#-when they're grabbing stuff and smacking monsters
antiloquist · 3 months
Playing Lethal Company with randos when you're 20+
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ghouljams · 10 months
seeing fae!ghost mess with love's tethers makes me want liebling to use that against our resident nasty boy. make him suffer!! (in a good way)
In which the worst fae-touched woman in the world is just dying to help Liebling's relationship. Ghost please get a handle on your darling.
There's a low deep rumbling coming from König, he's growling you think. Warning whatever monster is in front of you to stay away. His hands bracket you on either side of the counter, shoulders hunched protectively over you. When you look up at him, you can just peek under his hood at his bared teeth. 
You glance at the door and sigh, great the specter of death is back. Love gives you a smile and a wave. She just about skips over to you while Ghost follows her. 
"Don't worry we're not here for long," she tells you, which you're thankful for. König is always weirder when they're in the shop.
"What's up? What do you need?" You ask, trying to lean out of König's shadow.
“I thought you might want to know a trick I learned," Love lights up gold all over, you've noticed that happening when she's excited. You have also noticed that she gets excited over weird stuff, like dead bugs and slasher movies, you usually try to proceed with caution.
"Hit me," you tell her. She grabs your hand and presses it against your chest, curling your fingers around some phantom thing with Intent. 
"Should be around here somewhere," she mumbles, she frowns and keeps smacking your hand against your chest. You almost feel something brush against your palm and you wrap your fingers around it instinctively. Love pulls back, crossing her arms and screwing her mouth to one side. "Maybe not," She says, leaning back against Ghost, "Damn, boring."
You really don't know what she's so upset about. You curl your fingers tighter into a fist against your chest. König vibrates behind you, still agitated you guess. You settle your fist back on the counter, feeling something pull like a loose string on a sweater. Something unraveling that you didn’t even know was strung tightly.
König's hand slams against your back, forcing you to bend over the counter. He hunches over you, breathing hard and ragged as his hips press against your ass. Your chest heaves against the counter, your eyes wide as you stare at Love's grin. König growls, and you feel his saliva drip wet against the back of your neck. Your fingers tighten around whatever invisible thread you were directed to grab and he grinds against you. 
He is absolutely filthy rocking against you. You try to push yourself up only to be pressed more firmly against the unyielding counter. König’s teeth scrape the top of your spine, possessive, dangerous, you try not to go boneless at the feeling.
"Alright, let's go." Ghost's arms wrap around Love's waist and hoist her up.
"Come on, it's just getting good!" Love groans, kicking against Ghost's hold. Ghost whispers something in her ear and she turns red. “Mmhm, yep, let’s go," she nods quickly, letting Ghost carry her out of the shop.
"König," you gasp, fuck that is- that is his cock sliding against you. God that feels big.
"Out," he snarls, making the other fae in the store jump and run for the exit, he rests his forehead against the counter next to you breathing hard, "Let go Liebling, or bitte-” his voice shakes, “-pull harder."
You don't know what he's talking about. Harder? You're not pulling anything, he pushed you down. You whine, your chest feels hot, and you are starting to get uncomfortably wet between your legs. You want- König's eyes dart to the gold lighting up in your chest -you want more. His stomach jumps, pulse thrumming, you smell so good. All of you so greedy for him, tethers pulling at desires he knows you won't say aloud. You are working him up and he is trying to avoid doing something you will regret.
He cannot get banned from the shop a second time.
You squirm under him, it feels absolutely, pathetically, pointless to try and fight out from under König. You should tell him to get off, that is the smart thing to do. You’re going to do just that as soon as you can think of anything but the desperate way your cunt clenches when he rubs his cock against it.
"You would look so cute on my cock Liebling," he sighs, somewhere between resignation and annoyance, "Ah, but you would be mad if I fucked you here, and I cannot have that."
“König,” You try again and he hums like he’s listening, you don’t think he is, “you need to get off.”
“I am trying, you are not very good at-”
“Off of me,” You specify, but you don’t really want him off do you? Your chest is so pleasantly warm and your fingers buzz with some strange magic that makes König’s hand slide down your back and over your hips.
“Then let go,” His voice is starting to get ragged at the edges, dangerous. You don’t want to let go. You very much want to keep holding on. If you let go he actually will pull away from you, he’ll stop letting you press your hips back against him, his breath won’t pant in your ear. 
You shake your head as his hand closes around yours.
"You are being very naughty, Liebling," he tells you, trying to pry your fingers apart. You squeeze your fist tighter and he growls at you, “Behave.” Funny that’s what you tell him, it’s strange to be on the other end of it, makes your stomach all flippy. You press back against him, away from his hand and the end of this. You feel all of him lurch forward before his teeth clamp down around the back of your neck. You freeze.
Big teeth, big König, you like big, you really like big. 
He pries your fingers loose and the tension snaps, the thread winding back into the sweater. You can’t control your breathing. All your muscles seem to shake and melt against the counter without whatever hold you had. König, fuck, you still want him but it’s gentler now. A low simmer in your stomach, not… whatever it was before that has you absolutely soaked.
“Ich werde diesen Märchenjunges töten,” König spits, and then he’s gone, and you are utterly, painfully, alone in the shop.
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Do you have ideas for how the Angel and The Prototype ship would occur and progress? (Like, who would get feelings for who first, who would they get advice from, how the toys would react, if it would be an even bigger romcom than Dogday and Catnap…)
Angel x Prototype in the Everyone Is Saved AU first starts after Angel finds a nice house for all the toys to live in. After everyone is moved out and settled in, Catnap convinces Prototype to leave the abandoned factory. Prototype reluctantly agrees, making sure to grab every single document he can find with him. I know Prototype is known by the authorities because Angel had to tell them about him, but not by the general public. When he leaves Playtime, it's a very quick and effective escape and into a small hut outside the farm.
This new place is way smaller than Playtime, physically wise, but it feels so much better in every way possible. Prototype is weirded out by everything at this point, even the sound of the toys playing with each other and talking like normal kids and young adults would do instead of trying to hunt each other for food like before. Elliot's mind is full, all the memories from the toys he absorbed together with his own, and now his brain finally has time to work out through the +10 years of trauma. He dissociates a lot, his hallucinations get weirder, all the good stuff about dealing with trauma, and the only ones who are there for him are Catnap and Angel.
Oh, Angel...
So we all can agree that Angel is also suffering from PTSD, right? And on top of that, they're taking care of +80 kids! Yeah some of them are young adults, but from Angel's POV those are still THEIR kids, and they have no idea how they work. Except Prototype does, and thus their relationship evolves from merely two adults desperate to give a better life to monster toys to two adults having no fucking idea what they're supposed to do for them. Prototype feels like he will never be able to repay for his sins, Angel feels like they'll never be able to provide everything the kids need. So one day Angel stays up late in Prototype's hut just talking about the toys, with Proto/Elliot also talking about them, and the two just go "this feels so overbearing, right?", and the other agrees.
When Prototype's relationship with Catnap finally gets better when they have some important conversations about the decade-long post Hour of Joy, there's a notable shift in his behavior, because now that he feels like he has his kid back it's like things can indeed be better. Cue to Angel getting better at dealing with the other toys, and as months go by their bond becomes stronger and more than just "hey the kids gave me a lot of work today and I need to drink/smoke, i'll stay at your hut so I won't be a bad example to them".
The really good stuff hits only after Poppy finds out that Prototype = Elliot Ludwig = her actual dad, because it's Angel grabbing Proto around and going "TALK. WITH. YOUR. KIDS", and it's the first time in decades since someone ever did that to him, because who in their right mind would bicker with a monster like HIM? And then Angel does exactly that. Smacks him with a newspaper and demands him to get his shit together instead of spiraling further into depression.
Somewhere during the months where Prototype is being promoted to parent #2 by each toy, one by one, is when Angel realizes that their friendship is getting a bit Funky(tm), but they just. Ignore it. Two years post-Playtime Co. go by and Angel is just there like "what I feel for parent #2 is entirely platonic and I do not think of him as anything else than a friend at all hahaha it would be weird right. Because he still talks to me about how he misses his wife (they divorced each other +70 years ago) and how he feels like he failed literally everyone important to him. I mean he didn't fail me what I see is just a guy struggling to be better and honestly I'm worse than him and- oh wait What" until like, they go to a family trip and Prototype decides to stay behind to watch over the farm, and Angel misses him way more than they think they would just miss a dear friend, and it's not just because he helps them with the kids.
Anyways Angel is panicking in all levels except physical when one day Prototype is talking with Catnap and Poppy (they're having a three-toy "tea party" because Pop wanted them to have a small family gathering) and she looks at him in the eye(s) and says "dad, are you sure you don't feel anything else for Angel?", and Proto is just "why are you asking me that???". Cue to Catnap staring at him like
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And then Prototype realizes it's not very normal kind of platonic two months later when Angel, as per usual, is called by a scammer. And, as per house protocol, all the toys immediately go to the living room as Angel says "hold up, can you talk to my husband for a moment?" and gives Prototype the phone and tells him to do his thing and annoy the scammer. And Prototype feels weirdly a tiny bit too happy about pretending to be someone else's husband.
At this point the other toys are eyeing the two of them and going "no way..." as the two IDIOTS show them that yeah, yeah, they're witnessing the second romcom of the house, after Catnap and Dogday's telenovela-level worthy levels of drama. Some of them, like Kickin and Dogday himself, think it's no big deal, just two people being friendly, that's all, and then some time later Prototype accidentally sleeps over Angel's room during a thunderstorm (Angel is afraid he'll get struck by lightning so he stays in the main house for safety), and Angel, a genius Made In Brazil, decides to sleep in their room anyways because why not, Proto is just giving free teddybear vibes.
Proto wakes up and just accepts his fate (he's happy with that). Angel is half-asleep and very content with the setup.
... Anyways. Next day goes by, surprise surprise, the family's cuddle pile for movie night now has Prototype added to it, and it's not because Angel sleeps better when he's around. Nope.
Poppy and Catnap are considering start doing some bets to see how long it'll take their parents to realize It's Not Normal Platonic Anymore(TM) at this point, and are unimpressed when Prototype goes to them, sighs, and agrees that Poppy indeed was right. Meanwhile Angel has NO IDEA what to do because it's Prototype/Elliot, no way they have a chance, they'll just end up ruining their little weird family structure, and Dogday and Mommy Long Legs calm them down.
Bobby Bearhug and Craftycorn are working with the other toys to see if they can make Angel realize they need to do something, because Prototype is NOT going to do ANYTHING because his therapy is going strong but his communication issues are stronger. Hoppy and Picky know all about it and try to make Prototype do something about it, while Kickin and Bubba are Dissapointed But Not Surprised at the Situationship going on. "Guess Dogday and Catnap aren't the only ones with communication issues...", they agree, not realizing they also have communication issues. Mommy Long Legs is losing her fucking mind because HOW can one household have SO MANY IDIOTS RUNNING AROUND AND WHY ARE HER ADOPTIVE PARENTS LIKE THAT. AAAAAA. It's good drama tho.
Poppy tasks herself with keeping tabs on what's happening between her two parents. Catnap is watching in the background like "stop being so dramatic over this, Pop, they're working adults, they sure can talk". He may or may have not be gathering information to share with the old ladies at the church he goes to, because those girls LOVE Angel and are all curious as to how their relationship with the kids' "second parent" going. Catnap never tells them much asides from "my mother is, once again, terrible at communication, but has been doing well", but even he starts getting a bit impatient at one point.
Prototype and Angel's big telenovela-level worthy of romance drama lasts a few months, mostly because they both need lots of time with themselves in order to figure out what to do, and also mostly because at some point Angel is pretty content with just being Prototype's non queerplatonic/romantic partner. They're just going with the flow, initial anxiety being left behind and all of that.
Also Angel is a really big freaking dumbass, because Prototype's way of affection is through pampering, and he has been pampering Angel for MONTHS at this point and our human just didn't notice it's not platonic pampering. Prototype gets them more than one flower bouquet and Angel is just "oh this will be very nice for the house, Bobby and Long Legs love red roses!", and he keeps giving them the bouquets because it makes Angel happy, thus making him happy.
No, Elliot doesn't realize Angel is also stupid. He just tries to flirt like it's the 1930s while Angel is flirting like "haha what if we were married. Just kidding! Unless...?"
I think Angel doesn't exactly confess to Prototype in a traditional way. One night they're both chilling at either the hut or Angel's room after a long day and Angel gathers the courage to ask him what they even are. "You're the children's Parent, and I am Elliot Ludwig". Angel reworks their question to be "I don't think we're just platonic friends anymore".
"Do you want to be more?", Prototype asks, hopeful. Angel pauses, then agrees. "Then we can be more". After some talk they settle on either queerplatonic or romantic - I don't know which one would work best, but I think they aren't just platonic or just romantic. Angel and Prototype understand and respect each other a lot, and their relationship, for me, can't be defined with a simple "it's romance" definition. They're just them, and that's what matters.
... Also Angel can wear a ring now! Prototype as well. They tell the kids about their new Situationship and Poppy very happily says "I won our bet!" to Catnap. Everyone else is glad for their parents but also their real-life telenovela is no more..,....
Anyways, I think this post is getting too long, I may share hcs about how their relationship works later, if anyone is interested!
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tmntheadcanons · 5 months
Since you said you think Don and Leo are besties what about Mikey and raph?
I think when Raph is bored he just waltzes into Mikey's room and lingers in the doorway taking up space
He'll eventually mosey his way in, uninvited, and then start grabbing stuff off his shelves. He will inspect it, make fun of it and then put it back in the wrong spot. And he won't leave until Mikey hangs out with him.
Mikey compulsively makes fart noises and then immediately blames Raph.
They do the thing where they are watching a horror movie and any time the monster comes on screen they point at it and say "that's you."
I just feel like when these two are left alone they revert back to acting like they are twelve
Especially Mikey
And they're always poking and prodding each other. They're always leaning on each other and smacking each other on the back or shoulder. Raph likes to flick Mikey on the head. But he's also the most huggy with Mikey. Like that's just his lil buddy.
If Leo and Donnie like to read books together then these two watch movies together. They're both very vocal movie watches. I could picture both of them yelling at the tv.
Or Mikey gets really into a series, so a tv show or comic book, and then just starts summarizing the lore to Raph unprompted when they are on missions together
They'll be on patrol together and Mikey is like this is a great opportunity to explain to you the intricate timeline of my niche comic book series
And Raph pretends not to care but he's secretly a little bit invested because he's nosey and just like to know what's up
I think when Mikey is upset or is uncharacteristically quiet, it puts Raph on edge. It doesn't feel right if Mikey isn't being annoying 24/7
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pastafossa · 2 years
Hi pasta!
Good luck with the storm and also fingers crossed your fiberglass nightmare ends soon <3
I wanted to start writing some matt x reader one shots, but I’m kinda new to writing. Do you have any tips on how to start and actually finish anything?
Ty! I know the room will be worth it in the end because it desperately needed some insulation, but damnnn this is just a nightmare that I'd like to be over LOL.
I can give some tips on starting and finishing, absolutely!
Remember that there's no real pressure with fanfic - it's either for fun or something you can use to hone your skills. This means that either way, it's ok if it's not perfect. You win just by writing, learning something new, or enjoying yourself, so try to remember that if the anxiety monster grabs hold and wants you to give up.
There will be a point while you're writing where you'll likely think what you're writing sucks and should be burned. This happens with every art form, whether it's painting or writing or wood carving. Just shove the screaming voice in a box and tell yourself you can fix it in editing (truth).
Tropes are fun for a reason, so my advice is to start small and pick a beloved trope you can do a fun little drabble on where there's an obvious endpoint. Think Matt having the sniffles and needing care, or him and reader trying to bake Christmas cookies (flirtations and smut optional). These have the benefits of having a clear end which can help when you're worried about finishing. The cookies get baked, or Matt starts feeling better, so there's always this neat little finish line you can direct yourself towards.
You can also grab something from a prompt list! It can be a kiss prompt list, or a hurt/comfort one, smut, fluff, etc. Things with action generally work nicely for one-shots; quotes can be a little harder, but don't be afraid to look at those if you want to try!
If you can't figure out how to start, consider trying this: skip a lot of the initial stuff. If they're baking cookies, you can jump right into, say, Matt coming home to Reader who's already got the ingredients out and ready to mix, and the oven turned on. It'll be made pretty clear in the scene and via dialogue what's happening, so you don't need to include grocery shopping and deciding and finding the recipe, etc etc. This way you can jump right to the fun stuff.
Don't worry about wordcount. When you're new to something, it's alright if it's short, although you might end up going longer!. If you were playing a game and starting at a low level, smacking at a dragon with 50k hitpoints doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You start with rats you can easily shank in 3 hits as you level up. If you have a clear end point (boom, cookies), and a topic you know you can kill, then all you have to focus on is getting there.
When you're writing, just try to write. Let it all flow, get the words out, run with your story idea. I know some people argue about editing as they go, but in my experience, this doesn't work. Editing as you go slows you down, it makes you second guess yourself, and you begin to doubt what you're writing. You're way more likely to stop writing. What you want is word vomit, because absolutely everything can be fixed in editing. This is what I do for TRT and one shots, and it's served me well. Spelling errors? Ignore them. Clumsy sentences? Fix them later. Get your idea out while the muse is hot and save editing for the next day after everything is done.
I hope these tips help! The biggest thing is honestly to just jump. When I first started writing fic as a preteen, my stuff was about the quality level you'd expect, but that's just because I was new to it, and I'd never have gotten to where I am if I'd stopped. Just takes some learning and leveling up. <3
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oogaboogaspookyman · 6 months
Accidentally found that blog that made that one comic about a slasher and his bubbly happy-go-lucky gf (edit: found it again, it's @/bludragongal , go look at her stuff lol (DO NOT TAG HER PLEASE I AM FEAR)) thought "there should be like... A monster genre version of it"
My head started spitballing shit for it immediately after.
Concept under the cut because beeg
Human character: Sandra H. Prolly a goth girl (or at least like- not bubbly but also not deppressed, still can and WILL kill if she's angry enough, just like the og) with a ridiculous love and interest in animals, especially freaky creatures, flora and fauna and shit like that. By "ridiculous love and interest" i mean like- she loves these things so much her vibes walk up to you and say "dude idk bout you but i think she's autistic"
Monster character: Krang. Alien monstrosity that is currently hiding here and there because. It's. It's an alien. An extraterrestrial living being, stuck on earth and decided to just vibe lol. Instead of killing because yes, it's only gonna maul you if you piss it off or something, like- oh you slapped them? Hm. Death :). It's also highly smart, prolly learns how to speak english with a certain someone's help and he learns REALLY fast. Design wise i'm thinking it's based on the creatures from that horror movie called A Quiet Place, minus the hearing shtick and the feral is lessened down to like. Cat levels of gremlin. Yes it's also a smug, snarky and mischievous bastard, but that's not stopping the fluff potential.
The meeting: Sandra is walking around with friends after having set camp purely to vibe because god damn it it's nearly the end of the year and shit they get to have a break for once from their work and stuff, and they're all like chill and jokey, cracking the worst of jokes (some dark ones too, Jared you can't friggin' joke about INFIDELITY that's horrid nooo get smacked upside the head you jerk lol), and they suddenly hear screeching and growling from somewhere deeper in the forest, and one of them goes "ayo who's gonna check it out" and Sandra one proposes rock paper scissors to decide. Sandra loses and kicks the winner in the knee because man fuck you honestly.
Sandra walks deeper into the forest to find the source of the noise. Deeper and deeper and deeper... Until she finds a freakish, monstrous creature trying to break free from a bear trap, growling and screeching from the pain of the little cursed machine biting into it's flesh. Sandra gasps and runs over to the creature to get the bear trap off his leg, and it just growls lowly as a warning. No. Get away, life form. I can do it myself anyway. It's just a little primitive machine. It's smart but not enough to hold me back. Stay away. But she's stubborn and convinces the creature to let her help... It reluctantly accepts, and she pries the bear trap open, letting him get out of it.
She tells the creature that it's gonna call for her friends, who are also of her species, but it's not for anything malicious, it's to help him heal. The alien creature growls lowly as a form of expression Aka it's offended that Sandra is willing to help him THIS much when it can heal on it's damn own, but she insists because she genuinely cares a lot about it and doesn't want him to be hurt. The creature reluctantly accepts but only because he doesn't want to be too mean.
She calls for her friends, they find it and try to help (and control themselves, Andy no you can't take pics of him to post on your Instagram that's risky and besides you can't take mean comments towards you well at ALL) they help her heal the creature's wounds and done! He has bandages and shit! Usual health things! She asks him about his name and it just. Whispers in it's alien language. She doesn't understand it and asks again, to which the creature responds by grabbing a stick and writing on the dirt it's name... In the same alien language. Sandra just goes "i'll ask again later, you should learn english..." and it just growls lowly in disappointment like- god damn it i gotta learn english because human don't understand my language >:(
After that, Sandra waves goodbye and the creature runs away, back into hiding and vibing, and she and her friends go back to dicking around, not knowing it's not the last time she's gonna see it...
Their relationship: Krang develops a crush on Sandra not right after finding it or something like that- Krang is not familiar with human life forms and doesn't trust easily (also canonically semi tsundere lmao it's funny for me)- it's only developing a crush on Sandra once it decides to stalk her and spots her just. Vibing. Thriving happily in peace and tranquility without a care in the world.
She has a cat, she has a family, friends, she has a lot in her life... What does he have? Constant fear, worry, dread and anxiety from living in the wilderness, from having to hide from every single human, just so it can simply vibe. It takes shelter in sewers and caves and abandoned places, for crying out loud, it's lonely!
He's obviously not developing that attraction the moment it stalks her, no, they stalk her purely to learn because this human just. Saved me?? Human cares??? That's weird i should learn a bit more. It started as a little learning expirience, following her wherever, watching her do things just to learn a bit more of this particular human that decided to give him another chance in life.
Then it starts going a more "i wish that was me" route. It starts to feel envious of Sandra's peaceful life, her happiness and how comfortable she is in her own little world... It became a desire for a better, more comfortable life, following her wherever, watching her do things, just so calm and happy, without a care in the world... He has to take shelter in the most disgusting, lonely spaces just to have a tolerable chance of survival.
One day, it spotted Sandra walking around with her friends again, throughout a mall, supposedly planning to "watch that one movie they waited for so long to see", according to what it heard... It catches a glimpse of two men wearing a black disguise, making them nearly unidentifiable. It's not going to let them ruin Sandra's little joy, even if it's meaningless, it's joy nonetheless.
Two male young adults went missing that day, nobody knows what happened to them. Krang knows. They did it. Sandra's safe now and nobody has to know or get in their business.
After that, Sandra and her friends went walking back to their respective homes, gushing about the movie, just goofing off like they always do.
Sandra didn't expect the creature from a while ago to be in her house, playing with her dog. And Krang expected her to be happy to see him, but instead he got a very surprised /neg Sandra processing the fact there's the fucking creature in her god damn house what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.
After that it's just a slice of life SLOW friends to lovers kinda thing, it learns english and finally answers the million ages old question /j: his name...
"So, funky thing... Now that you know english, what's your name?"
"I... Ammm... Krann..g"
"Krang, huh? It's a pretty name!"
"Pretty name for a pretty creature!"
"... Pret... Ty...?"
"Hrm... ////"
"Heheh! I'm Sandra, if you're wondering"
"... Pretty name... For a... Pret.ty... crea...ture"
"Eheheh... Thanks, i guess ////"
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18002dheauxs · 2 years
Hello! I loved your fire force headcanons! ^w^ (I'm not sure if you're taking requests already, if not feel free to ignore this) Could i request some general nsfw headcanons for Joker and Charon? Take your time, hope you have a good day!
I am taking request! Sorry this has been sitting in my asks so long! I was trying to be thorough then I started a new job and it's just been WHEW but here we go! I really hope you like it anon!
-about: NSFW headcanons for Joker & Charon
-with: Joker & Charon (both Fire Force), gn! reader
-wc: 1.5K
-⚠️warnings: NSFW, fingering, oral (on him & you), a lil degradation, a touch of breeding & I think thas it, as always minors you bet not interact
So I don't feel like Joker sleeps around as much as people think he does. Like he doesn't do actual relationships but for the most part he only sleeps with a couple people at a time he just don't got the time for it to get messy
That being said he's really good at keeping the fwb situation as just that. Growing up how he did, he's pretty skilled at keeping his emotions in check
Ok now to the freakier deakier stuff 😗 first things first. You know what they say about tall, skinny guys.. if you don't they say they're packing.. he's packing that's what I'm trying to say.. I'd say like 7 inches and it's pretty thick. He's cut, a grower and despite it being such a monster it still looks nice. It's got a nice curve to it and the shaft is the color of his normal skin. The tip tho is pink and sensitive it's a wonder he actually went through with the frenum piercing right under the head. He keeps himself trimmed tho (he does it for him more than you tho sorry)
Joker is better with his hands than his mouth! Granted he's very good with his mouth too (multitalented mf 😒) he just can do it with those magical hands so much easier.
With him being so multi talented comes with him being a fast learner so he learns you and can have you coming apart for him in minutes at one point and yes it is as frustrating as it sounds.
He loves doggy and you riding him so he can get handfuls of that ass and I do mean handfuls like even if you don't got that much he'll grab what he can and loves to land some nice firm spanks to it when he's not grabbing
Idk if you caught this but this man is an ass man he loves him some ass. Touching it, smacking it, and if you'll allow him fucking it. Ofc he eats ass too but I didn't feel like that needed to be said this man is a freak
He spent so much time locked away training & having to keep his distance from people once he finally started being able to actually do stuff he wanted to do everything so in the wise words of the late great Pop Smoke he's "widdit all whatchu wanna do? He's a slut what's up? Get him lit. He dares you."
Joker really is pm down for whatever you wanna do as long as he can hear you whimpering, moaning, damn screaming his name. That's what he likes. Your body at his command, those sweet sounds you make and the way your beautiful face twists up in pleasure. It gets him absolutely rock hard.
Speaking of sounds, Joker doesn't really make that much noise. He'll let out grunts and a couple groans when it really feels good but for the most part he's quiet other than the dirty talk.
And oh does he talk dirty! He's got this thing where he can simultaneously praise you and degrade you at the same time and it's.. it's actually pretty impressive. He'll be telling you things that would make the devil blush but he's saying that you're doing a good job at it so now you're kinda like… "ah thanks you really think so…🥺"
The one thing he may say no to is tying him up and relinquishing too much of his control. He's a bit traumatized by that.
He's a tease too! Such a bad tease this mans is mean! He loves to see you all worked up and that mf doesn't even care where you're at he'll be getting you worked up enough that you're the one pulling him away for some kind of relief. Now everyone thinks you're the one that's down detrimental when he started it. You should really stop fw him but I don't blame you if you don't. That dick is a 10/10.
He's a master with it so when you need to pay him back give him head and pay attention to that sensitive head and the piercing this is when you get the most sounds from him. Between your teary eyes looking up at him with his dick between those pretty lips and his sensitive tip being massaged by your throat, he never stood a chance.
He gets better at aftercare the longer yall sleep together! When yall first started fuckin he was in & out (no pun intended.. kinda) but after a while he would stay for a lil whiskey, cigarettes & bad Tubi movies. If he doesn't switch you out, he may even actually be there in the morning after a while. We'll see..
Ok so Charon doesn't sleep around yall are together ok what does he look like a whore? Actually don't answer that..
He's not tho! He's not got time to waste on quick pleasures. He's a very busy man building a whole new world order and such.
Now let's get the stats out the way. The man is big everywhere. He's 6'7.5 & nearly 300 lbs. "I know his dick is big. I know it. I know it's big" but so are his balls. Big weighty balls and he's got a wild tuff of white hair above his horse cock. I'd say about 9 inches hard bit of a grower in his own right but it's just going from like an average 6 to that. It's thick too same color as his skin but his tip is a pinkish color and it's thick too 🥲. He's got one prominent vein that runs from the side to the top and you feel it when it's in you oh you feel it.. my chest hurts let's move on.
He's got stamina for days. That refractory period is damn near nonexistent. This man can nut, still for a beat and keep going. You're sweaty and teary and have lost count of the times you've cum already by the time he stops. So you know he's filled you up full.
Is this a good time to mention his breeding kink? He's only 11 years older than Haumea and has been watching her since she was so small. His whole life he was a father/older brother figure so he's very down for making kids with you if possible. If not we'll he's still down to practice.
He's a big guy and he sometimes doesn't know his own strength so there are many a broken bed frame but he wouldn't hurt you. He may land a lil slap on ya buhtt if your acting up.
Oh yea that reminds me he's a dom. Such a dom this man is so in charge he's "fixing you with one look and a low 'y/n..'" in charge. He loves it too. Loves the control he has over you and how much you love it.
Not big on quickies or toys. His body should he enough and he likes to use that body to take his time on yours.
He'll use hands more than his mouth. He's so good with his hands tho and them bitches BIG so it's like how is this prep? Can I get some pre-prep? Damn.. anyways he's down to learn how to thrum your body in ways that make you scream and cry and once he's learned it well he's definitely gonna put those lessons to use.
He doesn't go down on you often but when he does he wants you to sit on his face. And PLEASE don't give him any "buT I'm tOo HeAvy" bullshit either have you seen him? Idgaf how much you weigh he will legit fling you off if he can't breathe and he never can't breathe.
He likes a good blow job tho. Gets off on tryna put the whole thing down your throat. Throws his head back and holds your head down until you tap out. He's training you slowly but surely to get your nose in his pubes. Go little cockstar 🥲
He makes more noise fucking you than anything tho. He's not incredibly vocal but he makes a variety of sounds if that makes sense? Grunts, groans, moans, maybe even a growl or 2 but they don't happen all throughout sex just when it reaally starts feeling good. He talks you through it when you cum tho it drives you crazy! Like I'm so sensitive rn those whispered "right there always squeeze me so fucking good. So fucking good." are bad for my health sir!!
He has a couple favorite positions he loves. As I said his strength is one of his pride and joys so he loves to fuck you in positions that demonstrate that. Full Nelson, fucking against the wall, he'll even sometimes bounce you on his dick when you're riding him especially if you're not going the pace he wants you at
Pretty good at aftercare tho! Will give you water, snacks, maybe a massage (that may lead to something else), maybe y'all take a bath to soak away the knots he put in you (that may also lead to something else).. what can he say he loves the way your body reacts to him and he's willing to see it as much as possible.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
Hello about your post about human version of happiny could we see how everyone would react to that since we had a scenario of happiny talking so why not in human version ignore if you want or are to busy
there was an ask that has Happiny as a human, but I don't mind writing more about it!
We all know how Deuce reacts to Happiny becoming human: tears from seeing his baby. It really makes him feel like a dad when Happiny clings to him with excitement.
He does his best to put Happiny's bow on, but he introduces little barrettes in the form of card suits to make things a little easier when her hair doesn't want to stay up in a ponytail. Happiny trails after her Daddy and sees Uncle Ace.
Happiny: "Uncle Ace!" *hugs his leg*
Ace takes one look at her: "Again? What happened?"
Deuce: "We'll talk about it after school. C'mon, Happiny, let's get you breakfast."
When Riddle sees the little child beside Deuce, holding onto his pants leg like a familiar little bun that wasn't around, he just tells Deuce to go and find Soni to figure out what to do.
Happiny waves: "Hi, Mr. Riddle! How are you?"
Riddle: "I'm fine, Happiny."
Cater takes pictures of Happiny acting silly in the dorm and saves them to the Happiny folder. Trey just handles Happiny very well, ensuring that she was well-fed and clean as she played in the rose garden. As expected of an older brother.
When Deuce finally showed up at Ramshackle with Human Happiny, Soni just took one look at him and just took Happiny into her arms. "Okay, you're going to stay with Mama until you return to normal."
Happiny: "Huh? Why?"
Soni: "You remember the last time you became a human? You couldn't fit in Daddy's bed and you had to stay with me?"
Happiny grabs her Mama's jacket: "Can't Daddy stay here then?"
Soni: "Ask your Daddy and Riddle for permission."
Safe to say, Happiny was giving Soni puppy dog eyes the whole way to class. Because Happiny is a human child, she needs protective gear for the stuff that they're using for potions. She does clap whenever something goes off in the classroom, usually an explosion.
Mob Student adding something to the pot: KABOOM!
Happiny: "Oooh! It's pink!"
One of the things that I don't know if I talk about enough with Happiny as a human is her abilities as a Happiny. I don't know if she's retaining her original strength, but if she is, then she's the strongest child in PE.
Vargas just laughs jovially as Happiny lifts him up like he's nothing and they actually do some exercises together. Whenever they go flying on brooms, Happiny has to put on a helmet. Because Ace was banned from flying Happiny by himself, he makes an argument that because it was PE Class with a whole bunch of other people, he should be able to fly with Happiny.
Deuce flies right behind Ace, just in case and Grim just zooms through the sky.
Grim blasting through the sky: "Nyahahaha!"
Happiny stares at the cat monster: "Why's Grimmy got the zoomies?"
Ace snickering: "I think you need to play with him more."
Happiny sees nothing wrong with this. "Okay!"
Grim doesn't really care much about Happiny's change into a human. This only means three things: his little henchman has opposable thumbs and can open doors more easily for him, she can open tuna cans for him, and the little henchman can carry him whenever he got tired.
Although if someone picks on Happiny and tries to take her lunch, someone's gonna get vibechecked immediately. Deuce is always nearby and Soni readying the ammunition to smack some sense into these high schoolers.
Sebek is the most surprising out of the first year group because he instantly puts Happiny to sleep with his storybooks & his reading. I feel like Sebek would treat Happiny like a little sibling when she's a human. Never as outwardly as the others, but he does care in his own way.
Just imagine some Diasomnia students wanting to pick on Happiny because of the oddity of a Pokemon having powers that are stronger than magicians.
Sebek is behind them: "Is this how Diasomnia students are supposed to act towards others?!"
Mob: "Wha-?! What's the croc doing here?"
When they run off, Happiny is scooped up into Sebek's arms and she just cries a little bit because of how scary they were acting.
Jack is the same, although in Savanaclaw, the students there know not to mess with Happiny because of the repeated instances of Magishift practice and what happens in Episode 2.
Crewel and Vil do team up to make Happiny clothes, which leads to a fashion show of sorts. Vil's not going to put makeup on Happiny because children's skin is very sensitive, but he does try to put her hair into different styles.
If there's one thing Happiny shares with Soni in human form, it's the expressions and she's unamused as her ribbon is removed from her hair.
When Happiny has to stay over at Ramshackle, the little bun goes up to Riddle and goes, "Can I sleep over at Mama's with Daddy?"
Riddle honestly can't deny Happiny's requests and allows it.
"Yay!" Happiny hugs him. "Thanks, Mr. Riddle!"
When Silver sees Happiny roaming around the Stables during the club times, she calls out to him as "Big Brother Silver" and Riddle just has the immediate urge to be called "Big Brother Riddle" in that instant before he thinks of it as a foolish thought to have.
Later when Happiny goes over to Riddle, she goes: "Let's go back to Daddy and Uncle Ace!"
Riddle: "Happiny, why do you call people by nicknames?"
Happiny does not know what Riddle means by that: "Because I wanna?"
Riddle wants to say something, thinking about earlier, and sighs. "Let's go."
Happiny takes his hand as they walk back to Ramshackle for the evening. Little mini events.
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nakachuchu · 3 years
Plum Jam Cookies | Tattoo Artist!Ryomen Sukuna
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SYNOPSIS: Modern AU where Sukuna is a tattoo artist.
READER: gender neutral
WORDS: 1000
WRITTEN: 02/23/2021
NOTES: Thank you very much for requesting! I'm not sure if this was good enough, but I hope it satisfies you :)
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You were getting a tattoo for the first time. You were a bit nervous but super excited. Most of your friends already had tattoos, and one of them recommended you to one of them.
You didn't know what to get. Most people got tattoos of something memorable, but you didn't have many good moments from your children up until you moved out of your parents' house.
You decided to let the tattoo artist pick any small design to ink on your skin.
"You ready?" he asked.
"You ready?" he asked.
"Yep, definitely."
He chuckled and you heard the sound of the tattoo gun. Your eyes were glued to the ceiling of his shop.
"So what's the reason for getting a tattoo? Less alone, letting your tattoo artist pick the first one," he commented.
You did your best to not nervously laugh as you tried your best to formulate a response instead of focusing on the needle pricking your flesh.
"It's to piss my parents off," you answered. "I've already moved out of their place, you know, but all the memories there are just horrible. They're so condescending and horrible, so when I go over for the holidays and wear those "slutty" crop-tops, they can see my tattoo."
Sukuna paused for a moment to glance at you and push up his glasses that were slipping down his nose before resuming the inking.
"That's some serious dedication."
"I'm known to be loyal to my bad decisions. What about you? Bad decisions, bad memories?" you questioned.
"Hmm, well, I was adopted, but the memories weren't good either so I see where you're coming from."
The two of you held the conversation as he finished up your tattoo. When he was finished and cleaned you up, he led you to the front of the store.
"On me," he said. "To the horrible childhood and bad decisions. Plus, you let me use that design."
"Really? Thanks. This has been really fun," you commented.
You left his tattoo shop that day, feeling better about yourself than you had in months. To thank him for his service, you came back to his shop the next day with a container of freshly baked cookies.
"They're for you," you said, sliding the container to him on the front desk.
"What flavor?"
"I didn't know what you liked, so I baked chocolate chip."
"I accept," he said as he opened the container and bit into one of the cookies. "It's good. I like plum jam cookies by the way."
"You're a monster," you retorted.
"Plum jam is good. If you're going to insult me, get out of my shop."
You pouted. "Boo. I'll come back for the container tomorrow," you said as you walked out of his shop.
Since then, you visited his shop every day with horrible excuses until he finally asked why you were lying to him and you said you liked his company.
The two of you would joke around and talk, and you would always bring snacks for him.
But one day, you stopped coming, and Sukuna got concerned. He didn't have your contact information since your tattoo was a one-time appointment and he never bothered to ask you for it.
He forced himself to let it go, telling himself that there was nothing he could do about it. He was used to one-night stands and women flirting with him, but you never flirted. You were just an open person.
He continued with his days that turned into months and turned into years, only focusing on his shop and his customers.
"Hey, hot stuff."
Sukuna grunted as he turned around. "I don't have room... Y/N?"
You grinned and held up a peace sign. "Cheese. Did you miss me?"
You wore jeans and a tight crop top, perfectly revealing the stomach tattoo he inked on you years ago. He noticed you had more tattoos on your body. Some seemed unprofessional and others were much more professional-looking.
You noticed he was looking so you stepped closer to the counter he was behind and stuck your arms out.
"I did them myself," you said. "After seeing you, I decided to become a tattoo artist myself. I don't have my own shop or anything, but I did an internship under someone while I was in college."
He grabbed a stack of papers and rolled them up before smacking you on the head.
"Ow! What was that for?" you cried, holding your head with your hands.
"You could have told me."
"I didn't want to bother you. Besides, it's not like we were dating." Noticing he was sulking, you added, "Unless you wanted to date me."
He glared at you and smacked your hands that were covering your head. You laughed, took out a piece of paper, and unfolded it.
"What's this?" he asked.
"My resume. I want to work here."
"I'm not hiring."
"Why, you don't want to spend all day with me?" you asked.
"You're a brat."
"You're not telling me to get lost though," you retorted.
He pursed his lips and snatched the paper from you, quickly scanning the contents before looking at your smug face.
"You start tomorrow. Today, you watch," he commanded.
"Yes, sir," you said as you saluted him. "Want me to make cookies for tomorrow?"
He glanced at you before turning around and walking out from behind the counter, then looked over his shoulder.
"Plum jam cookies," he said.
"Got it, boss,” you said with a grin on your face as you followed him into his room where a customer was waiting.
“Lose the attitude,” he demanded.
“What attitude?”
He sighed heavily, worried about what he got himself into by taking you under his wing. He wouldn't lie about the fact that you looked good though. You looked happier as well, and he was glad, even if he had a scowl on his face.
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dreamychick · 2 years
Hobbit thoughts part 3 (final)
How in the hell are all of these Warriors such deep sleepers you go on the road and sleep on the road and hunt on the road and run and do all the things constantly where danger is constantly a factor how can you be such a sound sleeper so that when somebody is moving around you you don't even feel it?
Also in a party this big you only have one person keeping watch?
How in the fuck did he just Escape that hoard of whatever the hell those creatures were just by ducking down like he was in the thrall of everything and then he's slumped down got on his hands and knees and they just walked right past him how in the fuck?
No seriously what the hell are these things? One of them is just sitting in a little pulley and then just write on his little notepad and goes zip lining away their King has all this skin the flapping around that looks like a beard what what is this creature race?
Oh and here comes Gollum.
Too smack the shit out of that Goblin with a rock! And then in the process lose his ring.
The full scene with the rocks and Gollum like taking his prey and stuff kind of reminds me of that video game until dawn like a cool part kind of just reminds me of that
Gollum has a split personality? He just talks to himself he's been alone for so long that he only has himself for company that's kind of sad.
So askin what you had in your pocket was stupid. You should have known when he was wrong hed want to know what the answer was. Dummy.
So what manner of creasture is gollum? A gollum? Isnt that just his name?
No they didn't just put a Wilhelm scream in here
And hes put the ring on. So it begins.
To be fair that wasnt his fault.
He wants to help them get their home back thats commendable
Ok so his sword was stuck in the soft flesh of a monster. How did it make a shhhhingk sound when he pulled it out?
When you watch a prequel there's kind of no sense of urgency for certain character is because you know they don't die because they show up in the original series like you can have a sense of hey what's going to happen but there's no sense of actual urgency or dread because you know that ultimately they're going to be okay like Gandalf is never endanger Bilbo Baggins is never truly in danger
Thorin buddy where ya goin?
You dumb idiot. Running into a fight that you knew you couldn't win just for the sake of Pride and anger listen you wait until the right moment to get your fucking Revenge I'm not saying don't have Revenge I'm saying wait cuz running into a plan half-cocked only to get yourself Gravely injured or killed does nothing for no one now your people are not Avenged you still don't have a home. And they're down one good fighter as well as a leader of their people and for what it didn't even benefit anybody
Bilbo go pick up his sword.
Oh my God Eagles ex machina.
They even were thoughtful enough to grab his sword.
So thorin is alive again. Huzzah. But i mean were we ever scared?
Hey eagles can you carry us the rest of the way? I mean. You brought us this far. Eagles? Eagles?? No. Fuck us then. That mountain is only about another month maybe mores walk away. You could fly us there in a few hours but nah. Its better this way.
"The worst is behind us." -Cliche. Ding.
Dun dun dun.
So all and all it was pretty good. I still don't think it's really my cup of tea, like I wouldn't seek it out, but it was ok to sit through. I didn't fall asleep with this one so that already was a point in its favor. I just think it had a bit to much...I don't know. I still can't put my finger on it. By all accounts I should love this series.
Magic. Fantasy. Adventure. Dragons. All that stuff. But I dunno.
Something is still just not there. I'd be willing to watch the next one because. Dragon. But not right now. At a later time. But all in all, final verdict: Not bad.
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dumdumdrawstumtums · 3 years
Aside from Re//no, do you have any other fin//al fan//tasy boys that catch your eye? Headcanons?
Hmm there's a good few so I'll stick to what I've played and try to make them brief if that's okay?
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Well first of course there's C/loud, who I like to think with his mako enhancements comes a huge appetite. He might not be showing off or anything, but when he's hungry, he's the type who sits down and puts it away like no one's business. Stacking up plates and simply ordering (a lot of) something else, burping into his fist, will either unfasten his belt with one hand while still using the other eat or it just snaps with a grunt and momentary frown down for a moment. Won't beg for belly rubs or anything unless pushed to it, but he lets out the most dreamy sighs and groans when it feels good. If he's really comfortable around someone, he'll indulge in their kinks with a smirk, burping and making comments about how full he is and how it's mostly their fault if they egged him on.
As a pred he doesn't like to eat people or monsters when it will impede him, but when it's bastards like S/hinra grunts he won't hesitate if the situation demands it. Afterwards he'll smack his squirming gut telling them to pipe down while he carries on with whatever he was trying to do. OR he can do protective vore, even insist on it if it's an escort mission because it makes it easier on him - he can probably handle the weight and he doesn't need to worry about them getting into trouble.
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S/quall is much in the same boat as C/loud, except he's quite a bit ruder how he goes about eating, especially if he's starved after going a day or two without eating. Grabs and scarfs down whatever's edible, any attention it garners is met with his trademark glare (which might lose some of its effectiveness if he's got chipmunk cheeks going at the moment). If anyone's bothering him while he's trying to eat he'll straight up belch in their face to get them to leave... but if it has the opposite effect he'll roll his eyes.
For vore I like the idea that S/quall would (when forced) tackle it seemingly unfazed, but in reality it proves to be both a challenge for him and leaves him kinda.. vulnerable. He's absolutely stuffed after eating someone(s), his stomach is making all kinds of noises, and his stalwart attitude is starting to crack as he grumbles and argues with it. He'll refuse any help until he really needs it, and even then act like a stray cat slowly warming to the touch.
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Z/ell's a pretty easy one to cover because he already stuffs his face at any given moment, especially when it comes to bread hot dogs. He sorta just eats until he's sporting a gut on instinct. He doesn't particularly boast or anything, at least until his eating is getting attention. Then he'll enthusiastically make a show of putting food away, rubbing over his swelling stomach, remark on how big and tight it's getting, etc. Makes an effort to belch as loudly as possible if he's getting a positive reception to that, beaming after particularly good ones. Of course with that kinda attitude he's also very prone to getting a big stomachache that he'll be griping for help with, and gets very vocal when receiving said help.
Z/ell's vore potential I think has a great deal to do with being "in the moment." Whether it's battle or bickering with someone, getting worked up to the point his stomach growls and he decides the best way to deal with the problem is letting his ever-trusty stomach handle it. And since he's a martial artist all about honing his body, it's more effective at dealing with lively occupants than someone his height would lead you to believe. Just clenching his abdominals will ensure they're packed tight, and he'll do it on and off to get his prey going for a while, snickering the whole time.
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S/eifer carries a lot of "big bully" energy to him while at the Garden, so a lotta kink tropes align with that energy. He'll snatch food off other's plates, saying it'll be put to much better use fueling him than them (especially does that with certain "chickenwusses" because he gets a kick out of their indignant reactions). He's also got a serious competitive streak to him, so he won't allow anyone - ESPECIALLY S/quall - to hog the spotlight eating more than him. Despite this streak to him, he's still a romantic at heart. That means if he's being talked up and venerated enough, he'll be susceptible to eating whatever and however much his feeder is wishing of him.
Vore of course also comes very easy for the jerk. He's head of his Disciplinary Committee, so certain upstarts may find themselves spending time in a special solitary confinement - one that's dark, slimy, and all around none too pleasant. The first offense he'll probably spit 'em back up with a warning, but further offenses and, well, he's sure he can work off the extra notches to his belt. I'm sure he's also dealt with several enemies to U/ltimecia in such a manner when he was under her sway, regardless of how those started to add up. But as stated before, he's got a deep streak of romanticism to him. Behind closed doors he may like to roleplay being the brave hero who rescues the "damsel" or ruthless fiend about to make a meal outta the hapless captive. I just like to add that silly quality to him that counters his tough guy demeanor.
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T/idus is a natural swimmer, the ace of his b/litzball team, and with that comes a SERIOUS appetite that constantly needs tending to. Several times throughout the day he'll shovel down enough food to bloat out his abs to a considerable degree, only to be back to flat in no time. He's as quick with eating as he is in the game or in battle, so it's well known to make sure you got what food you can before he arrives because it'll all be gone in a flash. That also means he'll frequently be hiccupping and belching up air he swallowed down in the process, which he isn't shy about doing in the least. He's used to showing off his prowess there with his team, showing off how he's the ace in more than one way. Of course eating so much so quickly means his stomach doesn't really have time to register how full it is until he's licked the last plate clean, and only then will it hit him. T/idus will try to put up a brave front initially to save face, but a squelching stomach does not lie. He hates being down for the count, so he'll really appreciate a helping hand to settle the indigestion.
I think T/idus is the most prone to accidental vore scenarios precisely because of his "eats like a starving dog" habits. If he's not paying attention, someone could very well be caught in the crossfire, and it isn't until after he's finished his meal that he's groaning and rubbing over a gut much bigger than he anticipated, wondering what he ate until he belches up a sandal. There's also b/litzball incidents, where either he or an enemy dashed through the water in the exact wrong way and they ended up taking a dive right down his gullet. Though there are situations where it might not be so accidental - such as when he decides he'll deal with a team that seriously rubs him the wrong way (I'm looking at you, L/uca Goers). There's also the idea of a fan of his convincing him to eat them, either as just an enjoyable temporary experience or talking him into adding them to his athletic frame.
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Weapon Hex
Chapter 1: The Runaways Run Away
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Word Count: 1.7k
Originally Requested by: @amateurwriterbigdreamer
A/N: love that Onawa was requested to be in this! I’m not giving her a huge part until she turns into a villain so that it’s centered around Y/N for now! These are all gonna be short chapters since there’s not a whole ass movie to cover. Hope you like it!
“I said no!” You yelled at the STAR Labs scientist, who had been trying to hook up a machine to you, to observe your brain waves. The other kids you had escaped the Reach with were watching from across the room, waiting for instructions. They watched with their eyes wide in fear and concern as the scientist cornered you.
“Y/N, you have to calm down.” He told you calmly, despite the annoyed tone of his voice.
You crouched in a defensive stance, snarling at him to tell him to back off. Two security guards grabbed your arms, and you thrashed in their hold, warning them to let you go. Your heart rate began to pick up as they held you down, and the scientist picked up a needle. You knew the drug wouldn’t work on you, none of them did, but you had to act like it would.
Your plan was to be calm and act out of it once they “sedated” you, so that they wouldn’t see you as dangerous. Then, once their guard was down, you’d attack.
“No! Stop!” You yelled as the needle stuck into your arm, and you slowly pretended to get tired. You made your eyes droop and breathed very slowly, so that when he checked your pulse it would be at the rate it should be with sedation in your veins.
“Put her in a straight jacket.” The scientist ordered a guard.
“You can’t do that!” Virgil Hawkins stood up.
“That’s way out of line!” Tye Longshadow glared at the scientist.
“She’s far too dangerous.”
“She obviously doesn’t want your help. You can’t just force her to do stuff!” Eduardo Dorado Jr. snapped. The scientist ignored him as the guards put your arms in a straight jacket, then sat you down in the last chair. You pretended to be half asleep, but when no one was looking you winked at the other 6 kids before they were called over. You shut your eyes and your head fell back against the wall, you figured you’d might as well rest. Your thoughts wandered to your father, and the horror stories about Stryker and the Weapon X program.
Your father was James Howlett, AKA The Wolverine, and your mother was Jean Grey, another X-Man. She had died half a year ago, destroyed by the Phoenix Force. You had run away from the X-Mansion because of it. You were treated different by the other kids, and even your team, Excalibur. Nightcrawler, Gambit, Rogue, Colossus, Lockheed, even your best friend, Kitty Pryde, treated you differently than before the Phoenix killed your mother. They treated you as if you’d turn on them any second. As if you’d attack them. As if you were an animal. A monster.
Your father had become even more distant and angry than before, which was something you didn’t think was possible. You didn’t know how to comfort him, and he didn’t know how to comfort you. Nobody was there for you while you grieved for your mother, and you felt feared and unwanted. So, to make things easier for them, you left. You planned to just wander, maybe even steal a motorcycle and follow in your fathers footsteps. You had been waiting for a bus when the Reach kidnapped you. When you woke up, voices were talking in your head. You were terrified, but then you heard your mothers voice. Whether it was actually her or just your subconscious, you didn’t know, but she helped you control the other voices. You were extremely intelligent, so it didn’t take long for you to get the hang of telepathy. When you finally escaped, you were put back into more testing. It made you anxious and panicky, since you knew what happened to your father and many mutants when they were tested on. You remembered the mutants that died being experimented on by Trask, and the lifelong trauma it brought your father.
“If we let you out, do you think you can handle getting some food without throwing a fit?” A security guard asked you, mocking you as if you were a child.
You lifted your head and nodded slowly, manipulating his mind to think your pupils were dilated, a sign of sedation. Once he was satisfied he unbuckled the straight jacket and helped you up, but you convinced him you could walk on your own. You walked out to the hallway and stopped at a corner, watching the others who were listening to Eduardo Jr and Eduardo Sr arguing very loudly. They looked away when he storms out, slamming the door.
“Uh...we should get lunch while we have time.” Virgil suggested.
“This is so messed up.” Tye snapped. “STAR is as bad as the Reach and worse than home.”
“Wouldn’t go that far.” Onawa Longshadow, who you figured out was his sister, mumbled.
“But STAR wants to help us.” Neut, some other escapee said quietly.
“Whatever, Neut. I just know I can’t take much more of this.” Tye said through his teeth.
“You won’t have to. Cause we’re busting out. Tonight.” Virgil says with determination. This perks your attention, so you walks towards them.
“And how are we supposed to do that?” Eduardo asked. “This place is a fortress.”
“You’ll need me.”
They all spin around and see you, perfectly awake and not sedated at all.
“You faked it, didn’t you?” Tye asked you, grinning.
“That’s what he said.” Virgil whispered, Eduardo snickering while Tye rolled his eyes.
“Drugs and medicine don’t work on me.” You shook your head. “The doctors are idiots.”
“Is that your metahuman gene?” Eduardo asked.
“No. That’s my X-Gene.” You shake your head as you looked around to make sure there’s no guards spying on you guys.
“Wait...” Tye mumbled. “I thought you were a telepath?”
“Holy shit! You’re like Wolverine, right? With a healing factor!” Virgil exclaimed.
“What?” A guard overheard from the other hallway. You rolled your eyes and erased the last few seconds from his mind, then created a “mind link” with the others, translating for Asami at the same time. Not Neut though, you knew he wanted to stay and report you. So you erased his mind as well.
‘Don’t yell. Talk to me through this.’ You ordered as you all started walking towards the cafeteria. ‘Yes, Wolverine is my father. My X-Gene developed when I was little, but the Reach activated my meta gene as well.’
‘No fair, so you’ve got like, a hundred powers?’ Virgil asked.
‘Can you even count? She’s got two.’ Onawa rolled her eyes.
‘So you know how to get us out of here?’ Tye asked. He seemed to be the most restless and adamant about leaving, which you took note of.
‘We leave tonight. I’ll take care of everything.’
“Please, tell me you're not serious about running. Running, escaping, whatever you want to call it, we're gone. This is serious. I nearly blew up Central City. My powers may be gone now, but what if they come back, you know, escalate out of control all over again? What if your powers escalate? Dude, you can't control them now. Look, I know Wilcox is a pain. STAR is a pain, but they're trying to keep us safe. Or at least keep the world safe from us.” Neut tried to reason with you.
“I’m outta here..” Virgil scoffed as you led him towards the door.
“Oh yeah.” Tye nodded, his sister following behind.
“Adios.” Eduardo waved to Neut.
“Are you coming Sam?” You asked her.
“I think so?” She tilted her head.
“That might mean yes.” Tye and Eduardo both led her towards you.
You spun around when alarms suddenly blared, and you saw Neut at some control panel.
“Sorry. But I can’t let you do this.” Neut narrowed his eyes.
“Bold of you to assume you were letting us in the first place, punk!” Onawa glared at him, starting to charge at him before her brother tugged her back.
“Let’s go!” You shouted at them, rushing down the hallway. Virgil and Eduardo sprinted ahead of you, right at the door. Virgil tried to open the door, but it was locked.
“The alarms put the whole place on lockdown!” Virgil alerted you.
“Great! Now what?” Tye asked.
“No idea.” Virgil admitted.
“Well what was your escape plan?” Eduardo asked.
“Uh...I didn’t really come up with one.” Virgil rubbed the back of his neck. “Y/N, weren’t you supposed to be in charge here?”
“I am. Just wait for it.” You told them. You knew guards would be at every exit any minute, and you wanted to show them something.
“Ed? Can you teleport us out?” Virgil asked, trying to figure out why you were just standing there staring down the hall.
“Haven't you been paying attention? I can only teleport myself and only along sight lines. Which makes escaping from a windowless, locked hallway somewhat difficult!” Eduardo shouted, accent becoming thicker in his anger.
“No problem! Tye can do his thing, right?” Virgil turned to Tye.
“Wrong! I can’t control ‘my thing’! It just happens!” Tye shook his head.
“Onawa? Can you do some magic or something?”
“No way! If I try to tear apart the door I could tear you apart too! I don’t have control yet, you-“ Onawa opened her mouth to say some god awful curse.
“That’s enough.” Tye smacked her arm.
“Look out!” Asami pointed.
You grinned when some guards ran up, channeling your inner Wolverine.
“You kids need to come with us!” A guard warned.
“Don’t think so.” Eduardo said darkly.
You charged at the guards, finally sheathing your claws. You made sure to not cut any vital parts, only making flesh wounds to keep them down. You snarled at them, baring your sharp teeth. Once they were all down, you turned around and charged towards the others. They all jumped aside as you went for the door, easily tearing through the layers of metal. You retracted your claws, standing straight and feeling your shoulders and back crack loudly. You turned around, everyone staring at you in shock and fear.
“Let’s go.” You say calmly, before running off into the night.
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sirro85-blog · 5 years
Dark Horses 6
So, what are the Xhost? Now, so long after they have left the stars it's a question that can be asked.
The Xhost were an idea that became a cult, if humans are more durable and Rhul are faster and Biviladi are more adaptable to environmental changes what if instead of celebrating the diversity we examined the discrepancies and found a common ground?
A noble thought, corrupted, corrupted into the Xhost where races were genetically modified to be a bit of everything, differences were no longer celebrated as part of a more fantastic whole but instead were vilified as non-conforming.
To the Xhost purity was required, variation was the enemy.
Kovac sat against the wall looking at his friends, Wolf shook his head and turned to Dorman for support.
"No," said Kovac, " you both have opinions and you're both entitled to them, but you're wrong.
It's as simple as this. Iron man is the greatest superhero, all those with superpowers built in can fuck right off, if your solution to a problem is punching harder then you're not a solution. Iron man's super power is thinking better than all of the others, he figures stuff out, after that his inventions win fights. All the other smart guys either have powers or their limited, I mean Batman isn't a one man army. Reed Richards works stuff out then relies on being Mr Fantastic to solve the problem.
Also Tony fights butt naked and the rest don't."
Kovac looked at his friends and smiled at their faces, "look it's this simple, your mind, the human mind is the greatest weapon in the galaxy. Now the second lesson I have to teach you is this simple, no matter what your taste in music one song needs special attention."
"We Will Rick You, by Queen will be remembered as a Pride song but it shouldn't be. What really matters is the solo or fade out; that piece of guitar play by May...everything else is just delivery for that.
Finally, if you're not happy, watching bad television at 0400 with you're partner then you're relationship won't last, if their presence doesn't bring you joy then move on.
Right that's about it, that's my life time knowledge, guess we should see this out then." Kovac stood.
Outside the Xhost forces had swept across the continent.
"Major, you know that the General will mobilise to defend us, even with the bones of a brigade. Major General Michaela Jones will be here," Wolf said.
"I know Wolf, the question has always been how do we drive the Xhost back? They control more sectors than the Rhul and the Flet together, they control more planet's than the Korlax."
"They've never defeated the Galactic Council forces though." Dorman countered.
"Well that's not strictly true, they've never won a war against the GCDF but they've always required mobilising core divisions and I hate to say it but that means human troops, we're the backbone of the GCDF without our presence the Xhost have seen success."
"You really don't think we can save the Towoli? Or the EDC?" Wolf asked morose.
"With a squadron of combat engineers? No." The Major was terse in his response.
Captain Becca looked out at the gathering darkness, "three days to capture the Towoli and secure the cities, so on the fourth day they turn around and hit the EDC, they're dug in now, so they last, maybe another four days and then it us. In this position we can last, maybe three days. That gives the Major-general two weeks, to raise at least a brigade and to get to us..." the question hung in the air unasked.
Kovac puffed out his cheeks, and rubbed his right forearm. "Remember in the 88th there became this belief that I'd pull it out of the fire, everytime it looked impossible odds you'd hear the men, "trust in kovac" I have that faith in Michaela Jones. Our only job right now is to keep open this beach head so she can land the troops. Now I've shared my life's wisdom with you, who has any other nuggets to share?"
Sergeant Major Panther had her own meeting with her sergeants, the needs of various troops and sections were discussed and the talk turned to how long they could hold out, "Captain says three at a push, but knowing the Major, if say closer to five."
"It'll take them a week to roll the Towoli and the EDC so by the end of the second week it'll be all over," said Sergeant Webb.
"No, you're forgetting Webb, we've got Kovac, 'keep calm and trust in Kovac' I've been saying that for over ten years now and I'll keep saying as long as he keeps earning my damn faith." Knickers glared at her fellow sergeants, "what was it he always said? It's us, it's us the 88th, well now it's us the Dark Horses but it's still us, we're still the real first in last out and we're still fighting fit and fucking ugly, Kovac will know what to do and when he asks us to do the impossible we'll deliver."
Panther grinned, "Exactly, so get out there and tell that to the men, wipe their little faces, help them blow their noses and smack the heads that need smacking, we are the Dark Horses and we will do what is needed."
"Except the Major is sitting there saying the same about the General," Webb said, "you all know I love the man, he's personally saved my life four times that I can count, if anyone can save us he can...but he isn't trying to. He's not even mentioned trying to save the Towoli and the EDC, he's said we use them as cannon fodder. Our hope is that we get rescued by the woman we walked away from to follow Kovac."
The sergeant-major stared at her sergeants, she seemed at a loss for what to say.
"I'll keep my faith thank you Webb. You're not wrong, yet, but I'll put my trust in Kovac."
Corporal Grey was growing weary of banging heads, the men were despondent and grumbling. The leader they trusted beyond all others was finally cornered and they could all see it. He watched as Captain Dorman walked away from the Major looking down-trodden, after a few steps the officer managed to organise himself and he straightened his shoulders and put his head up...keeping up appearances.
"I hear you're out of ideas and we're all fucked," said a coarse voice behind Kovac.
"Hello RQ," said Kovac without turning round, "and do you believe it?"
"Of course not, you need extra arms for all the tricks up your sleeves," scoffed the Quartemaster, "but they do, the rank, which I'm guessing is the point."
"They're good people, good people don't become monsters without falling down first, I need them to be monsters, they have to lose hope so when I throw them a cobra for a life line they grab it."
"What's the plan troop?"
"The secret to Xhost success is that the Xhost have their own supply of fuel, took us a while to realise what it was, now they use a variety of tricks but the basic component is Phosphene gas, toxic and smells like rotten fish half the time. So the finest galactic scientists looked at how they could inhibit their engines, how they could stop the Xhost fuelling their war machine, they failed. Then a human looked at it, her solution was deemed too heinous, the very suggestion caused humanity some problems, as we were suddenly seen as viscious and evil."
"What was her solution?"
"Chemistry, it's beyond me but...have you ever heard of White Phosphorus?"
The Qm blanched, "really!? That's your solution?"
"Turn their fuel into chemical weapons, I just need men desperate enough to agree to it."
Kovac turned to look at the Qm, "first time you've ever called me that, look, we can sit here and let the Xhost slaughter the Towoli and the EDC or we can act, to save innocent lives, maybe we need to be less innocent."
The Qm was quiet a moment and then sighed, "you think we have to?"
"I do."
"Alright then," she touched his arm and left him.
Kovac stared into the gathering gloom, "Clausewitz never finished and Ludendorff was a bastard who lost," he seemed to mutter to himself.
Later Kovac would say it was almost sad how quickly his men agreed to his plan, but they did. So within 6 hours his troops were prepared and moving out.
Before dawn the Dark Horses had returned to their fortifications, none of the normal a activities were on display, showing pride in a job we'll done. Instead the attitude was grim, an unpleasant job but one needing done.
Outside in the skies and on the ground, the Xhost burned, White Phosphorus burns on contact with air and it can burn even human flesh to the bone. Steel melts at half the temperature of burning white phosphorus.
I've seen artists renderings of the human construct of hell, the day the Xhost burned was brighter, hotter and there was more smoke. The issue of demons I'll leave to other scholars.
Ten days later Major General Michaela Jones landed with the 3rd army of the Galactic Defence Force to discover a smoking planet and the Towoli and EDC talking about burning skies and enemies vaporized in a wall of heat.
The Dark Horses, grim of face and closed in demeanour said nothing, they simply boarded and left with the advance ships into Xhost territory.
There is a phrase amongst those who study human kind, it's taken from their own old language, a term itself bastardised from an even older tale, "humans are space-orcs"
To humans it's funny, "the human can withstand the loss of a limb and is capable of feats of strength near impossible to other races, they fix metal into their mouths and inject their skins for aesthetic purposes...ha ha, fuck yeah we're space-orcs"
But to those of us who study, it means something different, orcs are the monsters of human fiction, rewritten and redefined they are brutal, barbarous and backwards. Their savagery and their lack of humanity is common in all their iterations. Orcs are the monsters humans see in themselves.
We space going species forget that humans may be like us in their hunt for answers but they got to this technology not through global cooperation but through war-driven advances and international tensions and competition.
They have only recently become the advanced global society we know, just under the surface lies the monster. Humans are Space Orcs.
So I know the Chemistry is a bit hinky here according to a chemist friend of mine what I've said is possible but not easily but...hey It's sci-fi.
Anyway this one ends in a dark place but it's where it went and I can't really pretend I know what I'm doing.
As always feedback is appreciated.
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porkchop-ao3 · 6 years
Ok so imagine you are the last version of yourself so Rick keeps you heavily guarded in the citadel. He makes clones but they're not perfect so he protects the original. And your room is perfectly tailored to your interests and you get whatever you want you're just not allowed out
Thank you for this! I wrote this one for Miami Rick :) it’s a little over 3k words and it features a little bit of Daddy kink (only minor though, mentioned like twice). Hope you like it!
The sky was so blue. The sound of the waves was so soothing. I could almost smell the saltwater, could almost feel the sand beneath my feet. I spun in a circle, seeing the other beach-goers laying back in their bikinis and sunglasses, muscular men looking all oiled up and tanned. I sighed heavily and fell backwards, landing hard on the sand yet feeling no pain… feeling nothing at all. If I focused hard enough I could trick myself into feeling the warmth of the sun, hot, almost painfully so. But then the sound of a keypad being typed into, followed by an opening door could be heard, breaking me out of that tiny bit of emersion.
With a whine, I pulled the headset off, letting my eyes adjust to my actual surroundings. Marble floors, matte black walls with metallic gold patterns, lush fur rug. I didn’t sit up from the excessively soft bed I was laying on, exhausted. Not physically, but mentally. Completely and utterly drained from being in the same space for a month now, almost forgetting how a breeze felt, how fresh air smelled, how open spaces looked.
“Heeey, baby. Here- there’s my girl. I got some, uh, some new stuff for you.” Came Rick’s voice, and I let my eyes fall closed. The bed shifted, and I sensed a shadow being cast over me as he loomed over my body. He clicked his fingers twice in front of my face and I opened my eyes to glare at him. “Baby. Stuff.”
“Wonderful.” I sighed, sitting up and forcing him to move out of the way. He whipped off his sunglasses and spat his toothpick out; I watched it fly across the room and bury itself into the fur rug.
“Hey. Gimme a smile. You used to be- get so excited when I’d visit.” He pointed out and I forced a smile. “I-I got what you asked for, sweetie. Those nice chocolates you like? Got those. Uhh, a new game for you to play on th- on your computer.” He told me, peering into the big gift bag he had on his lap, speaking in this upbeat, encouraging tone. I watched him pull the items out one by one, placing them neatly on the bed. “Bottle of your favorite rosé, and a new glass to go with it. Crystal; I mean look at the cut on that stem. Muah.” He held the wine glass up to the light, and I watched it refract a rainbow across his face. “Isn’t that just beautiful?”
“It is. It’s very beautiful.” I said, sounding a lot less enthusiastic than him. He sighed and leaned over to place the glass and bottle of wine on the mirrored surface of the bedside table.
“You’re gonna like this next thing.” He said, rummaging around and pulling out a slim, velvet textured box, handing it over to me. I watched his excited expression for a moment before opening up the box. I was unsurprised at the garish display of wealth that sat inside, in the form of a necklace made up of large, perfect clarity diamonds. It was the sort of necklace reserved for royalty, but here it was in my possession, and I didn’t feel so much as a twinkle of emotion. I stared at it for a while, before looking up at Rick.
“Thank you.” I said, my voice sounding more monotonous than I’d intended. He narrowed his eyes at me, but before he could complain, I spoke again. “Did you get the other thing I wanted?”
He sighed heavily, but reached into the bag again. “Yes. Th-though I still don’t understand why you need it.” He said, and I snorted. “What, am I not satisfying you?” He sounded bitter. Extremely bitter.
I rolled my eyes so hard it hurt. “Of course that’s not it.” I assured him, taking the box he held out from him. I didn’t waste a second before pulling open the box and taking out it’s contents. It was a vibrator.
“So why’d you need it?” He asked, and I looked at him with a deadpan expression.
“Really? Rick. I’m in here twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. There’s only so much you can do in one room, and it’s not like you’re here with me constantly, is it? Masturbating is literally the only thing I haven’t got bored of yet.” I told him brazenly.
“Wow, well, I can’t argue with that.” He admitted.
“Thanks for the new stuff.” I said, reaching into the bag on his lap, pulling out the last item that I knew was in there; a pack of batteries. “You can go now… you know, back outside. Back into the world.” I said, inserting the batteries into the toy and clicking it on, feeling a bubble of excitement at how strong it was. My attention was snatched, physically, as Rick grabbed my jaw and roughly pulled it to face him.
“Less of the fucking attitude okay? Y-you act like… like I’m a fucking monster or something.” He growled.
“A monster? No. You’re not scary enough.” I said in an even voice, pulling out of his grip.
“I’m doing this for your own good, you know.” He said, straightening up, all high and fucking mighty.
“Don’t pretend this is about me. I’m not stupid. You’re scared of losing me. And you’re so scared that you can’t see your actions; keeping me locked up in here in a bid to protect me, is what’s pushing me away from you.” I tossed the toy aside and sat up on my knees, looking down at him. “The world isn’t as big and bad and scary as you’re making out. And so what if I’m the only one left of me? What; if I wasn’t and I popped my clogs would you just hop to the next dimension and replace me?” I asked.
“Absolutely not. That’s not- that’s never been my intention. I’ve never wanted to replace you. You’re irreplaceable. Why’d you think I ditched the cloning idea?” He argued and I sighed.
“How very flattering, Rick. I’m sorry, I’m just not having it today.” I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest.
“I’m keeping you here so I know that you’re safe!” He shouted.
“From what?” I asked.
“From… from everything! This- this is a controlled environment. I’ve got surveillance on this place, I can keep an eye on you at all times and I know that you’re okay. If… if you’re out there, I’ve got no idea where you are or what you’re doing and I… I-I can’t fucking risk that, okay?” He said, his voice cracking with annoyance and some sort of emotion that seemed out of place in Rick. I sat back on my heels, looking down.
“So being locked in a room with no escape is safe? What if… What if there’s a fire?” I asked, and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m not a fucking idiot, (y/n). There’s smoke detectors in this place, and if it’s triggered the door un-” I stopped himself, looking over at me and smacking his hand into his forehead. “Oh. Fantastic. Now you’re gonna start a fucking fire as soon as I leave.” he growled.
“Maybe I will.” I shrugged.
“You do that and I’ll fucking kill you myself.”
“Like that’s much of a threat. I’m barely living as it is.” I snorted.
“Don’t say that. I-I-I work hard to make this place nice for you. I get you everything you want and more. I don’t know what else I can do.”
“All I want is my freedom, Rick.” I told him, looking at him with sad eyes. I noticed a look of pain flicker over his face, but it was covered with a steely wall of indifference soon after.
“No can do.” He said.
“Right.” I nodded, my jaw tense. “Then… just go. Leave me be.” I said.
“You’re gonna do something, y-you’re plotting something.” he noted, and I shook my head.
“I’m simply going to try out my new toy.” I shrugged.
“If that’s the case, I’ll stay.” He stated, kicking off his shoes and getting comfy. I glared at him. “Go on, show me what fun you have when I’m not around.”
“I’m not doing that.” I refused, not moving from my spot.
“Why not?”
“Because I’d like to be alone.”
“If you’d prefer, I could go hide in the closet. You know, the walk in- the full walk in closet over there.” He said, and I raised a brow at his tone.
“What’s this? What’re you doing? Reminding me how much stuff you buy me?” I asked.
“Well, it doesn’t hurt, does it?” He said, and I laughed loudly, throwing my head back. He watched me expressionlessly.
“Seriously? You think designer clothes and shit is a substitute from being able to uh, to go outside?” I asked.
“You’ve got the headset- I made you the goddamn headset so you could go wherever the fuck you wanted.” He said, though all his anger seemed to have been drained. His voice almost completely void of emotion.
“It’s not real.” I said, and he just shrugged, getting up from the bed and pacing, dragging his hands over his face.
“Listen, (y/n), I'm… I’m conflicted here. You’ve gotta un-understand my point of view.” he started. I watched him, patiently waiting for his next words. “If you were to… if anything happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do. No, there’s absolutely nothing I could do. I’d be fucked.”
“Why? I’m not special. You could find any other young piece of ass to splurge all your money on. You’d forget about me in a week.”
“No! You’re fucking wrong, okay? Y-y-you’re not just a young piece of ass, Jesus Christ. I don’t want anybody else! Hey, you’re right, I could do that. I could find any other bitch in Miami and she’d be overjoyed to be in your position, she’d make my life way fucking easier than you do. But it’s not what I want.” He raised his voice, ranting with his arms flailing wildly. “You are special. You’re the most fuckin’ special person in the multiverse because there’s just one of you. It-it defies all logic, goes against everything I thought was true. That’s why I want you. I’m the only fucking Rick that’s got you an-and I’m not risking losing you.”
“So I’m like… a rare collectable item, hmm?” I asked.
“If you wanna put it like that, yeah. A collectable item that a whole bunch of me’s want, but only I’ve got. You see my problem?”
“Oh, oh I think so. You’re keeping me locked up in here, where all the other Rick’s can’t get to me?”
“So, uh, why’d you put me on the citadel of Rick’s, huh? In one of the flashiest fucking penthouses on the entire citadel? Isn’t it like, like a beacon? A big flashing neon sign?” I slid to the edge of the bed and got up, closing the gap between us. I had to crane my neck to look him in the eye, but I didn’t let that phase me. “It’s because you’re a goddamn show boater, isn’t it? You want everyone to know exactly who I belong to.”
Rick’s expression told me that I’d called him out. It went through stages, going from surprise, to guilt, to anger in a matter of a few seconds. He shook his head violently, shoving a finger in my face. “N-no! That’s ridiculous. I put you here because… cause it’s luxurious. I wanted you somewhere nice, I wasn’t gonna put you in-in a fucking shed somewhere.” He told me, and I snorted and his shit excuse.
“I know you Rick. I hit the nail on the head. I’m surprised you aren’t selling tickets to come and look at me, view me like a fucking zoo animal. And… and selling these boxes of chocolates to the ones that wanna fucking feed me or pet me.” I picked up the box of chocolates from the bed and pushed them into his chest before letting them drop to the floor. Rick just stood there and took it, watching me with a placid expression. “You don’t care about me. You think you do but you don’t. I’m just a possession to you, a prize, something to brag about. You don’t fucking care.” I spat, my vision blurring as my eyes welled up in anger. Once I was done, I stared him in the eye, waiting for his response, flinching when it came.
I don’t know what I was expecting, but I knew my words had the potential to hit him where it hurt. I waited for him to raise his voice at me, maybe even get physical, shove me away from him and portal me to the blender dimension or something. But none of that happened. Instead, he hugged me. He just fucking hugged me; squeezing me into his chest and resting his lips on the top of my head. I stood there, limp in his arms, eyes wide and body tense with surprise. Rick certainly wasn’t one for hugs, at least not ones like these. If he was gonna hug me, he’d have a hand on my ass and a boner rocking into my thigh. But this was… sweet.
He held me for a while, unmoving, before finally tightening his grip on me and lifting me up, carrying me to the bed and placing me down ever so gently. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me, it was not a lustful kiss, like he usually gave me. It was tender and passionate and full of affection. His fingers ghosted on down to my shoulders, and his head moved down with them, dotting kisses along the center of my throat, when he reached my silk blouse he unbuttoned it, his lips chasing the newly revealed skin until he reached my belly button. I stared down at him, and he caught my eye for a few seconds before he looked away, reaching for the sex toy discarded on the bed. My heart pounded and my tummy lurched with anticipation.
He ran his fingers over my slit, where it was covered only by a pair of panties; I often didn’t bother wearing pants these days. What was the point? My breath hitched at his touch and I rocked my hips up to catch more of it, but his hand was removed. It was soon replaced with the toy, and a low hum met my ears as soon as the vibrations pulsed over me, not quite touching my clit yet. I moaned quietly, closing my eyes and blindly reaching out, my fingers searching for him. He met me halfway, capturing my hand in his as he moved the toy to circle my clit through my underwear. I felt my muscles twitching already at the stimulation, and I knew this would be over quickly. Especially when he pressed the tip directly over that sensitive little button, keeping it there until I was squirming from too much stimulation too soon, effectively numbing me. Little whimpers came from my lips as I tried to cum, but simply couldn’t. Rick chuckled quietly and switched the toy off, putting it aside and removing my underwear.
He left me hanging for a while, letting my sensitivity come back, blowing gentle bursts of air over my pussy. By the time he touched me again, I was simply desperate. His tongue met my opening, making an upwards sweep to my clit, where he rolled it beneath his tongue. I squeezed his hand tightly and groaned, reaching my other hand up to fondle my breast, playing with my hardened nipple and shuddering at the sensations I was experiencing. He sucked gently on my clit, closing his mouth around it and flicking it with his tongue.
“Fuck.” I breathed, hips jumping on the bed. I needed to be filled, I felt empty and far too wet to be left that way. It was as if he’d read my mind, because he let go of my hand and the next thing I knew, he was teasing the toy over my opening. He eased it in; the thing was pretty slim but it had a flared tip that pressed against my g-spot just right. He didn’t turn it on right away, instead opting to thrust it in and out; slow and shallow. I moaned lowly and he hummed around my clit, thrusting faster. “Fuck.” I repeated.
“You gonna cum for me, baby? Cum for your daddy?” He purred, and his voice sent shock waves through me. I groaned loudly, and louder still when he clicked the toy on, sending hot pulses through my body, directly pressed against my g-spot.
“So close.” I sighed, burying my hand in Rick’s hair, pulling gently at the roots and gaining a hum of approval from him. He lifted his head, replacing his tongue with his fingers, rubbing my clit hard and fast.
“Who do you belong to?” He asked me, his voice a pleasant purr.
“Nobody.” I said through clenched teeth, and Rick chuckled, tilting the toy so it was pressed harder against that wonderful spot. My legs trembled and I lurched closer to climax, so very close. I clenched my muscles around the toy, and it made its effects earth shatteringly intense.
“Oh God!” I yelled, back arching.
“Tell me. Who do you belong to?” He repeated. I barely heard him, dangling so far off the edge of the precipice I could focus on nothing but the pleasure.
“Fuck you.” I growled, rocking down on him, chasing and chasing that explosion.
“You’re mine.” He told me with a serious tone, deep and intense. With that, I came; muscles fluttering, toes curling, breath absent. I barely registered Rick’s lips pressing kisses to my thigh as I came, or his satisfied moan as he watched my pussy contract. “Thaaat’s daddy’s good girl.” He said, thrusting the toy inside me though my comedown, finally sliding it out of me when I was a panting, limp, post-orgasmic mess, and he sucked the thing clean.
He crawled up my body and kissed me, his tongue sharing with me my taste. I slid a hand down his front, reaching for the hardness I knew I’d find, but he caught my wrist and pinned it next to me on the bed, preventing me from touching him. I whined in confusion and he broke the kiss, he looked down at my body, then back up to my eyes, a look of contemplation on his face.
“It’s late. You should go to sleep.” He told me, and I raised a brow at his words. He climbed off of me, straightening out his clothes and adjusting the hard on in his pants before he turned and left. I watched him walk out the door, closing it behind him. I watched the green light above it turn red, signifying my entrapment in the locked room. I sighed and let my head drop back against the bed, closing my eyes. I let the post-orgasm lethargy take over, curling up in a ball on my side.
When I woke the next morning, I knew something was different. It took me a while to pinpoint what it was, but when I did, my heart stopped. There above the door, shone a green light.
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Hey there honey💖 I hope you've been having a good day!! Can I get some Richie and Beverly being like best friends??? Maybe Richie letting Bev practice some makeup on him while they're just hanging out??? Just something cute where they love each other💖💖 -👻✨
Dude yes! Richie and Beverly’s friendship is so amazing and adorable ah!! I hope you’re having a good day as well
Richie and Beverly had decided to skip 9th period that Thursday and go back to Beverly’s place since her dad wasn’t home. On the walk back they smoked some cigarettes and just generally joked around. Every now and then they would just hang out together. Whenever it was just the two of them Richie was generally much more calm than usual. Bev had that sort of effect on him. 
They climbed up the metal stairs to Beverly’s back door. She quickly unlocked it and the two walked in flicking their cigarettes over the edge of the fire escape. Beverly’s dad would go ballistic if he knew she smoked, and he had an insane ability to sniff out tobacco so they never smoked inside. Richie instantly walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips out of the cabinet. Bev smacked his arm as he stuffed a handful of chips into his mouth. He started to laugh nearly spitting chips all over Bev’s floor. That got her laughing and they sat there for a minute or two just laughing until they could catch their breath. 
Bev walked into her room and sat down on her bed Richie sat on the floor and leaned against her bed. She started playing with Richie’s long untamed hair “Rich you really need a haircut. Your hair is so long I could probably braid it.” She stated as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Really?” Richie asked as he picked absentmindedly at his nails. The feeling of Bev playing with his hair was pretty relaxing. “Yeah, here let me braid it.” She said and Richie felt her shift her weight so she was sitting more upright. “Alright make me pretty Bev” Richie stated letting out a little laugh. 
Beverly could in fact braid Richie’s hair. She spent about 25 minutes putting small braids all over his head. She didn’t braid all of his hair, but a decent amount of it was arranged into messy braids. “Alright I’m done wanna see?” She asked already standing up to grab her handheld mirror. Richie nodded as she handed it to him and he looked into the mirror. “Wow…I’m gorgeous,” Richie stated acting as if he was amazed at his beauty. As he continued to look in the mirror he let out a small laugh before handing back Bev’s mirror. She took it and turned to put it on her desk when she spotted her small collection of makeup and had a brilliant idea. 
“Hey Rich, can I give you a makeover?” She asked looking at the various containers and brushes on her desk. “What do you mean by a makeover? Like put makeup on me?” He asked. He didn’t sound angry or anything just genuinely curious. “Yeah” Bev responded as she began to gather up some of the stuff in her hands. “Sure as long as I end up looking even more amazing than I already do.” He stated and Bev rolled her eyes at his comment as she sat down in front of him various products in her hands. 
“You have to sit still or I may poke you in the eye.” She said casually as she opened up an eyeshadow container. It was a bright purple shade that she had stolen from a drug store a while ago. “That’s very reassuring Bev” Richie replied with his usual smirk. Beverly sighed as she covered an eyeshadow brush with the bright purple pigment. “Close your eyes” She stated and Richie did as he was told. He first removed his glasses and then closed his eyes so Beverly could put the shadow on his eyelids. She began to lightly sweep it over his eyes and Richie jumped at the sensation of the brush on his skin. 
“Holy shit that feels weird. It feels like your giving my eye a massage or some shit like that.” He started trying to be still as Bev continued to blend the color on his eyelids. She was deeply focused on the task at hand going through the usual motions of applying makeup. Richie had started tapping his fingers on the floor something he did when he was trying hard to sit still in class. Beverly moved onto his left eyelid dipping the brush back into the container before proceeding to blend the color out again. Once she was finished she sat back closing the container of purple shadow and searching for her eyeliner. 
“Can I open my eyes now?” Richie asked his voice a bit impatient. Beverly let out a little laugh. “Once I put on some eyeliner you can open your eyes.” She said grabbing the tube from the ground and opening it up. She gently rested part of her hand on Richie’s face so that it wouldn’t shake as she attempted to create a wing. She was never very good at eyeliner, but surprisingly it was easier on another person. She got the wings even on both eyes after two tries. She closed the pen admiring her work. “Now can I open my eyes?” Richie asked his voice a little whinier this time. “Yeah, but I’m not done just yet.” She stated and Richie opened his eyes. 
Instantly Richie began to squint considering he was essentially blind without his glasses on. “Holy shit I can’t see anything.”  He stated as he blinked repeatedly before he began squinting again. “Can I put on my glasses?” He asked a Bev shaped blob sitting in front of him. Beverly laughed at Richie’s face as she grabbed her tube of mascara and began to unscrew the cap. “I still have to put some mascara on.” She stated and Richie let out an exaggerated sigh. Beverly once again leaned in and placed the mascara wand against Richie’s eyelashes. “Blink” She stated and once again Richie did as told. “Blink again,” she stated and then repeated the process on the other eye. She sat back and began closing the tube “Alright you can put your glasses back on.” She said and immediately Richie grabbed the plastic frames sitting beside him and placed them on his nose. 
Beverly looked up and let out a laugh before closing her mouth and attempting to hold back the rest of the laughter bursting to come out of her. She had forgotten how much Richie’s glasses magnified his eyes, and so when she looked up she was greeted by comically large eyeballs covered in eyeshadow and eyeliner. Richie gave her a small glare “Did you draw a dick on my face or something?” He asked crossing his arms and Bev just shook her head afraid to open her mouth due to the laughter that was still stuck in her throat. She managed to take a deep breath and bit her lower lip to keep from cracking up. She grabbed a bright pink tube of lipstick off the floor and took off the cap. She pushed the product up and leaned forward once again. Richie puckered her lips and she rolled her eyes. 
“Just put your lips in their normal position Rich. Do you want me to draw a dick on your face?” She threatened and Richie’s lips dropped into a relaxed position. She then began to put the lipstick on tracing the edges of Richie’s lips and filling them in. She cleaned up some of the edges using her fingers until the lines were clean. She sat back and closed the tube of lipstick admiring her work. “You look absolutely stunning Rich.” She stated making her voice a little higher and batting her eyelashes. Richie smirked at her with his bright pink lips. “Wasn’t I stunning already?” He questioned and Beverly let out a laugh as she stood up to grab her mirror once again. She handed it over to Richie so he could see exactly what he looked like. 
As soon as he looked in the mirror he began to laugh uncontrollably. “Holy shit Bev! You made me look hot!” He managed to spit out in between laughs. Bev had started to laugh along with him and sat down next to him leaning up against the bed. He rested his head on her shoulder as he began to catch his breath. “The amazing Beverly Marsh everyone! Transforming monsters into works of art!” Richie exclaimed before placing a firm kiss on Beverly’s cheek. Beverly pushed him off as she began to laugh again “Beep Beep Richie!” She stated as Rich flopped down onto the floor. The bright pink lipstick had left a perfect mark on her cheek and the two just sat there laughing for a few minutes enjoying each other’s company. 
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