Hancock HCs
How The Companions (+Maxson and Tinker Tom) Are With Synth!Shaun
Companions As Aesthetics
Companions with a child!Sole
What The Companions Love Language Is
HCs About Being Apart Of The Minutemen
Companions Going To See The Barbie Movie
FNV Companions Interacting With Fo4 Companions
Companions Living In Goodneighbor With Sole
Companions Reactions To Sole Being Emotionally Distraught After Being Separated
Companions MBTI Types
Random Headcanons For The Companions
Companions Reactions To Sole Getting "Suprise Adopted" By A Territorial Deathclaw
NSFW Hancock HCs
Brother!Arcade, Hancock, Fawkes, and Gob With a Teen!Reader
Companions Favorite Place to Kiss Their S/O
Companions With a Mute!Sole
Companions Reactions to a Werewolf!Sole
Factions React To Sole Being With The Enclave
Modern Headcanons
Accidentally Giving Sole a Bad Haircut
Fo4 Robots Meeting The New Vegas Robots
Companions Reactions To Sole Introducing Gage As Their Boyfriend
Arcade, Curie, Lily, Fawkes, and Marcus's Reactions to a Scientist Researching FEV
Marrying the Companions at the Castle
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imagine-silk · 3 months
Could you do the Yandere Fallout 4 Girls reacting to their darling Sole leaving Synth Shaun to die?
》I'm so here for this kind of hurt. I'm going to have it so they were there for this decision. You know, for extra hurt.
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【Cait】 "..."
She's not going to pretend she understands why you did it but he wasn't her kid and it wasn't her place to think about it. Hell, you could have told her to end him and she would've taken your word for it.
【Curie】 "This is what you wanted, no? Is he being a synth the problem?"
She actively tries to get you to take him. Not because she actually cares for him. If he was human she would've let you leave him. But if him being a synth is a problem how do you feel about her being a synth? She cries and begs for her own reassurance and Shaun cries with her.
【Piper】 "I'm sorry it's gotta be this way, kid."
You ran around the Commonwealth only to find a robot and a dying old man. You must be so upset. And she can't have that. When he cries and grabs you she pushes him off and shoots him. No warning or remorse.
【Haylen】 "Kid, just sit back. It'll all be over soon."
Her sweet attitude was eerie, like she wasn't telling him to die. This little abomination had no right to get between you two. You made the right decision. Never doubt yourself. She's so proud of you.
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Yandere!Goddess!Ambessa x Virgin!Priestess!Reader
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Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Dub-Con, Possessive behavior, Owner/Pet, Bondage (Chains), Face fucking, Crying/Saliva, Choking, Collar & Leash, Sadism/Masochism, Nudity, Womb Tattoo, Alcohol, Rough strap-on use, Vaginal bleeding, “breaking the hymen”, Loss of virginity, Talk of murder, finding your friend’s dead body, jealousy leads to someone’s death, attempted poisoning, blood, religious stuff
Summary: As a newly pledged Priestess, you’re given the day to bond with your Goddess and talk about what your new job will entail. Ambessa’s quick to take you into her hands and show you the things war takes from people - their innocence.
Author Note: This is not proofread. Not at all. I’m sorry this took so long, it’s been chaos and I’m about to pass tf out. After one more one-shot this week, I’ll be on a two week break!
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You can still feel your heart pounding in your chest from your ceremony. You were warned that choosing a patron was a very intense moment, but you didn’t think it’d be that intense! Waiting for Goddess Ambessa to accept or deny your pledge felt like an eternity. You knelt in the middle of the Mirror Pool, water soaking into your white dress, as you held your breath waiting for the water to change colors. It didn’t help that the other Priestesses had broken out into whispers when you declared who you’d wish to serve. You knew they were confused by your decision, and you’d be explaining your choice to them later.
Ambessa is the Goddess of War. She was known to be one of the fickle Goddesses when it came to her Priestesses. They had to keep her entertained or she’d grow bored of them and their service to her. Your heart had stopped beating when you watched the water turn blood red, showing that the Goddess had accepted you. It reminded you of the day you found Piper dead in the fountain room, her body slashed and blood mixed with the purified waters. You screamed so loud that you strained your voice and couldn’t speak properly for a week. The other Priestess had ushered you away from the scene, consoling you in your hysterical state, and explaining what had happened to your best friend. Piper’s patron had evicted her, as evident from her blood-stained white dress, and she had done something that incensed the Goddess. It was not common for someone from the Pantheon to kill their Priestesses, but it did happen over the decades. Piper, unfortunately, became one of them.
You felt called to the Temple of the Isthmus - same as all the others here - which is how you ended up joining your sisters. You had never imagined you’d become a Priestess and leave your acolyte days behind, but the memory of Piper’s body had sat with you for months. You couldn’t help but feel as though it was something you were meant to see. Tending to the fountain was your job: purifying the waters, caring for the plants, keeping the marble clean, and spiritually cleansing anyone who came seeking it. You were a magicborn with the ability to sense the energy fields in the human body and that aids you in your work. Except, you couldn’t forget the feeling of terror in the air that Piper had felt before her death. What had she been doing in the fountain room so early in the morning? You were the second one to arrive in the mornings after your friend, Kira, another acolyte who tended to the temple offering chambers. So, Piper was here hours before she normally came in. But, why?
The thoughts had eaten away at you and Ambessa had remained without a Priestess the entire time. All of those questions lead you to that moment. Now, you were Ambessa’s Priestess and that filled you with trepidation and curiosity. Those two feelings had followed you all the way to her private chambers, water still dripping off of your dress when you stop outside of the ornate doors. You weren’t allowed to dry off. Your patron will change your dress and mark you as hers when you enter her private chambers. Drying off would prove that you do not need the patron you pledged yourself to, and that would be disrespectful. You don’t want to get on the Goddess’ bad side before you even formally meet each other.
You take a deep breath before you knock and push the door open. Your eyes widen and you let out a small gasp as you take in the room. The walls were covered in a mixture of fine art and depictions of great battles. Mounted on the wall is a beautiful spear and an interesting-looking blade of some kind. You knew nothing about the weapons that your Goddess uses, but it interests you.
The room itself felt as though you were standing in the temple’s reception hall. A large domed ceiling, sparkling gold trim, and white marble flooring did not give off the sense of a Warlord. It was elegant, but perhaps the Goddess herself is elegant in her own way. You’ve caught glimpses of her conversing with Piper over the years, even walked in on the occasional… compromising position. You chose to keep your mouth shut on that, only bringing it up when Piper told you about it outside of the temple. She had given you a mischievous smile and teased you about it, making your face turn red. At least, that’s what it felt like. You hated to admit it, but you were a bit of an innocent woman. You’ve never had a relationship, much less had sex with someone. You knew about it. Piper talked extensively about kinks and whatnot, but you’ve never experienced it.
“Marvelous, isn’t it?” That deep, rich voice you’ve only heard in passing purrs from behind you. With a startled squeak, you whirl around to see the Goddess lounging on her bed with a glass of red wine in her hand. ‘Has she been here this whole time?! Have I already disrespected her?!’ You drop down to your knees, shame flooding through you as you try to fight back tears. There’s a strict protocol to these things and you were horrified that you might’ve just screwed it all up.
“None of that.” Your breathing hitches when you feel her fingertips under your chin, tilting your head up to look at her, “You have not disrespected me. Do not be ashamed of yourself.” The Goddess is a sight to behold. Her skin is marked with scars, but they only add to her beauty. You find yourself entranced by her, speechless as she meets your eyes and the words can’t leave your mouth.
“I-I…” Your voice fails you, making her chuckle.
“Come. Stand.” She guides you to your feet, her fingers still underneath your chin and making your skin tingle. Your stomach flips when you realize that she’s massive. Ambessa towers over you like a mountain, clearly over a foot taller than you. Her very muscular physique does nothing to help with it, only making you feel tiny in comparison to her.
“You are my Priestess, Y/n. Aren’t you supposed to say something to me?” Ambessa gives you a teasing smile that makes your legs go weak.
“Ah- Y-Yes.” You take a step back, brushing down your dress as you let her hand fall away from you. ‘I had this whole thing prepared, and things are not going according to plan.’ You clasp your hands in front of you and bow deeply, “My Goddess, it is an honor to be chosen by you to be your Priestess. Waiting for your response felt like an eternity, and I am relieved you accepted me. I beg of you to claim me so that all who lay their eyes on me know I am yours. As such, I vow to uphold your image and serve you in every way that you see fit.”
“Do you?” Ambessa raises an eyebrow, “Do you truly wish to serve me in every way I demand? Would you accept every order I give you even though you don’t know what your service entails?”
“Yes, Goddess Ambessa.” You respond, feeling curious. Piper never spoke about any jobs that Ambessa gave her. In fact, she told you that the deity didn’t give her any so you were wondering what you’d be doing.
“Then, I shall claim you.” Ambessa nods, turning and striding towards the bed, “Come.” You find yourself mindlessly following her to the bed. She has you stop at the end of it and turn to her as you nervously smooth down your dress under her appraising gaze. You didn’t know what was to come as you can’t sense the aura coming from the Goddess. Your abilities don’t work on divinity.
“Kneel where you are.” Ambessa says, “Hands behind your back.” You follow her orders, jolting when you feel something enclose your wrists. You turn to see that your hands are cuffed to the end of the bed with long chains. ‘What? What does this have to do with claiming me?’ You furrow your brow.
“My Goddess… is this… necessary?” You hesitantly ask. You feel so tiny now that you’re kneeling on the floor and looking up at her. It sends a shiver up your spine when you realize that you’re at crotch-level, so you try hard to keep your eyes on her face.
“Tell me, pet. What’s the one thing war takes from an individual?”
“Most of the people caught up in a war lose their lives.” You answer.
“That’s true.” Ambessa undoes her belt, the clinking sound drawing your gaze, “But, not correct. You see, pet. War takes people’s innocence, in more than one way. And what better way to teach you than to show you, hm?” Your breathing hitches as her hand dips into her pants, pulling out a thick, black strap.
“Teach me?” You squeak pathetically, eyes widening as her words settle in, “M-My Goddess, I’m a virgin. I’ve never-!” You gasp as you’re suddenly yanked forward, blinking in surprise at the leash intertwined with her fingers. You can feel the collar around your neck, tight enough to know that it’s there but loose enough to breathe comfortably.
“I am aware, Y/n.” Ambessa’s eyes are dark with something akin to lust, as she pulls you closer to the head of the strap, “And I intend on taking it for myself.” Your lips brush against the strap, and in the next second it’s being forced past them. The taste of the silicone on your tongue distracts you for a moment only to be forgotten as you gag around it. It presses to the back of your throat, making you gag and attempt to pull back from it. Unfortunately, the grip Ambessa has on your leash keeps you right where she wants you.
“Struggling?” You hear her chuckle darkly, “Don’t worry, it’ll get easier.” She pulls back and you’re able to take in some air before she thrusts back into your mouth. You choke, feeling it get forced down down your throat and it burns. Your eyes tear up as you choke and struggle to get a breath in. She fucks your throat, forcing the strap down to the base and making the aching in your throat worse.
You’re shocked about the position that you’re in, but more so about the burning between your legs. If your underwear wasn’t wet from the Mirror Pool, you’d be soaking them. The way she was using your throat, making tears roll down your cheeks and cause saliva to drip down your chin, did something for you. You weren’t sure what it was, but it made your body feel hot.
When she completely pulls the strap from your mouth, it slips from your lips with a pop and a strand of your saliva. You pant, taking in ragged breaths as the burning in your throat demands your attention. Except, you’re being guided to your feet by the hand holding your leash. The chains rattle, falling away as you’re walking backwards until your knees hit the bed and you fall back. A soft grunt leaves your lips and you watch with wide eyes as your clothing vanishes and leaves you naked. All you have on is the collar around your neck. The warmth of your body does nothing to stop a shiver. ‘I’m completely exposed to her.’ You blush heavily, knowing that no one has seen you this vulnerable before. She takes your wrists and your arms are restrained above your head instead.
“I’m the first to lay eyes on such a gorgeous body.” Ambessa purrs, sweeping her hand over the swell of your breast, down your body and stopping at your abdomen.
“Now where to put my mark on you…” She moves slightly higher than your abdomen, tapping an area of your skin with a smirk, “Here will do. Right above your womb.” You gasp, arching your back off of the bed as a searing pain flares under her finger. You can feel each individual letter of her name tattooing into your skin. ‘A.M.B.E.S.S.A.’ A mark that will remain on your body for as long as your service lasts.
You feel her leave a kiss over it, confusing you, but you’re not able to think on it further. Ambessa opens your legs and steps between them, holding you by your thighs as her strap presses against you. Your lips part to say something when you remember that you can’t. Ambessa had fucked your throat raw and saying anything would be impossible. You could only hope that she gives you something for it when she’s done with you.
“Don’t worry.” Ambessa coos, “I won’t be so rough with you right away.” Is the only warning she gives you. Your mouth opens in a silent gasp as she pushes into your tight pussy. It’s uncomfortable and slightly painful as your walls stretch to accommodate her girth. You take in some deep breaths as she stops, trying to get used to the feeling of something so big inside of you. She rubs your thighs as she waits, a small mercy for what you’re anticipating to come.
A groan leaves your lips as Ambessa starts moving, a few gentle thrusts to get you used to the feeling. ‘Ah, fuck. This feels so good.’ You think to yourself, the pleasure sending tingles up your spine. You relax into it regardless of the ache in your throat. Ambessa praises you softly and you’re almost lulled into a sense of calm… before you hear her chuckle.
“I’m being softer with you than I should be.” Ambessa’s eyes shine with amusement as she leans down to kiss you, “That won’t be the case any longer.” You cry out as she thrusts faster, your hands curling and uncurling into fists as she does. With a hard thrust you feel something pop, the pain from it making you breathless as the Goddess bottoms out.
“This pussy is mine. Do you understand me, pet? Not yours. Mine.” Ambessa growls, powerful thrusts rocking your body. You can only frantically nod, moans falling from your lips as you’re fucked senseless. The pain had dissolved into pleasure quite quickly and you were overwhelmed with it. You’ve never felt anything like this before, and the snap of this Goddess’ hips are brutal. There’s no breather from the amount of pleasure she’s sending through your body. Along with that, she’s saying things that make your head spin.
“I’m the only one who can touch you like this.”
“Your tight little pussy was made for me.”
“I own you.”
“You’re my pet, who I am free to do whatever I please to.”
“You’ve pledged your life to me.”
Your mind was too fuzzy to realize that your orgasm was teetering on the edge, but Ambessa was well aware. Your first orgasm crashed through you violently, forcing a scream out of you and making the pain in your throat worse. But, Ambessa didn’t stop. She wouldn’t stop until she was satisfied with using your body. By the time she did, your thighs were trembling. In your dazed state, you notice some redness on her strap but you disregard it.
Ambessa wastes no time in cleaning up, wrapping you up in a blanket and holding you close to her chest. She has you sit up and coaxes you into drinking something that helps with your throat. When you finish the liquid, she cuddles you and you find yourself fighting sleep as she runs a hand through your hair. But, the exhaustion in your body wins and you succumb to it.
“Wake up, pet. You must eat.” You feel Ambessa’s fingers caressing your face, slowly pulling you out of your sleep. The throbbing between your legs makes you whine but your throat is thankfully not hurting anymore. You slowly sit up, accepting a plate of food from your patron. She insists on feeding you, so you let her as you blush at the action. There are a few kisses exchanged in the process, reminding you that Ambessa has taken your first… everything.
“Piper’s death was meant for you to see.” Ambessa says casually, wiping a droplet of strawberry juice from your lip.
“W-What?” You freeze, everything flooding back to you. The reason you got so fascinated with the War Goddess in the first place. Piper.
“I know you’ve been wondering what happened. Piper’s dead because she went against me. I’ve become enamored with you, my Priestess.” Ambessa gazes at you with a dark adoration, “Piper spoke highly of you, laughing at your innocence, and ranting about your dedication to your work. How could I not fall for you? I’ve watched you bless dozens of people and bring them a peace of mind, not charging for a penny. I see a lot of the horrors of the world as the Goddess of War. But, you? Watching you has brought me a small moment of peace.”
“What did… What did Piper do?” You ask quietly. ‘She’s in love with me? A Goddess? THE Goddess of War is in love with me?’ You’re surprised by her confession, even after what transpired earlier.
“She was going to poison you. The stupid girl.” Ambessa scoffs, making you tense, “She realized that you had my attention and took action herself. Of course, as the Goddess of War, I knew of her plan. I struck her down before she could put it in the water.”
“You killed her because she…” Your voice fails you. Your best friend at the temple was going to kill you. She was going to kill you because you caught the attention of her patron. The thought made tears spring into your eyes and Ambessa’s hold on you tightens.
“You are mine.” Ambessa whispers, “Anyone who tries to take you will end up dead. No one can love and care for you like I can. Who can hold a candle to a Goddess of my caliber?” Her lips brush against yours and the tears fall out. You lost your best friend from something as silly as jealousy. It was foolish to think that your patrons wouldn’t be interested in others. Pledging to a deity meant that you accepted every part of them, choosing to serve them until something happens. Piper would have rather lost you than left her patron.
“I do have affections for you.” You swallow nervously, “Although, I squashed them knowing that it wouldn’t be right since my best friend was your patron.”
“So those lingering gazes weren’t by accident.” Ambessa raises an eyebrow, making your face heat up. ‘Of course she saw me lingering when I caught sight of her.’ You groan internally.
“No, my Goddess.” You say flusteredly, “I do have feeling for you.”
“Good.” Ambessa smirks, grabbing a hold of your collar, “You’re not going anywhere. No matter how you beg me, I will never release you from this contract. You are my conquest and now that I have you… you’re mine forever.”
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awfuckitssunshine · 1 month
YHS as Qhosts - Taurtis
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I got bored one day and decided to just randomly choose a fandom and one of its characters to turn into a Qhost, my species that is just an excuse to self-insert some OCs into different media
So I Wheel Decided some fandoms I love, got Yandere High School, and had the wheel choose between Sam, Taurtis, and Grian. I got Taurtis!
The lore is that, at some point in the YHS timeline, all 3 died and Haemal grabbed them (during their senior years at Tokyo Soul specifically). Though, while Taurtis technically died drowning, it is labeled as a homicide.
He remembers everything and was both relieved and terrified when Sam and YHS!Grian joined Haemal, knowing that means they died.
Despite the fsct Taurtis isn't all that musically gifted, his headphones were iconic, so his theme became around beats and music popularity instead of just music
With this, Taurtis is able to use his headphone jack to guide people, things, etc into following his rhythm(melody piper style), so long as the jack is plugged in somehow
Wherever he steps, Taurtis had sound waves extend from him, combining into a soft purple color when they connect
(More about Qhosts below)
Qhosts are an entire species whose job is to help people through stories and play through stories!
- Qhosts do not have regular names. (They have names like 'Omen, Annarchi, Nyx, etc)
- All Qhosts have a "theme" (mostly shows up in their weaponry. E.X, the Qhost in the artwork (Nyx) has a theme about death because she is very relaxed about death and she gets a scythe as a result.)
- Qhosts live in Haemal; an infinite void where they can make anything they desire appear (many Qhosts made 'jobs' to entertain themselves and each other, like parks and coffee shops and roads, etc)
- All Qhosts died and are pulled from their multiverse/universe into Haemal by random (Nyx, herself, was in a bus accident)
- Qhosts have several job types:
Curators - Keeps tracks of all the stories that are fully explored, with nothing left to offer
Librarians - distributing stories to Qhosts as well as keepers of storybooks/story portals
Haels - "Adventurers" who hunt down new story portals in Haemal (These three keep each other in line)
Archeologists - Qhosts that travel into new story portals, typically the "prologue" to make sure its usable and/or safe, give it a genre, etc)
Completionists - The Qhosts who complete each story to full completion
Non-Status - These Qhosts either don't go into stories often, rarely at all, or claim a story to live in as long as they desire, until they return to Haemal
( Less important but still fun lore)
- Qhosts don't actually need to eat or drink or sleep, but it definitely is energizing
- QHOSTS DO NOT HAVE TO BE HUMAN Most of them are humanoid but not all of them are human, especially in a vast set of universes
- A lot of Qhosts have genre favorites and dislikes, which Librarians keep track of(so, yknow, you dont give a dating sim specialist to a horror specialist)
- Protagonists, if there is one, are the only ones who can see the Qhosts. If there are multiple protagonists, one is focused on at a time
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k-marzolf · 10 months
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Walk on water just to kiss me.
An idea I had because I used to write to a man as a teenager, of course there was no romantic interest, but I remember it always made me feel less lonely.
Word count: 714.
(cw; obsession, kissing, Marine!Billy, loneliness, a bit of Yandere!Billy, feelings of unworthiness, fear of abandonment, plus size reader, possessive thoughts, fem!reader)
You’d written to Billy while he was in Afghanistan, you must have gotten his name at one of those charity drives. And at first he groaned, he didn’t need charity. But you drew him in with your words, the clumsiness with which you spoke.
“Is it okay if I write? It’s okay if not, I just get lonely here.” You’d said, making his heart squeeze. “I always bothered ma and dad. Yours must be proud of you.”
He’d answered, “You can write, sweetheart. I never knew my dad. Mom abandoned me at a fire station in Albany.”
He expected pity, but he got compassion. “You should be proud of making something of yourself, Billy, despite your beginnings.”
And you asked if he had nightmares too, like you did, and if you could send him a rosé quartz, because “it helps with sleep if you put it under your pillow,” you’d said. You talked about your bunny, Piper, and how she bit people, and was always begging for fruit.
She’d recently bit your maintenance man.
“She’s a little spicy. I had to replace the wallpaper because she chewed on the wall.”
It was the first time he laughed in a while, a smile breaking out.
The next week he’d received the rosé quartz, and the guys gave him shit over it, but as he stared at the crystal, he felt a warmth bloom in his chest. A sort of obsession took hold, that had him constantly waiting for another letter.
A sickness in him when it took you a while to respond, worrying you just didn’t want to write anymore. He scolded himself for his attachment to you.
But he wanted you for himself. He didn’t want to share you, hiding your letters because he didn’t want the guys to see it, to love you too.
“Do you think I can be yours, Billy?” That had made him feral, he’d nearly ripped the letter he’d gripped it so hard.
“Is that what you want, pretty girl? To be mine?” He’d answered back.
You’d answered back in a week. “Yes.”
He realized somewhere along the way that he was more attached than was healthy, and so were you to him. You never spoke of any friends, and other than your bunny, you seemed completely alone.
“I grew up in the system.” You answered when he asked about family.
His heart ached when you mentioned you missed him, after he'd been unable to write for over a month. He noticed bunny chew marks on the pages, as though she’d tried to eat the letter.
And the smell of your perfume, subtle but a fitting aroma.
“I’m lonely, Billy. I’m sorry.” You’d written once when you kept sending him letter after letter, and fuck, he wanted to be at home with you. He hated attachments, but you’d come in like a thief in the night, taking ahold of him.
He’d laid awake at night imagining what you might look like, what your voice would sound like. What it would be like to have your body pressed against his. What it would feel like to kiss you, to taste you. You consumed him when he wasn’t on a mission.
And then, he met you at the airport. You were plus size. But Billy didn’t give a fuck. You were his, and that was all that mattered.
His mouth touched yours in a hard kiss, and you whined a little in shock, but opened up to him, your fingers gripping his sweater. You tasted like a sweet wine that you probably had before meeting him here.
“You’re real pretty, sweetheart.” He said, kissing you again, making you sigh into his mouth.
“You’re pretty, too.” You’d said shyly, looking at him from under your lashes.
Billy laughed. Goddamn, you were sweet.
He was never letting you go, he thought, kissing your forehead, his scruffy beard tickling your skin. He had something of his own now.
He felt unworthy of you, being just an orphan with nothing to his name. Nothing but the clothes on his back, and his little dinky apartment that couldn’t heat properly.
But he’d make himself worthy of you. He’d build up his dream in Anvil, and he’d make sure you were never lonely again.
He swore it.
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Tags; @idaofinfinity @e-dubbc11 @rosaleenablack @firexfate @aoi-targaryen
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𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔!
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— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
— requests can be send through inbox or dms, but inbox is heavily encouraged!
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any gender x any gender
poly relationships
sensitive topics
x reader
ships (canon or non-canon, so long as it’s not problematic)
i. i WILL write cheating, but not if a character is going it to the reader/another character. i’ll make someone comforting another person after being cheated on, but i won’t write finnick odair cheating on someone
same thing ^^ goes for homophobic, transphobic, ableist topics like that, and. well i guess the same goes for abuse?
smut (i’m 14)
student x teacher
canonically gay character (ex: wylan van eck) x fem!reader for romantic requests
canonically lesbian character x male!reader for romantic requests
songfics (nothing against them, i just don’t know how!!)
things about ocs
ship fics
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character list (more to come!)
❍ = easiest characters to write for
bolded — favourite characters to write for
❍ sophie foster, ❍ dex dizznee, fitz vacker, ❍ keefe sencen, ❍ biana vacker, ❍ marellla redek, ❍ maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, ❍ wylie endal, ❍ jensi babblos, stina heks
❍ peter pevensie, ❍ edmund pevensie, ❍ susan pevensie, ❍ lucy pevensie, mr tumnus, ❍ caspian, eustace scrubb, jill pole, shasta, aravis
❍ percy jackson, ❍ annabeth chase, ❍ grover underwood, ❍ jason grace, ❍ piper mclean, ❍ leo valdez, ❍ hazel levesque, ❍ frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, ❍ travis stoll, ❍ connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, ❍ alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane, lester papadopolous, lavinia asimov
❍ christine daaé, ❍ raoul de chagny, erik destler, ❍ meg giry
p.s. i’ll write for the movie, musical, book and 1990 miniseries versions!!
harry potter, ❍ hermione granger, ❍ ron weasley, ❍ luna lovegood, ❍ neville longbottom, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, ❍ sirius black, remus lupin, ❍ james potter, ❍ marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, lily evans
ocean o’connell rosenberg, ❍ noel gruber, ❍ mischa bachinski, ❍ ricky potts, jane doe, penny lamb, ❍ constance blackwood
❍ alina starkov, malyen oretsev, ❍ genya safin, ❍ zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, erm others i accidentally deleted remind me to update this
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, ❍ jesper fahey, ❍ wylan van eck, nina zenik, matthias helvar
ponyboy curtis, ❍ johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, ❍ twobit matthews, ❍ dallas winston
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, ❍ finnick odair, ❍ johanna mason, marvel sanford, clove kentwell, cato hadley, ❍ cinna
IT (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, ❍ stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, ❍ mike hanlon
❍ agatha of woods beyond, ❍ sophie of woods beyond, tedros of camelot, ❍ hort of bloodbrook, ❍ hester of ravenswood, ❍ anadil, ❍ dot, nicola, aric, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, leonora lesso, clarissa dovey
❍ alex bailey, ❍ connor bailey, ❍ red riding hood, ❍ jack, ❍ goldilocks, ❍ bree campbell
daphne blake, ❍ fred jones, shaggy rogers, velma dinkley
❍ jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, ❍ laurie
pippa fitz-amobi, ❍ ravi singh, naomi ward, ❍ cara ward, connor reynolds, ❍ jamie reynolds, nat da silva
❍ charlie conway, adam banks, ❍ lester averman, guy germaine, ❍ connie moreau, julie gaffney, ❍ ken wu, dean portman, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson, ❍ fulton reed
dracula, ❍ lucy westenra, mina harker, arthur holmwood, ❍ renfield, dr seward, abraham van helsing, ❍ quincey morris
victor frankenstein, ❍ adam frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, justine moritz, ernest frankenstein, henry clerval, the bride
henry jekyll, ❍ edward hyde, ❍ richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
gotta update this one guys,,,
john bender , ❍ claire standish, allison reynolds, brian johnson, andrew clark
❍ blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium , ❍ brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
❍ jareth, thomas jerome newton, david bowie
❍ sweeney, anthony hope, ❍ mrs lovett, johanna
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, ❍ jamie volk, ❍ ollie moreno, ❍ raphael wilcox, ❍ anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
❍ corny collins, ❍ seaweed j stubbs, amber von tussle, tracy turnblad, penny pingleton, link larkin
sarah williams, ❍ bernard the elf, ❍ rodrick heffley, ❍ varian
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