#I forgot y’all don’t live in my head and know what my ocs look and act like automatically 😭😭
marsithefox · 2 months
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6 notes · View notes
topazy · 15 days
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Daryl Dixon × OC, Rick Grimes × sister OC
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 3.08
“We’re not leaving.”
“We can’t stay here.”
Glenn shakes his head. “If Rick says we aren’t running, then we aren’t running.”
You readjust your arms slightly so Judith is in a better position as she feeds from the bottle. Since the governor's attack, there has been a contentious debate within your group about what to do next, adding to the growing tension. You personally wanted to leave, but without everyone's agreement, it would be impossible to do so. The best thing for your group to do was wait until the middle of the night, turn all the lights off, and try to sneak out, but there was no point in sharing that idea since it was probably too late.
“No, it's better to live like rats.”
You scoff at Merle, who was locked in one of the cells. He was a rat. Rick clicks his tongue. You ask, “You got a better idea?”
“Yeah, we should have slid out of here last night and lived to fight another day. But we lost that window, didn’t we? I’m sure he’s got scouts on every road out of this place by now.”
“We ain’t scared of that prick,” Daryl grunts. It was hard to take his rough exterior seriously as he walked up and down the cell block so Jace, who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, wouldn’t wake.
“Y’all should be. That truck through the fence was him just ringing the doorbell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he’s got the guns and the numbers. And if he takes the high ground around this place, shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to.”
Maggie glares at him, “Let’s put him in another cell block.”
Daryl shakes his head. “No, he’s got a point.”
“This is all you; you started this!” Maggie yells at Merle.
Another argument starts with whether the group should stay or leave. Your brother turns and goes to leave the cellblock, and you step in front of him. The look shared between you is a silent exchange of the unspoken burden you both carried. What happened to you, Woodbury, triggered something inside Rick. “We can’t ignore this; the governor will come back for us, and we need to be ready.”
When your brother starts to walk by you, Hershel furiously yells at him, “Get back here!”
Rick freezes on the spot.
“You’re slipping, Rick. We’ve all seen it, and we understand why, but now is not the time. You once said this isn’t a democracy. Now you have to own up to that. I put my family’s life in your hands, so get your head clear and do something.”
Daryl comes into your cell while you’re sitting on the floor reading to Jace. He sits down on the edge of the bed. His legs brush against yours as he stretches his limbs out.
“Hi,” you say, taking Jace off your lap to let him crawl. “I haven’t had the chance to say it yet, but thank you for showing up when you did and saving my brother. I’m glad you’re back.”
He says nothing and picks at the dirt underneath his nails.
Something about his actions pulls at a memory—something you’d kept locked deep inside your brain for so long you almost forgot. Your lower lip trembles slightly as you remember Shane kneeling in front of you, begging you to say something as you chip the green polish off your nails.
“What’s going on between you and Glenn?”
You pause before answering, “nothing.”
Daryl glances down at you; he knows you’re lying. There was friction in your friendship with Glenn again; not only had he brought up Shane trying to kill to prove a point, he tried to convince your brother and Hershel to hand Merle over to the governor, despite what it would do to his brother. The irony was that Glenn was one of the kindest and softest people you knew, but the trauma he suffered was causing him to lash out.
“Pfft, fine, don’t tell me.”
You swat at Daryl’s leg playfully, saying, “It’s nothing to worry about.”
“Fine,” he said huffily. You knew things were hard for him with everyone in his ear bitching about Merle. “Why’s the kid running around collecting poles? Or is that another secret?”
“Stop teasing,” you laugh.
He lets out a deep, throaty chuckle. “Seriously though, Carl is hellbent on finding everything on the scavenger hunt you sent him on.”
“I wanted to keep him busy and made him a list. Beth offered to go with him and make sure he doesn’t stray into a cellblock we haven’t cleared yet. I’m going to sharpen down the poles he brings back, and once nightfall comes, start picking off the walkers. The last thing we need is the fence coming down and then swarming in again.”
“Is this your idea or Rick’s?”
Daryl looks down when Jace hits his leg with a toy. He leans over and picks him up. “Your mom really is some kind of zombie-fighting wonder woman, huh?”
You smile while watching how gentle he is with Jace for a few moments until the sound of someone running catches your attention. Out of breath, Carl holds onto the doorframe and says, “You need to come now.”
Alarmed, you get to your feet. “Carl, what’s wrong?”
“Andrea is outside.”
Shit. This could be bad. “Was she alone?”
He nods. “I think so.”
Daryl places Jace onto the floor and rushes by you to get his arrows. “Whatever happens, Lil, guard the block. Anybody comes in here that you don’t know, light their asses up.”
Carl leaves right after. You step out of the cell and see a frightened-looking Beth holding Judith in her arms and Hershel. Your stomach turns; a teenage girl and a cripple would be no match for the governor’s men. “Take them and go into the cell right up the back; I’ll cover the door into the block. If anybody gets by, shoot them.”
Beth nods and does as you ask. It was hard to know if Andrea was a threat or not; she could have easily been manipulated or could have turned on your people for the governor.
Hershel pats your shoulder and says, “I’ll go with Bethy. I doubt anybody will get past... but if they do, I won’t let them near Jace and Judith.”
You let out a shaky breath, nervous for what was to come next. “Thank you; lock the door behind me.”
Sitting on the table in- front of the doorway, you tap your fingers against your thigh rhythmically with the others to return. You could hear footsteps and voices getting closer by, but the seconds seemed to drag on.
Rick met your eye as he opened the gate leading into your cellblock. You knew from the first look that he didn’t trust Andrea. You knock on the table and say, “Hershel, it’s safe.”
The older man unlocks the gate and joins the rest of you. Andrea lets out a loud gasp and claps at her mouth when she notices his missing leg. “Hershel, oh god.” She steps out of her embrace with Carol and glances around the room. “I can’t believe this. Where’s Shane?”
“He didn’t make it.”
“Oh, Lily, I'm so sorry.” She looks up at your brother and says, “And Lori?”
A lump forms in your throat, preventing you from answering for him. When Rick’s eyes become glossy, Hershel says, “She had a girl. Lori didn’t survive.”
“Neither did T-dog,” Carol adds.
“I’m so sorry.” She looks genuinely taken aback by the news of so many deaths. “Carl… Rick. Shane… I just, how did he die?”
You and Daryl exchange a look. In a gruff voice, he says, “The last thing any of us needs is to relive those moments at a time like this.”
Understanding, the blonde nods her head before changing the subject. “You all live here?”
At first, nobody says anything, then Glenn finally answers, “Here and the cell block.”
“There?” She points in the direction of the area you slept in. “Well, can I go in?”
Rick steps in front of her and says, “I won’t allow that.”
“I’m not an enemy, Rick.”
“Your boyfriend tore through our fences yesterday with a truck full of walkers and shot us up. And the vicious bastards he brought with him had Carl and Beth pinned down outside. They were trying to kill a couple of kids.”
Her eyes are filled with denial. “He said you fired first.”
“Well, he’s lying,” Rick deadpans.
In a softer tone, Hershel says, “He killed an inmate who survived in here.”
“We liked him. He was one of us.”
“I didn’t know anything about that. As soon as I found out, I came. I didn’t even know you were in Woodbury until after the shoot-out.” Andrea was borderline defensive in her tone, and it was clear she wasn’t ready to hear what really happened.
“That was days ago.”
“As I said, I came as soon as I heard,” she says, spinning around to face Michonne. “What have you told them?”
“I don’t get it. I left Atlanta with you people, and now I’m the odd man out.”
“He almost killed Michonne. He tortured me and Lily, and he was going to kill us,” Glenn clarifies.
“With his finger on the triggers,” she points at Merle. “Isn’t he the one who kidnapped you? Who beat you?”
Your tongue pokes at the gap in your mouth, feeling for the tooth Merle knocked out.
She lets out a deep sigh. “I cannot excuse or explain what Philip has done. But I’m here, trying to bring us together. We have to work this out.”
“There’s nothing to work out; we’re going to kill him,” Rick says bluntly. “I don’t know how or when, but we will.”
She looks at him, horrified. “We can settle this. There is room at Woodbury for all of you.”
“Did your boyfriend tell you this?”
Shaking your head, you stand up and ask, “Then why did you come here?”
“Because he’s gearing up for war. The people are terrified; they see you as killers. They’re training to attack.”
“I’ll tell you what. Next time you see Philip, you tell him I’m going to take his other eye.”
Andrea crinkles her nose at Daryl’s comment and looks back at your brother. “Rick, if you don’t sit down and try and work this out, I don’t know what’s going to happen. He has a whole town looking at you; you’ve lost so much already. You can’t stand alone anymore.”
“Unless you’re planning on helping us get inside and bring us to him, I’ve heard enough.”
While sewing two thin blankets together to make them thicker, you think about Andrea defending the governor and how she couldn’t explain or excuse the things he did. Is that how you sounded when talking about Shane? Shane had done a lot of bad things over the years, but you always tried to defend him. But he was nothing like the man who was trying to slaughter you all like animals for sport.
Your ears perk up when you hear a baby fussing. It wasn’t Jace because he was sleeping, so it must have been your niece. You peek your head out of the cell and see Carol placing the newborn into Andrea’s arms.
“Oh, look at you. Let me guess, Daryl named her ‘ass-kicker. That’s not her real name.”
“Judith,” she repeats. “Hi, Judith, how precious are you?”
You weren’t sure why, but something about their interaction left you feeling uneasy. It was most likely a protective instinct to keep your family close and safe. You didn’t think Andrea was a real threat to Judith personally, but the blonde couldn’t be trusted.
“What happened to Lori?”
“During a C-section, Maggie and Lily…” The sadness in Carol's voice hurts to hear. It couldn’t have been easy for her to be around children after losing her own daughter not so long ago. “Carl had to-”
“Oh, my god.”
“T-dog died, leading me to safety.”
Andrea’s eyes gloss over. “And Shane?”
“Rick killed him. That night we left the farm, and the whole Randall thing was a lie. Shane tried to kill Rick.”
Your stomach drops. No, no, no. You wanted to scream that they were wrong and that Rick did nothing wrong. Your mother used to tell you that love calls for sacrifice, and losing Shane to keep your brother was exactly that. Salty tears roll down your cheeks. You were terrified that night would never leave you. It would never end.
“But Shane loved Rick.”
“And Shane loved Lori,” Carol said. “I feel bad for Lily. First, her fiancé cheats on her, then tries to kill her brother. Some people just have a string of bad luck.”
“Oh,” Andrea pauses before saying, “Ricks become cold. Unsteady.”
Your tears of sorrow and guilt quickly turn to hurt and anger. Something about her word choice triggered you. Hearing enough, you wipe your eyes before stepping out of the cell, making your presence known. You hold out your arms and say, “Give her to me.”
When the blonde hands your Judith, you smile at your niece and kiss her forehead. Maybe you were overreacting, but bad mouthing a man while holding his daughter was in bad taste.
Andrea lets out an exasperated sigh. “Lily.”
“Unsteady? When I refused to tell your boyfriend our location, he forced me to strip my clothes off and had one of his goons cut me in the leg so I couldn’t run. He put bags over our heads and made me and Glenn kneel on the ground. If my ‘unsteady’ brother hadn’t turned up, they would have put bullets through our heads.”
“I’m sorry.”
You look at Carol and say, “You’ve never told us what happened before.”
“You should know better than to gossip with someone on the opposite team.”
“Andrea,” Rick suddenly calls up from the ground floor. “I think you’ve over stayed your welcome.”
Everyone had gone outside except for Beth, who stayed to watch over the babies while you attempted to wash some of the group's clothes while the rest saw Andrea off.
With the weight of your emotions threatening to overwhelm you, you try your best to focus on the task at hand. What happened to you in Woodbury, hearing Carol's pity hurt. Andrea choosing to go back to the governor hurt.
Beth notices your red eyes and asks, “What’s wrong?”
“It's nothing,” you lie, trying to brush off her question. “Really, I’m fine.”
She sees right through you. Beth places the box of formula down, runs around from the other side of the table, and hugs you from behind. Using the back of your hand, you muffle a sob.
Everything still hurt, but it felt good to let some pent-up emotions out.
In a low voice, you motion to Beth, who is singing, “You have a good girl there, Hershel; she has a heart of gold.”
He smiles proudly.
Standing between Hershel and Daryl, you move over slightly when your brother comes to join, and your arm presses against Daryl’s. The contact was minimal, but just the feeling of his warmth seems to slow your rapid heartbeat.
In a quiet voice, Daryl says, “Some reunion, huh?”
“She’s in a jam.”
“We all are,” Hershel sighs. “Andrea’s persuasive. This fella’s armed to the teeth, bent on destruction.”
You look across at your brother and ask, “So, what are we going to do?”
“We match it. I’m going on a run tomorrow.”
“One of us should go with you.”
Rick offers you a small smile. “I’ll take Michonne. And Carl, he’s ready. You three hold it down here.”
“Got it.”
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iamleesi · 21 days
Pairing: Avenger! Bucky Barnes x OC! Avenger Reader
Summary: You finally find some answers
Warning: Mention of stalking, mention of attempted SA, obsessed behavior (none of it is towards reader), mention of weed and substances and I probably forgot something but this is pretty much it -> 18+ !!
Other: English isn’t my first language. Also I’m gonna add more Bucky x You in the next chapter, I promise.
-> Masterlist
-> Part six ; Part eight
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-> Lovely, Sweet Father (07)
As William Barlow opened the door, a pungent mix of weed and other substances greeted you and Dean but both of you maintained a composed manor. You had successfully - Sam did, to be specific - tracked down Adam’s brother, William, in hope to discover any leads regarding Adam’s disappearance.
“I’m agent Downey and this is agent Olsen, we’re from the FBI. Mind if we ask a few questions?” Dean said, flashing his new fake badge.
“Sure, man, come in.” William replied, stepping aside to allow you both inside his house. “I didn’t expect the FBI to care about my brother’s disappearance. Lately have gone missing a lot of people.” He said, leading the way to the living room where he casually took a sit on the couch. “Unless you’re here for that Cassandra too.”
Sharing a glance with Dean, you replied. “Both. We suspect the cases may be related.”
“What do y’all wanna know?” William asked, lighting a cigarette. Despite his brother’s situation, he seemed remarkably unfazed.
“Let’s start with Cassandra and Adam.” You began. “Why did they break up?”
William shrugged. “My brother mentioned she was becoming distant, probably because of her father. They started arguing daily.”
“Her father? What about him?” You kept asking, glancing over at Dean who was taking his time looking around, probably searching for something since it was Adam’s house too.
William pinched the bridge of his nose. “Her father was an asshole, man.” He scoffed. “God knows how many times Cassandra started to come here at night because that douche bag treated her like garbage. I don’t know much of it, me and her weren’t close, but I remember listening to a conversation she was having with my brother where she was quite hysterical.”
“Must run in the family.” Dean mumbled, but you sent him a deadly glare.
Ignoring Dean’s comment, you pressed on. “What were they saying?”
“She was going off about her father’s behavior, you know… a cheater stays a cheater?” William started to explain, gesturing with his hands. “She found some texts on her father’s phone with guess who? Her biological mother.”
You were surprised to hear that. “Her biological mother? What were the texts about?”
He leaned back, propping his feet on the coffee table. “Nothing too intimate, as far as I know, what really set her off wasn’t that he was talking with her, not really. It was that her biological mother was asking about her other daughter and not her.”
You frowned. “So… Mr Sawyer had another daughter while he was away all those years?”
“No.” William shook his head. “Cassandra’s biological mother did. She had a child with someone else, and apparently Mr Sawyer knew that all along. Cassandra always knew she wasn’t Mrs Miller’s biological daughter and had been wondering about her birth mother for as long as I can remember. I suppose finding out that the person she had been searching for didn’t care about her but was interested in this mysterious other daughter took a toll on her.”
“Is this Adam’s phone?” Dean interrupted, holding up the device.
“Yeah.” William confirmed.
“Can I take this with me? We want to take a look at it.” Dean requested.
“I already went through it and I didn’t find anything… but yes. You can have it.” William replied, offering half a smile.
“What can you tell us about Adam? Can you think of anyone who might have wanted to harm him?” You asked.
“Pretty much everyone in the State.” He scoffed. “Adam is always been a troublemaker. But I think…” He hesitated for a moment before deciding to speak his mind. “He had this friend, Malcom. They met at a bar and hit it off, until Malcom started to develop an obsession with Cassandra.”
“Malcom who?” Dean inquired.
“Malcom Donovan, I think.” William replied. “This guy turned out to be one of those idiots who can’t take no for an answer. He started stalking Cassandra everywhere, leaving notes on her car, letters on her doorstep, bombarding her with texts and calls. Adam stepped in when Malcom tried to assault Cassandra at a party once, so that same night he payed Malcom a visit and… it didn’t end well. He didn���t kill him, but he was close to.”
“Where’s Malcom now?” You asked.
“I haven’t seen him since. He was new in town, didn’t have any family or friends around - and it doesn’t surprise me. Adam was probably the only friend he had, but it didn’t last long for obvious reasons.” William explained, rising from the couch to point out a picture on the wall. “This is Malcom.” It depicted a group of about seventeen people with Malcom standing awkwardly in the corner.
Dean approached to snap a photo of the picture with his phone. “Thanks.” He said, still studying the image. “Do you know where he lives?”
“Yeah, I’ll write it down for you.” William nodded, reaching for a piece of paper and a pen.
“Also… that patient Cassandra was treating before she disappeared.” You turned around to look at William. “Did anyone had an idea of who he was?”
“The one barely alive? No.” He shook his head. “But Cassandra didn’t seem to give up. He wanted him to live, and she got mad at anyone who tried to snatch the guy from her. Is it true he had… you know… pointy teeth?”
“No.” Both you and Dean said at the same time. Nobody could know it, or it would have caused general panic.
“Alright. For a second I thought the Avengers had to step in, wouldn’t want another alien invasion or something.” William said half joking, giving the piece of paper with an address on it to you.
“Thank you.” You kindly said, as he escorted you both towards the door.
“Anytime.” He said. “Please find my brother.”
“We’ll do our best, William. Take care.” With that, you and Dean walked out. At least it didn’t go badly as you had expected, considering until now all you’ve had were dead ends.
* * * *
“I was thinking we could have burgers tonight.” Dean suggested, yawing as he scrolled through his phone. “And fries. And maybe even a milkshake or something.”
You and Dean had gotten home a half an hour ago, and Sam and Bucky weren’t home yet. The two went to investigate on Cassandra’s father, and it was taking longer that expected so hopefully they had found something.
“Again? We have those everyday, Dean.” You signed, half watching a crappy movie on tv. “We could have pizza.” You suggested.
“You always want pizza.” He pointed out, as if he was better than you.
“Can’t blame me.” You shrugged. “It’s great, especially the Italian one. Those people created the best thing that could ever exist.”
“Fair.” He nodded. “Knowing Sam and Bucky they’re probably going to want some veggies and shit, to stay healthy and bullshit like that. Can’t stand that.” He dramatically sighed, mocking the two of them. “We only live once, don’t we?”
“Normal people do.” You pointed out. “Didn’t you say both you and Sam got resurrected once?”
“Once, twice. Lost count.” He waved it off.
“So you can like… die whenever and then someone drags you back? Is there an afterlife?” You asked.
“Not really and most definitely to the last question.” He confirmed. “Also it helps having an angel that watches my back…. wherever that asshole may be.”
“An angel?!” You exclaimed. “Like… those dudes with white wings and the yellow thing above their head?”
He huffed. “Absolutely not. I swear sometimes they’re worse than demons. ‘I’m the angel of the Lord’, and then it’s the worst being I’ve ever met.” He scoffed. “Hey, talking about angels, have I ever told you about that time I made Castiel watch a por-”
“We have some informations about Michael Sawyer.” Sam interrupted your lazy conversation, storming inside followed by Bucky, clutching some files. He settled on the armchair he now claimed as his, while Bucky took a seat next to you - as per usual.
“And we have some informations about Adam. Wanna play rock, paper, scissors on who starts first?” Dean raised a brow, but Sam glared at him. “Sorry, go on.”
“After his comeback in 2013, he started working as a personal doctor at an elderly home until he got fired two weeks before Cassandra disappeared. We visited the elderly home in question and discovered that he, and I quote, insisted on caring for his patients alone, and more often than not, those patients died mysteriously. Those who didn’t, disappeared.” Sam explained.
“And the police did nothing?” Dean frowned.
“The police was barely involved.” Bucky chimed in. “He specifically looked for people whose family didn’t care about their well being, essentially. So when the patients disappeared, all they did was file a missing report and that’s it. Looks like Hydra’s profile to me.”
“They also gave us the names of the families of those people.” Sam said, pointing to the files he had previously placed on the coffee table. “We can go ask them some questions tomorrow.”
“What about Sawyer?” You asked. “Anything else? Because this is incredibly suspicious and it does align with what Hydra’s doing, but we don’t have anything concrete that says he’s personally linked to it. We need proofs.”
“You’re right.” He sighed. “All we found about him is a picture in his old office, at least. I can try to contact Fury again hoping he picks up his phone since he’s not answering any calls and see if he can find him.” Bucky said, leaning back on the couch.
Sam nodded at what he said, rummaging in his back to find the picture. “Here.” He said, passing it to you. “The guy in the back, with a pink shirt on.”
Your eyes landed to the man, and you froze on the spot. It was him, inevitably him, the one who not only had links to Hydra, but the one who started the experiments. The one who idealized the Wendigo Project.
“There’s no need to call Fury.” You said. “I know him.”
Bucky’s head snapped in your direction, as did Sam’s and Dean’s, expecting you to elaborate further.
You licked your lips before explaining yourself. “I’ve crossed paths with him many times at the facility, though I never knew his full name. People simply referred to him as Mike. He frequented Mrs White’s office often, discussing methods on how they could control the Wendigo - the only pureblood they had ever since before I was born. He convinced Mrs White to stop tensing on animals and start doings experiments on humans because he thought that would have been more effective. Initially she refused, fearing that SHIELD might find their location if they started to kidnap human beings but eventually he persuaded her. His experiments began a few years before my birth and persisted after. It was when Sawyer killed the creature that he proposed using me as their final attempt to create a complying Wendigo. These creatures are restless, they can be killed exclusively with fire, and they’re neearly as strong as a Super Soldier… essentially the perfect weapon.”
“In the end, his plan succeeded. With my blood he continued his experiments, and then we discovered my ability do control them… you know the rest. I became a tool to lead them into committing atrocities, I even did so myself sometimes.”
You managed to say that without your voice faltering a bit, perhaps it was because you’d sooner die rather than expose your vulnerabilities.
“Who’s Mrs White?” Bucky asked.
“The woman at the head of the facility.” You explained.
“Do you have any news from her or from Sawyer since you were rescued?” Sam inquired, still processing everything you just said.
“No.” You shook your head. “But Mrs White’s name wasn’t on the list of the people SHIELD killed or rescued, and I don’t remember a Sawyer either so presumably they’re still alive. I mean, we know Sawyer was alive for sure in the last ten years.” You sighed.
“And that he probably kept making these experiments trying to create another you in these ten years.” Dean said, scratching his forehead. “One being his daughter.”
“So now we believe for sure the thing locked in Mrs Miller’s house is Cassandra?” Sam raised his eyebrows, looking at each person in the room.
“Maybe she discovered what her lovely, sweet father was up to and he took matters into his own hands.” Bucky suggested with a shrug. “Wouldn’t be too crazy considering what we’re dealing with.”
“And perhaps Mrs Miller found out too, leading to her current deteriorated mental state.” Dean added. “But what about Adam? How many are the chances that the guy just disappeared and it has nothing do to with this case?”
“Maybe he knew something. Since he was Cassandra’s only reliable confidant, she might have shared some details and Sawyer silenced him too.” You proposed, putting on the table the possibility.
“Or maybe he became food.” Bucky interjected, causing all heads to turn in his direction. “What? We saw Mrs Miller cutting someone into pieces. It was a male, could be him.”
“I think we have to go back there when she’s isn’t in the house and take a proper look.” Sam asserted, and his brother threw him a pillow.
“Go yourself, I have no intention of seeing that place again. You with me?” Dean looked in your direction.
“Absolutely. Fuck that.”
“This is not very professional of either of you.” Bucky remarked.
“Fuck professionalism, we’re doing things my way.” Dean declared, rising from his seat to retrieve his trusty green bag. “We still know nothing about the guy Cassandra found. You and me, we are going on a little illegal adventure.”
“No, Dean, Fury said not to do illeg-” Sam was cut off by you.
“I’m in, what are we talking about?” Your curiosity sparked, as you noticed Dean holding a shovel.
“How are your digging skills? Because I’m taking you to the cemetery.” He winked.
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
‘Caught In 🕸 Web’
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This is my first chapter for this story, I hope you guys really like it. It’s my first time writing for the ATSV. So please, let me know if y’all are interested for more, or see something I need to correct. My inbox, messages, and taglist is open for y’all! Enjoy!🤟🏼🕸
Warnings: nothing really heavy yet, just some good information about my two OC’s. But all chapters will have their own warnings as things progress.
‘My Story’📰
Chapter 1
In a particular universe of 2055, settles this story in New York City, that has its very own special features in it. Like the Statue of Liberty- no. Oh Time Square that’s around the corner- another no. Empire State Building- it’s nice but yeah.. no. What makes this NYC ‘The’ NYC is having the damn privilege of owning a Peter C. Parker- other known as Spider-Man (but no one knows that the nerdy guy that is a sweet roommate and crazy assistant of the assistant of the CEO for ‘Stark Industries’ is the ‘Strong, Red ‘n Blue suited hero that makes swinging off the skyscrapers look hotter that Brad Pitt) so yeah. *takes deep breath and sips ‘chai tea’* Anyways... this universe also possesses a certain woman with terrible ‘I have no family’ issues, crazy boss who bought her knee pads, and a secret admirer. Everyone called her ‘CEO’s Sidechick’ or the famous one ‘Bosses Pet’. But her name is actually Carla Ferrari. While the spider universe... had actually deemed her as Spider-Woman, or how a certain spider pal will call her that everyone picks up on- Spider-Lady. Yeahhh... I know- shut up.
Carla Ferrari’s POV
So let’s do this one time. My name, is Carla Ferrari- and no I’m not related to any Ferrari bloodline and shit. My Pa was Italian and my Ma was American.. that’s why I have the Italian last name. (Though I’d kill for one of those hot rides but yeah) So I’m a 22 yr. old personal assistant for the CEO of ‘Stark Industries’. Is it an exciting life? Not exactly, I have no background that’s exciting either- that’s for sure.
Quick back up story- I was orphaned after a large city catastrophe killed my parents *timeskip*
Then I lived all my life in homes here and there, never got adopted because I worked terribly with people and never got used to the term family *timeskip*
After that I got too old to stay at shelter homes for girls once I turned ‘Magnificent 18’ so I was given the boot and a nice paycheck that can barely cover 3 full days at a Motel 6 or 1 day at the most expensive hotel in New York City *timeskip*
So to survive I worked at the most expensive diner in Manhattan for 6 months until a certain rich bastard decided to spill his wine all over my white uniform, then suggested that a great apology would be for him to offer me a good job. Anyways, they say my charm is what got me under the wing of who is now my boss, the CEO of ‘Stark Industries’ but I have to say it’s my stealth, patience, and great mathematical skills that has me managing all his business purchases- oh and also how I methodically get everything done.
*timeskip to present*
“Shoot! B.P.!! (Aka Bosses Pet) I forgot to pick up Stark’s coffee at Starbucks on my way here!! Can you get it?? He’ll be happy to see you crawling in with it anyways-“
I flared my nose while slamming my file on the table wishing Leslie’s head was the table, I scoffed lightly while glaring,
“Why do you all keep saying things like- ‘crawling’ or ‘cat walking’ my way to boss’ office?-“
Leslie flipped her damaged and dry sweet potato colored looking hair as she squeaked while using bunny ears on certain words,
“Maybe it’s cause he got you ‘knee pads’!? Like yeah we get he’s the boss and your his personal assistant but damn don’t bring your ‘50 Shades of Stark’ here!”
She giggled like a hyena and mocked my disgusted face, which I expressed because after their latest Boss died, Tony Stark, they brought in his closest cousin who looked like the deceased version of him, and he was now my boss. But if Tony was still around... maybe I’d try to make that 50 shades shit happen.. but yeah not with Martin Stark. Ew.
Anyways I only took up her offer because I needed some fresh air after being stuck up on the 50th floor for 11 hours writing down appointments and managing Stark’s purchases that went through the roof for every girl he laid eyes on, trying to gain ‘Great Star Reviews’ for his business but more like he was gaining more ‘absent-fathered children’ as he was a playboy and irresponsible of course. Now I stood up and straightened my black checkered pants as I sighed lightly,
“Fine.. I’ll go get it.”
“What a good girl. Ha! Bet you hear that often-“
“Yeah well at least I’m not left dry and hanging all the time and called ‘Dusty Leslie’.”
Sending a cheeky wink I was walking away with a proud smirk and a held high chin. I heard her scoff in hurt as I of course stabbed her altered ego. I obviously overheard the gossip desk ladies chat about that she hadn’t been laid in a long while, so yeah... that’s why you don’t share your secrets and personal issues with people that are snakes in disguise, Dusty Leslie.
As you see, my life is sorta hectic, I quite practically live for my boss so I can get paid by making his life easier. All he has to do, is show up, eat, take a crap, mess with women, and sleep- repeat. And to be honest I’m a little jelly at the fact he never works, yet wears clothes that cost 10 times more than all the money I’ve ever spent and worked for combined! And I’m the one running back and forth, making appointments, fixing his vendettas at bars he likes to pick fights at, feed him breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between when he calls for it. And what ticks me off- is that half the time he won’t even eat it, he’ll leave it there for later (which turns to never) or complain saying he wasn’t hungry anymore because he didn’t like something about it.
So what would I do? Take it back saying sweet and professional things like, ‘I’m so sorry about the inconvenience sir let me fix it for you.’ ‘Let’s get you something else.’ Or the most used line- ‘Yes sir, I’ll call them and email a bad review for you.’
Ugh!! I hated doing that. These cooks did everything right, Martin was just a spoiled asshole that thought the world should revolve around him and run his way. (By the way I never wrote bad reviews I just said I would, so he wouldn’t bother them or me about it again.) And the food he left untouched, I’d take to Uncle Joey, the guy at the corner of the street who played with his little wooden drums all day for spare change. Seeing his smile made my day mostly sense he was eating fine cuisine 99% of the time.
Anyways, now I’m taking my 10 minute break to run to Starbucks to get his coffee, and in the meanwhile get something for myself, I haven’t eaten sense yesterday at lunch time- and it’s already 12:34pm today. The fresh air did me some good to relieve some tension, as I finally made it out of the tall hell house I called work or my job. What also lifted my spirits was this happy sight. It felt good to see happy and calm people around me, they all walked around and lived as if they knew nothing could hurt or touch them. And to be honest once again, they could. You know why? Spider-Man.
He made that possible, he helped in ways no one else could, from big things to small things, he gave up his time and life for the city, and so far it has paid off well. I admire the man much, he has inspired me to take what little time I have to make someone smile, or help where I could.
My best friend, assistant, and roommate, Peter C. Parker, always harmlessly made fun of how I lived to be like Spider-Man. Peter was a great guy by the way, and no matter how much he denied it when I told him, he had a big heart like Spider-Man. Always helping where he could and being a sunshine in my world. When my boyfriend wouldn’t be the nicest or leave me hanging after he promised he’d wait after work, Peter would invite me to the movies or do something that got the tears and pouts off my face. It was nice to have someone like him around, humble as heck with his heart on his sleeve, I wouldn’t trade my best friend for anything in the world.
He kept me on my feet and happy, reminding me of the good things in life even on the cloudy days. And like right now, in ‘all of a sudden’ moments when my boss and boyfriend Nelson would call unexpectedly at once, I could count on him to adapt to change and help me to the perfect ‘T’. Unlike my boss who went crazy if one thing went wrong or not his way. I could only let out a deep breath as I debated for a moment on who to answer first.
‘If I pick up Nelson’s he might just ask me out again and chat about his new modeling job, then my boss will be pissed for missing his call and might deducted $25 from my paycheck for every minute I don’t answer him. Or I could pick up boss’ call and hear him yell some kind of thing he wants me to do and make Nelson upset again for not picking up his call. Shit!! Ugh I hate this so bad.’
I declined Nelson’s call and texted a quick ‘sorry, give me a minute’ and picked up my boss’ call and mustered a fake, happy voice with professionalism.
‘I really hate this man- but I need my job. Sorry Nelson.’
“Yes, Mr.Stark?”
Peter C. (Carlos) Parker’s POV
Let’s do this one last time- I’m Peter Carlos Parker. As 20 yr old, I’m New York’s one and only Spider-Man, and did I love my life? So far I did. I’ve had bumps and bruises on the way, crazy lifesaving stories and sad ones too that match the scars I’ve grown to earn every time. No but honestly my life is manageable but still crazy, let me just tell you what happened today so you’ll see why I say so. So, I just got back into my jeans and white button down with the stupid crooked tie after I as Spider-Man handed over a dumb, bank thief to the cops. Yes, he tried to threaten everyone behind and in front of the counters, but thankfully I was there to take out $20 to get lunch at the hotdog stand outside of work. Anyways with that said, quickly I took him down after some arguing about how unprepared and wild his ‘stealing’ was.
“Sir! You realize they are going to track down your information with the ID you just gave the kind banker lady?”
I kid you not, he handed over his ID to the lady, claiming he was old enough to demand money- like what an idiot! He should’ve come in without the mask while he was at it right? Oh and if it wasn’t bad enough already, there was a large hole on the side of his makeshift bag. Like yeah Pinky you’re going to come out inanely rich for sure with that bag, let me know if we can go to Disneyland when you’re out- like c’mon!! But yeah, he went on to argue with me of course.
“She doesn’t know it’s me Spider-Man! I’m wearing a mask- like you, can’t you see!? I just need her to know that I’m old enough to do this!”
He angrily pointed at his paper bag mask, that he drew dark angry eyebrows on, trying to show me that indeed it was good. Oh and I could clearly tell his gun was a small nerf gun spray painted black. He’d definitely make it on the wall of ‘Stupids Hall of Fame’ As much as I would’ve liked to keep the debate going (because I knew I was going to win in the end) I knew my Boss- aka my best friend Carly was going to need my assistance soon, so I cut it short with some webbing. With a crack to my knuckles, I sighed,
“Alright, can’t wait to see your face on the news, but buy me a PS5 first.”
In seconds he was webbed up by the door.
I heard sighs of relief and a couple cheering while others cussed out the poor dummy. I then waved my hands calmly as I pointed out.
“You all are safe now, just called NYPD. Keep safe- I swinging out.”
With a peace sign given to a little kid by me I then disappeared. (I actually webbed away to the back, then walked out to the front watching the cops take my guy away. And he had his paper mask off by this point. But at least we all knew he was old enough to rob a bank, and that his name was Chad Robins.
-End of flashback.
I smiled with peace knowing he wasn’t going to be around for a while, scaring kids and the old ladies who are working hard to buy their little ones Christmas gifts. Up ahead I saw my favorite hotdog stand, I could smell the hot bacon-wrapped wieners from here
‘Talk about my heightened spider senses right!?’
But then something else caught my attention when I heard my name being called out.
“Oh Peter!! Thank God I found you! Listen here’s $20. Get something to eat for yourself and get the triple chocolate mocha with 3 teaspoons of vanilla and 1 pinch of pumpkin spice with lactose free whip cream and some cinnamon sprinkled on top?”
I fixed my glasses after they almost slipped off my nose from me speedily scribbling down the crazy coffee order. That was of course Carly, (Carla Ferrari) who told me all of this. Not that I minded though, I was her personal helper. She requested for one after work got a little to much for her, but her boss wasn’t happy about having that happen, so I was paid through her paycheck. (What a stingy and evil boss huh? Oh and I’d always beg her to not pay me much, but she always gave up half of her paycheck anyways without hesitation or a problem)
When we first met I had just gotten out of college looking for a job, something easy to start with while I looked for a job that suited my passion for chemical engineering. And at the same time she was looking for help, so we made a deal to become roommates while I worked for her, sense the job was not too much, but for now it worked perfectly fine, and she was a great roommate too. Soon we of course became the best of friends, she gave me so much smart advice about the world and now dating tips. (Especially after I told her about my deep interests in the sweet florist Mary Jane- I’ll tell y’all about her later) Carly also had a great listening ear and healing words, even on her worst nights she made great company. Anyways, I took the $20 from her after she personally grabbed my hand and stuff the dollar bill in there and said,
“Use this money Peter, not yours. And get lunch- you haven’t eaten, I know you haven’t.”
I reluctantly took it as I sighed an excuse,
“But you haven’t either-“
She mindlessly fixed my tie as she interrupted,
“Don’t worry about me honey, worry about yourself. Now get please, boss needs me in his office, I just got off the phone with him before I saw you.”
I squeezed my pinky with hers, it was our ‘good luck’ ‘good bye’ and ‘good day’ sign.
But this time, I felt an electric shock run through me from where we touched, and I felt waves surround me for a split second before it stopped completely. I know she felt it too for her eyes went wide, but she shook it off as quickly as it had happened.
Then she sent me a small smile and a wink before running in her high heels back to the office. I chuckled with confusion as I looked at my black shoes thinking,
‘Everyday I admire women more.. I could never run in heels.. I wonder what that was by the way… it felt weird. But with a sense of familiarity?’
For now I shook it off as she did. Taking a moment I was looking up and around at the lively city I could only breathe in and out calmly, the people looked happy, peaceful, and it all appeared to be still for now. It’s been about a couple of months ever sense I fought a life-threatening villain, KingPin. But thankfully we’ve been ok for now, if not almost too perfect.
Miguel O’Hara’s POV
Bueno, Lets do this, one last time, my name is Mig-
“Miggggyyyy! Omg you’ve been eyeballing’ 2055 universe for the past 2 weeks already?! You got some interest on Peter C. Parker- it’s ok you can tell me!!”
‘Ay coño… another time I’ll introduce myself.’
Running a hand down my face I argued lazily,
“No Lyla I don’t. I’m straight-“
“Are you? Look at your hunched over posture, certainly it’s not straight-
“That doesn’t determine my sexuality though!-“
“It could-“
“Lyla. No. I’m just.. just checking something out. So please.”
Sometimes Greta Lee aka Lyla can get on my nerves with her ideas, I mean, who would’ve that an AI would be so stubborn and determined on certain ideas? Like her only job is to gather up information about tech or any universal catastrophes. Yet here she is trying to decipher what my sex is by the way I’m standing. Que dolor de cabeza. But I was being honest about this... this universe 2055 that’s been on my watch for the past few days.
Something about it has intrigued my mind and drawn my attention to it strongly, unlike any other universe. I don’t have spider senses perhaps, but I do have suspicions and a gut that tells me things. So I considered checking it out, passing by in person to see if I perhaps caught something off that I could probably call P.C.P. (Peter Carlos Parker) on. I’ve never personally met him before or even thought of intruding into his place or giving him more as far as letting him into the multiverse, he handled what he had very well so far on his own. It was his universe anyways, and to be honest he did his absolute best at guarding it and protecting it. His every breath was spent on saving the city and a change during a blink of his eye wouldn’t go unnoticed, he’d sense and act upon it. He was what I called, ‘Gentle-Spider’. His heart for the community was larger than New York itself.
Yes, he had his typical hero side that was rough and sharp, effortlessly taking down who needed to be put down, but after that? He’d walk the old ladies across the street, have late night dinners with random joes who were alone and homeless, play with the neighborhood kids, he even taught a few teenagers how to parallel park. All this I have witnessed and couldn’t admire him more.
His only job as a Spider-Man was to defend the city from villains and anomaly’s... but P.C.P.? He made the city a brighter place day and night, 24/7, he gave New York his heart and every breath he took was spent on them. His regular life though, behind the mask, he was the same, caring and kind. Just more quiet and a bit shy. The only one I saw him communicate well with was his roommate. She was just as kind. I never really looked into her, all I knew was that she made him breakfast everyday and wore high heels 99% of the time- oh and he’d call her Carly.
I don’t think she knew about Peter’s secret life, only because she had a crazy schedule herself, she was the main and personal assistant of CEO Martin Stark. So yeah, her life was basically a mess and busy. But I’ve seen her a few times around too, doing careless acts to protect people. Careless why? She thought of others before herself. Ella me asusta a veces.
She literally almost gone run over the other day just because she tried to retrieve a baby doll that a little girl dropped as her mother carried her across the street. To save the homeless guy’s kitten she went down to the tracks of the subway to get its paw unstuck from when it fell, and seconds before that damn thing made her a tortilla, she was able to get out with the kitten clinging onto her for life. She’s also convinced people to not jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. Supongo que sé más sobre su vida de lo que pensaba.
Anyways she had a busy life too, but when she had a few seconds to spare, she gave it to others. I guess she looked up to Spider-Man a lot, and chose to be like him, a good person. But today, I saw and caught something that was off, and electric and dimensional shock went through both of them. And according to canon, he’s the only Spider-Man, and she was only supposed to be like his best friend. That’s it. So what was that all about? It looked all too familiar from our last incident with Miles Morales.. I just hoped it wasn’t the same or much worse, if not unfixable. And why did it make me feel- nervous?
Spanish translations
1- Que dolor de cabeza. - What a headache.
2- Ella me asusta a veces.- She scares me sometimes.
3- Supongo que sé más sobre su vida de lo que pensaba. - I guess I know more about her life than I thought I did.
30 notes · View notes
bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Ballroom Blitz, Part Two
Summary: Things. Are. Happening!! Moon Knight and Sigyn get some action in, both in the restrooms of Buckingham Palace and through fighting Loki. 
Basically, Sigyn brings the Moon Knight to a classy function at Buckingham Palace, and all hell breaks loose. A continuation of the SCARED TO BE LONELY verse! 
Rating: Explicit, Minors DNI! 
Pairing: Marc x Fem!OC, Steven x Fem!OC, Jake x Fem!OC, past Loki x Fem!OC, past Marc x Layla
Word Count: 4.7k 
TW/CW: Angst, oral sex (m receiving), a co-conscious blowjob, dirty talk, Steven loves boobies, face-fucking, cum-eating, violence, mentions of blood, also I don’t have DID so forgive me if I described a system sharing an intimate moment inaccurately! 
A/N: Okayyyy can we tell I hate trying to translate fight scenes from my mind onto the page given how long it’s taken me to finish this? 😅 Thanks for y’all’s patience, pumped for everyone to read and now we can get to 500 FOLLOWER CELEBRATION TIME!!! As usual, translations for Jake’s Spanish below!
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The photos went by in blur, primarily because Sigyn was preoccupied with Jake’s impression of Marc, which consisted of him frowning the entire time and grunting in lieu of speaking whenever anyone addressed him. Thankfully, Thor and Valkyrie were none the wiser. 
Sigyn tried to apologize once they’d completed their official duties. “I am deeply sorry for what I said earlier.” 
“Yo sé,” Jake replied, “I get it.” 
 “Will Marc allow me to make amends?” 
“He knows you’re sorry.” Jake’s face was impassive. “He’s not ready yet to speak to you yet.”
She accepted his words with a nod. “Will Steven?”
His face softened and then Steven’s voice spoke “I appreciate you apologizing.” 
Breaking her own self-imposed rule, Sigyn pressed her lips against Steven’s tenderly. “Thank you. The remark came from an ugly, jealous part of me, a part that I'm not proud of. If you’d like to talk to her, I understand.” 
“Later,” he told the princess. “After everything that’s already happened tonight, I just want to enjoy the fact I’m in bloody Buckingham Palace at the moment.” 
“And I for one, am very happy you are.”  
They ambled back toward the ballroom, taking their time to explore the mostly empty halls of the royal residence, commenting on the different paintings and decor that adorned its towering walls. 
“You know, the palace began as a small residence for Queen Charlotte in the late eighteenth century,” Steven briefed the Asgardian as they strolled down a deserted corridor. Sigyn listened with a besotted grin. “It wasn’t until 1837 after a bunch of renovations that a monarch started living here full-time–”
The princess interrupted with a crushing kiss, one that soon escalated into Sigyn clutching at Steven’s lapels and pushing him against a wall.
“Blimey,” Steven panted when they broke apart. 
“Sorry…you dressed like this, it’s impossible to resist.” Sigyn yearned. 
“You’re one to talk,” Steven muttered, “you look like an old film star.” 
“I have no idea what that is, but I hope it’s a good thing.” 
Steven chuckled. “That’s right, I forgot you’re not familiar with…wuh-what are you doing?”
The Asgardian now tugged him away from the ballroom. Steven was flummoxed further when it seemed they were heading toward the loos.
“You go into a stall and I’ll meet you inside,” she instructed him when they reached the door to the men’s room. 
“Won’t they see you?” he asked, keeping his volume low. Sigyn shook her head and winked. 
Oh, she was going to magic herself inside, Steven realized. 
Obviously she wants to fuck, Jake piped in from the headspace, Tonto. 
“Right, okay,” the British alter stuttered, blindly searching for the door to the men’s room. “See you in a moment then.”
Sigyn bit her lip and nodded, watching Steven disappear fondly. Once he’d passed through the threshold, Sigyn tucked herself out of view into an alcove across from the restrooms and vanished. 
It took more concentration and drained Sigyn slightly more to channel her magic to sense exactly where Steven was in the restroom, but it was well-worth it when she materialized in the small, but roomy by most standards, enclosed stall he waited for her in. But it wasn’t Steven who met her. 
“Hola,” Jake rumbled into her ear as soon as she appeared and pulled Sigyn into his arms. 
She sighed. Leave it to Jake to butt in. “Is he okay with this?” 
“Si,” he confirmed, “we’re going to share.”
“For once,” Sigyn added under her breath. 
“Que?” Jake had heard her. 
“Nothing Papi,” The Asgardian deflected as she lowered herself to the ground. 
Jake was all too happy to let the jab go with Sigyn on her knees for him. “What do you have in mind, nena?” 
“Well, I think you look good enough to eat,” Sigyn lilted. She made short work of his fly, then separated the flaps of his pants. “So that’s exactly what I am going to do.” 
“Bloody hell,” Steven whispered. Sigyn had grown accustomed to her lovers switching while on a mission, but they’d never done it during sex. It sent a hot little shiver down the princess’s spine. “C-can I make a request?”
“Sure, darling,” the princess murmured in between her mouthing at Steven’s rapidly hardening cock through his briefs. 
“Will you, um…ohhh…you don’t have to get totally…ugh, that feels so good love, you don’t have to, but could you…” Steven struggled to get his words out since Sigyn had fished his length out of his boxers and was stroking him. He focused and made his ask in one breath. “Couldyouletmeseeyourtits?
Sigyn flicked her gaze to Steven’s eyes from his groin to send him an enticing grin then acquiesced, momentarily taking her hands off his dick to pull down the straps of her dress and expose herself. 
The sight of her naked breasts prompted Jake to push to the front. “Me encantan tus tetas, cariño.”
“Have you even let him get a glimpse?” Sigyn inquired, hesitating to resume her ministrations until she got an answer. 
“Oh yes, and they’re as gorgeous as ever,” Steven answered. 
Satisfied, Sigyn wrapped a hand around her lovers’ cock and leaned in. She began by giving the tip an open mouthed kiss, then swirling her tongue around the head which was now flushed a deep red and leaking precum. The princess relished the salty taste of him, continuing until she received a whimper from Steven before taking more of him into her mouth. 
A hand placed itself on the back of the Asgardian’s head to push her further down, but Sigyn slithered out of his grasp. She looked up at Jake, because it was obviously Jake, with burning eyes and a low warning, “If you muss up my hair there will be hell to pay.” 
“Can’t you fix it with magic?” he countered. 
“I could, but my magic is not an infinite resource,” she explained. “And until now, I had chosen to direct it so I can take your cock into my mouth, but if you’d rather–” 
“Bien, lo siento princesa,” Jake surrendered. “Más, por favor? Necesito tu boca.”
When her lover gazed down at her it was Steven again. “Don’t listen to him love, he’s being a git.” 
The princess sent him a smirk and picked up where she left off, clasping her hand around the base of his member once more and easing the rest into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. Sigyn moaned around Steven, the vibrations on his cock delivering a shudder that he felt from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. 
She then began bobbing her head steadily, fellating his length with practied ease, leaving her lover to enjoy the sight of her plump lips around his dick and Sigyn’s naked tits on full display. 
Steven had been trying to keep his sounds to a minimum, though he was getting a blowjob from an Asgardian goddess in Buckingham Palace of all places, but Sigyn had began to twist her hand that was secure around the base of him while she licked long stripes around his dick. 
“AH!” he yelped. 
Jake took over, knowing he could keep them quiet and plus, he wanted to feel Sigyn’s mouth for himself. Though he and Steven were sharing their consciousness, sensations were dulled unless one was in the front, and the Asgardian choking on his cock never disappointed. 
“Mírate, tan bueno para mí, princesa,” Jake rasped, “Trabajando esa boca sobre mi polla dura.”
His naughty words elicited another moan from Sigyn. The return of the vibrations around his member prompted Jake to thrust into the princess’s mouth. He stopped himself, looking down to Sigyn, his question Can I? clear in dark, lust-filled eyes. She nodded, her mouth still full of dick, giving Jake the permission he needed to fuck her there. 
He didn’t waste a second, pistoning his hips into the warm suction with an athletic fluidity. The urge to touch herself was becoming harder to deny for Sigyn, but getting her hand up her long skirt or making the satin disappear altogether was proving to be too much effort as Jake drove himself between her lips. 
Instead, the Asgardian rubbed her thighs together for some relief and fondled her own breasts. Knowing that the sight of her thumbing and pinching her own nipples would also drive Steven absolutely mad convinced Sigyn to do it. 
“Fuuuuuuuck,” came the drawn-out groan from Steven. “You’re a revelation, love, so beautiful and sexy.” 
Jake forced a quick switch so he could goad her further, “Sí, juega con esas tetas para mí. Vas a hacer que nos corramos.” 
Sigyn moved her hands at the mention of them coming, she took one of her lovers’ thick ass cheeks in her hands and pushed their cock in deeper. The Asgardian controlled the pace and depth of their thrusts, before holding them in place so their dick was halfway down her throat, and swallowed around the thick appendage. 
Steven, well at least the princess thought it was Steven, orgasmed with an unabashed shout. His hot cum spurted straight down Sigyn’s throat, and as hard as she tried, she couldn’t swallow without coughing a little. 
Next thing she knew, a pair of large, gentle hands were helping her to her feet. Sigyn only needed to look into those eyes for a second to know who it was. He brought his lips to hers, pouring all of his satisfaction and gratitude into the kiss they shared. 
When at last they broke apart, Steven dotted more presses of his lips down the column of her neck, making sure to scatter kisses all over the tops of Sigyn’s tits while he held them in his hands. “What do you need, love?” 
“I’m alright for now,” she assured him. 
Steven pulled away to look at his lover and make sure he was hearing correctly. She chuckled softly at his expression then continued in a whisper. “We should be getting back. You can make it up to me later, however. I want your mouth on me.” 
Despite just having come, Steven’s cock tried to harden once again. He drew Sigyn toward him and rumbled, “Your wish is my command.” 
“I’ll see you back in the ballroom,” she told him. The pair exchanged one last parting kiss before the Asgardian’s form dissolved into a cloud of golden dust. 
Jake shattered his alter’s post-climax bliss when he chimed in, We should put our cock away, don’t you think, hombre? 
Sigyn materialized in a stall in the women’s restrooms. After the beat she required to catch her breath and readjust her gown, she discreetly exited the small cubicle, banking on the assumption that everyone would be too drunk or self-involved to realize they hadn’t seen her enter. 
The princess strolled to the large mirrors adorning the marble walls of the bathroom. While she checked to make sure her lipstick wasn’t too smudged or her updo ruined, Layla emerged from one of the stalls. Sigyn froze as the Midgardian joined her at the sinks, unsure of how to proceed. It seemed rude to leave without acknowledging her, but the Asgardian hadn't the faintest idea of what to say. 
“Oh. I didn’t realize you were in here,” Layla remarked while she washed her hands. 
“I slipped in a moment ago,” she replied, providing her with an explanation that wasn’t altogether untrue. Sigyn wracked her brain while Layla primped a bit in the mirror. She was truly a beautiful woman. It would have been one thing if Marc had married some homely childhood sweetheart, but Layla was exquisite. She could easily pass for a goddess herself, which was why the princess had been, and still was, so envious of Marc’s ex-wife. 
Sigyn tried to suppress her inner green-eyed monster. At the very least, she owed it to Marc to make an effort to be civil. So, the princess defaulted to what on Asgard was always a safe topic with her femme peers. “I don’t believe I said it earlier, but I love your ensemble. It suits you perfectly. 
“Thank you,” said Layla in return. 
When she didn’t say anything more or return the compliment, Sigyn decided to cut her losses and leave. She needed to touch base with Thor and Valkyrie anyway. 
“You know, I never thought he’d go for a blonde.”
 Layla’s voice stopped the Asgardian in her tracks. 
“Well, if there’s anything I’ve learned about Marc, it’s that he’s full of surprises.” Sigyn effaced. 
“Has he told you anything about me? About us?” Sigyn recognized Layla's tone. It caused a pit of sadness to twist her stomach. The woman was obviously still in love with Marc, and he made it clear earlier that he wasn’t completely over her either. 
Where did that leave Sigyn? She didn’t think she loved Loki anymore, her one condition for going back to him being if the fate of the multiverse and innocent lives were at stake. The Asgardian couldn’t help but feel like she was playing a losing game with Marc, but decided to treat Layla as she’d hoped the Egyptian would treat her if their roles were reversed, since it seemed like they could be at any moment. 
“Who, Marc?” Sigyn clarified as she turned around. “Barely a word. Just that you were married. Steven however, has shared a little.” 
“So you’ve met them both,” she noted. Her face was impossible to read. 
Sigyn nodded, clocking her referral to the system as “both”. She didn’t correct Layla, it wasn’t her place to inform her about Jake. “Layla, for what it’s worth, you’re irreplaceable to him.” 
“Please don’t patronize me.” The hurt in her eyes made Sigyn’s heart ache. She knew it too well.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” the princess professed. “It's the truth. And I respect that.” 
“Well that’s a relief, I guess.” The bitterness in her tone betrayed that she wasn’t relieved in the slightest. “After all, I can’t compete with a goddess.”
“You sell yourself short,” Sigyn disagreed, “not to mention you’re not being entirely forthright. I can sense the divinity within you. You’re still in the service of Taweret, then?”
“Only when she needs me,” Layla explained. “Not like they are.”
“I should hope not. Khonshu is a menace.” 
“You’ve met him too.” 
“Once,” she neglected to include any more details. “I cannot say I’m fond of him.” 
“What are you two doing?” Layla opted for directness, tired of the thinly veiled niceties. “Marc isn’t a kept man, so I know it’s something more. More than sleeping together, that is. ” 
Sigyn chose to ignore the perfectly aimed barb Layla pitched at her. “He’s helping me find Loki.”
“And what qualifies you to do that?”
“I’m his estranged wife.”
The revelation silenced Layla. Until she remembered a moment later, “But he’s dead.” 
“In this universe, yes,” the Asgardian concurred, “but in mine, he’s very much alive, and is currently aiding in the effort to rid the multiverse of every god.” 
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Layla objected. “He’s a god himself.” 
“The god of mischief and chaos, infamous for betraying even his closest allies,” Sigyn continued, “Loki and Gorr are playing each other, both confident they’ll be the one to double-cross the other first. If it is indeed Loki who does, he’ll be the only deity left, and he’ll be considered all-powerful. I need to stop him before that happens, seeing as they’ve already left a trail of destruction in their wake.” 
Layla processed the information as quickly as she could. “And why does Gorr want all gods to die?”
“He was scorned by one, we’ve gathered,” the princess answered. “He lost a loved one, found the Necrosword – a blade that can kill a god – and has been seeking his retribution since.” 
“I need to warn Taweret,” she concluded. 
“We were hoping not to rouse widespread fear and panic just yet, but I won’t stop you from telling her.” 
Layla had more questions. “Does Khonshu know?”
“I’m sure he hates that you’re working with them,” Layla presumed with a bitter laugh. 
“Why would you think that?”
“Because he hated me. He hated anything that distracted his avatar from his almighty bidding,” Layla explained, a mocking tone dripping from the last two words of her answer. Then the mortal woman changed course, “Is that why your party insisted on speaking to the Wakandans alone? “
Before Sigyn could confirm, a loud crash reverberated from of the bathroom, followed by a chorus of distressed cries. 
The two women shared a concerned, knowing look with each other, then raced out of the loo. Their forms shimmered, their respective armors enveloping them, as Sigyn and Layla sprinted back to the ballroom. 
Layla took flight and the most Sigyn could make out when she returned was a fallen chandelier and a scattering crowd before a pair of hands grasped her shoulders. 
“You’re both here,” the suit her lover wore identified him as Marc. His hood evaporated to reveal his face. “And you’re ok, thank God.” 
Green bolts of light flew past Sigyn and Marc, but the princess had more urgent concerns. “How angry are you at me?”
“There’s more happening right now than us,” Marc chose to focus on the matter at hand. 
“Oh please,” Sigyn scoffed, appearing nonplussed at the chaos unfolding around her.  “These are just his usual theatrics.”
“His usual theatrics?” Marc repeated incredulously. “Sigyn, you’ve got to make him stop.” 
The goddess agreed. So, she stomped her foot and yelled at the top of her lungs “LOKI!!! STOP!!!!”
It was a simple move, but an effective one. Loki's onslaught ceased and the estranged couple zeroed in on one another across the ballroom.
Loki towered at the top of the staircase. He looked worse for wear, the bags so deep under his wild, icy eyes they could pass as bruises, his long hair disheveled. There seemed to be no color left in his face, the entirety of his complexion a wan, pallid hue. Sigyn couldn’t stop the wifely pang of concern that bubbled up at the sight of him. 
“Ah. There you are,” he remarked with utmost nonchalance. Loki began his descent down the grand staircase with the grace of a large cat. He may have looked like shit, but the god appeared to retain his smooth gait and carriage.  
Sigyn had to keep him talking to give Layla, Valkyrie and the Wakandans time to usher everyone away from the wreckage. Marc and Thor stood sentinel behind Sigyn on either side of her. She threw her arms wide and responded “Indeed, here I am. And I was having an excellent time until you arrived.” 
“Now pet, is that any way to greet your husband?” He inquired as he crossed the ballroom. Ugh, he knew she hated when he called her “pet”. 
Loki caught sight of Marc and his features pulled into a scowl. “Pity. If you’d kept your legs shut, I would’ve made you my queen.”
“Now that’s one of your bolder fictions,” Sigyn parried as if critiquing him. She had to keep him talking. “Your jealousy is as plain as the nose on your face.”
“Gods do not get jealous.”
“That may be true, but sad little boys from Asgard certainly do.” 
“And what of sad little girls, hm?” Loki shot back. “Did my departure upset you so that you sought comfort in that broken excuse for a Midgardian?”
Sigyn extinguished the flame of anger the insult ignited before it could consume her. Instead, she blew an unprincess-like raspberry with her lips. “Ha! Because you’re the picture of soundness of mind.”
“You two were ridiculously easy to evade, you know. It was quite pathetic, really.” 
Marc lurched, making an imperceptible start forward, he wanted to deal with the mad Asgardian himself but Khonshu weighed in, That would not be a wise move, Marc Spector. This is a matter between two spouses currently. 
He wasn’t particularly interested in what they had to say, especially after Khonshu’s marionette act and untoward advance toward Sigyn earlier. So Marc glanced to his side to confer with Thor. It was when the god of thunder gave him a little shake of the head -- non-verbally telling him to stand down– did Marc stay put. 
“Then why did you come?” Sigyn demanded. 
“Convenience,” he answered simply. “I figured I could raze the Egyptian pantheon as well as the man who dared defile my wife.” 
“I am no longer your wife. You left me, without so much as a goodbye or an explanation to wreak untold havoc on innocents. Our ill-conceived union, for all intents and purposes, is over.”
“Did you ever consider that my actions were to protect you? Us? Asgard?”
Sigyn looked him straight in the eye and answered truthfully. “No. Because your selfishness knows no bounds.”
“You truly want me to tear your little toy limb from limb, don’t you?” He asked. His gaze flicked to where Marc stood, resembling a caged animal waiting to pounce. 
“You’ll have to go through me first,” she challenged him. 
Loki balked at her threat. “You?! I’m the one who taught you magic and how to fight for Valhalla’s sake!” 
“Theoric and my brothers taught me to fight,” she corrected him, refusing to cower when he arrived where she stood, “and your mother taught me the magic you refused to when you feared it would make me too powerful.”  
“Lies,” he spat at her. Bringing Frigga in was a low blow, but it was the truth. 
Now that the ballroom was cleared, it was time for Sigyn to pivot. She’d distracted him, now she needed to make Loki so angry he’d attack without a strategy. Mentioning her mother-in-law was the most effective topic, though it pained the princess to do so. She adored Frigga. 
“You know I’m not lying,” Sigyn continued in a low, measured voice. “How does it feel darling, to know that deep down she didn’t trust you? That you realized her worst fears and utterly devastated her when you joined Gorr’s cause? And you believe you weren’t given the throne because we haven’t had a child yet? It’s absolutely mad–”
She wasn’t able to finish her rebuke, Loki lunged at her. Sigyn knew to expect it, but the flash of movement sprung Thor and Marc into action all the same. Layla, Valkyrie and the Wakandans were hot on their heels. 
He may have only been one man, but Loki was a formidable opponent. Beyond his skill in hand-to-hand combat, he was the most advanced sorcerer Asgard had seen in a millennia. The god duplicated himself several times over to confuse his adversaries. Even though Sigyn knew this move of his well, it angered her when she’d go to strike Loki, only for his form to shimmer away. 
To make matters worse, his daggers were now tipped with the black tar of the Necrosword which meant that the coalition had not only a mad god to deal with, but a hoard of dark, shifting nightmarish creatures. Marc was impressed with Sigyn’s prowess as a warrior, however. She was more than able to hold her own in a fight, slicing through the copies of Loki and shadow-monsters with her signature grace and agility. 
Speaking of grace and agility, Marc was shaken from his observation of the pandemonium around him when Layla zoomed past him. He snapped back to the scrum and found himself face-to-face with Loki, the blow the god landed across his cheek confirming it was him and not an illusion. 
“You,” Loki fumed. 
The Midgardian knew he could take him, but Loki’s anger had unhinged him. He rained his fury down on Marc, and despite the suit and his aptitude in a fight, Loki prostrated him in a headlock and with a blade to his throat. 
“Death at my hand is more than you deserve,” the god snarled into Marc’s ear. He could feel Jake trying to push to the front, but Marc held him at bay for the time being. This was personal between him and Loki. “I’m going to make you regret the day your bitch mother whelped you into this dismal world of yours.”
Layla caught sight of what was happening, and raced toward the pair without hesitation. Loki responded by conjuring more creatures to impede her and pressed his blade closer to Marc’s throat. “Layla is ravishing though, and what fire. What they see in you I can’t fathom.”
If Marc couldn’t speak, he would’ve joked that he agreed. Or since Loki was being particularly dickish, suggest that the reason they preferred him was because he was a better lay. 
But no comeback was made, and the god resumed his threat while he watched Layla take down the shadows, “I’ll spare her, I think, make her a concubine. That’s only fair, hmm? Eye for an eye? Wife for a wife?” 
Threatening Layla unleashed Jake. He escaped out of Loki’s hold and began to pummel the god, the Midgardian’s anger now matching Loki’s. Layla joined to try and restrain him, hopefully putting an end to the chaos, but the two were interrupted by a screech that reverberated throughout the ballroom, “STOP!!” 
Sigyn had said it. Marc pushed to the front once more, and halted along with Layla. What was this, a moment of mercy? Were the centuries she’d been married to Loki getting the best of her?
“He’s mine,” she asserted lowly. 
Alright then, Steven chimed in. We’re not feeling so merciful after all. 
Sigyn stalked across the ballroom with her sword, a deceptively cloying smile on her lips. 
“The Midgardians have a phrase,” She began, breezing past Marc and Layla to where Loki stood, bloodied and brooding. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” The princess fixed her estranged husband with a wicked smirk. “I’m rather fond of it.” 
The Asgardian rained down her fury on her husband after that. Her limbs were a blur of movement and magic as she attacked Loki. The god parried and defended himself as best he could, but Marc suspected he was pulling his punches. After everything he’d done to her, Loki couldn’t bring himself to defeat Sigyn.
“How could you?!” The princess’s beating continued. “I stayed with you after you tricked me into marrying you, and this is what I get?! I can never go home now, you realize that? YOU’VE MADE ME THE LAUGHINGSTOCK OF ASGARD!” 
“Seeg-” Loki tried to respond but his wife punched him square in the jaw. 
“We were happy, weren’t we?” Sigyn’s hits were getting sloppy as her emotion overwhelmed her. “Weren’t we? Why wasn’t that enough for you?”
Tears blurred Sigyn’s vision, causing her to miss her target when she went to kick Loki. She’d flattened her husband out on the polished stone floor. Marc wanted to go to her, but Layla caught his wrist, cautioning him with her eyes about entering her space. 
It was Thor who approached her, he inched toward her slowly, as if walking across eggshells or to a skittish animal. Sigyn collapsed into his broad chest, sobs wracking her heaving form. In the meantime, the Wakandans swooped in and restrained Loki with enhanced handcuffs of Shuri’s design. 
“Sigyn,” Loki wheezed. She peeked out from her brother’s pecs. Once he knew he had her attention, the god gasped out, “I’m sorry.” 
As soon as he apologized however, Loki disappeared. The entire team lunged to try and stop him, but no one was fast enough. 
“Fuck!” Marc swore. 
“He shouldn’t have been able to do that,” Shuri was reeling at the failure of her tech. “We tested it and everything! Why on Earth–”
“That’s just it,” Sigyn interrupted her. “He’s not of earth, or this universe. Besides, you tested the cuffs on me, and I don’t have the same scope of power that he does.”
“There’s also the influence of the blade to consider,” Valkyrie added. 
“Are there any injuries?” Sigyn asked Nakia. 
“A few minor ones,” she replied. “Nothing serious.” 
“Good. Then perhaps all this wreckage wasn’t for naught.” 
Layla couldn’t hold in her scoff of disbelief, “How do you figure?”
The princess looked down at her bloodied knuckles. She inhaled deeply to concentrate, holding one hand forward and waving its twin over the skin where her and Loki’s blood co-mingled. A golden screen of intricate swirls of dust bloomed from Sigyn’s efforts and a bead of sweat trickled down from her forehead. Clearly, this magic took much exertion on her part, especially after this evening’s events. 
Bloody hell, marveled Steven. Marc couldn’t help but agree. He examined the cloud that’d appeared above Sigyn’s hand, only needing ten or seconds to recognize that it was a map. 
“Because now we can follow him.” 
A/N: yay! we made it! Man this part of the fic has been giving me trouble for ages!! Hope everyone enjoyed! 
Taglist: @twwcs​, @starfirette​ @woofgocows​ 
Yo sé - I know 
Tonto - Fool/stupid 
Hola - Hello
Si - Yes 
Què - what
Nena - babe 
Me encantan tus tetas, cariño - I love your tits, honey 
Bien, lo siento princesa - Okay, I’m sorry princess 
Más, por favor? Necesito tu boca. - More please? I need your mouth. 
Mírate, tan bueno para mí, princesa - look at you, so good for me, princess 
Trabajando esa boca sobre mi polla dura - Working that mouth over my hard cock 
Sí, juega con esas tetas para mí. Vas a hacer que nos corramos - Yes, play with those tits for me. You’re going to make us come. 
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flurgyart · 2 years
Potter (OC Concept) OUTDATED!!!!
This is the man. The one who I would like to be the main character in my little story.
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The name of this guy is “Potter”. A simple name that I think fits with him. It took me a few years to come up with a name that I liked. His original name was “Cadaver” but for some odd reason I didn’t like the way it was pronounced. I wanted his name to be a reference to a corpse since his head is a skull but had trouble finding names since many parents don’t name their children after a dead body, funny isn’t it? I forgot the exact moment it happened, but I’m sure I was in class when I discovered what a “Potter’s Field” was, which is a cemetery if you’re not aware, it clicked, this has to be his name.
•Appearance and Body•
I should start off by saying that he is not a skeleton. That “skull” that surrounds his head is actually an exoskeleton that takes on an appearance of a human skull, though it is bigger and harder than an actual human skull. However, the rest of his body is slender and covered in dark skin. He has a regular human body just like you and me with an actual skeleton under his body. Funny to think but maybe he has a skull underneath his skull. I should mention that he doesn’t have any hair on his body, which is why he prefers to be in warmer areas than colder areas.
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•Personality and Goals•
Here’s the thing, I don’t really know what his goals should be. For now, I guess his goal is on hold or in other words: his goal is to try to just live life. He’s just a gloomy guy but he does have things to enjoy and is able to express emotions, albeit most of his expressions are just a tired look. Somehow, he was able to get eye bags on his exoskeleton, probably due to minor insomnia. He doesn’t mind working at his job, maybe if it were more interesting then maybe he would like it more; good things there’s friends. Most of his friends work at the same job as him, well, that’s how he made friends. He is also friends with Scratch!
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(this is old concept art, back then he was actually a skeleton)
•Some Biometrics•
-Age: 23
-Height: 5 foot 11 inches
-Weight: 134 lbs
He likes a good vacation break; back when he was in school: he would enjoy Christmas and thanksgiving breaks the most. There was something special about breaks to him. Other than that, he likes to enjoy the scenery and his surroundings. Just watching TV is an option, but why do that when you can go to the place yourself. If he had to pick a genre of music, it would probably be the blues or smooth jazz. One of his favorite songs would be “Almost Blue” by Chet Baker. A man’s taste in music can show a lot about them is what some may say.
Potter really hates drawing blood, he never really had a liking to needles and that is why he doesn’t like the doctor’s office. Another pet peeve are dry conversations. Since Potter is really bad at making conversations or keeping them alive, it is really rare that he has a good time talking to random people. It is not that he doesn’t enjoy talking to people, it is the fact that most conversations are really uncomfortable and awkward, but he can try.
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That is all for now! Thanks for taking the time to read this blog, it was really fun making this. I can now see why one of my friends started writing as a hobby now. Take care and God bless y’all :)
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forever1kay · 2 years
Daredevil’s baby angel
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Summary: Yours and Matthew’s daughter is a handful and we’ll leave it at that.
Pairings: Matthew Murdock x fem!black!reader, Matthew Murdock x fem!biracial!OC daughter, Fem!black!reader x fem!biracial!OC daughter
Warnings: Anisa is a warning herself but not in a bad way.
•You and Matt have a daughter named Anisa (pronounced Uh-nees-uh).
•She’s extremely sarcastic, nonchalant, and makes hella jokes.
•She thinks it’s funny.
•And if you ask(ed) me—which you didn’t—it kind of is.
•Matt knows she didn’t get it from him
•She got it from you.
•In other words,
•She really is her mother’s child.
•When you and Matt were just best friends, and even now into your sixth year of being married, you(’d) always make the same type of blind jokes Anisa does now.
•Your first was:
•“You see that, Matthew? I won.”
•You knew he couldn’t see it.
•And you were damn wrong for that joke too.
•Anisa’s was:
•“Daddy! You not even look in the mirror to see your forehead brighting up the living room!”
•That was when she was two.
•His jaw dropped, his pancakes rolling out of his mouth and onto his shirt.
•You choked on your milk, the amount that went into your mouth came out of your nose.
•She laughed loudly at her joke, and you weren’t surprised at that part.
•She’d always found herself funny, even as a newborn baby.
•Back then, she’d cough loudly and scare the fuck out of you both.
•Then she’d laugh because she thought the cough was funny.
•Ever since then, she hasn’t stopped.
•You’ll know when she’s planning her next move as you hear her from downstairs.
•She’ll do her signature evil laugh from upstairs in her room, and when you hear her feet padding from the room to the hall, you speak to Matt, still in disbelief that it’s been years and Nisa hasn’t yet repeated a joke.
• “What do you think it is this time?”
• “Only God knows.”
•Then she’ll run down the stairs, stopping in the doorway to your living room.
•“Mommy! Daddy! Look at my drawing!”
•This was when she was four.
•When Matt turns his head towards her way and remembers he can’t see, he facepalms.
•Of course you laugh at that.
•She knows she’s wrong for that.
•You and Matt taught her the concept of blindness the moment she was able to hold a conversation.
•And she knows it can be offensive to make blind jokes about blind people.
•But, she’s an empath like you are and she knows he isn’t really bothered.
•Your hero name is “the angel” or “hell’s angel”.
•You can definitely guess that the two of you fight together as a couple.
•If you didn’t guess, then don’t. I can just tell you that y’all do fight together.
•Cliché, I know.
•Nisa goes to a school full of the children of other superheroes and people with enhanced abilities.
•And on open house days, she’ll always introduce you two as:
•“My very emotional mother and my extremely blind father.”
•You always shake your head, half in amusement and half in disappointment.
•Disappointed but not surprised.
•She’s done it to anyone else she’s encountered and got to know as well.
•Foggy is known as “Uncle Froggy”, mostly because:
•“What? He looks like a frog!”
•Then she’ll take another shot at Matt once again.
•“Don’t you see, daddy?”
•He chuckles and she smirks.
•She also doesn’t mess with any of his exes.
•Well, no. Let’s rephrase.
•She likes them, in secret of course, but she still calls them “The three blind mice.”
•“The three blind mice for what, Nisa?” You ask her.
•“Because they was too blind to see that you the best one for daddy.”
•You really have to work on her grammar.
•But sorry, I also forgot to mention your exes.
•She can’t stand them.
•Well, she likes T’Challa.
•But you’ll never hear it from her.
•And honestly, you don’t really need to.
•You can see her aura and Matt hears her heartbeat whenever T’Challa comes around.
•Which is kind of often for you two to be exes?
•But don’t worry,
•He only shows up because you’re best friends with Shuri and Okoye.
•You know those three go everywhere together.
•Your other two exes are Bucky and Sam.
•Yes, you dated them at the same time.
•Don’t ask me why you broke up with either of them. I couldn’t tell you.
•But trust me, she can’t stand them.
•She only refers to Sam as “the fish with a secret” and Bucky as “Buckets full of bullshit”.
•“Anisa!” You yell every time.
•Matt always thinks you’re going to correct her, tell her to call them by their names, but you never do.
•“I told you not to cuss anymore!”
•She always shrugs.
•“You do it.”
•You make this “😐” face, but you’re really screaming on the inside.
•About time she’s older, you and Matt are no longer phased.
•You just give a sarcastic laugh and Matt actually finds it funny.
•In the end, Anisa is always victorious.
•Her jokes sometimes hurt as bad as the people who Matt beats the hell out of do.
•I mean, she does have his strength.
•I guess she really is the Devil’s baby angel.
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© forever1kay 2022 ,
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“You should kiss a girl before you leave.”
yoongi x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 2.5K
a/n: Lovelies!!! Ya girl is back from camping, and my god did she write!!! We are getting into the folklore angst for Yoon and Kid, but before we get into the heavy shit, we have to set it up with some cute getting to know each other fluff. This takes place the night after their second date, “You just want to get back to your Zuko fan fiction.” So they’ve had their first kiss, they’re super giddy to see each other, and yeah. There are like two more fluff fics after this one before we get into the angst of it all. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy! :))
p.s. anyone who isn’t a fan of Min/Kid... I’m so sorry because that’s all you’re getting for AT LEAST the next week. Get ready for a honey boy take over y’all. 
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THERE was something thrilling but terrifying about receiving a text from Yoongi saying he just arrived outside your apartment complex. You kissed yesterday, and you hadn’t stopped thinking about it, or him, since.
The knock on your door was a cue for your heart to follow the thump, becoming light and fluttery as if it would fly right out if you could open your chest.  
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves, before you opened the door to a smiling Min Yoongi, skin slightly flushed from the cold weather.
“Hey,” you greeted lamely, a wide grin spread across your face. You wondered if you would ever not feel so giddy to see him.
“Hey,” he replied before patting his own chest, bringing his hands to run along his bare neck. “Shit,” he sighed. “I forgot the scarf.”
You giggled at the comment, opening the door open and stepping aside for Yoongi to walk inside.
“Look who owns a coat,” you joked, tugging on the side of the garment as he began entering your apartment. As he walked in front of you, your back to the front door as you both stood in the middle of the frame, he turned toward you, gummy beam pointed in your direction.
“I’m gonna kiss you, Kid,” he whispered to you.
“Ok,” you bit back a grin, chills spreading across your body as Yoongi’s hands found your waist. You made him lean all the way in, Yoongi noticing you didn’t meet him halfway, scoffing just before his lips met yours, your mouth curving up as you giggled into the kiss.
“Brat,” he smiled into the action, just before pushing you firmer against the door, deepening the kiss just slightly. After a moment of your lips moving together perfectly, he broke the meeting, resting his forehead against yours.
Placing your hands at the back of his neck, you playfully frowned. “No scarf, huh?” He kissed his teeth and you sighed. “Well, I didn’t finish my Zuko essay either.”
“No fanfiction?” He asked in feigned shock, stepping back as he looked you up and down.
“Essay,” you corrected.
“Right, not fanfiction,” he grinned teasingly, making you roll your eyes. Shoving against him, you pushed him inside your apartment before closing the door behind you.
You watched as he looked around the small but nice apartment, decorated in photos of friends and family, stacks of books atop tables, a record player across the living room and a few candles. “Do you want a drink?” You asked him, Yoongi’s gaze slowly shifting from the room to you.
“Uh, yeah,” he nodded.
“Any preference?” Yoongi shook his head, following you into the kitchen. You hummed in thought, looking inside the cabinet with various bottles of alcohol. Grabbing the bottle of red wine, you held it up to him. “This ok?” He simply nodded as he watched you place it on the counter, opening a drawer to your side to grab a corkscrew. As you worked on opening the bottle, Yoongi looked around at the kitchen cabinets.
“Wine glasses?” He asked, you pointing to the cupboard. You watched Yoongi walk past you, dragging his feet on your tiled floor as he went to retrieve the glasses.
It was a few more moments before the sound of glass clinking sounded across the room just as you pulled the cork out. Another few seconds passed before Yoongi’s shoulder brushed against your own as he appeared next to you, placing the glasses on the counter.
“Thank you,” you turned toward him with a soft smile. Instead of responding, he gave a small grin back before leaning toward you and kissing your lips quickly but gently. The ease of the action had your head spinning, though you forced your attention to the bottle, lifting it to pour as Yoongi stayed facing you, sporting a fond grin.
Handing him his glass, he nudged his nose against your temple, whispering, “thank you, Kid,” before leaving a kiss to the spot as he turned straight ahead and took a sip of the alcohol.
“I want to show you a song,” you told him suddenly, his eyebrows raising. “It’s nothing like super special or anything, just something I’ve been listening to a lot lately.”
“Show me,” he encouraged, turning his whole body to face you as you reached for your phone, searching up the song. He inspected your features as you began playing the song, a slow lofi R&B beat resonating through the kitchen, feeling his eyes on you.  
He listened intently for a moment as a slow voice dragged through the lyrics lethargically. “What is this?” He asked quietly, almost afraid of disrupting the atmosphere.
“It’s ‘Will He’ by Joji,” you told him. “For whatever reason I’ve been obsessed.”
Just as you finished speaking, Joji sang the lyrics will your tongue still remember the taste of my lips? Will your shadow remember the swing of my hips? Yoongi pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear. Will your lover caress you the way that I did? Yoongi set his wine glass down, bringing his hand to your chin to turn your face toward him. Will you notice my charm if he slips up one bit?
Your gaze fell to his lips and lingered as the chorus of the song started. Cause I don’t need to know, I just wanna make sure you’re okay. Yoongi leaned forward just slightly, you closing the rest of the gap as you kissed him, struggling to balance the bottom of your glass as you gently but hurriedly discarded it on the counter. I just wanna make sure you’re all safe. As soon as the glass was down, you moved your hand to thread it into Yoongi’s hair at the back of his head, letting out a low, quick moan into the kiss as Yoongi wrapped a hand around your waist, pulling you flush with him.
Forgetting about the partially drank wine, you pulled your face from Yoongi’s, his lips attaching to your neck, another small moan slipping from you. Turning around in his arms, Yoongi adjusting his position to hold you in a back hug. He kissed the side of your neck as you led him toward the couch. Standing in front of the sofa, you grabbed Yoongi’s hand and tugged on it, gesturing for him to sit.
He followed your lead, lowering himself onto the couch as he looked up at you with hooded eyes, you smirking as you placed a hand on his shoulder moving to straddle him. Your lips were on his as soon as you settled atop him, Yoongi’s hands holding onto your hips as he hungrily kissed you.
Your hands settled on the sides of his face and as a low groan left his lips, you smirked into the kiss, Yoongi soon smiling afterward.
“I promise I didn’t come over for this,” he chuckled against your mouth, you pulling away to look at him.
“Is that a complaint?” You teased.
“Absolutely not,” he said instantly, leaning forward to catch your lips in a soft kiss. “Just making it clear that I actually like you,” he told you more seriously.
“I like you too,” you replied with a small smile.
His thumbs began soothing circles overtop your pants, a soft tingling sensation overtaking your body from the sweet gesture. “How was your day, Kid?”
Your eyes widened at the question. Yeah, he liked you, but you had never had a person ask you about your day as you straddled them. As random as it was, your heart swelled when you noticed the genuine curiosity in his eyes. Damn, Min, who are you?
“Kind of long, actually,” you replied. “Better now, though.” With a soft smile, you leaned forward, brushing his hair off his forehead before placing a sweet kiss to the spot.
“Same,” he said simply, leaning forward to rest his forehead against your shoulder, leaving a linger kiss to your upper arm.
“Tell me about it,” you told him, bringing your hand to rest at the back of his head, massaging his scalp as you dug your fingers into his hair softly. Yoongi looked up at you, almost scrutinizingly, as he cocked his head to the side. “I want details, Min, don’t spare a thing.”
Yoongi attempted to hold back a wide smile, failing, as he directed his gaze to the empty sofa seat next to you both. Suddenly, he was leaning to the side, falling into a lying position, you falling with him. Facing each other as you both reclined on the couch, he began telling you about his day.
As you listened to the gently spoken words leave his pouted lips, you observed his features and basked in the tone of his voice, all while your body tingled from the drag of his fingers up and down your side.
You don’t know how much time went by as you both listened to each other speak about your days, bounced jokes off each other, laughed as you bickered, and opened up about insecurities within your respective jobs and where the future could take you both. As you spoke, Joji’s album In Tongues played on a loop.
The conversation never lulled, only falling into comfortable pauses occasionally. It wasn’t until Yoongi yawned, you teasingly sneaking your finger between his lips as his mouth closed, that you both realized how late it must have been. With his mouth closing over your finger, he pulled a feigned disgusted expression as he leaned back, grabbing your hand as he chuckled, bringing your limb to his lips, leaving a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“I have to be at dance practice at 6 in the morning,” he told you, a sadness overtaking the brightness of his orbs.
“You should probably head out then, huh?” You asked, smiling softly to show him it was okay.
“What time is it?” He questioned as he pulled his phone from his pocket. He hummed as he looked at the screen. Meeting your gaze, you raised your eyebrows. “2 am.”
“Oh?” Your eyes widened comically, Yoongi grinning at the expression. The man placed his hand at the small of your back, pulling you toward him so he could kiss your cheek softly. “You need to get home,” you mumbled, Yoongi humming dismissively as he pressed a series of kisses to your cheek. “Yoongi,” you whined through a giggle, Yoongi cutting you off as he moved his lips toward your lips.
You kissed him back. Of course, you did. Your lips moving together, both of you momentarily forgot about Yoongi’s impending departure. When Yoongi’s hand slid to your abdomen, fingers toying with the waist of your bottoms, he finally broke the kiss, resting his forehead against your own as he sighed.
“I should go,” he spoke, his voice huskier than before, you clearing your throat as you nodded. You moved first, sitting up and stretching your arms over your head. Yoongi pulled his phone out to order himself a ride home, running a hand through his hair as he did so. “The car will be here in three minutes. A silver Toyota Camry!” He added with playful enthusiasm.  
You turned around to look at him, giving him a wide-eyed expression. “A silver Toyota Camry?!” He sat up, shoulders shaking in light laughter as he placed his large hand on the side of your abdomen, kissing your lips, your hand finding the side of his face as you kissed him back. “I’ll see you again soon, right?” You whispered against his lips.
“As soon as possible, Kid,” he assured you, kissing the side of your mouth. “You have my time, remember?”
You nodded. “I don’t think you know how happy that makes me,” you told him, a vulnerability in your tone that he had never heard before. Even as you talked throughout the night, bringing up topics of fear of failure, and of losing passion for your dreams and goals, that tone never appeared until just then, as you admitted how happy you were to have his time.
It was in that moment Yoongi realized how much it meant for you to let someone in and allow yourself to feel this way for them. The awareness brought a nervousness. What if he wasn’t enough? You watched as the thoughtfulness passed through his eyes, his mind traveling outside the current moment, and you suddenly felt uneasy.
Yoongi simply gave you a forced small smile, pressing one last kiss to your lips before saying a quiet, “me too, Kid.”
With that, he stood up and made his way to your door, you following behind. As he pulled the door open, you almost worried he was going to walk out without looking back at you, but of course he didn’t. Turning to look at you, he smiled, reaching for your hand and pulling you to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and he brought his around the back of your neck.
“I’ll see you, Kid. I promise,” he told you, you nodding against his chest.
“I’ll be waiting, Honey Boy,” you assured him, Yoongi’s chuckles vibrating against your frame. He kissed the top of your head before stepping back, your arms falling to your side as he reached for the doorknob, preparing to exit the apartment. “Bring my scarf next time, you thief,” you teased to lighten the mood, Yoongi’s gummy smile spreading across his lips as his shoulders shook in laughter.
“I think I might keep it for a bit,” he said as he stepped outside your door. “As a safety net. I have to keep you around, Kid.”
“Oh, shut up,” you said sassily. “I think you know you have me.”
The smile slowly faded off Yoongi’s face as he stared at you thoughtfully. “I really hope that’s true,” he told you as you grabbed onto the door frame.
“You should kiss a girl before you leave,” you told him popping your hip out as you stared at him.
The gummy grin was back in an instant as he stepped toward you, placing a hand on your waist, bringing his lips to yours, though he hovered over them as he whispered, “As you wish.” He kissed you without hesitation, though the action didn’t last near long enough. You would kiss him forever if you could.
“Bye, Kid,” he told you through his adorable smile.
“Bye, Min,” you grinned right back, watching him as he left before closing your door. 
Looking around the apartment, it suddenly felt bland and empty. It was too quiet. Spotting the partially drank wine on the kitchen counter, you were struck with the realization that you were all in with Yoongi. All you could do as you cleaned up the glasses and recorked the bottle was hope Yoongi felt the same way. If not, there was no doubt in your mind that he would shatter your heart.
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ayasmess · 4 years
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Demonic!Yugyeom x OC | Kinktober: all sins week | Smut (sensory deprivation), angst 
words: 3.4k+
Every year, you receive a letter. Every year, you just put it in the left compartment of your closet. But you’d never open them. After all, you swore to never touch it again. Witchcraft.
Your mother tried to make you believe in it, even on her deathbed, and still, you refused.
But what if one night, when you’re not thinking right, you invoked him. Would it be your worst mistake?
“What do you mean you’re not coming?” Your friend asked through the phone.
While putting her on speaker, you went to your closet, putting back some clothes, always avoiding the left compartment. “I meant what I said. I don’t feel good about standing in the same room with my ex and his amazing fiancée who by the way is my childhood friend.”
You heard a sigh. “It’s been 2 years, I’m not saying you shouldn’t feel like that, all I’m saying is that you could meet other people.”
“Why would I meet other people? I have you guys.”
“Maybe because you can’t screw your friend and you need some.”
“Who said we can’t— okay no I’m good without screwing you.” You laughed and stop arguing. “I have to go, but as I told you, enjoy the party, I probably won’t be there.” You replied and hung up before she could even complain.
Maybe something was wrong with you, maybe you should have said yes. Maybe not being close to that box would have been the salvation to your pain. But that night, you decided that he was your salvation.
Do you regret it?
Are you scared of the night?
Do you fear him or you?
 For the whole week, you tried to organize your room, again and again. As if something was wrong, you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. You moved all your furniture, even reorganize your closet. But you never touched that left compartment, as if it was cursed.
Those letters were cursed, after all, they bore his seal.
 The week passed, the night of Halloween, your friend insisted to come to your house at least before the party. She didn’t like the thought of you being alone that day. So here you were, both of you on the floor of your bedroom, alcohol in your blood, for god’s know how long. You were not the type to drink that much but tonight was different.
“I still don’t understand why you don’t want to go to the party... You know we still have time.” She looked at you, smirking.
You sighed. “I don’t know, it feels wrong. To be there and to see his happily ever after face, while I’m just a drunken ex who can’t get over him.”
“We all know it’s not him you have to get over. It’s hard sometimes to move on when you feel like you’re in a hole and everyone just keeps moving.”
“And that hole is so big. God, I can’t even see the outside.” You drunkenly admitted.
“Girl, we’re so drunk, we don’t make sense.” She laughed as she got up. “Come on.”
You looked at her puzzled. “What?”
“Remember what your mom used to say? To enjoy the day without thinking about tomorrow and if a dude can’t appreciate your boobs just go for another one.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not what she used to say...” You snickered.
“Let’s go to that fucking party and have fun. Who cares about that trash and his trashoe. We’re going to have fun and... and I forgot what I wanted to say—“
You laughed loudly and you paused as you looked at her fondly. “Okay just for you.”
“Oh god, please don’t fall in love with me.”
“Shut up and help me find a good outfit.”
 She searched in your closet for the clothes, throwing some of them on the bed. While opening all the compartment, her fingers met a box nested at the bottom. Her curiosity got the best of her and she pulled it.
When she opened it, a hand closed it quickly. “Don’t.” You spoke a little harshly.
She looked at you surprised. “Letters? Why do you hide letters?”
You looked away and hesitantly you responded. “It’s about the invocation. You know that whole witchcraft stuff my mom used to believe?”
“Yeah! And I freakingly believed her! What is the content of those letters?!”
“It’s nothing, just superstition. Every year, we’re allowed to make a wish to our spiritual guardian. And we have to burn that letter as a part of the offering.”
“You never did that... because?”
“Because I don’t want to meet him or communicate with him. Not anymore.”
“Okay... y’all weirdos. Come on let’s go get that outfit.”
  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” You walked down the street, fiddling the side of your skirt.
“No, but who cares. In the worst case, it was just a drunken night, we probably won’t remember the details. In the best case, you met an amazing guy, who had an amazing sense of humor and you both shared amazing sex—“ You put your hand on her mouth before she could continue.
“Okay, that’s enough! I got it I got it.” You chuckled nervously.
 If only you met that guy. Except, you obviously didn’t. But you did hear a conversation about your amazing ex and his amazingly pregnant fiancée. When you tried to move away from the group, you bumped into someone. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You heard as you felt the content of your drink on your shirt. Great. Amazing night.
You sighed and looked upwards. Okay maybe, your friend was right about meeting a cute guy. Meh, too late. “It’s okay, I wasn’t careful either.”
“Look, let me go get a shirt in my room.” Oh, and you bumped into the host.
“It’s okay I wanted to go home anyway.”
“At least, let me walk you to your house. I think we live in the same street?”
“Yep... You don’t have to—“
“Come on, I’ll grab my jacket.”
 Okay, maybe it wasn’t so late.
 And maybe you enjoyed his presence as you both talked on the way. Was it the way his eyes glowed when he smiled? Was it his cute smile? Was it the amount of alcohol in your blood? Or was it this sinking pain in your chest every time you thought how unfair your life was? What made you kiss him in front of your house?
 You felt his hand slide from your cheek to your waist, pressing you against him. You didn’t mind, as long as he could take away that oppressive feeling.
But he couldn’t.
At which point did you invite him inside? You don’t remember. Who cares, as long as he keeps pressing his lips on your neck.
When did you even start to grind against his thigh while he pressed you against the wall of your room? You couldn’t care less, you just wished his touch could be your salvation. Just for the night.
And then you felt his hand sliding below your waist. He sensed your sudden stiffness.
That oppressive feeling on your chest became heavier and heavier.
And stupidly you realized, his simple touch couldn’t salvage you.
He distanced himself before sighing. You couldn’t even meet his eyes. You felt his hand on your cheek as he gently kissed the side of your temple. “It’s okay, we don’t have to.”
You couldn’t help but whispered a pathetic sorry. He asked you if you needed him to stay.
All you could do was shake your head as you clenched your fists.
“Okay” That’s all he said, as he left.
 What a fucking awkward night.
You walked toward your bed and lie on it. You didn’t have any rational thought. Nothing.
And then your sight turned toward your closet. The compartment was still closed.
You didn’t think right.
Let’s blame the alcohol.
You shouldn’t touch that cursed letter.
But you did.
 You got up, you walked towards that closet and you opened it. You took one of the letters between your hand. A strange numbness on the extremities of your fingers begin. You couldn’t read it, Latin words spread the old paper.
You never understood how the letters came to your house. No one knew. Some say it’s just black magic, and we shall never touch it, in fear of corruption.
Others used them for their sins.
 A small whisper asked you.
 Are you a sinner?
 All your instincts screamed, don’t open it. Don’t call him.
And yet, you did.
 You wished to see him again, you wished he could take away that pain, you wished he made you forget about it, about this guy you met, about your ex, about his perfect life, about your mother, about this oppressive feeling, about this loneliness.
 “Take it away.”
You wished for him.
 And just like that, the letter burned.
The room became cooler. And the lights around you blinked. And you felt a shiver.
 “Missed me?”
 His voice was the same. Just like when he left you, or when you left him. Cold and cynical.
 You let a shaking breath. He slowly walked in your direction.
“Tell me, sweetheart. Did you miss me?” He whispered to your ear, and gently he pressed his lips on your neck. You sighed, as his arm encircled your waist and pressed you against his chest.
 Despite the shortness of breath, you whispered pathetically. “Yugyeom—“
 “I waited for you. 3 long years, in this darkness.” His fingers digging into your sweater, you could almost feel the extremities of his nails.
“At first I was worried that I scared you.” A small kiss was pressed against your temple.
“And then resentment came, along with his companion, un-forgiveness, when I realized you were never going to free me again.” He bit your ear.
“So tell me, love, why should I answer your prayer when you gave up on me?”
 Shaking, you tried to control yourself. And boldly, you answered. “You get to consume my sin, isn’t that worthwhile reason?”
 He chuckled. “I shall honor your prayer then.”
 Suddenly, your surroundings disappeared, you just blinked for a second, and the next you were caught in his illusion.
 You could feel the softness of the bed against your back. You could smell the scent of burning candles around you. You could hear the quiet sound of the rain outside, hitting the windows.
But all your attention was on him.
 His hands were on top of your head, his knees on each side of your body. You wouldn’t be able to get away from him. That is if you wanted to.
 He straightened himself, unbuttoned his leather shirt. You let a shaken breath at the sight of it. He chuckled at the sound of your squeal when he pulled you closer to him.
“I like this color. Looks good on you.” He hummed as his finger played with the front zipper of your red sweater. He kissed softly the side of your mouth. “But I prefer you without it.” He pulled it downward, revealing your naked chest. He smirked at the sight, caressing your waist. “Definitely better.”
 His other hand brushed the side of your jaw, his eyes finding yours, and softly his lips found yours.
 Maybe you missed this. His delicacy every time he kissed you as if you could disappear at any moment. As if, his tenderness would bring you back to him, like a magnet. As if, no one could give you this warmth.
 You couldn’t help but bringing him closer to you, gripping the sides of his shirt, while you responded passionately to his kiss.
A small whimper left your lips when you felt his hand leaving your waist, leading toward your breast, his thumb caressing your nipple, before pinching it.
 He straightened himself and moved his chest away from yours.
His hand traveled toward your thighs, before encircling them and bringing you closer. You could feel the shape of his crotch through the clothes.
But he didn’t move, he didn’t do anything. He just stared at you, a little smirk on his lips.
Looking at him, you couldn’t help but pout. You wrapped your legs around his hips and brought your crotch to his.
Licking his lower lip and biting it, he then asked smugly. “What are you going to do? Satisfy yourself?”
You whispered, ungraciously. “Shut up.” But again, you were not the gracious type, and he wasn’t either.
Hence why his hands fallen on either side of your head, he brought himself closer to you and whispered. “Come on, be a good girl, and do it.” His lips brushing yours, you closed your eyes, before lifting your pelvis.
You could feel his smirk against your lips, as you started to grind against his crotch. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and gripped the lower part of his hair. You couldn’t repress the small smirk on your lips when you heard him grunt. He pressed his crotch against yours before detaching himself from you roughly.
He snapped his fingers, and one second later, you were completely naked in front of him. He cockily raised an eyebrow at your blushing cheeks, as you were embarrassed by this sudden appearance.
“Let’s play a game sweetheart.”
You frowned at his words, you knew they were bad news but your curiosity took over.
His face moved closer to you as he cooed. “Let’s see how much you can take it.”
 He unbuckled his belt and took it between his fingers. You gasped as you felt invisible hands holding your wrists and bringing them on top of your head, to the bedhead. Before you could question his intention your wrists were encircled by the belt against it. “Yugyeom—“
“Ah-ah.” He stopped you. “You still have a punishment to take.” You shivered as you felt his finger brushing your neck, following its course toward your chest, and then stopping right before your pelvis.
He looked at you and thought. “Let’s add another thing.”
You nervously anticipated. And before you could even ask him, darkness surrounded you.
The silk scarf around your eyes, your hands tied against the bedhead, you felt deprived of his touch, until his finger skimmed your thigh.  
He chuckled at the sound of your whimpers. Before you could even say anything to rush him, his thumb was pressed against your mouth. “Who said you could talk, love?”
Slowly opening your mouth, you took his thumb against your lips, biting it lightly. Softly, you began to suck it when he pressed it against your tongue.
Suddenly, he pulled it away from your lips. Before you could whine about it, you felt his mouth on your lips, gently kissing you. You responded with more passion as if you didn’t know when he would give you this satisfaction. Biting your lower lip, when you moaned at the touch of his finger on your inner thigh, he deepened the kiss.
You shivered when his fingers brushed your skin, slowly moving toward your core.
He didn’t press his fingers on it, he just skimmed it, chuckling at the sight of your pelvis moving away from the ticklish touch.
He kissed the side of your jaw as his finger was pressed against your core, gathering moisture. You whimpered when you felt pressure on your clit. He pressed his thumb against it, making an encircling gesture. You wrapped his waist with your leg so he could continue.
You cried at the slow invasion of his finger inside, his kiss muffled your moans. He moved slowly, before adding another finger.
He moved his lips toward your neck, biting your skin and leaving purples marks in his path toward your chest. You moaned when he started to take your nipple between his lips and at the same time his fingers quickened their pace. You could feel your core tightening its grip on his fingers, as he kept stimulating it. You cried when you felt pressure on your clit. You squealed out of surprise when you realized it wasn’t his touch.
All you could hear was his snickers. “What you cannot fear what you cannot see, darling.” If it was another time, you’d argue but all you could think was how overwhelmed you were. You opened your mouth to shut his cocky attitude but a gasp left your lips. He quickened his pace and the pressure grew on your clit, you could hear the wet sounds of his fingers pushing and pulling out of your pussy.
Your wrist tried to pull themselves from the grip of his belt, as you cried when you felt your pleasure building up.
Before your orgasm finally hit you, your wrists were liberated, and you quickly encircled your arms against his neck, bringing him closer to you. Waves of pleasure hit your body, the silk depriving your vision disappeared and before you could think, his lips found yours. His fingers left your spastic core. He brought you closer to him, encircling his arms around your waist.
Your body called its shaking against him, as you buried your face in his shoulder, his musky smell engulfed you. He kissed the side of your temple, before looking at you in the eyes.
You took his face between your hands and gently you brushed his cheeks with your thumbs. You murmured. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for leaving you here. For not being there when you needed someone.”
 There was no room, no windows, no candles, no walls, no illusion. Just this bed with him and you in this darkness.
Darkness surrounded you, but you weren’t scared. Not anymore.
 His hand moved toward your cheek, removing the falling tear, before kissing your closing eyes.
He took your thighs with his hands, bringing you closer to his crotch. You moved your hand and wrapped it around his girth. He kissed you gently as you felt him inside you.
He slowly moved, letting you get accustomed to his length. You sighed at the building pleasure, before pushing him on the back so you could ride him. And softly, you began to grind against him. He wrapped his hands on your hips, throwing his head backward, feeling your warmth surrounding his cock.
His pelvic pressed against your clit, stimulating you. You brought your chest closer to him, so you could kiss his neck. Taking his skin between your lips you left small purple marks on it.
You cried when he moved his pelvic, thrusting his hips. He held your waist so you wouldn’t move, and he started to pound from below. You could feel your legs shaking from the pleasure.
Before you could react, he removed himself from you. He pushed you so your back hit the mattress and he was on top of you. You whine at the sudden emptiness, as he tapped his cock against your clit, teasing you.
He kissed you as he pushed it inside you once again. He slowly thrust before moving faster. Moans were muffled by his kisses. He started to pound while his hand reached your clit, stimulating it.
You whimpered at the pressure of his fingers, you wrapped your legs around his waist and gripped him even tighter.
Your breathing got faster and difficult as this overwhelming pleasure hit your body. And before you could even think right, your vision lightened, your back arched. Your hand gripped the side of your pillow as he continued to thrust inside you, seeking his pleasure and overwhelming yours. His thrusting became erratic. You brought him closer to you, kissing the shell of his ear, engulfing him with your intoxicating scent. You could hear his soft moans when he started to come inside you.
You caressed his hair as you both tried to calm your breathing.
He pulled himself away from you.
His gaze meeting yours, you began to feel nervous and vulnerable in this state. You were scared of the possible rejection, but you couldn’t help but touch his cheek with your hand.
Slowly, as if you could disappear if he moved harshly, he kissed your palm. He laid at your side, before pressing you against his chest. Leaving a soft kiss on the side of your temple he whispered. “Don’t leave.”
You kissed his neck before answering him. “I won’t. Not anymore.”
You were not scared of your feelings. You were not afraid of being in love with a demon.
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ohpedromypedro · 4 years
Turning Point
A/N: Okay so this fic is pretty much the turning point for step daddy!Pedro and y/n, hence the name, so future fics will be a little different (unless requested otherwise) and you’ll see why. I hope y’all like this! I’ve had this planned out since the beginning of step daddy, so. 👉🏼👈🏼
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
word count: 2.6+
characters: step daddy!Pedro x f!Reader, best friend oc, reader’s mother (finally lmao)
warnings: angst, mentions of pregnancy, no smut unfortunately sorry 😭, swearing, arguing/fighting, etc
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You’re snapped out of your light slumber from a sudden nauseating feeling, quickly rolling off your best friend’s bed where the two of you spent most of your girl’s night last night before rushing to her bathroom just off of her room, emptying your stomach’s contents into the toilet. She wakes when she hears you puking your guts out and is off the bed and into the bathroom in seconds, quickly rushing to your aid and holding your hair while soothingly rubbing your back.
“Are you alright?” She frowns, using the hair tie on her wrist to tie your hair up into a bun.
“I think so… I haven’t gotten sick in...years.” You sigh, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand while giving your head a shake.
“Maybe you’re pregnant,” she teased, knowing you didn’t have a boyfriend so there’s no way you could be.
“Oh fuck…” Your eyes widen and immediately you whip around to face her, spilling the secret you haven’t told a soul, the secret that’s been between you, Pedro, and God. “I’ve been fucking my mother’s husband.”
“GET OUT. Really?! You’re fucking that 10? You lucky bitch!”
“Besides the point!” You whine, slapping her arm. “This is fucking serious, Stace! What if he got me pregnant?!”
“Don’t jump to such a conclusion, I was fucking with you. My mom has a stash of pregnancy tests in case something like this happens, let me go run and grab one so you can take it and ease your mind with a negative result.”
Stacey rushes to grab a pregnancy test from where her mother keeps them before returning to the bathroom and handing it to you, giving you her best “everything will be okay” smile. You take it with a sigh, motioning with your hand for her to leave the bathroom so you can do your thing. When you finish, you take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the possibility of the result. 
The result is almost instantaneous and when you finally glance down to look at it, you almost faint. Positive. But how? You’re on-- Oh shit. You suddenly remember you haven’t taken your birth control in almost two weeks. When you ran out of your most recent pack, you never went to get it refilled. Your blood runs cold and immediately you jump up from the toilet to tell Stacey your result. The look on your face says it all, Stacey looking from your pale features to your trembling hands holding the obviously positive pregnancy test.
“Yeah,” you whisper, almost inaudibly. You’re stunned. What the fuck are you going to do? How are you going to tell your mother you’re pregnant with her husband’s child because you were irresponsible and forgot to pick up your prescription from the pharmacy to prevent such a thing from happening? How are you going to tell Pedro? What will he even think? You already know your mother is going to absolutely snap because you’re sleeping with her husband and now you’re pregnant with his child. Her own daughter. “My mom is going to have a fucking conniption. I mean, God I hate the bitch because she cares more about her career than her own daughter and husband, but???”
“Calm down. Everything will be okay.”
“Will it? Will it though, Stacey? Because I’m pretty sure Pedro didn’t intend on impregnating me. How do you think he’ll handle this shit? He thinks I’ve been taking my birth control!” You’re in tears by this point and you can’t help but to drop to your knees and sob. Stacey’s immediately at your side, holding you against her chest and letting you get your emotions out. “He’s going to fucking hate me.”
“Y/N,” she frowns. “Don’t say that. It’s not true. Obviously he loves you enough to cheat on his own wife for you, her fucking daughter at that.” She tries her best to reassure you, but what she says next makes you shiver. “You have to go tell him. Like...now. No time like the present, yeah?”
“I-I can’t do this alone,” you whisper.
“I’ll come with you. You know I would never make you do something like this alone.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Stacey and you arrive at your house about an hour after leaving hers, seeing as your house is practically miles from civilization just how your mother prefers. Your nerves are all haywire at this point and the closer you get to the front door, the more you feel like passing out.
“I can’t do this,” you whisper, voice cracking.
“Yes, you can. Come on.” She takes your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze, turning the doorknob and opening the front door.
Pedro hears this and he can’t help but to smile knowing his favorite girl is home, little does he know you’re not alone.
“Hola, cariño. Have a good girl’s night?” He calls out to you from his spot on the couch in the living room, unaware his entire life is about to change.
“I, uh… Yeah. I guess so...” You mumble kinda miserably. Stacey elbows you, which you let out an “ow!” at and lightly slap her in return. You don’t hear Pedro approaching the front foyer until you hear his voice right beside you.
“You guess so? What happ-- Oh. Hi Stacey.” He smiles at her.
“Hi, Mr Pascal.” She smiles at him in return, a light blush on her cheeks. Man has that effect on every female he encounters.
Pedro looks at you and notices how different your demeanor is than usual, a small frown forming on his face. You look sullen to him, something he’s not used to seeing.
“Bebita, is everything okay?” He asks as his hand gently rubs your shoulder.
“I think you should sit for this, Pedro...” you take in a deep breath, looking up at him with the most broken eyes. You think you’re about to ruin his life, but that’s far from the truth.
“What did you two get up to last night?” He quirks a brow, now thinking that maybe you had gotten into some sort of trouble last night.
“It’s not that,” you whisper, feeling the burn at the back of your eyes signifying the oncoming tears. “Please, let’s go to the living room?” You ask, which he nods at and leads you there by the small of your back, Stacey following close behind. She can see it in Pedro’s eyes how much he truly cares and feels for you, so she knows that what you think is bad news will be good news. Pedro helps you sit down on the couch and after a few moments of a heavy silence, you break it. “I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking stupid and irresponsible and I’ve probably ruined your life forever.”
“Y/N, what in the world are you talking about? What did you do?” He sighs, looking at you with the most confused but concerned eyes.
“It’s what I didn’t do…” You mumble, looking toward your lap with watery eyes.
“What do you mean, hermosa?” Pedro frowns, still having no clue what’s gotten you so upset.
“I...never put in a refill on my birth control when I ran out…” You look back up to meet his gaze, his eyes widening in realization.
“You’re pregnant?”
You nod.
“And obviously I don’t have a boyfriend or sleep with anyone else, so…” You bite down on your lip, fearing his reaction to your sudden news.
Pedro stiffens at that and that’s all it takes for you to break down thinking you’ve truly fucked things up, that he’ll want nothing to do with you or your baby. You don’t even let him get another word out before you’re off the couch and running towards the stairs with a sob, rushing up to your room so you can lock yourself away for the rest of your life.
“Y/N!” Stacey rushes after you, leaving Pedro frozen on the couch.
He’s just as stunned as you were when you saw the result, but is he mad? No. Does he hate you? Hell fucking no. You’re practically his entire world at this point. He’s just worried, not only for you, but how your mother is going to react when she finds out. He knows how cold that woman can be. He doesn’t wait a moment longer before he’s off the couch and rushing right up the stairs after you, wanting to show you that he’s not mad and that he’s going to step up and do what any mature man should do in this situation. When he gets to your room, he finds Stacey cradling your overwhelmed form on the floor, his heart breaking at the sight of you sobbing and in tears.
“Can I have a moment alone with her? Please?” Pedro asks, which Stacey nods at before giving your head a gentle kiss and getting up to head back downstairs. Once he knows it’s just the two of you, he drops to the floor beside you, grabbing your tear stained cheeks in his warm hands and pulling you into him for a deep, reassuring kiss. Immediately you melt into him, your lips like magnets against his. “I love you, cariño. You and now our baby are my whole world and I am willing to change my whole life for the both of you.”
“Pedro…” You whisper.
“Listen to me,” he murmurs, keeping your face in his hands while his gaze is set on your own. “We’ll get through this, okay? We’ll keep this from your mother for as long as we can. She doesn’t have to know who got you pregnant.”
“You’re sure we can keep this a secret? I mean...obviously you got me pregnant while we were quarantined… You don’t think she’ll put two and two together?” You sniffle, leaning into Pedro’s touch as he wipes away your tears.
“I can’t say she won’t put two and two together, but we can try our best to keep her from figuring it out for as long as we can.”
You can only nod, moving to crawl into his lap and bury your face in the crook of his neck, his arms quickly wrapping around your middle and holding you against him.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be a father…” He whispers and you can hear the smile in his voice. You nuzzle his neck, your lips pressing a gentle kiss to his pulse point.
“I can’t believe you actually impregnated me.” You giggle softly, pulling back so you can gaze at him. “I can’t wait to make you a Papá. I bet you never thought you’d ever have a child of your own, huh?”
“Nope,” he smiles sadly, but it soon becomes a genuinely happy smile. “Shocked it took my own step daughter to make it happen.”
“I never planned on having children, but for you I’d do anything.”
“Oh, cariño.”
He kisses you deeply, holding you firm against him before resting his hand on your belly and giving it a small rub.
“I love the two of you so so much.”
Four months into your pregnancy and you’ve already got quite the belly growing, which Pedro absolutely loves to pepper with kisses. He talks to your belly every morning and every night, telling your baby growing inside of you how much he loves them already and how he can’t wait to shower them with all the love in the world.
The two of you are in your bedroom at the moment, Pedro on his knees in front of where you stand with both hands on each side of your baby bump, your own hand carding through his hair as he speaks to and kisses your belly.
“Papá loves you very much, bebé. Mamá and I can’t wait to meet you.” He looks up at you with a smile, his hands gently rubbing the sides of your belly. “I love you, bebita. I truly cannot wait to hold our baby for the first time.”
You gasp when you hear the shrill voice of your mother right in your doorway, your head immediately snapping toward where she’s standing there obviously fuming.
“You knocked up my daughter?!” She’s practically screaming her words and you internally and externally flinch, knowing this outburst of hers may not end well for either of you. “If you’re so into my daughter, why didn’t you marry her instead?!”
Pedro looks from your mother, to you, then back to your mother, mentally preparing himself for the repercussions of your mother’s discovery. She wasn’t supposed to be back from LA so soon, you thought she was supposed to be there for at least another week, but evidently she’s home early.
“Mom, I--”
“You shut your little whore mouth!” She snaps, tears immediately spilling from your eyes at her insulting words.
“Don’t you dare talk to her like that!” Pedro’s on his feet in mere seconds, approaching your mother with fire in his eyes. “You wanna know why I’m sleeping with your daughter? Because she’s actually here for me, she actually shows me love, and she’s a way better lay than you could ever dream to be.”
Pedro is seething by the time he reaches your mother and you’re too stunned to even move an inch from the spot you stand, tears drenching your cheeks while a soft sob wracks through you.
“You are a pathetic excuse of a husband! I cannot believe the audacity from either of you! Screwing around behind my back!”
“Maybe if you actually chose your family over your job, then something like this wouldn’t have happened!” He shouts. “Actually you know what?” He stops, looking over to where you’re standing with your face in your hands, fighting to hold back your sobs. “Yes it would have, because I knew the moment I met Y/N that there’d come a day where I’ll end up divorcing you and leaving you for her instead.”
“What the fuck are you saying, Pedro?” She growls.
“I’m saying, I’m filing for divorce and I’m taking your daughter and our child with me. You can live in this big empty house on your own and think about everything you lost because you’re a pathetic excuse of a mother and wife.”
With that he walks away from her and toward you, gently taking your wrists in his hands and pulling yours from your face.
“We’re leaving. Pack whatever you can and leave whatever you don’t care to part with. I’m not spending another night under a roof with a woman who doesn’t give a goddamn about her own daughter.”
“Okay,” you whimper, burying your face in his chest for a moment so you can hide away from your mother.
She stands there for a few moments longer before throwing her hands up and storming down the hall toward the stairs to go down to the second floor where her bedroom is, the sound of her bedroom door slamming causing you to flinch.
“I’m so sorry,” you sob.
“Bebita, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. I was going to leave her one day either way, whether you were pregnant with my child or not.”
You only nod, overwhelmed beyond belief that your mother found out this way, afraid of what she’ll do now that she knows. Instead of worrying, though, you have some things you need to do and you just can’t wait to finally be out of this house and as far from your mother as possible, finally able to live a peaceful and no longer secret life with the man you fell so hard for.
Everything: @halefirewarrior​ @takemepedropascal​ @wildcard566​ @readsalot73​ @talesfromtheguild​ @snazzyjazzy6​ @oberynispunk​ @whiskeyxinxaxteacup​ @pedrosdoll​
Pedro: @manuphantom​ @unadulterated-neckherolover @luna-longbott0m @hanelijoy​ @anoushkina​ @lireandcampfire
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toujourseven · 3 years
Under the Radar | 3
A/N: Flashback!
Sorry for those expecting a steamy continuation of the ménage à trois. We'll get back to that in the next chapters. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
I kind of decided to include a plot. It just flowed and it would be nice to put some late 20s perspective as the boys are slowly growing up to be dadd-- adults ahem. I hope you enjoy and I am SO SORRY for the late update.I will try to add Chapter 3 next week. keyword: try!!
Do you guys prefer --short chapters but frequent updates OR --long chapters but longer updates?
Stream PTD for baton pass!!! (*^ω^)♪ hugsssss find me on twt @toujourseven ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
Plot: RM of world-renowned group BTS met you on his private vacation. Things get serious as you both value the same things, including relationships– monogamous relationships, or?
Theme: smut with plot | canon - BTS as world stars Pairing: OC x Namjoon x Jungkook Warnings: Idol BTS | Canon | Threesome, DubCon | Explicit 18+ | Chapters: one | two | three
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Flashback-- 2 months ago
You moved the gear into park and reached for your camera bag haphazardly thrown in the backseat. You were so excited to walk around the hidden coast as part of your solo travels. You looked around the area and noticed that it was indeed a secluded place, judging by the lack of people milling around. There were a couple of local restaurants attached into the residents’ houses. And a lone bus stop can be seen just along the edge of the parking bay. 
It was late in the afternoon and it was the perfect time to capture some photos. You marveled at the pink sand and long stretch of beach. Nobody was swimming, and only a handful of people were scattered along the beach. A couple were laid on a blanket on one area, and a man was sitting atop some rocks with his headphones on. You walked farther ahead where you won’t disturb the other nature spectators and filmed a couple of videos and photos for your travel vlog. The peaceful vibe also stimulated your brain and it pushed you to record some prose on your phone. Nothing can spark creativity better than nature, and sadness, you suppose. 
After the sun has set, your stomach began growling. You only ate brunch and you realized it was not good to be this hungry if you were planning to eat lots of seafood for dinner. You traced back your steps towards the local businesses and chose a quaint restaurant with a rustic theme. The locals were friendly and one of the residents hanging out even sat beside your table to chat with you. After a comfortable pause, while the aged woman let you eat your meal, you heard her think out loud, “Oh poor dear, there are no more buses that come at this hour. He must have missed his ride. The next bus will arrive tomorrow morning.”
You followed her gaze and you saw the man wearing headphones earlier sitting under the bus shed, checking his watch and looking back and forth the road. Suddenly, the friendly woman stood up, presumably to inform the man of his mishap. 
You finished your meal and was paying for it when the old woman returned, the man with headphones in tow. He was very tall and he was wearing a cap and a mask. He looked awkward and a bit sheepish, he must have realized his mistake already. “Oh hey dear, thank goodness you are still here. You mentioned that you were going back to the city tonight, correct? Would you be so kind to give this man a ride on your way?” Then the woman ushered closer to you and stage-whispered, “It’s fine, he’s a jolly nice man, and I made sure he is not dangerous.” Then in a normal volume of voice, “He’s a tourist too and he had some miscommunications back at the station. But he is in dire need to get back tonight, you understand, don’t you sweetie?” She hugged you close and offered the both of you a sweet smile. 
The man rubbed the back of his neck and he looked completely embarrassed. You were more than happy to offer your help but you can’t say you feel too confident riding with a stranger for a 5-hour drive back to the city. 
“I’m really really sorry to impose, but I have an appointment early in the morning and I won’t be able to make it in time even if my… friend drives down here at this hour.” You noticed that his voice was deep and he kept his face lowered which did nothing to ease your worries of driving with a stranger. 
“Oh sweetie, you need to loosen up a bit. Maybe show a bit of your face to gain this lady’s trust. No one wants to drive with a faceless man.”
The man hesitatingly removed his cap and mask, then you gasped softly. You looked around to make sure no one else was around, or no one else had seen. No way. Maybe he just looks like him. But then, why hide? “That’s fine, you can put the mask back on.” You forced a laugh then addressed the old woman, “Better to be safe, right? With the virus and all.” You cleared your throat, and the man looked a little bit hesitant and more wary of you as he put on his mask.
“We’ll get going now, ma’am. Thank you so much for a delightful chat. I hope to get back soon.” You gathered your things and led the man to your car. Before you opened your door, you faced him and asked, “Best to get this out of the way first. My name is Jane, and I am an allied health professional. I live in New South Wales, and here’s my identification.” You showed him your drivers’ license. “Now, are you perhaps, a celebrity?” You stared him down- well, up, since he’s  a lot taller. And your tone is reminiscent of a teacher scolding a child. But you just couldn’t help yourself. He must have felt the same way, because he answered with a small voice, “Yeah.” With his head still bowed down. You took a deep calming breath before continuing, “And you think it safe to travel in the suburbs of Australia, by yourself, without transportation??” You knew you sounded accusatory, considering you were talking to a stranger, but you just couldn’t believe how careless and thoughtless and dangerous the whole situation was. He squared up his shoulders a bit here and defended, “Well, I thought it was safe since it won’t be crowded in this particular locaion, and I did have a ticket back. I just…” he scratched his head and sighed. 
A cold breeze fluttered your coat open, and you shivered. “Maybe, we should continue this inside.” He suggested, eyeing your shivering frame. You conceded, and both of you got comfortable inside your vehicle. You removed your coat, and he finally removed his cap and mask and ruffled his hair. You still couldn’t believe your eyes, but there was no mistaking it. 
When you didn’t move, he looked at you and smiled, flashing his pretty dimples (curse him), and extended his hand, “Forgive me for forgetting my manners. Pleased to meet you, I’m Kim Namjoon.”
You gulped and shook his hand. You couldn’t say anything, so you just nodded and completed your pre-driving routine. You completely forgot that your phone automatically connects to your speakers and RM’s Seoul started playing. You froze and accidentally stepped on the brake. “Fuck.” You heard him snort and then laugh. “Sorry about that,” you muttered, referring to your embarrassing driving skills. Then he asked with dimples flashing, “So, you’re an Army huh?” You glared at him for a second then focused on driving.
“Well, the songs are good, can you blame me?” Then he chuckled and freakin rapped along. Your heart beat so fast because you couldn’t believe Kim Namjoon is rapping along Seoul while he is in the passenger seat of your car. Fucking surreal. 
After a few minutes of silence, with just your playlist in the background, you told him, “You can sleep if you want, you did mention you still have a schedule in the morning.” You glanced at him and he was wearing an incredulous look. You paused, oh yeah. It would be more foolish to sleep in a stranger’s car. “Or not. Forgot about me being a stranger thing. And worse, a fan!” You chuckled. “No, it’s not that. I just don’t think it’s polite to sleep while you are driving for me. The least I could do is accompany you.” You smiled softly. You’re not even surprised he is that thoughtful. “Also,” he cleared his throat, “I don’t actually have a schedule. I just.. didn’t want my manager to scold me. I was about to call him using the phone in the restaurant, but the woman suddenly asked you to drive me. And well, I’d pick riding with a pretty girl than be scolded by the company any day.” 
Your jaw dropped, and the man had the nerve to laugh. “Oh gosh, are you sure this isn’t a reality show, like- prank an army episode, oh god, y’all are not stalking me right?? How did you even know I was an army?? I was discreet!” And that just made him laugh harder. 
“Relax. It’s definitely not a reality show. It is reality though.” A short pause, then, “Your music taste is so… varied.” And for some reason, that made you feel proud. Your playlist ranged from country music, to R&B, to anime OSTs, to Eminem, Barbra Streisand, and of course BTS. 
After a couple hours of driving, your legs were feeling numb already. On your way to the coast, you had multiple rests since you were not in any hurry. But you were still a new driver and your legs are not accustomed to long drives. “Uhm, since you’re not chasing a schedule, is it okay if we stop over for a moment? My leg is killing me.” He instantly agreed, “Of course, Jane. Anything you need. Are there restaurants somewhere we can stop over? Do you want to eat? My treat!” You smiled. “Don’t be silly. You’re my guest and not everybody can do a favor for the Kim Namjoon so I’m treating you.  I need something to brag about to my grandkids.”
Silence. “Oh. You’re married?” You laughed at that. “I wish. But, nope.” You took a deep disappointed breath. “What’s with the reaction? You’re still young?” He asked. 
You parked the car, and faced him, “Well, you know how we have these certain expectations in our lives? Not other people’s expectations for us or society’s standards- just, a vision of how our life should be like.” You didn’t know what made you share your deepest disappointments in life with this man, but you thought, It’s not like I’m ever gonna meet him again anyway. I might even get a helpful advice or two from THE Kim Namjoon. You faced forward then, and played with your fingers as you continued. “I feel like nothing I envisioned for my life, back when I was just a youthful dreamer, ever came true. I didn’t live up to the expectations of 12-year-old me. And it bothers me everyday. As I get older, time feels so much faster and missing chances get all the more scarier and riskier.” There was a short silence as you both digested the sudden serious conversation. You didn’t want to make him feel more awkward so you showed him a bright smile and unlocked the door. “That was what the reaction for.” Then you laughed as you exited your door. 
You noticed him looking out his window, at the queue for the restaurants. You walked around his side of the door and knocked on his window. “Maybe it’s better for me to just buy our food and eat in the car?” He looked worried but grateful at the same time. “I think that would be the best. Sorry.” He really looked apologetic. But you completely understand. “It’s fine, honest. Be sure to lock the doors then, and keep the windows closed. Do you know how to start the car so you can turn on the heater?” He rolled his eyes and held out his hand for your keys. “Sucks that my reputation precedes me. But yeah, I can do that much.” You started to hand him the keys and bit your lip. You were honestly worried he will wreck your car. You sighed, “Please. Don’t break my car.” Before turning and walking away, chuckling at his offended face. 
Chapters: one | two | three
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32297806/chapters/80057497
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starbornvalkyrie · 4 years
prom dress
Prompt 6: “that was impressive” Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas {next-gen Nessian} Rating: T Warnings: N/A 
A/N: I wrote this in my soccer moms au (read the original story here), again in the POV of my OC, Cassian’s daughter, Joana. Enjoy!
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“Hey, dad!” Joana called through the house. “I’m biking to Cheska’s house!”
She was in the process of opening the front door when she heard him yell, “Wait!” Joana closed the door and listened as her father’s heavy footsteps thudded towards her. “I’ll drive you.”
Joana rolled her eyes. “Dad, it’s a less than ten minute bike ride to the other side of the neighborhood.”
“Sure, but I’m offering you a sweat-free mode of transportation.” Joana analyzed his face. Something was off. 
“You just want to see Aunt Nesta,” she accused. 
Her dad just flashed her his trademark grin. “You bet I do.” He winked. 
“That's disgusting. Whatever, let’s go,” she mumbled as she turned away from the front door and went to the garage. She hopped up into the passenger seat of his truck and waited. And waited.
No less than ten minutes later, her father finally walked into the garage. When he got in the car, Joana gawked. “Do not tell me you changed into a fresh polo and fixed your hair just to see Aunt Nesta.” To her amusement, the hardest Commander of Prythian’s Air Force blushed. 
He still denied it. “My work shirt smelled bad,” he shrugged.
“Dad, Aunt Nesta shared a car with you after that one summer picnic when it rained and you and Uncle Rhys wrestled in the mud. I don’t think she'll mind you smelling like an office.” It’s been a month since she and Cheska walked in on them making out after their soccer game, and it was still a little weird. They still bicker like no tomorrow, they wouldn’t be “Aunt Nesta and Uncle Cass” without it, but it’s less like frenemies and more like an old married couple. Humorous and nauseating at the same time.
But if Joana were being completely honest, not all that much had changed. The Soldatos frequently infiltrate the Archeron’s and vice versa it’s as if they all live in both houses. She has to admit, the visits are more peaceful now that they don’t have to tiptoe around their parents when they’re in their fighting moods.
Five minutes later, Joana jumps out of the car before her dad even turns off the engine and runs up the front steps. She lets herself in yelling, “Honey, I’m home!” The answering squeal sounded like it was coming from the kitchen, so she made her way in that direction.
She finds Cheska and her mother in the middle of mixing ingredients for some type of pie. Banoffee, from a glance at the ingredients. Joana kisses Aunt Nesta on the cheek and swipes her finger through the batter Cheska was whisking, eliciting a “hey!” from both parties.
“This is delicious,” she said, her voice muffled around her finger.
“And off-limits until we’re done,” her best friend scolded.
“What’s the occasion?”
Cheska shrugged, and said, “We just felt like it,” and went back to whisking. After a little bit, her mom gave a pointed cough. “Oh! I almost forgot! Our prom dress came in!” Aunt Nesta groaned when Joana shrieked.
“What’s all the commotion?” The three women looked towards Joana’s dad in the kitchen archway when he spoke. Aunt Nesta put down the knife that was slicing bananas and met him for a kiss. Their daughters dutifully gagged; the adults chuckled.
“Prom dresses,” was all Aunt Nesta said.
“Say no more. Why don’t you girls go try them on? I think Nesta and I can take it from here.”
Cheska immediately jumped at the opportunity and shoved the bowl of batter in her uncle’s arms. “One condition: there is to be absolutely zero parental make out sessions within a fifteen foot radius of the pie. I’m looking at you, Soldato,” she warned before dragging a cackling Joana by the arm and up the stairs. Cheska chattered the whole way to her room.
“I couldn’t wait, so I took the dresses out of the box but left them in their bags, and oh my gods, Jo, you are going to look amazing in yours. Together, you and I are going to be the talk of prom. I know somebody is for sure going to ask you to dance.” At that, Joana pushed her friend, almost making her fall down the stairs.
“Shut up, Cheska. Even in the most bombshell of dresses, he’s not going to see me as anything other than Izzy’s ‘kid sister’.” Aunt Elain’s son, Isaiah, is on the boys’ varsity soccer team at their school. He and his friends are one year above Joana and Cheska, and Joana has had the same crush on Izzy’s best friend since she learned boys didn’t actually have cooties but was too nervous to do anything about it. Guys usually went gaga over their cheerleaders, not other soccer players.
“I’ll maybe listen to you after you try on your dress,” Cheska bargained.
When they walked into Cheska’s room, Joana was stunned. Even bunched up by the clear protective bag, her dress was gorgeous. “Fine,” she agreed, “Let’s do this!” Joana grabbed the gown and went to Cheska’s closet to change.
The dress: perfection.
How Joana looks in it: average.
“Ches, I don’t know. Does this look a little… flat to you?” She asked as she stepped out of Cheska’s closet. The gown she chose was a stunning red with a slight pink undertone. It was strapless with a form-fitting bodice that opened into an A-line skirt from the waist. The dress was meant to bring out a woman’s curves, but too bad Joana didn’t have any. “I’m a soccer player, not a model. Maybe I was a little too ambitious, I don’t think I can pull this off.”
Her best friend circled her, analyzing her from head to toe. “Hmm… I have an idea.” In her own gown--a simple, black strapless piece with a mermaid cut that, of course, looks like it was made for her--she walked out of her room to call for her mom’s help.
When Aunt Nesta saw Cheska, her eyes lined with silver, but before she could gush about her baby girl in a prom dress, Cheska pointed at Joana and said, “Fix it.”
In a similar way as her daughter moments before, Aunt Nesta circled Joana, assessing her. She left and came back with some pins, placed them in different places, then ordered Joana to slip out of it so she could work on it.
Joana remembered the stories about Aunt Nesta helping Aunt Elain with her clothes after their mother passed away, and she wondered where Aunt Feyre was at those times. While they waited, Cheska changed out of her own dress. They laid on her bed watching Gilmore Girls and talking prom details until Aunt Nesta came back.
“Try this on,” she ordered. The moment she stepped into it, Joana could tell it was a masterpiece. Zipping it up confirmed that. Aunt Nesta must have magical powers. Joana walked back into the room so she could look in the mirror. Cheska squealed, again.
Aunt Nesta had cinched the top of the skirt and added a belt to add volume around her hips, making it look like she had a bigger butt than she actually did. But what really made it the perfect dress was the slit she cut up the right side so that when she walked, it showed off her muscular legs.
“Aunt Nesta,” she breathed, her eyes lining with silver, “this is beautiful.”
“Seriously, Mom.” Cheska glanced at the clock on her nightstand. “Oh my gods you did that in less than an hour, that was impressive.”
Aunt Nesta just smirked. “Well, I had to do something to help that Snow boy see what he’s been missing out on.”
Joana whipped her head at her, eyes wide. “Wha- How did you--” she stammered.
“Mother knows best,” was all she said. With a wink, she left to join Joana’s dad in the kitchen once more.
Joana tried her best not to cry. She never had anyone to call “Mom”, but Joana couldn’t help but think that she wouldn’t mind that person being Aunt Nesta.
my full masterlist
A/N pt. 2: No, her crush is not a Snow from the Hunger Games lol. It’s Kallias and Viviane’s son.
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to be added to/taken off my general SJM tag list just send me an ask! i’m very good at losing them in the comments. love y’all!
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
Running With the Wolves [2]
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-> Pairing: Yuri x Fem!Reader
-> Gang!Au | Modern!Au | Enemies to Lovers
-> Word Count: 2.4k
-> Warnings: Blood, Violence, Cursing, Angst, Crack
-> Summary: You were just a normal college student, trying to find her way in a new place. You didn’t mean to get caught up in the wrong crowd. You just wanted coffee, but now you’re running with the wolves.
-> A/N: okok i know this is a lot shorter than the last chapter BUT y’all already heard my struggle with it so i’m actually kind of happy with this and liked where it ended. i’m sorry it’s boring, i think this was just a chapter where i do some introductions and go further into characters and a teeny bit more into the world of the gangs idk more info in later chapters because reader will NOT suddenly get a huge info dump of shit - also i hope you all like my two oc’s in here!
if you’d like to be put on the taglist, send me an ask or a message!
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In that second, Yuri began firing shots at your pursuers again. Hapi gave her gun to Balthus, who began using both his and her pistols to keep them back as well. She turned and grabbed your arm- the same one that was bleeding before recoiling.
“Who hurt you?”
“Yuri dragging me around.”
Hapi scoffed and reached for the other arm, leading you out the back door and into a small white car. She cranked the engine and backed out before you could even get buckled, narrowly missing a larger black van parked beside it. You held onto the door frame, your fingers turning white as Hapi whipped the car down a smaller, empty street.
“Why are you driving like a fucking lunatic?”
“They could easily follow us! Look behind, do you see anything?”
You turned as well as you could as Hapi made another sharp turn. “No, there’s nothing behind us.”
She slowed the car just a little bit. “Keep checking. We don’t need someone knowing where we’re going.”
You stayed turned in your seat, heart jumping out of anxiety every time you saw a random car or person pass by. “My home is the other way.”
“Wh- Oh, honey, no. They think you’re a part of us, you can’t go home.”
“What? Why not? I could just explain to them what I was doing- they’ll understand-“
“No, they won’t.” The redhead leaned her head back against the seat and bit back a sigh before mumbling to herself. “We weren’t even involved in their little spats with the other places. Why the hell would Edelgard come after us?”
You checked back one more time. “Didn't she say something about how ‘she’s the boss now’? Whatever it’s about, it’s because she’s apparently in charge or whatever. I- I just want to go home.” Your nose burned as tears filled your eyes, but you willed them to not fall. Hapi would definitely be the kind to make fun of you.
You thought back to the others- Yuri, Balthus, and Constance. Ellie had said that they were just some random college kids, making money to get by. Obviously they were more than that.
“What about the others? We just left them there.”
“They’ll be fine. They’ve had their fair share of fights. We’ll meet them back at the house.”
You could only nod and try to soothe your shaking body. Your arm still burned from the wound, but you didn’t want to look at it. Knowing the severity of it would only make it hurt worse.
Eventually, Hapi pulled into a normal looking house. It seemed inconspicuous, with a fraternity sign hanging out front to complete the “normal college kids live here” look. You shuddered. Things are not as they seem with these people, and their house for sure isn’t a normal one as well. Hapi got out of the car and scouted around it, searching the entire car before once again muttering to herself.
“... Can’t believe I forgot to look for a tracker-“
“Look who’s finally home! Hapis and- who’s this?”
Suddenly a loud, annoying voice shouted from the front door of the house. You looked up to see a new man, slowly putting down his waving hand as he saw you. From the top of the brick stairs, he looked quite tall, but as you continued to ascend, the shorter and shorter he became until he was scarcely a few inches taller than you.
“Hiram, this is Y/N. She was, uh, put in an unfortunate circumstance and had to come with us.”
His white eyebrows furrowed and he looked at Hapi confusedly before nodding. “Uh, yeah, okay. Come on in, then. Rhys is out getting takeout. What’s the circumstance?”
“Edelgard attacked the café.”
Hiram was still confused, but it was cut short as the same black van you saw earlier pulled into the open garage. Hapi motioned for the two of you to come inside, saying that Yuri would explain everything.
The house was more normal than you expected. The living room walls were painted a light blue with a couch surrounding the fireplace and a TV on top of it. The colors of that room contrasted greatly against the honey yellow walls of the kitchen, where everyone had gathered and sat at the table. You squeezed yourself between Hapi and Constance, the only other girls there.
“We should wait for Rhys-“
“There's no time.” Yuri scoffed at Hiram and leaned back on his chair. “Somehow, Edelgard took power from her father and is now the leader of the Black Eagles. I’ve yet to figure out what her plans are- attacking us, out of everyone possible- but I’m sure they aren’t good.”
You sighed and leaned against your arm, but stopped. You really, really needed medical attention for your arm. You also really, really needed to go home. You stood up.
“Okay, well, have fun with that. I’m out.”
Yuri laughed. “No, you’re not. Sit down.”
You whipped around to face him, your cheeks burning in anger. “I am! I’m going to leave this house, go to a hospital, fix my arm, and go home. I have no business here.”
You moved to leave again, but a pair of pale arms wrapped around you. One arm gripped your waist tightly as the other flicked out a knife, holding it against your neck. You tried to struggle, but the person- a tall man- tightened his hold even further. Yuri rolled his eyes.
“Easy with her, Rhys. You started having business here the minute you decided to open your stupid little mouth. Hasn’t anyone ever taught you to shut up? To think rationally in the face of danger? Did you even realize the danger you were in, or are you really just that dense?” He sneered, walking towards you. “You, Princess, have gotten yourself into a Hell of a lot of trouble. You’re right, you shouldn’t be here, but now it’s time to reap what you sow.”
You grimaced at Yuri’s close proximity and spat at him, making him stumble back and wipe his face in disgust. This caused Rhys to lift your chin with the knife, pressing down enough to leave a small cut. A trail of blood dripped down to your collarbone.
“I suggest you learn to keep your mouth shut.” Hiram laughed almost maniacally from the table. “Rhysie’s silent but deadly. Don’t mess with us.”
Said man finally let you go, pushing you back to your seat, which you took with a huff. Constance handed you a tissue from the small pocketbook she carried and you thanked her, smiling wearily.
Hapi, who had stayed silent the entire time, coughed awkwardly. “So, what’s our next move?”
Yuri shrugged. “We’re no longer neutral, obviously. But we don’t know if the Golden Deer or the Blue Lions are on our side either. Edelgard had to have had a plan when she attacked us.”
The six others sat in thought for a minute while you, on the other hand, had never been more confused. “Wait, what’s even going on? Why do restaurants kill each other?”
Hiram giggled and plucked the bloody tissue out of your hand, beginning to mess with it and look at the new stains. “You’re tellin’ me that you really thought this was just some dumb restaurant rivalry? Hah! Sweetheart, we’re gangs. Y’know. Drugs. Illegal trades. Turf wars. The usual.”
You tried to put more pieces together. “So, Edelgard’s gang is the bad guys?”
“We’re not good. None of the gangs are. Our sins are irredeemable- we’re not the good guys. Edelgard’s people aren’t the bad guys. We don’t know what’s going on right now.” Hapi cut off Hiram.
Said man snorted and ran a hand through his ponytail. “Hey, Rhys, say fuck for me.”
Rhys’s freckled skin flushed a bright red and he avoided the eye contact of everyone around. “...I can’t.” He mumbled.
“See? Rhysie’s good.”
Hapi closed her eyes and suppressed a sigh again, and you wondered what was up with her and sighing. “The next move is to wait. Maybe do a little digging in their computers and communication, but that’s Hiram’s job.”
“We’ve got to figure out something for the rat to do.She can’t just sit here and be in the way.” Yuri mused. “Housekeeping, perhaps?”
“I am not a rat!” You hissed, “You are!”
The purple haired boy only smirked. “Whatever you say, Princess. Go upstairs to the first room on the left. There’s a big stack of manila folders with profiles on the desk. Bring them back down here.”
You rolled your eyes and stood up from your seat, practically stomping your way to the wooden stairs. Opening the first door on the left, you found the folders Yuri was talking about. You reached for them, but hesitated and looked out of the window beside the desk.
It would be so easy to leave, you thought, but jumping from this height would definitely lead to a broken bone.
You committed this room to memory and grabbed the folders, taking your time down the stairs to plan an escape route if needed. You were going home, whether they liked it or not, you decided. You were close to the bottom of the steps when a paper slid out from one of the folders. It was a profile with a rather familiar looking face on it.
Yuri Leclarc, It read, Age 24. Affiliation: Ashen Wolves. Family: Father (unknown), Mother (missing).
You heard footsteps walk through the living room and you quickly snatched up the paper, stuffing it in a folder before you finished reading it all. Hiram became visible, one hand carrying a large laptop and the other, a basket of cables and other equipment. He didn’t say anything to you. Instead, he barely spared you a glance as he walked back into the kitchen. You followed.
“Here.” You huffed and slammed down the folders. Hiram was busy plugging up different cords and routers to the computer, still completely ignoring your presence.
Yuri nodded and stood, sifting through the papers before landing on one labeled “Black Eagles”. He pushed the other folders to the side and opened that one. He laid out 8 profiles, all of people around your age. You could’ve sworn you’d seen some of them around campus, but you nearly vomited as your eyes caught one certain profile.
Ferdinand von Aegir.
“It’s up and running!” Hiram’s voice knocked you out of your stupor. “A piece of art, truly!”
Constance snorted. “A piece of shit, actually.”
Hiram ignored her comment and grinned, placing his hands on his hips proudly. “I call it the Computer of Chaos. COC for short.”
The silence in the kitchen was practically screaming.
Yuri looked up from the profiles. “The what?”
“The Cock, Yuri-bird. Didn't you hear him correctly?” Balthus nearly choked trying to hold in his laugh.
“Exactly! And it works for everyone here, you just have to say your name and it’ll unlock for you.” Hiram motioned for someone to give it a try.
Yuri still looked at the computer quizzically, but walked towards it nonetheless. He leaned down and said, “Yuri Leclarc.”
“Access Denied.”
“What?” Hapi questioned, pulling the computer toward herself. “Hapi.”
“Access Denied.”
“Ohhh, that’s right.” Hiram’s grin turned mischievous. “It only answers to the nicknames I gave you all.”
If looks could kill, Yuri would have committed a murder. He sighed heavily and violently moved the computer back to him. “Yuris.”
“Permission Granted.”
“Go die.” He growled at Hiram, who only laughed.
“What nicknames?” You had to ask, but regretted it once Hiram’s smile was directed at you.
“I add an -is to the end of everyone’s names! Yuris, Hapis, Constis, Balis, but I call Rhys ‘Rhysie’, he doesn’t tell me not to~”
Yuri rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t fucking talk, that’s why.”
“Can I have a nickname?” If you were going to be stuck here, you may as well make friends.
“Hmm,” Hiram pondered, “No.”
So much for making friends.
Yuri interrupted the awkward moment by slamming his hand down on COC, making Hiram gasp in protest. “Fucking- Hiram, try to find something- anything- to find out Edelgard’s intentions. We had a neutrality pact, she shouldn’t have broken it.”
Your head was starting to hurt from the events today. Rubbing your temples, you stood up, making everyone look at you.
“Listen, I’m tired. I’m stressed. Is there like, anywhere I can sleep? I can’t do much more.”
Constance nodded. “I’ll take you up to the spare room!”
She led you up the stairs and past the room you had gone into earlier. Opening the door to one of the bedrooms, she gestured for you to enter.
“I’ll have to lock you in, but I’m sure you won’t mind. You’ll be sleeping, after all!” Constance smiled, “Goodnight!”
You waved back at her and waited for the click of the lock before turning on the lamp and peeling your sleeve away from your arm. You grimaced- blood had dried and caked around the wound, which was still slightly bleeding. You needed medical attention, but you didn’t blame the Wolves for not thinking about it.
They certainly were stressed- being previously neutral and suddenly attacked. They’ve got enemies now and you suspected that was something they haven’t had in quite a while. And then there was you, the epitome of ‘wrong place, wrong time’. Who would’ve thought that you’d end up accidentally in the middle of a gang war when you moved here? Certainly not you.
Guilt tugged at your stomach. These people were different from you. You didn’t belong here and you needed to get out of their hair. Yuri made it obvious that you stuck out like a sore thumb, unaware of what to do like they did.
You glanced at the window in the bedroom and stood up, making your way towards it. You could easily unlock it and risk an ankle injury. You’d already hurt your arm, it would be fine.
Your two choices were to try to survive a mob that wanted to kill you all, or get a foot injury while escaping and get back to your normal life.
Unlocking the latch on the window, and sitting on the edge, you had already made your decision. You jumped down and ignored a loud crack that resounded in your ankle, slipping into the depths of night.
taglist: @fairyblue-alchemist @emperor-pizza @flavoredmilktea @sadies-stories-n-things @mifuyuyu @blviddyd @laurexlance @atomicchocolatecookie @mapesandoval @local-goth-lilz
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
agents of shield x mdzs au
This is the qUaLitY content y’all get from this blog. Also see me spamming friend about this AU. It’s junior-centered, with a dash of wangxian. This is basically a more in-depth version of what I gave my friend lol
After getting kicked out of SHIELD for questionable experiments involving Kree blood, Wei Wuxian was spying on Hydra (lead by Wen Ruohan) by infiltrating them as a scientist. However, being Wei Wuxian, he neglected to tell anyone since he got kicked out, so everyone thought he betrayed them.
So he’s at Hydra, befriending Wen Qing & Ning, and realizes that they’re good people.
But he got caught giving info to Director LXC, so Wei Wuxian makes his grand escape. He may have accidentally knocked over a terrigenesis crystal while trying to escape the Nightless City.
The terrigenesis crystal may have turned a little boy into an Inhuman (the first time anyone went through terrigenesis) and that little boy (Wen Yuan) may have accidentally burnt down the entire Nightless City.
At least, that’s how WWX explains it to Lan Wangji when he gives LWJ a child to take care of.
So, with Wen Yuan in SHIELD custody, Lan Wangji adopts him & renames him Lan Sizhui. He’s still a child (I don’t know why I keep referring to him as a little boy?? He’s like 12-ish??).
So Wei Wuxian goes off to re-join the remnants of HYDRA because they let him experiment in peace & he gets to keep an eye on them for SHIELD (even though he’s an ex-agent).
But before that, he vouches for WQ & WN to join SHIELD. And though many people there are suspicious, they do have a vacant spot for a doctor now that Dr. Wei is gone & WQ is quite good. They bring WN along too.
Meanwhile: Lan Jingyi is getting abused my his mother & his dad is working across the country so life is quite sucky for him.
Thankfully, his family has connections to one Lan Xichen (who learns about the abuse eventually) and Jingyi gets into SHIELD Academy. What he doesn’t know is that he comes from a line of people with Inhumans genes.
Which may or may not how been why Xichen was visiting.
Anyways, Sizhui & Jingyi meet at SHIELD Academy (both around 13-14?) and Lan Qiren is about to get more headaches.
Eventually, he (now 16) gets told why he was accepted on the first place & asked if he’d like to go through terrigenesis. He’s like “ok” and boom vocal mind control.
That’s actually inaccurate; he has the power to manipulate people with his voice. He has to learn how to control it though.
Wei Wuxian rejoins SHIELD! Lan Sizhui meets the person who saved him all those years ago. yay.
Little did they know, Wei Wuxian was expieriemnting with terrigenesis while he was gone but shhhhhhh-
Now onto Jin Ling’s backstory, cause his is a doozy.
Jiang Yanli got Inhuman genes from her mother. So did jc, but his powers & stuff come into play later. Wwx is their adopted bro, but due to circumstances that will be explained later, Wwx & jc are estranged.
Jyl and jzx raise jl for most of his younger childhood (until he’s about 7-8) when evil HYDRA people come in & kill jzx and kidnap jyl for Inhuman experimentation. Note, she has the genes but isn’t an Inhuman (yet).
Ling is very sad and Jiang Cheng swoops in to take him in. Jc actually worked at as a SHEILD agent back from before lxc was Director (coughxichengcough) but left when his sister was kidnapped so he could try to track her down & save her. Instead he gets his nephew.
Jc also takes over his parents’ buisness to get a source of income.
And jc goes through the woes of being a parent up until he also gets kidnapped by HYDRA. Jl also gets nabbed, but HYDRA separates them
Wwx may have been expierimenting but he tries to do it without hurting any of them, and he validates it because he prevented many people from getting cut open by explaining to the HYDRA heads that they’re most useful alive. It somehow works.
In fact, wwx is assigned to jl. The HYDRA people know wwx’s relation to jc & jyl, so they don’t tell wwx that they kidnapped jc & jyl or that they’re literally in the same facility.
Since wwx was assigned to jl, he basically helps him undergo terrigenesis and tries to determine his power.
Wwx also doesn’t know that jl is kinda his nephew. But he pities him, so he maybe helps jl escape, but in a way so that no one realizes it because he still has his cover to maintain.
(also, I forgot to mention: jyl’s kidnapping caused jc & wwx to become estranged).
So wwx may have had a very loud conversation near jl’s cell about some of the exits and also teaches jl the basics on his Inhuman ability. maybe the device he uses to control jl’s powers happened to malfunction in the middle of the night.
Ling, not knowing that wwx is helping him, uses his power (energy manipulation) to break out and makes a run for it.
He manages to escape (wwx had a very detailed convo about the building’s layout) and gets the hell out of there.
Jl’s smart enough to realize that since HYDRA knows where he lives, that he probably shouldn’t go back home.
He really wants to get his uncle back (and maybe his mom, but he’s not sure she’s still alive) but has like no idea how to use his power to do anything except bomb stuff. & that only works like half the time.
Jin Ling is about to kill a bitch but then he remembers that his uncle gave him an address to go to if anything ever happened (remember, jc is an ex-SHIELD agent so bad things happen quite a lot).
Meanwhile, despite his carefulness, wwx got caught and HYDRA is deciding whether or not he will die. Wwx, being the genius he is, takes all his stuff and gets the fuck outta there.
He decides to go visit his kinda-boyfriend (that he may or may not have been ignoring for like 13 years), lwj back at SHIELD. He also wants to see how the Wen siblings are doing.
So WWX goes back to SHIELD, only about an hour before Ling arrives. In jl’s defense, he had no idea that the entrance to a secret government organization was a quaint little music shop.
He just kinda... walks in, and everyone is freaking bc they have been breached but sees him and thinks “huh he kinda looks like jc” and then lxc thinks “oh no what happened this time”
Lxc introduces himself and jl (being the second best matchmaker here, second to only lxc) accidentally reveals that jc talked about him before.
Lxc is pleasantly surprised (gay) and asks jl to come with him into his office so that they can... chat.
On their way, they pass by the science lab. Wei Wuxian, who just came back to base, is happily walking along with Lan Sizhui, when all hell breaks loose.
Remember when I said that wwx was quite secretive about helping? And that jl is still upset bc he never got his uncle back and he can’t lose another family member, not to them?
So obviously jl does what anyone would if you saw the guy who forced you to undergo a life-changing event and was involved in the organization that kidnapped two of his family members and killed his dad: he attaccs.
If you also remember, I mentioned that jl has no fucking clue what he’s doing. All he knows is energy and boom boom.
And the mini-explosions only work in close range, from what he’s seen. So in his anger, he unlocks a new skill: energy shots.
Wei Wuxian took cover like the second he realized who was attempting to kill him and screaming at the others not to kill his assailant no matter how annoying he was.
Lan Wangji sadly wasn’t at base, but Sizhui was, and he can certainly hold his own against Ling, especially since Sizhui has had more time to train with his power.
Luckily, Jingyi swoops in & uses his voice to force jl to stop. They handcuff him and lxc drags him away into his office.
It’s safe to say that the science lab corridor is fried.
That’s basically how jl got introduced to SHIELD (he eventually joins and learns the truth about wwx, which makes all their past interactions quite awkward).
Now we have Zizhen, who comes into the story after the two Lans have become agents but before the whole Jin Ling fiasco occurs.
Sizhui & Jingyi were sent to see if Agent Ouyang Xingyun (@yoitsamy’s oc older sis of oyzz)‘a family knew where she was because she was on a undercover mission & didn’t check in with her contact last week. + she didn’t contact SHIELD so Director LXC was worried.
They look through the window and everything is a mess, so they kick down the door and try to find anyone. The whole place is torn apart, like people were fighting there.
In the upstairs bedroom, they find Ouyang Zizhen & four of his younger siblings huddled together in a corner, protected by a forcefield-like shield. Once they realize the Lans aren’t a threat, the go back to SHIELD HQ and put in a room there until they can figure out wtf was going on.
Apparently, Zizhen unlocked his powers w/o terrigenesis when they got attacked by someone who was looking for his sister and used it to protect his siblings. They hadn’t seen their big sister in weeks.
So the Lans have a new case to solve, SHIELD has two new Inhumans with off circumstances, and Lan Wangji is one Xichen away from killing Jin Ling.
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elysiashelby · 4 years
In Another World - T. Shelby Imagine Ch. 3
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 4,010
WARNINGS: Cursing, Attempted R*pe scene, Deliberate Intoxication of a Character 
Summary: Aliena Welsh has been living in the universe of the show Peaky Blinders for 6 months now. She has proper pay and she thinks she regained some normalcy in another world. However, trouble has struck the Shelby’s and Thomas has plans for her. Will she remain safe as he’s promised her?
A/N: So, I forgot to add something very important. I am not from Liverpool. I do not know the proper way scousers talk. I’ve done some research and watched movies, but I will not advocate that it’s perfect. If y’all want it gone, it will be gone. PAY ATTENTION TO THE WARNINGS!!
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It's been six months. I'm kind of an official part of the Shelby family. People part the streets for me and greet me. I'm paid two pounds, but John gives me a couple shillings whenever I go home for the day. I have no clue how much I make. I don’t exactly have enough time in me day to count up all me savings right now. I’m being led by the reins like a horse. 
I have a little routine now and what can I say? It gives me peace! Sometimes- I have to admit, there'll be nights where I had cried about not being with me own family. However, it's not like I have the mental capacity to try and change my current situation, so I'm rolling with the punches. 
I was folding clothes in the living room when Thomas bursted through the doors. 
"I'm calling a family meeting for tonight, 8." Thomas said and then pointed at me. "Aliena, be there. Okay? Okay." Then, he walked right back out. From the distant slam of a door, I knew he had gone into his office. 
I looked to Polly who was already staring at me. 
"That fucking boy! Do you know what's goin' on, Ali?"
I shook me head, furiously. 
She just sighed and said. "I guess we're finding out tonight. Finish folding, love, then come help me with dinner."
"Okay, Pol."
As I was folding, all I could focus on was me anticipation. I wanted time to move faster.
I knew the information wasn't about me lies. If he had wanted to confront me about that he would have done it privately or only in the audience of Polly. It wasn't 1919 meaning that season one hasn't begun yet. So, maybe it has something to do about Thomas fixing races? No, that's right! He didn't tell anyone about it! Wonder what it's gonna be then?
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Eight rolled around and the family was waiting for Thomas to start. I was over by the doors blocking Finn from geggin' in. 
"Right, I called this family meeting because we got a problem. This problem's name is Harry Chadwick. He's been seen following us and our men around. It would seem that he's a new small time copper looking to make a promotion. Now, some of you are wondering why I invited Aliena to this meeting and I'll get to that in a second. I am going to meet with Chadwick in 3 days time." 
Roars of outrage poured from the family. 
"I am going to meet with him! I told him that I got information on Billy Kimber, and that I'm willing to do a stitch on him in exchange to keep quiet about our doings. I've discovered that Mr. Chadwick frequents Mr. Zhang's brothel whenever he gets tired of spying on the lot of us. Mr. Zhang told me that he preferred his… women on the younger side." Thomas looked at me and I instantly knew his plan. 
I swallowed harshly before looking back down at me feet. A million thoughts went into me head. 
‘Was this a test? Is this me proving me loyalty? What if I go through with it, and he doesn't stop him in time? Why would he do this to me?’
"Like hell, Thomas! She's just a girl!" Polly yelled while gesturing toward me. 
Thomas nodded in response. "Yes, Polly. She's a girl, who'll catch that bastard's attention! Now, if you'd let me finish! I was gonna tell you that I plan on killing 'em. She'll just be a distraction, and I'll let no harm come to her." The look in his eyes was intense. It was almost like he was trying to telepathically reassure me. 
‘This is a test. This is a test about loyalty, I just know it is.’
Polly and Thomas started arguing while I debated over it. 
I sighed. "I'll do it."
They stopped fighting. 
"What?" Polly asked, looking at me with disbelief written in her face. 
"I'll do it." I repeated with a clearer voice and me head held high. Thomas and I stared at each other until he gave me a nod. 
"There you have it, Pol. She made her choice. She's a big girl." 
Polly scoffed and began fighting with him again. I listen to John bud in and then Arthur shortly. I heard them, but it was like white noise. I was breathing quicker. But just as soon as I was consciously aware of the fact, I held me breath for a while and relaxed meself. The way me brain worked would never let meself freak out in me entirety. I've never experienced a complete panic attack. I always had the strength to snap meself out of it. That didn't mean that the effects went away any quicker. In fact, I knew this feeling of dread would follow me until we were actually enacting his plan.  
I let meself out without, being like, allowed to. That night I didn't sleep. I just pondered over the grim possibilities that could occur three nights from now. 
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It was finally the day, and I am terrified. I was allowed to sleep in. I woke up around 10 in the morning. I ate breakfast and lunch that wasn't made by me, and then Polly told me that she had prepared a bath. I was to scrub meself spotless and shave. 
As if I was really a prostitute. 
On the flip side, this body of mine didn't have your common body hair. I had no hair on me body except for me private part, me eyebrows, and well- me hair. See I hated having body hair with a passion, so it was nice having smooth legs with no stubble. 
Polly kept talking to me as if I were a child. She kept reassuring me that Thomas would never let anything happen to me. It was nice to see her worrying about me as if I were her daughter. Some days it really felt like that. After the bath, I was dressed in garments that were really rather in its best condition. It seemed like silk. I put it on with no protest. Polly even tried helping me with that. Then she went on to do me hair. It was beautiful, really. She put me hair in a bun with a single braid. Me hair framed me face just how I liked it.
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She did me makeup next. I wanted to stop her, but I didn't have the heart to. I looked in the mirror and admired her work. The foundation didn't match me skin tone. It made me appear whiter than I was. But this was how women did it in this era, and I thought I still looked pretty. I smiled at meself even though I wished we were doing this under better circumstances. 
Finally, the dress. It was a dark, maybe, navy blue. It's sleeves reached to me elbows, and it was a rather loose dress. I'm so used to wearing tighter one's than this one, feels like a sleeping gown.
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"You look absolutely beautiful. Oh, look at you! Just like a dream." Polly said with her hands together in a prayer against her lips.
She rushed to me and rubbed me arms up and down. "Tommy won't let anything happen to you, Aliena. After this, I'll make sure you'll never be in this side of the business again. You'll just be taking care of the kids and doing the chores again, I promise! No more Peaky Blinder business." 
I nodded. "Okay, Polly." I put on a grin while smoothing out the dress. 
I was only allowed a few moments to meself before Thomas shouted for me. 
"We better get down there then. Quicker we get it down, the sooner you both come home." She said as she pulled the door open and led me down.
As we were doing down the stairs, the three Shelby brothers were talking at the bottom of it. Upon hearing our heels, their gazes snapped on me. I noticed Thomas was wearing his usual suits, nothing out of the ordinary. 
"Ain't she a sight!" Arthur yelled. 
"Ali, you look absolutely beautiful. I think I'm fallin' in love!" John yelled. 
I scoffed and shook me head. "Thank you, Arthur. And John, shut your trap." I was able to slap him across the chest. 
He flinched, quite dramatically, while snickering. But then this hush of silence washed over us, and it was like we were all waiting for what Thomas had to say. 
Thomas cleared his throat and muttered. "Come on, then." He extended his elbow for me and I took it. 
We said our goodbyes then left. It was weird being in the passenger side of a car in the UK. American cars were different. I'm so used to being on the opposite side. As he drove, I took in the views. I loved car rides so much! God, I missed this. 
"I'm sure you already know this, but I know you're lying to us." Thomas said while taking a drag. "You don't have a birth certificate, no record of any sort. I couldn't even find your father's war record. So, even though you are a hard worker, you've lied to us. After this… If you do it well and complete what needs to be done, I'll let your lies slip and accept you into this family."
Me heart was beating in my ears. Me face was hot. "Okay, Thomas." I whispered. After that, it was quiet for a while. 
Then, Thomas broke it. "So, do you, maybe, want to tell me the truth?"
I scoffed, looking out the window. Even though there really wasn’t one. "You wouldn't even believe me." 
I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t fully anticipate him investigating me. I just thought it would be normal for a girl to show up with no papers. I was caught in a blag and like a brat, I wanted this conversation to be done with.
"Try me."
I don't know if I could contain my annoyance. 
How the fuck could I explain it to him when I didn't understand this situation much meself! If I did tell him the truth, I figure he'll get me thrown in an asylum. 
I went to massage me eyes, but then remembered that they had makeup on ‘em, so I slapped me hands on me thighs. 
"Well, I'm not from here. At all! I'm from another universe or Earth. To me, you and your family are characters on a TV show called Peaky Blinders. Do you believe me?" I revealed to him while staring out the window. I couldn’t bear to face him.
He didn't answer for a good solid 5 minutes. "Well, it has to be that. Or, you lied about your dad being in the war and your family avoided records with home births. That you're Gypsy kin ‘cause there have been too many times that you have looked like you know something I don't, and being a Gypsy would explain that. So, yeah, I believe you." 
I pursed me lips while leaning my head on me fist as I leaned my arm on the window. 
'He doesn't believe me. A blessing in disguise.'
"Yep, you got me. So why don't you tell me what we're really going to this bloke's house for? I know it's not for the bullshit you spat at the meeting." 
Thomas squinted his eyes at me. "How did you know I lied?"
I rolled me eyes. "Since Billy Kimber came out your mouth. What does Mr. Chadwick have to do with you planning to fix races?"
I turned me head to him and stared. His head was down, eyes on the floor of the car. His eyes darting back and forth rapidly. His Adam's apple bobbed and he said, "He's got something I need to actually fix those races. He's not a cop. But he does want information on Kimber and I'm going to feed him false information. Not like he'll be able to check, though."
While gazing at me fingernails, I hummed. "Thank you for your candor, Thomas."
After that, we didn't talk. When we pulled up to the house, he got out and then walked over to my side. I took his arm like before and we walked to the door. It wasn't a mansion, but it was a nice house. A maid opened the door and told us that we had been expected. We were led to a room that must have been the lounge area. There was a bar at the far right side and a pool table in the middle, but the room was still small. 
"Ah, Mr. Shelby! So, good to see you!" Mr. Chadwick had to be the most stereotypical pedophile I've ever seen. 
Mentally, I was giving meself a prayer and hoping that my discomfort was not showing on me face.  
Thomas greeted him back. They shook hands and that's when creepy decided to lock eyes on me. 
"Why, Mr. Shelby! Who is this enchanting young lady?" I watched as his hand slipped from Thomas' hand and reached for mine. 
I reluctantly gave him me hand to shake when he clasped both of his hands over mine and started to stroke it. I could feel the muscles in me face ache, so I knew I was still smiling. 
"This is Ali. She works for me Aunt." Thomas replied. 
Mr. Chadwick greeted me, but it's like I knew that he was trying to make it sound sensual. I wanted to die! I just gave him one back and he finally dropped me hand. 
"Well, enough with the pleasantries! Let's negotiate." Mr. Chadwick said as he walked over to his desk. 
We all gathered around the desk when Mr. Chadwick offered drinks. Thomas and I both declined and sat down. After that, they dove straight into business talk. As much as it hurts me pride, I couldn't follow what they were saying. So all I did was pretend to be engaged. I smiled whenever his eyes lined up to mine. I tilted me head to the side to, I guess, show off me neck. Other times, I raised me chest and used other cues to get his attention towards my tits. 
"You know what, Mr. Shelby, the agreement was set upon me getting rid of the information I have on your family. But not on yourself. How about you let me have her and we call it a deal?" Mr. Chadwick said while looking me up and down like I was fucking scran!
Thomas cleared his throat saying, "You're goin' to have to be more specific. I can't let you have her forever. She's my Aunt's employee. So, the most I could offer is an hour."
Mr. Chadwick scoffed. "The rest of the night."
"45 minutes." 
"3 hours."
"1 hour."
"Hour and a half." 
They rose and shook hands. I wanted to show me disgust. I felt absolutely nauseated. I just felt this pit in me stomach grow more and more. 
Thomas placed his hand on me shoulder and I looked up at him. He nodded and said. "I'll be out in the hall."
"You can have my maid entertain you, Mr. Shelby!" 
Thomas had already walked out of the room. I huffed. Me gaze went to the bar. 
"Do you fancy a drink, Ali?" He asked me. 
I got up from me chair. I was shaking. I just knew I had to look like Bambi when he was learning how to walk. "I could go for something. A glass of water would be fine." I said while tucking a strand of me hair behind me ear. 
Mr. Chadwick laughed as he walked over to his bar. "I think you're gonna want something stronger than water, dear. Ever try gin?"
I shook me head. "No. No, I haven't. Water's just fine." I slowly walked closer to him. He was behind the bar as he poured the drinks. But he managed to quickly stride toward me. He handed me me drink and I took a gulp of it. The cold water was refreshing, but I couldn't help but notice he was staring at me while I drank the water. 
I wanted to furrow me eyebrows at him, but instead I gave him a smile. 
"So, how old are you, Ali?"
"Your accent, you're a scouser, aren’t cha?"
"Yes, sir, born and raised."
He hummed after that. I just awkwardly held the glass in me hand while shifting from one foot to the other. 
"How did you meet, Mr. Shelby?"
"Uh, I was looking for a job and one of his brother's kids were out playing on the street. I managed to keep… him calm enough to get him… home. Apparently…, that was like… a miracle and… I was offered… a job. " I was feeling dizzy and it was getting harder to breathe. 
I held me hand up while I pressed the hand holding de’ water against me chest. The glass was colder than I thought. " 'm… sorry. I… really need… to get some… air!" I went to turn away from ‘em when he grabbed me and pulled me to him. 
I gasped for breath. I whimpered as he placed his forehead on mine. 
He whispered. "God, you're so cute. Look how short you are and those tits. You've been wanting me all night. Don't try to deny it, you little minx. I bet you're all wet and ready for me." He started to nip and kiss me neck which made me flinch. 
'I can't breathe. I can't breathe!' 
Me legs soon gave out and he rushed us to the pool table. The pain the shot through me back as the table dug into me hips made me wince. He lifted me up ‘n sat me down on it, and me body fell limply on the table. The glass of water slipped out of me hand, but it didn’t fall since it didn’t make a sound. 
I limply attempted hitting him, kicking him! They were weak hits. They barely did anything to him. I knew they were annoying him, though. 
I kept trying to scream at the top of me lungs, but all that came out were hoarse whispers. I knew this feeling, familiar with it and I still hated it. 
He stopped fiddling with his belt, grabbed me arms, pinned them down. "Stay fucking still!" 
He kept me hands pinned and me head lopped to the side. Me gaze was on the doors from where Thomas and I entered. Me vision was getting blurrier with me tears. I took a deep loud breath and choked on a sob. I heard his belt fall to the ground. 
"Tommy." I chanted. I kept saying his name. I felt him start to shimmy up me dress 'til I felt all of me legs exposed. Me heart was beating faster than ever. Something just clicked as I screamed, "Tommy!" 
And like a fucking hero, he bursted through the doors and shot the bastard. The guy groaned as he fell to the ground, and a second shot rang throughout the room. 
I stopped crying, but realized I really was paralyzed since I couldn’t pick meself back up. Me adrenaline was going down, and I just wanted to go to sleep. I heard Tommy’s thundering footsteps as he ran to me. I felt as he tugged down me dress, and then picked up me torso by me armpits. He stroked me face. I thought it was a caring touch, but realized he was probably wiping the tears. 
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was late, Aliena." Thomas whispered. His face was red and his jaw clenched.
I tried to tell him, "Nothing happened yet. So you weren't late." It fell on deaf ears.
He shook his head. "I was late…" He tugged me a little forward and then carried me bridal-style. 
I heard a faint crunch that was familiar to glass. 
'Huh! Maybe it was the glass falling that actually alerteded him and not my supposed shout.'
As we walked out, I saw the maid dead on the floor as well as a butler that was near the front door. He carried me to the passenger seat and laid me down then left. I was really fucking uncomfortable, but I still wanted to go to sleep. I let me eyelids flutter shut. 
"Oi, Aliena! Aliena, wake up! Wake up." Thomas shouted at me while tapping my face. 
I whimpered loudly but opened me eyes nonetheless. 
"Attagirl! Good girl, Aliena. Now, we're going home. Okay?" Tommy wrapped his free arm around me shoulder and me face was tucked into his side. His touch was comforting. His slow strokes on me back reminded me of me ma’. This made me start crying again to the point where I was sobbing uncontrollably. 
"Almost there, Ali. You're alright now. Fuck!" Our bodies jolted as Tommy struck the steering wheel. 
The cold night wind was refreshing. I tried focusing on that. I wanted to just curl up, sleep, and be able to get over it tomorrow. I'll get over it tomorrow. 
I wanted to enjoy this moment as I snuggled up to Thomas Shelby, but I couldn't! 
I always wanted to know what his cologne smells like and now I still wouldn’t know since my nose is stuffy ‘n runny.
Me sobs turned into sniffles and it took sometime before we actually made it back to the house. It was a series of Tommy keeping me awake and me crying about it. 
Tommy carried me out of the car and ran up to the door. He started pounding on it 'til Pol opened the door. 
She gasped and shouted. "What-!"
Tommy didn't let her finish. He rushed past her and sat me down on the couch. Me body was still limp, so me head fell back and me arms slumped to me sides. 
"What the hell, Thomas! You said nothing would happen!"
"There were more people in his house than I thought and got held up. He didn't manage to do anything to her yet, but he drugged her." 
"Fucking christ! Make sure she doesn't fuckin’ fall asleep! She needs to drink water."
Polly's last comment got to me. It reminded me of me ma’ getting me milk when I was too high. I started to chuckle and tried asking them for milk. Tommy leaned his ear close to me mouth and then shouted for milk instead. I was still laughing, but it came out breathily. 
I could hear Polly yell for Arthur and I tried following her voice but that meant turning my head. Which made me close me eyes. Tommy tugged me face where it originally was and ordered me to stay awake. I attempted to stick me tongue out at him. 
Aunt Polly came back. She put a wet cold towel on me head and put the straw in me mouth. I instantly started drinking it. 
"Slowly, love." Polly whispered as she started to wipe me face and neck with the towel. "Slowly, love."
When I was done having a drink, I tried lifting up me arms and it happened very slowly. I slowly pushed the cup away from me. I didn't really realize that it was Tommy holding it. 
"I don't blame you." I tried saying. 
Polly sucked on her teeth. "Her fucking speech is slurred." By the end of her sentence, her voice was shaking. They fretted over me for a while until Polly said that she was going to have me be in warm water. 
Thomas and Arthur helped me up the stairs. In the end, Polly was the only one in my room. She undressed me and helped me into the water. I could honestly say the water woke me up!
When I got most of me motor functions back, Polly got me out, helped me get dressed, tucked me into bed, and I fell asleep.
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston​ @nemesis729​
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italian-pastry · 3 years
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CHART TIME CHART TIME (I highly encourage you to zoom in and look at everyone I spent a while on them)
Also, if you look closely enough, you’ll see two new faces in the crowd ;)
Underneath the cut, I’ll explain the lines between people, and go into detail for the newbies! Basically, there’s a lot of stuff under the cut that you might wanna check out ;)
Name Reference (in case you forgot or you’re new here): Starting at the very tippy top with the Purple-To-Yellow lady, this is a list of everyone going counterclockwise. (the bolded ones are the new guys) 1. Nozomi Togota - 23 2. Chieko Ojirou – 22 3. Kosuke Kirishima – 19 4. Mieko Kirishima-Bakugou – 17 5. Toshi Midoriya – 17 6. Takeo Shinaro-17 7. Tozen – 17 8. Arisu Tetsukendou- 17 9. Takiyo Asui– 16 10. Kazumi Yuyu- 16 11. Satoshi Yaoyarozu - 15 12. Utano Yaoyarozu - 15 13. Minako Ashido - 15 14. Ezumo Uraraka – 14 15. Makairo Yuyu - 13 16. Akio Kirishima-Bakugou – 13 17. Yukio Aoyama - 12 18. Arakan Midoriya - 12 19. Hiroki Kirishima-Bakugou – 11 20. Akihiko Tetsukendou - 10 21. Ryuji Oirou – 9 22. Teruko Iida - 8 23. Koharu Iida – 8 24. Kinuyo Shoji – 8 25. Youdai Midoriya – 6 26. Nikko Togota - 5 27. Kana Kirishima-Bakugou - 3 28. Tatsuhiro Kirishima-Bakugou – 3 29. Taishiro Ojirou - 1 30. Tsuki Asui – less than a year 31. Masashi Shinaro - Newborn 32. Maemi Shinaro - Newborn Yes there are 32 of these clowns and I love all of them.
Onto the new guys!
Kosuke Kirishima: I refer to him as Sasuke in my head. He is the only son of Natuso and an OC of mine, Emiko! Emiko is also Kirshima’s older sister, which is where Kasuke got his last name from, so no, he is not an affair baby or secret twin sibling.(You can bet your ass Natuso would take the first chance he got to ditch his dad’s name and so here we are.) He is 19, very handsome, and is starting work in Hero Support! His name means “Rising Sun”
Kinuyo Shoji: Created simply because I had a cool idea for her quirk. She is the only daughter of Shoji and a Still-Unnamed OC of mine. (I feel bad I still haven’t named her. She’s been here for a while.) Kinuyo is a lil spider lady and does ballet! Her name means “Generation of Silk” (because haha spider)
Now to the lines! This might take a while....... Please note that some things I won’t be going into detail for because of either story/character reasons, or I want you guys to imagine your own reasons as for why these folks are connected!
Red (Crushing?) [please note that the crush only applies from where the arrow is coming from to where the arrow is going]: - Kazumi -> Toshi and Tozen. You’re typical “I’m in love with two boys and I don’t know what to do!!!!!” Storyline (Extra points since you’ve got the Bad Boy and the Boy Next Door aesthetics). I think it fit well with Kazumi’s Trope-Filled life and could lead to some fun humor. - Makairo -> Satoshi. I think it’s more of an admiration sort of thing. Makairo thinks Satoshi is super cool because she’s cool and punk and not like those other preppy girl Makairo knows. - Koharu -> Akio. This is one of those little puppy crushes kids get. It’s also Koharu - once again - trying to seem cool and mature by crushing on an older boy (although if she rlly was trying to pull that off, there are better choices than a 13 year old himbo) - Nikko -> Mieko. Man the Kirishima-Bakugous sure are irresistible aren’t they. Yet again another puppy crush. Nikko thinks Mieko is super cool for being strong and heroic. I didn’t include this, but she also thinks Kazumi is awesome for being a real life Magical Girl.
Orange (Best Friends) [friend groups will be listed all together]: - Mieko, Toshi, Tozen, and Arisu - Takeo, Satoshi, and Utano. Their parents visit each other a lot, so these guys saw a lot of each other growing up. Fancy Boy, Pastel Punk, and Sk8r Boi. - Minako and Kazumi.  - Ezumo, Arakan, and Hiroki. Middle Child cluuuuuuub.  - Makairo, Akio, and Yukio. These three would be the funniest thing together. Makairo is always yelling at Akio for being a “Typical Jock” cough cough Himbo and Yukio is constantly keeping her from punching people. Akio is here for moral support. I just....... THE POTENTIAL YOU GUYS. - Koharu, Teruko, Kinuyo, and Youdai. Koharu, Kinuyo, and Youdai all attend the same dance lessons, and Teruko is here because wherever her sister is she is right there behind her to make her laugh. - Taishiro, Tsuki, Masashi, and Maemi. Babies. Their parents got them together and they kinda just stuck. Babies don’t care about nothing, and they get into as many shenanigans as 4 literal babies can get.
Yellow (friends) [I don’t really know why I made this and orange separate but here we are]: - Kosuke, Akio, Kana, and Tatsuhiro. Cousins doing dumb cousins things together like cousins do. They do experiments with Kosuke’s gadgets a lot, and cause the appropriate amount of destruction an inventor and children who share blood with Bakugou would. - Mieko, Toshi, Takiyo, Takeo, and Arisu. (If this were to be a full blown story thing, these guys + Tozen would be the main characters. Takiyo maybe less than the others tho since he is still baby (haha 16 year old)) - Minako, Satoshi, and Utano.  - Minako and Ezumo. Fashion buddies! - Akio and Akihiko. Their families practically live at each others houses, and these are two idiot boys around the same age. They get into harmless trouble a lot. - Yukio and Hiroki. Nervous kid cluuuub. They’re less nervous when they’re with each other, and they like talking about movies. - Arakan, Akihiko, Ryjui, and Nikko. Hero Club! They talk about heroes and how cool they are! Their research includes current heroes (their parents) and cool heroes of the past (Like GrandPa Toshinori!!!)
Green (Complicated) [complicated]: - Chieko, Ryuji, and Taishiro. Chieko moved away when Ryuji was 4 and Taishiro wasn’t even born. She wants to be involved with them, but she’s so far away and avoids their parents, so it’s hard. Ryuji doesn’t entirely understand, but he likes it when he gets to call his sister and she can tell him about all the cool America things she’s doing! - Makairo and Kazumi. Not actually not that complicated. Makairo hates heavily dislikes Kazumi for being a prep, but Kazumi believes it’s just a phase (which it probably is), so she’s not as respectful of Makairo as she should be and is patronizing. It’s tense.
Blue (hostile) [just means someone is a rude lil punk]: - Makairo and Akio. It’s just Makairo saying “Jock (derogatory)” and Akio saying “haha cool” every 10 minutes - Masashi, Tsuki, and Taishiro. Masashi is a little brat, and the other two are babies, so none of them really mind. Masashi just makes angry faces at them.
Purple (Had a falling out): - Chieko and Nozomi.
Familial relationships will be spelled out in my family tree post, whenever that comes out because GOD KNOWS how long that’ll take.
Hoooooo that was a lot. See y’all next time!
@questionableholidayreally ;D
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