#1. it is TRYING to be smart. it is TRYING to follow in the footsteps of better kids cartoons in the same genre (su and spop come to mind)
seventeendeer · 2 years
alright owl house fans, I'm sorry but I have to take a bat to the hornet's nest tonight, so if you just wanna enjoy your cozy cartoon in peace stop reading Now ok, no hard feelings
I just watched the season 3 premiere and it only reinforced my probably controversial take:
amity barely qualifies as a character anymore. that girl is made of cardboard and prayers, and the fact that she keeps getting shoved to the front of the narrative because she is The Girlfriend only further accentuates the fact that there's straight up Nothing going on with her outside of her romance subplot. by contrast, willow and gus continue to be the most charismatic supporting characters, who have to share whatever table scraps of screentime are left over after the plot relevant characters are done talking, since neither of them have had a consistent reason to be on screen since season 1
imho in a better world, amity, willow and gus would have been boiled down to two supporting characters - luz's shy, standoffish upperclass love interest with a complicated family life who eventually stands up for herself and becomes bold and spunky, and luz' one roguish weirdo outcast friend who stood by her since the beginning. the two characters could easily have played out amity and willow's troubled history with one another while they were at it. with only two characters for the writers to keep track of instead of three, the writers might even have been able to give the platonic relationship proper attention and development, and the love interest character could have actually been fun to watch when she was on her own, instead of giving luz one really boring girlfriend who has no personality outside of the relationship and two really likeable but really underdeveloped "best friends" that she never gets any screentime with.
owl house is really cute and I really respect what it's trying to do but I would have killed to see a show with this much budget and talent on board written by people who can write
#deerchatter#owl house negativity cw#this show reads like it was written by an ai trained exclusively on childrens fantasy novels#we need Quirky Outcast Protagonist! we need Conventionally Attractive White Girl Love Interest Whose Life Revolves Around Protagonist!#we need Weird Outcast Friends! we need Angsty Damaged Boy With A Good Heart!#etc etc etc. it's just a rehash of the writers' favorite tropes without any indication they understand what the tropes are FOR#and before any1 comes to fuck w me like buhh it's just a kids cartoon it's not meant to be smart CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING:#1. it is TRYING to be smart. it is TRYING to follow in the footsteps of better kids cartoons in the same genre (su and spop come to mind)#2. season 1 of owl house was great because it stuck to what the writers were good at: comfy fantasy family comedy.#kids cartoons don't have to be smart to be good but the goal of any piece of media should be to accomplish what it sets out to do#and owl house wants to be smart soooo badly and it straight up is not. and that makes me sad. because!! cool witch stuff !!!!#once more the core of my annoyance is that i want a thing to live up to its true potential and it straight up isn't ;_;#i got beef w su over some of its later narrative choices mostly for personal reasons but man its writers could WRITE.#they didn't always write stuff i liked but man could they write!!!! they had so much to say and they knew how to use tropes#and they did so much stuff that was NEW#mad respect. sometimes also just mad. but mostly respect
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mermaidgirl30 · 3 months
✨Love Amidst The Blue Part 1: Discovering the Siren✨
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Series Masterlist
A/N: Welcome to my little mermaid au world featuring sailor! Joel 💙 I hope you enjoy this story I put together, and please tell me what you think! Comments and reblogs always appreciated and thank you to @mountainsandmayhem for reading over this and giving me suggestions! 🥰
Summary: Joel sets out on the Tyrrhenian Sea with his crew in search for hidden treasure. What he doesn’t know is that he’ll meet a beautiful mermaid that will turn his world upside down. Will he win her over or will he introduce a long ago foe to the mermaids of the hidden underwater city of Capri?
Pairing: sailor! Joel x mermaid fem! reader
Word Count: 9.1k
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only MDNI)
Tags: Longing, feelings, eventual smut, Joel discovers a mermaid, mermaids try to drown Joel, slight angst
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and @saradika-graphics
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The crystal blue water of the Tyrrhenian Sea is calm, the wind gently blowing the sails of the Deep Blue Oasis as it rocks back and forth slowly. That was the name of Joel’s boat, one of his most prized possessions. A gateway to the unknown where he could clear his mind and get lost on the aqua ocean tides that have called to him for as long as he could remember.
A call to the side of him that loves history , ancient things, and to the treasure hunter in himself. He spent countless days out on the tides of the sea, always looking for hidden treasures that may be hiding under the deep blue water. His scattered map was marked with red inked circles and x’s of areas where there was said to be lost treasures down below. He swore to his father he’d find them one day and make him proud.
Joel’s father was a wealthy businessman, always focused on the clients in Italy and making a fortune of his own. Joel didn’t want to follow in his footsteps. He wanted to be out on the sea, out where the ocean breeze could ruffle through his curly locks and carry him into the unknown. He always loved the water and the salty sea air, always wanted to become a sailor to travel the world. His father never approved of it, though. He said it was a waste of time and money, until that dark day that he passed away. His last dying breath was him telling Joel to buy a big boat and sail. Make me proud, son. Follow your dream. Those words still haunt him to this day, the few words he begged his father to say his entire life. So on his thirtieth birthday, that’s exactly what he did.
Five years later Joel had his own boat, his own crew, his own freedom to do as he pleased. His crew wasn’t the most trustful men, but they earned his trust little by little. He befriended some filthy pirates on one of his sea explorations a couple of years ago. At first they threatened him, but he was smart and talked them out of stealing from him and taking over his boat. He offered them so much money that they couldn’t refuse. They agreed to work for him and show him parts of the sea that he’d never been to. Sure, they had their flaws and their bad habits, but he couldn’t do this without them. So he decided to give them a chance.
Joel unfolds his large map of the area and lays it out flat on the side of the railings, studying the area like he knows exactly where he’s headed to. He rolls up his white cotton sleeves and traces lines of the faded map, mapping out this specific area with the tip of his finger.
“Captain Miller, the boys think it’s in this area,” Jasper voices over the blowing breeze, making Joel stop to look up from his marked map.
“What is?” he asks with a raised brow.
“The hidden underwater city of Capri,” Jasper says with excitement in his flushed swampy eyes. His linens are tattered, his blonde hair outgrown and unkempt, his crooked smile waning up at Joel as mischief plays in his scattered mind.
“I thought that was just a folktale? The underwater city. People have searched for years and found nothing. What makes you so sure this place is here?” Joel asks with narrowed dark eyes, waiting for an honest answer from his so-called pirate friend.
“Mermaids, cap’n. They’re here in this area,” Jasper says with the gleam of his eye, sure of himself as much as he’s sure of how to sail this boat.
“Mermaids…” Joel questions, flicking his eyes out to the blue tides as the water gently laps at the large rocks in the water. “I’ve never seen a mermaid, Jas. Only seen them in some old books in my study. As far as I’m concerned, they aren’t here.”
Joel starts to turn around, but Jasper catches his arm. “I swear on my life, mate. They're as real as you and me. Seen one with my own eyes. Not long ago either. Beautiful creatures they are, their siren songs able to hypnotize anyone who dares to look them in the eyes. Saw one drown one of my men before. Grabbed him by the arm and pulled him under with her song. He was never seen again,” he says with sad eyes, looking out into the bright horizon as seagulls and pelicans flock the sunny sky.
Joel ticks his jaw and looks out amongst the miles and miles of open ocean, only seeing the lapping waves as they hit the bottom of the boat. “Jasper, I’m gonna have to see one with my own eyes to believe it. Maybe it was sun poison that made you see things.”
“It wasn’t sun poison, Joel! If you won’t believe me, then I pray one day you do see one. Am I one to lie?” he asks with a heated stare and a hand on his grimy hip.
Joel knits his brows together and stares for a minute at the pirate that swears on his life he’s seen a mermaid. While Jasper doesn’t usually lie to Joel, he’s still a pirate. Still willing to lie and cheat his way around the system. But he’s also the most trustful of his crew, so he’s torn. Maybe it wasn’t a mermaid he saw, but maybe another sea creature. Yes. That’s what it must’ve been. Something else.
Joel puts a hand on Jasper’s shoulder and nods his head. “Sure, Jas. But let’s keep our eyes out for this.” Joel puts his index finger on the red x that’s marked right around the sea cave that sits a few hundred feet from the boat. Supposedly there was a ship wreck that happened years ago, and men have tried and failed to discover what great treasures were lost to the sea that day. Those who go in, never come out. Joel would find out, though. One way or another he’d discover the secret of what happened so many years ago.
“Go on and have the men anchor the boat. Wanna stay here overnight and see if we can find anything.”
Jasper nods his head and huffs out a breath. “Yes, cap’n. Right away.” He turns and yells at the men to hoist the anchor and get ready to search the area.
Joel folds the map back up and places it in the pocket of his tan trousers. He sighs and looks out at the massive sea cave, watching the waves churn calmly against the rough rocks.
Mermaids. There couldn’t be any. He would’ve seen one before, would’ve remembered if he did. He lets his thoughts go back to the task at hand and clears his mind. No time to think of maybe’s and false folklore. It was time to find some treasure.
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The water is crystal clear today, sunlight beaming through the long seaweed that sits tangled in the ocean. You swim your way past a pod of dolphins, waving hello to the newborn calves as they whistle out their greetings. You dive down hundreds of feet and hum your favorite lullaby. The one your mom used to sing you every night before you fell asleep in the comfy bed of a massive clam shell.
A school of colorful fish swim past you, and you smile up at them as you propel yourself faster to get to your favorite discrete area of the bay. You call it the moonlight sea cave because at night you can see the moon shine all the way through the entire cave system, even under the water. It’s beautiful, a place where you can go to think and relax.
You always have to sneak off to this area. Your sisters would never approve, and you shudder thinking how your father would react. How many times has he told you to never go up to the surface again? How many times had your sisters dragged you back home over the years? You couldn’t keep track, didn’t want to think about it.
After that awful day that happened so many years ago, you weren’t supposed to want to go back up to the surface. You weren’t supposed to look for treasure that humans always dropped off their boats, but you still did. And you definitely weren’t supposed to be this close to shore, but you were still quite a ways out. Your father would kill you if he found you swimming around these parts, but you chose to ignore his wishes like you always did.
You swim up to the surface and lift your face into the sunlight, breathing the fresh salty air as you inhale the warm breeze. You push your long hair over your shoulder and take a few strides through the water, floating in the waves as the salt water dries on your shoulders.
When you look up, you freeze as your blood runs cold. A boat, there’s a boat. It’s big, towering over the water as a crew of men work on casting nets and walk along the deck. You duck down in fear and hide behind a rock, hoping that they haven't seen you. You slowly peek your head around the corner and stop in your tracks when you see him. The most beautiful man you’ve ever laid your eyes on.
He’s tall, broad shouldered, and has the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen. His hair is dark, tousled curls blowing in the wind as a few strands fall near his eyes. Brown, warm flecks coat his eyes. Eyes you could get lost in, eyes that you’d now dream about for days on end. And his arms. They’re strong, built, powerhouses that could take down a large man. The top buttons on his white cotton shirt are open, exposing tanned skin that must bathe in the sunlight on a regular basis.
You’re supposed to hate humans. You don’t trust them, you don’t think you could ever trust them again. But him… he looks like a walking dreamboat, a sailor you’d like to get to know. He doesn’t look like all the other ones, no. He looks kind, caring, maybe even dare you say trusting. But he’s a human, and you’re a mermaid. This can’t happen, this can’t ever happen.
Scar bumps your hip with his large fin as he makes a circle around you, warning you that you could be seen. “It’s okay, Scar. They can’t see me, I don’t think. It’s alright.”
He bumps you again with his snout and looks at you with his big black eyes, his dorsal fin coming just above the surface. He tells you to be careful, tells you he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you. You only smile and brush your hand against his sandpaper like skin.
“I’m alright. Promise. Go on, I’ll be fine. Just gonna stay here for a few minutes,” you confirm. He huffs out a sigh and dives back down into the deep depths of the water, but he stays close. He always stays close. Who knew that a great white shark would be one of your best friends in the sea? They usually don’t want anything to do with mermaids, but you saved him that awful day that was full of bloodshed and death. And ever since then he never left your side. You were grateful for him. He was the best protector you ever had.
You stay there against the rock and lean your elbows up on it, continuing to watch the handsome man look over what looks like an old map of some sort. You lap your tail up and down in the water and lean your cheek against the rock, daydreaming of meeting the man with dark eyes.
He was going to get you in trouble, but you didn’t care. You’d risk your life just to get a chance to stare into the maps of his golden brown eyes.
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Joel clings to the side of the boat as he digs his nails into the warm, polished wood. He turns his head to watch his crew stay busy on the deck as they bustle around and drag their worn out shoes against the floorboards. He sighs and takes another look at his intricate map, tracing his finger over every crevice of the parchment until he gets frustrated and throws his head up to look out on the bright horizon.
As soon as he looks up, he stops cold as he spots the gleam of a sparkling tail in the near distance. It’s not just a tail, there’s a girl leaning up against a rock that’s staring right back at him. He rubs his eyes to make sure it’s not the sun playing tricks on his mind, but she still appears there in the same spot just staring blankly at him. He sees a young woman who’s beautiful, dreamlike, something he only thought was a fantasy. He sees you, a mermaid…
Mermaids aren’t real, mermaids can’t be real. But how does he explain what he clearly sees now? You are very much real.
His ears ring with white noise, the sounds of his crew scrubbing along the deck nearly nonexistent now. It’s just you and him, staring at each other as if you’re the only two people out on the calm waters. It’s just the gentle breeze kissing his tanned skin and the distant noise of waves lapping against the rock that you so subtly lean against, eyes locking with each other as if the world crashes on its side to bring the two of you together.
He grabs his golden telescope, looking through the lense as you come into view just inches from his vision. The sight of you nearly knocks the breath out of him, his eyes widen as he takes in the beauty that sits before him. He thinks you’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever laid eyes on, thinks you’re absolutely divine, a treasure that should be well cared for.
His eyes trail down your lush curves, taking in the dusty coral colored seashells that cover your breasts, scanning every inch of your shimmering tail that’s soft pink as it flicks back and forth against the water. It’s almost sparkling like diamonds, maybe even soft to the touch. He wonders what you feel like, what you sound like. He bets your voice is like an angel’s, captivating and melodic like nothing he’s ever heard on earth. He wonders what your hands feel like, how they’d feel entwined in his own.
You should swim away, dive back underneath the blue water, but you can’t move. You can’t look away from the handsome stranger. You want to know his name, want to ask him all about what land life is like, want to know if his voice is as soft as his tousled curls look, want to see him again and again…
“Cap’n, whatcha lookin’ at?” Jasper asks as he comes up to Joel and nearly sends him over the edge of the boat. Joel drops the telescope from his unsteady hand, and it lands in a heap on the wooden deck. He scrambles to pick it up, and when he stands up and looks back out at the rock he sees that you’re gone.
He huffs out a sigh and shakes his head slowly. “It was nothing, Jas. Just thought I saw something. Was only a dolphin, nothing else,” he says with a hint of sadness on his tongue, wishing you were still on the rock so he could look into your entrancing eyes.
“Too bad it wasn’t a mermaid. Could’ve made you a true believer,” Jasper laughs as he hits Joel on the back of the shoulder with more force than he meant to.
“Yeah, too bad…” Joel says quietly as he stares at the vacant rock, doing nothing for his peace of mind as he wishes you were still there.
When he turns away from the rock, he sets his eyes back on the folded out map and grabs it up, heading toward the rest of his crew as they send down row boats to go inspect the area.
Joel makes a promise to himself then. Tonight he’ll go out late at night and look for you, hoping you’ll hear his thoughts that he wants to see you again. He will see you again. That’s a promise he will surely keep.
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Later that night, Joel tosses and turns in his cabin quarters underneath the boat. He can’t sleep, can’t think as he tosses and turns back and forth in his bed. He thinks of you, the way your tail shimmered in the glow of the sun, how your eyes called to him from the deck of the boat. He needs to see you again. He needs to talk to you.
He crawls out of the bed and throws on his leather boots, lacing them up as he climbs up the stairs and enters into the glow of the full moon as the stars sparkle in the sky. He tiptoes around drunken pirates that are passed out cold on the deck, snoring and limbs scattered about as he passes them carefully to not wake them.
He paces the upper deck, sliding his hands along the edge, searching and searching for any sign of moment in the water. He only sees the faint laps of water against the boat, sees nothing out of the ordinary. He starts to doubt himself, maybe he saw nothing. Maybe it really was the sun playing tricks on his brain. It wouldn’t be the first time.
He sighs and starts to turn around, until he hears a soft melody carrying through the water. He turns around sharply and latches onto the wooden edge of the boat, eyes searching as he hears the sing-song voice start to come closer. It’s angelic, harmonious, nothing that he’d ever heard before. It sends him into a trance-like state, needing to find the owner of the beautiful song.
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You wade through the water, flipping your tail as you hide behind the large rocks, singing the song of your people as you let your voice blow through the breeze, hoping he can hear you, hoping he’ll come.
Please, come. Come out to the sea, let me see your beautiful face.
You let your voice carry over the water, humming out melodic notes as you flip through the water. He has to come. He has to hear your voice, has to listen to you call him with your siren song. Come on, handsome sailor. Come find me.
You peek your head out from behind the rock and see him standing there on the deck, staring at you as his eyes go wide. You smile triumphantly as you duck back under the water, tempting him to come chase you.
Come get me, come get me. Find me under the water.
Joel wastes no time and lowers a wooden row boat to the water, climbing down a ladder as he jumps carefully onto the small boat as it rocks underneath his weight. He rows it out slowly to the middle of the water, searching his eyes every which way to find you.
“Where are you? Come out,” he whispers into the crisp night air.
He hears a splash to the left of him and throws his head in that direction. He sees small bubbles that form over the water, but there’s no sign of you. He sighs and pulls his eyes toward the rock and then he sees you.
He audibly gasps as you splash your tail and hide back behind the shelter of the big foundation in the water, nerves pulling in you as you’re so close to the human. The human with dark eyes and beautiful face. A human you want to meet.
He crawls to the edge of the little boat and places his hands on the edge, calling out to you in a deep voice that sends goosebumps down your arms. “Hey, come out. It’s alright, I won’t hurt you. Please, don’t hide,” he says, calmly holding out an arm as if he wants you to take it.
You peek your head out from behind the rock carefully and see him leaning against the boat, a little too close to the water. He doesn’t know what dangers lurk beneath him, what things would reach out and drag him under the water.
You shouldn’t go, shouldn’t talk to a human. Humans are bad, humans are cold, cruel, vial. They killed so many of your kind, tortured your friends of the sea. But him… Well, he looks kind. He looks… safe. Safe? Could humans be safe? No. Could they…
This was stupid and reckless. You start to turn back into the shadows until he calls out to you again. “Wait, please. Don’t go. Stay,” he pleads, his eyes searching yours with some kind of intensity and longing that you’ve never seen before. It frightens you more than the horrors humans have caused in your life.
Stay. The word wracks your brain over and over as it pulls at your insides.
Stay. He asked you to stay. You decide then that that’s exactly what you’ll do. You’ll stay. You’ll stay for him. You might regret it later, but for now this is what you wanted. What you needed to do.
You start to swim slowly over to him, diving under the water and breaching just inches from his wooden boat. You come up for air, realizing just how close you are to his face now. He’s so beautiful, the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life.
His skin is tan, the sun bronzing him as he seems to spend days on end on the water. His shoulders are broad, so strong as your eyes trail down his thick arms, ropes of taut veins spread wide over his lower arms. His hands look strong, big, calloused from working on a boat. You bet they feel nice, would like to feel them pressed up against your face or maybe have them entwined with your fingers.
His dark, tousled curls kiss his forehead as stray curls fall over his skin. You have to stop yourself from reaching out your hand to push them back into place. You think it must feel so soft, so smooth…
And his eyes. God, his eyes. They’re deep brown, flecks of golden warmth sprawled across the crevices of his irises. They’re beautiful, deep, intricate as they study you carefully.
He digs his hands into the side of the boat and leans so far forward you’re afraid it may tip over. You make sure that it doesn’t because these waters are dangerous to humans, dangerous to men such as himself.
He looks at you with wide eyes, his lips parting as he takes in your features. He’s so close that he can make out details he couldn’t see up on the boat through the telescope. Like your eyes. He’d never seen such beautiful eyes such as yours. They glisten like the stars, almost as deep as the ocean itself, captivating and breathtaking.
He takes in your long hair that sits over your shoulders as you nervously run your hands through the damp strands. And then there’s your tail. That glittering, magnificent tail that almost looks too intricate to be real. He focuses on each shiny scale, watching the way the colors go from a deep pink to a lighter flamingo shade of coral. He wants so badly to reach his hand out to touch it, see how it feels underneath the weight of his calloused fingers.
Just one touch, that’s all he needs. One touch to make this dream a harsh reality as a mermaid sits right in front of him, right in his grasp.
You see the way he stares all transfixed and in a trancelike spell. You might be insane, but the first words fall from your lips without a hint of hesitation there. “Do you want to touch it?” you ask shyly, pulling back a lock of hair behind your ear as you position your tail so it’s sitting out of the water, just inches from his waiting hand.
“What?” he asks surprised, eyes wider than the full moon in the clear night sky.
“My tail. Do you want to touch it?” you ask again with more courage this time, flicking your tail above the water as you entice him to go on.
“Oh-uh… yes,” he whispers out as he slowly but steadily reaches his arm out, ever so carefully extending his fingers as they brush over the side of your tail.
He gasps as his fingers come in contact with the shiny scales, like the breath has been knocked clear out of him. It’s nothing like he imagined it’d be. It’s softer than he thought possible, smooth as he glides his fingers underneath the cold water.
You almost stop breathing as you feel his fingers explore the magnificent scales on your long tail, almost sigh at the contact of his skin. No one had ever touched you quite like this, even if it was just the brush of fingertips. It feels… good. And you want more, need more.
He pulls his hand back out of the water, and you almost whine as you lose the contact of his fingers. You’d let him touch you again, let him marvel your tail all night if he wanted to. It was silly really, how attracted you were to him when you only just met him. He was just that beautiful, that mesmerizing. And for a moment you think he is the siren, not you.
“You’re a… you’re a…” he stutters, voice hoarse as he continues to stare at you with a starstruck gaze. He’d never seen a mermaid before, that much is certain.
“A mermaid?” you finish for him, almost giggling at his gaping stare.
“Yes,” he says in disbelief, nodding his head up and down. “I didn’t know you, mermaids existed,” he says with a look that says everything you need to know. He’s harmless, not here to hurt you.
“Well, we’re very much real. We’re just discrete, careful. We don’t really come up to the surface, not anymore,” you say quietly, shaking away the memories of distant screams and bloodshed that once was long ago. The memories are too painful to relive, so you lock them out of your mind and try to forget every day that you exist in a world that did that to your kind.
He doesn’t ask about the distant sadness in your eyes, you just smile and clear your eyes as you continue to gaze up at him curiously.
“What’s your name?” he asks slowly, eyes never leaving yours as you let your name slip past your tongue. You drop it carefully, giving him information that seems too personal, but you’re in too deep now. You want to know about him, and he clearly wants to know about you. So you’ll let him in, even if that’s a bad idea. A very bad idea.
He repeats your name slowly, going over every syllable so carefully as it rolls off his lips effortlessly. It sounds beautiful the way he says it. You could lean against the edge of the boat and lay your head against your arm as you look up and hear him repeat your name over and over again. Almost like a lullaby as it could put you to sleep with how deep and mesmerizing his smooth voice sounds.
“My name’s Joel. Joel Miller,” he says with deep brown eyes looking down into yours.
You repeat the name over and over in your mind. Joel, Joel, Joel. It pulls at you, calls you as you hook your fingers around the edge of the small boat and feel his hand brush up against yours. You gasp and pull your hand back, feeling an electrical shock run through your entire arm at the connection of skin on skin with him. You’d never felt that before, that kind of connection with anyone. This was new, this was scary, this was dangerous.
He notices the panic in your eyes and puts his hands up calmly. “Hey, hey. It’s okay, darlin’. I’m not gonna hurt you. See?” he asks as he surrenders his hands, letting you know he means no harm.
Darlin’. The name sends warmth through your stomach as you mull over his words. I’m not gonna hurt you. You let those words be a promise as you cautiously put your hands back on the edge of the boat. He brings his hands back down, just enough where if you shift your fingers they’d brush up against his. But for now you stay like this, just enough to still feel that electricity deep in your body.
“Darling, what’s that?” you ask with a raised brow, not having heard the word before.
“You’ve never heard the word darlin’ before?” he asks as he knits his thick brows together, pulling at the seams of your heart.
You shake your head no as droplets of water trickle down your back. “No, guess I haven’t,” you say with an even breath.
“It’s just a term of endearment where I’m from. A nickname, you can say,” he answers, his hand moving just enough for him to brush the outer edge of your pinky finger. You suck in a breath and try not to get too flustered at the action.
“Oh, I see,” you say quietly. “Darlin’, I like that…”
You ponder over the name and ask something else in return. “Do you have any other nicknames you use?” you ask, biting your lip at the question as you wait patiently.
He twitches his jaw and looks you over carefully before he responds. “I mean, there’s a lot I could use, I suppose. Darlin’ just comes naturally to me, but you…” His soft brown eyes flick over yours slowly before he speaks again. “Sirena, yeah. I like that,” he smiles to himself as your lips curl up slowly.
“Sirena, hmmmm,” you hum to yourself. “I like that, but what does it mean?”
“It comes from a Greek word. It means siren or enchantress, which you are. You are quite enchanting,” he says with a gleam in his eyes, his words in a trancelike state as he stares into your eyes.
You gulp at the meaning, eyes fixed on his intently. He called you enchanting, he thinks you’re enchanting. It shouldn’t make you feel so much closer to him, it’s only a nickname, a silly name. But it does. It does.
When you don’t speak, he asks another question. “What’s it like out there? Under the water? To be able to breathe and see things I couldn’t quite imagine myself?” His brown eyes sink into yours, shifting his weight slightly as the wooden boat creaks underneath him.
“It’s the most amazing thing you could imagine,” you say enchanted, your tail grazing above the water as you spin up a small current underneath you. “Unearthly, exquisite. There’s truly nothing like being able to connect with nature, to be able to see the wonders of fathoms below that no human has seen before. It’s freeing, beautiful, amazing, but…”
Your voice cuts off at the last part, thinking about all the things you wish you knew about the real world outside the waters of your home. Something you always wanted to know ever since you could remember. A taste for knowledge of the outside world, the human world.
“But what?” he asks quietly, almost putting his hand on top of yours before you shy away and move your fingers out of his reach.
“I just… I just wonder what the human world is like sometimes. I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. But I just have that deep fascination with things I don’t quite understand. I crave to know the history of the land, want to know what it’s like to touch actual sand out of the water. Want to know how a…. oh, what’s the word?” you wrack your brain for what seems like minutes until you think of the word you once saw on a picture in a book. “How a fire burns,” you say proudly after remembering the strange words.
“Maybe I can teach you a thing or two about the human world. If you teach me about the underwater world.”
You mull over the words, think of what you could be risking. You could expose too much, you could open up a can of worms that you couldn’t close. You could risk everything. But for him maybe it was worth the risk. You could trust him, right?
As if he can read your mind, he places a hand gently on top of yours and you gasp at the contact. His touch is so careful, so soft atop yours. You think you like it, a lot. “You can trust me, darlin’. I swear on my life, I won’t hurt you. Do you trust me?”
Do you trust me? The words ring through your head as you question the words yourself. Trust was a big deal, trust meant you were putting your own life on the line. But as you look into his soft brown eyes and see the genuine smile curled on his plush lips, you can’t help but lose yourself as you automatically nod and respond, “I trust you.”
His face is so close to yours, so close that if he leaned down just a little he could brush his lips against yours. It’s as if he can hear the wild beating of your heart as it beats like a pod of dolphins traveling as fast as lightning through the water. Your eyes gaze into his, begging him to sink his lips down to yours.
He reaches his hand out and traces the edge of your jawline slowly, intimately. You gasp at the feel of him, as his calloused fingers trail gently over your skin. It feels warm, safe, so very right like his hand was made to touch you, to know you. He sees you. He sees you.
Just when he’s about to lean down and give you what you desire, the boat suddenly flips over and Joel goes crashing into the water.
“Joel!” you scream as you dive down to retrieve him, but he’s not there where he should be. Where is he? You call his name again, search below the dark depths below, twist your way through the seaweed and look frantically around until you see what exactly happened.
Your eyes go wide, a scream escaping your mouth as you find two of your sisters holding him down below the water trying to drown him. He fights their grip, trying to hold his breath as he looks terrified of what’s happening. Your sisters just smile vindictively to each other as their aquamarine and deep purple tails flick against the water and draw their sharp nails into his arms.
“Stop!” you beg as you swim desperately up to them and try to grab his arms out of their reach. They back up just enough so you can’t quite grab him.
Cleo stands her grown and flashes her white incisors your way as her blue tail fans out behind her. “He’s a human! A man, for crying out loud! All men should die for what they did to us,” she spits out, a snarl deep on her flawless face as your other sister Marissa agrees with her.
“He’s different. Joel is different!” you plead, reaching your hand out again.
“Joel. You know him by name? Can you believe that, Cleo? He has a name. How thoughtful of our sister to learn such information of this beast,” she laughs sadistically as she yanks him under again.
You watch his eyes start to close, watch his breath gasp for air as he slowly fades from the light. You grow desperate, hasty as you swim with all your might to grab his arms out of your sisters’ grip.
“Please, he’s kind! Don’t do this. Don’t take this one!” you beg as tears start to pour from your eyes, landing against your cheeks as they float off into the unsteady waters.
Your sisters drop their hands, eyes wide at how desperate you’re acting over a human. But he’s not just a human, he’s different. This one is different.
They both watch you take his body against yours as you wrap your arms behind the backs of his arms and start to hoist him to the surface. They stop you before you breach atop the water, grabbing your slippery fin as they stop you from swimming any further.
“You better be careful, sister. You don’t know what danger you’re putting us in. Interacting with a man? You’re foolish, selfish. How do you think father will handle this?” Cleo asks with narrowed eyes that could kill a man with how sharp she’s staring.
“Don’t you dare tell him, Cleo. Just… let me go. Please,” you beg as you try to squirm out of her hold. “He’s going to die if you don’t!” you scream, eyes wide as his head slumps against your shoulder weightless, almost like he’s already dead. Panic consumes you at the mere thought of it.
“Go on, then,” she says with a snarky look. “I won’t tell him… yet. But be warned. If he does anything to sway my judgement and I mean anything, I’ll have no choice but to tell him,” she warns as Marissa spits in your direction.
Cleo finally releases your fin as you swim frantically up, up, up until you break the seal and breathe fresh air again. Joel doesn’t stir, doesn’t even seem to be breathing as his head still rests lazily against the crook of your neck.
You look around desperately for anything you can lay him on, needing to stir him awake somehow. You need to get him someplace dry.
“Joel, just hold on. You’ll be alright. Please, just hang on,” you cry out as you circle around frantically looking for anything you can use.
That’s when you see it, a large flat rock that lays above the water in the middle of the sea cave you always find yourself in. You push yourself forward in the water, making sure to keep his head above the stirring waves. You turn on your back and hold his body above yours as you propel your strong tail in the water, trying with all your might to get there faster.
He’s going to die and it’s all your fault. Why were you being so reckless? The words taunt your mind like your sisters’ glaring warnings. You can’t think about them now, the only thing you care about is getting Joel to wake up. He needs to breathe, he needs to wake up.
You drag his body up on the smooth rock and lay him flat on his back. He has no sign of breathing anywhere, his chest is still as dawn like the sun slowly rising in the horizon.
You try to shake his shoulders, try to rub at his sternum forcefully as if that’ll wake him up. Nothing happens. You try again, calling his name and shaking him, screaming for him to wake up. But again there’s no movement, no breath coming from his mouth.
You crash down on top of him and wrap your arms around his neck, letting a tear drop from your melancholy eyes as it falls against his still chest. You whimper out a pathetic sound that sounds like you’re choking on your own words. “Come back to me, Joel. Come back,” you plead, face still pressed against his hollow chest as you let another tear fall in his presence.
You feel cold, hard pressed, wounded as if someone just took a sharp stake to your chest. You shouldn’t feel like this, shouldn’t let yourself feel so much for a human who you barely know. But he was going to show you his world, was going to teach you everything you wanted to know, and you were going to show him your world. But that’s no more. He’s gone. He’s gone.
You let the falling tears dry up on his cotton white shirt where the buttons lay half opened to expose tanned skin, can feel just how broad and strong he is underneath your weight. And you wish he’d wake up, wish he’d open his soft brown eyes so you could sink into them, sing him a melody while he grazed his fingers gently against your face. You want it so bad, want him so bad. But it could never be now. Not anymore.
You let your hand fall to his chest and wrap your fingers around his damp white shirt. You start to hum out your favorite lullaby, a way to soothe you over against the hurt you feel in your chest now as it aches and twists like a knife in your gut. Singing has always been a way to make you feel braver, a way to drown out the sorrows of dark days. Your mother always said you had the most beautiful voice she’d ever heard, but she was also gone now. Gone on that awful, dark day where blood filled the waters of your home. Gone.
You push the thoughts away, continue singing your song as if this will make the situation better. You close your eyes and drown out the lapping waves with your voice, making sure it echoes off every corner in the open cave.
Just as you’re about to push yourself off him, you feel movement underneath you. Just a faint lurch beneath you until he’s turning on his side and coughing up water out of his lungs rapidly, spilling it all over the glossy rock as he tries to catch his breath from all the choking and coughing his body expels.
“Joel?!” you ask alarmed, your hand shooting up to his face as you caress the soft, patchy scruff against his jawline carefully.
He lays on his back again and slowly opens his eyes, placing his hand over yours as he calls your name softly, his words still laced with salt water that still burns the back of his throat, but he answers anyway. And your name out of his mouth sounds like the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard.
“You’re alive?” you ask quietly, eyes wide as you stare down at him with your mouth parted open slightly.
“Thanks to you, I am,” he says with a nod up at you, his hand still lingering on top of yours as his calloused fingers send sparks down your arm. It’s electric, shocking as it blinds you with need.
You gulp but don’t say anything else, too afraid to ruin the moment. “Your voice,” he says nodding to you again, “I’ve never heard a voice quite as beautiful as yours. I thought I was in heaven for a second there, thought you were an angel.”
Beautiful? An angel? Oh.
“An angel? Not quite,” you giggle, dropping your hand from his face to rest on his broad chest.
He lifts his arm up slowly and hooks a piece of damp hair behind your ear, trailing his calloused fingers along your cheek as he stares at you with wide brown eyes. Eyes that make your insides turn to putty.
“You are an angel,” he nods, his lips curling up into a soft smile that could knock you back into the water.
He thinks you’re an angel…
“Oh,” is all you can say.
He looks at you like no one else has, looks at you like you’re the only girl in the world. He sees you for what you are, a siren, and yet he doesn’t run. He doesn’t run. He stays.
His lips look so soft, so plush that you think you’d like to feel them pressed up against yours. His eyes flick back and forth between your wanting eyes and your parted mouth, and you think he wants the same thing.
You start to drift toward him, closer and closer until you’re almost there, almost touching his lips. He reaches to cup the back of your head, steering you down, down until you’re barely a breath away from him.
Suddenly there’s a large splash in the water, and you jump apart from him as he sits up on his elbows and gazes out into the dark blue rippling water. He sees a large fin and goes ghost white as he takes in the long body of the great white shark that lurks around the area. His eyes go wide as he sinks against the cave wall behind him as if to hide from the creature of the deep.
“It’s alright,” you say calmly as you reach your arm under the shadow of the water and call the shark over to you. Joel’s chest rises and falls unsteadily as his eyes remain locked on the terrifying features of Scar.
“Your hand, get your hand out of the water,” Joel urges as he tries to pull you back, but you wave him off.
“Joel, it’s alright. He’s my friend.”
Scar circles back around and brushes his body up against your hand as you pet his back and let him disappear back under the water.
“You’re friends with a shark?” he asks surprised, eyes still peeled on the shadow that looms around the area.
“Mhm. I saved his life many years ago, and he’s never left my side since then. Kinda ironic how people misinterpret them. Sharks may look scary to the human eye, but they’re really peaceful creatures. If you just took a few minutes to really see them, you’d see they’re just trying to live peacefully in their home. They just want to survive like any of us do.”
Joel looks at you as if really hearing you for the first time. The way you talk about the ocean, about the creatures of the deep makes him feel things he’s never even thought of before. He thinks you’re beautiful, breathtaking, and so kind. So very kind…
“You’re really something out of a fairytale, aren’t you?” he asks with wonder in his voice, his brown eyes sinking into yours as he focuses on the warm smile you give him as you blush crimson.
“I guess you could say that, sailor?” you giggle out. “That’s what you are, right?”
“Yes,” he nods as he looks over at his boat that sits idle over the calm tides.
“Is that your boat?” you ask as your eyes wander over to the large vessel that sits in the water under sparkling stars. You flick your eyes over the sides, noticing the large blue flags that fly gently in the cool breeze and notice the words Deep Blue Oasis written in cursive letters that hang down the side.
“Yep, that’s my beauty. Been sailin’ on her for a few years now. Probably one of my favorite things ever. To be able to sail across the waters and explore areas I’ve never been to before. It’s all very… exciting.”
You watch the way his eyes light up the way he talks about the sea, watch the way his smile curls over his lips as he talks about his love for sailing. You think it’s hypnotizing, beautiful. You think he is beautiful.
“What are you doing around this part? Looking for something?” you ask as your eyebrows rise up, intrigued why he was staying around these parts.
“There was a ship that went down many years ago here. There’s all sorts of tales and rumors that some great treasure was lost here with the ship. And I want to find it,” he states excitedly.
A shipwreck many years ago? You think you know which one he’s talking about, like maybe it was that same night that all the bloodshed went down. The night you lost your mother to those bloodsucking humans…
He notices your eyes shift from lit up to cold irises, feels the dread that seems to take over your body for the moment. But then he’s cupping your chin and lifting your eyes up to his warm brown eyes, and you feel like you’ve made it safely back home.
“You alright, darlin’? You went away for a minute there,” he asks as his concerned eyes gaze into yours. You nod your head and let him continue to keep his hand on your skin. You’ll let him keep it there for as long as he wants.
You smile up at him and nod in response. “I’m okay, was just thinking about something,” you say with a daze to your tone, somber eyes coming back down to earth.
“Was there something specific you were looking for?” you ask as his fingers continue to trace down your skin. It feels like complete magic that holds you under a spell.
“Not really. You see, I kinda have a fascination with history. You should see my study. I have hundreds of books and ancient artifacts that I’ve found in the sea. You’d love it,” he says with a crooked smile splayed against his face. It makes a dimple form deep in his cheek, and it nearly takes your breath away.
His study sounds a lot like the secret cave you have deep underwater that’s full of human treasures that you’d collected over the years from lost ships and things thrown overboard from wasteful humans. It’s a little sanctuary for you, a place you can go to clear your mind and wonder just what it’d be like to walk on land. What it’d be like to have your own pair of legs. But you love the sea so much, you don’t think you’d ever want to leave. But for him, you might just follow him anywhere.
You sigh as you lean into his touch, wishing you could see just what he’s talking about. “I wish I could see it,” you say quietly, eyes trailing back to his doe eyes as he speaks again.
“Maybe someday you will.” And it sounds like a promise, like he will show you one day. But how? You have a tail, you can’t walk. Your home is in the ocean, not on land. But if you could find a way to do both then you would. There had to be a way.
“Maybe,” you say dreamlike as you dream of warm sand on your feet, walking hand in hand with him on the beach. A distant wish you so wanted to be true. But it wasn’t, and you had to deal with that.
You stay there another moment letting his calloused fingers run along your jawline as you watch his eyes settle in on your face. Before you get lost for too long, you pull out of his reach and sink back into the cool water.
“I guess I should get you back to your boat,” you say sadly, eyes averting from his as to not dwell on the beautiful flecks of mixed browns that you want to get lost in again and again until you can’t see anything but them anymore.
“Yeah, guess so,” he says quietly, a voice that screams for you to stay, but you can’t. He doesn’t belong here.
“Wait here,” you say before you take off to retrieve his small wooden boat that’ll take him safely back to dry ground.
As you wade through the water you get a sick sense that this can only end badly, but it was too late. You were already in too deep, and you already wanted to see him again. This was bad, so bad.
You turn over the toppled boat and throw the rows back inside, pulling it along as you drag it back to him safely. You place it against the rock he sits on and watch him climb in, situating himself as he takes the rows in his hands. Before he heads back to his large boat, he stops and stares at you.
“Can I see you again?” he asks quietly as the cool breeze blows a tousled curl against his forehead. Without thinking you reach up and push it back into place, feeling just how soft his hair really feels. He lets you, and it feels as soft as velvety moss.
You drop your hand back down and before you can, he grabs your wrist and stares deeply into your eyes, eliciting a gasp out of your mouth as his fingers dig into your soft flesh. You let him keep you there until you give him a clear answer.
You think of your options, think of what you might be risking if you see him again. Would your sisters try to drown him again, would he try to steal you away from the sea, would your father find out that you were meddling in human affairs? All of the questions were valid and unknown, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say no. You wanted to see him again, needed to.
“Yes. Tomorrow night,” you say without any hesitation.
He nods his head and smiles down at you as he gently lets his fingers fall from your skin as your hand splashes back down underneath the water.
“Tomorrow it is then. See you later, Sirena.” The nickname falls off his tongue like a sweet melody that fills your ears. Sirena, enchantress, siren.
You watch him row back to his boat, watching the way his biceps bulge every time he pulls back on the rows. He looks a little like your own Prince Charming. A sailor that had captured your heart, and you weren’t willing to take it back. It was his now, as long as he wanted it.
He looks back at you before climbing up the steep ladder. He smiles gently your way and nods before turning back to the ladder and climbing up, disappearing from your view as he makes his way below the deck.
You sigh and rest your elbow against the glossy rock he was just sitting on minutes ago, daydreaming about those dreamy brown eyes and his smile that knocks the breath out of your chest.
Scar circles back around and comes up beside you, nudging you with his large snout as you gently pet the top of his head. “I know, Scar. I know. I’m in so much trouble.”
You sink back underneath the water and follow him back home, back to the kingdom of Capri where you belong. But you keep your mind locked on those sweet, syrupy eyes that you so desperately want to see again.
Joel was going to be your undoing.
Tags: (Let me know if you don’t want to be tagged) @janaispunk @amyispxnk @princesatracionera @vividispunk @keylimebeag @pedroswife69 @littlevenicebitch69 @poeticbarnes @tuquoquebrute @awkwardprovocateur @ayamenimthiriel @everythingiwanttoread @burntheedges @hc-geralt-23 @joelmillersblog @joelalorian @vivian-pascal @untamedheart81 @laurrrra @dugiioh @blueseastorm @pedrostories @morallyinept @vvitchesh3x @frannyzooey
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blue-sadie · 11 months
Fuck Me Boy
Fuck-Boy Lo'ak Sully x Nerd Reader
Series Masterlist
Prt 1 of the Fucking The Nerd Series
Summary: being paired with the fboy of the school what can go wrong
Warning: slut shaming, desk sex, aged up characters
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Yn/3rd person pov
Being the invisible and quiet nerd that everyone looks over has its benefits and downfalls like hearing the latest drama from the popular girls who think no one is in the bathroom stall.
One of the biggest things that is happening right now is lo'ak sully the schools best football player and one of the biggest fuck boys in school following his older brothers footsteps.
His recent 'toy' was narri one of my close friends who hasn't been to school since the incident because of the photos he shared of her giving him a bj in the boys locker room.
I haven't had much incounters with him but one being one of the 'smart' people I was paired with him for a project which got me into this current situation.
I knocked lightly on the wooden door gently fiddling with my hands as I waited for reply 'come on I'm freezing' I internally rolled my eyes as I waited rocking on my heels.
"Hello" I quickly straightened up as Mrs sully opened the door looking tired with a little girl on her hip "hi sorry I'm here for lo'ak" I murmured adjusting my bag on my shoulder she quickly opened up the door letting me in.
"Second door to your right darling" she smiled pointing up the stairs "thank you" I murmured slowly walking up the stairs dreading each step as I reached the last step I stood in the hallway 'why couldn't he come to my house' I huffed.
"Aren't you a cute thing" I gasped feeling a sting on my ass glaring up at the culprit which neteyam in nothing but sweatpants "like what you see princess" he teased.
He moved in closer till he was only inches apart and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by lo'ak clearing his throat "leave her alone" he grumbled glaring at neteyam as I looked at him.
"Come on" he muttered retreating back into his dimly lit room "bye princess" neteyam murmured biting his lip as I went into the room "close the door" lo'ak murmured sitting down at his desk picking up his gaming controller.
"Nope not happening" I muttered setting me books onto his bed "and why the fuck not" lo'ak laughed dryly turning to me in his chair "because I know you lo'ak I know as soon as I close that door your gonna try something so not gonna happen" I growled getting my supplies out.
He grumbled to himself as he got up and slammed the door "whatever your whore friend told you it's not gonna happen to you so you don't have to worry about it" he said through greeted teeth.
"She is not a whore" I muttered defending my friend "no she just ended up on her knees in the boys locker room for nothing" he rolled his eyes "she is not a whore" I muttered again "well if your so sure look on my phone" he grumbled pointing to the untouched device next to me.
I shakily picked it up and turned it on and my eyes widened in shock as a video started to play I watched in horror as my friend was sucking someone's dick as others around her jerked off "press the unmute bottom" lo'ak murmured.
I did so and my heart sunk "please cum in my mouth" she begged "suck a slut" a boy yelled out and she only agreed I quickly threw the phone down my breathing became uneven "she is a whore" lo'ak laughed sitting on the bed infront of me.
"She begged me to take photos and I just obliged" he smirked but gasped as I slapped him "that isn’t her" I whimpered as tears started to slip out my eyes "it can't be" I looked down at my lap letting the tears leave little wet patches on my jeans "cry baby" lo'ak muttered getting up and back to his spot at his desk.
I sat silently for a few moments before starting to pack up in a hurry "where do you think your going" lo'ak muttered looking at me "anywhere away from you" I cried shoving stuff into my bag and getting up "what about the project" he said standing up as well "forget it".
I tried walking out the door but was yanked into his arms my hands landing on his chest "listen to me, look at me" he growled forcing me to look up at him and for the first actual time I saw something other then lust and hunger it was filled with care.
"Like I said before nothing that happened to her will happen to you I won't try anything" he let go of me and put his hands up "now can we please just focus on our project" he murmured stepping aside, I sucked in a shakey breathe "fine but turn off the games" I stated.
He nodded moving to the desk and switching off his console and watched as I neared the bed "come sit here" he said pulling out a stool from under the desk "come on I don't bite" he laughed, I rolled my eyes in annoyance and hesitantly sat next to him and watched as he cleared a space for me.
"Ok let's get started" I whispered taking out my supplies and laying them out neatly and grabbed all our information and books laying them out in order "dam your ocd".
-A Few Hours Later-
"Finally" I yawned stretching out my arms "dam" I looked at lo'ak as he licked his lips looking at me breasts my face tinted a light purple "hey" I yelled smacking his chest "what I'm a guy it's in my genes to stare at boobs" he laughed "I'm just surprised you have any" he smiled.
"And why's that smartass" I tilted my head looking at him "I just mean if other girls had your boobs they'd flaunt them infront of guys faces" he chuckled "well I'm not like the cheerleaders" I shook my head in disgust "your not like any girl you mean".
I gave him a look of confusion "come I watch you in class your always reading I never see you without tights under your uniform you hate showing off unless it's for some nerd competition and you always spend break in the library" blush spread across my cheeks as he talked "you watch me" I asked making him shut his mouth and scratch the back of his head.
"I may be a bad person but I still have taste" he chuckled making my blush brighten even more I looked down at my lap and nervously started to play with my fingers "don't go all shy on me now" he said using his two fingers to tilt my head back up "I won't bite.... well unless you want me to".
I was about to speak when he leaned forward crashing his lips to mine my heart flattered and i closed my eyes leaning into the kiss his hands wondered to my hips pulling me onto his lap "fuck I wanted to do this for a long time" I muttered moving his lips to my neck.
My brain is telling me to stop and leave but my body and heart is telling me to do this "what's wrong" he asked pulling away staring into my eyes "it-it's nothing" I murmured looking down at me lap "come on I won't do anything your not comfortable with" he whispered laying soft pecks on my face.
He gently lifted me up and put me on his desk and stood between my legs and his hand caressed my cheek guiding my face to his "can i" he asked moving his other hand to my skirt "please" I whispered, he smirked standing back and pulling his shirt over his head leaving his toned chest exposed.
I ran my hands down his chest to his pants undoing the knot "wow look who is impatient" he chuckled darkly and his hands went to undo my blouse but got impatient and ripped it off "i never knew you were a lace girl" he smirked biting his lip, I was wearing a simple black lace set of underwear.
"Now let's see you without this skirt" he murmured pulling off my skirt and taking off his pants "fuck your gorgeous" he growled grazing his hands up and down my thighs.
"Please lo'ak" I whined as he finally raised his hands to my underwear slipping two of his fingers into my panties running them up and down my slight before plunging in "fuck" I whimpered throwing my head back as he curled them and used his thumb to rub my clit.
He licked his fingers clean and groaned at the taste "so fucking sweet" he cursed "now since you handled my fingers do you think you can handle this" he grinned pushing off his boxers letting his cock spring loose.
I started at him with lustfulled eyes and watched carefully as he entered me "shit your tight" he growled and gave me a few moments to adjust before he started moving our moans and groans started to fill the room as his hands wondered all over my body my breasts being one of his favorites.
"fuck their like hentai boobs I can't believe you hide these things" I would've have laughed at him my mind was started to go blank and my eyes becoming half lidded the pleasure was amazing, his thrusts began to speed up and his desk began to shake "fuck I love to see your boobs bounce every time I thrust into you" he groaned throwing his head back.
His hands slowly started to grab and scratch at my skin and his cock began to pulse "are you gonna cum with me slut" he muttered and started to rub my clit again I bit my lip holding back a chocked scream "I'll take that as a yes" he growled going faster, my eyes began to flatter as I felt my climax nearing again.
"Lo'ak" I whimpered out as the knot in my stomach began to tighten "cum for me again baby" he cooed I squealed out as I cam around him and he quickly pulled out and cam on my stomach "fuck we have to that again" he huffed out and leaned his hands beside me.
"How was that baby" he grinned and laughed as I only whined in response "I'll get something to clean you up" he murmured going over to his cardboard and grabbing a few things "here" he smirked handing me a white shirt before wiping my stomach, thighs and pussy
"there all cleaned up now put on that shirt I don't think I can control myself if those things are out any longer" he growled playfully, he helped me put my clothes back on before bringing me over to the bed to watch some TV shows on his laptop.
After a while I packed up our finished project and my other supplies and he walked me down stairs and out the door and gave me a peck on the cheek.
"See you monday"
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kissingmilfs · 9 months
dream devil girl!au | natasha romanoff
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summary: reader and natasha are natural born enemies it feels like at this point. defying the odds of a collegiate level jock and cheerleader having something in common. yet all the constant bickering leaves you both frustrated. always for more than you can chew off. sequel to 🌫️
cw: bullying (sorta), one (1) slap, degradation, pet play-ish, name calling, 18+
a/n: i didn’t include any pronouns for reader but i am afab! so that’s the pov i’m on <3 i used mostly non-gendered type nicknames. also sought guidance doing final pieces on this fic layout from my gf’s @pocolottie fic layouts <33
you’re storming off somewhere upstairs in the sorority’s huge mansion. you’d only agreed to come to this stupid speed dating event because your entire friend group wanted to be supportive of kate. she was stepping out of her comfort zone. friendship solidarity or whatever.
you didn’t mind that a few sorority girls spent most of their times trying to flirt and get your number. it was flattering, certainly a welcomed ego boost. what you did mind was a certain aggravating voice the entire evening making snide remarks your way. scoffing and rolling her green eyes every time another girl floated your way.
natasha, annoyed with the constant attention you were receiving, made up some lie to all of the girls. she told them some bullshit story of you breaking some freshman’s heart and sleeping with her fucking roommate! one of the sorority girls even threw her champagne in your face.
all you heard was natasha’s snickering and a group gasping, before you pushed through the crowd to escape. now you’re in some guest bathroom upstairs washing the sticky residue off your face. you’re mumbling underneath your breath the entire time. calling natasha heinous and foul names you’d never repeat to anyone else. swearing every couple words because you’re so fucking pissed off.
once your face is dried, you swing open the bathroom to see natasha standing in front of the door with her arms crossed. she looks angry. the audacity for natasha to feel any negative emotion in this situation. you don’t even bother acknowledging natasha or even uttering a word. instead, you attempt to brush pass natasha, but the girl forcefully pushes your shoulder back.
“get back inside the bathroom.”
you blink your shock at natasha’s firm statement. she seems extremely serious about it too. her tone harsh and demanding.
“you’re out of your fucking mind. get out of my way.”
“or what? you’re gonna cry and run away? you already did that and it was pathetic. just like you.” natasha basically spits out her words at you, resentment laced with each one.
you roll your eyes. that is one of natasha’s favorite words to use for you. pathetic. she really sees you as some second class citizen. someone below her. you’re the lowly, dumb jock and natasha’s the pretty, smart, and talented cheerleader everyone loved. except for you. natasha always fucking had an attitude around you. always scoffing, rolling her eyes and even sneering your way. one day you had to ask wanda if you smelled bad from soccer practice.
you stare down at natasha. the girl is a lot of bark for someone whose a few inches shorter too. an evil smirk spreads on natasha’s lips. as if natasha read your mind.
“i will scream bloody murder and humiliate you even further. get back in there. now.” natasha basically barks her order at you and something inside of you snaps and lulls you back into the bathroom.
natasha’s smirk returns once more as you follow orders. she mirrors your footsteps, crossing the threshold of the bathroom. natasha immediately locks the door.
“see? old dogs can learn new tricks. good puppy.”
you open your mouth to protest, only getting out, “na-“ before natasha’s palm makes contact with your skin, a sharp sting remaining.
“you don’t speak until i tell you to. not after what i heard you say about me in here. you’ll listen like the mutt you are, okay? nod if you understand.”
you grind your teeth down, holding the pained cheeked, desperately wanting to snap back at natasha. but whatever that lulled you into the bathroom—it also kept you quiet and obedient. so, you nod your head while glaring at natasha.
natasha beams almost triumphantly with smile that looked sincere. natasha leans forward and pats your head.
“good dog! you’re too dumb anyway. i should punish you even more honestly. that slap was nothing. you’ve earned a hundred by now. but…mommy can start us off on a clean slate.”
you cock your head to the side, wondering what the hell natasha is ranting about. failing to understand what’s shifting between you two.
“don’t worry too much about it, mutt. i’m not here to use your brain. i’m afraid that’s long gone. remember that party two months ago when we fought the entire way there and then they locked us in the van…” natasha trailed off, as she looked over at you sitting on the closed toilet bowl.
heat rushes into your face at the sudden trip down memory lane. of course you’d remembered it. you convinced yourself for the next two months that it wasn’t the best sex you’d ever have. you even fought harder to convince yourself you didn’t enjoy natasha taking full control. i nod my head at natasha question. natasha rolls her eyes.
“yeah, of course you do. you were a pathetic whining bitch in heat. anyway, it had me thinking and wondering, why you decided to fuck half the female body population in that time? every fucking practice all i can from the girls’ mouths is y/n this and y/n that. as if you weren’t begging me to fuck you that night. clawing at my back, so desperate to be fucked and used. have you even let anyone touch you like that since then?”
you swallow thickly, squeezing your legs at the aching feeling natasha’s words left in your cunt. she mastered the language of dirty talk. her raspy, low pitched voice adding a delicious twist to them.
natasha commands, “speak, mutt. i asked you a question.”
“no. no, i haven’t let anyone touch me like that since.”
“mhm…when was the last time?”
“the last time what?”
“you’re so fucking painfully obtuse. the last time someone touched your greedy pussy.” natasha plainly said, as if the conversation were boring her.
you chew your lip nervously, knowing natasha will easily catch you in your web of lies. or completely humiliate and mock you with the truth. you close your eyes shut, dropping your head.
“it’s been a while…like maybe two years…”
natasha’s face immediately upturns into the most wicked grin she’s ever produced. your answer fills her with a sense of pride and accomplishment. what a beautiful, beautiful addition to natasha’s ego this was. natasha knows the game is afoot. she’s already made you her bitch. there’s nothing else to be done or said.
all you hear is the click of the bathroom lock, cueing natasha’s exit.
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vermillionsails · 30 days
Cooper Howard/ The Ghoul x Reader
synopsis: The reader aka Bullseye gets run out of her family settlement to find an old friend. what will happen when they finally see each other after 6 years?
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WARNINGS ⚠️: Cooper Howard/ The ghoul x female reader afab reader, DNI IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 GO ON GIT. eventual smut, adult language, fallout show, and game cannon violence. age gap reader is 22 if you're not, pretend.
I try to keep the description of the reader neutral only things that are talked about are the reader's age, teeth, smaller hands, and eventually intimate parts. I do not own the rights to Lucy or Cooper Howard or the fallout setting. the plot and town characters are the only things I made up. Time skips are in this at least this first part anyway. dream sequence as well it will be in bold so you can tell and see the difference.
A/N: I've only seen the first episode and clips, and interviews of the characters cause Freevee only has the first episode but, the brain worms are still activated for this man! 😩
Update A/N ive managed to see the rest of the show. i also wanna give thanks to my bff @oppositeoflove-isindifference for helping me edit this brain rot and make it make sense. i love you bitch, i aint never gonna stop loveing you bitch!
I know it's not from the actual Fallout soundtrack but this song fits Cooper's vibe. A couple of 'I don't know how but they found me' songs do honestly but enjoy!!
The only thing you can do is hope. you've been hoping for two days now. All you have now is your pack, everything you've scavenged in the past two days, and Shroud. Your grandma said, before the bombs dropped, Shroud would’ve been called a rottweiler. To you though, he was your best friend. You were lucky to find armor for him, so you didn’t have to worry so much about him tagging along. You were thankful for it honestly, you wouldn't doubt that Reggie would shoot him.  So here you are in the wastes, with Shroud lying across your lap. You had set up camp against an old rusted-out van. You move Shroud, deciding to sleep in the van hidden away, instead of outside in the open. You put out the campfire and unroll the bed roll from your pack and lay down. Shroud splayed out next to you as your eyes start to drift closed. It couldn't have been more than a couple of hours before Shroud was lying on top of you, trying to nudge you awake, as gunfire and a creature roared outside. Grabbing the handle on his armor, you tapped his nose with your finger to signal to play dead. You listen as the gunfire continues. The sound of shouting rises above the gunfire. You could make out at least two voices, plus the creature. It lasts for about another 20 minutes before the noise dies down, and voices come down to a normal level. You can hear two people arguing as footsteps get closer to the van. Very slowly, you reach for the pistol strapped to your leathers. As your hand reaches the handle, you hear a gun cock and a man whistle. 
“Figured you were following us. Smart hiding.” You look up to the voice’s owner, standing in front of the van door with him pistol aimed at Shroud's back. You recognize the voice, his drawl and cowboy hat knocking the memory of Mr. Howard forward.  “Mr. Howard, it's me, Bullseye!” you shout, holding both your hands up in surrender. You silently pray that Shroud doesn't leap or make any sudden movements.  He cocks his head as he looks at you, lowering his gun somewhat.  “Bullseye, huh? That really you?”  You swallow and nod, replying, “Yes sir, it's me. Grandma sent me out to look for you. We’re in big trouble.”  He tuts, putting his gun away, seemingly disappointed he didn't get to shoot anything.  “Considering you're the only person who calls me ‘Mr. Howard’, I suppose that is you, Bullseye,” he chuckled.  He waits for a beat and scowls. He growls, “Well come on now, girly! We got some catching up to do, and I ain't got all night.” You give Shroud two pats, he gets off of you and sits at the van entrance, waiting. “Yes sir Mr. Howard,” you agree, scrambling to pick up your pack and bedroll. You make your way over to Howard and…a Vaultie?  You've never seen one before. The blue and gold suit hurt your eyes, even in the moonlight. She smiles and waves,“Hi, I'm Lucy! Nice to meet you.”  Giving an awkward wave back, you nod to her. “my actual name is y/n, but everyone calls me Bullseye” She smiles genuinely at you, a rare occurrence out here in the wastes.  “That's a nice name…why do they call you Bull-” 
Cooper cuts her off, “I only needed you to help me kill that fuckin’ thing. Don't make me tie you back up.” You give her a sorry half smile and turn to Cooper. “I'll make it as fast as I can Mr. Howard,” you say, ”Ray and Reggie have built up a coup against Grandma; they've already killed 5 people, and some of our Brahmin. I escaped about two days ago, and Grandma told me to come find you. I have a package she wanted me to give you, in case you needed incentive.”  The ghoul sits down next to you, sharpening a knife, and purses his lips. “Smart woman, what did she send with you?”  You turn to unzip your pack, spotting Lucy in the corner of your eye, She seems astonished that he’s being somewhat civil to you.  You pull out the package, a small foot locker-like box. The metal dings from the objects inside rattling as you hand it to him. “Ten different chems, two large Brahmin steaks, ammo, a couple of stimpacks, and all the caps she had left,” you list, recounting everything your grandma told you. He stares down into the box, taking a long look at the top of the lid. Finally, he closes it.  “I'll do it. This is a nice incentive, y'all must be in some real bad trouble darlin’.”  The fluttering feeling when he calls you darlin’ quickly dissipates, as you feel your worry set in. You feel your chest tighten as you look down at the dirt and sand.  “Yeah, it's bad Mr. Howard. Grandma might not….might not be alive when we go back.”  He hums as he goes back to sharpening his knife. “So what are you gonna do if we go back and she isn't?”  You look at him for a moment as you think. “Kill them, have someone else be mayor, and let Doe and Jericho be the new snipers,” you reply. He strikes the knife against the sharpening stone, sending sparks off to the ground. It makes the mix of sand and dirt pop and sizzle at your feet.  “You don’t wanna be mayor?”  You can feel the sadness wrap around your chest and squeeze again. “N-no I'm not- not as skilled as grandma. She could barter for a years worth of supplies then turn around and stop a fight in two seconds.”  He chuckles, finally looking at you with a smile tugging at the right side of his lips. “Yeah, Sue was always good at calming people down,” he muses. You chuckle at his sentiment. He points at you with him knife, saying, “Now that I know the situation, think you can help me dress that deathclaw over there?” You see it splayed out in the dirt, lifeless, the horns digging into the ground. It’s at least 6ft smaller than the adults you've seen.  “Is it a bounty?” 
Cooper grunts and nods, “Yup, it's the last a group a nearby farmer wanted gone.” He grabs the bounty paper from his duster pocket and hands it to you. “Fuckin’ things kept eating everything, including his wife.” You look over the bounty. 500 caps rewarded for the head. You nod, “That's a pretty good bounty.”  Lucy clears her throat and raises her hand, the pipboy light shining directly into your eyes. “I helped, do I get some of the caps?”  Cooper raises an eyebrow ridge at her and gripes, “Put your damn arm down, your’re blinding Bullseye! And I already told you, you're getting 20 and then you’re on your own. If I see you again, it’ll be too soon and I'll shoot you.”  You keep quiet, watching them argue with each other.  “I used ten lock-joint syringes on that thing.”  Cooper laughs, “Yeah those are cheap to make, trust me I know. You're getting 20 and I won't kill you, that's it.”  You see Lucy huff and sink back down in her spot.  After a couple of minutes, the ghoul looks back at you and asks, “Can you help me dress it?” You nod and grab the knife from your boot. “Yeah, I can help.” He gets up and walks over to it, his duster flowing in the breeze like in his old movies that your grandma used to tell you about. “Atta girl let's get to it.” You get up and join him. The bottom of your boots goes from crunching the dirt to thudding and squelching from the blood-soaked dirt pooling around its body.  You adjust the green baker's cap on your head and kneel next to its torso.  “Do you want me to start at the back of the neck or the tail?” you ask. Cooper grunts ,working to saw off the head, “Start at the tail, less tension while I do this.”  Nodding, you move further down. After a few minutes of making a deep enough incision, you get the muscle and start cutting towards the head. Its skin splits into two halves as you try to keep yourself steady. It smells like dust and blood.  Part of you wonders if the deathclaws think that you humans smell as strange as you think they do. Pulled from your thoughts, you hear Cooper clear his throat. You stop and look over at him. “You tune out too easily, could get you killed.”  You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment and stammer, “Sorry Mr. Howard, I'll be better in the morning. D-Did you say something?” His eyes scan you for a moment before he speaks again. “Yeah, I did, stop when you get to it’s sides. Need to cut off its hands.” You feel his gaze on you and your cheeks burn again.“Y-yes sir.”  He makes a low sound that you think may be a chuckle.  It's a couple of hours after you started dressing the deathclaw together. Lucy, Shroud, and the dog that Cooper has let follow him around have all fallen asleep. You wrap up the last piece of meat when a thought occurs to you. “So Mr. Howard, where is this bounty at?” 
He shoves most of the meat into his saddle bags, looking at you. “About a three days walk from here, you gonna tag along? Could use that eye of yours.”  Tossing him the last piece of meat, you nod. “Yeah, it'll give me time to think of a plan.”  He makes a heh sound, a smirk playing on his lips. “A plan, huh?”  You raise an eyebrow, more curious than anything. “Yeah I mean, plans are good right?” He nods and stuffs the last of the meat into his saddle bag. “They're good but…have you ever made one before sweetheart?”  Part of you knows the nickname is being used in a derogatory way, maybe even a bit patronizing, but it still makes your stomach flip. “Once,” you say, "we had to make a run to a Superduper Mart for supplies. I got us in and out.” You sit cross-legged on the dirt, adjusting your hat. Pulling out a cloth, you begin cleaning the gore off your knife.   Cooper moves closer to start sawing off the hands. “Well,” he starts,” this is different than a Superduper Mart. How many men are on their side?” You wipe the blade as you think. “About twenty… No one else is joining them, but they’re all trained by Ray,” you say quietly, knowing he’s gonna scoff at you. On cue, he stops and laughs, “Oh, sugar, you ain't gonna make it!” You feel your cheeks and ears heat up once again and stammer out, “I–I'm not going in guns blazing if that's what you think, I-I…”  He cuts you off, putting his hand up to you. You can see how the radiation burns swirl and carve into his skin, making a pattern. “The only possible way,” he says,” of you getting back in there and saving Sue is by sneaking in or…” He smiles. Your stomach flips. You can't tell if it's a good flip or not, but you have a feeling you know what he’s thinking.  “Or?” Your voice is small as you ask.  “I take you as hostage and barter to get you back in there. They want y'all for something, they'll come looking.”  You swallow, looking at him a bit apprehensive. “You're gonna take me as a bounty aren't you?”  He points his knife at you. “Bingo! Don't worry, I won't tie you up quite yet.” He shoots you a wink and goes back to sawing off the hand. You're not quite sure what to do with yourself after that. Your heart begins to beat a little faster, not sure if you like that or not. “O-okay, so we'll pretend I'm bounty and sneak in.”  He whistles, finally getting the hand off. “Yup, I'll bring you in and we’ll take it from there. But first we gotta wait till they come for you. When they do, I gotta be a little rough to sell it. You understand don’t ya?” 
You nod, feeling your core beating a bit as you imagine how rough he'll have to be. “Y-yeah I understand, Mr. Howard.”  He hums at you answer, “Good girl. Now go get some sleep like the others. We got a long walk, starting tomorrow.”  You finish wiping the knife off and put it back in its strap. “Yes, sir.” The ghoul waves you off towards the small fire Lucy had made earlier. “Night, Bullseye,” he says lowly in a gruff voice. You give him a slight smile. “Night Mr. Howard.” Reaching the fire, you unroll your bedroll again and get in. The two-day trek to find Cooper began setting into your bones as your eyes flutter shut.   A dream starts to play in your mind as you drift off.  Strange music plays to the beat of hooves against the ground. You see the figure of a man on a horse, riding into the red and orange of the sky as you try to move towards him. It's like you’re  moving in slow motion as you try to reach out to the figure. A cloud of raised dust swirls into the sky as it begins to storm around you and the rider.  His figure and the beast he's on get closer as they rush to you. Their features never clear up, staying smoke and shadow-like as they skid to a stop in front of you. His hand unfurls from the reigns and reaches out towards you. Like a switch going off, the orange and red becomes blue and purple as your stomach flips and you start to sink into the sand beneath your feet. Scrambling, you reach out to the figure's hand but it passes through him. The hand drifted and parted like fog on water after summer rain. As you sink, darkness falls over you and you feel murky and dusty blue water ripple around your waist.  You watch for a moment as the water starts to ripple faster, turning into wake waves that crash into your chest, the coldness washing over you. You look up as a roar shakes the world and a mirelurk queen rises out of the deepest part of the water. You try to run, but your eyelids start to flutter open as the dream fades.  Your eyesight is blurry as you sit up, kicking the blanket off of you. Shroud groans when he feels your legs move. He must have moved over to you during the night. He gives you a look over his shoulder and huffs, before laying his big head back on his paws.  “Sorry buddy, morning,” you say softly, give his head a scratch. You sit up, stretching and yawning. It's quiet for a moment, before you hear Cooper's voice out of nowhere, making you jump. “Morning sleeping beauty, ‘bout time you woke up.” 
You whirl to look at his smirking face, amusement in his eyes from seeing you jump. Putting a hand on your chest to soothe yourself, you mutter to yourself, a bit louder than you mean to,“God you scared me.” He chuckles, “Didn't think I could do that to you anymore darlin’, good to know.” Your heart starts to beat a little faster, no longer because of your fear. You laugh softly, trying to play it off, you look up seeing the sun just about to come up as orange and lavender painting the sky. “H-How long did I sleep for?”  He kisses his teeth and purses his lips as he thinks. “About six hours, give or take, but we gotta get goin’ before it gets too damn hot. So up and at 'em.”   Giving a nod, you get up and roll your bedroll back up and stuff it into your pack. You give Shroud some water and crack open a can of dog food, letting him chow down as you check and strap his armor on. You helped Lucy wake up  pack up as Cooper grumbled at her.  After a few more minutes,everyone is on the road. Both dogs and the 3 of you. It's hot and dry and the continuous crunch of sand and dirt under your boots quickly becomes repetetive. You can see heat waves ooze towards the sky and winds throw the sand around, dusting you and getting into your eyes.  Its monotony for hours on end, sending you into a haze that almost lulls you into a walking sleep. You’ll never know how the creatures here don’t die of heat exhaustion alone. Another hour goes by as Cooper stops, raising his fist in the air to stop you and Lucy.  His head cocks to the side as he listens. You stay still, waiting, trying to listen as well. You can't pick anything up, his senses are much more sensitive than yours. It takes only a few seconds before you hear something scrambling up a dune toward the three of you. The top of its head peeks up above the dune. Cooper's head snaps in its direction and he mutters, “You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me!” 
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juyuppang · 13 days
pairing: park sunghoon x f!reader
synopsis: sunghoon never believed in love due to his biggest secret: having the disease hanahaki. when he meets you on a whim one night, he realizes he may have found his cure...you. will love be both in your favor, or will it all crumble before it even started?
word count: 2.3k words
warnings: cussing
taglist: OPEN! send in an ask or comment if you’d like to be tagged
@tinyteezer @riksaes @uppuzvrse
note: hewo everyone T__T sorry for taking super long with an update, i recently graduated uni, (yipee) i will be updating more frequently now since it's summer time :D enjoy this little update, things are about to get a bit interesting from here!!
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It was known to everyone that not only was Sunghoon smart and charismatic- but he was born into a wealthy family. 
He and Jay were from affluent families who ran family businesses which were passed down from generation to generation. Their families were talked about quite a lot in the business aspect of things and most certainly amongst the rich side of town. 
With Jay being an only child, he was already set to take over the family business. As Sunghoon was 1 out of 3 children, he was expected to follow in his older brother’s footsteps and help the family business. Despite his brother being next in line when their father retires, Sunghoon was still expected to work in the family business and at least manage one aspect of the company.
Sunghoon’s dad thought of his disease to be a myth. He never really understood what happened or bothered to know in the first place. He believed if Sunghoon married someone else, the flowers would stop growing and he’d be magically cured. He dismissed Sunghoon’s feelings when it came to how he felt or if he ever felt the flowers growing sporadically on their own. 
Sunghoon felt as if he disappointed his dad growing up, feeling like it was his fault he could not live up to his expectations. As much as he wished for a cure to come by that easily, life did not work that way. Maybe that was why he was so excited to go to university; to escape his dad’s demands. 
Maybe that was why he was so shocked when he met you. He was unsure what it meant to meet you that evening but why did you walk in so suddenly-where were you all of his life if you were right there all along? 
The morning after the party, Sunghoon woke up with the worst headache he’d had in months. As he walked out of the bathroom to get a painkiller, he saw Jake sitting on the couch. With the other 2 already out for their classes, it was just him and Sunghoon left in their apartment.
“Care to tell me what happened between you and Y/N last night?” Jake asked as he looked towards Sunghoon.
“She didn’t think much when she saw the petals, don’t worry,” Sunghoon replied, grabbing a glass from the dish rack. He walked towards the water pitcher as he looked back at Jake. “she thought someone broke my heart.”
“No, you were mumbling to Jay and me when we walked into the apartment. Something about her favorite flowers.” 
Sunghoon stopped in his tracks. He fully turned around after taking the painkiller.
“I was going to say something eventually,” Sunghoon sighed. “But I don’t know if she may be the one I was looking for.” 
“If it gives you hope, we’ll see her more often, or I’ll try my best to convince Chaehyun to bring her when we go out.” 
“You guys are bothering the poor girl, she looked like she didn’t want to be there at all last night.”
“Man, stop being stubborn. Maybe she’s the girl you’ve been looking for all along.” Jake stood up from the couch and shook his head. He then walked into his room as Sunghoon put his glass down. He was just tired of false hope. What if this whole thing was just a bluff, he thought to himself.
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It has been around a week since Sunghoon’s little encounter with you and yet he could not get you out of his head. Sure, he was curious when he’d see you again but he kept his distance and his mouth shut. Whenever Chaehyun would visit your guys’ apartment, he’d peek a little out of his bedroom door to see if you would come trailing in behind her but it was no use. 
He figured you were busy with school and whatnot; he kept silent. He was thinking of ways to even approach you if you both ever do cross paths. It was a new emotion for him- too long for someone. He thought it was all too surreal, except for the fact visiting his parents over the weekend made things take a turn.
His mom called saying she and his younger sister Yeji missed him a lot. As the campus was an hour away, it was easy to go and come back. Even if he hated running into his dad, at least he could see his mom happy just for a little bit. 
“Sunghoon needs to marry her as soon as he graduates.” Mr.Park says sternly. Sunghoon peeks through the doors of his dad’s office as he sees his parents talking. He squints a little through the opening, trying to get a better look at what was happening.
“How many times do I need to tell you, that our son’s case is different? He can die at any given moment-” 
“Bullshit.” Mr.Park sneered. “Either he marries or I am disowning him. I can’t stand this any longer.” 
Sunghoon frowns a little as he lets out a sigh. He then turns around to find his sister Yeji standing by him. She shakes her head as Sunghoon whispers to stay quiet. The two then walk down towards Yeji’s room as he walks her in.
“Hoon, is it true what dad said?” Yeji asked as Sunghoon closed the door.
“No, don’t listen to him, he tends to overreact.” 
Sunghoon sat on the blue beanbag in the corner of the room as he put his head into his hands. He then looks up to Yeji who sits on her bed, feeling helpless.
 The siblings were used to this. 
Every time Sunghoon would come home, their dad would bring up the arranged marriage and leave it at that. There never was a family dinner that just focused on other things; it was only strictly business and academics. It was a constant reminder of why Sunghoon wanted to move out in the first place; he was tired of this icy atmosphere. 
“You’ll figure something out though right? I don’t want you to leave forever.” Yeji pouted.
Sunghoon shook his head, letting out a weary smile. “I’ll think of something. I won’t die on you and Mom, I promise.” 
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“Y/N, your article is our most-read article once again,” Soobin cheered as he showed you his monitor screen. You walked over to his desk, looking at the number of reads again. 
You had a bit of writer’s block in the past week since your little encounter with Sunghoon. You can still picture all the flower petals that were on the rooftop floor and how some petals flew around in the night sky as if they danced with the wind. You could not get the sight out of your mind, especially with Sunghoon right in the smack middle of it all.
It felt absurd in honesty; you never expected to paint a different picture of Sunghoon in your mind like that. So there you were in your bedroom last night, scrambling to publish another article, hoping the weekly readers would still enjoy the new article.  
You widened your eyes. “Wow…that many reads already? I just published it last night-” 
“I’m telling you Y/N, if people like it they like it,” Soobin replied. He then pointed towards the comment section and smiled. “You see people even recommend what stories they want you to discuss, the interaction is great.”
“Soobin, you sound a bit too excited talking about my articles, spill what’s on your mind,” You jokingly said.
There were rumors around your department that Soobin is already looking for his replacement. 
The school paper merely did not run on elections but mostly depended on qualifications and who the team thought was most fit out of the upcoming cohort in the following semester. With the selection process taking around a month or so, the prospects would have to sit and wait until they’d get a special email.
In your case, Soobin already found his possible candidate. 
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, the seniors and I are impressed with your work. I think you’d be perfect to be my replacement next fall.” 
You shook your head, letting out a little laugh. “Me? That’s a bit too much Soobin.” 
“I know it seems too early to think about, but we think you’d be the perfect candidate. Please consider.” 
“I’ll think about it.” 
You had to think about it soon. It seemed like Soobin was counting on you. 
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“What are you reading?” Sunghoon asked Jake as he and Heeseung sat in front of him.
The three decided to wait at the library for Jay as he was in a class right now. “Oh the school paper, there’s this author who’s been writing about Greek myth and it’s been going around the campus.” 
“Isn’t that the paper where journalism students can write whatever topic they want and publish it?” Heeseung asked as he brought out his laptop.
Jake nodded his head as he showed Sunghoon and Heeseung his phone screen. “Yup. See look at this, the author has an interesting take on this week’s story.” 
Sunghoon peered and raised his eyebrow. He looked at the username and the story that was being discussed. He turned his head a little, intrigued by the content, immediately feeling as if the gears in his head were about to turn. 
“Isn’t Y/N a journalism major?” Sunghoon asked.
Heeseung nodded his head. “Yea, why you ask?”
“Nothing I was just curious…” Sunghoon trailed off. He started to smirk to himself, thinking of a little plan. 
Maybe he can get closer to you after all.
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You said a quick thank you to your professor, waving goodbye. As you walk out of the room, you see girls whispering and hovering by the side of the classroom. Curious about what they are looking at, you then look to your right to see Sunghoon leaning against the wall on his phone. 
Taken aback by his presence, you decided to walk the other way, not thinking of it too much. 
As you were about to exit the building, a hand opened the door before you. You looked up towards Sunghoon as he tensed up a little. You blink your eyes a bit too quickly, turning your head in confusion. “Sunghoon?”
“It’s been a while Y/N, can we talk if that’s okay?” Sunghoon asked.
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It was awkward. You and Sunghoon sitting alone on the rooftop of the journalism building. You decided it was best to talk to him here, knowing that he was drawing quite the attention at the exit of the building.
The two of you looked at the view of the back of the campus, standing in silence. You would occasionally steal glances at him as he did the same. You needed clarification as to what he wanted- it was odd for him to even show up in the first place. 
“Uh, are you feeling alright?” You ask.
“And why wouldn’t I be?” Sunghoon asked as you rolled your eyes. “Well, that whole fiasco at the party. The flowers?”
“That was weeks ago, I’m alright.”
You questioned Sunghoon’s sudden shift of attitude. He seemed calm and collected earlier, why was he acting like the complete opposite right now? He was acting like a jerk.
“Well, that is nice to hear. Anyways why did you want to see me today?” 
Sunghoon rubbed his chin a little. He looked towards you and sneered. “You’re that writer who writes that myth column on our paper, right?” 
You looked at him confused, shaking your head. He wasn’t wrong- but he shouldn't know that either. “I don’t write for the paper, I help with the weekly school news on our school’s Instagram page instead.”
“Cut the bullshit Y/N,” Sunghoon replied. “I remember you telling me how you liked the flowers that were on the floor. They’re your favorite flowers are they not?” 
“I also like tulips, peonies, and hydrangeas. Doesn’t mean I only like forget-me-nots.” You sighed. “Anyways are we done here? I need to get to my next class in the Creative Arts building.” 
“Y/N, I can see right through you, I know it’s you.” 
Sunghoon stepped closer to you. You gulped a little, taken aback. 
“Well, it’s not me. Bye Sunghoon, have a nice day.” You gritted your teeth a little, letting out a little forced smile. You walked away, going straight back into the building.
“Everyone will know your little secret if you leave right now,” Sunghoon spoke in a louder voice. “But if you stay here just for a bit to hear what I have to say, I’ll keep your secret.” 
You stopped and turned away to face him. “Excuse me? Are you threatening me?”
Sunghoon sneered as he walked closer to you. As he stood right before you, he crossed his arms. “Let’s make a deal.” 
You scoffed, trying to look away. “And out of all the girls you can choose, why me?” 
Sunghoon knew you weren’t wrong. Many girls would say yes to the little plan he made in his head. They wouldn’t hesitate to give him an answer and just roll with it. But with you, he knew this was the only way he could be closer in proximity with you. Maybe it was the immense pressure he felt knowing his life was on the line or the disappointment and disdain his father felt towards him. 
If this was the only way he could get rid of the flowers, so be it. 
“Because,” Sunghoon clicked his tongue. “Your favorite flowers give me fucking hell.” He felt his chest burn a little, breathing a bit heavier. 
You stood before him, feeling your heart race. You were lost in your own thoughts, baffled by his words. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.” “Just-just stay here and listen to what I have to say. I am at wits end right now and I think you’d be helpful for what I’m about to do.” Sunghoon talked a bit softer as he looked intently at you. His gaze started to soften a little as you stood there in silence. 
You took in a deep breath and sighed. “I really need to get to class Sunghoon, I don’t have the time-” 
“Okay then I’ll wait for you and after we talk, about that?” Sunghoon asked.
“Fine.” You replied, in frustration. “But you better not waste my time Sunghoon.”
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© juyuppang , 2024
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toasty-melons · 1 year
Escaping Jackson
Ellie x reader
part 1 of ??
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Part 2 :) || Part 3 :)
After Ellie and Joel officially move into Jackson, Maria gives you the job of being Ellie’s partner on patrols. While Ellie is adjusting into Jackson, you’re planning on escaping it.
< Ellie’s not mean, she’s just awkward :/ >
ALSO: i think i got my requests to work?? so you guys can request now (i hope)
TW: uhh cursing
i did not proofread <3
You pull your jacket around yourself tighter, trying to keep out the cold. It was almost mid-winter in Jackson, and you couldn't wait for it to be over already. Your shoes feel heavier with each step you take. Tugging on the backpack secured tightly to yourself, you quietly mumble an, 'almost there,' under your breath for encouragement to keep going. You look up to see your destination only a few more feet ahead.
Once you make it to the front door, you pull your hand out of your jacket pocket and knock on the door. While glancing around the front porch, you quickly stuff your hand back into your warm jacket. After a minute or two the door swings open to reveal a tall, older man. His dark brown hair and beard is littered with gray hairs that suit him rather well. He's wearing a flannel and some jeans. He clears his throat after looking at you for a moment and coming to the conclusion that he does not know who you are.
"Can I help you with something?" His voice is deep and gruff. He gives off the vibes that he would rather be doing anything else than speaking with you. Scary. You mentally shake it off and give him a soft smile.
"You must be Mr. Miller.. Joel? Um, anyways. Is.. Ellie here?" You lean slightly to the side to give yourself a better look inside behind Joel. You don't see her back there.
"Ellie? Yeah she's here.. I'll go grab her. Come on in, it's freezing out there." You take his kind offer, quickly making your way inside the door. You don't want to intrude, so you don't venture much further than a couple steps inside. You can already feel yourself starting to warm back up. Joel makes his way to what you're guessing is the living room, he yells her name. You flinch slightly at the sudden change of volume. A woman's voice, you're assuming is the girl you're looking for, yells back a, 'what?'
Joel walks further around the corner until he’s out of site. Whatever he's saying to her, you can't hear, so instead you take a glance around. It's pretty empty and dull. Boring. You didn't expect much from them, since they're pretty new here, but maybe a little something would be nice.
You hear footsteps coming your way and as you turn your head back around you have to look up slightly to meet her eyes. She has green eyes and freckles across her face. Her brown hair is on the shorter side, and is partly pulled back. Wow. She's pretty.. and intimidating. This has to be Ellie. Maria didn't lie when she described her, she is ‘pretty intimidating’ just by her looks.
"You must be Ellie? We're supposed to patrol together today. Maria told me where to find you." She looks you up and down and then turns around, walking back towards the room she came from. You furrow your brows at her actions. No, ‘hi how are you?’ Or a ‘cool, nice to meet you.’ Maybe she’s just shy? Or just plain rude? Don’t jump to conclusions. Be nice.
"I thought you would be taller." She mumbled it and you're not sure if you supposed to hear, but you did. Your eyes widen and your mouth drops open. You scoff and out of the corner of your eye, you see Joel shaking his head and walking away further into the house and then out of site again. After a few moments, Ellie comes back with a backpack now hanging off her shoulders. You close your mouth and turn to make your way towards the front door. Maria didn't lie about Ellie's smart mouth either.
You don’t stop to wait on her to close the door or to catch up with you. But you know that she did, you can feel her following close behind you. After taking a deep breath and calming your nerves you glance back at her. You meet her eyes and feel your stomach drop. God she's intimating. Why did Maria ask you to do this? You break eye contact first.
"So.. Ellie.." you hear her hum softly in acknowledgment. "What brings you guys here? Like.. to Jackson?" At first you’re met with silence and you feel your cheeks start grow red in embarrassment. Oh shit. Were you not supposed to ask or something?-
"Joel is Tommy’s brother." You stop suddenly and whip your head around to face her. She almost slams right into you. "What the-.."
"Like married to Maria Tommy? Your dad is that Tommy's brother?" So she’s in the inner circle. No wonder they got in so easily. Ellie pauses and looks away, choosing to walk around you. You watch her for a few moments and then slightly jog to catch up with her.
"Yes.. and Joel is not my dad." You both had finally made it outside the walls of Jackson. Starting your journey along the snow covered route.
"Then why are you with him?" She won’t look at you. Maybe you shouldn’t ask?
"Because.." Definitely shouldn’t have asked.
“Oh…" At this point you were now following her.
"So.. you know the route?" You walk a bit faster to be able to walk beside her instead.
"I got the idea of it. Maria explained it to me yesterday." You nod and watch your feet as you walk. You can feel her eyes on you, but you refuse to meet them, choosing to play dumb. A couple of minutes go by without the two of you saying a word. You grab the straps of your backpack and fiddle with them, a nervous habit of yours.
“So you any good with that thing or do you just carry it around for show?” You look over at her, eyebrows furrowed and confusion written all over your face. She motions her head towards your backpack. “Your bow.”
Your mouth forms into and o-shape and you nod softly, “Yeah.. I would say i’m pretty good.” Ellie grins and gives you a soft scoff. “What?” She shakes her head and shrugs.
“Nothing.. you’re just.. odd.” Rude. You furrow your brows for what feels like the hundredth time today. You slow down a good bit before you finally stop walking. She turns to look back at you before stopping completely as well.
“What’s you’re problem?” She almost looks stunned at your question. You don’t know why, she was the one being rude.
“Geez.. sor-ry.” She doesn’t sound sorry. You shake your head and bump into her shoulder while walking past her, mumbling a ‘fucking ridiculous’ and a ‘cant wait to go home’ under your breath.
Thankfully the rest of the patrol had gone peacefully and without any problems.. or comments from Ellie. When you make it back safely inside the walls of Jackson, you march your way straight to Maria. Leaving Ellie to do whatever it is that she does. Knowing exactly where to find her at this time of the day you slam the door to the Tipsy Bison open and make your way over to her.
“Hey. How did Ellie do on patrol-“ You hold up a hand to stop her from talking.
“I’m not going on patrol with her again. Or doing anything with her.. ever.” Maria chuckles and crosses her arms over her chest while looking over at Tommy, who you just noticed standing there.
“I’m guessing it didn’t go well?” You give her an exasperated noise rather than using your words. She shakes her head and shrugs slowly while taking a deep breath. “Well.. there’s not much I can do about that.. For right now, you’re the best I got to watch her on patrol.” You copy her stance and cross your arms over your chest, a frown tugging at your lips. “Don’t give me that look. Just suck it up and deal with it. Just for a little while, okay?” She gives you one of her looks. The one that no one can say no to. Dammit.
You slowly uncross your arms but the frown is still prominent on your face. You look over at Tommy and instantly know he’ll be of no help. Huffing, you roll your head to the side and sigh out a ‘..fine..’ Maria nods and places a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it firmly.
“She’s needs some friends. Other than Joel, she’s all alone.” Your face softens a bit and you can feel your heart sink a bit. “You’re more alike than you think. Just give her another chance.” You look away and shrug her hand off your shoulder.
“I already said fine.” You turn around and as you go to leave Tommy speaks up.
“She’s a good kid… and so are you.” You stop. You don’t face him. You don’t face Maria either. You feel your face start to heat up, you’re fingers twitch. You’re angry. You didn’t choose to be here. In fact, you don’t even want to be here. You’re stuck here. Forever. Maybe.
You don’t say anything as you leave. You just go straight home. Home. No. It’s just the place you stay at.. for now. Unlocking the front door to the small house, you immediately drop your backpack onto the floor. You slowly make your way to the shower. You have to get to bed soon because you have another patrol with Ellie. Ellie. Just a few more weeks. Then you can finally get the hell out of this place.
Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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— main HYBRID masterlist
SUMMARY: it was dark out and you were walking somewhere creepy. you were worried about possibly getting cat-called (🥁) at night. you felt someone walking behind, you start to walk faster but the footsteps only got faster. suddenly, you bumped into someone. it was none other than park jongseong…your classmate who everyone dubbed was weird.
warnings: idk if there is any? it's tamed but jay does kiss your forehead. you'll get the context if you read it :D
word count: 509 words (short i know, the later episodes will be longer. i promise)
NOTE: sorry this took a while to write. semester 2 (school) just started and already have panic bc there are projects due in 2-3 weeks time. i will stress this again, life as a designing student👍
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normally you’d be smart enough to not go home late at night after finishing your studies but tonight was different. you fell asleep whilst studying and the next time you ever woke up, the librarian was tapping at your shoulder and forcing you to get out.
it was late, she probably just wanted to go home hence she was extra grouchy. you couldn’t really complain.
1:07 AM
the watch stated. you gripped onto your books and slung your bag over your shoulder. your way home felt pretty calming. well…that is until you could hear footsteps just after yours.
someone was following you home…
a stalker? a creepy drunk dude?
you only hoped that he wasn’t going to possibly murder you. so you quickened your steps but the person seem to only match your speed. your heart pounding on out of your chest. silently you prayed that you wouldn’t appear in the next unsolved murder case.
you groaned when you realised you bumped into someone. someone’s hard…manly chest. your eyes widened as you realise who’s jacket it was. it was a jacket that anyone would know of since only he wore it.
park jongseong
jongseong looks back, a clear glint in his eyes. he could easily tell some mugger was trying to get your valuables. he looks down at you and slightly bends forward to whisper
“play along, little one.”
it gets your heart pounding even more. jongseong wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer.
“where were you? you got me so worried, princess.” he kisses your forehead.
oh he is pulling the boyfriend card to trick the person
“sorry, I just lost track of time and also fell asleep in the library.”
jongseong nods. suddenly, you hear the sound of someone running towards you. he pushes you behind him and you watch as cat like claws appear. you were shocked. you quickly looked up at him and noticed how his eyes (which were previously black and were now yellow) were glowing in the dark. a small fang sticking out of his mouth, they weren't there before. well you think so, you just didn't really notice it.
he hisses before lunging at the person. you could hear the person yelling, he scrambles out of jay's grasp as the boy scratches him with his sharp claws and quickly runs away. jay's hat falls off, it reveals his black cat ears. it twitches as it is being exposed to the cool air.
jay turns to look at you. he watches as you back up the more he walks closer. his claws retract.
"let me walk you home. it's dark out and there will be plenty more creeps like that guy." you nod slowly, afraid that if you reject, he might just scratch you.
finally you noticed his black tail swishing, it was long and a little fluffy. which was comedically a contrast to how he was. it made him look more cuter(?). you were simply stunned.
park jongseong was not weird, he was just a hybrid.
a cat hybrid
taglist[open]: @nyfwyeonjun @luvkait @hello-stranger24
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blazinghotfoggynights · 2 months
I hope the 9-1-1 TPTB bring the drama.
There. I said it. I want to see angst, struggling, emotional turmoil, crying, maybe a few holes punched in the wall, again, screaming, arguing. Everything.
They have been freed from the conservative prison that is the you know what network. Why not go big or go home?
Now, some people will say read this and say I'm messy.
Okay. If you think that bothers me, good for you. (It doesn't. IRL, I am the most drama-free, non-confrontational person ever, but I like my entertainment to be a runaway rollercoaster. Don't keep it mentally stable and happy. So boring.)
I've been pretty open about wanting Buddie endgame. But we don't have to take the romantic, sweet, easy route. We can go offroad, turn on the 4x4, and hit the bumps full speed.
So, if Minear and crew (or Oliver and Ryan *waves*) see this, let me throw some messy ideas your way. You want mayhem and chaos? Let's look for some!
Everything below can be supported by canon up to ep 7x5.
1- Have Eddie question why his romantic interactions with women are always forced, initiated or encouraged by someone else, and unfulfilling. Shannon pursued him. Ana was there and familiar. Marisol was there and familiar. Eddie never pursues women due to good old basic attraction. He falls into relationships with those who send him signals they like him and are kind of shameless and thirsty.
We have NEVER seen Eddie actually genuinely excited to go on a date or spend time with a woman. There was always some ulterior reason. He was trying to give Christopher the stable home he thought his son deserved, or Bobby gave some cryptic advice, or Buck said Natalia is the only person who sees him. Ahem.
But Eddie was was all smiles to go hang out with Tommy. The man was bouncing. Bouncing! And every time he has hung out with Buck, he's relaxed and happy. Ijs.
2- I want to remind you that you created the character of Tommy Kinard, so his canonical history is not fandom's ideas. *points to show writers* They did it!
Tommy is canonically a racist, misogynist dbag. (See Hen Begins.) Sure, you can say he did it to fit in, but that also makes him a hypocrite now. He was always the first to follow in the former captain's footsteps when harassing Hen. Tommy wasn't a kid. He knew what he was doing was totally wrong and chose to be racist, misogynist, and possibly homophobic. I mean, I see that you have Hen and Chim forgiving him, which is fodder for a whole different post on retconning, backtracking, the forgiveness from minorities trope etc, but I digress.
I have always lived by the rule that when people show me who they are, I believe them. If you wanted to refer back to past Tommy Kinard, you could make him a total dbag.
It was obvious in 7x3 Tommy was not into Buck. At all. He didn't acknowledge Buck at all until Buck grabbed him. He barely spared Buck a glance when Buck grabbed his arm, pushing Buck's hand away, then looking back toward the direction Eddie exit the scene. That man was blinded by Eddie, who, see number 1, didn't give him the time of day. You could build on that and bring massive amounts of drama and pain.
3- If you really want to blow minds, have fandom go into a collective meltdown, be edgy, and create a storyline that would open the doors to all the main characters being involved, new bonds being cemented between characters who rarely interact, and serious emotional wreckage... just hear me out..
Give us an infidelity arc.
There are multiple options for this one. Some are pretty straightforward and relatively tame, such as Eddie and Buck realizing they are completely in love with each other and kissing, and some are just this side of being banished to Skinimax and HBHo, such as uncovering hidden facts that are scandalous, lying, and intentionally misleading others for your own purposes.
Those ideas could lead to enough material for seasons 8, 9, AND 10 if done properly. 😂 Certain watchdog groups and politicians will condemn you, but smart people don't like them anyway.
Fandom, what say you?
If you have an idea not up there, don't be shy about posting it in a response.
P.S.- I will not apologize for loving messiness. If others didn't enjoy watching messy situations, reality TV would not exist. So, I am not alone.
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jtl-fics · 11 months
Fusion Dance:
FF in the zombie apocalypse
Fluent Freshman AU | Unusual Fic Asks
I need you to understand what this has done to me. 1. I didn't think anyone was going to ask about FF for some reason and 2. The concept of FF in the apocalypse is so funny to me because I write a lot of him based off of me and I have ALWAYS told anyone who asks that if an apocalypse happens I am not the plucky young lass doing whatever it takes to survive type. (Like I get word that One Piece is cancelled because Oda got eaten it's like 'ok I gotta go ask that man some QUESTIONS in the after life' and I'm OUT. I just don't have that drive in me!)
BUT FF is that kind of guy.
FF had been ready for the end of the world for ages. He'd felt the world quake and tear itself apart plenty of times. The first time had been after the car accident. The second time had been when he realized his mother wasn't going to stand up for him. The third was when she said "I do" to a man who hadn't made it a secret what he thought about FF.
The end of the world kept happening for him, so it was almost bizarre when finally everyone else agreed that it had happened.
He didn't really pay attention to the news, only to the increasing anxiety around campus as more and more infections occurred and there were talks about locking down the campus. His anxiety ramped higher and higher until he found himself in a state that he hated. A state where it was all so much that he lost the ability to feel anything at all.
The numbers kept climbing, the infections growing closer, and FF couldn't calm down enough to feel anything.
Then a Palmetto student was bitten and weirder it was someone he had known if only because they played on the same team.
He dodged out of the way of Jack's open mouth as he heard Sheena scream. His senses for an unexpected back attack had been heightened from years of dealing with his step brothers and further from the mindless bloodlust of Black Friday shoppers.
Jack lunged for him again.
"No cure - 100% fatal at biting stage" flashed on the TV in the lounge yesterday. "Self-Defense Recommended" the news anchor said numerous times.
He couldn't bring himself to do it though.
Aaron walked into the hallway and Jack's attention turned. He lunged mouth open and-
FF found the courage to swing down his Racquet.
Sheena just kept screaming as she ran out of the hallway.
Aaron looked shocked looking between FF and Jack on the ground.
"The infection has hit Palmetto." FF says with a deep breath trying not to feel sick, "I'm not staying on campus." he says wondering how many more students had broken quarantine like Jack.
"Where are you planning to go?" Aaron asks giving Jack's body a wide berth as he stepped around it.
"My grandma lives in Washington State. It's pretty rural. I'll go there." He says because she's stood by him through every other end of the world. If this is the one that takes then he wants to be sitting next to her.
"Sounds better than sitting here." Aaron says with a shrug and FF could see that he was shaking from what he'd just seen.
"I'm sorry you had to see that." FF says because he knows what Aaron had done to protect his brother. Aaron looks at him with wide eyes, "He was past the point where he might have been saved. We can't hesitate." he says because that's what the news anchor had said.
Aaron takes a long and shaking breath and nods.
FF nods back to him before turning and heading in the opposite direction of the exit that Sheena had run towards. He heard Aaron's footsteps following him, well this is embarrassing that they're going the same way.
"Where are you going now?" Aaron asks.
"CVS." FF answers.
"Smart, medical supplies." Aaron agrees.
Oh, that is also a good plan. FF was just planning on taking a shopping basket and knocking every last bottle of Pepto Bismol into it. "Yes." he says.
"I'll text Andrew." Aaron says and for the love of god FF did not know what he would be texting him. "Hey, thanks...for uh...saving me." he says.
They haven't decided how to charge people quite yet for the Infection self-defense cases.
"Don't mention it." he says and honestly wishes he could tell Sheena the same.
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toujokaname · 24 days
Card shuffle / Episode 1
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Author: Akira
Characters: Rinne, Aira, Tatsumi & Mayoi
"I ab-so-lute-ly oppose you! I do not recognize this leadership change!"
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Time has passed, in the present. Early March, during the first year of ES's establishment.
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Rinne: Hey, hey~
Rinne Amagi here, takin' on the role of ALKALOID's leader starting today. All geared up and ready to hustle, sooo, yup yup.
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Aira: ......
Tatsumi & Mayoi: ......
Rinne: Oi, oi, how 'bout at least giving a greeting? To your leader? The leader over here?
Bow down, you plebs, ain't your heads too high?
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Aira: ...I oppose you.
Rinne: Mm?
Aira: I ab-so-lute-ly oppose you! I do not recognize this leadership change!
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Rinne: Gyahahahaha! ☆
Aira: Quit laughing?! I'm trying to be serious here!
Rinne: I'm laughing because you're dead serious, though? Do you even get what's goin' on here, Girlfriend-kun?
Aira: Don't call me "Girlfriend-kun"! I'm nobody's girlfriend! *Huff, huff!* (Menacingly)
Tatsumi: There, there... Let's take a deep breath, Aira-san.
Mayoi: Yes... I believe that the more Aira-san overreacts, the more that person seems to derive satisfaction in it and only gets nastier...
I can understand, as there are moments when I too experience the same urge when I see Aira-san panicking... ♪
Tatsumi: Mayoi-san.
Mayoi: Eek?! I-I-I-It's okayyy! I'm not acting on ittt, so it's fine if I just fantasize about it, righttt?!
Tatsumi: God is always watching, even our innermost thoughts? Let's repent?
Well, that aside—
I think it's understandable for Aira-san to be upset. After all, it was quite a surprise to us as well.
Rinne: Same goes for us, though?
As expected from rookie units formed in the summer, is it that we're on similar paths, whether we like it or not?
Or maybe, is it that ES is tryna force us into "that context"?
Tatsumi: How so?
Rinne: A smart big bro type like you should get it, right?
Last night, ES sent a notice outta the blue.
They want us to do pro wrestling for this big event called Matrix.
Tatsumi: Pro... wrestling...? I haven't heard anything about that...?
Rinne: It's a metaphor. Basically, between us, Crazy:B, and you, ALKALOID, who debuted at the same time—
They wanna fabricate some kinda imaginary beef and make us fight over it.
Here's ES's plan. Us rookies who debuted around the same time are meant to be strong rivals, pushin' each other to improve—
At the grand finale of ES's first year, these supposed archenemies clash! Gyahaha, it's gonna be a blast, huh? So worthless ♪
Tatsumi: Uh-huh... We don't actually bear any grudge against each other, yet we're being made to act as if "it" exists... Following someone's, or rather, ES's, script.
Hence the term pro wrestling, I presume?
Rinne: That's right. I dunno who came up with this dumbass storyline, but...
As "the rookies in a weak position," we've got no choice but to dance according to the script we've been given.
ES must've gotten a taste of it with the recent "OO." What was it, the showdown between the Five Eccentrics and fine that they were so excited about?
Tatsumi: It appears so. Being from another school, it was a story I wasn't quite familiar with, so I felt rather out of the loop during "OO."
Rinne: Seems like it was a huge hit, huh. The Five Eccentrics and company played along with ES's absurd demands, puttin' on a wrestling show just fine, right?
So now, they're making us do the same thing.
We're aiming to be like the second or third act following in the footsteps of "Altered" or "fine-O."
Tatsumi: Hm. I know this may be like preaching to the choir for you as a senior idol, but... In my experience, there can be up to ten acts trying to step into those footsteps under similar circumstances.
But well, there's something shameful about being roped into such a half-baked plan just by hearing about it...
Rinne: It's the same old song and dance, ain't it?
And no matter how stupid the plan some idiot comes up with, it's us on the front lines who have to pull it off and take the criticism!
So, how 'bout it? Starting to hate being an idol, huh ♪
Tatsumi: If something on this level made me hate it, I would've quit during the restructuring commotion back in summer.
And it's not just me; I'm certain ALKALOID and Crazy:B would've done the same.
Rinne: That so. What a model answer from a goody-two-shoes. No wonder ES likes you guys so much—"ALKALOID."
[ ☆ ]
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lizard-shifter-noms · 23 days
Still Subject to Change Chapter 14 (NEW)
Hello everyone! i decided to repost arc 1 of SSTC
(the chapters were way too long and had a bunch of typos but hopefully this will make reading easier)
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
if there are still any grammatical errors i’m sorry.
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Walking back out into the snow wasn't pleasant, the wind kept blowing little ice fragments in my eyes and it was hard to see anything at all, making me stumble over some rocks that were strewn in between the greenery.
This had grown into a proper snowstorm while I was in the cave making finding Rikaad even more urgent.
The worst thing was that i could not use my eyesight to find anything and the snow actually stung my skin making me wish that i had the thick fur coat of the Ardua form right now.
But the bracelet was still jammed and in a storm like this it was impossible to even try to fix it.
So I had to suck it up for now and just continue onwards.
Since the storm only had brought more snow it was absolutely impossible and I hoped that Rikaad hadn't already frozen to death.
I wasn't exactly sure how long a human could last in a storm like this with no shelter, so I did something I hadn't done since my mother died.
I decided to pray, while the God Amesimos had NEVER done me any favors I decided that this wasn't for me, It was to find Rikaad alive.
Chanting over and over in my head, ‘please be alive please be alive’ While I trudged through the icy environment.
At some point I stopped dead in my tracks, I was very sure I had heard a noise coming from behind one of those Rocks that were scattered about.
I Hoped that I had found Rikaad and not some random animal, so I went slowly around the boulder to the side that was more shielded from the wind only to find some footprints leading away from me around the rock.
He was avoiding me by going around the stone and keeping out of my sight, He really was a smart man and while I could just jump over the boulder to grab him I was sure that if I actually tried that I'd have my fingers sliced off for good this time.
So around the rock it was then.
Circling it and following the footsteps only brought me back to my starting point, Rikaad always somehow a few steps ahead.
Well my footsteps were a lot louder than his on the crunchy snow so he did have an advantage, and I was honestly surprised he had not started huddling in the sheltered area for warmth.
But I knew that nobody would ever see him like that, He was a prideful individual.
And a frozen one if I didn't get him soon, so instead of lunging over the boulder I climbed on top of it only to see a Human silhouette dart away from it across the snowy ground.
Jumping down from the boulder with a loud boom I immediately went after him, if i lost sight of him now i probably wouldn't be able to find him again.
Bolting across the ground I tried my best to follow him even if there were a ton of obstacles in the way as Rikaad apparently insisted on taking the most cluttered route he could.
I received no response but he actually seemed to run a bit faster now and I had to double my efforts to not lose sight of him.
On the plus side, running like this was probably going to warm him up a bit, and he couldn't run forever either so I was bound to catch up at some point.
If i didn't run full force into a tree first.
There were so many things in the way, including rocks, trees and some shrubbery.
The only lucky thing about this was that none of the plants seemed to have thorns but the branches whipping my face were bad enough already.
At some point while running after the surprisingly fast human I breached into a clearing that had a steep hill in the middle.
Maybe now I would finally have some luck.
Rikaad was trying to run up the steep hill but with his shorter legs and the snow slipping out from under him he wasn't making a lot of progress.
I sprinted as close as I dared to Rikaad, trying my best to ignore how the cold winds stung at the various cuts from the tree branches.
I slowed down on the last few meters, I did NOT want to trample the smaller man after I had finally caught up to him.
He still had his back to me but I learned from last time that if I tried to grab him he'd slash at my fingers with his sword.
So instead I tried to get in front of him.
Standing in front of Rikaad I could see that the smaller man still had his sword gripped tightly in his hands.
He did not look good, with pale skin and Blue lips he stood slightly shaking in the snow.
None of that managed to deter his icy Gray gaze though, he was staring at me with a grimm sort of determination raising his sword up a bit higher.
I could literally see ice crystals building on his blade even through the snowstorm that seemed to drone out everything else.
“Rikaad! Come on, let’s go back to camp, the others are waiting, they even managed to get a new fire going!”
I wasn’t sure if he even understood what I said over the roaring of the wind around us but he definitely saw that I did speak as he was looking right at my face.
Unfortunately it looked like he had not heard anything of what i said as he gripped his sword even tighter if that was even possible and charged straight at me, his icy eyes burning with something i couldn’t name.
I jumped backwards a bit trying to keep out of reach of the blade, I was not keen on having my Achilles tendon cut.
I had no doubt that was what he was aiming for, he wasn’t dumb, he’d knew that if he sliced that it would be over for me and by the way he moved that was exactly what he had planned.
He continued his onslaught with no regard for how cold it was, he either didn’t hear me or didn’t want to hear me.
In either case he had to stop, he was destroying himself like this.
Looking back into his face I finally recognized the look in his unnerving eyes, Bloodlust.
He would not stop until either he was dead or he had managed to kill me.
I needed a plan, and that fast.
I had longer legs than him so I retreated as far as I could without stumbling over my tail, trying to think of something over the loud wind.
Rikaad was a Guardsman, a trained and battle ready person.
I was a Giant that didn’t want to injure him and I knew if he fell down in this weather he’d be dead.
He was an insanely stubborn man so he would only go down if his heart stopped beating.
I NEEDED to get him somewhere warm as fast as possible or he would die.
Backing up into a tree I reached around and broke off one of its thicker branches, If anything I could use it to keep the sword away from me.
Rikaad had caught up to me while I was breaking the wood and managed to stab the side of my foot, scarcely missing my heel.
I yanked it back from him even if my first reflex was to kick whatever the hell hurt me and ended up spraying snow everywhere.
Maybe that was an idea? If i could back up far enough again i could just dump some snow over him, that was bound to stop him for a few seconds right?
Running a bit away from him again I dropped the branch in his way to slow him down, this guy was really mad right now and I wasn’t keen to be on the wrong side of that wrath more than I already was.
Coming to a halt between two old trees I shoveled a fair bit of snow into my hands and waited for Rikaad to catch up.
He was running full speed at me, which was impressively fast and I had to time it right so as not to miss him.
If I missed he would cut my achilles tendon and kill me.
I realized that I had never been more terrified in my life, The Guards in Kamerasca were mostly just loud talking idiots.
This was one very angry and determined person that purely intended to kill me, and I did not doubt a second that he could.
He could and he would if I didn’t stop him.
As he got closer I held the snow ready and dropped it just as he was about to charge me,
the frozen flakes cascading down on top of him, burying him up to his waist in the cold substance and stopping his mad march forward.
I didn’t have much time to restrain him as he was already digging himself out of the snow so I lunged at him.
plucking the sword from his death grip on it which was surprisingly firm and yanked him out of the frozen heap, secured in a fist.
He was wriggling and writhing in my grip trying to get out and even ended up biting me, and it wasn’t just an annoying sting like when Robin had bit me either.
It was like a wolf had sunk its fangs into me and I was sure if he didn’t let go soon he’d take an entire chunk of flesh out of the side of my already hurt pointer finger.
“Rikaad! Dammit calm down! I’m not going to hurt you! Everything is alright! The others are safe! I’m going to get you back to Kamerasca and then you will never have to see me again okay?!”
The grip of his teeth loosened slightly before he let go fully to stare at me.
The Bloodlust I had seen before had partly vanished, but not by much and he moved his blood stained mouth.
He was saying something but over the Roar of the wind I couldn’t hear him.
“What? I can’t hear you, can you say it louder?”
He just stared at me, still holding that icy gaze that reminded me of a corpse’s lifeless stare, it was clear that he would not repeat himself.
And I was not putting him near my ears and asking him to restate again, he’d manage to rip my ear off with his bare hands or something.
Since I couldn’t hear him and he probably couldn’t hear me with the wind it was best to just move on with this.
I really hoped that he wouldn’t somehow manage to kick my teeth out, But with how cold he was and now that the adrenaline had run out a bit I doubted he could do something like that.
Since stalling was now only making him even colder than he already was, I shoved him headfirst into my mouth, being mindful of my fangs, and swallowed as soon as I was able to.
It was like I had stuck a frozen piece of metal in my mouth and I was really surprised that he had managed to not succumb to the cold beforehand.
He was dragging horribly in my throat after the first swallow so I gulped again, sending the angrily writhing form deeper down into the warmth of my guts.
He tried to writhe again, but his trapped body wouldn’t allow him to.
Some small treacherous part of him was grateful for the warmth rolling over him in waves, as it chased away the chill in his limbs, but he was, as a whole, horrified.
The Giant was eating him!
He was suddenly lurched forwards, horribly squished into Donovan’s throat.
He seemed to drag just the slightest bit and used every opportunity to try and resist the wave-like motion of the muscles that intended to send him to his death.
Flexible flesh shifted to accommodate him, another sickening squeeze and he was deposited into the Giants stomach.
Rikaad could hear the Bastard’s body working rhythmically around him, from the loudly beating heart to the disconcerting gurgles beneath him.
And there was nothing in here aside from himself.
Nothing at all.
No Arthur and no Robin.
No trace that either of his best friends had ever been here.
He scrambled into an upright position trying desperately to find ANYTHING, the Giants digestion couldn’t be this fast could it?
He patted at the ‘walls’ and ‘floor’ hoping to be wrong about this.
He prayed that he would find something, to know his friends were not completely gone, but found absolutely nothing.
Like they had never existed.
Rikaad started panicking, thinking that he had lost his best friends to such an unfathomable fate, one he would share soon.
Hearing Donovan speak he decided to ignore it;
it was probably just mockery anyway.
And he had no desire to converse with the Beast that had betrayed them in the most horrible manner he could ever think of.
Gritting his teeth he squirmed into a sort of sitting position.
Fumbling around to pull his pant leg up he reached for the dagger he had hidden there and pulled it out of its sheath, ready to strike the nearest sickeningly shifting wall.
Plunging the blade into the fleshy and rippling wall in front of him he heard a loud shout of pain that ringed in his ears and everything got suddenly a lot tighter in the fleshy bag he was trapped in.
He heard speaking from above him but once again ignored it, if the Beast wanted to plead it was too late now.
If he was to go out like this he would cause as much pain as possible to his devourer.
Raising his dagger once again he tried to pay no mind to the blood running over his fingers along with whatever else fluids were in here.
He hoped none of the blood was his, but in the darkness he couldn’t really tell.
He struck the fleshy wall again and an even louder shout shook his entire surroundings.
If he wasn’t panicking as much he might have made out a ‘Please stop’ from his captor.
The walls suddenly caved in on him even more and he could not move, The blade still stuck where he had struck the Stomach wall.
Not being able to properly use the knife anymore he instead tried to kick as hard as he could while trying to spread his elbows to gain some room.
After Rikaad landed in my pouch I immediately went to check in on him.
“Rikaad? Are you okay? Not freezing to death anymore?”
I got no verbal response but I could feel a lot of shifting.
He was probably okay for now and trying to get into an upright position.
After a few seconds of stillness from him I started walking back to where Arthur and Robin were.
I was Lucky and actually knew the way back as The small man in my gut had taken me on quite the wild chase around the snowy forest.
But after only a few steps there was a sudden white hot sensation in my pouch.
The pain i experienced was unlike any other i had ever felt before, It was a sharp stinging pain and i doubled over in a desperate attempt to make it stop
“Rikaad what are you doing? Stop!”
I had taken his sword away so where did he get another blade?
The only reaction I got from telling him to stop was another painful stab, A searing hot piercing sensation that hurt like hell.
I received no answer but I could tell that he planned to stab me again.
So far I had gotten lucky and he only damaged the front wall where there were no other organs, but if he managed to hit something else like my lungs I would be done for.
So I did the only thing I could think of, inhale as much as possible and lean forward while squishing my hands into my abdomen.
It had worked when Robin freaked out so maybe I could at least stop him from stabbing me again.
I could literally feel the blade he used to slash at my insides as I squished him in place.
He kicked at the front wall in retaliation and it hurt, he had missed the gashes he’d cut a few moments prior but it was still painful.
Stumbling back towards the cave where the others had set up our stuff was proving to be an awful task with an angry person in my pouch.
“Rikaad please stop you’re not going to die everything is okay just please stop stabbing me!”
There was an elbow painfully jabbing at the sides of my pouch and I was glad that it once again missed the bleeding wounds that were made previously.
“Eating me wasn’t enough? Now you want to mock me too?!”
He was still angry and I wondered what else I could say to make him finally believe me.
“Rikaad i promise you’re fine! Nothing is going to happen to you, you’re fine I swear!”
Maybe promising twice in a row would make him believe me? I was Fae after all, at least half anyway.
Rikaad hollered, delivering another mean kick to the front wall that almost made me stumble to my knees.
If I fell down now I wouldn’t be able to get up again so I tried to power through it and staggered past the snowy trees towards where Robin and Arthur were waiting.
Trying to walk while being bent over to stop Rikaad from stabbing me again was horrible as his weight actually rested ON the wounds he had caused, resulting in a hot throbbing ache that spread over the entire pouch.
How far was the cave again? With Rikaad kicking every chance he got it was hard to orient myself and find the way back.
Having to hunch over also made it really stupid to see in front of me, I even managed to almost walk into the cliff wall in front of me.
At least all I had to do now was follow the side of it till I found the cave again.
There were even more kicks and jabs from Rikaad and at this point I knew that he would not listen to me no matter what I said so I tried my best to ignore the pain.
It did not work, and at this point I had gotten really nauseous and was struggling not to throw up.
If I threw him up out here in the snow he’d freeze immediately or simply die from temperature shock.
I was also pretty sure that if I did throw him up I would absolutely rupture my insides and bleed to death.
So getting him out was currently not an option, i didn’t know what exactly i would do when i managed to get into the cave but to get to that point i had to find the damn thing first.
Dragging a hand that was sweaty from pain along the jagged side of the cliff I tried to feel for the entrance of the cave.
At this point i wasn’t sure if i was capable of speech anymore, just wheezing in pain and hoping that Rikaad would finally stop his painful onslaught on my guts.
As my hand suddenly grasped nothing on the cliffside I was half leaning on I almost fell over, prompting even more kicking from Rikaad who was still silently continuing his onslaught on my guts.
Or maybe I just couldn’t hear him over the storm AND the rushing in my ears from the pain.
Being as careful as I could I climbed through the narrow part of the cave’s mouth before walking the bend to the larger part.
I was still wheezing and sweating when I rounded the corner and saw both Arthur and Robin sitting next to the fire they had built.
I stumbled forward and their eyes snapped to me as I let out another painful wheeze.
Both of them shot up from their sitting positions as I managed to get a few steps closer before my legs buckled underneath me and I fell onto my knees in front of them.
“DONOVAN! Are you okay? What happened?? Where’s Rikaad?”
Robin was rushing forward to get to me but was held back by concerned looking Arthur who had grabbed his Scruff to prevent him from getting too close.
And that not a moment too soon as I keeled over again this time to lay curled on my side still squishing my pouch to stop Rikaad from getting a hold of the blade again.
A pained groan left me and Robin managed to wrangle out of Arthur’s grasp, running directly for my face and stopping barely a meter in front of my eyes making him appear blurry.
Or maybe it was the pain that blurred everything in front of me, At this point I really couldn’t tell.
“Donovan what happened? How can I help?”
It was admirable that he immediately offered help even if he didn’t know what was going on so I did my best to tell what happened but only a painful wheezing half whisper left me.
“He’s hurting me! Get him to stop!”
At my words Robin immediately darted away from my face towards where my pouch was located and got really close to the sore flesh.
“Rikaad stop! Whatever you are doing is hurting him!”
He actually stopped and I could practically feel his surprise and confusion radiate through me.
He really did believe that they had died, that I had killed them.
Well add that to my already miserable time right now.
The voice that answered back was clearly Rikaads, he was good at masking his terror that he had no doubt felt just a few seconds prior,
But it was still slightly shaky even if it was barely noticeable.
“Yeah i'm -”
“Rikaad! You idiot! what the fuck are you doing!?”
Robin was shoved to the side by Arthur who went off babbling at Rikaad and asking what the hell he had done to get me to look like death.
I barely registered any of it, white spots were dancing around my vision but at least Rikaad had stopped hitting me.
Now maybe i could relax my bruised pouch a little.
Slowly loosening the muscles holding the confused man in place he slid a bit and accidentally bumped into one of the bleeding cuts making me hiss out in pain.
And Robin looked at me with big brown eyes, eyebrows up in an expression of worry and something else.
It was not pity, it was a look of empathy, not something I had received before.
He slowly went over to where Arthur was talking to Rikaad, even if I still couldn’t make out what they were saying as the rushing sensation in my ears only got louder the more Rikaad moved.
Robin stood in front of the flesh that covered my pouch and slowly held a hand out, ghosting the slightest bit of contact over it before lightly pressing in and Pain bled throughout my entire Chest leaving me mute at the awful feeling.
It hurt like someone had shot an actual metal cannonball through me.
And the white spots in my vision only grew larger and larger until I couldn’t see anything else.
After about a second of an achingly hot pain that made everything else feel like it wasn’t there anymore the white disappeared, leaving only Darkness as my brain decided to not put up with this any longer.
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teacuptoast · 2 years
Relation: Young Justice x Teammate! GN. Reader
Warnings: Cussing, Mention of Alcohol
Words: 3.2K
Summary: A reader insert and rewrite of episode 12 season 1. Reader is an absolute smart ass but we stan the sarcasm. They're giving major stiles stalinski vibes.
A/N: Ayyy my first piece so enjoy. Also, I'm having my monthly YJ brain rot.
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“Ugh, I hate chemistry,” Sighing, I walked out of my last class of the day. Merging into the swarm that was the hallway I adjusted my bookbag as my feet swiftly carried me out of the building. I was practically running to get out of the building, desperate to get away from the place.
Its only the second week and I already miss summer. AP this, ACC that, I was drowning in paperwork. Not to mention the fact that the rest of the team gets 3 hours off before you. While they’re all playing games and baking cookies I’m stuck listing to Mr. ‘Peaked in Highschool’ tell me how to do a pushup. 
Already in a bad mood I walked deeper into the drowsy city.  A steady drissle turned into a downpour as your student jacked did little to shield you from the rain. ‘I hate this,” I’d chant in my head to pass the time, “I hate this, I hate this so much.” Forgetting an umbrella was a rookie mistake.
Now being soaked and soggy, I huffed before taking a sharp turn into the nearby ally. My boots splashed through puddles as I neared the rundown photo booth. Setting my bag down in a relatively dry sport my hand rummeged through textbooks before pulling out a pair of glasses.
Placing the glasses on my face I took in a large breath before stepping into the booth. After scanning me the voice read, “B0-7 Hawkeye.” Hearing the familiar name I readied myself for whatever weird situation I was about to walk into.
Stepping forward into the room I closed my eyes and spoke into the room, “I think I’ve broken the record for most consecutive minor problems in one day, and let me tell you, its really pissing me off.”
Opening my eyes I looked into open room to find a fireball coming straight twords my face. My mind took its time playing ‘fight or flight’ roulet before it made the last minute movement to doge.
A string of curses left my mouth as I tried to figure out what was going on. Though I didn’t have the time before another fireblast came my way, this one I didn’t miss as cleanly. Feeling your skin burn you let out a hiss before dropping you bag and deciding to run.
Practically screaming I began to talk to myself, “I just had to ask how this day could could get any worse!” Booking it down the hallway I took a steady turn into a small room, barely missing the flames that followed.
Shoving yourself into a storage room was anything but ideal. My rapid breath frilled the room creating a erie eco. Inhaling one more time I held my breath as foot steeps neared. It sounded like the person was wearing metal shoes. ‘Red Tornado’ my mind celebrated, almost making me open the door.
The footsteps stoped at the studden sound, right on the otherside of the door. Rational thought soon kicked in, ‘Whys Red Tornado trying to kill me?’ My face cringe as I relized my stupid mistake.
The tension grew as the steps didn’t seem to move. Almost like a horror movie I held My breath, waiting in anticipation. After what seemed like hours the footsteps began to walk away.
Shakily I let out a breath. Trying to piece together the situation, I couldn’t help but wonder who, where, why, and what the hell was going on here. ‘This must be an attack, or maybe this is just a practie mission right? Right?’
After a short while I left the closet, checking the to make sure the coast was clear. I began to work myself down to the locker room. If I was going to do my job effectively, I first needed to get myself out of civies. 
Heading twords the fitness center I quickly rushed into the locker rooms. I frantically tried to open my lock before it finally released. Out fell my suit and I didn’t wait a second to rip of my soaked cloths. 
To think I was in the rainy streets of Seattle less then 20 minutes ago, gave me the shivers. I didn’t even have time to look at my burns on my arms and face to know I was in some deep shit. Knowing the adrenaline masked the pain, I quickly cover it up the burn. Finally placing my mask on my face I slipped on my toolbelt.
Putting my last knife in its place, I took in the calm that certainly wouldn’t last long. Hearing two pairs of footsteps, I quickly turned to see a pair of familiar faces being thrown to the ground by a flame.
Waving for them to follow me into the locker room, the three of us filed in before the next attack. Before we could even speek a word, Robin was already tring to override the systum. Following their lead I began to twist the showerheads, again drenching my dry suit.
“Can anyone please tell me what the Hell is going on!” I asked though nether responded. Robin procided to tell us that all lines of communication where down. ‘Grate now were stranded,’ I thought to myself.
“At least the waters helping,” he said as we backed into the middle of the room. Soon the clicnking of the pipes turned into growls as the water pressure shot them off the wall.
“Or not,” I added as the room began to flood. Swimming upwards I noticed a red robot sening more flames twords up. We looked at one another before I was taken by the water and tossed onto the hallway floor.
The three of us coughed as we tried to catch our breath. Standing up we quickley headed for the kitchen.
“We need to get lost.” Robin said as we walked into the kitchen. As we all entered I started to catch my breath.
I scoffed and smiled back. “Yeah no shit.”
Artemis looked to me before rolling her eyes, “The sarcasm is not helping Hawk.”
Turning back to face her, I rasid my hands in frustration, “I’m sorry I almost just got my face seareed off by a robot with boobs! I have a right to be a fussy,” stepping twords the kitchen I continued, “Lets head for the vents, so I can have a little fussy breakdown without being seen!”
The twos’ bitter similes soon turned lighthearted. Disite being overly dramatic and flamboyant at times, you were intellectually a genius. No matter the task at hand you always were able to run every possibility to make the best decision for the team and mission. You were flashy but decisive none the less.
As the two of us started our way into the vents we questioned Robin as he downloaded the caves blueprints. Before he could finnish his explonation, the familiar sound of metal boots was heard in the hallway. 
We quickly scurried into the shaft one after another, myself leading the way. Robin shouted directions as we made our way throught the vents. Turning I opened the vent cover as instructed. Sliding down I couldn’t help myself from making a little ‘wee’ sound. 
Braking through the vent we landed on the rafters inside the boiler room; now it was Robins time to lead. Before he could get anywhere we were stoped by a loud thud. Looking up we saw it was the same flame robot from before.
“Hey your a very nice looking robot,” I said to draw her attention away so the others could escape, “But the whole metal thing is kind of a turn off, for me.” She didn’t seem amused as she raised her hands, fire fillling the room as I let out one last remark, “I never said you wern’t hot!”
Jumping onto the growned level I met with my teemates. Seening the machines begin to malfunction, Robin let out a quick word before we moved again. Steem hissed as pipes broke sending us charging by the robot. It aimed for us as we continued to struggle with the blazing attacks. We ran past it quickly, myself brining up the end of the pack.
Ducking behind another engine, Robin pulled up a scene from his hollow glove, “I know that other acces tunnel is here somewhere,” Robin said in distress.
Finding the vent door on the floor I held it up for Artemis to jump into, speaking with a stupid smile, “You mean this one?” Placing an explosive, Robin followed in behind us. Falling into the tunnel, he stoped us before we could get much further.
Plugging his glove into the electrical socket he quickly explained, “Looking out the cave’s motion and heat sensors to prevent the enemy from tracking us.”
Artemis quickly followed up, “And I ask again, who is the enemy?”
“We already know theres a giant red robot lady that can produce fire and unless Kaldur’s gone crazy, we can assume theres another person who can control water. I’m just wondering why they look like Red Tornados divorced parents,” I added as Robin pulled up the screen.
On the screen showed our four superpowered teammates. They were up to their usual shenanigans wile working on Conners bike.
Kalder was the first to ask if anywone was struggiging with their school work, to which I fell back against the vent and yet out a disgruntled yes. As Megann began to ramble about her cheerleading team, I silently wished I went to our own Happy Harbor High school.
It was just some normal highschool, with normal kids who all did normal things. They could do extra cariculors like cheerleading, or swimming. They could hangout without having to risk the lost hour for their homework. It struck a cord of jellosuy inside of me hearing them talk about how easy their personal lives are.
Every morning I’d wake up at 6 in the morning to be greeted by prentious assholes for the 8 following hour. Pine Hills Private Acadamy for Intalectully Gifted, or as I call it, ‘The prerec for becoming a rich dousebag.’ Everyone there was just the same carbon copy Barbie and Ken and it made me want to rip my hair out.
While everyone was worried about surviving the evil robot attack, I couln’t stop myself from stressing over my lab paper due tomorrow.
My attention was soon drawn back as everyone was blasted back by an explosion before the screen cut out. Artemis was the first to pester us with questions about what hapend to our team mates.
“Explosion took out the camera,” Robin responded, “I’ll look for another angle.” He continued to type away as 4 more screens loaded onto his hallow glove. The first camera showed big stretching waves crash into the hanger before one seprate stream deliberately took out the camera. On the second angle, we briefly saw the team get splashed by water, before the camera was cut out again. 
“All four are dead,” Robin spoke as I rolled my eyes at his poor choice in words, “The cameras. I mean the cameras,” ​​Artemis face relaxed, “I’m sure the others are ok.” He continued to ramble on as Artemis leaned back next to me. Before we got the chance to relax, we were already opening the vent to jump down into the study.
Running down the stairs Robin explained that theres was a secret passage opened by one of the books. I jumped at the chace to coment, “Whats next, a trap door that leads to the dongen?”
“You should see the Batcave,” He said as I chuckled. Walking passed the numerous shelves we were surprised by the door opening behind us. Getting into position we quickly retreated behind a shelf. Knives still drawn and ready, we patintle waited as metal clanking walked down the isle.
“Artemis, Robin, Hawkeye.” The voice spoke reminding of us all of a familiar Den Mother. Artemis, though, jumped the gun and moved to confront him. Though who she saw was not Tornado and more like his long lost step father.
Robin pushed her out of the way as I tried to stab the machine in between its mental plating. Hitting its eye I tried to stab the other one before he could react. Before I got the chance he grabbed me by the neck and threw me into the nearest bookcase.
Hearing my teammates call my name I croaked out, “Sorry for flirting with your wife, thats my fault.” Rubbing the back of my head I got up to find the other, female, robot standing infront of us. 
As she shot fire out of her hands I tried to regroup with the others as they scrambled ontop of the bookshelf. Artemis questioned who they were as she covered us from the top of the shelf. Sliding down with Robin the two androids continued to fire. Finding the right book in the nick of time, we entire the secret as the shelf fell overhead.
As we sprinted down the hall Artemis asked, “Did you know Tornado had siblings?”
“Yes! It’s almost like I mentioned this is the vents!” I shouted, “If I had a nickled for every time you all called my ideas stupid and I was right, I’d be more richer then Bruce Wane!”
As we met a cross in the halways she grabed my hand, “So what do we do now? Red Tornado is one of the powerhouses of the League. How are we suposed to take down two of them?” She seemed more distressed as the situation grew.
“They do seem pretty user unfriendly.” Robin responded as I once again let out an obnoxious chuckle.
She told us off before we got to respond, being interrupted by they overhead speaker system. It sounded like the same voice as one of the androids, “Attention, Robin. Attention, Artemis. Attention, Hawkeye. You have exactly ten minuets to surrender or the lives of your teammates will be extinguished.” Turing to face one another we could only assume what danger are teamates were in.
Continuing to run down the halls the androids sounded again, reminding us we only have 8-minuets left.
“We can access the hangar from here,” Robin spoke before we quickly turned around to face another wave of water. Contradicting himself, the three of us began to run away from the wave, only to be swept up by it. Taking in a deep breath, we were quickly submerged. 
As Robin took out his breathing device, he headed towards me first but, I shook my head. Giving it to Artemis I looked around, only to find a red hand wrapped around my ankle. As it pulled me twords it, I grabed a smaller knife from my belt. Griping it I stabed it into his other eye as bubbles escaped my mouth.
Pushing off of it I felt a hand grip my waste and pull me out of the tunnel. As explosions followed behind us we broke for the surface. Gasping for air we quickly caught our breaths before hearing the voice of a familar speedster. 
Quick dodging the incoming fire blasts we quickly swam twords Wally and Conner, who where both trapped in a rock of some sorts. Quickly asking if they were ok, they directed our attention up to the Martian. Looking up both Kaldur and Megan were traped in a cage made of fire.
“Aqualad, is she-” Artemis asked, pleading. Kaldur reassured us that she was just unconscious but, that they were running out of time. The conversation was broke when more flames were sent twords us.  
Navigating deeper under water my body was beginning to fetieege. 8 hours of school on top of running away from evil robots was alot more then your 16-year-old body could handle. Passing Sphere, who was stuck in the wall, we quickly tried to hussle up the stairs. Unfortunately we were followed by the evil step father, and were stoped at the top of the stairs by the evil stepmother.
As Artemis talked about her lack of arrows, Robin called for a distraction.
”Ay Ay Captin!” I responded. throwin a small dager into the flame robots eye. It didn’t seem to faze the it at all. Before she was able to hit me with her flames, I dove into the water. 
The others followed as I looked for a storm drain, which I luckily found. Pulling it off I let the others swim up before I followed in. Once we broke the surface we gasped for air and starrted to climb up a later.
Sitting in the tunnel I looked up and spoke, “You know i’m getting really tired of drowning!” Following my statement was the reminder that we only had 6 minutes left. Placing my hands behind my head, I heaved for air and didn’t bother listening to the two bicker.
“And you,” She looked to me, “For once in your life can you take this seriously? Our friends are dying and you look like you’d rather be napping!”
Between breaths I snapped back, “I think anyone of us would rather be naping then dying Artemis,” taking in another breath I responded to her other question, “And for the record I am taking this seriously. I prefeer to process my emotions with a little bit of sarcastic flare to avoid the fact that I secretly have an inferiority complex,” Watching her face turn in confusion I finished, “Does that anser your question?”
Slowly nooding we followed Robin down the tunnel. Artemis droned on about how none of our   training maters now that we’re without the rest of our teammates. Though something she said sparked an idea.
“There machines,” Robin spoke and looked at me to finnish, “That means one electromagnetic pulse will shut down any machine within range. Nighty Night evil robots!”
Artemis was quick to bring us back down to reality, “Great, except you better have an EMP emitter in your utility belt, because I know I don’t have one in my quiver.”
“Nope I’m fresh out!” Robin responded, “But i'm betting we can make one.” Looking dumbfounded I turn my attention to him.
“This isn’t the science fair! We can’t do that in -” I was cut off by the android reminding us we had 5 minutes left, “In five muniets.” 
Pressing my com, I linked to the one deliberately placed wepon, “Hey KF. Correct me if i’m wrong but, theres two vircator in the med lab, on the X-ray machine.”
Chuckling he responded, “I thought you hated practical science?” I hummed in agreement as we made our way into the med lab, before explaining the plan to the others, “You’ll find a small vacuum tube called a viractor, that converts high energy pulses. Reprogram the units microwave conversion from X-rays to EMPs, with a cascading energy vector directed outward.”
Grabbing the cylinder I asked once again, “Alright we’ve re-programed and secured the EMP,” Standing up the others followed my lead, “Hey KF? Again correct me if i’m wrong but if we hook this thing up into the main generator then we win the prize right?”
“You know your really making it hard to be the science nerd on the team,” Sighing he finished, “Once again correct.”
Pressing off my com, we dropped into a nearby airway. Looking down I could see the two robots as well as our teammates. Looking at one another, Robin divised a plan.
“Ok. Make a distraction,” He called into the com. It wasn’t long before the two drowning knuckleheads were teasing the robots to death. Hell, their commets were even making me cringe. Whe Robin asked for cover, the two of us quickly got into place.
As he swung onto the generator, he placed the EMP inside. After pulling up his hollowglove to re-route, he whispered into the coms, “It’s not working, Hawk. Circuits incomplete, I need something conductuble.”
I readied myself for the throw, though I stoped when I heard a yell, “Robin look out!” The boy was soon tackled by a wave of water, nocking him off the generator. Artemis reaied her arrow but whilst trying to dodge the blast from the android, rammed into me.
Losing my footing I tried to regain my balance but, the slickness of my drench boots betrayed me. As I began to fall I gave one last ditch attempt to connect the circuit. Throwing the knife before I hit the water with a large and painfull splash. Relling in pain from the impact I came up to the surface tp find that my dager had only missed by centimeters.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me.” I spoke, preparing myself for the incoming wave. Taking a final deep breath I excepted my fate, It was all up to Artemis now. With that, I felt my mind slip as I passed out from exhaustion.
Long and painfull coughs wrack my body as I began to wake up. I didn’t even have the energy to sit up but I always had one for a comment, “God I need a drink,” I coughed as I heard footsteps walk towards me, “A dirty shirley? Vodka? A club soda? Fuck it i’ll even drink Malabu just something people.”
“Well you definitely haven’t lost your humor.” Megann spoke as the others crowded around me.
Kaldur was the next to ask, “Are you alright? You’ve been out the longest? We were beginning to worry.”
A week chuckle left my lips, “Ah just ask Artemis, I was taking a quick nap. Speaking of which, I would like to get back to that.” Shewing them away with my hands I curled up more into the floor. Chuckles followed but they all decided to let you rest.
The moment didn’t last long though before Wally and Artamis were heard yelling from accros the room. Though when you heard a familiar voice. Deciding it was best yous at up drowsy.
I couldn’t bother to hear the aindriods reasoning, looking over to the two bots you decided to study them. As Red Tornado walked twords you and the drown you began to protest, “Hey I don’t care why you wern’t here but, I think its in all or our best interests if you don’t have a family reunion.”
“There’s no need to worry any more Hawkeye. The leage is here to finnish this.” He said kneeling twords the too.
Trying to stand up I wobbled and tried to separate the group of robots, “Thats not my point. My point is that your clearly linked to these two, making you a person of intrest in the attack. You being here at this moment is quit literally the worst alibi.”
He didn’t seemed bothered by my words but I still tried to convince the android. Before I got the chance Sphere sprung back to life jumping out of the wall. Then the relization hit me, those robots would be waking up anytime now…they just need a spark.
As the others were busy with the laser cutter, I wispered to the android “You walk away right now and no one will need to ever know about this,” He didn’t anser, just simply sreached his finger out, “Don’t!”
Quickly the drons came back to life, panicking you looked back to your friends behind you, trying to tell them to run. Red tornado raised to the sky as it began to suck the air out of the room. Quickly grabing your throat you began to cough. Grasping for oxygen you felt the life being rinped out of you. One after another, their bodys hit the floor. Despite your best efforts, you feel back to sleep.
“Hey I know your tired kid but you got to wake up.” The familiar voice was heard above me. I willed myself to open my eyes. Opening my eyes I was met with a familiar face.
“God I need a drink. Do you know the day i’ve had,” I asked him with a lopsided smile, “Like I had a Murphy's law daw. Just wait till Roy hears this.” Patting my shoulder he stood up giving me the chance to lay down once again.
From a distance I could only hear him speak, “Definitely concussed but they’ll be alright.
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scary-grace · 7 months
Love Like Ghosts (Chapter 15) -- a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
You knew the empty house in a quiet neighborhood was too good to be true, but you were so desperate to get out of your tiny apartment that you didn't care, and now you find yourself sharing space with something inhuman and immensely powerful. As you struggle to coexist with a ghost whose intentions you're unsure of, you find yourself drawn unwillingly into the upside-down world of spirits and conjurers, and becoming part of a neighborhood whose existence depends on your house staying exactly as it is, forever.
But ghosts can change, just like people can. And as your feelings and your ghost's become more complex and intertwined, everything else begins to crumble. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18
Chapter 15
There’s something wrong with your house, but you knew that when you bought it. Right now the thing that’s wrong with your house isn’t the ghost who haunts it, but the fact that said ghost is on day five of an extended sulk. With every day closer to your departure, Tomura’s gotten mopier, and no matter how many times you explain to him that you’ll only be gone for two days, it doesn’t seem to stick.
It’s Friday morning, and you’re leaving directly after work, which means you have to say goodbye to Tomura this morning. He’s not making it easy. “Someone else can go. Aizawa can go,” he complains. “I don’t see why you have to.”
“I’m the one who started looking into this. And Aizawa has kids to look after.” You finish packing your bag and zip it up. “Are you sure you’re okay to watch Phantom? Spinner said he would –”
“I know to feed her and play with her and let her out. I’m way better at taking care of our dog than Spinner.” Tomura is scowling worse than before, and you feel slightly guilty. You like hearing Tomura say that Phantom is both of yours, but that’s not a good enough reason to wind him up. “Why do you have to stay away that long?”
“It’s going to take me six hours to get there. I won’t be there until midnight tonight. I’ll take all of Saturday and some of the next day going over the documents, and I’ll be back late on Sunday.” You pick up your bag and start down the stairs. “I don’t like being away, either. I like it here.”
“Then don’t leave.”
“I have to.” You set your bag down by the front door, then crouch down to say goodbye to Phantom. You haven’t left her alone for this long in a while, and you’re going to miss her. If it wasn’t for Tomura, there’s no way you’d take this trip.
Tomura didn’t follow you down the stairs, and you hear his voice echo through a house that already feels a little too empty. “I won’t have anybody to talk to.”
You thought about that, too. You thought about it and decided that not talking to Tomura for two days wasn’t something you were prepared to tolerate. “Can you come down here? I’ve got something for you.”
Tomura’s footsteps are slow, almost reluctant, as he makes his way down the stairs. “What is it?” he asks. You don’t answer – you’re too busy searching through your hall closet for a bag you stashed there months ago. “If you want me to kiss you before you leave, just say that. Don’t act weird and –”
He stops talking when he sees the bag you’re holding out. “It’s a present,” you say. “Sort of. Open it.”
Tomura’s not very good at opening presents. He shreds the bag, followed by the box, and a charger cable and a pair of headphones fall out and clatter to the floor. He avoids dropping the main event, if nothing else – the smartphone remains in the palm of his hand, and he stares at it suspiciously. “This is for me?”
“We can set it up really quick right now.” If you were smart, you’d have done this last night, but last night you were busy – not with sex, which would have at least been fun, but with trying to snap Tomura out of his over-the-top bad mood. You beckon him closer and he hovers over your shoulder as you start the process. “See, this is your profile. What do you want to set your name as?”
“My name.” Tomura watches as you set it. “Now what?”
You adjust his phone so it’ll always be on battery saver, hook it up to the WiFi so he won’t burn through all your data, and mute all his alert sounds. “Now we’re going to get you some contacts. People you can call or text if you need to.”
You probably spent a lot more time than necessary thinking about whose numbers you should give to Tomura. You ruled out Dabi’s and Hizashi’s instantly – the last thing you want to do is give Tomura the ability to start fights with either of them whenever he wants. Giving Tomura Keigo’s number is risky, but you’re pretty sure Dabi doesn’t know Keigo’s passcode. Tomura gets Aizawa’s number, and Spinner’s, and Jin and Jin’s mom. Jin’s mom, after pleading from Himiko and significant hesitation, agreed to let you add Himiko’s number to Tomura’s phone. You add the other ghosts, too, even though Tomura doesn’t really need a phone to talk to any of them. Last of all, you add Mr. Yagi.
Tomura doesn’t like that. “I don’t want him on my phone. Get rid of him.”
“You don’t ever have to call him,” you say. “It’s just in case.”
“In case what?”
You don’t really know. Tomura makes an irritated noise. “I want Izuku’s number.”
“You can’t have Izuku’s number. Even I don’t have it.” You wouldn’t want it, honestly. Giving Izuku unlimited opportunities to text you or Tomura feels like a stunningly bad idea. “Okay, that’s everybody. Only text them if it’s important, not to start fights. I don’t want to have to fix the fence again.”
“I know,” Tomura says, annoyed. He studies his phone, then looks up at you. “Where are you? Are you in here?”
“I’ve been texting you all the contacts.” You tap your number. “This one is me. You can name me something if you want.”
You show him how to edit the contact, then watch with a little too much interest as he selects a name. He hesitates for a long time, then looks at you. “What am I in your phone?”
“Um –” You added him as a contact already. You hold out the phone for him to examine, and he studies it like he’s reading a textbook. “It’s just your name. Tomura. See? I thought about adding the ghost emoji, but that would have been silly. I can add it if you want.”
Tomura shakes his head, then sets your phone aside and types your name into his as your contact. Which is fine. Except then he adds a display name – My Human. “Hey,” you complain. “Don’t do that. I used your name.”
He smirks. Part of you wants to change his display name to something like “my asshole ghost” to return fire, but before you can say anything, Keigo honks his car horn and hollers from outside. “Hey, if we’re going, we need to go now!”
“We’re going!” you shout back. You pick up your bag and your work backpack and race out to his car. You’re about to get in when you realize you haven’t said goodbye to Tomura yet. And that you’re missing your phone. “Shit –”
“I have your stupid phone.” Tomura’s on the other side of the fence. You reach for it, but he holds it just out of range. “I want a kiss first.”
“I was going to kiss you anyway,” you say. You lean across the property line, grasp his shoulder to pull him closer, and kiss him goodbye. You don’t stop until Keigo honks the horn again.
You’ve been in relationships before, but none of your exes ever insisted on a goodbye kiss when you had to leave for more than a day, let alone a goodbye kiss in full view of the entire neighborhood. You’re a little giddy on the drive to work, and Keigo, to his credit, doesn’t rib you too much about it. “He knows you’re not going off to war, right?”
“He knows.” You slouch down in the passenger seat. “He’s been moping all week. Did Touya do that?”
“When I was gone for too long, Touya broke out of the house,” Keigo says. Your jaw drops. “He and a bunch of other ghosts haunted this old-style family compound, and each of them was confined to a specific area. He broke out of his and into somebody else’s. You can guess how that went. So that ghost broke out of their assigned haunt, and then –”
You remember what Keigo said about ghost fights. “How many ghosts were there, total?”
“Six.” Keigo winces. “I moved pretty fast after that.”
Dabi sounds like he was a lot to deal with even back when he was Touya. A terrible thought occurs to you. “You don’t think Tomura would –”
“You told him where you were going,” Keigo points out. “And you got him a phone so he can talk to you. When it was me I just dipped for a day or two. I had no idea Touya was going to take it like that.”
“So that was kind of early on for you guys?”
“I guess.” Keigo sighs. You’re at a stoplight, and he hits his head lightly against the steering wheel. “Anyway, that one was on me. If he’d been a normal roommate I would have told him where I was going. So I think you’re probably fine. But we’ll let you know if anything weird starts happening.”
You’re hoping it won’t. You change the subject. “Thanks for giving me a ride. Parking in the station lot for two days was going to be expensive.”
“No problem. I was headed this way anyway,” Keigo says. “It’s better that you’re taking the train than driving. Less expensive.”
“It’s harder to track, too,” you say. “I don’t think anybody’s watching, but – still. Better safe than sorry.”
“Definitely,” Keigo agrees. He merges onto the highway and floors it to a speed he swears the cops don’t pull people over for. “Nobody wants a repeat of last time.”
You’re hoping to avoid it. That’s what this trip is about. When you shared the idea with Mr. Yagi and Aizawa, they both approved, although they both suggested that they should go instead of you. You held your ground. Even fifteen years after his embodiment, Mr. Yagi has a reputation among ghosts, and Aizawa’s carrying around Hizashi’s marks with no conjurer-forged bracelets to conceal them. Besides, you’re the one who found the asylum, who found Shigaraki Yoichi. Since there’s basically nothing else you can do to help, you want to see this through.
But that doesn’t mean you’re looking forward to the trip. In fact, your dread of it increases throughout the day, until you’re dragging your feet along with your suitcase as you walk to the train. Some part of you knows the dread is irrational, but it’s hard to shake, and it’s got nothing at all to do with conjurers, asylums, or ghosts. The city nearest to the asylum is the one your parents moved to, after you went to college and they sold the house you grew up in. And you and your parents have an agreement to check in whenever you’re in the same city as they are. When you texted them to tell them you’d be there for the weekend, they told you to cancel your hotel reservation and invited you to stay with them.
It’s been over two years since you last saw them. Last time it was awkward, and it was awkward the time before that, too. Your parents’ ambitions for you included a college degree and financial independence, and once you hit those milestones, it was clear at least to you that they have no idea what to make of you. But turning down their offer of a place to stay would have made things worse, and besides, hotel rooms are expensive. Saving money is worth an awkward weekend at your parents’ new home. You’ve never been there before.
You doze on and off on the train, waking up at every stop and checking your phone. Tomura hasn’t texted you, but then again, why would he? He existed in the house alone long before you were even born. Maybe he’s figuring out that he likes the peace and quiet, too.
The thought doesn’t sit well with you, and you’re crabby for the rest of the ride, although you do your best to shake it off once you arrive. The meeting with your parents will be difficult enough without you being irritated at the ghost in your house at the same time. It’s just past eleven-thirty as you make the short walk to your parents’ house from the station, your stomach growling the entire way. You’ll have to order in from somewhere once you’re settled for the night.
Their house is in a small new development, multiple homes clustered around a large central courtyard. You step through the gate and make your way across it to your parents’ front door. You check your phone one last time, ordering yourself not to be disappointed when you see that Tomura hasn’t reached out. Then you raise one hand and press the doorbell.
The door swings open almost immediately, and your father smiles at you in a way that gives you pause. He reaches out and lifts your suitcase out of your hand, then pulls you into the house and into a hug shortly afterward. For lack of anything better to do, you hug him back.
He’s smaller than you remember. More frail, and there’s more grey in his hair. How old are your parents now? Pushing seventy – they had you late, and you’ve always had the impression that you were sort of an accident. “It’s been too long,” your father says to you. He waits while you take off your shoes, then beckons you further down the hall. “Come along. We held back dinner so we could eat together.”
That doesn’t sound right. You rarely ate with both parents at once when you were a kid; family mealtimes were no one’s priority, and you ate with whichever parent was in the house at dinnertime, or you ate alone. “Why?”
Your father gives you an odd look. “It’s been too long,” he says again, as if the distance is all your fault, as if they couldn’t have reached out just as easily. “And it seems you’ll be very busy this weekend. This might be the only time we can catch up.”
“I have a lot to do,” you admit. Your father sets your suitcase down just inside the door of a room and continues down the hall. You can smell food cooking. “Thank you for waiting for me.”
Your mother is busy in the kitchen, but when you go to help her, she waves you off, under instructions to wash your hands and get settled. “I’m making your favorite,” she tells you, and smiles. But then you see the smile waver. “Is it still your favorite?”
“I make it all the time,” you say. “It never tastes quite like yours.”
Tomura’s observed you working on the recipe more than once, and he always makes fun of you for changing it each time. No matter what you change, you can’t make it taste right, but maybe – “If you won’t let me help, can I stay and watch?”
“Of course,” your mother says. “It’s been too long.”
You wish they’d both stop saying that. If they wanted you to talk to them more now, they should have talked to you when you were a kid. Hizashi’s words pop into your head, like they do every so often: Mommy and Daddy didn’t love you enough. Maybe they didn’t. Or maybe they just didn’t know what to do with a kid once they had one.
Your phone makes the sad chiming sound that tells you it’s running low on battery, and you dig up your charger and plug it in, leaving it balanced on the corner of the kitchen counter as you watch your mom cook. Watching her, it’s easy to see where you went wrong in the recipe, or where you went wrong by following the recipe – there are spices your mom uses that are nowhere to be found on the ingredient list. You didn’t watch her cook very often as a kid. Maybe you should have asked if you could help.
The three of you sit down to dinner, and it’s beyond weird. The family dinners you remember were full of silence, but it’s been over two years since you last saw your parents, which means there’s a lot to talk about. You’re not sure how to talk about your life now, so you ask your parents about theirs, and hear that your dad’s retired but your mom is working part-time teaching English at a local middle school. They like their neighbors a lot. In fact, they want you to meet their neighbors tomorrow night. Apparently the neighbors have been asking about you.
“We told them a little, but you’re so busy that we haven’t talked in a while,” your mom says. Now you get why they invited you to stay here. Not knowing what your only child is up to looks pretty bad. “How have things been for you? Are you still working in the public defenders’ office?”
“What about law school?” Your dad takes a sip of his drink. Sometime in the last three years, your parents got sort of into fancy wine. “Are you still planning to go back?”
“Yeah. Money’s still an issue. I had a hard time saving with how high my rent was.” You try your own wine, but you don’t know enough about wine to know if it’s any good. “I bought a house, though. So I guess that’s new.”
It’s quiet for a bit. When you look up from your plate, you find your parents staring at you with their jaws dropped. “You bought a house?” your mother repeats. “You can’t afford law school. How can you afford a house?”
“I didn’t have enough for law school. I had enough for a downpayment,” you say. “My mortgage payments are cheaper than my rent was.”
“That’s hard to imagine. Is it in a good neighborhood?” your dad asks. “If it isn’t – what’s funny?”
Your neighborhood, being good. “There are five other houses besides mine. Three of them have families in them. They’ve been really nice to me, mostly. We all get together sometimes.”
“What for?”
Strategy sessions. Ghost fights on the sidewalk. Conjurer ambushes that end with half the street wrecked and some of you injured. “Just regular stuff. I went to one of the kids’ parties last weekend. I brought Phantom. She was a hit.”
“My dog,” you say. “I’d just gotten her the last time we talked. Don’t you remember?”
“She sent us a picture,” your dad reminds your mom, while you tamp down your frustration. “Is someone looking after her this weekend?”
“Yeah. My –” The stumbling block of how to describe Tomura temporarily breaks your brain. “A friend.”
You covered it well, you think – but you weren’t fast enough. “What kind of friend?” your mother asks, way too interested. “A special friend?”
“God, Mom. No.” You imagine the look on Tomura’s face if he heard someone refer to him as your “special friend” and experience a brief but powerful urge to crawl into a vent and die. “A friend. Really, I could have asked anybody in the neighborhood. They’re all really – nice.”
“A house,” your father muses. “In a good neighborhood. You must have a lot of friends over.”
You can’t tell if he’s needling you or not. He knows you’ve never been the type to have a lot of friends. “It’s kind of a ways out from where everybody else lives. Most people don’t like driving that far.”
“Oh, so that’s how you could afford it.”
You could afford it because it’s so goddamn haunted that nobody else wanted it, and the only reason you kept it is because the ghost who haunts it let you stay. “I don’t mind. I’d rather drive than have roommates and a landlord.”
Your father nods sagely. Your mother’s on a different track. “What about dating? Is there anybody special?”
“No,” you say, lying your ass off. “I’m not seeing anybody.”
Your phone starts ringing on the counter, but you ignore it, and so do your parents. “I don’t want to rush you, but you ought to get a move on, don’t you think?” your mother presses. “You’re going to be twenty-seven soon. If you don’t hurry up, all the good ones will be gone. Don’t you want to settle down?”
“I’m as settled down as I’m going to get,” you say. Your phone starts ringing again, and you ignore it again, even though you’d almost take a telemarketer over this conversation. “Sorry to disappoint you.”
“You’re not disappointing us if that’s what makes you happy,” your dad says, and you’re impressed for about two seconds before he ruins it. “Are you sure that’s what will make you happy? What about –”
“What about kids?” your mother breaks in, looking honestly distressed. “Don’t you want kids? You’d be such a good mom –”
You would possibly be the worst mom on the planet. Your phone starts ringing again. “Are you going to get that?” your dad asks.
You should. Three calls in a row means it’s important, but this line of questioning from your parents is pissing you off, which means you’re not in the mood to do anything you should be doing. “Nope.”
“I’ll get it,” your mom announces. She picks up the phone and gasps. “Who’s Tomura?”
Your stomach drops like you’ve been kicked off a building. “Nobody,” you say. “He’s –”
“I knew you had a special friend!”
“He’s not a special friend!”
Your mom brandishes your phone, triumphant. “Then why is there a heart next to his name?”
He wouldn’t. He – you stare at the screen of your phone, and sure enough, there’s Tomura’s name on the caller ID, complete with an obnoxiously red heart emoji. You’re going to kill him. You seize the phone, accept the call, and press it to your ear. “What?”
Tomura sounds unfathomably sulky when he answers. “You got me the phone so we can talk while you aren’t here. Why didn’t you pick up?”
“I’m having dinner with my parents. It’s rude to pick up the phone at dinner.” You’re conscious of your parents staring at you with identical gleeful looks on their faces. “Just like it’s rude to call somebody three times in a row. What was so important?”
“You didn’t call me all day.”
“You didn’t call me, either,” you point out, trying not to lose your temper. If he had called you, you’d have noticed his little edit to his contact and gotten rid of it. “Is everything okay?”
“It’s fine. Phantom ate and everything.” Tomura’s quiet for a second. “You have parents?”
“Yesh,” you say. Did you tell him that’s who you were staying with? You don’t remember. “I’m staying with them, not at the hotel. They invited me.”
Tomura swears under his breath. You can hear him rustling around, but you’re not sure what he’s doing, and the longer you give your parents to prep for their interrogation, the worse it’s going to be for you. “Can I call you back in a little bit? I do want to talk to you. I just – can’t right now.”
“How long is a little bit?”
“I don’t know,” you say hopelessly. Why does it matter? It’s not like he’s going to fall asleep. “I will, though. I promise. I miss you.”
The words leave your mouth before you can really think them through, but it’s the truth. You do miss Tomura. You miss him extra right now, and you’re not looking forward to falling asleep without his presence lurking somewhere in the room. When you wake up from nightmares of the world between, he and Phantom are the only things that make you feel better. “I miss you, too,” Tomura says. Then he hangs up the phone.
You set it aside, then turn back to face your parents. “So,” your mother says, grinning, “who’s Tomura?”
Your ghost. The reason why you don’t date anymore. The reason why you’re as settled as you’re ever going to be and the reason why your parents aren’t getting grandkids and the reason you’re here at all in the first place. There’s no way to explain him that your parents will understand, so you pick the one thing they will understand, even if it’s sort of wrong. “My boyfriend.”
You stagger off to bed forty-five minutes later, feeling like you’ve been run over by a train. Your mom had lots of questions – about where you met Tomura, how long you’ve been seeing him, what he looks like, what he does for a living – almost all of which you had to lie about. You’re going to have to remember all those lies later, too. Your dad was more concerned about why you’d lie about having a boyfriend, at which point you lost patience a little bit and said that the conversation the three of you just had about it was all the reason you needed. Then your mom said she wanted to meet him, and you decided it was time to start clearing the table.
They have a guest room, which is where you’re staying. You get ready for bed, go inside, and shut the door before checking your phone again. You’ve got messages from Tomura – and from Keigo. You open Keigo’s first and grimace when you see what it says. The lights in your house are going berserk right now. If he’s trying to get ahold of you, you should pick up the phone.
Keigo sent a video, too. In it, the lights inside your house are flickering wildly, and the entire property seems to be surrounded by some kind of weird, wavering forcefield. Great. You check Tomura’s texts next. He wants to know where you are. Why you haven’t called him. Then there are a few texts of him winding himself up over reasons why you haven’t called him, externalizing a thought process you would have kept to yourself if it killed you, before it occurs to him that something might have happened to you. At which point the phone calls started. You dig your headphones out of your backpack, put them on, plug them in, and call Tomura back.
He picks up halfway through the first ring, and you start talking first. “I shouldn’t have gotten mad. I just wasn’t planning to tell my parents about you, and because you called me when you did – and because you put that emoji in your display name – they found out.”
“Why does it matter if they found out?” Tomura asks. “Why don’t you want to tell them about me?”
You almost point out that you said you weren’t planning to, not that you didn’t want to, but Tomura knows what you really meant. He knows you better than you think he does. “You’re hard to explain,” you say. “To people who don’t know about ghosts. It wouldn’t make sense to them.”
“Why not?” Tomura’s climbing the stairs. You can hear them creaking under his feet. “You’re my human. Not the kind of human Spinner and Jin are. The kind Aizawa is.”
“The kind Keigo is,” you correct. Tomura makes an irritated sound. “Aizawa and Hizashi are married.”
“So what? You’re that kind of human. That’s not hard to explain.”
Maybe it isn’t. Maybe you’re making this more complicated than it needs to be. “I told my parents you’re my boyfriend. I hope that’s okay.”
“Boyfriend,” Tomura repeats, like he’s never heard it before – but when he speaks up again, it’s clear he’s got a handle on what it means. “If that’s what you have to call it so people understand, fine. As long as they know you’re my human.”
You could probably play off Tomura calling you his human as a cute nickname or something, but you’d really prefer not to have to do that. “If I tell people you’re my boyfriend, they’ll understand for sure.”
There’s some rustling around on Tomura’s end of the line. “What are you doing?”  you ask. “Where are you?”
There’s a prolonged silence, which means Tomura’s somewhere he thinks he’s not supposed to be. There aren’t many options left these days. “You’re on the bed, aren’t you?”
“Yeah. So what?” More rustling. “It’s weird that you’re not here. I hate it.”
“I don’t like it, either,” you admit. When you close your eyes, it’s easy to picture Tomura stretched out on your side of the bed, taking up the space you usually would, head resting on your pillow. “Maybe there won’t be as much to go through tomorrow as I thought and I can get home tomorrow night instead.”
“The sooner you come back, the better.” Phantom’s collar rattles in the background of the call, and you know she’s jumped up on the bed with Tomura. “Spinner came over. He said I needed a game that wasn’t Rainbow Fish, so he gave me one and taught me how to play it. It’s – Pokémon?”
“He gave you something to play it on, too, right?” You need to thank Spinner. “What do you think of it?”
“It’s okay. The music is weird.” Tomura’s voice fades for a second, and you can hear Phantom slobbering into the microphone. “It was more fun before he left. I don’t like playing games alone.”
“You can ask him back over. I bet he wouldn’t mind,” you say. “Which starter did you pick? Fire, water, or grass?”
“Fire,” Tomura says. You could have guessed that. “My rival had water, though. I should have picked grass.”
“If you picked grass, your rival would have picked fire.”
“So they always pick the one that can beat yours?” Tomura sounds honestly pissed at the unfairness, and it makes you smile. “That’s stupid.”
“It would be boring if it was too easy,” you say. Tomura complains under his breath. “And they can’t beat you if you build a good team. I used to play that a lot as a kid. I can help if you want.”
“I don’t need help,” Tomura says. “You can watch if you want.”
“That sounds nice.” You imagine sitting next to Tomura with your head on his shoulder, letting the goofy Pokémon music lull you into a doze. It’s a weirdly relaxing image. You find yourself swallowing a yawn. “Sorry –”
“Go to sleep. If you don’t you’ll be slow, and then you’ll have to stay the extra day.” Tomura sounds annoyed, but he sounds annoyed any time you have to end an interaction before he wants it to end, so you’re used to it. What you’re not used to is what he says next. “If you have one of your nightmares, don’t just lay there doing that weird shivering thing. Call me.”
You lie there for a moment, stunned. You’ve never mentioned the nightmares to him. You never breathed a word. “How did you know?”
“I know what sounds you make in your sleep. When you’re having a nightmare they’re wrong.” Tomura’s quiet for a moment. “Don’t just lay there. Call.”
Your throat feels tight. “Okay.”
Tomura hangs up. You pull your headphones out of your ears, set your phone down on the nightstand, and squeeze your eyes shut. You don’t need to cry. There’s no reason why your eyes should well up.
You’re in your parents’ house. It’s a new house, but it feels the same as the old house. Even though your parents listen now. Even though they care about what’s going on in your life – for their own reasons, sure, but they care – your family is still the same way it’s always been. Quiet. Distant. Sterile. Your parents have seemed happier the last few times you’ve seen them. You’ve never admitted it out loud, to anyone, but you think they’ve been happier since you moved out, because you moved out. And that was okay with you. The last time you went back to visit, it was fine.
It’s not fine anymore – not because they’re different, but because you are. You remember Tomura saying once that he didn’t care about being alone before, but he does now. You didn’t let yourself care about the way your family was before, but you can’t stop yourself from caring now, because now you know how it feels to actually belong somewhere. You belong at your house. You’re wanted at your house. You make someone happy by being there. Somebody misses you when you’re gone, tells you to hurry back, tells you to call if you’ve had a nightmare. There’s probably something fucked up about the fact that the only person you’ve ever felt at home with isn’t even human. But you know what it means to feel at home now. Being away from that is hard. Harder than you want to handle.
You scramble for your phone, and it starts ringing in your hand. Tomura’s contact, with its stupid heart. You jam your headphones into your ears and accept the call, and for a moment you and Tomura are just talking over each other. The gist of it is pretty clear, though. You were about to call him, just when he decided to call you. “Um –”
“Stay on the phone while you’re sleeping. That way I’ll hear. And I can wake you up.”
Your heart lifts even though it shouldn’t. “How are you going to wake me up?”
You picture Tomura shrugging. “I’ll just yell.”
“Don’t yell.” The only thing that would be worse than having one of your nightmares is waking up from one to the sound of Tomura hollering in your ear. “If you hear me start to have one, hang up the phone and call me back. I’ll hear it ringing and it’ll wake me up.”
“Yelling is faster.”
“And it’s scarier,” you say. “You’d know if you slept.”
“Ghosts can’t.” Tomura’s quiet for a moment. “I wish we could.”
That strikes you as weird. It strikes you as weird any time Tomura talks about wanting to do one of the few human things materialized ghosts can’t do. “Why?”
Tomura doesn’t answer. “Fine. I won’t yell. Go to sleep.”
“Tomura –”
“Go to sleep,” Tomura says again. If you try to talk anymore, he’ll just ignore you. You hear Phantom snoring in the background and tell yourself that it’s time to sleep. You shut your eyes.
Somehow knowing that Tomura’s there on the other end of the line, knowing that he’ll wake you up if you start having one of your nightmares of the world between, helps you fall asleep. You think you hear Tomura whisper something as you drift off, but there’s no way you heard him right. It has to be a dream. At least it’s a better dream than the ones you’ve been having lately.
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spenglersweetheart · 2 months
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First Prize Winner
Egon Spengler, Sydney-Anne Seymour-Spengler, and Constantine Spengler (Constantine is my next gen oc for Syd and Egon!)
WARNINGS : none!
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JUST LIKE HER PARENTS, CONSTANTINE WAS ALWAYS a high achiever. She was competitive, always trying to make sure that she was a step ahead, just like them. She was smart for her age. Not surprising since her parents were the Egon and Syd Spengler. She wanted to be just like them. She wanted to be just as famous. And she wanted to be a ghostbuster when she grew up.
Naturally, Constantine entered her seventh grade science fair. It's another thing that she has gained from both of her parents. She's more chemistry, but that was definitely more than okay with Egon and Syd.
For her Science Fair project, she decided to do Baking Soda and Vinegar rockets. For Constantine, it wasn't that hard. She pretty much made it all by herself (with the help of Egon, of course, as it had been one of their bonding experiences). And when they made sure that they had done it correctly, that's when Constantine was prepared for the fair.
The only thing was that the fair was during school. Which meant that her parents couldn't be there. But she knew that they would be giving their support at home, even if they couldn't physically be there.
When Constantine arrived back home, she was ecstatic. She practically skipped through the door, holding her first prize medal with confidence and joy.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" She calls out. She's excited, practically bouncing off the walls.
Egon is the first to arrive. "Constanteenie! How was school today?"
"Good. Very good. Actually great!" She answered as she closed the door and locked it, "I have something to show you!"
She walked up to her dad, showing him the first prize medal that she won today. "Look, dad, I did it! I won the science fair!" She squealed.
"You sure did!" Egon said back, looking at the first prize medal that his daughter had put in his hands, "I'm proud of you."
Her dad kisses her forehead, which makes her chuckle. "Thanks, dad."
You could hear footsteps walking toward them. Constantine and Egon look to see Syd enter the living room door. She has been in the garage with Ray, trying to fix the Ecto-1.
"What's with all the excitement?" They ask with a chuckle.
Egon gives back the medal so that Constantine could show her. Their daughter walks over to their mother, showing it to them.
"I won the science fair, mom!" She tells them.
Syd can't help but to smile. They look down at their daughter, playfully ruffling at her hair. "I'm so proud of you," they say to her, "You showed those other kids who's boss!"
Constantine smiles widely, before putting the medal around their neck. "I'm gonna show Uncle Ray, Uncle Peter, and Uncle Winston when we go back to the Firehouse!" She says to them, "I want them to see, too!"
"I was actually on my way there to bring the Ecto-1 back," Syd tells her, "You wanna come?"
Constantine gives an excited nod. "Yeah! Race to the Ecto-1!"
She giggles before running off, Syd running afterward. Egon just shakes his head and chuckles, following after the two.
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Day 1 of @sangyaoweek
Running away
The atmosphere inside the grand hall was stifling, tense. Nie Mingjue stood with his arms crossed, glaring at Nie Huaisang, his flighty little brother, who seemed more interested in the fan twirling in his hand than the lecture he listened to for the thousandths time.
“Huaisang, you cannot continue to neglect your responsibilities! The sect relies on us, on YOU to act like a leader, yet you act like a child!” Nie Mingjue bellowed angrily.
“I never asked to be your heir! The sect needs you as our leader - not me! They don't want me as the heir, and I don't want to be the heir,” Nie Huaisang huffed, his resentment and frustration hidden behind his fan. He knew he was not a leader material. Everybody knew he was far from it. He was weak, he was whiney, he was too soft to be a real Nie. The clan members never failed to remind him. The only person delusional enough to believe he would be a good leader - somebody who could follow the footsteps of the Red Blade Master! - was Nie Mingjue. The only person who shouldn't even think that.
The clan leader roared, “Because you are not even trying! You are lazy, and you treat everything like a game!” Nie Mingjue squeezed his jaw, then spat, “Father would be disappointed in you.”
Nie Huaisang could hear what he really wanted to say. He, Nie Mingjue, was disappointed in him.
Good, he thought spitefully. Maybe finally he wouldn't have such unreasonable expectations of him. He would fail them anyways. It was time that his da-ge learned and accepted that Nie Huaisang was nothing but a failure.
“Go to the training ground. Nie Zonghui will train you.”
What should have been a final word, became another wood on the burning fire.
“I don't want to!” Nie Huaisang yelled, frustrated that his brother never learned. He was not a cultivator. He was nothing like a Nie, and no time training with his malicious saber was going to change that.
“You are an adult and the heir of the sect! Act like it!” His big brute of a brother hit the table with his fist; the force of it shook the tiny wooden thing. Not to be confused with the tiny human thing that was Nie Huaisang, who was also shaken by it.
“I'm not good at these things! Why can't you just name Nie Zonghui as your heir? He is capable and a true Nie! The perfect candidate!” The air froze as he voiced his thoughts without realizing it. While it was an old argument between the two, usually one of them stopped from turning the argument into a full on battle. Nie Huaisang never understood why Nie Mingjue needed to name him as his heir, when his brother was a great warrior and an amazing strategist, while he was… not. He was the best Sect Leader ever, so how could he ever think that Nie Huaisang could ever succeed at anything at all?! As if he would even live through Nie Mingjue; he didn't even have a golden core yet!
“Get out!” Nie Mingjue hissed, his face full of anger. “And a hundred rounds of your exercises! No excuses!” He shouted.
Contrary to popular belief, Nie Huaisang had a survivor instinct - he ran.
Pacing back and forth, a plan started to form. He felt trapped, both in his room, and in a role he never wished nor was equipped for. It was painful and frustrating. He wished to return to the days when Nie Mingjue was the heir, and he was his spoiled little brother. When his da-ge heard him, listened to him. When the fact that he was weak, but smart and mischievous was celebrated, and not scoffed upon.
When they trained and learned together and not one of the berating the other.
Nie Huaisang sighed, “I can't do this anymore…”
Lowering his head, he took a deep breath, and nodded.
It was time for Plan R.
The moonlight casted shadows on the fortress walls of the Nie Clan compound. Nie Huaisang, dressed in dark clothing, moved stealthily through the darkness, years and years of escaping from the Terror of Training coming handy.
It was time to escape. If he wasn't there, Nie Mingjue could finally name somebody worthier as his heir, and nobody would look down on him for not being Nie enough ever again.
As he reached the outer perimeter, the patrolling guards became more alert and serious, knowing that they couldn't afford to miss anything if the Wens chose to attack. But that was good. After all, they only focused on outside forces - not a runaway young master trying to escape from inside.
He took a deep breath, and whispered, “Patience, Huaisang. Patience.”
It was just like hunting for an elusive bird. He needed to wait for the perfect moment, timing his movements just right. And-
With nimble steps, he slipped through the guards, avoiding their vigilant eyes. Heart pounding, he reached the outside world without anyone noticing him. He glanced back at the fortress with a mixture of pain and relief in his eyes.
“Goodbye, da-ge,” he whispered, his voice wavering. He couldn't handle the expectations, the disappointment, the continuous snide comments and anger. He would miss his da-ge.
But he had been missing him for some time already.
With a newfound determination, he stepped inside the forest, disappearing into the darkness.
The forest was quiet, dense. Nothing Nie Huaisang was used to, but it was a good different. After all, nobody would search for him there. (If they searched for him at all.) Still, he tried to put as much distance between himself and the clan before it was discovered that he was missing.
The time flew by him, yet moved so slowly that he couldn't pinpoint how far the sunrise was. He was just walking and walking, his legs quivering but he didn't stop.
If he was found, there was no second chance. His da-ge sure would lock him up somewhere. Probably at Cloud Recesses, for both physical and psychological torture.
The rustle of the bushes frightened him. The noises were too loud to be anything but a big predator - or a human. Instinctively, he hid behind a large tree, just as a figure emerged from the shadows.
Nie Huaisang squinted; he didn't recognize the figure. The person was slender, small and unassuming, not unlike Nie Huaisang. He was unfamiliar. But that didn't mean he was trustworthy.
He was close enough Nie Huaisang saw as his eyes darted around, showing he was both cautious and wary. Maybe he was hiding from something. Or he was searching for something - or someone. He looked nice and kinda cute. He was also very, very guarded.
Nie Huaisang was instantly intrigued.
Next one
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