no-you-arent-alone · 6 years
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Feelings are not infinite.
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no-you-arent-alone · 6 years
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These are all of equal value.
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no-you-arent-alone · 6 years
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Sometimes you will do everything that you can for someone, but it still won’t be enough. They may not see that you care even if just being there for them is how you show it: especially if staying sometimes tears you apart. 
Making it through all of the hurt can be really difficult. Mixed support from friends doesn’t help either. You may feel trapped and like you do not know what to do in fear of upsetting someone. It sucks to want to be a fixer all the time. 
In order to be someone who fixes things, you first have to be willing to fix yourself as well. A mountain is allowed to have cracks, and in order to remain tall and strong, those cracks must be patched up. 
True friends will understand when you can no longer handle things. They know that stop means stop; no means no; goodnight means goodnight; goodbye means goodbye. 
You are not selfish if you put yourself first!
xoxo M
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no-you-arent-alone · 6 years
Top Priority
If there is one thing that I learned from my time in counseling, it is that it is alright to give yourself attention. It is not selfish or heartless to say that you need time for yourself or if you let someone know you aren’t in a position to help them at that moment. 
I found myself immediately dropping everything in order to help others out, and it ended up taking a major toll on my own well being. I often neglected smaller things that I needed to do for myself in order to be at my best. Smaller things turned into larger things, and I ultimately was not taking care of myself anywhere near as much as I should have been.
It is alright to worry about others, but everyone has to realize that if you do not help yourself, you will not be able to help others. Sure, a mountain is meant to be strong and support everything, but even a mountain can get cracks. Don’t forget that you are important too.
Xoxo M
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
Hi (: I just moved to college a month ago, and my anxiety has been off the charts since I got here. I have diagnosed social anxiety disorder; as well as GAD, but they were under control with meds and therapy before I came. I've recently been having 2-3 panic attacks a day, and I don't know what to do. How do I know if I should take a medical leave or try to tough it out? I don't know which will make me feel worse.
Hi there. I am truly sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been facing just moving to college. Moving to college is definitely a big change that is difficult to adjust to. Are there any resources on campus that you may be able to talk to? I’m sure you have already thought about that previously, but just to be sure.  Social anxiety and GAD are definitely not easy to maintain at all times. Do you have any practices that you use, maybe things that take your mind off of it, that you have been able to do? I know this is a lot of questions, but just trying to get a better grip on the situation at hand. If it is getting to where you are experiencing this many attacks a day to where it is difficult to function normally it may be a smart idea to consider taking medical leave. The attacks could lead to further issues with keeping up with work or performance in classes, which I feel would most likely result in more anxiety. Also sorry if this response is late; I did not get a notification when I received this message, but I hope this was a little bit of help. If there is anything else I can help with just let me know love.
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
One small step for me
Let me tell you, taking the first step towards a better reality is not always the easiest to initiate. Though it may seem as though one little step won’t do much, or anywhere near enough, it is still a step in the right direction for sure.
A few days ago, I decided to push myself towards something that I really think will benefit me in the long run, but it was nowhere near easy. It started when I was sitting in one of my lectures. I told myself that I was planning on going to the counseling center in order to go through with an initial consultation session so that further sessions could occur. 
In my head though, there was still a small voice saying, “You aren’t going to have enough time. You should probably just go lay back down.” My class wasn’t supposed to let out until 3:15, and even though sign in went to 4, I had convinced myself that I would most likely not be able to make the 5 minute walk in time.
It was as if the universe were giving me a sign that I needed to do something when my class was let out early; it might not have been by much, but I was outside before the clock tolled 3. I made the usual turn towards my dorm room and took a few steps before I just absolutely froze. 
I have no idea why I felt like this in this moment, but I couldn’t get myself to keep moving in my usual direction. I turned around. I began walking towards the health center. I had to do this today or I never would. 
I checked in at the front desk, and began filling out the usual paperwork that comes with the first appointments. As I was typing in my information, I could feel my body start to shake and my breathing getting heavier. I was messaging my mom the entire time and remember typing to her, “The longer I sit here, the more I want to leave.” 
I stayed, of course. I got called back to an office and just began talking to the doctor who was doing my initial analysis. The entire experience was a very difficult thing to participate in. I left the office feeling more anxious than when I had entered. Was this all really that worth it?
But it is worth it. That little, yet difficult, step may not have been seen as a huge deal to someone outside of my situation, but I am so glad that I went to the center. I have my first appointment tomorrow morning.
No matter what you are facing, there are always little steps that can be initially taken that can lighten the load of whatever burden you may carry. Each little step will build up and make it a tad bit easier to take the next step in the path towards a better moment. Don’t be afraid to take your first steps, and if you need someone to be there for you while you do it I am here for you.
xoxo M
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
Long Time No Post ;)
So hey guys, I know it has been a bit since I have posted anything on here. Sorry to have disappeared :)
I want to give anyone and everyone another way that you may be able to manage stress and anxiety. Besides my breathing habits that I posted before, I have a few other tricks that I like to use. 
It’s very easy to feel helpless. With everything swirling around in your head, it is very easy to feel as though everything is out of your control; I’ve been there. Try focusing on something you can control. (it doesn’t have to be anything extravagant.)
 I like to tap my thumb to the remainder of my finger tips. Thumb to pointer, then middle, ring, and pinky. When I reach the end I work in reverse to end at my pointer once again. If this way doesn’t work for you, do not give up hope.
Something as simple as making sure you get a balanced meal could make you feel as though you are in more control. Try varying your foods if it is at all possible. (The availability of a variety of foods gives you a choice as to what you want to put in your  body! And choosing something that makes you feel good about yourself can make a huge difference!) 
Base it on your own personality and your habits. If you need any suggestions just let me know. What works for someone else may not work for you I can help you figure out what may work for you!
Xoxo M
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
Take a Deep Breath
Take a deep, slow breath in and count
Now hold it. Think “you will be alright”
1... 2... 3...4
Now release it slowly and evenly
Now take another deep breath in
Hold it again. “everything will be okay”
Breath out as forcefully as you can
Continue to do this pattern to release all of the negative energy that may be pent up 
Xoxo M
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
Bad Habits
It's very easy to get into a habit, and even easier to stay in one. These habits may end up to be one of the things holding us back. Negative actions, for me it is picking at scabs or chewing on my cheek, may just be keeping us in a negative space. Whether emotionally or physically, we have to allow our body and mind to heal. By reopening scabs, we may only be furthering the damage and will be prolonging the healing process. It will be beneficial to find something to replace the habit that will better channel positive energy. I have started carrying around a string of beads. If I notice that I am messing with a scab, I will count the beads. Every time I touch a new bead, I usually say something to myself. (My go-to phrase is typically "you will be alright") I have found this to be helpful in calming myself down as well. Whenever I feel anxious I will do the same thing with the beads along with breathing exercises. It doesn't have to be the beads; you could doodle, write, exercise, read, sing, dance... anything that makes the day a bit easier. Take care of yourself and you will see the physical and mental scars to begin healing. Xoxo M
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
A Little More to Know
Sometimes it may be easier to talk to someone who you don't know. It can be comforting to think that they will be able to give you an unbiased response due to a lack of personal connection. I've talked to a stranger before when I have needed advice and found it really helpful. I find it a little more comforting to know at least a little bit more about the person that I talk to. It can help to be able to think about the person as more than just someone sitting at their computer. So here's a little more for you... I'm about to start my second year of college. Before going to school I was ridiculously shy and pretty much refused to branch out. I had my little comfy spot where I didn't have to speak much and that is where I stayed. My RA had each person set goals at the beginning of the semester, and she planned on checking up on us later on. Mind were to find more ways to get involved, learn a new persons name every day, and most importantly to pet every dog onthe campus! Just learning someone's name may seem like a tiny step in the big picture, but it was a great starting off point. This one little action was what gave me the momentum to keep going. Because ofthe this, I started to get invitations to clubs and bad more friendly faces around campus. There's also a tiny step of complimenting someone if they are wearing something that I like or if I like the color of their hair. It would always make my day to hear something like that so I just hope to keep that positivity going. These steps may not seem huge, but they have made me more comfortable and can lead to larger steps in the future. So even if you make a tiny bit of progress, don't be discouraged by its magnitude. You need to take those first steps before you can start to take on a marathon. Don't let the distance hold you back. Xoxo M
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
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The ultimate lifestyle changing list.A healthy lifestyle doesn’t only consist of healthy eating and fitness. It also consists of goals, dreams, attitude, self-care and love, sleep and many more things. A healthy lifestyle also leads to a happy life and stressing about what you are eating or missing a gym session won’t be helping you stay healthy either. Yes, make healthy choices, but also lead a lifestyle that will lead up to a happy life.
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
Nothing is insignificant
I would like anyone and everyone to know that no matter what is going on, we will be here for you. No problem is too small. I have often held things in because I have thought that I shouldn't be complaining. I think wow... I don't have it as bad as some others may. I just want to make it clear that you do not have to compare your problems to ones that someone else may be facing. What you're going through is real to you and that is what matters. We all fight our own battles, different from those around us. You don't have to worry about being outnumbered. I will follow you to the frontline and help you face whatever you must conquer. I am here for you! -xoxo m
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
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5th Ave, NYC
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
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Stay sweet x
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no-you-arent-alone · 7 years
feeling pain is okay; crying is okay; being sad is okay. if something’s hurting you, it’s hurting you. reacting to it doesn’t make you pathetic or selfish.
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