#I’ve never been so emotional while writing something and I hate it
eureka-its-zico · 7 months
i want to let you know that i keep thinking about doc and zoro in the context of the trope, "someone who believes they're hard to love and someone who loves them like it's breathing" and now i am an emotional wreck
why is that such a good description of them because that is them 😩😩 that is 1000000% them omg
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[reads a lupin fic] [goldilocks voice] characters in this one are too healthy and well adjusted :/ [reads another lupin fic] characters in this one are too fucked up and genuinely evil >:/ [reads another lupin fic] contrived plot line :/ [reads another lupin fic] everyone but Jigen/Lupin/Fujiko is out of character :/ [reads another lupin fic] everyone is out of character :/ [reads another lupin fic] resolved plot lines too quickly :/ [reads another lupin fic] too self indulgent :/ [reads another lupin fic] no one acts like they even like each other :/ [reads another lupin fic] way too soft and cuddly :/ [reads another lupin fic] way too dark and gritty :/ [reads another lupin fic] way too horny :/ [reads another lupin fic] this one’s anti-horny :/ [reads another lupin fic] so many headcanons that feel tacked on :/ [reads another lupin fic] this one is too hot :/ [reads another lupin fic] this one is too cold :/ [reads another lupin f
#samurai sharkie speaks#i feel so ripped off 😭 they weren’t BAD but they weren’t. the characters you know? it was like filtered versions of them#i haven’t even read as many as this makes it seem like bc some I saw straight from the summary or the first paragraph were 👎#I’ve found less than I can count on one hand of fics that hit that sweet spot#where the characters and the story and everything all feels like itself as opposed to someone’s filtered lense of it#i went through a few tonight and I just had to stop looking bc I was getting too frustrated#the fact that even in some of the decent ones Goemon is done dirty by being portrayed as naive and soft and sweet#any fic involving Goemon is a risk bc I could just end up stuck w borderline part 5 Goemon for three paragraphs#i hate browsing fanfic or reading non-peer reviewed fanfic bc it always ends in me getting disappointed like this#i hate reading something promising and then seeing that they just cannot write more than one aspect of each characters personality#yeah we get it Jigen is cool and brooding Goemon is stoic Lupin is funny and ridiculous and Fujiko is perceptive and sexy.#poor Fujiko always gets pushed to this like. passive advice giver or event manipulator instead of being her own person too#sometimes ppl ‘girlboss’ her so hard she becomes one dimensional and boring#jigen seems to be everyone’s favorite but he gets put in the ‘I can fix him’ position way too much#for someone that has literally never been that and if anything it’s been the other way around#zenigata is mia if he’s not a focal point#lupin never gets any dedication to anything past his superficial personality#or he’s being overly condemned while all the other characters get treated like they ‘aren’t as bad’??#goemon is almost ALWAYS too nice and open and tactile#ppl act like he’s ‘the emotional one’ as if this man hasn’t worn the same expression since 1967 or whatever
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beforeimdeceased · 7 months
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pairing: mean/cruel ellie x sensitive/emotional reader.
synopsis: the song was one thing, but calling you up on stage?
a/n: none!
better keep your head down + give me a call if you ever get lonely
the paparazzi are everywhere, all snapping shots of you as you rush into the band’s car. ellie stops to talk with them, ignoring jesse and dina’s pleads for her to get in. the sounds of the excited fans and the paps priding questions ring in your ears.
“so that’s the girl that fucked up your face?”
“i wouldn’t say it’s fucked up. it’d take a lot to fuck this face up. i think i look pretty hot with a bloody nose anyway.”
“and the song you performed earlier today is about her? crybaby?”
“ellie, get in the fucking car.”
“—yes and i’m looking into getting it released soon.”
jesse hops out of the car, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her in. “shit, gotta go guys. it was amazing to see you all—“ is cut off by the door slamming. dina let’s out a heavy sigh and throws her head back.
“i should punch you too.” dina starts. it makes ellie chuckle and she looks over at you. “it’s enough for you to write the song and perform it, but to call her out and bring her up on stage afterwards? ellie, seriously, you’re fucking horrible.”
jesse interjects. “not to mention you doing that during one of our most important songs. you ruined the set i’ve been perfectly curating for months. for what? for fun?”
ellie doesn’t respond. she just stares at you. puffy eyes and pouty lips while you sniffle down your remains of sadness. it felt like this night couldn’t get any worse, and yet you knew when you got back to the hotel she’d somehow find a way to prove you wrong.
“if you wanna sleep in our room tonight it’s fine. i completely understand.” jesse whispers to you as he opens the trunk to grab the bags. you think about it for a moment before shaking your head. you don’t want dina and jesse to feel like they always have to babysit you around ellie. you can handle yourself. you proved that today when you socked her in the face.
“alright kiddo. let me know if you need anything, okay?” he smiles, leading everyone to the rooms.
when you and ellie make it to your room, you both say nothing to each other. you’re sure she’ll break the silence, though. she always does. maybe the silence is uncomfortable for her? or maybe she just likes to hear herself talk.
“you gonna eat something?” ellie chimes up as she sees you walking towards the bathroom. you just ignore her and wash yourself up. you can’t seem to pull your eyes away from your bruised knuckles, or the lingering drowsy feeling after you’d been crying. all you want to do is collapse into the couch and sleep.
when you’re all done, you grab a blanket from your bag and settle yourself onto the couch. then ellie comes over, sitting on your blanket.
“remember when i went to jail?”
you sigh. “get off my blanket. i’m tired i want to go to sleep.” you tug at it but she refuses to move. continuing what she’d previously been saying.
“jesse and dina were on a trip and i called you. you bailed me out.”
it was 4am when you got the call. eyes barely able to open wide enough to see your screen. when you answered your heart dropped. “jail? ellie what the fuck?” you frown. she laughs. “i know right. gotta put this in our next song.” even with her sarcasm and smart ass mouth you could hear how scared she was. and you couldn’t say no. why couldn’t you say no?
you shrug. “so? what does that have to do with anything?”
“remember when you said you never hated me?”
you nod but you were rethinking it all now. flexing your sore hand. looking down at your blanket that she’d decided to hold hostage. confusion written all over your face. you said you never hated her, but not that you’d never hate her.
“i didn’t write that song to be mean—“
you interrupt her with a chuckle. “then what the fuck was it for?”
she angrily gets up and rushes away. “fucking forget it.”
you stand up, throwing a couch pillow at her. “why are you such an asshole, williams? seriously. were you dropped on your head as a baby or something? why do you walk through life as if everybody has done something wrong to you? you’re the tragedy of the story? that’s just not the case.”
she grabs the pillow and rushes at you, hitting you over the head. “why don’t you hate me then, huh? if i’m so terrible why don’t you hate my fucking guts?”
an uncomfortable silence falls between you two. you, bewildered at her question, still finding it hard to believe she cares. failing to understand why it’s your opinion she cares so much about. her, anticipating your answer. on edge. wanting things to make sense. both of you staring at each other. breathing heavy. twisted faces.
you see the scared look in her eyes and you almost want to hold her. want to see her for what she truly is: scared. that’s why she’s always angry. because she’s scared. because she’s alone. because she didn’t mean to, but she’s run everyone away.
but her lip curls into an all knowing smirk. the kind that could only come from predicting your thoughts through your eyes. piercing into your soul to ping at the bit of empathy you had left in you. for her. for the girl who’s angry and scared and alone. the girl who called you onstage in front of a crowd of people to humiliate you.
the girl who embarrassed you at karaoke. turned a video of you drunk falling into a meme. pushes you off to the side so she can be in the middle of dina and jesse on the sidewalk. trips you if you aren’t paying attention. lies. fights. and fucks you over.
your face changes completely, and hers falls when she realizes.
“you’re pathetic. you’re sad and you’re sick. i can’t believe i trusted you. i can’t believe i had sex with you. fuck you.” you yell before storming off. leaving her there. all alone.
“so you’re starting a band?” you ask dina. she nods, smiling. “with jesse and a friend of ours. i can’t wait for you to see us perform. maybe you could come to one of our practices this weekend?”
“yeah, i’d love to meet your friend!”
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elliesgaythoughts · 2 months
Piña coladas
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SwitchEllie x SwitchReader
Warnings: aaalmost cheating ig, angst, fluff and smut😏, alcohol, scissoring on the beach bc that’s gay asff, fingering e! and r! receiving, oral e! and r! receiving, spitting, reader has a puthyy, lmk if I forgot some shit x
A/N: inspired by piña coladas by Rupert Homes. This was supposed to be a lil blurb but here we are ig x
As Ellie rinsed of her toothbrush and gave herself a quick glance in the mirror, seeing her plad pajama pants and white tank adorned to her body as she walked out the bathroom, rolling her eyes at your already asleep body as she climed into bed beside you, leaving her lamp on, considering the fact that she’ll be skimming through a newspaper for the next hour or so. (a habit she had picked up from Joel.)
She paused, for only a moment, admiring your pretty features and gentle smlie as you probably danced in the world of dreams, appreciating all the time you both have spent together, the memories, the laughter, the things you both had in common, the joy that she felt in your presence that has slowly started to fade, she felt guilty about almost resenting your presence, she didn’t hate you, you just never brought her that ecstasy that you both promised eachother at the start of this marriage, you both have falling into a lifestyle of pattern and predictableness, turning every day lifeless and a mere faded, dull colour on a once vibrant peice of art.
The guilt ate even more at her belly as she stopped on an ad, her finger tracing along the playful words that caught her eye, exciting her and scaring her at the same time, she shouldn’t be feeling this way about anyone, anyone other than her dearest wife. She battled with her emotions as she read the catchy poetry:
if you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
if you’re not into yoga
if you have half a brain
if you like making love at midnight (oh god has it been so long since she’s done that with you, she missed it)
in the dunes on the cape
then I’m the love that you’ve looked for
write to me and escape
Any thought of you instantly left her mind, enthralled by this new character, such a burst of life, she knew it was wrong, but she knew what she was going to do regardless as she picked up her notebook and played with her pencil, spinning it between her fingertips as she tried to think of something just as flashy to respond with, gnawing at her bottom lip, butterflies dancing in her belly as the graphite trailed along the pale paper while she prayed that her years of song writing would catch this poets eye, giggling to herself like a school girl as she wrote:
yes I like piña coladas
and getting caught in the rain
and I’m not into health food
i am into champagne,
She rolled her bottom lip out and squinted are eyes at the parchment, nodding to herself as she continued:
i’ve got to meet you by tomorrow noon and cut through all this red tape
at a bar called O’malley’s
where we’ll plan our escape…
The day dragged on as she waited for her new found love, reeking of her best fragrance and cigarettes as her foot tapped at the hardwood floor of the bar that was littered with dull lighting and strangely, Irish accents. She huffed as she straightened out her white button up, freezing like a deer caught in headlights as the main door creaked open, her heart stopping as her eyes locked onto a curve of lips that she knew far too familiar, it was her lovely lady.
As you trail forward her smile mirrors yours as she awkwardly jokes out “aw, it’s you” you both can’t help but laugh at each other’s situation as she pulled you in, closing her eyes as and breathing deeply as she placed a gentle peck on your forehead and pulling back, her huge smile taking up most of her face as she eyed you, her eyes slightly concerned “i never knew” she confesses, her hands on each of your arms.
You recognise her anxiety, “what you say we get a drink baby?” you say, your heart swelling at the sight of her happy smile returning “y- yeah I think that’s a good idea hunny” she says, interlacing her fingers with yours as you both walk hand in hand up to the bar, sitting besides on another, palms still touching as you both watch the middle aged red headed woman walk towards you “what can I get for the lovely couple” she smiles, her eyes lighting up at how you both compliment each other “two piña coladas, please” you order as Ellie laughs at your attention to detail…
After hours of talking and drinking, the bar has cleared as the hours ticked on late into the night, while the barkeep ‘Annie’ you learned after you and Ellie chatted to her for about an hour, telling her the story of how you both came to be where you are now “and and scene” Ellie bowed, one hand still on your thigh while she sat on the wooden barstool as if this was one big play, making you giggle, both of you clearly too tipsy for your own good as Annie tried to shoo you both away, growing impatient considering that she should have closed half an hour ago.
“alright you two, I think you both best be on your way now, it’s almost midnight” her fiery, curly hair sways as she tilts her head towards the clock “oh, yeah” you giggle “s-sorry Annie” you say, your speach impaired from the drink as Ellie leans forward and slides a twenty towards Annie “juuust lemme get that bottle of champagne” reminding you of her poem again as she points at the dark bottle on the top shelf as she turns and winks at you “then I’m DONE” she promises with a light slap to the Oakwood.
Annie sighs and stuffs the twenty in her bra, rolling her eyes and spinning on her heels, reaching up and grabbing the neck of the bottle, placing it in front of her as Ellie’s face lights up, her grin only dropping a little as the woman speaks “now get the fuck out my bar” she smiles sweetly as Ellie stands up, back ramrod straight as she salutes her “sir yes sir.”
She laughs as you mirror her actions, laughing to yourself as Ellie watches you with so much love in her eyes as you struggled to hold your laughter in while speaking “ss-sir yes sir” you even stomped your foot for special effect as Annie shooed you both while Ellie’s arm wrapped around your waist, wanting to steady you but mainly just to be closer. The alcohol was making her clingy and other things..
Both of you stumbled out the bar, gasping as the freezing droplets of water hit you and your wife as you snuggled towards eachother, Ellie taking the lead and guiding you to where you both are heading, her accessorised fingers gripping the icy cold neck of the champagne bottle and your waist symaltainuously, her cold thumb dipping into the side of your waistband and running along your flesh and making goosebumps appear as she neared the taxi she had her eye on.
You gripped the cold handle and ushered her into the car, stepping in after her and closing the door besides you, relaxing as the warmth of the car emerges you, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, Ellie’s voice fading as she told the driver where to go before she leans back and grips your thigh lightly bringing you back to reality as you squeeze them together and smile at her lazily, your face saying exactly what you want.
The wet haired girl just rubs circles onto the bare flesh of your thighs that peeped below your skirt “patience my love” she whispered to you, kissing you sweetly, pressing her pink lips to yours and just holding them there, feeling the plush of each others mouths against one another, making your face heat up as her hand slides between the plush of your thighs and squeezes softly, making your clit dance as she lays her head onto your shoulder, the smell of alcohol filling your nostrils as she drifts off while you stare out the window, watching to wherever the car is heading..
“Here’s your stop” happy blonde says, pulling you out your daze “a bit late for a trip to the beach don’t you think?” she asks.
You notice the full moon shining over the dark sea and the stars that littered across the sky, mirroring the sand that was thrown across the surface “uh” you paused.
Gripping the auburn headed girls shoulder “Ellie? Ellie?” You shook her gently, stirring her awake, her radiant face smiling up at you from your lap “yeah babe?” “we’re at the beach?” her body springs up, looking out the window “yes. yes we are” she laughs holding both her arms open at the sight in front of her “cmon baby and grab that” she tilts her head towards the bottle as you pick it up while she pays the lady “thank you” you both chirp before stepping out and closing the doors.
You watch the car drive off as Ellie’s hand meets yours again “cmon mama” she says in a love loving tone, watching the waves as she walks you down to the shore, it looked so pretty like this, it was just you two and the sound of the waves crashing.
Almost instantly Ellie’s lips are on yours, as she unbuttons your blouse, your hands landing in her hair as her arms wrap around your waist dragging you on top of her as she lands on her back in the sand, your knees on either side of her waist, as you both leave messy kisses on each others necks “fucking love you” she mutters, her fingers sliding into your panties “fucking love you too” you speak into her collarbones as she slides her finger along your dripping slit.
making your hips buck towards her as she grips the back of your neck pulling you in for a sloppy kiss, you slide your tongue into her mouth, dancing with the pink muscle as she rubs light circles into your clit, your eyes close, focusing on the feeling she’s putting on you as she sucks on your tongue and picks up the pace against your bud.
You pull away, and nuzzle into the side of her throat, your body writhing on top of her “ellie” you whisper “hmm?” “im gonna cum” you murmer into her neck “imgonnacum” your voice getting higher, your hips jerking as she pumps her finger inside you a few times before coming back down to your sensitive bud, your face pressed into her shoulder “d-don’t stop!” you squeal, your legs spasming as you palm her chest, your whole body on fire as you clench around nothing, squeezing so tightly as your teeth sink into her shoulder, making Ellies hips buck and her squeal in pleasure from the pain as you cum, your release dripping onto her abdomen and soaking through her clothes.
You breath, in and out through your mouth, catching your breath, your face hot as you speak, desperate to see more of her “guess we gotta take this off huh” Ellie’s lip tilts into a little smirk as you unbutton the shirt kissing the new revealed flesh with each undoing, one of her hands in your hair as your look up at her bare chest as your lips finally meet the soft leather of her belt before you unclasp it, your knees in the sand as you make home between her legs.
You lean forward angling your hand into her underwear as one hand lands into the slightly cold sand besides Ellie’s auburn hair as you avoid her clit and push one finger into her soaked entrance “f-fuck baby” she says through a tight throat “ffuck” both her hands wrap around your wrist as slide you glide in and out of her slowly.
Listening to her whimper as you messily lick around the oh her lips formed before spitting into her parted lips, watching as it drips down her tongue and then down her throat with each of her gasps that are raising in pitch urgently as you hit that spongy spot inside her.
Her brow furrowing and her eyes watering as her nails dig themselves into your forearm, her hips jerking as you push a second inside her warm plush cunt, your voice mixing with the squelches of pussy “aww you can take it mama” you reassure her and she just nods, the sand mixing with her hair as her warm tears runs down her face “y-yess mama g-unh please let me cum”
“hmm” your thumb comes up to play with her clit as you press your bare nipples to hers while you lick up the front of her throat, up the soft skin of her chin until you mouth is on hers while you speak “cum for me” against her lips.
Her back arches against the beach as she chants “yes” over and over while you continue to pound into her walls, them crushing your fingers “m-ama!” she squeals, squirting all over your fingers and falling limply, her head lulling to the side as her hands fold onto her belly, smiling lazily to herself with her eyelids half closed, high off your touch as you finish undressing her limp body and yourself, tossing the material to the side to lay in the sand.
Her heavy eyes watching as you slot yourself in between her legs, holding your eyes on hers as you let a ball of spit drip from your tongue directly into her thumping clit, making her gasp as you lower your centre against hers, her gentle moans mixing with the soft swooshing sounds of the waves hitting the shore,like music to your ears.
The gentle breeze making your nipples stiffen against your chest as the air leaves your body, the feel of her warmth against yours making you huff out shaky breaths, she felt so fucking good against you, your eyes watering as you wrapped both your arms around her thigh that was pressed against your torso, your cheek pressing against her calf as you placed soft kisses on the skin there while you glided back and forth into her.
Watching the oh shape her mouth formed as your bodies moved in tandem, slipping and sliding against eachother, making your wife feel so good, “e-ellie” you whisper a warning at the feel of her clit dancing against yours “me too m-uh metoo fuck” “mhmm” you whine picking up your pace, getting lost in how her freckled chest bounced under the moonlight with your movements, the salt of the sea filling your nostrils as your hips buck against hers, “don’t st-ugh” her face twisting in pleasure as her walls clamp against nothing, squeezing so tight as her legs spasm, kicking the sand, her chest trembling as her nails sink into the flesh of your hips “mommy” the gutteral moan that leaves your body at the name is enough to push her over the edge, her stomach spasming as she cums against you.
Her sensitive clit being beaten by you as tears leave your eyes and ellie’s name leaves your mouth, your whole body on flames as little spurts of liquid leaves you, making your body fall limp against hers, her heart beating rapidly against yours as you lay chest to chest, her palm resting against your back, both of your flesh kissing as you both pant, trying to catch your breaths “fuck, ellie” you laugh, in complete shock of how good you just felt, getting giggly from your high as you still feel her clit pitter pattering against yours softly “fuck” she just says back, weakly, in a daze “yeah” you laugh back.
You nuzzle your face into the side of her neck as her fingertips trace your body, peaceful in each others silence till you break it “what you say we go for a swim?” you whisper against her flesh and you can sense the smile that grows on her face “mhm” she hums, rolling over so now her toned body is above yours as she kisses your lips “good idea mama” she says, smirking and smacking the outside of your thigh harshly “Ellie!” you squeal as she stands up on shaky legs and sprints towards the water, you giggling as you chase after her…
Ellie’s back layed against the wet sand, hiding her face behind her hands shyly as you pulled her lower body into the cold water with you “mhm so pretty mama” you admired her porcelain skin against the moon as you held her hips just above the water, your tongue landing on her clit as you pulled it under with your mouth, the taste of Ellie and the salt water filling your senses as your nose hovered just above, allowing yourself to breathe as your tongue flicked harshly at her sensitive pearl, the water splashing as her thighs encased your face “ffu-god” she said through a tight windpipe “oh god” she chanted over and over her fingers in your wet hair pulling you closer, drowning you in her as you smiled to yourself, tilting your head to the side and sucking on the sensitive bundle of nerves, the v-line on her stomach tensing up as her body moved restlessly.
The closer she gets, the thurther you drag her under, leaving the mark of where she once was in the sand as you your mouth seduces her just as a siren, only to drag her to the depths with you for your own pleasure.
Filling your mouth with water and lifting her narrow hips above the surface and letting the lukewarm liquid stream from your mouth onto her throbbing clit before landing a harsh spit of your saliva where your tongue once was.
You effortlessly slide two fingers inside her, one arm hooked around her leg, keeping her to you as her lower half dangles above the water, one of her legs laying limply in the pool as you pump in and out of her, harshly hitting that spongy spot inside her, making the poor girl sob as her delicate fingers wrap around your wrist.
Your eyes land on her leaking ones, watching the tears of pleasure roll down her blushed cheeks as she stutters “t-to much” she pleads for a break “too much yeah?” pulling out of her warmth, your gentle eyes flicker as a heavy handed slap lands to her clit making the pain shoot through her body and turn to pleasure as the plush of her thighs squeeze your hand.
Pulling her in with you as your cheeks hallowed, suckling on her clit, now only her head resting on the golden granules “fuck fuck fuck” she whispers as you nod against her, your thumbs rubbing soft circles onto her bare hips “dontstop!” She rushed out, her body tensing and curling in on itself as she tried to regulate her breathing with little gasps, both her hands in your hair as she trembled against the ocean “please” she begged over and over, completely gone from reality as the band in her belly snapped with a squeal of your name and her wet flesh squeezing the sides of your head and her fingers pulling at your locks, trying to get some relief as you continued to fuck her through her orgasm until you decided she had enough, pecking her clit, finally granting her the chance to breathe and pulling her thighs, picking her up till they wrapped around your waist as you palmed her ass.
Resting your head in the side of her neck and kissing the ticklish skin there as she slowly came back to reality “I love you so much” she spoke, her eyes closed and cheek pressing to yours as you echoed her words back to her “I love you too angel.”
You both just smiled contently, quietly feeling eachothers heart beat against one another’s “so much” you whisper, tears pricking at your eyes and finally falling, hitting her chest “hey, hey baby” she coos, gently grabbing your chin and making your eyes meet her green teary ones, her chapped lips parting as she speaks “I know, I know” she promises, placing soft kisses repeatedly to your lips as your breathing trembled. You calmed down a little and tried to kiss her back finally, feeling her smile against your mouth as the sun started to hit the bare flesh that you both shared.
“cold” Ellie muttered against your mouth, shivering at the temperature of the sea “oh yeah, lemme get you dressed mama” you stepped towards the shore, her body still wrapped around yours as you felt the sand between your toes and her body temperature regulate against yours, warming you up.
You tap her hip and her feet land in the sand as you pick up your blouse and slide it over her arms, kissing up her bare body with each button of the fabric till you peck her forehead and pull her white top over your body, her eyes watching you as you lay your skirt on the sand, sitting on it and beconing her towards you.
She nods, understanding you completely, without the need for words.
Her freckled face smiling as she grabs the bottle of champagne and sits onto your crossed legged lap, her knees at the side of your waist as her legs wrapped around you yet again, her eyes crinkle, smiling as she pops the cork off of the bottle and holding it to your mouth and watching intently as you take a sip “mmmh” you rolled your eyes.
She tilts her head like a bewildered puppy, her confusion only disappearing after she took a swig.
Her face twisting as she faked a gag “what did Annie sell us?” She laughed “diesel” you guessed, shrugging your shoulders and giggling watching as she still sips at it, smacking her lips “definitely diesel” she grins.
Digging the base of the bottle into the sand and pushing you down onto your back, the twinkle in her eye never faltering as you watch her grunt, rolling onto her back besides you, hip to hip, her fingers intertwining with yours “pretty isn’t it?” she asks as you, both of you slowing down, breathing in the smell of the beach as you watch the sun rise, lost in its beauty.
You tilt your head to face her “not as pretty as you” you poke her shoulder.
Watching the crimson appear on her freckled cheeks has your heart beating outta your chest, you can barely see her eyes she’s smiling that hard “cheesy” she giggles and kisses your shoulder “ugh you love it” you mock “i do” she whispers, mainly to herself as your hand reaches up and massages the back of her head, watching her eyes flutter close with a big stupid smile on your face “love you” she sighs against your shoulder “love you too ellie”…
@williamellieslilho @yourelliewillms @bready101 @moonalumi @heygrimace @elliesmama @pascals-doll @infiniteinquiries
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mercurianchild · 4 months
hey beautiful,
could you make a post about Venus in 8th house? You’ve mentioned you have this placement and I do too! Thank you very much for your time. 🩷
🖤Venus in the 8th house🖤
TW: mentions of death and s*x
The most common thing I have seen is that this placement (along with scorpio Venus and Venus-Pluto aspects) is s*xualised and glamorised a lot. While it is true, that this placement gives an alluring and interesting aura, it’s not just that. Venus 8th house people have to offer so much more!
A lot of my friends and family members share this placement and we all share one thing: the ability to love so deeply that it hurts. This ability can also turn toxic or even turn into obsession if this placement is underdeveloped.
A lot of 8th housers also stay with people for longer than they should. Most of the times they have outgrown some situations or people, but they refuse to let go because of the feelings they feel. I’ve also been trough that many times. In hope that the spark will come back or that the people involved would change.
A common thing I’ve seen is that it is really hard to let go of people they love. I’ve seen this in friends AND family members that they just can’t let go of certain people where love was involved. For me, it’s still that one guy who I haven’t talked to for 5 months now. In the end, he hurt me. But he showed me what it’s like to be loved. I am still not over him and I know it will take some work to let go of him. With him, I experienced what I envisioned as love between two beings.
Venus in 8th house people are (like other 8th house placements) able to read people like a book. The gut feeling about others is never wrong. Intuition is high.
Could be more into trying extreme and intense things in bed like bdsm or playing with knives. 🔪💀⛓️
Very much into occultism and practising it. All my 8th house friends, for example, are in coven or practices witchcraft. Very into herbs and Hollis tub healing methods.
Which leads to the point that people with this placement are natural healers (if developed).
Natural understanding for psychology. Like really!!! Not just theoretical, but also being able to apply it in real life!
Constantly going through death and rebirth moments in life. A lot of ego deaths will happen.
On the other hand, this placement can bring a lot of hate and resentment from women (no matter if the individual is male or female). A lot of jealousy from other woman which makes it hard to find out who will stab you in the back when you’re not around. This can also lead to trust issues in friendships!
Feeling emotions so intense that it may be difficult to word them. Something that helped me was to find a creative way to let them out. Writing, painting or creating music are wonderful activities.
Red and darker colours look wonderful on these individuals (yes, this can vary depending on the rest of the chart and genetics)
Underdeveloped Venus in 8th house can make someone prone to be a pick me or a real meanie.
Either these individuals had some point of being bullied in teen years or them bullying others.
Constant feelings of so much depth. Whenever I’m around other 8th housers I feel so understood. It’s like a warm hug. We just know what you’re feeling.
I said it before, but the ability to heal… just by being there. Just the presence of these individuals is so intoxicating and loving!
Tend to have very dark humour and make jokes about inappropriate things.
Knack for taboo topics. No fear in discussing them.
Love to keep things private or even a secret. Like being involved in affairs just for the sake of it being a secret thing. I feel like some may enjoy something like that just for the thrill of it.
A lot of secret admirers!!
Can have issues with s*xuality and some may not be s*xually active until their late teen years or early adulthood. From what I’ve seen in friends, read online or even experiences myself, there can be also some unconscious trauma relating to one’s s*xuality.
Last but not least: these individuals are hard to forget, as they carry so much depth, magic and power… once they recognise their potential, it’s over for all them bitches trying to put them down!!
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saijspellhart · 3 months
Sokka’s sexism was not an important growing point for his character - an Essay
I’ve seen all the discourse online about people up in arms about the toning back of Sokka’s sexism in the Netflix ATLA. (Almost everyone I have spoken to have brought it up as a reason to hate the Netflix ATLA) I think that anger is knee jerk, and misguided. It never mattered WHAT the Netflix adaptation was changing, people were always going to be angry about it. They could have announced Momo is a girl now, and people would have raged. Momo being a girl would have changed NOTHING about the series, but people would have been outraged.
Just like I believe Sokka being sexist or not being sexist really changes nothing in the scope of the story, themes, and is not the character growth people claim it to be. Hear me out. Let’s break it down and think about it in terms of themes and character development and how it affects the entire plot.
Sokka is introduced as being cartoonishly sexist in the very first episode of ATLA. As a device simply to make Katara rage. He keeps this trait for a grand total of 3 episodes until episode four when a girl whoops his ass and his sexism is cured forever onward. In the span of a 30 minute episode Sokka’s sexism was given a what for and through that he was transformed into a better man?
Imagine if Zuko’s mental and emotional journey had been solved in a 30 min episode, and wasn’t a lessen he had to repeatedly fail and try and fail and try time and time again. Imagine if Katara’s waterbending journey, or obnoxious controlling nature was just solved in a 30 min episode and not something she struggled with and fought for the entire series.
But let’s say his sexism is super important as everyone claims. Let’s explore it.
When is it challenged ever again in the entire series?
When Sokka leads the invasion on the Fire Nation, there aren’t a bunch of women in that army. He leads an army of men.
When Sokka needs to find a sword master to teach him the art of sword play, it’s a man. He never needed to overcome sexism to accept a non-traditional master.
Nearly all women, sans Toph and Katara, that have any long lasting influential moments in Sokka’s character development are women he has a romance with. Woman whose motivations and agency rely on a man.
The Kyoshi warriors that kicked his ass? What of them? Sokka has to rescue Suki from prison. It’s not tackling some gender equality issue. Suki is a woman in distress and Sokka is the man who comes to rescue her. (Cute and romantic, but hardly tackling a gender cliche.)
Do the Kyoshi warriors ever engage in any actual battle that matters to the plot and win? Not really. Instead the important role of the Kyoshi warriors is to be nurturing to Appa while he’s lost. A traditionally female role. And to provide a way for Azula to overtake Bah Sing Sei. (Don’t get me wrong, I love the girls, but the show never again utilized them in a way that challenged sexism.)
Sokka didn’t need to overcome sexism to respect Azula. Azula commanded and earned all the respect she needed. Sokka didn’t need to overcome sexism to respect Toph. Toph earned his respect by kicking the ass of everyone around him.
At no point in the rest of ATLA was Sokka’s sexism ever challenged after episode 4. It never helped him become a better leader because he never had to lead women whose respect he needed to earn. It never helped him develop his warrior skills. It didn’t affect the plot and his growth as a character any farther than getting a hilarious butt whooping in the fourth episode.
Sokka overcoming sexism wasn’t well written, it was a GAG. A goof. Ha ha funny, man got his butt beat by women and was forever cured.
If we really think about it seriously, as character growth, people who have had sexism so rooted into their beliefs don’t just overcome it because one woman broke the status quo and kicked their ass. That’s lazy writing. It was lazy in the cartoon and it would have been extra lazy in a show that had even less time to explore the issue.
Sexism, if they REALLY wanted to tackle it as a serious issue, should have been a problem Sokka had to challenge several times, and have his preconceived notions proven wrong and dismantled. It should have made him a better leader, or a more respectful fighter.
Instead it’s treated like a joke.
The Netflix ATLA decided to tone it back with Sokka, because from a writing standpoint it made more sense thematically for Katara to challenge sexism with the Northernn water tribe. They didn’t have the time or the budget to poorly tackle the issue of sexism twice, so they focused tackling the issue where it mattered to the plot and where it mattered to KATARA’s character journey more.
I’m tired of people screaming how much they loved his sexism and how the Netflix adaptation is rotten without his sexism. It’s not a lack of media literacy that it was cut. It was media literacy that led to it being cut. A writer recognized when the message was important and when it wasn’t.
That’s all I got to say. You don’t have to agree with me. But these were my thoughts on the matter.
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yae-energy · 13 days
╰┈─✩ ˚ ‧ All the ways I love you ‧ ˚
✧˖° synopsis : The Jjk first years and their love languages !
✧˖° cast and crew : Megumi Fushiguro, Yuji Itadori & Nobara Kugisaki x Black Reader < 3
.ᐟ content warnings : General tomfoolery and mushy mush cause FUCK THE MANGA.
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ authors note : It’s been actual decades since I’ve posted any form of writing….I feel so unseasoned LMAO. This is just a quick lil hc post, nun crazyyy 😽
Megumi “I’ll do it” Fushiguro : Acts of Service king.
Now one thing about Megumi??? He’s gonna hit you with the “I got it” EVERY. SINGLE. TIME without fail. Doesn’t matter what time of day, doesn’t matter what he’s doing, he’s gonna make sure you don’t lift a finger for anythinggg.
Is he gonna complain whilst doing it? Of course.
But that’s just true Megumi fashion. It doesn’t mean he ACTUALLY hates doing things for you. Whether that be grabbing you snacks or completing mundane tasks for you such as carrying your bag or opening doors for you, HES GONNA DO IT EVERY TIME. You don’t even have to ask.
Def brings a “if he wanted to he would” typa vibe to the relationship and obviously you appreciate it ten fold (despite the tough guy act he tries and subsequently fails to put on. He loves him some you.) And what better way can he show that than through actions?
They speak louder than words, right?
Yuji “I love you” Itadori : Words of Affirmation goat
Ok y’all listen here, this boy is a certified yapper through and mf through. ESPECIALLY when it comes to you.
He will never fail to let you— or anyone for that matter, know just how much he loves you and appreciates your presence. You’re like some sort of higher being to him, the best thing since sliced bread if you will.
All day everyday he’s spouting all sorts of “I love you” and “I’m so lucky to have you 🥲” and he’s gonna get emotional EVERY TIME. Like he won some sort of award (the prize being you of course.) And that doesn’t even include the impromptu monologues about how you’ve changed him for the better, and how glad he is to even have someone as amazing as you.
He loves you REAL BAD, why wouldn’t he tell you?
He’d scream it from the rooftops if he could.
Nobara “Look what I got you” Kugisaki : Gift giving queen
Now, I personally consider Nobara to be a mixture of quality time and gift giving, but I’m leaning more with the latter because damn is she a great gifter.
Not only does she love spending money (me too girl, me too.) But, she LOVESSSSS you. Two birds with one stone she’d say, because she loves having an excuse to drop a couple dollars and make you happy in the process.
If she sees you eyeing something while window shopping? It’s yours automatically— whether you actually intended to buy it or not. She’s not good with the whole “lovey dovey” schtick, that’s just not her style. But to make up for it, she makes sure that you have whatever you want when you want it, even if you express she doesn’t HAVE to.
SHE WANTS TO, and you can’t tell her otherwise.
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ tags : - @morosis-haze @jogeto @mypimpademia @ivanari @planetlunaa @cosmiles @milesmolasses @chinieh @romiantic @stqrriichiigo
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if you wish to be tagged in any future works, here’s my tag form to fill out <33
if you wish to submit a request, here’s my ask box :)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ closing notes : hey guys…ahahaha…
I also got a new job now so I won’t have AS much time to post and be silly on here (not that I was super active before but yk.)
Anyhow, thanks for reading and putting up with my lying ass 😕🫶🏽
Love y’all BOOTS DOWN
Mwah 💋
- Xoxo, Yves
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burst-of-iridescent · 3 months
I’ve been reading a series where a guy is in a near identical situation to Katara was in The Southern Raiders. But what I find interesting is that no one really tries to stop him and the fandom considers it completely justified. I can’t help but think despite it being two different series and fandoms that Katara’s gender has at least something to do with this. When a male character wants to seek revenge and kill the murderer to do it, the narrative and fans justify it but when it’s a female character she’s vilified, seen as out of control and letting her emotions get the better of her. I hate when people say Aang was right to say what he did and try to stop Katara from making her own choice. It doesn’t help that we know Bryke is misogynistic based on well everything to do with their female characters post series after they didn’t have the talented writers who actually understood the characters helping them. And sure I know Bryke themselves didn’t write The Southern Raiders but we know from script leaks that there were more shippy Zutara moments that were cut and I think we know who’s to blame for that. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they still influenced the more problematic parts of that episode. Such as Aang and Katara never talking about or resolving their conflict, Sokka calling Aang wise beyond his years and never talking about or resolving his side if things with Katara, and even Zuko weirdly agreeing with Aang at the end that “you were right about what Katara needed.” Even though she literally just told Aang a second ago that he was wrong and she would never forgive him and doesn’t know why she couldn’t kill him. If you couldn’t tell I have rather mixed feelings about TSR episode.
Sorry for the ramble. How do you think their conversations (Katara, Aang, and Sokka) would go if they were to talk about it all after the episode?
oh misogyny definitely plays a part - just compare the way people react to inigo montoya from the princess bride vs katara in tsr - but i think the bigger issue is the overt narrative framing of the episode.
on a first watch, tsr appears to push a very simplistic idea of "violence = bad" and strongly favours aang's perspective, which encourages the viewer to see him as being in the right while katara and zuko appear to be in the wrong. the fact that aang never changes his perspective and both zuko and sokka are (forcibly and very uncharacteristically) made to take his side by the end naturally inclines the audience to do so as well.
it's only with a closer reading that you see a more nuanced take which highlights the flaws in aang's thinking and treatment of katara. katara herself makes it clear that what aang wanted her to do would not have helped her find closure, and she began her healing process without ever forgiving yon rha - which is exactly why i hate people attributing her decision not to kill yon rha to aang when she explicitly stated she did not and would not ever do what he wanted her to!
these are the same people who will also blame zuko for being a "bad influence" on katara, as if the only reason she hunted down her own mother's killer is because zuko convinced her to do it. katara isn't some weeping willow to be bent to the will of zuko and aang; her decisions are her own, not based on the whims of the boys in her life. can we please stop stripping katara of all her agency in the one episode that actually focuses on her trauma and healing?
rant aside, i do wish that katara had talked to sokka after this episode and i imagine there would be some apologising on both sides. sokka - a realistic sokka, because my god was he wildly out of character - would probably check in on her and admit that he was afraid for her safety and well-being. katara would likely apologise for the "you didn't love her the way i did!" remark and i think it would've been nice for them to finally talk about kya and for katara to bring up the conversation she overheard from the runaway about how sokka confessed to seeing her as a surrogate mother.
(imo the impact hearing that would've had on katara was largely downplayed in the show, and is likely part of the reason she reacted to sokka the way she did in the southern raiders, but that's a post for another time.)
the katara-aang conversation would probably have gone the same way that it did in canon, because the issues with their dynamic in tsr are part of the underlying problems with the kat.aang relationship in general. i would've liked to see aang have a little more of a reaction to katara saying she never forgave yon rha (he doesn't seem affected at all in the show), and for that to maybe prompt him to really reflect on what he said.
but ultimately what really has to be tackled here is aang's idealization of katara and his focus on clinging to air nomad values at the expense of those from the other nations - and those problems run too deep to be fixed in a single episode or conversation. the southern raiders would have been a good starting point, but unfortunately the finale never engages with these issues, and so what could've been a great arc ends up going nowhere at all.
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darnell-la · 1 year
If your taking requests could you write buzzcut!Rafe cameron x reader smut
Buzzcut!rafe eating reader out and not stopping. Like just going at it and she tries to pull him away to calm down a little but because his hair is buzzed she can't (and Rafe taking full advantage of it
As always, instead of y/n I’ll be using Scotlynn who is one of the owners of this Tumblr account.
word count: 1.9k
paring: buzzcut!Rafe Cameron x Reader
“I’ll be at the house in five minutes. Be ready because the boys wanna do shots soon,” Rafe said through the phone. I can hear him speeding as always on his motorcycle. “Okay babe,” I said before hanging up.
I slipped on my platform shoes after fixing my cute socks that match the vibe I want my outfit to give off. My mini skirt and slightly cropped shirt go with everything.
Rafe loves the way I dress but sometimes he had his days where he hates that I have to walk out of my house with it. One day he’s “I’ll beat you if you look at her,” then the next day he’s “Who are you dressing up for? If he looks at you, I’ll kill him,”.
I smiled at the thought of Rafe, the finest guy around here, being obsessed and angry at me for looking too good. He never shows his emotion. Not even towards his latest girls but me, he can’t control not to.
Less than five minutes passed and I hit a text from Rafe saying “cmon out babe,”. I smiled at the text, excited to finally see his haircut since he wouldn’t send me a picture or video that I asked for before he went.
I grabbed my mini purse that goes over my shoulder then walked out of my house, tip-toeing quickly to Rafe’s motorcycle.
“Show me please!” I said, excited as I jumped up and down in front of him. He got off his bike and slowly pulled off his helmet. Wow. I wasn’t expecting him to actually look good with a buzz cut. This suits him. A lot.
“Do I look good, princess?” He asked, snapping me out of any thought that I had. “You look more than good,” I said as I softly pulled him into a quick kiss.
“As long as you like it, we’re all good here,” he said as he handed me my helmet while he looked me up and down. “Why the outfit?” He asked. “I literally sent you the layout of it, Rafe,” I said.
“Yeah, without you in it. Looks small as fuck and you know that,” he said then hopped on his bike. “Who the fuck do you dress like that for anyways? Like I can’t figure it out. Is it JJ?” He asked.
“Like, I stopped fucking with him and his friends for you because you’re not into that Kook versus Pogue shit, but he’s been getting very talkative with you,” Rafe kept going, not even letting me answer.
“Like seriously Scotlyn. Is the way I fuck you not enough?” He genuinely asked, getting angry already. Everyone here knows that Rafe Cameron has anger issues. He tries to keep them in a low for me but I know.
“Rafe, it’s not for anyone, okay? I like my style and if you don’t-“ I tried saying but he cut me off. “And if I don’t, what!? Finish that sentence, I dare you,” Rafe glared.
I rolled my eyes before placing my helmet on my head. “Don’t start with that shit,” Rafe said as he put his on. He wanted me to wrap my hand around his waist tight enough before taking off.
“Is he good?” Sarah asked, looking at her brother get more hyped than usual, beating some random dude in beer pong. I’ve been keeping track of how much he drinks and what he’s drinking so I don’t get why he’s acting like he’s on steroids.
“He’s not the snow anymore, right?” Sarah asked, just as confused just as I am. “He’s not. I would be able to tell if he was,” I said and Sarah agreed. “You should check in on him while I got back out,” Sarah said as she backed up to leave the house.
I sighed then started making my way over to Rafe who was shouting with his friends. He barely drank his beer and didn’t even take the shit with Topper like he was rushing here to get to.
“Babe, can we get something to drink please?” I asked, only trying to get him away from everyone so he won’t act out. “Let me make this last shot, babe,” Rafe said.
Rafe rubbed the ping pong ball in his hand as he moved in front of the table. He kept his eyes on me the whole time. He glared behind me a few times, probably at some dude looking at me.
As I was walking up, I already saw a bunch of college boys tapping their friend's shoulders to point me out. I just hope Rafe remembers what I said about dressing for myself and not for anyone else.
Rafe finally threw the ball and magically made it with his eyes still on me. This boy’s full of surprises sometimes. And he’s definitely trying to show off in front of me.
“Do I get a prize, babe?” Rafe asked as he made his way over to me. He softly grabbed my face and pulled me into a nice kiss. I smiled as his friends hyped him up.
My heart skipped a beat after I felt him smirk in between our kisses. His right hand slowly moved down my body and gripped my ass, causing me to be pulled to my tippy toes. He knows I love that…
“Babe,” I giggled as I pulled away. “You’re the best prize I’ve ever had. And no one else can have you,” he smiled at me but his smile soon faded away when his eyes locked with someone behind me.
“Meaning you especially. Don’t fucking look at my girl's ass again unless you want your jaw hanging on your fucking neck,” Rafe aggressively said as his hands balled up on the side of his hip.
“Rafe! Calm down, okay?” I said as I rubbed his chest. “Better listen to your bitch,” the guy said. Rafe went to attack him but I got in his way. “Leave it! Leave it. Don’t call me a bitch, okay? I don’t even know you,” I said as I turned to look at the boy.
“I can get to know you. By the way, you’re dressed, it probably would be quick and easy,” he said. That set Rafe off. Rafe pushed me to the side, harshly but still softly somehow, and swung at the boy who wasn’t expecting Rafe to go off so fast.
“Rafe!” I covered my mouth at the sight of Rafe beating someone up for disrespecting me. I want to pull him off but at the same time, watching someone fight someone I couldn’t because they’re way bigger than me, if something I can’t just stop.
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, huh? Huh, bitch!? I’ll fucking- Don’t you fucking disrespect my girl again. I’ll fucking rip your face skin on my motorcycle tire,” Rafe threatened before throwing a few more punches and then getting up.
“Rafe,” I mumbled as I looked down at the boy who was grabbing his face. He doesn’t look as bad as I thought he’d look but Rafe still fucked him up.
“Let’s go,” Rafe said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him. I turned back to look at the boy who was still on the floor until Rafe stopped and pulled me in front of him and grabbed my face to look at him.
“What are you looking back? You care about him or something?” Rafe asked. “What? No! No, he just- Rafe, you really fucked him up,” I said. “I know and you seem unhappy about it. You’re ungrateful,” he said as his grip on my face tightened.
“I got something for that,” he said before grabbing my wrist again and pulling me passed a few of my friends, out of the party and towards his motorcycle.
“I swear I don’t care about him, Rafe! I swear!” I cried out as his face buried deeper into my thighs while I grabbed the pillows behind my head. He won’t listen to me.
When we got to his house, he pulled me to his room and ripped my mini-skirt off, and went in. He said I was ungrateful because he hasn’t given me a solid orgasm in weeks but that’s not true. He’s just making things up in his mind to overstimulate me. He likes doing that to me. He likes watching me cry for him.
“Rafe, please! Fuck!” I felt the knot in my stomach builds up. “Grateful yet baby?” Rafe asked in between sucking on my clit. “Y-Yes, yes! I swear I’ve — Fuck! I swear I’ve been grateful. I’m always grateful,” I moaned.
“Still doesn’t seem like it,” he said. “Shit, Rafe! Rafe, please slow down. Please, I can’t take it,” I sobbed at how good he was eating me. He never misses.
“You’re gonna take whatever the fuck I want you to. You’re gonna understand I’m the only motherfucker who can make those pathetic moans come out of you,” Rafe dived into me rougher than before, causing my eyes to roll to the back of my head.
“F-Fuuuck! Fuck, Rafe, fuck!” I basically screamed as my back arched and my ass flexed at the hard orgasm crashing over my weak body as he smirked at my folds.
“O-Off, off, off!” I cried as my legs began to shake. “Rafe!! Get off!!” I screamed as I started pushing his head again but my hands kept slipping. I wondered why until I looked down and remembered that Rafe had cut his hair.
“Rafe!” I whined as I tried gripping his hair to pull him off like I usually do but it’s not working. Rafe laughed at my attempts, only making me cry more at the advantage he has over me. He knows that I know that he won’t stop. He loves that I know he does whatever he wants to me.
“C-Cumming! I’m cumming!” I sobbed as I threw my head back. Tears ran down my face as my body shook for maybe the 6th time tonight. He keeps sucking me dry just to make me make a mess again.
Rafe pulled away from me after forcing me through my orgasm, only to taunt me. “Think you had enough, baby?” He asked as he towered over me. “Think I’m better than your little bitch boys who stalk your ass every patty we go to?” He asked.
“You think that pussy fell apart enough to understand who it belongs to or do I have to fuck my cum into you throughout the whole night till the only thing you’re pissing out is load,” he makes me want to say yes but I only I wouldn’t be able to take it. I would probably pass out if he’d continued on me.
“I-I understand. I just need a break,” My legs still shook as I spoke. “What do you say?” He asked. “Th-Thank you,” I breathed out as he hovered over me with his seductive facial expression. He makes me melt.
“That’s my good girl. You know you’re my good girl, right?” He asked and I nodded with a hum. “Yeah — And I want every single boy out there to know how good you are for me and how good I am for you,” he said.
“And if it takes me to set up my room and make a full movie of me filling every single tight and wet hole in your body several times, I’ll fucking do it. For you. For our love, baby,” Rafe said before kissing me softly.
It’s always been a turn-on to me that Rafe is very obsessed with me. Everyone says he treats me differently than any girl he’s been with. He’s honestly never been with anyone he’s told me. It was just out of boredom. That’s why he shows me off. To make sure people know he’s serious about me. It’s everything I could possibly ask for.
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querenciasturniolo · 6 months
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (: I’m so happy your requests are open again I have had a idea for so long now and it’s about y / n and Chris but they were friends into lovers but Matt likes y / n too and they argue over her until she picks Chris in the end!!
choose ⮕ c.s.
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word count: 865
warnings: angst, swearing, arguing, mentions of violence
summary: request
a/n: oddly enough, this was EXTREMELY similar to a chapter fic idea i had a while back LMAOOOO. this was really fun to write, bc i’m not too used to writing angst🙏🏻 i changed it a little bit 🤏🏻 this is very edward vs jacob esque and that’s so funny to me LMAOOO
p.s. i know this wouldn’t actually happen, please take the disclaimer below to heart.
everything written is completely fictional. the people i write for are written with characteristics and mannerisms that i made for them, this is in no way depicting what would actually happen in real life.
“Back up.”
You’d only been in the house for a few minutes, and the sight before you had your eyes widening and your jaw dropping. Matt and Chris were almost nose to nose, their eyes boring into one another’s.
“Guys.” You whispered, neither of them moved. Chris spoke again, his teeth grit together with each word.
“Matt, back the fuck up.”
Matt’s jaw clenched, his eyes never leaving Chris’ as he took a step back.
“Why don’t we let her settle this?” Matt said. You’d never heard their voices sound so full of hatred towards one another, your heart pounded in your chest as you looked between the two of them.
“What are you talking about?” You asked, your voice finally breaking past a whisper and catching their attention.
Chris’ gaze met yours first, your chest aching at the sight of his red rimmed eyes. “Do you love me?” He asked. You took a step back, feeling as though you’d been punched in the gut.
“Of course I do, I love you both—“
“No.” Chris said, his voice gravelly as he inhaled sharply. “Do you love me?”
The change in emphasis had your head spinning as a million thoughts raced through your mind.
“I-I don’t understand.” You said.
Matt scoffed next to him, and Chris whipped his head towards him immediately and took a step towards him. He shoved Matt, hard, and a gasp left your lips as you rushed forward.
“Don’t think I won’t kick the shit out of you, keep your fucking mouth shut.” He snarled. Before you could ask them what the hell their problems were, Chris spoke again.
“You always get everything you want, why couldn’t you just leave it be and let me have something?!”
You hated when Chris raised his voice, especially with so much emotion that it cracked at the end. Matt’s face was set, his teeth gritting together as he spoke.
“You think I wanted this?! I can’t control the way I feel any more than you can!” Matt shouted, his hands coming up to shove at Chris’ chest.
Chris barely moved as he scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Oh fuck off, you knew how I felt about her the moment we met her. You just had to get in the way of that, just like every other fucking thing.”
“God, you’re such a fucking baby, you know that?” Matt spat.
Chris shoved Matt against the table, hard enough to knock it back a few inches.
“Stop!” You shouted, getting between the two of them and shoving Chris back. “All of this over a fucking girl? Get the fuck over yourselves, what the hell is going on?!” Your throat felt raw as you looked between them. They didn’t have to explain, realization hit you the moment you saw their eyes, and your heart sank.
“Wait.” You mumbled, shaking your head and finally meeting Chris’ eyes. “That’s what you meant? When you asked if I loved you?”
Chris swallowed and nodded. Your eyes shifted to Matt, who was staring at the floor. “And you?” You asked. His eyes met your gaze, and it was all the answer you needed.
You sighed and looked down at the floor.
“Look.” You started, your eyes meeting Chris’. He looked so broken, so angry and so disheveled that you could barely speak past the knot in your throat. “Of course I love you. I’ve loved you for as long as I’ve known you, but…”
Chris closed his eyes and shook his head.
“I can’t choose between the two of you, I refuse to gain love and lose a friend.” You said, your eyes meeting Matt’s on the last word. His jaw clenched and he nodded. Matt pushed himself off of the edge of the table and took a step back.
“Choose him.” He mumbled, his eyes on the floor as he turned and walked towards his bedroom.
You watched him retreat to his room and winced when the door latched. Your eyes met Chris’, your cheeks burning when you realized he’d been looking at you the entire time.
“You love me?” He repeated. You nodded once and took a deep breath, barely opening your mouth before he interrupted you. “But you still won’t choose me.”
Tears pooled in your eyes as you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. His hand rested on the back of your neck, and before you could process it, he turned your head and his lips were pressed to yours.
You expected the kiss to be rough, angry, but it was the exact opposite. The kiss was soft, so full of emotion that you couldn’t help the soft sob that left your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned against him fully. His arms wrapped around your torso and pulled you impossibly closer to him, a soft sigh leaving his nose as he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.
You sniffled and pulled away completely, not even looking at him as you walked towards the door.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, Chris’ sniffling drowning out your words as you took each step and finally walked out the door.
tags: @strniolo , @toyourloves , @ssturniolo , @jellybeanbby , @thetriplets3 , @mxriverse , @stvrni0lo , @gabbylovesreading , @dwntwn-strnlo , @tylerscreat0r , @emssturniolo , @lvrsparadise , @angelcake-222 , @20nugs , @obsessivencrazy , @lollibumblebee , @stargirlv0id , @idontexistman
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lfghughes · 1 year
Jack getting emotional around you for the first time
a/n: i knew the minute i got this that i would probably cry writing this. lol im a total softie.
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When you and Jack had first started dating you hadn’t been naive in thinking that things were going to be perfect. It was something that had started during the summer and you knew how important hockey was and how much time he dedicated to the sport but you hadn’t fully prepared yourself for what the season would be like. You had been together for a good handful of months now and the season had started off great, it did suck that your time together had definitely dwindled but things were still pretty good. But then came the losing streak and Jack had grown increasingly more agitated with each loss and you were already upset with the lack of time you got with him so when you did get time with him and he was in a bad mood it only irritated you too. The frustrations grew and there was always some tension between the two of you. Fights were occurring too often and finally you were at the point of just giving up. The timing was horrible, you knew that but it’s not like the timing would get any better. After his game Jack got home and by his quietness you knew it hadn’t been a good one. You hadn’t even bothered looking at the score because instead you had spent your time packing up your clothes. “Why do you have a suitcase made?” Jack asked, the look of confusion on his face as he tried to piece together what was going on. “Jack, this isn’t really working out so I packed up my clothes and I’m going to crash at a friends for a little while.” You two hadn’t been together long so you were used to seeing Jack happy and frustrated but you had never seen the hurt that had flashed across his face. “You’re leaving?” He asked, his voice cracking as he looked at you. “All we do is fight and I figured you’d just be happier if we just did our own thing.” Those words sounded dumb the minute they came out. Why hadn’t you just explained to him how you were feeling beforehand instead of packing up your bags. “This isn’t what I want. I love you, I know things have been tough but I need you.” His voice cracked again and this time you could see the tears forming in his eyes and you knew his words were true. “Jack..” You weren’t even sure what to say but everything that had been clouding your mind the past few weeks now seemed so small as he stood in front of you. He reached out, gently taking your hands in his. “I’m sorry, I’ve been such an asshole lately. I’ll be better, I’ll do better. I promise. But you’re the only thing keeping me sane right now and I can’t do this without you, please.” The tears slipped now from his baby blues and you immediately reached out to hug him, tears slipping from your own eyes. “Baby, it’s okay.. I’m sorry. I should have just talked to you. Shh, baby.” You comforted him. “I’ll stay, I promise.” You whispered to him and you knew you meant it. You didn’t want to be without him either. Jack was worth the good times and the bad times and you hated that it took a blowout like this to make you realize that.
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claiestve · 2 months
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𝐌𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 ꨄ Andrew
˜”* ❝𝙄'𝙢 𝙜𝙤𝙣' 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚.❞
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʏ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴀ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅʀᴇᴡ
⎯୨⎯ " " ⎯୧⎯
“Andrew?” You called out into the next room waiting for an answer. There wasn’t a response so you thought to try again. You also didn’t want to text him if he was just in the next room, “Andrew?” You called out again. Again, no response. 
You sighed, standing up and walking to the bedroom, where he was. Upon reaching for the handle, you noticed something. ‘Hmm,’ you hummed to yourself and frowned. The door was closed and locked. You didn’t have a problem with that but now it sparked your curiosity. You gently knocked on the door. 
“Yes, Darling?” You heard. He sounded frantic but not in a bad way. More suspicious, he’s hiding something way. 
“Can I come in?”
You hear shuffling for about ten seconds circling the room you were standing outside of. Now, you are more curious than before. There wasn’t even a lot in that room so what the hell would he be moving around? And why was he so panicked? 
The doorknob trembles in front of you before the door slowly unfastens. There you see Andrew suspiciously standing in front of something while looking like he just ran a mile. 
“What are– never mind. I just came to ask what our exact plans were for tomorrow. I know we have everything down except for times. I don’t want it to be like…” You trail off as you focus on Andrew’s stance in front of… whatever he’s standing in front of. He looked so still and concentrated. “Okay, no.”
“Andrew, what’s behind you?”
“It’s not important, continue, darling.”
You moved closer to him and pulled him away from the item behind him. He tried to block you from seeing it but by now you’ve already known it was some kind of surprise. 
“What is this?”
He sighs and moves the object closer to you. “I was saving this for our date tomorrow. Now that I think about it, it would’ve been difficult to carry this around without you seeing,” He makes a hand motion to you, “Open it.”
As you open the box, you can’t help but giggle a bit. You saw something that you’ve previously mentioned you wanted but you never explicitly asked for. A big bear with a giant bouquet of red roses. 
“Aw, Andrew! You didn’t have to, you know? I would’ve been fine with your presence alone.” You say feeling a tiny wave of guilt. This was the way Andrew was. He’d do things for you that you loved but it felt like a lot. Sometimes, you feel like you don’t deserve it all. Especially what you did to him. Taking his teaching career–
“Don’t. I know you’re thinking about it. I’ve already made it entirely clear that I like doing things for you just as much as you do for me. You know I don’t ever want to appear empty-handed when it comes to you.”
You catch a feeling in your heart, a good one at that. The feeling travels up to your neck, then to your face, and reaches your eyes filling them with warm tears. You didn’t like crying in front of Andrew as much as he didn’t like crying in front of you. However, you weren’t sad or angry this time. You were crying and it all stemmed from the feeling of love. Your love for him emphasized itself and caused a wave of emotion in your body. You tried turning away from him but he already noticed. 
“Darling? Are you crying?” He asks as he concerningly blanketed your body with his arms, “Did I do something?”
“No, I just– I think I fell in love with you again.”
“Ah, that happens to me with you daily, Darling.”
eugh i dont think i could write for andrew again unless i made the reader a total badass. (cuz i partially hated this)
im so excited to finally move on from this and finish the next one
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jay7543 · 22 days
therapist!reader and client!Konig??? I think it would just be so wholesome.
You and your therapist könig
I like this idea a lot, does seem really wholesome. Won’t have many smut aspects but it will be a bit spicy but it will be fairly short, at least compared to my other stuff. I hope you enjoy!
This one does get in the feels a bit, so be ready for that.
Also, after writing this, I have realized i flipped the roles, I hope that doesn’t bother you too much, message me if you want them normal like you said. Or I might just do it anyway. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience
Feel free to make requests
Let’s be honest, you’ve had problems for a while. From depression and anxiety to worries about your sexuality. You also never thought a therapist would be a good idea. It was expensive and you were brought up thinking your problems were your own, not anyone else’s to deal with. After years of bullshit and deliberation, and a recommendation from a friend, you got a therapist. You’ve been seeing him for a few weeks now, not delving too deep into your problems but getting comfortable with him, it helps that he’s your age. He is foreign though, which is a bit odd to you, his name is könig, he’s an amazing listener and very considerate, at least after you got over how tall he was, and how handsome he was.
You’re now outside of his office, ready for your fourth session, preparing to talk about some real problems. You knock on the door.
You assume he told you to come in. You like it when he speaks German a bit, but you still don’t understand it. You open the door with a weak smile and close it behind you.
Reader-“h-hey doc”
You say nervously, waking over to the seat next to him that you usually spend most of your time.
König-“ah, hello maus. How have you been since our last session”
You blush a bit when he called you maus, it always makes you feel so cute.
Reader-“I-I’ve been ok I guess. You?”
König-“I’ve been good. In fact I’ve been looking forward to this session. I think I’m finally getting somewhat of a read on you.”
He says with a smile. So warm and welcoming.
Reader-“well I….i wanted to actually bring up some real problems this time. I-I might get a bit emotional though, I-i tend to”
König leans forward in his seat, now taking your words much more seriously. He’s been waiting for this.
König-“go ahead. I’m willing to listen to whatever you have to say, and I don’t mind the emotions, I welcome it in fact”
You take a few deep breaths to hype yourself up before finally speaking
Reader-“well, one of my biggest problems is my self image, I feel like I’m not pretty or handsome enough you know”
You look down and play with your fingers for a minute, trying to get the nerves to go away. König just nods and writes in his notes, waiting for you to continue
Reader-“I uh, I also have trouble with my sexuality”
König’s eyes shoot back up at you, he wasn’t exactly expecting it but it’s a very welcome surprise.
Reader-“I’m bisexual but I’ve never really been in a relationship, I’ve also always been scared to tell people that. And it all kinda wraps around to the self image thing”
You both sit quietly for a minute, him taking your words in and thinking of how to respond, you waiting for him too.
König-“well, a very important question is where do you think those problems stem from, it’s very important to know that”
You think for a second and try to figure out a moment or moments that caused it
Reader-“how my parents were when I was younger I guess. They weren’t hateful or homophobic or anything, just….they didn’t make me feel like I could trust them. Made me feel like I wasn’t allowed to mess up, or do something they might not like”
König-“that’s understandable, a lot of problems stem from how parents have treated their children. A lot of parents don’t even realize that they’re doing it. Or how much they’re affecting their child.”
He says in a very soft tone, leaning in a bit closer, attempting to comfort you in some way. You nod
Reader-“yeah, I just…I don’t know”
You start to get a bit choked up, thinking about how you were as a kid, how carefree you were, how innocent you were. Then how you are now, how sad you are, the things you feel like you’re missing out on. It all comes out in a stream of tears.
König-“it-it’s ok to cry. Don’t feel bad”
He leans in and hugs you softly, and you latch into him like he’s the only one who’s shown you this kind of kindness. You’ve just barely opened up and you’re already crying, you feel pathetic, but he helps to get rid of those thoughts.
Reader-“I just feel broken. Like I can’t be me. Like I’m not good enough”
You cry into his shoulder, letting out all of those feelings of inadequacy. He leans in and whispers.
König-“none of that is true maus. I haven’t known you for long but you seem very nice, and considerate of others. You’re not broken, you can be you. You are good enough”
These words make you cry more. They’re the nicest things you’ve ever heard. And after he says them he leans in and kisses your forehead, which is more than a therapist should but…you like it, he makes you feel cared about.
König-“you’re very pretty, or handsome, or whatever word you want to use. You’re enough how you are, and I’ll be here to help you realize that”
Reader-“th-thank you”
You stammer out through your sniffles and tears. He hold you close, rubbing your hair and giving you soft kisses every now and then, until the end of the session. He cares…he’s the first one….he really cares.
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lesbianpizza · 10 months
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Female Reader
Warnings: Daddy kink, dom/sub dynamic, marking, semi public, spit kink, cum strap, fingering, blowjob(R giving), choking, face slapping, spanking(once), brief nipple play, degradation, praise, breeding, allusion to pregnancy kink, pet names (kitten, sweetheart), let me know if I missed any
Word Count: 5075
Summary: You let your jealousy and possessiveness get the best of you at a convention but what happens when your girlfriend has other plans?
A/n: Lol I’ve been talking about uploading something for a long ass time but I’m finally doing it! This is my first time posting something I write so please be nice if it isn’t that good. This story was born when me and @olsenmyolsen saw Lizzie wearing those pants at Comic Con and basically lost our minds😅. They encouraged me to write and actually publish this so here I am!
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You weren’t sure why it happened. You were used to sharing your girlfriend with the world to a certain extent. She was a celebrity after all, so a certain amount of sharing was to be expected. But for some reason it really got to you today. You knew Lizzie would be busy all day at this convention but what you didn't anticipate was the flood of jealousy you would experience seeing her meet so many fans. Not just the way they hugged her and gushed over how much they loved her, but also the way she giggled and hugged them BACK. It was irrational and you knew that, but it didn’t stop that feeling of jealousy to slowly grow as the hours ticked by.
By now it was the second day and Lizzie was still in high spirits, meeting every single fan with a huge smile. You however were less than pleased. You had barely gotten to spend any time with your girlfriend aside from a few measly hours eating and getting ready for bed while strangers hogged all her time and energy. You still tried your best to be supportive and put on a smile because you knew how much she’s come to love events like these over the years and deep down you’d hate for that to change. But you’re no actor and have never been the best at hiding your true emotions, at least not from Lizzie.
She had noticed since yesterday how your mood got progressively worse throughout the day and could see you glaring daggers at every person who went to hug her. She would have said something if she didn’t find it extremely entertaining. And today she had a little plan to put you in your rightful place.
Lizzie was almost done with the first meet and greet of the day and you had just about had enough. It was right around the moment someone asked to take a picture of them proposing to her when you started to see red. If looks could kill, that person would have been obliterated from every timeline in the multiverse. From then on logic played no part in your actions.
The second Lizzie finished up with the last person you barely gave her a moment's notice before you marched up to her, grabbing her hand as you said “Come with me” with smoke practically coming out of your ears. You dragged her to an empty hallway in the back of the convention center to claim what was rightfully yours. You couldn’t see it but Lizzie had a devious smirk plastered on her face because she knew what was coming and she couldn’t wait for her plan to unfold.
As soon as the double doors leading to the hallway closed, you looked around to make sure you were truly alone.
Once you were certain no one else was there, you pushed her up against a wall and whispered a singular word with as much authority as you could muster before your lips met in a bruising kiss, “Mine”.
It was desperate and needy despite the fact that you were trying to show dominance in that moment. You grabbed both of her hands and pinned them above her head as you pulled away from the kiss.
“You’ve been ignoring me all day and I need attention” you said with a little pout, still doing your best to be dominant with her for once.
She looked back at you with an innocent smile. “Aw, is my baby not getting enough attention?” She was aware there was still a small gap between the two of you that had yet to be closed so you truly had no idea what was in store for you.
She leaned her head forward and stopped millimeters from your face. Your heart rate elevated as your breaths now mingled as one.
“Sweetheart, if you wanted my attention that badly, all you had to do was ask” she whispered with a growing smirk. Seeing her expression made you falter, which Lizzie took advantage of. She twisted you around and slammed you face first into the wall holding your hands behind you as if you weighed nothing. It was quick and unforgiving to the point where she knocked the wind out of you a little bit with the sheer force. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t stoke the growing fire within you.
She leaned in until she was pressing you against the wall with her whole body and that’s when you felt it. You weren’t sure how you hadn’t noticed before. Maybe it was because she got dressed in the bathroom today instead of the room like usual. Maybe it was because she chose to wear baggier pants today and you were a little busy glaring at every human being that came in contact with your girlfriend but now it was undeniable. She was packing. You tried your best to suppress a whimper at the feeling, failing to push your ass further into her strap. She leaned in so that her lips were just barely brushing against your right ear.
“That’s what I thought. You’ve been a bad girl today y/n. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your little attitude problem since yesterday. It was cute at first, but now Daddy has to remind you who the fuck is in charge here.” Her grip on your hands tightened significantly with that last sentence as if to further emphasize her point.
“Now, you have two options. You can either apologize and put that pretty mouth to good use, or I can walk away right now and leave y-“
“No please! I’ll do whatever you want just please don’t leave me here!” You whined.
The smack to your ass was swift, delivering an exhilarating sting just painful enough to make you realize your mistake.
“Interrupt me again and that’s exactly what will happen brat” Her tone was harsh which told you she meant every word.
“I’m sorry Daddy it won’t happen again I promise! I’ll do anything you want just please I need you!”
“Anything baby? Can’t say I hate the sound of that” She let go of your hands and spun you in place so that your back was now against the wall and took a step back.
“On your knees slut” She used both hands to push you to the ground until you landed on your knees with a thud. You’d definitely be feeling that later but that didn’t matter now. She unbuttoned her pants in one swift movement and reached down. You could barely contain yourself as she pulled out her cock and you saw which one it was. It had been a while since she used this one and never in a public setting. Sure you’d fooled around in a changing room or two before but never with a strap, much less this one. She looked down at you with a predatory gaze that made your insides quiver as she reached out to grab your hair in a vice grip tugging you slightly forward.
Your scalp stung but all you could focus on was the 7 inch cock right in front of your face. Her expression softened slightly as she tilted your head up.
“Tap my thigh three times if you need to stop, ok baby?”
“Yes Daddy” you said as you tried to nod despite the hold she had on your hair.
“Good Girl” And just like that any semblance of softness evaporated as her eyes darkened and her expression turned hard again.
“Now be a good little whore and suck”
You barely had time to open your mouth before she thrust forward making you gag instantly. Usually she would ease you into it, allowing your throat to adjust to the intrusion, but not today. She wasn’t going to take it easy on you. Her pace was brutal from the beginning. Thrusting her hips in and out of your mouth watching as your eyes began to tear up. She couldn’t help but take pride in how well you were taking her. She had trained you well. Despite the rough treatment, you were in heaven. You’d happily take anything she was willing to give which is why you just relaxed your throat and let her fuck your mouth relentlessly. Not that you could back away anyway since she still had you pinned against the wall.
The strap was at the perfect angle so it rubbed deliciously against her clit. That combined with the adorable little gagging noises coming from the back of your throat had her feral.
“You better not stop until my cum is coating your entire throat kitten” She practically growled. She thrust harder, making you take her entire length as she held you there coating her cock in saliva all while still having a vice grip on your hair. She did this a few more times and was starting to dig her nails into your scalp from how hard she was gripping you. You wouldn’t be surprised if she drew blood. The thought alone had you rolling your eyes in the back of your head in pleasure. You hadn’t been on your knees for long but you could feel your wetness growing in your panties the more you sucked.
The feeling of her cock hitting the back of your throat was addicting and knowing you were at her mercy in such a vulnerable position made it that much hotter. She pulled out all at once leaving a thick string of spit connecting your lips to her cock. You coughed and tried to take in a full breath after not being able to breathe properly.
Your face was a beautiful mess. Tears flowing freely down your cheeks, lips slightly swollen from the abuse, and an unmistakable haze in your eyes. Lizzie could only think of one thing. She had to ruin you utterly and completely.
“God you’re such a fucking cock whore, it’s pathetic really” she leaned over and tipped your head up again.
“Open” she commanded. You mindlessly stuck out your tongue and she let a ball of spit land directly on it. You swallowed it without an ounce of hesitation.
“Fuck…never mind come here” she commanded as her pupils dilated more than you thought possible. “I’d much rather fill your pussy up and watch as my cum slowly drips onto your pretty thighs''
She lifted you up by your hair and spun you around so you were once again facing the wall. Your arms were at least able to brace for the impact this time. Meanwhile hers touched every inch of your body in a desperate need to claim you. Her right hand reached down to grope your ass harshly and continued further down into your dress. She used two fingers to swipe over your covered pussy and chuckled.
“Fuck baby you’re so wet. Is there something you want? Need perhaps?” She teased. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you squirmed.
“Daddyyyyy” you pleaded “Pleeeaase I need it”
“What do you need, baby? Use your words” she teased as she pushed your panties to the side. Her finger barely making contact with your needy pussy.
“Fuck me Daddy please! Fuck me ruin me use me please I-“ she interrupts your rambling by pushing two fingers into your wet hole, fucking into you slowly.
“You little slut. You’re going to regret saying that” she said with an evil grin.
“And you’re already more than wet enough to take my cock aren’t you sweetheart?” She asked, already knowing the answer.
After a few minutes she pulled her fingers out but before you had enough time to complain she had her cock lined up, already pushing into you. She bottomed out in one swift motion making you choke on air. Your wetness combined with your saliva still coating her strap ensured that it slid in with no resistance whatsoever.
She started fucking into you slowly at first but lost her patience to lust and picked up the pace grabbing your hair again to pull your head aside and kiss your neck. She sucked your pulse point painfully, soothing the spot briefly with her tongue before attacking again. You let out a wanton moan knowing exactly what she was doing. She was marking her property for the rest of the world to see.
Lizzie put a hand over your mouth silencing you.
“Shut your fucking mouth unless you want someone to see you like this” she said harshly. You clenched hard at the thought and moaned against her hand thinking about the possibility.
“Oh you like that? Fuck you’re an even bigger slut than I thought” She leaned in to lick and bite the shell of your ear as she whispers, “I bet you’d love that wouldn’t you? For someone to walk in while I’m fucking your brains out so the whole world can know what a whore you are for me.” You felt her lips brushing the shell of your ear as she spoke.
“You know, I should be eating lunch right now but nooo my little slut of a girlfriend needed me to take care of her because she can’t seem to go a few short hours without me being inside of her” she spat as she quickened her pace.
Her words only served to increase your arousal as you met her thrusts the best you could using your palms as leverage to push back onto her cock, allowing it to go even deeper. It should be embarrassing how turned on you were in this moment and any other time you would be but right now all you could think was how good she felt inside of you. Your orgasm was fast approaching and you knew she would be furious if you tried to cum without permission.
“Daddy…I- Fuck! Ple- I nee-“ you sputtered out. Coherency no longer an option with how deliciously you were being fucked.
“Seriously, you already want to cum? How fucking pathetic” Her pace not faltering for a second. If she kept this up you were going to cum with or without her permission and you did NOT want to find out what would happen if it was without.
Lizzie was getting close too so she quickly pulled out of you and turned you back around to face her. She wasted no time in roughly tugging your panties off and safely tucked them away in her pants pocket. She then grabbed your hips and motioned for you to jump up. You wrapped your legs around her waist as she held you up hovering over her cock just out of reach. Her being more than strong enough to carry the weight of your entire body but taking advantage of the support the wall provided.
“You will cum with me or not at all, do you understand? And look at me when I’m talking to you”
You whined and tried to complain but the slap to your face put a stop to that real quick. It hurt but still made you moan and clench around nothing. Lizzie rolled her eyes and put her left hand around your throat, squeezing the sides just enough to make you struggle for every breath. For a second you wondered how the hell she was able to hold you up with just one arm around your waist but that was going to have to be a question for later.
“Let’s try that again shall we? You will cum when I do or you won’t cum for the next week. Do I make myself clear?” She emphasized her last question with a short but harsh squeeze.
“Yes Daddy I understand, I’m sorry” you choked out with the limited oxygen you had, nodding the best you could. She released her hold on your neck and brought her hand down to swipe at your pussy teasingly reveling in how sensitive you already were.
“That’s my good girl. Remember baby you gotta stay quiet for me okay?”
You nodded as you felt her lowering you onto her cock, using one hand to hold you and the other to guide her cock. Once she bottomed out she resumed her rough pace. Fucking you against the wall with all the force she could muster. This new angle allowed her to bury herself even deeper inside of you, making your toes curl.
She used the hand that was previously on her cock to pull your dress down and expose one of your breasts. She leaned down and started greedily sucking your nipple, biting down harshly just to hear you cry out in pain. She continued sucking your breast leaving another cluster of purple bruises for people to see.
It was all too much. You were doing your best to hold back your orgasm but you knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
Lizzie took a second to look at her watch to see what time it was. If she didn’t finish with you soon, she was going to be late to her next signing.
“Shit” She breathed as she fucked into you impossibly faster and harder. At this point you had to put your hand over your mouth to keep from making any loud noises. As much as the idea of being caught turned you on you knew that the reality would not be nearly as pleasant. She moved it out of the way and replaced it with her lips. Devouring you so all you knew was her. Her taste, her smell, her touch, nothing more. Just as oxygen started becoming an issue she pulled back and without hesitation you begged “Cum inside me Daddy please I need it so bad! Please just fill me up, I can't hold it anymore!”
She looked at you with the most feral gaze you’ve ever seen “You wanna be my little cum slut? Huh? Say it! Say you’re my little cum slut!”
“I’m your li- cum slut Daddy! Fu-“ you could barely push the words out with how cloudy your brain was. Something in Lizzie broke hearing you in such a disheveled state. It stoked her already burning fire into a blazing inferno. You weren’t sure where she found the strength but somehow she managed to start fucking you even harder and faster than she already was. You were a goner.
“If only my cum was real, kitten. I’d make sure you left here pregnant. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll switch it out for the real thing.” You heard the words coming out of her mouth but you didn’t fully grasp their meaning in all your haze.
What you could tell though was that you were getting dangerously close to your orgasm and you hadn’t gotten permission to cum. You wanted to speak up but no words would form. The only sounds that would leave your mouth were breathy gasps and moans as you inched closer and closer to your release. Staying quiet was a thought buried in the past as you both chased your highs. This was it, you were about to fall over the precipice head first into your orgasm and there was nothing you could do to stop it. You closed your eyes, ready for it to wash over you at any moment. The next minute you heard her voice cut through the fog clouding your brain.
“Fuck babygirl I’m so close! Open your eyes for me. I want to see you when you cum” she says practically out of breath. You dig deep and force your eyes open. It felt like your eyelids were weighed down by a ton of bricks but you managed to do it anyway.
When you opened your eyes you were sure you were seeing the face of god. Lizzies face and chest were coated in a thin sheen of sweat. Her cheeks flushed in a soft pink. Her eyes, full of lust and determination. Her mouth slightly agape letting out small quick pants that made her chest rise and fall. You could tell she was extremely close. She looked you straight in the eyes and panted out “Cum with me baby. Now!”
The next thing you knew Lizzie scrunched her face and reached for the pump attached to the strap. She squeezed it as she came, squirting her load deep inside you as she fucked you through her orgasm.
That was all it took for you to spiral into yours as she pressed her lips against you in an attempt to keep you quiet. You couldn’t help but squeeze your eyes shut as your orgasm shot through you like a bolt of white hot lightning. It was one of the most intense orgasms you’ve ever experienced. Your ears were ringing, your legs were trembling, and it felt like every particle of your being was humming. You weren’t sure how long this went on for but it felt like an eternity in the best way possible.
You both rode out your orgasms as she continued to fuck her cum into you. You felt so full you were sure it would start to leak out the moment she pulled out of you. Once you had both come down from your highs you stayed there desperately trying to catch your breaths for a moment, your foreheads leaning on each other for support. When you both had regulated your breathing a bit, she lifted you off of her strap enjoying the little whine that escaped your mouth. She set you down on the floor making sure you were leaning against the wall for support as you were still recovering. You could feel the cum start to leak out but before you could go to wipe it away Lizzie grabbed hold of your hand.
“Ah ah, don’t go getting any naughty ideas now. Leave it. You’ll stay like this for the rest of the day as a reminder of how much of a slut you are. If you try to wipe it off or clean it in any way, I will know and you will be punished when we get back to the hotel. Am I clear?” She said, vice grip still on your hand.
“Ok Daddy I’ll leave it. Can I at least have my underwear back so it doesn’t drip down my legs?” You asked weakly, already knowing the answer before she even said a word.
“No. You wanna act like a slut you get treated like one and sluts don’t wear panties do they?” You shook your head no, a small pout forming on your lips. You hoped against hope that your little puppy dog face would make her take pity on you, but you knew it was a lost cause. When Lizzie set her mind to something, she did it and no force on earth could stop her.
Lizzie looked down at her watch again and cursed.
“Shit I’m fucking late!” She exclaimed as she tucked her strap back into the confines of her pants and buttoned them back up.
“Go find something for us to eat and then catch up to me at the signing yeah? We kind of skipped lunch and now I’m starving” she said with a smile. Her face was void of the previous emotions she displayed. The only emotion you could see was pure love. “Rest here for a few minutes if you need to, okay kitten? You did such a good job, I’m so proud of you. But don’t take too long. I need my best girl at my side” She ended her last sentence with a huge grin followed by a series of loving but hasty kisses.
“Ok baby I will. Now go before the people riot!” You say with a giggle. She kissed you one last time before she excused herself and ran out the door.
You stood there for a few minutes collecting yourself. You played back the last 45 minutes in your head in disbelief.
‘Holy shit did that really just happen?’ You thought to yourself. What you two had done was beyond risky and so insanely reckless. It could have gone wrong in about a million different ways, but you didn’t really allow yourself to dwell on that. At the end of the day, it was hot as hell and you would 100% do it again if you had the chance. Yeah the proper thing to say would be that it would never happen again but then again, you’ve never been very proper to begin with.
You fixed your dress the best you could and started walking to the bathroom. Only now feeling Lizzie’s fake cum starting to drip down your thigh.
“Fuck me” you whispered to yourself as you started speed walking to the nearest bathroom to assess the damage, chuckling at the irony of that statement. Thankfully you had access to the staff bathrooms because of Lizzie so you at least knew you wouldn’t accidentally run into any fangirls in there. Luckily for you, it was empty since all the convention staff were busy working the event so you had the whole bathroom to yourself.
You quickly walk up to a mirror and look at your reflection and what you see shocks the living shit out of you. Angry purplish red marks littered the side of your neck and breasts which you only now noticed were actually kind of sore. No amount of makeup in the world would be able to cover those up. Thankfully, the ones on your chest would mostly be covered by your dress and the ones on the side of your neck could be covered by your hair as long as you didn’t really move around too much.
As for the cum that had now dripped more than halfway down your thighs, you had a choice to make. Would you leave it and risk the embarrassment of someone seeing it, or would you wipe it off and deal with whatever consequences Lizzie had in mind?
The choice was actually kind of a no brainer. You had just had the best sex in your life from misbehaving once. Who knows how good it could get if you pissed her off twice in one day. There was only one way to find out. You went into a stall to grab some toilet paper and wiped yourself perfectly clean leaving no trace of the fake cum behind. As you did this you wondered in passing if Lizzie was serious about one day switching the fake cum out for the real thing. You made a mental note to ask her about it in the next few days just to check if that was a heat of the moment thing or if she was actually serious. Either way, you wouldn’t be mad about it.
You also noticed the faint bruises that were forming on your knees from landing on them so hard. You were sure they’d be even worse by tomorrow but hey that’s what pants were for.
You checked yourself in the mirror one last time to make sure you looked as presentable as you possibly could before heading out to the convention area to buy some food for the two of you. You ended up getting pizza for yourself and some weird quinoa dish for your girlfriend. She might be into all those grains and vegetables, but you were strictly a pizza and pasta kind of woman. You headed over to the area where you knew Lizzie was supposed to be doing her signing. Security let you pass with no problem seeing as they already knew you from the day before.
You walked up to the empty seat next to Lizzie and tapped her with your elbow to let her know you were there without interrupting her flow. She looked over at you with a soft smile on her face as she acknowledged your presence and then went back to finish signing someone’s fan art.
“Hey baby, I got you this quinoa thing. I think it looks kinda gross but you’ll probably love it.” You half whispered so as to be respectful of the people trying to get their merch signed.
Lizzie just chuckled and shook her head as she looked at your pizza, “You know it wouldn’t kill you to put something green in your body every once in a while.”
“Actually I think it would and you’d feel terrible if you were the reason for my demise” you shot back with a cheeky grin. She just rolled her eyes in fake annoyance at your sass. Having given up on getting you to eat your vegetables a long time ago.
You took a few bites of your pizza before deciding to poke the bear.
You leaned in close to make sure no one else overheard you “Sorry I took so long, I just had to go to the bathroom to freshen up the downstairs a bit”
As you pulled away you saw the smallest change in her expression as her eyes flashed with recognition. She looked down at your lap for a quarter of a second before going back to greeting a fan and signing their funko pop case. As they walked away she leaned in closely so her lips were brushing against your ear as she spoke, “Didn’t I tell you what would happen if you disobeyed me sweetheart?” Her sickly sweet tone sent a shiver up your spine.
“Technically you didn’t actually specify what would happen if I did so I’m gonna have to go with no” you quipped. Your smirk was evident in your voice despite Lizzie not being able to see it.
She never faltered though. “Let’s just see how cocky you are when we get back to the hotel baby. Cuz you’re in for one hell of a night.” Your pussy quivered in anticipation of what she had in store for you.
And just like that she pulled back in time for the next fan to be ushered in, acting like nothing had just happened. She greeted them with a warm smile and happily signed the poster they handed her as they gushed over how much they loved her. Boy she was one hell of an actress.
You spent the rest of the time eating your pizza and daydreaming about all the things your girlfriend was going to do to you when you got back to your hotel room. You couldn’t wait. What could you say? Being a brat has its upsides.
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disasterfandoms · 1 month
Fluffy Alphabet || Donovan Rocker Edition
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Anonymous Requested: “i wanted to ask you: could you write a fluffy alphabet for rocker SWAT? Pls”
A/N: Rocker!!! I love him so much, and I’ve written next to nothing for him!
TW: none!
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?):
He loves your strength. He is always in awe of how you seem to roll with the punches, how you never seem to crack until you’re home and seemingly alone. He has to be strong for his job, but he’s the first to admit that he has a problem controlling his emotions after a roll out that has gone badly.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?):
He loves your thighs. He loves placing a hand on your thighs, gripping them softly as he drives, or when you’re sitting next to him. It lets him keep a hold on you, to remind him you’re safe and you’re there with him.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?):
He loves when you lay on top of him, as if you’re a weighted blanket. He loves your warmth, as you heat him up by laying on him. He also loves when you can hear his heartbeat, knowing it races just for you.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?):
His ideal date is doing a painting session with him. Art is his safe space, and he loves watching you create something, even if you don’t think it’s any good. To him, you both are sharing your souls to each other through paint on a canvas.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?):
Donovan keeps his calm around you. He expresses his thoughts and emotions clearly, and with a lot of thought. He doesn’t want anything he’s saying to be misunderstood, because he hates fighting with you.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?):
I think he wants a family, but he’s scared. He knows that his job is dangerous, and he doesn’t want to cause pain to you, or to your potential children. That being said, something tugs in him whenever he sees you with kids, and he hopes he has a chance to have a life and family with you one day.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?):
I think Rocker probably isn’t the best gift giver. He’s more into experiences than items or flowers, but he will give you gifts to surprise you, especially on days where he knows you need something to cheer you up.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?):
Rocker loves to hold your hand. He adores the feeling of your hand in his, your fingers intertwined. He will hold your hand anywhere, at any time. Rocker is a lot of things, but he will never want you to feel as if he’s ashamed of being yours, and letting others know.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?):
Donovan would be a wreck if you got hurt, especially if it was something that could have been prevented, or if it was because of his job. He would instantly be by y9ur side, and someone would have to physically restrain him to keep him away.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?):
He loves to play small pranks on you. I think he’s had to become so serious at work, that his playful nature comes out when he’s home with you. Nerf wars, water guns, spray painting your hair while you sleep, etc.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?):
He loves to give you multiple kisses in a row, all over your face. He loves how it makes you giggle, and it lets him show his love for you. Otherwise, he loves slow, passionate kisses’ especially in the heat of the moment.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?):
He loves to show love by words of affirmations, and acts of service. He will happily go pump your gas for you so that you don’t need to stop on your way to work, or leave you a love note when he has to leave while you’re asleep. He strives to make sure you know how much he loves you.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?):
His favorite memory of you is the first night you had stayed at his home, waking up and seeing you snuggled up beside him. It let him realize how much he wanted you to never leave, how he wanted you in his life. He memorized every detail of your sleeping body, hoping to never forget how you looked, or that moment.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?):
Rocker’s worst fear is making a mistake in the field, and losing one of his teammates. He feels personally responsible for everyone he’s in charge of, and it keeps him up at night when someone gets injured.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?):
He hates the feeling of wool on his skin. He hates every time he has to wear his formal uniform, it feels itchy on his skin and it makes him want to rip his skin off.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?):
He loves to call you darling, sunshine, or baby. They seem to roll of his tongue when he’s around you, though he never thought of himself as someone who would use a lot of pet names.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?):
He loves to draw you, especially if you two are having a day in. He loves just being able to relax on the couch, and draw you as your focused on whatever activity you’re doing at that time. He has notebooks filled with sketches of you, in all types of outfits and doing different activities.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?):
The song that describes him the best is “Say You Won’t Let Go” by James Arthur. It shows his vulnerable side that he can share with you, while also having the anxiety of thinking that it, the love you two share as well as just himself, may go away.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?):
Donovan is as open as he can be with you. He understands that you need that emotional vulnerability from him, but there are a lot if things form his job that he isn’t allowed to share.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?):
It started out as a physical thing. Rocker wasn’t looking for anything serious, he had decided to swore off relationships due to the job, he didn’t want to put anyone through that. After a couple months, though, there was no denying that you two were a match made in heaven, and he would be insane to let you go.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?):
He is instantly there to comfort you. He’ll give you the biggest hug, and then you two would either get takeout or go out and get your favorite foods to cheer you up.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?):
He’s most proud of his accomplishments, both in his personal life and in his career. He’s never one to hide you away, he wants everyone to know that you’re his partner, and that he loves you.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?):
He would fight to the death for you. He hates seeing you in any kind of pain, so if it came down to it, he would take all the injuries he could to make sure you’re okay.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?):
Rocker can read you like a book. He knows how you think, how you’re going to react, and tries his hardest to mitigate any upset the best he can.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?):
Donovan would propose to you privately, in your own home. I imagine that he would get help from the IT techs at work to make a short montage of your videos and pictures of you two, and then propose at the end of it. Then, once you said yes, I feel like he would paint a portrait of the moment to hang in your home.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?):
Focusing on the present is what keeps him calm. He can’t think of the circumstances, or things he can’t control, or it would cause him to spiral. He learned on the job that the only thing he could control is himself.
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footiehoemcfc · 9 months
Bad day means pottery date
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Hi guys :) I have not written a fic in a while because I'm always busy or I just can't get myself to do it. Howeverrr, SOMEONE, and by someone I mean Soph (@masonmount07) encouraged me to write again. She has been sharing teasers for her fics which are AMAZING and you should deff read the ones she has posted!! That being said I won't commit myself to dates or requests because I don't know how often I will be writing fics. At the moment I have different ideas I want to write but it takes time so bare with me. Anywayss I hope you enjoy it! :) TW: none, 3.9k words, Fluffy
These were the types of days you hated. Feeling like shit, feeling tired, feeling like you could be doing something better with your life. Work had been awful, you were feeling very insecure about yourself for multiple reasons, you had burnout and you were just tired of it. Projects for work kept piling up every single day and it made you want to rip your hair out. You didn’t particularly love your job, but you needed it otherwise…well you would have absolutely no money. 
Your insecurities have always haunted you, however the last couple of years you had worked through them and started accepting your body and everything about yourself because you figured you only have one body, might as well take good care of it and be happy. The problem starts when you start comparing yourself to other women. 
Last weekend Mason had invited you to go see a game of his. You were not dating, but he had asked you out on dates, 4 times by that point. On those dates he got to know you loved football, so he thought it would be great to have you there so you could enjoy the atmosphere and support him. You gladly accepted, you really liked Mason and you loved going to stadiums. You and Mason had never kissed or anything further than that. You had exchange loving glances, kisses on the cheek and held hands during dinner but not much more than that. He never really attempted to as well which made you feel like maybe he just wasn’t that into you. That kind of started your insecurities. However when you went to the game, it hit you. Why the hell would he be into you? Look at these girls in his box. They look absolutely perfect. They were basically Instagram models of course they looked perfect. You felt very out of place. 
Ever since that game you felt mehh about yourself. Mason said hi to you after the game, however you didn’t have a chance to talk to him that much since all of his friends were there and wanted to talk to him. You had been texting for a week now and had planned getting dinner tonight, but in all honestly you were not really feeling it. 
Once you stepped into your apartment, you felt relief. You were home, you could relax and you could have peace of mind. That did not last long though. Not even 5 minutes in, your boss had texted you to come in earlier tomorrow since some of the staff had quit unexpectedly today and they needed backup. That was your last straw. You stared at the message and your vision started getting blurry. Your tears started falling and they didn’t stop. You wanted a break from it and from everything. You threw your phone into the living room sofa, went upstairs and just threw yourself to bed. All the emotions you had came out. You felt dumb for crying so much over a job and over yourself, but you needed it. The crying gave you a headache which resulted in you falling asleep. 
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing downstairs. You got up from your bed and quickly went downstairs to answer. 
Without glancing at the name you answered, “Hello?”. “Hey you! I’ve been texting you since this morning.” You froze. It was Mason. You looked at yourself in the mirror behind the sofa, your eyes puffy, your hair all over the place. “Oh yea sorry I was really busy at work today I didn’t even get a chance to check my phone.” “That’s alright love, what time should I pick you up?” Shit. The dinner. Do you lie and tell him in an hour, try to get yourself ready and look at least presentable with a stuffy nose and try and get through the whole dinner without crying, or do you just tell him the truth and cancel on him? “Oh yea um listen…” Fuck. Think. “I just had a really bad day, I feel awful doing this to you but I just don’t think I can today.” You closed your eyes hoping for the best. “Oh no, what happened?” His voice was filled with concern which made you feel butterflies in your stomach. “Nothing for you to worry about I promise, just a bunch of workload and um…” your voice cracked. You couldn’t even tell him about your shitty day without crying how were you meant to get through a whole dinner with him. “Yea it’s just a bunch of stuff” you covered your mouth and closed your eyes to stop yourself from crying. “Aw babe, are you okay? I feel awful for you.” He did feel bad for you. You had mentioned to him before how your job was not the best but he didn’t think it was this bad. “Yea” you sniffed and paused for a second to compose yourself, “yea I’m okay don’t worry” you sniffed again and just wanted to hang up because you knew if he started talking to you and try to make you feel better you would just crumble. “I’m really sorry you're having a bad day today, I wish I could help you somehow”, “It’s okay Mase don’t worry, I’m really sorry for canceling so last minute”. You did really feel bad, you were never the type of person to cancel on someone no matter what was going on but today had been just a little too much. “No love, don’t worry. We can see each other another day. Get some rest yea? If you need anything you know I’m here, always” You smiled. These types of comments he made can make  you feel so giddy, but then you remember you haven’t even kissed each other and it just goes away. “Thanks Mase. I’ll text you.” “Of course, goodnight love.” “Night Mase.” And with that you hung up. 
After that call you ordered take out, watched a movie, took a bath and went straight to bed. Your body was exhausted and you had to get in early tomorrow to cover for other people. You were not looking forward to it at all. You wanted to stay in the whole day and not do anything. 
6 am, and your alarm rang causing you to jump from your deep sleep. How did you sleep 8 hours yet you felt like you only slept 1? The thought of going to work made you nauseous. You knew this was not normal. After much thought, you decided to say fuck it and call in sick. Your brain felt like it was fried and your body felt like it was giving up on life. 
After texting your boss you were sick, you didn’t even wait for a response, you went back to bed. You had no energy to give explanations. After sleeping for 3 more hours, you woke up at 9:30 am. You wanted to relax but you also felt like you needed to at least go out for a walk and get fresh air. As tired as you were, you wanted to get some movement going. Lately looking at yourself in the mirror made you feel uneasy. You had bag under your eyes, you felt like your body felt like jelly since you have no time to work out or even take walks. You were not feeling yourself at all. Seeing all those girls in the stadium box made you look hard enough in the mirror to find more stupid insecurities you didn’t even know you had. So, to try and feel a bit productive, you took a shower, put on some yoga pants, a hoodie and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Did it make you feel better? Nope, but it did help a little. 
You spent the day reading, talking to your only friend in the office and cooking yourself breakfast, lunch and a snack. Your friend was concerned about you so she suggested you file a complaint to HR for the overload of work you had to do. It wasn’t a bad idea at all and you did it. The whole day Mason hadn’t texted you which felt weird. You would text him when he was free from training but no message came in. Maybe it was because you canceled on him? Maybe he finally realized he is wasting his time with you? Who knows but overthinking made you feel upset. You liked him a lot. Did he like you a lot too, as a friend? As a potential girlfriend? You didn’t know but you still wanted to find out. 
It was 5 pm and no text from him came through.  You were debating whether to bite the bullet or not and just text him yourself but you didn’t want to seem desperate. You started typing on his chat, “Hi Mase” adding a little heart. Press send you idiot, you thought to yourself. “Sent.” You put your phone down and walked away from it like it was a bomb that was going to explode. You idiot, you idiot, you thought. You decided to start cutting up some veggies to start dinner to try and distract yourself. Nerves started settling in. Maybe you should delete the text message if he hasn’t seen it.
You got a little lost in cutting up the veggies that when your phone rang it made you jump. “Jesus Christ” you muttered to yourself. The caller ID “Mase” appeared on your screen. You got nerves all over again. How can a man make you this nervous. “Hi Mase” you answered, trying not to sound terrified. “Hi love, how are you?” he sounded really chirpy which settled your nerves. “I’m better than yesterday, what about you?” “Oh great I’m glad you feel better because I’m picking you up in 30 minutes.” What? Picking you up? You don’t remember agreeing to seeing him yesterday before hanging up. “Umm what?” he laughed at your confused state. “I felt awful about not being able to help you out yesterday so I thought we could do something fun today instead of dressing up fancy and get a fancy dinner. Are you up for it?” You were smiling from ear to ear. He went out of his way to make you feel better and here you were debating or not if you were an idiot for just texting Hi to him. “Really?” you knew he could tell you were smiling and excited. “Yes really” he said chuckling. “So, wear something you don’t mind getting dirty, and I’ll be there in about 30 minutes yea?” “Okay, um but wait what are we doing exactly?” “It’s a surprise.” “A surprise?” “Yes a surprise, so get ready, don’t ask anymore questions and we’ll have fun.” You laughed at his comment. “Okay then I’ll be ready”. 
Wear something you don’t mind getting dirty. What the hell were you doing with him today? Maybe a painting class? A cooking class? Will you go to those rage rooms to break stuff? Honestly you had no idea but it was exciting. You dressed up in some old but cute jeans you didn’t mind getting dirty and a tank top with just a simple jacket. You put on a little bit of makeup and you were ready to go. Mason arrived exactly 30 minutes after to pick you up. Once he pulled up, he rolled down his window and watched you close and lock your door. “Fucking hell you still look beautiful with old clothes” he said making you blush and roll your eyes. “Listen, I still tried to look good.” You opened the door and got in his car. He leaned in and kissed your cheek, “You always look good love.” You blushed yet again at his comment. “Stop it.” You said laughing, and soon enough he started driving you to your surprise date. 
“Are you still not giving me any clues Sir?” you asked once you stopped in a red light. He turned to you, “No Ma'am, no clues, I told you it’s a surprise.” You smiled at his comment and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you Mason.” You were grateful he was doing all of this to try and make you feel better. “No problem.” You kept looking into each other’s eyes and were leaning in to kiss. You wanted to kiss him more than anything and you felt you were about to, until the car behind you honked to indicate to you the light was green. You both lightly jumped and laughed. 
Once he parked the car you were still confused. The place did not look familiar and there was no sign of what the pace could possible be. “Okay then, follow me.” He took your hand and tangled his fingers with yours, leading you to a blue door. He opened the door for you and once inside you realized were you were. “Oh my god, are we doing pottery?” he laughed at your excitement. “Yes, we are doing pottery.” “Oh my god Mason! I’ve always wanted to try and do it!” “I know you did, you told me on our first date” he said smiling at you. Your heart melted completely at the fact that he remembered. You couldn’t help it and just hugged him,  burying your face in his neck. “Thank you so much” you said, so only he could hear since your whole face was smushed in his neck from how tight you were both holding each other. “You're welcome my love.” Again, melting your heart. 
You both got seated in your places, the machine in front of you and a bucket of water beside you. Once your instructor showed you how it was done and gave you tips, both you and Mason got to work. “Okay so what if we do mugs and we keep each other’s mugs” Mason suggested. “Oooh okay that is a good idea, make it pretty please I’ll be drinking tea out of it every day.” Mason laughed at your comment and both of you started getting the clay ready. 
It got way messier than you thought it would. While trying to get the shape of the mug right, and talking to each other at the same time, Mason’s spinning machine started going way too fast causing the clay to almost fly out and causing both of you to laugh so hard your belly started to hurt. It was becoming the most fun date you have ever been to and your favorite. You loved how easy it was to have fun with him and to see him let his guard down with you. Mason on the other hand, loved seeing you happy, feeling better and making you laugh. 
Since it was the first time attempting to make a mug out of clay, they didn’t turn out great. “Look at your mug!” Mason said pointing at your deformed mug and laughing really hard causing you to laugh as well. “Oh my God you are so rude, look at YOUR mug.” His mug was worse, it was wonky and it was barely standing. Both of you red on the face from laughing so much. “We are not going to be able to drink from this, look at them.” Mason said, causing you to laugh again. You looked over at the shelves and saw different mugs, cartoons, plants and much more already made just missing color. “Okay how about, we grab one of those mugs, paint them for each other, it’s way easier.” You suggested, making Mason agree. “Yea okay, that’s a better idea.” 
Both of you grabbed two identical looking mugs, and the staff gave you different brushes and colors to paint the mugs. Both of you got concentrated in painting the mug, once you were done you didn’t even realize you had been at the place for 3 hours already. 
“Okay I’m done.” Mason said, showing you his mug. It was blue and red with spider webs. “Of course it’s a spiderman mug” you said, chuckling and rolling your eyes. “Don’t judge me, I’m a kid at heart, let me see yours.” You grabbed your mug by the handle trying not to get paint on your hand. “Tadaa '' you said, lifting up the mug. It was light blue and light green. “Oh wow, it looks really cool.” Mason said admiring it. “Well thank you, it’s for you.” Mason smiled and grabbed the mug. In exchange he gave you his mug, you laughed once you realized you were going to be drinking tea everyday out of a spiderman mug.  
Once the paint was dry, the staff packed your mugs into a box and handed it to both of you. You said your thank yous to everyone and went outside. “Okay before we go anywhere else, I had something for you so close your eyes.” You were surprised,  but obeyed and closed your eyes. You heard Mason open his car door and the close it. “Okay open up.” You opened your eyes and saw the most beautiful bouquet of roses. You gasped and looked at Mason who was already blushing and smiling at you. “Oh my God! Mase these are so beautiful! Thank you so much!” You said grabbing the roses. “You're very welcome.” Mason was still smiling at your reaction. “Mase seriously this are so pretty you didn’t have too.” You pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your neck. “I know, but I wanted to. I wanted you to have a great day.” You were about to tear up but you didn’t want him to see you cry. You swallowed the lump in your throat and pulled away to look at him. Both of you looked into each other's eyes and had the urge to kiss each other. You have wanted nothing more than to kiss him since the first date. He didn’t hesitate this time and kissed you lovingly. It was the best kiss you’ve ever experience in your life. This made your feelings for Mason much more stronger and hoped he felt exactly the same way for you. He brushed his tongue over your lip and kept kissing you. You didn’t want it to end but both of you had to breathe. Once you stopped kissing, you rested your forehead against his and just smiled. “This was the best date Mase.” You whispered. “I’m glad you liked it love.” He gave you one last peck and opened the door for you to get in the car. He started driving again, this time his hand on your thighs. “Where are we going now?” you asked breaking the comfortable silence. “Well, I don’t want fancy food in a fancy restaurant and I know you don’t either,” he said making you giggle, “so how about some five guys?” “Sound perfect then.”
You ordered Five Guys and started eating in the car. Mason had parked in front of a nice park with a nice view. The meal was really good, it consisted on reliving the mess both of you made with the pottery class and just talking about everything and anything.
“So,” Mason said, wiping his mouth with a napkin “I wanted to ask you what had made you so sad yesterday…I mean if you want to talk about it.” “Oh well” You were debating whether or not to tell him. How do you explain to him that you felt insecure because of all the girls he is friends with and that you hate your job without sounding pathetic. “Um my job has been a pain in the ass. I get projects every day it feels like and a lot of the staff quit unexpectedly so I have to cover for them which means even more work.” You said almost laughing at how ridiculous that sounds. No person should be dealing with the amount of work and burnout you were dealing with. “Oh shit, can’t you talk to your boss or someone like a manager?” “Yea, I mean I called in sick today because I just could not do it. I also filed a complaint to HR which I don’t really know if it will help but you know it’s at least something.” Mason was looking at you and listening attentively. “Okay good, maybe they can help, you shouldn't be feeling discouraged and tired in any job.” “Yea I know, it’s really just my job and I don’t know I’ve been feeling a little self conscious lately which is no big deal but it just throws me off some days you know?” Mason’s concern was evident in his face again. “Why’s that love?” You gulped, dreading to tell him you have felt this way ever since you went to his game. “Well, I don’t know. I just feel like sometimes I think about you and you know you are you and I am me. I feel out of place sometimes, especially last weekend with your friends and those girls. They are gorgeous and live like a different reality than me, but it's not that big of a deal I promise.” You really didn’t want to make it seem you were fishing for compliments or you wanted pitty from him but you didn’t want to lie to him.
“Hey look at me.” He said placing one hand against your cheek for you to look at him. “You can talk to me about this okay? I never want you to feel out of place, specially with me. You are the most gorgeous girl. I’ve really wanted to be with you ever since I met you. I know sometimes my lifestyle is very different from yours but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you. Since our first date I've been beating myself up for not even attempting to kiss you.” He said chuckling and making you smile. “I just really wanted to do this the right way you know? Like go on dates, get to know you first, not rush it. That being said, I’ve been really dying to kiss you though, and I’m glad I finally did.” You smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him one more time. It was not a heated kiss, it had a lot of passion. “I really like you Mase, I also want to do this the right way. Sometimes I just overthink too much and get like awkward I don’t know.” You said making yourself and him giggle. “I like you too. So much. You don’t need to hide your personality from me, you don’t need to always look “perfect” for me. I loved seeing you smiling, laughing, clay all over your face today.” You both laughed remembering how the clay went all over the place. He leaned in again and kissed you one more time. “Thank you for today, really. I've never had anyone go out of their way to do something like this for me.” You said kissing his cheek. “You're welcome. We are doing this again it was way too much fun.” He kissed your nose and you agreed. 
Once you threw the food wrappers in a trash can near by, he drove off to go drop you off. While saying goodbye, he gave you a few more kisses and waited for you to get safely into your apartment. Once you got inside, you couldn't help but feel giddy and giggle to yourself. You heard a ping from your phone. “Cooking classes next date? X” You smiled to yourself as you read Mason’s message. “Perfect.” You replied. The butterflies in your tummy never went away that night.
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