#Antarctic Circumpolar Current
cgandrews3 · 2 years
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healthyhoss · 1 year
Ocean Currents
Ocean currents play a crucial role in shaping Earth’s climate, redistributing heat, nutrients, and marine life across the globe. In this extensive discussion, we will delve into the fascinating world of ocean currents, exploring their types, causes, effects, and significance in our planet’s ecosystem. From the powerful global-scale currents to the intricate regional and local flows, we will…
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c-casu · 2 months
Despite the general cooling of the planet one particular continent is starting to warm up, allowing a more varied climate better suited for both plant and animal life.
Antarctica has been fully covered in ice for the last 30 million years, but now thanks to its movement northwards and the formation of the Magellan islands between the Antarctic Peninsula and Tierra del Fuego the flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current has been broken, allowing warm currents to go along the Pacific coast.
The dominant biome here is tundra and cold prairies, broken by rivers and wetlands.
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The largest animals here are all birds. The most common herbivores are flightless ducks and other anseriforms, that get preyed upon by large, but still well adapted for flight, terrestrial birds. These peregrine falcon descendants (Gyrornis ambulans) have developed a hunting strategy much different from that of its ancestor, now basically pouncing on their prey, aided by their wings, and crushing their windpipes with a bite to the neck, in a similar fashion to cats. Although specialised for larger prey they’re also able to take smaller game, allowing it to spread into South America where it feeds on small rodents, youngs of bigger animals and birds.
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An unlikely inhabitant of these grasslands is a flightless bird, similar to an upright kiwi that feeds on insects and eggs. Unlike any other bird in the area, its posture, almost plantigrade feet and flattened wings show his ancestry. It’s a penguit (Erectopteryx palmeri), a descendant of small penguins that exploited the new Antarctic environments early on, becoming a quite successful generalist.
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The richest ecosystem on the continent are the cold wetlands brought forth by the melting glaciers. These immense areas are a biodiversity hotspot where a myriad of aquatic and semiaquatic species live. At the base of the food chain there’s many freshwater fish lineages, in this case cichlids, trouts and salmons, and semiaquatic insects, like dragonflies and mayflies, that got here from South America. The biggest river predator is the garlachea (Garlachea antarctica), a large salmonid similar to the Amazonian arapaima or to sturgeons. It shares the environment with many semiaquatic mammals, like the English otter (Pyrolutra anglolittoralis), many aquatic rodents, and one of the biggest monotremes yet, the giant polar platypus (Neopilopus fluvialis) that bottom feeds and occasionally catches small fish and other vertebrates.
The swarms of insects feed many more animals, attracting flocks of bats and birds, and feeding the ground dwelling flightless bats and semi-terrestrial salmonids.
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tagsecretsanta · 1 year
From @the-original-sineater
From and by @the-original-sineater for @womble1
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Rating: Gen
Genre: Family
Characters: Gordon, Virgil, and the Deep Ocean
I got three dialogue prompts for this and managed to work two of them in.
Prompts used: “Is that meant to do that?” “How many?!” with just a bit of creative license.
I hope my receipt doesn't mind. For your enjoyment some FishTank.
“Is it meant to do that?” Gordon couldn’t risk the glance back at his passenger, the cross-currents here were savage, which was to be expected where the Antarctic Circumpolar Current met with the Drake Passage and some of the outflow of the South Sandwich Trench. Okay, he always grinned at the name of the SST, but this time it was more grimace than a grin. “If you mean spin like a drunk top, then yes. It’s cyclonic on the outside and anticyclonic within the cavity.” Which was a fascinating thing to see, but not right now. Not when there was a deep water sub stuck below the abyssal zone. Yes, there is a zone below the abyssal, it’s called the hadopelagic and personally, it scared the socks off of Gordon. He loved the oceans and nearly everything that swam in them (not iguanas - nope, didn’t love them), but the things in the hadopelagic? He was pretty sure they were actual aliens from somewhere else. That wasn’t even counting the fact they would be dealing with possibly 750 atmospheres of pressure. There would be no EVA for him. Even with all of Brains’ skill, his deep rig couldn’t handle that sort of pressure. He was 90% certain that Four could, but when you got that deep the rules had a habit of changing on you.
Things were quiet for a bit as Four dove deep into the twilight zone. The upwelling of nutrient-rich water was keeping the water cloudy. At least the humans were quiet, Four, on the other hand, let everyone know as she hit a new depth that her hull didn’t like. Gordon appreciated the creaks and thumps. They meant that Four was holding true.
Somehow the black of the twilight gave way to the deeper dark of the midnight. Here were where some of the most known creatures of the deep ocean lived. Gordon kept the lights on so they might be able to catch glimpses of some of the midnight zone’s inhabitants.
He glanced back at his brother. Virgil was staring out the aft starboard viewport. “Yeah?” Virgil tilted his head to the right. “What the actual Hell is that?” His voice was full of calm wonder.
Gordon turned back around to see and broke out grinning. “That my dear brother is Enypniastes. More commonly known as the ‘headless chicken monster’." Which it did with its bulbous, tapering body and its stubby upper tentacles that looked like the plucked wings of a chicken.
“Seriously?” “Yep.” Gordon popped the ‘p’. “Its other names include Spanish dancer and pink see-through fantasia, but only the little ones are pink. Headless chicken monster is more fun to say though.”
“I’m pretty sure nature was drunk when she designed that one.”
Gordon laughed. “Bro, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
Four groaned as she took the weight of nearly 600 atmospheres. Her max limit was 8000 meters because even calhelium could only take so much stress. One of the reasons Four’s viewports were 15 centimeters thick.
“Is that normal?” Virgil had become very quiet as they’d passed through the bottom of the midnight and into the abyssal. The midnight was a raver of life compared to the abyssal. Virgil had been so quiet that Gordon had almost forgotten his brother was there and jumped slightly at the question.
“Which part? This is the Deep Ocean and it’s got a very different degree of normal.” Four creaked, almost in answer to Gordon. He patted her console. “I know, girl. I know.”
“That for one thing. I knew the pressures down here were huge, but - “
“But knowing and experiencing are two different things.” Gordon finished for him. “Yeah, I know.” He looked over his shoulder at his brother, pale as the depths leached the color from him. “This is as normal as it gets down here. If we’re lucky, TritonQuest will only need the float bags.” He brought his attention back to the controls. “I’m still not 100% sure if explosives will behave correctly down here.” Which was why Virgil was with him, in case they needed to free the research sub from the rockfall that had trapped it.
“Because of the - GOD!” Gordon jerked as something light-colored passed in front of them. “GEEZ!” An appendage flicked and the thing was gone.
“What was that?” Virgil was breathless.
“Not a clue, too fast for the eyeball camera, but let’s check Four’s.” Gordon had been recording for the entire descent for this very reason. Who knew what might show itself? The still frame showed a slender body with a long nose and a whip-thin tail. “Damn.”
He shook himself. “I think that’s Rhinochimaeridae. Or at least the family. No one’s documented one this deep before.”
“Long nose chimera?” The humor in Virgil’s voice brightened the gloom. “Hey, don’t look at me! I didn’t name it. One of the common names is ghostfish.” Looking at the bleached-out form, it was easy to see why.
The descent was broken by the occasional sighting of a deep ocean denizen and the creaks, thuds, and groans from Four as she went deeper and deeper. The sensor started to ping with the TritonQuest’s signal and Gordon swung Four to follow the signal. Cliffs and canyons started to appear out of the gloom as they threaded their way to the stuck sub. The pinging grew in frequency until it was a steady whine and they could see the fresh scar on the face of one canyon wall.
“Thunderbird Four, calling TritonQuest. Come in TritonQuest.” Gordon worked on his breathing and ignored the creaks from Four. This was some of the deepest water he’d ever been in.
“TritonQuest here, receiving you 3x3 Thunderbird Four, and damn glad to hear you.”
Not great, but not awful either. “Understood TritonQuest, you’re 5x5 here. Status?”
“A bloody big hunk of a wall fell on us. Other than that, decent. No leaks. We just can’t move.”
“Well, let me see what we can do about that, TritonQuest. Keep listening out on this frequency.” “Confirmed Thunderbird Four, and thanks.”
“Don’t thank us yet,” Gordon muttered. “Virg, what’s the scan of the sub say?” Not for the first time, Gordon wished that Four was big enough for a full sensor array, but there was only so much room in his girl.
“I’ve seen shattered glass that looked better.” Virgil manipulated the hologram and pointed at two spots. “If we can get a lift bag there and there, we should be able to get the sub up enough to attach more.”
“And if we can’t?” Not that Gordon doubted his girl, but this was the hadal zone and he just didn’t trust it.
Virgil crossed his arms and thought. “We might, might be able to use Four’s arms to move the rocks to free it, but - it’s chancy.” He pointed at the trench wall above the TritonQuest. “That is just riddled with cracks, and a strong breeze could make it collapse more.”
Gordon looked at the pressure gauge and did the math. He did not like the answer. “I’m not sure we can.”
“What?” Gordon ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not sure we can. Four’s limit is 8000 meters. Down here it’s one atmosphere for every ten meters. We’re already at 7953 meters and TritonQuest is still fifty meters down. We’d exceed her limit by 3 meters.”
“How many?! Come on Gordon, it’s three meters. Those people are depending on us.”
Gordon’s jaw tightened. “I know that. But those three meters, that's the difference between us going home and us finding out what an implosion feels like from the inside. For the couple of nanoseconds that we’re alive to experience it.”
“Then how can the TritonQuest survive it?” Virgil’s eyes narrowed as he tried to work the problem.
Gordon made a minor adjustment to keep Four at her current depth. “TritonQuest is a specialized sub, specifically built to handle these depths. Four is a generalist. She’s got to work in a lot more areas.” He grinned, “Sometimes even in the air.”
Virgil huffed out a laugh; even by iR standards that had been a wild day. “Okay, ‌we have two options: 1, we get as close as we can and fire the lift bags at the two areas we have access to. If that fails, we move on to option 2, which is getting as close as we can and using Four’s arms to move the rocks pinning them.” “There is no option 2, Virgil. Four’s arms can’t survive those forces either.” Gordon’s hands tightened on the controls. This was a submariner’s worst nightmare, being trapped in their ship, never able to leave it. That’s why submarines that never made it home were listed as ‘still on patrol’ or ‘still on mission’. Why the names of the Lost were read out on the radio once a year. So those souls knew they hadn’t been forgotten. Gordon gave himself a shake, those were far too morbid of thoughts. They were going to get TritonQuest and her crew back.
“Then what’s the plan?” Virgil’s voice was soft. Gordon angled the dive planes and sent Four deeper into the dark. “The only one that matters: we make sure that everyone goes home.” He activated the comms again. “Thunderbird Four calling TritonQuest.” “Reading you 3x3, Thunderbird Four.” “Stand by, I’m going to launch a lift bag to your rear section.” “Copy, Thunderbird Four. Listening out.”
Gordon launched the first float shell. It would attach with the same tech that Brains used for the gecko gloves. After that, it would just be a matter of getting the lift bags to inflate. Which at the depths they were currently at was a big question mark.
One they weren’t going to have the answer to as the shell passed the 8000-meter mark, wavered on its course, then imploded.
There was a moment of deep quiet in Thunderbird Four.
“That - “ “Yeah, this is the Deep Ocean and she plays by a different set of rules.”
“How many lift bags does Four carry?” Gordon wanted to poke fun at Virgil not knowing Four’s load out. Gordon knew how many Two carried -- eight -- but this was too important. Brother teasing would have to wait. “Six.” He swallowed and tried again. There was a soft intake of breaths as the shell passed the 8000-meter mark and continued downward, only to skim across the exposed rear section and hit a boulder instead.
Gordon swore softly. They could lift TritonQuest with two of the floats but Four would have to stand by to help if need be. Three floats would be good and four would be best. But he was going to be cautious; this was the hadal zone and things had a way of not going to plan.
A hand landed on Gordon’s shoulder. “You’ve got this.” Virgil’s voice was full of rock-solid belief.
Gordon took a deep breath, dropped his shoulders, and let it out slowly. “TritonQuest, firing.” Then he grasped the controls again, activated the targeting, sighted, and pulled the trigger. Once again there was a soft ‘thunk’ as the lift bag launched.
Gordon tracked the shell and held his breath once more. This time the shell landed on the trapped sub’s exposed rear section and stuck. Gordon started breathing again and Virgil’s hand tightened on his shoulder.
“Thunderbird Four, I sure hope that was you and not more of the wall falling.”
“That was me, TritonQuest. Lining up for the second float bag now.” Thunderbird Four projected a calm and reassurance that Gordon wasn’t sure he felt. Virgil’s hand was a comfortable weight on his shoulder. Gordon took another deep breath, targeted, and fired again, this time at the topside midship. He couldn’t hear the impact, but he felt it in his bones. The reverberating thud as a secure contact was made. Usually a bad, almost terrifying sound, but now? It was the sound of hope.
“Deploying floats, TritonQuest. Hang on, it might be a bit bumpy.”
“Considering the alternative, we’ll take bumpy Thunderbird Four.”
“Copy that, TritonQuest.” Please, Neptune, be merciful, you don’t need them in your court today, was Gordon’s prayer as he triggered the lift bags. If they could just get the other sub into Four’s range, they could help to pull her up. Not to mention attaching more lift bags to aid in the endeavor. He started to breathe again as both float bags inflated to about a third of their size. “Gordon, what’s wrong with the lift bags?” Virgil had brought the hologram forward and was flicking through the calculations.
“Not a thing,” Gordon said, smiling. “It’s too cold down here and pure O2 is too dense. Once it starts to warm up, they’ll increase in size and get more lift.” The cables that attached the bags to the sub straightened as they started to pull toward the surface. It was odd watching rocks falling and not hearing them as the TritonQuest slowly pulled free of her almost tomb. The sediment that was stirred up by the rocks and by her leaving clung to her like a bride’s veil.
“Boyle’s Law, I should have remembered.” Virgil leaned forward, his hand back on Gordon’s shoulder as he watched the slow motion movement.
Gordon set Four into reverse. The further he got from Four’s limit the happier he’d be. “Thunderbird Four, we’re showing upward movement. PLEASE confirm.” Gordon’s smile grew. “I can confirm, TritonQuest. It’s going to be slow, but we’ll get you out.”
“Thank you, Thunderbird Four!  I’ll stand for drinks at whatever port you name.”
“Make that offer once we’ve gotten topside, TritonQuest. I’m not going to offend anyone listening by being too full of myself.” Gordon could feel Virgil’s gaze and he muted the mike. “Down here, I’m as superstitious as they come, Virg.”
Virgil nodded. He and every other member of the family were pilots. They all had superstitions, even John, though he'd never admit it out loud. He pointed to the depth meter. “They just passed 8000 meters, do we take the chance at another lift bag?”
“No, I want to keep those in reserve just in case. We’ll match their ascent the whole way. It’ll take awhile, but it’s the safest course.” Gordon set Four to just that.
Virgil sat back in the passenger seat. “So, since we have the time, tell me more about the creatures down here.”
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A Brief Iceberg–Island Encounter
In June 2021, the U.S. National Ice Center reported that a collision between iceberg D-28 and the Borchgrevink Ice Shelf in the Queen Maud Land region of East Antarctica had formed a new tabular berg called D-30. Following the collision, the young berg immediately split again, forming D-30A. After drifting for more than two years, this 39 nautical-mile-long and 11 nautical-mile-wide (72 kilometer-long and 20 kilometer-wide) berg—nearly the area of Rhode Island—grazed the much smaller Clarence Island in September 2023.
The MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this image of D-30A at the edge of Clarence Island on September 6, 2023. Other MODIS imagery shows the berg approaching the island in late August, bumping into its southeast coast, and then rotating around the island in the first two weeks of September. By late September, the berg had moved away from the island and drifted north.
“It didn’t ‘stick’ quite likely because the eastern side of Clarence Island has a pretty sheer drop-off with deep enough water to allow the berg to sail right through,” said Christopher Shuman, a University of Maryland, Baltimore County, glaciologist based at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
Still, the arrival of a large iceberg on the shores of a small island like this can trigger a cascade of effects—some positive, some negative—for local wildlife and ecosystems. For instance, iron-rich meltwater from icebergs can help fertilize ocean water and encourage beneficial phytoplankton blooms.
On the other hand, a large iceberg parked offshore a small island can disrupt penguins from foraging, and Clarence Island is home to more than 100,000 breeding pairs of chinstrap penguins. “But in this case, the timing was lucky because the chinstraps that breed there had not returned to the colony yet,” said Heather Lynch, a Stony Brook University ecologist. “If this had happened in December when they were breeding and the adults were trading off incubation daily, it might have been quite serious since even a few days of blocked access to the colony might mean a failed breeding year.”
Since the berg passed by Clarence Island relatively quickly without becoming grounded, the bigger impacts in this case may have involved a process called iceberg scouring, explained Roseanne Smith, a researcher with the British Antarctic Survey. “Scouring can have dramatic impact on the benthic flora and fauna, with single scouring events causing as much as 98 percent mortality of the local macrofauna and megafauna in shallow areas,” she said. “Luckily, because the seafloor drops away steeply on the east of the island, the scouring damage from the D-30A impact will have been localized.” There can also be an upside to scouring. Benthic biodiversity actually peaks when there is some, but not too much, iceberg scour because scour can open up space for species that are less competitively dominant but are more tolerant of iceberg scour, she added.
Before reaching Clarence Island, D-30A had drifted west along the Antarctic Coast with the Antarctic Coastal Current for several months in 2021, before Weddell Gyre ocean currents nudged the berg northwestward into the open waters of the East Weddell Sea. In November 2022, the berg made a sharp turn north, moving along the Antarctic Peninsula in an area known as “Iceberg Alley” on its approach to Clarence Island.
Exactly where D30-A heads next will depend on weather and ocean currents, but icebergs in this area are often pushed east by the powerful Antarctic Circumpolar Current funneling through the Drake Passage, the body of water between South America’s Cape Horn and the South Shetland Islands of Antarctica. From that point, icebergs often move north across the Southern Ocean towards the South Atlantic and quickly melt in the area’s warmer waters.
NASA Earth Observatory image by Wanmei Liang, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE and GIBS/Worldview. Story by Adam Voiland.
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Dark Path Ch1
in the western air temple Katara is getting tired of Zuko apologizing for everything, she wants the old Zuko back, the proud prince but she doesn't expect her good intentions are going to wake up another side of Zuko, the question is, can Katara love the real Zuko?
The daily routine in the western air temple is getting monotonous, and is always the same.
watching Aang trying to master fire bending and failing, watching Zuko trying to fire bend with his new “dragon fire” as he calls it and also failing. Katara is not sure if that fire fits Zuko, it seems off, like if he is learning something that it was never meant to be his to begin with when Katara questioned Aang about it, how she is not sure this is the way for Zuko the avatar was determined in his position “this is the correct way”, Zuko is now following the steps of the first benders but Katara absolutely disagree, her first bending master was not the moon, she learnt from the ocean Zuko doesn’t need this given fire, he needs his own.
There is no such thing as an original bender, each bender finds its own way, Katara's first master was the ocean, the waves rise in the south pole not because of the moon but because of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current a force more powerful than the influence of the moon, watching the ocean was how Katara learnt her first waterbending.
Katara is watching Zuko, wondering if it is the same for him, maybe the dragons are not the right teacher for him, his fire doesn’t come from his breath, it never did, if the dragons are not the right master for Zuko then who.
Katara tries hard to imagine, thinking where she can find that master, because for lack of better words, Zuko and his fire look tamed, a shadow of their former might and glory.
Where is the Zuko that awe her since the very beginning, the Zuko that showed her how real power looks, the bender without match, neither Haru nor any waterbender mastered their elements like Zuko did. Katara loves the most how unique Zuko’s fire is, the passion in it and somehow even in the worst situations he can make the world his, against all odds he wins.
Even during the direst situation where she and the gangs are face to face fighting against the fire prince, even during all that chaos Katara always finds a moment to admire Zuko’s skills.  The prince can turn the most basic moves into an unstoppable force, he doesn’t need fancy tricks to be powerful, for Katara, he is the personification of pure raw fire.
Where is that Zuko? Katara wants that Zuko back, the Zuko that showed her the most unique kind of fire. 
  After watching what Toph just did, a bad joke that turned horrible and the result of it, Toph on the ground playing the victim, humor Zuko is not familiar with.
Watching those actions unfold makes Katara finally understand what is wrong with Zuko, he is not being honest with himself. 
“Sorry Toph I didn’t mean to stand in your way, sorry for making you fall” Zuko says almost ashamed.
  “Enough! Zuko I am tired of this charade” a piss off Katara says 
  “What is wrong with you Katara, I’ve been trying to be nice to everyone. 
That is what you want from me, right? 
“That is what everyone wants from me, be good, obey and follow the right path.”
“I am helping the avatar as my uncle suggested, I am going to behave as your brother suggested. What else do you want from me to accept me”? 
  “That is exactly what is wrong.”
“Toph made you unnecessary apologize, she is the one who should be apologizing, come on Zuko, you know what to do”
  Zuko freezes, since his return to the fire nation he had been following order and suggestions from everyone, his uncle, his father, his sister, the avatar but this girl, the avatar’s girl she wants him to truly express what he is feeling, well he is not going to miss his chance the earthbending girl has been pissing him off since day one 
  A small of burst of warm flames came from Zuko feet spreading, the flames are not hot but hot enough to make his point 
“You better be careful when you walk near the fire ” says Zuko, making toph understand the message, she should not play the poor blind girl card and make him feel uncomfortable.
His anger finally subsided, he feels relief, he finally says what he was keeping inside since day 1 he is allowed to get angry and don’t tolerate this kind of behavior against him, he is free to show his flames.
He is allow to talk freely, he does not need to follow the suggestions of his father and keep his mouth shut. he is free from that chain and the best part Zuko made Katara smile
  “Are you happy now Katara, Zuko almost burned Toph…again.”
“You know sis, you should protect your gaang more.”
  “ou contraire sokka, I will do exactly the opposite I am with Zuko”
“I am truly glad you expressed some anger. I know Aang told you to behave and be soft and apologetic toward us because you hurt us in the past, you hurt me the most here and …”
Katara can’t find the right words, how to say Zuko he hurt her the most yet she doesn’t want him to be all sorry, she wants the old Zuko back but she also wants him to understand she felt horrible when he betrayed her. in the absence of words maybe is okay just to focus why is okay for him to express some anger”
“I like this facet of yours, it reminds me of the proud boy that hunted us.”
  Zuko a little shocked replies “Katara you sound like it is  a good thing for me to act this way”
  “Maybe it is, I like a proud Zuko more than this,” Katara says, moving her hands and pointing to Zuko from top to bottom, “the boy who apologizes for everything for every tiny mistake.”
“You are not like that, you are not that kind of boy, I don’t know what kind of desires you buried to be this version of you, but I want the real Zuko, I know he is somewhere deep down.”
“If you ask me, the Zuko I saw in Ba Sing Se is better than this façade.”
  Zuko watches Katara leave, leaving him puzzled and unsure what to think, what Katara just told him goes against everything he swore. after betraying Katara which is one of the things he regrets the most, he took a vow, be the man the world wants him to be, maybe that is the way to get Katara’s forgiveness his redemption but recent events tells him otherwise maybe that is not what she wants
  She wants the real Zuko.
  The idea of her dear Katara not happy with the big lie he is now brings him some sort of freedom for many years Zuko buried his own feelings, his own desires and after meeting Katara he is afraid his desire would scare his Katara.
Zuko wonders since when he starts referring Katara as his, considering she is the avatar´s girl that was made quite clear by everyone, several times.
Maybe a good rest can help Zuko to sort his thoughts and rebuild the walls, repressing what he desires and be what the avatar and his friends want him to be.
Zuko perfectly knows what the world wants from him, He can’t be the Zuko who desire the crown of his nation, the one who wants the world to see the glory of fire, the Zuko who wants the respect of his lesser, the Zuko that lust for a girl who will never be his.
He has to be the boy who shall wait for the avatar to give him the crown, the boy who must see the avatar take Katara, be the boy who has to administrate his nation and territories according to the avatar’s wishes.
That is the boy, the Zuko the world wants.
To keep everyone happy Zuko plays pretend, this old game began with his father after he told him he must not speak his mind, no matter how much he believes his ideas are better than his or anyone in that counsel, he played pretend when he agreed with his uncle about the avatar, his uncle´s idea only the avatar can bring hope and peace.
He played pretend when he told the avatar and company that he cares about peace in the world.
Zuko wants peace not because the avatar wants it or because that is what the other nations desire. No, he wants peace because the war is impoverishing his nation.
The dream of Sozin was simple but also incredibly difficult, to civilize the world but the current war is not accomplishing that. The wish of Sozin, the work of Azulon, the prosperity given to the colonies and friendly earth kingdom cities and towns are all being destroyed by Ozai, he is burning the Fire nation and the world, he must be stop. Not only Ozai is putting the work of their entire dynasty in peril but also Zuko's father is going against the vows as fire lord, to protect and bring glory to the land of Agni.
In Zuko's mind his true reasons for peace are for the greatness of his nation, for the people he holds dear and his Katara. 
Recently the hardest thing he has to do is pretend he doesn’t desire Katara and be okay with Katara being the “avatar girl”.
But Katara is so much more than just “the avatar girl”, Katara is for Zuko, a volcano.
She is the boiling magma inside his chest, inside his heart.
She is the lake of magma growing and growing until she became a volcano and all her heat spread within him, she is becoming the heat of his bending and all of that started at the very beginning, in the south pole when they eyes met.
The first clue of Katara being his destined partner is how she looked at him, the awe in her eyes when she saw him for the very first time. Instead of disgust by his scar or anger towards his fire, what Zuko saw was curiosity.
Katara was not only enchanted by his fire at first sight, but she also seemed to understand him at some level. In the chase, as foes, as enemies Katara saw through him, under all his anger she saw passion, the passion now Zuko knows Katara like so much.
During their encounter with the pirates, Zuko saw Katara is like him, she put her desires first.
His dear Katara stole from the pirates with a selfish intention in mind, she wanted power, she wanted to improve her bending, become more powerful. 
Maybe those little things don’t mean much for the rest but for Zuko it meant the world. Katara is the girl who understands his passion, the girl who enjoys his bending, the girl who sees beyond the scar, the girl just like him.
In that moment Zuko realized he wants to know Katara better and if he wants to do that he has to protect her that is why  he told her he will protect her from the pirates and he did, as soon he returned to the fire nation, those pirates were hunted down and arrested or worse.
If there were any doubts left about how amazing Katara is, those doubts evaporated when the met In the north pole, she showed him power not even his sister has, more power than any of those coward in the north, those lame benders those “puddle benders” possess.
The last stone was in Ba Sing Se, where Zuko saw Katara full might; she was winning in her fight against Azula and as any good member of the imperial family Zuko lust power and Katara is powerful beyond words.
Trying to avoid over-thinking Zuko falls asleep, in a dreamless night as usual, hoping the next day will be better and indeed it will, maybe with a rough start but what is going to happen that day will change Zuko's life forever.
During the morning Toph once again tries to fool Zuko but this time Zuko knows what to, as his Katara desires him to do so.
Is okay hurting people if they make him angry.
  “Toph back off” yells Zuko expelling some small flames from his mouth, a serious warning towards the young earth bender, Toph feels the hot fire near her face, Zuko is not going to tolerate more humiliation.
Aang, trying to de-escalate the situation, interrupts what it seems is going to be a fight.  
“Zuko just because Katara said is okay with you being a little rude that doesn’t mean we are going to tolerate this attitude, we should all be like Momo, cheerful and happy.” 
  A cough interrupts them, it is Katara.
“I didn’t say I like Zuko being rude, I said I don’t like him being unnecessarily rude.”
“Beside I do agree with Zuko on this, Toph has to calm down a little, let’s all remember Zuko is new here, new to her jokes.”
“Don’t worry Zuko Toph means well, that is how she binds with people, and she is trying quite hard with you, take that as a compliment from her, she wants to be your friend.” 
  “I still don’t like it.”
Katara doesn’t reply, she just smiles at him, she understands him.
  “You know guys, since sweet princess here knows how to deal with moody Zuko, let’s prepare food while Katara cool off Zuko”
  The gang leaves, leaving Katara and Zuko alone, sometimes neither Zuko or Katara need words to know what they want, they silently walk toward a bench near a cliff with a magnificent view. 
  “Katara, I am sorry for yelling at everyone back there.”
  It is obvious to Katara, Zuko is in “pretend mode”, the fake voice Zuko does, he is trying so hard to be what everyone wants from him but in the process forgetting who he is.
  “You know Zuko is not right to say sorry all the time, do it when you feel it is right, apologize for something you truly regret.”
“It was in your right to be angry Toph, my friends usually forget who you are” 
  Zuko pauses a little and tries to understand what Katara means, what does she mean with who he is, he can think about later is time to apologize for something he regrets a lot.
  “I am sorry for Ba Sin Se, I didn’t mean that to happen, that is not what I wanted nor what I wish for.”
Katara doesn’t pay much attention to what Zuko meant but she finds those words curious “wanted” and “wish for”, why did he make the distinction?
Zuko remembers that fateful day, the day he lost Katara to the avatar. 
Deep down in those catacombs Katara was willing to trade the gift from the gods for Zuko's happiness How she gently held him, how she was willing to heal him using the water meant for the avatar, how her body leaned towards him until the damn avatar arrived, how she betrayed him first, the pain in his chest still lingers with the memory of Katara running towards the avatar´s arms while the right to do was she staying with him, showing the avatar she was enjoying his company. 
he was willing to help the avatar because it will give him access to katara, that was the plan until his sister arrived, is not the arrival of her sister the thing that changed his mind, it was the fight between Katara and Azula
Katara was about to win and that was a game changer. 
The remembrance of the fight between his Katara and his sister makes Zuko´s chest burns in passion and lust, Katara is everything he wanted since birth; power and love
In the fire nation power is respect, if Zuko can show to his father Katara is more powerful than the princess of the nation, the “firebender prodigy” then Ozai will surely allow him to marry the girl who is more powerful than Azula but in order to make that possible he and Azula have to win so Zuko freed his sister from his Katara hold, his future fire lady was ready to tear apart Azula arm and leg
Zuko can’t allow that because for Katara to be with him, his lady has to lose this battle.
His regret is not being able to keep Katara with him but not only that Zuko pushed her further into the avatar´s arms, away from him for a while Zuko thought he lost her.
The only good side of the whole fiasco, it saved Katara from a horrible fate because it was not in Zuko's plan sees his father insane, he isn’t behaving normally, he no longer respects power, he no longer desire the greatness of his nation, he wants to sit in the ashes of his nation and the world and claim victory over an empty world. 
This man, Zuko’s father, a sore excuse of a fire lord, would never allow him to marry Katara, no matter how worthy she is, how much power she has, and how much they will love each other.
Ba Sing Se was the day when Katara went somewhere beyond Zuko´s reach, maybe forever that is his regret, not the fall of the great city nor the corrupt official nor the puppet king, he regrets leaving Katara behind in the arms of the avatar.
Zuko telling Katara how much he regrets that fateful day relax him, revealing to Katara he regrets his actions in Ba Sing Se, lift a heavy burden from his shoulders, he needed to tell her how sorry he is and he finally did 
  “You know Zuko, I also regret something in Ba Sing Se”
Katara says while watching Zuko with the same passion Zuko looks at her, “my biggest regret is what I did in Ba Sing Se…. leaving you so fast when I was about to heal you.”
“You looked hurt, that was not my intention, I should have stayed there.”
“I think you thought I was ashamed but no, I was just happy to see my friend Aang alive. “
“I think I also regret not saying this to you, back then when we were in the caves, I saw in your face sadness so much sadness. I can barely imagine what Ba Sing Se did to you, living in a corrupt city, in the shadow trying to hide who you are”?
“I wanted to say to you green doesn’t suit you, red suits you better, in my eyes even in green you are still the fire prince don’t never let people say otherwise, you are meant to rule”
  Katara tenderly hugs Zuko and departs.
Zuko sees her leave, also leaving him with some interesting things to think about. 
Katara is not like his uncle, she doesn’t mind he doesn’t want to put the world above his own desires after all she did the same, she went against her sister tribe's traditions, she trained and become a master against the wishes of her chief, her desires are above the wants of her superiors, he believes in the same thing.
Katara is not like the avatar, she doesn’t want him to apologize for everything, he can show his feelings, his fire, regardless of the feelings of others.
Katara is not like his father, she doesn’t want him to stay silent, he can express what he truly wants to say.
Katara is not like his sister, she sees him as a proud prince, he doesn’t need to pretend what he is not, Katara doesn’t want him serving tea she wants prince Zuko. 
Zuko plans to deliver what she wants, because at the end it appears he doesn’t have to pretend, he can be the true Zuko and she will desire him as much as he desires her.
A wicked smile appears in Zuko’s face, he has so many ideas, he will take Katara away from the avatar, no matter the cost, for the first time in a while he is going to listen to his heart and his heart wants her,
He is the prince of the fire nation as his Katara said, and a prince gets what he wants regardless of what a mere peasant with power such as the avatar wants.
  “So Katara you are back finally ” Says Aang, still a little angry with Zuko for his lack of understanding of other people's feelings, “did you convince Zuko to apologize?” 
  “Aang, I didn’t, in fact I did the exact opposite, if he doesn’t feel it, he should not apologize because if he does he is just lying”
“I am sure Zuko didn’t mean to bring harm, but Toph was taking it to far on, I am with Zuko on this one ”
The prince behind her smiling and proudly says. 
“As you should Katara, I know you like to be by my side just like in the catacombs” Zuko says while he watches Aang reactions, Zuko is absolutely sure the avatar saw they were close, Aang saw for a brief second Katara was tenderly holding Zuko’s face and Zuko is right, Aang saw it all.
Aang has absolutely no idea how to react or what to say, because so far Zuko is not doing anything wrong but something in his gut tells him he must stop Zuko. the way the former prince leans and get closer to katara as he says “you like to be by my side” doesn’t not look innocent
Meanwhile katara doesn’t look annoyed at all probably because she hasn’t picked it up yet, she has the horrible habit of attracting men and had no idea 
“So guys let’s eat” Sokka interrupt she is getting tired of this whole situation
After a normal almost normal meal, with Aang time to time looking Zuko because his gut feeling has not yet leave him, his instincts are still telling him Zuko is up to no good, the fact Zuko chose to sit so near Katara, is not helping at all to lesser his doubts about Zuko.
Before the lunch is over Katara decides to ask something to Aang 
“I want to ask you something.”
“I think, considering we are going to fight Ozai and probably Azula too.”
“I think is a good idea to practice against someone with fire bending powers, I was thinking Zuko, he is an amazing bender”
“so Aang, I wonder if we can use one of the multiple rooms in the temple, I was thinking the room near the cliff sadly it has some ancient wooden statutes I am not sure if they are important” 
“Can you move them please?”
  “Sure Katara, are you sure you wanna spar with Zuko? I know firebending too”
  Katara's brother decides to jump in and convince Katara Aang is a better choice. 
“Aang is right sis, is a win-win, Aang can practice some firebending and you can practice how to defend yourself from fire”
During the whole chat the fire prince is getting piss off, taking his katara is already difficult when the competition is the avatar but with her brother playing matchmaker is going to be even harder.
  “She should practice with me. I am the superior firebender” Zuko proudly stated “ and your sister deserves the best”.
“I don’t want to hurt your feelings, Avatar,  but I am the better man here, you are just not worthy enough.”
Zuko last words are meant to hurt Aang a little and watches Katara’s reactions, her reaction when Zuko declares to the gang he is worthier than the avatar, that is all part of his plan, pulls her toward him, little by little and also pushing her away from lesser men because, only he is worthy of his Katara and Katara is worthy of him. 
Aang doesn’t answer back, because Zuko told the truth, it is painful but is true, Zuko is a better firebender 
If Katara has to train with somebody and learn how to defend herself from fire, Zuko is the best partner for her but still hurt being called not worthy but that is not the only feeling Aang has. the smirk, the smug face Zuko has while was calling him that way, it seems like he was actually insulting him 
“So that settle guys I am going to train with Zuko after lunch, then Aang can train with him to improve his fire bending and finally we can eat dinner together”
  “Sounds like a solid plan sis”
  After cleaning the dishes Katara joins Zuko who is waiting for her, with his shirt off showing her his torso, his firm muscles the blush was unavoidable.   
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                                                                                                Regaining some dignity Katara keeps walking until she is finally face to face with the fire prince. 
  “You know Zuko, it is quite rare these days to speak alone with you, usually Aang is around, he rarely leaves us alone.”
“so this is a nice change I like chatting with you”
  “I can say the same to you Katara what do you want to talk about,”
“Do you want to take this chat to amore private place?”
  “Sounds good, toph is always listening.”
“You know she actually said to me after cleaning the dishes she told me I should be careful around you; your heart is beating differently; her words were your intentions changed.”
  Zuko can’t avoid exhaling some flames, another person in the way between him and Katara, why does the world seem to believe not only Katara should be the avatar girl but also, she can’t be with him.
  “Trust me Katara my intentions for you haven’t changed at all, I think your friend is wrong my goals remains the same, I want to remain by your side.”
  “Thanks, Zuko I appreciated that, I do enjoy your company too you are different from many of the men I met, nobody took in consideration what I want but you do”
“You understand me, like no other man does”
You know, I have a secret only my brother knows, back in the north a few days after the siege chief Arnook tried to marry me with a noble, according to tradition the child of the southern water tribe´s chief must marry a noble from the north.
“Probably you don’t know how the watertribes´s government, before the war the southern WaterTribe was ruled by the north pole´s chief but they allowed the people from the south be semi-independent so we had a local ruler”
“Back then, the common practice was the leader of the south pole, either woman or man, had to marry a noble from the north.”
“The ruler of the south must always be a child of the north, so basically the chief´s heirs, me and Sokka, if we want to rule the south we have to marry a noble from the north so my children will have to if they want to rule.”
“Many times the southern tribe chose the woman as the future ruler, the north always got angry because according to the laws, in the south wife and husband are corulers and as you know men in the north don’t like sharing power with woman”
“If my intention is taking the position as chief I must marry the jerk”
“The asshole name is katang, he is a revolting man, I bet he is in the north already calling himself Chief in the south”
“In my room I have his betrothal necklace”
  “Listen to me Katara and listen to me carefully ” says Zuko darkly, anger in his voice, jealousy in his eyes and fire in his fist. 
“I may have called you a peasant but in my eyes you are more than that, you deserve better than a pitiful scumbag from the north.”
For Zuko, the reason why Katara is not a peasant is simple: she is going to inevitably be his fire lady, his princess and only love.
“if you desire to rule when I have my throne back, the south will never have to worry about the north, I will protect you and your people”
“as longer I live no other man will take you “
“You belong to someone worthy not Katang nor the avatar “
  “but me” those words refuse to leave Zuko’s mouth, he is still afraid of confessing his love for his dear princess.
Katara listens carefully and fondly of Zuko´s passionate claim, in her heart she knows Zuko will always be there for her.
Katara can't deny what the passion and determination of Zuko makes her feel.
For a moment Katara Zuko looks like a dragon waking up, claws on fire burning the ground below, enraged because an intruder has the audacity to steal his treasure, she can’t refute that makes her blush, Zuko is fire made man.
  “Zuko if you ever see a man wearing an armband with the symbol of the southern tribe, he is scum chosen for me.”
  “I will pay attention... trust me I will pay attention to the man who wants to take you away from me” this time he says out loud.
  Katara Hug Zuko as a thanks for the promise he made, to be there for her.
Zuko happily hugs her back but unlike Katara, his hug is not only tender but also passionate, greedy with adoration for the master waterbender, the amazing girl, the owner of his heart, Katara.
Before the hug ends the fire prince has some words for his future princess, something he wants to say.
“Can you feel them, can you feel the heat in my hug, in my chest”
“Those are the flames inside me, burning, fire willing to consume the world if necessary, in order to protect you and make you happy.”
“my flames will scare anyone foolish enough to try to take you away… they will know what fire does when it's angry”
  Katara blushes how not to when the eyes of Zuko are shining with love for her, fire is not only the element of destruction but is also the element of life, the power that keeps you warm during a storm, the element that keeps wild beasts away. 
Now Katara knows Zuko’s flames are hers to adore and enjoy, flames meant for her.
  “Your flames are the most beautiful thing I´ve ever seen and feel, they are as beautiful as the sun their light bathing the land with their glory” says Katara enjoying the warm in the hug and the heat in Zuko´s body.
  After what it feels like a beautiful eternity the hug ends
“So Katara, are you ready for our spar?”
  “More than ready Zuko”, they quickly run towards the room they requested a while ago, the room is filled with ancient wooden statues depicting flying Bisons and old monks. All of them are flammable but Zuko doesn’t care if they burn or not, beside Katara did ask Aang if they are important since he didn’t move them it is clear they are not important. 
  “Finally, a good place to spar hurry up Zuko, I am in the mood for a good fight”
“It is a good time to try this new dragon fire you got. ”
  At first the battle goes fine but as the battle continues Katara notices Zuko is struggling with this new fire.
During the fight Katara wonders why Zuko is struggling.
Zuko knows exactly what is wrong, while the peasant with power, the avatar, has no issue with freebies, spirits giving him his fire abilities. 
While Zuko knows the problem, Katara has the answer, they complement when one has a question the other has the answer.
  “Zuko, I think I know what is wrong and how I can help you”?
“Your fire, the fire you showed me a month ago, was your own, your own style.”
“I think your fire is all messed up because your original teacher is you.”
“It was not some spirit, dragon or something, your fire is not some special gift from birth like Azula, your first flames were your own, that is why you are having problems, a dragon cannot tell you how to firebend”
“it was never a dragon or your uncle it is all you”
  Katara´s word made something inside Zuko click, the dying embers from his old fire become alive the chains keeping them tame breaks.
Passion is what fuels Zuko´s fire, his desire for being better keeps it alive and what makes it stronger is his desire to recover his crown, restore his honor, show the girl he loves what an amazing fighter he is.
Katara barely dodges the flames, the heat from the flames coming at her feels familiar. What a fantastic surprise Katara cannot stop smiling. She is fighting against Zuko’s old flames, they are back and even better they are more powerful when Zuko punches the fire blasts instead of being small bursts like usual they are now long and last longer like a flamethrower. The future fire lady is not afraid of Zuko's old fire, Katara is actually happy, this is the challenge she is looking for, those are the flames she finds so beautiful.
Now is Katara’s turn to take the initiative, sending a powerful stream of water she manages to hit Zuko right in the chest, making him fly across the room and crash into a nearby wall.
Katara knows Zuko can do better, and she knows how.
Pushing her luck, Katara does something against common sense, she doesn’t care what her brother may think about this idea or Aang.
Passion and Anger the Ying Yang of Zuko´s fire, Katara is going to bring back his Yang, awake Zuko’s anger
  “Is that all the prince can do, I can feel your passion in your flames but where is that anger or do you become soft serving tea?”
  “You want to see anger Katara, let me show you what fire can do”  
  Zuko focuses not only on his passion and love for Katara but also in his anger.
Zuko is angry with the avatar because of him he never had time to explain things to Katara, how the avatar was the key to restore his honor and stop the war, with Katara on his side the avatar has no chance sadly she was blindly following the avatar all over the earth kingdom to the north pole.
Zuko is angry with the people of the great city of Ba Sing Se, so much corruption, poverty how Zuko wanted to change things, but he was powerless. 
Zuko is angry with Katara’s friends and her sister tribe, all of them suggesting she is better with the avatar.
He is angry with his uncle, he insists the world is worth more than him, that we all should bow to the avatar. He is angry with her sister, the one who lies and is trying to steal his crown, he is angry with his father.
In a blink of an eye, the fire coming from Zuko changes, it lasts longer but now is hotter, the entire room heats because of the Zuko's fire, everything around them is now burning, the wooden statues, the paintings, everything even the rugs. The temperature surely is intolerable for lesser benders, neither Katara nor him are lesser bender Katara is the Master of Water she can easily cool her body down, for the Master of Fire Zuko the room is paradise.
  The fight is intense, each time Zuko's foot touches the ground waves for fire spread through the floor, massive flame from the prince's first aiming the waterbender, Katara dodges them all while wearing a beautiful smile, she is eager to see more, she is happy for him.
  The room became an inferno, fire everywhere even the air is burning, with each attack from Zuko Katara’s water becoming steam, so hot it would probably burn the skin of people, yet it is not harming him nor Katara.
Zuko smiles knowing why the hot steam is not burning them. water will always obey its master and its master is Katara and she will never allow her element, or anyone hurt him.
the combination of his flames and her water would burn everyone except them. 
The fight has to end at some point and Zuko knows how, closing distance Zuko tackles Katara making her fall to the ground with him on top.
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                                                                                            What amuses Zuko is Katara’s reaction to their new position. Her legs are opening giving him more access, her body, her instincts are eager for him, lusting after him even if Katara still doesn’t realize it yet, her body does, she wants his seed to be inside her, they are made for each other.
Zuko is more than happy to satisfy Katara's desire, he pushes his hip making his virile member grind against Katara, precum threatening to stain his pants, his dick slowly getting hard, making her know how big he is, how big he is for her and only her.
He is fire made man; his massive cock is for his princess Katara to enjoy.
Zuko is adoring the blush on Katara's face, how red her face is and all thanks to the sensation of his dick on her, her skin feeling how his cock is growing. Zuko body is on fire he can’t stop his flames overflowing his chest with each breath he exhales small flames making Katara’s face shine in the beautiful color of a sunset, Zuko is also in love with his princess eyes, how those beautiful eyes look at him with confusion but also desire. 
  Sadly, the avatar has to interrupt them, his plan to make his katara, his princess fancy him, lust him as he lusts her, that plan failed…. for now.
  “What is happening here” Aang yells, watching the entire room in flames, everything burning in passionate fire, all statues are burning, the books, old furniture, paintings, etc.
Every single item from his dying culture is gone, but not only that is making Aang livid, the fact Zuko is on top of Katara in an obvious erotic situation.
Katara on the floor with Zuko on top in a tender but passionate missionary position
  “Get away from her you bastard” yells Aang.
  “Why, we were training, and I fell on top of her.”
  Instead of standing, Zuko lift his hip a little and pushes against Katara nether regions. It is a shame clothes make him unable to show his true length. He is clearly bigger than his clothes are showing. 
An unavoidable moan leave  Katara´s lips and Zuko is more than satisfied with her reaction but that is not enough, not when Katara is asking for more, her legs open a little more to make her and him comfortable, still on her Zuko move his hips down and up rubbing Katara nether regions with his massive bulge, if his pants was spare from getting dirty before now an obvious stain from his precum appears on his pants, now Zuko is finally satisfy, he accomplish his goal he saw Katara’s beautiful face when she moans. 
  “I guess I fell again on top of her, lucky for me she is not mad.”
Aang doesn’t  believe a single word, he is sure Zuko was grinding his member on Katara, on proposed but he has no real evidence because he missed the wet spot in Zuko’s pants and also missed Zuko’s clear massive erection.
So Aang´s only proof of Zuko lying about falling on top is the lust in his eyes, that wicked smile and how he seems to enjoy Katara´s moan, without any real proof Aang decides to lie to himself of course Zuko will not try to take away Katara from him and make her fall in love.
Maybe Aang can lie to himself about Zuko not courting Katara but he can’t deny the entire room is burning, his nation heritage on fire so Aang in a rare show of anger he blasts air towards the room extinguishing the flames.
  “What is wrong with you Zuko, first doing the spirit knows what to Katara and this… you are burning everything”
“These are the few things left I have from my nation.”
  Katara now standing up trying to recover some dignity, after all they were in an awkward position, but it was an accident, Zuko just fell, right? Katara naively thinks. 
She is really trying not to think how good the “accident” felt, how much she enjoyed the hot flames on her face, the heat in Zuko’s chest, how her core was warming up, how big he is, how hard he was, and the worst part, how right it felt to be with him.
  “Aang stop fighting because this is mainly your fault, I do remember personally asked you if you can move the things in this room, but you didn’t, we all thought since you didn’t move them, they were not important, so it was okay for us to practice here”
  “What are you saying Katara? Even if that was true, do you think burning everything is okay!?”
  Katara yells back, angrier than Aang “Of course, is okay, we were sparing, you know fire and water what else did you expect to happen!”
  Before Aang could respond, Zuko interrupts annoyed of Aang and his yelling towards Katara, he should not be yelling at all, he must not yell to his princess,
  “Aang, she asked you, you didn’t move them, is your fault, move on”
Zuko doesn’t miss his chance to look better in front of Katara and impress Katara.
“is good to know the heritage of the former air nation is good on catching fire, I will take that in consideration the next time I firebend” Zuko makes a particular emphasis the word former, making it clear the air nation doesn’t longer exist, an extinct nation that has nothing to offer to his future fire lady other than paintings of flying bison, ashes and ruins.
  “What did you say!!!” Zuko is lucky Aang can’t go into avatar state because he is truly mad.
  “Zuko, please be more careful with your words, I know you are mad because he is blaming you for something that is not your fault.”
“And please Aang stop yelling at us, was not our intention.”
“We honestly thought it was okay, we really believed those things were not important.” 
  Aang certainly can’t blame Zuko or Katara's actions, they are right, still Zuko behavior is getting more and more irritable and now Aang understands why, Zuko is acting like old Zuko.
  “Katara, may I speak with you alone.”
  “Yes, Zuko, can you leave us alone please.”
  “of course, Katara I can give you some space.”
Aang looks around making sure Zuko is not nearby, he doesn’t see him, but he is there listening, he never said how much space he is going to give them.
  “Katara, why aren’t you bothered by Zuko's behavior? He is acting the way he used to act when he was chasing us, hunting us. Why do you keep defending his actions?”
“He “put toph in place” using flames, he called me unworthy and now this, telling me those nasty things. I get he is angry, but he was extremely mean.”
“He is in a dark path, becoming the old Zuko we hate.”
  Aang is expecting Katara to agree with him, but she does the opposite which shocks the avatar because Katara is always on his side but this time she is not.
“Maybe it is the Zuko you hated but I don’t ” Katara replies a little angry because of Aang's assumption she hated Zuko, even as enemies Katara never harbor hate in her heart against Zuko and Ba Sing Se is the proof.
“you know why I am supporting him because I am tired of the Zuko who apologized for everything even if he doesn’t feel it”
“I am tired of everyone telling Zuko he is just a commoner, did you guys forget he is not a nobody, he is a proud prince, proud of his heritage, proud of his crown and you took that away from him”
“I hate Zuko keeping his mouth shut all the time.”
Katara takes a deep breath, she is sure Aang won’t like what she is going to say next because she will openly admit a big secret, the traits Zuko used to have those traits Aang surely disagree and dislike, Katara finds them charming in Zuko.
“So yes, I do like the old Zuko more, the one who hunted us.”
“Yes, he was merciless but that was the product of his passion, one of the things I like the best in him.”
“Maybe he was a little annoying back then when he angrily yelled at us but remember this, for how long he was told to never says anything and you are doing the same now… well not me, I won’t”
“Even during his attack in kyoshi, where you saw senseless destruction, I saw an honorable prince doing the best he can, sure he almost burnt an entire village but before doing it he let us know if we don´t come out he will attack.
“The truth is, we were cowards, we hid among civilians. you shouldn’t forget he aimed the roof his goal was avoid as many civilian casualties as possible, he is an honorable soldier.”
“That is the Zuko I like the most, the proud arrogant jerk, the jerk who pushed me to be more powerful, to be more than a simple girl traveling with the avatar, he pushed me to be his match, he never looks down on me, he saw what I am, what I will become, a powerful bender with a strong Will, the girl willing to fight the world.”
“If what I am doing is pushing Zuko into this so-called dark path as you said, even If you are right and his path is dark, be sure he will be my light in it.”
  Aang is in shock, the avatar knows Katara has some sort of connection with Zuko, an unspoken understanding, they will never hurt each other badly, they will help each other when they are in need of help, the first clue the avatar had of that dynamic between them was in the north pole. Sokka told him about the incident how Katara pretended not caring but her body language told his brother they must bring Zuko back too.
The second clear clue is how they battle, she never fights him using her full abilities Ba Sing Se was the proof of that, while Katara was willing to rip Azula´s arm and leg, she never did that to Zuko, their fights are more like a dancing of their elements, testing their limits, their fighting abilities and how far they can push it, improve together.
Never in his mind Aang could have imagined Katara finds some charm in Zuko, Aang has to directly ask and hope he is wrong.
“So Katara, you are saying you like more the Zuko, the one you call the proud prince, the firebender who hunted us rather than the Zuko who is currently helping us”
Katara's answer is simple, there is no room for hesitation.
  That was Katara’s last word before angrily marching toward the camp, leaving a puzzled avatar and a happy Zuko who heard what his future princess said, Katara loves Zuko´s true self.
  “Avatar, I am not done with the hunt but this time it will end differently. I don’t need the avatar to get my honor back, I just need Katara my princess.”
  End of chapter 1
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harpagornis · 1 year
Multituberculate Earth: Monotremes
Monotremes, in our timeline the sole non-therian mammals, are much less out of place in this alternate history. Many of their most unique features, like sprawling limbs, venomous spurs, multiple headed penises and egg laying from which poorly developed fetal babies are spawned, are way more common with allotheres around. Still, their fleshy “beaks” full of electroreceptors are like no other, and they amusingly share tribosphenic teeth (when they’re not toothless) and “normal” chewing with the unrelated therian mammals, as opposed to the palinal stroke and odd teeth of multituberculates.
In both timelines, the early Cenozoic was a period of exploration for these animals. Monotrematum sudamericum and the earlier Patagorhynchus pascuali are the first (and, in our timeline, only) monotremes to occur outside of Oceania in South America, while at this point echidnas split off from platypodes according to genetic data, likely evolving in isolation in New Guinea where they lost their aquatic habits. In Australia proper, the Obdurodon assemblage (which may or may not be ancestral to modern Ornithorhynchus platypodes) dominates the lakes and rivers, some attaining lengths of over a meter.
All of this also happens in this timeline, but the late Eocene sees the evolution of marine monotremes in the southern oceans. The absence of cetaceans and the formation of the nutrient rich circumpolar current encouraged these animals to forage in the sea, and soon they underwent an adaptative radiation, producing mollusc eaters, piscivores, filter feeders and even macropredators.
The Oligocene saw the arrival of other marine mammals to Antarctic waters, but conversely monotremes migrated northwards, soon attaining a cosmopolitan presence. With a smaller diversity of large fish than in our world, marine mammals were free to diversify exponentially, and in the case of monotremes they retained much of their diversity, with increasingly specialised durophagists, suction feeding cephalopod predators and filter feeders arising as well, the latter the most abundant.
Of the marine mammals in this timeline, they are arguably the most cetacean-like, with forms refining electroreception like our odontocetes developed sonar and others becoming analogous to baleen whales. Several species have developed vivipary and became fully marine, though a few still need to return to shore to breed.
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bantennewscoid-blog · 2 months
Peneliti Bingung Ada Tanda Baru Kiamat Muncul dari Bawah Antartika
Fenomena aneh muncul di Antartika yang membuat para peneliti bertanya-tanya. Hanyutan Angin Barat atau disebut Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) kini mencapai puncak arus terkencang sepanjang masa, seiring dengan kenaikan temperatur Bumi. ACC merupakan arus air laut terbesar di dunia yang arahnya bergerak searah jarum jam jika dilihat dari Kutub Selatan, dari arah barat ke timur di sekitar…
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3acesnews · 2 months
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The Antarctic Circumpolar Current Is Speeding Up – And It’s Not The First Time
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spacenutspod · 4 months
In November 2023, the monster iceberg A23e finally dislodged from the seafloor after being grounded and stuck there for 40 years. A series of recent satellite images show that the mighty iceberg is now heading away from Antarctic waters, seeking fame and fortune in the high seas. A23a measures 4,000 sq kilometers in area and is over 280 meters thick, and is currently the world’s largest iceberg. Its first path will follow the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, heading towards South America. Tiny Elephant Island, an ice-covered, mountainous island off the coast of Antarctica seen in the image above, has an area of only 215 sq km. ESA’s Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite and NOAA’s Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) onboard the GCOM-W1 satellite have been keeping an eye on the moving behemoth, which appears to be driven by winds and currents. Scientists estimate it is moving at a rate of about 4.8 km (3 miles) each day, but that could change as it enters the currents. Iceberg A23a separated from the Fichner-Ronne ice shelf in West Antarctica in 1986. It was so big that it became grounded, stuck to the seafloor, and remained in position for 40 years. ESA said it is not unusual for icebergs to become grounded, but over time they shrink enough to become unground and float. An animation from Copernicus Sentinel-1 images shows iceberg A23a’s movements from 2 November 2023, 14 November 2023 and 26 November 2023. Credit: ESA. A23a is a biggie, but it’s not the largest ever. It is only about one-third the size of the biggest iceberg in recorded history, B-15 which calved off of Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf in 2000. The B-15 iceberg covered more than 10,878 square km (4,200 square miles) when it broke away, according to NASA’s Earth Observatory. B-15 has since fractured into numerous smaller bergs, and most have melted away. Like many icebergs before it, A23a is being propelled it towards the South Atlantic along a trajectory commonly referred to as ‘iceberg alley’, because of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The post The World's Largest Iceberg Sets Sail for Adventure Beyond Antarctic Waters appeared first on Universe Today.
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bopinion · 5 months
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2023 / 51
Aperçu of the Week:
"Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone."
(Charles Monroe Schulz, American cartoonist and the creator of the Peanuts)
Bad News of the Week:
The marine Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in Bremerhaven, Germany, wanted to investigate the relationship between the octopuses in the Antarctic in order to reconstruct the colonization of the Southern Ocean. What they discovered by chance is a shocking indication of an impending climate catastrophe that scientists have already feared: the ice sheet of the western Antarctic is on the verge of collapse.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has always described the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet as one of the great unknowns in global climate events. One thing is certain: if it were to melt, sea levels worldwide would rise by up to five meters. That would be the end of island archipelagos such as the Maldives and the Bahamas. The same applies to metropolitan areas such as New York City, Shanghai, Calcutta and Rio de Janeiro. 60% of the world's population live in coastal regions. They would all lose their homes.
Why? The study of drill cores and the analysis of sediments prove that a good 120,000 years ago the climatic conditions were practically the same as they are today. Based on the genetic material of Antarctic octopus populations, it can be deduced that the species from the Wedell Sea and the Ross Sea genetically exchanged 120,000 years ago. For the palm-sized octopuses, which are sedentary and do not migrate, the approximately 7,000 kilometers around the Antarctic Peninsula towards South America are insurmountable.
Unless, of course, an ice sheet that did not exist at the time had opened up the direct connection through which the Antarctic Circumpolar Current would wash. The scientists have therefore come to the conclusion that this ice sheet could not have existed during the so-called "Eemian Warm Period" of the interglacial period. A time that corresponds to our climatic conditions, which have been heated up unnaturally quickly by mankind.
Warm water currents are already melting the ice from below. As a result, the submerged grounding line is retreating by one to two kilometers per year - a historically unprecedented rate. The Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers still protect the West Antarctic ice sheet behind them. However, if this barrier falls, the huge masses of ice in West Antarctica will slide into the ocean. And cause global sea levels to rise by up to five meters. The majority of humanity will be doomed. And forced to move. Welcome to Bavaria at over 500 meters above sea level. Unfortunately, we and comparable regions don't have enough space and food for everyone. You can imagine what will happen.
Good News of the Week:
The wisdom of age. It has always been a respected level of experience, composure and aplomb that is only achieved over the course of many years. Or not, if you consider Joe Biden's decision to run again for the US presidential election. But that's not the point here, because this week I'm delighted by the wisdom of two old men from South America: Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina, better known as Pope Francis.
Lula da Silva, who has been in office for a year now, has fulfilled one of his key election promises, which is important for the whole world, surprisingly quickly: to significantly slow down the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and stop it in the long term. Initial figures for 2023 show that the under Jair Bolsonaro - who also proved to be a dangerous idiot in this respect - increased rates of around 12,000 square kilometers of annual deforestation have been less than halved. Thanks to stricter penalties for illegal deforestation and the designation of new protected areas.
I am confident that the destruction will be further reduced. After all, during his first and second terms in office from 2003 to 2011, the area lost each year fell from over 26,000 to around 7,000 square kilometers. Lula da Silva's commitment is therefore fundamentally out of conviction and not due to any trend or current political strategy. Thank you. And go on please.
Pope Francis was associated with many hopes. Above all for a renewal of the Catholic Church, which for good reason is seen as a conservative men's club that has fallen out of time. Unfortunately, he has delivered little, which is probably due to the encrusted structures that one individual is unable to overcome.
For example, celibacy still applies, although countless cases of abuse clearly prove that this is not achievable by a large proportion of the staff. Similarly, women are still barred from holding any church office, even though it is now the 21st century and equal rights are enshrined in the constitution even in dictatorships.
Another demand, on the other hand, is now being met with the declaration "Fiducia supplicans" ("Imploring trust"): the recognition that there are also respectable civil partnerships outside of the marriage of a heterosexual couple. This is because the declaration of principles now allows Catholic clergy to bless unmarried and even homosexual couples. Thank you. And go on please.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Around Christmas, you can find a lot of advice in the media on how to survive difficult family constellations. The core message is to take a step back and bite your own tongue for the sake of peace. My wife and I have also managed to do this this year. After all, my children and parents like to have "the whole family" around the table, especially on big holidays. In our case, that includes my children's mother and her partner. And it worked, I only got the apparently unavoidable affront on the morning of Christmas Day. But at least we got through Christmas Eve without conflict.
I couldn't care less...
...that the Supreme Court has postponed the decision on whether Donald Jessica Trump can be held criminally liable for his actions in office or enjoys immunity, without giving reasons. Special prosecutor Jack Smith had initiated the proceedings in order to be able to prosecute Trump for his various attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election result.
But whichever court sentences the former and possibly re-elected US president for whatever, his voter base is apparently completely indifferent. On the contrary. It plays into the cards of his role as a victim of the party-politically motivated witch hunt and helps him to stage himself as an outsider to the Washington establishment.
As I write this...
...the newly crowned Argentine President Javier Milei presents the first parts of his "shock therapy" for the country. He names socialism as the root of all evil, which has led the country into economic hell. But he is the messiah who will trigger radical change and make Argentina a world power again. Yes, he said that on national television.
His first measures include repealing rent laws, abolishing industrial subsidies, facilitating privatization, restricting the freedom to demonstrate, converting all state-owned companies into private companies, relaxing fire safety laws, liberalizing markets and much more. It is slowly becoming clear why Milei calls himself an "anarcho-capitalist".
Post Scriptum
There is a place in Brandenburg called "Himmelspfort" ("Gateway to heaven"). There is a post office there, which has become the official Christmas post office over the years, to which many children send their wish lists. There were 300,000 this year. Not just from Germany, but from 59 countries. Top five: China, Poland, the Czech Republic, Greece and Lithuania.
This year, younger girls wanted dolls and play figures, while boys asked for toy cars and building blocks. The older ones (of course) wanted tablets, smartphones and gaming gear. However, other wishes dominated, such as health for grandma and grandpa. And far and away in first place: "Peace in the world". Once again, it would be nice if adults would listen to children.
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mattnicholls69 · 7 months
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iilssnet · 1 year
About Ross Sea, facts and maps
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The Ross Sea is a deep bay of the Southern Ocean in Antarctica, between Victoria Land and Marie Byrd Land and within the Ross Embayment, and is the southernmost sea on Earth. It derives its name from the British explorer James Clark Ross who visited this area in 1841. To the west of the sea lies Ross Island and Victoria Land, to the east Roosevelt Island and Edward VII Peninsula in Marie Byrd Land, while the southernmost part is covered by the Ross Ice Shelf, and is about 200 miles (320 km) from the South Pole. Its boundaries and area have been defined by the New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research as having an area of 637,000 square kilometres (246,000 sq mi). The circulation of the Ross Sea is dominated by a wind-driven ocean gyre and the flow is strongly influenced by three submarine ridges that run from southwest to northeast. The circumpolar deep water current is a relatively warm, salty and nutrient-rich water mass that flows onto the continental shelf at certain locations. The Ross Sea is covered with ice for most of the year.
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What is special about the Ross Sea?
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It contains rare and vulnerable benthic species such as unique sponges that live for up to 500 years, breeding grounds and habitats for Antarctic toothfish, and other areas of importance for ecosystem integrity. What lives in the Ross Sea?
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The Ross Sea is abundant with whales and seals. Killer Whales, Humpback Whales, Minke Whales, Leopard Seals, Crabeater Seals and Ross Seals can be expected during our Ross Sea voyages. What is happening in the Ross Sea? In a climate change related phenomenon, these winds are increasing in speed and frequency. Thus, the Ross Sea is producing more sea ice than ever before, at least for the time being. Surrounded on all sides by hundreds of kilometers of floating ice, pockets of open water teem with life. Why is the Ross Sea called the last ocean? South of New Zealand and deep in the Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean, the 1.9 million square-mile Ross Sea is sometimes called the "Last Ocean" because it is largely untouched by humans. Why does the Ross Sea not freeze? The Ross Ice Shelf is considered more stable, at present, than many of West Antarctica's other floating shelves—and this observation could help explain that: if a few inches of sea water periodically freezes onto the bottom of its ice, this could buffer it from thinning more rapidly. Is the Ross Sea cold? The waters of the Ross Sea are a chilling -1.5°C and yet the depths remain unfrozen because the ocean's salty water lowers the freezing point. Most organisms would freeze to death in waters so cold, yet the Ross Sea is filled with life. How deep is the Ross Sea?
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The Ross Sea is relatively shallow, and it accounts for up an area that is approximately 960,000 square km (370,000 square miles). In many areas, the Ross Sea does not extend down more than 300 meters (985 feet) to the sea floor, but the southwestern section reaches a depth of 914 meters (3,000 feet). Who owns the Ross Sea? At least ten mammal species, six bird species and 95 fish species are found here, as well as many invertebrates, and the sea remains relatively unaffected by human activities. New Zealand has claimed that the sea comes under its jurisdiction as part of the Ross Dependency. Read the full article
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randomfactaday · 1 year
Random fact a day #10
The world's largest ocean current is the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which flows clockwise around Antarctica.
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tt-squid · 1 year
antarctic circumpolar current <333
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Iceberg A-76A in the Drake Passage In October 2022, a clearing in the clouds revealed a huge, geometric piece of ice floating in the Drake Passage. This is Antarctic iceberg A-76A—the biggest remaining piece of what was once the largest iceberg floating in the world’s oceans. The berg is visible in this natural-color image, acquired on October 31, 2022, with the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite. Notice the iceberg’s long tabular shape is distinct from the sea ice farther south in the Southern Ocean. (Icebergs are not sea ice; they are the floating fragments of glaciers or ice shelves, whereas sea ice is frozen seawater that floats on the ocean surface.) The iceberg’s parent berg (A-76) broke from Antarctica’s Ronne Ice Shelf in May 2021. At the time, it was the largest iceberg anywhere on the planet. Within a month, the iceberg lost that status when it broke into three named pieces. The largest of those pieces—Iceberg A-76A—now drifts nearly 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) away in the Drake Passage. The passage is a turbulent body of water between South America’s Cape Horn and Antarctica’s South Shetland Islands, including Elephant Island visible in this image. Despite the long journey, the iceberg’s size remains remarkably unchanged. In June 2021, the U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC) reported that A-76A measured 135 kilometers long and 26 kilometers wide—a total area equal to about twice the size of London. In October 2022, USNIC reported that the berg maintained the same dimensions. It remains to be seen where A-76A will drift next. It is already more than 500 kilometers north of its position in July 2022, when the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellite showed the berg passing the Antarctic Peninsula. Sentinel-1 satellites carry synthetic aperture radar instruments, which can observe surfaces even in the darkness of austral winter. As they continue to drift north, icebergs are usually pushed east by the powerful Antarctic Circumpolar Current funneling through the Drake Passage. From that point, icebergs often whip north toward the equator and quickly melt in the area’s warmer waters. NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE and GIBS/Worldview. Story by Kathryn Hansen.
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