#Funny Words
disassociatesdegree · 5 months
I'm an idiot but secretly a genius but even more secret than that, I'm an idiot
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I'm in shape... Unfortunately, it's the shape of a potato - quickfunnyjokes
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cottoncandiescupcakes · 5 months
Weirdest Dutch words when literally translated.
Peanut butter = pindakaas = peanut cheese
Ladybug = lieveheersbeestje = sweet ruling small beast
Other word for lady bug = kapoentje = a word also used for a small rooster
Sandwich = boterham = butter ham
Hippo = nijlpaard = horse of the nile
Some weird cuss words:
mierenneuker = ant fucker
kloothommel = ball sack bumblebee
Pissebed = isopod. 'Pee in bed'
Oorwurm = ear worm or earwig
ijsberen = polar bearing aka pacing back and forth
pannekoek = pancake, also used to call someone an idiot.
The word 'gadverdamme' which basically means disgusting or ew, also shortened into 'gadver'
is a word taken from the cuss word 'godverdomme' which means god damn me, also shortened into 'godver'.
Pestlijer = plague sufferer. Other used with tyfus (typhus) and kanker (cancer)
Val dood = fall to your death
Ga naar de hel = go to hell
More word random words
Eekhoorn = squirrel aka old word for oak tree horn
Eenhoorn = unicorn aka one horn
Neushoorn = rhino aka nose horn
Patatje oorlog = war fries. French fries with peanut sauce, mayonaise and raw chopped onions. Way better than it sounds.
Hollandse nieuwe = Dutch new, the first caught young herring of the season to be eaten raw
Klok house = apple core aka clock house
Handschoenen = hand shoes, gloves.
Spijkerbroek = iron nail pants. Jeans.
@ is called an apenstaartje or monkey's tail
Schildpad aka turtle = shielded toad
Slachtoffer = slaughter sacrifice which is the Dutch word for ANY victim. Could be murder could be like, you got scammed.
The Dutch word for gums is tandvlees aka TOOTH MEAT
We are on crack
Slakken = snails
Naaktslakken = ‘naked snails’ (slug)
Mushroom is a paddestoel aka a chair for toads.
Vogelbekdier is platypus but it means literally bird beak animal
Huppelkut - skipping c*nt, a ditzy girl
Bakvis - baking fish, a teenage girl
Zeehond - sea dog aka seal LOL
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duckprintspress · 4 months
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What are a bunch of writers if not a huge collection of nerds who love words? So we at Duck Prints Press thought we'd celebrate National Word Nerd Day to share some words we love!! Seventeen of our authors contributed to this list, many offering up multiple favorites cause dang it we just love words that much! Definitions are from Merriam-Webster unless otherwise specified.
hurkle-durkle. scottish; to lounge in bed long after it’s time to get up
认床 [rèn chuáng]. (chinese) the feeling of having difficulty sleeping in a bed other than one’s own (definition from duchinese)
ubiquitous. existing or being everywhere at the same time: constantly encountered
plaudit. an act or round of applause
bubkes. the least amount; nothing
vituperative. uttering or given to censure: containing or characterized by verbal abuse
lugubrious. exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful
antithetical. being in direct and unequivocal opposition: directly opposite or opposed
consanguineous. of the same blood or origin – specifically: descended from the same ancestor
nacreous. possessing the qualities of, consisting of, or abounding in nacre; iridescent
pareidolia. the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern
defenestrate. a throwing of a person or thing out of a window; a usually swift dismissal or expulsion (as from a political party or office)
petrichor. a distinctive, earthy, usually pleasant odor that is associated with rainfall especially when following a warm, dry period and that arises from a combination of volatile plant oils and geosmin released from the soil into the air and by ozone carried by downdrafts
sanguine. marked by eager hopefulness: confidently optimistic; consisting of or relating to blood
hydrochlorothiazide. a diuretic and antihypertensive drug
eyjafjallajökull. a volcano in Iceland (source: wikipedia)
vestigial. remaining as the last small part of something that existed before
gloaming. the fall of the evening as the time of dusk or gloom; the twilight (source: wordnik)
insouciant. lighthearted unconcern, nonchalance
squamates. any of an order (squamata) of reptiles including the snakes and lizards and related extinct forms
flabbergasted. feeling or showing intense shock, surprise, or wonder: utterly astonished
rapscallion. a person who causes trouble, rascal
fiddlesticks. something of little value, trifle
liminal. of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold: barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response
ipsedixitism. dogmatic assertion or assertiveness
flibbertigibbet. a silly flighty person
oscillating. to swing backward and forward like a pendulum; to vary between opposing beliefs, feelings, or theories
fomite. an object that may be contaminated with infectious agents and serve in their transmission
sequelae. an aftereffect of a disease, condition, or injury
susurrus. a whispering or rustling sound
ascetic. practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline; austere in appearance, manner, or attitude
時々 [tokidoki]. japanese; sometimes (source: wictionary)
sequelae. an aftereffect of a disease, condition, or injury
onomatopoeia. the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it
bodzermoggl. (franconian) pinecone (definition provided by neo scarlett)
petrodraconic. a word created by australian rock band king gizzard & the lizard wizard (source: wikipedia)
What are YOUR favorite words? Tell us in the tags or comments!
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tyranqueen · 2 years
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living without ingo has not been easy for him 😔
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tavolgisvist · 6 days
The day John met Paul : an hour‑by‑hour account of how the Beatles began by Jim O’Donnell
I’m neither “a Lennon guy” nor “a McCartney guy”; I like both equally. <…> Moreover, my main goal was not to preside over a collection of Beatle minutiae but, rather, to make manifest the spirit of July 6, 1957, Liverpool; to get at the sense of what it was like to be alive at that time, in that place. While I have made the book as factually accurate as possible, I’ve tried just as hard to extract from those facts the essence of the day—to transmute the dusty facts into living images. <…>
In attempting this transmutation of superstar facts into people images, I’ve made much of how John and Paul felt about seeing each other play for the first time. Rock and roll meant the world to them both, but until that July day in the late fifties, neither had met anybody else who felt the same way. Seeing this hot new American music emanate from teenage Liverpool hands must have hit them where they lived.
Yet neither John nor Paul was known to wear his heart on his sleeve. One of McCartney’s teachers, for example, recalls the young man returning to school after the biggest tragedy in his life, his mother’s death in 1956, and seeming okay—just a bit more reserved. He knew how to publicly contain even his deepest feelings, as did Lennon. Just because the two teens didn’t display or articulate strong feelings at their first meeting doesn’t mean they didn’t have them. I know that many writers don’t see the day that way. Most, in fact, downplay the day’s events. One McCartney biography goes so far as to say, “There were no bolts of lightning that day.” Yet, given how important rock music was to both teenagers, I can’t picture either of them not being stirred at the sight of the other performing. Sparks had to fly in their rock and roll hearts. The simple fact is that for many years following, they chose each other above all others.
In essence, there really were bolts of lightning that day—and not just figuratively. During the course of my research, I had tracked down the exact times John Lennon’s band, the Quarry Men, had performed on that simmering summer Saturday. I discovered that, according to weather bureau records, one of the performances coincided with the arrival of a thunderstorm. Then, when I was interviewing Bob Molyneux, the fellow who taped the QuarryMen playing that evening, he offhandedly mentioned that the lights had gone out during one song. I asked him why. He said there had been a bad thunderstorm. To have such a subtle point of research so casually confirmed was reassuring, if a little spooky. It made the day come even more alive for me. Apparently, I was getting some of the story right. <…> As the sun comes up over the rim of the earth, the clouds are purfled with red. The St. Peter’s Church spires catch the first shiny rays. Streaks of gold break up the larger clouds. The sky lightens into several longish blue lakes. A few clouds begin to bleach. The sun fingers the church.Then it bronzes the glittering clock hands. Lovely day for a wedding . . .
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c-e-i-s · 1 month
I’m high LOL
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arcanespillo · 7 months
the word for cantaloupe which is cantalupo which is like. canta, lupo! sing, wolf ! so cute
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delusionalwhale · 3 months
Not Catholic but I got that catholic guilt. And an affinity for stained glass.
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disassociatesdegree · 5 months
i hate when ppl say i have a smart mouth cuz why would i have a dumb one
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"I got 99 problems... but I'm going to take a nap and ignore them all" – Anon
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cowboyooo · 3 months
Why was ur bf in the hospital
They were getting a boob job!
(Subdural hematoma🤓☝️)
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* Enemy pulls out super powerful weapon *
" ... "
" yea okay i also think you can kill me "
I imagine this could be jonny- dunno why.
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awkwardbros · 1 year
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Bobby! Cut it out. You’re freaking out the cat.
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