#“i'll become the all-purpose medicine”
riot-control-camp · 29 days
ooh. okay so chopper was a character created to victimize me PERSONALLY got it.
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Pokémon AU! (Yuu & Riddle)
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Trainer looking at Grim: What kind of Pokémon is THAT???
Grim, offended: I'm not a Pokémon! I'm a TRAINER. Just you wait! I'll be the greatest Elite Four Champion ever! Myahahahaha!
Yuu: Does that make me the Pokémon in this relationship?
Riddle Rosehearts was the youngest trainer to ever become a gym leader in Twisted Wonderland, and remains one of the most ruthless.
Gym leader Riddle specializes in primarily fire type Pokémon! Which is why so many new challengers who come prepared with a full team of Water-types are so caught off guard when Riddle's partner Pokémon, Roserade, comes out! Who finishes them off with her signature move "Off With Your Head!"
Losers are enlisted to paint the hedge maze roses of the Heartslabyul gym to appear like Poké balls.
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More headcanons and enlarged photos below:
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Heartslabyul is the first gym most new trainers encounter
It is situated in the same city as the trainer school, where Riddle enjoys tutoring on his days off
His partner Pokémon, Roserade, was gifted to him by a childhood friend (Trey) back when it was still a weak little Budew
Mrs. Rosehearts belongs to the ranks of Nurse Joys and originally wanted Riddle to study medicine. To everyone's shock, obedient young Rosehearts went on to become a formidable trainer and eventually declared, much to his mother's chagrin, his intention to become a gym leader and help new trainers
Riddle is still the youngest gym leader, at 18 years old
Despite his harsh exterior, many trainers still attribute much of their success to Leader Rosehearts' insistence on practicing the basics.
If you are strong and fortunate enough to ever challenge Riddle again, his fully trained 6 team includes Roserade, Ninetails, Flareon, Rapidash, Alolan Rapidash, and Shaymin.
When pressed, Riddle refuses to answer where he met a member of the elusive Shaymin Pokémon.
Riddle can often be found racing or playing polo at the Equestrian club, riding either of his Rapidashs.
Despite all the good he does, Riddle can often be too much of a stickler to the rules and unable to see outside-the-box
He first meets Yuu when he is kicking Ace and Deuce, two new trainers, out of his gym for trying to cheat their way through his hedge maze puzzle and disparaging the idea of going to trainer school, refusing to let them challenge him and effectively ending their dreams of challenging the elite four.
It is only after Yuu challenges him for Ace and Deuce's right to re-enter the gym, and uses both lessons Riddle preaches and unusual outside-the-box thinking to defeat him, that Riddle reconsiders his black and white view of the world.
He gives Ace and Deuce a second chance, on the expectation that they first go to trainer school for a week, and asks if Yuu would consider sharing their unique battling style with the students at the school (despite these techniques not being taught in any books)
In the end, all three, Ace, Deuce, and Yuu, earn their Heartslabyul badges, and Riddle wishes them luck at the next gym.
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No one quite knows where this trainer came from.
All anyone knows is that they showed up out of nowhere with a talking feline Pokémon no Pokédex recognizes, named Grim.
For whatever reason, Team STYX keeps trying to capture Grim for some nefarious purpose.
But despite Yuu's unimposing figure and having just recently started their journey, they are actually a very formidable trainer and have managed to battle off every one of Team STYX's attempts.
Yuu meets Ace and Deuce while the two of them are being kicked out of Heartslabyul gym and a fast friendship is formed.
Ace declares that they are all rivals now, but they still travel together from city to city.
To Ace and Deuce's horror, Yuu seems to enjoy sleeping over in abandoned and haunted houses on their journey
Ghost Pokémon seem to particularly like Yuu
Yuu sometimes runs into an interesting person during their travels, a man they have nicknamed Tsunotaro
Tsunotaro seems to always show up whenever Team STYX is getting up to no good, and helps Yuu battle them off and clear out various Team STYX bases of operation throughout Twisted Wonderland.
Ace and Deuce have never met this mysterious Tsunotaro, but if they did they would be shocked to discover that he is actually Malleus Draconia, Twisted Wonderland's infamous and terrifying Elite Four Champion
But to Yuu he's just Tsunotaro, a weird but nice guy who seems to think fighting off a crime syndicate together counts as a date
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ravens-two · 5 months
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Mini-PAC: Your Person's Love Language
This one is a smaller reading, and it has no extended version. It includes your person's love language and how they express their love/feelings/emotions.
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone.
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Pile 1
Five of Pentacles, Two of Wands, Gratitude
"All that I am and all that I'll be, forever in gratitude I'll eternally be."
Words of Affirmation/Acts of Service
Hi, pile 1, this person has been through a lot and knows that life can be incredibly hard. That's why they do their best to make it easier for you. That's their love language, making life easier for you. They are quick to show their support and to offer help whenever you need it. They don't have any problems with saying thank you or apologizing when they're wrong. They might have in the past or they might still struggle in other relationships (with people they aren't as close with), not with you though.
They know what it's like to not have anything, including support from others, and they never want to see you there. They could have become the type of person that tells you to get it together and pull yourself by your bootstraps, but they're not. Again, this comes from a deep sense of empathy. (It actually reminds me of that Doctor Who quote "All that pain and misery, and loneliness, and it just made him kind".)
They're the type of person to do the whole "I love you, no I love you more" game. I also see them telling you that they love you as soon as they wake up or before falling asleep. They just really like to say it. They have no problems with expressing their feelings, although I'm getting that they're also private people (this side of them is just for you). I also see them being like "do you need me to listen or do you need advice?" whenever you have problem. They are quite selfless when it comes to you.
Pile 2
Seven of Cups, Judgment, Bear Medicine
"There is no tomorrow without the healing of the past for in stillness you shall find yourself right where you are."
Acts of Service/Quality Time
Understanding is the word I keep getting for your person, pile 2. I get the feeling that your person is quite silent. They remind me of a cat actually, they love spending time in the same room as you while each one does their own thing. They enjoy just reaching out a hand to you and hold hands while doing something else. In general though, I see a lot of silence. This is a comfortable silence, though, there's no awkwardness here. I also think that they're deep thinkers, so when they share their thoughts with you you'll know that it's something important for them. I don't think that saying "I love you" comes easy for them, but you'll know that they really mean it when it comes out.
A bit similar to pile 1, is that when you have a problem your person is ready to step in and help however they can. They're the type to silently act, instead of talking about what they would do. Where I really see the Acts of Service thing though, is them just doing things for you without you having to ask. Like offhandedly mentioning that you need to change your tires, they'll just do it without even saying anything (always respecting your boundaries of course). Or you might mention that you really like a certain brand of chocolate so they always keep that brand at their house so that you can have some. Your person is really thoughtful and they pay a lot of attention to what you say - and what you don't say too.
I get the feeling that they like to be left alone whenever something's wrong, so I feel like they'll do the same for you. Instead of asking what's wrong or try to cheer you up, they'll just sit beside you and keep you company.
Pile 3
Tower, Ace of Pentacles, Cardinal Medicine
"Thy self bleeds of sacredness, an honor fit for the Gods. You are worth all the seas and all the skies and all the desires you hold inside."
Gift-giving/Quality Time
Your person wants to give you the world, pile 3. Their love language is definitively gift-giving, but it's not just about big gifts or luxury (although it could be the case for some of you). For most of you I just see your person being like "look at this cool rock I found today" or "I saw these flowers and they reminded me of you". They just love giving you little trinkets. Especially things that they find unique or special in some way. They think that you deserve something that no one else can possibly have. This can even include commissioning art work or jewelry just for you.
On a more day to day level I also see them just buying your favorite treats. They just want to get home with something special for you, be it your favorite meal or candy. They are very giving in general, and if you say you want something they won't hesitate to buy it for you. Also, I get the vibe that they're incredible gift-givers. Your birthday presents are always incredibly thoughtful.
They might also enjoy creating things for you or singing/playing music for you. They like to have a good time, so having enjoyable experiences is also a love language for them. This could be a dedicated date night where you try new stuff (food, places, activities), going on vacation to new places (just the two of you), or even going to the cinema to watch a new movie. They want to spend time with you while you both do something that you enjoy.
Pile 4
Three of Wands, Emperor, Ringing the Bells
"Ring thy bell to cast them out, ring thy bell and dance about. Swirl the sounds amidst the winds, nowhere to hide, for all will ring."
Physical Touch/Words of Affirmation
Right away I can tell that this is a physical touch kind of person, pile 4. They are very fiery and might get too handsy at times, but it's not just about that for them. They just love to feel your body against theirs. They love to hold hands, wrap their arms around you, and for some of you they love biting (gentle and playful bites on your hands, arms or shoulders). They're not embarrassed by other people and just really love PDA. They like to be touching any part of you all of the time, I feel like it gives them a feeling of safety and comfort. For some of them, they were a bit touch starved for a long time, and now they're making up for it.
I also get the feeling that this person gives the best hugs! It's probably their go-to to comfort you. They'll have no problems telling you that they love and how much you mean to them (although I feel that they crave more to hear you say it, rather than saying it themselves), but their way of showing you how they feel is through touch. They might kiss you to show you that they love you or to communicate their anger or frustration with a problem. This also means that for them sex is also a way of showing you how they feel. They expect you to pay attention to the way they behave during sex to know how they're truly feeling.
When it comes to Words of Affirmation, again I don't think that they struggle to tell you that they love you - in fact I think that they say it rather often - it's more that they struggle with expressing their emotions. Again, they also prefer to receive love this way. They want to hear you say that you want/love them.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Injured On Purpose
pairing: harry potter x female reader
warnings: just fluff, possibly obsessed harry, mentions of things like cuts/gashes and bruises, kissing
summary: you are a healer in training, one year older than harry, he keeps getting injured while you keep healing him. you start to wonder if he does it on purpose, to which you find your suspicions to be correct - requested by @ashdreams2023
a/n: i absolutely adore this idea!! thank you for sending it love xx (i also didn't know what age you wanted so i just made her a 7th year and him a 6th, hope that's ok :)
song: love me love me say that you love me - the travelling kisses
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Harry knew he was done for when he first laid eyes on you in the infirmary.
He had gotten injured during one of his Quidditch matches. He had taken a nasty hit from a bludger.
When he arrived, he figured Madam Pomfrey would be the one to heal him as usual.
However, it was a pleasant surprise when he heard a soft voice and looked up to see a beautiful girl standing before him.
So beautiful that he had to take of his glasses and wipe them clean to make sure he was seeing correctly.
You were oblivious to his dreamy gaze as you scanned over his papers.
"Hello, Mr. Potter-"
"Harry, call me Harry," he quickly says.
"Okay Harry, I'm y/n," you smile at him.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl," he whispers under his breath.
"Oh- um- nothing," Harry blushes.
"Alright, well it seems that your shoulder had been broken. But don't worry, I'll be able to fix it right up in no time," you explain.
You take out your wand and some ointments.
You say some different spells for fixing any broken or cracked bones.
"Do you mind sliding your shirt down just a bit so I can rub this on the bruses?"
"N-no not at all," he stutters and slides it down.
"You are new here? In the hospital wing I mean," he asks as you rub the medicine on him.
"Mhm- well, not that new. I've been here for almost two months. But I want to be a healer when I get out of here, so some of my professors thought it would be helpful if I worked here first," you clarify.
"Oh, well that's brilliant if you ask me!"
"Thank you," you grin.
"What year are you?"
"I'm a seventh year, you're a sixth year right?"
"Yeah," he nods.
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"Merlin Ron, you should have seen her," he dramatically sighs.
"Harry, stop being all lovey-dovey," he wacks his best mate in the back of the head.
"But you don't understand. Her hair looks so soft- I think I'm in love," he falls back onto his bed.
"Blimey," Ron shakes his head.
When they went to dinner that night, he let his eyes roam the Great Hall in search for you.
Finally, his eyes landed on your angelic figure as you talked with some of your friends.
He hadn't realized he had been staring until he felt Hermione hit his arm with a book.
"Gosh Harry, I think your drooling," she rolls her eyes and goes back to reading.
He quickly brings his hand up to his mouth to check if Hermione was right. When he realized she was just messing with him he shakes his head and puts it on his hand, resting his elbow on the table.
"Harry, you only talked to her for like ten minutes," Ron glances at you.
"Yeah but it was the best ten minute conversation of my life," he runs a hand through his hair.
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Since that day, Harry had purposely gotten injured from things like Quidditch, dueling, and any other things he could think of.
Why he did this, just so he can be sent to the infirmary to see you.
You had thought he showed up often because he was just a clumsy boy.
Over the visits you have grown to know each other well. You had become somewhat close.
Whenever Ron or Hermione told him that he should stop, he brushed it off by saying, "she's a pretty girl and a guy has got to do what hes got to do!"
He loved when you would have to rub any type of liniment on him, just to feel your warm and soft hands on his skin.
While you were busy writing things down, he would stare at your precious, pink, plump lips. He begged Merlin to one day be able to kiss those lips. He often dreamt about what it would be like as your boyfriend.
Today was another day where he had been hit with a spell that caused some gashes on his stomach.
He was laying in bed, waiting for his lovely healer to come in.
Soon enough, he sees you stroll through the doors as you make your way over to his bed.
"Harry Potter! What brings you here today," you greet with a bright smile playing on your lips.
"Hello, love, just some cuts on my stomach," he informs you.
You blush at the name and nod your head.
"Do you mind lifting your shirt for me?"
He happily complies and brings up his shirt, revealing his toned stomach to you. You tried your best not to look like you were checking him out, you were also glad no one else was in the room to notice.
"Oh Harry what happened," you gasp as your eyes land on the bloody wounds.
"Oh- uh- I was hit with a spell," he tells you.
"I'm sorry," you frown.
"No need to apologize"
"This might hurt a bit," you warn him as you get a medicine covered cloth to clean the injury.
You finish wiping his cuts and put a bandage over them. You sit in the chair that was next to his bed and look at him.
"You know, you come here at least twice a week," you start as he stares at your pretty eyes. "Is there any reason you are always getting hurt?"
"Oh- er, no, um..." Harry rubs his neck nervously as he suddenly avoids eye contact with you.
"You... you're not getting injured on purpose are you?"
"What?" Harry laughs nervously. "Of course not!"
Realization fills your head, it all makes sense now. Your friends told you he was always admiring you in the Great Hall, he always had a pink blush on his cheeks when you would look at him intensely, and you had heard him ranting to his friends over some girl.
You stand up and sit on the bed. "Are you sure there isn't another reason?"
"Well- umm- maybe there is one," he fidgets with fingers as he looks out the window.
"Yeah? And what would that reason be?"
"Isortakindafancyyou," he rushes out so fast you couldn't understand.
"I have no clue what you just said," you tilt your head with a small smile.
"I sorta kinda fancy you," Harry blushes as he looks you in your eyes.
"Do you now," you whisper as your face moves closer to his.
"Y-yeah," he mumbles while staring as you lips.
"Well, then I suppose you might want to know that I sorta kinda fancy you too," you say, glancing at his lips as well.
He can't take it any longer. He reaches a hand behind your neck and pulls your lips towards his.
He sits up while keeping your mouths connected. He cannot seem to get enough of your warm, soft lips.
His tongue slides into your mouth and you almost let out a moan from how passionate the kiss is.
Eventually, you slowly pull back, leaving his mouth trying to follow yours. Both of you are breathing heavy while wearing smiles.
"You are a great kisser," Harry says breathlessly.
"Not too bad yourself, Harry," you grin. "I'm sorry, I have to go, but we should do this again sometime," you stand up and go to turn around.
"Wait," he stays and he grabs your wrist gently. "Would you want to go to Hogsmeade with me sometime?" Harry kisses your hand.
"I would love to," you beam, bending down to peck his lips.
"Brilliant! How about this saturday?"
"Sounds perfect, bye Harry," you wave walking out of the room.
Harry licks his lips, wishing yours were on them again. He closes his eyes and falls back onto the pillows with a dreamy smile.
When Harry got back, Ron and Hermione never heard the end of it.
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fatswaps · 6 months
Lucas had been a lovely young man his whole life, with a passion for helping others out. It was why he'd studied medicine to become a nurse. At only 26 years old, the young man had it all- a well paying job at a local hospital, an amazing body he'd worked hard for, and a pretty decent reputation in his neighborhood. This reputation was mostly because of his part time job, which involved helping his sickly neighbor Hector.
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Hector was an old veteran, the man was 87 years old, and his body was simply ruined. His hair was patchy and balding, with a completely white beard on his wrinkly facem his eyesight wasn't very good hence why he had to wear glasses and his 5,4 height was certainly not complimented by his morbid obesity. The old guy's health had been in decline for years, but Lucas was determined to make his last years more comfortable for the old man.
Unbeknownst to Lucas, Hector didn't see him as a means of making peace with his old age, but rather a way to escape it. One day, he invited Lucas over and showed him a strange device. Telling Lucas that it was an heirloom from his days as a soldier, Hector explained the device's purpose.
"This here is what the military called a swap gun. It's used to switch the bodies of two people that are consecutively shot by it"
Lucas seemed intrested, but his expression changed as Hector begun to explain what his idea was
"I'm getting older Lucas, and I want to feel what it's like to be young again, at least for a few hours. Would you let me switch bodies with you? It's completely reversible"
Feeling sorry for the old man, Hector sighed and responded
"If you really think it'll work, then sure. It's only a few hours, right?"
with that, the old man handed Lucas the device as his bedridden self was unable to stand long enough to do the job. With a deep breath, Lucas first shot himself and then Hector and suddenly everything fell silent.
When Lucas came to, he felt a crushing weight almost gluing him to the bed he was now laying in. With a struggle, the young man now turned old and fat sat up to see that his old body was nowhere to be seen. Spotting a note on his bed's side, Lucas begun to read
"Thanks for the body, Lucas! I'll be sure to get it back to you after I have some fun today. Until then, enjoy the pipe I left for you and watch some TV!"
With that, Lucas turned to the mirror to look at himself. He was hideous, his body a mess. He couldn't believe the swap actually worked and his mind was racing, but he kept himself composed as he reminded himself that Hector would swap them back tonight. So, he did as Hector suggested and decided to try that pipe.
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As the day slowly came to an end, Lucas was beginning to get anxious. Looking at his huge, slob like body- he longed to be his old self again. After several hours of waiting, Lucas realized how boring and difficult Hector's life was. He needed help to even get up and go to the bathroom, and he was constantly out if breath.
Suddenly the door opened and a familiar sight walked into the room. There was a confident smirk on Lucas' face, now belonging to Hector. He walked up to the bedside table and placed a hand on Lucas's fat belly
"Damn. I really let myself go in these years haven't I? I won't miss this old body."
Lucas seemed distressed as he frantically looked up at his old body
What do you mean- I- I thought we were swapping back!"
Hector let out a booming laugh as he grabbed the letter from Lucas's hands and crumbled it up
"No way I'm going back in that disgusting body. Enjoy being a fat fart for the rest of your life Lucas, not like you have much time left hahah!"
Hector than flashed his new abs at the crying old man Lucas was now permanently stuck as before leaving Lucas behind to helplessly struggle in his bed. Soon moving away from the neighborhood never to be seen again.
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As Hector enjoyed his new life, Lucas was left helpless as he didn't even have the support of another person to help him out. After a few months passed from the swap, Lucas was admitted to a mental hospital for saying stuff like his body was stolen. That was where he spent the rest of his days, as he passed away due to his morbid obesity three years after the swap.
He'd only gotten fatter, hairier and balder as he'd aged, his youth stolen from him by a selfish old man.
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
Icons and triplets reaction to s/o whose love language is biting
(No, Kalymir, you deranged demon, this is not an offer to start a bloodbath and tear eachother to death-)
(Vorticia, my amazing and beautiful wife, why are you drooling so much, didn't we just returned from The Clergy and that nightmare of a feast? Vorticia??)
Absolutely love you and your characters, Pinnie, I'll fight anyone for you
[Yes please, bite demons twice your size and find out what happens. Thenk! Welcome to my personal army.]
Ya bite 'em 🦷
Zizz might flick you away in his sleep, so be careful. He can sleep through a few love nibbles, but chomp too hard and you're getting an unconscious swat. He'll wake up with your grunt and fret over it. He does find it cute if you bite his fingers or hands however, though has no desire to bite you back usually.
Rinx jumps ocassionally, but given one of his love languages is hard squeezing, he has no room to complain. Do not chew rare belongings, he will scream. He can ignore your bites well enough, ocassionally taps you to ease up.
Cero always makes an indignant sort of sneer, groaning about how gross you are, and how you're putting your saliva everywhere, like an animal. He will push your face away. Although, thing like biting Cero's lip during kisses are perfectly welcome.
Vesper definitely moans about it. Because why wouldn't he? Requests to bite harder are frequent, even if you can't really leave marks all that easily. He bites back very softly, even his stomach mouth very sweetly just pinches a little.
Vorticia hisses sharply when you catch her off-guard, but it quickly becomes a noise of excitement. Although the snake woman doesn't bite you back, she has a tendency to return the gesture by partially putting you in her mouth. Chomp her hand, she puts your whole head in her jaws for a moment. Kinda gross.
Ludwig appreciates the gesture, and doesn't feel as reserved about giving in to his own desire to bite, although he's definitely more measured. He may just pinch and scratch at you sometimes. Any bite of yours will make him swoon.
Kalymir will fucking bite you back, no questions asked. You will more than likely bruise and bleed, but thankfully he goes after your meatier sections, so you might not come out of it with severed fingers. He bites several times too, so you're in for it now. Occasionally, he might just brush his sharper teeth against your skin.
Livius, as you know, will pick up on your habits pretty quickly. By the time you start biting him, he probably already knows that this is your love-language. So, not only is he flattered, he's also likely to initiate it himself! He's got this weird ability to bite only just as hard as you do, and that accuracy should be more off-putting than it is.
Obie refrains from biting you back entirely, he doesn't really trust his teeth. In fact, sometimes he misinterprets and just offers you hard candy. You can chew just about anywhere but he'll flick you if you go too hard.
Mervin constantly talks about getting a muzzle for you, but he ends up goading you to chew him harder when he comments how flat and useless your little human teeth are. Is he doing it on purpose? Maybe. He might bite you once just to get you to have a taste of your own medicine, but it's rare.
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Evil Love Blooming In The Dark Part 1 Jude Jazza ~ Epilogue
Jude: "But I saved your life twice today."
Jude: "You owe me twice."
Jude: " I wonder how my cute girlfriend....is going to repay me?"
The ruthless amethyst eyes glinted at me bewitchingly.
Like a cunning predator who gifts his prey and also plays with it.
Kate: ".....Y-You was also the one who put my life in danger, remember?"
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Jude: "I simply put, I left you alone. You were the one who ran into the danger."
Jude: "You took pity on that fallen aristocrat and offered him your handkerchief on your own. You were also the one who blindly trusted a man you never met before and followed him to the warehouse."
(T-That's....true, but....!)
Jude: "Also, if you wanna pay me back at a later date, you're going to have to pay me interest too."
Kate: "I-Interest...?"
(Usually, we pay a hell of a lot more in interest than principal, right?...Now, for saving my life....)
(If I didn't pay back....will he also send me to a dangerous research center like that man?)
The dreadful future looms in my mind and I was left horrified.
Kate: ".....N-No. I'll pay you back today! Right now!"
Jude: "Why? You don't have anything to give me right now."
Kate: "Ah...Umm...Hmmm...then...."
Kate: "How about we do something that lovers do......?"
(He was asking me earlier this day if I'm worthy of acting as his lover, right?)
(Nothing radical should be required.....)
Mr. Jude raised his eyebrow in a mocking manner and smiled provocatively.
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Jude: ".....Ohh? What should we do then?"
Kate: "I-I should decide that too....?"
(What am I supposed to do with Mr. Jude right now as a lover....?)
Kate: "Shall we...hold hands?"
Jude: "What are we? Kids?"
With a sneer, Mr. Jude tossed his cigarette away and intertwined his fingers with my hand.
Kate: *gulps*
His long, cold fingers slip between my fingers and my heart skips a beat.
(W-Why is my heart pounding.....that to for this troublesome man!)
(He's threatening me....I have no choice, but to repay my debt, that's all!)
Jude: "One more to go. What's next?"
(You'e enjoying this, arent't you?)
His condescending attitude is becoming more and more frustrating.
Kate: "If you want......I'll give you a kiss on the cheek or something."
I tried to glare at him and Mr. Jude, laughed as if he enjoyed making fun of me.
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Jude: "You? Do you even know how to kiss?"
Kate: "......I know!"
I pulled him in and pressed my lips to his cheek.
Behind the medicinal aroma of cigarettes, a sweeter scent brushed my nose and my heart was strangely stirring.
Kate: ".....There you go. I paid all my debts."
Jude: "That's not up to you.."
Kate: "Eh....?"
Jude: "I'm the one who gave you the 'loan', so I get to decide if what you paid back is worth it or not."
Kate: "I-Is it, not enough....?"
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Jude: "Nope."
Mr. Jude coldly dismissed me and traced my lips with the pad of his thumb.
(....You're the worst)
(You put me in danger on purpose, then saved me....and then you do this!)
(But I also am the one who offered to do something as a 'lover'....)
(No...I can't allow this to go any further)
Jude: ".........."
(But if I refuse....I don't know what he will make me do)
(.....W-What do I do....?)
My heart pulses at the merciless look in his eyes.
Whether it is out of fear or other reasons...
I start to lose track of myself and even my breathing becomes erratic.
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Jude: "Heh....nice face."
Kate: ".....Mm."
When I suddenly felt his face approaching, I closed my eyes and squeezed them shut.
But nothing happened at all.....and I fearfully opened my eyes.
Jude: "...Hehaha, why are you blushing like that?"
Kate: "Nn....."
Jude: "You really are hopeless."
Mr. Jude faintly traced my lips and his other hand twirled with a lock of my hair.
As if to show that he kissed it instead.
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Jude: "I don't know what kind of erotic things you wanted to do to me...."
Jude: "But, I have no taste for playing with fire with children who tremble this much."
(.....This man!)
(He was just bullying me all this time!)
My lips are hot and my heart is pounding.
I stare into the amethyst eyes to shake it off.
Kate: "----I don't want to be in love with someone like you ever again."
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Jude: "Thanks a lot. Neither do I want someone like you in my life."
Jude: "Now, let's go back to the castle. If we get separated and if you get kidnapped once again, I won't be coming to save you again."
Kate: ".....! W-Wait...."
(Truly, it was worse...the worst day of my life.....!)
I should have known it coming from the bottom of my heart.
When the aroma of cigarettes wafting from the long coat I'm chasing after grazes my nose, it stirred my heart even more....
It must have been a tumultuous day, and my head is probably in turmoil.
I can't believe I'm falling for the cruel sneer on your thin lips....
Absolutely no.
Story // Premium END // Bitter END
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battlekilt · 1 month
I'll bite. 23?
23. Unpopular character you love?
I went with a species this time.
I do not like how the fandom condemns an entire species as a one-note realm of evil. The Kaminoans were, before their GENOCIDE, a billion-person population. Even if my girl was as rotten as Lama Su, which I 100% know she isn't, I just don't like the way they are approached as a species.
I recognize that a lot of it comes from the defensiveness of the Clones. But, most of it comes from the Karen Travis novels, which... are Legends and sit lower in the tiers, not even in canon. I could go into further arguments about it, namely that I theorize the Republic Commandos just had a completely different experience than mainliners. Why? Because we never see any of the other Clones afraid of them.
"Kamino," Anakin said. "They're going to attack our home planet," Captain Rex remarked, his voice grave. "The Separatists are taking quite the chance even considering this," ruminated Obi-Wan, looking thoughtful. "With all due respect, General, if someone comes to our home, they better be carrying a big blaster," Rex said. "I concur with Captain Rex, sir," Commander Cody stated, "This is personal for us clones." "We'll make sure Kamino is secure," assured General Skywalker.
"ARC Troopers", Season 3, Episode 2.
This was their homeworld.
"Oh, the Kaminoans decommissioned over—"
99. Clone 99. He was a shriveled old man with a bad spine that could barely move. Yet, he wasn't "decommissioned" or tossed into the ocean. He was given work he could do. It might not be what he wanted to do, but he contributed to the army and his brothers. An army requires more than just soldiers, and everyone has a purpose. These men were raised with one goal: to become a soldier. Failing their test and not fulfilling that purpose is enough of a fear. It is like going to prep school all your life and failing to get into Harvard, even as a Legacy. That's why Domino Squad was scared to fail their final test. They didn't want to be failures. They weren't scared for their lives. They were scared of the shame of failure like MOST people are. Personally, I'm not going to shame someone for being a maintenance worker. That was the mercenaries that thought so lowly of him. Don't ask my opinion on mercenaries.
People are too comfortable dehumanizing a sentient species because they aren't warm and fuzzy or charming. I don't know how to emphasize that by TBB, they are gone. They are GONE. An entire species is just slaughtered wholesale. The idea that any species is just exterminated is heartbreaking to me.
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I'd argue that they weren't heartless. They just were not human or human-like.
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I have a theory that once Minister Lama Su was killed, the Kaminoans was a clear and present danger to Palpatine.
Palpatine didn't just kill off his enemies quickly. He enslaved them. He used the Geonosians to build the Death Star and only killed them after they began to sabotage the space station and try to sneak out information to the Rebellion. The Wookies were enslaved for manual labor. It took at least a decade before the Mandalorians had annoyed him enough that he had their homeworld glassed.
The Kaminoans were eradicated completely and swiftly. There was only one group that when he struck against them he struck hard and fast... and that was the Jedi.
I think Palpatine had crossed too many lines with them, and once Lama Su was gone, it was time for him to face the angry eels. This species was one of the most technologically advanced in the galaxy; in medicine, they surpassed all others, and in mechanical technology, they were ahead of the curve. Kaminoans made technology that was highly coveted, though they were discerning sellers who had chosen to be picky about who they worked with. This was a people that suffered ecological disaster and didn't colonize other worlds. They remained on their homeworld and found a way to survive. They made weapons, but they were not warring people. Their only means of reproduction, which was cloning, was outlawed by the Republic and they were interested in opening relations with the Republic, though they had traditionally been an isolationist people.
If the Kaminoans had survived and been on the Rebellion's side... it would have spelled disaster for the Empire. How he went after them says that he couldn't risk them surviving.
I live for the idea of Rebel Kaminoans coming to bite Palpatine in the ass. I want so bad an AU of their survivors going up to the Mandalorians, the Rebel Alliance, any Jedi they could find and asking, "Hi, would you like to build AN ARMY?" They scoop up what Fett Clones they can find and have them train a new army. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP.
Look, there are Kaminoan characters I loathe. Lama Su is the stop bitch I'd love to string up. Halle Burtoni shouldn't have had to become one of the last of her species to be humbled. But, there were other individuals. Taun We practically raised Boba Fett in the comics. You've heard my argument about Nala Se. I've got Kaminoan OCs that I create for the purpose OF being hated. But, individuals.
I have other counterarguments for other points, but this has already been going on for too long. I'm not out to absolve the Kaminoans as perfect. But I also don't think they need to be the perfect victim to deserve sympathy and empathy, nor do I think that the whole species needs to be perfect for its individuals to be seen as individuals.
PS. I am not going to engage in bad-faith arguments or debates. Respect that I have a different opinion on them, or just don't say anything at all in my posts. I will just block people who try to start things on these posts.
Salty Fandom Asks.
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maochira · 1 year
(omg u can ignore this if u want i just wanted to interact with another fellow Dad! Ego enthusiast)
Just thinking about Dad! Ego and how he distances himself away from his child constantly due to Blue Lock and is always ignoring them and then the child has enough. Once Dad Ego has time to start spending time with his child again, they start purposefully being aloof and ignoring him to give him a taste of his own medicine and maybe even considering someone else as their father figure (Noel Noa… 👀). A whole punch to the stomach—
Like imagine how confused and hurt he’d be like ‘why is my child avoiding me?’
I actually got a super similar request like this last week!! Just haven't gotten around to writing it,, so before I let this one get drowned in my inbox, I'm doing it immediately after seeing the notification LMAO (also to the other anon who requested something similar, I'll write that later or tomorrow <3)
Requests open! - dad!Ego masterlist - regular masterlist
Tags: gn!Ego's child!reader, reader is a teenager, for logic purposes Ego is a bit older and I guess Noa as well?, a bit (a lot) of angst you guys know what I like to write
-during the entirety of the first until the third selection, up until the beginning of the Neo Egoist League, Ego was busy all the time. He never took any time off to spend with you and would send you away if you asked to talk to him
-that led to him neglecting you and not being there for you when you needed him. He also stopped telling you he was proud of your achievements and in general, he just became very emotionally absent towards you
-Ego was so focused on Blue Lock, he didn't notice how much damage that did to you
-when the Neo Egoist League started, Ego finally less work to do because the other coaches would be the ones occupied with the players instead. Sure, Ego still had work to do. But it became significantly less than before
-and out of nowhere, he tried being the nice and caring father he was prior to Blue Lock again. But you were scared of him switching back to only focusing on Blue Lock again, so out of self-protection to not get hurt like that another time, you were cold and absent towards your father
-it confused Ego, and he really tried putting more effort into you. But you were too emotionally absent towards him to give him another chance
-to improve your own soccer skills, you often joined Bastard München's training, and that's how you got somewhat close to Noa
-occasionally you were alone with Noa, and that's when he would ask you questions about your father. It doesn't take long until you open up about the way you've been neglected by Ego for the past months
-Noa doesn't really know what to think about that, but he has some sort of parental instinct that wants to be there for you
-Noa becomes a father figure to you. He's careful to not act like an actual father, but he does treat you more gently than he treats the Bastard München team
-after a few weeks, Ego sits down with you to properly talk about what's been going on. He intended it to be a calm conversation to fix things, but it escalated into a huge argument
-you and Ego have never had an argument as big as this before. But all the bottled-up frustration and pain inside of you is just too much to keep in now
-it's something you definitely regret at some point later, but you yell at Ego about how Noa is a much better father than he's been in the past month. And sure, in some way that's true, but Noa never intended to take a proper father-role for you
-hearing that is like a punch to the gut to Ego. He yells back at you, but not for long. After that he actually can't handle looking at you anymore, so he sends you to your room
-Ego thinks more about the way the last months had been. And he realizes you're right. And he also realizes the part about Noa is probably right as well. He hates himself for failing as a father like this, but he has no idea how to fix this
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humdrummoloch · 3 months
Hello! Can I ask about character arcs? And maybe some promps please
I'm not super good at this but I'll give it a go. Sorry if these thoughts are a little scattered.
A character arc is (usually) a character unlearning a maladaptive approach and learning one that serves them better. That's the purpose of the world to the main character who is in it, to challenge their old ways and facilitate that change. Typically that's the plot, regardless of genre or setting (sequels often explore characters further developing in a changed world). It's considered by some storytellers to be the #1 method to creating a compelling story... but not by everyone, it must be said. Not every story is character-driven, and not every plot reacts to its characters or vice versa. I mean, not every story even involves change. Still, I think the concept of the arc is useful regardless of whether the characters are the core of your story.
An arc is about change. A misanthrope learns to care for the people around him. A closed-off hermit learns to open up. An ageing hero learns to step out of the spotlight and shift to a mentor role. The world pushes them to change their old outlook/behaviour and they push back to find that solution, creating the different elements of the plot itself. The end product of these arcs is usually a character who is better equipped and more fulfilled, but sometimes an arc can lead to their doom.
Change is not necessarily a moral improvement or even a practical one -- characters can become 'worse' in a compelling way when their arc is understandable but saddening. Also any topic of arc can go in any direction due to the nature of maladaptive extremes. Two characters often meet in a healthy middle, which is a good use of a side character.
There's flat arcs too, or boomerang arcs as I like to call them, where a person comes close to the precipice of change and (for better or worse) backs away. Often done to great effect with multidimensional villains who help reinforce/reflect the character's arc. This can also be done when a hero resists allowing the world to turn them evil.
Entire seasons can be dedicated to a different arc in the main character's development as they change and learn how to face each new challenge.
You also might notice that lots of TV shows (especially episodic formats) have a mini character arc as the central plot of many episodes. Lots of children's media and sitcoms are this way and once you see it you never unsee it.
In my opinion, if you want to know how to create a character or a plot, then arcs are a very significant component. Understanding how to put a character through a meaningful arc can be the difference between "interesting premise" and "good story." The most beloved characters often have the greatest arcs, but make no mistake, the greatest arcs are often the simplest.
All that said, "character arc" is a made-up term; it is quite literally what you make of it, so don't take my word as law -- remember, once you understand them, all laws of writing can be broken!
Whew, I think that's everything I know about arcs, condensed.
Some prompts for arcs:
A hero in a healed world learns to finally put down their sword
A cynical town doctor learns it takes more than medicine to help people thrive
A heartbroken musician learns to grow from their mistakes instead of mythologising their broken relationships
A chronic case of 'I can fix them' learns to stand up for themselves
A lonely CEO learns what is more important than success
A conman learns earning trust is better than earning money
A revenge-driven character learns the cycle of violence can never bring happiness
Sometimes you don't know a character until you know their arc. Once you have a good arc nailed down, the rest of your story can slot into place like magic.
- HumdrumMoloch
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ive always wanted to talk a bit about how i feel about the connection between Yukari and Merry because i love the endless parallels and thematic connections (like everyone else on the planet 😁), but wondering if it was ever 'worth' it since i may just be spouting a lot of what is already considered 'common knowledge' among hifuu aficionados. Not to mention i think my thoughts on it are somehow both really messy but also crystal clear. 😐 Well whatever! Its my own head anyway so i'll try not to worry and am gonna attempt to elaborate even if just a little on this post, which may not be entirely coherent due to sleepy, post-medicine fatigue.
i feel like over the years i may have started to become reflexively more 'against' yukari = merry fandom, although 'against' is probably too strong and its much more complicated than just "i dont subscribe to that theory" because thats not even entirely accurate!
it is of course a classic and really cool idea of the Merry one day becoming Yukari has been and continues to be thoroughly explored by many many fans for moving, tragic, bittersweet, or thought provoking work. I love Absolute One-Way Street, and also Dream and Reality among many other works like it 📖
but i also think its a little stiffling to think of that as the one and only story to tell about them? Now its possible that the sentiment im about to express isn't actually common and im actually just making up a person to respond to, but i think taking the teasing connections between Yukari and Merry and treating the idea of them being the same individual as the absolute obvious truth is a bit of a limiting perspective.
Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions and headcanons! but i want to make a case that when it comes to touhou and especially hifuu in particular, there's also a richer (and possibly deliberate on the author? who knows!) point to treat it more abstractly.
Maybe they are the same person. Maybe one day Merry becomes Yukari, or Yukari becomes Merry. Maybe they're different people. Maybe they come from the same lineage. Or maybe one is a clone of the other grown in a lab or made with a magic spell.
None of that is as important to me as the the roles they serve in their stories. touhou has always had themes about the gap and the bridge between fantasy and reality by taking place in a world where fantasy seeks refuge from reality, and hifuu goes much further in that theme by taking place in a reality that has completely left behind fantasy. That parallel is really cool to me and its embodied perfectly by both stories having a purple-clad blonde girl with the means to poking their toes into the boundary between fantasy and reality.
In the fantastical world of touhou, one serves as gensokyo's powerful (if frustrating, shady, annoying, disagreeable) protector with allies that she watches over (and sometimes manipulates) with her great power, all to preserve their little wonderworld. And I think its sooo compelling how zun introduced hifuu in the music cds and designed a very similar-looking character, who lives in a stifled reality lacking in imagination, mostly spends her day chasing after even the smallest traces of dreams with a partner whose own small logical world expanded with infinite possiblities upon their meeting...
In the last few cds, Merry's powers may be growing stronger and i get why feeds the implication she's becoming something other than human. But my take on that has always been its more of a sign that she and Renko are already outliers in their world simply for daring to believe there is more to the world beyond facts and logic. I dont expect their story (assuming zun ever brings them back. we havent heard what theyre up to since 2016....) to ever end with both or either of them becoming a youkai or vanishing to gensokyo, because frankly that wouldn't serve any purpose for the themes hifuu has been about, which is embracing fantasy while living in a world that has abandoned it.
trying to remember what my point with this post is.... Oh right its that I think all these themes about the nature of gensokyo or the state of reality in hifuu are only made richer when you think about how they contrast with one another. And by extension, I think Yukari and Merry are both richer if you think of them as conceptual and thematic counterparts in two different stories on the opposite end of a similar spectrum, before thinking about what literal or objective connection they might have. Subjectivity definitely means more than objectivity in this case!
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basingstokemercury · 20 days
My current list of Bonanza fanfic ideas (no idea if I'll ever be able to finish one)
Bonanza Childhood Scenes (prequel, this one's finished and up on AO3)
As Adam grows, his relationship with his brothers changes - especially the younger and more difficult one. A series of short vignettes explores those changes.
Thy Father And Thy Brothers (crossover, The Yeomen Of The Guard. Joe Cartwright/Elsie Maynard, but not for long.)
Adam's childhood friend, Leonard Meryll, is home from the army after years of distinguished service. Unfortunately, his timing couldn't be worse, as an old comrade turned outlaw is taken on the Ponderosa, and Leonard's father, the deputy sheriff, is torn between duty and saving a friend he believes to be wrongly accused. Meanwhile, Joe's taken a fancy to travelling showgirl Elsie Maynard. But when a charming escaped prisoner begs her for shelter, Elsie realises she'd never truly known love before - and the Cartwrights are caught in the midst of it all.
Frontier Medicine (crossover, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Another medical conference goes wrong for Dr. Julian Bashir, as he finds himself transported to Virginia City, Nevada, 1861. Saving a wealthy rancher's son gets him friends and a place to stay, but embroils him in the mystery behind the attempt on the boy's life - and it's not easy hiding the truth about his own origins from Adam's watchful mind. Back on DS9, trying to learn what happened to his doctor leads Sisko to explore his ancient family history...
Deep Space Nevada (Crossover, Star Trek Deep Space Nine)
A freak temporal event brings the Cartwrights to a space station hundreds of years in the future - where Ben finds a kindred spirit in its commander, Adam is enchanted by Major Kira and very suspicious of a certain tailor, Hoss tames an alien pet, and Joe gets into all-new forms of trouble at Quark's.
I Seek My Brother (prequel)
A seventeen-year-old Joe has just about had enough of his domineering oldest brother. But when Adam doesn't come home after yet another fight, he's the one Ben sends to find out what happened. The answer throws both of them into danger, and Adam must protect both himself and an out-of-his-depth brother...
The House That Adam Built (dark timeline)
And Adam's gone. But a house isn't as easy to kill, and the memories associated with it still harder.
Belated Lullabies (prequel, might have to scrap depending on what later canon reveals)
How and why Adam learned to play the guitar. Featuring teenage antics, connecting to the mother he never knew, and becoming closer with the mother he now has.
Structural Weaknesses (episode divergence, using it to work through my own struggling brain)
When Adam rides off in A House Divided, full of regret and self-blame, he means to go a lot farther than New England. Joe catches up before he can go through with it, but Adam's strained mental state leads to difficult emotional ground for both of them.
Though It Meant My Life
Witnesses to a murder mistakenly identify Adam as the culprit. But why does he refuse to offer an alibi?
Broken Telegram
Adam and Joe leave on a business trip, and things go very wrong. Ben and Hoss, acting on distorted reports, risk making the situation even worse - and perhaps those inaccuracies were put there on purpose?
And then there are some ideas for filling in scenes we were robbed of in canon, including The Magnificent Adah and A House Divided.
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cosmiclion · 10 months
If you're curious about the Midfords' role in my AU, they have the same titles/do the same things as in canon and I don't think I'll change that 🤔 What I have so far is that as soon as they learn one of the twins is alive they rush to see him and they try to be there for him as often as possible for things like hospital visits (the kid may have had the help of two demons to get stable but he still needs human medicine).
In this verse supernatural creatures have no reason to hide their true nature unless it's for very specific purposes so everyone knows Sebastian is a demon. It's not at all unheard of for a nonhuman to become the guardian of a human child, but it's not very common for a demon like Sebas to assume that role so, understandably, they have their reservations about the whole thing, especially Frances. In fact at the beginning she's willing to become Ciel's legal guardian and raise him as her own child even if she already has two young children of her own. I thought about a little scene, for which I might draw a short comic one day if I have enough time and energy 😅
When the hectic days following Ciel's rescue and the reconstruction of the manor have passed and everything's a little calmer, the Midfords pay child and demon a visit. Little Ciel is still on his path to recovery and he needs plenty of fresh air and exercise to strenghten his legs, plus some play time with his cousins is good for his emotional health. It's a nice sunny day and everyone's enjoying themselves in the garden and Frances takes the opportunity to talk to Sebastian, so she takes him aside for a bit.
"I must say, even though it hasn't been that long he's already doing so much better, he's a very strong boy." the marchioness comments.
From their spot under a tree shade they can see the others a little bit further. Alexis is helping little Lizzie make flower crowns, which she then gleefully places on Edward's and Ciel's heads. Ciel smiles shyly but genuinely.
"And despite everything he's gone through he still wants to smile."
"Yes, he is a delightful child indeed," Sebastian nods, and after a pause he adds "and I will make sure he grows up to be a fine gentleman."
Fast as lightning, Frances unsheathes her sword and stabs the tree trunk behind Sebastian, the blade just a few milimiters from his ear, and speaks in a tone that would scatter a pack of wolves.
"Now listen very carefully because I won't repeat myself, devil. That child is my only remaining nephew and the only living reminder of my brother and sister in law. I don't care if you're Satan himself, if you don't prove to be capable of providing the best life for him, nothing will stop me from taking him from you and raising him myself. Was that clear?"
If Sebastian had an organic body, he'd swallow a lump in his throat.
"Ah, crystal clear, ma'am."
Frances pulls the sword from the trunk and puts it back in the sheath, then offers the demon a warm smile.
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wvyld · 4 months
new children?? new beloveds????
There are! Khadeh (she/???, the zabrak) and Carcull (she/her, trans, the human)
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Carcull was intended to be a SI, which didn't work out — as of now, she's a somewhat failed Sith acolyte, not very good at that whole Force thing. She's decent at telekinesis, so long as it's not too big of an object, and nothing distracts her too badly. She has been taught to fight with a staff, and she is not. awful. with it.
As of when Khade arrives on Korriban, she's one of the people organizing stuff for/with the slaves/thieves/archeologists/other failed acolytes in the valley. This involwes mainly smuggling — artifacts out, food and medicine in — trading, information, and force magic stuff. Also maps. The overseers are somewhat aware of this, though not involwed. Carcull took over from another failed acolyte, who has since moved up in the world, and has, by now, made herself about as infuential as a failed Sith acolyte doing resources mangament & smuggling gets before being swept up by a master interested in this kind of skillset. (There is spying and information networks in her future. Also Revanites.)
She knows Vette, though probably only in passing, and gets involved with most, if not all, of the side missions on Korriban. Loves solutions to problems that do not involve people trying to kill her. Would like to be able to just murder her problems. (she is not currently able to just murder her problems)
She's from a bastard branch of a Sith family, there was financial trouble, treason, and murder — as of now, most of her nearest relatives (of whom there were. many) are dead, save for four half-siblings (triplets and a brother) and an uncle who may or may not become relevant later on. Someone there defects to the Republic, possibly more than one person.
Her main goal is to kill the to-be Emperor's Wrath — Trachei, Sith pureblood. She does not have the skills to do that. She is unlikely to gain them. Getting other people to do it for her it is! (see: Khade)
Khade is Khadeh Kallig is doing the SI storyline. Possibly at swordpoint, but she is doing it. She's kinda effortlessly good at energy-lightning Force magic stuff. Great at ghosts. Aware of it, too. Will become powerful by the grace of this, so long as no one kills her before she can get there. Or; so long as she keeps on track and doesn't simply wander off into a tomb to never be seen again. (possibly on purpose) Or decide to go out in a blaze of destructive glory. Or, well, defect, maybe, but — she doesn't think Republic is better enough to warrant that sort of effort. As a Sith she has prospects. A future. (some days a future feels like something she'd like to have. she wants a future to be something she wants to have. sometimes.)
For at least the First Act, she's on the brink between really getting into the mystical Sith stuff that has to do with the Force, because it's so tantalizingly real as nothing else has managed to be — and trying to burn the world to the ground for how terribly cruel and unfair it is. (but if other people believe and fight for something better, then she has no right to fuck it up for them — she has no duty to help, but she can't fuck it up) (on the other hand, maybe they are also assholes, what have they ever done for her —)
She yearns for safety, but would make a point of not engaging with it should she actually get it, because, reasons. Some kind of an honest connection to a person would really benefit her, and Carcull — Carcull is lonely, really. (she finds that terribly embarrasing) (I'll help you with your Overseer's murder attempts and then, one day, you'll help me kill my nemesis is a great foundation for a... something. friendship.)
they first meet — or, not meet, but, deal with each other? get to know each other personally, maybe — is when Khade tries to figure out healthcare for herself. either trans stuff, or something more general. the academy has a medical section, yes, but — she's a zabrak. not all that what works for humans, or sith will work for her.
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Actually. I think you asked me for a summary of her Deal several months ago. And, uh, I know it's taken forever, but here you go!
…This will get a bit complicated, but I'll start with the original incarnation.
Carrigan Grimm is, mechanically, a lv 14 pathfinder 2e forensic medicine investigator with the medic archetype + a smattering of rogue / thaumaturge. So, she's extremely good at healing, knowing things, investigating, sneaking, and finding weak points. Overall, she is "a prickly perfectionist with self-loathing issues up to her eyeballs. She's convinced that no one will like her, so she pushes them away to preempt the rejection. She loves the thrill of a medical challenge or the hunt for a monster, and has some distinct mad scientist tendencies, but they're more or less held in check by a deep sense of decency." (thanks, rp partner!)
Carrigan grew up in a city not-so-secretly ruled by aristocratic vampires, and was a normal human working in forensic science, specializing in autopsies. A body she was working on turned out to be not fully dead yet -- unbeknownst to her, he was in the process of becoming a vampire -- and his bite somehow turned her into a dhampir. After frantically trying to reverse it by self-amputating the fingers that were wounded in the attack, she had to face that she had become a dhampir permanently, and was closer than ever to the creatures that she loathed. She spent the next several years isolating herself, getting by as a back-alley doctor in the city's slums and drowning in self-hatred, until the day when an acquaintance asked her to look into the disappearance of a friend.
(begin campaign 1.)
Within a few months, she had honed her skills as a combat medic, killed a lot of bogeys, saved all the children of her city, and lost a close friend. She had also joined a secret order of vampire hunters called Lantern Hunters, who fight with magically summoned lantern-shaped flails that are specially suited to destroying vampires.
Carrigan didn't hate the work, and didn't hate the people she was working with, either. So, after the mission, she kept looking for new challenges and new mysteries to solve, new people to help -- anything to keep her moving.
(end campaign 1.)
Shortly after, the country was plunged into a civil war. She fought alongside the Lantern Hunters, against her homeland, at first, but got fed up with their reckless tactics and left to go monster hunting in the countryside with one of her companions for the next several years. It ended up being for the best, because the tide of the war eventually turned, and the Lantern Hunters themselves were hunted into near extinction.
(begin campaign 2.)
Fifteen years after her original mission, she was given a new one: find a dangerous artifact before it fell into the wrong hands. She spent months in enemy territory, found the artifact, had the artifact stolen by someone she thought of as a close friend, and ended up getting trapped in a city undergoing a diabolic invasion, where she and her companions spearheaded its liberation. For their deeds, they were given the opportunity to participate in the peace talks that ended the civil war, and offered roles on the Council that would replace the vampire aristocracy. Of the three, only Carrigan accepted, committing to spend two years in office.
(end campaign 2.)
At this point, she made the very difficult decision to leave the Lantern Hunters. Although they had given her purpose at a time in her life when she truly needed it, she knew that her new high-profile job could put the remaining members in significant danger, and, well… she no longer truly agreed with their ideology that all vampires deserved to be destroyed because they're vampires. Most of the vampires she'd met had been awful, wretched creatures that deserved to die, true -- but it was because of who they were as people. Vampirism had just given them the opportunity to become the monsters they had always wanted to be.
Close to the end of her council term, she was summoned by a mysterious figure for an unexpected mission -- investigate some small-town disappearances and deal with the malevolent force causing them. She was expecting familiar faces when she went to meet her companions, but there was an unexpected newcomer, sent by one of her fellow council members -- Victor, a young vampire who… shockingly, still seemed to have somewhat of a conscience, and a personality rather than a god complex.
She found him fascinating.
(In the meta, we decided to run a Halloween one-shot preview for the 3rd campaign featuring these characters, and invited another player to join us. They brought Victor, and what was planned to be a one-shot turned into a three-parter with a 12k word text rp thread.)
An explanation of Victor will come in another post.
After that mission, Carrigan and Victor were uncertain they would get to work together again, but they crossed paths and got to know each other enough that when the mysterious figure that had caused them to meet in the first place sent out a new summons for an important mission, he invited Victor directly, on the condition that Carrigan would share the blame for any potential problems arising from his involvement.
Meta story short, from there the game went on a ~ten-month hiatus where we switched campaigns to a prewritten adventure with different characters. Victor's player and I were desperate to keep RPing with these two dorks, but couldn't without making things unfair for the other players in the game.
So, we decided to switch to an alternate universe.
Victor started as the player character in my rp partner's playthrough of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, which they had a lot of fic for. I converted Carrigan (Alexandria) Grimm into a character that would fit in that world.
Alex Carrigan is a forensic pathologist from London who had, a couple months prior to the start of the rp, been attacked by what she was pretty sure was a vampire -- but all the evidence of the attack had disappeared, leaving her to appear completely delusional as she desperately tried to convey that he was still out there and still a danger to people. She lost two fingers and spent a month being involuntarily hospitalized for her "delusions," eventually starting to wonder if the attack may not have happened as she remembered it. Possibly worst of all, throughout the experience, she received no support from any of her former colleagues or the people she thought were her friends. So, the moment she was free, she bought a plane ticket for Los Angeles, with the intent of not looking back for as long as she could manage.
A month later, walking to the bar, she found a broken, bleeding body lying in an alleyway, and begrudgingly decided to take him home and patch him up as best she could, rather than potentially bankrupting him by calling an ambulance. Within a few minutes, though, his heart stopped -- but he didn't lose consciousness or seem at all concerned when she brought it up.
And that was how she met Victor and begrudgingly joined the Masquerade.
In the months since, they've gotten to know each other, fought fleshwarp monsters in the sewers together, defeated a powerful fleshcrafting vampire, and become best friends.
Alex has gotten a (highly illegal) job at a shady clinic, unwillingly become a ghoul (a semi-thralled superhuman who drank a vampire's blood), adopted a cat, and lost her appendix.
It means everything to Victor that he finally has a friend, and he's terrified of losing her. He has also started working at a local theatre and is starting to get to know his new coworkers. Surely nothing weird or supernatural will happen with them.
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navidoll · 1 year
please tell me more about wheelchair adora
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So originally I found wheelchair Adora from a friend's fanfic
^ go read its vry good and gay
So in this fic Adora becomes wheelchair bound from the aftereffects of the Heart, her body had a lot of strain put on it and her legs burn and give out from under her every time she tries to stand up. So she has a lil wheelchair to help her get around.
I really liked this idea so I went along with it, but I wanted to put my own spin on it, so now because of this ask I brainstormed with my friends to figure out a way that Adora became disabled, in my own au.
-content warning for panic attack description-
(Set during early season 4) So sometime in Brightmoon, everything is all find and dandy at dinner, and Adora is just gobbling up her food like she hasn't eaten in 2 years, before she starts having a coughing fit. It gets the attention of everyone at the table and people start getting concerned, and Adora excuses herself to go to the bathroom, but before she makes it to the door she promptly collapses and passes out.
Everyone is obviously freaking out, so Glimmer teleports her friend to the infirmary, where Adora ends up staying the night. Adora wakes up in lots of pain (poor bb) and the doctors run all sorts of tests on her and find out that she's been poisoned.
When Glimmer hears about this, she's very angry and collects all the cooks in Brightmoon to ask who did it. And surprisingly, someone answers. One of the new chefs admits to poisoning Adora's food on purpose, and they are soon fired, after a long discussion on why what they did was wrong. The chef told Glimmer they believed that Adora was still loyal to the Horde, and was trying to off her by their own means.
Back to Adora, she's in the infirmary for a few days before she's allowed to go to her own room to continue her treatment. Bow and Glimmer try to do everything they can for their ill friend, including sleepovers, trying to find ways to cure her poison, and even try magical healing. But nothing works, it only serves to worsen Adora's condition.
It's been a week and Adora is deathly ill. The poison has been in her system for too long and it's taken a toll on her body. She has bad nightmares and bags under her eyes, she's barely eaten anything in the past week, the nagging paranoia in the back of her brain telling her that someone is out to kill her. It doesn't help her mental health. She can't walk without help, and her limbs shake involuntarily at times. She's on strict bedrest. She-Ra has been doing her best to take care of Adora when her friends aren't there. Opting to cuddling, getting her water, and helping her walk and eat, and even bathing together.
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Its been a rough week. She-Ra's worry for her friend only grows the worse her condition becomes. Until one day, something inside her remembers. Memories are hard to come by, so when She-Ra remembers Madame Razz has all sorts of medicinal herbs, she makes the descision of going out by herself to retrieve some.
She leaves a sweet note next to Adora's bed saying 'I'll be back soon, sweetheart. Keep the bed warm for me until I get back! <3' (Have I mentioned they're like a couple and use terms of endearment? But its like 'platonic' flirting and bantering, totally just friends) Adora reads it and blushes at the pet name, and cuddles her handmade She-Ra plushie.
She-Ra visits Razz and pretty much cries because she hasn't seen her friend in so long. They have a nice long hug and catch up a bit before she mentiones that Adora's been poisoned and is dying. Razz says to not worry and goes to her little shelf and grabs a few jars and mixes a few ingredients up in her little mixing bowl. She puts the mixture in a little baggie and hands it to She-Ra and gives her a warm smile. She-Ra holds the bag like her life depends on it. After a little more talking She-Ra thanks Razz and leaves to go back to Brightmoon. After inspecting the contents in the bag she recognizes it as tea. An old recipe that even she doesn't know.
When She-Ra gets back to the bedroom she notices Adora had fallen back to sleep cuddling her She-Ra plushie looking absolutely exhausted. She can't help but feel adoration for this girl. After standing there for a little too long looking at Adora, she goes to the tea nook next to the bathroom, and prepares some hot water. She puts the ingredients from the bag into a small tea strainer, and waits for it to seep into the hot water.
When the tea is ready, she gently wakes up Adora, smiling at her and saying 'Good morning, sleepyhead.' Adora gives her a weak smile, before looking what's in She-Ra's hand. She-Ra helps her sit up so that Adora can drink the tea at a better angle. Adora wordlessly drinks the tea and notices it had a slight bitterness to it, but its overall flavor is delicious. They sit and chat for a little, and Adora ends up drinking all the tea. She already feels better than she has all week. This stuff must be magic, she concludes.
Her eyelids fall closed, and they stay that way for a few weeks. Adora had fallen into a coma. And it worried all her friends, and the alliance. Adora had always been a key member at meetings and missions, it was strange to have her presence not be there. While Glimmer and Bow and the others were out fighting the Horde, Adora was in the infirmary, recovering from the poison in her system.
She-Ra had been by her side the whole time. She had nothing else to do, but she wanted to stay by her side. It was her duty to protect Adora. Even if she feels like she failed on that part.
When Adora woke up, her entire body was sore, but she felt a lot better. Her muscles didn't move on their own, she could sit up on her own, except-
She couldn't feel her legs, they didn't respond to her.
Adora's chest felt tight, and she spiraled at the implication alone. What will she do now? Can she even fight like this? Will her friends hate her for being disabled? Will they leave her? It was all too much for her, and she hyperventilated and screamed her lungs out. She-Ra was there to bring her back to reality, and comfort her like no one else could.
It wasn't the end of the world for Adora, but the news that she had permanent nerve damage to her lower half meant that she would never be able to walk again. It changed her life completely.
She soon got a wheelchair and when Bow and Glimmer saw her, she cried on the spot. She felt like a failure and a burden. They both gave her a hug and reassured her that everything would be okay, and she believed them.
If only things got better from there.
Anyway! I hope u enjoyed this little story, I'm definently going to be exploring it more and drawing more Wheeldora. She is everything to me. She-Ra takes care of her whenever she can but not to a suffocating degree, Adora still has her independence.
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