#I hate him (affectionate)
druidshollow · 7 months
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lazycranberrydoodles · 4 months
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hua cheng's patience: infinite
hua cheng's impulse control: zero
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mintaikcorpse · 2 months
You cannot tell me that Husk, Mr. Husk, with everything he has being heart themed, him making and singing a song with Angel, him dancing with Angel, Vivzie confirming that he is "a very fluffy, cuddly animal," and his "I wanna get to know the real you thing," is NOT a romantic at heart.
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helsensm · 2 months
Kung lao? BUT chubbbby
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og tiktok by Alexistslv
+ bonus his pfp ahAjHH they tried Johnny's glasses I guess
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melonalemonade · 1 year
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what the fuck?
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m4g3ofblood · 5 months
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That Bastard Pirate
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ssaseaprince · 9 months
I hate his stupid little plastic suit. Who's making them for him? Imagine being hunted by a cannibalistic serial killer, and all you hear is *squeak* *squeak* *squeak*
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skrrra · 4 months
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that one Doc pic but I drew it with my design yahoo ^_^
I hate drawing his hair so much but he's so good PLEASE !!!!!!
found second pic on tumblr SO
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achingly-shy · 6 months
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hisuianwilds · 5 months
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friendship ended with ogerpon now violence is my bets friend ! ! !
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duckimate · 7 months
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1st caption: " gay people ft. a deranged psychopath (you'll have to guess which one's the psychopath)" 2nd caption: this is how tokyo soul went (allegedly)
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xjustakay · 5 months
✺ (1/4) ✺ @jegulus-microfic prompt: switch — 765 words (mild nsfw, trans Reg; inappropriate secret activities at the brunch table)
James is pushing his luck at this point, and he knows it. Can’t help it, really. The heat in Regulus’ cheeks never fully gets the chance to fade, no matter how long a break he gives him, and it’s worth it. Fuck, it’s so worth it. He’ll deal with whatever turnaround he’s got coming to him later, because this? Oh, James is riding this high for as long as he fucking can.
The tiny little remote sits in the curl of his palm, tucked beneath the brunch table. It weighs less than his phone, about as big as his thumb, at best, and yet the power he wields with it is otherworldly. 
A small red switch that clicks on and off, a plus button and a minus button beneath it to control the intensity of vibrations —it’s all he really needs. He’s been messing with it in starts and stops for the last hour, knowing full well that while he absently fidgets with the buttons and switch, Regulus is squirming one seat down across the table, absolutely ruining that vibrating g-string James got him for Christmas.
It’s been a little while since James last clicked it on, giving Regulus the opportunity to eat his food without the threat of accidentally inhaling a bit of french toast and truly calling more attention to himself —James is courteous like that. Now that they’ve all settled into chatting over coffee and mimosas, winding down after finishing up their meals, though, it feels like as good a time as any.
The setting was left on the lowest it could be last he turned the switch off, but James still doesn’t miss the way that Regulus flinches out of the corner of his eye when he clicks it back on again now, not expecting it after the extended reprieve. James glances away from where Sirius and Remus are chattering back and forth about wedding details to where Regulus sits between Barty and Dorcas.
He’s not even a little surprised to find a glare already fixed on him.
Feigning innocence, James pulls his lip between his teeth, bats his eyelashes. Presses the plus button three times in rapid succession. It’s too much too quickly when James knows that Regulus is already oversensitive, undoubtedly uncomfortably slick and swollen where he rubs his thighs together and shifts in his chair for some modicum of relief from the teasing his clit’s been subjected to since they sat down.
Another click of the plus button and Regulus’ hand comes down on the edge of the table harshly, rattling glasses and silverware, grip white-knuckled. Dorcas startles out of her conversation with Lily and Pandora across the table to look at him in concern but Regulus only waves her off with his free hand. Sirius’ head whips in his brother’s direction, dark brows pinching together when he catches the flush burning in Regulus’ cheeks, spilling over the edges of sharp jawline and down the sides of his neck.
“Alright, Reggie?” He calls.
“I’m fine,” Regulus hisses through his teeth. He catches his own strained tone and lets out a vaguely hysterical sounding laugh, making a rushed grab for the last of his mimosa in front of him. He downs the couple gulps in a hurry then breathes in deeply through his nose. “Another round?”
Sirius, bless him, thinks nothing of it, merely agrees and waves down their waitress —Regulus doesn’t drink in excess often, this could just be written off as a little too much too early in the day, weird as it may seem. No reason to suspect anything nefarious is going on anyway. Not like Regulus and James are running about advertising the things they get up to. Even though all of their friends know they’re together and have a bad habit of making that fact everyone else’s problem in some way or another.
Barty snorts beside Regulus, straight across the table from James, and catches his eye; doesn’t seem to miss a thing, Barty Crouch Jr., no matter how often he leads others to believe he does. He looks back at James with one brow arched upward, dark eyes dangerously knowing, lips quirked at the edges where he sips at a glass that’s straight champagne more than a mixed drink.
“Buzzing this morning, aren’t we, Reg?” Barty mutters, just loud enough for the two people it’s intended for.
James clicks the remote’s switch back to off instantly. Despite the soft whimper that escapes past Regulus’ clenched teeth, there’s still a positively murderous glower shot James’ way.
Oh, he is so fucked later. James can’t wait.
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vroom-vrooms · 1 year
I just cannot get over how fucking nice Max is to Charles
Cause Max is nice, but he’s so gentle and sweet to Charles, he always has something good to say about him, it’s so different to how he is with Daniel or Lando, cause he’s nice with them but he’s so much more intense, the jokes, the hugs and pushes and comments and all that, they’re different, he’s careful with Charles
And I think that’s the sweetest thing ever, cause Charles is different than Daniel and Lando, they’re not exactly friends, and they have like 10 years of rivalry under their belt, so having such a gentle and nice approach to their new dynamic is so adorable
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"Eh? Traveler, look! Is that... Kaveh?"
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"How about I build a little cottage for you guys?"
"Time to draw up some designs..."
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kyannnite · 2 months
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devil take the hindmost…
aka my unexpected foray into love never dies art…closeups in the read more :-)
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