#Study Skills
poisonacademia · 23 days
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apr 9/24- day 44/100 days of productivity
went to a social event for the archery club
started studying for my exams
cleaned my house
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lalesnotes · 1 year
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December 17, 2022
Posting late once again but this time is because I wanted to post these cute pictures of today 🎄☕
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Wait what, I really can just take breaks to do something I enjoy every few hours? Even if all I've been doing is chores or exercise or admin tasks? If it makes my brain tired, I can do something nice about it?
And this makes me more productive? Nononoo. If I didn't do the thing, I have to sit there till it's done doing noth-
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Feeling better again, we're getting there. I'm really sorry that these photos are so random, but I haven't sat myself down to actually do proper work at home in ages. I'll have real study session photos when I'm back to my best and forcing myself to complete painful assignments
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yang-jin-seo · 8 months
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httpsstudy · 1 year
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my college notebook: a big book with everything in it. 
in my final year of undergraduate, I really settled into my ideal organization and notetaking schemes. Here is a page of notes from my permaculture class on stormwater management tools, alongside my work scheduler (on a slow week. :P) I like this layout for  keeping my courses organized; course numbers run along the top edge, days of the week on the vertical. Because it’s just a grid, you don’t have to start on any particular day or keep the order of a calendar. Shaded boxes mark the days that I have that class, and I write tasks in based on when I need to work on them or when they are due. Underneath the chart is just a list of all the work that was due during the given time for each course. 
The notebook is the magnificent Leuchtturm1917 A4+ grid book, which has extra thick 100gsm paper. I took all of my notes and planned many projects in these books, using 1 per semester for all of my work. they are expensive, but the pages are huge, and it feels really good to write in them. Aside from class notes, I’d recommend these books for sketchbooks or for design project planning. 
I’ll be posting some more of my college notes soon, and I have a new account that I will share soon. 
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edugent · 1 month
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studeo-po · 1 year
a study guide; my version
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→ memory practice. test yourself at the end of every study session, no matter how big or small. find a quiz online relating to your subject, and redo the quiz or test until every question is correct.
→ personally, it helps a lot when I highlight different subjects in the text (or notes) so I can refer back to them easily. say you were studying a painting for an art class, you would highlight the time periods or different dates one color and then a different color for location. It's how I got through my high school finals.
→ repeat it. I don't just mean writing it down, I mean in your head, constantly. when there's a part you don't remember, refer back to the first suggestion.
→ frequent breaks to relax, but not to forget. during your breaks between studying, watch videos relating to the subject. not necessarily exercising your mind, but going over what you previously learned. having a snack helps, too.
→ if you have trouble with something, write about it! it could be in form of a song if it helps you, but normally I just use my notebook and it sticks with me that way.
→ don't. give. up. I'm telling you, plain and simple, but so important, that you won't just do it tomorrow and you won't just pull through the test without it. if you really want that grade, if you want to pass this class, this semester, this year, you have to go through the process now. if that isn't enough motivation for you to stop reading my post right now, then I don't know what is.
→ food. preferably healthy. it helps your mind concentrate better. easy way to end my suggestions, simple and true!
I hope this helps! remember, my guide doesn't work for everybody, this is simply what helps me.
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lisforlaw · 2 years
Assignment Tracker
Having trouble sleeping so I figured I would share this with people in case anyone is interested.
Given I'm doing law and politics, most of my assignments I get are word count based rather than project-based. So I've devised a system that I like for doing my assignments, based on a minimum aimed word count per day.
I found this helps with two things. 1, it motivates me to do at least a little bit of work every day, which both in terms of getting the assignment done and keeping a good schedule is very helpful. 2, it rewards effort, especially when I go above and beyond, which is a nice way to stay motivated for me when you're not getting active feedback.
So here it is, the wonderful google sheet!
How to use it:
I've designed the sheet to be pretty much entirely automated, so there are just a few things you need to do.
To start with, make a copy of this sheet so you can edit it and fill out the details of the class and what the assignment is, and feel free to add any other rows with more details if you like.
Next, add the due date and the date you are starting work on the assignment in a month/day/year format. As an Australian, this deeply upsets me too, but google sheets only works in this format for some stupid reason.
Next, add the word count you have to meet. You can also do this if you're working on a project that you're breaking up into pages to complete or a percentage of the project to complete. For pages simply put the number of pages you need to do and you'll get a decimal amount you should be completing each day, and for percentages make the word count 100 and the same thing will happen.
Next in the tracker, grab the box below the blue box and drag and slide it down till it ends on the date your assignment is due. Shift-click the purple boxes and drag them to be in line with the end of the dates.
Now your tracker is automated, here's how it works.
There are 4 columns you need to focus on:
The target word total is the amount your word count should be at the end of any given day. This is what you are aiming for each day, based on the perfect breakdown of your word count to days to complete the assignment ratio. This will never change even as you input other data into what you've completed.
The actual word count is your running tally of how much you've done. This will update based on how much you write each day.
The amount to write is how much you should be aiming to write each day, based on how much you wrote the day before, and how this compares to your aimed amount per day. Some days, this amount may be negative, that just means that you're ahead of schedule and are welcome to take the day off. When it is negative, this is the number of words you can theoretically delete from the previous days work whilst still being on schedule to complete.
The amount written is where you write how many words you wrote in any given day. This is the only column that you need to ever edit, the rest will fill in automatically.
Basically what this tracker is doing is taking your word count, and dividing it by how many days you have left to complete an assignment in order to give you a minimum number of words you should be writing daily. This is only a guide though, some days you may write more, others less, and that's totally ok - don't feel pressured to stick religiously to this on days you can't, this is just a ballpark guideline that I find helps me break down assignments into manageable chunks.
Note: the way it is currently set up, is that the days you have left to complete an assignment also includes the day it is due. I personally don't ever do this, as I like knowing the assignment is done BEFORE that date, but I figured I would give people the option. If like me you like having the assignment done at least the day before it is due, all you need to do to change this is to go into the formula for the days to complete box (the pink one), and delete the plus one (+1).
If anyone has any questions about it feel free to ask! And let me know if you do use it and how it goes!
I'm working on a weekly one too for different styles of projects so I'll post that one too when I'm finished with it.
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hellnokittyp · 1 year
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it was an internship day 🥲
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devikasyy · 1 year
Test Anxiety? More Like Test LOL-anxiety: 5 Hilarious Strategies to Ace Your Exams
Hey! If you or someone you know struggles with test anxiety, check out my latest blog post. I share humorous and effective strategies for managing anxiety and acing exams. Learn to prepare, stay calm, and turn anxiety into strength.
Ah, test anxiety – the sweaty palms, the racing heart, the feeling like your brain has turned into a bowl of jello. But fear not, my friend! Test anxiety may feel like the ultimate villain, but with the right strategies, you can conquer it like the superhero you truly are. So put on your cape (or sweatpants, whatever works), and let’s dive into some strategies for managing test anxiety with a…
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poisonacademia · 1 month
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mar 28/24- day 32/100 days of productivity
a day of studying from home
started my essay for forensics
studied for my osteology final
studied for my bio lab quiz
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lalesnotes · 1 year
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January 13, 2023
More three exams and I will be free ✨ I can't wait for next Friday honestly, exam periods are so exhausting 😭
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Getting through reading on a deadline
Someone posted about not being sure how to get through prerequisite tasks for a task on time, and I responded by rambling about planning and reading tools but didn't want to clog up their post.
Almost everybody on here is streets ahead of me academically but as a study skills tutor with a brain that doesn't work, there are two techniques I know that might apply here:
Survey: Look at the titles/subheadings, abstract and conclusion, first and concluding sentences of paragraphs, etc, to get a sense of where the info is in a piece of work. Mark the most likely ones.
Question: Put the work aside for a second and identify what you want to get out of it. This might be a set of nested questions or just a general idea, depending on how specific you need to be. Write the questions down.
Read: Read to answer your questions. Only read the parts you marked as being relevant.
Recall: What were your questions? Try to answer them.
Review: What did you find? Are you done reading - did you answer your questions? Or do you need to go read something else to answer them all?
This keeps my ADHD brain focused on my needs so I can't wander off in the direction that interests me most.
Planning backwards:
Do the task that always takes an unpredictable amount of time, the best way you know how. Project, on your calendar (ideally a digital calendar) how long you think it'll take, knowing you'll be wrong. As you work, change your calendar to reflect how long it actually took. Use this data as a basis to estimate how long your next project will take - change your estimates to shorter or longer depending on the size of the new project.
As a way to get the most out of the experience of working on a type of project, I think this is maybe a kind of reflective journaling?
I hope this is useful to someone!
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moristhedragon · 2 years
this is my first Tumblr Post ever!
I don't know what to do, i don't know what to say, but I feel like I really need a platform to dump my brain-shits in it.
as a brief introduction:
I'm Iranian and soon to be 20 years old. I have recently been accepted to study English literature in university so excuse me if i make grammatical mistakes, no one is perfect.
Actually if you know any helpful sources or studying tips please tell me! I'll be more than glad.
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yang-jin-seo · 1 year
🍀3학년 1학기 시작🍀
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Day 1 🤯
Lecture: 영어회화프로젝트, 고전산문의세계, 커뮤니티통번역
*개강...과방에서 문집 챙기기
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