#youngho moodboard
dominnz · 10 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌀 💸⠀⠀..⠀⠀I Can Never Tell.
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renjwoo · 4 months
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dahypoems · 1 year
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ㅤㅤ˖࣪  ✦ ࿔⠀🐚⠀✻ 𓂂⠀ ࿙࿚⠀ ˖࣪  ✦ ࿔ ⠀💿⠀✻ 𓂂⠀࿙࿚
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ㅤㅤ˖࣪  ✦ ࿔⠀🎥⠀✻ 𓂂⠀ ࿙࿚⠀ ˖࣪  ✦ ࿔ ⠀🌪️⠀✻ 𓂂⠀࿙࿚
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sunshyni · 11 months
Docinho azedo
Sinopse: qualquer um podia ver que Mark e Mia nasceram um para o outro. Eles estudaram na mesma universidade, exerciam a mesma profissão e até trabalhavam juntos, no mesmíssimo andar, e o melhor de tudo – que rufem os tambores! – estavam noivos há pouco mais de um mês! A situação muda quando os pombinhos são forçados a competirem entre si num duelo para além de desafiador. O que os faz ponderar: “Em quanto tempo aproximadamente aquele docinho guardado no fundo da geladeira pode azedar?” P.S. Não estamos falando de geladeiras. Gênero: fluffy shortfic. Contagem de palavras: 1.078. Notas: e não é que debutei por aqui? KKKKKK Tô com vergonha de postar isso aqui diante de tanto escritor talentoso no Tumblr 👉👈 Mas bora lá! Originalmente, essa fic era para ser postada somente no spirit (se quiser dar uma olhadinha nela por lá é só acessar o link😉), no entanto resolvi tentar a sorte nesse querido aplicativo, boa leitura e espero que vocês gostem! OBS: me inspirei nos posts de alguns perfis maravilhosos que acompanho, como a @mealcandy e a @ncdreaming🍓 Bônus: playlist da fic 🍪
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Prólogo – Macio feito pêssego 🍑
Mia Berry e Mark Lee eram um casal atípico, enquanto pombinhos desapaixonados ao redor do mundo todo consentiam em apenas uma coisa: papeis de divórcio, o double M, como os amigos mais próximos estavam habituados a se referirem ao casal, dificilmente discordava. Isso não quer dizer, em hipótese alguma, que eles tinham se acostumado, eles, sem a menor sombra de dúvida, se amavam e sentiam prazer em comprovar o sentimento sempre que possível, igual Mark fazia naquele instante.
O Lee desferia beijos na face quente de Berry, “desferia” pois os selares eram violentamente carinhosos, fazendo com que Mia vergasse o tronco para trás, mas não a ponto de cair, já que um braço de Mark a amparou no primeiro sinal dessa possibilidade ser efetuada. Mia puxou o tecido da camiseta branca que o noivo vestia, separando a peça do abdome, ambos molhados devido ao mergulho que eles fizeram no riacho próximo da casa da avó de Mia.
— Pervertida — Ele provocou, os rostos perto o bastante para completar um beijo arrastado, daqueles de telenovela, no entanto Mark tombou a cabeça para trás inesperadamente, contemplando o céu ausente de nuvens, azul feito a cor dos pequenos carros que adornavam uma das camisas sociais preferidas do maior — Me prometa que vamos morar no interior quando envelhecermos.
“Ah então ele vai jogar assim” Mia pensou, sorrindo contra o pescoço do noivo que ofereceu o mindinho da mão direita para selarem a promessa, eles entrelaçaram os dedos mínimos, unindo os polegares em seguida como num carimbo, Mark plantou um beijinho nas mãos ligadas uma na outra, insatisfeito com a validação dupla.
— Já conseguimos convencer minha vó de que dormimos juntos — O rosto dele se iluminou com um sorriso capaz de ofuscar o Sol — O primeiro item da lista já foi riscado, então... Acho que é algo plausível.
— E o restante dos itens da lista? — O Lee inquiriu como quem não quer nada ao mesmo tempo em que retirava de uma sacola, um pêssego rosinha e fresco, um presente do representante da associação dos jovens garotos. Vantagens de ter crescido numa província? Não havia nenhum residente da cidadezinha que Mia não conhecesse, portanto sempre que regressava para sua terra natal, ela era recebida com uma série de presentes como os pêssegos ou até mesmo licores que a faziam choramingar.
— Acho que eu já consigo fazer grandes coisas dormindo com você.
Mark cobriu o peitoral com as mãos, a boca ligeiramente aberta, olhos direcionados para a futura esposa que não fazia a mínima ideia do motivo daquela observação intensa, por esse motivo, durante um bom intervalo de tempo eles permaneceram imóveis, havendo somente o som das águas do rio e o canto incessante dos pássaros entre eles.
— Larga de ser atirada — Com a mão em concha, Mark alcançou a água doce e cristalina que batia nos seus tornozelos (por estarem sentados sobre uma pedra), jogando água em uma Mia espantada com a cabecinha perversa que seu cônjuge poderia ter, ela nem se importou com os pingos de água que acertaram seu pêssego acidentalmente.
— Eu não estava falando com malícia! — Protestou em meio a uma risada contagiante que fez os olhos castanhos de Mark se enrugarem nos cantos. As frutas mordidas voltaram para a sacola, o Lee segurou as mãos um tanto trêmulas de sua noiva, talvez fosse pelas pupilas dilatadas perceptíveis pelos raios solares ou pelo conjunto Mark Lee, paisagem e Sol, existia algo de muito encantador nas bochechas aquecidas e rosadas que recebiam as palmas de Mia com ternura.
— Aham, tô sabendo — Incitou, conduzindo-a para dentro das águas vagarosamente, cada passo para trás acompanhado por sorrisos bobos do moreno.
— Gelado — Ela sussurrou, envolvendo os braços ao redor do pescoço do noivo ao passo que Mark capturava seus lábios naquele beijo suspenso minutos antes, os lábios macios se movendo sobre os dela com volúpia e delonga, hesitante em encerrar o toque suave.
— Docinho — O Lee tinha razão. Não existia melhor palavra que retratasse o amor deles. Mark e Mia viviam um amor docinho de fruta.
— Deveríamos estar dormindo — Murmurou Mark, se ajeitando sobre as roupas de cama do antigo quarto de Mia — Vamos acordar a sua vó.
— Relaxa — Replicou Mia no mesmo volume de voz, compenetrada — É só não fazer muito barulho.
Havia uma superstição na qual Mia ouvia desde criança que dizia que se você pintasse as unhas do seu amado com bálsamo e a cor persistisse até a primeira nevasca, o casal estava fadado a viver o resto dos seus dias juntos, portanto Mark estava sentado de pernas cruzadas à frente do seu primeiro amor, que espalhava a pastinha rubra no dedo mínimo do garoto com um cotonete.
— Não vai durar até a primeira nevasca — A respiração dele tocou a pele dela quando Berry elevou o olhar.
— Eu sei — Sorriu, finalizando seu trabalho ao cobrir o mindinho de Mark com papel filme transparente a fim da coloração agir mais depressa — Mas e daí? Eu não preciso de muita comprovação pra saber que eu vou me casar com você, eu já tenho isso.
Sacudiu os dedos da mão esquerda, como costumava fazer ao exibir o anel de noivado para colegas, em que uma pedrinha rosa em formato de coração tremeluzia no seu centro. Mark esboçou um sorriso, curvando o corpo de Mia perigosamente até que suas costas encontrassem o colchão, o olhar brincalhão jamais se esvaindo da sua expressão.
— O que foi mesmo que você disse? — Ele questionou, envolto numa falsa deliberação — Ah, é só não fazer barulho, né?
Mia soltou um risinho baixo enquanto Mark em cima de si plantava um beijo na ponta do nariz alheio. Os dois só conseguiram sair daquela névoa de paixão quando o celular de Mia trepidou, sobressaltando-os, ela tateou cegamente em busca do aparelho e quando finalmente o encontrou, seu namorado não ousou mover um músculo, dizendo sem a necessidade de palavras que estava afim de fuxicar o e-mail recente.
— Engraçadinha — Foi a reação do Lee com a imagem de plano de fundo, dele dormindo serenamente ainda vestindo uma de suas gravatas peculiares.
Ambos estranharam o fato da mensagem ter sido encaminhada para apenas o casal.
“Caro senhor Lee e Cara senhorita Berry,
Por favor, preciso que compareçam até o meu escritório amanhã, sem falta.
Cordialmente, Johnny Suh.”
Por que raios o filho do presidente estava enviando um e-mail num domingo à noite? Eles não tinham ideia. Tinham certeza de uma coisa entretanto, a de que eles estavam encrencados aparentemente.
— Merda — Deixaram escapar em uníssono.
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(Créditos para a @ch9xhleye por essa artezinha de pêssego tão fofinha❤️)
Não sei quando vou atualizar, mas é isso! KKKKKK
Beijinhos açucarados! 🍬🍬🍬
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doientes · 6 months
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memories of a city date. 🎙 📸 🫕 🕰
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gun-wook · 10 months
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⠀ ⠀【⠀you decide for me⠀⠀⠀⠀🐻🪵
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nevermindcherry · 2 years
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I found a new sky 💭💙🌁🚲⛅🧿
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lovekuns · 2 years
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lillotus17 · 1 year
okay so like a couple months ago I posted that I really wanted to write an NCT MARVEL AU FF... I might have deleted it I honestly cant remember I also added other SM ARTIST as side/extra/antagonist characters in the plot and right now im currently debating if i wanna find more Marvel characters that I think fit Shohei, Eunseok, and Seunghan.. idk lmk. im still working on the first few chapters and the moodboards of all the characters but it's going to take a while and i've been working very slowly since i am currently in school and have a part time job because in this economy... oof a girl's really struggling. anyways here is a small draft (with no mood board sorry im still woking on it :( ) of which MARVEL Characters the NCT members are going to be portraying
Playlist: Villian by Key ft. JENO | Hero by Martin Garrix and JVKE | Wish you were here by SUPERM | more to be added!
Lee Taeyong as Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
okay so i actually considered Iron Man, Falcon, Captain America, and gamora in mind for Taeyong but Iron Man matched johnny a bit more because of his personality and jaehyun suited captain america more imo
taeyong still fits a character with a strong leadership role, cus i mean cmon NCT tired dad/leader-nim
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel is just tryna fit in and find herself/remember who she is and she finds out that she's a super powerfull highkey baddie and HELLO? Taeyong is that
she has a strong and emotional sense of leadership, willingness to help and protect others and like come on is that not tayeong???
she's (one of) the first avengers and asdfghjkl;
so yeah
carol danvers is a baddie
taeyong is a baddie
Moon Taeil as Moon Knight (Marc Spector)
okay so like
this kinda just clicked? lmaoo i feel bad- well more like a geek but like MOON Taeil and MOONknight
i finished watching the MoonKnight series on Disney+ a while ago and loikeeee
Marc Spector is a hot SOB
steven grant asdfghjkl; dont get me started
oki tho im like lowkey debating if I want to include Marc's multiple personality but like he's not Moonknight with out steven soooo
might add a little twist to it
but Taeil gives me more Steven Grant vibes than Marc Spector ngl
he's a lil nervous anxious dork yknow?
did consider falcon and war machine for taeil though..
like tony and rhode's relatinship screams johnny and taeil LMFAOO
idk might make some changes...
Seo Youngho/Johnny Suh as Iron Man (Tony Stark)
cocky lil shit and a sexy ass mf
like tell me it doesn't make sense?
homie just wants to spend money and build suits
smart, hot, and rich? yes please
his wit and smart mouth
like imagine johnny "Jae (Cap) you've got a potty mouth"
tony has a heart(?)- there's proof LMFAOO
his sense of humor just screams johnny
had star lord (peter quill) in mind for him too
Nakamoto Yuta as Winter Soldier (James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes)
one intimidating bitch
but a highkey softie
gonna kick ur ass if u fuck with him or anyone he cares about
highkey mysterious
did consider hawkeye, war machine, and falcon for him tho
also considering changes in characters lmk what yall think too!
Qian Kun as Dr. Strange (Stephen Strange)
man can fly a plane
lmaoo sorry that literally has nothing to do with him being a doctor but tell me why in every goddamn MAFIA AU i read, he's the medic
his relationship with yangyang and ten remind me of dr. strange and wong lmfaoooo
lowkey a perfectionist/perfect man asdfghjkl
Kim Dongyoung/Doyoung as Dare Devil (Matt Murdock)
had hawkeye, war machine, and falcon in mind for him
war machine cause of his sense of duty and seriousness- and his relationship with johnny also reminds me of tony and rhodes
also thought about making him nebula (and falcon) cus of his relationship with taeyong
anyways matt murdock is a hot mf
a lawyer? yes please
doyoung likes to argue cus cmon 127 is always on his ass for no reason headahhh lmfaooo
ngl thought there were a lot a members and i did put some thought into this and he matched daredevil best imo
Li Yongqin/Ten as Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
bad bitch right here
assassin, bad bitch
have you seen the way he moves?
have you seen the way she moves?
no words, no explanation, it just is and it just makes sense
like fr let's argue
IM JP don't come at me
had hawkeye in mind for him too
Jung Yoonoh/Jaehyun as Captain America (Steve Rogers)
america's ass
like cmon manz representative emoji is a peach
can't really put my finger on it either
like maybe it the masculinity (not meant negatively tho!) and altruism in the both of them(?)
both hot as fuck for no reason
other characters that i think suited him were falcon, winter soldier, (kind of) hawkeye, and black panther
Dong Sicheng/Winwin as Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
oki so i did have black widow in mind for him
and if im being honest it was kind of hard to settle with hawkeye for him
winwin is someone is focused and serious much like clint barton
i mean cmon man was a dancer and that shit takes dedication and patience
like learning how to use a bow and arrow
also had vision in mind for him too
when i first started to get into NCT winwin kind of came off as a timid person, and he's not really affectionate so it kind of screamed vision vibes
Kim Jungwoo as Quick Silver (Pietro Maximoff)
his cute lil personality
"bet you didn't see that coming?" ackkkk
is a caring sweetheart
like pietro wants nothing but for his sister to be happy and protected
jungwoo makes his members happy
Wong Yukhei/Lucas as Thor
okay so like NCT 2018 Halloween special kind of took over
personality wise, lucas and thor are kind similar(?)
like their sense of humor
thor is lowkey the most laid back avenger despite being a prince
and most of the time i can't take lucas seriously
also another character i was kinda of iffy unsure about
idk maybe its just me but lucas seems like the type that would shy away from responsibilities and his asgard duties as king for something more chill
then again thor did do that soooo...
Lee Minhyung/Mark Lee as Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
do i even need to explain?
lmaoo oki so like i was reading a post about how some people don't like mark
which i lowkey found hard to believe but then it made sense
like no disrespect
anyways I do believe mark is a hard working person and he does try to be humble about it but like also its okay to bathe in the glory and be shameless- then again easier said than done, again no disrespect- i love mork
pure hearted and true to himself
much like peter parker
Xiao Dejun/Xiaojun as Shang Chi (Shaun)
lmaoo man is 1/3 of wayv's walking meme group
every time im on tiktok lmfaoooo
lmao i guess the way i picked theses characters to match the members is based on the relationship the members have soo
lmaoo shaun's relationship with katie reminds me of luxiaodery (is that the correct name for them?... wayv 99 liners)
again hot asf
like imagine xiaojun in the bus fighting scene
Wong Kunhang/Hendery as Ant Man (Scott Lang)
also 1/3 of wayv's walking meme group
man is fxcking hilarious
another "do i even need to explain?"
just makes sense
lmaooo well actually i did consider Star Lord for him
Huang Renjun as Yelena Belova
okay so hear me out
i though of gamora or nebula for him too
lmao he's a tiny lil agressive man
ready to bite at any moment
very deadly
snarky (<< affectionate) and witty like Yelena
"i don't get my period dip shit. i don't have a uterus" *said with a russian (chinese) accent and the fact the renjun doesn't have a uterus*
like that line screams renjun lmfao
Lee Jeno as Black Panther (T'Challa)
RIP to Chadwick Boseman
when mark graduated from dream *sad noises*
jeno gave me hard leadership vibes
like he filled the role so well without actually filling it
and i've noticed how popular he's become lately with all these stage collabs with other idols
prince king jeno
nice ring to it ;)
sense of what is feels right and does what he believes is right
wants to do well for himself and his members
did consider him for hawkeye and falcon
Lee Donhyuck/Haechan as Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)
sassy lil birchhh
haechan is a very caring person and althoug sometimes it seems like he's acting a certain way to hide his feelings i do believe he is very emotionally inteliegent- however he is kind of impulsive (emotionally)
reminds me of wanda
powerful bitch, like hello vocals?
fight with so much effort and purpose
needs support and is his members number one supporter
Na Jaemin as Falcon (Sam Wilson)
oki so like
this was also a toughy
consider hawkeye, black panther, winter soldier, dare devil, war machine, and a bunch of other... also docor strange cus mans wanted to be a surgeon if he wasn't an idol lmaooo
but tbh no characters really ever stuck with me for jaemin
he's lowkey someone is doesn't gaf and doesn't want to be here but still knows how to have a good time or make up for time
serious and yet isn't
loyal and supportive to his members
Liu YangYang as Kate Bishop
lmaoo renyang and kate and yelena vibes
like "bro what if i killed you, (renjun/yelena)?"
but like he didn't soo???
lmaooo curious and nosy
liek sticks his nose into everyone's business
whether its for funsies or a mission
but he does well in getting whatever information he needs
gave me loki vibes tho
Osaki Shotaro as Vision
he's so cute ackkk
kind of came off as an awkward lil bean to be but i think that was just because of the language barrier with the other members
but it also a reason why i thought he was a good fit to portray vision
cus they're bother still learning
not afraid to ask questions
supportive and kind of goes along with things
a bit naive and questions his morals or rights and wrongs
fast learner imo
Jung Sungchan as War Machine (James Rhodes)
okai so like
idky but i though he would have been a good match for star lord
kind still iffy ish because is he young and although this is a ff i fell like he would have matched a younger role/character
also thought he would have been a good fit for shuri
can't really say much
i feel bad cus this is a bit more of a last pick
i really did want him to have a character that was more interactive with shotaro since that are really close
also thought of a cloak and dagger duo for sungtaro
again might make dome changes so lmk yall's opinion
like im tryna take this seriously and make it make sense but also im not cus again this is for funsies
Zhong Chenle as Loki
again, im sorry but another "do i even need to explain?"
boy is hella mischievous with that lil smirk he always has
when he messes around with his members, esp jisung
lmao poor jisung
like "oh yall need an illusionist you say? no problem lessgo fuck around with some bad guys"
i know he's supposed to be a lowkey two-faced, flippity floppity bad guy but idc im making him good
cus deep down loki does have a good heart
Park Jisung as Shuri
hear me out
i know he doesn't seem like the brightest but like he really is
and i know yall agree because hacker!jisung?
yeah, that's what i thought bro
considered vison for him too
and kate bishop
and groot- well like a modified hybrid version of him
big brother jeno and little brother jisung duo
just yeah
Shohei, Eunseok, and Seunghan
okay so like
im not really sure what marvel characters suit them best
im tryna stray from X-men charcters
but idk might have to make some changes
js that haechan might justbe switched to deadpool cus cmon
and as i was writing this i had a bunch of second thoughts about with members were portraying which characters
im a bit of a perfectionist as you can see
Anyways! thanks for reading this and please feedback is and will always be appreciated! again i apologized for my pace! i am currently on winter break but im working so i haven't had much time to write anything :(.
anyways comment and reblog if you wanna see what i have in mind for other SM Artist and who they'll be portraying!
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pleurevoir · 5 years
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z1sung · 5 years
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even when the night changes
night!johnny for @changkyunnie-is-bae
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piekisu · 6 years
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nct 127 ! touch moodboard pt. 5
*:・゚✫ like if you liked it reblog if you save/use or  © *:・゚✧
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kpop-shenanigans · 6 years
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Johnny + Basketball Player Moodboard
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kimchi5oup · 3 years
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ily doesn’t mean I love you, it means I love Youngho 
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jo-v · 3 years
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jae-ryl · 3 years
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