andshedoesitagain · 3 years
wrapped up with you.
10k & Reader get stranded in the woods together includes:-
Ten helping reader get up into a tree  
Splattering little kisses all over readers face
Trying to share body warmth  
Ten’s vv concerned about reader, and it just shows how sweet he is.
Reader and Ten teasing each other and tensionnn (not smut though)
One shot                                                                                             Words - 1.7k
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“I can’t--I can’t keep running, just--just give me a minute--” You heaved out, trying not to double over as you clutched your stomach. Crouching down to sit on your heels, you attempted to even out your breaths, desperate to calm the harsh pounding in your chest and ears. 
 It felt like you had been running for hours, each footstep leading you further from the rest of your group as you went. Any other day a group of raiders wouldn’t have been much cause of concern, but lost in the middle of the woods, having gone at least two days without food or water, Warren and the others had promptly been caught in a moment of weakness.  
You and 10 had led out a little further from the rest of the group, trying to find any clue of an end to the forest you had all been trekking through for more time than you had liked. When nothing had turned up, you both made way back to everyone else, shoulders slumped to deliver the news.  
That’s when you had heard the first gunshots, and the shouting, chaos ensuing past both the trees and your eyeline. Making a break for it, 10 following closely by your side, you arrived cautiously, kneeling down behind some tall bushes to assess the situation before you.  
Your group was completely outnumbered that much was clear, they were all knelt down across from the raiders, whom of which were all dressed in camo and caked in blood. 
Doc caught your eye from across the clearing, tipping his head to the side, as a secret gesture to get away, you couldn’t help but shake your head in response, to which Doc tried once again to convince you without words. “What are you looking at, old man?” One of the raiders spat, head whipping around in the direction of you and 10. 
Eyes widening, you pulled 10 further down to the ground beside you, trying to further hide yourself.  Although 10k seemed to be mustering his own plan silently as he turned to look at you, his hand already firmly planted in your own. “On the count of three, we’re gonna run, okay?”  
Before you even had the chance to understand his scheme, he was already counting, and you were making your way up from your knees, blindly following the taller man, as you heard more murmurs and footsteps heading towards you.
  “One...” Rustling emerged from the bushes not far in front of you, “...two...” 10 continued, looking at you once again, before setting his eyes forward. “...three!”  
Hands still tightly clamped together; you began running, much heavier footsteps following not far behind. 
10k fell to his knees beside you, looking around wildly for sight of another person. Turning to you, he placed his hand on your arm, a look of concern plastered over his face, “you okay?” 
Nodding, you finally took a moment to swallow the lump in your throat, “are you?” You replied, your own worry seeping through. 
10 mumbled out a quiet “yeah,” before continuing to gaze around.  
It was getting dark fast, and you couldn’t help but let out an anxious sigh, going to stand up, 10 wordlessly caught your arm to help you to your feet. “We should find somewhere to hide out for a bit, and then figure out what do it when it’s lighter,” you mumbled, trying to piece together your thoughts as you spoke. 
Looking one of the many trees around you up and down, 10 spoke, “we’re safer off the ground, I'm pretty sure we outran those assholes, but we wanna stay hidden, yknow just in case.” He said looking to you for understanding. 
“Okay, yeah, good idea.” Adjusting your gun into its holster, you joined 10 into looking up the tree, it didn’t look too difficult to get up, and any fear of heights you had was swiftly being pushed to the background by the fear you had of being found by those raiders. 
10k swung his rifle to his back, and stood in front of the tree, “You go up first, I’ll help you,” interlocking his fingers together as a holster for you to stand on, you nodded once again and carefully placed your foot into his hands, gripping on to his shoulders for extra support.  
Getting a good grip of one of the thicker branches you started pulling yourself up to lower branches of the tree, 10 moving his hands to your waist to help you hoist yourself up. 
Soon enough you found yourself higher up in the tree, 10k not far behind you, him reaching out to your hips whenever you thought you were going to stumble.  Reaching an area of the tree, where the branches all spread out from, you finally sat down, making room for 10 beside you. 
It was a tight fit, you having to drape your legs over 10’s own as he pulled them up to his chest. “This is comfy,” you said half-heartedly, trying to insert a little light into the situation, but the tired shake of your voice, didn’t seem to convince 10 any.  
“You should try and sleep, I’ll keep watch, we’re covered up here anyways,” he whispered, pushing a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, before trailing his fingertips along your cheek. 
 If anything was to ever help calm the biting fear pooling your stomach, it was 10. 
Dragging your eyes from his lips to his eyes you took a deep breath, “we’ll find them in the morning and they’re going to be okay, they--they’ve probably already got away right?” You whispered back, your clumsy attempt to convince yourself sounding more and more like a question as you spoke. 
“Yeah, they’ll be okay, we can get out of anything, this isn’t any different.” He replied, continuing to stroke your cheek. It was then you noticed how purple under his eyes had become, with the gentlest touch you could muster you ran your hand through his hair, pulling some of it out of his bandana.  
“We need to find a river soon, your hair is practically matted,” you diverted, an attempt of a smile dancing on your lips. 
Running his hand up to your own hair, he rolled his eyes, “you say that like your hair is any better.” Shaking your head away from his hand in mock offence, you playfully slapped at his arm. 
“I have no clue what you’re talking about, I’m the picture of good hygiene, you on the other hand smell like you’ve never bathed in your life.” Raising an eyebrow at your statement, 10 pursed his lips for a moment. 
“Oh really?” You gave a quick nod, as you tried not to smirk, “it’s like that, huh?” 10 continued, but before you got the chance to give a witty remark, he wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling his head into your chest, “well now you’re gonna smell just as bad as me, how’s that?”  
At the tickling feeling of his hair passing your neck and chin, you couldn’t help but let out hushed giggles, “grossssssss,” you trailed when he finally sat back up again, pride emanating from him. “You think I won’t push you out of this tree?” Tilting your head, you looked up to him with narrowed eyes. 
“Nah, you like me too much, plus who’d help you down then?” It was your turn to roll your eyes as you scrunched up your nose in retort. “I don’t actually like you at all, so I don’t know where you got that idea,” you shot back, eyes still narrowed towards him. 
Leaning down he pressed a quick kiss to your nose, “uhuh sure, totally,” he dragged, pressing another kiss to your cheek, and then another to the other side. 
You couldn’t help the smile that broke out over your face, “ugh fine, I guess I like you a little,” you breathed leaning up to meet his lips. Pressing your hands to his cheeks as you kissed, he softly kneaded at your hip, before pulling away slowly.  
“Now try and sleep for a bit,” the dark-haired man cooed, placing his hands on your knees which were still pressed up against his chest, as you just nearly sat on his lap. 
It didn’t take long for your eyelids to become heavy enough to start drifting off, but the unrelenting chattering of your teeth soon became a heavy distraction, along with the shiver that ran down each of your limbs, the shiver that had built until it became constant. 
10k held your knees tighter to his chest, running his hands up and down them more firmly in attempt to calm your jittering, and also to try and soothe his own, not trying to worry you anymore than you already were about the situation at hand.  
Pulling your hands to his lips, he rubbed them between his own, before fanning his breath over your fingers, you could see through the pale moonlight that his own fingertips were almost purple, not that he seemed to notice.  
When you became no warmer, you gently removed your hands from his, before shuffling up further to sit up against his back. “What’re you doing?” Ignoring his question, you began to pull at the oversized jacket he had on, one that was more holes than it was fabric.  
Adjusting it until it fell over your shoulders, you then moved his arms to wrap them around your waist, now taking your own turn to rub your palms over his long limbs. “I’m sharing my body heat, you’re welcome,” you muttered, leaning your head back against his shoulder.  
“Is that better?” You then went on to ask, glancing up at him, concern knitted in your brow. 10k couldn’t help but stare at you through the dark, his eyes soft at your attentiveness. 
“Mhm, yeah, this is good.” Pressing a sweet kiss to your knuckles, he intertwined his fingers with your own. 
Smiling, you finally let your eyes flutter closed, whispering out a quiet, “good.”
 hope you liked this one! If you want a part two let me know, and feel free to put in any requests :)
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
How can you stare into the double of a dead man, without seeing a ghost?
George Weasley x Reader      Words - 1,178
Warnings - Angst, Grief, Fred’s death, Hurt, Comfort
Plot - Even when the war is over, there are many inner battles to be fought, especially when grief settles so heavy over everyone’s minds. 
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The sky had exploded into colour, sparks flying through the air with such pointed precision you couldn’t help but inhale with a hiss, your breath sharply caught between your teeth. No matter how many times you blinked, the blur that hazed your vision became no clearer, caused by the dust that gently cascaded from the roof above you, or confusion caused tears that you hadn’t even noticed were building, you couldn’t tell.
You had become disoriented not long after the chaos had erupted throughout the school, having been hit by a rogue spell and left knocked out for an amount of time you hadn’t quite figured out yet, and while waking up in the midst of a war was startling enough, what had caught you off guard the most was how alone you were in the hallway; you could hear and see the mess of war just outside behind the windows that lined the narrow room, but not another soul was to be seen alongside you.  
Standing up, you tried to ignore the unwilling tremble of your legs, and screaming fear that gnawed at your head, instead clambering towards the doors that stood forebodingly at the end of the hall, trying not sway any more than you already were.
Hesitantly you pushed them open, met with many familiar faces of former teachers and peers, some paler than others.  
Twisting at the delicate gold band on your ring finger, your head screamed one name, George. You needed to find George, you had left him and Fred at the beginning to go help Harry, much to George’s dismay, who could only look at you with pleading eyes, a look that now felt permanently burned into the back of your eyelids.  
“I’ll be right back, I promise,��� You whispered, staring up at him, your face held softly in between George’s palms.  
“You better be.” Eyes now glassy, the taller man pressed his lips to the top of your head, “I still have to marry you,” he mumbled as he pulled back, causing a tearful chuckle to bubble from your throat, as you leaned up to kiss him, trying not to let out a sob held tightly in your chest.  
“C’mon lovebirds, we have a war to win,” a voice from behind the pair of you caused you to both look over, Fred stood, arms crossed, his expression very much matching your own, fear hidden behind feigned hope.  
Glancing back to George, you pulled him down to kiss his forehead, before turning away and throwing yourself into Freds arms, holding him tight before pulling back, hands lightly placed on his shoulders, “don’t do anything dumb, and don’t let my fiancée do anything dumber,” you smiled through the frown that tried to stretch over your face.  
Ruffling your hair, Fred nodded, “same goes to you, dummy.” Pulling him into your arms once again, you took a deep breath.
Footsteps echoing as you walked, your eyes ran over the room, that had been set up as a makeshift infirmary, and the many faces surrounding. Some sat sobbing into lifeless bodies, while others were left to sit and stare into empty space, eyes completely vacant, hope abandoned. It caused a chill to course through your body, as you hugged your arms closer, trying to remember to breathe as you walked.  
You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face when you caught sight of a familiar group of red heads, your found family all gathered into one place.  
Running over, your pulse quickened, excitement tossing around in your stomach, although as quick as it appeared, that excitement fizzled out in a matter of seconds.  
Molly was hunched over, pained cries passing her lips, as Arthur tried desperately to keep her on her feet. From over her shoulder, you could see George bent over on his knees, clutching desperately at his twin, Fred’s face drained of any colour and life that it once held.  
Even as you tried to move forward, you couldn’t, your feet firmly stuck to the floor, eyes wide and lips pursed closed. Arthur, glanced back, catching your own gaze, he shook his head, tears slipping down his cheeks.  
Looking to the floor, you finally closed your eyes, placing a hand over your mouth, as a nauseous wave hit you so suddenly, you swear you could’ve fainted right there.  
Pulling your feet from the ground, you took a few more shaky steps towards George, kneeling down by his side, trying not to look at who he held so dearly in his arms. His sobs rang out through the eerily silent room, and you couldn’t help but let your own slip out.  
You had spent your entire childhood, arms linked with the twins, having met them the first day, of your first year at Hogwarts, and even when you and George’s childhood friendship slowly turned into something more, and right down to your engagement, you weren’t any less close with his brother, you could whole-heartedly say Fred was your best friend, although now that was, was spiralling around in your head.
Time passed, in what felt like hours, and eventually Arthur and Ron gently guided Fred out of Georges arms, to have him laid flat on the floor. George then crouched into your arms, the usually taller man, now small and fragile in your embrace, you cried together for as long as you could before you both were pulled from your grievance, back into the ongoing war.  
The day after the war had ended was quiet, you had all piled into the burrow, everyone dotted around the house as they tried to deal with the day before. Molly hadn’t stopped cleaning and organising, cooking meals for anyone who looked even remotely hungry, although you had caught her a few times slipping into the bathroom, the tap running louder than need, followed by aching whimpers, every time she looked out of the front window, and caught sight of George, her eyes followed him for longer than anybody else, confusion pulled into the lines on her face.
Arthur on the other hand, had been sat in the living room, with most of the others, just staring blankly. While he listened to everybody else trying to make conversation, he had kept silent himself, even when you had passed a cup of tea, he had looked up to you for just a second, a pained smile sent your way, before he took a sip, and his faraway look returned.  
Ginny and Harry sat at the kitchen table, hand in hand, both offering to help Mrs Weasley multiple times, only to be shot swiftly down, instead just going back to talking quietly, Ginny seemingly catching herself every time she went to mention Fred, physically shaking her head, as if to filter the words from her mind.  
You hadn’t even seen Ron since you had all returned home, he had walked upstairs, and crawled into bed almost immediately, and only came down for dinner before slouching back up to his room, Hermione had followed him, and when you had peeked your head in, you saw her sat in the bed, as Ron’s head was rested on her chest, between her gentle shushing and strokes of his hair, she sent you a soft eyed smile.  
Bill and Fleur had stayed firmly put in the living room, the blonde having napped most of the day, her head rested in the crook of her husband's shoulder, her hands wrapped tightly around the man's arm, squeezing a little too hard for it to be passed off as just a habit of sleep. Bill could only send concerned glances over to his father every time he tried to ask something, or even observe his father's inventions lined around the living room, to only be met with silence, after a while he seemed to have given up, instead dozing off alongside Fleur, his face contorted in anguish even as he slept.  
Shrugging on your jacket, you slowly pulled back the front door. George hadn’t yet entered the house, even as everybody else breathed out sighs of relief, as they finally arrived home, George had sat on the front step, claiming he was just taking a minute to catch his breath, and yet he still hadn’t crossed the welcome mat, even hours later.  
The warm mug in your hands, soothed the cold nip that spread across your fingers, as you sat down beside the tall man, looking up at him in attempt to read his expression, which was nothing short of empty. “I got you this,” you whispered, trying to pass him the mug.  
His hands trembled as he reached over, unable to meet your eyes, as he looked into the drink, whispering back, “thanks, love.”  
It wasn’t yet the time to talk, so instead you just sat there, staring off into the hills beside the love of your life, hearing porcelain clicked against stone, you didn’t look over as George’s hand slowly intertwined with yours, the fragile notion, causing a lump in your throat.  
Night had fallen quicker than anybody would’ve liked, childhood fears of the dark brought back with an even greater weight, one that nobody could shake off as easy. Pair by pair, everyone broke off into their rooms, George had shaken his head when you had tried to guide him to his bedroom, and you understood instantly.  
Instead, you both had settled into the couch in the living room, wrapped up in too many blankets to count, yet still you couldn’t deny the chill in the air, like Fred not being there had suddenly set the atmosphere off balance, and everything just now felt cold and vacant.  
Laying there, the lighting dim, you couldn’t help but pour over Georges face, you could understand what everybody else was thinking, how can you stare into the double of a dead man, without seeing a ghost?  
You knew George thought it too, hence why he had taken so much liberty to avoid any room with mirror, even opting to brush his teeth in the kitchen, and even you, who had spent so much time seeing how different the twins were, to the point where you could tell them apart with your eyes closed, couldn’t deny how strange it was.
Snapped out of your daze, George placed his hand on your face, “you’re not looking at me, are you?” His voice was toneless, and yet dripping with ache.  
“I am looking at you, George.” Even though you understood what he meant, you could never place Fred’s face over his own, such subtle differences pulling them completely separate. Eyes softening, you placed your hand over his own, “I’m always looking at you.”
//I took a little hiatus, so I’m sorry for not posting in a while, but I had an idea for this one, and got totally wrapped up in it, and so I’m going to try to get more out soon, I’m interested in doing a part two to this, which would be more about the Weasley family all healing, so let me know what you think :) //
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
I have a Neville Longbottom x Reader in the works right now, and it should be out really soon, and I’m just realising how much I’ve enjoyed writing for him, he totally deserves more love!
I also want to get a few more out for the Weasley twins, so if you have any requests regarding George, Fred or Neville let me know. I want to write more for the less talked about characters!
Saying that, I also have a Draco Malfoy x Reader in mind, but that won’t be out for a little while now. 
I also quickly just wanted to say hi to all the new people following this blog, and to feel free to message or request anytime you want to!!
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
Warm me up
Fred Weasley x Reader                                                              Words - 1.4k
Summary - You have a nightmare and Fred is happy to help you out.
Warnings - Making out, mention of panic and nightmares, Innuendo’s, kissing. 
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Air. That’s what you needed, desperately, achingly, so much so that you clung to your chest, shooting up from your pillow as you inhaled rapidly, trying to swallow all the air in the room. 
Nightmares were nothing new to you, all that you had seen and experienced over the years since attending Hogwarts had worn you out dramatically, and bad dreams just so happened to be one of many side effects of that. Even following you when you weren’t even in the school.
Rubbing the weariness from your eyes, you scanned the room around you, the familiarity and cosiness of the room already beginning to ease the tension that had been building in your chest while you were sleeping. 
The Weasley home was your favourite place to be, it provided you a home during all holiday and breaks away from Hogwarts and served as the perfect place to calm down after the pure chaos of the school year. The eccentric redheads had never treated you as any less than another member of the family, from the moment that you had first turned up on their doorstop practically attached at the hip with Fred and George.
Although your bond with one of the twins was much different than with the other. Fred had never been quiet about his feelings for you, always flirting and teasing, though it had never evolved into much more than a coy back and forth between the two of you, and although you weren’t completely content in that, you never forced anything, happy just to be around him. 
Well, that was until he had out of the blue decided to kiss you just hours earlier.
  Poking him with your elbow, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes as he continued to nudge you, in effort to see himself in the mirror you were currently using to brush your teeth. “Fred, I’ll be done in just a second, then you can stare at yourself for as long as you want to,” you quipped taking the toothbrush out your mouth. 
“I’ll have aged ten years by the time you’re done,” he replied with a grin as he bumped you away once again with his hip, not even bothering to remove the toothbrush from his mouth. 
You fought for a little longer for use of the mirror, before you gave up, spitting into the sink and placing your toothbrush down, sitting down on the edge of the tub and crossing your arms across your chest, silently waiting for him to finish.  
Looking up to his reflection you caught him looking back to you, sending you a wink as you caught his gaze. Sticking your tongue out in response, he let out a quiet chuckle before speaking. “I really like your t-shirt, very fashionable.”
Raising an eyebrow, you looked down to the shirt you were wearing, quickly realising it was one of many you had ‘borrowed’ from him, building a small collection over the years of staying at the Weasley’s. “I’m glad you like it, it’s a little oversized but it’s cute right?” you queried, a grin dancing on your lips as you glanced back up at him.  
For a split second you could swear you caught a slight blush on his face, but as he leant down to spit in the sink, you just missed it. Taking that as your queue you went to stand up, heading for the doorway until you were swiftly pulled back, a quick peck placed on your lips and a hand gently grabbing your t-shirt. 
Your eyes wide, Fred pulled back from you and nodded, examining you up and down as he mumbled, his own grin wide, “yeah, it looks really good on you.” 
Pulling yourself to your feet, you tried not to shiver as the cold hit you. With the Weasley house being practically full to the brim, you had opted to sleep on the couch in the living room on your own, although it didn’t stop you from tiptoeing out of the room to the kitchen, trying to be as silent as possible in fear of waking up anybody else in the house. 
Pouring yourself a glass of water, you sipped it down quick, the cool feeling down your throat further grounding you from your previous panic. Again, tiptoeing back to the living room, you felt your heart jump into your throat as a figure stood in the middle of the room. 
Cutting off your gasp, a familiar voice spoke, “it’s just me, it’s Fred.” The ginger haired boy stood closer, revealing his face. Exhaling slowly, you ran a hand through your hair.
“You scared me.” Your voice was breathy as you practically croaked out your words, causing Fred to let out a nervous chuckle.
“Sorry, what are you doing up?” He enquired, eyes following you as you plopped yourself back on to the couch, bringing your knees to your chest.
Pulling your blanket back over you, you scooted over slightly to make room for him as he sat closely next to you. “I had a nightmare,” laying your head against the couch to look at him better, you noticed how his face scrunched up a little.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Also laying his head against the back of his couch, sincerity dripped from his voice even as his tone was light.
Shaking your head, you couldn’t help but lean in a little closer to him, a reaction that had become normal to you over the years you had known him. “No, you being here helps though,” finding yourself whispering you sent a soft smile his way, one he had no hesitation in returning. 
“Glad I can be of help,” he whispered back, the usually mischievous look in his eyes swapped for a slightly rarer warm-hearted expression. Reaching out your hand you intertwined fingers with him, you took a breath.
Flattening out your palm in his hand, he looked at you with a tired smile, “close your eyes,” he whispered. A small chuckle of confusion passed your lips as you slowly let them flutter closed, not questioning what the redhead had planned.
Lightly you felt his fingertip drag over your hand, delicately drawing random shapes, “I’ll draw something on your hand, and you guess what it is, okay?” Fred asked, to which you nodded, eyes still firmly shut.  
The first few shapes were easy, circles, squares triangles, before eventually they got a little more niche and harder to guess. Giggling as you played his game, you continued to try and guess his newest shape. “Is it…. a bird?” 
Hearing a scoff followed by, “good guess, but no,” opening up your eyes you listened, “it was a snitch, but I’ll excuse how terrible you were at the game, because you’re tired.” Rolling your eyes at him, you blinked through the darkness to get a better look at his face, something he seemed to catch on to. “Checking me out, Y/N?” He teased.
Instead of answering, you just took a sharp breath. Trying not to overthink it you practically threw yourself on to him, your lips meeting his as you once again closed your eyes. Fred was quick, almost like he had been anticipating it, as he kissed you back confidently.
Without hesitation, his hand ran up your spine to the back of your head, his hand in your hair, as he sat up to deepen the kiss. Cupping his face in your hands, you tried not to chuckle in surprise when he slowly pulled you into his lap, the kiss calm and tender, despite your closeness.
Moving your hands to his shoulders, one of his hands went to push your hair behind your ear, the other just barely grazing your thigh. Heart pounding in your ears you grasped onto his shirt, before sliding your hands to his neck.
It was like all anticipation that had built to this moment had burst, everything hot and impatient. One of his hands had landed just below your t-shirt, causing you to jump slightly, “your hands are freezing,” you mumbled against his lips, which only made him press his fingertips a little harder against your hip, sneaking a grin even as you kissed.
“You can warm me up then,” Fred mumbled back, pulling back to look at him, you noticed how flushed he had become, lips and cheeks red. “Looks like you did that all yourself,” you quipped back.
Letting out a soft laugh, he drew circles into your hip, he stared up at you, eyes wide and dazed, “guess you just do that to me, Y/N.”
///Hey! After my last Fred Weasley x Reader did so well, I was really excited to get this one out that I’ve had sitting for a little while, so I hope you enjoy, and as always feel free to request!!///
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
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You love and support trans women!
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
Dishes & Kisses
Fred Weasley x Reader     Words - 1538
Warnings - Kissing, making out, really fluffy
Summary - You’re staying at the Weasley’s and Fred has some explaining to do. 
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You had been more than happy when you had been invited to stay at the Weasleys house for a few days during the holidays, the red-headed bunch all as welcoming and cheerful as ever. It wasn’t the first time you had been, being friends with Fred and George since your first year at Hogwarts, but every time was still as exciting as the first, even if it was as equally chaotic, with everybody crowded into the cramped living room and around the table, chattering happily and loudly.
After everybody had finished eating, you hadn’t hesitated in offering to clear up, Molly was constantly rushing around doing one thing or another, and you were in no way going to deny the caring woman a break. Plus, it was already nearing midnight, and you had taken notice of the way everybody’s eyelids were starting to droop, as well as the hushed yawns slipping past their lips, all while you sat wide awake.
Although what you hadn’t expected was another volunteer, so when Fred stood up and made his way to your side you couldn’t help the small flutter in your stomach, a shameless smirk painted across his face as all the others raised a brow in question.
“Nothing wrong with a helping hand, hm?” The red headed boy retorted to his family’s look of doubt, to which Ginny quipped, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“Yes, I’m sure you couldn’t wait to help with the dishes.” George snorted at Ginny’s remark, and Ron also tried to hide a giggle of his own. Glancing up to look at Fred, your own brows now furrowed, Fred hadn’t dropped his smirk despite the red hue across his cheek, although he did return your glance, murmuring for you to ignore them.
“Just keep your hands to yourself while you’re in the kitchen, okay?” George mocked.
Molly shook her head, lightly slapping George’s shoulder, “leave your brother alone, at least he was polite enough to offer,” she shot a kind smile your way.  Holding his shoulder, George wiggled his eyebrows while his eyes flickered between the two of you, mumbling. “Very polite of him.”
Trying to clear your throat, you looked to Ginny, a small ball of anxiety between your shoulders, as you thought back to what you had confessed to Ginny just hours earlier.
Placing your sleeping bag next to her bed, Ginny had been ranting about quidditch, something that wasn’t at all unusual but you were still happy enough to listen to her ramble, she seemed to glow proudly whenever she spoke of it and you couldn’t help but smile at her.
As you stood up and stretched, you dramatically dropped on to her bed, landing on your back with a bounce, while Ginny continued to talk, looking to you whenever she needed agreement on something.
Your conversation continued like that for a little longer until a familiar set of ginger twins popped their heads around from the doorway, “hello girls,” they said in unison.
Chuckling you replied, “hello boys.” Ginny mumbled out her own hello, as she stood up. “I’m just going to see mum about something, I’ll be back in a minute.” You nodded as she spoke.
George looked to you as she left, “Oh! I have to ask mum something too,” nudging Fred with a wink, he ran off with Ginny, them murmuring between themselves.
Putting his hands in his pocket Fred walked a little further into the room, “settled in okay?” he queried.
“Mhm it feels like coming home…don’t you dare say anything about how cheesy that sounded.” You warned, reaching out to him to help you sit up. Fred smiled in response, standing in front of you as he took your hands, slowly dragging you up into a sitting position, not dropping your hands even when you were up.
“I let the cheesiness slide, but only because it was cute.” Before you had a moment to process what he said Ginny and George emerged through the doorway, George dragging Fred away, him only then dropping your hand, George saying something his mum needing them, but you only just caught it as they rushed out the room, Fred catching your eyes with a wink as he disappeared.
Ginny plopped back down by your side, not saying anything as she stared at you. Laughing nervously, you spoke, “hi?”
Expression stoic, Ginny deadpanned, “you like my brother.”
Eventually all the Weasley’s all dragged themselves up the stairs, Ron and George exchanging whispers while looking back to their brother and then smiling innocently at you when you caught their stare. Until Molly came back quickly to pull them by their ears up the stairs.
Leaving you and Fred standing over the sink, a sponge in his hand and a dish towel in yours. You had been chatting at first, bumping hips gently as you passed dishes, although earlier had left you curious, his family’s strange behaviour dubious. “Um, so what was that all about?” You asked, a gentle chuckle following as you looked over to Fred who was washing a plate mindlessly.
Seemingly pulling him from his daze, his eyes snapped up to meet yours. “What do you mean?”  Your suspicion was only raised as he looked back to the plate, his own nervous chuckle bubbling to the surface.
Passing the wet plate to you, he tried to shake his shaggy hair from his eyes, “I have no clue what you’re talking about,” Fred replied, a grin grazing his lips as he looked over to you before once again shaking his head to move his hair.
Rolling your eyes, you placed the plate down and threw the dish towel over your shoulder, before pulling Fred by the arm to face you, soap bubbles trailing all the way up to his elbows. Softly you pushed his hair behind his ear without much thought, then placed your hands on your hips.
“You’re acting weird lately.” Fred seemed caught off guard by your statement, as he held out his wet hands in front of him, in a rare moment, seemingly speechless.
Though it didn’t very long for that moment to pass as he grinned again, “you’re completely clueless.” His tone almost seemed to be one of amazement, as he shook his head.  
“I’m clueless?” You repeated, as if you had heard him wrong.
Fred nodded, it was if there was a joke you weren’t in on as he looked you up and down, before he turned back to the sink, going to pick up another dish, chuckling to himself, while you were left baffled.
Biting your lip in thought, you went to turn around, ready to drop whatever was going on, but his words continued to play on your mind, so instead you faced him again. “Okay but how is it I’m compl---”
With the sound of a dish being dropped back into the water, suddenly all you could feel was two bubble covered hands placed on your face, and a pair of lips ghosting over your own. Your lips hadn’t entirely met just yet, as the red-heads nose gently grazed your own. Slowly you felt water from his hands drip down your neck, although you ignored it as you slowly let your eyes flutter closed.
Almost silently he whispered, “you seriously don’t know?” His breath fanning over your lips, you exhaled shakily through your nose, trying to find your words as you also tried to not to gasp.
“I have an idea now,” you replied not daring to open your eyes, his thumb rubbed along your cheek, as you leaned in just a little more, noses once again bumping.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” He asked, not an ounce of teasing in his voice, which would’ve caught you off guard if had not been for how one of his hands had snaked down to your waist.
“More than anything.”
There was no more room for patience as he finally kissed you, holding you closer until you were completely flush against one another, both holding your breath tight in your chest. You found yourself grasping on to him by his jumper as you moved backwards, nearly tripping against the counter behind you, only kept steady by Fred.
Both of his hands now on your waist, you were lost in the kiss, he hadn’t lost an ounce of confidence, not breaking from your lips, as he absentmindedly pressed you against the counter.
Gasping against his lips you broke away for a moment, trying to breathe some air back into your lungs. Catching sight of how dishevelled Fred now looked, you couldn’t help but laugh softly, causing him to smile at you. “What?” He asked.
“You look like a mess, a hot mess, but definitely still a mess.” Leaning back, but still holding you at the waist he pursed his lips as he slowly scanned you up and down.
“I could say the same for you, definitely more hot than mess though,” he retorted, you could feel the water from his hands making it’s way down your top, as well as the damp marks where he was holding your hips, but you laughed nonetheless, not being to help yourself as you leaned back into kiss him.
//Hi! I hope you enjoyed this, I’ve had the idea for a little while, my requests are still open and I do all things Harry Potter and more so just ask!//
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
It’s okay.
Draco Malfoy x Reader   Words - 1053
@neovannii​ asked - “ 5 with Draco? “
Prompt - “Wake up with me, opening up your eyes, breathe easy.” Post Battle of Hogwarts, a tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff. 
Warnings - Trauma, Anxiety, implications of depression. 
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The sudden sound left you blinking through the dark, sleep blurring your vision as you reached up to rub at your eyes. Blinking through the darkness you could see how early in the morning it must have been, the winter sun just beginning to rise through the slits in your curtains.
 Absentmindedly pulling the bedsheets tighter around you, you shimmied further into the middle of the bed from the edge, trying to escape the chill that caused goose bumps to run up your arms. Bumping into something you turned your head, squinting to see your boyfriend fast asleep, his face scrunched up almost painfully. 
You had both been hesitant to return to Hogwarts for your final year after the harrowing battle that had shook the school, and all its students, to the core, but you returned nonetheless, although now the school was a lot emptier, people having understandably decided not to return due to the trauma from the year before. It had shaken you dramatically, fear still stained in your eyes months after, the slightest noises and rumbles sending you into a panic. Draco had also been burdened with his own bags of trauma, left with endless nightmares and a new, even tenser air around him, to say he had changed would be a heavy understatement. 
When you had found out you wouldn’t be sharing a room, due to the lack of students, you had started sneaking Draco through, knowing the troubles he had with sleeping, especially alone, and the thought of him being alone while having an attack left your chest aching, it was fair to say you were also afraid of how he would act if he was left with the dark thoughts swirling around his head.
 It had become a sort of routine, around midnight you would find him waiting outside your room, dark circles stained under his eyes as his hands shook, two things that hadn’t lessened in that past year. As quietly as possible you would usher him in, you would both talk for a little while, just casual things about your day, classes, your future, and anything new, before crawling into bed, hands linked and limbs intertwined without second thought.
An almost silent voice pulled you from your thoughts, bringing you back to the man in front of you, you could almost feel his body vibrating as he trembled in his sleep, hair covering his face messily as his brows were pulled in tightly, stress marks appearing on his forehead and around his eyes. Gently you put your hands to his face, smoothing out the harsh lines with your thumbs, whispering to him, “it’s okay, it’s okay. You’re safe, Draco.”
One of his hands gripped your sweatshirt, the one that just so happened to be his, that you had you had absentmindedly pulled on just hours before. It was as if he tried to pull you in closer, and you did just that, moving in ever so slightly closer. “Y/N…” The blonde mumbled, his voice broken and rough. 
“I’m here, it’s just a nightmare,” pressing your lips to his forehead you continued to repeat your words, before feeling eyelashes softly grazing your chin. Pulling back, you locked eyes with him, his grey eyes even lighter compared to the purple hues under them. Draco continued to breathe rapidly, you recognised the panic as you took one of his hands into your own, pressing it against your chest. “It’s okay, look I’m fine.” With your other hand you pushed the hair from his eyes. 
“Just breathe with me, okay?” You took long inhales through your nose, counting before exhaling slowly through your mouth, you didn’t take your eyes off him, and gradually he copied your actions, before he was breathing steadily once again. “Better?” You asked.
“Yes, thank you, love,” he croaked, pulling up your hand to press a small kiss to your knuckles, a look of guilt in his eyes, as the panic faded. “Did I wake you?” Draco mumbled, pushing your hair behind your ear.
 “No, I was just cold,” you half-lied, a warm-hearted smile grazing your lips, fumbling with his fingers under the sheets. You could feel him press a little harder on your hand. 
“Your hands are freezing.” Moving his hands, he placed your own between them before rubbing up and down in attempt to warm them, fanning his breath over them. You chuckled lightly at him, causing him to look up at you with own lazy smile, “I’m trying to warm you up,” He stated.
 “You’re cute,” you replied, moving his hands down to press a light kiss to his lips, smiling into it, before pulling away to turn your back to him, pulling his arm over your waist. You could hear him let out his own breathy laugh as he settled around you. Pulling his hand up you placed it under your face pressing a quick peck to his palm before lying back down.
 “Now you’re just using me as a pillow,” he said, feigning annoyance, although you could tell he was smiling from behind you.
“It’s not my fault your so cosy,” you retorted, sighing as he pulled you in tighter, a few moments passed, both comfortable as you held each other, although you couldn’t push down your feelings of worry at his previous panic. “Was it about me again?” It was just a whisper, but Draco still nodded.
You couldn’t help but feel guilty, knowing how many of his nightmares came from you getting hurt…or worse, during the battle. Draco seemed to sense this as he pushed into your shoulder slightly, “I love you,” he said, stroking your cheek with the hand under your face.
“I love you too,” you replied without hesitation.  “I can’t wait until we’re finished here, and we can get a little place of our own.” 
Draco hummed in agreement, “somewhere nice and quiet, we can get a little pet or something, and name it something dorky,” he added, peppering kisses on the back of your head and neck.
 Nodding you couldn’t help the grin that spread as you both planned, “sounds perfect.”
The sun was just beginning to get break through the clouds and you suddenly became very thankful neither of you had any classes that day, as you both slowly began to drift back asleep. 
//Thank you for this request, I hope you liked it! My requests are still open so feel free to ask, I do practically all HP characters as well as others :) //
Lyric prompts links - https://andshedoesitagain.tumblr.com/post/626723294291361792/more-lyric-prompts-3
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
Taking care of you.
Spencer Reid x Reader      Words - 2440
@paracosmoses​ asked - “ Hey, Dylan! I hope you're safe 💚 I absolutely melted while reading "I'll carry you", so I wanted to request a reid imagine (totally fine if you don't feel like it): reader being a bau member who had confessed feelings for reid and he'd rejected them (even tho he felt the same). One night out at a karaoke with the team, reader gets drunk and sings like goodnight n go/imagine/rem (i'm just a sucker for ari but thought i'd be fitting), and they talk.. Idk i'm terrible w plots but i trust you hehe.”
///Thank you so much for this request!! I hope you’re safe too and thank you for the compliment, writing this was a lot of fun and the plot you came up with was great!! So I hope you enjoy it :) ///
Warnings - Alcohol & Vomit
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It had been no surprise when you and Spencer had gotten paired up to do a late shift, paperwork that had been piled up for days, mysteriously placed on your desk just as everybody was rushing out the door to get home. It wasn’t like you minded much though, you practically spent every waking moment with your curly haired teammate, having become close when you had first joined the BAU, and the others had obviously taken notice.
Looking up from the last file in front of you, you were met with a gentle smile and a hand stretched out your way, raising a brow you let out a confused chuckle. “Yes?” 
“I’m going to walk you home,” Spencer stated, his hand still outstretched. Taking a quick glance to the file, you quickly signed off on it before swivelling your chair to look at the man in front of you. Shaking your head amusedly, you took his hand, letting him pull you to your feet. “You don’t need to walk me home, I know we live close, but I imagine you’re wanting to get home as much as I am.” You said, picking up your jacket and bag, looking at him over your shoulder. 
“No, it’s okay, I like knowing you got home safe anyway.” This made you smile, looking back to the ground to avoid him seeing the small flush on your cheeks. “Okay, if you insist,” dramatically you dragged out your words, gazing at the small smile on his face as he pulled on his own jacket. 
You had spent most of the walk joking around with him, trying to ignore the fleeting bumping of hands, or how he’d pull you to the side when you were just away to walk through a puddle. Every little thing making you overthink, although you did your best to dismiss the butterflies in your stomach, although they only continued to build as you contemplated the confession on your mind.
It wasn’t until you finally reached your front door, did you feel your chest begin to ache. “We’re here, and your safe, so I think I’ve done my duties,” Spencer joked, your own little chuckle slipping out.
Taking a deep breath, you felt a surge of confidence. “I uh, I have something to tell you.” The words came out quick, rolling out your mouth before you really had a moment to think about them. Spencer nodded, taking his hands out of his pockets. “I don’t want this to change anything about us, I just need to tell you, to just get it off my chest, okay?”
Reid nodded, his expression soft except the slight furrow of his brow. You took another deep breath. “I have feelings for you.” As soon as the words came out, you wanted to swallow them back up, even more so when Spencer looked to the ground, avoiding your eyes completely as he tried to slink away. For the first time you felt like you couldn’t read him, and it almost hurt. 
“I-I’m sorry.” The words hit you like a truck, a type of blind confusion you weren’t used to smacked across your face. Spencer still hadn’t look back at you, “I can’t, it’s just not—” As he stuttered his way through his words, you cut him off, nausea and embarrassment both taking over your body. 
“It’s fine, never mind,” you weakly laughed, “just pretend I never said anything, I’m tired, that’s all, not thinking straight.” He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Taking that as your queue you turned around to open your front door, the shaking in your hands causing you to fumble with your keys, “shit,” you mumbled in frustration. 
As you got the front door open, you turned to Spencer who stood still in the same place, a look of guilt painting his face, “goodnight, Spence,” voice cracking you smiled at him before closing the door. 
The next few days were difficult, a new type of stiffness now surrounding the both of you, and you had taken every chance you could to avoid being alone with him, in truth you felt guilty, having drove the wedge between the both of you in the first place. Despite the tension, Spencer still sent you soft smiles from across his desk, and you still found a cup of coffee placed on your own desk every morning, the same little smiley face drawn on as he usually did, but things still felt different. 
Your other teammates had also felt the subtle shift of atmosphere, them all send quizzing looks your way, JJ even pulling you to the bathroom at one point to talk. Awkwardly you stumbled through what happened, although instead of the look of awkward sympathy you had been expecting to get, she instead held one of confusion, biting her lip as pushed her hair behind her ear, muttering a quiet, “well that doesn’t make sense.” Though she quickly brushed it off when you brought it up.
“Let’s go to a karaoke night,” Penelope randomly proposed that night, your team all pursing their lips sceptically, “aww, come on, it’ll be fun, and it’ll be a nice change of scenery from our usual bar!” Looking at you almost pleadingly, you titled your head slightly back at her before sighing. 
“Sure, I’m up for it.” Sitting back in your chair, you smiled at Penelope who clapped her hands excitedly, glancing over you caught a pair of brown eyes, Spencer gingerly staring at you before looking over to Penelope.
“I’ll come too,” Spencer said trying to play it off nonchalantly as he was met with the others looks of confusion. Soon enough the others agreed, and you found yourself driving towards the quaint but flashy karaoke place. 
Everybody had ordered drinks as soon as they got in, and you hadn’t held back, practically throwing them down as you sat with the others, causing Derek to pat you on the shoulder, “woah slow down there, kid.” The others also took notice of your quickly emptying glasses, Reid looking at them like he was counting them before shooting a slightly worried glance your way. 
One by one your team went up and sung on the karaoke machine, everybody clapping along with whatever song even if it was slightly out of time and messy. Resting your face in your hand, you smiled happily and slightly drunkenly at Penelope while she sung up on the stage, hollering as your vision danced and blurred.
When she came down, she accepted a round of high fives from everybody at the table, before JJ spoke, “C’mon Y/N it’s your turn now!” They all clapped and gently nudged up to the stage as you staggered slightly, laughing as you clambered on to the stage. 
Absentmindedly you scrolled through the little screen containing the songs until you found one you knew, “I love this one!” You exhaled grinning over at your teammates who were all still shouting their words of encouragement. 
The music kicked in through the speakers and you found yourself swaying to the music, every few moments squinting to look at the screen through fuzzy eyes. “Tell me why you gotta’ look at me that way, you know what it does to me,” you sung into the mic, your gaze searching for a familiar head of curls, locking eyes as you continued. “I got you, I got you dreamin’, close your eyes and your screaming.” Staggering through the words, you still swayed not looking away from Spencer, whose cheeks were almost as red as yours.
Cheering still rung throughout the room, “Oh why’d you have to be so cute, it’s impossible to ignore you, ah,” all shyness was abandoned due to your stomach full of alcohol, “why must you make me laugh so much, it’s bad enough we get along so well, just say goodnight and go, oh, oh, oh.” Spencer hadn’t taken his eyes off you, shifting in his seat as worry slowly furrowed into his brow, stressfully watching as you continued to stagger and sway. 
It wasn’t until you felt a burning in your throat did you pause, stomach churning as you rushed off the stage. You had practically thrown yourself into the bathroom, retching over the toilet for a couple of minutes, before sliding down the wall, dizzy and your body aching all over. 
Catching a glimpse of your self in the mirror, you saw how red and patchy your face as well as how swollen your lips had become. The bitter taste of alcohol and vomit coated your mouth, as you just rested your head against the wall, your eyes fluttering close tiredly. 
A gentle knock from the door, alerted you, “it’s occupied right now,” you croaked out, your throat still scratchy and sore. Despite your words, the handle slowly went down, and Spencer poked his head around it, eyes widening as he looked at the state you were in. 
“Y/N! Are you alright?” Kneeling beside you, he placed his hands on either side of your face, feebly you rolled your eyes open. 
“Hey Spence, not really,” you slurred, “I’m really drunk and really sorry,” as nonchalantly as you spoke, your face still scrunched up in his hands, reaching up to pull on his sleeve you spoke again, “like really sorry that I ruined everything, and I’m really sorry I’m in love with you, it’s okay you don’t love me back, really it is.” Eyes beginning to water, Spencer’s own eyes widened once again. 
“Hey, hey it’s ok,” pushing your hair behind your ear with his finger, his tone was soothing and careful as he spoke again. “Let’s get you home, okay?” Although his words weren’t really registering as you just wanted to fall asleep right there and then, you nodded letting your hand fall to the ground as you let go of his sleeve. 
Practically lifting you to your feet, you put your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes once again, as you both walked out of the bathroom. Placing you on a chair, you heard mumbles coming from him and your other co-workers just being able to make out, “…taking her home…” the rest all sounding garbled in your head. Your jacket being placed over your shoulders, you felt hands calmly pushing your arms into the sleeves before moving away. You could also just make out Penelope’s voice near one ear, as well as feeling a small kiss being placed on top of your head, and even with your eyes closed you pulled a tired smile. 
Before you knew it, you were on your couch, the moments from the karaoke place to your house missing from your memories. Opening your eyes once again you smiled at Spencer who was knelt in front of you his voice fading in, “…Y/N hey, here’s a glass of water, take a few sips for me,” his voice was patient and soft as you took a drink, the water cool against your hot throat. “Awesome,” he said as you placed the glass down. 
Blinking a few times, you surveyed your living room, “How’d I get here?” You asked, looking back to him. 
“I drove you, but you have to get some sleep now, can you get your jacket off while I go and find a bowl?” You nodded in reply pushing the jacket from your shoulders and dumping it on the ground. Hearing some clambering, Spencer emerged back bowl in hand, he placed it down by the couch, hoping you’d take initiative if you were going to be sick again. “Okay, lie down on your side, slowly,” he directed, his tone still patient as you shuffled around and lied down, Spencer adjusting the pillow under your head.
“Are you gonna stay?” You mumbled, struggling to keep your eyes open. “Of course,” you heard just as you slowly slipped to sleep. 
As soon as the sun hit your eyes, you groaned, your head pounding violently as you pushed yourself up onto your elbow. Looking down your eyes squinted at the blanket tucked around you, even more when you looked down to the shoes still on your feet. However, you couldn’t help your expression of shock when you looked over to the other couch in your room, Spencer splayed out across it, yet facing you, fast asleep. 
He also still had his shoes on, his jacket placed neatly over the back of the couch. Swinging your legs over the couch, as silently as possible you pulled off your shoes, before tiptoeing over to where he was. Sitting next to him you softly poked his shoulder, “Spencer,” he continued to sleep, “Spence, wake up.”
Finally, his brown eyes fluttered open, slightly bloodshot, purple bags standing out under his eyes. Sitting up, he rubbed at his eyes, smiling warm-heartedly at you, “hey,” he whispered. 
You couldn’t help but smile back, “good morning.”
“Are you feeling better?” He ran a hand through his hair, eyes narrowed as he looked you up and down. 
“My head feels like it’s on fire,” you laughed timidly, pushing your own hair behind your ear, memories of last night slowly pouring in. Gasping you put your head in your hands. “Oh my god,” your eyes darted back up to him, cheeks red, “I am so sorry about last night, I don’t know what I was thinking, just forget anything I said…or did, oh god.” You placed your face back into your hands, too embarrassed to look at him.
This time he took one of your hands away from your face, “no, I’m sorry.” Looking to the ground in thought, “when you told me about how you felt, I didn’t know how to respond, or how to feel,” slowly he rubbed small circles into your hand, as you listened intently, “I never expected you to feel the same, so I tried to push away how I felt about you.” Gradually, your eyes widened, your mouth dry. 
“You feel the same way?” The words came out slowly, like you were still processing them while you spoke. 
Spencer mumbled, “yeah, and I should’ve told you that night, I don’t even know why I didn’t, it was just all so shocking, and then it felt like you were avoiding me, and then I thought it was too late,” he rambled, your expression softening. Without thought you threw yourself into him, wrapping your arms him in an embrace, “I would totally kiss you right now, but even I don’t wanna taste my own mouth right now.” Laughing, he held you tight, pulling back to push your hair behind your ears with both of his hands, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“This’ll do for now.” He mumbled, matching your grin and soft eyes.
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
Which prompt should I use for a Draco Malfoy x Reader one shot?
The first one is this lyric, “There’s an energy, when you hold me, when you touch me, it’s so powerful.” From Powerful by Major Lazer. Which would be an enemies to lovers type of thing. 
Based on this lyric, “I’ll take my heart clean apart, if it helps yours beat,” from Atlas Two by Sleeping at Last. Which would be more built on angst, as well as being softer. 
//let me know!!//
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
I’ll carry you.
Spencer Reid x Reader     Words - 1683
@nolymoly asked - “ can you do lyric prompt #10 for spencer reid x reader 🥺?”
Lyric Prompts - https://andshedoesitagain.tumblr.com/post/626723294291361792/more-lyric-prompts-3
Prompt - “You asked to walk me home, but I had to carry you.” 
//Hi! I hope you enjoyed this! My requests are always open so just request!//
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The bar had gotten louder the longer the night went on, you also seemed to get dizzier, exhaustion tugging on your bones, even though you hadn’t drank you also hadn’t slept properly in days while on your previous case. Letting your eyes slip closed for a moment you rested your head in the palm of your head, the room spinning a little too fast for your liking.
When the team had proposed going to a bar not far from the hotel you were all staying at, you had been eager, a solved case being cause for celebration as a happy ending was rare in your hard, and more than often tragic line of work. Although now your initial excitement was quickly wearing off, as you fought back the urge to keep yawning. 
With a tap on your shoulder you opened your eyes, met with the worried look of one of your teammates. “You okay there, sweetie?” Penelope questioned, a gentle smile dancing on her pink painted lips. 
“Yeah, just a little tired.” Shooting a lazy smile her way, she nodded seemingly pleased before going back to her conversation with Derek, who had also sent a raised eyebrow and look of question your way, to which you just mumbled out a quiet, “I’m fine, I swear.” A sincere chuckle passing your lips at your friends’ concern. 
For a while you stayed like that sitting and listening to your team chatter away, chipping in every now and then, but mostly just enjoying their company, relaxed and calm. 
Across from you, you caught a pair of familiar brown eyes, gaze cut short as they looked down to the table, before looking back up at you. With a spreading smile you seemed to filter out everybody else’s conversations, caught in your own little bubble. “You okay, Spence?” 
Spencer returned your smile, nodding and humming in response, “I think I’m going to head back to the hotel now though,” while he spoke you took notice of the scattered flush across his face, “I’ve got some reading to do, and it’s getting a little busy,” he said looking around the increasingly dense room. “I think I’m gonna head too, I’ll walk you back?” The grin on your face not faltering as you joked. 
Nodding once again, the curly haired man stood, “sure.” You and Reid had always been a close pair in the BAU, a sense of comfort following wherever he went, which always eased you greatly even in times of stress and tension. You both stood in unison, him grabbing his jacket, as you followed suit, slinging you bag over your shoulder as you met a smirk from Penelope, to which you furrowed your brows. She had been more than thrilled when you had blurted out your feelings for Spencer in a moment of weariness during a late shift to her, and since she had been slyly trying to set you up, although Spencer seemed as oblivious as you’d expected. 
Widening your eyes, you whispered a swift, “Shut it,” to her. Pretending to zip up her lips, she laughed alerting Spencer who looked over confused. In attempt to divert their attention, you spoke to the group. “I’ll see you guys in the morning then?” They all replied with their “goodnights,” and smiles, leaving you and Spencer to get going. 
Although as soon as you both actually managed to politely push past the crowds and get outside you found yourself uneasy on your feet, your head spinning as you went to steady yourself against a wall. 
Catching your elbow, Spencer looked at you with wide eyes, “woah, woah careful now,” trying to shake it off you went to stand straight again, but in your first few steps you found yourself in the same position. This time Spencer had caught your waist as well, trying to help you balance, you really hoped he couldn’t see the burning of your face as you felt his arm wrap around you.
  “Yeah, I don’t think I can walk,” nervously laughing you looked at the ground, firmly putting the blame on your empty stomach and the weak two hours of sleep you had gotten in the past two days. Spencer seemed to be caught in thought as you looked over to him, before without words, he gingerly took you bag, putting it over his own should as he moved to lean over in front of you. 
“Uhm, what are you doing?” You queried, passer-byers matching your confusion with strange looks of their own. 
Spencer looked over his shoulder to you, “you said you can’t walk, so I’ll just carry you, it’s not far to the hotel anyway.” If your heading wasn’t pounding as viciously as it had been you probably would’ve been more open to protesting, however in the state you were in, even trying to from thoughts hurt.
  As carefully as possible you draped yourself over him, wrapping your arms around his neck, as he stood slowly securing his arms under your legs. “Are you sure about this?” Your voice was breathy as he began walking with seemingly little struggle, a wide smile on his face you could just make out from looking over his shoulder. 
“Mhm,” he hummed, “is this better?” 
Laughing a little you answered, “yeah, you’re like my knight in shining armour, except in a cute little cardigan and tie.” You could see how your words caused a blush as it painted his ears red. 
“Cute?” Spencer queried, adjusting by hopping a little to keep you secure on his back. Resting your head against his own, you were reminded of the times when you would fall asleep together on the plane much like this, almost cuddling, only to be woken up and met with light teasing and flushed faces.
“Yeah cute…or adorable, or handsome, you know, whichever you prefer.” Tightening your hold ever so slightly, as you listened to him let out a breathy laugh. 
“I’ll prefer whatever you want to call me.” His words caught you slightly off guard, the flirty tilt to his voice causing you to look over to him. 
“Wow Spence, that almost sounded like flirting,” you fake gasped, trying to feign exasperation. 
“Only almost?” This time he sounded genuinely confused although he looked over to you, his big brown eyes soft, as you could only smile back at him, before pursing your lips. 
“You should flirt with me some more,” you asked, your soft smile betraying the mischievous glint in your eyes, as the man carrying you smiled and looked forward again, blowing out his cheeks before speaking again.
“Okay…I think you’re really beautiful when you’re not really paying attention and you tap little melodies into your desk, and how you hum when you think no-ones around, and how you hold my hand when your nervous and draw circles into my arm with your finger, but to be honest I always think you’re beautiful.” You stayed completely silent as he talked, your expression slipping as your stomach erupted in butterflies, utterly enamoured as he spoke so gently.
As he kept walking not meeting your gaze, you rested your head on his shoulder, still enthralled as he faltered for a moment. “But there is something I hate about all that,” he continued push his hair behind his ear with a light sigh, as you inhaled the sudden statement causing you to hold your breath.
“Everything you do makes me want to kiss you, and you don’t notice, but I’d never blame you for it, because I think I’m in love with you.
The way he said it so casually left you in a moment of shock, the sudden confession causing a complete blank in your mind. It took a moment to process and he still hadn’t stopped walking, you both getting closer and closer to the hotel. 
“Wait,” you said pushing yourself from his back, causing him to turn around to look at you, finally seeing his face you saw the stress slapped across his face, as he timidly looked at the ground. 
“I-uh, how do I— no, never mind,” you grabbed his tie, pressing yourself against him as your lips met his own, his eyes wide before he squeezed them shut, pressing his hands to your face as he kissed you back almost hungrily, all patience lost as you both pushed against each other, until no space was left. You didn’t even care about how much your chest hurt as you exchanged your breath. Letting go of his tie, you placed your hands on his chest, his heart beating wildly under your fingertips, his own hands left in the air, hesitation evident like he didn’t know where to put them. 
Reaching over you placed them on your waist, smiling against his slightly chapped lips. Spencer pulled you in closer, more confident as you both pulled away for only a moment before leaning back in. 
You didn’t know how long you both stayed like that, but as a group of people dressed up hollered and cheered your way, you both pulled away like deer caught in the headlights. Although the awkwardness didn’t last as you both broke out in full body laughter, pressing your head into his shoulder, as he kept his hands around your waist.
“We should probably actually get to the hotel now,” you mused looking over his shoulder to the building as he agreed. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Spencer chuckled a little more still gazing at you. 
As you went to pull away, his fingers intertwined in your own he spoke up, “hey wait, I don’t want you hurting yourself.” Again, he leaned over in front of you, you could only shake your head as you hopped on his back. Spencer stood up, a proud look on his face as he rubbed his thumbs against your legs, you hugged into him, threading your hands through his hair, safe and calm as he leaned over to kiss your cheek, “I love you too by the way.” You whispered, staring at him, as his face lit up. 
“I’ve been waiting forever to hear that.”
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
More Lyric Prompts <3
Feel free to send me any requests with the characters in the tags, if you have a specific character that isn’t included in the tags just ask anyways, you can also put specifics into what you want, and I’ll see what I can do! :)
1. “I’ll go anywhere you want, anywhere you want me.” - Mercury, Sleeping at Last.
2. “I carried you home, you sat in the shower, while I washed off your clothes.” - Partners in Crime, FINNEAS
3. “I can’t fix what was done to you, but I’ll shield you from the rain.” - Small Hands, Radical Face
4. “I would do anything to get you out your room.” - Black Dog, Arlo Parks
5. “Wake up with me, open up your eyes, breathe easy.” - Wake up with Me, Gabrielle Aplin 
6. “Wont you take my hand, baby, it all makes sense with you.” - You, Tennyson
7. “I can’t get you out my mind, I thought I might’ve dreamed it, you made me feel something that night, I swore I never needed.” - Honey, Sorcha Richardson
8. “I never get bored of looking at you, ‘cause every time I see something new, like the scar on your spine.” - Watch You Sleep, Girl in Red
9. “Darling you’ve been my greatest defeat, so hate me to death if you must.” - Prayer, Keaton Henson
10. “You asked to walk me home, but I had to carry you.” - Moon Song, Phoebe Bridgers
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
The Bathtub
10k x Reader 
Plot summary - You and 10k get split up from the rest of your group and have to take shelter in an abandoned apartment. 
Love Confessions, Soft, Fluff, They have to share a..bathtub?    words - 932
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The plan had never been to split up from the rest of the group, which made the situation you found yourself all the more frustrating. You had dealt with hordes before, but the group had been exhausted and hungry, and it just so happened to be getting worryingly dark, so when a pack of zombies began running towards all of you in the middle of the street, you had all scattered without hesitation.
10k in a moment of panic, had grabbed your hand, leading both of you into the first building that looked “less zombie infested” than the rest, which just so had happened to be a decrepit apartment block, running up the many flights of stairs, you both threw yourselves into the first front door you saw.
After having barricaded yourself in with all the furniture you could find, you finally found a minute to catch your breath, as you pulled off your jacket which felt much heavier than when you had pulled it on that morning. In the corner of your eye you could see 10k walking around the apartment using a lighter as his only light source in the dark to look out of the windows and over any barren shelves still left on the walls, pacing over to the only door in the room, before gently nudging it open with his boot.
Walking over to stand by his side, you also investigated the other room, seeing it to be just a grimy bathroom. “We’d be better sleeping in here,” 10k piped up, looking back to you, moving his lighter between you to see your face.
Your first thoughts landed on the rest of your group, but outside it was now pitch black, and it would only prove more dangerous to make your way out to look for them. With a heavy breath you nodded, “yeah, we can sleep till’ sunrise and then go out and look for everybody.”
10k looked at you, seeming to sense your worry for the rest of your group he ran his hand up and down your arm, “they’ll be okay, they probably did the exact same thing as us, plus you look exhausted.” You couldn’t help but nod once again, resisting the urge to yawn.
Walking over to the grubby bathtub in the corner in the room, 10k dropped his bags and gun beside it, before stepping into it, his boots squeaking against the porcelain. Closing the bathroom door, you looked back to him with a raised brow, “uh, what are you doing?”
Shrugging he answered nonchalantly, “more comfortable than the floor?” You couldn’t argue with him as you gazed over at the floor in the dark, almost wincing when you saw something crawling near your foot.
“What are you doing?” 10 asked this time, as you went to sit on the dirty tiles. “Lying down?” You retorted; eyes narrowed. Rubbing the back of his neck, 10 shook his head nervously, “You’ll get cold, you can sleep with m---I mean in here with me,” his eyes widened, “only if you want to, obviously!”
Despite a flutter in your stomach, you let out a soft laugh. “Okay, sure.” Standing back up, you awkwardly tried to climb in alongside him, the tight fit leaving practically no space between you.
Navigating your position carefully, you laid on your side facing away from the taller boy next to you. 10k also shuffled around behind you, causing you to look over your shoulder at him, he couldn’t seem to fit in a way that left room from his arms, unless he crossed them uncomfortably.
With a tired idea, you leaned up and took one of his arms, gently placing it under your waist, “is that okay?” you whispered. “Yeah—yeah that’s great.” He replied, finally seeming to slide down enough in the bathtub to lay down, carefully wrapping his other arm over you so that he was now completely embracing you.
Your face felt hot as you melted into his hold, overall, too tired to feel shy about it. Leaning back into him you could feel his head tilted, slightly rested against yours, all while his long legs were tangled in your own. “I need to tell you something,” you could hear 10 mumble into your hair.
“Hm?” You hummed in response. 10 shifted once again, “I like you, like, really like you.” This seemed to instantly wake you, sitting up and turning to face him, his own eyes wide, in what looked like fear, you muttered.
“Really?” His arm loosened slightly from your waist, as he once again rubbed the back of his neck, mumbling out a weak, “this probably wasn’t the best time to tell you, I just thou—” Cutting him off, you pressed your lips against his own, your hands cupping his face.
Frozen his eyes still opened, 10 eventually seemed to register what was happening as he kissed you back, holding you closer to him as his eyes slowly shut.
Out of breath, you both slowly parted. “I like you too,” a breathless chuckle passing your lips as you spoke. 10k joined in your chuckle as he smiled brightly back at you, “yeah I think I got that.”
This time when you laid back down 10k laid flat, as you rested your head on his chest, one hand on his neck, the other intertwined with his own. The next morning when you woke, you sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, looking over to your sleeping partner who had seemed to have never drop his smile all throughout the night.
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
Battle Wounds.
@malfoys-demigod​ asked - “ Hiii could you do Draco x Reader with  “Gonna hold you, gonna kiss you in my arms, gonna take you away from harm” - Big Jet Plane, Angus & Julia Stone”
Hi thank you for the ask, I hope you enjoy! :)      Words - 995
Prompt - “Gonna hold you, Gonna kiss you in my arms, Gonna take you away from harm.” 
Link to Lyric Prompts - https://andshedoesitagain.tumblr.com/post/623386975863504896/lyric-prompts
Angst with Fluff, mentions of blood, scratches, bruises and broken bones.  Takes place during the battle of Hogwarts.  
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No matter where you turned you stood face to face with danger, strangers with snarls, seemingly carved into their faces circled you, moving in inch by inch with every passing second. Even with your wand out and pointed you felt no more protected, the sounds of chaos, explosions, and the walls around you crumbling overpowering whatever the group around you cussed and spat at you.
You looked around desperately for an escape, but cornered in as you were, it proved fruitless, even as you screamed for help, it flew into the air and was promptly muted. That was until a blast of light burst through the hallway, a familiar face emerging through the light. 
“Draco!” Diving towards him you fell into his arms gasping. The pale blond clutched you tightly, his hand in your hair as he put his head in the crook in your neck, his other arm wound around your waist as he practically breathed you in. “I-I couldn’t find you, I thought-,” he was frantically mumbling into your neck, “I thought I lost you.” Draco broke down in your arms, stifled sobs pouring out from him as he swayed like his legs would buckle under him.
You held him tighter, the smell of dust and blood flooding your nose prompting you to pull back and look over him from head to toe, even holding his hand out in your own to look over it, he had a few scratches and marks covering his face and hands but nothing fatal stuck out, pressing your hands to his cheeks you looked in his eyes exhaustion evident in and under them.
“It’s okay, I’m okay, Draco, I’m okay,” you breathed out, pressing kisses to his palm, he nodded slowly yet his face still held disbelief, but that could have very much just been shock, his fingers were still tangled in your hair and he hadn’t yet made an effort to let go of you, but as the castle shook you were both back on high alert. 
Turning around, Draco grabbed your hand as you both began running without hesitation, a new hole in one of the stone walls providing a quicker escape route, although your balance and perception was becoming increasingly more thrown off with each vicious shake of the school. 
Your knuckles had turned white from how tightly you held Draco’s hand, it being the only thing that kept you remotely grounded. Soon enough you found yourself running towards an exit of the castle, both of you not sparing a breath as you stumbled towards the morning light. 
Although, your near escape was quickly cut off as a rogue blast from a death eater near the entrance sent your body to the ground, your mind completely blank for a moment as the side of your head hit the concrete. “Impedimenta!” Draco shouted, sending your attacker into the wall behind without a second thought, before he hurriedly reach down to help pick you up, wrapping an arm around your waist to help you walk, even though with every step you couldn’t help the wince that escaped your lips, “come on Y/N, you’re gonna be okay.”
Even as you finally arrived outside the castle, you and Draco hadn’t stopped moving, not until you practically collapsed on a grassy hill, the terrible noises emitting from Hogwarts quiet enough that you could now hear yourself breathe again. Although you hadn’t dared to look up and back yet as you let yourself fall onto your back, Draco still standing and looking back at the mess you had escaped from. 
Sitting up you pulled at his arm until he also collapsed beside you, his elbows rested on his knees as he buried his face in his hands, his whole body trembling as he shook out almost silent cries. Gently you leaned into him as he wrapped an arm around you, and for a while you stayed like that, slowly trying to process the last few hours and the sight of your once beloved school jolted by the raging war. You tried to shake the thoughts of your friends and classmates and what had happened to them once you had been split apart. 
Reaching up, you pulled Draco into an embrace, trying to calm the tremble of his body, “we’re safe, Draco.” His hands landed on your hips as his breathing slowly evened. “I love you,” he mumbled into your hair. “I love you too,” you replied smoothing out the hair at the back of his neck soothingly.
  Leaning back, he looked over your face, gently swiping under a cut on your cheek from when you had hit the ground earlier, as well as ghosting his hand over a bruise just near your hairline, “does anything else hurt?” he whispered. Swallowing, you pulled up your t-shirt, afraid to look at the physical damage of your aching ribs, “is it bad?” you asked, your tone light as you looked back to Draco, his eyebrows were furrowed as he trailed his hands down to your side, also looking down you almost recoiled from your own body as you could see the beginning form of dark bruises.
Pulling out his wand, Draco pointed it first at the small cuts and bruises on your face, “Episkey,” he whispered, the little wounds healing magically, placing his free hand on your back where you t-shirt was pulled up, he pointed his wand at your ribs, once again mumbling out the spell. It didn’t seem to completely heal what was presumably your broken rib, but the pain did seem to lighten. “Does that feel better?” He queried, eyes soft. 
“Mhm, much.” You nodded as you leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cracked lips, “thank you,” you muttered into the kiss. “I’m just glad your safe,” he also murmured into the kiss before pulling away to pepper light kisses all over your face, from your forehead to your cheeks and eyelids before pressing back into your lips.
Hope you enjoyed! My asks are open, so feel free to request!
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
Kylo Ren x Reader, Ribs Lorde
@forgotteninfilm​ asked -  “ can you do lyric prompt #1 for kylo ren please 🥺”
Of Course! Thank you for the Request :)
Prompt  - “You’re the only friend I need, sharing beds like little kids, laughing till’ our ribs get tough.” 
Lyric Prompts - https://andshedoesitagain.tumblr.com/post/623386975863504896/lyric-prompts
Fluff, Soft Kylo Ren   Words - 706
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“You’re the only friend I need,”
You were the only part of the past Kylo Ren hadn’t let go of, the only person he let himself be vulnerable around, the only person who he touched and could say he loved, even if with each passing day he became unsure if he still knew how to. You had known him when he had once been Ben Solo, when you had both been children with dreams and ideas different than the ones you held now.
You worked on the co-ordination team under Kylo’s command, although it hadn’t been like that at first, you had been split apart for years after he had first left to go with the first order, but you hadn’t stopped looking for him despite all warning, and when you found him after a long awaited reunion, Kylo had practically snuck you on his ship to work under a code name, afraid of what would happen to you if word spread that someone he cared for was here, what you could be used for.
“Sharing beds like little kids,”
Despite not seeing much of each other during the day and making peace with just passing glances, at night you would creep through the hallways to make your way to Kylo’s chambers, a careful routine you had perfected to avoid any chance of being caught, and would crawl into what had become the both of yours bed. Even just getting a chance to sleep side by side outweighed having to get up blindingly early to sneak back to your own room.
You stared at the ceiling as you heard the shower from the other room shut off, as well as some rushed shuffling before Kylo emerged from the doorway, adorned in clothes to sleep, his towel thrown over his arm. Sitting up you looked at him, you couldn’t help the soft smile that danced on your lips as you finally got to see him with his guard down.
“What have I told you about sleeping with wet hair?” You asked as he sat down beside you, a very gentle smile on his own face, one that you very rarely now saw. “Not to.” He said bluntly as he turned to you. Taking the towel from him you dropped it over his head and shook it, trying your best to towel dry his long dark locks. When you finally pulled it off, you were met with Kylo’s big dark eyes as he whispered, “better?” You only nodded in response, before leaning up and pressing a light kiss to his lips.
He soon after slipped under the covers beside you, his hand quickly reaching out for you in the darkness, your fingers intertwining.
“Laughing till’ our ribs get tough.”
You leaned up and pressed endearing kisses on his cheek and his jaw, just to again pull out that smile you so badly missed, but his cold front seemed less quick to thaw tonight and so you  just pressed your head into the crook of his neck, peppering kisses once again. Hearing a small chuckle from above you, Kylo turned on his side to look at you, planting his lips against your forehead, “I know what you’re trying to do, Y/N,” he mumbled.
Grinning, you looked up, “and what’s that?” He let his fingers dance on your sides, causing you to gasp and lean out, quickly softening your laugher as you patted him away, his own grin crept on his face as he looked at you, “unlike you, I’m not as ticklish as I was when we were children.”
You both gazed at each other, memories flooding from years before when life had been simpler, although you weren’t met with unease as you reminisced, as long as you had each other, a little sliver of each other’s past you were comfortable and hopeful that one day it would go back to being simpler.
Letting a soft sigh pass his lips, Kylo rubbed his thumb along your palm before squeezing your fingers a little tighter, feelings of content washing over each of you as he kept his lips against your forehead, his free arm hooked under your waist to pull you closer, mumbling a quiet and almost timid, “I love you.”
My ask box is open, so go ahead and request!
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
Lyric Prompts
Here are some lyric prompts from some of my favorite songs. 
These are completely fine to use, and feel free to request a one shot in my asks! Fandoms/Characters I write x readers for are in the tags, but if you have something specific feel free to ask :)
1.  “You’re the only friend I need, sharing beds like little kids, laughing till’ our ribs get tough,” - Ribs, Lorde
2. “Gonna hold you, gonna kiss you in my arms, gonna take you away from harm” - Big Jet Plane, Angus & Julia Stone
3. “I don’t know when I started loving you, now it’s all that I can do” - Heaven Is A Place, Amber Run 
4. “With your fingers in my mouth, I fail to see your faults,” - Beige, Yoke Lore
5. “ I don’t care, I just wanna get warm with you” - Warm With You, Hayden Calnin
6. “Though I say your name, your voice rolls around in my heart, though it beats for me, I think I could tear it apart. It keeps me awake my love.” - Softly, Winter Aid.
7. “I don’t want you to compromise a lot to love me.” - If You Call, Leif Vollebekk.
8. “I need a love just like you gave, I haven’t found it yet.” - Paint, The Paper Kites
9. “You say I’m funny and you let me crash on your floor.” - Going Thru, Christian Alexander.
10. “Your love will be safe with me.” - Re:stacks, Bon Iver
11. “Sweetheart you look a little tired when did you last eat?”  - Atlas: Two, Sleeping At Last.
12. “I’m not what I thought I’d be without you, I’m not really sure why I slept in my shoes.” - Lucky For You, Novo Amor & Gia Margaret.
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andshedoesitagain · 4 years
A Slight Set Back - Newt Scamander x Reader 3/3
Soooo, around 2 years ago I wrote a two-part x reader about Newt and never finished it. I came back to this Tumblr recently and noticed it actually had some attention, and due to quarantine, I decided when’s a better time than now, so enjoy!
Part 1 – https://andshedoesitagain.tumblr.com/post/172321023308/a-slight-setback-newt-scammander-x-reader-part
Part 2 - https://andshedoesitagain.tumblr.com/post/172354572653/a-slight-setback-newt-scammander-x-reader-2
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 An hour had passed since Y/N and Newt’s reunion, and yet they still hadn’t left the kitchen, instead they had stood talking about the past few months and what they had done since they had last seen each other, as well as casually reminiscing on memories from before when they had, had more time for catch ups like this, before life had gotten busy.
Newt rambled about his beasts and how his sanctuary had grown exponentially, his face practically glowing as he didn’t even stop to take a breath. Even with as much effort as Y/N was putting into listening to the freckled mans excitable topic of conversation, she couldn’t ignore the growing ache in her side, or the slight spinning of her head.
Faltering as she stood, Newt took notice quickly, his head shooting up as he reached out and placed his hands-on Y/N’s waist. “Are you okay?” his gaze flickered frantically down to her waist, and back up to her eyes, his brows knitted together and eyes wide.
“Ah, I’m okay, I uh-just need to sit down.” The pair looked around the quaint kitchen, and realized the lack of seating before Y/N’s gaze was directed to the counter she had gripped on to. “Can you help me up?” Y/N mumbled as she stumbled back and looked up to Newt who shook his head in confusion, yet mumbled in agreement, “Yeah, uh, tell me if your side- it hurts, okay?”  His eyes held a look of worry.
Newt carefully half-lifted, half-slid, Y/N slowly up on to the kitchen counter, as she used one hand to grip on to his shoulder and the other as a balance. To avoid any kind of eye contact, Newt dipped his head down just grazing Y/N’s shoulder, his messy curls tickling her face in retaliation. Once up, he used one hand to gently smooth out where her clothes had gathered up, before moving his hands back to her waist.
A gentle smile played on Y/N’s lips as she ran her hand over Newt’s own very messy locks, a habit that had stuck the entire time the pair had known each other. She looked back to the man whose hands still lingered on her waist placing her own hands on his arms, head tilting at his silence, although before she could ask about it, the slightly taller man croaked out a whisper.
“I was terrified when we had found you, you know?” he still hadn’t looked up to meet her stare, “I mean if—if we hadn’t been there, you could’ve—” Fingers lightly rubbing at her waist, he didn’t continue. Y/N nodded in understanding as she carefully moved a stray curl from his face.
There was a moment of silence, a heavy weight hanging in the air. “I missed you a lot, Newt,” Y/N whispered back, leading her hands up to his shoulders where she played with his suspenders, his eyes never leaving her face, “I thought I was dreaming when I realized it was you carrying me,” she let out a breathy chuckle, “I could recognize that jacket anywhere though,” she once again paused to look back up at him, her fingers dancing at his collar, “you’re like my very own knight in shining armor, huh?”
As they finally locked eyes, Newt leaned in and pressed his lips against her own, staying completely still as if waiting for her to react before she leaned into him in response.
Time sped back up as Newt pulled Y/N closer by her waist, still cautious of the still healing wound by her hip, causing a gentle air to his desperate kisses. Y/N on the other hand had seemed to have forgotten about her injury as she didn’t spare a moment to inhale, instead pulling him in by his shirt.
Y/N had cupped his face, her head tilted as she continued to kiss him, breathing him in, as each desperately tried to envelope the other closer. Snaking her arms around his neck, he moved his hands to her thighs, his thumbs creating small circles against them. Newt’s thoughts seemed to slip away as he hooked his hand under her thigh and pulled it up against his hip, before using the other to pull her in again by her waist.
“Oh my!” a voice squeaked from the doorway, looking over Newt and Y/N were met with the horrified looks of Queenie, Tina, and Jacob, who were all stood with wide eyes.
“We were just—uh—” Newt looked to Y/N for help in finishing his sentence. “Just, uhm.” With no immediate excuse coming to mind the pair were left awkwardly looking around the kitchen, as Y/N unraveled her arms from around Newt as he gently unhooked his hand from her thigh and gingerly  helped her off the counter, her body still pressed against his. “I was uh, dizzy so he was, uh,” Y/N bit her lip.
Queenie let out a shy giggle, “Uhuh, well I was just going to start on dinner, so you two can go talk, somewhere preferably not on top of where we cook, okay cuties?”  The pair nodded vigorously, as they  slunk away from the amused stares of the trio that immediately seemed to break into hushed laughter and talk when they left the kitchen.
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andshedoesitagain · 6 years
In modern time Clementine and Violet go to mcdonalds for dates and eat only chicken nuggets and rate them from 0/10.
“What do you think about this one, babe?”
“Ahhh, I’d say 8/10.. some parts had weird tastes in some parts but all around good, what about you?”
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