#It was so hard writing from the other perspective
Y'all don't understand how bad Kristen Riedel is for this show and the characters, I need her gone like yesterday. The last two seasons she was the showrunner and all of the interpersonal relationships suffered greatly when she was in charge. Apart from one or two scenes, every character seemed so disconnected from each other, especially Eddie and Buck. And don't even get me started on the disgusting and UNDESERVED redemptions of all the shitty parents on the show.
In S7, atleast Tim took over and while I'm not exactly loving the direction his storylines have gone in or how they've been handled (example: Buck's bi storyline) I think he's okay, with a longer season, he can definitely take the show back to its glory days. Also he atleast promised us Buck-Eddie scenes every episode and boy did he deliver.
But Kristen Riedel again a huge part of the writing team, wrote two of the worst things in the show to spread her agenda or something. First the nun thing, which everyone laughed about bc of how out of place and ridiculous it was, but this season finale and Christopher's decision was just out of character. Not to mention, fitting for Riedel's "blood family above all" agenda. Like, do you expect me to believe that Chris would call his grandparents instead of Buck and LEAVE to live with them in another state?!! Ofc he's a kid, he's not rational but from a storytelling perspective, it's bad writing, despite having multiple opportunities, we didn't even get a will mention. They probably needed to write Gavin McHugh off the show but there's other ways to do that, it feels like doing irreparable damage to Eddie and Christopher's relationship for absolutely no reason. It feels like they were having a hard time writing for Eddie, so they hit a refresh button and I'm sure if Riedel stays, he'll be written as Buck 1.0 next season.
This woman doesn't understand the characters, doesn't seem to care for them and it's exhausting. After the horrendous S6 finale, I thought we wouldn't have to go through it again but alas.
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minnaci · 23 hours
sorry i know i am not a hellaverse blog but i just watched full moon and i felt so strongly about it that i got out of bed, opened my laptop, and logged into the tumblr website for the first time in months because i knew i would want a full keyboard for this.
disclaimers: i enjoy the show and especially this episode! i like all of the characters, including stolas. what i say is colored by my own experiences and perspectives (ie, i am biased and this is my opinion)
tldr; i find it hard to like stolas in full moon. i also find it hard to empathize with stolas, if i'm being honest, and especially when it comes to his relationship with blitz. warning for full moon spoilers and discussions of racism-adjacent classism.
within the hellaverse exists clear social and economic stratification between "royalty" and "imps", with stolas being the former and blitz being the latter. much like in real life, these social identities inform everything about these characters and the way they interact with the world and each other.
stolas, to put it bluntly, is rich, and blitz is not. stolas lives in a lavish palace with imps as servants. he is not shown to interact with other imps outside of this master-servant relationship. hell, even when they were children, blitz was quite literally purchased for stolas. blitz's first impression of stolas was being sold to him, while stolas was none the wiser.
this is not necessarily stolas's fault. he was sheltered as a child, and even as he grew into an adult, he remained sheltered, seemingly ignorant to the very real class divide between him and his newest paramour. from the very beginning of their reunion, blitz uses his body to provide a service to stolas in exchange for his livelihood, and stolas accepts it because that's the way stolas is used to interacting with imps. stolas continues to "hire" blitz, both as a bodyguard and as a sex worker, and while he understands that this relationship is transactional, he doesn't really see anything wrong with it until the shitshow at ozzie's.
there is no awareness of how uncomfortable this might be for blitz. there is no empathy for how blitz might react. stolas treats blitz as an object, a plaything, a living, breathing sex toy (at one point, stolas calls blitz his "impish plaything". can it get any more clear?). as long as stolas owns the grimoire, and blitz needs the grimoire to survive, stolas can leverage that for whatever he wants from blitz. it's coerced consent. it's been coerced consent from the beginning. there is no acknowledgement that stolas holds the only key to blitz's livelihood. not until ozzie's.
only after blitz says, to stolas's face, that their relationship is completely transactional, does stolas finally begin to scratch the surface of how large their difference in perspective is. where stolas has been playing at a fantasy of being in love, blitzo has been doing what he needs to do to survive. to keep his family afloat.
and full moon. god, full moon. one commenter on youtube described it as an "ambush", and i am inclined to agree.
blitz was prepared to do what he's had to do. sex for survival. he bought out nearly the entire lust district for it, because even then he could sense that something had changed, and that he'd need to really impress stolas for things to continue as they were-- for blitz to be abel to continue to make ends meet. what blitz had no way of knowing, though, was that stolas was re-writing the rules of the metaphorical game they were playing. sure, stolas gives blitz the asmodean crystal, thereby "freeing" blitz from stolas's service, but in the same breath, stolas lays down a new set of expectations. stolas is no longer willing to accept sex as a service. stolas now wants love.
it would be a lot for anyone to take in. imagine you enter your boss's office for your performance review. you think this boss is hot. you maybe have a big crush on this boss. but they tell you that you're being fired, effective today. but they're giving you a foot in the door at a different company because they care about you. also by the way they fell in love with you, which is why they fired you. honestly? i'd probably react pretty poorly to that.
and for blitz, who has gone his whole life being told, implicitly and explicitly, that he is unworthy of love and care, both as a product of his personal experiences and as a product of his socioeconomic class, that's a whole fuckton of shit to take in. it feels almost logical for blitz to treat it like a joke or some sort of performance, because what other explanation is there? stolas is royalty. and blitz... blitz is just blitz. blitz, whose parents cared more about fizzarolli than him. blitz, whose father sold him to some rich asshole. blitz, who, in his perspective, knows better than anyone else that his greatest assets are what he can provide for other people: sex, assassinations, and more sex. blitz, who, in his mind, has ruined every relationship he's ever touched, from his parents, to his friendship with fizzarolli, to his fathering of loona, to his disastrous fling with verosika.
blitz, who was given all of thirty seconds to process that stolas really does "care for him deeply" before stolas dismissed him and shoved blitz out of his life for good because blitz didn't respond (read: perform) to his satisfaction.
i am not saying that blitz is perfect or blameless, because hell knows he's not. he took advantage of stolas's naivete in a plethora of ways. he's a literal murderer. he does treat the people around him poorly. he has hurt stolas, and fizzarolli, and moxxie and millie and even loona. blitz is brash, rude, and emotionally stunted. but much of this can be at least in part attributed to his childhood and the scarcity mindset with which he was raised. when every interaction you have is transactional, even the ones you have with your parents, it takes a lot longer than the 30 seconds that stolas allowed blitz to process that someone genuinely cares about you in a way that is not contingent on you doing things for them or otherwise being useful to them.
all that to say, i feel for stolas, but feel for blitz more. i think this episode did a really great job of like... really digging into the crux of the problem in the stolitz relationship, which is their fundamentally different perspectives and life experiences, even if the finer points about class and socioeconomic status weren't explicitly discussed.
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lazywrites · 16 hours
Kurt wagner x fem!reader (2k) Reader is a villain, suggestive, bad writing, i wrote this practically asleep.
Par 2 of Nemesis
After a few meetings, Kurt doesn't know what to make of his new friend or what to do about his feelings towards her.
Who were you really? A lost soul looking for guidance, that was what Kurt had heard when he first passed by the square, a fearsome terrifying villain, a powerful mutant, a terrorist, a simple woman made to be an outcast in a society she helped build.
But then, he had also been called many things in his lifetime, most of them unpleasant as well. And if the likes of Magneto and the Hellfire Club could be considered heroes by the population, why not her? Nemesis used to be an just entity that existed in this world more than anything else, uncontrollable and mysterious, a powerful mutant of unknown origin, who could bend the Earth and stars to her will.
The power over gravity, it pushes and pulls, a careful balance must be kept. Come close and you might end up bent out of shape, too far and you might be lost forever.
Nemesis has always strived to live in balance, her hands are light and helpful and her heart is as heavy as a stone, That was most of what he got by talking with the others. In truth, Kurt had invited everyone he could, well liked or not, religious or not he didn’t pick and choose when announcing to them his invitation, it wouldn’t be right, he had heard a story of her before, from his sister Anna no less, Of the somber night the terrible villain Nemesis halted the movement of the stars on the sky for a few hours, affecting the tides the weather and everything in between, and was defeated by the X-men, saving the whole world and even then he had wondered why, why would she do such a thing? It seems illogical even from the perspective of pure evil.
A few days after their fist meeting he reminded himself to ask, and she simply looked down towards him as always.
“Because i could.”
And it did not make sense to him, He had to admit, it was hard to merge the two images he had of this woman into one, and Kurt found that he became disappointed in himself, the simple act of even trying is foolish. People have many sides to them, some that are full of hate and lust for power, and some that will hold your hands tenderly and pull you closer, looking to make you smile.
Both sides of this woman haunt him at night, Nemesis and Y/N.
Nemesis stands over his bed at night and smiles down at him like a shark, dark and scornful in a way that makes him freeze, unable to move he is completely powerless against her as he’d probably be in a fight, but they’re not fighting. And her tongue is mean but oh so sweet in his mouth, she does not spare insults to his virtue in those moments and he is completely at her mercy, hypnotized and helpless to resist her pull. Like a black hole she steals all the light from his room and the breath from his lungs when she presses up against him, sometimes it’s one of her boots, sometimes its her body against his but the result is always the same.
It depends on what kind of nightmare this is meant to be, Some nights his body and hers are so entwined that it’s hard to distinguish one from the other, she’ll whisper close to his ear and demean him until he can’t take the teasing anymore. Nemesis will simply step on him and declare that she wants ‘to see him squirm’, he’ll be well acquainted with the sole of whatever she was wearing that day when they talked, and it’s agonizing and euphoric at the same time, a bittersweet nightmare.
And he knows it’s wrong, wrong and honestly embarrassing but he’s been caught by her more than once looking down at her shoes.
Y/N is there too.
In his sweetest dreams she comes to him, but not to stand over his bed, she lays with him and her presence electrifies his body in opposition to Nemesis. And the need to move makes him shudder, the need to touch her and run his hands all over the object of his desire feels right this time, she’ll bring her face right next to his until they breathe the same air and Kurt will finally be able to see it again, the soft interior beneath the hardened shell of her persona. It’s not like he has any difficulty getting to this side of her, but in his dream, it’s more present than ever before and he can touch her and kiss her as much as he wants, the real her.
Waking up is the hardest part, ever since they met Kurt knows that his sleep schedule has worsened considerably, some days he’ll want to sleep until he can’t anymore, to continue living in his imagination just a little longer, he’ll look himself in the mirror and tell his reflection to stop having these fantasies, that his new acquaintace is dangerous, just like everyone else tells him. It won’t work, despite his doubts Kurt admits to himself only in his head and nowhere else that he is fascinated by her, that she has his full attention whenever they see each other even if in passing.
He doesn’t know her, but somehow he does. It’s strange but he’s seen her real self, and he knows her real name now, there is no reason to be afraid of Y/N, she was genuine that night, and he remembers the warmth in her eyes every hour of every day.
 “why are you messing with my head, Meine Liebe?”
He’s being pulled towards her, and it’s hard to resist his newest temptation.
Ultimately he doesn’t think of anyone else he’s met like he does you, they all have many facets to their personalities sure, but the difference between what he’s heard about her past and the present is confusing, He doesn’t know what to do with her, with you, his friend.
And what if he asks you about it? What would you say? Probably something bold.
“Because i can.”
You’ve said it before, you won’t ever ask for forgiveness, maybe that’s why the answer he got that day was so nonchalant, in the end it doesn’t matter, He should focus.
After that day in the rooftop you two met again, and kept meeting over and over, you never joined the others in their reunions but if he looked up towards the rooftop of Genosha’s makeshift church you’d always be there waiting.
Kurt didn’t dare to climb up to the rooftop and preach for you to come down, so he joined you, for the better part of 3 months you two meet every week up in the roof and just talk, or sit next to each other in silence, staring at the moon. And he enjoys it for more reasons than he can put into words, you never say it but he can also see it on your face that you enjoy spending time with him, he wants to know more about you and ask all about the questions that have been brewing in his mind for more than a month, he wants to know why you did what you did, wants to know if your time together is helping, wants do know if you think of him as much as he thinks of you.
The doubt in his mind never really leaves, but Kurt doesn’t mind when he can focus on staring at your profile, he wants to commit to memory the way your eyes gleam when you stare at the moon, like it belongs to you, and in a way it does.
“You’re staring again.”
He blinks, you wait for him to answer without even turning to face him.
“You look good, i mean-You’re in your element, it looks good.” A slip of the tongue, and he hopes you won’t notice.
“Hmm” You turn towards him with and arch an eyebrow “Yes, i like staring at the moon, from here it feels like i could reach out and grab it.”
It seems you haven’t noticed how flustered he became under your stare, Lucky.
“Yes, you’re right, i do wish i could touch it sometimes.”
You smile at him, a mischievous smile.
“I could get it for you.” and don’t wait for him to react “You would be touching it, but only once.”
He smiles back at you “I’d rather just look then.” And directs his gaze to the sky, to distract you so you can look and he can turn back to watch you again.
You don’t take his bait, not yet.
“I’ll take you flying someday.”
It’s a nice thought, so nice it makes him feel guilty, for doubting you and questioning your intentions, and for fantasizing about you, as much as Kurt wants you to be vulnerable he can’t help but feel guilty when you are, even if his guilt comes from things that he can never tell you.
He can’t express with simple words how that makes him feel, so for now a smile will have to suffice.
“Actually i’ll let you pick the day, since i’m in a good mood right now.” And there you are again, putting him on the spot.
Kurt opens his mouth and forces his tongue, which seems more like an useless weight on his mouth at the moment, to form a few words that are comprehensible at least.
“You want to go out?”
“Yes.” You don’t even blink.
“With me?”
You’re still staring at him and he feels oddly exposed, almost indecent, but his heart is beating fast, so fast. Just like when you stand over him in his dreams, when you lay beside him and whisper how much you want him.
You lean into his space a little, just a few centimeters but Kurt feels like you are closer than ever, and then you plant one of your hands on his bicep, an action that should by no means seem as seductive as it does in his eyes.
“Yes, i want to go out with you.” And he just can’t leave you hanging.
“I want it too.” He hopes you won’t notice the slight tremble in his body, it’s not like you haven’t held him close before, you did it on the first day you two met, but this is different, it feels like you could read his mind and peer into his darkest secrets with just this simple touch.
“Just say when.” The power your half lidded stare has over him is undeniable, and Kurt knows that he can spend the whole day telling himself in the mirror that this meant nothing, it is real, not one of his midnight fantasies, you’re real and you’re waiting for his answer, for him to tell you that he wants you.
He takes in some of the cold night air and his tongue is once again an useless weight on his mouth, but he has to try. “Tomorrow then, Ja?.”
You nod. “Tomorrow.” And then look down towards the streets below “A member of the council out with me, people will gossip.”
“Let them gossip all they want, it is only natural for us to be seen together.” You arch your eyebrow again, questioning what he means “We can say that it was a battle for the ages.”
And you laugh for a moment before your face goes back to its normal state, a little moment that makes his heart beat faster for the rest of your time together. It’s hard for him to come to terms with it, his desire for you, his love for his new friend and fear of the fearsome foe you could become.
But for now this is enough, it is enough when you’re there. By the time he’s back home and in bed, he’ll crave your presence desperately, and by the time he wakes up full of guilt for his thoughts he’ll want less of you poisoning his mind.
But the knowledge that you’re there, and that you’ll be together with him again tomorrow is enough to keep him grounded in the moment, grounded, orbiting you and hoping you won’t bend or break him.
He’ll most likely never touch the moon, but just admiring it with you is enough, for now it has to be.
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buckleyreid · 1 day
So here are my unpopular (?) thoughts on season 7
Personally I think this may have been one of my least favourite seasons of the show so far, only higher than season 5.
I feel like there was way too much going on for a 10 episode season, where the first 3 episodes were spent on a giant emergency that really only involved 2 of the characters (I'm still disappointed that we didn't even see the actual rescue from the cruise, but alas).
I have this sense that there was a whole lot going on but at the same time we spent barely any time with these characters. For example, besides the wedding episode I feel like Chim was barely there this season, same thing for Maddie. Eddie only got a decent plot from episode 7 onwards and Buck stopped having a plot after episode 6.
It's pretty obvious from my account that I love Buck and Tommy together, but I really dislike how they seemingly have been dating for a couple months now, yet we didn't get to see any of that on screen. With this being Buck's first queer relationship, it would be important to show how he's navigating everything and I wonder how they'll go about it in season 8. If we're just supposed to pretend the relationship is still new, or if we're acknowledging the relationship as something that's already an established part of both of their lives.
Moving on to the finale, I thought it was extremely underwhelming exactly because there was too much going on. We didn't even have time to see the 118 sit with the news of Bobby's heart attack, no talks in the hospital room between them, nothing. The most we got was seeing Eddie pray for Bobby but that was from an outside perspective. Instead, we moved right along to Athena playing vigilante and terrorising Amir and I think it's a shame such a good scene between amazing actors had to be shoved into a cluster fuck of an episode.
The pacing issues really boil down to how disorganised this writers' room seems to be, and as a showrunner I feel like Tim should really get ahold of that going into season 8. It shouldn't be hard to brainstorm the season as a whole before starting the writing process so you know where your characters will start and where they will end. That way you can write accordingly while not having a whole bunch of storylines going on at the same time and underutilising an amazing cast of characters or scramble to cut scenes because there's not enough time to air them. I could see how maybe the strikes impacted that process, but still... hopefully it's better next season.
Also, season 8 please bring on the emergencies!! The lack of calls the 118 responded to this season only showed me how incredibly crucial they are to showcase the characters' relationships with each other. I miss the 118 banter, the teasing and the funny one liners while they sit together in the engine. I miss when the episodes started with "911 what's your emergency?"
The only real winners of this season were Hen and Karen and, while I wish the other characters had had more fleshed out storylines, I also think they very much deserved to have their moment to shine.
All in all, besides some stand out moments, this season fell really flat to me and I'm kinda sad about it. If anyone has any other thoughts I’d love to hear it.
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irkimatsu · 2 days
Husk being such a sweetheart and being with him meaning knowing you never ever have to worry about your looks with him.
He’s shirtless and has messy fur all the time for crying out loud.
You have body image issues? He’ll put a stop to any spirals with a bunch of kisses and affirmations.
You think your looks aren’t enough? Someone said something? Tell him who it was. He’s gonna have a nice chat with the idiot who made his honey feel even remotely bad.
Having a day where it feels like everything is just wrong? You’re not thick or thin enough in the right places? He’s right there to remind you that beauty standards are bullshit and you are so damn beautiful and sexy to him, or do you need a little reminding doll face~
Just always knowing no matter what you think or feel about your body Husk is always there to remind you how much he loves it (in some very, very nice ways sometimes too *cough cough* worship kink *cough cough* who said that)
Idk, just some Husk comfort for some issues
- 💃
I talked about a lot of this in the other ask you sent, but ohhhh boy worship kink. Fucking worship kink. (I'm writing from the perspective of a fat reader with tits because I'm a fat reader with tits, hoorah for self-indulgence)
Husk getting the bedroom set up for a night of romance like he's so good at, with relaxing music and scented candles. You're laying nude on his bed, and he's standing over you, eyeing you; not with lustful hunger, but as if he's admiring a priceless work of art.
"Beautiful..." his whispers, voice so soft and full of awe.
"...what about me is beautiful?" you ask. It's not that you think Husk would lie to you to make you feel better; he's never been that kind of man. But being spread out like this for him, so vulnerable... your nerves are making it hard for you to figure out what it is about you that he likes so much.
"Where do I even start?" he asks as he climbs into the bed and hovers over you on all fours. His pupils are blown wide, and his tail is waving in fascination. A gentle purr rumbles in his throat. "Your eyes are beautiful..." he starts as he gently drags a claw down your cheek. Before you have time to deny his compliment, he's already sliding down your body. "And your chest..." He chuckles deeply, his voice sweet like warm honey, as he nuzzles against one of your breasts. "Fuckin' soft..."
You half-laugh, half-moan as his fur tickles the sensitive flesh.
"Fuckin' cute voice, too..."
As he continues kissing and nuzzling your chest, he trails his claws down your sides, before letting them rest on your hips. Your nerves are screaming in panic. You're considerably overweight; not curvy, not plump, just fat. How could he possibly-
You gasp at the pressure as he massages your hips in his palms.
"I like having something to grab," he says. "Something to hold on to while I pull you close to me..."
He squeezes your thigh between his legs and lightly grinds against it. Another part of you that could stand to be smaller-
"Fuck..." His wings flutter as he thrusts, and his eyelids drift half-shut. "This must be what heaven feels like. Can't imagine anything softer... 'cept being inside you, of course," he adds with a playful laugh.
"Husk... wouldn't you like me better if I-"
"But you don't even know what-"
"I like you as you are. That's it." He moves his nuzzling up to your neck. "Do you know what it's like for me when I hold you?" He rolls off of you to lay by your side, and pulls you into his arms to prove his point. "Feeling every soft part of you pressed against me? Having so much of you to touch and kiss?" His paws focus their affections on your ass and thighs as he continues kissing your neck, before burying his face into it and growling in satisfaction. "You fit so perfectly in my arms. Why would I want less of you?"
"Husk..." You're still not sure if you believe him; all you can do is hope that he doesn't ever let you go. His embrace is so comforting, and his touches almost make you feel... desired.
"How can I convince you that you're fuckin' perfect for me? I'll touch you anywhere, kiss you anywhere. Just tell me. Let me prove it."
He's not backing down until you finally believe in what he sees in you. You may be laying here for a while, at the mercy of his paws and his lips... at least both of you will enjoy every second.
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steelandblood · 17 days
How about “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
@plasmodiumpyrexia thank you so much for the ask and I'm so sorry for taking so so long😅 I hope the 2.7K words were worth the wait!
@pleasestaywithmedarling thank you so much for showing interest! I hope I didn't disappoint
Honest Conversations
Bruises on the neck can mean very different things.
Contents: female whumpee, discussion of SA (elaborated in tags, nothing graphic though)
Calina was overjoyed to finally be reunited with her childhood friend, but it seemed like she was the only one who was happy with Adan's presence. Thancur at least did not mind him, but also paid him no mind. Calina hoped he might enjoy having another guy around and find some common ground, but they did not seem to have much in common at all.
At least it was better then the other women. Mirwen was hostile and suspicious, going so far as to threaten Adan and describe in alarmingly graphic detail the things she would do to him should he ever dare to hurt Calina. Sure, it was somewhat touching that apparently Mirwen was so fiercely protective of her, but Calina could definitely go without threats of dismemberment towards her boyfriend. Even worse, Rauna, mimicking the older half-elf's attitude, was outright mean and rude, often joking at Adan's expanse.
When they finally returned to the town it was well past sunset and they were all quite exhausted, but Calina was absolutely not too tired to finally enjoy some private time with Adan.
After a whispered promise to meet tonight outside the inn, they parted, each going to their room. She knew Adan would have no trouble. Even if Thancur would notice him getting out, he would not care. Calina though would have to sneak out. It's not that any of the other women could stop her, but they would certainly have their opinions about her spending the night in Adan's company, and Calina knew they would not keep those opinions to themselves. Not wanting to deal with Rauna's judgement and Mirwen's disappointment, Calina laid in bed, impatiently waiting until the other women were soundly asleep. Mirwen, who stayed on watch the entire night ever since Adan joined them, was completely exhausted and was out the moment her head touched the pillow. Rauna however of course had to go through all her nightly prayers first. At least it was not a full moon, then Rauna would have stayed up all night praying. But finally she fell asleep as well and Calina could sneak out of the room. Both half elfs ware light sleeper, but Calina's footsteps were lighter, and she successfully got out completely unnoticed. Not wasting a second more she quickly and quietly made her way to where Adan was already waiting for her, just like they used to do in their teenage years.
Sneaking back in was just as easy, though her heart was still beating loud in her ears from the excitement. Calina lay in her bed unable to sleep, giddy just as she was after their first kiss.
When the first ray of dawn shined through the window, giving Calina an excuse to start her day, she quietly snuck into the washroom while her companions were only just stirring awake. There, looking in the mirror she discovered an unpleasant surprise. Adan's passionate kisses left her with an unfortunate parting gift of blossoming dark bruises showing vividly on the pale skin of her neck.
She played with her hair, hoping to arrange it just so to hide the evidence, until Rauna's insistent knocking forced her to deem her efforts good enough. Calina busied herself with getting dressed, making sure to find a shirt with a high enough collar, and she was sure she had managed to get away undiscovered with last night's escapade when Rauna's teasing voice came from behind her.
"Hey Calina? What are those bruises on your neck?"
Calina could feel Mirwen's eyes on her, judging her, and only hoped she would be nice enough to not say anything, but Mirwen was rarely nice.
"Rauna, get dressed, go get Thancur and eat breakfast. We'll join later." Mirwen ordered in a voice that left no room for argument.
The moment the door closed behind Rauna, Mirwen's entire demeanour changed. She looked at Calina with big sad eyes and motioned for her to sit next to her on the bed. Confused and surprised Calina followed her.
"You know you can tell me anything, right?"  She asked cautiously, her voice thick with emotion, almost reaching for Calina's hand, "I would be the last one to judge." she let out a sad chuckle.
Whatever Calina expected, this was not it. Mirwen never hid her disapproval of her and Adan's relationship, so upon seeing the evidence of last nights, Calina expected disappointment, judgement, even anger, but Mirwen looked almost heartbroken.
"Mirwen what is this about?"
"You spent the night with Adan, didn't you. The bruise on your neck..." Mirwen sounded like she was fighting tears, "He strangled you, didn't he?"
"What? No!" The idea was ludicrous, but Mirwen seemed completely serious, "Why would you think something like that? We just had some fun last night."
To Calina's farther surprise, Mirwen, who never initiated physical contact unless she was healing, grasped her hand, not strong enough to hurt, but firm enough to prevent Calina from getting away.
"I'm sorry, but I need you to be honest about what happened, it's for your own good." Mirwen apologized and cast zone of truth around them.
"Please Calina, tell me the truth about what happened last night. I only want to protect you."
"I am telling you the truth, we just fooled around last night, we didn't even, go all the way, you know..."
"And the bruise on your neck?" Mirwen now looked as confused as Calina felt.
"Just from kisses, he was enthusiastic, and I bruise easily.” Calina confessed bashfully, “There is nothing more to it, he didn't hurt me, I promise.”
"You are telling the truth, you have to be." Mirwen looked at her bewildered and then released her hand as if burned, lowering her gaze in shame. "That's... that's good, that he didn't hurt you. I'm so sorry..." She moved to make a quick escape, but now it was Calina's turn to grab her hand to make her stay. Mirwen flinched at the touch, but didn't fight it, and set back down. Calina hated to do this, but she had to know what made Mirwen jump to the worst possible conclusion. Was it just her regular paranoia, or was there something more going on.
"What made you think Adan hurt me?" The annoyance in her mind now replaced with concern in her voice. "Did..." She didn't want to even think about this possibility, but she had to ask, "did he do anything to you?"
"No, he didn't... It... it was years ago". Mirwen mumbled, avoiding looking her in the eyes.
Calina did not need to ask to know what "it" was, it was the thing every woman was warned about, but was never supposed to mention.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you." Her own words sounded empty to Calina. She meant them of course, but her sorry was just as useless on face of what Mirwen went through.
Mirwen looked up at her fearfully. "It doesn't mat- it does-" she quickly gave up as the spell stopped any attempt at lying, "P-please don't te-t-tell anyone..." She asked, no, begged quietly. It was so wrong, Mirwen did not beg.
"I won't, of course I won't. But you know the others wouldn't judge you, right?" Calina was rumbling, but she felt she had to say something to fill the silence, do something to make it better. "It was something that was done to you, it's not your fault. They wouldn't think less of you, I don't." Calina stopped to draw a breath and saw that her words had the opposite effect.
"Don't say that!" Mirwen protested, "You can't mean it, please don't say that!"
Calina did not know what she said wrong, but she rumbled on, hoping to fix her mistake and not make the situation worse.
"I do mean it. You know I can't lie right now Mirwen, so I have to be telling the truth, you know that."
This was not how it was supposed to go. Mirwen was supposed to except her genuine but in the end useless sympathies, after which they would awkwardly move on, to never mention the topic again. She wasn't supposed to argue.
"But you don't know the truth!" Mirwen shouted, her voice painfully shrill, "It's too disgusting and wrong." She added in a small voice.
No, Calina did not know, and though a tiny, morbidly curious part of her wanted to ask, the other, more sensible, or perhaps selfish, part of her knew that she would rather stay blissfully ignorant. Because in the end the details did not matter.
"Mirwen, whatever horrible things he did to you, it doesn't change anything. He chose to do it to you, you didn't want that and it says absolutely nothing about you."
Mirwen shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut in a fruitless attempt to hide her tears.
"You don't get it! It was my father!" She blurted out and immediately clasped a hand over her mouth.
That was not what Calina expected to hear. She didn't want to believe such a thing was even possible, let alone happened to her friend. To Mirwen, who was always the strong one, who laughed at the face of death and could strike fear into the hearts of well armed men with a single look. Such things are not supposed to happen, but it was true, and it happened, and now Calina could not get out of her mind the image of a little golden-haired girl, tears staining her pale freckled face, with big dark finger shaped bruises around her tiny neck.
Mirwen stared at Calina with wide terrified eyes, and at that moment she looked far too much like the girl in Calina's mind.
"That's... That horrible. I'm so sorry."
Mirwen snatched her hand away from Calina's and backed away, as if only now realizing what she had said. "Fuck, shit I shouldn't have said this, I'm sorry, please pretend I didn't say anything." She was clearly panicking, and Calina was at a loss as to how to handle the situation.
"Mirwen, it's okay, calm-" Calina was cut off before she could finish.
"No, it's not! It's too late, I can see the way you're looking at me now. I don't even know what's worse, the pity or the disgust." With every word her voice was becoming more breathless and hysterical. Her entire body was trembling, and she was barely holding herself together, digging her short, broken nails as deep as possible into her arms. "I don't know why I even told you, I'm sorry, I couldn't keep my stupid mouth shut and now I ruined everything. I'm so sorry, I don't know what to do to fix it, please tell me what I can do, I'm sorry..." Her desperate rumbling turned into unintelligible sobs.
Calina did not know how to fix this either. Selfishly she also wanted to pretend that that the last few minutes did not happen. Because Mirwen was right, she did pity her. And how could she not, now that she could not stop imagining all the horrible things that were done to her, that her own father did to her, now that she could see that underneath all the armor, behind all the rage and violence, was a scared little girl who was desperate to never be hurt again.
Calina wished Rauna was here, the two were much closer, and though their circumstances were vastly different, at least Rauna knew what it was like to grow up without good parents. What did Calina know? She grew up in a mansion, both her parents were alive and well and loved her very much, she never knew any real hardship or fear. Even now, when she was regularly fighting deadly monsters, she always had Mirwen who took all the hits, and Rauna who could heal all the wounds. Even death was only a slightly expensive inconvenience.
What comfort and understanding could Calina offer when this was so incomprehensibly foreign to her.
With every moment ‏that she hesitated, her guilt grew, but her mind remained blank of ideas, until she could no longer bare the sight of Mirwen crying and the awkward almost silence of her quiet sobs.
Knowing nothing she could say would likely help, Calina took a different approach.
"Can I hug you?"
Mirwen stopped crying and then slowly looked up at Calina in bewilderment. After a long moment Mirwen gave a single nod.
Calina carefully reached to hug her, still half expecting her to protest or even shove her away, but Mirwen stayed frozen in place and allowed Calina to wrap her arms around her.
She could feel Mirwen holding her breath, until she let out a shaky gasp and broke down sobbing, burying her face Calina's shoulder.
Calina let her cry, patiently stroking her hair, trying not to notice how soft and nice it was, or how she could definitely feel Mirwen's muscles through the thin linen shirt. She didn't know how long they stayed like that, but eventually Mirwen stopped crying, and after few deep ragged breaths she awkwardly backed away from Calina.
"Calina," She looked up at her, blinking away tears, "I'm- I'm sorry, I-" her voice was hoarse and tired, "Thank you." She sounded so genuine that Calina didn't know if she wanted to cry, or yell at Mirwen and shake some sense into her. Because nothing she did warranted this, because she did basically nothing.
"It's nothing." She said instead.
Mirwen shook her head but didn't protest.
"Can we now please pretend all of this never happened, and never mention it again?"
"Of course. You're okay?"
"I'm fine." Mirwen did not sound very convicted, and enough time has past for the spell to end, but Calina did mot push it. They both had enough truths for today.
"You should join the others for breakfast."
"You're not coming?" Calina asked.
"Looking like that? No thanks." With tearstained cheeks and red puffy eyes, Mirwen obviously looked like she has been crying, of course she couldn't allow anyone to see her like that. "I'd rather save what little dignity I have left. It's fine, really, go ahead. And you can tell your boy toy that he is safe, for now."
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
hii hiii is it alright if I request something with kotoko and haruka?(platonic ofc) their character foils drive me insane with all the weak stuff authngghn icant be normal about them
Oooh thank you so much for the request! I realized that these two actually have one of the smallest windows to talk easily, given Haruka's nervousness and Kotoko's T2 changes. They have such interesting approaches to strength/weakness, and I hope I could capture it a bit here! This takes place immediately following Kotoko's bday timeline after Harrow's release:
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“I’ll accept those birthday wishes…” Kotoko gave him a wave over her shoulder as she returned to making her bed.  
She shook her head in awe. It was rather impressive how quickly the boy had changed after his verdict. The others had more subtle differences, but he was someone entirely new. She could rest easy, at least, knowing that her verdict wouldn’t change her much. For as long as she could remember, she’d been like this. She knew where she stood, and neither guilty nor innocent verdict would affect that. This verdict was really only an indicator on whether the warden could be trusted or not. 
Her body tensed up when she turned back around, startled by Haruka lingering silently in the doorway. She decided against chastising him for scaring her half to death. Still, she couldn’t keep the bite from her voice as she asked, “did you need something else?”
“Ah… I just…” He twisted his hands together. “I had a question.” 
He fell silent, but Kotoko could tell he was chewing on his next words. She waited.
“H-how do you do it? All the time? You’re older and stronger and braver and I-I just don’t know how.”
“Give yourself some credit. I’m not that much older, or stronger. I only have, what -- two, three years on you? And you did very well in the arm wrestling tournament the other day.” 
She wasn’t being patronizing. For someone so sheltered, Haruka could do some damage. He stood a few inches taller than her. The others had taken the arm wrestling as a little game, but Kotoko had used the event to measure up her fellow prisoners. After his close match with Mikoto, she had made a mental note to take him seriously. 
“No…” his expression twitched, getting frustrated with the misunderstanding. “Not muscles. I mean… you don’t have someone like Muu. You don’t need someone next to you all the time. But you still talk with everyone… and it looks easy. All the time. You always know what to say, and what to do. You never look scared. You never cry.”
Kotoko’s smile softened. She wasn’t the prideful type, but his words gave her a wave of accomplishment. She certainly was scared. She did cry. But she wasn’t about to show a single crack in her resolve in front of anyone here. Haruka had given her the greatest of compliments by confirming her success.
“Ah, you mean strength of spirit. Well, that doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. It comes with my purpose, with my virtues.”
“I see the injustice around me, and want to protect the innocent. When I see how awful the world can be, when I see the monsters that are hurting those who are weak, I can’t help myself.” She clenched her fist. “The power to do so just comes to me.” 
“Oh…” Haruka looked down at his palms. 
Her heart sank, realizing he didn’t quite understand. It was a shame that not all of humanity could be as righteous as her. That heroic drive had always come so naturally to her; she wasn’t sure she could put it into words to explain to others.
Haruka’s open hands were trembling. “Um. Is there any other way?”
“All my life… I only cause pain to everyone.” His worry gradually turned to desperation.” I hurt everyone who gets close to me. Especially things that are small and weak. My whole life, I’ve been nothing but a… a curse. So… is there another way? Please. I want to be better. I want to be strong! I want to be like you! Tell me!”
He stepped forward, pleading. Kotoko stepped back. 
His blue eyes widened at her sudden shift into defense. “Ah! I. I’m sorry. I’m-I’m sorry. It’s your birthday. You should be… Have a g-good day.”
“Wait.” Kotoko stopped him before he could flee. She was aware of the massive gap between them, the vastly different backgrounds they came from. Still, she offered the same advice that had helped her in her toughest of days. 
“Don’t worry so much about others’ strength. The quickest way to burn yourself out is getting overwhelmed with the power that’s all around you. Once you start putting all your focus toward honing your own skills and strengths, you’ll realize how much you’re truly capable of. You don’t need anyone else. You’ll realize that you are enough.”
“I… am enough…?”
She placed a hand firmly on his shoulder. 
“So, no need to get all worked up now, okay?” 
“O-okay. I’ll do my best.” He stiffened, trying to appear worthy of her words.
She let out a bitter laugh. “I told the others not to do anything for my birthday, but I don’t think they paid me any mind.” Kotoko still couldn’t fathom how they were so friendly with each other given the situation. “Let’s go see if there’s some cake or something.”
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popsicle-stick · 6 months
it is unfortunate that you can say you see a dogshit take by an american with 50k+ notes and that absolutely narrows nothing down whatsoever. for that i can only apologize 😔
well the original post was too long to screenshot succinctly and i didn't really want to put All That onto anyone's dash. doing us all a favour to be fair
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sesshy380 · 6 months
Wordcount of the day: 744
Managed to work some more on a couple of my holiday prompts. I'm getting there, slowly but surely lol (coming out of the brain-fog and writers block combo has been a real struggle)
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onewholivesinloops · 2 years
You know what I would’ve loved to see Rika discuss with the St. Lucia girls at the salon? Her poems
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mieczyhale · 9 months
i have TWO fics in progress now
i haven’t written this much since the last time @deanspillowprincess , @penguinsandpanthers , and i had an rp over skype. that was.. a couple years ago now
what in the whole entire fuck
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raiiny-bay · 2 years
that was rough, but we made it
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daydadahlias · 2 years
Youngblood Ash
TMH Tour Ash
Superbloom Ash
fight youngblood ash (verbally) bc he was so sassy and i would not be able to tolerate that attitude
mock superbloom ash's instagram captions fondly bc he cant say "the crows watch me awaken" and expect to get away with it
kidnap TMH ash and then inevitably let him go an hour later when he starts saying shit like "c'mon this isnt u. our souls are aligning rn and i can tell ur a good person inside. btw can i smoke in here?"
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yeleltaan · 2 years
//Hello everyone! Alright, here’s an update on things:
I’ve got one more exam to do before I’m done. The good news is that I’ve got plenty time to prepare it, and I’ve decided I’m not going to wait until then to do the things I want to do. That being said, I know it’s going to take me a little while to truly pick up the pace here and I’d like to give a little priority to adopting some healthy habits and improving my lifestyle.
There’s one thing I wanted to address though. I realize that I haven’t really engaged much with the dash and most blogs, both the newcomers and the returning faces (which, by the way, I’m very glad to see back- seriously, it’s lovely to see characters embark on new stories when they seemed to have reached a conclusion, and watching writers come back to the fandom after some time away).
Truth is, I’ve found the dash overwhelming lately. This comes partially from me being too busy to engage, and therefore experiencing something like FOMO because I can’t quite keep up with stuff and be a part of it. The Soulsborne RP community is either getting bigger or becoming more visible to me, and that’s great, but it does also present a challenge to me because if I’m engaged in your character and/or blog, I want to see what you do! I want to see all these things you’ve put effort into, I want to give you feedback, send an ask here and there, have my muse interact with yours!
If I give your post a like, I haven’t just looked at it. If it’s a drabble/headcanon/thread, I’ve read it and re-read it to get a good understanding of it and try to find whatever clues or references you’ve put in there. Perhaps it’d be better for me and the other mun if I gave likes more liberally, but I don’t know, it’s important to me that if I give your post a like, I’ve genuinely had a moment where I’ve stopped and paid attention to nothing but that exact post.
Anyways, where I’m getting with this is that I do feel rather bad that I haven’t quite been able to... welcome? you with the attention and energy I would have liked to have given you. I hope that despite the delay with which I approach you or continue our interactions, we can make up for lost time later.
I’m unsure how I’m going to handle this. I don’t intend to unfollow anyone because of this, as my issue isn’t a lack of interest but my difficulty displaying it and putting it into practice. I do think I’m going to keep a fairly passive attitude (for now) when it comes to seeking new RP partners though, because I cannot comfortably seek and approach some of the blogs I’ve seen mutuals interact with when I’m already struggling to give my time to said mutuals. I’ll still be happy to plot and write interactions with blogs that approach me though.
Anyways, thank you for your patience once more and hopefully it won’t take long for you to see me more here. May things go well for you!
#posting this at late hours (for me!) because I am driven by impulse#ooc#I'm also admittedly hesitant to start liking posts sometimes... it's silly but when I haven't really engaged with someone for a long time#it feels odd to break the ice with certain things. It's probably not worth it to think that way and I am working towards fixing that#working towards feeling less anxious about the simple stuff. Because we all need some feedback and interest from people to keep going#and feel appreciated#and I don't like that this flaw of mine gets in the way of me showing my appreciation to the things you put hard work into#nothing prompted this btw- it's just that I've been thinking about this a lot last year#and with the resurgence that came with Elden Ring. I hope people don't interpret my quietness like there's some 'bad blood' going on#I don't want to like... limit myself to one spot in the fandom either#I think that's one of the biggest factors to how I initially lost my drive to write Ornstein: got too comfortable in one spot of the fandom#so when most of those people started to leave or become inactive I had a really rough time approaching the others#even though I genuinely had nothing against any of them. I don't want that to happen here and I want to be engaged in the community#'Croc don't use the tags of your ooc post to add 50% of the information' challenge when#jokes aside. I hope you're all doing alright. Looking forward to making these posts less necessary! ^^#also I hope the 'this is how I treat likes' part doesn't come off as pretentious. I only want to give a little perspective and clarify that
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Thinking abt how much I love oni's writing again... In particular, "a seed is planted" continues to be one of if not my favorite logs because despite the troubling details and implications that come with it, it's the one thing in the entirety of the decaying corpse of gravitas that genuinely leaves us with a grain of hope (a seed if you will) and makes oni as a whole a lot more bitter sweet as while earth may not have survived, the dupes did, and after their horrible origins and the shit that many of them went through, in due time they'll finally get to just live, they're free now, and even if Olivia's sleep is end of a tragedy, the world will keep moving forward with or without those who've been lost
#rat rambles#oni posting#like I guess I just rly love that oni both manages to commit to being a tragedy while also leaving a world still in motion#like Im glad that olivia didnt get a bittersweet ending and instead got a fucking miserable one#while at the same time the dupes are still left there to keep moving forward#well ok more so I like how the narrative shifts into smth quite beautiful when seen from the dupes perspectives#which is also why I like that the dupes are rarely talked abt directly in the lore logs#idk I just feel like a seed is planted wouldnt hit as hard to me if the dupes were talked abt more#its the same sort of incedental storytelling that I like abt the rest of oni's writing ig#also I just think them being a major part of the lore logs would rly take away from the greater horrors and tragedies of gravitas#like idk I think it would have been a lot more boring if a third of the logs were just jackie going so yeah I tortured dupes some more#it makes the pre end of the world world feel so much bigger while still mostly remaining within gravitas itself#enhances the feeling of glimpsing into a past world#like every now and then I think abt what oni story could have looked like and am filled with joy at what it is now#I fucking love being into fiction thats good god it feels so good to like shit thats just like actually good#it honestly makes me almost wish there wouldnt be new lore but I do think theres room for more#as in theres plenty of room to make shit up and also we need to see more of the scientists pls#as for actual quote unquote plot stuff idk just give me like one jackie and olivia college year video transcript or smth and we're good#theres other stuff that make me lose my mind but for narrative consistency I think itd be best to not touch those two too much#especially olivia I rly think she doesnt need almost any new content the only stuff Id want with her is if it expanded upon jackie#because rly jackie is the only character I think would super heavily benefit from elaboration even if I stand by her not needing much#as Ive said a billion times just smth small to show us her in a more casual setting and we're golden I think#show me that woman being genuinely happy so I can fill in the blanks as she slowly gets crushed by the consequences of her actions#shes a part of this tragedy too and god damnit I want to see the life she ruined along the way of ruining many others#I want to see a woman whos eyes once shined and then when the lights have dulled I want her to say it was worth it with no conviction#metaphorically ofc I dont actually want to see most of it because thatd go against the narrative philosophy already established#rly all this means is I wanna see jackie and olivia doing laundry together or smth#oh also I hope they specifically give otto a whole other log just to clear up my pronoun woes#idc what its abt just have them talk abt their gender offhand or smth#just mi-ma being like how do you do young man and otto is like they and mi-ma is like ah yes young they
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ozzgin · 5 months
Male Yandere Lawyer x Female Embroider Reader (a lady who works as a tailor is fine too)
Imagine a man falling head over heels for that newly employed lady who hand embroiders beautiful handkerchiefs in a luxury shop he visits to get his custom suits! And he just trying to coax her into dating him, marrying him, and becoming his stay at home wife (and mother of his children eventually) 🥰🤭
Age difference? I need some DILF Daddy energy more in my life (but don’t make him an actual father…yet)
P.S. I adore your OCs and writing. And your artwork is way too fucking good! You’re art is just *chef’s kiss* infuckingcredible
Ooh, you know what this reminds me of? I have a yaoi volume from Scarlet Beriko, “Queen and the tailor”, about an interior designer that visits a legendary tailor whose suits will supposedly help you achieve success. The tailor turns out to be a scary looking, blunt man but nonetheless extremely talented. I liked the premise a lot, so it’s definitely interesting to try out a different perspective.
In this case I have the image of a patient, soft-spoken reader and a hurried, short tempered lawyer. Comically different but in a way that eventually works out, you know? Also thank you for the kind words!
Yandere!Lawyer x Embroiderer!Reader Headcanons
Featuring a Reader that is blissfully unaware the lawyer she just stared dating has their entire life together already sorted out.
Content: female reader, age gap, older yandere, obsessive behavior
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Your eyes begin to hurt mildly, so you look out the window and blink repeatedly, trying to refresh your poor sight. Such detailed works always strain you terribly, but you love seeing the finished result. Others must, too, given your handkerchiefs are often sold out the very same day. Right before your needle pierces the silk canvas anew, the door opens with a burst and you jolt. An older man in a suit, arguing loudly over the phone. He’s drumming his fingers over the counter, eyes darting around in search for an attendant. You know the type quite well, so you hurry over with the hoop still in your hand. “Might I help you with anything?” You mouth discreetly. He turns to you, stares for a couple of seconds, and promptly ends his call.
Out of all the places, he certainly didn’t expect regretting his rusty, unpolished flirting skills in a luxury tailor shop. Yet here he is now, clumsily mumbling something about his new suit he’s come to pick up and wondering how to connect that with your number. The name’s the easy part, as it’s neatly and conveniently printed out on the little badge pinned to your collar. Everything else, not so much. You excuse yourself and return moments later with his order. Shit. You tilt your head, confused by the delayed response, worrying whether you forgot something. Next time. He’ll figure it out for sure next time he comes here.
If there’s one good thing about his career, it’s that his eyes have been trained to spot every detail. For example the embroidery hoop you gently held while speaking to him, so he knows exactly what his next custom order will be. Truth be told, he didn’t anticipate your popularity and long waiting times, but a calculated raised tone with a sprinkle of intimidation has convinced the employee to assign him to you as earliest priority. Whether he can flirt remains to be seen, but arguing with others? Child’s play.
“Thank you for coming again today.” You bow slightly and extend the gift bag. “Although, I must say…I’ve never seen you using these before. What has caused your sudden interest in handkerchiefs?” Rather bold of you to begin such conversations, but your curiosity is too great. No matter how hard you try, you can’t imagine why a blunt, nonchalant man like him would abruptly become passionate about embroidery. A lover? You smile faintly at the idea. Whoever it is, they’ve taken quite the challenge upon themselves. The lawyer frowns at the inquiry. It seems you’re just as observant as him. Maybe this shall be the pretext he can finally cling onto. So he presents it in the factual truth you’d hear in a courthouse: it’s his excuse to see you. You raise your eyebrows in surprise. Well now, isn’t it just silly? He could’ve simply asked. Buying countless expensive handmade items instead of plainly confessing his intentions…He stumbles, flustered. The same man whose ruthless reputation has even reached your humble ears is anxiously awaiting your response with a deep blush on his face.
The childlike innocence doesn’t last long. You’ve agreed to date him and that’s great, but he’s a man with little time that has known exactly what he wants for many years. When he laid his eyes on you he didn’t imagine cheesy coffee dates as you discuss your favorite color and cautiously breach the topic of intimacy. What’s the point? He’s already certain he’ll spend the rest of his life with you. Skip the unnecessary steps. On the other hand, you’re not as cooperative as he’d wish. Truly, the tangible proof that opposites attract. You’re always calm and take your time with everything. It’s almost frustrating how easygoing you are. When asked when you’re moving in with him, you just smiled and wondered out loud what could be wrong with your small studio above the shop. Marriage? Good question, you never thought about it.
Oh, the irony. Last time a client was being particularly difficult, your lawyer boyfriend pulled him out by the collar under the mortified stares of the other attendants and shoppers. The exact attitude he himself would’ve shown before, yet this time it’s different. Of course it is, it involves you. His thin patience runs out if it’s you. That’s all there is to it. Can you blame a man for following his heart? They say you should always chase your dreams; he prefers hunting them down efficiently, and the shotgun is pointed in your direction. His sweet, exquisite prey he can never get enough of.
Finally you agree to move in with him. Your hesitation was maddening and he’d started coming up with downright psychotic alternatives to convince you, such as your studio burning down after a vicious attack of some unknown hooligans. So it was rather wise of you not to push someone that knows the law like the back of his hand, even if you aren’t aware of it yet. He enthusiastically guides you around your new forever home, omitting unimportant details. The spare office he emptied for a future nursery? You’ll get to that later.
He can’t wait to spoil you. See, that’s the advantage of dating an older man. He’s gotten his life sorted out a long time ago. All that was left was finding you. You just need to be a darling and behave. He knows you will. After all, you’re his talented little embroideress that won’t have to worry about anything else ever again.
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