#I love you my tumblr muturals
nobrina · 1 year
Blorbo from my tumblr….
My tumblro
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tacochippy · 1 year
i taco ur amazing (heart emoji)
bagel youre also amazing (heart emoji)
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crowscared · 2 years
why do people have to be so problematic, I just want to have my friends without their being alot of major problems
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lilythemadqueen · 5 hours
HELLO, Im hoping this message sends and gets seen because my whole deep dive has brought me to this blog!
I was wondering if this is the lillythemadqueen who had a side blog called @attentionplease ?
basically Ive been on a 4 month long tumblr deep dive to find a particular fanfic about Daryl Dixon, its pre apocalypse where he and y/n have a one night stand at a party and she ends up pregnant and they meet again during season one of twd,
After posting if anyone can help me find it a mutural on my ficrec blog said they remember it being called Broken Love and being by Attentionplease, and after hunting down tags on tumblr my deep dive brought me to this blog after seeing attentionplease was deactivated,
as Im writing this I know what a longshot this is, as this might not even get seen, but if it is indeed you that wrote this fic, can i PLEASE ask if you have posted it on another platform for people to read?
when I tell you this fanfic is one of my all time favourite and that i was too silly to not reblog before my phone died.... Ive been hunting tumblr under every tag for it haha!
I would love to re read this as its been stuck in my head ever since i read it and its one I talk to my friends about almost daily :D
I hope this message finds you well! and you have a lovely day !!
I hope to one day lay my eyes on this fic <3
You have no idea, what your words mean to me rn. I'm so happy to read this, I never thought someone would ever like my fics that way so they'd put such an effort in finding it.
Stupidly no, I don't have it published anywhere. But since you gave me a powerboost of motivation, I can tell ya, as soon as I finished my book this month, I will work over this fic and give you an even better version of it! Pinky Promise!
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mcr tumblr i love you every mcr livestream there was i love you shit posting and flooding the dash over gerard pixel i love u ray guitar shredding and absolutely killing my ass at my show i love you seeing 100 gecs live i love you frank and ray backing vocals i love you shitty guys behind me calling me and my bestie a poser but was a lame fuck the whole night dw i love you too the friends i made at the show shoutout to harley quinn cosplayer, testosterone theif, and red 3ds haver i miss y'all i am kissing y'all on the mouth the picture from that night is in my dorm! i love you liquid dead cans i love you vacuum guy vacuuming to pony who totally got fucked at the vampire mansion i love you girlgerard u might hate me cuz im weird asf but i love you muturals i love you target gerard way with shape wear who kept pulling down their shirt the whole night i love u keep pulling that shit bae the sense of community i felt online during one of the roughest times in my life i love you i made it to college and im fucking ALIVE!!! i love you i love you i love you!! I LOVE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!
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salty-af-ace · 5 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @13beautifulghostmonument thank you lovely I’m sending you my love!!! 💕💕
Rules: bold everything that applies to you & tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better.
I’m over 5′5″. I wear glasses/contacts. I have blonde hair. I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing. I have one or more piercings. I have at least one tattoo. I have blue eyes. I have dyed or highlighted my hair. I have gotten plastic surgery. I have or had braces. I sunburn easily. I have freckles. I paint my nails. I typically wear makeup. I don’t often smile. I am pleased with how I look. I prefer Nike to Adidas. I wear baseball hats backwards.
H O B B I E S  A N D  T A L E N T S
I play a sport. I can play an instrument. I am artistic. I know more than one language. I have won a trophy in some sort of competition. I can cook or bake without a recipe. I know how to swim. I enjoy writing. I can do origami. I prefer movies to tv shows. I can execute a perfect somersault. I enjoy singing. I could survive in the wild on my own. I have read a new book series this year. I enjoy spending time with friends. I travel during school or work breaks. I can do a handstand.
I am in a relationship. I have been single for over a year. I have a crush. I have a best friend I have known for ten years. my parents are together. I have dated my best friend. I am adopted. my crush has confessed to me. I have a long distance relationship. I am an only child. I give advice to my friends. I have made an online friend. I met up with someone I have met online.
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell. I have watched the sunrise. I enjoy rainy days. I have slept under the stars. I meditate outside. The sound of chirping calms me. I enjoy the smell of the beach. I know what snow tastes like. I listen to music to fall asleep. I enjoy thunderstorms. I enjoy cloud watching. I have attended a bonfire. I pay close attention to colors. I find mystery in the ocean. I enjoy hiking on nature paths. Autumn is my favorite season.
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle. I am the mom friend. I live by a certain quote. I like the smell of sharpies. I am involved in extracurricular activities. I enjoy Mexican food. I can drive a stick-shift. I believe in true love. I make up scenarios to fall asleep. I sing in the shower. I wish I lived in a video game.I have a canopy above my bed. I am multiracial. I am a redhead. I own at least three dogs.
Im tagging:
@tardismeup @custard-cream-constellations
@beckaaay @praise-beebo @werealljustwinginit @latinxgamora @theirishneko @cotebdepablo @mad-march-hares-tea-party @superevilbeans
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megscherries · 5 years
Hi everyone, I’ve decided to take a break from tumblr. I’ve been struggling recently with depression and other issues in my personal life. I’ve just been very sad and its been getting worse because my family doesn’t understand. My mom told me to just “switch it off” and get over it.
I think it would be the best idea at the moment. Seeing how most royals I follow will not be all that active. I honestly love you all, but I can’t stand all of the drama at the moment. I’ll come back when it has died down. I’ll still have my queue going for the time being. I honestly thought about deleting my blog all together, but I didn’t think it would be fair to any of my muturals or followers. I know most of you guys have my whattapp, instagram, etc. ❤️
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zinzinina · 3 years
hiii! I just want to say I loved Breach so much. I read it yesterday and thought about it all night and day today. I first discovered you through a mutural arrangement (my fave boba fic) but you made me discover new characters to love and I love everything you write! You're probably my favorite writer on tumblr now so I just wanted to let you know
Okay hello this is actually insanely kind of you and I have no words except thank you so much. 😭💕 I’m so beyond grateful; like really, really this means more to me than I can say. I’m sending you so much love through my phone x
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witchybitchybritt · 4 years
Hi welcome to my blog!
I am grown like I’m going on 24 years old!
I don’t mind talking to younger people in appropriate ways  especially if you have a hard home life or just aren’t accepted by many people! I’ve been in that position myself and I had a good friend! I am also a mom of a 2 year daughter and I would love the experience. But if my age bothers you then please let me know and we can go are separate ways!
I do not carry any hate in my heart for anyone I’m sorry if that is a problem with you but I can’t hate anyone. I am a Witch and have been practicing since I was a young child. I am able to talk to the dead and that started as a young child! I have been on Tumblr for many years. I am a retired pro wrestler and do post content about wrestling once and a while! I do post muture content from time to time so if that is something you’re not okay with then I suggest you skip over my blog! I do not follow porn or any type of sex blogs or anything thing like that so please don’t follow me! I do support Black Lives Matter and my LGBQT community
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its-me-im-coraline · 7 years
Archie Andrews | One step at a time
Count of words: 581
Warnings: none
A/N: so I had something writen but after I saved it here on tumblr it got lost so I had to re-write it and I kind of forgot what I was writing about exactly so now its short, half of it writen on the phone.. If anyone wants a part four let me know ❤
(One step at a time part one)   (One step at a time part two) 
Part 3 of one step at a time 100% 
The day was spent simply. The two of them were laying in bed, Archie’s delicate hand brushing through her hair. No words were needed in this moment, just his presence was enough for her. It was euphoric feeling, really; being in his arms. It was enough to make her forget everything, as long as she didn’t move. Her body was limp, her small hand resting on his now bare chest, her head was resting on his shoulders and at some points she would leave some peppered kisses on his soft neck. He wouldn’t mind less. For a moment it was a truly out-of-the-ordinary good moment, the couple wishing it would last forever. But knowing it couldn’t they decided to savor it; and so they did. 
It had been a while ever since that night, when the two shared secrets, creating a more intimate bond with each other. The relationship they had was slowly inhenced with mutural understanding and trust. There was never a doupt that they loved each other, it was just that the one of them liked to keep secrets, something that didn’t have exactly the best result. 
Currently, the pair were at a booth at Pop’s, having a small meal before going back to the Andrew’s household, where Fred and Mary waited for them to go to the Jubilee. For now all they did was enjoy the wonderful burgers and curly fries, while embracing the comfortable silence enveloping them. “How are you today, darling?” Asked Archie. “I am good,” the girl lied, looking back at her food after taking a quick glimpse of the handsome boy. “You know, I grew to know when you are lying, Y/N” he said grabbing her free hand and leaving small tender kisses on the top of it. “You know I’m here, love,” he said once again, standing up and quickly moving next to the girl. He hugged her from the side, pulling her body close to his, clinging onto her, not wanting to leave. 
The pair spent the half hour they had to spare there, in that booth, holding each other and exchanging kisses every once in a while. Despite that, they also had the Jubilee to attend, Archie was also singing there, so they quickly got back home to find Mary by the kitchen island, smiling at the sight of her son holding hands with the beautiful girl. “Finally, you are here. Go, get in the car so we can leave,” said Fred, smiling at the two, while ushering them out the door. 
 The night was quite uneventfull, despite the fact that the couple spent yet another night at the girl’s house, loving each other while at it. It was a night full of heat but love, so much love and pure euphoria from the feeling of their naked bodies touching. They finished the night with soft kisses, loving words and cuddles until the morning came around.
When it actually came around, Archie was quick to get ready and then wake the girl to follow him. “My dad said he wanted us both over for breakfast at Pop’s.” “Is that bad?” She questioned and the red head chuckled. “No honey. You know my dad loves you, he probably wants to talk about the sweetwater incident. You tend to avoid talking about it with him.” He said and kissed the girl’s head. “Ok then,” she commented and quickly got ready.
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I'm back!
Hey everyone, I used to have a tumblr but it was deleted by an ex. Anyway, I am back and ready to get started! I just need some help getting there. My old username used to be 'spacegreaser--inspace' or something along those lines, like I said it's been a little bit since I've been on here. If you used to follow me and would like to, please follow back! I'd love to see what mutural followers have gotten into recently! I'll follow back and what not. 😘❤ I love comics, anime, cartoons, writing, music and so much more.
0 notes
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"affordable health insurance nj
affordable health insurance nj
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How does a teen pay for car insurance?
I am 18 years old, and I plan on getting my driver's license, and in order to drive, you must have car insurance, of course. I also plan on going to college and I will be commuting from home to my classes. However, I plan on taking the bus to campus rather than driving all the time to class. So, my question is, since I won't driving often, just occasionally, how should I pay for car insurance, given the fact that car insurance is more expensive for young people and I will be a student and most likely won't be earning much. I also have to keep in mind for other car related things such as gas and maintenance. If you are or have been in a similar situation I would love to get some insight from you on how you have managed to handle this circumstance. Thank you.""
I got a speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up?
What up Doodey's & Doodettes! Anyways, I got a speeding ticket doing 80mph on a 65mph speed zone. This is my first speeding ticket violation. Roughly, I'm wondering how much will my insurance go up too? I'm currently paying like 60 bucks a month. I'm living in Los Angeles, California by the way. Please let me know! :) Thanks!""
Double health insurance legality?
I provide health insurance through my employer for my 2 girls, however, my ex-wife continues to use California Medicaid for their hospital and doctor visits without letting them know they are insured already. Is this allowed? I feel like she is somehow swindling California out of money?""
Can my insurance company help?
My 125cc bike has seized?? the garage have told me there is no point in repairing it :(. I dont have a lot of money, and am trying to do my test would it be worth trying to fix it? Would the insurance company be able to help me? Would they be able to provide me with transport until i get a replacement? What engine size bike can i get if i pass my standard bike test?""
Does anybody know an affordable but good health insurance?
i just recently lost my insurance and was wondering if anybody knew of a cheap affordable but good health insurance plan???? please help!!!
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
How to fight a speeding ticket to avoid my insurance going up?
i live in Ontario and i received a speeding ticket the other night for going 75 in a 50 zone. however, i was very close to the part of the street where it turned 70 so a defence that i could use is that i was speeding up since i knew the road turned 70 soon. However, im fine with paying the ticket, i just dont want my insurance premium to go up. should i plead not guilty or guilty with a reason?""
Insurance over 20 thousand !?
I have passed me driving test about a month ago now, and since then i was trying to look for car insurance. I have 1.2 Fiat Punto 2000reg, paid 700 for it. I have tried loads of different car insurance company's online and most of them give me like quotes of 24211.84, that was Confused.com :( or they just say we couldn't provide you with one... So i was thinking could that be some kind of mistake because all my friends who just passed there test paid 3000 or less. Any advice of what could i doo, maybe i should just ring some company's ?""
Do you pay car insurance every month or every six months?
Need it for the class I'm in now. Help quick!
How much does auto insurance cost for a 16 year old male with Erie?
I just got my license and now I want to get a car but my dad wont pay for insurance, I was wondering what the possible prices might be. I would like a Jeep Wrangler or a VW ...show more""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
in Richardson, Texas.""
How do insurance companies classify sports cars?
I plan on buying a scion tc, but I want to know if state farm considers this a sports car. and if so, how much will more will insurance cost? I am a teenager, so i know it will be high to begin with, but will having a sports car make it much higher?""
What is a reputable insurance company that offers liability insurance for DJs?
I am looking to get started into the mobile DJ business although am wanting to find out what insurance company is the best.
Is a smart car cheap to insure for a 17 year old?
Is a smart car cheap to insure for a 17 year old?
Does Anybody Know How Much Motorcycle Insurance Will Be In Alabama----Allstate?
I am 15
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I live in New Jersey, Plan on buying a 2012 mazdaspeed3. I am 18, which of course will make my policy higher. Currently, my car insurance runs around 300/mo on my parents policy. I cannot join their policy with the new car as it will be registered to me. The following are the rates ive been quoted Progressive - 6 month policy, $5,000 + $1,200 due at start-up Cure - 6 month policy, 6,200 + 1100 due at start-up Liberty Mutural - 6 month - 5200 + 1500 start plymouth rock - 6 month - 2,2009 + 679 start Why are these all so expensive? and why do they only offer me 6 month policies? thanks in advance!""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm looking at a car that costs about 2,400 dollars. It's a 1997 Toyata Camry. It has about 147,000 miles on it. How much insurance would I have to pay. I live in PA and I'm a 20 year old dude so I assume it's expensive. Also is 147, 000 miles a lot for this car...or is the camry super reliable?""
Obama is guaranteeing affordable health care for the uninsured?
So far they don't have any proposals to lower the cost of health care. So he must be saying the government will be picking up the tap to make health insurance affordable for all of the low income, no income, the elderly, & the uninsurable. This will be a staggering amount of money. Do you trust him to pull this off?""
How long does it take for insurance rates to go up after getting speeding ticket?
how long does it take for your insurance rates to get affected if you get a speeding ticket.. does it apply right away or do i have time to go to traffic school.. and if i go to traffic school will all evidence of there ever been a ticket disappear?
How much will insurance cost after getting a DUI?
Does someone know how much roughly insurance will probably cost after a DUI? Perhaps someone who has had one in the past could tell me.
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much Vespa costs to run in london? better use tube?
hi l want to buy Vespa (with cash) and lm wondering how much it costs monthly to run it? with fuel + tax + insurance? is it worth it? or better stick to tube (117 per month) any experienced Vespa owners?
Were can i get an auto insurance quote for cars PRE 1981?
i am thinking of buying either a 1965 mustang a 1969 mustang a 1970 mustang or a 1965-69 lincoln continental... and i wanted to get cheap insurance quotes.... but all the sites like progressive, geico, allstate only let you insure at lowest 81 any one know a good quote site""
Teen auto insurance 600$ a month WTF??
i just got my license today i'm 18 male NY completed drivers ed, i did a couple of quotes online for a cheap old beat up car like a 95 chevy caviler and most of them gave me three thousand dollar 6 month premiums, which is 500$ to 600$ dollars a month for a a piece of junk car! what kind of bull is that?? thats like a month of rent!!!!!!!!! someone should sue those corrupt bastards!""
How much is the insurance for a fiat 500 for a 17 year old?
I am getting a new car. I am oping to get the Fiat 500. But i'm not sure how much on average the insurance for it will be for a 17 year old. xcheerss lovelys x
affordable health insurance nj
affordable health insurance nj
""If I provide my health insurance information to a college abroad, will they be able to look up my medical hist?""
If I provide my health insurance information to a college abroad, will they be able to look up my medical history?""
Home content insurance?
I am new to the UK. In Japan, few people buy home content insurance because home contents are normally not valuable. It seems to me most people here buy home content insurance. It sounds not attractive a)the premium b)the high excess. What is your view?""
Can someone explain insurance types and recommend one?
My husband's company provides insurance, but we didn't know that a spouse has to be added within 30 days of getting married and a child has to be added within 30 days of being born. After that there is NO other open enrollment period or chance to add us on. I am looking to get some insurance and I really don't know what type we need. What is the difference in a HMO and PPO? Someone told me Florida has a state insurance now, does anyone know about this? Do you have any suggestions of a company to try that will be affordable?""
Does Pass Plus reduce the insurance rate if the young driver with it is the second driver?
I'm 17 and want to get a second hand car but the insurance is too high. I plan to get the car, put it in my dad's name and then drive it myself. Will that reduce insurance premiums?""
What is the best car insurance for a teen driver?
I need to find insurance for myself, and wanted to know what other people use or think is the best place to get it from. I need to pay for it by myself with out help form my parents too so it can't be to expensive. Is it cheaper to get my own or to add me to their account? I am using one of their cars if that makes a diffrence...""
Insurance On First Vehicle?
If you buy a used vehicle (in Indiana) and your 15 and your not going to drive it for another couple of months, is it still required you have insurance for it even though your not going to drive it for a while. And if there is an amount of time you have to get insurance, how long is that?""
Advantages of IT on insurance?
I had got the topic Advantages of Information Technology on Insurance , please tell me what points i can say on this topic ... the main points that i should mention will be pleased if you could give me a few 10, 12 lines of speech on the topic ...in simple English""
Insurance company lawsuit?
If i were to sue a persons insurance company, without taking any money out of their pockets, can their insurance company sue me or them to get their money back?""
Why do good drivers get better car insurance rates than bad drivers?
It's not fair. Some people are genetically predisposed to be bad drivers or just don't care. Why should they be charged more than drivers who do not participate in risky behavior?
Is this the big health insurance lie?
The legislation would impose several new fees on firms in the health sector. New fees would be imposed on providers of health insurance and on manufacturers and importers of medical devices. Both of those fees would be largely passed through to consumers in the form of HIGHER PREMIUMS for PRIVATE COVERAGE. Congressional Budget Office An Analysis of Health Insurance Premiums Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act November 30, 2009 BUT..... The average premium for an unsubsidized, nongroup policy will cost 27-30% MORE. (same report) So won't private coverage decrease sharply ... And so too the fees collected from them ... which are suppose to pay for the subsidies . Or will really caring people flock to buy this extra expensive insurance?""
How do you switch from motability to owning a car with the UK's new car insurance policies?
Ok we've got a small problem. At present we get a car from motability, but we want to switch to owning our own car, but we have a major problem with this new all cars must be insured at all times or declared SORN scheme. The problem we have is that our motability car goes back in October. We're in a rural location so we need a car ready for when the switch over happens. At present with the motability insurance their insurance only insures one vehicle, the motability one, and can't have additional vehicles added to it. We've got a few quotes from insurance companies who have told us that when the motability lease expires they will give us the no claim discount based on the motabiity insurance, but they wont give us that discount until the motability car goes back. So what we want to do is get the new car before October, put it on the drive, check everything is ok with it, and then insure it when we start using it on the road when the motability vehicle goes back. Only problem is with this new law we can't do that without declaring the vehicle SORN. Some of the vehicles we've seen come with a few months road tax, so we don't really want to lose that by declaring it SORN, just for a few weeks (or is the tax disc still valid when you remove the SORN on the car?), we also don't want to insure the vehicle before the motability vehicle goes back as we wont get any NCB from the new insurer and that will cost us about an extra 500 in insurance (our current insurance price is about 500-600 but with 0 years no claims it goes up to around 1,000-1,100 - we have 3 years no claims with motability and I've held my driving licence for 6 years). I've read that you don't need this compulsory insurance if the vehicle is in trade, or between registered owners. That is one option, but how long after you buy a vehicle can you keep it in that status, would we be able to keep it like that for a few weeks or is it pretty much instant when we get the car. Obviously I realise I would need some kind of temporary one day insurance to drive the vehicle home after purchase.""
Non-vehicle owner driver's insurance?
I just got my drivers licensce today. I need insurance to drive even though I don't own my own car and will use my parents?
Car insurance company question?
State farm gave me a car insurance quote 6 months ago. I agreed to it and they set up an account. They told me that we would have automatic payments made to them every month and that my coverage would stay the same. My husband and I never checked to make sure they were still automatically withdrawing the payments until today, 6 months later. I tried to call my insurance agent and she quit! I have not been covered since after the first month, and no one ever called to let me know I was no longer insured. HAD SOMETHING HAPPENED, ME AND SOME OTHER DRIVER WOULD'VE BEEN SCREWED. Who do I talk to about this? BTW I switched insurance companies since then and am now covered. I just was wondering who I can complain to about this.""
What do compulsory and voluntary excess mean in car insurance?
The one I am looking at is 0 compulsory excess and 150 voluntary. Is it better for both to be lower? I don't know what it means. Please explain before I buy. Thanls
Does adding a driver/family member bring drive up car insurance premium?
I want let my parents drive my car once in a while, do i need to add them as additional drivers or are they covered under my existing bare minimum insurance coverage.""
Getting Car Insurance for an American?
I'm trying to get car insurance for my wife who only recently passed her UK test. She has held a US license for many years (about 6 I think) and drove during that time with insurance and made no claims. However, it seems that some UK insurance companies don't recognise an American license or insurance history which is making the quotes extremely expensive. Up to 1500 for full comp on a basic family car (2003 Vauxhall Omega). Is anyone aware of any UK companies that would recognise her US license and quote accordingly for her driving history rather than treating her like a 17yr old? Thanks in advance.""
Insurance on a 2006 scion tc?
I'm a 20 year old male living in Washington state, 1 ticket in last 3 years (October 2011), 2 door automatic transmission, progressive insurance with minimum coverage REQUIRED TO ABTAIN A LOAN. Thanks! :)""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old male?
I drive a 1976 Datsun 240z, and I absolutely love it. I had an engine swap (4 cyl turbo) and some aesthetic modifications, and the car is in fantastic shape. Total worth is about $2000. I am 18 years old, living on away from home. I've had my license for less than a year, and have not had any accidents/altercations. I've called Geico, Progressive, Statefarm, etc, and they've all come back with 6 month policies ranging from $4500-$5800. I'm going to pay double, let alone triple, my car's total value for 6 months of insurance. That is ridiculous. I've looked online, and they tell me that Florida's minimum requirement is $10000 of PDL and PIP. What does it mean? Would you recommend it for me? I don't really care if my car is covered. I'll pay for that. I just don't wanna be stuck with a retiree's BMW repair bill or medical bill. Thanks Luke""
""How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
Where can I buy 1-day car insurance?
I have my car parked in a storage facility in LA, CA and I want to sell it, but I don't have insurance to cover my drive from storge to the dealership. I've looked online for temporary/1-day car insurance but all the ones I find are the the UK. Does anyone know of any companies that offer temporary car insurance? Thanks!!""
How much can car insurance be cheaper if someone hold off driving 2 years after they can their license?
or is it any cheaper?
Insurance career in Life and auto?
I am currently work as New York Life agent. And I just got my P C license to sell auto insurance. I am thinking about working with NYL and auto insurance agency. Should I have to cancel NYL contract and work as noncontracted agent. I know I have to loose all my benefit such as 401K-health insurance. But now it is hard to find business in Life only. That is why I want to work with both. But I have to open my own office (more expsense), will not get paid in NYL, etc. Is it a great move at all? Your advice will help me to make decision. Thank you""
""If a trucking company is self-insured,what are deductibles?
I've been told that I have to cover damages in a backing accident between two trucks belonging to the same self-insured company.
Car Insurance when selling Car?
Ok the situation is as follows: I am selling my car for a new one. I have asked my current insurer to transfer my policy to the new car which is fine. However I then questioned about temporarily insuring my old car under the policy and they wanted a ridiculous amount of money for a week - I also do not know how long it will take to sell the car. I questioned the amount and asked what customers generally do when they wish to keep an old car insured. I was told that I could drive my old car on a 3rd party basis as my policy going forward covers me fully comprehensive. I thought fantastic - but then I was shocked when I was told that if I drive the car it is insured 3rd party only but as soon as I park it up somewhere it is uninsured and could be towed away by the police. I have since read my policy document which claim that I can drive any other car 3rd party providing I do not own the car and that there is already insurance in place? Can anyone clarify the above or provide advice. I am so confused and unfortunately are unable to call my insurer back now or over the next couple days? Thanks in advance
affordable health insurance nj
affordable health insurance nj
BMW 1991 318is Insurance/Gas/Parts?
I'm looking into getting a car. This would officially be my first. I want it to be a car that is of good quality for at least the next 2 to 3 years. Meaning not too much to spend on gas, parts and insurance. Which are where my questions lie for a 1991 bmw 318is; Does a 1991 bmw 318is take up more gas than the average car of it's time? Also, I understand maintaining a BMW is expensive but is the 1991 bmw 318is pricey to insure? I've heard after a certain year, BMW are a little less expensive to have. I'm absolutely in love with this model and year, I'd love for it to be my first actual car but I'm skeptical. Please answer my questions and thank you for your time!""
Where can i get a car insurance policy which lets me drive any car including hire cars anywhere?
i have a normal car insurance policy in the uk which allows me to drive my own car in europe. i want a policy which allows me to drive other cars anywhere in the world
Cost to insure?
04 - 06 sti used in illinois for a 16yr old male. Is it true that males pay more for insurance then females?
My teenage sons car insurance premium?
i did a quote and the cheapest is 6334? how can they charge so much, his friend got a quote on a similar car for 854? any tips?""
Whole life insurance and medicaid eligibility?
My father in Dallas Texas has a life insurnace face value of 10,000 and cash value, about 3500. Per medicaid rule he can't have the life insurance with those cash value. He is not on medicaid yet but with his condition of alzheimer, he soon needs to apply for medicaid. Any idea what needs to be done for the life insurance?...I am not sure if he can simply cancel the insurance to meet the medicaid requirement. He has no other asset and has less than 2000 in his bank account. Of course he does not work. ( he can't with his condition and he's over 70).""
Aurora Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Aurora? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
I really need insurance help!?
Does anyone know of a cheap health insurance plan in Texas? We don't qualify for Medicaid or anything like that. My husband's plan is close to $600 a month and we can't afford that. It's a shame that my tax dollars pay for these slums insurance and all they do is sit on their butt but decent people like myself trying to make it we get screwed.
Which 1 is the best and Cheap Car Insurance?
Plz Help! Just bought a Car and Looking 4 a good Deal! :)
How much is non owners SR22 insurance in Florida?
My license is suspended because of 12 points in 12 months. I am required to have SR22 non owners insurance and i do not have a vehicle. I don't even know where to begin with all of this. Are there special insurace companies that deal with this sort of thing? Please help!
What is The Age Limit To Use My Medical Insurance?
Hi I'm 20 years old and i want to know what is the age limit medical insurance covers? I hardly use it and now that i need it to have an eye check, I don't know if it will cover me... I reside in California. Thank You!""
Is there a cheap car insurance place in New Jersey for a 17 year old girl to get insurance?
Im 17 and I turn 18 in July and I bought my own car, its a 1992 toyota and I want my own insurance, I know it's going to be pricey a lot but I don't want to be under my parents insurance. I don't mind only getting liability but I need some help finding a cheaper insurance place in New Jersey on the upper east coast. Thanks!!""
Temporary Car Insurance Cover?
I wanted to get a 1 day car insurance but my licence is just under 6 months. The car belongs to my Grandma. Some of the insurers are reluctant to this. I am 32ys old so not in the under 25 bracket. Any suggestions as to who I could try please. Thanks
About how much would my auto insurance be? (First-time driver)?
I'm budgeting getting a car and insurance and I don't know how much it would be. It will be my first time driving/having a car or license. So no record of anything, but I'd be a newbie. It'll be in the state of Pennsylvania and it will probably be a pre-owned small car.""
What is liability insurance for?
If I drive my cousins car and I get pulled over by a cop and show him my cousins insurance will I get a ticket for not having insurance that's under my name even though I have his insurance?
Is motor insurance compulsory in most states of the USA?
Is motor insurance compulsory in most states of the USA?
Is it legal in CA for a used car dealer to sell you auto insurance?
i purchased a used car, and the used car dealer put in the contract that I was also purchasing auto insurance thru them...but i wuld get a refund of those premiums when I provided a copy of my own insurance. I never signed any other ionsurance forms with them. i did buy my own insurance later. But, is it legal for the used car delaer to sell me insurance?""
Will my insurance provider penalise me for doing this...?
If i have a policy for my motorcycle and a policy for my car, (both policies are form the same insurance provider) and over the summer i decide to drop the policy for my car, only to activate it again in the fall, will that be considered a lapse in coverage? Will my rates be higher because of this action when i reinstate the policy in the fall?""
Car insurance!!?
i finally got my license , my dad is giving me his car and he has insurance but my name is not on the policy. can i still drive. Im leaving for vacation in two weeks so putting my name on the policy will just cost money for just two weeks. i won't be back for three months from vacation.""
Question about teenager insurance?
if i put my son on my insurance policy and he gets into an accident with his own car does my insurance go up. or does his when he turns 18. also how much? would it double?
Most Comprehensive Health Insurance for a College Student?
I'll be going to college in a few years, and I'm fully aware of the healthcare crisis. Although money is an issue, my health is more important. Assuming that money is not ...show more""
""Car insurance, do you have to be insured to drive another person car?""
My boyfriend sister wants to borrow my car for 6 weeks and there is no insurance on it. But if I was to insure it for myself, would his sister be able to insure but she has no insurance on any car. Does she have to be insured on another car for her to use mine. Hope that makes sense.""
Can i get temporary car insurance for my teenager daughter on a separate insurance policy?
I want to get car insurance my teenage daughter (who passed her test 6 months ago).I am unable to add her to my current policy - does anyone know if any other way than changing current car insurance policy
Where can i find affordable life insurance for my 81 yr old granmother?
I live in Illinois, and I work for the UI, but im not sure if I can add my grandmother on my insurance...So Im trying to find somewhere that will take senior citizens, but something i can afford..""
Does anyone have any idea which insurance company is the cheapest for learner drivers?
Does anyone have any idea which insurance company is the cheapest for learner drivers?
Will my auto insurance increase once I am off my parents policy?
I am currently driving a 2013 Chevy Cruze I just bought. I am a college student so for right now I am under my parents insurance policy and paying around 135 a month for the Cruze. The Cruze is titled under my name and I am the the primary driver. When I am out of school will my rate per month go up a lot when I get my own policy?
affordable health insurance nj
affordable health insurance nj
How is affordable calculated in obama care?
How is affordable calculated in Obama care? I have tried to find the criteria of what is considered affordable in Obama Care but haven't found it. How is it calculated? Who determines what is affordable? I think $1/ month is affordable. I'm sure the government and the health insurance company's say it's more.
Where can i find the cheapest renter's insurance?
i live near akron ohio and im just looking for cheap renters insurance, so if you know of any places please let me know!""
Where to get car insurance quotes with NO address info?
My insurance policy went out in July. I switched jobs, took a pay cut and am finally catching up with money. It was tough switching and money being tight and I honestly couldn't afford to pay the premium upfront for my insurance. I just turned 25 so I'm expecting it to be a lot lower than it was. But I need some free quotes without having to put in my address and name and stuff. I know it sounds crazy but I just feel like the DMV will be tapping into me getting a quote and my checked box saying uninsured and the police will be hunting my car down. They send out warrants for all kinds of BS auto issues so why wouldn't they for this? I'm planning on getting insurance THIS week no doubt but I want to see what I can get if I switch. I know the worst drivers I know seem to have AllState and talk on and on about how wonderful and cheap it is and I figure if they've have so many accidents and praise their insurance company then AllState must be amazing!""
How do i mail in insurance card for a ticket i received?
How do i mail in insurance card for a ticket i received?
Philadelphia auto (car) insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Philadelphia? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
Insurance when financing a car ?
What is it called when the dealership , covers your insurance for a day or so and lets you take the car until you get insurance on the car.""
Aircraft insurance rates with DUI/DWI charge?
If one is a partner in a small aircraft, what effect does a potential DUI/DWI have on aircraft insurance rates?""
How much is motorcycle insurance in michigan?
I know it is hard to get an exact quote without knowing all the information, but I just need a range. I am looking at a 196cc 5 speed dirtbike that has been made street legal, and just need ~3 months of insurance. Would this be in the $100-200 range? Higher? Lower?""
Can I own two cars and insure them through different insurance companies?
Can I own two cars and insure them through different insurance companies?
""Car Insurance, young male?""
I'm 18, i applied for a 6000+ loan and was approved, I didn't even need a cosigner because my income is very good. Its too bad the insurance company's just DESTROY ME when I find a car I like. I dont wanna drive a damn beater, I dont care how much it will save me. I am currently insured under state farm, they told me insurance for a mitsubishi diamante vr-x would be about 2800 a year.... My family has been with state farm since my grandpa, we have insured over 30 cars in our familys, and this is just the terrible quote they give me!? Its despicable, I refuse to insure with them. What are some good insurance companys that will cost less? I already checked e-surance and the price was better by far.""
How much would my car insurance go up if I got a mustang?
I'm 24 years old, have a good driving record, and I am currently on with my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 chevy aveo right now, with almost 75,000miles; and I pay $110 a month for insurance. Unfortunately, my car may be reaching it's end, and I may have to get a new car. I've found a used 2002 ford mustang, 2 door and 14,633 miles on it. How much do you think my insurance would go up? My dad says it would sky rocket... But I figure I'd ask anyway! Thanks!""
How much would my insurance be is I have 4 points against my license?
I gotten 2 speeding tickets within 6 months (4 points in south carolina...I have a good reason to be speeding!)...I am currently uninsured but my vehicle (2000 Honda CR-V) is insured under my mom's insurance with Geico... I'm 19 years old and soon I will have to register my own vehicle and get insured...my mom doesn't know that I have tickets. I go to college and I'm a pretty good student (4.0) would I get a discount with that? Also, what is the cheapest insurance? Thanks!""
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
Car Insurance: Insuring myself on a car registered with someone else?
My boyfriend is planning to buy me a car under his name, he doesn't want to be insured on it as he already has his own car. We don't live together, but I am at his house almost all the time. When I get insurance, do I use his address? As this is where the car will be parked most the time and will also be where the car is registered.""
Car Insurance questions?
ok i was recently in a car accident , jus a rear end nothing to serious. but the rear of my car is pretty bad. bumper is in bad shape , trunk doesnt open , lights are a bit broken but still work. a guy from the other person's insurance company came to take a look at my car and inspect it and estimate damages. he told me that the car will probably be a total loss. he said someone would call me in 2-3 business days to discuss my options. now i guess i will be paid for what my car is worth , which isnt much prolly no more then a $1000. my question is tho , the guy who came told me that one of my options would be if i wanted to keep the car or not. i want to keep the car , it still runs , it still drives. if i still want to keep my car do i still get paid for the damages?""
""Auto insurance for a person, not a vehicle?""
I need personal insurance for me. It is for a job. It is a courrier job. I was told i needed personal insurance for me to drive any vehicle. It will not be covering any vehicles, just me.""
Insurance Problems for my Teenage Self?(;?
So I found out that insurance for the car I was going to get (Honda Civic EX-L 2010) was way too much since I'm only 16. So I'm planning on getting a cheaper car, around $5,000. 1. Will insurance be much cheaper? They told me $1,500 for the Civic. 2. When I do turn 18 and purchase my dream car, will the insurance drop? If so how muh?""
Does car insurance really go down at age 25?? how much?
How much does car insurance go down when a person turns 25? How much can I expect mine to go down? I am a woman now paying 82 a month. I have nothing on my record, no tickets, accidents, claims in my life (8 years since 16)""
How much does Mercury insurance cost for new teenage drivers?
my family already is on mercury (4 people)...how much more is it with mine included? (im going to have to pay for it)
Can I get health insurance for only my baby?
I just need a little guidance right now so I know what to do when my child is born. I'm due at the end of next June. I want to get health insurance for my baby because I'm not trying to pay an arm and a leg every time I take her to the doctor. However, I only need the insurance for the baby. I'm covered until I'm 25, even after I give birth, under my mother's insurance. (I'm 22 now.) Her insurance is through her job, she works for the State of Colorado. I already checked into adding the baby under her plan, but my mom would either have to be my child's legal guardian or adopt it. I don't want or need her to do that. I just keep hearing different things about being able to get it's own policy. Can anyone tell me if this is possible??""
What is the difference between 'underwrite' and 'insure' ?
are they the same?
What is online insurance?
onlin insurance pr5ocess and ways and meaning
What is an affordable health insurance for a 61 year old woman?
my mother needs a new helath insurance plan. any suggestions?
How much did your car AND insurance cost?!?
I need to do an independent survey for my maths GCSE and i need to know how much your car cost and how much it cost to insure it. Need aout 50 answers overall. 30 at least. Please answer, thankyou!""
""Car Insurance in GA, if it is expired?""
i dont know if this is the right category, but my insurance expired and i drove the car not knowing, and i just went to my insurance provider and they said i will be fined? what type of fine and does it add points to my license? any additional information to it that i dont know? it is in Georgia.""
affordable health insurance nj
affordable health insurance nj
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