#2014 mix
asexualdindjarin · 2 years
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@pscentral event 09: comfort → comfort movie: pride (2014) dir. matthew warchus
And why should gay people like me support the miners? Because miners dig for coal, which produces power, which allows gay people like you to dance to Bananarama till 3 o'clock in the morning.
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lnocencia · 9 months
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sciderman · 7 months
do you think it's worked? Do you think Wade's ever tried it and waited to see if Peter would notice?
if we're still talking about wade cutting off his 🍆 so it'll grow back bigger and stronger, then yes, he's tried it.
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but it was a limited time deal, only while he was back at weapon x. which is a thing that happened. in 616, and in 9319.
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Godzilla's going to kill this s***...
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...the Kiss of Death maybe?
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nyiiwest · 5 months
I’m so sick of having to explain to white people that even if they’re the nicest ever even if they’re an ally as pocs we have to be weary until we know otherwise. Because even the white “allies” have jumped ship and used their privilege against us when it’s convenient for them. Idc how you were raised, as pocs from birth we’re taught to be on guard, it’s unfortunate but it’s just the reality we’re living in.
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abirdie · 4 months
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Gael García Bernal in Rosewater (2014, dir. Jon Stewart)
(these gifs also feature Claire Foy, Haluk Bilginer and Kim Bodnia)
Gifs are all 540px wide so you can click to see larger.
[other gael filmography gifsets]
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lil-shiro · 6 months
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Lance Stroll and Ukyo Sasahara - F4 2014 | Adria Race 2
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2woofs-1meow · 3 months
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scamp • mmxiv
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A more recent Creep edit!
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sin-mido · 26 days
come join my 24/7 Dark Vibes Radio!
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deceased-vermin · 1 year
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Guess who just rewatched tmnt 2014 •^•
A mix of Rise and Bayverse Donnie? I guess?Idk it was a late night doodle
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littlemixdaily · 2 months
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2014 Glamour Women of the Year Awards at Berkeley Square in London, England - June 3, 2014
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fluorescentcrescent · 11 months
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Okay but the funniest thing (sorry like i'm really into mood of thinking of funny headcanons with all kinds of megaten crossovers lately) that would come out of information that Akechi and Sheffield were canonically born in the same year (both '98 liners) would be an P5/DDS (but more like P5/TC22 actually lol) AU where both of these fuckers are present at the same time and have an INTENSE, massive online beef with each other for no reason (despite being somewhat likeminded indviduals with sharing some viewpoints like glocking your rivals that they also in bromance with with cold blood lmao)
Like tbh I headcanon Sheffield being not white, but half American (father) half Japanese (mother) (maybe because of QDS book where he is fully japanese? Idk, like he's just not fully white to me) and therefore Japanese being his second language and him being a genius being as fluent in this language as in English so when he was still a Yale student (so like 17/18 also when Akechi was active lmao) he was visiting a Japanese message boards forums a lot and there, one day he saw HIM. And just for some reason begin to hate him with burning passion instantly (maybe he kinda saw him as a rival despite him not even living in the same country lol). And he started a whole hate capaign against him instantly, like just at some point just sitting in his dorm room and making 1000th alt accounts just to leave a hateful comments on Akechi Goro, just hating everything about him from his looks, to his personality to what he said in TV lately etc etc. Sheffield just become a full-time hater lmao. Also it got so bad that Akechi started having paranoia irl because of him 😆. And also once Mishima got involved with all of this shitshow because some people started supsecting someone from the Phan-Site was behind all the hate campaign while it was Sheffield all along (also no, he didn't supported PT either (cause they are going after people like him in the first place lol), he just hated everyone and just was a hater with narcissism and god complex lol)
Anyways one day, he DM'ed Akechi from one of a many his alt accounts and they started a heated argument with each other and after some time he send him a message (in japanese) something like "You act like you're so brave, but in reality you're just pathetic coward and I'm still more superior than you and have more guts than you. Bet you would never kill your rival if you had a chance LOL" (and in his thoughts he added: " because I totally will when I'll have an occasion" - like idk why but imo I think he was thinking of killing O'Brien since first day they met lol and just looking for a good reason to do so?)
And then Akechi would be like "I wouldn't do it?? i wouldn't do it?? BITCH, HOLD MY BEER-"
...and some couple months later 10/20 incident happened 😆
So yeah, an AU where 10/20 solely happened because Akechi had an online beef with Sheffield lmao that would be funny (in a dark humour sense lol)
Sorry just the fact they are both 1998 liners and they are both shot their rival (whom fandom heavily ships them with) will be forever funniest coincidence in Megaten for me lmaoo
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dykeredhood · 8 months
Welp I have a renewed desire to get fucked while wearing a winter soldier muzzle
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 8 months
oh ladies and gentlemen the ideas bombarding me that make Harrison’s out of character trait of being an artist all worth it…
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