transvarmint · 1 month
Also, on the topic of AGAB.
AGAB is intended to be a verb in the past tense. "Assigned" is a verb (action), "at birth" is a time period (past-tense). It is something that was done to you, not something you currently are.*
I am not, currently, "assigned female at birth". I was assigned female at birth. I am currently a man. I am no longer AFAB. That was something that was done to me in the past, against my will. It is not part of who I am, and it says absolutely nothing about me.
And I sure as hell am not "an AFAB". If you use someone's assigned gender as a noun**, that is no different than just calling someone "a male" or "a female" directly. Yes this includes calling someone a "theyfab". It makes you a transphobe and bioessentialist, full stop.
*If you want to consider yourself, personally, as still currently being "assigned [gender] at birth", that's your prerogative. That's a personal choice. We personally distinguish identifying as your assigned gender as different from using AGAB terms as an identity label, but that's a semantic thing and I don't really care how you choose to label yourself. The "you" here is a general you.
**Obviously we know not everyone's first language is english and that acronyms can be very confusing in their usage. The point of this post is not to be the grammar police. The point is to make the case that we should not be using AGAB terms to label and categorize people. AGAB terms were intended to be a shorthand way to explain whatever gender was assigned to you when you were born. To use them to categorize people in the present is ironically repeating the process of arbitrarily assigning someone a label against their will.
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intersexfairy · 1 year
you literally don't have to tell anyone what you were assigned. that's personal information that you have every right to keep private. you're allowed to not want people to know things. it's perfectly understandable if what you were assigned is sensitive information or something you'd rather people not focus on.
you can just present yourself as you are. you wouldn't be doing anything wrong. it's good to do what makes you happy, comfortable, and safe. if anyone tries to tell you otherwise, they don't have your best interest in mind and you shouldn't listen to them. just be you <3
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quark-nova · 1 year
AFAB non-binary people are way too often invalidated and called “not trans enough” or “privileged” or “transmisogyny-exempt” or other things like this, and this is a major issue.
AMAB non-binary people are way too often excluded and seen as predators or inherently dangerous in “safe” spaces, or even unduly associated with masculinity, and this is also a major issue.
Both are true at the same time, and both are issues that the trans/nonbinary community should work on to make it safer for everyone. And, more importantly, both are consequences of nonbinary people being shoved back into the binary of their AGAB, with various notions of privilege associated with it.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 2 months
This is gonna wait a bit to come out of drafts, but I'm actually spitting mad at that exchange between me and another user about the distinction between assigned sex and assigned gender. Despite bending over backwards to avoid upsetting them or making them defensive, as an intersex person, I felt like they downplayed the significance of how assigned sex at birth is weaponized as a form of violence against both intersex and trans people.
So I'm going to state now. AGAB and ASAB are treated as the same thing much of the time, but will be used however works to enforce both sex and gender conformity. Even if perisex trans people - and typically those who have a dyadic-passing body - only experience the weaponization of assigned gender most of the time, intersex people experience both regularly. "Male" and "female" may frequently be used as adjectives meaning "man" and "woman" to be transphobic, but they are used entirely differently to enforce intersexism and altersexism, and some other forms of exorsexism.
As much as I hope someday that perisex male and perisex female will be treated as just areas within the spectrum of sex, they currently ARE different from intersex variations. I don't even disagree that bodies shouldn't be sexed OR gendered, and we should just refer to specific body parts, outside of contexts of intersex oppression.
How hard is it to listen to an intersex person who is saying "actually, people are assigned a sex at birth, it's just that if you're not intersex, you don't face violence about it and in fact benefit from it and hold privilege over intersex people"?!
How hard is it, when someone extremely gently says "okay actually, ASAB as a concept does exist and is important; but you're right that ASAB and AGAB are conflated, that sex itself is gendered because of the conflation of the two, and that both are used to uphold intersexism AND transphobia"?
How freaking hard is it, when I say "yes, but", when I'm AGREEING that AGAB is a thing, a thing that does massive harm - that "but I'm referring to your physical sex" is a bunch of bullshit - that yes in usage male and female are often used to refer to gender rather than sex, to acknowledge that assigned sex can ALSO be a problem?
How hard is it to acknowledge that assigned sex is a form of (colonial, often racist, intersexist, often transphobic, exorsexist) violence, that is as harmful and at least as prevalent as that of assigned gender?
How hard is it to let go of the idea that assigned gender is the only thing that exists or matters, just because you've universalized your own experiences?
If they are intersex, I am not aware of it, and would still like to point out that intersex people too have a wide variety of experiences. I, for example, have only experienced coercive hormonal suppression of my intersex variation, at ages 9-12 and 18-23 (if I have said before that it was only in adulthood, it's because most of us don't have access to pre-2021 memories due to trauma). I have not, to my knowledge, experienced nonconsensual surgery - it's still possible that I did especially given my infant (specific type of related) trauma, but given my early life history I am unlikely to EVER be able to find record of such.
(Being honest, I've suspected it more and more lately, but I still will not consider myself an authority on the subject or that specific kind of survivor without at least more evidence of such.)
Anyway, point being, even as an intersex person, it is possible to have assigned sex weaponized to various extents, and not consistently, either. Some people may have very visible intersex traits and have been lucky in not facing too much intersexism, while others may have more covert variations and faces extremely violent intersexism.
But is it really that hard to say "huh, I hadn't considered that viewpoint, if people of the [oppressed sex group] are saying that assigned sex is a thing and even that it also affects the people of [oppressed gender group] and how assigned gender is used to hurt us, maybe I should listen"?!
I just... just talking about how it's used in the context of assigned gender when responding to someone talking about other uses, and even asserting that the assigned gender type is the "primary" usage? Estimated numbers when including medically debated but community-accepted intersex variations put us at potentially ten percent or more of the population, so is that really the road you want to go down? because your claim might be revealed very simply as anecdotal bias.
I mean.
"we aren't assigned sexes. we are assigned genders based on our sexes, unless our sex is "too ambiguous"."
To start with, intersex variations are more than sex being "too ambiguous", and in fact precisely because so many intersex people have seemingly dyadic sex organs at birth, even those who don't undergo coercive infant surgery are often wrongfully assigned a dyadic sex at birth, and then forced to conform to that sex if their intersex variation at any point becomes apparent in any way. Often, if the intersex variation is not apparent in specific gendered ways, things like genetic results will be hidden from people by doctors so that they won't find out they're intersex.
"just because society tried constructing sex and gender as the same thing doesn't mean that a group that is harmed by that idea has to promote it, you know."
Yeah, the solution to that is not "actually all terms used to refer to sex are basically only used for gender. It's harmful to conflate sex with gender so I'm going to pretend that everyone does it and talk about how assigned sex and sex terms are actually just assigned gender and gender terms. Well, primarily, since I have to acknowledge someone whose experiences directly contradict that, but they're an outlier and don't need to be counted. I'm not conflating sex and gender, I'm just saying that sex isn't a category that really exists in any meaningful way and is so heavily gendered that sex is really just gender.
Okay, maybe the outlier part is too snarky and not entirely accurate, but that's what it feels like.
I mean, the worst part is, I agree with most of what they're saying. I think "perisex" is a more important distinction from intersex than "male and female". I agree that bodies shouldn't be arbitrarily genderwd OR sexed and that ideas like "male and female hormones" are not only extremely reductive but are so to the point of often being actively incorrect, even within the context of the purely prescriptivist medical usage of male and female for sex specifically!
I even like the idea of using wolffian and mullerian to make it clear that they're simply two areas within a wider spectrum. I agree that sex terms are heavily gendered, though crucially one of the things I mentioned is knowing plenty of people who don't use them that way!
"Actually I know plenty of people who don't conflate sex and gender, and use sex as a descriptivist identity separate from gender."
"Okay but most people use male and female to mean man and woman".
Even if that's true, you're missing all of my whole points!
I just... am tired of feeling pushed aside as an intersex person, even when attempting to pander to presumed perisex egos. Is it really that hard just to make an individual who is of an identity that in my personal experience is more erased than my own, trans, nonbinary, and aspec identities collectively feel listened to?
We blocked them, which honestly I feel bad for. We were triggered and a protector did it and I don't feel comfortable undoing it, because of how badly triggered we were and how deeply unable we felt to express our own upset without them reacting emotionally in a hurtful way.
That could be the trauma speaking, but as we told our partner, "if you put up a hand to be like 'whoa hey wait a second' and someone pushes back lightly in response, it's pretty rare that escalating and saying 'hey! that's not okay!' will get them to back off and apologize. There's cases where it can make someone realize that you're serious about something important to you, but usually those cases require them already knowing you well enough to both recognize that and care."
Idk, it's not like they did anything so terrible. Like I said, I agree with them for the most part. Maybe I'm as angry at myself for not being able to be more firm and assertive about something that's critical to the oppression I face. I dunno, y'know?
But I just... I can't stand it. And as a brief aside, I feel like I'm living in a funhouse mirror upside-down world. I just got into an argument and blocked someone for saying that gender isn't actually a real intrinsic identity and that it's simply a social construct typically expressed through changing the actual concrete identity of sex, and now this, a discussion of how assigned sex isn't actually a real identity and that it's just the social construct of assigned gender and just.
You can basically identify as any gender or any sex for any reason. You can identify as male or female or other as a trans man, woman, or nonbinary person. You can pursue sex nonconformity but identify as male or female, or you can conform to a dyadic sex but not identify as either (such as identifying as altersex) for various reasons.
Someday, if we achieve true transhumanism, we might even be able to change any aspect of sex at any time, from the microscopic to macroscopic level.
Right now, we're stuck with a bunch of bullshit of people trying to shove two massive roughly bimodal distributions into two binaries that they don't fit into at all, and the resulting violence at people who defy and resist being shoved.
The trans community has as much a problem with intersexism as any other community, so maybe that's just why I have an expectation that especially when a fucking trans intersex person says "hey actually assigned sex does exist and it's intersexist and transphobic", that the bare minimum response should not be "but actually people mostly use male and female to mean man and woman so assigned gender is more of a thing and more harmful and actually sex is so gendered that most people don't actually mean assigned sex when talking about it".
Because I'm telling you that plenty DO actually mean sex, and that it's harmful, and the gendering of sex disproportionately affects intersex people. I think expecting someone to listen and not to essentially go "well okay but, I'm right about it just mainly being assigned gender" - to not argue however politely and speak over intersex voices... well, it's not fucking unreasonable!
I know that was not their intent, and honestly, that makes it worse. Because not being able to take criticism from intersex people when being intersexist, quite honestly, means you have the same impact as purposely intersexist people and makes you just as unwilling to change, but you get "credit" from other perisex people for "trying" despite not really doing so at all.
The fact that it's so subtle, and so "polite", the fact that if I assertively and vocally disagree I know to expect the majority of people to get angry and cruel and more overt with their intersexism, the fact that it's deflection and a lack of acknowledgement more than outright denial... well, I guess the closest word would be "microaggressions".
Used to make minorities look and feel "crazy" for being upset since oppression first existed. (Fucking reclaimed, btw. Don't @ me).
I dunno. I'm not eloquent. I'm a seething intersex person who doesn't have nice little words to appease people about this. It doesn't matter anyway. This is literally about how people didn't listen when I was nice about it, so who is gonna stop listening just because I'm mad about it?
Honestly, I think I'm most mad that - not once did they actually even say the word intersexism. Not once did they respond in a way that even acknowledged what I was saying about that, or my identity as an intersex person even. Not once did they even say "okay yeah I don't have experience with (this kind of) intersexism, my experience is of it being primarily used this way". Not once did they not only not express that their experience might not be universal, but that intersex people even face oppression for their sex. There was a token mention of intersex people at the beginning that didn't even include most intersex people, based on a misconception of what being intersex is.
At every opportunity, they redirected it back to the gendering of sex and using sex terms as gendered terms and even the idea that bodies shouldn't be gendered at all... all while never addressing the actual thing I was saying.
All while ignoring assigned sex as it pertains to intersexism and continuing to insist that only assigned gender was a thing, while not actually taking intersex experiences into account.
It's just... I don't fucking know. Just fucking listen to intersex people. Whatever.
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pallpokipoki · 2 months
Presenting amab supremacy as a conspiracy theory essentially means that you believe that patriarchy is a conspiracy theory, feminism is based on a conspiracy theory or that patriarchy has not established a hierarchy between the sexes, it considers afabs and amabs to be equal. Patriarchy is apparently blind to sex at birth.
It also means that your beliefs are aligned with those of MRAs.
if we let leftist queer amab supremacists totally control the narrative, in the long run they'll tell us that ''no no, patriarchy is actually sex conscious but just to oppress amabs while privileging afabs.'' They'll say that amab oppression is real, but afab oppression is not, that afabs are constructed as a dominant class, not an oppressed one, and believing in afab subjugation and amab domination is a far right/MRA/white supremacist/bourgeois/patriarchal belief. They'll just associate it with the ideologies they pretend to reject or actually reject.
I mean, some of them are already implicitly saying that, disguising it with progressive language.
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FTF Trans Woman Pride Flag
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FTF/F2F: female to female.
Trans: transcending one's assigned gender.
This flag can represent AFAB and S-AFAB (personally self-assigned female at birth) or otherwise ANC (AGAB nonconforming) trans women, along with trans girls who don't feel represented by MTF terminology and FTMTF trans folx. Any way/any reason.
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mantra-repeated · 3 months
Assigned gender at death / agad flags
Pt: Assigned gender at death / agad flags :End pt
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Assigned gender at death
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Assigned Male at death
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Assigned female at death
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assigned intersex at death
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assigned nonbinary at death
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Why did you coin this?
Pt: Why did you coin this? :End Pt We coined this for those who for whatever reason either have their gender/sex assigned at birth and/or creation differ from their assigned gender/sex at death, and/or for those who are already dead for whatever reason (otherkin, alterhuman, fictive, introject, etc) and thus more strongly align with the concept of their gender/sex being assigned at their death, as opposed to their birth.
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Pings @radiomogai
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Banner transcript: This term was made by an Endogenic. Anyone can use it however. :End transcript
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maidmeruru · 2 months
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ACuAB : An AGAB for when you were assigned Cupid at birth!Valentine's day might be your favorite holiday...or you just really like love!ID reblogs are okayzies and appreciated ^_^
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rabidbatboy · 3 months
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ASSiGNED ENiGMA AT BiRTH (AEnAB) ; a neoAGAB for those assigned as an enigma at birth
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[ PT / assigned enigma at birth (AEnAB) ; a neoAGAB for those assigned as a enigma at birth
coined by me / END PT ]
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local-yurei · 8 months
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Sexous - a term describing the experience of a(n) sex/agab affecting one's identity in some way, while not necessarily making it one's gender identity.
(this term is not limited to 'amab' & 'afab', & may be used by anyone)
etymology: (sex)us, ous
[ID: a rectangular flag with 9 stripes coloured as such from top to bottom & mirrors: dark purple, dull purple, dull warm purple, pink-orange, orange. in the centre is a black gender symbol, with the 'male', 'female', and 'androgyne' symbol mixed together. End ID]
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whereserpentswalk · 4 months
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Here's a meme I made using a picture of my little cat.
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caeliangel · 1 year
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EXPLANATIONS ✦ ╲╲ ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶
aauab, an agabpunk term for those who feel like they were assigned autistic at birth, have always been autistic (since birth) just unknown! Do not use if you are NOT autistic.
This could also be used by those who feel like the way their percieve their agab is affected by their autism.
MEANINGS ✦ ╲╲ ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶
No individuals meaning for each stripes !
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lol this might be very specific but this is Tumblr so I’m hoping at least someone else can relate to it but anyone else in that weird place with their gender (I can end this here tbh) where you’re comfortable enough with your agab for people to call you their bf/gf or say “I’m one of the boys/girls” but also that’s pretty much it but you also present a lot like your agab so whenever anyone asks for your pronouns you’re like “I use any pronouns, ty!” in hopes they use literally any other pronouns apart from your agab ones but you’re too scared to be like “please use these one instead” because you fear you’re not “valid enough” to use those pronouns or you want to present more in the opposite style but you still feel like you wouldn’t fit in but also if literally anyone else told you that this is exactly what they’re going through you’d be like “OMFG NO YOURE SO VALID AND YOU DONT NEED TO PROVE YOURSELF TO ANYONE YOURE SO PERFECT AND ILL USE THOSE PRONOUNS TO REFER TO YOU” but since it’s you going through it, you need to prove yourself to everyone in the world before you can feel validated and accept or is that just a me thing lol?
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would you mind coining an "assigned curse at birth" post? preferably with a flag with deep purple hues, but that's not required! thank you for your time and have a nice day/night :)
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☆ AcuAB
☆ Assigned cursed at birth.
3 versions of the flag you can pick which one you enjoy more giggle
This was a silly request and i really enjoyed making it !! Ty anon !!
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jadwiga-abremovic · 7 months
My "assigned gender at birth" is bursting into a sob of absolute trauma whenever someone asks me.
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theamphibianmen · 28 days
"yeah we re-created the gender binary again. No it's a good thing this time we swear. Why did we do it? Oh we just want to ask about the status of people's genitals again! Yeah yeah and if you don't want to answer you're the problem because this new term is so not invasive and fucked up!
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