ctrlemis · 1 year
hmm i wonder what won would have to say abt this bff . . .
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fungus-no69 · 13 days
School LIs x Pc/Reader (x Ivory Wraith)
You/your pronouns for pc, they/them pronouns for LIs, pc is mentioned to be uncanny and strange looking in general, pc is POSSESSED!!! by the IVORY WRAITH!!!!! attempted harassment by Whitney (it fails), burns in Sydney's, mentions of Kylar's parents (maybe spoilery???)
You're never really... here. Always a bit dazed with a faraway look in your eye, yet an alertness to you that means it can't just be disassociation or anything like that.
They see you talking to the mirror a lot, or if not, looking into alleys like you're supposed to be seeing something other than the knocked over bins and occasional stray. Even at the lake in the forest, you're crouched at the edge of it as water licks at your shoes. Sometimes, the shadows seem to warp around you or maybe, your eyes are just a bit too wide to be normal. Something about the way your knuckles jut out too far or even the way that your lip movements don't completely match up with what you're saying.
Sometimes they see you wandering around the street, like a puppet. Clumsy and artificial. If anyone did see your face in those times they'd comment on the vibrant, unnatural blue of your eyes. Or how your skin seems to lose any warmth in its undertones, or maybe the way that you hum to yourself- pressing a hand to your chest and holding onto your pyjama shirt.
They're incredibly concerned that they hadn't noticed before they woke up to seeing you climb out of your window???
Even when you disappear and only appear after a whole day- looking even more out of it than usual and covered in water and some... other sort of substance that Robin just doesn't want to think too hard about
They just assume that's another weird thing you do along with the... everything else.
Look they had reason to believe it's just normal 'you' behaviour okay!
They check on you each blood moon from then on, even offering for you to stay in their room at the end of each month.
If they see you trying to leave out of the window again they may panic and grab you- looking at your face and being chilled by your hollow expression, a smile that makes them uneasy crawling up your face as a voice that's not yours repeats their name
"Robin Robin Robin Robin"
'You' slip out of their grasp before they can react- disappearing behind the windowsill. They probably almost scream before seeing you're fine at the bottom.
They can't help you before you're gone, you'll probably return in the morning anyway.
This bitch ass motherfucker was probably skulking around the alleyways when they saw you staggering towards Nightingale street
They popped up behind you and grabbed your shoulders- hoping to make you squeal.
You didn't.
Simply continued walking.
Whitney just shrugged it off after a second of sulking, adding it to their internal list of your oddities (No they don't think of you often shut up)
They keep following you, teasing, mocking, sexual innuendos- you name it.
They pause when they see you take a beeline into the forest because what the fuck? No one except for tourists and people with a death wish go there (especially on a blood moon)
They're not superstitious per se but everyone and their fucking grandmother knows that what you're doing is a bad idea.
They grab your elbow and finally get a good look at your face, blank expression with unfocused blue eyes that look out of place on you.
For a moment they think they've been following the wrong person around. But that's impossible because they know what their slut looks like!
They open their mouth, probably to insult you or make a comment but nothing comes out when you start repeating their name with a manic grin.
They stumble when you wrench away, breaking into a sprint into the underbrush.
They go to follow you but you're already gone.
They instinctively know something's wrong when they wake up to you shambling out of the temple's pews
They know you're strange, that something's wrong with you on a good day! But this is a whole new level.
Even as goosebumps raise on the nape of their neck, something about you seems familiar. A lingering sense of deja vu keeping them from moving.
They manage to stand up after a minute, limbs feeling heavier with each step they make towards you. Even if they tried, they wouldn't be able to sleep now. The air is stifling and wrong.
You shriek when their necklace brushes your skin as they lean closer, it leaves a torrefied blue mark where it made contact.
Yeah no. That is not normal.
Even without their necklace scalding you, your scream leaves their ears ringing and their head pounding with agony. They can't hear themself over the sound of their heartbeat, bile rises in their throat and they can't process anything but the feeling of hands so cold they burn and the image of cobalt that sears itself into their mind no matter where they look or how hard they squeeze their eyes closed.
They must have been making some kind of noise though, because when they come to- they're kneeling on the floor in between pews with Jordan's hands on their shoulders and you're nowhere to be seen.
They were already following you as soon as they realised that you seemed even more off than usual
Somewhat similar to their parents before they became... whatever they are now.
They don't want you to end up like that! So they fight their body's urge to flee and appear at your elbow- you don't flinch, as per usual.
They hope their presence soothes you, it doesn't. You don't look as bad as they were imagining but their skin is becoming clammy just by being around you. And not in the normal way either!
They start to blabber to you, hoping to get your attention but you don't even spare them a glance! Now you're starting to freak them out.
They try to look at you properly, closer. They don't like what they see.
Blue eyes fixed in front of you, pallid cheeks, blue lips. Your eyes flick down for less than a second before a grin curls onto your lips and you grab them, calling their name
They love it when you say their name but not like that! Not when your voice echoes in their ears and makes their mouth go dry.
As much as their nails dig into your arms and they grasp as hard as they can, you manage to slip away- like their hands just... phased through somehow.
As much as they want to- need to chase you, their feet are rooted to the floor like something's holding them there. They can't do anything but watch as you depart into the forest.
They know that something was wrong! You wouldn't run away from them right? Yeah! That must be it! Something's taken control of you somehow!
They're not sure which idea makes their stomach churn more.
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ghouljams · 11 months
Poly fae got me thinking thoughts Bad naught dirty thoughts but not so much poly thoughts but thoughts never the less. House party leibling and love drunk kissing - just some hot girl shit and koenig and ghost find something they can finally agree on hot damn
Ghost comes back to the group with a basket of chips and a groan of annoyance. König looms anxiously, or perhaps angrily, vibrating with energy but frozen in place. Soap is as frozen as König is, his mouth open with an absolutely astonished grin, half laughing at the way you push your lips against Liebling's.
Liebling, at least, has the decency to look surprised.
Ghost wastes no time grabbing a wrapping a hand around your neck to pull you back. Turning you away from the danger zone and into the much friendlier wake of a well known evil, your moderately annoyed boyfriend. As soon as you're off of Liebling König scoops her up and holds her out of the way.
You very eagerly push onto your toes to kiss Ghost and are held at bay by his grip on your neck.
"What's the rule?" Ghost asks you, stern and unyielding as a brick wall.
"No kissing, no biting, no bitching." Soap snorts, you glare at him.
"Or I gotta go home," you pout, "but that was barely a kiss, it was like a peck at best!"
"I want an apology," König chimes in.
"Zip it," Ghost growls, quickly turning his attention to König and then back to you, "A rule is a rule, we're leaving."
"Just wanna butt in," Liebling waves from where she's been hoisted, "no apology needed. I'm going to have some great sex after this."
"Says who," König lowers her enough to glower at her.
"Says you, possessive bastard." She responds.
"Are we gonna fuck?" You look up at Ghost with your best 'please' face. He does not look amused.
"No." Damn.
"Are we?" Soap asks, Ghost shoots him a look, considers, then shakes his head. You stick your tongue out at Soap, who responds in kind.
"Come on, both of you out," Ghost hands you the basket of chips he'd procured and grabs the back of Soap's shirt, "Can't leave you alone for two bloody seconds without an incident."
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rainesol · 8 days
Twst fans I’m gonna hold your hand while I ask you this… Yk that ‘child of man’ isn’t an exclusive friendly nickname, right? And that he calls everyone that?
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ludinusdaleth · 2 months
im honestly very happy ira is one of if not the most beloved npc of campaign 3. and while i know most of his surface level appeal is the sheer unhinged faeishness of him, i think it fundamentally comes down to ira, despite his most un-human everything, being the most Man in his struggles as a fae can get.
as early as his intro he was set apart by past established fae, by working on technology, wearing a tattered suit. he was kicked out of the courts and the vanguard after they asked him to create their war weapons. he is a veteran of a mortal war, and got no accolades. he has spent 3 decades living in caves, taking the shittiest jobs imagineable just to get by, even torturing folk for his shit bosses again (the treshi job) because cash is cash. he knows folk will Just Die if they cant keep up and accepts it bluntly. his voice creaks with age & experience in the dust. it is easy to pin his pettiness & need for vengeance solely on the intensity of a fae til you see that he approaches even those goals with the rusty, tired caution of a man who was a spy, who understands the gravity of war, whose bosses have screwed him over so badly they made he, the nightmare king, scared.
he is a victim of the greed of the rich, easily isolated and made a scapegoat as a sole evil by them. he has lived a life with absolutely no lavish design. even artagan, whom i love with all my heart and find deep relateability in, is so disconnected with mortality at first, in large part because he was a literal fae lord. when vox machina adjusted the leylines to let artagan into exandria, ira was locked out of his home at the same time. ira has lived in the grime of the worst the fae courts and humanity has to offer, wanting to make a mark but always being a pawn hurt by a grand design. and so, while he clearly & obviously knows the difference between mortal & fae, he also knows there's really no defined line between who can hurt you worse... and how it shapes you. does your callousness begin with your fae nature, with everyone deeming you a monstrosity, or with your experience at the bottom rung? it all ends the same, regardless. i think it is fascinating to see the classism & even capitalism choking exandria and its sister realms, and ira is so fascinating because he is the primary example we have of that happening to a fae, and we get to see how that has gruffly shaped someone who could have been as utterly unphased & whimsical as a flower in the breeze.
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moeblob · 12 days
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Anyway they can change between being tiny and human sized. And when they're tinier they can only be seen by the other fae or their selected humans. So if you just passed Noll on the street while Shavuli was perched on his shoulder chatting away you wouldn't see or hear her.
#my characters#a lot of the fae who are trying to get noll to pick a human take turns joining him as he wanders if he opts to be human sized#if he opts to be small and fly around none of them can actually find him to follow bc he does it precisely to be alone#and makes careful to avoid all of them when he dips#which furthers their friendly obsession with him being their void like where is he we lost him we gotta go bring him back from the abyss!#and hes just off on his own being crippled by anxiety at being a disappointment bc what if he isnt fun enough#absolutely unaware that all his friends are like we gotta go find him hes too good at this#hes going to win the game we have clearly set up to involve humans before he even recruits a human#cause he is TOO GOOD at slipping away ITS NOT FAIR we love him what a weird fae thats our lil guy!#noll really is just out there impressing all of his friends and not knowing hes impressing them bc hes too scared of being abandoned#and i was telling rae but when he does find the human he wants as his for the game#hes like ok so im gonna be honest here i turn into a big sword and you are definitely not going to be strong enough to carry me#and the human just like ok then pick someone else?#and hes like no no i cant you dont get it youre resourceful and im resourceful THEREFORE! i have an idea! just for us!#and then proceeds to shatter himself into shards basically#so that the human can have many smaller easy to control swords rather than one too big sword#and when all of the other fae see it they are absolutely delighted bc they didnt know he could do that! thats so cool! wow! they love him s#and he doesnt tell them that it actually really flippin hurts and being broken is agonizing but he wants to win so badly#anyway hello appreciate the void fae noll and his lil buddy shavuli who can turn into a spear C:#in her human form though she loves to wear hoodies instead of just like .... a skin tight suit with draping fabrics#she does wear biker shorts bc leggy.... she likes to have legs free#but she likes hoodies a lot
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theriu · 8 months
Coming up with new, clever jokes for my mythical how-to guides is challenging. It can be a giant pain when the inspiration just won’t flow. And I know I may seem like a master of wordfae, but the good ones usually take much more than a minotaur two. Plus if I don’t deliver it right, the joke can dragon and on.
Still, I don’t wish to sound selkie! Plenty of problems dwarf this one, and I look back on most of my past guides faundly. Thanks for everyone’s kind notes and comments, they’re fairy much appreciated! I’ll let you know when I manage to leprechauncoct a new one.
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jimmy’s new wings being called “gift of the fae” and the fact that there are fae popping up and demanding favors is making my fae folklore brain go brrrr
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mothbbones · 8 months
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back six months after saying i should probably post my ocs at some point hi guys heres a fairy guy i've been working on they are incredibly normal
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sebek-zigbolt · 3 months
gueh, its all igni
#i#dont care#IDIA GOT 2 NEW ASSETS#pretends it doesnt bother me#for a guy who loves diasomnia i sure do hate A LOT of the choices in their chapter#hrmmmm#bothers me how technology beating magic is such a.. central theme of twst#like... why would i care... its a magic academy... obv u like magic if u like the games aesthetics and like... STORY idk#maybe i just hate everything igni stands for#and esp orthos AI ass#Whatevr theres no silver or sebek to keep my attention so im barely paying attention until malleus appears#Magic is like#part of u and nature and life esp for diasomnia and their fae ass#no the shota robot will beat the dragon FUCK OFFFFFF#Waits for my twst fan card to b revocked for who I hate#like if u wanted sth abt how its human to die and u cant live eternally and its ok to grieve but Humanity/Reality is good regardless#Ai is not... a good narrative choice for that#and like ikk magic is kinda innate but also they just had to make it a SKILL you TRAIN so it just gives... my ai can beat ur skill ^_^#throws up#I wanttt more malleuss#I love how evil he is and talks slowly but lets actuallyyy focus on him and his themes maybe next time#ON ONE HAND#i want more sebek content#on the other? I think we have had enough character assassination last chs so im ok ^_^#yea you go get the malleus egg its not like im insane abt malleus more than any other person or anything#ill just stand here when shit goes down🧍#I feel so loved and appreciated#im not desperate for it#and I have so much emotional intelligence ^_^#gurl
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jaw-bones · 1 year
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🌸🌼🌷 —ft. nepenthe & mallory
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asktadckrew · 5 months
Aeggg I'd cry alr even tho I don't have TADC OCs yet
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fungus-no69 · 28 days
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“The term of 'almost deer' is really fitting, not but quite accurate. It was like a deer that someone who had never seen a deer drew, but only after someone else described it to them.” - u/Ampersand_Dotsys
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faeriesaar · 11 months
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"Clear the Way!" Lesson 12-HM
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scribbling-dragon · 1 year
might just be me but i am obsessed with the fae stuff going on with empires right now??? like. none of them call the emperors by their names (bc like. fae hold power in names or smth) and they're granting wishes but they're also kinda bad and they play pranks on them (see: jimmy getting attacked by ravagers when the first creeper skull stuff was going on)
could just be that i love the concept of fae but i am desperate to know where they're all going with this tbh- is it a malicious force that is using them to get what they want? because the fae stuff in jimmy's ep was talking about recreating bodies (or something similar at least, because that's why they wanted the first creeper skull). so why do they want to have physical form? were they banished and unable to return without help???
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chronophobica · 5 months
“nobody cares about” “you dont care if you dont” “if anybody cared they’d” SHUT UP. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP i care SO much so often and so badly that it drives me up the walls okay i dont NEED stupid guilt inducing posts to make me feel worse than i already do in my current state
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