#I think Taylor is spending a lot of money on personal care too btw
He also gets haircuts and professional shaves wayy more often than normal (even for a celebrity and he flies hid barber in from Philly every two weeks). Definitely a neat freak.
I’m like him 😂 I totally get it. The amount of money I spend on eyebrows, nails, hair and waxing (and fillers 😬) is criminal
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achaoticeternal · 4 years
AVENGERS X READER (tony stark x daughter!reader, platonic peter parker x reader) masterlist // taglist
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Request: @big-galaxy-chaos​ “Hey so I see that you also need requests as much as I do 😚 so here is mine! So it's Peter x stark!reader angst. Where Tony is afraid of becoming like his father but in reality, he is worst than him. He favors Peter more than her. Even though she is smarter than her own father, and won tons of awards and shit. Tony doesn't realize what he lost until the reader is gone. Btw the relationship between the reader and Peter is platonic! Also, everyone is oblivious to how she is feeling. Just pure angst”
Summary: Dads and daughters are supposed to have a beautiful relationship. But you could never be the song he always wanted. Word Count: 2.5K A/N: Based on the song this is me trying by Taylor Swift. Reader and Peter are both 18+; takes place after Thanos and Tony lives. Warnings: Heavy angst, cursing, self destructive behaviors, mentions death
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“Mr. Stark, I’ve been working on the chemical formula of my webbing and I’m pretty sure that I’ve completely perfected it,” Peter talked while walking with your father to the lab.
“That’s great because I’ve been working on your web-shooters. Now, they can shoot up to 200 yards in length and the error rate of them getting jammed is less than one percent.”
Tony rested a hand on the boy’s shoulder as they left the room together. Neither of them acknowledges you on the couch, reading another novel involving quantum physics. But you’re used to the cold shoulder your father has given you since he first met Peter Parker. You’re used to the way he’s turned you away all your life, justifying his choice by saying he’s protecting you. 
You knew that he feared to become his father. Pepper explained that to you when you were a child and you couldn’t leave your room until Tony’s lady of the night let. Or as you and Pepper called it at the time “taking out the trash”. 
Maybe that was when you became more interested in the mathematics and science you found in the book and the workshop over good ole bonding time with dear old dad. If he wanted to neglect the time and opportunity to raise you, you would at least make sure to put his money and name to good use for your own personal benefit. And in the back of your mind, you knew that part of you was doing this to earn the attention and love you desired from your father.
Tony just saw it as taking an early interest in your future. So he didn’t stop you when you preferred to sit with tutors over playdates, draw out designs for engines and inventions instead of scribbling in coloring books, or even reading through scientific theories over watching Disney movies. He didn’t think it was strange, because that’s what he did at your age. Hell, by the time you were 10 you had won three first-place national science fair ribbons, third place in the national spelling bee, and began developing a prototype to turn the emissions from cars back into breathable oxygen. 
Everyone noticed your brain, and how much you had achieved now at 18 years old. You held 2 Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering and Organic Chemistry from MIT and a Master’s in Astrophysics from Georgia Tech. And you were now planning out when you wanted to go to Law school and earn your doctorate. But you were living at the compound now, taking a gap year.
When you went away for school, you learned from others how normal life was for everyone else. You met kids who were the first in their family to go to college or were looking for opportunities outside of the small towns they came from. When you came home from your second semester at MIT, you told Tony about all this and he created the September Foundation in order to fund the projects and inventions those kids were creating. It was another punch in the gut to you, because you realized that you would never be enough for Tony.
If you were enough, he would have passed the mantle of Iron Man onto someone else after he almost lost you and Pepper to the Mandarin. If you were enough, he wouldn’t have enlisted Peter to help him in his fight against Captain America. If you were enough, he wouldn’t have gone into space for a final fight. If you were enough, Morgan wouldn’t be in the other room watching cartoons. And if Tony acknowledged you, just even a little but, maybe you wouldn’t be trying so hard to impress him and the world.
“Ms. Stark, your package has arrived. Shall I send it over to the labs?” F.R.I.D.A.Y echoed into the room.
“No, send it over to my personal workshop. In fact, send all of TS-2008 to my personal workshop.”
“Of course, miss.”
“Oh, and F.R.I.D.A.Y?”
“Yes, miss?”
“Please stop referring to me as ‘Ms. Stark’, (Y/N) is fine.”
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“Alright, CASS, reboot the system diagnostics and run test C-24,” you yawned as you asked your personal AI system. The personal AI system you built for yourself, bu yourself - no help from Tony at all. 
“Systems are checked out, shall I launch the test?”
“Go for it,” you groaned and took to Advil for your poundingheadachee. It was now two in the morning after another long night of coding, calibrating, testing, and perfecting the project you’ve been working on the past two years. 
When you were younger, you tried to replicate the Iron Man suit, but your father quickly discovered the helmet and nearly perfected arc reactor you’d created in his lab. He trashed all of it and told you never to attempt to create the suit again. He said you were better than that, that you had more potential than pretending to be a superhero. You realized as you grew older that he didn’t care if you were trying to become a hero or not; but that you were copying his work. His precious Iron Man that he took months to perfect only took a week for his child to solve.
Dear old dad couldn’t let you have things the easy way. So instead after SHIELD fell and Tony began working to finish wiping out HYDRA, you began working on your own original model suit. Now it was almost ready to showcase to the world. 
“Test C-24:successful. Shall I continue to run diagnostics to watch the processing and reaction time of TS-2008?”
“Yes, CASS. Run virtual simulations L-29, O-400, and T-38. Let me know when the trials have finished running and whether or not they were successful or not.”
“Yes, Ms. (Y/N),”
You pushed away from your desk and left your workshop. Before you knew it, you were in the kitchen pouring yourself another cup of coffee. You had been through 3 pots already tonight and no one noticed. Guess that was the nice thing about being Tony’s kid. Everyone else acknowledge your accomplishments and paid no mind to your destructive tendencies. In fact, maybe you’d celebrate tonight and snag a bottle of champagne from the extravagant wine fridge next to the dishwasher. You’d done it plenty of nights before when you wanted to drown out and numb the pain in your heart.
“(Y/N)? Why are you awake? And why are you holding a bottle of champagne?”
Ah, Peter... of course he would be spending the weekend at the compound. It’s not likely he has a perfectly good and happy home back in Queens with a guardian who loves him very much and would give the world to him. Guess that’s something May and your Father. 
“Hello, Perfect Parker”
“You know I’ve never understood why you call me that, it doesn’t make sense.”
“Of course it doesn’t make sense from your end of the looking glass.Why are you up?” You tried so hard not scowl or be too rude. Peter had tattled to TOny before about you having a ‘bad attitude’ towards him.
“I believe I asked you that first.”
“That you did, but if you want an answer out of me, you’ll have to answer first.”
“I couldn’t sleep. thought I would get myself a glass of water. You?”
“I’m getting wasted, just like all my potential,” You faked a smile and started peeling the gold wrapping off of the cork of the bottle.
“Don’t say that, everyone knows how talented and brilliant you are,” He sighed while grabbing himself a glass and walking over to the fridge, “You’re a Stark”
“Tell that to Dad, because you’ll always be more of a Stark than I’ll ever be,” You huffed as you pulled a corkscrew out of a drawer near you.
“That doesn’t make any sense, (Y/N), are you sure you haven’t been drinking already? Because you sound delirious. Maybe you should spend some time outside of your bedroom, maybe even get out of the compound. When was the last time you left to go somewhere?”
“Thanks for the concern Parker, but I’ve been able to hold my own for at least fifteen years now. And I know I don’t leave here a lot because I don’t have the opportunity too. If there’s a private event, either Pepper attends with Tony or Spider-man makes an appearance with Iron Man. I’m just surprised that there aren’t rumors across the media wondering ‘Is Spider-Man the lost of the Iron Man, Tony Stark?” You waved your hand in the air to match the dramatic tone.
“Haha, you’re so funny,” He took a sip out of your water, “People know you exist”
“Yeah, maybe if they do a quick Google shirt. But I’m not offended, I know that I just live in your shadow. But I’m used to it,” Your poured the alcohol into a glass and began to sip from it, relief flooding through you.
“Okay , I get it. You’re just in another one of your dramatic moods, maybe you should just go to bed before you say or do something stupid,” he took a step towards you.
“Don’t I always?”
“Always what?”
“Say or do something stupid?”
He halted and shook his head, “That’s not what I meant, (Y/N), I-”
“No, that’s exactly what you meant, Parker,” You brushed past him and stormed into the living room, “You don’t understand how lucky you are.”
He came stomping after you, “Oh, so you’re feeling brave, huh? Well you just sound like an idiot. I’m not just some lucky kid! I’ve lost my parents, my Uncle was killed in front of my face, and I disappeared from existence! The only people who care for me are Aunt May and Tony.”
You turned to face him, face completely red, tears threatening to spill, “Well at least you have Tony, because I don’t! I’ve just run around all my life trying to be perfect, be easy for him to deal with, live up to his and everybody's expectations! But I’m not good enough, I’ve never been good enough, and I’ll never be good enough. I’m just Tony Stark’s bastard child who built herself from the ground up without the slightest bit of help from her father!”
“No, don’t you ‘(Y/N)’ me. You’ve gotten everything you wanted from my father since day one. I never had that. You didn’t have to work to really make your own suite, you didn’t have to endure a lifetime of pain because of his arrogant ass, YOU didn’t have to wonder where Tony was on your graduation day for MIT - his alma mater - because he attended your fucking high school graduation instead!”
“What the hell is going on?” Tony yelled from the opposite end of the room. Pepper stood behind him and you could hear other door creaking open to here the events down the hall, “Not only are you two fighting in the living room and woke up half the compound, but you woke up Morgan and now she’s crying in her room because you two are screaming at each other.”
“Well boo-fucking-hoo, poor Morgan woke up in the middle of the night,” you mumbled to yourself.
“I just came to get a glass of water,” Peter attempted to defend himself.
And from Tony and Pepper’s angle, he did look to be more innocent. He had a glass of water in his hand and was completely cool. While you stood opposite of him; a bottle of booze in one had, dark circles under your eyes, a tear stained face, and looking to be in a mad frenzy.
“(Y/N), explain yourself,” Tony spoke sternly.
You took a deep breath in and wiped away fresh tears with your sleeve, “No, I don’t have to.”
“Excuse me,” your father marched across the room, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you tonight but-”
“What’s gotten into me? Do you even listen to the bullshit that comes out of your mouth? No, of course you do, because you like listening to yourself talk more than you’ll listen to me. So talking to you is as fucking useless as talking to a deaf man!”
Peter and Tony now stood stunned at you and your sudden tantrum, but you knew it had been coming, you had always known. You knew one day you were going to explode, and it just happened to be tonight.
“I get it, I’m not precious Peter, or your beautiful Morgan. I’m just your bastard child from some broad you met on Malibu Beach. Even though I’m just a kid, I’ve always been your competition, a threat to you and your name. And even after every nearly life-ending event, I thought things would change - that you’d finally love me. But that never happened not even after Extremis infected not just Pepper’s body, but my own! And now I’m dying, I’m fucking dying, dad. I’m running out of time and trying to do everything I can. I go to school and get these diplomas and certificates to impress you. I invent and build thing to get your attention. I do it all because I still desire your validation and I’m running out of time,” you fall to your knees, everything becoming to much, “this is me trying, just like I have been all my life- but it’s still not enough.”
The room went silent. Only sobs echoed around the room as champagne poured out the bottle, staining the carpet. Neither Tony or Peter knew what to say or what to do. How could they begin to comfort the crying girl on the floor, or fix everything that ha occured over a lifetime.
Tony finally knelt down, “(Y/N), you know I never meant for any of this to happen, for you to ever feel like this. I’ve always been so scared of becoming your grandfather... I thought I was doing right by never pushing you, I guess it just never clicked.”
“Oh yeah, is that why you pushed me away and found Peter? And then when you realized you had messed up and forgot about your first daughter, you had another one in order to make things up?” You raised to head and shoulder up first, then finally rose back onto your two feet, “well congratulations, you’re worse than Howard Stark. And I hope you’re proud, Dad.”
With that, you left the living room. You couldn’t deal with in anymore that night, maybe ever again. Because when Tony came to check on you the next morning, you were missing. Only a note by your bedside remained as the only proof you had even lived in the room.
I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down And maybe I don't quite know what to say But I'm here in your doorway I just wanted you to know that this is me trying
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Just What I Needed
A/N: This might be a little confusing, but this fic takes place in 1987. Roger is 38 and Axl is 25. I changed the ending of the fic from the request. It kinda just went where it went. I may turn this into a series, let me know if I should. I have a few more requests that I’m gonna try and get done before the end of the week. Requests are open, so don’t be afraid to send them in. I would love to get feedback or whatever. If you want to be added to the taglist just ask. Hope you guys enjoy.
Roger Taylor x Reader/ Axl Rose x Reader
Part Two / Part Three
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Hey! So I had this idea some time ago, hope you can do it. I know you will have to mix timelines to make it make sense, but what would happen if Roger or Bri (aware of reader’s feelings) had taken the reader for granted until Axl Rose tries to make a move on her during a party or whatever. Rog/Bri gets really mad because suddenly is afraid of losing the reader. Lots of fluff at the end, please. Btw, I love your writing.
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Language???
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The studio was buzzing with life as Y/n walked in. It often amazed her how full of life the building could get during the day and how silent it would become at night. The difference in time was astonishing, making her fall in love with the art of music. It had a way of bringing out colors and feelings that weren’t present when the sound was turned off. That’s what it did to the studio and her heart.
Y/n took a seat on the couch, watching Roger play the drums. He did it with such power and certainty, it was unbelievable that sometimes he would screw up. She sighed, trying not to stare but that’s all she could ever do around him.
It was a horrible thing to admit, she knew it, but she loved the man. There was no way to pin down exactly what it was about him. It seemed to be everything and nothing all at once. Sometimes it was his smile, others it was his personality, and then there were those rare moments where it was nothing but the ora surrounding him.
Not only was it a horrible thing to love him, seeing as how he was 18 years her senior, but it was stupid. She could see it plain as day. Though he wasn’t married, he practically was. Dominique was still in the picture and Y/n was also aware that a few other women were as well. So her love for the drummer was stupid and foolish. He simply couldn’t stay with one woman long enough and the only reason that he was still with Dominique was because they had kids. Those poor kids who had to grow up knowing that their parents didn’t really love each other. It was a shame, but she loved him anyway.
That, to her, was the funny thing about love. She knew that her feelings were useless, nothing would really come of them. It wasn’t like her and Roger would ever be involved, yet she still loved him. Hopeless love, it seemed. But each and everyday, she felt that same spark when he was around no matter how much she tried to suppress it.
Y/n was snapped out of gaze when Roger stood from the drums and walked into the room. He gave Y/n a quick smile, one that was always thrown her way ever since he found out about her feelings, before turning to John.
“How did that sound? Cause I’m not doing that again,” he stated with a chuckle.
John shrugged, a playful smile growing on his face. “One or two more times should do it.”
Roger shook his head, his short blonde locks flying out of place. “Then you can do it, Deacon.” He extended his drum sticks to the man as a joke, taking them back when John wasn’t interested. He then plopped on the couch next to Y/n.
As much as she wanted to scootch away, create a barrier that she felt was needed around him, she found that she couldn’t. He had her wrapped around his finger and everyone knew it. It was obvious.
Roger threw an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close her.
“Roger,” she whispered, trying to move away. “Not here.”
He laughed, vibrating against her. “Why not? They already know.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, giving in to his sweet voice.
They already knew.
She hated that. Y/n felt like eyes were always on her, giving her dirty looks when her back was turned. Try as she might to escape them and escape the drummer before a scandal broke out, nothing worked. She was Queen’s assistant and they not only needed her but loved her. They would probably crash and burn without her there to keep them in line. Though they weren’t as wild as they used to be, it wasn’t hard for them to go off the rails every now and then. She was quite like an anchor to them, so any time she tried to resign, no one would have it. Freddie would tell her how they would be lost without her, Brian and John would tell her that nothing they did would be the same without her there, and Roger would always tell her that she would miss them too much to stay away for long.
It was a horrible situation to be in.
All she wanted was the best for them. She truly did love each of them, but she felt that if she stayed things would... get weird. Her feelings for Roger wouldn’t disappear anytime soon, but his would. He was always going after the next best thing. So, he would be interested in her for a while until a prettier woman was to come along. And Y/n didn’t think she could deal with that pain. Not when she would have to see him almost every day. That was pain she didn’t want to go through in front of prying eyes. That pain would change everything, she knew it.
Y/n was too caught up in her thought, something that was becoming a reoccurrence, to notice that Roger was talking to her.
She blinked, turning to him. A serious look plastered on his face. “Yeah?”
He rolled his eyes, a small laugh escaping. He looked at her like she was some child. The same way he looked at his own children. It was sickening. But she was young and naive, making looks like that normal, but she didn’t want to receive them from him. “Were you listening?”
“No,” she sang, “Sorry, what were you saying?”
He folded his arms across his chest. “I don’t think you deserve to know, seeing as how you weren’t paying the slightest attention.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, pouting a little, something that always made him give in. “Fine.”
“Now, don’t look so down,” he told her. “I’ll tell you.”
She perked up, repositioning herself so that her body was almost turned completely towards him, his arm still wrapped around her shoulders. “Alright, let’s hear it then.”
“The boys and I have been invited to a party in L.A. by one of our friends,” he began. “Seeing as how Freddie is a partier, there is no way we could turn down the offer.”
Try as she must to understand, she simply couldn’t. Freddie may have been the life of the party, but Y/n wasn’t even close to that. So, she wasn’t sure why Roger was even telling her about it. They were grown men, who were all smart enough to pack their own bags and get to the airport. There was nothing they needed her to do. Y/n raised a brow, “Is that it?”
“No. I was thinking that I won’t have nearly as much fun Freddie will, so maybe you should come with me. It will be a blast. What do you say?”
She swallowed, unsure of what to say. What about Dominique? What about the press? If she went with him, people were bound to ask questions. Most assistants never got the chance to leave their office, let alone go to a party halfway around the world. It would be more than odd if she were to go with them and even odder if she hung around Roger the whole time. He may have not cared about what the public had to say, but she did.
The logical answer to his question was obviously no, but logic had been thrown out the window a long time ago. “Sounds like fun,” she replied. “When do we leave?”
Music was blaring, encasing Y/n in a layer of noise. The idea of going to the party was great at the beginning before she had even arrived, but now it was the last thing she wanted to do. Everything was too loud, overloading her sense, and people were way too close for comfort. She enjoyed having her space, but here, in the middle of a crowded room, she got none of that. It didn’t help matters that the one person that was supposed to guide her around had disappeared into the crowd.
Y/n sighed, trying her best to slip between people to get to the bar. She needed something to take the edge off. Parties had never been her thing. She was always that good kid. Her grandmother never had to worry about her sneaking out, doing drugs, drinking, or getting pregnant. She was the good Catholic girl that she had always wanted, seeing as how her brothers were the exact opposite. Y/n was her little piece of heaven, always trusting that she would stay out of trouble. And she did. Even in university, she was good about sticking to her studies. She needed to graduate to get a good job. There was no way she was going to fail as her grandmother had spent so much money on her education. So, parties were always out of the picture.
At least ones like the one she was at.
Once at the bar, she took a seat at one of the bar stools. It would be better for everyone if she just stayed put and out of the way. There was the chance that she would have to drag a drunk Roger back to his hotel room, so she was gonna try and stay out of as much of the chaos as she could manage. She flagged the bartender down, smiling when the woman stopped in front of her.
“What can I get ya?”
Y/n thought for a moment, she didn’t really trust herself around alcohol. Well… she didn’t trust others around her when alcohol was involved. “Wine.”
The woman nodded, her braid whipping around. “Any particular kind?”
“Surprise me.”
With that the woman was out of sight, going to fetch whatever wine she could get her hands on.
Y/n drummed her fingers against the bar, looking around at everyone having the time of their lives. She wished she could be more like them. More carefree and less uptight. God, how life would probably be more fun. She would probably spend less time stressing over the smallest of things and have a larger social group than just people involved with Queen. Maybe she would travel more, get a job that didn’t involve taking care of people. Being a personal assistant was never on the top of her dream jobs list.
She wasn’t allowed to daydream much longer as there was a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, her eyes landed on a young man, maybe around her age, with long red hair.
“Is this seat taken?” he asked her with a small smile.
She shook her head. “No, it’s all yours.”
He took a seat, turning to face her, with a curious look on his face. “You’re British?”
Y/n laughed, nodding just as the bartender set a glass of white wine in front of her. “Well, not really.”
The man shook his head, “Sorry, I guess I should have introduced myself before asking questions,” he confessed. “Axl Rose.” He held his hand out for her to take.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” She grabbed his hand, giving it a firm shake.
Y/n grabbed her glass of wine, smelling it before putting it to her lips. It wasn’t the type she would have normally chosen, but she was glad that it was the one picked out for her. She needed to try new things and why not do that in a whole new setting?
Axl ordered his drink in the time it took her to set her glass down. When he was finished ordering, he turned back to Y/n. “So, you’re British but not really.”
Y/n let out a laugh, nodding. “I guess you could put it that way. Technically, I’m American, so are my parents, but I was raised by my grandmother in England,” she told him.
“That’s interesting. This you’re first time here?”
She shook her head. “In L.A., yeah. But I used to visit my aunt almost every summer in Texas.”
The conversation just went on from there. She told him about her favorite places to go in London and he told her about what he liked about L.A. He asked about what she did for a living and she asked about what made him become a musician. Whether they intended for it to become a deep conversation or not, that’s where it lead.  
Y/n tried not to think too much about it, but she couldn’t help but think that she had never had conversations like that with Roger. Never in the time that she had worked for Queen, had she ever had a real conversation with him. He had no clue that she was raised by her grandmother or that she was American. All he knew about her was the small things that everyone else knew. He knew about as much as he cared to know, which it seemed was nothing at all.
It was weird how open Y/n was with someone that was a complete stranger. Well… they weren’t really strangers anymore. It seemed that with alcohol racing through their veins, they spilled their whole life stories. It was odd, but Y/n felt something she hadn’t felt before. She couldn’t put a name to the feeling, just that it was foreign. Axl made her feel something… something that brought about butterflies, but not the nerves that often came with them. Just a fluttering feeling that made her feel free of whatever had once bound her. Roger never made her feel like that. Her feelings for him often felt like dead weight. Something she had to drag around with her all day, every day. It didn’t help that she would often beat herself up over feeling that way.
It was refreshing to feel light as a feather.
“Did you come alone?” Axl asked, the bartender sliding a new drink in front of him.
Y/n sighed, thinking back to the man she had arrived with. Just thinking about him made her want to scrunch her nose up in disgust.  “No.”
“Are you gonna leave with him?”
Looking around the crowded room, Y/n couldn’t pick Roger out anywhere. He had probably gone off with some woman that had planned from the beginning to leave with a man. “No,” she drawled, once she was sure Roger or any of the boys weren’t in sight.
“You wanna leave with me?”
Y/n didn’t need him to ask again. “Hell, yes.”
With that, Axl took her hand, both hopping off the bar stools and making their way through the crowd.
Y/n rubbed her eyes as she entered the room that the boys shared during their stay. Her head was pounding from all the wine she had consumed. She couldn’t remember the last time she had drank so much. Thinking about it, she probably hadn’t drank that much before. Walking fully into the room, she smiled at John and Brian.
“There you are. We thought we had lost you,” Brian admitted
She waved it off, not wanting to bring up what she got into after the party. They probably wouldn’t think very highly of her for it. “Well, here I am.”
John opened his mouth to say something, maybe ask where she had gone off to or if she enjoyed the party before Roger walked in. He looked angrier than a bull chasing a clown, smoke was practically blowing out of his ears. He didn’t even have to say anything, John and Brian understood enough, both taking their leave.
It was just Y/n and Roger as the hotel room door shut behind them. Y/n bit her lip, unsure what was going on. Roger had no reason to be mad about her leaving with Axl. It wasn’t like Roger had been around to leave with her. And why would he even care what she did?
“So, did you enjoy the party?” she asked in an attempt to break the ice.
“Yeah, probably not as much as you did.” His voice was like venom when it hit her ears, something she hadn’t expected.
Y/n rolled her eyes, as much as he was trying to hurt her, she couldn’t understand why. He didn’t own her. “What does that mean, Roger?”
He folded his arms in front of him, “You know what I don’t understand?”
She didn’t respond, as silence filled the air, he was bound to tell her.
“I don’t understand how you can love me yet sleep with that, that drugged up excuse for a musician!”
Y/n let out a sigh, trying to stay calm. She was not going to give in to this childish behavior. Not when he had every chance to love her back or make her feel wanted. “That may be so, but I can’t seem to understand how you can love every girl at once but none at all at the same time! And you may see him as a drugged up excuse for a musician but at least he has yet to lead me on like you have!”
Roger groaned, throwing his hands in the air. “What am I supposed to do, Y/n? You act as if you don’t want to be seen with me!”
Taking a deep breath, she tried to keep her voice steady as she said, “Maybe that’s because you don’t know what commitment is. You haven’t been loyal to Dominique, now have you? You haven’t been loyal to any of the woman you have been in a relationship with.” She paused, tears were on the verge of spilling. “How can I be seen with you when you’re cheating on all the other woman in your life? How can I be in a relationship with you if you do nothing but cheat?”
She waited for an answer but he gave none. She nodded, there was no way he could answer either question. Y/n knew him like the back of her hand. She knew the dirty things he did and there was no way he could get around it. She may still love him, but she was no longer blind to his behavior or intentions.
Turning from him, she wiped a tear away. “Goodbye, Roger.”
Y/n slipped out of the room, tears rolling down her cheek. She let out a sob as she walked down the hall.
“This is just what I needed,” she muttered, wrapping her arms around herself.
As much as it hurt, she knew that loving him was wrong. It was from the start. Last night, it had been eye-opening. She was no longer blind, she could see the world in bright colors. The dead weight that she had carried with her for so long was now gone as she walked down the hall. It was replaced with relief. She no longer felt like a caged bird. What she would do now was a mystery, but she knew that she couldn’t go back to working for Queen. She needed time.
Maybe L.A. would give her that. 
(Let me know if you want to be added to the permanent taglist and I’d love to get feedback.)
Permanent Taglist: @rexorangecouny @jennyggggrrr @zestygingergirl
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Hey, I was wondering if you're still taking request for Marvel? If you and have the time could you make one on how the Avengers react to finding out the person (A team mate or intern who's a teen, I don't know who) Has really bad anxiety / depression. It's kinda a downer and I understand if you don't want to do it. Thanks for your page, it's awesome btw.
I am still taking requests, and sure, I’ll write it. Thanks for requesting! :)
He has so much empathy for you, he’ll always be there
Steve does his best to help you in any way he can
He always offers to listen to you, to let you vent
If you don’t want to, that’s completely fine, he’s patient
If you do, he’s understanding and listens to your every word
He’s always looking out for you, making sure you’re doing okay
Steve also gives you lots of advice, which is really helpful
His advice is always very simple yet logicall and overall great
Like ‘get plenty of rest’ or ‘you don’t have to bottle your feelings up’
Also lots of encouragement like ‘You’re very strong, you’ll get through this’
Steve is just very wise and also knows you really well
Not to mention that he completely respects your boundaries and decisions
He gives you time and space and let’s you take things on your own
Always reminding you that he’ll be there no matter what, though
If you get really bad, he will do his best to comfort you
Hold you if you want him to, tell you everything will be okay
Steve reminds you of the good things and helps you focus
Tony knows that feeling painfully well
Even to this day he still struggles with PTSD and anxiety
However, he knows every person reacts differently to it
He’s very observant and watches how you deal with things
And from that he learns how to help you through it
Tony knows how to support you and encourage you
But also how to comfort you and distract you
It helps that he perfectly understands most of your struggles
You may have different symptoms with your anxiety
But both of you know how it generally feels
You also help him in a lot of ways, just by talking
Because he realizes he’s not as alone as he thought
That you also get him better than any of you realized
And you both say things the other needs to know
Tony, however, copes with humor, but this helps you
Because it manages to make you laugh
Tony also loves buying you gifts or taking you on dates
You keep telling him not to spend that much money on you
But he still does because it makes him happy
Because it makes you happy
Things are complicated with Nat sometimes
She isn’t the best at opening up and talking about feelings
Still, she’s a great listener, and that’s very important
Whenever you need to vent or a shoulder to cry on, she’s there
Nat will leave almost anything to comfort you
She’s patient and caring and that’s all you need
And even if she isn’t the most affectionate, she’ll hold you when you need to
Nat will also let you be affectionate for both
She’s definitely not the best at it, but she tries really hard
And she will not hesitate to wrap her arms around you if you hug her
Overall, what’s important is how much she loves you
You don’t really have to tell him what’s going on, he knows
He knows you better than you know yourself
Sometimes he tells you things that are incredibly obvious
But that you hadn’t realized before until then
And it’s mostly things about yourself
Like ‘you put too much pressure on yourself’
Or ‘this bothered you more than you think’
Overall, he reminds you to be kind to yourself
And is kind to you when you’re not always
Also, Clint is extremely affectionate and loving
Not to mention bubbly and cheerful, so that helps a lot
He takes care of you when you don’t take care of yourself
Whether it’s because you’re absent and forget
Or because you don’t have the energy to do it
Clint adores you, and he always manages to make you feel better
Bruce is very empathetic and understanding of you
Also incredibly smart, so sometimes he goes all scientific
Or even if it’s just his instinct, he mostly knows what you need
Whether it is distracting yourself, talking or just a hug
Bruce also makes a great effort to learn your process
Realize how you recover when you get anxious or depressed
And slowly help you the next time it happens
He’s an amazing listener too, which helps a lot
Just by talking to him, you feel like a weight’s been lifted off you
Honestly, he’s ready to do whatever just to help you
He’s worried, really worried, he’s not used to this
Thor just wants you to be okay and doesn’t know what to do at first
He speaks a lot sometimes in his panic to help you
Ranting about how you can talk to him, how much he loves you…
His concern is endearing and you let him know what you need
You explain how you feel and how he can help
That sometimes you need your space and others you need him
So from then on he’ll always ask ‘do you want to be alone?’
He knows how much you like hugs and always offers them too
And Thor will be very attentive as you do, memorizing everything
Every single detail, like maybe you have a favorite blanket
Well, he would give it to you when you feel sad
He just gives you whatever you need and always keeps an eye on you
But he still manages not to overwhelm you while making you feel safe
Tag list: @xionroxas, @dancewaterdance02, @bobatea-bi, @vintagerose98, @thisismysecrethappyplace, @fandomnerdsarecool, @c-taylor-wanna-be-a-glader,@fortheloveofbenyandtom​, @suenami3, @caswinchester2000​,@overpowered-insanity, @qtmeryr, @welcome-here-in-my-world // If you want me to add you or take you off the tag list, go ahead and tell me!
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fyodorscenarios · 7 years
I was tagged by @gahyeonns (choco @yokohamastraydogs). 
Thanks you for tagging me! (Btw, don’t worry about losing the message, take your time.) 
1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people (or however many you want) 
sun or moon?
The moon for sure. It’s beautiful and I’m much more fond of night time than day time. 
is there one time from school that you’d like to relive?
I’d really love to just go back to a few lunch breaks during high school when all of my friends were still around. In grade 12 a bunch of them stopped coming to our usual spot for various reasons, it often felt empty around there. That might be the only thing I’ll miss from high school. 
what’s one person you want to fight?
I’d say my younger brother, but we honestly fight all the time anyway. He always tries to piss me off on purpose, and I kinda have a bad temper so it usually works. If it was someone well known, I guess I’d fight Taylor Swift, maybe? She’s bugged me for years lol...
favorite video game?
I still love Pokémon games, my favourite’s probably Pearl or Platinum because of the nostalgia factor. I also really love the Ace Attorney series, though I’m still not caught up with it yet. 
something you wish you had known before?
How and when to shut my mouth. I was incredibly open about everything as a kid. I used to complain a lot because I got annoyed really easily, other kids hated that. I would also spend way too much time talking about my interests that nobody else cared about. It lead to bullying, plus the fact that I was easily agitated made it much worse. 
worst dish you had?
Meatloaf. My dad’s generally a pretty great cook, but I really hate meatloaf no matter who makes it. Especially when ketchup is baked onto the side, it tastes gross as hell to me. 
how many hours do you really sleep?
If I have to wake up for school the next day, probably 4 to 5. If I don’t have to wake up for anything I tend to sleep in, and in that case I probably get 8 to 10. 
something you regret?
In second grade I believe, there was this incident where one of my friends tied the other up with a skipping rope. The tied up friend was crying and for some reason me and my other friend started pulling on both ends of the rope to make it tighter. I honestly don’t remember the incident well. I remember saying that I was trying to get her out afterwards, but I can’t recall if it was a lie or not. She ended up leaving the school not long after that, her mom was super protective of her. I probably have other regrets, but this is just what I could think of. 
something about yourself you would change?
In all honesty I’d really like to loose weight. I don’t have to look perfect, I just wish I could wear nice things without feeling shitty about myself. 
favorite fairy tale?
The Nutcracker and the Mouse King; I’ve only ever read and seen adaptations of it though, I’ve never read the original. I’ve seen The Nutcracker ballet based off of it quite a few times. Since I first saw it when I was a very young kid I have a lot of nostalgia attached to that ballet and its music. It makes me emotional just hearing a song from it. Last time I saw it and probably the time before I cried during the finale.
you have an unlimited amount of money. what do you do with it?
I’d probably start by buying a nice loft apartment in a big city like Toronto. I’d also buy a lot of really nice clothes and electronics like a VR headset. Then since the money’s unlimited I’d probably set up yearly donations to charities that I’d like to support. Finally, I’d buy some type of private jet and travel around the world.
My Questions: 
If you could live anywhere on Earth where would you live and why?
What’s your favourite type of dessert?
Your favourite historical figure?
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
What’s your favourite fashion style from a previous decade? 
What’s something that you used to love but can’t stand now?
If you could have an unlimited life supply of any one food or drink, what would you choose?
If you were allowed to meet any celebrity/well known individual, who would you choose? 
Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names? If not, are there any pets you would like to have in the future?
What in your opinion is the worst movie you’ve ever watched? 
Name five of your favourite musical artists/bands. 
@gayuncleford & @theedas (my irl friends who I actually told about this stupid blog. I love you both!)
@nicaniiluv, @theobsessiveadmin, @when-furuta-dabs, & @leaunce (I don’t know if all of you guys consider me a friend, but we’ve talked on repeated occasions so I pretty much consider you all as friends of mine. In any case, thanks for being around!)
Also anyone else who wants to do it can go ahead and say that I tagged them or something. (I don’t have enough friends on this hell site)
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handslows · 7 years
Pretty sure no one should be tolerating the beards when we know how nasty Eleanor was especially towards Harry and then the story of how Danielle basically forced herself on Louis in public came out (plus, if you stick to the narrative, she did cheat on him), and to me both those girls are ugly since they chose to help closet a person. So yeah there's really no reason to be tolerating either of them
ok but like. listen.
this is gonna be long because yall are exhausting me and miss the point every fucking time
i never liked eleanor bc she was annoying and said nasty things about fans and larries and her friends were terrible esp. max. we only heard these bad stories about what she allegedly said about harry AFTER they broke up too. so i didnt particularly like her and she had done her fair share of bad shit across the years but that doesnt mean ppl can say shit about her looks?? which no one did btw. people were far kinder to eleanor than they ever been to danielle.
the thing with danielle is for months and months and months she NEVER said a single word about louis and never posted about him on social media and NEVER interacted with fans (still hasnt). she was just there. but people still spent HOURS talking shit about how bad her shoes and clothes and facial expression were. which was just super unnecessary and nasty. you can not like someone for the job they are doing but attacking a young woman for how she looks is just really fucking low. so i always stood out against that, against the completely unnecessary criticisms. because you know these were not personal criticisms against her, these people wouldve said more or less the same shit about any woman because they dont like what she represents. so yeah, it really fucking annoyed me.
i also lost followers and mutuals for being done with people’s bullshit. people kept projecting so many intentions on her like, people were legit talking like she was forcing herself into louis’ family house bc she was so ‘desperate’. some posts even sounded as if she tricked louis into taking a pic so she could post it on her insta like??? calling her non-expressive resting face ‘smug’ on every pap pics??? like JFC shes not smug shes just!! existing!!! if everyone saw my resting face theyd all call me a bitch. and if she was smiling then she was desperate. so smug or desperate, what a luck. people were losing their fucking minds. i never gave a shit about her, i thought she was a pretty girl doing an annoying job and i wanted her gone as much as everyone else but thats it. except for being a beard (which btw we dont know the details of the contract between the two no matter how much ppl tried to blame her for everything thats bad in the world) she didnt do ANYTHING publicly that was annoying enough or on par with eleanor except existing. people mocked her over how she swung her bag for like, 2 weeks. 
the story of danielle allegedly forcing herself on louis happened LATE 2016, like november?? and only got discussed on tumblr like, a month ago, so you using this as an argument is weak. There was no reason to preemptively hate danielle because of this story back in january 2016 no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that your hate was justified. everyone was just being nasty and bitter and going crazy over babygate and losing sight of what their priorities are. that’s it.
even if people had “receipts” on her prior to that that would justify why they hate an unknown nonfamous 21 years girl so much, they never shared it with the fandom as a whole and therefore, the fandom as a whole did not have any reason to hate her this much. literally the only story i heard is that apparently she was rude to a waiter in a restaurant. omg!!! bring out the torches!! this totally justify you spending hours mocking her face!!!! unless youre telling me that “big larries hated her therefore we all hated her too” because thats just sad and another problem altogether. so yeah dont try to use that as a reason of why you said nasty shit about her appearance back in february 2016.
i dont even know why im saying this because…having reasons to hate her will never justify the amount of absolutely deranged comments ive read about the way she looks. it was and will always be totally uncalled for and i cant believe how far this fandom went, i cant believe the stuff adults have written about this thinking it was ok. if she is that much of a terrible person there has to be more shit you can say about her than your subjective opinion that her resting face looks “smug” and that shes desperate for being in the presence of louis. i also cant believe how much people mocked her for not being famous enough even though a recurrent role in tv show is more than most people can achieve and when yall know you wouldve hated her for being famous if she was. so, eleanor was bad because she was non-famous using louis’ money and not going to school, taylor is bad because shes too famous and using 1d and harry’s name for her own career and danielle had a recurrent role in a popular franchise and that still was not ok for yall. i get the point is that youre never gonna “like” any beard no matter what her job is because you hate beards but just ADMIT IT and find other things to talk about instead of making up reasons why shes a bad person.
so, honestly, this isn’t about danielle at all. i dont care about her feelings or whatever. my problems is that for months ive read thousands of comments criticizing this girl for doing ANYTHING. and the worst is that when i was telling people they should probably calm down and that attacking a girl for how she looks is not cool at all, i got hate and lost followers and had mutuals indirecting me. because apparently having human decency was too much for people to handle. because apparently people still dont get that criticizing a girl for how she looks and dress as bigger far-reaching consequences in the long run. for months ive had to see people spreading bullshit and lies about her just because of their assumptions. 
and this goes for briana too. that girl is awful and did a lot of fucked up shit and i totally support talking shit about her AS LONG AS ITS FOCUS ON THE BAD THINGS SHES DOING. ive also been disgusted at comments towards briana or ashley shaming her for how they look and i dont find it more acceptable just because i hate them too. theres a line and yall crossed it, like, 12 months ago.
im not saying you have to tolerating neither of them now because of you what found out, im just saying that what you DIDNT KNOW a year ago cannot be used to justify what you did back then. 
anyway this isnt about danielle this is about how i still can’t believe i lost hundreds of followers and dozens of mutuals because i argued that talking shit about how she looks was not valid criticism and was a harmful behaviour. 
and if you still don’t think that’s fucked up and still wanna defend that nasty behaviour from last year i can’t help you.
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slyther-bird · 7 years
1-92 😘😘
Child pls… I’m gonna put these under a cut because holy shit that’s a lot of questions and I’m not flooding anyone’s dashes (forgive any typos pls. It’s late for me)
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
That would be you, so nah bro
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
Fuck no
3. Have you taken someone’s virginity?
I think so? I was told yes but I don’t know if that was true or not
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
Sometimes, but it depends on the situation
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
6. What are you excited for?
Right now probably my next skating day
7. What happened tonight?
I shut myself in my room and watched vine compilations while fighting with a drawing and then decided I deserved alcohol and snuck into the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine. And got harassed by my cat because she’s ridiculous
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
I guess it depends on what happens when they get really wasted? I’m usually the one drunk and don’t remember a lot so I couldn’t say
9. Is confidence cute?
In the right situation yea, but not if the person is being cocky and rude
10. What is the last beverage you had?
I’m switching between a white wine and water because the wine isn’t cold and keeps drying out my mouth
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Maybe 3 max?
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
If I can’t make it to skating probably just watch YouTube and draw
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
It honestly depends when I end up getting a job, but I do need more wood panels for mosaics so probably those
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
I fucking hope so
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
You tbh
18. The last time you felt broken?
Probably within the last week? It was recent and it’s been a shitty week so
19. Have you had sex today?
Nah mate
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
Not really? I’ve been trying to keep busy with things so I can’t think of anything
21. Are you in a good mood?
I’d say a decent one
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
If it was totally safe and controlled then yea sure
23. Are your eyes the same colour as your dad’s?
No, mine are a really dark brown and his are hazel
24. What do you want right this second?
Probably some motivation tbh. Or a pita
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
I’m not interested in/looking for anyone right now so it wouldn’t matter?
26. Is your current hair colour your natural hair colour?
Partially. I still haven’t cut off the bleached bits yet. I really should
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
Depends on their other qualities. I’m not totally in touch with emotions so something could make me laugh one day and not the next
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
My cat shoving her paw under my door because she heard me quietly singing
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Not really? Like I miss you but I usually do so?
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
It depends on what they did/want a second chance about
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
It was my brother so no not really
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
I don’t have feelings for anyone right now, I’m trying to figure myself out before I worry about that
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
I haven’t been drinking it a lot because I’m actually kind of taking care of myself and paying attention to a diet lately
34. Listening to?
Waltz Op. 64 No. 2- Chopin (because it’s in the ost playlist for a fanfic I like)
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
I do in sketchbooks or randomly on my walls if I don’t have paper or my phone
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
I don’t know who the last person I kissed is so no?
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really. It seems like it’s more based on appearance than anything
38. Who did you last call?
I think you?
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
Definitely you, we were dancing in the car a bit ago
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
I’m not sure since I don’t know who it was
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
Oh god probably some time last fall?
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
I’ve embarrassed myself in front of a crush more times than I haven’t
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I don’t tan at all if I can help it
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
I don’t think so, I think I was done bitching about sai a couple hours before I actually fell asleep
47. Who was the last person to call you?
I think my mum… She decided she needed to call me instead of texting me and scared me because my ringer was on
48. Do you sing in the shower?
Really quietly because there’s always someone here but yea. It’s honestly more of a performance tbh
49. Do you dance in the car?
Not wildly, but it depends on the song
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Yup. You need to remind me to let you try mine btw
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
At last year’s Lions convention I think
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Sometimes, but they’re nice
53. Is Christmas stressful?
Hell yea it is. I have more than one house to get ready for Christmas
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
I literally had those for supper tonight… One of my favourite things tbh
55. Favourite type of fruit pie?
I don’t like fruit pie all that much but I don’t dislike apple pie as much. As long as it’s drowning in caramel and warm
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
The only ones I definitely remember are figure skater, astronaut, astronomer, and palaeontologist
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
Oh yea
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Literally more often than not I do
59. Take a vitamin daily?
No but I should be
60. Wear slippers?
Usually only if I’m sick
61. Wear a bath robe?
Not often tbh
62. What do you wear to bed?
Sometimes the clothes from that day, but usually boxers and a shirt or nothing, depends how much I can get off
63. First concert?
I’ve never been to one oops
64. Wal-Mart, Target, or Kmart?
Target was always the best when I was in the states for competitions but I haven’t been in ages so Wal-Mart I guess?
65. Nike or Adidas?
Nike because I like the name more. I don’t even really know what these brands make
66. Cheetos or Fritos?
Cheetossss. That’s how I corral my little cousins
67. Peanuts or sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds if they’re not too much work
68. Favourite Taylor Swift song?
Bad Blood or Shake it Off
69. Ever take dance lessons?
I took ballet and tap when I was younger. I was kind of thinking about starting ballet again because I like it and it’ll help with skating
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Nope, I don’t even entirely know what I’ll be doing
71. Can you curl your tongue?
I can now. I couldn’t until I was like, 13 for some reason
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Never been in one
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
My cat touched my nose with her paw and closed her eyes and purred the other day so yea
74. What is your favourite book?
I guess Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke because I always go back to it and it doesn’t get boring to me. I feel so bad because my favourites are definitely Harry Potter or Artemis Fowl but not a specific one, just the entire series really
75. Do you study better with or without music?
I never studied at all because that was always a guarantee that I’d screw up the test/exam
76. Regularly burn incense?
I wish, but my mum gets huge headaches from smells
77. Ever been in love?
More than I’d like to admit or think about tbh
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
Maybe Panic! at the Disco, but I’ve heard that the tour Adam Lambert has been doing with Queen is good too. And it’s Adam
79. What was the last concert you saw?
I’ve never been to one
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea
81. Tea or coffee?
Usually I’d prefer tea but sometimes I need the higher boost from coffee
82. Favourite type of cookie?
I really like these double chocolate ones my grandma makes. They’re so bad for you but they taste really nice and they’re super soft and gooey
83. Can you swim well?
I think pretty decently, but it’s not impressive or anything. I don’t like being in the water anyway
84.Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yup. But I have to hold my nose if I’m diving into water because of my piercing
85. Are you patient?
It depends what I’m supposed to be patient about but usually I am
86. DJ or band at a wedding?
DJ, they usually have a nicer music selection
87. Ever won a contest?
Competition yes, but I’m not sure about a contest
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better, black or green olives?
I just got back onto olives and I only had green ones so I’ll say those
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
It’s fine as long as you’re careful. I’d be such a hypocrite if I said something against it omg
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Family/living room. Or a study
92. Do you want to get married?
It’s not off the table, but I’m not overly concerned about it at this point
I hope you appreciate that this took me 2 hours man I’m dying
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