#Gerudo AU
Golden Sand
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Princess Zelda of the Gerudo is the reincarnation of the Goddess of the Sand. Link of the Gerudo is the first Gerudo born in one hundred years after Ganondorf. On his eighteenth birthday, he is sent to Zelda to assess whether he is a threat. The consensus ?
He is a threat.
Read on AO3 here
Credit to the original artist for this beautiful art !!!
The Gerudo, who hail in the desert far to the West of the vast land of Hyrule, are a proud race of warrior women. They are known far and wide for their flaming red hair, strong, tanned bodies, and fierce fighting spirit. Although they are rather isolated, they are a powerful group, maintaining a flourishing civilization in the warm desert heat.
While Hylians revere the Great Three Goddesses Nayru, Din, and Farore, the Gerudo have their own beliefs. Since the founding of their civilization, they have worshiped the Spirit Goddess, also known as the Goddess of the Sand. According to their legends, the Spirit Goddess rose from the sand shortly after Hyrule was founded. She spread her arms, and sand followed her as she walked. Once she had created the desert, she used the sand to create the first Gerudo man and woman. She shaped them to handle the harsh heat, blowing her fierce spirit into them to make sure they never bowed down from a fight.
However, the male Gerudo used his newfound spirit to hurt his wife, barking orders at her and forcing her to obey his every will. Even while she was pregnant with their first child, he took every opportunity to strike her. The Spirit Goddess, infuriated at the violence by his own hand, struck him down and cursed him.
“You, who have dared to strike a woman,” she proclaimed. “One male will be born every hundred years as a curse. You will carry the fighting spirit I bestowed unto you, but it will be up to your heart to decide how to use it.”
Thus, Gerudo women began traveling to look for husbands to continue their lineage. It has become a known tradition, with many Hylian males willingly traveling to the desert to claim a Gerudo wife.
The Spirit Goddess, her spirit fading, summoned the first Gerudo woman.
“You, who I poured my soul and spirit into,” she whispered, voice weak. “I entrust my spirit to you. My spirit will continue to flow, and those who are born as my reincarnation will be destined to rule over my proud Gerudo.”
Henceforth, the Spirit Goddess’s spirit was passed on.
Princess Zelda of the Gerudo was born with hair as gold as the sand that surrounded her home. Her eyes were blue and clear as the sky above her, a difference from the traditional amber that Gerudo were born with. Although she had fair skin, over time she developed the trademark tan from her time spent in the sun. Her mother, the previous incarnation of the Spirit Goddess, had been gifted with foresight, and she had predicted that the spirit would move to her daughter at birth. She also foresaw that her daughter would be a generous ruler, but would face difficulties once she came to power.
Zelda was a shy child, often hiding behind her mother’s legs. She was trained in royalty, learning about diplomacy starting at the age of five. Her geography skills were impressive by six, and she was fluent in both Gerudo and Hylian by eight. At ten, she began attending events with her mother, socializing with other important figures from around Hyrule. She found the Royal Family especially fascinating, marveling at how everyone was in awe of them.
She wanted to emulate that.
At eighteen, Zelda became ruler of the Gerudo. Her mother stepped down, assuring her daughter that she would do well before departing to travel the world, as she had been unable to while ruling. It was a bittersweet farewell, but Zelda felt the confidence her mother had in her and used that to guide her.
It didn’t take long for the Gerudo to admire their new ruler. She was seen as loyal and passionate for her people, listening to their pleas and making decisions that benefited them all. It wasn’t uncommon to see her wandering through town, stopping in the market to buy local goods and even accepting dinner invitations from random citizens. Her first year was a triumphant one, and when her nineteenth birthday approached, she felt pleased with herself.
Being the reincarnation of the Spirit Goddess, Zelda was worshiped fiercely by the Gerudo in the Temple where she resided. Once a week, she was dressed in her ceremonial clothes, surrounded by women and incense as she listened for the Goddesses’s voice inside of her. Sometimes she delivered wisdom; other times predictions. The Goddess guided her as a ruler, providing insight when she could.
While the Gerudo were an isolated group, Zelda worked hard to be a liaison for the rest of Hyrule. She established a strong bond with the Hylian Royal Family, who relied on her for certain goods. The Gorons, hailing in Death Mountain far to the East, were permitted to enter to trade their precious stones. The desert heat was too harsh for the Zoras, but Zelda occasionally traveled to their domain in the Southeast to take an audience with their King. Even the Great Deku Tree and Koroks in the South spoke with Zelda, sending her their forest goods and childish joy. She relished those trips the most, enjoying the quiet of the forest and listening to the Tree’s wisdom.
Princess Zelda of the Gerudo, widely respected, did not know the trouble that was to come.
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springfallendeer · 1 year
Gerudo Sun x (M) Reader
A slightly edited version of the commission I finished yesterday, featuring Gerudo Sun. Idk.
This isn't smut. But there's some suggestive stuff in here for reasons. More romance comedy than anything else.
A simple chest made of processed palm, decorated with the royal insignia. Inside it awaits a range of potential gifts; from armor, to food, to clothes. Though the gift itself remains undiscovered by virtue of the tightly locked lid, for sake of it's protection.
None but its desired recipient are allowed to access the contents of the chest.
No one outside of the gift giver and the recipient were allowed to know the contents of the chest.
And thus it remained tightly locked until the room was empty and secure, so that no prying eyes could behold whatever it was that resided inside.
The only two to remain were the Golden Gerudo Knight and the visiting Hylian Knight. Otherwise known as the one who had given the gift, and the one who was meant to receive it.
None would dare intrude upon them now that the doors were shut. And none would be so brazen as to remain hidden in hopes of spying.
Prince Sun; the Golden Knight, might have had a gentle disposition about him, but he was not opposed to punishing those who dared to cross him.
With the room secured, the Hylian Knight set out to open his unexpectedly given gift.
For as unassuming as the chest itself was, there was no doubt something precious inside. Gifts given by royalty were rarely anything but expensive. Now it was just a matter of finding out what sort of unexpected, unsolicited luxury had been bestowed upon the visitor.
The Prince contently waits as the chest is opened. A soft, somewhat mischievous smile remains present on his features all the while.
The Hylian opens the chest.
For a moment, all seems well. He observes the item inside. Beautiful rose gold silk. The material is clearly of the highest quality and no doubt the product of a skilled seamstress.
At first, he assumes it to be traditional Voe clothing. Attire which is seldom made by virtue of the fact that male Gerudo are so rare.
If not expressly given permission by the Gerudo King, the male Hylian never would have been allowed to set foot in this place as is. So just being here is an honor in its own right.
It's only after lifting the material out of the chest to better observe it that he realizes what he's been given.
Not traditional Voe clothing at all. It's arguably not even traditional Vai clothing.
Unless Gerudo have their own traditional version of lingerie. Which this attire most definitely is.
The silken material is so sparse that it would hardly cover the better known aspects of the female anatomy, yet alone his more masculine parts.
Needless to say, the Hylian Knight finds himself frozen for a moment from the shock of it all.
He most certainly wasn't expecting this manner of gift. Especially not after having learned how infuriatingly oblivious the Prince is when it comes to flirting.
Weeks of failed flirting attempts and then this is how the Prince decides to display interest? With a gift of Gerudo lingerie to be opened in private and in front of him?
Well. Sun is nothing if not bold.
Though that revelation does not prevent the Hylian from blushing so intensely that his pale cheeks turn rosy pink.
He can't even bring himself to speak when he snaps his attention over to the Golden Knight. All that he can do is open and close his mouth repeatedly like a fish struggling to breathe.
The Prince offers a soft chuckle in response to his obviously flustered demeanor.
"So. It's come to my attention that you've been trying to seduce me for quite some time now~" Sun trills, his voice falling from his lips like sickeningly sweet honey. He then leans forward in his seat, his soft smile growing into a more obvious one as he does.
"I thought I'd make up for lost time and hand you your means of success~ As an apology for my incompetence and as an invitation to give it one more go." He adds, explaining why it is that he's up and given the other such suggestive attire.
The Hylian feels his cheeks burn brighter in response.
This was one hell of a way to confirm mutual interest.
"R-right now?!" The Hylian eventually manages to sputter out, having it just regained use of his tongue.
Sure, he wasn't against complying with this request. Some part of him was eager to try the clothes on, even if only to see what it looked like on him.
But it certainly caught him off guard to be given this request so brazenly and out of the blue.
The Prince readjusts himself in his seat so that he can rest more comfortably in it.
"Only if you're comfortable with it." He calmly replies.
"Let me make it clear. You're under no obligation. The clothes are a gift and they are yours to keep, regardless of if I ever get to see you in them. I respect you as another Knight and respect you further as a guest in my home." He explains, making it clear to the other that they were in no way being forced to go along with his request. He then shifts so that he can cross his legs.
"And I'll apologize now if I've overstepped. Moon was so kind as to point out that you've been trying to get my attention… But thinking on it now, perhaps I've been misinformed and came on too strong." He mutters, almost sounding annoyed with the idea that his brother might have given him inaccurate information.
Or perhaps he was upset with himself because he had jumped straight to such a high stakes show of infatuation in response.
When it came down to it, neither of the Princes were all that great at romance. Being Royalty in a virtually all female environment came with downsides. Among them being the inability to tell casual romantic gestures from the general care offered to them by their subjects.
They only ever noticed the more extreme of the advances, because they stood out in comparison. And as a result, Sun and Moon had likely come to believe that extravagant gifts and brazen offers were the norm.
Having finally found someone he's interested in courting in turn, he must be flustered in his own right now that he's realized that maybe he came on a little too strong.
Or much too strong.
He genuinely has no means of reference to compare to for the sake of figuring out how big of a blunder he has made.
The Hylian Knight honestly can't help but feel a little bad, given the context. Sun didn't mean any harm, he just genuinely didn't know how to be subtle when it came to romantics.
But the fact that he was reciprocating the feelings was a good enough start. And again, the Hylian had no issues with putting on the clothes.
Anything that came after would just be a bit up in the air. He genuinely wasn't sure as to how quickly he would be ready for that level of intimacy.
Sun's proposition would definitely move things along a lot faster than he was prepared for. So things were going to be a bit touch and go from this point onward.
The Hylian let out something of a shaky sigh.
"Can I… Put this on in private?" He tentatively asks.
Ultimately he wasn't even sure that he was allowed to make the request, despite what the Prince had said. He somehow felt like he was expected to disrobe and redress in front of them.
Though, that was most likely just the nervousness getting to him.
"Of course." Sun replies in kind. He then motions towards a doorway leading into another room. The doorway in question is covered by a pretty silk sheet, making it impossible to see what's on the other side.
"The washroom is through there." He states, easily explaining what the mystery room is.
That's all the Hylian needs to know to be convinced that that's where he should be if he wants to change. So he quickly but politely scurries off with his new clothes so that he can get changed.
He ducks behind the curtain, confirms that the room is empty, and then double checks to make sure that the Prince isn't spying.
Not that he thinks that they would. Sun is a very respectful man. But again, he's very nervous and out of his comfort zone so that's making him behave strangely. It's just anxiety doing what it will to make him jump to false conclusions.
With the room as secure as it's going to get, he sets out to change.
His Hylian attire definitely isn't suited for this harsh desert climate. Even with the aid of special elixirs and the shade of the building, the Gerudo environment is nearly unbearable.
But the sapphires embedded in the waistband of silken attire have a mystical cooling effect. And the rubies protect him from the heat itself.
There's even topaz to shield him from the potential shock of an invading electric monster.
If not for how little physical protection the material provides, the attire might make for excellent armor.
He might actually be tempted to wear it beneath his standard clothes, all things considered. It's such a waste for the lingerie to provide him so much elemental protection when it's supposedly only meant to be worn in the privacy of the bedroom.
There's so little cloth he'd likely be able to make it fit inside of his usual clothes without issue.
The attire slides on nice and easily.
The silk is soft and comfortable. Tightly woven and more than suitable to be used as material for crafting armor. If there was more of it. And the rose gold hue of the silk goes surprisingly well with his natural skin tones.
It is beautiful. Comfortable. Useful.
But far from practical. It covers so little that he could hardly refer to it as clothing.
The top is basically a veil that drapes over his shoulders and chest. It is so thinly woven that his chest is visible through it. The pink of his tests blends in well enough with the color of the silk that it's not overtly obvious, but the shape can still be seen if anyone bothers to look.
God forbid he got it wet. No doubt nothing would be left to the imagination.
The bottoms are basically a fancy loincloth. The material is thick enough that he cannot see through it, but there's so little that he could move in any direction and something would be put on display. If he put one leg out farther than the other his genitals would wind up in full display.
The part on the back that was meant to cover his ass only really hid the seam between his cheeks. If he sat down the material would probably get bunched up between them.
But at least that way it might be more secure and keep him better covered. The only downside was that it would look more like he was wearing a broken thong.
The saving grace was that the facial covering would at least hide his blushing cheeks. The veil worn upon his face was by far the most modest aspect of his attire, and he was surprised that it was even included.
Sun certainly had… Tastes.
They weren't bad tastes, per say. But they were definitely a bit more extreme than the Hylian would have imagined, given how polite and formal they generally are.
The Hylian needs a few minutes to steel himself once dressed.
He feels naked in these clothes and given how little they cover, he might as well be. So he needs a little while to emotionally prepare himself before he steps out into the next room.
He finds Sun waiting for him with his eyes closed and his finger tapping against the side of his seat.
It's hard to determine whether he's upset or just in deep thought. There is no doubt a lot on his mind, given the circumstances.
The Hylian awkwardly clears his throat to let the other know that he's changed and ready to be perceived.
Sun's jaw literally falls open as soon as he lays eyes on the other. He appears to be completely and utterly transfixed by what he sees.
"Oh! Uh… Wo-wow-ow~" He stammers, clearly flustered but in a positive sort of way. The sort of way that says "I like what I see very, very much".
The Hylian can't help but be a bit surprised, to say the least.
That was the first time that he's ever heard the Prince stammer. Be it from embarrassment or otherwise.
Even when cold and shivering, Sun always kept perfect control over his mouth and tongue. He never stuttered.
So that was a pretty good indication for just how enamored the Prince was seeing him all dressed up like this.
Maybe there was a benefit to wearing this Gerudo lingerie. It was certainly refreshing to see the Prince so flustered.
And it gave him a bit of a boost in confidence to see that even the mighty Golden Knight of the Gerudo desert could be flustered.
Not to mention a bit of an ego boost for being the one to successfully embarrass him.
He can't help the smile that tugs at his features.
Thankfully the veil hides it. That gives him more room to play coy.
Now,the fun part was going to be seeing how far he could push before he overstepped boundaries.
"... Does this please you, my Prince~?" He coyly asks, having spotted his opportunity to further fluster the royal.
And he clearly succeeds, as is noted by how the Golden Prince begins to awkwardly stumble over his own words when he tries to offer a response.
He opens and closes his mouth multiple times in rapid succession. Oftentimes he makes a sound, but he isn't so much speaking as he is just making a series of startled noises.
He is well and truly flustered.
"Yes." Sun eventually mutters, having finally gotten control of his tongue.
The pale patches on his cheeks allow his blush to easily stand out. So the Hylian can clearly see the rosy hue that has overtaken his face.
And it's certainly uplifting to see the other blush. The closest he's ever gotten is seeing their cheeks flush from the cold. But that is an entirely different scenario.
He almost feels bad seeing how overwhelmed the Prince has gotten. They're so inexperienced in terms of romance that now that they've seen what their dramatic show of affection leads to, they've realized how unprepared they actually are.
They were not ready to go this far. Neither of them were.
So now would be a good time to respect those freshly discovered boundaries and walk away from this with a funny, albeit awkward story to remember.
"Are you alright~?" The Hylian sweetly asks, though he can't help the soft laugh that escapes him. It's reassuring to know that he isn't the only one who's gotten flustered by the situation.
Sun hides his eyes behind his hand and turns away abruptly, further accentuating the fact that he is heavily embarrassed.
"I-I think my gift is a little, ah, too extravagant." He admits, stuttering still despite the effort that he's put into composing himself.
"You look amazing! Just to be clear. But I greatly underestimated how little that attire would cover…" He adds, further explaining the reasoning behind his flustered state.
It's not that he doesn't like what he sees. Jesse is absolutely gorgeous.
But they haven't even kissed yet and now he's realized that maybe a more subtle approach to courtship would be more desirable.
Apparently he is not as bold as he thought he was. And he's discovered this fact the hard way.
It would be a lie to say that the Hylian wasn't at least a little amused by the situation. Poor Sun just copied the dramatic displays of his more obvious female suitors by doing something dramatic for attention. And now he's realized the importance of the laid back approach that has so consistently gone over his head.
He still doesn't understand. But he knows that this is a battle that he's not prepared to take on. Not as he is now.
"Should I change clothes?" He asks, laughing a bit as he does.
Sun can only bring himself to nod in response. He doesn't trust himself to speak further at the moment.
"How about I put on my normal clothes and we go somewhere for lunch?" He suggests, making his way back to the washroom to get back into his original clothes. Though he's actually just going to put them on over his lingerie.
Because the lingerie offers protection from fire, ice, and electricity. It'll keep him at a comfortable temperature no matter where he is. There aren't any merchants available to him that would sell him such a unique, useful item. So he would be a fool not to wear it.
As is, Sun said that he could keep them so he was going too.
"... Could I trouble you to go Keese hunting with me?" He eventually manages to ask.
He wasn't so sure about the romantic aspects of courting anymore. But Keese were easy to hunt and it was a good excuse to go somewhere to spend alone time with the Hylian.
They could travel for a while. Bond. Talk. Sort themselves out in the dating department and then move on from there.
No fuss. No stress. No pressure from snooping civilians who mean well but screw everything up regardless.
It would be a good way for two warriors to bond. And it wasn't as though either of them had more pressing matters to attend too at the moment.
There follows a long pause as the Hylian ponders his response.
"Ice Keese are a rare find. And I'd like to get out of the desert for a while." The Hylian eventually replies.
He likes the idea of low-stakes monster hunting. And going to the mountains would be a good way to get some climbing in. He loved being out there in the snow.
Plus, with the right weapon, he could kill most enemies in a single hit.
"Sounds like a plan~" Sun replies in kind.
A trip to the nearby mountains did sound nice. And there were berries out in that area that he was particularly fond of.
That would be a good way to start their courting process properly.
And who knows. Maybe they could share a sleeping bag on a cold night or two. Just to get a general feel for each other.
Not in a sexual way, mind you. Just in a cuddling and quality time sort of way.
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azulolivart · 26 days
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The Legend of Zelda❤️‍🔥
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linderosse · 6 months
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She can relate 🥰
A followup to this TotK Zelda sketch.
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(Info: [SS] Sun gave up her consciousness for multiple millenia to recharge Demise’s seal. [TotK] Flora gave up her consciousness for multiple millennia to recharge the Master Sword.)
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months
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Some Revali for kotg lol. I love him so much, I bet he’s one of those people that are like “only I can make fun of Link” and get super protective and defensive of him whenever people insult him. And also Mipha and Revali are such a cute duo. Mipha is a doormat and Revali hates seeing people take advantage of her kindness to he happily keeps that from happening (but Mipha does end up snapping)
Anyways I love revali and I have big plans for him for this au
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ickymakesart · 1 year
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he just needs like... 5 minutes of quiet. tops.
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shadowoverhyrule · 8 months
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Shadow Over Hyrule — Chapter 1
Part 1 // Part 3
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onesunofagun · 7 months
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Drinking Ganondorf soup while I'm sick because it's good for my soul;
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ezlo-x · 24 days
ive been wondering this since the raceswap
what are the differences between hylians, gerudo, and sheikah in you au? are they just ethnicities or are they something different?
Rabbits and Hares! They are from the same family but from different branches. Weather and environment are very much a cause of this, as are their different cultures. Hylians are the most branched out of the three, including the Northern, Central, and Southern Hylians. In these little drawings I make, I only simplify it as one Hylian culture. Gerudo, Sheikah, and Hylians fall in the human race category, unlike the Rito, Minish, Zora, and Gorons, non-human races (Koroks, Faries, and other sentient beings fall in the Spirit category).
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Unique features stand out, such as ears. Gerudo commonly have long ears to regulate their bodies' temperature in the hot desert sun and the cold sandy nights. The Sheikah have lop ears, tbh I don't really have much of a reason why, I just really like how it looks and it helps the Sheikah to stand out from the others. Hylians have short, pointed ears.
Aside from facial features, Height is very different for each race. Gerudo is the tallest of the three, from the shortest being 6-7ft tall and the tallest being 9-10ft tall. The Sheikah's shortest height is 5ft tall, and the tallest is 7ft tall. Finally for Hylians their shortest height is a little bellow 5ft tall and tallest is 6ft tall.
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Gerudo has darker skin pigmentation than the other two races. (Hylians can also, especially Southern Hylians, but I can't go much into detail about it because this post will be longer than it already is.) Gerudo hair colors range from orange (lightest) to red (darkest). Gerudo hair is usually textured, from curly to kinky hair. Many Gerudo wear protective hairstyles or headwraps to protect their heads from the scorching sun. The Sheikah hair colors only range in two colors: mostly white/grey and uncommonly black hair. The hair type of the Sheikah is most commonly thick and straight. Finally Hylians, hair colors range from blonde, brunette, to black. Hylians the most vast majority of hair types.
Finally eye color! Gerudo eye colors are hazel, light brown, or green. Sheikah eye colors are dark brown or bright red. Hylians are brown, blue, or green.
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bahbahhh · 8 months
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grooviestsadpapaya · 4 months
Fuck it we beck
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springfallendeer · 1 year
DCA but Gerudo: Lore
This is taken directly from a commission I finished yesterday. Just the lore bits. Basically "What if Sun, Moon, and Eclipse we're all Gerudo?".
The Gerudo. A powerful, desert dwelling race. A race consisting almost entirely of women.
Males of their kind are said to be so rarely born, that in the event one appears he is destined to become their king.
It was a shocking revelation when the people heard that not one, but three males had been born.
It was an impossibility made possible. Something rarer to witness in life than the falling of a star.
Something somehow less likely to occur than finding a dragon.
And yet they came to be. Three Gerudo males. All born of the same Vai in a single clutch.
All of them, weak and frail due to the circumstances of their birth. Smaller than any Gerudo infant should ever have the business of being.
Yet their arrival was as celebrated as it was terror inducing.
By virtue of the law, any male born was destined to be king.
By virtue of their race, there had never been more than one born in any given era.
But there were three. And there were no laws or customs in place to decree what should befall the Gerudo people in such an impossible situation.
Three males. All who would by nature of birthright be heir to the throne.
Amazing. But terrifying.
Three kings cannot rule one land.
The Gerudo are a people who cannot be so readily divided.
The three were given unceremonious names to match with their unceremonious circumstances.
Names that directly correlated to the cosmic bodies of the sky. As their peculiar birth brought with it a peculiar phenomenon.
The firstborn, Sun. A beautiful boy with bronze skin and fiery hair. A boy whose body was marked by a most unusual birthmark. 
Splotches of his flesh were pale like gold, and they shined just as much in the sun; and in his hair was a golden patch. This patch of golden hair bore a striking resemblance to the shape of the sun when observed from overhead.
And so he was named in its likeness.
The second born, Eclipse. The most true to the depictions of previous Gerudo kings. He bore no unusual markings. He had no defining traits. He was simply a Gerudo born male.
But his name was earned by virtue of his arrival to the world. He came after Sun. But before the third child, Moon.
Moon was the last to be born and the most unusual of them all. He was a child that was doomed to face many hardships by virtue of his existence.
For Moon was an Albino Gerudo and his homeland was the desert.
He was born with icy white hair and skin so pale he might have been mistaken for a Hylian. But his skin took on a silverish sheen beneath the pale moonlight.
He was beautiful. But he was cursed to a constant hardship. Because the sun was just as much his enemy as it was his friend.
And so he was named Moon; for he could only really thrive at night.
The three Gerudo males, all destined to be king.
In the decades which followed, the three were treated as the royalty they were. Dressed in silken attire styled after the previous kings. Loved and protected by all who were around them.
But still, they were feared as a potential sign of omen.
Elders went to work on finding a means of easing the fears of their people.
The Gerudo could not be divided. Therefore the Gerudo could not have three kings.
In the end, it was decided that only one could claim the throne and take on the responsibilities of ruler. What would become of the other two would then be determined by the king.
At first it was thought to let the people decide which of the triplets should be king; but that would only go on to divide the people. And so that prospect was dropped no sooner than it was observed.
Ultimately, it was decided that the brothers should decide.
By then, the men had outgrown their sickly infant bodies. They had been made powerful through the constant trials of life, and by the elders who had trained them.
They chose to settle the dispute through a trial of combat. Because such was the way of the Gerudo.
A date was drawn and the battle grounds were prepared.
The three set forth and began their combat, observed by a counsel of peers who would assure that no cheating could take place.
But the three were so evenly matched that the battle raged on for days.
Weapons and shields were used to the point of breaking. Rest only came in those brief increments when a new weapon had to be retrieved for a prince.
They went without food and water for the duration of the battle by their own discretion. None would eat or drink unless the others saw fit.
None of them slept.
The battle became more about endurance and pride than it did about raw strength.
Despite the ferocity of the battle, all three showed respect and restraint. No crippling blows were dealt. The blood that was drawn trickled only from minor injuries.
While they were enemies on the battlefield, they were still brothers. And despite their tenacity in battle, the love between them was still easily observed. They did not wish to fight each other. Nor did they wish to harm one another.
But this battle was their duty to their people, and so they gave it their all.
And seeing that put the hearts of many at ease. For there had always been an underlying fear that the new king would have his brothers executed to protect his claim to the throne.
Sun was the first to be subdued, and he was subdued by Moon. A powerful blow dealt to him sent him to the ground. And after days on end of constant fighting, he finally found himself so exhausted that he could not rise again.
This he had no choice but to yield, and so the throne was lost to him.
He was taken aside to have his wounds treated, and at last he was allowed to rest. He observed the remainder of the battle silently and respectfully from the sidelines as the rest of his people.
But the battle concluded within a day of Sun's defeat.
Moon fell before Eclipse after taking a debilitating blow. Like his eldest brother, once he fell, he could not find the strength to rise again.
And so after days of constant battle without sustenance or rest, he admitted his defeat and relinquished his right to the throne.
Eclipse had bested both of his brothers in honest combat before a counsel of his peers. And in doing so he was named king.
In doing so, he was unwittingly chosen to inherit something far, far greater.
But he too succumbed to his own exhaustion once the fight was done.
The Gerudo people rejoiced as the three brothers recuperated.
They hailed Eclipse as their new king, and later marveled at him for having somehow inherited the Triforce of Power as an additional prize for his victory.
None had expected such a valuable thing to be at stake when the combat began. Though chances were that the Goddess's had always expected this of the three.
The Triforce of Power chose who was most worthy to wield it. And Eclipse proved himself worthy by show of his power.
Not just physically. But mentally.
As his first declaration as king, he requested Sun and Moon be named his nights. And that should anything happen to him, let Moon take the throne. Or let them battle once more for that right.
Sun and Moon were content with this conclusion. As they had given their all in battle, and their losses had been just. They willingly and eagerly took their oaths to be named as Eclipse's knights, and together they ruled over the Gerudo people.
While only one was named king in title, all three were no doubt the rulers. Equal but different and content to fill their roles in the way best suited to them.
And so the Gerudo people prospered and rejoiced under the rule of the three men
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Robin landed on the roof next to him and Bruce could already feel the headache building. They were looking down on a young blond man with pointed ears and a large halberd on his backriding on a white horse. The guy looked like he had come straight out of a fairytale. He knew that if this was a new rogue Damian would argue about keeping the horse. Actually he would probably want to keep the horse even if he wasn't a rogue.
Deciding the guy had gotten close enough they swooped down to confront him. The man, startled, stopped his horse and pulled the large halberd off his back. He held it in front of him, as if in warning. The man looked wary of them but not afraid. They stared at eachother for a moment before the man spoke in a language neither Batman not his Robin knew.
Link was having a wierd day. He had literally just saved Princess Zelda a week ago (and for the second time) when he encountered some kind of demon in black and white. The Master Sword glowed in the demons presence which was all Link needed to know before chasing after the being. The thing, looking like a teen in odd clothing that reminded him of links own rubber suit, bolted into a green portal it had created.
Not hesitating he had his horse leap into it. And now he was in a strange place with no sign of the demon. After getting attacked by a man yelling in a language he didn't recognize, he switched out his sword for a halberd for that extra reach on horseback and continued on his way, leaving the unconscious man on the road side behind him.
This place was odd. Parts of some walls would light up, showing images of people and places he didn't know along with a written language he didn't recognize. He came across many people who looked at him oddly...or at least he thought they were people. They looked like Hylians but most of them were taller than the average Hylian and to Links horror they had short rounded ears. How could they hear thier gods with such tiny ears?
He was scared, but he carried on anyway. Eventually he gets confronted by someone dressed as a monster and a child. They manage to settle thier...dispute?...without violence so that was nice. He pulled a few apples and swift carrots out of his tablet-to the curiosity of the duo- and hands them to the child. The kid caught on quickly and raced off to feed his horse her favorite snacks.
Link will have to figure out how to overcome this language barrier
Bruce however, has discovered this was not a man, but a teenager lost in a foreign world and is set on adopting him.
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k-chips · 11 months
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Design for Zelda Botw/Totk Hardenshipping au me and @derpyfangirl were talking about
They’re obviously a couple, they go to cute dates together and they fight side by side to protect each other and their domains
Maxie isn’t a mad evil king of demons.
I had this idea in mind for months and finally I drew it lol
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smilesrobotlover · 4 months
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Apparently I’m just… I’m the mood for lineups?? Anyways, I did the champions for my king of the Gerudo au! This au is basically AOC but totk :)
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lunian · 10 months
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having like dilfs and milf OCs for Gerudo Prince AU but not drawing their kids, IT WAS A SHAME OF ME
uhhh if you haven’t seen it there’s first part of this messy story
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