#you've given us so many good eras in these 3 years
duckielover151 · 3 months
The One Piece Diaries
Episode Count: 450
Holy shit, guys... I'm back. I took another several months-long hiatus from One Piece... Mostly unintentionally... (I've been bouncing between a lot of other fandoms these past few months but have been brought back by the live action.) Where to start...
We've been in Impel Down for most of the last 40 or so episodes since my last update post. And not to go off on a tangent, but you know... I've noticed One Piece lumped in as one of the shows that's swamped with filler. And that really hasn't been my experience so far.
What I have noticed is that, around this point, the pacing gets pretty atrocious. There's a lot that happens in the journey to try and break Ace out of Impel Down... But is there 40 episodes worth of stuff? I have to argue no. It gets to the point where the first third of the episode is all recap, and barely anything is actually getting accomplished each episode. So that is a little off-putting.
But! There is a lot of good to be found in this arc too!
Okay, admittedly... Buggy was never my favorite... (outside of some brilliantly written fanfiction by stereden on AO3) And I would have been content to never see Mr. 3 again... But it is really cool to meet back up with so many of the old villains who only met their downfall and ended up here because of Luffy and to have them be on our side now. Really puts into perspective the morality of it all. Luffy's always fighting for the right things... but in the eyes of the government and greater world, he's a villain as well.
I've finally met Jimbei... (Jinbe? Jinbei? I've seen all 3, but Crunchyroll's subtitles use the 'm' spelling, so that's what I'm going with.) I haven't seen a lot of him yet, but I like him so far. He's tough, clearly, but also almost goofily polite, in a way that really complements Luffy's general blunt insensitiveness. I think it's still a while before he joins up as the last member of the crew, but I'm looking forward to getting to know him better.
This arc makes it really clear how Bon Clay came to be as beloved in the fandom as he is. And there's a lot that could be said about Ivankov... A lot that would very quickly derail this update and which I'm not totally, personally qualified to weigh in on...
Listen, One Piece's portrayal of queerness isn't perfect. But it's a hell of a lot better than the way so many other shows handle it, especially given the time this aired. (The Impel Down arc was originally adapted throughout late 2009-early 2010. Frankly, the 90s often included more and better handled LGBT+ characters than the 2000s era anime did, up until pretty recently.) Just the fact alone that this group is so out and proud about it and undeniably allied with and wholeheartedly accepted by the main protagonist is a fucking statement all on its own. It's beautiful. I can't underplay that by nitpicking the places the representation fell short by today's standards in a storyline that's 15 years old now. (I know there's a lot of shit in the future that goes down with Sanji in particular... So I may have less generous things to say later, but that's where we stand right now.)
And as for the arc's villains... Magellan's okay. This last episode particularly, the venom demon attack was pretty badass. (That image of the mushrooming skulls as it formed it was so good.)
And Hannyabal... Okay, there were some early moments that made me laugh. The gag about how he's clearly lusting for the warden's job and not great about hiding it could be pretty funny. But by the time he's defeated... and the anime starts in on a dramatic backstory for this asshole, trying to make him sympathetic... All I could say was, 'You've gotta be fucking kidding me...' I know it's kind of One Piece's thing to try and redeem everyone, but I was so bogged down by the pacing at that point... I did not have the patience for it. Good riddance to that dude in particular.
Episode 450 ends with our ragtag group officially making it out... And man, it's cool to see some of these older characters again, but I already miss our crew so much... Especially knowing what's coming...
I'm sure I've already mentioned that I know the bigger Marineford spoilers... But I'm still not sure I'm ready to see it firsthand.
Wish me luck.
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arctighoul · 2 years
Heyy, do you have like any sort of guide for people (like me) who is starting to stan Ghost? Thank you <3
First of all, welcome welcome! You surely are in for a ride! Sadly the only guide I have made is of the era 4 ghouls that's pinned on my blog page BUT I guess I could do a quick little Beginner's Guide to Ghost. I don't know how much you've already researched so I'll treat this as an absolute beginner's guide. Also I'm writing this on the app so beat me in the town square for the formatting.
This is Ghost
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Well actually that's a Swedish dude named Tobias Forge BUT he runs this whole band...project? thingy? Makes the songs, plays instruments on the albums et cetera et cetera. He also has a lovely wife and kids so keep your horny at bay, my wrist slapping hand is ready to strike. Oh yeah and he's the one playing all the papas (the skull daddies who do the singing) except Papa Nihil. Speaking of...
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THESE are the skull daddies I spoke of earlier, known as Papa Emeritus I, II, III and IV. Every album has given us a new papa... kind of. When Prequelle (4th album) came out we got a dude who looked like a rat and was named Cardinal Copia, also known as just Copia or Cardi C. However, during the last day of the tour A Pale Tour Named Death (APTND) Copia got turned into a Papa Emeritus because he had done such a good job! And now he's also called Popia for shits and giggles. Oh also they fucking murked papas I-III to show them off in glass cases for the VIP ticket holders because I guess that's what one does when touring America. But guess what else you need on tour?
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These are the Nameless Ghouls! They don't have official names but the fans have given them nicknames to tell them easier apart. They do the playing and backup vocals on tours. They do not play on the albums. They're paid to play their instruments on tours. They get new fits every tour. The rule of ghoul outfit is 1. Mask that you can't easily see out of and 2. If you don't feel like you are in hell when you're playing outside on a festival in +30°C heat (that's fucking hot Fahrenheits) or look like the KKK (disclaimer: they're not the KKK I swear they just made some questionable choices in festival gear back in the days long ago you can lower your pitchforks) on first glance it's not a ghoul outfit.
Now you might have yelpped out loud "Oh my lord Jesus Christ there's a lot of them!" or some variation of that and you don't know just how right you are! Ghost has had a looooooooooooot of ghouls during the years. Some have stayed a short while, some longer. There was a big drama some years ago when some of the then current ghouls went "this is bs Tobias is keeping all the money to himself" and Tobias said "no that's incorrect" and the ghouls left and there was a lawsuit that Tobias won. After that we got our current lineup of ghouls minus one ghoulette that joined this year. I mean a couple of the current ghouls played in the 3rd era lineup as well. ANYWAY the tl;dr of ghoul history is there have been many, there was a bit of a shit storm, but we good now.
I think that's the basics. Go watch the Chapter videos on Ghost's YT for silly lore and you'll meet Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil as well!
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lovingherrscher · 1 year
Rebellion -  叛逆の物語
Warning: Contains spoilers of Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion, so read at your own risk!
Note: I was really lost that whether I should post this here or not, since this is a very, very old work of mine. I wrote this about 3 years ago I think? Well I did it anyway, please enjoy this! What was I thinking when I wrote this you may ask? I always wanted to make a scenario where I can take Dazai out and see my all-time favorite series, up till now it’s still got some pretty heavy impact on me, so I whipped this up randomly, I couldn’t recall how did I manage to go this far. Again, I’m sorry if there’s any grammar mistakes, or in some case did I make Dazai seems OOC. 
It's been a while since you two have a movie night, and since both of you got the day off tomorrow, Dazai decided that tonight will be movie night. He texted you to choose the movie on the way home and he'll prepare the popcorn and stuffs. It didn't take too long for you to answer, instead of popcorn, you told him to prepare some tissues and hot chocolate with marshmallows. Dazai was surprised, usually you'd be the one who ask for popcorn, but maybe you just want some change once in a while.
When you're back, everything is already set up. Dazai even place a few extra pillows around the sofa too, so you won't be sore even if you fell asleep. It's about 7pm, the perfect time to start. Yes, you two skipped dinner for movie night. You inserted the disk then went back to the sofa with Dazai.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
"A magical girl anime? Now that's rare. Why did you choose this, (y/n)?"
"I just wanted to share some new things with you, Dazai. Is there anything wrong?"
"Nothing, let us get back to the movie, shall we?"
The first, then the second episode passed, everything seems normal, at least it was until the third episode. That part when Mami confessed that she wasn't all reliable and that she was only forcing herself to man up made you cry, even though it's the third or fourth time you seen it.
"I don't deserve anyone's admiration."
"I'm just forcing myself to man up."
Eventually, you two reached the eighth episode, where Sayaka lost herself and let the despair take her, so that she became a Witch. It took more than just a box of tissues and hot chocolate for you to calm.
"When wishing for someone's happiness, someone must be cursed in order to keep the balance."
"The balance between hope and despair remains at zero."
"That's how us Magical Girls work."
"I'm...such an idiot."
No matter how many times you seen this scene, it always manage to strike you right in the heart. You could say that you can understand the Holy Quintet's pain. To Mami, it was loneliness, to Sayaka, it was the feeling when you realized you've done everything for the man you love, but ended up didn't have the courage to tell him about how you feel, to Kyoko, it was the guilt when you did something you thought it'd be good but then fucked up. To Madoka, it was a bit lack of self-confident and sacrifice because of the wants to help everyone ends their suffering. Last, but not least, to Homura, it was the burning desire to protect the one you love, using every methods you have to, even if it was the cruelest thing you ever did.
Dazai stays silent as you two reached the next episode, when Kyoko took Madoka to fought against Oktavia, hoping they could get Sayaka back. There was that line Kyoko said, in the Witch's barrier that made Dazai remember his old days back in the Dark Era, when he was still a mafia executive.
"Only people who have been forced into a corner would do this kind of job that disregards their lives."
He, too, wasn't given a choice. Joining the Mafia was his only choice then. Mori took him under his wings and trained him to be an exact copy of him, so Dazai could one day took the position of being the Mafia Boss. He despise both that man, and himself, who would have become an another him if it wasn't for his friend's death.
Those who've been forced into a corner, huh? It's true that there are many people joined the Mafia almost being forced. For example, himself, Kyouka, Chuuya, and the Akutagawa siblings too. They do the kind of job that disregards their lives, knowing they could die any moment if their guard was left down. Well, again, if it wasn't for Odasaku's death, he wouldn't have left the Mafia and would probably be the Boss now.
"Hey Dazai? Are you alright? You have been staring into space for twenty minutes already.."
The sound of (y/n) calling for him pulled him back to the reality, where the movie was stopped and she was looking at him worried. Dazai just pat her head, saying that he's fine and reach for the remote to continue. It was getting late, but neither of you want to stop, so you wrapped the blanket around the both of you and leaned your head on his shoulder as you two continue watching Madoka.
"As long as you protect the one you want, to protect them to the very end is enough."
Why? They're just little girls, right? If that's the case why did they understand life that much as if they've been living for a really long time? Dazai didn't want to admit it, but he feels as if he is going to cry. Their words lingered in his head, reminding him of his past, those were the days that he wanted to forget for good. After Oda died, he went to Lupin almost everyday like a basis, drink until he's drop and then went back to his empty apartment, passed out on his bed before waking up middle of the night because of nightmares.
The tenth episode, which explain pretty much everything about Homura strikes both of them. That part when Homura fell into despair and began to imagine when she and Madoka became Witches, just right after when they battled Walpurgis Night.
"Hey.. How about the two of us become monsters like that, and ruin the entire world."
"Taking bad things, sad things, and wiping all of it clean."
"Destroy. Destroy. Destroy without end. Don't you think that's good too?"
She was desperate to the point that she had thought about becoming a Witch wouldn't be that bad. She can keep on destroying things, no matter it's good things, bad things, sad things, or happy things. Why did it have to become like this? They were so young and pure and filled with hope and dreams.. Just like him. At least before he tried committing suicide.
"I promise!"
"I'll definitely save you!"
"No matter how many times I go back! I'll always protect you!"
It risen a thought in his head, he wondered that if he was gifted with time-manipulation power, would he choosen the path like Homura did to save Odasaku? No matter how many times he have to go back, and probably see him die. Would he still be able to feel anything? Or would he became numb and eventually give in to the despair? No, the real question is, will he be strong enough to choose that path. Homura may looks fragile and weak, even a bit timid, but she was the strongest one. Normal people wouldn't be themselves after seeing their important person dies right in front of their eyes without being able to do anything once, left alone times after times.
"I don't want to be a Witch."
"Although I've seen terrible and bad things, there are still many things I want to protect in this world."
Strangely, this reminds him of his deceased friend. He was always the one looking on the bright side of the problem. Why did he have to die? He was in the Mafia, yet he refused to kill anyone. But everything changes when Mimic came. Because of them, Mori thought of a way to use him like a pawn to get the license, and ended up dragging the innocents in. He couldn't forget how he looks when the owner of the diner dies along with his adopted children. If it wasn't for him that founded out about Ango, then things probably wouldn't go this way, and Oda would still be alive by now.
"Madoka. If someone came to tempt you with miracles, never be manipulated by them!"
"There's no one to rely on anymore."
"There's no need for anyone to understand."
This.. Feels so familiar. He didn't need anyone to understand the circumstances he was going through. He can't rely on anyone as well. How can he possibly tell them? Would they understand anyway? So there's no need to do such a thing. It'll only be a waste of time.
"No matter how many times, I will always choose to return. Repeating the same period of time over and over again, searching for the only exit. For you.. A path out of the destiny of despair."
Will there be a timeline, or a world out there where Oda is still alive, and was able to achieved his dream to become a writer and have his novel published? All of the sudden, he wanted to become a little girl and find that Incubator creature, so he can form a contract with him just to see his friend once again. To see him living the life he had always been wanting. A Mafia non-related life, staying in a house with his room that can see the sea clearly, even in days with bad weathers, writing novels, maybe having one or a few cats. But..
"Why does she fight and risk everything?"
"Because she's still pursuing hope."
"No matter how many times, she refuse to quit; therefore repeating this meaningless and endless cycle."
"To her, stopping is equivalent to giving up."
"As long as she believes there's still hope, she can't be saved?"
After the series ended, you two had a short break before continue with the third movie, Rebellion. You simply said that it was the best thing that ever happened in this entire series to Homura. Was that she finally reached Madoka and get to see her again? He can't know.
At the beginning, it makes Dazai wondered was this an alternative universe where they can all live happily. But things aren't that simple, when Homura's journey to find the truth begun. When she regained her memories about Witches, their barriers and her previous battle against them, even about Madoka becoming a God to save every magical girls and she, along with Tatsuya, are the only ones whose memories of Madoka remained.
Her battle with Mami reminds him of when Oda and Gide fought. No magic, no abilities, just pure skills and weapon. But in the end, Mami still have the upper hand. The way she used her ribbons to tie Homura reminds him of the third episode in the series, when she was about to go against Charlotte, Homura did offer to help her, since Mami was lack the experiences and aren't strong enough to deal with such a strong Witch. She ended up losing her head.
"Would you really be okay destroying this Mitakihara City? You should think hard on that before you decide. So you won't have any regrets."
That was what Sayaka asked her. Since she had became a Witch, she would know how it feels like when the despair swallow you whole, filled your veins and become the blood that flows inside your body. Regrets. Pain. Desperate. It feels like your body became the vessel for every single negative emotions out there.
"It really hurts me to see you suffering so much and being unable to do anything about it."
"You see, I had a really scary dream."
"In it, you had gone to a place so far away that I had no chance of seeing you again. And everyone else in the world forgot all about you. Only I could remember you in the whole wide world!"
"I was so lonely and sad. But no one could understand how I felt. Surrounded by that, I started thinking my memories of you were things I'd made up. And I began doubting myself."
It reminds him of when Oda died, almost no one remember or know who he is. To the outsiders, he's just an unknown man. To the members of the Mafia, he's just a low-level member that they don't need to care about. But to him, and maybe Ango too, he was a friend. An important friend who enlightened their paths and their souls. He was luckier, that he didn't doubt himself, because there was something that proves Oda really exist is always with him. The photo they took together for the last time in Lupin, just a day before the storm.
"But you see, I became a magical girl solely to save Madoka. And that holds truth until now."
"So this is a Witch. My emotions have all come back to haunt me."
"I can't remember anything but glimmers of light and regret."
"Ah.. So this is my despair."
He cried. Dazai cried for the first time watching it. He didn't notice tears were rolling down his cheeks until you pulled him in your arms, holding him tight, pecking his forehead and caress his cheeks in the gentlest way possible. You said that it's okay to cry and let it out like this. You wanted to show him this because Homura reminds you of him in many ways. He needn't to ask for the reason, since he had witnessed it already.
"Despite her appearance, she's the most hurt."
You told Dazai that, the first time you saw him, you didn't think he'd be broken this badly. The truth that everyone thinks that way. He seems to be a happy-go-lucky guy and knows how to irritated serious people, lazy and likes to play around. But inside, he suffered from many things. Ghosts of the past that reminds him of the days in the Mafia, his shadow which guilt-trip him over every single small things happened, his anxiety that caused him to fear for failure therefore he has to think of every single possible that can or may happen to deal with them. Yet people think he is the genius, back when he was in the Mafia, he was called "The Demon Prodigy" because all of his plans worked. But they know nothing about him and what he is suffering from.
"I have to die in this world."
Yes. He has to die. That's what he has been thinking ever since a long, long time before. He had countless suicide attempts, yet none of them succeed. They all failed. Why is that he can't die? Why is that the world is trying to prevent him from dying to atone for his sins?
"I had a sickening dream. A dream where you were dead."
"Because I actually do have one regret. The fact that I left you behind."
He cried again, did Odasaku has any regrets when he died? If he had, then what would it be? You turned to him, whispering that he wouldn't want you to die and his regrets probably was that he left him behind all alone back then.
"That's no good, Homura."
"I told you that you shouldn't go off by yourself."
"No matter what happens, you'll always be you, Homura. And I would never abandon you. So don't give up."
"I'm sorry.. I'm so spineless.. I wanted to see you one more time.. And if I had to go so far as to betray that wish.."
"That's right, I knew I could shoulder any sin. No matter what I became, I knew I'd be fine with it. As long as I could have you by my side."
This.. He only wanted to see his friend again.. But it's impossible. He almost screamed due to his emotional burst out.
"Why did such a good person have to die? Why didn't I the one who dies instead?"
You simply pat his head, pulling him closer and embraced him tightly.
"It's alright. I'll always be here for you. No matter what happens, you'll always be you, and I would never abandon you or stop loving you. I love you, Dazai. So please, don't let the ghosts from the past get to you.. No. I won't let them get to you. I swear that I, (y/n) will bring you happiness with my own hands! Even if I have to turn myself into a mere concept, I will still take all those despair from you, I will be your only God that brings happiness."
He was stunned. There hasn't been a single person who has said something like that to him. He was touched. Even though you two have been dating for quite a while already but he had never heard such a bold decision from you. Immediately, Dazai pulled you into a tight hug, his face buried in your neck.
"Thank you, (y/n).. I couldn't imagine how I'd become or what I'd become if you didn't come into my life. You don't have to go that far just to make me happy, all you have to do is stay by my side, that's more than enough already."
You kissed him before getting back on the ending of Rebellion. You knew what was coming, and you're sure Dazai would be surprise by it.
"It was not even curse that soiled my Soul Gem."
"It's the pinnacle of all human emotions. More passionate than hope, far deeper than despair. It's love."
"She was as sacred as a god, and I couldn't help but pull her from heaven and undermine her."
"A being that perform such threat could only be called a demon, I suppose?"
He smirked, paused the movie before turned to you, who was dumbfounded of what just happened.
"(Y/n), did you just say that you'll be my God?"
"Yes..? What's wrong with that, Dazai?"
"Oh, there is. Because I'm a demon that couldn't help but pull you down from heaven and make you mine, forever."
To be continued...?
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key-lime-soda · 2 years
Sumi Lore Professional Question One:
what's the game you've played that's affected you most? i feel like this'll be... inch resting :>
easy. Pokemon
played pokemon leafgreen when i was 5. instantly fell in love. my sister beat the main story cuz i was too young to understand battling, so i just did the post game. I sailed around the Sevii Islands and it was the coolest shit ever. It defined my definition of a good game forever.
Then my interests faded as i got into late elementary school. It was still cool, but not as big in my life. Me and my sister got Pokemon Black and it was definitely really cool (did revive my love a bit). but the post-game was kinda dry. we did everything extra that we could do without internet.
Then i got a phone in 6th grade. I was given the chance to listen to music whenever I wanted. But back then i didnt have a personality music taste, so i didn't know what to listen to. figured i'd try something random.
So, i opened up youtube and looked up Pokemon
i started by listening to the anime openings. sure they're cheesy but some of them are catchy. memorized all the words. then i branched out into the other songs from the show and eventually discovered a whole world of unknown pokemon lore. did you know that the japanese anime had full fucking albums of original songs for every season??? and they go hard too!
with this, i discovered youtubers. Truegreen7, Bird Keeper Toby, Woopsire, MandJTV, and so many more. This defined my middle school era. I had an art account on a different site and posted a lot of fanart. made a lot of online friends too. it was such a good feeling...
then my mom found out.
she was pissed at my art account for various reasons, and punished me severely. at that point i was so hurt about losing all my online friends that i couldn't bring myself to draw ever again. i ended middle school in a very messy headspace.
then highschool came arounf . still wasn't into it. felt like i didn't have the motivation to do much anymore. i reluctantly went to freshman orientation, and got to the club fair, where all the clubs advertise to the new students. and one club struck my attention:
Pokemon Club
for the first time in a long time, i was exited to do something. I embarrasingly hung around their booth way longer than i needed to. I stole like 6 of their fliers too. it finally felt like a place where i belonged. I attended (almost) every single meeting for my first two years of high school. i met my current best friends there. they were the ones to introduce me to ace attorney and yttd!!
one day, one of the presidents was telling me about how their PR was ditching all the meetings and never did their work. i offered to take over cuz i had experience making club advertisements. it went from simple posters to booth flyers to fundraiser ads. then she asked me if i was willing to design club merch. bear in mind, i rarely drew since the incident 3 years prior. but it was my job as PR so i faced my fears and did it. the merch was perfect, and everyone loved it.
the end of my 2nd year came the dreadful question: who would take over? the staff were all graduating and needed a new president.
they all chose me.... i was so excited (and nervous) but i was determined to do my best.
unfortunately, covid hit that very year. my entire 3rd year was online, and so was club. it went better than i expected. the president reached out to me and asked if i wanted to color for her webcomic. next thing i knew, i was drawing as much as i used to. she really helped me find that part of me again, and i'm so thankful. now i'm a college student majoring in graphic design and minoring in video game studies
and it was all because of pokemon
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makeshiftdraco · 8 months
20 Question Writer Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @coraleethroughthelookingglass and @pursuitseternal!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
5 (soon to be 6)
Definitely have more fics out there on other fanfiction sites from back in the pre-AO3 era however...
2. What's your total A03 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars and Lord of the Rings/Rings of Power
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Not too surprising since I only have 5 fics published, but here they are in order or most to least kudos:
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to all comments, but I'm sure I miss some. I feel honored that readers care enough to share their reactions, so it's the least I can do to thank them and interact.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I wouldn't consider any of my endings angsty. I'd say I specialize in happily ever after or happy for now with sinister undertones?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Like I said above, all my endings are happy with sinister undertones... I want the characters to be together and madly in love, but they're usually heading down a dark path hand in hand. So if you're into that vibe, you'll enjoy all my fics.
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8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no, especially considering my primary ships.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
That's all I write these days! 😈 Mostly F/M with various kinks, dabbling in a little reverse harem lately.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, just AUs.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope but I'd be open to it.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Back when I was in highschool I used to cowrite with some friends, but nothing since then and nothing I've posted.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
That's a tough one. Reylo has probably been my most consistent hyperfixation over the years.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Sometimes it feels like I'll never finish The Thunderbolt, but I am so close I can taste it! Been working on it for over 3 years...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Striking the right balance with morally gray/villainous characters. I want to make it clear they are not good people, but I want the readers to root for them anyway.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Not great at keeping things succinct. Sentences can get way too long and elaborate...and my one shot fics always seem to turn into multi-chapter monsters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I might use words or short phrases occasionally, but I'm not fluent enough to use full sentences. Most of my foreign language knowledge comes from opera which isn't super applicable.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Embarrassingly enough...the musical Cats, but I never posted those middle school fics anywhere thank god.
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First fandom I posted fics for, however, was Harry Potter. (I was a big Drarry fan back in the day...which is probably obvious given my pen name.)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
This is like asking me to pick a favorite child... I'll pick one from each fandom that I always enjoy rereading.
For Reylo, my shorter Mafia AU fic for those with a Kylo Ren voice kink:
For Haladriel/Saurondriel, the infamous fic where Galadriel tops the Dark Lord and he really likes it:
I feel like most of my mutuals have already participated, so opening this up to anyone else that wants to join the fun!
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avocadomin-remade · 3 years
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3 years with stray kids
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stuckybarton · 3 years
Sucker For Pain i
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SUMMARY: You were new to the team, but what everyone didn't know was you weren't so new to the God of Mischief. CHARACTERS: Loki Laufeyson x Ex!Reader [Ex to Lovers again?] WARNINGS: Profanities. Suggestive Themes. Slight Angst and horrible self-image. Grammar Mistakes. English not being my first language. [Not Beta’d tho] WORDS: 2,956 CHAPTERS: [1/3] A/N; Life happened and yeah, didn’t have much time to write. Not my best work for this mini-series, but I’m fighting through for this. Hope you guys enjoy~
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"Agent Y/N Y/L/N." You introduced yourself the first moment you were escorted into the compound by Director Nick Fury. Multiple sets of faces both new and old had come to greet you. For a moment you wouldn't even believe that this is was the new life you would find yourself to be a part of from now on.
Years in the job for SHIELD before disappearing off the grid to get as much information about HYDRA, everyone had thought you had betrayed them and you had accepted that they would think so lowly of you after all the near-deaths you had to endure on the job. Even with the mission becoming more of a death wish, you had accepted the role Nick had given you all those years ago and now you were rewarded, immensely. A spot on the Avengers as part of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
The familiar face of Nat was the first to greet you with a hug. A fiercely tight one, it had been so long since you've seen a friend. Then your eyes fell towards the rest of the team; Bucky Barnes, who you had a few close encounters with during your time with HYDRA. You had witness everything they had done to him and stood on trail to clean his name. Steve Rogers, who, with Sharon Carter, had assisted in guarding Steve while SHIELD was still under HYDRA's control. But among the familiar faces, one stood out the most.
Loki Laufeyson.
To many, the man was a snake, a God that had once brought death and destruction in New York. But to you, he was different, this was the man that you had spent your lonely nights with while under the guise of a traitor. It had once just been a physically thing between the two of you, neither wanting to know about each other's lives. You knew he was a God, a man that had wronged the world, but he had never known about you, the woman that had painted yourself as a traitor for the better of the world. The one that had been called every name on the book for the sake of making sure you did your part right.
Then it got serious between the two of you. Admission of love was told between both of your lips. But it was dangerous for you two to be together especially when you were already told by Fury that you can come back to the surface. You didn't know what side he was on, and you did not have the heart to make him choose if the time would come.
So you two parted. A month ago. The pain still throbbing you like an unattended bullet hole right through your heart. It was still so painful to look at him and not remember him crumbling on his knees begging you to stay. The first sob that escaped his lips and forever haunted your dreams. A never-ending loop in the back of your head as your demons screamed at you for breaking an already broken man.
"I for one am happy you're finally here. Another woman to add to an already Man's Man world in the compound." Nat teased glancing towards the other individuals that had come to know the new face. "With introductions out of the way, you've got a lot of explaining to do for the past few years."
You could only smile at your friend. You did have so much to explain to her, things had been murky between you and Clint, but after everything, Nat had refused to believe you would betray them, betray her, and it was finally a relief to be able to return back home, seeing the people that mean the most to you.
"Tell me about it." You muttered allowing Nat to quickly pull your away from the crowd, but it missed your eyes how he was still looking. Ice blue eyes a contract to the burning gaze he had towards you.
Forget about him. Forget about him. You were here for a new opportunity. No him. Never him.
For the next few weeks, everyone had grown to accept you in your new role as part of the Avengers. You kept up with Steve, Bucky, and Sam during their runs. Sam more than happy to finally have someone that had the same pace as him, but only for you to laugh and out run him just to get a reaction out of the high flier. Tony and Bruce had also found a kinship in you, having provided them enough information about HYDRA's experiments and location made most of their missions easier. Then there was Nat and Clint, your confidant in this new life. Every single moment that was not dedicated to a mission was spent with them; may it be movie night or a simple get together outside the compound, often times bringing Wanda and Vision along just to mess with you and call you a 5th wheel of the group.
But among number of members on the team, everyone had noticed you constantly avoided one Thor Odinson and one Loki Laufeyson. The only real time you would even dare talk to either of the brothers would be during training--other than that, you tried your best to avoid them, Loki most especially. Every single moment that would force the two of you to be in the same room, Loki had a glare while you tried your best to avoid his gaze.
Everyone noticed, everyone didn't seem to worry too much. It comes with having a former-villain part of the team. They thought you would eventually get used to the God's presence just as much as they did.
"You ever gonna tell me what's going on between you and Loki?" Nat inquired avoiding your punch.
What you hated the most about sparring with Nat was her capability of multitasking. Talking and snooping about someone else's business while also kicking their ass in the process--this was the predicament you were in right in this very moment.
"Nothing is going on." You muttered landing back first on the mat after being thrown like a rag doll by Nat. Eyes looking at the ceiling, you wondered if it was a good idea to actually come clean to her about her past with the God of Mischief. "I know what he's done to New York and I think you can't blame me for taking precaution when it comes to him."
Nat now comes hovering on top of you, the narrowed eyes and gentle smirk was all you needed to know--she knew it was bullshit. But when she had stopped pushing you for more information, it was enough for you to just change the subject.
"They found Dominic?" You inquired. One of the first big missions that everyone was focusing on was one of the leading Scientist for HYDRA. With the exposure of HYDRA to the world, some of them had moved away and found themselves in much shadier company, much to everyone's radar now spiking.
Dominic Wagner was, in part, partially responsible for the Winter Soldier program in the modern era. One of the pioneers in moving the project into a much younger sets of test subjects. You lost contact with the man as soon as your got back into the surface, but it had also meant a target was on your back when they found out you were a double agent.
"He's in Russia. Wasting away all the funding for the program with parties" Nat points out. "Still a better way to spend the money that abducting kids everywhere."
You nodded, memories of files upon files for the prospects still haunted you to this day.
"When are you taking him out?" You inquired. In your time with the SHIELD, the red in both of your ledger had made you two a hot commodity if the situation present itself as shoot to kill. Neither of you would hesitate. You knew you would now, after everything, but if it means one less bad people in this earth, you would swallow your new morals.
"Fury wants him alive." She pointed out finally standing back up to her own two feet, leaving you on your back, staring at the ceiling in deep thought. "I know as much as you do, we want him dead for everything he has done, but we need him alive so we can get the others."
You nodded, this was one of the few things you had to get used to as part of the team. Death was best solution in SHIELD--at least in your team, not here. As long as you were part of Steve's team, you would need to choose whether or not killing would be the best option. Hope that you weren't so blessed to be given in your time under.
"I get a first shot when we don''t have any use of him anymore." You muttered finally standing back up with Nat's help. Steps faltering at the sight of the God of Mischief, training with the likes of Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, and Bucky Barnes. A weird mix up, but wasn't hard to understand why.
"Why don't you shoot your shots with him for now." Nat teased, finally making you break from staring at the plain black shirt and green sweatshort-clad Loki Laufeyson. "If we try to ignore the death count during his attack, he is sort-of your type in men." Nat wiggled her brows. quick to avoid you as you attempted to swat her in the ass, eyes now turned away from God and his training partners.
"By type, you mean psychotic with possible Daddy-issue? Then you might just be right." You snort.
"I'm offended you think of me as such, Darling"
Jerking your head to the owner of the voice, how the hell did he sneak up behind you without you noticing. You glanced at Nat in panic and like the traitor that she was, made a terrible excuse of being needed in Bruce's lab. Now being left in the man's presence, you could all but remember the last time you had been this close to the man.
Words that you didn't mean.
Words that he didn't mean.
It still hurt you, and you were sure it hurts him just as much, if not more now, finally realizing why there had been a need for a breakup between the two of them all those weeks ago.
"Here I thought I would have someone to trust. You mortals continue to disappoint me." He hissed.
Your eyes glanced at the other training trio, noticing all three of them were in their own little world to even noticed what was going on between the two of them.
"Tell me, Darling..." He whispered, head leaning towards the shell of your ears. The familiar shiver run through your skin as just his voice. Memories of the very things his silver tongue had whispered had you flustered and breathless, more than from your earlier training with Nat. "Was it satisfying to play with a God?"
Before you could even mutter a word, his constantly gentle hand now covered your jaw, emitting a squeak from your lips and stopping you from saying a word. He was never this forceful, nor did he do anything that would hurt you. Was this the true nature of the man you had finally thought you have been the best part of you. To have loved a man that everyone was right to stay away from?
"Or is it shame finally coming to you, to be ever involved with someone like me?"
You tried to pry his hand away from you, but he was too strong--stronger than you could ever think of being.
"Or is this you taking your opportunity to move from one bed to another? Who will it be this time, Y/N? My oaf of a brother or will it be Soldier out of time? Who will you whore this time?"
And you finally snapped. With a resounding slap, all three individuals had heard your attack on the man and Loki finally releasing his hold on your jaws. A chuckle escaped his lips and only brought the first line of tears to fall from your eyes. You never wanted to believe him to be a monster, but here he was, proving her wrong.
"I am in doubt of the foundation of our relationship for the past years, Y/N. I am the God of Mischief and Lies and the only mortal I had ever truly opened to had done this to me. Lied to me for such a long time, lied about the entirety of our relationship."
"You will never understand."
"Oh no," he chuckled darkly, eyes glaring straight into your own. "I understand well enough to know, you would never love someone like me and I deserve every lie and heartache I am enduring because of everything I have ever done in my past."
Before you could defend yourself and the genuinity of your relationship with the God, he had made his excuse. Leaving you to ponder of the true damage of your breakup with Loki, and the aftermath it had now held for the both of you. He was right, you had lied, and either way, their relationship will fall apart because of those lies.
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He was the God of Mischief and Lies.
Yet, he did not expect for this biggest lie to break him the most. The separation had been painful, he had always hoped for a better life with you. Then a month passed since your breakup, he sees you, it hits him like a sharp knife to the chest all over again. He experience the pain of a stab to the chest, but it would never compare to the pain of seeing you in this very compound with the truth of your life that you refused to ever open to him.
This was karma coming to haunt him it seems.
It had been well over a week now since the first time he had actually confronted you about everything. It wasn't how he planned for things to go through. He never wanted to hurt you, but he was a monster after all. A monster that his own father had told his people to avoid. A bedtime story to scare mischievous kids into submission.
He had always thought after everything he had to endure, had to do, had to escape, he could finally live a peaceful life. A life to finally start anew. A life where he could finally change for the best. A mortal woman had made him make those ideas come into reality, you had always became the reason why he would never have his redemption in life.
A bitter idea with no possible resolution.
How could he have ever believed that anyone would ever love someone like him? After everything he had ever done, he was never allowed to be loved. You had proved that somehow.
'Mr. Laufeyson, you are needed for a meeting with the team'
Breaking from his little bubble. He sighed finally returning back to reality, into the little comforts the library could give him. The week had been gruelling for him, three individual witnessed the altercation between himself and you. It had spread like wildfire, but thanking the Gods that no one was able to listen to the conversation.
He had to endure most of the questioning. In everyone's eyes, he was, after all, still under everyone's constant scrutiny. A man that no one could trust. But he refused to say a single word knowing you did the same thing. It was better to keep your mouth shut instead of letting people know exactly what had happened. Somehow that brought a smile on his face. He might not share a future with you, but might as well make the most out of making your life a living hell, as much you did it to him.
Shutting the book he was barely even reading, he placed the book back into the shelf before walking his way towards the meeting room.
He could easily teleport, but he preferred to enjoy his moments of peace without his oaf of a brother breathing down his neck or Stark constantly testing his patience with his quips. It also gave him a moment to school his features, he knew well enough about the mission to know you would also be in attendance. Be more invested in this mission than anyone else.
It was a few things he was relearning about you now that you were out in the open as everyone claims you to be. You were a free spirited being that could meld with anyone you were in the area with. He had watched you throw relentless jabs at Tony during your first few days that had the man surprisingly raise a white flag. But the most dangerous thing he had to learn was the familial relationship you had with one Natasha Romanoff and Clint Burton, two people that he kept his distance with the most.
"Professor Snape has finally graced us with his presence."
Loki has learned since joining the team to choose his battle when it comes to Tony. This was one of those moment. Finding a vacant chair besides his brother, he had taken his seat. A big mistake on his part as he finds from across the table, you sat. In between a glaring Romanoff and Barton.
Wearing a smirk, just to get on the two super spies' nerve, he turned his attention right back into the meeting. He begins formulating a few little schemes to not only get on the two's nerved, but most especially yours.
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xxxsoukokuxxx · 3 years
AYO!! from the "i love you" prompts list you reblogged, can i get number 3 with soukoku?
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The Hope of Our Love Has Slipped Through My Fingers
Characters: Dazai Osamu x Chuya Nakahara (Soukoku)
Warnings: Dark themes; Dark Era Spoilers; A crap load of angst
Notes: Hi there! I understand that you are new to the BSD fandom, so I welcome you with open arms, we all do! I hope you're doing well and that you enjoy this. I've only written a SKK fic about 2 or 3 times before so bear with me if it is not up to your expectations. Have a pleasant day/night!
Prompt: 3. A scream - "I love you" prompt list
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Oh how sweet and joyful love can be...but how devastating too.
Heavy rain battered against the window and could be heard from inside the bar as an echoing of the sky's cries. Tangled locks, the color of red and orange were splayed across his shoulders and falling onto the bar top. A quarter filled glass of wine still in his lazy grasp.
Chuya. He felt hopeless, tired, like he had given up on everything. His head that lay on his forearm on the bar top felt heavy and in a hazy storm, whirling without end.
Why does this always have to happen to him? He should be used to it by now, he tells himself over and over again like an endless mantra. But what can one do when they've been deprived of love and joy and then given it by a "trustworthy" person only to have it taken away again so abruptly?
He was on his knees just a few moments ago, a tall black figure disappearing in the distance. He's strong, he knows it but what happens when you've been strong for far too long? What happens when you can't take it anymore and burst at the seams?
Now as he sits hopelessly, his mind can't help but remember things that will only bring him pain. Once happy memories will bring him pain? How ironic! But that's reality.
Laughter from both him and a certain brunette rang in his ears. He remembered a time when they had returned from a mission, it was pretty gory to say the least. They were covered in blood as well as some cuts and bruises here and there. Chuya remembers how gingerly Dazai had took care of his wounds that night.
He remembers when they locked eyes for a moment his gaze was soft, something like he cared was evident in them.
Another memory was when the port mafia was having a little function, that they both had decided to ditch. Instead of staying for a boring thing such as that, they spent the night and early parts of the morning out on the streets of Yokohama and under the moonlight. Mischief makers they were...but they had fun.
It was never something said out loud. They loved each other. It was never something said out loud until tonight. However, only one of them expresses this.
The tall black figure, Dazai Osamu, came to Bar Lupin for one last drink about half an hour before Chuya finds himself betrayed. Somehow or the other Chuya knew he'd be there so he sat at one of the stools and waited. Once the brunette walked in, Chuya noticed the immediate change, both his eyes were visible now, no more bandage covering his right eye.
Dazai was taken aback, he didn't expect the redhead to be here, he thought perhaps he could have one last "whiskey on the rocks" as a toast to his friend and leave for good. But it seems luck isn't on his side and only chooses to make things harder for him.
He was already half way into the bar when he noticed Chuya and they both stared at the other with wide eyes with much emotion swimming between them. He stood there unable to think of what to do, what should he even say after disappearing for so many days only to disappear once again, except for years?
So he narrowed his eyes, opened his mouth to say something and then closed it again because of a simple loss of words. "Well, care to share with the class?" Chuya could be as vague as he pleased and Dazai would still understand, it was simply the way they were.
"Chuya, I..." Dazai trailed off unable to find words once again. "I have to go." at last he was able to mutter something. However he averted his eyes. "Go? Like for a mission or galavanting like how you've been this past few days?" it came out with a teasing voice trying to lighten up the tense atmosphere from Chuya but it didn't seem to help.
There was definitely something different about Dazai. Yes he knew that Oda had passed away but...now just how close were those two he asked himself countless times. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Dazai's stern voice cut through the silence, "I have to go...as in I'm not coming back..." as he says these words he starts to turn and walk away.
It took a while for Chuya to understand and process whatever he has said. It was so much and so little information at the same time. "W-Wait, what do you mean!?" Chuya called out, but Dazai never turned back around, never stopped walking away. "Dazai, wait!" Chuya called out again getting off the stool.
The rain could be heard from inside, rain drops slamming against the roof and streets. Dazai walked to the door without a word and reached to grab the door handle, "Dazai wait please! Can't we talk about this!?"
It pained Dazai to hear such a desperate and pained voice from Chuya. But whatever he was doing was for the best...for the both of them, or at least that's what he believes. "I'm sorry Chuya." is the reply he gives and he turns the door knob and opens it to walk out into the whirling storm outside much like the one in Chuya's head.
"I LOVE YOU!" Chuya screamed from where he was, fists clenched tightly. Dazai stopped in his tracks, halfway out the door. His eyes widen but Chuya can't see that. Dazai's eyes narrow and his hand squeezes the door knob...and he continues walking away, closing the door behind him.
Chuya got the message loud and clear from Dazai's body language and words that he doesn't want Chuya following him. So he stood there, mind empty yet stormy at the same time. Finally he had confessed, finally he expressed himself, finally he was vulnerable enough to say such a thing as "I love you", no he screamed it. And yet...Dazai heard...and yet he never returned it...and yet he left without a word.
That's when he dropped to his knees and he couldn't stop the tears that streamed down his face. His eyes weary and tired, he looked like a child that was abandoned. Abandoned he was...once again.
And somehow he mustered up the strength and ignored the bruising pain in his knees to get up and at least sit on the red stool. That's how he finds himself like this. A mess, a tired mess. He hoped that Dazai would at least listen to him, would at least stop and turn around, would at least say something! But he didn't.
The hope of their love slipped through his fingers and before he could even think of more happy times with Dazai in the future, it had vanished just like that. The heavy rain still battered against the bar's windows but that sound had been drowned out as Chuya felt himself falling into an endless dark and empty pit. His eyelids drifted closed and all he saw was Dazai's back walking away from him until it eventually faded.
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Black Veil Conspiracy Time
So I've noticed something with Andy's costumes for the TPT era videos/photoshoots. He's always wearing a garter around his thigh but the color of it keeps changing. I'm starting to think there is significance to it considering how detailed Andy is with his outfits (especially in this era).
I first noticed it in the Scarlet Cross music video where it's red. I figured it might just be part of the black/red color scheme but then it appeared in all the photoshoots. Then all of a sudden (around the time they started posting the pool photo shoots) it's white. Then in the Torch teaser, it's black (with a red suit, so the reverse of the black suit/red garter).
I wanna hear people’s theories on it and I’ve got a few myself. I'm hoping that with the album/comic release we'll find out what it actually means but until then I thought it might be fun to hear what everyone else thinks it could symbolize.
(Disclaimer: These are just my interpretations of what it could mean and is just meant for fun.)
Theory 1: Religious/Historical Meaning: Garters are traditionally worn by brides and have come to have different purposes/meanings. Given the name of the band is Black Veil Brides it could just be an easter egg type thing or it might have a symbolic meaning.
The garter originated because people believed having a piece of a bride's dress was good luck. That led to bridal parties ripping a brides' dress off in an attempt to get a piece of good luck or to help "consummate" the marriage. In order to prevent this, the tradition of the garter toss started. Giving someone a "piece" of the dress spared the bride. Andy could be wearing it to symbolize the idea of giving a part of himself to the fans/world through Black Veil's music. Much in the same way brides used to toss their garter as a way to appease the wedding guest and keep from having the rest of their clothes ripped off it could be his way of saying "here I will give you this (the music/band)". With the expectation being that in sharing that part of himself he will be allowed to keep the rest of himself private. Andy is a pretty private person when it comes to his daily life, but being "famous" makes that hard.
Another meaning of the garter goes back to the importance placed on the bride being pure (aka a virgin). The expectation was that on the wedding night the groom would "deflower" the bride. The families also placed a great deal of importance on this and the garter was often used as "proof" that the marriage was consummated. Thus tying it to the idea of purity/loss of innocence. If you listen to Black Veil/Andy Black's discography there is a recurrent theme in the songs of innocence, specifically of lost innocence. I think Andy could have incorporated it due to this meaning which would also tie into the religious themes of the TPT era. The changing color (see next point) is also what makes me think this might be closer to the meaning behind it. Andy was 18 when he moved to Hollywood which is still very much a teenager. Before his 20th birthday, he was touring the world, signing major record deals, and basically forced to grow up very fast. There's no end to people waiting to take advantage of young, impressionable, and starry-eyed kids in order to use them for personal gain. I mean how many childhood stars end up fucked up as a result of their early fame, then have to navigate their way back to who they really are. Andy's spoken quite a bit over the last few years about how he kind of fell victim to the "rock n' roll lifestyle" during his early years. I think the "loss of innocence" he's possibly referring to is the blissful ignorance that kids/young adults have about the world. Once you learn how ugly the world can be (whether that's the music industry, fame, or the world in general) that childhood innocence starts to go away.
You can't get it back, and although it's replaced with knowledge and better judgment, I think a lot of us miss the carefreeness of childhood. If this is the meaning behind the garter then I think the color change really deepens it.
Theory 2: Color Meaning: Red -> white -> black I think this has to mean something. Red could symbolize being tainted in some way, whether that be shame, sin, the idea of having "blood on your hands", crime/blasphemy, etc. The fact that the red garter appears in Scarlet Cross, a song about being branded with a scarlet cross as punishment, I think makes this more likely. The lyrics almost explicitly state this idea "A symbol for my shame, the color of your name, its how they see you break, and live with my mistakes". The red garter could be his way of saying there is some sin he feels the need to atone for. Alternatively that he feels he's being accused of a crime/sin. If you read up on The Scarlet Letter there are several parallels to the TPT storyline as it's been revealed so far. I think at least the song was influenced by the pop-culture idea of a "scarlet letter".
The change in color to white (generally seen as good, holy, pure, etc) could mean that whatever sin or transgression has been committed has been absolved. As we saw the red garter in Scarlet Cross, I think it's interesting we see the white garter in an abandoned pool. Pool = water and water is cleansing. This might be a coincidence but it's interesting nonetheless. I do think that the white garter is supposed to symbolize whatever "bad" thing the red meant being forgiven/cleansed.
Which leads us to the black garter. The fact that we first see the black garter in the Torch teaser which appears to be set in a graveyard makes me think it symbolizes death. Interestingly, I believe he wore a version of the red garter that had a black stripe on it which could have been foreshadowing. There is also an inversion of Scarlet Cross where he wore a black suit with red accents, now he is in a red suit with black accents. Andy said that the four music videos represent a story within the TPT world and this could play into it. However, I don't think the "death" meaning is necessarily bad. It could be, but since it was proceeded by white, it might mean that since whatever sin has been absolved he is now free to let it die. Death could symbolize freedom. The teaser made me think back to the Coffin music video which featured Andy closing the lid on his "Andy Six" persona but left the question as to was he really dead.
We'll have to see what Torch brings but I feel that the garter and its color could play into a wider theme of closing a very long chapter in his life/the band's. Since this comes at the start of a new era, before the album I think it might be a way to transition into that new era. The last album, Vale, was a very dark album. Andy has spoken about how horrible of a place he and the band were in (due to reasons I think we now all know given the events of 2019/2020). I have a feeling this new era represents freedom from what was haunting them, past mistakes, etc. The lyrics for Feilds of Bone speak to this idea in my opinion.
Theory 3: Other: There is meaning in The Phantom Tomorrow world and that will be revealed in the album/comic. It might have a personal meaning for Andy or he just thought it was cool and a way to color coordinate. Alternately he's just be fucking with us for fun lol.
I hope you all enjoyed my conspiracy ramblings because I've had a lot of fun thinking up different meanings. Shout out to Andy for creating such interesting looks and for his creativity. I'm loving all the hidden messages, cryptic posts, and mystery surrounding this album. I'm so incredibly excited for it to come out. Feel free to send in your own theories or anything else you've noticed so far!
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smokeybrandreviews · 5 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: You've Got The Touch
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I’ve decided i’m in love with Hailee Steinfeld. Ma has dusty two of my favorite franchises with her magic and they are shining real bright right now. She was spectacular as Spider-Gwen (or, Ghost Spider, as she’s adopted after this nonsense Spider-Geddon event) and, with Bumblebee, she does it again. This movie was good. So good! and, yes, that was a Spider-Man 3 reference. I’m about that life!
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The Great
Everything about Cybertron. Everything. All of it. I was loosing my sh*t when Wheeljack and Arcee showed up. They were GLORIOUS! and the Seekers? Oh, sh*t and Ravage?? No, f*ck that! Actual Soundwave! I was a little bummed Screamer didn’t get a speaking role but watching the Seekers take off on Shockwave’s order was beautiful. I dropped a single, manly, tear of joy.
All of the redesigns are perfect. The proportions look right and the kibble. Oh, the kibble! You can actually see what part goes where and how they go from vehicle to robot. Bay did this for, like, two movies and then he just gave up on it. Not here. Travis Knight actually decided to, you know, have is Transformers, transform. Good call.
Speaking of Knight, he did a fantastic job directing this flick. It’s paced beautifully and the action is very grounded. There are some issues that crop up here and there, mostly continuity stuff, but nothing as egregious as what Bay gave us. In a lot of ways, this is an anti-Bayformer movie and it’s one hundred percent better than all of them. It’s staggering how good this concept can be realized when given to an actual director of film and not some SFX loving jackass who doesn’t know the difference between executing a narrative and stringing along a ton of f*cking explosions.
I touched on this in the opening, but Hailee Steinfeld was amazing in this. Her Charlie Watson was a combination of the best parts of Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes. She was smart, gorgeous, funny, capable, and not at all superfluous. There was actual sh*t for her to do and, as a character, has ends her f*cking arc with actual growth! She legitimately ended up in a completely different place than from where she started and it i was glorious! Thank you, Hailee Steinfeld, for being good at your job and not phoning sh*t in for a check. I will love you forever.
This is an actual, honest-to-goodness, movie. It has a plot, stakes, and proper narrative. Sh*t that gets called out in the first act, actually comes into pay in the third. There are relevant scenarios and relationships that matter outside of the core, main, cast. Everyone has agency in this. The characters feel like real people and not just superheroes who are immune to everything because of plot armor. it’s not just a series of million dollar set pieces, sprinkled with explosions and sexism, strung together by the flimsiest of coincidences. There’s no mcguffin, just legit pathos and consequence and i’ve waited my entire life for this sh*t!
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The Good
For a flick that started off as a prequel, then became kind of a re boot that had to go into re-shoots and whatnot, this motherf*cker is absolutely solid. It holds up much better than ll of the Star Wars abortions. Still, you can ind of see where they wanted to go in regards to connecting with the Bayformer franchise. I don’t think that’s going to be necessary anymore.
The soundtrack was pretty interesting. There was a ton of 80s juice and, being a kid from that era in love with all of the synthpunk and whatnot, i dug it. Kind of feel like it could have been a little better though.
There are a ton of one-off supporting characters that do a decent job but the fact they’re so disposable seemed like a missed opportunity. Like, a little more time with the bullies could have made the resolution to that particular plot point a little more gratifying.
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The Meh
Dirge wasn’t Starscream and that sucked but Screamer had a pretty dope cameo and that was dope but i gotta wait until a goddamn sequel to get my boy onscreen, proper.
John Cena is kind of a one-note actor. He’s never not playing a soldier. I get that’s why got him over in the WWF but really bro? Is that the extent of your range? I hear he did alright in Blockers and that Amy Schumer vehicle but those were both sh*tty films that i passed on. All i know him from is this, the WWF, and that weird movie they released where he was in the Woods? maybe he was AWOL? i dunnno, but he’s ALWAYS a soldier and that’s whack, son.
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The Verdict
Bumblebee is f*cking awesome! I've waited 30 goddamn years to get a great, live action, Transformers movie and this one is it!There are some issues with certain characters and it totally feels like an Iron Giant/E.T. rehash but that kind of falls by the wayside when this thing hits it’s stride. There are a few plotholes here and there, nothing too major or that will take you out of the flick if you can suspend your disbelief, something that EVERYONE should be able to do with ease after those god awful Bayformer sequels. F*ck Michael Bay, man! This is a G1 fan's (me) wet dream! There are so many Easter eggs and little nods to all of the franchises. Bee is adorable, Charlie is a bad ass, and Jack Burns doesn’t overstay his welcome. It also makes my top 10 list for 2018. Bumblebee, darkhorsing the list like a champ! Check this one out! Seriously, this one lives up to the hype 
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smokeybrand · 5 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: You've Got The Touch
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I’ve decided i’m in love with Hailee Steinfeld. Ma has dusty two of my favorite franchises with her magic and they are shining real bright right now. She was spectacular as Spider-Gwen (or, Ghost Spider, as she’s adopted after this nonsense Spider-Geddon event) and, with Bumblebee, she does it again. This movie was good. So good! and, yes, that was a Spider-Man 3 reference. I’m about that life!
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The Great
Everything about Cybertron. Everything. All of it. I was loosing my sh*t when Wheeljack and Arcee showed up. They were GLORIOUS! and the Seekers? Oh, sh*t and Ravage?? No, f*ck that! Actual Soundwave! I was a little bummed Screamer didn’t get a speaking role but watching the Seekers take off on Shockwave’s order was beautiful. I dropped a single, manly, tear of joy.
All of the redesigns are perfect. The proportions look right and the kibble. Oh, the kibble! You can actually see what part goes where and how they go from vehicle to robot. Bay did this for, like, two movies and then he just gave up on it. Not here. Travis Knight actually decided to, you know, have is Transformers, transform. Good call.
Speaking of Knight, he did a fantastic job directing this flick. It’s paced beautifully and the action is very grounded. There are some issues that crop up here and there, mostly continuity stuff, but nothing as egregious as what Bay gave us. In a lot of ways, this is an anti-Bayformer movie and it’s one hundred percent better than all of them. It’s staggering how good this concept can be realized when given to an actual director of film and not some SFX loving jackass who doesn’t know the difference between executing a narrative and stringing along a ton of f*cking explosions.
I touched on this in the opening, but Hailee Steinfeld was amazing in this. Her Charlie Watson was a combination of the best parts of Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes. She was smart, gorgeous, funny, capable, and not at all superfluous. There was actual sh*t for her to do and, as a character, has ends her f*cking arc with actual growth! She legitimately ended up in a completely different place than from where she started and it i was glorious! Thank you, Hailee Steinfeld, for being good at your job and not phoning sh*t in for a check. I will love you forever.
This is an actual, honest-to-goodness, movie. It has a plot, stakes, and proper narrative. Sh*t that gets called out in the first act, actually comes into pay in the third. There are relevant scenarios and relationships that matter outside of the core, main, cast. Everyone has agency in this. The characters feel like real people and not just superheroes who are immune to everything because of plot armor. it’s not just a series of million dollar set pieces, sprinkled with explosions and sexism, strung together by the flimsiest of coincidences. There’s no mcguffin, just legit pathos and consequence and i’ve waited my entire life for this sh*t!
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The Good
For a flick that started off as a prequel, then became kind of a re boot that had to go into re-shoots and whatnot, this motherf*cker is absolutely solid. It holds up much better than ll of the Star Wars abortions. Still, you can ind of see where they wanted to go in regards to connecting with the Bayformer franchise. I don’t think that’s going to be necessary anymore.
The soundtrack was pretty interesting. There was a ton of 80s juice and, being a kid from that era in love with all of the synthpunk and whatnot, i dug it. Kind of feel like it could have been a little better though.
There are a ton of one-off supporting characters that do a decent job but the fact they’re so disposable seemed like a missed opportunity. Like, a little more time with the bullies could have made the resolution to that particular plot point a little more gratifying.
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The Meh
Dirge wasn’t Starscream and that sucked but Screamer had a pretty dope cameo and that was dope but i gotta wait until a goddamn sequel to get my boy onscreen, proper.
John Cena is kind of a one-note actor. He’s never not playing a soldier. I get that’s why got him over in the WWF but really bro? Is that the extent of your range? I hear he did alright in Blockers and that Amy Schumer vehicle but those were both sh*tty films that i passed on. All i know him from is this, the WWF, and that weird movie they released where he was in the Woods? maybe he was AWOL? i dunnno, but he’s ALWAYS a soldier and that’s whack, son.
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The Verdict
Bumblebee is f*cking awesome! I've waited 30 goddamn years to get a great, live action, Transformers movie and this one is it!There are some issues with certain characters and it totally feels like an Iron Giant/E.T. rehash but that kind of falls by the wayside when this thing hits it’s stride. There are a few plotholes here and there, nothing too major or that will take you out of the flick if you can suspend your disbelief, something that EVERYONE should be able to do with ease after those god awful Bayformer sequels. F*ck Michael Bay, man! This is a G1 fan's (me) wet dream! There are so many Easter eggs and little nods to all of the franchises. Bee is adorable, Charlie is a bad ass, and Jack Burns doesn’t overstay his welcome. It also makes my top 10 list for 2018. Bumblebee, darkhorsing the list like a champ! Check this one out! Seriously, this one lives up to the hype.
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laneybug926 · 4 years
I wrote this blog a while ago on my wordpress site. However, considering our period of quarantine, I figured this would be fun to share here. Please do not take offense if you happen to disagree with my thoughts for they are only my opinion and what do I know🤷🏼‍♀️.
The Sims Evolution
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Disclaimer: Originally I was planning on sharing my thoughts on worthiness and some pretty emotional things. However, I chose to write about something kind of silly this week and share my thoughts on the evolution of my most favorite game. I hope you enjoy! Also I do not own the Sims franchise or any of these pictures/characters/names of games. All copyright goes to The Sims©.
It happened one day while out shopping with my family. Before the days of product keys, instant downloads, and torrents, many stores had rows and rows of computer games. Stuffed into boxes with colorful graphics of game play, they usually contained a disk(or several) and a lengthy user manual on how to install/play the game. As little me browsed the different titles, my eyes fell upon a very unique looking game. A game where you more or less played God creating families, houses, and controlled how they went about their lives. As a young aspiring storyteller, I knew this would be the perfect game for me and thus my obsession with The Sims began.
The Sims 1: The beginning of a new era.
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The Sims 1 has a very special place in my heart. Not only was it the catalyst to some of the best and sometimes worst decisions of my life, it was unique and had a lot of charm to it. I remember the days when it was like roulette trying to get it to work on my old desktop 'games' computer. Due to all of the space it took to work, very often it'd load and then freeze. Occasionally when it did decide to work, you felt like we cheated the Gods of gaming and played very carefully.
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Looking back, perhaps the graphics aren't great, but for the time it was amazing. Where else could you customize people and build houses? Where else could you 'try for baby' just by kissing? Where else did you miss the carpool to work and ended up getting fired? Where else could Mort Goth be a secret agent and be living with his assassin of a wife Bella? And this all happened before expansion packs came out and added more dimension to it. I used to love taking my couples to town using 'Hot Date' and being able to creepily micromanage their date by going into the restaurant with them. I used to love turning my ex into a frog via 'Makin Magic'. And who could forget when Drew Carey would crash super epic parties via 'House Party'. Sims 1 was very new to it's kind and while basic, it laid the foundation for the next 20 years to come.
Sims 2- My sister's favorite
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I feel horrible saying this, but of the four games, I remember playing this one the least. I do remember playing it occasionally, but far less than my little sister. By the time we bought it, my little sister was old enough to start playing and take up precious computer time. Even though I didn't play it much, I do remember that it was far superior compared to it's predecessor. The overall graphics and customization of sims and lots was awe-aspiring. The sims actually had personalities, turn ons/turn offs, and could actually age. This set the scene for some legendary Dynasties. In addition, we received expansion pack after expansion pack and occasionally stuff packs to flesh out our game playing. I do remember having University, Seasons, and Pets, but that's about it. It was a lot of fun to play with cars, jobs, hobbies, pets, survival items and changing weather. Some faithful Simmers even insist that this was the best version of Sims of all time. Would you agree? Let me know.
Sims 3- Bigger could be better
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As a writer and 'simmer', the one thing I didn't like about Sims 2 was the lack of hair customization. I'd often like to make likenesses of my story characters and sadly I was stuck with the five(or six) 'normal' hair colors. I guess the Gods of Games listened to my prayers, because Sims 3 fixed all of that. You want to make a character with pink and purple hair? Go ahead. You want a character who only wears leopard print EVERYTHING? It's done. One would think that having a big brother like Sims 2 would be kind of intimidating. Nope. Sims 3, in my opinion, was the best in it's ability to customize literally everything using a color wheel, patterns, and even stamps on dogs(if you're into that). You could micromanage and customize everything. This was not only the case with the sims creation, but the whole world opened up and you could creepily follow your sims everywhere. This game robbed me of my hard earned teenage/early adulthood money due to all of it's great expansions and exciting game play. Want to make a faerie witch who turns the world into zombies? Want to take it easy and ride a house boat around the sim world? Want to climb the celebrity ladder and play for millions? Want to exchange a kiss under the mistletoe with your next door neighbor crush? You can do all of that in the Sims 3 and far more. Most of, if not all, some of my great story ideas and characters came from this game right here. I have some of the best memories playing this game such as my Greyer dynasty that literally took over the neighborhood and/or telling stories via the capture the moment feature. Yes it had it's glitches and at times it would take 20 minutes to load a saved game, but it was worth it. I wasted so much time living vicariously through the lives of little digital people that I woke up and I'm suddenly 30 years old. Just kidding, as easy as it was to get hooked, I'd like to think I had a healthy work/life/play balance. You'd think they'd keep making expansions or even stop after the success of Sims 3. Nope, within a blink of an eye the sims team announced that they were creating Sims 4. What more could they possibly bring?
Sims 4-
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I’m sure you've heard the saying 'quit while you're ahead'. Unfortunately the sim team didn't and we were given the Sims 4. With promises of multi-tasking and emotions, fans of the game, such as myself, had high expectations and sadly we were very disappointed. I do remember when the demo came out that I installed it, played around, and uninstalled it with a disappointed groan. In retrospect, I might have been a bit too harsh and have since given it a chance. Maybe it's due to me being older and not having as much time to waste, but it's nice to play in low doses. Unlike Sims 3, it's frustratingly difficult to create dynasties, you cannot create at least a family by family picture story, no open worlds to explore, and there is no more color wheel/customization. The good things...well there are less 'rabbit hole' locations, with mods I can make it more exciting, I do like the sims interactions with each other, and I guess multitasking. Seriously, the best thing about Sims 4 is all of the mods and custom content that has corrupted my game in the greatest way. I do like to play this game for silliness purposes and usually don't expect to have meaningful game play. On a side note Sims Discover University expansion just came out and it's been proclaimed by sims experts that it's by far the best Sims 4 expansion. Perhaps they will continue moving in that direction and learn from their successes.
In conclusion, the Sims franchise acted as a intricate part of my childhood and has lasted far into my adulthood to inspire new characters and stories. Seriously folks, at least 60% of my story ideas have started out with just a simple PC game. Moral of the story; not all video and computer games are harmful and useless. Everything in moderation, drink lots of water, remember self care, and you'll be just fine kids.
0 notes
inu-fiction · 7 years
so Kagura dresses like a dancer and Hakudoshi wears his 'suikan' like a noble. but i've never heard anything about what Kanna wears. the inuyasha wiki claims that both she and Shunran wear kimono but I'd like to know more if that's possible. sorry if you've already answered something like this before, but I can't even figure out how to work some of the websites in the research guide...
Thank you for actually checking out our Research Guide before asking (a lot of people don’t think to)! Sorry to hear you couldn’t find the answer that way on your own; let’s see what we can do to help...First, let’s get this out of the way: it’s technically never inaccurate to refer to traditional Japanese-type clothing like Kanna’s as “kimono” since it’s still a term used for it today. However, that’s very general - literally, the word originally meant just  “thing to wear” (mono was “thing”, ki is one way of saying “wear”)...so in other words, my hand to god, at the time the story is set, it just meant “clothing”. Congratulations Kanna, you are wearing clothing! :DAh...not helpful? No, not helpful.All kidding aside, it’s true that the term as it’s used today is a little more specific, but it’s not by much: these days, even in post-Meiji era Japan, "kimono” refers to specifically “ethnically Japanese” i.e. traditional Japanese clothing (the more general term in the modern era for “clothing” in Japanese is apparently 被服, which we would romanize as hifuku)... but, that is still unhelpful because yes, we can see it’s “Japanese” clothing, but seeing as “Japanese clothing” refers to a REALLY broad swath of clothing ranging from furisode to yukata, suikan etc - it’s incredibly non-specific. In other words, almost as bad as calling both pants and skirts “hakama”; accurate, but not helpful in the least! :PSo. What IS she wearing?Well, I...am sorry to break it to you but I’m not entirely sure yet, anon. >_>Since I’m prepping for Hurricane Irma as I respond to this, I’m unfortunately unable to do that much poking around, but I will say I immediately noticed something interesting about it after looking up reference pictures, one of which was this screencap from the anime adaptation (which is I believe from "Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror", from Season 2, in which Kanna first appears):
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Actually, let’s summarize what I’m noticing here, which helps me tell you what it is definitely NOT, and hypothetically might be (or...I thought it might be, more on that in a moment):1.) Looking at the ends of the sleeves near the wrist I can tell her garment is NOT any kind of furisode (literally “swinging sleeve”) type kimono, which have long sleeves that hang down  (Sesshomaru’s top, for comparison, is a furisode).2.) Her sleeves are more like those found on the kimono type called a kosode (literally “small sleeves”). They are meant to not get in the way, in other words (Sango wears a kosode when she’s not just wearing her armor by itself, for another comparison; you can see the end of the sleeve near the wrist is of similar design).  
3.) SLITS IN THE SHOULDERS.I’m going to have to add some visual ref here to point out why this jumped out at me as a detail.This is a “standard” looking kosode:
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(image pulled from this nifty overview of the evolution of kimono! I recommend giving it a read, it’s very informative!)Now. Pay attention to the shoulders. Scroll back up, and compare - again, there are slits in Kanna’s kimono’s shoulders, but not in “standard” kosode designs.
Slits in that position on the shoulders aren’t at all unheard of in traditional Japanese clothing - they’re found in the suikan type garment that Inuyasha and Hakudoshi both wear, for instance, which as we’ve mentioned before, is designed for as a “hunting jacket” type garment, making me think that that’s why this garment of hers also has them? - but it’s not always a standard feature.(It’s also a feature in Kikyo’s outfit by the way:
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Kikyo is an archer, so it makes sense she’d enjoy the fuller movement that those slits provide! Why does Kanna need it though if she relies on her soul-sucking mirror as her “weapon”? Hm. Good question!)Oh -and one more thing. Which I almost missed but which kicks it out of just “kosode” into “okay no, this is a fair freaking question, what IS this??”Look at this other screenshot from the anime I ran across when trying to see “what her obi looked like”:
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What in the....there’s. Wait. No. That - can’t be.....?*googles more screenshots, confirms*
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THERE’S NO OBI.NONE. AT ALL. WHATThere’s no belt?? Where’s the ties?? Is this even a real old-school kimono style or at this point is Takahashi kind of just making it up because “hey it’s a youkai anyway so whatever”? Is it tucked up in there?? How is this even staying in place...? (There’s also those little bows to consider, granted - but I feel like most of those are probably decorative? - but it’s hard to tell, without knowing what the garment even is! Maybe they’re not! Schrodinger’s bows)Okay, Anon. Yes. I see now why you sent this in. I SEE it. I never looked closely at her outfit before and now that I have, I am so far baffled. o_O All in all, I’m not sure exactly what is up with Kanna’s outfit  - not 100%. But I do find it interesting (and probably notable!) that it has slits in sleeves, and that it’s clearly not held in place with a normal old-fashioned obi, as we think of one at least. It’s possible (just spit-balling here, especially with Hakudoshi “wearing his suikan like a noble”, and Naraku’s having taken over a noblemen’s place!) that it’s a REALLY old-fashioned noble class children’s outfit? Maybe? That might be a good avenue for research (and I probably would have tried it, were I not prepping for a major hurricane this weekend, sorry anon! ^^;;). I wouldn’t even be surprised if it would be old-fashioned even by Sengoku era standards, mind - we know Takahashi included a by-then-“old-fashioned” suikan for Inuyasha (and Hakudoshi) and put Inuyasha’s very much human mother in a junihitoe (the latter is more like from the Heian period, MUCH earlier), so you never know. Keep it in mind!I will say this though:The more I think about it, the more I find it extremely interesting, too, that the ENTIRE outfit - outer garment, undergarment (which she does have; you can see it under her collar, peeking out through the sleeve-slits, and if you saw a full-body shot that showed her feet, peaking out from under the bottom of her outer garment as well)... the bows on the outfit... even her very hair, and even the decorations in her hair! - All, ALL of them, are solid, pure, non-patterned white.Why do I find this so striking?Because of the various nuanced implications of that in Japanese culture (warning: this link includes a picture of a Japanese corpse being prepped for burial. It’s actually not gross looking at all, but you may find it spooky or unsettling when you realize what it is, so I feel a need to warn ahead of time).Now, despite what the warning in parentheses for that link might seem to imply, and despite what some rumors may say, “death” isn’t the only association with white (and especially white clothing) in Japanese culture; it’s associated with “purity” and cleanliness as well. People aren’t just buried in white, they’re often married in it, too, and many priests and priestesses in Shinto and Buddhism include white clothing in their garb, especially for specific rituals requiring “purity”.I also will clarify that that is NOT a funerary kimono, in the sense that she’s wearing it folded the normal way, and not the opposite way, which corpses are dressed in, so let’s clear that up right away, that she’s not dressed “like a corpse”. At all. But.Still...This feels like it can’t be coincidental...? It’s hard to tell if the white theme is a sign of her “blankness”/emptiness (which is another fair possibility), or if it’s indeed meant to evoke those other WELL known elements in Japanese spiritual beliefs (and it’s still noteworthy I think that to the Japanese, it IS still common to see ghosts wearing solid white, because they are still buried in white, so there’s the subconscious “creepy factor” too, sure)...hn. It’s a real question!I am starting to doubt that it was purely for aesthetics or to save on ink though :P  So basically the short answer is: I am real sorry anon, I have no idea. :( I wish I did!The long answer, clearly, is: “WAIT, THIS RAISES EVEN MORE QUESTIONS...??”-Mod VorpalGirl(PS: I probably will not be online the rest of this weekend, at least on here. Seriously, Irma is making her cranky way right up my home State and we decided not to evacuate sooooo. Not only do we need to prep like heck tomorrow, power will likely go out for us before Monday, and given what happened with Hurricane Matthew last year, that could keep me away from ya’ll for up to a week or so. >_> Wish me luck....and Tekka too, since she’s still likely in the path of it as well)
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dramioneasks · 7 years
Most original Dramione stories you've ever read. I'm talking the ones with a unique premise or twist you didn't see coming. Something that isn't usual in this fandom. Can be dark, fluffy, romantic. Whatever. I just want to read something that is like, WOW THAT'S DIFFERENT!
Well, here are some I can think of off the top of my head. I’m only posting the stories that are completed, not the WIPs (there are SO MANY good WIPs out there!):
A Killing Grace by Savage Midnight - Rated: M - 5 Chapters (COMPLETE) - In the midst of war, two enemies fight on common ground to bring the blood bath to an end. Hate and prejudice are flung aside, boundaries are broken, and the inevitable sacrifices are made.
A Kind and Generous Man by AnneM.Oliver - Rated: M - 30 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Regency era Dramione. Though he appeared as a highwayman, she thought he was a kind & generous man. Once the mask was removed, could she love him as he really was, or was he to hide behind his ‘mask’ forever. A story of manners, deception & love. 
Black Rose by Dawn-Of-Indescribable-Colors - Rated: M - 1 Chapter (COMPLETE) - Draco is falling in love with Hermione, his Ministry co-worker, who hates his guts. However, he is also engaged in a passionate sexual relationship with Black Rose, a beautiful dancer in a sinful wizarding nightclub, but the gorgeous witch always keeps her carnival mask on when they are together…
Cake and Other Curses by AkashaTheKitty - Rated: MA - 10 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Hermione is far too fond of cake and all but attached to Harry at the hip. Generally, it’s working out for her, but lately Draco has been annoying her to death by mocking her weight and her relationship with Harry. One day she spots some logic in his claims that she and Harry ought to be more than friends. Uncertain how to proceed, she agrees when Draco volunteers to help. This turns out to get very confusing very fast, as Hermione finds herself becoming attracted to the wrong person…
Decomposition Of The Soul by hiddenhibernian - Rated: T - 3 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Not all prisoners serve out their sentence in Azkaban. Some are sent to the Department of Mysteries, and their fate is one of the most closely guarded secrets of the wizarding world. Unfortunately, Draco is about to find out just how far Hermione Granger is willing to go for the greater good.
Doll by Captainraychill - Rated: MA (NC-17) - 2 Chapters (COMPLETE) - “I’d adored my doll at first sight because, though she appeared to be pure, she was really a creature of sex. Her lips were plump and painted to appear wet. Her eyes were corrupt beneath her lush lashes. Her steady, sober gaze told me that she knew her only purpose was to be used by me and that she had accepted this.”
Eyes Open by Day Met the Night - Rated: T - 1 Chapter (COMPLETE) - “He’s let the envelope fall into his palm. If she’s surprised, she doesn’t show it. 'You know the rules, don’t you’ 'Only for when I’m at my lowest point,’ he says. 'And after I open it, I go straight to you.’” Ten years later, and he’s falling in love with her.
Forever Kind of Valentine by Avari20 - Rated: T - 1 Chapter (COMPLETE) - Draco’s plans for ignoring the most hated holiday of the year are put on hold by the God of Love himself. It’s either win or kiss dating goodbye. What’s a cynic to do?
Fortuna Major by olivieblake - Rated: M - 6 Chapters (COMPLETE) - She’s with Ron, he’s with Astoria, and nothing a cheap psychic on the Venice Boardwalk says is going to change that. Or will it?
His Beautiful, Haunting Eyes by thecellarfloor - Rated: M - 14 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Draco pushed her to the wall, kissed her roughly on the lips, then punched the glass window beside her head. It smashed into pieces and the crowd who had parted for him seconds ago gasped. Hermione couldn’t. She couldn’t even breathe. What have you done?
In Their Garden by Lady Cailan - Rated: K+ - 1 Chapter (COMPLETE) - A flowerpot sits on her windowsill and each night a new flower grows. Hermione uses her memories to cope with life after Draco is affected by a curse gone bad.
Lady of the Lake by Colubrina - Rated: M - 50 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Hermione and Draco team up after the war to overthrow the Order and take over wizarding Britain. “I don’t even especially mind belonging to you most of the time,” he closes his eyes and just breathes for a bit, savoring not being in pain. Finally he adds, “Just… try to take better care of your toys.”
Life After Grief by Mel88 - Rated: M - 5 Chapters (COMPLETE) - The Collier’s Virus is highly contagious, magically virulent, and always fatal. Junior Healers Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are called in to help find a cure before the virus claims another life. If they can.
Only a Pretense by WickedlyAwesomeMe - Rated: T - 42 Chapters (COMPLETE) - In order to save her parents, Hermione Granger had to give up everything, even her identity… and femininity.
Presque Toujours Pur by ShayaLonnie - Rated: M - 38 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Bellatrix’s torture of Hermione uncovers a long-kept secret. The young witch learns her true origins in a story that shows the beginning and end of the Wizarding wars as Hermione learns about her biological father and the blood magic he dabbled in that will control her future.
Questions of Science by: Countess of Abe - Rated: M - 18 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Hermione is living a content life working at St. Mungo’s when an unexpected assignment from the chief of medicine sends her to the home of Draco Malfoy. What will happen to the pragmatic brunette as she explores what science cannot answer?
Randy Man’s Playbook by BittyBlueEyes - Rated: M - 25 Chapters (COMPLETE) - A very unique book finds its way to the hands of Draco Malfoy - A book that, if utilized well, could help him fulfill his fantasies. 
Redemption by anondracomalfoy - Rated: M - 23 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Hermione works at St. Mungos, and the fourth floor has recently made a discovery and inadvertently retrieved her biggest regret-her lost and seemingly Obliviated husband, Draco Malfoy. Draco is forced to return to her, and strange things begin to occur.
Static by galfoy - Rated: M - 21 Chapters (COMPLETE) - The Order rescued Draco and Lucius Malfoy after Lord Voldemort turned on them. All the safe houses are full, and Hermione Granger is the only one who can take them in. Will she agree after having suffered a drastic nervous breakdown?
The Nietzsche Classes by Beringae - Rated: M - 15 Chapters (COMPLETE) - The Ministry takes action against the remaining prejudice in the wizarding society and asks Hermione for help. “What do you want? Money? Power? Name your price, Granger. I’m not about to let pride get in my way when an Azkaban sentence is on the line.” 
The Queen’s Knight by cleotheo - Rated: M - 29 Chapters (COMPLETE) - There’s a new craze in the wizarding world: Immersion Books. When Harry and Ron buy one for Hermione’s birthday she finds herself immersed in a medieval world where a certain blond Slytherin has been cast as her lover.
Troy by Twilight to Midnight - Rated: M - 3 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Draco loved this woman. Draco worshipped this woman. Draco would do nothing short of destroying the legendary city of Troy to have her, to hold her, to possess her as his own, forever and a day. AU. Warning: Dark Draco and questionable consent.
Unspoken Rules Should Be Broken by CelticSass - Rated: M - 3 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Blaise, Hermione, and Draco shared a relationship, now Blaise is dead, and Hermione and Draco are confused as to where they stand with one another.
Utterly Despicable by camnz - Rated: M - 24 Chapters (COMPLETE) - The death of both Voldemort and Harry Potter let the pureblood elite build the world they wanted. One that leaves Hermione in a vulnerable state, which Draco Malfoy is prepared to take full advantage of.
When He Was Wicked by LadyStiff - Rated: M - 14 Chapters (COMPLETE) - When Hermione mistakenly makes a wish for Draco Malfoy to love her, she never in a million years believed it would actually come true. But when the wish doesn’t turn out as expected, will she lose Draco forever?
When The Butterflies Fly Home by AuroraAustralice - Rated: M - 45 Chapters (COMPLETE) - Commander Draconis Malfoy of Caesars Roman Army has set out to conquer the northern part of Briton. Hermione Granger has been brought up with respect and always been given an equal status as the men in her village. Unknown to her, her father stirs up the rebellion against the Roman e had never experienced harshness and cruelty before but now as a slave that is all she sees.
I’ve got so many more, but have to start getting ready for my day, so must go. Maybe others can add to the list?
Edit: If I may, I thought this was very unique, IT MAY SCAR YOU FOR LIFE but it is good:
Fragments by Jane - M, 50 Chapters - “Last night, she told me about you. I know how you met, how you hated, how you loved.”
- Lisa
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