scribz-ag24 · 3 days
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marry pride month my dudes
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lilacstro · 2 days
Astro Observations pt 2
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1.If you have sun conjunct ascendant//sun in 10th house, people might really see who you really are or your real personality maybe visible to people you choose to interact with.
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2. People who's sun and mercury match, they more than most of the time, say what they really mean
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3. People who have Sag sun/stellium usually have a strong liking for some kind of mainstream media, like kpop? football? bollywood?
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4. The sign of your fifth house can influence how you like spending your leisure time. Example:
Capricorn 5th house might like cleaning as a form of relaxing or spending their free time
Leo 5th house might want entertainment or hanging out with a group of friends, social circles
Gemini 5th house might like scrolling the internet or talking about their favourite shows and dramas
Pisces 5th house might like day dreaming or doodling or creative working
Libra 5th house might put make up on just because, or doing a whole self care routine
Taurus 5th house might just lay in bed and sleep? lol maybe cook something or play some instrument if they please.
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5. Jupiter is said to expand. People who may have sun conjunct Jupiter may have huge sense of self or awareness of identity, which is really good in a world where people try to tell you who you are. However, this needs to be checked so it does not turn into a huge ego
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6. Sagittarius women could really like dancing
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7. 8th house stellium could deal with sleep paralysis or insomnia or some kind of mental health related problem at some point in their life for sure
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8. 12th house stelliums could really like day dreaming a lot
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9. Most Libra people I have met are usually already well liked regardless of anything. and the ones that aren't, really care about being liked by people.
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10. Speaking of this, most libra placements, esp suns, may really be gossiped about or do gossips.
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11. Sagittarius placements (sun and rising esp) always have something going on with their teeth. Its either crooked, it may have had an injury and even if its perfect, they might be a little insecure about it at least for a brief period in their life
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12. Neptune in 7th house could mean the native has kind of like imaginary ideals about their partner. It could also be that they "like the idea of someone more than the person" or straight up like imaginary characters as ideals
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13. Sag mercury women usually are very vocal. May advocate for things like unequal rights, feminism, maybe the first one to speak. tbh sag mercuries overall are the types to take part in global challenges and really take time out to think about it seriously.
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14. Sun in 8th house is a mysterious placement. Sun in 8th house won't reveal themselves to you. To be fairly honest, growing up their personality goes through a lot of transformation before they finally get to even know themselves and who they are. They could also be very introspective if not self aware
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15. while Moon in 8th house natives are usually said that they won't reveal their true emotions, I'd say that's subjective since they are actually "aware" of their feelings on a deep level. This depends on the sign and degree of the moon imo. However, they may instead absolutely illusion you into thinking "you know everything about them" lol. Also, they could eventually get very emotionally intelligent in their lives with time. They may also never fully reveal their past to someone.
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16. Moon in 8th house can have two moods. I know this will happen. See this happened. OR I know EXACTLY why this did not happen lol. Very intuitive.
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17. Moon in Gemini degrees can indicate being able to verbalize and intellectualize emotions better than most people. While Moon in Aquarius or Capricorn may suggest otherwise.
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18. Idk how but most Aquarius people I have seen have either of these two things. Being extremely different than most people (in a good or bad way) in some way or the other, a different thinking than most. OR, being really really good with Internet related stuff, like maybe freelance? Digital Media? Social Media?
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19. Venus/Sun/Moon in virgos will get you the small thing you mentioned in a random seemingly unimportant conversation for your birthday gift.
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20. A placement that makes me think of "attractive personality" is Venus in harmonious aspects with mercury.
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21. Mars in 5th house/1st house are said to be automatically physically active or athletic. While this maybe true, mars or any other planet at a weak degree or Mars in Earth signs may not manifest that way, even though it may seem otherwise.
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22. I think mercury in 11th house is an OG placement for over thinkers or the people who are thinking how would it feel to get married while riding the car/train and looking outside, or being constantly in their head the second they woke up.
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23. " I am so stupid in love"- Pisces, Cancer placements.
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24. Neptune in 3rd/11th house placements could have a social media or chronically online addiction.
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25. Sun in 1st house in SR can indicate getting a sense of identity and purpose and moreover finding yourself again
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26. Uranus in 12th house in SR can indicate a change/transformation in old belief systems and thoughts
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Well, I am thinking of making proper dedicated posts now instead of random notes like that. What suggestions do you have? I would loveee to know.
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cyanmountains · 2 days
Every episode of this season has had a "false reality" so far. people living in myths or stories coming to life, where reality is exposed or restored in the end:.
Space Babies: The boogeyman beeing created from a story and how Nan-E is actually a real person instead of a robot
The Devil's Chord: The concept of music is alive. Plus the bad timeline this episode which gets prevented and the surreal dance number at the end
Boom: The soldiers believing there are enemies in the fog, the reveal that there is no enemy, they've been fighting an imaginary threat
73 yards: Ruby's alternate timeline that unwinds itself at the end. also the pub guests telling a made up myth to scare ruby, and Mad Jack coming to life as Gwilliam. *
Dot and Bubble: Finetime as an artificial, contained reality. Lindy's true nature beeing exposed in the end. And how the Finetimers are out of touch with reality, thinking they can survive in the wilderness and their racist belief of beeing the "pure chosen people".
(*I really like the theory that everything in Ruby's 73 yards timeline is shaped around her perceptions and beliefs - a false reality that she has unintentionally made herself)
This could mean nothing but it's definetly an interesting theme!. If this is intentional it definitely would fit a "they are in a tv show" plot twist. I'm excited to see if Rogue will continue that theme (based on what we've seen, it seems likely - with groff playing a mysterious secretive character and the synopsis of the episode)
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yuurei20 · 3 days
Hello! I wanted to ask, but do we have any visual descriptions of the blot monster that killed Ortho? Like even just if it was big or if it had claws anything like that lol
Also this is a bit of a darker question do feel free to not answer this part but is the it ever implied or said how exactly Ortho was killed? Like did the blot monster like.. bite or maybe squash him? (Ngl I'd normally ask it in a more graphic way but I don't wanna make you uncomfortable)
Anyways I hope you have a good night/day whenever you read this <3
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you for this question!
I do not believe we have any detailed description of exactly what it is that happened to human-Ortho and, interestingly, we do not really know what happened to Idia, either!
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There is a loud sound of something striking against something else and Idia says, "Everything after that is a blank for me. By the time I woke up, Ortho was gone."
What was that sound we hear after the monster lunges for Ortho? Metal against metal? Someone or something hitting a wall, or floor? How did Idia fall unconscious, and what happened in between Ortho being attacked and Idia being knocked out?
"Everything after that is a blank" may be insinuating that something happened during that "everything after," but he either can't or does not want to remember what it was. Very curious!
And there may be more to this scene than meets the eye 👀
When Ortho reacts to the creature coming down the hall, he doesn't call it a phantom: he calls it a monster.
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"Monster" is one of the various ways that the cast refer to Grim (re: Animal vs. Monster vs. Cat vs. Dire Beast vs. Tanuki (pt1) / Animal vs. Monster vs. Cat vs. Dire Beast vs. Tanuki (pt2) ).
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STYX labels him a dire beast in Book 6, but at the same time we learn that Grim is under a powerful spell that STYX's supercomputer can't actually analyze!
Grim might not be a direbeast at all, and we have already heard of creatures that will blend in with direbeasts in order to hide: phantoms 👀
I first came across this theory via Vtuber Toro-san (shared with permission) who points out some interesting things we know about the creature:
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1. It was subject ROS-3367A, which possibly means that the phantom originally came from the Queendom of Roses, and Grim is theorized to have been at least partially based on Dinah from Alice in Wonderland.
(In Book 6 we also hear about a SUS-332OB, theorized to be from Sunset Savanna.)
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2. While the weaker phantoms frozen on the higher levels of Tartarus in Book 6 mostly growl, the stronger phantoms frozen deeper inside would sometimes speak, saying, "I'm hungry, feed me flesh," "Don't go, stay with me" and "I want to be friends, too."
This is not impossible to tie back to Grim, who recalls waking up "hungry and alone," saying "it was real cold."
He follows with, "What happened after that again? It's all so foggy..."
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Grim is mysterious enough on his own, not knowing where NRC is located (which begs the question: how did he get there?) and having significant gaps in his memory, in addition to being so unfamiliar with basic information of what is (presumably?) his own world that other characters often express surprise. (re: Grim's Memory / Grim's Experiences)
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3. The chimera in the prologue has long been theorized to be some form of overblotted Grim. Is that his true form as a potentially flesh-eating, unfrozen phantom under a curse and/or blessing that no one understands?
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We do not know! :> To the original question: it is difficult to pinpoint how exactly it was that Ortho died, as we do not know exactly what it was that killed him. (If it was the chimera in the opening, though, we have an idea of what it is he may have looked like at the time!)
We know Ortho was killed by a monster who had just escaped from a place built expressly for the purpose of housing lonely, violent, and hungry creatures--but that is all!
Perhaps a mystery to be solved as the plot thickens 👀
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pedgito · 1 day
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It's the season of Summer Lovin'—and with the perfect...men. A Pedro Pascal character extravaganza all wrapped up into a series of locations, hidden behind numbers of your choosing and carefully crafted for each Pedro boy. If you're interested, please be sure to read through the following instructions and important information below:
There are 50 moodboards to choose from, first come first serve. (none of these pictures dictate the appearance of reader, this is all purely for vibes and up for your own interpretation) All request need to be sent through my askbox!
There's no maximum word count, but we suggest a minimum of 500 words if you're interested, but that is only a suggestion. Write as much or as little as your heart demands.
(Located under the read more) All numbers are separated by 10 location and labeled 1-5 on each, so when requesting a number please do so in the following manner, [ 'camping, #1' or 'barbecue, #5'] and in the chance that number is already taken, I will message you privately to re-choose.
These moodboards will come with the following requirements: a character, a location, and a quote/sentence that all must be incorporated into the fic, everything else is up to you!
All requests will take place June 2nd-3rd and entries will be due to be posted June 20th-22nd!
These fics will all be reblogged across the blogs of myself (@pedgito), @chaotic-mystery, @amanitacowboy over the course of that week!
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#1 — taken (@ladamedusoif)
#2 — taken (@janaispunk)
#3 — taken (@ovaryacted)
#4 — taken (@sp00kymulderr)
#5 — taken (@beskarandblasters)
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#1 — taken (@wildemaven)
#2 — taken (@schnarfer)
#3 — taken (@hellfire-state-of-mind)
#4 — taken (@paulmescal-s)
#5 — taken (@ramblers-lets-get-ramblin)
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#1 — taken (@iamasaddie)
#2 — taken (@beefrobeefcal)
#3 — taken (@undercoverpena)
#4 — taken (@i-own-loki)
#5 — taken (@burntheedges)
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#1 — taken (@the-blind-assassin-12)
#2 — taken (@saradika)
#3 — taken (@pr0ximamidnight)
#4 — taken (@inept-the-magnificent)
#5 — taken (@lady-of-glass-and-bone)
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#1 — taken (@whocaresstillthelouvre)
#2 — taken (@couldsewyouastitchandsavenine)
#3 — taken (@thelastofhyde)
#4 — taken (@jomiddlemarch)
#5 — taken (@sizzlingcloudmentality)
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#1 — taken (@punkshort)
#2 — taken (@starstruckunknown-princess)
#3 — taken (@vivian-pascal)
#4 — taken (@ozarkthedog)
#5 — taken (@missredherring)
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#1 — taken (@leslie-lyman)
#2 — taken (@joelalorian)
#3 — taken (@sweetenerobert)
#4 — taken (@the-orange-tabby-cat)
#5 — taken (@joelscurls)
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#1 — taken (@amanitacowboy)
#2 — taken (@luxurychristmaspudding)
#3 — taken (@thesluttylittleknee)
#4 — taken (@rhoorl)
#5 — taken (@criticallyacclaimedstranger)
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#1 — taken (@pedgito)
#2 — taken (@chaotic-mystery)
#3 — taken (@quinnnfabrgay-writes)
#4 — taken (@rulexofxnines)
#5 — taken (@iluvstrawberry)
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#1 — taken (@carusolikey)
#2 — taken (@flightlessangelwings)
#3 — taken (@sawymredfox)
#4 — taken (@avastrasposts)
#5 — taken (@studioghibelli)
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Please make sure to tag your entries under #SummerLovin24 and tag either @chaotic-mystery, @amanitacowboy, or myself (@pedgito)! These will all be reblogged through the week of June 20th-22nd!
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nadiajustbe · 3 days
One of my favorite parts about the writing of Howl's Moving Castle is how easy it is to write off all the things from our world at first as him just being a weird wizard™ (also thanks to bestie @jutenium for spotting this I wouldn't put it like that without you!!/pos). Sure, Sophie uses weird descriptions, but readers have every reason to believe them because of the way Howl is presented as a character. When Sophie says he wrote with a quill that doesn't need an ink, you wouldn't think it was actually a ballpoint pen, you would think Howl had just enchanted his quill so that it wouldn't need ink! When she adds that she can't make out a single word, you think he has matchingly terrible handwriting, but in fact Sophie has simply never seen a pen writing. When she sees the mysterious labels on his books, you think he's keeping a lot of obscure magical literature, but it's really just an encyclopedia and a guide like "Top 10 Rugby Tips." When Sophie notices the bottles in Howl's bathtub, you think they're some kind of magical jars where he keeps girl's hearts, but I'm almost certain that they're just 'Dove' and 'Head and Shoulders' that he's enhanced with his spells and put silly labels on. When you read Calicifer singing a song in a language Sophie doesn't understand, you think it's some kind of ancient cipher or code, but it's actually just a rugby song in Welsh that Howl sings when he's drunk. And finally, when you see the terrifying black door, which is completely shrouded in darkness, you imagine a passage to an eerie, mythical place, similar to what Miyazaki showed us - but it's just fucking Wales.
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swanfactory · 3 days
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⭑𓂃 an alhaitham x fem!reader smau
˚₊‧꒰ running into your ex on an overseas trip with your friends was definitely not part of the plan ꒱ ‧₊˚
synopsis: after finally graduating from the akademiya, [name] and her friends decide that they deserve to unwind after their past years of hard work; and what better way to do that than a girls trip to fontaine! but fate works in mysterious ways because it seems like fontaine is quite the popular vacation spot…especially amongst akademiya graduates.
— contains: modern au! exes to lovers, characters might act ooc sometimes, inaccurate description of university life (the system is completely different where i’m from so if anything is inaccurate lmk!!), swearing, kys/kms jokes, suggestiveness (nothing nsfw tho!!!), angst, alcohol consumption, misunderstandings, toxic parents…
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ballers 🔥 fun people + alhaitham extras
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prologue: graduation d-2
one: D-DAY
two: post graduation bliss
three: making it out of the gc
four: fontaine here we come!
five: vacation but at what cost
six: never back down never what!
seven: tba..
eight: tba…
nine: tba…
ten: tba…
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🦢’s note: my first ever series omg 🥹 so excited n also very very nervous….also i wanted to thank you all for all the love on my blog and posts im so beyond grateful 😵‍💫 i’ll continue to improve (hopefully lol) n do my best!! again thank you i love you 💌
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𓂃 TAGLIST: open :3
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a swanfactory work. please don’t plagiarize, translate or repost on other platforms!
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dovesndecay · 3 days
It's June! It's Pride! It's (my) Birthday!
The Introduction Spiel:
Hi, I'm Reyah! (any pronouns! no really, go for it!) On June 21st, I'm turning 32, an exciting and mysterious age to be!! (So I've heard)
Warning: This is a post asking for financial help, and if there's one thing I would ask is that if you read the whole thing: please reblog.
I'm a multiply-disabled queer person of color, a writer, artist, and photographer. I live with three of my best-good-pal-friends, (@renthony, @kryptidkhaos, and @natalieironside) and our collective army of pets.
We all know it's damned hard to be all these things at the same time under the capitalistic hellscape we're living under, and we/I am always in need of a lot of help with the existing.
I ended the month of May with some smaller bills left still to pay, but am thankful to say that June already had fewer bills than usual due, and the amount I need to start the summer off right is actually less than I was afraid it would be! Woohoo!
What I Make
I mentioned my artistic endeavors, let me show you them!!
I write less often than I'd like, but I share poetry and shorts, when I have them, on my Patreon!
You must be over 18 to pledge, as I have, can, and will again share Adult Content occasionally. Patrons pledging at least $1/month get access to all content. But most posts becomes free to access eventually. :)
When I do longer form content, I primarily write fantasy with a focus on queer brown characters with disabilities, mental illnesses, and disordered attachments. Because therapy is expensive, and writing is free.
I do wildlife and landscape photography, primarily, but you can also check out my portrait and event work on my website! You can purchase PRINTS HERE.
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And because it's my birthday, I'm offering a 32% discount code for all my prints! The code is good from June 1st to July 1st!
A Note, if you purchase a print: first off: thank you. (please feel free to send a photo of wherever you display it!!!) secondly: this will not go towards the received totals on my financial need because Pixels doesn't pay out until nearly 2 months after the purchase. Funds made from sales will go towards future needs.
I've been exploring art, both analog and digital, a lot more lately, and have shared both process photos and final drafts on Patreon! Here are just a few examples:
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I admittedly don't post on patreon as much as I wish I had the energy to, but I try to make at least one thing a month, provided I have the spoons and time.
Creativity is, like, a level 5 spell slot when you're disabled and impoverished, and I appear to have exactly One (1) of those available at any given time.
The Needs:
The Bills: $1,100
Yeah, we had to get here eventually. Since this post is already pretty long, I'm putting the rest under a cut.
More than half of this, as always, is just for the car payment and insurance that keeps the regular day-job-haver getting to said job, and all our medical appointments, errands, etc.
I still owe around $13,000 total on Johnny Car, but I think we all know that's just not a real number.
The rest of the funds would go toward paying the small subscriptions, for my various medications, and the regular attempts to whittle away slowly at the $4,300 worth of other debt.
($2,200 of back taxes, and $2,100 of credit card debt, and gods, do I mean slowly. Interest piles up so much faster than I can seem to whittle.)
If you're able and willing to help with paying the bills, direct donations can be made here:
PayPal | (link)
Venmo | (dovesndecay)
Cashapp | ($dovesndecay)
If you can, and only if you can.
The It Would Be Cools:
Since every dime that comes in goes primarily towards food and bills, there's little left afterward to be put towards other life necessities like clothes, toiletries, let alone things I just think would be nice/neat/nifty to have.
I have a High Priority wishlist. It's mostly art supplies, bulk toiletries, etc.
I'm woefully low on clothes, being short, fat, and trans, so very little of what I own actually feels good to wear so much as it simply covers my body. I have a wishlist of clothes that would be nice to have.
For everything that firmly lands under the "I just want it" category, I have an Enrichment list. It's mostly stuffies, but also games, room decor, hobby supplies, books, and stim toys.
Our household keeps a big wishlist for things we need, want, groceries, accessibility products, and everything in-between.
Okay, now what?
Well, now, I'm gonna ask that if you got to this point, and if you can't/don't want to do any of the things listed above, then please reblog this post.
The more people that reblog it, the more likely I'm able to pay my bills for one more month this year.
But if you don't, it's not like anyone's gonna know. I'm not omniscient, I swear.
Anyway, I don't expect anyone to do anything if you can't or even if you just don't wanna, but if you can and you're willing to, it means the world.
I didn't think this is where I'd be at 32. But I never really expected to get here at all in the end, and it's a lot nicer than I thought it would be. Mostly because I am surrounded by amazing people who have the capacity to be so much kinder than I will ever have the words to describe.
Thank you, and to all, a happy pride!
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osamiiya · 3 days
AITA- Miya Atsumu x Reader
Summary: Am I the asshole for falling in love with my volleyball team manager? They’re also my childhood friend and I accidentally ran away from them after kissing them after we won the finals…
Atsumu kisses his team manager on accident (he’s in love with them) and turns to reddit for help.
Rating: Teen (For language!)
Warnings: Language!!
Notes: Mainly from Atsumu POV, lmk if we ever want the reader’s POV, no pronouns or gender identifying characters used in regards to the reader! The ending is rushed idk where I was going with this.
A/n: Hi it’s been a while i’m in college now and recently rewatched haikyuu so expect things (possibly) from me this summer
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Atsumu’s fingers hover above his phone keypad, glaring down at the blinking text cursor staring back up at him. He gnaws on his lip slightly, feeling the salty sweat from the days activities on his tongue.
He hadn’t meant for this to happen. He got caught up in the moment! It could happen to anyone, really!
One thing you know, you’re watching the ball hit the floor on the other side of the net. Heart pumping and ears ringing from the adrenaline and excitement of the successful setter dump. The poor, distraught faces staring up at him from across the net.
Atsumu promises he’s not a psychopath.
If anything, it was the cheers that erupted from the crowd, boosting his confidence and grinding his decision making skills lower than they already are (according to ‘Samu).
Heart pumping, his head whipped to the side, tunnel visioning on your bright smile from the sidelines. In fact, his feet moved without his consent, pulled by some invisible force dragging him to you.
Next thing he knows, he’s gathering your face in his hands, gently, a complete contradiction to the wild, vibrant, exhilarating emotions working their way through his body.
Atsumu’s eyes met yours, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips, then he was leaning in, then his eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his lips to yours.
He doesn’t even know if you closed your eyes.
And the kiss was… not like what he wanted his first kiss with you to be.
Sure, there were fireworks, and he’s been dreaming of this moment for years and years. And Atsumu thinks he could die in the next five minutes and die without any regrets. Then his eyes snap open, as realization pours over him like a bucket of ice water. Thinking about it now, Atsumu thinks the realization is more abrupt. Like a slap to the face, or like the time Osamu ripped his bandaid off his leg.
Within the mere seconds of eye contact and lip contact, Atsumu has four different realizations:
1. His mother was in the stands, watching her son kiss the kid she remembers from her sons’ childhood, always knocking on their door asking if “‘Tsumu and ‘Samu wanted to pass the volleyball around with them.
2. His team was probably watching him kiss their team manager. He would get an earful from Kita no matter what, and he would probably disappear in mysterious and ominous ways if they quit the manager position because of this.
3. He was sweaty. Almost obnoxiously so. The hands cupping your face? Disgusting. They were on the floor, touching the volleyball, slick with sweat, and somehow dry all at once. His face? Sweaty. His hair? Probably all messed up from sweat.
The fourth and final realization is arguably the most important:
4. The two of you were not dating. In fact, you had no idea of these feelings he had been harboring for you. And by kissing you, not only had he revealed these feelings, but possibly, completely ruined the almost 10 year friendship between the two of you.
All of these realizations poured over Atsumu like a bucket of ice water.
He pulls away from you, like he had been burned by the slight pressure on his lips. He stares at you for a moment, barely registering the commotion around the two of you.
And he bolts.
Atsumu realizes that he doesn’t care about going to nationals anymore, and instead only cares about getting to the furthest location from Gymnasium 1. His legs, of course, also do not care that he played five sets, and carry him all the way to his backpack, tucked in some stairway with everyone else’s gear, and into the bathroom. Slamming the door behind him.
He mutters a few curse words as he locks the door, staring at the empty row of stalls in front of him.
“I’m going to live out my life and die in this bathroom.” He groans out, burying his face in his (disgusting) hands.
He fishes his phone out of his backpack. He goes through a mental checklist of the people he knows and is willing to ask for advice about.
Atsumu draws a blank.
‘The internet will know.’ Atsumu thinks. It would be better for random strangers to counsel him.
He starts typing.
“Am I the asshole for running away from someone after kissing them?”
Atsumu thinks he’s an asshole, but maybe the internet sees the situation differently.
“I (17M) am in love with my high school volleyball team manager. We‘re childhood friends, and I remember loving them as love as I remember how the sun feels on my skin. This year we won all of our matches and quality to advance to spring nationals.
The last match we won had everyone really hyped. In the midst of the excitement, I kissed my manager. In front of everyone. And then I ran. Because I’m scared.
I’m currently hiding in the bathroom, because I don’t know what else to do, and I suppose my excitement got the best of me, but i’m not sure I can continue daily life knowing what the pressure of their lips against mine was. I want to confess but If it goes wrong, everything in my life gets impacted.
Did I ruin any chance at anything by running? It was kind of a dick move.
He posts it.
A minute later his phone lights up with a notification informing him of a response. Several responses.
“Yes, you’re an asshole. People need to use this bathroom.”
“It was mad funny”
“Please come out so we can talk.”
A cold sweat forms on his neck when he realizes it was his personal account he posted from. Rookie mistake.
If he does die, Atsumu would rather be in the doorway of the bathroom, rather than surrounded but the smells of different bodily…things.
He opens the door, smiling at you sheepishly.
“Hey, what brings you here?”
Your smile doesn’t reach your lips, and Atsumu sweats.
“Have something to say?” Your voice only serves to speed up the heart palpitations in his chest. Atsumu is even sure that if you were looking at his eyes, you would see them dilate in affection.
He’s making a noise, he realizes. Staring dumbly at your lips, an “um” sound occupying the space as he tries to gather his words and not think about how soft your lips were, or how he could basically taste the smile on your lips.
“I like you… and not in the way I should. I’ve been in love with you forever, and ‘Samu’s always on my case about it and I really don’t know what to do about it and you looked so pretty smiling there after we won and I dunno I just-“
Your lips are on his again, interrupting the word vomit spilling from his lips.
He melts, and his hands come up to grip your waist as his eyes flutter closed and he leans into the kiss.
And suddenly the pressure is gone, your eyes sparkling with mischief as you mumble against his lips, before dashing down the hall.
“I like you too.”
Atsumu’s quick to follow, feeling the burn of overworked muscle in his thighs, and listening to the sound of your laugh echo down the hall.
He guesses he’s not as big of an asshole as he thought.
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cherllyio · 12 hours
Macaque will be trapped in The Underworld - A season 5 theory
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Now, why would this make sense? Because it would fit perfectly with his characther devolpemt so far.
So, lets look at the evidence for that.
Macaque has through these 4 seasons gone from someone who does everything for his own sake, because of his own personal trauma, to someone who is starting to develop direct friendships with our main cast. (which this person talks more about in depth)
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Therefore, it would make sense, if we start going into the most mysterious part of this monkey’s past: His time in the Underworld.
This would make sense for two reasons:
We could get answers on how he ended up in The Underworld in the first place (aka Shadowpeach lore)
We could get answers on WHY all our mystic monkeys are getting accused of breaking the sky, but we would also get some more answers about this guy, The Traitor.
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The Shadowpeach part makes sense, therefore I want to go into more details with the whole “Macaque meeting The Traitor” - part of this theory, because they are actual scenes that indicates this in the trailer.
As this person mentioned in a breakdown of the trailer, it looks a lot like here that Macaque is getting sucked into Li Jing's Pagoda (because of that flashing light that looks awfully similar),
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and after I made a timeline of the trailer, I realized that Macaque doesn’t really show up in the following scenes after he supposetly gets trapped in the Pagoda.
So, from a story perspective, it looks like Macaque stayed behind to fight off Li Jing, while the others got away in the car, while he himself got captured. This would then lead to Macaque again getting trapped in The Underworld, so they could keep an eye (pun intended) on him.
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This would then result in Macaque getting (PTSD) flashbacks to his time in The Underworld, where there is a pretty realistic chance, in that time, he MET the Traitor.
Think about it. The Traitors whole goal is “chaos”, and our mystic monkeys are nothing but CHAOS. (talked more about this here)
There is also the fact that a theory (you can find it here) going around that The Traitor was the one who released Azure Lion from his prison, but erased his memory so he didn’t remember how he even got out:
(Season 4, ep 10)
Wukong: Wait, how are you here?
Azure: What, what kind of question is that?! You know exactly how-
Wukong: No, here and now. I put you in The Underworld myself. How did you get out? How did you get the scroll? I know for sure you didn’t steal it, you couldn’t have.
Azure Lion: I- I don’t know… I was…
Wukong: Azure! Who gave you that scroll? Because whoever it was, they must have known this would happen. WANTED this to happen, and they used you to do it.
Azure: I just wanted to make the world a better place.
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There is then a good chance that he did something similar to Macaques memory, where one of thoughs memories could be his final fight with Wukong.
The Traitor could have made it so that Macaque remembers it as Wukong DIRECTLY killing him, but as David Breen mentioned, that’s just how Macaque views it.
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Therefore, that’s what is going to be Macaque next character development in this season:
What happened in the past? More specifically what ACTUALLY between him and Wukong. Because we, the fandom, don’t know, but maybe MACAQUE doesn’t even know himself.
We can also, with this new information, figure out another important of his next arc: The theme of understanding.
We also know that a lot of the reasons for Wukong and Macaques fallout, is because they MISUNDERSTOOD a lot what the other actually intended.
We also know that Macaque is starting to realize that too, in the way he reacted when he saw his and Wukongs fight again: He realized HE MISUNDERSTOOD what Wukong had meant.
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The seeds have been planted everyone, and we are know going to see what they are turning into. And that is a story of Understanding, growth, and friendship (or whatever the hell their realtionship is at this point).
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campfam4lyfe · 2 days
I get that Brooklynn is your favorite, she used to be mine too, but what are your thoughts on her in chaos theory? Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it. I don't like her much anymore.
time to do my job as a brooklynn defender lol, alright here goes:
Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it.
So. Thinking about Brooklynn. About her death. You mention how she faked it. except, I don’t think saying she faked it is really an accurate or fair description.
Brooklynn didn’t fake anything—here is what we know, and here is what I mean. The facts that we are presented with through season 1. limited as they are, are that Brooklynn was at a Dino Drop, the allosaurus escaped, and that it "killed her." Except it didn't really kill her. It is framed as an accident--a random Dino attack. But Ben shows up and suddenly it's clear that maybe it wasn't an accident.
So let's run through the facts one more time. Brooklynn's 'death' at the hands of the allosaurus wasn't an accident. It was premeditated. The attack was an honest to goodness attempt on Brooklynn's life. One the camp fam--and the people who targeted Brooklynn in the first place--believed worked. You're going to want to keep this in mind, because now I am going to address the other part of your ask.
Don't you feel they destroyed her character? She's not herself anymore, and the fact that she can just. Fake her death and traumatize her friends/neglect her boyfriend like. I don't know, thats not it.
Brooklynn's character has not, to me, been destroyed.
We see little of Brooklynn and what she was doing throughout Chaos Theory, because we are learning about her again through the eyes and memories of the people who loved and mourned her--we are gathering bits and pieces, parts of the narrative that we, as the viewers, can piece together more efficiently than the actual players, because the knowledge the Camp Fam has is disjointed in that they are not all privy to the same information or how it connects--and it's not their fault at all! They are not working under the same information we have--that Brooklynn is alive--and so, don't know why certain things are more important. Even we don't have the full picture, although what we have is a little clearer.
But from what we see of Brooklynn throughout Chaos Theory, there is something there that you believe is not true to her previously established character. I disagree. I think what you are talking about, when you say that she is not herself anymore, is that Brooklynn is too invested in her conspiracies, so much so that she has thrown everything else away--her "life", her regard for her friends/family and her relationships with them.
But I think, that when it comes to Brooklynn, being obsessed with a conspiracy or mystery is in fact a major core part of her character. We saw it all throughout Camp Cretaceous. She sneaks away when they visit Wu's lab that first time to snoop--and yes, maybe it was for her followers, trying to find something juicy before everything went to shit, but what she saw clearly stood out to her. She was hooked, she reviewed that footage, and it stayed with her so much so that when she saw the label E750 again at a later date while on the security cameras, she lingered over the shot before having to move on to help the others. And even then, it was clear that it stayed with her--whatever Wu did, whatever E750 was, it was a mystery and Brooklynn wanted to solve it.
And we see the others are aware of this! Sammy recruits Brooklynn to help out in her quest to find information, and the mystery consumes Brooklynn so much that initially, she was steamrolling right over Sammy's input. We also see Brooklynn's thirst for mystery solving when she becomes so focused on the frozen flowers, something she mentioned so much so that the other campers could quote her on it. We see it with her suspicions regarding Mitch and Tiff, and even Mae. We see it again in the final episode, when we catch a glimpse of the campers as teenagers. Brooklynn mentions the Lockwood Estate, which, for those who don't know or remember, is where the later events of JW:Fallen Kingdom (timeline wise, this is three years after the first Jurassic World, so three years after the kids first got left behind in the Park.) The events at the Lockwood Estate and what was supposed to be happening there wasn't public knowledge. That was Brooklynn following a lead, as at that point in time when she brings it up, the dinosaurs hadn't been set loose yet.
The reason I mention all this is because I really don't think Brooklynn's obsessiveness or drive is new. She loves investigative work, and she's good at putting together pieces too. She's also been shown to have a love for mysteries, loving Esther Stone and having her videos following the pattern of being named "Brooklynn unboxes x." She likes knowing the whys, whens, wheres, and whats. She literally says that she is trying to make the transition from influencer/vlogger to investigative journalist. Which is why I am not at all surprised with her being so focused on this Dino smuggling rings, and why I believe it was in character.
Tying It All Together
Now I know what you may be thinking. "But she neglected Kenji! That's not good girlfriend behavior. She faked her death! That's horrible." Valid, but also, not fundamentally true.
I said earlier, that by "not herself" you might mean that "Brooklynn is too invested in her conspiracies, so much so that she has thrown everything else away--her "life", her regard for her friends/family and her relationships with them." I don't think she has though, and if it has ended up that way, it was never her intention.
Take in all the Brooklynn scenes from Chaos Theory. Each member of the Camp Fam has an interaction with her that is shown through flashback or hinted at. So let's put together a timeline.
Brooklynn is dead at the start of the show, but for how long, I don't actually remember. I will put it at 6 months to a year, but if anyone else knows for sure, just let me know and I'll fix it. Anyways. She is dead for six months to a year. And in the months leading up to her death, she was investigating something, but they don't know what. We know that it had something to do with Dark Jurassic, Kenji's father, and Dino Smuggling. We know Ben introduced her to Dark Jurassic. We know Brooklynn stayed with Darius, left her jacket at Sammy's, and visited Yaz.
So here goes a tentative undertaking:
Ben introduces Brooklynn to Dark Jurassic and she visits him at his college. He hasn't dropped out/left yet. She is mentioning conspiracy theories, some as a joke, but its clear something there has caught her attention.
Brooklynn gets deeper into Dark Jurassic, and at some point reads about Dino Immersive therapy, which she recommends to Yaz. She visits her at some point, but when, is unclear.
Brooklynn visits Sammy. She is on Dark Jurassic so often that when Sammy has a flashback of her, Brooklynn is visibly on the site.
Brooklynn is with Kenji, but has been so absorbed in her mystery that she has started to neglect Kenji, but doesn't realize it. This goes on for a while. He breaks up with her and they are both devastated.
Brooklynn stays with Darius. Is still embroiled in her mystery. Asks Darius to meet up with her. "Dies."
Now, at some point before 4 and 5, Brooklynn visits Daniel Kon, gets a secret apartment, and is undercover within the Dino Smuggling ring.
We know that she did not tell her friends, or her boyfriend, any of this. Why? Especially Kenji! He was her boyfriend, one of her biggest supporter's, and his father was the guy Brooklynn went to so she could get her in to the smuggling world. Kenji has always heard her out, like when he was the one who stayed behind with her when she accidentally hurt Darius with the 'cool dad' comment. Kenji is the one who agreed to snoop with her regardless of his feelings because it was important to her. So why would she not go to her biggest supporter?
I believe that Chaos Theory tackled the kids growing up and their respective trauma very well. Not all of them are dealing very well. Yaz is the only one who seems to have gone to therapy, while Ben, Darius, and Kenji are all isolating. Sammy is dealing with repression and toxic positivity. It's very possible that Brooklynn was also dealing, and not very well at that. It's possible that her trauma manifested in another way. Maybe she needed to push herself into a project so she could ignore what happened--or maybe she needed to push herself into a project so if something happened, she could be prepared? We don't know! And it's because we don't know that I am going to, for the time being, ignore this, and focus on the possible reasons as to why she didn't tell them from what we do know.
Yaz has PTSD, and struggled a lot with the hopelessness of having to put the dinosaurs first and it costing them their way home in the later seasons of CC. So maybe Brooklynn didn't tell her because she didn't want to halter Yaz's progress. Still, she let on that she was investigating something and about Dark Jurassic.
Sammy is worried about Yaz, and so maybe Brooklynn didn't tell her because involving Sammy might mean involving Yaz, or maybe she didn't want to put stress on their relationship by having Sammy lie to her. Still, she let on that she was investigating something and about Dark Jurassic.
Ben had college. What, was she just going to disrupt that? Still, she let on that she was investigating something and talked with him about Dark Jurassic, which he introduced her to.
Kenji. Kenji was her boyfriend, her rock, THE Brooklynn enabler. who has always heard her out. The only time he didn't hear her out immediately was when his father was interfering. The same father she would need to go to for a door into the smuggling world. The same father who Kenji lived close to but never visited. In the last season of CC, Brooklynn, when investigating Daniel Kim, says that she won't break Kenji's heart without a good reason. Maybe, she did not feel like going to him about his father was a good reason--Kenji was in a good place, how could she hurt him like that? Maybe she thought she was protecting him. So she doesn't tell him. Still, she let on that she was investigating something.
Darius. Darius is my biggest "Brooklynn's Fake Death Can't Be Classified As Willfully Malicious On Her Part" card. Because he is the one that proves that Brooklynn did not in fact get sucked in so deep in her mystery that she tossed away all bonds and relationships. Did her death fuck him up? Definitely. But guys! She called him there that night, they had plans, she was "going to show him something!!!" Guys. She went to Darius. She was going to show Darius. Do you get that. In Chaos Theory, they say "Brooklynn was there to buy the Allosaurus that night." They are heartbroken. Yaz and Sammy say no way, and Darius says it is true, that she had a secret apartment, cash, and a note from Mr.Kim. But guys. She was going to show Darius.
Every time Brooklynn is called out on her behavior and shown how her obsessiveness hurts her friends—the way Sammy called her out when they were investigating E750, or her feeling regret over the “cool dad” comment when investigating Mitch and Tiff—she takes a step back and reassesses. She starts to investigate again but with changed behavior. That’s growth. Kenji breaking up with her may have really been the catalyst to her trying to show Darius what she was up to. As Darius says, Brooklynn was really torn up about the breakup and it is so visible on her face that she is devastated—she loved Kenji. She loved her friends.
So Brooklynn’s behavior, it was not Brooklynn cutting out her friends. Was she 100% honest with all of them? No. And unfortunately, the one person who she was going to show what was going on, didn't get to make it, and Brooklynn was killed.
Except she lived. So why not tell them? Why let them stew in grief? Why abandon them? Look, I think a lot of you are forgetting that the kids are very very good at improv. Are we forgetting Darius and Kash?An attempt on Brooklynn's life was made, and she somehow miraculously survived. She adapted, and made a plan on the go, lying low, somehow creating a trusted network, while being unable to reach out to her friends--it would blow her cover, and also possibly put them in danger. Who knows? Besides. Let's not forget, Ben was not the one who called Darius in that first episode. I don't know, but I do think it could have been Brooklynn, or someone on behalf of her, like Ronnie. (Or it could have been raptor lady to make sure Darius was home but who knows!)
Look, ultimately, you don't have to like her, and I'm not forcing anyone to! I do love her though, and her choices are ones I will defend. Besides, I know we are talking about camp fam trauma reactions to Brooklynn's death, but guys, flip side? We have a character who was going to tell her friend what she was up to, only to have an assassination attempt on her life causing her to lose a limb and go into hiding, not being able to contact her loved ones. I cannot even begin to think of the trauma Brooklynn has.
I hope this answers your ask anon, I feel I rambled too much lol!
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OK so I'm finally listening to the Rick and Morty Multiversus lines and omg?
"Stick close to Grandpa" omg my heart
"Don't tell your sister about this" lmao Summer would be so jealous
"You're doing great, Morty" he's being so supportive?
"You get those moves from my side" proud Grandpa moment
Morty wants Steven to teach him ukelele? That's so cute
AND he wants to play video games with him?
Garnet is definitely the mum Morty needs
"Do your parents really just let you cruise around and solve mysteries?" Morty your parents literally let you go on adventures with Rick
Morty is so cute, all his awkward attempted bonding and trash talk
Him just chugging orange juice in the middle of a fight is hilarious
Rick's pronunication of 'ouroboros' is killing me. Is that how it's actually pronounced? My only frame of reference is Red Dwarf 😅
Omg Rick awkwardly flirting with himself is just what I needed this pride month
Lmao at all the Joker's lines about Rick's age
Rick canonically wants tall women to step on him/beat him up
"Ew, I wish that face were a mask" fucking DESTROYED
"Are you a real scientist? Or a 'spends too much time alone in his garage' scientist?" Jesus I did not think Bugs Bunny would be the one to completely see through Rick
Why is a literal Looney Tunes character asking Rick for drugs
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A 14 point outline of Silver’s character in the games and Sonic Channel
Rude punk(yes, he is very rude and in Japanese he speaks with punk mannerisms) with a good heart and strong sense of justice. 
Kind-hearted altruist that wants to “protect smiles” and make people happy because he grew up in a world where everyone lived in despair.
Taurus that is direct and blunt, he hides almost nothing and is straightforward in his actions and thinking. His words and actions are also dominated by his feelings and he is so honest that he cannot lie(though he can change the subject).
Pure person with an “honest, unpretentious and kind demeanor”. His genuineness endears people to him and makes them want to support him(this is why Blaze likes him, he’s the opposite of the stuck up lying politicians she has to deal with). He is forthright in every sense of the word.
Determind optimist that believes there’s always hope as long as you don’t give up(quote from JP Forces). He has positive energy that inspires people and gives hope to others during both disasters and personal issues like performance anxiety.
Talented and skilled, almost hyper competent professional(He takes offense to being treated like an amateur) that uses his (thinking) mind to solve problems(He does this in all of his major game roles). He makes steady efforts to improve his abilities and can skillfully do many things from odd job Town Missions around Soleanna to being a “genius” skating coach. He is sharp and perceptive enough to solve mysteries, puzzles and see through Eggman’s plans. His naivete makes him low wisdom but not low intellect.
Pragmatist with a cut straight to the point mentality that doesn’t care about details like plan names(Sonic Forces). He is very focused on his current goals(even during sports, he says he likes the Jade Wisp because it lets him disappear and focus on racing), is ruthless in what he’s willing to do to save the future and takes his mission as seriously as Blaze takes her’s.
When not on missions however, Silver is a fun loving young person that goes on journeys by himself, enjoys sightseeing, has a mischievous side and engages in cheerful activities. He truly loves the world and enjoys making people smile. He will drop his mission to help those in need. He is also a good friend and often shown to like apples.
Abrasive, snide and sarcastic. He is blunt with others and snotty towards opposition.
Proud warrior that fought and struggled for half his life(so since he was a small child). This means that he’s a natural fighter, has aggressive body language and intense expressions(even when playing sports or just doing anything he’s focused on), enjoys fighting, can “call forth great power without mercy”(i.e kill people), has an instant fight response when surprised(Sonic Generations), can endure great pain(undeterred by being kicked in the head in 06 or shred across the street in Generations), recklessly faces danger, values bravery and dislikes cowardice(Sonic Rivals, Team Vector Interview) and is overall rough and tough(he’s not frail because he’s a psychic, he is athletic and has evenly physically brawled Shadow, Sonic and Knuckles. He's just slow for a hedgehog).
Easily angered, aggressive and headstrong(like Blaze), He is competitive and doesn’t take slights lying down.
Juvenile, outgoing and emotionally immature/unfiltered(opposite of Blaze), can be reckless and rash/quick to rush or take things too head on because of the strength of his feelings, so he benefits from having stoic composed partners(Blaze/Espio/Shadow) to pull him back.
Can get riled up. When he’s into something he gives it his all (I’m giving this every thing I’ve got!). When fired up, his unfiltered feelings can sometimes cause him to get a bit carried away in the heat of a moment(Olympic Games victory animations) or be a bit dramatic(Olympic Games loss animations). He is brash and passionate and wild. He can get indignant, be impatient and vicious towards things that get in his way but that all stems from a his sheer love for the world, feels anger and joy loudly.
Can also be quiet and introspective. He is contemplative, sentimental and appreciates little things. He is left breathless and at peace when seeing blue skies, beautiful environments or people living prosperously. He doesn’t say anything when something is on his mind, silently ponders his doubts and concerns, and serenely enjoys wonders of the world(“Isn’t that impressive?”, he says of the legend of Revival Bridge), feels sadness and contemplation quietly
It should also be noted that Silver is an AB blood type character which in Japanese culture denotes being aloof, dual natured and hard to pin down. Hence Silver being difficult to understand for many people.
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Problematic Yuri Tournament - Round Two
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Gushing Over Magical Girls vs. Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri
Gushing Over Magical Girls (manga by Ononaka Akihiro)
Submitted problematic elements: PHEW BOY, what isn't problematic about it? Sexual assault, manipulation, the entire cast being underage.
Submitted content warnings: Sexual assault for sure, noncon, dubcon, ageplay, bdsm
Submitted propaganda: Its genuinely good. Its a genuinely interesting story with excellent character designs and entertaining characters and the horniness is not just a coating of titties for fanservice, but fundamental to the plot. It is about self discovery and learning to accept yourself but not letting your desires consume you. The action is tense. The relationships between characters are interesting. Each character is charming in their own way, from the flop loser MC who is playing villain because she's hard up for magical girls to the magical girl who joined the good team bc the others watched her beat a demon in the head with a brick to the supervillain college dropout who wants to rule the world. There is an overarching mystery concerning why and how these girls gained power to begin with (i do NOT trust that little shit of a mascot). The mood and tone of the story is so masterful-- you can TELL when somethings wrong. There is also some very good comedy all throughout-- it's just a super fun read! They also got their first season of an anime recently (which is somehow hornier than the manga) so.
Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri (manga by Mochi au Lait)
Mod submission; MC fervently denies she likes girls at all while repeatedly drugging them into falling in love with her using a love potion. Plenty of drugging and dubcon/noncon shenanigans ensue. She's totally straight though she swears.
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There is no way people are saying Chaos Theory ruined Brooklynn.....she literally acts this way in CC. She always was into mysteries and conspiracies, that was her thing, and she was always right about things like that. In cc on many occasions she got to into the mysteries and conspiracy, so much so her friends would get mad, or push her away or she would push herself away from them, but she would eventually open up to them. In Chaos Theory that is exactly what happened. Everyone knows she was obsessed with Dark Jurassic, she got too into the mystery and obsessed so much so her boyfriend got mad and pushed her away, and then she tried to tell Darius and you know. Like....Girl was always like this.
With the death thing, i do think she is either faking it to a) keep them all safe and out of it and or b) trying to tear them down from the inside and not get her friends involved. She still has their photo so she obviously cares.
ALSO did you see how sad she was when Kenji broke up with her? She was devastated, she obviously did not mean to hurt him. She noticed she got to obsessed with Dark Jurassic. Like I do think her faking her death has to be for a good reason, she always has a reason. I just feel people want a reason to hate a female character with the best writing for no reason other then she is a woman (idk if this was a male character people would not be mad)
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And the Hands Have It!
well, @emotionallychargedtowel let out the bat signal (or in this case the hand signal) about the fact I had not talked about the hand moment in 25.00 Ji Akasaka de episode 7. Maybe this is what finally breaks me out of my essay writing slump. 
I love hands. 
I love hands because they are expressive. 
I love hands because they are intimate. 
I love hands because they can show us a truth that a face with all its intricate muscles does not always reveal. 
A character removes themself from emotion, pretends they are okay, but their hands clench in to fists and we know that they are angry. A character is not supposed to let their love for another show, but their hand reaches out for just a moment towards the other, we know that they want nothing more than to hold them. Fingers twitch as if electricity has run through them, cross to break a promise, reach across space in search of reciprocated feelings. 
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I absolutely loved episode 7 of At 25:00 in Akasaka because it was able to give us such incredible insight in to Hayama’s character in such a short period of time. We’ve been in Shirasaki’s head for so long, I had grown accustomed to Hayama’s stoic face. Assumed it was a mask of a different sort, one to shroud the character in mystery, placed there by an actor who knew exactly what he was feeling for his former classmate and was trying to keep Shirasaki on his toes. 
But instead we got a mask placed by a mother on a son, that fused to Hayama’s flesh every time another person assigned him value by his looks alone. A mask that is not so easy to remove, that will take time to shed forever, and so Hayama’s hands do what his face cannot. They show emotion. 
Asami’s hand reaches out and smooths down Yuki’s hair when their coworker tousles it because Asami cares about Yuki. 
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Asami’s hands reach out and place themselves on top of Yuki’s when kneading dough, because Asami wants to fuck Yuki.
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gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses
Asami’s hand grasps desperately at the side of Yuki’s face, and his fingers dig in to the back of Yuki’s neck, because this kiss means more to Asami than just practice, Asami wants this to be real. Asami likes Yuki, Asami has gotten ahead of himself, Asami’s face has barely changed when he and Yuki are together, but his hand betrays his feelings, without Asami even knowing. Asami's hands grasp at the side of Yuki's face and applys pressure, to show a want that Hayama has never ever been allowed to express. 
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gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses
And we end the episode with Asami trapped behind a pane of glass, where his hands cannot reach out for Yuki. His face is finally expressive, but Yuki’s turned away, shutting out the chance for Asami’s true feelings to be reaffirmed through touch. The way that Yuki knows. Because every touch Yuki has felt from Asami’s hands have been true. The feelings have been true, even while his face is still. And the feelings Yuki has, feelings Yuki has always, always conveyed out in the open, have been shattered on a lie (Asami’s words he heard and misconstrued).
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gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses
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