n01r-exe · 4 months
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yall ive had Trans!Ataru brainrot for a good two months
featuring a very happy Lum
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 10 months
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Pairing : Seo Changbin x F!Reader TW : reader suffers from migraines ; arguments ; i'm gonna make this one absolutely vicious, i love writing arguments ; angst of course as usual ; Word Count : 2.6k Request : @kurolils : I'll try not to give a lot of details cause it's your story not mine but I was thinking of something angsty (ofc wtf) with changbin (ofc wtf) , like the reader and him got into a really bad argument (you can decide the plot of that) and she has really bad migraines (I'm relating here) so when they're mad at each other, she doesn't want to be pushy pr clingy so she doesn't say anything to him but when the migraine gets like really bad, she calls him :) AN : migraines are so fricking bad and I hope yours don't affect you too badly :'( BUT! It definitely isn't abusive to send in another request, send in all the requests you want!!! I love it! I love your ideas! And Binnie definitely needs more attention in my ask box (and in my masterlist)!
Here comes another one, you thought to yourself as you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to mentally ward off the sudden throbbing in your head, pinging right behind your eye. Just one more hour until you could get off work and go home, and then you’d see your boyfriend who always managed to make you feel better… Although you weren’t sure if the migraine actually went away or if his presence alone was enough to have you forgetting that it was there in the first place. 
“Is it bothering you again?” Your coworker asked, leaning across the counter that you had been slouched over, trying to block out anything that would only add to the pain in your head. You simply grunted in agreement, not daring to lift your head, worried that the bright fluorescent lights would only trigger the migraine to start full force once again. “It’s dead here today, you can go home if you want. I’m sure the last thing you want to deal with are customers.” 
He was right, the store was always dead at the beginning of the week, and you hated being scheduled those days. “You’re sure you’ll be okay?” You asked, your head still buried in your arms. He hummed softly in agreement, gently patting your shoulder before making his way around to the back of the counter to take your spot. “Thanks… I’ll cover one of your shifts if you ever need me to.” You said as quietly as possible, worried that your own voice meeting your ears would only worsen the throbbing in your head. 
“Don’t worry about that, just text me when you get home so I know you made it there okay.” And you nodded to his words, pulling your sunglasses out of your bag and placing them on before walking out of the store. He was always so nice, he looked out for you, and in a way, he reminded you a lot of your boyfriend, that’s why it was so easy to get so close to him. You’d have to remember to thank him when you got home, but all that was on your mind right now was the pleasant thought of going home, closing all the blinds, and waiting that extra hour for Changbin to get home so you could cuddle up next to him. 
You hadn’t realized that you had fallen asleep on the couch, but you were actually quite happy that you did. By the time Changbin walked through the front door and your eyes slowly opened, it felt like you were in the clear, the banging pain in your head had all but completely subsided. “You’re home early.” Changbin commented, noticing that all the windows had been practically blacked out by the shutters and the shades, he knew what it meant, and he kept his voice as low as possible as he kicked off his shoes and walked over to the couch where you were laying. “Did it get bad again?” 
Slowly nodding your head, you pushed yourself up into a sitting position and stretched, ready to make room for Changbin to scoot in beside you. “Jaemin saw that I was hurting and he said I could go home… Oh… Shit, I have to text him to thank him.” You muttered, pulling your phone out and unlocking it, so focused on sending out the text that you didn’t even hear Changbins sigh of annoyance. “Did you want to order something to eat and watch a movie or something?” You asked after sending out the text, placing your phone down on the coffee table and scooting over. 
“Why don’t you just ask Jaemin to come over and watch the movie with you.” Changbin mumbled, eyeing the spot that you made beside yourself for him to sit in before dropping down into the recliner behind him. “He can even take you out to a fancy dinner or something.” The thumping in your head was slowly returning, accompanied by the pounding of your heart that you could hear in your ears, although you weren’t sure if it was racing because you were upset or because you were angry. 
Changbin had never made such accusations before, and while he hadn’t flat out accused you of such a thing, you could read into his words and his tone and you knew exactly what he meant. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just being ridiculous.” You muttered, deciding to stretch out on the couch once more since he was being that way. “Do you want to order dinner or not?” You asked, not even bothering to open your eyes as you asked the question. 
“I don’t know, maybe we should ask Jaemin what he wants just in case he comes over to check on you.” Changbin snidely retorted and your eyes rolled behind your eyelids as you let out a small huff of air through your nose. “Or maybe… maybe I should just go back to the dorms and you and Jaemin can enjoy a nice little dinner in my house watching my TV.” He sounded so cocky and truthfully it was disgusting, and it made your head hurt worse. 
“I’d argue with you, I’d give you that satisfaction if my head wasn’t already pounding… But you knew that when you came in and you continue to bicker. So maybe you should leave, or maybe I should leave. Clearly you’ve got some shit going on, and truthfully, I can’t fucking handle it right now.” You snapped, taking a deep breath and sinking deeper into the cushions of the sofa, waiting to hear the sound of the recliner moving back into place when Changbin got up, but it was silent. Was he just going to sit there and continue the foolish argument until your head felt like it was going to explode? 
The short answer… Yes. Yes he would. “If I leave you’ll just have him come over… And if you leave, you’ll just run to him. Either way you and him are getting exactly what you want, right? Why string me along if he’s so much better? Huh?” You honestly didn’t know where this was coming from, but the more he assumed, the angrier you got. 
“You know what? It’s fucking bullshit that you come in here, pretending to give a shit about me, saying shit like… like people at my work should be more understanding of what I go through… And then when there’s one fucking employee who does notice, who does understand, you jump to these batshit insane conclusions that couldn’t be further from the truth. Nothing will make you happy! My head hurts enough already, and then trying to think of ways to fucking please you only makes it hurt worse. So if you’re going to just keep coming at me, I’d rather you not… Or at least wait until I can take another ibuprofen and my headache clears up enough to handle more of your bullshit.” You snapped, your voice cracking as your throat closed up. You were on the verge of tears, although it wasn’t from being upset, it was from being angry and in pain and you just wanted to sleep it all away. 
“You know what, I’ll just go.” Changbins hands flew up in the air before slapping down against his lap as he pushed himself up to his feet. “Make sure Jaemin takes his shoes off before he walks on my carpet though.” He always had to have that last word, the last jab of the knife. If you had the energy, you would have flipped him off, but you were just exhausted. You didn’t have the energy to fight, you didn’t even want to fight, he had started it. It wasn’t until you heard the front door slam shut that you finally let yourself cry, but even that was tiresome, and you ended up just crying yourself to sleep. 
You weren’t quite sure how much time had passed, but you were happy to see that the sun had finally set, unless it was in the wee hours of the morning and it was just about to rise. That happiness quickly died when you remembered what had happened right before you fell asleep, the sudden lonely feeling and the feeling of emptiness shrouding you like a cloak as you looked around the empty apartment.
At the moment, it didn’t matter though. You knew that he was okay, he was probably at the dorms with the guys having a great time to get his mind off of what he thought was going on. Meanwhile, you still hadn’t eaten and your stomach was now growling at you to feed it. You could get through the rest of the night without him, maybe it was for the best if you both had some distance from each other as much as you hated it. 
You thought you’d be okay, you were okay, you had made it to the kitchen, you had gotten the food out of the fridge, you had managed to even start preparing it, but then, as if from out of the dark, it kicked in again. This time it was worse, or maybe it just felt worse because everything else that was going on. It truly felt like your head had been slammed into a brick wall and your vision became blurry and you felt sick and everything was just awful and you couldn’t help but cry as you dropped down to the kitchen floor, your knees curling against your chest, your hand fumbling for your phone in your pocket as you called the only person you knew could help. 
“Look, I said that I’d leave. You said you wanted space. I don’t want to argue, I think we should just talk about this-” 
“B-Binnie…” You whimpered, sniffling loudly as your body trembled, trying not to throw up, trying so hard to not focus on the pain, but trying not to focus only made it hurt worse. His end was quiet though, aside from the distant murmuring of some of the guys, although you couldn’t make it out, especially considering you were breathing so heavily from crying, the only thing you could really hear was your own whimpers and sobs. “Please come home…” 
The sound of a car door, and then the revving of an engine. “I’m coming, sweetheart, just stay where you’re at. Where are you right now? What were you doing?” It was the Binnie that you knew and loved speaking right now, but it was so different from the Changbin that had sat across from you in the living room just a little while ago. Right now you couldn’t find it in yourself to care, you simply needed him there with you, his voice soft and sweet as he talked you through the pain. 
“Kitchen… I… I was hungry…” You stammered, and then you hiccuped, the sudden jolt seemingly shifting your stomach and causing you to retch. “S-Sorry…” You whispered, and you heard Changbin sigh softly, although you weren’t sure if it sounded that way because he pulled his phone away or if he was just trying to be quiet because he knew what was going on. 
“I’ll be home shortly, and then I’ll order us something to eat. You remember what we talked about the last time this happened and I wasn’t there? You remember what I told you to do?” He was trying his best to keep your mind off of the ache, and it was working in a way, your mind now trying to clear the fog to think about what you’d do if this happened while he was on tour. He’d sit on the phone with you for hours, and if he was in the middle of a show while it happened, he had set up his voicemail just for you so you could listen to his voice to help you a little bit until he could call you back. “Just listen to me talk and…-” 
“And take deep breaths…” You sputtered out, your breaths coming a little bit too quickly right now which wasn’t helping in the nausea department. “Count to ten…” You continued, squeezing your eyes shut as tightly as you could as you tried to visualize the numbers popping up in your head while listening to him talk. He wasn’t really talking about anything in particular, his voice was just something for you to focus on, something to calm you in a way. 
It wasn’t long… or maybe it was… until Changbin came walking through the front door. The entire apartment was pitch black, but he knew that flicking on any lights would only make things worse, so he used his phone screen to shine a light across the floor until he made it to the kitchen where you were still sitting curled up against the cabinets. “Did you take your medicine today?” He asked as he squatted down on the floor next to you, his hand wiping the beads of sweat from your forehead that you didn’t even notice had built up. 
Your medicine, which you often forgot to take, especially when you were in a hurry, had just now crossed your mind now that Changbin had brought it up. “No…” You mumbled sheepishly, and he tsked his tongue, but he wasn’t going to say anything about it right now. Instead, he helped you to your feet, but once you were on them, he gently lifted you up, carrying you to the bedroom and then carefully laying you down. 
“I don’t want you to take it now… You have to take it in the morning…” He whispered, and although the room was dark, you could tell he wasn’t looking at you because you couldn’t see the moon reflected in the whites of his eyes. “I’m sorry… For the way I acted. It was uncalled for, and I got jealous… Stupidly jealous. I just… I don’t like the idea of another guy taking care of you. It kind of pisses me off…” 
“Kind of?” You questioned, and you would have laughed if the situation didn’t feel so serious. “You walked out on me… That hurt, Binnie…” You softly explained as shortly as possible. “I’d like to think that I make it perfectly clear that I love you… Only you… You’re the only person I want to take care of me…” You reached out in the darkness, your hand brushing along his back where you could feel the outline of his muscles that you mapped with your fingertips. 
“You do… You do.” He repeated himself, running his hands over his face, and you felt him shiver slightly from your touch. “I know you love me… I know you feel that way… I just… I want to be the only person that takes care of you, the only person who looks out for you. Sometimes I feel like… Like since I’m gone so much… You’ll find someone else to take care of you like I should.” 
“Bin…” You sighed out his name, pushing yourself up onto your knees and draping your arms over his shoulders, burying your face in the crook of his neck and placing light kisses against his skin. “I don’t want anyone else to take care of me… You’re the only person that can calm me, that can soothe me. You’re the only one that can ever make me feel better. I don’t want anyone but you.” His silence let you know that he was thinking, and you didn’t want him thinking anything bad, so you pulled him to lay down, laying on top of him to trap him-although you knew he could move you if he wanted to-and pulling the blanket up around the both of you. 
“I’ll do better… I’ll be better…” He whispered, his fingers dancing along the small of your back. “I’m sorry I upset you… I’m so sorry, sweetheart…” He apologized again, placing a kiss to the top of your head before settling into his pillow again. “I’m not leaving again, I’ll stay right here with you, forever and ever.” 
Permanent Taglist : @whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin @his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes
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Hermit-a-Day May, Day 15: FalseSymmetry. Today's style/medium is She-Ra and the Princesses of Power! My thought process for this matchup wasn't particularly profound--I knew I wanted to do someone in She-Ra style, because I adore the show, and the queen of hearts, heads, and body parts seemed fitting for a series about a bunch of strong, terrifying women, one of whom wields a frick-off giant magic sword. Details and references under the read more!
So... I don't really have specific references I can point to, because I just turned on season 1 of She-Ra and watched almost to the end of season 3 by the time I was done with the drawing. Any time I needed to check a style thing, I would just...let the current episode play until I saw an example of the way the animators drew that specific thing. That being said, False's face was primarily referenced from Adora, her knees from Glimmer, and her hands from Entrapta because Entrapta was the first person to have a good shot of their hands while I was looking. Here's a couple pictures of the general style, if you want to judge for yourself how I did at emulating it:
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Additional references include False's Minecraft skin (of course) and several pictures of myself doing the pose, complete with sword.
She-Ra's style is very smooth and relatively simple, with broad stretches of plain colors. Shading is rare and usually only for temporary lighting effects, so I left my drawing unshaded. Everything is just so clean, because...it's an animated show and animating fiddly details sucks. I really enjoy She-Ra's character design and art style, so it was a ton of fun to get to try it out for myself.
I had to pay extra attention to the eyes and ears, two of the most distinctive She-Ra style hallmarks in my opinion--as well as the iconic solid shaded blush across the cheeks and nose, but that part was easy. I also had to use a smoother inking brush than my normal toothy ink pen, which meant that inking/lining took forever. That is why this is nearly two hours late. Don't look at me.
Fun fact if you read this far: Catra is around 72% of the reason I finally realized/admitted I was bi at the tender age of like.... 17. She was just too pretty for me to stay in denial.
I feel like I'm forgetting something but it's 3am so I'm just gonna hit post. Cheers!
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Could you write batdad reader getting kidnapped and tortured by the court of owls because he was a top notch assassin but left them . But batfam don’t know this or maybe just Bruce so the y have to rescue him and become over protective
I can and I fricking will! I have to know, how you guys come up with these ideas, I'm jealous... Either way lets go! This a long one...
Summary: (Y/N) left his life as a Court of Owl's assassin long ago, knowing how difficult it would be. Bruce knew and they were happy together. But with a change of the Grandmaster, (Y/N) is going to be brought back to hell.
Warnings: Violence, torture, protective Bruce, protective boys, badly written fighting scenes by the author
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(Y/N) knew something was wrong. Whenever Bruce came back from patrol, he was nervous, saying that there was something happening in the city. (Y/N) couldn't disagree. He noticed it too. He had friends that were underground, who were listening to the whispers about certain criminals if Bruce needed some information.
But they were nervous, hiding in the shadows. (Y/N) was nervous too. Court of Owls was far too quiet for their liking. Bruce knew that (Y/N) was nervous and afraid, knowing that Court of Owls was a sensitive subject for (Y/N). He knew what (Y/N) had been through and it was nothing short of hell.
He wouldn't allow (Y/N) to go through that again. Never again.
And he didn't know why he was nervous at work. Bruce couldn't focus on anything today. Something was bothering him and he couldn't shake the feeling off. He had a bad feeling. He even texted (Y/N) to be careful today, just in case.
(Y/N) was going to be home later than usual. He needs to meet up with his friends from the underground. They said there was something important for (Y/N) to know and he would be damned if he didn't know this new information. Apparently it was something big. He would let Bruce know later.
And that's why (Y/N) was in this shabby bar, known for being a spot for intel exchange. He was in the corner, nursing a cup of whiskey. He was a sucker for a good whiskey. And this bar had good whiskey. He looked at person who sat down across from him.
" Hello (Y/N). "
" Hello to you too, Eli. Some whiskey? " (Y/N) offered, showing him his glass.
" No thanks. I have some big news. "
Eli readjusted in his seat, looking at the table.
" Court of Owls has a new Grandmaster. "
(Y/N) drank some of his whiskey. Oh no. This is not good.
" And the word is he is looking for the Reaper. "
(Y/N) blinked a few times. That was his codename back then. He abandoned it, put it behind him. That nickname had so much blood connected to it.
He drank all of the whiskey that was in the glass. No. He had a happy life, he can't go back there. He can't leave Bruce and his boys.
" What? " (Y/N) whispered, trying to remain calm.
" According to the information I heard, he is far more dangerous then the last one. And... He is hellbent on getting you back. You need to run (Y/N). Leave everything behind and don't look back. "
(Y/N) shook his head. He can't leave. He can't leave Bruce.
" I can't. I have a family now, I can't leave them behind. "
Eli sighed at his friend's answer. There was no such thing as family in their world. Only survival and violence.
" (Y/N), you are like my brother and I always wanted you to have a good life, but forget that now. Remember the time we had to run from them? Run as if the devil is chasing you, although, there is no difference between them. " Eli said, leaning forward to grab (Y/N)'s hands.
" (Y/N), you need to run. I'm serious. I'm nothing to them, but you were their top assassin. Do you really think that they would let you go that easily? "
" Eli, I can't leave my boys. I can't... "
" You are still so stubborn my friend. I'm telling you, you need to run now. That's the only piece of advice I can give. " Eli said, standing up.
" I have to go now. Watch your back. I have a feeling they will try something tonight. "
" If I don't get back to you by midnight tonight, find Batman. "
Eli nodded, knowing that (Y/N) had alliance with Batman. He didn't know that (Y/N) was romantically involved with the Dark Knight. As much as he loved Eli like a brother, but he didn't need to know.
That call was a precaution. Bruce knew about Eli and (Y/N) told him that if something were to happen to him, go to Eli. Bruce didn't want to do that, claiming he could keep (Y/N) safe. But (Y/N) knew that Court of Owl's assassins were dangerous and skilled.
And (Y/N) had a feeling he won't make it back to the manor now. Maybe the assassin will kidnap him tonight. God only knows. He paid the bill and left the bar. He took a deep breath. He promised himself he would never go back into an assassin mode, but... It's about his survival now.
He was observant, looking at his environment and got himself ready for a potential fight. He was already very well trained, but he still trained with Bruce. Whoever trained Bruce was good. He still had a long way to go, but he felt confident enough to fight. He could only hope that he didn't have to fight.
He took his phone and was about to call Bruce, but a person jumped in front of him. He was lucky to be in an alley. He tilted his head at the person, eyeing him up and down. He put his phone into his pocket.
" Hello Wrath. I haven't seen you in a while. "
Wraith chuckled, taking a syringe from his pocket. (Y/N) knew it was some sort of sedative. He won't go down with them.
" Reaper... Would you believe me if I said that the Court missed you? "
" No. "
Wrath chuckled once more, before lunging at (Y/N). (Y/N) side stepped, making sure to trip Wrath. Then, he ran. His goal was to get out of an alley, but another assassin jumped in front of him. Now he was surrounded. Great. He didn't want to do this, but he had to. He kicked the assassin near him, making him fall to the ground with a thud. Then he ran.
He wasn't going to stay here. Not by a longshot. He climbed up to the roof. Bruce is patrolling now, (Y/N) knew it. He could only hope that Bruce would come to this area soon. Then he ran once more, knocking on the assassins of the roof. This brings back some memories... Some really bad ones.
No. He won't remember that life now. If he is caught, he is good as dead. He jumped to another roof, rolling forward. He stopped in his tracks once a familiar assassin came in front of him.
His rival in the Court. Codename Ghost. (Y/N) knew that Ghost hated him because (Y/N) was at the top. All the important missions went to (Y/N) and Ghost was stuck at the position number 2. And once (Y/N) escaped, he got the number 1 by default. Not by being better than (Y/N).
" Reaper, I can't say that I missed you. "
" I can say the same thing too. "
(Y/N) eyed the same syringe in Ghost's hands. It seems they are not supposed to harm him, but simply sedate him and bring him to the HQ. If that happens he is going to be dead.
He lunged at Ghost, knocking the syringe out of his hand. Not happening. They were fighting and (Y/N) was getting tired. He truly forgot how physical these fights can get. (Y/N) didn't train with the same intensity as before and Ghost had the upper hand in that department.
And as the result, (Y/N) got sloppy. He was kicked down on the ground and held down by others assassins ad Ghost loomed over him. He could see a smirk.
" Good night. "
(Y/N) felt his eyes closing as the sedative was administered. His only thought was his family. He thought of Bruce and the boys. He was going to get out no matter what. He was going to come back. No matter what.
Bruce was restless on patrol. He tried calling (Y/N), but couldn't reach him. He was getting more and more worried and the boys noticed. They were worried about their new dad and Bruce was being secretive. Jason was the one who broke the silence.
" Okay old man, where is (Y/N)? You know something. " The other three looked at Bruce.
" I have suspicions. And I hope I'm wrong about them. Follow me boys. "
" Where are we going father? " Damian asked.
" We are going to see (Y/N)'s friend. He will know what happened. "
And from here it was quiet. Nobody said anything as they were moving across the city quickly. The thought of kidnapping was there and the boys knew that was a big possibility, but they didn't want it to be true. Who would want to kidnap (Y/N)?
Bruce dropped onto the roof where Eli was standing. Bruce sighed as he saw Eli's face. Shit.
" What happened Eli? "
" (Y/N) was taken. "
" What is happening? Why is the city so nervous? " Bruce asked Eli, hoping for an answer.
" The Court changed its Grandmaster. And he ordered his men to bring back the Reaper. "
Bruce froze. Oh God... No... That was (Y/N)'s codename and that mean that (Y/N) was taken by the court and... No. He promised (Y/N) he would never let (Y/N) go through that hell.
" Who is the Reaper? " Jason asked, unaware that his second dad was one of the best assassins that Court of Owls had to offer.
" Thank you Eli. I know where I need to go. "
Eli nodded and then left. Now he had to break the news to the boys. Shit.
" There is something you don't know about (Y/N). He was the Reaper, the best assassin in the Court of Owls. "
And there it was. All hell broke loose. Damian was the most critical one. Bruce sighed as he listened to them.
" Okay! I get it, but he escaped. He is changed. Do you really think that I would let anybody in our home? Near you guys? " Bruce asked them.
Nobody had an answer.
" We are going to talk about this once we get (Y/N) back. We have to find him now. God only knows what they are doing to him now. "
And Bruce was right. They need to find him now because he was not okay. He was laying down on the concrete floor. His hands were tied behind his back. He just took the biggest beating of his life. They beat his torso, punched him in the face so much that they knocked out a tooth. He was completely defenseless.
He hoped that Bruce found Eli. He could only hope. He tried to roll over when he heard the door opening, but his body protested. The acting Grandmaster or the acting bastard as (Y/N) thought of him.
" I hope we can talk now when you are calm. "
" What is there to talk about? You kidnapped me because you want me to come back. "
" True. But don't forget, we gave you a home. We saved you from death. Your parents abandoned you when you were just a baby. And you turn your back on your family? "
(Y/N) spat out some more blood.
" You were never my family. You were my owners, using me as puppet for your plans. I never meant anything to you. " (Y/N) gritted out through his teeth. How dare he?
" But you were my favorite. I watched you grew up to be the best of the best. I have a big vision for this Court. And you are going to help me fulfill it. But I need to break you first. You need to be the assassin I know you can be. And the sooner you realize that nobody is coming for you the better. "
(Y/N) coughed some more, mumbling curses under his breath. He won't give in. No matter what he says, he won't believe him.
" I can't wait to see you back as the number one assassin. "
And with that (Y/N) was left alone. He closed his eyes, thinking of Bruce. Bruce was going to find him. He just needs to be patient.
Bruce and the boys were relentless in their search. They weren't going to go home until they find him. Bruce was not going to give up. It's been approximately 5 hours since (Y/N) was taken. Anything could have happened to him.
" Father? "
" Yes Damian? "
" Do you really love (Y/N)? "
Bruce glanced at his son. They took a break on the roof. They needed to regroup and rethink. He smiled at the thought of (Y/N). He always brought a smile on his face.
" I do. I wouldn't allow him to meet any of you if I wasn't one hundred percent sure. "
" Does he love us? " Jason asked. He was as suspicious as Damian. but to a lesser measure.
" Yes. He loves you like you are his own children. "
Jason nodded, going back to his thoughts.
" Okay, where do we find him? " Dick asked everyone, rubbing his eyes.
" I may have something gentlemen. " Alfred came in from the comms. " There is some suspicious activity at the Gotham City Cemetery in Bristol. Well, next to it at least. It's worth checking out, no? "
" We will check it out Alfred, thanks for the info. " Bruce thanked Alfred and called the Batmobile. If this is it, then they need to act quickly.
(Y/N) coughed out the water from his mouth. They were waterboarding him. He struggled against the other assassins who were holding him down. He saw Ghost and the way he smirked at him. Bastard of the first degree. When he gets free, he is going to bash his face into the concrete.
" I always wanted to see this. " Ghost commented. (Y/N) laughed as he coughed the water out.
" Pray to God I don't get free. " (Y/N) threatened, glaring at Ghost.
Ghost mocked him by smacking his lips as if (Y/N) was a baby.
" Mock me all you want, but if I do get free you are going to be dead. "
Ghost laughed, but became serious once the alarm went off. He looked at (Y/N) once more, frowning.
" Who is coming for you? " Ghost asked as the others filtered out to fight the intruders.
" You shall wait and see. "
" Who is coming? " Ghost asked once more, grabbing (Y/N)'s throat.
(Y/N) smirked at the reaction, despite being choked to death. " Batman. " He whispered, watching Ghost's face harden. But what made it even better was the fact that Damian was standing behind Ghost.
" Good night. " (Y/N) said as Damian knocked him out. He muttered something in Arabic before cutting (Y/N)'s restraints.
" Can you walk? "
" I can. Is everyone else okay? "
" Yeah, they are just clearing out this hideout. "
(Y/N) nodded, standing up. He blinked a few times before he followed Damian out. He was Bruce fighting with all his might. Holy shit was it a beautiful sight. No, no time to salivate. Time to fight.
" (Y/N)! " Bruce called out as he knocked out an assassin.
He ran towards his lover, scooping him up in his arms and running towards the exit. The boys were helping out with clearing out the path.
Bruce relaxed as he put (Y/N) in the car and as they drove away, but he won't be relaxed until they reach the manor.
" You okay? " Bruce asked.
" Somewhat. They knocked out my tooth. "
" Alfred will patch you up. "
" Do the boys know about my past? "
" We do. " Jason said from the back. " But we don't love you any less. If Bruce trusts you, so do we. "
(Y/N) teared up. He was going to adopt them one day.
As much as (Y/N) loved them, they were way overprotective. They watched every single move he made, they also made sure that he wouldn't get out of bed unless it was for the bathroom.
" Guys, you are going overboard. I'm fine. "
Jason simply raised his eyebrow as he took his seat by (Y/N)'s bed.
" You are even taking shifts? Really? "
" You will never be kidnapped. Ever again. Not on our watch. "
(Y/N) laughed as he rolled his eyes.
" I will take over Jason. " Bruce said, entering with (Y/N) favorite snack.
" Okay. Make sure he stays in bed. "
(Y/N) sighed as Bruce laughed. (Y/N) was adorable. He sat next to (Y/N), offering him the snack.
" Bruce, this is getting out of hand. "
" We are all protective of the people we love my love. "
(Y/N) just leaned on Bruce, closing his eyes.
" Thank you for coming for me. "
" Always. For as long as I live, I will always come. "
(Y/N) leaned his head up and kissed Bruce. It was a soft, gentle kiss. A promise. (Y/N) was also going to save Bruce. No matter what.
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
can u do like the reader is an artist that can draw portrait and kylian notice her art and he FRICKING praises her... and he request the reader to draw him as a portrait ..the reader really likes him praising
thnk u if u do this request I STILL LOVE UR WRITING
something fluffy after all the sad ones i made <3
kylian mbappe x reader
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It was a simple portrait.
Nothing too excessive, that’s how you liked it and people really loved your work.
You started drawing portraits of famous people a few years ago and one day you decided to open a page on instagram where you could show everyone your art. You definitely didn’t expect it to blow up as it did. Two years later you almost had a million followers and high brands always wanted to collaborate with you. You definitely didn’t expect it at all.
But the most success came when you decided to post on your ig a small portrait you made of the Equipe, still when they were playing the world cup and of course you tagged them all. You knew they had a busy life and probably they didn’t even went through all of their notifications so it surprised you when you saw The Kylian Mbappè liking the post and leaving a small heart as a comment.
Of course being the famous person he is now a lot of his fanpages saw that he liked your post so they all reposted your drawing.
The following morning you opened your insta because you saw how many notifications you were getting from that simply portrait but you definitely didn’t expect to see Kylian reposting your drawing in his stories. That made your page reach the million and you were completely shocked.
“I love your works” Kylian texted you.
You didn’t know what to say or what to do so you simply replied back with a “thank you <3”.
“You’re very welcome! You have a lot of talent.” he replied to your previous message.
Kylian Mbappè was saying that you had talent? Were you dreaming? You always had a small crush on him, mostly because you were a huge PSG fan and you couldn’t forget all the time you went to the stadium seeing the team playing but now having him praising your work was something completely different.
“I really appreciate it! Thank you so much Kylian!” you replied and waited for him as you saw the dots moving, sign that he was writing something.
“How would you feel drawing a portrait for me?” he asked you.
“Of course! Just let me know who do you want me do draw :)” you quickly sent him.
“Me” he replied back.
He wanted a portrait of himself and you were the one he wanted to drawing it? You were dreaming, this wasn’t real.
“Sure!” you said back.
“I’ll be waiting then :))” he replied back and you left him unread because what the heck were you going to reply?
You decided to put yourself back to work and started looking for a picture of him that you could draw.
You didn’t find anything you felt were special so you opted for using your imagination and started drawing a portrait of his face.
You put your favourite music on as you were working and in a day you finished the portrait. You wanted to wait before posting it, making him wait a little bit because you didn’t want to look like an obsessed fan.
You waited two days and when you woke up on the third day you posted the draw on your instagram, tagging Kylian of course.
“A special portrait for a special person” you wrote in the caption.
You didn’t even send the picture to Kylian, wanting to surprise him.
You waited and waited but Kylian still didn’t see the picture you posted, maybe he was too busy or training so you didn’t think much about it.
A few hours later you saw a notification popping on your home screen.
Kylian Mbappè started following you.
Kylian Mbappè liked the post.
Kylian Mbappè commented on your post with “I love it, it’s beautiful, thank you so much”.
And you felt like dying.
You immediately opened insta and liked his comment, a way to let him know you saw his notifications.
“You really have talent you know!” he texted you.
“Thank you so much Kylian, it means a lot for me” you wrote him back.
“You don’t have to thank me, it’s true, you’re very talented…and also a very beautiful girl y/n”.
Wait. How did he find you?
No one never saw your face on instagram and no one knew your name as you always used an art name.
“I have my way” he texted you back with a smiley face.
“I didn’t expect that” you joked.
“Well…I would really like to meet the woman behind the art” he texted and you almost fainted.
“That would be a pleasure :)” you still tried to act professional but your mind was racing and your heart was beating so fast you thought it would explode.
“So, how about a date tomorrow?” he texted you with a winky emoji.
“It’s perfect” you quickly replied back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then, my artist” he said and you were left speechless. He was flirting with you. He called you his artist. You were currently crying of joy on the inside but you only and 12 hours deciding what to wear and that was where your mind went. You wanted to look at least presentable and not wear a dirty white shirt, full of paint and colors.
You still couldn’t believe that your work just got you a date with Kylian.
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Keep Me Ablaze
Jake Sully x Neytiri x Fem!Reader
a/n: i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: swearing, mentions of guns, mentions of war, mentions of death, grief, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Twenty Three- Cursed
With each day that passes, each eclipse, your numbers grow and grow. Men and women on ikrans and pal’i pour in from all around, like this place is the drain of all power- but they do not come here to be lost.
You see it in each face that passes you, each pair of eyes that meets yours, that something the humans simply do not have. That connection to the forest, to Eywa, to something that humans, in their small bodies, can never really comprehend.
The more you See, the more you realize you are the phenomena. The lucky one.
With each win, each clan leader you meet and each new warrior to add to your ranks, it all feels like a fever dream. You have lost so much and the need for your revenge to be satiated moves inside you like a whip, but this win- this is what the three of you needed. That win, that small bit of happiness that snowballed into whatever this is.
You have changed like the seasons, become a new woman in the matter of hours. Loss has shaped you like water shapes a riverbed, leaving you with odd ends sticking out all over the place. You twist and turn, some parts of you have been cut off and left behind.
So, it’s nice to sit on the edge of the link pod, let your human feet swing in the air, feel Jake’s human hand in yours. Although the two of you haven’t had much time to appreciate each other like this, Jake has this obsession with learning the ins and outs of both your bodies. His fingers run across your back, his hand cups your face and his lips press against yours.
The sound of a gun cocking sparks you awake, and Jake squeezes your hand, even as his attention is pulled away. Max’s face shines through the screen, a symbol of a life you’ll never know again. That familiar lab in the background.
“Jake,” he says, his voice garbled, “it’s crazy here. It’s full mobilization. They’re rigging the shuttle as a bomber.” His hand goes limp in yours. “They’ve got these huge pallets of mine explosives. It’s for some kinds of shock-and-awe campaign.”
No matter odd just voice sounds through the screen, you can still hear the fear in his words.
“Fricking daisy cutters!” Trudy mumbles.
“Quaritch has taken over. He’s rolling, and there’s no stopping him.”
“When?” Jake asks.
“0600 tomorrow.” Someone calls his name. “I gotta go-” and the screen turns blue.
If the world is crashing down on you, you don’t let yourself feel it. You’re too concerned with his hand in yours, with this moment, this piece of happiness. You have it now and you want to have it forever.
“We’re screwed!” Norm exclaims. Trudy laughs, almost like she knew this would happen, like she knows the world.
“And I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan that didn’t involve martyrdom,” she remarks. She throws her head back for a quick moment, jaw clenching. “We’re going up against gunships with bows and arrows.”
You watch as Jake stares at the blue screen, like he’s waiting for it to come out and tell him what to do. He swallows when you squeeze his hand, because the both of you know he is the only one with the answers here.
“I have 15 clans out there.” A voice, through the weight of the world. “That’s over two thousand warriors. Now, we know these mountains. We fly them. You fly them. They don’t.”
You can see his movements get a little more frantic, a little more quicker with each step, like something has just occurred to him and he has to get it out before he forgets it.
“Their instruments won’t work up here. Missile tracking won’t work. They’ll have to fire a line of sight. If they bring the fight to us, then we have the home-field advantage.”
It could work. The four of you know that. It has to work, is what the fire sings, but you ignore it.
“You know he’s gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree of Souls.” Trudy’s voice is barely above a whisper, like she doesn’t even want to bring the idea into the world.
“Yeah, I know.”
“If they get to the Tree of Souls- it’s over,” Norm says. “That’s their direct line to Eywa, their ancestors.”
“It’s Grace,” you whisper.
“It’ll destroy them,” he finishes.
“Then I guess we’d better stop them.”
He turns to you, and it’s almost hard to believe that this man chose you. He is the smartest person you know- his mind is it’s own war room. He is handsome, kind, loving- he is everything and he chose you.
“Gonna keep the whole thing fucking ablaze,” he says, and he loves you.
“They’re gonna come like a rain that never ends. And they will take, take and ruin like a wildfire that never stops burning.”
Neytiri leads you through the empty space around the spirit tree, normally filled with people, but with the war to come- it is only Jake here, only you and Neytiri.
“Unless we stop them,” he says, looking up to where the purple tendrils grow lighter and lighter until they are blinding white. Your footsteps barely make a sound on the soft ground. “Look, you chose me for something. I will stand and fight. You know I will. But I need a little help here.”
He lowers his head, and you want nothing more than for all of this to be over, for it just be the three of you- for you to just be happy. That is what you are figuring for. That is why you are doing all of this- so the people who have already fought so bravely for there home can be free to have it- can be free to be happy.
Neytiri moves aside a tendril, placing her hand on his shoulder, her other on his arm, and it takes a moment, but he looks up at her.
“Our Great Mother does not take sides, Jake.” He stands slowly, his shoulders sagging, and she places a hand on her face so he has to look at her and hear her words. “She protects only the balance of life.”
He looks back towards the tree as you take a step closer, watching the atokirina fly around. He turns toward the two of you.
“It was worth a try.”
You place your hand on his chest, above his heart, feel it beat strongly. Yours feels dead in your chest. But there’s still a spark in it, and just by being this close to them, by feeling their fire that still burn- they keep you ablaze.
It was under your hand that Grace’s heart stopped.
What you have lost always on your mind. Like someone has dug a hole into your brain and placed the memory straight into your flesh. You remember her heart fading, you remember it stopping. All under your hand.
Perhaps it is irrational, but whenever you go to touch your mates- you never use that hand. It feels cursed. It feels marked with her death, her blood, and you’re waiting for someone to notice the blood falling and start screaming but no one does. You’re the only one who can see it. Who knows it.
You want to rip out your heart and your memories, plant it in the dirt and grow it with whatever fire still resides inside you. Maybe whatever would grow from that would be truly you. Maybe the world will all simply fall into place.
You go to press your hand into the wooden bowl, the white paste as bright as a star, but Neytiri makes a sound in her throat.
“What?” you breathe, slightly startled, already on edge. Jake places his hand on your knee.
“Use your other hand,” she whispers, unbothered by your quick breathing. Your face twists into something horrible. She tilts her head to the side, looking past your outward disgust. “I know,” she says.
You want to tell her you are cursed. That you shouldn’t. But she says nothing more.
You place your hand into the cool paste, the slight sting of it, and place it off-center on her chest. You leave room for Jake’s own print. You don’t question why you’re doing this. It feels nice, to have a piece of them wherever you end up.
You are not cursed, is what her eyes say, but you do not know anything anymore. You know nothing but the fire in your chest. Not a candle, but a wildfire.
Fire can teach and it can take.
You want to teach death, today.
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rekino2114 · 3 months
Sara chidouin with a sacrifice reader
I apologize in advance for giving our favorite girl even more trauma
spoilers for your turn to die(go play it it's a fricking masterpiece)
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Sara looked at the votes. For the first time in this game, she didn't look at the person with the most votes, but at you.
You were the sacrifice. she and the rest of the participants had figured it out during the discussion, that revelation completely broke her she couldn't bear losing another person to that damn card, especially you, her lover.
You had only received one vote, her own,a vote cast in desperation, in a moment of pure despair because she didn't know what to do. You hadn't even voted for yourself. Deep down, she knew you weren't going to sacrifice everyone else just to escape with her, but some part of her still had to try.
After the results of the voting, she immediately went to you.
"Why didn't you vote for yourself if you did, then we-"
"I'd much rather die here than be responsible for everyone else's death, and I know you would do the same"
"No, please, not you too not after Joe. I can't lose you too"
Before she could react to it, her purple eyes had tears in them, and she was hugging you very tightly
"Sara, I know how much you've been through, and I can't blame you for thinking this, but please promise me something"
She only nodded weakly as she sniffled
"Please don't become what midori wants you to be"
That caught her by surprise. She didn't expect this to be your last will
"You're a good person,no. You're much better than that. You managed to lead everyone in this death game despite everything, you want everyone to escape from here. And that's why I know the sara midori made me see,the one in all those other simulations is not you, she's not the sara I feel in love with"
She just continued to cry but started to understand what you wanted.
"Please promise me to continue to be this good and passionate to never be the selfish and manipulative person you aren't,because then my death won't be in vain"
Sara answered with a quiet and sad tone, but the determination in her voice was still as evident as ever
"Y-yes I promise I will continue to be like this for you and your memory. I promise I will get everyone out of here"
You hugged her tightly, too and smiled
"Good now I can go in peace"
You kissed her lips for the last time they were still as sweet as ever
"I love you sara never forget that"
Sara smiled, but her eyes were still full of tears, maybe because your words unknowingly mimicked the one of the Joe a.i. or maybe because they were the last ones she was gonna hear from you
"I love you too I will never forget you"
As the floormaster started your execution sara felt a resolve inside of her, even stronger then after Joe died.
She was going to get everyone out of here, that was a promise she made to herself and to you.
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krikeymate · 11 months
So I've had this idea for a while and wanted to share it with you, but I'm kind of a noob when it comes to tumblr lol. Feel free to ignore this if it's bad or if I sent this to the wrong place 😅
I've had this headcanon since I've started obsessing over the Scream franchise that the Carpenter household was a Spanish-speaking one. I mean, Melissa speaks Spanish and Jenna's Mexican/Puerto Rican I think, so this could be canon if they decided to expand more on Christina and Dad Carpenter (now DC if I ever return to your asks lol I'm kind of embarrassed).
Growing up, the Carpenter sisters were taught Spanish by both DC and their mom. They didn't want them to grow up not knowing Spanish, what they both speak, so they strictly spoken Spanish while Sam and Tara would learn English at school.
While Sam succeeded quickly in learning English, Tara was stumped because "why the frick does the letter J make that sound in English? What the heck are elongated vowels? Why does Sam laugh whenever I pronounce certain things?"
All in all, Tara had a rough time.
Sam tried to help wherever she could, but they would end up play fighting and forgetting about Tara's homework.
When DC left, Tara was left all alone to work on her English. Sam stayed out later and later, and Tara thinks she's avoiding her. Christina barely gives her the time of day anymore, only going off in her mother tongue when Tara finally annoys her too much.
All alone in this journey, Tara suffers through her learning. It didn't help that she became the butt of the joke for a long time in school for muttering to herself before shouting out the answers in class.
She just feels left out. Even more when Sam ups and leaves, and Christina finally falls into a bottle.
Post 5 & 6 headcanons to tag onto this one lol:
Tara used to call Sam her guerrera fuerte (strong warrior), but now she sticks with either Sam or Sammy. Sam still has a lot of nicknames for Tara in Spanish, but the ones she regularly uses are chiquita (little one), corazón (heart), and cielo (sky, or it means they're your "whole world")
When she's exhausted, Sam will slip and speak in Spanish
Tara, being the pent-up and angry bean she is, yells in Spanish whenever she's frustrated. She doesn't notice sometimes after she's forgotten what she's angry about, but Sam is always willing to communicate with her excited sister
(Some of Sam's eagerness to talk to Tara is to prove they're the better sibling pair. Mindy and Chad have an advantage to the bet by being twins, but they're no match for Sam and Tara. Tara has no idea this bet is going on. Kirby is the referee.)
Sometimes Tara crawls into Sam's bed and tucks herself into her side. Sam, even if she was dead asleep, will always turn and wrap her sister in a tight hug. She sings Tara to sleep using a Spanish lullaby DC used to sing whenever Tara had a nightmare or became fussy
Sam and Tara talk smack about Gale to her face in Spanish. Gale learns Spanish to spite them
(They refused to admit they panicked when Gale all of a sudden knew Spanish and ran away laughing. Gale wants to adopt those two kids.)
Tara is a HEAVY Spanglish user because she's lazy, and she still never really bothered to properly learn English. That's why whenever she's talking to someone in English, she'll trail of and eventually go silent. She forgot the word she wanted to say in English...
Sam finds it hilarious and teases Tara whenever that happens, which is often
Sam and Tara are forced to listen to Chad and Mindy absolutely butcher their first language while trying to learn it. They stop trying
Sorry if this was too long haha, I got excited while writing this!!
I really really really love this!!!! More of an exploration of their roots both in and out of canon is something I would love to see. I've thought about trying to add some Spanish language into my work previously, but I decided against it because I know I would only butcher it, as it's not a language or culture I'm familiar with.
I hope you do return to my inbox, you've clearly got some awesome ideas to share!! I LOVE ALL OF THIS.
Their first language being Spanish and only learning English through school is such a really cool idea. Especially if you combine it with my idea that Tara ends up starting school a year later than she should, it could help explain why she struggles even more in that initial period. It would probably be quite hard for Sam to relate to Tara's struggles as well, because she'll end up having 6 or so years of learning English over her sister, and by then she's fluent and has forgotten how hard it is in the beginning. And if Tara's got learning difficulties? Oof. God knows I was never capable of learning a second language - not everybody can! Sam sees Tara getting frustrated when she speaks to her in English, and always quickly gives in, switching back to Spanish and distracting her instead.
I have no comments on the rest because it's all so so so perfect. A thousand kisses for you.
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quodekash · 9 months
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because of them, im now gonna start sobbing every time someone throws a peace sign at me
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my boy is having many thoughts. none of them good.
I can hear his crisis and him blaming himself because now he thinks it's his fault that sailom's gonna get beat up, and he's sad for himself that he doesn't have a reason to spend time with sailom anymore, and now his grandma's gonna be disappointed in him for failing something, and there's definitely some thoughts in the mix there about his dad and the bike he bought him and kang is so certain he doesn't deserve the bike, I could go on but I wont because I would like to finish this episode before the sun rises and currently that doesnt seem all too likely
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well DUH
YOU COULD SEE IT FROM MARS (and now im thinking about soundwin. frick.)
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tell him
tellllll himmmmmm
tell him he lent the umbrella to youuuuu
and you've treasured it forever perhaps?
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chances are either the bus or Kang's car is gonna show up before he'll get it out, bUT ONCE AGAIN, LET ME BASK IN THIS RARE MOMENT OF GLORY AND POWER
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I know it's super cliche and everyone probably saw that coming but I dont care, im gonna let myself feel almighty powerful
I just. I will never understand why they dont just like quickly tell the person before leaving. or like yell at him while getting on the bus. OR EVEN text him while on the bus, immediately after getting on. that's what id do, cos if I dont tell them right then and there, I guarantee you I will forget to ever tell them, and then it'll keep me up at night for ages but never at a moment where I actually think about telling them, and then three or four years later ill finally tell them and it'll be so insignificant by then but it doesnt matter because I FINALLY TOLD THEM THE THING
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I really hope he remembers to give at least one of those umbrellas back to kang
mans is not waterproof, he needs an umbrella
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respect for auto just went down down prices are down
crypto? seriously honey?
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I hate sports days so much
thankfully id always be allowed to just not go to school instead of being forced to participate in athletics and swimming carnivals and cross country and stuff, and I will be forever grateful to my parents for that
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they're in love btw
just in case anyone forgot
I didn't forget
I can't forget about them
my brain wont allow it
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two things to say here
one: view, please marry me
two: kang and sailom definitely have the same responsibilities
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just KISS
I can't deal with the longing stares anymore
im like 80% certain they wont kiss this episode but I so badly want them to
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....but (hehe butt)
I think kang might pull some strings to end up in the same department as sailom? maybe??
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IM DYING, THERE'S A MARC AND A PAVIN (which sounded like pawin)
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ooooo he is listening to their conversationnnnnn
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(we're getting so many cheesy cliches right after each other and I am so here for it, I love this so much)
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now kiss
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he needs money to pay off his debts, so... he's gonna take a job offer from the guy he pays his debts to? feels kinda pointless, right?
also in this series, pepper reminds me of tor, specifically in midnight museum, so part of my mind thinks hes gonna offer him a job at the museum
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as someone who sprained an ankle a little over a month ago, I have some points to make
namely: saifah is right. the first 72 hours are the most important, as long as you're resting it, keeping it elevated, icing it, compressing it, you'll be all good to walk on it in no time. after that, you need to make sure you're still taking care of it, like by wearing a compression sock all the time, and not walking on it too much if it starts hurting, stuff like that. that's the part I didnt do. I took care of it for three days, then kept walking on it like nothing happened, and it's still really painful sometimes, it never properly healed, but like it's fine im surviving
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there's nothing wrong with the work he's doing, it's just the fact that he's still a kid and thats a 50 year old man
on another note, I ran out of bloody images AGAIN
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wonuyun · 1 month
orv main story epilogue spoilers under cut
ch 517 (epilogue 1 - i)
i'm screaming into my fist as i write this. the moment kdj said yjh had a pale face... my heart dropped... no way...
and it was. orz (the 0th turn that wasn't even written but only briefly mentioned in flashbacks...)
get me out of here... i'm going to cry good bye
ch 518 (epilogue 1 - ii)
SCREAMING. oldest dream wasn't yjh's sponsor until the 3rd turn...
yeah okay... i know who it would be then...
and abfd being one of the constellations he could choose??
DKOS *thumps fist* i'm done. i'm done bye
the yjh glare is always there when kdj is present hahaha
ch 519 (epilogue 1 - iii)
HAHAHA yjh was really about to choose abfd
and he called kdj's modifier arrogant aksjdhfjskd
hsy my hsy my sooyoungie
they were so happy ToT can't even have half a chapter of bliss
she was testing him... oh my god...
ch 520 (epilogue 1 - iv) wo ai ni :hearthands:
okay here come the tears
han sooyoung... i want to give you the biggest hug ever
i don't even know how to explain what i'm feeling anymore
i just love this story and i love kimcom so much
ch 521 (epilogue 1 - v)
okay i had a feeling sangah knew something
the confrontation... han sooyoung ;-;
fricking what. what the heck was that at the end
??? i'm scared. what (is this when he falls into the coma...)
ch 522 (epilogue 1 - vi)
the kids talking to kdj :')
i'm punching my pillow (figuratively)
ch 523 (epilogue 1 - vii)
"Kim Dokja's world couldn't be found anywhere now." okay??? thanks so much... i will be so normal about this...
kdj telling bihyung he's here to repay his debt... you hear my heart breaking? yeah that's what that cracking sound was
jung heewon is still alive and with the original main team huhuhuhu
yoo mia is here too!!
fudge biscuits... kdj is literally disappearing... for good?? (edit: okay so his fingers regenerate, but they'll always be smaller than before)
he's sacrificing himself to "personally write the story that didn't exist in the original"
"eventually, yoo joonghyuk of the 0th turn had reached the final pages of the scenarios." <- this is hitting me so hard. ough
ch 524 (epilogue 1 - viii)
pacheonmaeng is such a fitting name -> 破天盟 literally translated is breaking sky alliance
oh wait no it's still 0th turn yjh, just a timeskip...
i'm so unwell
yjh has grey hair!! this man is getting old?? (edit: omg "life lived to its fullest" attribute... he won't live long...)
he married lee seolhwa *wipes tears*
wait- no- yjh don't say that...
he got to see his protagonist, his hero, his saviour, his role model grow old *sobs*
ch 525 (epilogue 1 - ix)
wow i'm full on sobbing now
he asked those questions in the end... he's perfectly happy but curious about who this mysterious constellation is
and since dkos can't pass on fourth wall to him, he has to regress... he has to regress 1864 times in order to meet kdj
the kdj from the beginning of orv :')
"just because i will forget about them, that doesn't mean they'll suddenly stop existing."
"they definitely continue to live in this world."
OTL i'm not recovering from this woo
"tell me, you fool. if i continue to regress, will i ever get to meet you again?" OH
the quote is from this context????
omg this quote that has plagued me for so long. it's from this chapter. this scene.
HA. he remembers now?? his memories came back. i repeat, his 0th turn memories returned!!!
this group regression... will they ever find him...
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efangamez · 8 months
When did you first get into ttrpg stuff? What made you interested in doing your own design?
That's a great question!
COVID was a bigggg inspiration for me. Me and my friends at the time wanted to play some games together, and we played some DnD but it we kindaaaaaaaaaa not fun (GM was also not the best, but they were early in their GMing days so it's all good). So, I decided to make my own fake inspired by a world I created called Tides of the Cosmos.
In that game is a very vibrant and interesting game world that is, though, at its core, a lil stale in the fantasy setting. BUT people loved the mechanics enough that we played a year long campaign, and it was a ton of fun.
From there I created Neon Nights for my friends and played that a bit. Then, later the next year, I thought "frick it, let's release it to the world" and I did, and it was highlighted by a lot of really cool people on Twitter at the time. From there, I kinda knew this would be a profession I would be engrained in for a long, long time.
My advice to early creatives is this: just release something. Don't be afraid. Yes, it's gonna be bad. Accept it!!!! All artists, performers, and other professionals start off as "bad", but don't forget you'll look at those games fondly!!!
Anyway, that's about it lmao. I just do this for fun, and I'm very, very, very blessed to have games do well, like GRIM, my Quake-inspired game (that you can find below hehehe)
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musicanixety · 19 days
Random prompts my brain came up with:
[A father/mother figure] trying to find a gift for their [child figure], ten points if the [child figure] knew about it all the time and didn't help them.
[Mentor] is trying to teach their [Mentee] something, but they forgot what so they ended up going to Mcdonald's instead. Ten points if the [Mentor] actually remembered but pretended to forget to cheer up their [Mentee] because they are sad or stressing themselves too much.
[Adoptive father/mother] forgot that their [adopted kid] is actually adopted, and the [adopted kid] had to remind them they were adopted. Ten points if the 'I forgot you were adopted' gone on more then two weeks before the [adopted kid] noticed it.
[Mentor] tries to adopt their [Mentee] because the [Mentee] is a horrible household. Ten points if one of the [Mentee]'s bio/step/foster family members helps the [Mentor].
[Twin character] and [Twin character] switch other's roles/jobs for a day. Ten points if the [Twins] found out they are actually better at the switched jobs.
A kind [Demon] befriends a scary [Angel]. Ten points if the [Demon] is smol and the [Angel] is fricking huge.
[Tiny Friend] tries to protect their [Big Friend]. Ten points if the [Big Friend] can obviously protect themselves but decides not to, so the [Tiny Friend] can have their moment.
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suiana · 10 months
So to give to a little context first. I have a friend whom I met from my old online school. We have a enemies dynamic. We've each other for 2 years now. When we first met I was the one who talked the most, which he used to see as "annoying". Ever since I left the online school and became busy with my new irl school, I started messaging him less and when I do, he acts more and more nicer and chill than before. To the point he stared flirting with me but I always brushed it off as I also flirt with everybody. Did I forget to mention we are the complete opposite of each other. He's extremely introverted online while I'm literally just putting out my phone number for everyone to see. Irl tho I'm introverted and scared of people unlike him who suddenly has the ultimate rizz and getting into fights with other boys.
One time he messaged me while putting on his just as he got out if the shower. Lemme tell you I was dense af back then. He literally asked for shampoo recommendations. I didn't know anything about men's hygiene so I told him to use a flower scented shampoo. He left for 15mins which I thought was because he was drying his hair. No he was running to the store. He asked for which shampoo brand I use. I didn't want him to know that much about me so I said any sakura scented one.
Another time was when we were talking about a game we like and he thought about cosplaying the character I liked and I thought of it as just some teasing between friends and went along with it by saying I prefer the female characters.
I'm always questioning my sexuality so I'm always joking around that I'm gay and I think that's the reason why he hasn't been straight forward.
He started his own irl school last week and a girl kept looking back and forth at him and when he was about to go home she stopped him saying he could always ask her for help about studies and the school.
And again with a different girl but this time is his deskmate. Apparently every single girl he has met had asked him if he has a gf to which he responded with "not ur business" and I already knew something wasn't right at this point because I have seen his face before and he is mid. Sure ig some girls r into tall boys but he's a freaking emo.
And did I tell you about my suspicion about his deskmate not even being a real girl because the Coincidences if them being neighbors and having way too much in common is too suspicious. Did I also mention "her" personality is completely unreal. She says she's "not like the other girls" and HE him out of all people fricking agreed
And his description of her sounds exactly like me. Short wolfcut, gets mistaken as a boy, kinda tall. Even her behavior is like mine, Just randomly zoning out. And the last thing that completely threw me off guard was her grades. She's the Top of the class. I'm literally part of the student council.
But then I wanted to meet her too if she was comfortable with it but y know what he said.
Idk I can
He thinks I might accidentally hurt her feelings. He has known me for nearly 3 years.
And his response to me was
"Didnt mean it but since she has many mental issues and tried to suicide her self because of got bullied and mocked,i just don't want to makes her feel bad and depressed"
I relate to her so now im always telling him to protect her even if her stories might be worse than mine.
But now that I'm rethinking about it
I think he's lying to me
I heard getting advice from random strangers on the internet is better than getting actual help /j
I actually really like him and I don't have the courage to confront him directly about it
There's a very high chance I'm just being delusional and should continue being some wingman
But I don't have any other friends to tell this and I really need to get it off my chest and get other ppls opinions so I hoped I didn't make too many Grammer mistakes
don't worry about making grammar mistakes it's totally ok
u should subtly try to egg him on for answers
like asking what's Ur ideal type, what would u do if u date me, do u think we'll be more than just friends etc
if he hints that he does like u maybe u can shoot your shot lol haha, and don't be disheartened if he rejects u, there's plenty of fish in the sea :3
imo u probably have a good chance of getting that because he probably likes you ++ no guy I've seen would do such things for someone they just call a friend :)
I hope everything goes well for you bae and all the best
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savebatswingaus · 4 months
I mean, even with his throat cut open, he’s kind of cute. - RusAmeChu fic
Fic in the link or under the cut. It's old, and I've posted it before, but I can't find the post. :(
Russia gets hurt, but thankfully his teammate is here to help him. Prompt: Fantasy Setting/Magic
Rpg setting my beloved. I search for any excuse to write a flying fic I swear.   Frick posting these in order, I finished this one and not the two before it, I’m posting it now. XD (I know that this is like… two weeks late. Ignore it.) Words: 2,859 Tws: Throat injury (Just in the beginning though.), winged characters Prompt: Fantasy Setting/Magic
“Okay,” China panicked, hands shaking as he tried to stop the blood that was currently spilling from his teammate’s throat, “Okay.”
Russia forced a smile up at him, but China could tell that it was a pained smile, and that scared him. He knew the wound was painful, he didn’t need proof of it, right? He also knew that Russia was trying to tell him he was fine, but he clearly wasn’t, so his efforts were fruitless. (But even though it failed to reassure him, he felt a stab of respect for Russia, it couldn’t be easy to smile when your HP was so low.) 
He frantically looked up at his teammates, trying not to let his panic spread to them, “Doesn’t anyone have a healing item?” he pleaded, “Any at all?”
Instantly he could see people shuffling through their inventories, some more frantic than others, but it was America who was able to reach an item first. “Here you go,” he rambled, words clipped as he tossed the item over to China, “It’s not much but it’s all I have.”
Without missing a beat, China applied the item to Russia’s throat, ignoring the shivers of pain as the stinging medicine set in, “Anyone else?” he asked, not looking up from his work for even a second, “I don’t know if this is gonna do it.”
Someone handed him some food, and he hurriedly tore it into pieces to feed to Russia. Yeah, food wasn’t always the easiest thing to heal someone with, but it would have to do. (Italy, their healer, had gone out of a trip to look for herbs that morning, and there wasn’t a lot he could do about an injury if he didn’t know about it.)
China had a few levels in healing, but he was a warrior, and magic didn’t come easy to him. Other people in his crew had magic, America for example, but no one had high enough levels in healing to help with a wound like this. Russia was the closest to being able to help, and with his throat cut, he could hardly use the energy needed to shake his head, let alone heal something this big. (Plus, he was a mage, not a healer.)
Why then, was he the one helping? That he didn’t know. Pretty much anyone else would be more suited to this skillset, but no one else had stepped up to the job. Well, except for America. But he had quickly become too hysterical to be much help. (He had calmed down by now, but China could still see his shoulder’s shaking in fear.)
But slowly the food began to help. China was still panicking (especially when his last good bandage stained red), but he could clearly see the glowing purple fading back into Russia’s eyes. It took a moment, but his teammate was healing. However, it wasn’t until the tell tale ‘ ding!’ of a wound healing that he let himself calm down for sure. (Of course, he knew that even if a wound was technically ‘healed’ it could still cause a person to lose HP, but this wasn’t a poison wound, so that shouldn’t be as huge of a problem as it could be.)
He fell back onto his heels, a relieved sigh escaping him as his heart struggled to return to a normal tempo. ‘Thank god,’ was all he could think, even when he didn’t believe in a god, ‘Thank god.’
Forgetting to be careful around his still injured teammate, China dived forward in a hug. Crushing his ribs and reveling in the very alive, ‘oof’ sound he made.
After a moment of processing the situation, the rest of his team began to cheer. (Out of the corner of his eye, he could see America frantically rubbing tears off his face, but he had another teammate to worry about at the moment.) “Russia,” he asked softly, brushing the white hair out of his eyes, “How do you feel?”
Russia took a deep breath in… and then breathed it out again. “Better,” he answered, his voice cracked and muffled from the pain resting at his throat, “Better.”
China nodded and pulled back from the hug, heart soaring as relief flooded him, “That’s good.” (Internally he told himself that that was probably a low bar to be cleared, but any bar was better than none.) 
“He’s okay guys!” He called, giving the last few worriers their cue to celebrate. 
He heard Russia laughing lightly from under him, and even though it was a scratchy laugh, China took it as more proof that he was okay. “Let’s get you back to the base,” he whispered, turning back to his teammate and getting an arm ready to pull him to his feet, “We can try this mission again later.”
Russia nodded and took his hand, cold fingers itching with the shock of magic that filled them. China was right, it was probably a good idea to go home. 
The walk wasn’t far, and both teammates were thankful for that. (China’s knee had gotten injured in a boss fight earlier that week, and Russia was still recovering his HP from his recent throat injury.) Most of their team had stayed out on the mission, completing a small one like this wasn’t normally difficult even with less people than usual (Russia had just been unlucky), but one other person had come with them.
He was an unlikely candidate to follow them back, but China didn’t tell him that. A half warrior half wizard (well, more like three fourths warrior, one fourth wizard), who barely spoke to either of them. He might have been spooked by the blood, but they were all accustomed to it, so China wasn’t exactly sure if that lined up.
“So,” he prompted, their camp in sight but still far enough away to have a short conversation, “How’s it going?”
America shook his head (since China wasn’t facing him, the only reason he knew that was because of the rapid increase of armor noises), and said, “The same as usual.”
Now, China wasn’t an expert on reading people, especially people who were wearing full suits of armor (America had put his helmet back on), but he could still tell that was a lie. But instead of pushing the subject, he casually continued, “Did you forget something back at camp? I could get it if you want to go back to the mission.” 
Russia nodded, and even though he was obviously still hurting, he added, “I could also get something for you if you wanted me too.”
There was a pause where China could tell that America was blushing, but he quickly covered for himself. “No I didn’t forget anything, I just wanted to go back to camp to… um, to-”
China cut in, not wanting him to get too flustered about this, “It’s alright, you don’t have to explain.”
“Everyone needs a break sometimes,” Russia added, “You don’t need to explain why you need one.” If China hadn’t known him as well as he did, he would’ve thought that the purple eyed mage had missed how much America had been dancing the subject, but the slightest twinge of interest ticking at his teammate's voice told him the truth.
“I guess,” America muttered, clearly slightly embarrassed by the acceptance that his teammates were giving him. “Thank you.” He added suddenly, as if remembering rather quickly that ‘thank you’s where a thing.
China smiled and glanced back at him, “You’re welcome,” he looked back forward, and was pleased to see that the camp was pretty much right in front of them, “Now, it’s time to rest up a bit.”
Once they were in his tent and the bandages were swapped out for more efficient items, Russia spoke up. “What do you think he’s really doing here?” he whispered, face weirdly close to China’s, “He’s not in his tent, so he’s not resting.”
“He could be in another tent,” China said, not backing up even though their noses were nearly touching, “Or he could be by the fire.”
“He’s not.” 
China didn’t ask how Russia knew that, but he believed it anyway, “Well, what do you think he’s doing?”
“I think he’s here to ask us out,”
China blinked, suddenly short circuiting from the level of truth that stained Russia’s voice, “What?”
“Well, did you see the way he was looking at you on the way back here?” Russia asked, now actually pushing his nose against China’s and making his eyes blur and duplicate in China’s vision, “Or when you were fighting that dragon?”
China blushed and backed up, suddenly flustered. “No, I didn’t notice,” admiting that made him feel sort of stupid, because thinking back on it now, it was quite obvious, “Why’d you say ‘us’ then? If he was just looking at me?”
Russia giggled and leaned back a little, “The team’s been making bets on when we’d get together,” China felt his mouth fall open as he continued, “You probably didn’t notice because of that new magic skill you’ve been picking up.”
“But why- why would-?” He felt his face redden, “I didn’t- I don’t-”
“Don’t what?” Russia asked innocently, “Think I’m cute?”
China’s thoughts flashed back on memories of Russia defeating monsters, or reading through spell bocks, or teaching him little bits of magic. “No I think-,” he blushed harder, “Well I mean I don’t-'' His mind slid into the way he had felt in any of those instances, a light warmth of love in his chest, a blurring confusion in his brain telling him it was just friendship.
Russia smiled, but managed not to laugh, “That’s alright, I’ll let you figure it out.”
Trying not to think about the realization he’d just had about himself, China spluttered, “Does that mean you think I’m cute?” He asked without thinking, “Or are you just saying this because it’s funny?”
Now Russia actually did laugh, and China felt his HP flicker in embarrassment as his teammate saw right through him. “I guess I do,” he said, touching his throat awkwardly as a second ‘ding’ resonated from it, “You are pretty smart after all.”
“Apparently not smart enough to realize you like men,” China gawked, not admitting to himself that he had also not realized that he liked men, “Specifically me ,”
Russia grinned and clambered to his feet, “What do you say about America then? Since you don’t want to talk about how you feel about me?”
China forced himself not to blush anymore and stood up after him, “Well, I’d have to know him better first, wouldn’t I?”
Russia nodded and smiled, “Of course you would, people need time to figure stuff out,” he jabbed him in the side friendly, “And you seem to have a lot of stuff to figure out right now.”
China yelped indignantly and jabbed him back, but he couldn’t find the words to retort with, so he settled with just that. Russia laughed and lightly slapped away his hand, sending an accidental shock of magic through his teammate, “Come on, let’s go talk to him.”
As they emerged from the tent, China let the sunlight blind him as he tried to cool the heat from his ears. (Any distraction was a good distraction, as far as he was concerned.) 
“America!” Called Russia, voice still scratchy from his injury, “America?”
China blinked a few times and looked around, but their teammate wasn’t in the camp. “I wonder where he’s gone,” he mused, “Is he in his tent?”
“No,” Russia told him, and he sounded worried enough that China didn’t even think to ask how he knew, “No he’s not.”
“Don’t worry,” he reassured him, “He’s probably around camp somewhere,”
Russia nodded, but he didn’t look so sure.
They spent a few minutes searching, but it quickly became clear that the warrior wizard wasn’t anywhere in the camp. (Even so, they searched for a bit longer, but with each second they didn’t find America, Russia got more and more worried.) “We’ll find him,” China said carefully, “He might have gone out for items, right?”
Again, Russia nodded, but also again, he didn’t sound like he believed him entirely.
“We can fly there,” China added, “You’re healed enough to do the spell, right?”
Russia cheered up then, he loved flying, and neither of them could deny that it was an effective way to get around, “Of course,” he said, metaly flicking through spells and letting his eyes flick between colors for them, “Of course I am.”
China smiled and nodded, his new attachment to his teammate glowing in his chest with the magic now spilling from his hands. It was time to fly.
“Let’s go!” Russia grinned, solidifying his ghostly wings behind him, their feathery surfaces fading into something fluffy and real and his spell was completed. (And with the regular shock, China felt wings of his own begin to form.) 
Taking off was a pain, like it always was, but it only took him three tries this time, and that had to count for something. (Russia was more practiced, so it only took him one, but he encouraged him the whole way. Even landing again to show him how high he had to jump a second time.) China felt a blush spread across his face then, and maybe that feeling of caring was what got him into the air for sure.
“Okay,” China yelled over the wind, still fumbling with the rhythm of his wings on the air, “Which way do you want to go first?”
By some miracle, Russia heard him, “I was thinking towards the forest,” he yelled back, “If he’s looking for items, that’s the best place to get a variety.”
China nodded and tried not to drop too far inbetween wingbeats, “Lead the way!”
Russia smiled and China felt the warmth in him grow as he swooped off to the west. He was so graceful, so confident in the air, and China had to respect him for it. (Even when following him was a little bit difficult.)
Screaming across the sky, the two looked towards the ground for their teammate. Wind cut right through their hair and feathers, but China’s cloak was surprisingly resistant to the cold, and for that he was thankful. He beat his wings and soared a bit higher. Even though flying was hard work, and he was cold and already tiring, he had to admit that he felt free. (Free enough to almost forget their lost teammate, or how beautiful Russia looked flying below him. …but that was seriously an almost.) 
He stretched his arms out like his wings, even though the push of the wind fought to keep them at his sides. There was something nice about it.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Russia folding his wings into a dive, heading for the forest that they suspected America to be walking through. China gave a final half hearted flap of his wings, and followed. Wings were generated the first time the spell was set on a person, and they could be different for everyone, so all he could say was that he was thankful he was a bird meant to dive. 
It just felt right . 
He sped towards the trees, cutting past Russia with a ‘whoop!’ of pure joy. He was going so fast, and the wind rushed past him even faster. It filled his ears and mouth, tearing his joyful screams from his mouth and tearing them apart like a blender. Gradually he put out his wings, using them in an unnaturally practiced way as he swooped up again, moving in a wave over the rushing trees.
Happily, he glanced behind himself, and quickly spotted Russia following him, a look of impressed shock on his face. China didn’t blame him, he hadn’t known he could do that either. 
But after a few more minutes, the rush of joy wore off, and he could feel his aching muscles all over again. (Thankfully for him though, not a minute after he noticed the tiredness, Russia let out a shout of recognition and circled in for a landing.) 
The landing was appropriately difficult, but watching his more practiced teammate do it first helped. And plus, they were landing in a clearing, so it wasn’t nearly as difficult as it could have been. Still though, he managed to scrape his knee the second he made contact with the grassy ground. It didn’t matter though, because on the other end of the clearing, America was picking flowers.
He had his helmet off, so China could clearly see the shock on his face as he shook out his wings. “America!” he yelled, throwing his arms up into the air, “We’ve been looking for you!”
“You- You have?” he stuttered, a blue blush spreading over his face, “Really?”
“Yeah!” Russia called, voice finally back to normal (it had been a good healing item in the end), “And we’ve got something to tell you!”
China snickered as America’s mouth fell open, and in that moment, they all knew that they were all just a bit more than teammates now.
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katkitkat · 1 year
There was something cycling ranboos minds that day.
Actually it had been there for a couple weeks to be honest, but he just really caught on it just there. In Tubbos' little wooden cabin, sitting in Tubbos' living room sofa, with one of Tubbos blankets wrapped over his legs. And tubbo handed him a mug with hot cocoa after putting Michael to bed, and tubbo had also offered him to stay for the night just like he's been doing the last couple of days.
And dang, everything in his mind in that moment was just tubbo.
He could never say no to him, at this point ranboo was carving a little, so close to permanent, spot on the cabins couch, it was even harder to leave when pretty blue eyes begged you to stay again, offered warm drinks and blankets, scared hands playing with the ends of your tail, the best company pressed to your side and the promise of a night full of conversations of everything and nothing at all.
"I want to marry you..." ranboo confessed that night, though it was more like that runnig tough slipped from his mind and rolled out form his tongue.
There was a moment of silence, not really that long for it to be counted as one but for ranboo everything counted after that dumb thing he just said, either way the silence was followed by a soft giggle.
"We already are bossman" tubbo yawned, wiggling a bit to be more comfortable in the space besides ranboo in the sofa. "Maybe I have to start reminding you more often..."
"No- I mean, I know we are married for like, the tax thing" hmm ranboo is not so sure what to do now, is it too late to back away? Say it was silly thing that he mindlessly said? Pretend he actually did forget they were married for tax benefits things like he did during the first weeks.
"So where is that coming from?" Well frick, now tubbo was looking at him, not actually, there was some hair still sitting in front of his eyes but he still knew he was looking at him now. Shoot shoot shoot, it really is late to back away now is it? He already got the question over it going, he can't leave tubbo with no answer, tubbo gets worried when he scares away questions, won't dig for more because he doesn't want to make ranboo uncomfortable, but ranboo knows it leaves him worried and he will think of it all night trying to put things together to figure out if somethings wrong and- Ranboo doesn't want tubbo to be worried... so he better just, yeah.
"I want to like-" he stutters, how do you put it into words? How do words work actually, why did he get into this, if he just hadn't said things out loud would be better dealing with the thought by himself, what if tubbo doesn't like it, what if for him is actually just a tax thing, what if he is just being stupid-
what if he just keeps going, maybe it won't be that bad, maybe he will feel better after finally saying something, maybe it will be mutual, if not... just forget about it when you wake up in the morning, just don't write about it in the journal.
"I mean... actually marry you, not for the tax thing, just you and I being married and you know we could get rings and I could stay more often and we could still be just doing the same we already do, and i just want to spend my life with you by my side- and it not being for the thing- and-" he is messing up, oh maybe he is messing up bad, tubbo is just looking at him, head tilted brows have frown a little, maybe tubbo doesn't think the same, maybe he was just fine with it being a tax thing, maybe tubbo had planned for it to be just for time to pass till they forgot about it, maybe he's just making it to be more than it is, back down back down don't continue. "And... n-nevermind maybe it's just a me thing, don't pay attention to me- I just made it weird- maybe just- forget I said that-".
"Hey! Hey, wait don't get all like that right now, we were just chilling bossman..." warm hands on his shoulders, warm eyes, not frown, tubbos is not mad, he doesn't look mad maybe he didn't screw up, but maybe he did maybe tubbo is just trying to calm him just to actually pretend it didn't happen. "Now... wow- I"
"Aw no, I actually messed up I made it weird, I shouldn't have said anything, I just- I just thought since we've been so close since new l'manberg and then the- and Michale, and we-" ranboo tries to cover his face with a hand, shame uther shame, just why why, why did you even have those thoughts on the first place. "Please actually forget I said that, oh goodness I'm so sorry- I should-"
"Ranboo! Shit! let me talk, stop getting all up in your brain, please calm down..." now tubbos hands are cupping his face, they shouldn't be, but maybe they should they are so warm, but better not ranboo already messed up he shouldn't be in the house anymore, he has to leave-.
"I want to marry you too..." Ok pause, breath, did he hear it right? breath again, maybe is not that bad, breath, it's ok, tubbo is smiling at him, genuine smile not mad. Not the one he puts when is trying to seem friendly and not stressed at all, this one is the smile that has that little dimple and makes his eyes shine and his right eyes goes tiny and it's cute, he likes that smile, is the good smile, is the I am actually fine, I am not taking peoples knees this time nor threatening them with the pen u gave me that day in the office smile, so he better stop getting railed up like tubbo said he was doing and better calm down.
"Really...?" It comes out almost broken, was he about cry? Or is it just the way tubbo presses on his cheeks so his voice come out funny. Or maybe is both, because tubbo is also running his thumbs under his eyes, he often does that to stop ranboos tears from burning, does when he wakes up in the snow and doesn't know what he did while he was asleep, and tubbo just said it was alright, that he just got out and picked some flowers form the garden at back of the house, then literally just slumped in the snow while still asleep. So yeah, maybe he was about to cry, how is ranboo like this, he is he such a mess.
"Yes I do, you stupid dickhead" tubbo slid his hand down to his cheek and gave him some little slaps, it didn't hurt it was just like he was trying to gently smack him back into not being all worried, trapped in his head and all the ranboo things he as a ranboo does.
"I want to be married too, that is why we are... Maybe I should have said something too 'cause probably you've been thinking the same thing as me" this is not bad, it's good actually seems like they are on the same page, at least ranboo hope it is like that cause it seems like that. "Shit- I was so worried of fucking it up too, are we both just actually this dumb?"
"If you say we are- maybe its true" is the only thing we managed to mutter, tubbo decided to keep the conversation going while getting comfy and laying his head on ranboos lap, and then just blue eyes look straight up at him, they just pierce his souls and he wants to run hands through messy hair, but he is just stiff, is he moves he will mess up for sure, just let tubbo do what he needs to get comfy, just keep tubbo here and let him guide the conversation first, it will be more easy that way.
"Well... c'mon bossman, just let it out and then I'll let it out too, why do you want to marry me?" There is so much that runs through ranboos mind and so much to say and so much he wants, but how do they even get it out of their chest, how do u tell the person you care for the most in the world that you want a forever of nights in front of a cozy fire, late walks out in the snow, of just laying just by each other's side, hand around your waist, hands on your hair, hands in your hands.
"Because I love you" it's out it's finally out, what does he do now he can't run, tubbo is just looking at him again eyes big and surprised. Suddenly tubbos whole face is all red and he is covering it with his hands and just squirming and ranboo can feel his own face get warm, what is this what is happening- "I think I said something wrong again"
"AaAaaHhh hold on! Just wait, let me recover! That was so- Shit!" He is still facing away and covering his face, and ranboo can feel on his legs how he tries to control his breath.
After one, two, three more deep breaths, tubbo turns his head towards ranboo, little gap on his fingers to look through them cheeks still bright red. "Can you... when you say that you- love me... what do you mean"
Now ranboo is the one to look away, stutters and trips on never fully thought words "Suck it up! tell me..."
"Im kidding tho... tell only if you want to, just y-yeah i would- like to know what you mean by that 'cause-"
"I- I want to spend all my time with you, and and stay by your side, wake up in the morning and have breakfast with you and Michael everyday, and I want to hug you and be with you without worrying that maybe you don't like it, because what if I'm being too much, that I make it too much and-" in what moment did he started to pick at the loose string in tubbos sweater, stop don't do that right now, keep track of what you are saying. I love you I care about you he hasn't said that part yet has he, tubbo needs to know he cares and that he is always thinking of him and missing him and and and.
"A-and I care about you, like a lot, a LOT, and always want to be here to make sure you are ok and help with the little things and the big things cuz you are always taking care of me and I want to do the same".
"And when I have to go home i find myself missing you, and how you play with the end of my tail or when you comb my hair or I comb your hair, or hold your hand when we take Michael for walks or your smile when I say the most dumb things ever, and your rambles about science stuff I don't really get but you make sound so cool and" breath goodness, you are talking without breathing and you are going to choke if you don't stop right now, feels like they are letting a lot more go out, maybe too much information, but it's ok.
"I just... I just love you so much" and he finally dares to look at tubbo, wow wait, why are tubbos eyes teary, did ranboo say more bad things? They were not bad things tho but maybe tubbo doesn't like those things. He goes to put he hand on tubbo cheek and tries to get close to his eyes but another hand stops his, keeping it just caressing scared warm skin.
"A-are you ok? Did i- did I upset y-"
"I AM SO FINE RIGHT NOW I WILL PUNCH YOUR PRETTY FACE" that startles ranboo a lil bit, they both pause for a second to hear for signs of Michael waking up for the noise, there is not, so they go back at look at each other, and tubbo whispers "do you really feel all of that... of me..."
"Y-yes I do! You are so amazing and I don't even know w-what I did to deserve being your friend in the first place and-"
"I love you, you don't known how fucking much I love you dickhead" it was muffled by ranboos shirt but he still heard it, tubbo was hugging him by the wait like he was clinging for dear life, he was angled awkwardly still laying on his lap, and ranboo felt like he was being constricted but it was good, he felt so right in that moment, folded himself over tubbo to wrap his arms around the other and just stay like that for a minutes, they would rather it was for years.
"You said I'm pretty..." that kinda didn't leave his mind when he heard it, tho tubbo most likely just let it slip but he had to break the silence, he didn't have to he regrets it because now tubbo is moving to sit up and look at them.
"Yeah... ofcouerse you catched on that you idiot" tubbo had a lil smirk on his face, and his hair was all over the place.
"You are so pretty, the prettiest of all in this forsaken server and I can't believe such a beautiful thing is my husband" warm hands cup ranboos face, and run through the hair that falls on his eyes and scratch at that good spot behind his horn, it feels so good and fuzzy and he can't help but purr, hearing a little giggle come from the expert at making ranboo melt with warm hands and warm eyes. "My husband..."
"I would love for you to come take care of me and letting me take care of you, and care for our little son together, i will make for us the most beautiful rings, only made for us, with your gold of course" ranboo laughs a bit, warps lanky arms around tubbo, hugs him tight so tight, makes himself tiny to bury his face on tubbos chest, and listens to words that pull strings on his heart and his brain, deconstruct and build him back up again.
"And I miss you so much when you are not around, when you bring new flowers every time you come visit, you make Mike's face light up with every silly story you tell him, adore when you run your hands in my hair and the funny noise you make when you are comfy... just like this" tubbo giggles again when ranboo purrs at his ears being gently scratched, ranboo melts even more when he feels a kiss in the crown of his head.
"Hehe you're like a big cat"
"M'nooot" ranboo complains yet he doesn't move from his place, pulls tubbo even closer to him. "About cats... can I bring enderchest to meet Michael? Since... I'm kinda staying more often I guess"
"Did you really did all of this love talk and wanting to be actually married just to bring your cat to my home, ranboo?" Tubbo laughs kinda snarky, pulls away to look at ranboo again, ranboo thinks he is so pretty when the the warn fire and moonlight mix in his face.
"Nooo... maybeee" pretends to smile all mischievous, yep sure the plan was to bring the cat yep, tubbo laughs and bumps their foreheads together.
"I love you... so so so much"
"I-I love you too"
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crissiebaby · 1 year
DiapOut: Chapter 28
DISCLAIMER: This series contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation, hypermessing, sissification, WAM, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. If you haven’t read the first chapter and want to catch up, be sure to check out the link in the description. I hope you enjoy!
Awakening from a hypnosis-induced coma, Misa panicked a bit as her body was still in fight-or-flight mode. Thankfully, the worried, yet caring eyes of her friends brought her back to Earth. Even Mia, who she had been furious with only minutes prior, was a welcoming face after what she’d been through. She moved to sit up but found that her sluggish, energy-zapped body didn’t want to leave the comfy hypnosis chair.
“Don’t try to sit up too fast. Your body is still recovering from the sensory overload you just experienced,” said Keelee, standing over the four Wetters looking like she’d just survived about fifteen heart attacks in a three-minute timespan. Looking down at her clipboard, she did her best to power through her potent anxiety as she plopped her production manager hat back on, “That being said, we have a schedule to keep to. Jackson and I are going to discuss options so try to rest up for now.”
Standing up from her squatted position in front of Misa, Mia stared at Keelee with a look of pure disgust. “Y-You’re still going to make us play today? After what just happened?!” she said, gesturing toward the giant screen that was still sparking.
“Listen, Baby New Year. I don’t know what game you and your friends think you’re playing but we’re bleeding thousands of dollars for every minute that those cameras aren’t rolling,” said Keelee, folding her arms defensively. In her mind, she wasn’t about to let some fame-hungry twat make her feel bad, “One of your opponents literally had an emergency enema to keep playing, so dust yourselves off and get ready to get back into it.”
Watching Keelee storm off, Ayaya’s eyes darted to the floor as she whistled a low tone. “Dang, what a frigid bitch,” she said, reaching up to pat Mia on the back. If anyone in their group knew how cutthroat this industry could be, it was her, “Try not to let her get to you. Everyone with power in Hollywood is like that. You’ll get used to it, I promise.”
Exhaling sharply through her nose, Mia may have heard Ayaya’s words but she was far too aggravated to heed her advice right now. “She’s so fricking mean. Everyone here is,” she said before turning her attention back to Misa, “And they made us mean too. I’m sorry I went too far, Misa. If I could go back in time I could tackle myself to the ground in that moment, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
Pursing her lips together into a slight smile, Misa could feel the warmth and honesty radiating from Mia’s sentiment. As much as she hated owning up to her own wrongdoing, she didn’t have much room to judge based on the stunt she pulled with Mia, even if she tried as hard as she could to convince herself she did. Taking Mia’s hand in hers, she stared deeply into her best friend's eyes, ready to forgive and forget, “Ish okie, Mia, I sowwy toos,” she said, all of the blood draining from her face as her sentence came to an end. She raised a hand to her mouth, brushing her fingertips against her lips in fear, “Wuhs…Wuhs…UGH! Wuhs wong wif my voish?!”
Looking at each other slowly with their mouths agape, Mia and Ayaya came to the same conclusion simultaneously. Misa, who was just put through intense hypnosis, was now slurring her words much in the same way any good adult baby would do.
Lelaya, meanwhile, did not share her teammates' anxiety over Misa’s new affectation. “Oh. My. Gosh! You sound so cute! Say something! Ooh! Say, ‘Lelaya is my bestest friend in the whole wide world,’” she exclaimed, her hands going on the offensive as she quickly cupped Misa’s cheeks before anyone could stop her.
Meekly pushing Lelaya’s hands away with her weakened arms, Misa's cheeks burned like smoldering embers. “Shtawp id! Dis isn funny!” she shouted, attempting to stand up again so she could go give that CassiRole a piece of her mind, only to collapse into her friends’ arms still unable to walk on her own.
“Better get the stroller. I don’t think Baby Misa is gonna be walking around on her own for a bit,” said Lelaya teasingly as she poked Misa’s cheek. As she did, her eyes glanced from teammate to teammate, finding disapproving expressions worn by each of them, “Too soon?”
“This is a disaster. I should’ve listened to my gut when you warned me about this,” said Jackson, practically pulling the hair out of his head as he bemoaned his actively dying career, “If this gets out, no one is going to want to participate in a show that could glitch your mind permanently!”
Rushing up to Jackson and holding a finger to his lips, Keelee was quick to shush her manic director. “Don’t let anyone hear you. A, we still don't know if Misa's regression will be permanent or even how extensive it is since it was technically cut off early, so let’s worry about crossing one bridge at a time. And B, we can always buy her out with an NDA. So, for the love of Goddess, stop freaking out because it’s freaking ME out.”
“Jackson! There you are!” yelled CassiRole as she pushed through the backstage curtain and Beelined up to the disgruntled duo, “I have a few new ideas that we could put in place for Round Three. You have a sec, right?”
Letting out a hollow, agonizing chuckle, Jackson was almost impressed by Cassi’s inability to read the room. He wanted to say something to her. To finally dig his heels in and let her have it. However, he didn’t have to as Keelee stepped in between him in the bratty diva.
“No, he does not “have a sec” you entitled, self-centered cunt-bag,” said Keelee, burning holes into Cassi’s skull with her pupils as she forced her to back up one step at a time, “What? Did you miss the show? That hypno-screen bullshit that you forced on us last second just derailed the whole show, so why don’t you have a fucking seat and let the grown-ups handle this.”
Cassi was left speechless as Keelee turned her back on the superstar host to return to a mortified-looking Jackson. Up to this point, no one, not even Jackson, had yelled at her like that. As angry as it made her, having someone bite back at her for the first time threw her entirely off-kilter, creating a sizable lump in her throat. With tears welling up in her eyes, she had no choice but to make a hasty retreat, swearing in her mind that Keelee would pay mightily for this.
“Are you on a suicide mission? You know she’s going to try to get you fired now, right?” said Jackson, still frozen in disbelief over the massive set of balls that Keelee put on display.
Rolling her eyes, Keelee was far too stressed to care about the repercussions of her actions. “Fucking let her try. She may be able to get a PA or two fired but I’m union, bitch. Best of fucking luck” she said, flaunting her privileged status as an industry employee, “Let’s get back on track. What are we going to do about Mia and Kyoko? We’re not getting that hypno board back online anytime soon and we can’t exactly expect Misa to act normal after that, so walking back the hypnosis bit is a no-go.”
Rubbing his chin, Jackson peaked through the backstage curtain, spotting both the Messers and Wetters congregating amongst their respective groups. “You’d better hope those girls can act,” he said, sighing dejectedly.
“You want us to what?!” shouted Kyoko and Mia in unison.
Shushing them with his hands, Jackson looked up at the audience bleachers they were standing next to, making sure no one heard any commotion. “C’mon, it won’t be so bad. You don’t have to be A-listers to pull off a lisp and a frail expression. Please, I’m begging you, for the sake of the show,” he said, dropping to his knees and pressing his hands together.
“Get up, you’re causing a scene,” said Keelee, yanking Jackson back to his feet before turning her attention to the girls, “There will be a stipend paid to each of you for a non-SAG actor performance. Plus, this is television, not theatre. If you slip up, we can just cut it out in post. We’ve got a pair of new contracts for you two to sign. Feel free to look them over.” She unclamped two contracts from her clipboard and passed them off to Kyoko and Mia without checking if they actually agreed to participate in this ruse.
Looking at each other nervously, Mia and Kyoko were less than excited about the prospect of acting on top of competing. At the same time, neither wanted to flash any weakness as their teams' respective captains. With pens in hand, they both signed their documents simultaneously before passing them back to Keelee.
Snickering, Kyoko nudged Mia with her elbow, “Hey, I guess this makes us both Hollywood actors now.
“Pffft, I guess you’re right,” said Mia, finding the thought of claiming to have worked in Hollywood as a paid actor both enticing and amusing, “And here my speech class teacher thought I’d never amount to anything. Well, look at me now.”
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more DiapOut!? Subscribe to my Patreon, where you can get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse at patreon.com/crissiebaby!
Edited by AllySmolShork
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