#avengers ocs
saiilorstars · 9 months
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Fandom: MCU
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC
Story Summary: One-Shots/AU collection of Seren and Steve outside of their fics (Darkest Before Dawn, Alignment, etc.).
○ Seren’s Masterlist ○
Also available on Fanfic ○ Ao3 ○ Wattpad
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​ @arrthurpendragon​ @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet​ @averyhotchner @foxesandmagic @kmc1989​
[If you’d like to be a part of any OC’s works/edits, let me know!]
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The Girl from the Stars
What Happens on Earth...
The Scars We Hide
What's Left from the Fallen
Reaching Through the Stars
The Pumpkin Queen
A First Christmas
Gifts of Joy
To Those Left
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Marvel OCs
Oc Count: 16
Name: Rosemary Isabella  Clover
Hero name: Electra 
Birthday/age: June 26 (17)
Likes: Crafts, relaxing, watching chick flicks
Dislikes: Feeling overwhelmed, being unmotivated, spiders
Personality: Cutesy, romantic, realist
Powers/skills (if any): Electrokinesis, Telekinesis
Ship: Peter Parker (a.k.a. Spider-Man)
She lives in Peter's apartment building but she goes to a private school. 
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Name: Valerie Alma Urson
Hero name: Shifter
Birthday/age: September 18 (21)
Likes: Movies, patrolling, pranks involving her powers, hanging with Peter
Dislikes: Tight spaces, insecurities, loved ones being hurt, being made fun of
Personality: Mysterious, funny, passionate, valiant
Powers/skills (if any): Cloning Oneself/ Shapeshifting
Ship: Quentin Beck (a.k.a. Mysterio)
Valerie was lowkey highkey intimidated by Quentin when they first met
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Name: Andrea Bree Louis
Hero name: Mimic
Birthday/age: January 12 (23)
Likes: Hanging with Bruce, learning, teaching, helping others
Dislikes: Using her powers, feeling weak, loud noises, sensory overload
Personality: Worldly, brave, cautious, excitable
Powers/skills (if any): Mimicking (perfectly mimic any voice/sound)/ Sonic Scream (potentially deafen/disorient others + sends waves to knock them back)
Ship: Bruce Banner (a.k.a. The Hulk)
I aged Bruce like way down for this so he’s like late 20’s
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Name: Lyra Sinai Beatrix 
Hero name: Marionette 
Birthday/age: May 26 (19)
Likes: Helping people, evening strolls, practicing her powers, flowers
Dislikes: Thor’s boisterousness, loud noises, death, change
Personality: Bold, calm, careful, optimistic
Powers/skills (if any): Puppet Master (control other’s movements via thoughts)
Ship: Brunhilde (a.k.a. Valkyrie)
Lyra is a Midgardian that Thor brought back to Asgard to show her the sights (he used to have a crush on her before he met Hallie and Lyra and Brunhilde met)
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Name: Alina Ivory Cetus
Hero name: Ultraviolet
Birthday/age: June 24, 1998(18)
Likes: Using her powers, pranks, sparring with Pietro, classic books, museums
Dislikes: Guns, stuck up people, losing, flashy events, snow
Personality: Kind, passionate, competitive, mindful, worldly
Powers/skills (if any): Teleportation and Telekinesis
Ship: Pietro Maximoff (a.k.a. Quicksilver)
Notes: Alina and Pietro often have races to see who gets somewhere faster (it’s Alina, but sometimes she lets Pietro win so his ego isn’t too bruised)
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Name: Amy Nanette Penn 
Hero name:  Madam Zodiac 
Birthday/age: November 18, 1980
Likes: Comfy clothes, dancing, Christmas, fairy lights, nice nails
Dislikes: Sour food, country music, action movies, extravagance, complete silence 
Personality: Collected, compassionate, realist, loving, aware
Powers/skills (if any): Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)- Pyrokinesis (manipulate fire), Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)- Geokinesis (manipulate earth), Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)- Shape Shifting, Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22)- Energy Healing (heal physical, emotional, energetic and mental wounds w/ energy), Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)- Electrokinesis (manipulate electrical currents), Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)- Psychometry (learn info about an object, person memory or event by touching it), Libra (Sep 23-Oct 23)- Aerokinesis (manipulate air), Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 21)- Haemokinesis (manipulate blood), Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)- Astral Projection (have out of body experiences and separate astral body from physical at will), Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)- Psychokinesis (manipulate objects through thought and will power), Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)- Channeling (communicate w/ spirits), Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)- Telepathy (Transfer thoughts, words and emotions from one mind to another)
Ship (if any): Sam Wilson 
Notes: N/A
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Name: Georgia Brielle Barnes
Hero name: Mystify
Birthday/age: July 23, 1921
Likes: Messing with people, vanilla chapstick, flowers, vintage things, necklaces
Dislikes: Hydra (duh), being cold, singing, public places, driving
Personality: Old-fashioned, playful, kind, funny, compassionate
Powers/skills (if any): Invisibility and Illusion (making people see what she wants them to see)
Ship: Steve Rogers (a.k.a. Captain America)
Yes, as her last name indicated, she is Bucky’s younger sister
So here’s what happened. Bucky, at first, was very resilient from Hydra’s attempts to make him the perfect super soldier. They needed some leverage to make him comply. After looking into his file, they realized that Bucky had a younger sister that he cared very deeply about. They snatched her and used her for her intended purpose (it worked, the last thing he wanted was for his sister to get hurt). Here’s the thing. If you think that Bucky didn’t teach Georgia AT LEAST basic combat against anyone who could harm her, you’re dead wrong. She proved to be stronger than they originally planned and that’s when they decided to try to make a female super soldier (big brain moment if you ask me). So yeah that happened, but she reacted differently to the serum. Because she is a female and men just have a little misogyny in the back of their minds, they dosed her with significantly less serum and that reacted differently with her molecules, giving her different powers. For the longest time they just kept her cryogenically frozen, not happy with the results, but then when the Winter Soldier escaped, they brought her back out. Jokes on them though because she also escaped and found her brother quicker than Hydra ever could lol
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Name: Ingrid Anna Meller
Hero name: Mannifest
Birthday/age: December 11, 1987 (35) 
Likes: Rain, farmer/flea markets, pink lemonade, Jolly Ranchers, sleeping
Dislikes: Heels above 4”, driving, video games, traffic, origami
Personality: Patient, attentive, kind hearted, lovable, modest
Powers/skills (if any): Manifestation creation (ability to manifest anything out of thin air)
Ship: Stephen Strange (a.k.a. Doctor Strange)
Ingrid met Stephen somewhat in passing when they both happened to be at the tower at the same time. She was just coming home from a mission when Stephen came over to talk to Tony about something and she directed him to Tony
Ingrid most definitely wasn’t one of the ones who was dusted, but after hearing from Tony about Stephen being dusted, she wished she was. They had a happy ending after the final battle of Endgame
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Name: Maeve Edith Nadine
Hero name: N/A
Birthday/age: January 10, 2000
Likes: History, baking, fantasy books/movies, sweet scents, fruity drinks
Dislikes: Messes, being a public figure, fireworks, long nails, politics
Personality: Patient, reserved, helpful, resourceful, compassionate
Powers/skills (if any): Shapeshifting & Power recreation (takes other's power by thinking of the name of the person who has the power)
Ship: (Andrew Garfield’s) Peter Parker (a.k.a. Spider-Man) 
Technically yes she’s a superhero but she doesn’t like the pressure of the press so she prefers to just not have a name 
She’s originally from this Tom! Peter’s universe which is why I included a “Tony’s party” dress
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Name: Minna Signe Olesia 
Hero name: The Infinity Witch  
Birthday/age: May 7, 1984 
Likes: Shopping, painting, pretty rocks, pottery, jewelry
Dislikes: manipulation, fireworks, clubbing, competition, small spaces 
Personality: Calm, compassionate, artistic, witty, unproblematic 
Powers/skills (if any): based on each stone. Space- portal to anywhere (including on universe to another), Reality- manipulate/ alter matter, Power- immense cosmic power, Mind- mind control, Time- control time (visions of possible futures, stop and rewind time, etc), Soul- steal, control and/or alter both living and dead souls 
Ship (if any): Natasha Romanoff
She doesn’t truly need the stones for her powers, but she (and pretty much everyone else) feels that they’re safer with her. She’s perfectly capable of doing all those things herself. 
In case you're wondering, yes she did actually make jewelry out of the stones so she could always have them on 
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Name: Skadi
Species: Jötunn and Goddess
Associated With: Bowhunting, skiing, winter, wilderness, judgment and justice
Powers: Psychic powers, immortality, and invincibility, strength
Earthly Birthday: December 13
Perpetual Age: 22
Likes: Archery, winter/snow, Loki lol, sweets, hot cocoa
Dislikes: Hot temps, cheaters (of any kind), indoors, floral fragrances
Personality: Worldly, calm, observant, athletic
Ship: Loki
Extra Information: 
I'm well aware that Skadi was married to another but irdc sorry fam
They originally bonded because they're both Jötunn but it turned into more as time went on
She came to earth a while ago and just ended up vibing with the people there and decided to stay there
When Loki attempted to take over New York, Thor enlisted Skai's help because he knew Loki had a soft spot for her
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Name: Hecate
Species: Goddess
Goddess of: Magic, witchcraft & sorcery
Powers: Divine authority and absolute control over magic, witchcraft, and sorcery
Earthly Birthday: November 2
Perpetual Age: 21
Likes: Her powers, night, learning, teaching
Dislikes: Bad vibes, Odin, sunlight, being hurt, being scared
Personality: Thoughtful, emotional, worldly, magical, adventurous
Ship: Thor
Extra Information: 
I'm perfectly aware that Hecate is a Greek goddess just bear with me
Hecate was imprisoned as a child by Odin long before she even met Thor because she had become too powerful and he was afraid
When Loki was imprisoned that's when they met. Of course she loathed the other royals because they did nothing to help her (though Frigg did sneak her extra food and offer her more blankets if she was cold sometimes
She became friends with Loki while he was imprisoned and when he wanted to destroy New York, she was right there beside him using her powers to cause destruction. It was only when Thor tried to reason that she realized all the people she was hurting
She paid her debt back to society and moved to a quieter part of New York, Thor showing up soon after 
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Name: Oda Dagmar
Nickname(s): Demi, Dag, Frigg 
Parent(s): Frigg (goddess of love), random asgardian
Birthday/age: Unknown
Occupation: servant of the Grandmaster (later queen of Sakaar)
Likes: meeting new people, love, helping others, nature
Dislikes: Her reputation (via mother), the gladiator fights, quietness
Personality: Empathetic, balanced, worldly, calm
Ship: En Dwi Gast (the Grandmaster)  
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Full name: Asdisa Berghdild
Nickname(s): Disa
Parent(s): Unknown Asgardians
Birthday/age: Unknown
Occupation: palace worker (Asgard)
Likes: Books, going to the market, art, shopping, masquerades 
Dislikes: stuck up people, fighting, indoors, uncivilized people
Personality: Caring, balanced, intelligent, peaceful
Ship(s): En Dwi Gast (Grandmaster), Loki
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Name: Evelyn Ryn Tallis
Nicknames: Sunshine/Little Sunshine, Eve, Violet Force (“hero name”), Violet
Birthday/age: August 4 (24)
Likes: Learning (on her own terms), cuddles from anyone, visiting her hometown in the Netherlands, video games, 
Dislikes: Negative people, snakes, doing nothing, bad tempers, 
Personality: Chipper, intrigued, optimistic, slightly anxious, clumsy (and not the quirky kind), curious, cuddly, patient
Powers/skills: Force Field (surround oneself/others + used as projectile), combat 5+ years
Extra info: 
When stressed or nervous she starts going into Dutch language and people usually have to remind her not to so they can help her 
Wanda is super close to her because she often hates her powers because of the destruction they cause but Evelyn is able to prevent unnecessary destruction with her powers as well as being relieved having another girl on the team that’s not Nat
She’s from Marken (province: North Holland, municipality: Waterland)
She can and will cuddle with anyone if she feels like it. Everyone usually doesn’t mind because she gives good cuddles and they even seek her out when they’ve had a bad day. She just has good vibes
When she has a bad day so does everyone else because she’s the optimist and everyone lost their Little Sunshine so they’ll literally do anything to make her feel better
She knows six languages, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Russian and Italian. Dutch is her native tongue but she’s fluent in the rest
Since Bucky can also speak English, Spanish and Russian (not to mention Portuguese, German, Latin and Japanese), I like to think he and Evelyn have conversations in one of the shared languages while in front of the others to mess with them
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Full name: Daisy Madison Armstrong 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: June 24, 1983
Likes: Braiding her hair, yellow roses, dogs, singing, cartoons
Dislikes: Feeling alone, floral scents, strawberry milk, snoring, arrogance 
Personality: Laid back, worldly, passionate, strong-willed, funny
Notable Works: Marvel Franchise (Skadi), Kong: Skull Island (Nadia), Steven Universe (Bismuth)
She met Tom not long before they were both cast in Thor 
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wild-doges-acc · 9 months
Y/n Meeting the Shadow soldier boys
A/N: Shadow soldier is a fanfic I made on wattpad, some stuff was made about them off the book but feel free to click this link to read the story: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/231115567-the-shadow-soldier or search Shadow Soldier by Wilddoge2020 on wattpad
Levi 💚
• Found you at a HYDRA base during a sweep
• Since you were hurt he got you tf out of there
• Brought you to Maia who fixed you up
• Spoke to you the whole way back to the tower
• Thought you were cute low key
• Once you get settled at the Avengers tower you become friends with him and his friends (They're his non blood brothers and sisters)
• Watches anime and Netflix shows with you
• Jokingly flirts with you (it's not a joke)
• Boy is absolutely smitten
• Tells his older brothers about you the first chance he gets
Kane ❤️
• You're a SHIELD agent in training
• He's supposed to help train
• Mostly checks people out instead
• Is an absolute hoe but he sees you and boy turns to his brothers and straight up speaks the most rapid fire German
• Walks up to you and chats you up
• You flirt with him before he can flirt with you and boy is hornswaggled
• Takes him a second but he flirts back
• His brothers are laughing at him in the background
• He throws something at them don't mind it they'll be fine • Gets your number and fanboys to his siblings
Kage 🤍
• You arrested him
• Bro calls himself a vigilante (He just murdered four people because he didn't like their outfits)
• You work for SHIELD and bro just goes 'Oh shit my brother does I think'
• Finds out he is literally twins with KANE BARNES who is the son of BUCKY BARNES
• He has issues tbh but he likes you
• Only let's you interrogate him, gives you his number
• Laughs when you tell him he better not do it again
• He's going to do it again pls stop him
• Ends up hanging out with you on the roof (You were trying to eat your lunch and he just kinda appeared)
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Children of America Fanfiction
I first had this idea watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier, when I sat there and wondered, "what if S.H.I.E.L.D. or some other agency preserved Steve's DNA (in the form of sperm) to create some sort of superhero super soldier children?" Like, said super soldier children were raised and trained to protect America in the absence of their father. And I thought about it even more.
Eight super soldier children from the original Captain America, born in separate states, raised and trained to protect their state from all that can do harm. Over time, the other forty-two states learned to protect themselves in the event of a superhuman catastrophe, not relying on the eight super-soldier-protected states to help.
The Children
All eight super soldier half-siblings know and have met each other - in battle and in parks, cafes, and libraries - but live separate lives from each other. Each and every one of the half-siblings is believed to have developed their ability through their super soldier blood and from their father. From eldest to youngest, there are;
Aaron "Moose" Rogers - Known as Sergeant Alaska to the United States of America, Aaron is the eldest of Steve's super children and the most like him personality-wise. His birth mother surrendered him to the American Government, which - in turn - decided it was best for Aaron to be raised in Alaska. Therefore, he grew up protecting Alaska and its citizens from potential dangers. He has an inhumane tolerance for intensely decreased temperatures, having been able to live in the Arctic for a year and a half at 12 years old. He gets his nickname from his massive size, like that of a moose.
Ilya Illinois Rogers - Best known as Lieutenant Illinois, Ilya is the second eldest of Steve's children and similar to his father in the sense of humanitarianism. He believes if humanity has the will to be something, there has to be a way for humanity to become that. He and his mother were never close, and she was heavily against him joining the Chicago Police Department alongside being Illinois' protector. Ilya has the superhuman sense of lie-detecting - making him one of Chicago's best detectives. While he finds it hard to tell if his brothers and sister lie to him, Ilya can take a few seconds to realise a stranger is lying.
Vincent "Vinnie" Rogers - Typically (and simply) called Virginia, Vincent is the third eldest, but one of the least known of Steve's children. As he is a politician rather than a superhero, Vincent spends most of his time in his office or at home with his wife and twin children - or scolding his brothers and sister for breaking federal conduct during battles. Of course, none of them listen to him, with the exception of his two elder brothers, Aaron and Ilya. Vincent's charismatic ability means he only fights in battles if he's desperately needed - otherwise he's using his charm to convince the public to donate to local charities. He gets his nickname from his sister being unable to pronounce his name when she was a toddler.
Dominic Christian and Karl Rogers - Nominated the Super Soldier Twins, Dominic is known as Lieutenant DC of Virginia and Karl is often referred to as Sergeant Kansas, and are Steve's fourth and fifth children. Even though residing in different states, Dominic and Karl are often caught by the media catching up in Washington DC, Virginia, or Topeka, Kansas. Dominic runs a men's fashion magazine in his free time, whilst it is unknown to everyone (including the other Rogers children) what Karl's favourite pastime is. The Rogers siblings will sometimes call Dominic by his hero name because it is a shortening of his name to them.
Connor Rogers - The smartest of the eight super soldier children, Connor ("Lieutenant Connecticut") is the third youngest of Steve's children. Like his older brother, Vincent, Connor doesn't use his ability for superheroism - but for the lab, and his patients at the State Veterans Hospital in his hometown. His incredible intelligence has saved plenty of lives, more lives than he would have outside of the hospital and lab (in Connor's opinion - his brothers would disagree). Much to his dismay, his younger brother loves calling him "Connie".
Neveah "Noah" Carson Rogers - Known in Las Vegas and the rest of his state as Sergeant Nevada, Neveah is the second youngest of Steve's children, and his youngest son. He is the only known openly gay superhero, and regardless of what anyone else says, he is proud of himself. It helps that his brothers and sister are constantly supportive of him. The one part of him that he isn't proud of is his name, therefore he always tells people he introduces himself to that his name is Noah. His ability isn't incredibly identifiable, but he makes a point that he's stronger than all of his siblings combined. While boasting his strength, Neveah hasn't managed to crack his eldest brother's "uncrackable" (Neveah quotations it, Aaron insists it) skull - yet. He owns an increasingly popular club in Las Vegas; legally, of course.
Missy Sarah Rogers - The only super sibling with "captain" before their state or capital (Captain Mississippi), Missy is Steve's youngest child and only daughter. Thus, her elder brothers are typically protective over her; some don't entirely care about their sister's romantic life (Connor, Ilya), believe she's old enough to take care of herself (Vincent), think she's capable enough to protect herself (Dominic, Karl) or just can't handle the pout she gives them to get her way (Aaron, Neveah). She has the super ability to hear, see, smell and feel things from a great distance - and her sense of taste isn't that bad either. Her only issue is, her brothers won't play blind taste tests with her anymore!
Stories, Incorrect Quotes and Galore!
Now that the Children of (Captain) America have been introduced, I figured that we could do a Q&A, I could make short stories about the Super Soldier Siblings (we can find a new name for them), post incorrect quotes that would exactly be them, and whatever you'd like to see of them!
If anyone would like to make fanart of them, I can give you references and describe their appearances for you to make said fanart. But I cannot draw or make anything artistic that doesn't involve words to save my life.
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lovewithmary · 7 months
(not) moving on — a max verstappen x stark!oc x charles leclerc series
★ fc: madison beer ☆ summary: evangeline "evie" stark is in love with her best friend, max verstappen, but he tries his best to keep her at arm's length. but what happens when she starts to get close to his fellow drivers in the paddock?
previous next series masterlist
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, lewishamilton, and 39420123 others
eviestark: i believe this called a photo dump? idk blame lando and danny for this
tagged: landonorris charles_leclerc lewishamilton carlossainz55 danielricciardo
author: yes half of these pictures are from lando’s jpg account ignore it pls
landonorris: photo credit for the 8th picture 😎 ↳ eviestark: does it really count as photo credit when we were just facetiming and you said "smile!" and i did? ↳ landonorris: it is in my book
user3: ma’am do you need a dog? i can bark
user4: evie fr went from being seen with only max to everyone with her BUT max 💀
user5: gold digger ↳ user8: im sorry... but did you see her last name? STARK. meaning STARK INDUSTRIES. she's probably richer than all of the f1 drivers in this photo dump
carlossainz55: amor my picture does not look good ↳ eviestark: i told you i was taking a picture los :( ↳ user17: THE NICKNAMES????? LOS AND AMOR
lilymhe: beautiful 😍 (the flowers + evie) ↳ eviestark: can albono fight? cause i’ll fight him ↳ alex_albon: ill try to fight, but ill probably get my ass kicked by black widow's prodigy ↳ eviestark: ALEX ↳ alex_albon: shit was i not supposed to say that? ↳ lilymhe: i apologize on his behalf 😭
francisca.cgomes: i miss you smmm! we should hang out again ↳ eviestark: leave gasly, ill treat u better 😘 ↳ pierregasly: excuse me? ↳ eviestark: don't look gasly
carmenmmundt: girls day when? ↳ eviestark: get rid of george and it'll be girls night every night ↳ georgerussell63: i'm watching you evie ↳ eviestark: and you can watch me steal your girl russell
charles_leclerc: i wasn't even looking at the camera ↳ eviestark: but you still look good stfu
user6: evie must’ve saved a village in her past life because how is she so pretty, A STARK, and rumored to be with most of the f1 grid rn? ↳ user7: don’t forget her family is the avengers, she has 3 degrees, and can fight (as we have just discovered by alex)
user9: evie who is your favorite f1 driver rn (hint: m.v) ↳ charles_leclerc: (m)charles (v)leclerc ↳ landonorris: (m)lando (v)norris ↳ carlossainz55: (m)carlos (v)sainz ↳ danielricciardo: (m)daniel (v)ricciardo ↳ lewishamilton: lewis hamilton ↳ eviestark: (m)yuki (v)tsunoda (but lewis is a close second) ↳ user10: SHE'S ONE OF US!!!! ↳ landonorris: why is yuki your favorite ↳ eviestark: 1. have you seen him 2. he eats the stuff i bake 3. have you seen him ↳ landonorris: fair enough ↳ yukitsunoda0511: i will always eat anything you bake :)
danielricciardo: practiced on my jpg account to prepare myself to take picture of evie at the eiffel tower ↳ eviestark: it's pretty but it's blurry ↳ danielricciardo: you couldn't stop laughing and you turned around! ↳ eviestark: i only turned around bc u kept on making funny faces while u were taking pictures!!!
tonystark: tesoro did u get the autograph from my favorite driver? ↳ eviestark: i did, but papa you just should've texted me instead of commenting on my post 😭 😭 ↳ user11: TONY WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE DRIVER? 🎤 ↳ tonystark: lewis hamilton. ↳ user12: shouldn't it be max since you've known him the longest ↳ tonystark: not anymore.
lewishamilton: roscoe misses you ↳ user13: SHE GOT TO MEET ROSCOE HAMILTON? oh verstappen is fucked ↳ user14: not just roscoe, she also has (lewis) hamilton, ricciardo, norris, leclerc, and sainz liked by eviestark
user15: isn't it kinda fucked that just bc max was seen with kelly piquet evie is all of a sudden surrounded by f1 drivers when she and max were never together? ↳ user16: bffr she's not doing anything wrong. like u said, they were never together so that means that it doesn't matter if she's hanging out with f1 drivers now liked by eviestark
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mochie85 · 6 months
As part of your 1k celebrations I would like to submit the following prompt for consideration 😁♥️ feel free to bend it to your will.
Your colleague Loki finds himself in your rooms at Stark Tower for (fairly) innocent reasons.
You arrive back unexpectedly. He hides, at first.
Fairly Innocent
One Shot Masterlist | Follower Event Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
A/N: I apologize, with my whole heart, that it has taken me this long to finish this request. So long, that I have reached a new milestone since this request was made. But I hope you enjoy it. Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Word Count: 3.5k Warnings: Explicit. Smut, hand job, oral (female receiving), slight DOM vibes, voyeurism, shower scene, mention of 'toys'. Happy ending. Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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Your room was dark and cold. The curtains were shut leaving a small sliver of light shining from the cityscape outside. There was a stillness in the air from being untouched the last two weeks. “Now, where did she put you?” Loki hummed while looking around your room. He wandered in, using the access code you had given him. His prying eyes scanned and noted how orderly you left your room. And even after some time away, the room still smelled like you. Like citrus blooms on a winter morning.
Loki lent you some practice daggers a while ago and was keen to get them back. They were dull and lightweight. Perfect for beginner enthusiasts like the Widow, who wanted to add a new skill to her ledger. Whom Loki had promised to train, alongside you, in Asgardian combat.
Loki rummaged through your bookshelves, thinking you might have stashed them along with your books and souvenirs from your travels. He knew you loved to read. Your voracious appetite for mysteries and novels rivaled his own. He noted Robert Frost and Agatha Christie situated alongside the many romance novels.
Peculiar, he thought. He’d never known you to be interested in such fiction. You two had always discussed classic literature or Asgardian poetry. A Cheshire grin appeared on his face as he took a book with brightly colored Post-it notes sticking out of the top pages. He opened the paperback to a dog-eared page that was clearly read and reread extensively.
Lucy moaned as Cade’s fingers dipped inside her wet pussy. Trills of pleasure ran up her spine, making her unable to stand any longer. He gently stroked her as he whispered on her neck, “Don’t fight it, baby. Let go for me.”
Loki shut the book closed with wide eyes and a wider grin on his face. “Well, well, well. Who knew that the Avenger’s little darling liked to read smut?!” He said to himself looking at the volumes of romance books you had. He was quite impressed by your ability to surprise him. He thought he had you figured out. He might have to tease you about this when you return from your mission.
Loki searched your closet next, but he couldn’t find the daggers. He combed through hangers of clothing and shelves of shoe boxes till he stumbled upon several silk bags with rope tie enclosures. One bag had the length and shape of the daggers he was searching for. How sweet of her to care for the daggers and stash them in a silk purse. Loki opened the bag and reached in but was again surprised at what he found.
He pulled out a black, patent leather collar with a gold buckle. Glistening under the bright closet light, was a heart-shaped tag, hanging from the center. The name ‘Darling’ was inscribed in cursive. Stunned, Loki looked inside the sateen bag and pulled out what he mistook for his daggers- a short, riding crop that matched the patent leather of the collar. Hanging from the handle was a gold chain that had a tag etched, ‘Darling’s Master.’
An intrusive fantasy came unbidden in his mind. It was of you on all fours, with the collar adorning your neck and him standing behind you rubbing the tip of the crop against your dripping heat. “What other deliciousness are you hiding, my dear?” he whispered as he stowed the collar and whip and reached for another silk purse. Every bag he opened had a different set of negligees. Each one was more lascivious than the last.
The smile on his lips got darker as his body started responding to the different scenarios playing in his head. Each scene- novel and unique, to the set of lingerie he opened. More than once, he had to stop himself from reaching inside and rubbing the fine lace between his fingers. “Nope! No,” he chided himself. “Focus. I’m here for the daggers.” Loki took one last look and walked away before he could swipe one of your lace panties and put it in his back pocket like some pervert. “Daggers. Daggers…where are you daggers…”
He couldn’t stop smiling at the revelation he found. Memories of his last interaction with you played in his head under a new context. It was as if he was seeing you in a different light. Truth be told, he did always find you attractive. But he never once pursued it thinking it wouldn’t be favored by you, or any of the team. You didn’t get the title “The Avenger’s Little Darling” for nothing. You were beloved by all. And he was the untrustworthy, extra baggage that the team had to deal with so they could have Thor on their side.
He knew he couldn’t have you.
One last place he looked was your bedside table. If it’s not here, she must have taken them with her. Opening the drawer, Loki shouldn’t have been surprised at what he found, but he felt an exhilarating chill crawl throughout his body, nonetheless. A vibrator. A large, blue, silicone toy that was tapered at the end, was resting neatly inside. You naughty little minx.
Loki couldn’t help the state of arousal he was in. He stood up and stared at your toy, his fingers running puzzled against his lips. He imagined you spread on your bed, lost in the throes of your passion. What do you think about when you have your toy tucked inside your wet cunt? Who’s name do you moan when you’re at the edge of your climax about to fall? And how can he conspire to make sure you think of him?
Surprised, Loki looked up as he heard the keypad of your door unlocking. In a senseless rush, he closed your drawer and cloaked himself invisible. He didn’t want anyone to find him snooping around your belongings. He stood still as he blended with the shadows of your room.
He shouldn’t have hid. You did give him the access code to your room. You trusted him enough to be in here. But there was something so intimate about the things he found. He felt exposed and guilty. Loki didn’t want anyone to think of him being nefarious with you.
A small sigh of relief flooded him when he realized it was you, back from your assignment. He opened his mouth to speak and announce his presence, but he couldn’t. So many questions rushed through his mind. He wanted to ask all of them! Yet, he was struck immovable by your presence.
Had you always been so lovely? Had your eyes always been that bright and alluring? Your smile, an invitation for his lips?
Were his discoveries about you finally shedding light as to who you might be, underneath the perfect façade you seem to have cultivated for yourself? Everything he found was, he swore to the gods, erotic and arousing. But it was the fact that you surprised him that made his level of attraction to you grow.
You walked in with a heavy sigh, setting your duffel bag down on your bed and your boots onto the floor. You didn’t bother turning on your lights, as you zipped your body suit down and peeled off your armor. A rather tame set of black lace underwear shaped your body. Your exposed skin turned a rich shade in the darkness of your room.
Loki noted some bruises and scars peppering your body. The fresh welts were colored green and blue indicating they were recent and most likely acquired from your latest mission. You massaged your neck and rolled your shoulders trying to ease the ache settling into your bones.
Loki watched as you made your way, routinely, to your en suite and turned on the lights. A loud rush of water from the shower rumbled through, disturbing the silence that had enveloped you both. It took his entire strength as a god to keep standing where he was and not follow you to watch.
New fantasies came unbidden in his mind of you naked and wet in the shower. I need to leave. I need to depart before I do something that both of us would regret.  He waited till he heard you close your shower door. The water made loud splashes as it hit against different curves of your body.
A few more minutes and Loki found he could move again. With a shaky breath, he exhaled and made his way to your door. He would’ve continued if it weren’t for your small sighs. Soft moans and whimpers traveled to his god-like hearing. She’s touching herself?!
Loki balled his fist to elicit pain. His fingernails dug deep into the pad of his palms, trying to overcome the overwhelming state of arousal he was in.
He stopped and nearly fell to his knees. You said his name! The honeyed tones of your moans dripped over him. Coating his entire body in primal need until it reached his cock and hardened.
He couldn’t leave now. He wouldn’t. He turned on his heel and slowly lifted his cloak, risking everything by pushing the door slightly more open.
Loki licked his lips at the sight of you lost in your orgasm. Your head was thrown back as water trickled down your body. The droplets guiding his eyes down…
…to where your fingers played with your aching cunt. Your hands explored your curves. Every dip. Every hollow. Every scrumptious mound that he wanted to devour himself.
He stood at your en suite door, his arms holding the frame above his head. He didn’t trust himself to come closer to you. Not until you allowed it. Not until you saw how his eyes became ravenous at the sight of you touching yourself to thoughts of him.
“Loki!? What the hell are you doing?” you screamed out, startled. His eyes traveled back up to yours as you finally acknowledged his presence. Your body turned flush from the heat of the water and the embarrassing situation you found yourself in.
Loki freed himself from your door and tried to answer. Nothing came out but a quivering breath and a small growl of desire. His eyes narrowed and he bit his lip. He took a step forward and closed your bathroom door behind him making your heart drop.  He slowly made his way to you. Sluggish feet carrying him across your tiled floors. “Don’t stop on my account, Darling.”
“Why are you here?” you demanded.
“I heard you call out my name. And I am nothing if not a benevolent god who answers your prayers.” It was as if a switch was turned on and Loki couldn’t stop until he had you.
He watched you back into the tile of your shower. You looked like a caged animal put there for his viewing pleasure. “Why are you here?!” you repeated. It’s too late to be demure. He’s seen everything.
“I came looking for the daggers I lent you. I looked everywhere in your room. I couldn't find them.” Loki’s voice was deep but clear. You could hear the dangerous desire in his tone as he reached for the door to your shower. On instinct, you reached for the handle, stopping him from opening it.
The chase became real. He had to have you. The last hour he spent combing through your suggestive belongings had built a naughty little version of you in his head. Like a puzzle. It was the most erotically charged moment he’d ever spent. And now? Now, you were denying him!
“Last chance, Darling. If you want me to leave now, say so,” he said with a smile. “But I promise you this. I won’t stop till I have you.” His breath steamed the glass doors. Your heart pounded inside your chest as you looked into his dark eyes.
You let go of the handle and stepped back. Loki opened the door slowly, anticipation building up and pooling in between your thighs. “Good girl.”
Loki walked into your shower, still clothed. The scalding water penetrated through his white cotton shirt making it translucent under the spray. You could trace the lines of his muscle underneath.  His hair became slick and affixed itself against his face. He towered over you, as he leaned over with one arm against the shower wall.
He lowered his face. His nose brushed against the tip of yours and you could taste his breath against your lips. “What were you thinking about?” he asked looking deep into your eyes. “And remember, I can tell when you’re lying.”
You quivered at his voice. You looked down embarrassed. “No, no. Look at me.” He said grabbing your chin and forcing you to look back at him. He kept his fingers on your face, gently stroking your jaw.
“I was thinking about you,” you admitted. Your voice was so small. You felt so fragile in his hands.
“Go on, sweet thing. What prayer can your god answer for you tonight?” he encouraged. You were mesmerized by his stare. His voice lulled you to a sense of heat and longing.
“I pictured…touching you,” you started. “I fantasized about your body holding mine.” Loki licked his lips and the tip of his tongue brushed against your mouth. It tingled and the sensation moved throughout your body, awakening every cell within it.
“Like this?” he asked, grabbing your hand gently and placing it underneath his soaked shirt. He guided your hand up his torso and held it there. You could feel his heart thumping in his chest as he guided you over his stiff nipple and then down his lean abs.
Loki didn’t take his eyes off you once. He watched how your eyes widened at his boldness. How your lips parted when you finally touched him. How your whole body moved just a fraction closer to him, capturing him in a lust-filled haze of his own.
He continued steering your hand down his body, past the hem of his pants to his aching bulge. He was big. And hard. You couldn’t imagine what he would look like, what he would feel like, once he took it out. He kept your hand on his cock, driving your hand up and down. “Keep your hand on me,” he instructed. The steam from the shower did little to prevent the shiver that ran down your spine. Nor did it hide the wetness that was now dripping from you.
“Can you feel how hard I am for you?” his arms encircled your body, pulling you closer to him. His mouth incased your lips in an uncontrollable kiss. He weaved his deft fingers into your wet hair, pulling your head back to kiss you at a deeper angle.  He inhaled deeply, smelling the clean scent of your soap and shampoo.
He groaned into your mouth when he felt your hand reach inside his pants and squeeze him tightly. Loki’s eyes rolled back as you expertly palmed his stiff cock. You felt the veins pulsing in your fingertips as you pumped his dick mercilessly. He leaned over you, caging you between the wall and his eager body.
“Don’t stop, Darling,” he whimpered in your ear. “Don’t stop.” Loki bucked his hips into your hands. He captured your lips one last time before he moaned your name, releasing the pent-up arousal he’d been holding in. He fell apart in your hands, and you continued till you milked every last drop from him.
Before the water could wash away your efforts, you licked off two of your fingers, tasting his offerings. “There she is,” he said with a devilish grin. He was waiting for the real you to come forth. You seemed so demure and shy at the beginning. Nothing at all like what he found out you were. The one who reads erotic novels over and over again. The one who hides their toy on the bedside table, ready to go. The one who has a patent leather collar with their pet name etched into it.
Loki growled at the memory. He will see you in that collar. He’ll make sure of it. “But for now, I want a taste,” he said to himself. Loki started with your mouth, sampling himself in your kiss. You winced slightly when he reached for your waist. Reacting from a sensitive bruise that you acquired from your mission.
“Do you think your body can handle a couple more bruises from me, Darling?” he asked earnestly. You swallowed thickly and nodded. Loki proceeded to grab your hips and hold you in place, while his mouth eagerly marked your neck. He continued down to the base of your throat as he knelt in front of you. He captured your breasts with his tongue, paying them each attention. Your hands rested on his shoulders, gathering the white cotton in your hands as you fisted it.
When he reached your stomach, he was gentle and sweet. His hands secured your waist, pushing you slightly higher. “Wrap your leg around me,” he directed. You obeyed and placed your left leg on his shoulder.
Drips of water still fell from the shower. Loki licked and slurped each drop that fell onto your thighs. He flattened his tongue and licked a wide stripe on your warm cunt. “Fuck…Loki,” you screamed when he latched onto your nub, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. He looked up at you and watched you as you threw your head back, your ecstasy showing through.
“Did you like that, Darling?”
“Mmyes,” you whined. “God, yes!”
Loki repeated his actions, holding onto your thigh, as he savored your clit. You couldn’t hold yourself up any longer. Your knees were weakening, and you had nothing to hold onto as your hands slipped against the tile of your shower wall. “Loki, please,” you panted.
“I need to be inside you,” he moaned. The sooner he can make you cum in here, the sooner he can properly bed you on top of your sheets. He looked deep into your eyes and you almost didn’t recognize him. Hunger and desperation were hanging on his brows. The sight of him in between your legs, the feel of his lips latching onto your folds, the weight of his fingers thrusting inside you. It was all-encompassing and all too consuming.
“Oh, God! Loki!” you screamed as he inserted another finger. You laced your hand through his drenched hair, pulling every time his tongue flicked your nub. “Please, I need you inside me too. I need…” your breathing came in harsher. The steam almost suffocating you as you come closer and closer to that edge, waiting to fall.
“Don’t fight it, Darling. Let go for me,” Loki quoted your book, making you clench around his fingers. One last thrust into you and you screamed your release. Loki lapped up your swollen pussy with a greedy smile, making you shudder.
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Hours later, you and Loki were lying on the floor of your room. Blankets and pillows surround you while your legs and arms tangle with each other, holding each other tightly. You were running your finger up and down his chest as he read aloud a passage from one of your “smutty romance books,” as he called them.  
His voice was magnetic and hypnotizing. Every word he said came to life inside your head. “Hmm, we might have to re-enact this one,” he teased after he finished a scene.
“Yes, sir,” you whispered, hoping he didn’t hear the last word you said. It just came out. You couldn’t stop yourself from saying it. From bending to his will and wanting to please him.
“I was curious about something,” he grinned, biting his lip. “Which I hope you can enlighten me...”
“When I was looking for the daggers, I came across this.” He conjured up your patent leather collar and held it up against the dim light. He next conjured up the matching riding crop and showed you the tag that was hanging from the handle. “Who was your master?” Loki asked, unsure whether he wanted to know the answer. “Why do you have this and not them?”
“I never had one,” you admitted sheepishly. “I bought that in hopes of using it one day. But we never worked out.”
“I see,” he said with a devious smirk.
“It was so pretty. I couldn’t just get rid of it.”
“Sit up. Hold your hair, while I put this on you.” You obeyed his instructions. A pool of desire is already forming in between your legs as he tightens the collar around your neck. The heart-shaped tag, ‘Darling’ felt heavy and cold as he placed it neatly on the base of your throat.
Loki wiped his thumb over the tag of the whip. Newly etched, in bold letters, was his name instead. “Well, it’s mine now, darling,” he grinned as he tested the switch on his hand. The sharp thwack stung his palm. Your heart started beating quicker.
“On your knees,” he growled.
“Yes, sir.”
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🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @psychospore @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallow @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokischambermaid @cjand10 @asgards-princess-of-mischief ++
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sebsbarnes · 5 months
hole in the wall || pietro maximoff
pietro maximoff x f!reader
summary: despite barely knowing the brainwashed girl beyond the wall, pietro refused to hurt her, no matter how much she hurt him.
word count: 5k+
warnings: fighting, none rlly??
a/n: the russian is translated so i apologize if the translation is wrong. i wrote for pietro years ago but this is my first time in awhile :P reader is subjected to the same torture as bucky bc the character is kinda him, inaccuracies in the mcu but nothing crazy
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pietro often wondered about the girl who was held next door. he'd hear the screeching metal against the floor followed by a slight commotion and then a thud on the floor. small shuffling could be heard and then it was silence. no movement, no talking, no heavy breathing or cries, silence until the next time the metal door unleashed its harrowing song, and large boots could be heard entering the cell and dragging the girl away.
pietro couldn't tell how long he'd really been here nor how long it had been since the mysterious girl next to him was there but he did know it had been months on end and yet he had never seen a glimpse of the girl that shared the wall with him.
there was a small hole in the cement that allowed him to peer into the girl's cell but each time he looked he was met with the grey wall from beyond. he had heard murmurs that she was young like him and wanda. strong, fearless, one of the doctor's favorites. she was often sent out on missions and came back unscathed. each mission she was sent on was a success as if the concept of failure was unfathomable. she apparently spoke little, only when instructed, never talked back, never laughed, never screamed. almost robotic.
which is why it came to pietro's surprise after hearing the thud of her knees hit the floor and the guards march away he heard a soft sniffle. and then slightly louder ones followed by rapid and heavy breathing. pietro scuffled over to the hole in the wall and peered through. he could see her sitting against the far wall with her legs tucked closely to her, her forehead resting on her knees. he could only see half her body from where she was sitting but he could see her shoulder shaking.
"you... you need to breathe in and out. you are going to make yourself pass out," pietro was unsure, his voice quiet but loud enough for her to hear. her head shot up and looked directly at the hole. her hair was sticking to her face, her mouth was slightly parted, and eyes wide and red.
"it's okay. my name is pietro. you don't need to talk but i... i wanted to see if you are okay. you've never even made a noise before now," he felt funny slightly confessing the fact he's been taking note of your actions.
he watched as you wiped the tears off your cheek and raked the hair off your face.
"i don't know how i am," your voice sounded like you hadn't spoken in days.
"it's okay to not know."
from where you sat you could only see the boy's eye. it was a striking blue, "like the sky," you murmured.
"what?" you heard the voice call back.
you slowly stood up dragging your chained feet over to the wall. you held the wall, steadying yourself before sitting with a huff, "your eyes remind me of the sky."
pietro wasn't sure what to say back. he went months not hearing your voice or seeing you, only knowing the tales that the guards spoke of yet here you were inches from him, broken down and giving a compliment. a much different reality to the one he thought he knew before.
pietro didn't hear another word from you, he assumed you fell asleep against the wall. he tried looking through the hole at any angle he could to see you, but all he noticed was a piece of metal gleaming from the dull light in your cell.
a few days had passed since the interaction and pietro had little time to dwell on it. his testing was getting more intense, he was constantly being injected with needles he knew nothing about, there were many monitors reading whatever vitals they needed to document, and his training was becoming more rigorous. he was exhausted, he hadn't been in his cell in two days, and although the cell offered no comfort he much rather be locked behind the bars than strapped to a table.
the guards pushed him down the hallway, taunting him. each time he stood up they would push him back down. the shackles on his wrists rubbed his skin raw and those around his ankles prevented him from running. the guard gripped his shoulder tightly walking past wanda's cell as she called out to her brother.
"wanda!" he screamed out as he watched the other guard reach through the bars and grip at her neck. the guard holding onto him roughly pushed him into the cell causing him to stumble and land on his shoulder, his face grazed the cement floor.
you had heard the commotion from your cell, you stood at the door looking over at the guards who simply laughed at the twins who were now in pain. all you could do was grimace. you hated this, you hated this place, each day you yearned to leave this hell hole you've called home. you heard pietro scream in frustration and then heard his rapid movements as he ran around his cell, thrashing against the walls.
you had seen pietro from a distance a few times. you were never allowed to be near the enhanced people and only managed glimpses of them. you had seen his super speed and the way the scientists trained him. it was brutal and he endured a lot just from the few moments you had witnessed. you started to notice that after particularly rough days he would do this, run back and forth for what seemed like hours on end. slamming into the cement walls that would somehow rattle from the force. he would yell in anger, cursing the guards and scientists for what they were doing.
the noise settled and you hesitantly sat in front of the small hole. you could see his large frame hunched over catching his breath. he ran a hand through his messy silver hair, his white tank top was dirty and slightly damp from his running. you peered behind your shoulder at the hallway making sure it was empty. you swallowed thickly with nerves in fear of getting caught before forcing three fingers into the hole and ripping the cement block from the wall. you could now fit your head through the hole comfortably if you wanted to.
"pietro," you said placing the block beside you. he faltered and gestured with an open hand in confusion at the now gaping hole in the wall. you couldn't help but pull your lips into a tight light suppressing the laugh you wanted to let out at the look on his face. using his speed he rushed to face you, eyes wide examining the open edges of the cement.
"are strong," you cut him off jokingly.
the two of you sat staring at each other. it was weird to be face to face after countless months of unknowing the other despite being separated by only a wall. you took in his appearance. he was handsome. up close you could now see the slight curls to his hair and the short facial hair. his shoulders broad and built. under his sky-blue eyes were dark circles from the lack of sleep but it suited him. he was stunning and pietro was thinking the same about you. your hair fell haphazardly across your forehead. your eyes were kind and gentle, much different than the stone-cold eyes he had imagined in his head. your lips were pulled to one side in the tiniest of smiles as you took in his appearance. pietro found it hard to believe the stories he has heard about your reputation as he stared at you. expression soft, eyes and smile kind, you looked battered and worn down but still so youthful as if you didn't fit in with the surrounding grey walls.
"are you okay?" you finally asked.
pietro's nostrils flared and his eyes fluttered shut, "i don't know."
you hesitated a moment before repeating his words from a few days prior, "it's okay to not know."
if you weren't staring intently at the man before you you would've missed the smile that flashed across his face at your remark. it was soon washed away when you both heard loud footsteps from down the hall. you both quickly turned towards the noise that was approaching pietro's cell, he gulped harshly as a guard came into view. he looked back at the wall expecting to still see your face but instead, he saw a metal hand escaping through the hole as if the cement was never removed.
it must have been late in the night. the guards had already dropped off the atrocious meal they call dinner and returned to pick the trays up. they rarely patrolled the hallways at night, opting to smoke outside. it was eerie each night. the sound of dripping water from pipes echoed, the occasional gunfire could be heard from the woods outside, slight whispers could be heard from the twins once in a blue moon but it was rare. in a place like this, they didn't let you be a person so it was hard to act like one.
pietro was lying on the bed facing the ceiling making a laughable attempt at trying to get some sort of sleep. he was imagining his life before this when his family was all together, when times were happy, when he was just a little kid and not a young adult performing for crazed scientists. his eyes scanned the room at the sound of bricks moving before seeing your head pop into vision from the hole. pietro let out a small laugh through his nose seeing your sheepish smile.
you sat facing the other not saying anything at first. it was oddly comfortable being face-to-face with the one they call quicksilver. you couldn't put your finger on why though. you've spoken so few words to him but then again it was the first time you let yourself speak to someone in this building that wasn't a doctor or a guard. maybe it was you being naive but it felt okay and safe.
"what made you cry the other day?" he finally spoke his question causing you to blink a few times.
"i think... i think they do something to my head. i mean, i know they do," you thought bringing your fingers to your temple as if the gesture helped you remember, "but i think i'm starting to notice when i'm on missions. it's hard to really know though it's all a blur."
pietro nodded softly taking in what you had to say, "like... brainwashing?"
"it has to be. they recite something each time and then it's like i'm not me," you confessed, "but these past few missions i'll overhear things from strangers passing by or i'll see something and i can feel myself start to wake from the trance. i'm starting to remember life before here and i'm becoming aware of what they have me doing."
"whatever it is they have you doing just know you are still a good person," pietro spoke quietly.
"i kill people," you said bluntly looking him straight in the eyes. he averted his gaze slightly, his hand coming to caress his jaw.
"the person they turn you into out there isn't you. the real you is sitting in front of me now."
"how can you be so sure, you don't even know me," you questioned.
"i don't think an out right evil person would check to see if a stranger is okay... or compliment them the first time they see them," pietro joked slightly. you hung your head as your lips pulled back into a smile. pietro couldn't help the way his body leaned closer to the hole with a big smile on his face observing the way you became shy.
"no one in this building is perfect. we've all done things that are considered evil but if we manage to hold on to some sort of sense of ourselves i think we will be okay. i hope wanda and i get out of here soon. it was a mistake yanno, being volunteers, i regret it. it makes me feel worse knowing you had no say in the matter. you're here every day as a puppet against your will and yet i walked through these doors. every day i'm in pain and every day i regret it," pietro's accent got thicker as he got emotional.
you frowned at the silver-haired man, "life in here is already hard enough, there is no point in being hard on yourself."
his eyes were glossed over, internally fighting himself for the choices he had made in the past. you reached your hand into the hole searching for his. this was out of character for you but it some selfish way you wanted the warmth of his hand to comfort you as well. it was peaceful sitting in silence holding each other's hand. the only form of physical touch the two of you ever received was in the form of torture. gruff hands slapping, punching, shoving, and poking you seemed like a far and distant sensation compared to the safety you felt as pietro's thumb traced the back of your hand.
"you should rest," pietro finally broke what felt like an hour's long silence, "they usually take you first."
you sighed deeply but you knew he was right. god knows what hour it was and you needed to try and get some sleep. pietro gently let go of your hand and allowed you to snake it back through the hole.
"thank you pietro. i hope we can talk more soon," you told him earnestly.
"i hope so too," he gave you a lopsided grin before you grabbed the brick.
it was mere days later when you two found yourself in the same position. the guards were out, pietro had finished his talks with wanda, the disgusting dinners were consumed and taken away, and here you were staring into the sky amongst grey walls. pietro noticed your face had small cuts scattered on it from a mission you were sent on a day prior but you had made no mention of it thus far. you were currently enthralled by pietro telling a story from his younger days. pietro was funny and he didn't even need to try, it had been years since you felt the burning sensation in your sides from laughing too much but he made it easy. and pietro loved the sound of your laugh, it was beautiful, irresistible almost. the two of you went back and forth sharing any memories you could remember from life before these walls and it was effortless but you knew just like the other nights it was soon time to hide the hole.
"you're really pretty," you confessed.
pietro's mouth formed an 'o' shape before turning into a giddy smile, "you are beautiful, dragă"
this time it was pietro plugging the brick back into the wall just as he was about to finish a loud booming voice came from your side of the wall. his hands shook slightly at the volume of the guard yelling 'soldier' in russian to you. pietro could no longer see what was happening but he heard you stand up and reply back and leave the cell.
although you and the guard walked in silence you knew he saw you talking to pietro. you continued to clench and unclench your fists trying to calm yourself for what was to come.
"Тебе нравится мальчик?" (do you like the boy?) the guard asked placing a firm grip on your shoulder, pushing you towards the all too familiar room. you stayed quiet and you heard the man snicker to himself, satisfied with your silence.
in the room, several other guards were standing in position, many holding guns. you saw the needles and wires spread across the small rolling table with a doctor in a white coat hunched over it. the monitors sitting idly waiting to read your vitals. the guard that escorted you pushed you into the contraption that stood before you forcing your body flush against the back. immediately automatic shackles secured your arms to the chair and the whirling sound of small electric plates situated themselves against the sides of your head.
"смешно... ты, кажется, молчишь только рядом с нами," (funny... you only seem to be quiet around us.) the doctor smirked, admitting they all were aware of you and pietro speaking. the doctor sucked his teeth as you glared at him, unwilling to confess to anything.
he picked up the mouth guard from the table wiggling it in front of your mouth waiting for you to open. you bit down in anger, all the muscles in your face twitching, your eyelids blinking rapidly pushing back any emotion daring to creep up at what you knew was about to happen. it wasn't often they wiped your memory, only when they deemed your actions defied them, like not getting enough information on missions which was rare. it had been months since the last time they did this. you screamed in agony as the electric volts zapped against your head. sweat started to bead across your thrashing body. it was indescribable and it wasn't a short process but once the currents stopped your world was black and each time you'd wake up in your cell with no recollection.
it was a week later you found yourself in the training room after being isolated since the memory wipe. your shoulders were hunched forward, chest facing the ground, your arms swayed ever so slightly by your side, your breathing was ragged after being beaten in the form of "training" for the last two hours. the doctors insisted it would be over soon, one final test for the day before you could go to your cell. the door creaked open and the familiar sound of boots entered, you didn't even bother looking up.
"солдат!" (soldier!) a guard yelled causing you to slowly pick your head up. at the door was a young man you'd never seen before, he wore tattered pants and a tank top, his hair was silver, and his blue eyes were opened wide in what you could only assume was shock. and though you didn't recognize him, pietro recognized you.
up until now, he had never seen your full figure before, only parts of your body that were visible through the hole. despite you clearly being injured and tired you stood tall and pietro could tell you were strong. the most alarming part about you was your arm... your metal arm. pietro's eyebrows scrunched together, head slightly cocked to the side examining the way the metal met your skin, some scar tissue bright red while others were faded.
before pietro could mutter any words aloud a doctor appeared from a side door and sauntered towards you holding a notebook.
"работа...установить..." (work...establish...) the doctor read.
"please, no," you whispered, your neck screwing to the side as if it will block the doctor's voice.
"станция..." (station...)
pietro watched as your chest heaved air in and out as the doctor continued reciting from the book, circling your body like a predator ready to attack. he watched as your teeth chatter together and your metal hand flexed. the doctor stopped behind your right shoulder leaning down slightly so his mouth was level with your ear. pietro couldn't hear the whispers but he felt nervous at the doctor's intense eye contact and the loud clap of the notebook being shut. the doctor lazily dragged his hand off your shoulder whispering one final command before exiting the way he came.
pietro jumped at the sound of the door behind him slamming shut as the guards snuck out, leaving only the two of you in the room.
"wha- WOAH!" pietro shrieked as you came barreling towards him at full speed, your metal arm raised high in the air to come down on his body.
"please i don't want to hurt you," but his pleas were left unheard as you socked him in the jaw, tossing him to the ground and repeatedly punching his stomach. although being fast, pietro found himself trapped beneath you and it took moments before he was able to get out and start running in different directions. slowly, you walked towards a vacant chair in the corner, eyes trained on the blue light racing around the room. you gripped the chair waiting for the right moment before launching it across the room and nailing pietro square in the back. you stalked towards his groaning figure grasping his shoulder and flipping him onto his back where you straddled him and punched at his face.
to pietro's relief, the doctor came back into the room beckoning an order to you. pietro watched from underneath your frame as your pupils twitched at him and your head robotically moved to face the doctor. you refrained from punching pietro anymore and stood up and walked to the doctor and the two guards who waited behind. one of the guards stabbed a needle into your neck and once more the world was black.
you couldn't even begin to guess what time or day it was when you finally woke up on the floor of your cell. your body was violently shaking from the cold and you started to panic. as much as you tried to think of any memories you couldn't, it was like your mind was a blank slate and it was causing you to panic even more which then turned into anger. you grabbed the small bed and threw it at the wall and screamed loudly. you repeatedly slammed your metal first into the wall causing dust to liter the air. guards walked past your cell but simply laughed and continued to make their way down the hall and off into the outside world.
"hey," a voice spoke unsteadily. you whipped your head around to the other wall and saw a face peeking through.
"it's okay," the man tried to ease seeing your angered state approaching him. you kneeled in front of the hole looking intensely at his face.
"who are you?"
this question confirmed pietro's fear that they wiped your memory. he had foolishly hoped that in the training room you were just too worn down to recognize him when he walked through the door before they sent you into your trance.
"my name is pietro. you may not remember but i am a friend," he spoke hoping to see any form of recollection cross your face. instead you examined him quietly before turning your head and examining the room. it was lit dully, your bed now turned on its side, and there was a tray of food sitting near the cell door that looked to be days old.
"this is a hydra base," pietro continued without you having to ask, "the people here are not good. they hurt us, they experiment on us, many people have died here. i have a sister here, a twin," he said pointing a finger behind him, "her name is wanda. they call us the enhanced. we both possess abilities no normal human would have due to their experimentations. we came as volunteers and i regret it."
"am i a volunteer?" you questioned.
"no, dragă. a few weeks ago you told me they found you during the winter, alone. you had been lost in the forest and they made promises to help you find home but you never returned. you said you aren't sure but you think it's been ten years since," pietro confessed, his accent thick with sorrow.
you hummed, unsure of what to say. you remembered none of this so what could you really say back? was pietro even telling the truth? how could you decipher fact from fiction in a state like this? despite the confusion and the absence of memory, something deep within you said it was all true, everything he was saying was right.
"why is my arm gone?" you whispered, slightly touching the contorting metal panels near the elbow.
pietro couldn't help but feel a pain in his chest as he observed you try and remember any semblance of yourself, "i- i don't know. what i do know is the doctors, they like you. you are very important to them and they make you do dirty work. the reason you can't remember anything is because they wipe your memory."
"i suppose that makes sense," you nodded slightly giving pietro a bitter smile.
"i am sorry for what they do to you," pietro stated earnestly. if he could help you in any way he would, over and over again, he would.
you paused, taking in pietro's face which held some serious injuries. the skin on his brow bone was split, his eye was bright red with blood and a nasty purple-green bruise on his jaw.
"did i do this to you?" you asked, slowly reaching your hand through to gently touch his jaw.
"of course you didn't my love," he murmured, tenderly grabbing your wrist and threading his fingers with yours.
"if there comes a time when i hurt you, please don't go easy on me," you pleaded.
"i cannot promise you that," he smiled at you softly, bringing his other hand to enclose your freezing one.
and pietro was being truthful. he couldn't nor he wouldn't harm you in the event the doctors forced you to fight. he would run and dodge the punches, and the chairs being thrown at him, but he couldn't fight you, he just couldn't. it pained him to see the different version of yourself, the real you locked inside begging to come out of the brainwashing.
pietro didn't think it would be so soon when he would be in the same position as before, standing across from you in the training room as the same doctor circled your body, reciting words in russian that would transform you into their super soldier. it was only hours after the two of you decided to sleep that pietro was ripped from his bed and dragged into the training room.
the doctor once again closed the notebook but before leaving he looked over at pietro, "it is a shame," he started with a thick russian accent, "her memory wiped twice in a week. i thought maybe you two would work well as a team. we could start sending you out on missions with her. but it seems she has developed a hm. what do you call it?" he fake pondered, "ah! a crush! and that is not something we take kindly here. she provides more to us here than you do so..." with that the doctor whispered one final thing in your ear before leaving.
pietro watched carefully as you headed towards him and at the last moment he sprinted away causing you to concave the metal door. you whipped your head around, eyes wide in anger, tracking the movements of the man. he was fast and this irritated you. sticking your leg out you managed to trip him at the last moment and his large frame hurled to the floor. you gripped his shirt in one hand and used your metal hand to punch him in the side of the face.
"it's me!" the man below you yelled. this had no effect on you and you raised your hand to hit him again but he grabbed your fist. the two of you violently struggled against each other before you used your hand clutched to his shirt to slide him away with great force.
"please i said i would never hurt you. it's me, pietro!" the man pleaded getting up to run past your approaching figure. for some reason hearing the name pietro caused a loud screeching pain in your head.
"what are you doing to my head?" you screamed, clutching your head in your hands, eyes screwed shut.
pietro stopped running and looked at your trembling figure, "i'm- i'm not doing anything."
you tried ignoring the high-pitched shrilling noise and stumbled to pietro. you grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed him backward against the wall. although you moved him with force pietro could feel the weakness in your grip this time. he stayed silent looking into your eyes that were frantically examining him.
"the noise..." you muttered bringing your metal hand to hold your head.
"there... there is no noise," pietro spoke confused. there was no noise in the room besides heavy breathing.
"who are you?" you probed shoving him roughly against the wall.
"it's me. pietro. i live next to you in the cell. i came here as a volunteer with my twin sister wanda. you are here against your will. they found you when you were little and never let you leave. they hurt you every day, they aren't good people. trust me, please. it's me your friend," pietro rushed hoping to break through to you.
he felt your grip slightly falter as you looked him up and down. he couldn't make out the emotion in your face as you screwed and unscrewed your features together, internally fighting yourself. he wasn't scared, but nervous rather for your next move or action.
as pietro spoke the high-pitched noise continued to grow louder causing severe pain in your head. it made you nauseous and your vision would cloud with blinding bright light. you hung your head gasping for air as a vague image of a cell came to memory. you tried blinking it away but it would reappear, this time you'd see a man. the man you were pushing against the wall. his head was peeking through the cell wall. instinctually you pressed him further into the wall, pietro's shoulder blades started to ache. a new memory came and it was pietro holding your hand, his thumb caressing yours.
you shot your head up looking at the man. your eyes were glossy with tears from the pain you were experiencing. not just the physical pain of the intense noise but the mental pain as you tried to piece together who he was. his appearance was becoming familiar. his clothes, his broad shoulders, the facial hair on his jaw and upper lip, the cut on his eyebrow, the dark roots of his hair and the silver ends, and his eyes.
you dropped your grip and pietro's eyes contorted in confusion.
"like the sky..." you murmured.
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mj-102009 · 4 months
Does anyone else get irked when an author uses "shook their head yes" instead of nodded?
Like it's a small detail that I notice EVERYWHERE and always makes me twitch in frustration.
idk tell me if im delulu
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wheredafandomat · 5 months
Club Paradise 🫦
1 | Dirty Martini
Avenger! Loki x female reader
18+ | contains smut, alcohol
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Bringing the glass to his lips, Loki took a sip, swirling the whisky in his mouth for a moment before swallowing, the burn in his throat keeping him vigilant. Placing the glass back against the bar, the melodic music merged with the intoxicating liquid left him feeling almost placid. Almost.
“You need to relax more, so many knots”
“You’re late” Loki answered as your hands massaged his shoulders.
“Can one really be late to such an affair?” You teased.
“Are you wearing what I sent you?” Loki asked, ignoring your gaietyness.
“Buy me a drink first” you replied before Loki exhaled, gesturing to the seat next to him.
“A martini” Loki spoke as the bartender looked at him “please” he added, more as an afterthought.
“Extra dirty” you added, turning from the bartender to Loki before opening your coat a little, revealing the emerald lace bralette you were wearing underneath. Reaching out to touch you, Loki’s eyes widened slightly as you grabbed his wrist before placing it down.
“Down boy” you smiled sultrily before the bartender placed your drink in front of you. Bringing the thin stemmed glass to your lips, you took a sip. “Good comes to those who wait” you smirked at Loki as he watched your movements.
“I’m an impatient man,” he replied sternly.
“Not for me” you grinned “for me you’re a good boy, aren’t you?”
“Please” Loki answered, his brows raising a little as his hard exterior began to crumble.
“Please what?”
“Please can we go upstairs?” he almost pleaded.
“Take this as a lesson in delayed gratification Mr Laufeyson” you smirked.
“Loki,” he corrected.
“Is that what you want me to call you tonight? Loki?” You questioned.
“Yes, just Loki,” he nodded.
“Well, Loki, once I’ve finished my drink we can go upstairs, okay?” You smiled “good.”
The ride in the elevator was silent as you looked at yourself in the mirror, ignoring Loki’s piercing gaze fixated on you. You bit down your smile as his eyes ventured across your body, his nostrils flaring as he fought down his primal urge to take you right there. Delayed gratification your words echoed in his head.
Pushing the door of the suite open, Loki was hot on your tail, practically slamming the door closed behind him before pushing you up against it and pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. It had been weeks since he had seen you last, too busy with missions and everyday he craved you more and more. He needed you. You barely broke the kiss as he pushed your coat off of your shoulders before it fell to the floor, pooling at your feet.
“Magnificent” Loki uttered, taking you in. Your body draped in his colours.
“Kneel” you leered, Loki wasting no time to drop to his knees in front of you. Your gazes met for a moment before his eyes roamed your body, falling to your legs as he began pressing kisses against them. You stepped out of your heels as his kisses met your ankles. Looking back up into your eyes, Loki’s hand began moving up your leg, venturing dangerously close to your inner thigh. Your breath escaped you, your eyes almost falling closed as his hand moved higher. The panties were crotchless so there was no barrier between his hand and your needy pussy.
Closing his eyes, Loki reveled in the feeling of his hand moving through your soft folds as your breaths began to quicken.
“Get on the bed” you ordered, trying to remain forbidden, rhadamanthine, just like Loki wanted you to. He obeyed, quickly standing to his feet before making his way onto the bed. “I read your note” you spoke, stepping towards him “about what you want to do, what you want me to do.”
“Yes?” Loki pleaded, excited at the prospect.
“Well, you know what to do next Loki” you smirked, saying his name pointedly as you reached the bed. Loki laid back against it as your hand found the bulge straining against his trousers. “You’re already so hard for me, good boy” you praised as you straddled him. Loki bucked his hips as you rolled your hips against his. “But this isn’t where you want me, is it?” You teased as Loki shook his head furiously no. Smiling, you moved yourself up his body, Loki’s hands guiding you exactly where he wanted you as one of your knees found the side of his head. You barely had time to find your balance before Loki was dragging your other leg up, yanking you down on top of him. You placed your hands against the headboard for stability as Loki began exploring your centre.
“Eager I see” you giggled as he held you down tightly against him, his arms wrapping around your thighs. “Ughh” you moaned as his lips wrapped around your clit, gently sucking. “Just like thattt” you guided, gyrating your hips as Loki flattened his tongue against your pussy.
“Mhmmm” he groaned against you, the vibrations travelling through you in a pleasing buzz.
“Fuck!” You almost came, hips moving to and fro as Loki sucked your clit again “I need you Loki, I need you now” you implored, your roles changing as you begged him to fuck you. Loki was quick to unbuckle his belt as you got off of his face and moved back down. Straddling him, you both exhaled as you took him inside of you.
“Norns, I’ve missed you” Loki almost sighed, content in the feeling of being inside of you.
Your eyes fell closed as he lifted his hips, fucking into you with ardour as you bounced above him. Your jaw was slack, moans and chants of his name falling from your lips as your clit hit his pelvis with every thrust. You were so close and so was he, you could feel it. His thrusts grew sloppy as he neared his orgasm.
“We’ll never leave it this long again” Loki grunted, slamming his hips up into yours “promise me” he continued, swiping his thumb against his tongue before rubbing it against your clit “promise me we won’t go this long without seeing each other again”
“I-I promiseee” you nodded desperately, your pleasure swelling.
“That’s my girl” Loki smirked, stilling his movements as he came inside of you, his cock throbbing against your walls.
“Fuckk” you mewled breathlessly as your arousal gushed out of you, dripping down Loki’s cock.
“And next time don’t be late” he spoke, coming down from his high as you got off of him.
“Whatever you say, Loki” you smiled.
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Tags 🖤
@lokisgoodgirl @thenotoriouserg @chantsdemarins @donaweasley @xorpsbane @mcufan72 @loz-3 @sailorholly @lovingchoices14 @lokiedokiee @noideakitten @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @gigglingtiggerv2 @tmilover1993 @lyds247 @dustychinchilla74 @lokis-dark-queen @november-rayne @12-pm-510 @newtomofgods @eyesbluelikethetitanic @lokiestorch @beautyb1ade @angelilacsworld @lokidokieokie @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @asgards-princess-of-mischief @anundyingfidelity @buttercupcookies-blog
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beah388love · 1 month
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So soft…
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: your thighs are buckys weakness
Warnings: cuddling,kissing,fluff!!! (Please tell me if I missed any?!!!)
You were sat on the sofa watching tv and that's when you heard the door open.
"Bucky!" You giggled as he ran into the livingroom not bothering to take off his boots, jumping onto the sofa next to you making you squeal.
"C'mere bun" he murmured grinning ear to ear, yanking the blanket off of you and laying on top of you, putting all his weight on you, you could barely breathe.
"Buck- hun- i can't breathe" you exhaled as you tried to push him off your ribcage but he wouldn't budge.
"M'issed you" he muttered into your neck.
"I missed you too but I need to breathe buck" you huffed as you laid back down giving up on moving him.
But then he got up and you sucked in a breath and sighed in relief.
He instead placed both hands on your thighs and spread em apart, settling his head on your abdomen then laying back down, he had one hand holding your hip and and the other on your thigh stroking his hand up and down on it.
He tried to stay awake but once you started playing with his fluffy hair he knocked out almost instantly.
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raineydays411 · 11 months
My Father's Daughter
Part 9
Summary: You've been at the Wayne Manor for over a month.
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In some weird way you understand Christine.
You understand why she tries so hard to spend time with you while you're in her home. Why she begs for you to get off of your phone and cook with her. You get why she tries to make the other kids be nice to you. Scolds them harshly when they make snide comments underneath their breath about you.
Truly, you do.
You just...genuinely don't give a shit.
You don't care that she feels bad that she abandoned you for a completely other family and you don't care that she feels like she's losing time to create a bond with you.
You did not care.
Really, you didn't.
"Um,kid... you know I love you but I'm really not that kind of doctor" Bruce Banner said awkwardly over facetime.
You sigh. "Yeah I know B. You were just the first one to pick up the phone."
"Ouch." Banner laughed, " you know, you really are your fathers child."
You smile, one of the rare times you actually did nowadays. " How is the old man?"
You haven't been able to call him since he was paranoid whoever wants you would track your phone calls and find out where you are.
"Your father is even more annoying now without you than he ever has been in my entirety of knowing him" Banner deadpans, " He misses you a lot kiddo, we all do."
You smile sadly, missing your family.
It was hard, seeing these people you barely knew, with a mother you barely knew, stuck in a house you barely knew.
And the fact that they feel like a family. They argue and play jokes on each other. They eat with each other every afternoon ( Bat activities at night), Bruce kisses Christine goodbye when he goes to work. It was so domestic in its weird little ways.
But you didn't fit in.
They laughing and the jokes stopped whenever you walked into the room. The conversations were stale.
It was depressing.
It's not like they ignored you, oh no. That would've been preferable.
No half of them trip over their feet to try and include you in whatever they're doing.
Dick will turn blue chatting your ear off about whatever he thinks will get you to open up to him and Christine?
She will bend over backwards, frontwards, and sideways just to get you to acknowledge she gave birth to you. Every night she comes into your room and tries to talk to you about your life. And every question is met with a dull answer
"So any boys that catch your interest here?" " I don't know, I can't leave the premises"
"Were you in any sports? You look like you'd be a cheerleader like your momma!" " I was in mathletes and debate like Pepper"
"You really are beautiful my baby" "Thanks, everyone says I look like my dad"
It really was a struggle to get you to open up. Almost everyone at the manor had a hard time even starting a conversation with you.
Everyone except of course Alfred and surprisingly Jason Todd.
Alfred won you over as soon as you moved in. He vouched for you when you needed time alone and brings you snacks>
Jason is a whole different story.
See, the reason why it's so hard for everyone to talk to you is because they all refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. They're treating you like you were some other orphan Annie they decided to adopt and you just have no family waiting and missing you.
Jason doesn't.
In fact, it was him who caught you trying to sneak out of the mansion the first week you were there. Instead of scolding you or telling on you, he took you out.
"A cap and sunglasses? Kid, that's not a disguise."
"What do you mean?"
He took you to a diner he frequents, a tour of the rooftops to avoid people, and to the safe house he took over from Bruce.
"Tell me about your life." He demands, not asks.
You smile and tell him about it. Your life growing up with the Avengers, school and what major you're going for, that brief fling you had with Pietro before you had to move to Gotham.
It was nice. To be with someone that didn't want to change you. He didn't try to force you into forgiveness and let you vent. He even gave some pretty sound advice.
"You know, at some point you are going to forgive her." He says ignoring your indignant stare, " You don't gotta be bestfriends with her or anything, but that anger is going to either slowly consume you or slowly go way. And believe me, you want it to slowly go way."
And he was right in some ways. The longer you're there, the less anger there is and the more hurt replaces it. It festers inside you like some disease. The symptoms slowly leaking out every time one of them calls her mom.
Every night she comes into your room and tries to pry into your life as if she didn't voluntarily leave it, you feel it.
Everytime you see her brush Cassandra's hair out of her eyes, or kiss damian on the forehead. It's the gentle way she smiles whenever she sees Tim hyperfocused on mission reports, and the way she gets so excited whenever Dick or Jason walk through the front door. Hugging them and chiding them for not visiting more.
It hurts you that they truly are a family.
And after a while, it gets hard for you to try and say that you truly didn't give a shit.
Because honestly, you did
Taglist: @stupendousnightmaretrash @opheliaas-stuff
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saiilorstars · 8 days
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Love, Ours Ch. 9: To Those Left Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC, ft. baby!oc Story Summary: One-Shots/AU collection of Seren and Steve outside of their fics (Darkest Before Dawn, Alignment, etc.).
Story Masterlist ○ Seren’s Masterlist 
Also available on Fanfic ○ Ao3 ○ Wattpad
taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​​​​​​​​​​​ @arrthurpendragon​​​​​​​​​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​​​​​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​​​​​​​​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​​​​​​​ @gloryekaterina​​​ @averyhotchner​​​ @foxesandmagic​​​​​​​​​​​​i @kmc1989
[If you’d like to be a part of any OC’s works/edits, let me know!]
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He'd always remember the first night they met. It was rainy outside but after a long mission, Steve couldn't see himself getting any kind of rest until he had his favorite pastries. Traffic was hell, it would be a lot longer in the rain if he took the motorcycle so, with an umbrella clutched in his hand, he walked all the way.
He opened the bakery door and shook the umbrella outside before quickly rushing inside. He closed the umbrella and started towards the counter. There was another customer at the front, her baggy green jacket drenched from the rain.
"C'mon, put it on my tab or something!" She was saying to the young cashier.
"Seren, you know well there's no tabs," the cashier smiled apologetically at the woman. "I can't give you your order."
'Seren' let out a groan, shaking her head. The hood of her jacket fell back slightly, revealing brown hair at the top of her head. "C'mon, you know I would never do this. It's the rain — I got caught in the middle of it — literally dropped my stuff — I'm sorry!"
The more she went on, the more it sounded like she went through actual hell so Steve decided to step in.
"I can pay for the order, Mary," he said to the cashier, someone who knew him very well as he was, of course, a regular there.
Seren immediately pulled her hood down and fixed her wide green eyes at Steve. "That's not necessary!" Her long brown hair was wet and strands were sticking to her face so she started pulling them off. "That's really not necessary! I know I look like a mess but trust me I'm usually on my stuff!"
Steve was amused with her alarm; at least she seemed genuine. Besides, he felt bad enough that she was soaking wet. "We all have those days." He looked at Mary again who seemed to be waiting for a final decision between the two. "I'm paying. And could you get my usual too, please?"
"Sure," Mary said and started inputting the order on the cash register. "To go as well?"
"Yeah." Steve said but he took a second glance at Seren and, on a whim, added two cups of warm coffees. "For here." It seemed like Seren's eyes were permanently wide. "If that's alright with you, of course, just while we wait…" Steve decided to say to lessen the pressure. He wouldn't want her to feel like she had to sit with him just because he was paying for her order.
"Y-yeah," Seren said nervously and while Steve went ahead and paid, she quickly combed her fingers through her hair in hopes that she could appear a little more presentable.
Mary chuckled as she saw the woman's panic. She sent Steve to the pick up side of the counter then whispered over to Seren. "You look fine."
Flushed, Seren went to go find a table…which wasn't that hard considering the terrible weather outside. Most people were doing take-out. She took off her coat and draped it on one of the empty chairs beside her. She grabbed a few napkins to pat dry her face then set them on the side as well.
A few minutes later, Steve came by with the coffee. He set her coffee in front of her then sat down across from her. "I didn't add anything," he warned her and reached for the sugar packets.
"It's totally fine, thank you," Seren offered her best grateful smile because it's literally all she had tonight. Not even a sad dollar was in her pocket. "Like I said before, I'm usually a lot more put together than this. It's a fluke, I promise."
Steve chuckled at her. "And like I said too, everyone has those days."
Seren ripped open a sugar packet and dumped the whole thing into her coffee. "It's Seren, by the way, and I'm very thankful for what you did for me."
"Steve," he introduced himself as he too dumped sugar into his coffee, "And you're very welcome."
"I will pay you back," Seren promised, stirring her coffee gently. "I swear."
Steve chuckled again. "It's fine, really. Not richer nor poorer because of a few dollars."
"Except it was a big order so it wasn't a few dollars at all."
"It's still fine. Were you having a get together tonight?" As soon as he asked, he saw a faint flush on her face.
"Not really…" she said quietly, though very embarrassed. How could she say that the whole order was just for her without sounding like…? "But I mean it. I will definitely be paying you back."
Now matter how many times Steve said it wasn't necessary, Seren insisted that she would.
"I just wouldn't feel good about myself," she said, and took a sip of her coffee. She hummed as the warm liquid traveled down her throat. She didn't usually get cold but tonight the rain was a nightmare.
Steve smiled at her again, taking in her pretty features. The rain hadn't done her wrong in any way.
They talked for a while, neither one bothering to check in with Mary about their orders. Steve found that it wasn't that hard forgetting about dessert as he got to know Seren more. She was sweet and funny and for some reason everything just felt comfortable. It turned out it was a small word because once upon a time, Seren had been a SHIELD agent like him. When it went down, she switched gears and entered the CIA.
"Not really as much fighting as before but it's better than a desk job," she gave a nonchalant shrug. She silently noted that she was almost done with her coffee. "Though I guess you really wouldn't know about that, huh?"
Steve knew what she meant and sheepishly looked at her. "So you did recognize me?" Seren nodded. "You didn't mention it in the beginning…" Usually people recognized him on the spot as Captain America and were never quiet about it, nor shy.
"Why would I?" Seren said, confused. "It wasn't pertinent to the moment."
A pleasant smile crossed Steve's face at that. "It wasn't?"
"No." Seren brought her coffee to her lips and flashed him half a smirk.
Mary finally called them about their orders, breaking their moment. Steve took a look at his watch and realized half an hour had gone by. The orders were definitely done long before now. Still, half an hour seemed so short. He looked at Seren as she placed her coffee cup down on the table, empty like his. Something in his stomach twisted. He needed at least another half hour with her...
But that wasn't possible and he knew it.
Seren started getting out of her seat and reached over for her jacket. It wasn't that much dry but it wouldn't matter as she was about to go through the rain again. "Thank you so much, Steve. Seriously. And you know I'm gonna pay you back."
"Yes, I know," Steve said with a playful roll of his eyes. "So if you're that determined, why don't we meet tomorrow then? If you're able to, I meant…"
Seren hummed as she considered the idea. In reality she was just joking because she knew what she wanted. "It's not going to rain tomorrow so…yeah, that sounds nice. Want to go to Central Park?"
"Sure," Steve said when in reality he had been about to blurt 'anywhere' instead.
They settled for lunch time then headed to pick up their orders at the counter. Mary handed them their respective bags and wished them a goodnight.
It was still pouring when they reached the entrance doors. Steve offered to take Seren home but she was adamant that she would be fine.
"I literally live like three blocks down," she said. "And I'm fast. Trust me."
Steve didn't feel right about it but he couldn't force her to let him come with her. He opened the doors and then opened his umbrella. Seren pulled her hood up and stepped out with him.
"Here," Steve moved the umbrella's handle into Seren's free hand before she could refuse.
"Steve, I said I'm fine—!" Seren laughed at his insistence and tried to give it back to him.
Steve's hand wrapped tighter around the handle, and over Seren's hand in the process. Now Seren was laughing nervously. His hand was super warm, not to mention strong, but it was the gentleness in his eyes that captivated her, the charm in them.
"Please, take it," Steve insisted. Seren found herself nodding at him like she was in trance. He was hesitant to let her hand go but he didn't have any other excuse to prolong it. He was still slow about it, letting their fingers brush against each other until finally it was just Seren holding the umbrella.
"Goodnight, Seren…"
"Goodnight, Steve," Seren said with what she would think was nothing but a dorky smile. God, everything about her that night had been such a mess.
But Steve hadn't thought so. To him, the night had been perfect.
Present Day
Steve woke up to the sound of a toddler's cries. Without a second thought, he got up from bed and went into the adjoining room where the cries resembled more like screams. A toddler with a beet-red face was sitting in the middle of his crib, crying his head off.
"Okay, c'mon up, bud," Steve reached inside the crib to pick the toddler up into his arms. He then grabbed the little blue blanket with bright yellow stars; Noel would want it as soon as he calmed down.
He returned to his room and tried soothing Noel with gentle bouncing before getting back into bed. But while Noel stopped screaming, he still continued to cry. And what was worse is that he was crying and calling for his mother. It was the same constant 'mama, mama, mama!' that Noel often cried when he was in-between naps and sleep, because that was of course when he needed his mother the most.
It broke Steve's heart just a little bit more than it already was. He was Noel's father, and he loved the little boy so, so much but even he knew that at the end of the day, every child needed their mother more. There was something that a mother provides that a father just couldn't. And this had been Steve's reality for many months now.
Steve brought Noel to bed with him, wrapping him up in his favorite blanket and setting him to rest on his chest. These days, Noel no longer wanted his pacifier. Every time Steve gave it to him, Noel would spit it out and if it didn't land far from him, he would reach it and then chuck as far as his little arm could throw it. Steve wouldn't put it behind Noel to have given up the pacifier as his form of retribution for not keeping his mother with them.
Noel's cries gradually lessened as he tired himself out and gained some kind of comfort from his father's heartbeats and then finally fell asleep. Instead of putting him back in his crib, Steve kept him with him. Just like the night before, and the one before that.
One innocent meeting at Central Perk turned into another "get together", and then another one and then suddenly they mutually agreed they were going out on dates. There was no denying from either side that they needed to keep seeing each other. So whenever Steve wasn't on some Avengers mission and Seren wasn't on a CIA assignment, they were seeing each other.
It ultimately led to Steve's friends hassling him to make it official. He saw Seren all the time and when they couldn't, they did video calls. Seren was delighted with his old fashioned way of asking her if she wanted to be his girlfriend — his girl. But before she would fully say 'yes', because she wanted to with all her heart, she came clean to Steve about her true self.
"I'm not entirely human," she had whispered to him with heavy fear in her eyes. She explained her lineage to him, how her grandmother was from another planet and had sought refuge on Earth, how her mother was born on Earth to a human father…how she was then born…and that at the end of the day she was still part alien.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before," she said, swallowing thickly. "I understand if you're angry with me and don't want anything to do with me."
But of course Steve was not angry. He simply wrapped her up in his arms, bringing her on his lap and kissed her, softly reassuring her that everything was fine.
"I mean, it would be slightly hypocritical of me to say anything when I'm Captain America and I work as an Avenger…" He said as a means to humor her and bring a smile out of her fearful face. It did, even though it was a small one. She nestled closer to him on the couch of her living room. "We're going to be okay," Steve promised her and pressed a soft kiss on her temple. "But I'd still like an answer to my question, you know, whatever it was going to be."
Seren's smile spread at the reminder. "I think you already know…"
"Maybe," Steve kissed her temple again, "But I'd still like to hear it."
Seren playfully rolled her eyes. "Yes — obviously."
After that answer, it was very hard to separate them both. If they weren't working, they were together. Even if it was early or late. In no time, Steve was bringing her to the Avengers' compound to see the place and meet the team.
"This place is so big!" Seren laughed throughout the tour. Steve had brought her into one of their training rooms where two Avengers were currently training. She recognized them immediately, having previously worked with one of them.
"Long time no see, Soul," Natasha said as they greeted her.
"You two know each other?" Tony Stark eyed the two women curiously.
"SHIELD," Seren and Natasha replied.
"It wasn't that small of an organization," Seren said with a shrug.
"Ah, so where were you when it was all going down?" Tony asked, prompting Steve to shush him.
Seren felt his arm wrapping around her waist. "She's here to visit, Stark."
"Well then, what do you think of the place so far?" Tony asked.
Seren hummed as she looked around the training room. "It's okay…" She set eyes on the targets set across them. "Oof, whoever made those shots…yikes."
Steve and Natasha laughed while Tony went into a ramble about his targets. Sure, the blasts were a little off but they were still good.
Seren seemed bemused and chuckled. "I'm happy to help you with target practice."
Tony scoffed. " Really ?"
"I'm good, I swear." And to prove her point, Seren raised a fist towards the target Tony had been practicing on and fired star matter. The entire target went up in dangerous star fire.
Tony deadpanned her for a long, hard minute while both Natasha and Steve did poorly hiding their laughs. "Nice girl, Cap," he muttered and took off. "I'm gonna bill you for that!" He called to Seren just before disappearing.
Seren made a face and looked up at Steve. "I don't think he likes me."
"Funny, because I'm liking you more right now," he remarked and dipped his head to kiss her cheek, earning a giggle from her.
Present Day.
Noel was in a full blown babbling moment and Steve had no idea what on earth the toddler was saying. Every once in a while he heard coherent words — among them mama, dada, no…but then he heard 'mon-mon' and he knew exactly what Noel wanted then.
In about an hour, he'd taken the toddler out with him for a quick pastry trip and returned home. He sat with Noel on the couch, giving him small pieces of his favorite treat: cinnamon rolls. Noel was delighted with each piece his father gave him, squealing for more whenever Steve happened to be too slow for his liking.
"Just like your mother…" He said with a dim smile as he wiped some of the crumbs off Noel's chin.
At the mention of his mother, Noel began to call for his 'mama!', clapping his hands together. "Mama! Mama, mon-mon!"
Steve's smile softened and he gave Noel another piece of a cinnamon roll. "Guess I'll have to finish teaching you how to say that. Noel, cinnamon roll?"
"Mon-mon!" Noel squealed again.
Steve shook his head. "Noel, try again. Cinnamon roll?"
With a giggle, Noel repeated his version of the word.
The toddler let out a playful shriek and lunged towards Steve, quickly reaching for the rest of the cinnamon roll in his hands. He then attacked it with his new teeth. Steve laughed at the sight and pulled Noel on his lap.
"Yeah, alright, we can take a break…" He kissed the top of Noel's head then smoothed out his blonde hair.
Steve gently pulled Seren's body closer to his. She rested her head on his bare chest, her fingers absent-mindedly making circles over his skin.
"You know, I should be going now…" Seren said for about the fifth time now without actually moving an inch.
"Stay…" Steve kissed her hair.
"I've been here all weekend, lovey. I'm sure your friends are so tired of me by now."
"Thor and Natasha love you."
"Mm, and what about Tony?"
"You know, I don't particularly care about his opinion, especially when they're always wrong."
Seren chuckled. She tilted her head up to see Steve. "I love you, but I do have a home to go to. My stuff is all there."
"I know that, I do, but why?" Steve seemed genuinely confused, which just made him look adorable to Seren.
She laughed again. "What do you mean 'why'? Because I live there?"
"Sure, but, what if you didn't live there?"
"Then I would be homeless, Steve."
Steve rolled his eyes and gave her a soft pinch on her side. Her body jerked and she yelped.
"What if you brought your stuff here so you could live here?" Steve said slowly and clearly. "Then we wouldn't have to worry about going back to our homes. Doesn't that sound appealing?"
Seren nodded without making opposing reasons. "But I mean…what about the others?"
"Seren, c'mon, if you're worried about Stark, he doesn't actually hate you. He just likes messing with you. He always messes with me, trust me."
"Oh, he better not," Seren said immediately, frowning as such. "I'll kick his ass right now."
"Not precisely right now, please," Steve said, giving her a look for her less than clothed situation. She rolled her eyes at him. "Seren, please? What do you honestly think?"
Seren sighed lightly and started to smile. "What do you think? I would love it. I would love to stay here, be with you, and wake up in the morning with you again and again. You don't seem to understand, I love you."
Steve did understand, but he liked getting reassured every now and then. "So, are you staying tonight?"
Seren nodded at him. "I called into work sick tomorrow. Told them I had a fever."
Steve chuckled. "A fever?"
"Real nasty one. Got the shivers and everything."
"Liar, liar, Miss Soul…"
Seren began to laugh as he gently tugged her off his body and turned on her so that he was hovering over her.
"We don't lie," Steve wagged a finger at her.
"Then I guess I'll have to go back to work tomorrow morning…" Seren warned him.
"The lie has already been said, the day is marked off…"
"Oh well!"
"Yeah, oh well…" Steve flashed her a smirk before diving down for a kiss.
Present Day.
Noel squealed with laughter as someone threatened to catch him down the hall. His running was at best a penguin's waddle and he'd almost fallen several times but his stamina was of course, super, so he ran across the whole compound without missing a beat.
Finally, Steve snuck up on him and swept the toddler off his feet. "Gotcha!"
Noel's laughter echoed through the building. "Mon-mon! Dada, mon-mon!"
"Oh," snorted Steve as he settled Noel on his side, "because you won?"
Noel nodded like he completely understood the question, and maybe he had. To this day, Steve wasn't sure exactly how far developed Noel was with both the serum and Celessian blood running through his body. Before, when Seren was still with them, they would often get curious and talk about it…but now it was the least of Steve's concern. Noel was healthy and developing fine and that was all that mattered. That was all that Seren would care about.
"Dada!" Noel slapped a small hand on Steve's cheek to get his attention. "Mon-mon!"
"You are your mother's son," Steve shook his head playfully, "You'll make up any excuse to get a cinnamon roll."
He started heading towards the kitchen with Noel. There was a box of leftover cinnamon rolls from the previous night and of course Noel recognized it the moment he spotted it on the aisle.
Steve set Noel down on the aisle and grabbed the box. Noel excitedly sucked breaths as he watched his father break a cinnamon roll in pieces. He could hardly wait for one when Steve offered him a piece.
"What, no dinner first?" drawled a voice from the threshold.
As soon as Noel heard her, he looked back and grinned. "Asha! Asha!"
Natasha walked into the kitchen and smiled at the toddler. "Look at you getting dessert before dinner…" She crossed gazes with Steve, her smile becoming a teasing one. "You are and have always been a sucker for Celessians, huh?"
Steve deadpanned her but not as much as he would've liked because soon Noel had started yelling for another cinnamon roll. Natasha smirked, her point proven.
"So, shouldn't the munchkin be asleep by now?" She checked the time on the clock. It was well past nine.
"Yeah, uh, he wanted to play and…like you said…I can't say no…" Steve watched Noel fondly while he chewed on his piece of bread.
"Mm, you know I only kid," Natasha said, "But it wouldn't be bad if you didn't feel guilty all the time."
"I'll stop when you stop," Steve remarked and looked at Natasha with the same smile as the one she wore.
There was a reason why out of the remaining Avengers, they were the only ones who decided to return to the compound and live together. They were the only ones who couldn't move on. They were the only ones who still sought to work and…just try to help…make things a little better.
"You still have this little guy," Natasha said, reaching over to tickle Noel's stomach, earning a giggle from the boy. He tried swiping her hand off and lucky for him, she stopped so he could keep eating.
Steve agreed. Noel was the only thing keeping him from losing it altogether. Every time he woke up, he had a reason to stay awake and not let the darkness swallow him up. For every giggle that Noel let out, Steve felt some comfort. If he could make his baby happy, then he wasn't a complete failure.
Seren was in tears, her face red from both anger and frustration. Steve wasn't listening to her. He was so close to the stupid door, about to open it, all in the name of doing the  right thing .
"Screw the right thing and listen to me!" she yelled at him.
"Seren, believe me, I am!" Steve exclaimed. "But you're the one who doesn't want to hear me out!"
"Because you're telling me that you're not coming back! You're telling me that you're going to leave me behind!"
"Because I have to!"
"No, you don't!"
"Yes, I do! I have to leave you because then otherwise, they'll be coming after you too! And that is the last thing I would ever want for you!" Steve said, doing his very best not to raise his voice. The last image of her should not be of her face after he screamed at her for something that wasn't her fault. This was all on him. He was the one who made the choice to help Bucky, condemning his friends to the life of fugitives.
He'd been very weak and couldn't let go of Seren then. For the past months, he'd been sneaking back to see Seren, having to be extra careful so as to not get caught but most importantly to not to get Seren caught.
"Seren, this is just getting too dangerous," Steve said. "We have to stop, as much as it hurts us. I can't drag you down with me. I love you too much to do that to you. Please. I have to go."
But Seren shook her head fervently, remaining hard on her stance. "You can't leave me. I can't let you. Because if you walk out right now, I don't know when I'll ever see you again…"
"Seren, I'm sorry. I really am, but I gotta do this. I have to go."
"Then take me with you," Seren said determinedly.
Steve started shaking his head at her. "No, you have a life. You have a job, you have a family—"
"None of it matters anymore!"
"It's not just about me anymore," Seren said, visibly gulping as she brought a hand over her stomach. "I understand what you want to do for me but it's not about me right now. I'm pregnant, Steve."
As she expected, there was a long,  long , pause in the argument. Steve had practically gaped at her, mouth hanging wide open. He'd expected an argument from her, tears, and maybe even words that they would later regret…but not  this . This was the last,  very last , thing he ever thought would happen.
"This isn't how I wanted to tell you — God I never pictured telling anyone this kind of news like this," Seren let out a humorless laugh as she wiped some tears off her face. "But it's better than having you run off before knowing the truth. If you walk out that door and don't come back, you'll be walking out on your child too. I would never threaten you and I know I wouldn't ever have to because I know that you love me as much as I love you. That's why this happened." She rubbed her stomach. "Please don't leave us. We need you."
Whether it was the news, or her frail voice, or the tears in her eyes, it was unclear, but Steve left the door and strode back to Seren. He pulled her into a tight hug, to which she basically clung to.
"I'm sorry," he heard her whisper in her arms.
"No, no, you're not apologizing for anything," Steve said, cupping her face and tilting her head up. "You're so beautiful, and I love you. I love you so much." He leaned down and kissed her. "And I love this baby already so, so much."
"You believe me, then?" A few more tears threatened to spill from Seren's eyes. Steve wiped them off with his thumbs.
"I believe that we are about to have one very unique little baby…at a less than prudent time…" And at that, Steve couldn't hide his nerves. The news didn't change his circumstances. He was still on the run. "Seren, if you come with me…you'll lose everything…" He leaned his forehead on hers.
"I have everything I need right here," Seren whispered, closing her eyes with his touch.
There was nothing left to say. That night, Steve did not return to his team alone.
Present Day.
No toddler could have been happier than Noel when he smashed his birthday cake. Steve, Natasha and Chloe all laughed. Once cake bits started flying into Noel's mouth, the decision to smash or eat the cake became more of a struggle.
"Happy birthday, kiddo," Chloe I'd and helped Noel with another piece of cake on his face. "I won't be the one cleaning you up later."
Steve rolled his eyes at her but did take a look at his cake-covered son with some wariness. If there was one thing Noel loved, it was bath time and if there was one thing Steve didn't like, it was bath time. It was chaos, to say the least. But the everlasting giggles coming from Noel each time he smashed his fist against the cake and the wide grin on his face made it all worth it in the end.
Steve smiled at his son.
"What flavor even is that thing?" Natasha wondered as Noel joyfully shoved some of it into his mouth.
"Cinnamon," Steve replied.
"Of course," went Natasha and Chloe together with similar knowing smiles.
A little later, Noel has finally gotten his fill on cake and was now taking real notice of just how sticky he'd gotten in the process. What was fun and giggles had quickly turned into fuss and calls for help. It took a lot of wiping but they got Noel semi-clean enough to be held. Steve was now in charge of feeding him small bits of cake while Natasha and Chloe offered the toddler gifts.
Noel loved his new toys, and Steve truly appreciated the loud ones. It was Chloe who offered Noel a present that Steve took to heart.
"I changed the frame and everything so it can't be smashed," Chloe said as Noel and Steve tore the gift open.
As soon as Noel saw it, he let out a happy squeal. "Mama! Mama!" He recognized his mother in the picture. His not-so-sticky fingers hit the picture frame in his joyful screeches.
Steve was stark quiet as he held the frame and stared at it. For a second Chloe regretted her decision.
"I found it in my, uh, things and I thought you guys might want…" she sighed, "I'm sorry, I just thought—"
"Thank you, Chloe," Steve said, lifting his eyes from the frame to meet her gaze. She visibly relaxed with his words. "We love it. Thank you."
That night, when Noel was bathed and nestled comfortably in his father's arms, the two sat in bed with the frame of Seren's picture in front of them. She was younger than when Steve had met her in that bakery shop, with shorter hair and in a pretty flower dress. She wore her star pendant around her neck, the same one that had disappeared with her. Her star birthmarks were very visible on her neck and shoulder, two things she had always been so reluctant about.
From a glimpse, Steve saw the same birthmark on the side of Noel's neck peeking from his onesie. The toddler was idly rubbing his stuffy under his nose, an old habit from when he used to do it with his pacifier.
"Mama…Mama…" he said every once in a while, less enthusiastic unlike earlier. It was night now, and Steve knew that this is when Noel needed Seren most.
"I know buddy, I miss her too," Steve whispered and kissed the top of Noel's face.
Exhausted and worn out, Seren held her newborn son in her arms with such love and joy and bewilderment. Steve couldn't figure out what was so confusing in the beginning and chalked it up to the fact the birth of their son had not been the easiest nor the shortest. Seren had done everything and now it was his turn to do everything for her, and now their son. He wanted to.
"Seren, sweetheart, you should get some rest," he said as he gently sat on the edge of the bed. "You can hand him over to me and you sleep."
"I know but I…I don't want to…" Seren said, watching her son yawn in her arms. "He's so small…"
"He is," agreed Steve with a fond smile on the newborn.
"I love you, Steve," Seren looked up at him with matching smiles. But the same bewilderment came back to Seren's face, pushing the smile off her face.
"Seren, what is it?"
"Nothing bad, I just…" Seren gazed at her son again, "I love you, Steve, I do, and so much…I just didn't know that there would ever be someone else that would tip the scales." She adored her son so much, the words failed to describe the intensity of her love. "He's like a little extension of our love…"
"And that's why you're so confused?" Steve smiled, amused. He was sure Seren was still in dire need of sleep.
Seren shrugged lightly. "Call me crazy, I just never thought I'd experience something like this. I would rip the world apart for this little thing in my arms...with absolutely no hesitation."
"I'd never call you crazy for that. Truth is, you're right. I feel the same way."
"I thought of a name for him," Seren said abruptly. With all the mess of the birth, they had yet to make any name official. She motioned Steve to come closer and took his hand with one of hers. "What do you think about Noel?"
"Noel…" Steve tested the name out several times before deciding that he liked the ring of it.
"Yeah?" Seren smiled as Steve came around.
"I like it, yeah. Noel. What do you think, Noel?" Steve peered down at the newborn and swore that Noel had smiled at him.
"Noel Steven Rogers," Seren said and Steve's head snapped up at her. Her lips spread into another smile. He was adorable too. "What do you think?"
"I don't…are you sure?"
They never talked about how they would name their baby; their main priority had always been a full-term pregnancy, no complications, and most of all giving birth to a healthy baby.
Seren chuckled. "If I wasn't so sore, I'd be pulling you over."
Steve laughed and winced when their son made a fuss. "Sorry, bud," he leaned down and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
"So? What do you say?" Seren still waited for his answer.
"I like it," Steve nodded. "But the next one will be named after you."
Seren chuckled. "Let's give it some time, okay?"
"I'm in no rush." Steve took his hand out of hers to cup her face. He leaned over and kissed her. "Now how about that rest?" He murmured against her lips.
"Don't…" Seren pouted. "I don't want to let him go."
Steve laughed lightly then. "Honey, you need to rest. I'll be here with you and Noel."
"I know that…but I still want to hold him…" Seren shifted Noel so that his head rested over her heart. She gently soothed his back and kissed his head. "Now you can come over here—" — she told Steve and nodded at the spot beside them, to which he quickly obeyed and came to sit next to her, "—and everything will be just fine."
Present Day.
Noel was fast asleep on Steve's chest, his small hands gripping his blanket. Steve held the picture frame of Seren in his hand. He glanced at the empty spot beside him on the bed.
'And everything will be just fine…'
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scythepuppy · 3 months
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Life in the City 2
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bad friends, creep behaviour, abuse of power dynamics, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You move to the big city and find yourself swallowed up by its chaos.
Characters: Clark Kent, Thor Odinson, short!reader
Note: A brief reprieve from the snakish prince.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you. No tag list, do not ask for updates.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You nurse your glass of wine. You're not much of a drinker, you mostly brought it for Melanie. Despite her agitation, she seems to be enjoying it. She snuggles up to Clark as you sit awkwardly at the other end of the couch.
You really shouldn't be here. The longer you sit in silence and pretend to care about the movie, the more you think of leaving. You definitely crashed their party and they're not being very subtle.
You reach for a handful of popcorn to busy yourself. The crunch blocks out Melanie's shameless whispers. She doesn't get much back but she doesn't give up. You can't find an exit plan that isn't completely obvious.
Finally, she quiets down upon getting a grunt from Clark. She nestles against him and rests her head on his shoulder as he drapes an arm over her. You can't help the pang of loneliness. You're not jealous, it's just been a while since you had someone to snuggle aside from your stuffed hippo.
You sit back as you swallow down the last of the kernels with a swig of wine. You put the wine glass on the glass coaster Melanie kept reminding you of. As the evening sets in, the room is only lit with the glow of the television. The haze of colours and alcohol itches on your eyelids.
You yawn and plant your elbow on the armrest, leaning into it as you tilt your head. Your lashes close, only for a moment before you twitch. You feel a tickle on your hip. You lift your head slightly and peer down from the corner of your vision.
Is he... touching you? Maybe it's a mistake or he doesn't realise he's doing it. You freeze, mortified. You should clear your throat or move or something...
You can't. His fingertips brush down your thigh and back up it, lingering just along the curve of your ass. You reach for your wine and he rescinds his hand, curling his arm around Melanie as she gives a delighted moan.
What was that? You're overthinking this. He probably thought it was her. Somehow. You're not sure. He's a nice guy, a stranger still, he wouldn't just touch you.
You drain the last of your wine and stand up, "just gonna pop into the bathroom."
"Whatever," Melanie dismisses as she rubs Clark's chest. 
You don't look at him but you swear you can feel his gaze on you. You circle around the back of the couch and find your way to the bathroom. You close yourself in and shake the jitters from your nerves.
You're tired and you don't know if it even happened. You've been drinking and maybe just maybe you're a little tipsy. Well, at least the movie is almost done. You can try to catch the last bus or turn in for the night if Melanie lets you have the couch.
You get yourself together and go back out. As you near the couch, Melanie and Clark quickly part, their sloppy kiss ending in a pop. You try not to give away your discomfort and resume your seat, pressing yourself against the armrest as small as you can.
"I'm getting tired, sweetie," Melanie whines.
"The movie's not done," his voice is rocky and low.
"I've seen it," she pouts.
"Well, I haven't. If you want to lay down, I'll be in when it's over," he says coolly but not unkindly.
"You can finish it tomorrow," she simpers.
"Hon, you got a friend here," he reminds her, "don't be rude."
He looks at you and sends you a smile you barely glimpse as you shy away.
"I never even invited her," she hisses under her breath.
"Go to bed, Mel," he retorts, his timbre steady, "you've had too much wine."
"I haven't had enough," she snarls.
"Honey," he softens his tone, "remember what we talked about."
She's quiet as she stares at him. You can only see the back of her head. She sniffs and leans in to kiss his cheek, "sure, sweetie, I'll be in bed..." she stands, tickling his jawline, "waiting for you.”
You give a sheepish ‘good night’ but she doesn't answer, or even look your way. You dip your chin down, embarrassed by her indifference and turn your focus back to the television. Well, not much longer and you can hide in the dark and wait for morning.
Clark bends forward to take the bowl of popcorn off the table. He sits back and offers you some as he sidles a bit closer. You shake your hand and murmur, “no thanks.” All the salt and butter is already curdling in your tummy.
He shoves a few kernels in his mouth and chews as he watches the screen. You don't enjoy it as much now. Your nostalgia sears away as the tension rises between you and him. The kiss that should be a resolution is suddenly awkward and cringe worthy.
“So,” he swallows, “how long have you known Melanie?”
His voice is like thunder in the lull. You rub your arm, his shadow lurking at the edge of your eye line as you keep your head straight. You clear your throat, “for a while… since high school.”
“Oh, wow, she never mentioned you,” he says, “what's that like ten years or something.”
“About that,” you answer. 
“I mean, don't know why it wouldn't have come up. A friend who brings snacks? That's the best kind,” he puts the popcorn down and grabs one of the coloured napkins to wipe his fingertips.
“Um, I stayed… back in our hometown. Went to school in the next city but lived at home so… just moved here to see what it's really like,” you shrug.
“Oh, just got here? How are you liking it?”
“It's… blurry,” you chuckle nervously. Didn't he want to see the end? He's talking over the whole thing.
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” he stretches his arm across the back of the couch as he reclines. He sets his knees wide as his hand rests just behind your head. “I grew up on a farm. When I got here, I was so lost.”
“A farm?”
“Oh, yeah, big wake up call, but there's not much fodder for journalism in a field,” he snorts.
“Right, you're a journalist?”
“Sure am, with The Daily Planet. Little magazine you may have heard of.”
You blanch and nearly slap yourself, “Daily Planet? Clark… Kent?”
“Ha, so you've heard of me.”
“Yeah, uh, I…” you pause. He's older than you expected but you're not surprised. Melanie always had a type. “I wrote a review of your work in my undergrad.”
“You did?” He sounds amused as he leans a bit closer.
“Sure, well, we had to choose a contemporary writer…”
“I'm flattered. You did journalism?”
“Not exactly, it was just one class,” you wilt into the armrest.
“So what do you do?”
“Well, not what I studied,” you sigh, “I work a desk job. Data analysis.”
“Riveting stuff,” he kids and nudges you playfully when you don't laugh. “You know, Mel never mentioned she grew up in a small town. She always just seemed like she was from around here.”
“Uh, yeah, well, she hated the place so…” you scratch your chin as the hest crawls up your face. “How long have you and her, er, been dating?”
“Well, three months officially. Before were were just ‘having fun’,”he brings his hands up to curl his fingers in quotation, “that's what she called it anyway.”
“Oh, well uh, she seems to really like you,” you utter dumbly.
“Yeah, I think so,” his smirk is laced in his tone.
The room goes completely quiet and suddenly the drum track begins. You watch the credits roll as Clark faces the television. He laughs, “oops, guess I wasn't paying attention.”
He drags his arm from the back of the couch as he stands, his hand grazing your shoulder. He stretches and you notice the hem of his shirt lift, a peek of his muscled stomach above the elastic of his sweatpants. You quickly dart your eyes in the other direction. 
“I should… go check on her, but can I get you anything? Water? Help dilute the wine?” He offers.
“Er, well, no, I can get some myself. I’d hate to infringe–”
“Well, I wouldn’t ask if it was a problem,” he says.
“Really, it’s fine, I think I’ve taken up enough of your time.”
He nods and glances towards the hall, “you know, it didn’t bother me having you here. I’m sorry about her.”
“You don’t have to…”
“I know she forgot. She’s done it to me too. Before we were… official,” he says the last word with punctuated syllables.
“Oh, I’m sorry–”
“See, it’s not that hard to apologise so, I’ll make sure she does,” he interjects, “and I’ll let you settle down. It’s late and I’m sure you’re exhausted. Coming all the way here after work. You really went out of your way and I had a great night. Thanks.”
“Er, yeah, sure,” you murmur, “thanks for… joining in.”
He reluctantly leaves you as you watch him with bated breath. You’re so frigging awkward. You wait until you hear the bedroom door shut before you get up, taking the wine glass with you.
You go to the kitchen and rinse out the glass, refilling it with fresh water. You bring it back to the living room and move a pillow against the armrest, pulling down the fluffy throw onto the cushions. You shut off the television and tuck yourself in, the blanket too short, even for you.
What a lame Friday night. You could’ve had more fun alone.
It takes a bit for you to even feel tired. Your body is achy and sore but your mind is racing. Finally, you manage to close your eyes for more than a few minutes. You roll over to face the back of the couch and nestle into the pillow. You yawn as you feel yourself drifting.
A high pitch leaks into your ears. You twitch and your lashes flutter. It’s just the pipes or a siren somewhere in the distance. The city sure is loud. You hear it again, something more akin to a squeak.
You shift onto your back as your stomach tingles. You cover your face with your arm and try to ignore the irritating sound but it just doesn’t stop. Your eyes snap open as you rip your arm off your head, realising what it is.
The soft low growls in return, the steady tap against the wall… it’s not the pipes or a siren. It’s Melanie. And Clark. They’re… 
You flip the pillow over your head and bend your arm around it, blocking out the noise. Just when you think you can’t get any lower. You’ve been there before. The third wheel, the wing woman. High school was just you standing against the wall as Melanie made out with boys at a party you weren’t even invited to.
Maybe things haven’t changed that much. Maybe it’s that you didn’t see what was right in front of you. The one friend you thought you had, forgets you just like everyone else. This whole thing was a mistake. Moving to the city just so you can be her tag-along.
You wallow in your self-pity and sink down into your unconscious. The world slips away from you as your dreams ripples with muddy colours. You feel as if you're floating, bobbing on soft waves, disoriented and dazed.
You wake to the clink of glass. You groan as your head aches, the cushions stiff and unforgiving. Your neck is knotted just above your shoulders. You rub your cheek and stay as you are, still under the pillow as you get your bearings. You remember where you are and cling to the dregs of sleep in your eye.
Cool air tinges your skin, your leg hooked over the blanket. You hug the crumpled throw as the night seeps icily though your pajamas. The thin short set speckled in the little red hearts offer little warmth. You reach back to pull the shorts to your thigh as it rides up and tilt onto your back.
As you do, you sense a shadow over you. You peek under the slits of your eyelids and see a figure standing just a few feet from the other end of the couch. Long breaths blow into the air. It’s too large to be Melanie. It’s him. Is he watching you?
You can’t move. You’re paralysed in horror. Why is he just standing there? Goosebumps raise on your skin. You feel a whisper against your hip where he touched you earlier. It just can’t be that. He’s too nice.
You don’t know what to do so you close your eyes and lay completely still. You measure your breath as you wait. There’s a soft thunk as he sets down a glass on the table by the armrest and walks up the side of the couch.
Don’t move, don’t move, don’t move…
He tugs on the throw and spreads it over you as best he can. His fingers drag up your arm and he lingers, stroking your cheek as you resist the urge to pull away. He lets out a low growl and lumbers away, swiping up his glass as he goes.
You let your eyes open and catch a glimpse of his silhouette. His back is bare and thickly corded. The moonlight limns his muscles just before he disappears into the hall. You shudder as you release the heavy breath from your chest.
The bedroom door snaps shut as you clutch the blanket tight. It starts again. Melanie’s moans, Clark’s grunts, and the knocking of the bed frame. Quicker than before, almost furious. You just want this night to end.
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beefromanoff · 16 days
edit: I did it hehehe here's the masterlist <3
GUYS — while I know that I have two currently active fics that I already love and plan to continue…I really want to start another 🫣 WAIT HEAR ME OUT — a Stucky x reader this time. okay okay, just read the teaser and let me know if I should do it.
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“Steve, are you out of your mind? She’s a kid!” Bucky hissed.
Steve ran a hand through his hair, uncharacteristically disheveled, before jabbing a finger into his friend’s chest. “Don’t act like you haven’t had the exact same thoughts I have.”
Pausing, Bucky set his jaw and rubbed his hand along it, thinking. He closed his eyes for a moment, sighing heavily. When he opened his eyes again, something had changed, shifted inside him. His voice was low when he spoke. “She’s only twenty-five.”
“She’s still an adult. She’s made it clear what she wants.”
“We’re a little more than adults, Stevie. We knew her grandmother for fuck’s sake.” Throwing his hands in the air, Bucky stepped back, pacing around the dark living room. “We’re decades older than her.”
Steve’s eyes had a wild glint to them that Bucky wasn’t sure he’d ever seen before. He didn’t blink as he replied. “It doesn’t seem to phase her. Quite the opposite, I’d argue.”
“Jesus, Steve,” He muttered, shaking his head. “Aren’t you supposed to be the one talking us out of this? The voice of reason? The morality compass?”
“I’m having a really hard time thinking of any reason I shouldn’t pick up the phone and call her right now.” Steve’s voice was calm, even.
“Okay,” Bucky dropped down next to him on the couch. “Say…you do that. You call her. Then what?”
Steve stared blankly ahead, absently reaching for the half-empty beer that was all but forgotten on the coffee table.
“She answers,” Bucky continued. “You say…?”
“I don’t know.” He sighed, seeming to break from his trance.
“I mean,” Bucky let out a deep breath, leaning back against the sofa. “I get it. Believe me, I fucking get it. The fact is…she’s twenty five. We’re…not. She’s the granddaughter of a girl we knew when we were teenagers. She’s Stark’s prized fucking pony, whatever the hell internship program he’s running.” He ran his hand along his jaw again. “As if all of that weren’t reason enough to forget this whole thing…there’s still the most glaringly obvious issue.”
“What’s that?” Steve chuckled, pinching the bridge of his nose, as if in disbelief at the conversation they were having.
“There’s two of us…and one of her.”
A moment of silence hung between them.
Steve’s voice was low, cautious.
“Why does that have to be a problem?”
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lovewithmary · 8 months
(not) moving on — a max verstappen x stark!oc x charles leclerc series
★ fc: madison beer ☆ summary: evangeline "evie" stark is in love with her best friend, max verstappen, but he tries his best to keep her at arm's length. but what happens when she starts to get close to his fellow drivers in the paddock? ★ note: idek why i like creating stark ocs, but it’s fun. This is purely for my own entertainment but I don't know if I'll continue it. It depends if people actually want to see more of this. (realistically, I might continue it because I want to see it lol) btw how do people do the subtitles?? like I'm so curious I want to do those
schat = darling in dutch
next series masterlist
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, and 20,492,182 others
eviestark: life lately 💜
user2: she’s actually living the life rn
user3: SCHAT??? ANG???
user4: the random tony stark jumpscare in the photo dump LMAOOOO
user5: who is the guy with tony stark in the 7th photo?? ↳ user6: i’m pretty sure that’s peter parker, an employee of stark industries??? he’s started out as an intern in high school but he’s rumored to be the COO once evie becomes CEO of stark industries
user8: not the single guys from the f1 grid in her likes 😭😭
user10: the first and second picture giving me 'boyfriend took these for me' vibes
user11: she looks so pretty and happy in the 4th picture <3
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"You're playing with fire by posting our text messages, Ang," Max said, his voice shushed as he walked around the paddock.
"It's fine, Maxie. They'll probably connect me to a random famous person who is Dutch and then it'll blow over in a week," Evie dismissed.
"It doesn't really help that the guys are in your likes constantly," Max grumbled, and he heard Evie laugh.
"Some of them are pretty cute, and I think some even tried messaging me but I never saw them until it was late," she responded.
"Aww, Maxie, are you jealous?" Evie cooed, her tone sweet yet mocking at the same time.
"No... I just never expected them to be brave enough to message you," Max said.
"If you must know, I think it was Charles and Lando who tried. There are probably others, but I haven't seen them,"
"Did you respond to any of them?"
"Of course not, I'm loyal to you and only you,"
"I know, I know, you wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole like that," Max could practically hear her rolling her eyes.
"You know we're just best friends, right?"
"And I'm saying I'm loyal to you and only you as a best friend."
"Are you doing anything soon?" Max was quick to change the subject, feeling as if he didn't, awkwardness would settle in and he hates it whenever Evie doesn't speak since he's fully aware that he loves hearing her talk considering how passionate she gets about things.
"Stark Industries' Gala is happening and Pepper's making me get a date for the event,"
"Why's she making you?"
"Something along the lines of I have to be seen with someone that isn't MJ, Peter, Ned, and Shuri," Evie sighed.
Max laughed at her situation, knowing that while Evie knew a lot of people, there were only a few that she could trust completely. And luckily for him, he was one of them. He was probably the first, considering they've known each other since she was 6 and he was 8.
"Good luck trying to find someone,"
"It's not even trying to find someone I'm struggling with. It's trying to find someone that's decent enough to spend my night with,"
"Who were you going to ask?"
"Well, I was going to ask you, but since we're best friends I don't think me bringing you as my date to the SI event would be something best friends do,"
"I'll go," Max said, shrugging.
"Wait, seriously? Like you going means you actually have to dress up,"
"I know,"
"The dress code is black tie. That means you can't wear your Redbull uniform like you're a walking billboard,"
"Do I really wear it that much? I saw people that were shocked when I wore a white t-shirt,"
"You're a millionaire who wears the same thing every day. So basically, every millionaire man,"
"I'm going to wear Redbull head to toe to the Gala now that you said that,"
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