#Critter Tarot Project
maxwellander · 9 months
Making a Roguelike adventure (for Himbos!)
A few months ago a young man put up 38 transparent neon NES and super NES game cases on marketplace. I bought them, completely unsure of what I would do with them, but sure i had to have them. Obviously, my first thought was “limited print rpg something something”. I’ve also wanted to release something to support Himbos recently since it’s, like, a really good game and it deserves my love and attention. So maybe something video game inspired? Like a classic RPG style project? No, that’s been done a lot by people more attached to those old game than me. I knew I also didn’t want to just make a dungeon because I have a back burner project that is a big dungeon for Himbos that I’m hoping to get out by the end of the year. SO THEN WHAT.
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I often have intrusive design thoughts while falling asleep. Things like “pvp face-off game” (vis-a-visage) or “time travel discord message editing game” (someday). A few weeks ago, the intrusive thought of the night was “Roguelike adventure generator”. Roguelike adventure generator? What do those words even mean. How does adding Roguelike to the classic idea of adventure generators change what it does? Well, it turns out im gonna try and figure it out. Or rather, I have been trying to figure it out.
For me, the thing about Roguelike video games, is the balance between the overarching narrative, buffs/powerups that make you feel like your progressing and random obstacles/environments/problems that occasionally repeat elements. The generation part is the easiest for me, breaking down the elements that an adventure needs to go brrrrr. For me this came down to Landmarks (fun environmentmental elements), Problems (adventure hooks), NPCs, Events/Complications, and then some Critters. What I didn’t want to do was just make a bunch of tables to roll on. I love a good table, but one of the things I love about randomly generated video games is the potential for a level to be strangely easy or just really overwhelming, so I wanted a way to change the amounts and rations of the elements being generated. I suppose i could have done something where you roll a d4 for each element to determine how many of them to include in a run, but that feels so uninspired and why not over complicate something when you can!
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Enter custom tokens. Any tokens could do, really, but the idea of tossing a bunch of tokens onto a table to generate an adventure brings me joy! Originally, I thought this would just mean gleaning information from face up or down, each type of token representing one of the elements involved, giving a randomized number of NPCs or Problems and such. I then realized that there was another axis that could be accessed, that of rotation. The tokens could be read like tarot, as upright or inverted. Face up or down could also indicate a different state beyond simply present or not.
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Ok, great, so level (adventure) generation sorted. But what about the overarching quest. How do you finish the whole thing?
I’ve recently started playing a game of Apocalypse Keys by Rae Nedjadi. It’s a great game, that takes the mystery mechanic from Brindlewood Bay, which I have priory been associated with through playing The Between. I love it. Everytime I encounter it I am reminded that, as a player, it is the single most fun I’ve had interacting with a mechanic in any game in recent memory. Each game does it a little differently, but the idea is simple - the players collect clues or hints, and when they feel like they have a good idea of what’s going on, they present their theory and then roll to determine how right they are. In Apocalypse Keys, the clues are extremely evocative vignettes that are all themed to the mystery at hand. But I’ve always wondered what happens if they were completely random. The wonderful thing about the mechanic is that the players will absolutely figure out a way to work each clue into their theory, they will justify that most seemingly random bit of information is ways previously unimaginable. So, it might actually work if random, or, for the application in this design, as more broad and less specific to the scene at hand. The clues have now become the reward for finishing the level at hand, and because giving your players a unique and special piece of equipment is always fun, i’ve linked them to Objects Of Power the entity causing the glitch has left behind. It’s important to remember that all this is for Himbos of Myth & Mettle so OoPs are things like a small box that emits exciting foley sounds when your character is in combat and the visions (clues) that you see when you grasp it for the first time range from images of rat kings to slightly more lewd moments between hidden figures.
The loop as it stands now - Generate level through tossing tokens and rolling on appropriate tables, characters hunt for Objects of Power, and the clues they hold to the larger mystery of the regenerating, repeat until characters feel confident they understand (again, Himbos, the theories will be wild), roll to see if right, and if so move on to a final confrontation with the entities they’ve designed, or they fail and must return to collect more clues till they come up with another idea.
I finally got around to printing some test tokens and attempting to generate a level. Behold, the first session of Bugbears of Unusual Size and Other Tales:
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sirladysketch · 10 months
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We're allowed to share our full illustrations for the Of Folk & Fable tarot project!
I had the Page of Earth, featuring the Scottish critter Cat Sith (cait sithe, cat sidhe, etc, spellings may vary). Tales of this kitty vary, from stealing souls to granting wishes. Either way, not a critter to cross!
We're also SUPER close to our final stretch goal, be sure to check the project's page for more info.
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panderp123 · 9 months
Reaching Out: Mollymauk Oracle
To all Critter artists! I would love to do a beautiful collaboration with my knowledge and experience of Tarot/Oracle.
I have ordered the beautiful Mollymauk Tealeaf Oracle. There are 10 blank cards I’d love to fill with the art of the community.
I do have one or two ideas to expand the deck that was started by Talisen & Laura aka Molly & Jester.
I think it would be a beautiful mini project to celebrate the Return of the Mighty Nein in October.
I’d gladly sit with the artists interested and of course if they wish to be compensated we can work out something. (Just need to save up a little lol)
The idea is to make stickers by fans to place on the blank cards, especially for those who don’t know how to draw but love the work of oracle cards etc. Selling the stickers via Etsy or Redbubble (artist’s preference).
This may be a silly idea and may lead to nowhere but no harm in reaching out and seeing what the universe provides 🙏
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violetmagician · 2 years
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I have a new kickstarter that just launched! This time a mini oracle deck featuring cute cryptids and folklore creatures. The deck is a simple design and is meant to be open to everyone whether you have tarot knowledge or not.
Along with it is a soft enamel pin set, done in the same cute style of various folklore critters and cryptids. Yeti and bigfoot will unlock along with the deck when the funding goal is reached, and there’s an additional 8 pin designs to unlock.
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humming-fly · 2 years
What about 3 and 5?
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weirdly specific artist ask meme
3. What ideas come from when you were little
Well my username for one! I came up with humming-flies way back in 6th grade - I rarely draw the critter but it's become my online brand at this point :V
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
it's fun to draw characters interacting with each other closely but I always have trouble managing it when there's multiple folks touching one another. Also really love nature stuff but anything purely organic is a huuge pain to convey properly, especially water
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
hmmm, well counting the art blog I think I probably post like, 80% of it? maybe 85? The majority of it does wind up online at some point via some sort of sketch compilation, but there is a healthy pile of doodles that live purely in discord chats or on my computer/in my notebook margins (actually if we count marginalia probs closer to only 70% of stuff winds up online lol)
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
ooooh yes haha - I try to keep a list of most of them on my carrd over here, my art portfolio also lists some of them, but my personal favorites have been the FMA Tarot project (my first ever zine! :D) and the FMA cookbook which like, genuinely slaps, the recipes are all so good. My most recent zine was actually a kingdom hearts tarot I was helping out with, and since then I haven't actually been in any super recently, more cause I haven't seen any projects that appeal to me atm rather than disinterest, I love being in zines, they're fun! (I even made my own that's available on my etsy haha - the shop's closed atm cause i'm out of town but will be back up later this week)
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costumerdelight · 1 year
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XIX: The Sun ft Twiggy (@DeborahAnnWoll) from @CriticalRole My contribution to the #CritterTarotProject from Summer 2020! Digital "papercraft" design.
This was my first contribution to the @artists-guild-of-exandria when it was called the Critter Tarot Project. I'm still happy with this piece, but I can see where I could improve it still.
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untethereddreams · 1 year
Revisiting my Herbal/Herbalism Tarot project and last night had the thought that I should turn it into a Herbiary Tarot instead. Like a bestiary for herbs in that the info would skew toward the esoteric and fantastical rather than the strictly scientific, which would cut my research period in half and let me be more whimsical with the actual writing. Especially because it divorces me from the need to be too objective and lets me get all creative with it a la my own interpretations of plants and what they stand for.
This reframing is actually reinvigorating my interest in this project since I can treat each card/plant as its own little critter. I’m still wondering if I should stick with existing research/our world or if I should go hog wild and create my own little world for these cards. Which brings me to a question:
Would y’all be more interested in a mostly reality-anchored Herbiary Tarot deck or would a completely fantastical Herbiary set in a different world (but still with our own plant lore as a jumping-off point) be more in your wheelhouse?
Let me know what you think!
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undercaffeinatedgeek · 4 months
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My Eternal Project...
I started this one when I went remote for work, and found myself hoarding tarot/oracle decks about as much as I do plants.
I wanted to make one based around DnD given how much it's meant to me over these years. It felt natural to combine my three passions. Art, DnD, and my love of Divination. However, since I'm only planning on making this a very limited run, it might not hit for all DnD fans. Given all the inside nods.
When I say limited run, I mean it. I'm only making this for myself (and all the characters I've been let's be honest they need this). As well as for a few others from parties past and present, or friends that have contributed beloved characters and settings. This will NOT be sold in my current or future shop.
But I will happily continue to share and stream when I create new ones! Anyway, click below if you want to know more about each card. This one was getting a bit too long. 💜
So for all these I think I'll list the Tarot card, with it’s general meaning. Just in case someone who isn't familiar with Tarot wants to know why I picked the people or images I did. I won't bother with the Reversed meaning, because it didn't influence my art in any way soooo...
I'm probably overthinking this...
The Sun - a joyous and happy outcome. Success at last! The freedom to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Celebration and pleasure. The clouds are finally lifted and you can proceed with confidence. Overall positive sign in a reading.
The Card - Meet Phallyn. (Fae-Lynn) This character belongs to a friend of mine that I have yet to play in a game with, but I just adore her characters. The backstories are just a delight to read. She is a cleric, devoted to Sarenrae (yes she's a Critter).
The Lovers - can often indicate a relationship coming into your life. Although usually romantic in nature, this relationship can be any sort where good communication is involved. If you are considering getting involved with someone for love or business this is a good card to see.
The Card - This card is particularly special to me because it meant a lot to my sister. So I didn’t want to overload it with details, I really wanted to focus on the characters themselves, and their love. She has had these characters for the long haul, playing them past lvl 20. Yes both of them lol, and they are super important to her. So please enjoy Jocelyn and Houston in a loving downtime embrace. Jocelyn here was born an aasimar and Houston became one later through… circumstances.
The High Priestess - trust your own instinct. Got a hunch about something? Go with it. This is the time to really listen to that nagging voice in your head sometimes referred to as your “gut”. Before making a decision of meaning or with an power to it, look inward first. The answers are all there within you.
The Card - This one is an old character of my own, and when I say old I mean old. I was still in school, when I last played her. I won’t age myself too much by giving too many details, sorry lol. But she’s a priestess of Ioun, you should see some iconography in the card dedicated to her. Her name is Morwan, named for my fav character from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles. She has a cat familiar named Pea, and I just adore her to bits even now. Maybe I should rehash her for a new game one day.
The Magician - a card of talent and power. You’ve got the skills to accomplish your goals at this time. It’s time to make the most of your abilities. Proceed with confidence. Know that you have everything you need to manifest whatever it is you have in mind right at your fingertips.
The Card - This was so much fun to make! This is the first card to feature one of my current party members. Woo Magical Menagerie finally being represented! In such style as well, by our golden boy and reluctant/in denial leader Raja. He’s the bard of our group and also somehow an unintentional musical superstar thanks to playing at one festival. That’s all it takes folks. So here he is, depicted playing in his final concert in Calendor. I made those glow sticks with vials and phosphorescent mushrooms. Our DM is very “rule of cool”. It was such a fun moment for all of us. I love this card the most so far. 💜
And lastly we have the card back, which is just a revamp of a magical circle I created previously with a ton of DnD iconography included. I postedpreviously about that if you want more info on all the little bits and bobs I snuck in.
Anyway hope you enjoy! I’ll post new ones as I finish them!
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sabathicy · 3 years
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Ace of Swords
This piece was made for The Critter Tarot Project!
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viktormaru · 3 years
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My card for the critical role tarot project! I got to draw Mollymauk for the Death card, and was really happy to do so!
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djwellsted · 3 years
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queen of swords
leylas and quana - great wisdom, power and grace, a harsh truth. reversed, apathy, thoughtlessness, and arrogance.
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skullymingo · 3 years
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My card for the Critter Tarot Project! Mine was The Magician with pallylock Fjord!
This was such a cool project to be part of and I'm so excited to finally be able to share this! I had a blast working with this card given how well it fit Fjord's arc.
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theashandpaper · 3 years
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🍷3 of Cups🍷
So excited to share my card featuring Mollymauks “Long may I reign” scene. This was such a delightful project to be apart of with so many talented artist!
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melodychi-art · 3 years
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My tarot card for the CritterTarotProject!
My card was the Page of Cups with baby Jester and Artagan.
It was an honour to have been part of this project!
Please check out @CRTarotProject on twitter to check out everyone's cards!! Everyone did and amazing work and all the cards are absolutely stunning!
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fel-fisk · 3 years
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(the clay family, reunited.)
upright:  abundance, prosperity, stability, devotion, family matters, a legacy or bequest.
   reversed: chance, financial or emotional loss, a bad risk, unfavourable odds\
((  my illustration for the Critter Tarot Project over on twitter ! My card was the Ten of Pentacles, so i painted the clay family reunion (after greater restoration for the upright, & petrified for the reversed) ))
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circuslollipop · 3 years
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my piece for the fanmade critter tarot project over on t/witter! i got to illustrate the ace of wands feat. a certain meeting in a tavern and i’m super thrilled!
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