#Jan 30
shorukarts · 4 months
It's officially ma birthday 🎂🥳🎂
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I didn't notice it was past midnight already
Happy birthday to all born on the 30th 🥳
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hey-color-palettes · 1 year
what about a pretty in pink palette?
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ee99c2 || #ecccd3 || #debf9f || #a581a7 || #7b4d59
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dogperday · 4 months
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chobirghor20 · 3 months
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sofiathehooman · 1 year
Happy Belated Birthday @shorukarts 💕💖🎉🎉
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Happy birthday girll stay healthy and stay determined I hope you had an Amazing day💕✨🎉🎉
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mistfunk · 4 months
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Mistigram: hope your breakfast this morning was continental, because thanks to Storm BBS' daily holiday calendar, we have all just learned that today is Croissant Day, as communicated through AdeptApril's #ANSIart screen on the subject.
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vocalsynthbdays · 1 year
its megurine lukas birthday !!! (vocaloid 2) (jan 30)
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(im going to start adding my ig captions to these posts i think)
Luka was first released in 2009 and is the latest cryptonloid (apart from the secret 7th one). She's "the first Vocaloid designed to fully support producing vocals in both Japanese and English"* seeing as she's a cryptonloid she features in a lot of games. she will never again receive a new Vocaloid vb as she (along with all other cryptonloids) has moved to cfm's own program, piapro studio. apparently Luka used to top the Nico Nico charts but I'm just a little foetus so I'm too young to confirm that first hand *idk how to rephrase that so I'm quoting directly from the fandom wiki oml it's such a relief to write about a cryptonloid instead of some piss ass obscure fanloid or utau, I'm still on the search for the releases for some of them and it's actually driving me mad
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twenty days since official thomastair content was released
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msbarrows · 3 months
Jan 30 - processed a couple racks of pork ribs into individual ribs and placed both of them into different marinades. Did some odds and ends of cleaning.
Made chicken fingers and french fries for supper.
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hey-color-palettes · 1 year
Palette theme request: Old soil from old graves
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80543b || #806c56 || #b3875f || #d5c9b3 || #4b4238
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happy almond milk year!!
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[Image ID: A carton of "Almond Breeze" almond milk. End ID]
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joytraveler · 1 year
25. Reward For Being Good
The first thing on screen is Redhead Mom again! In fact it's the same scene as in Keep Your Promises, except it's daylight outside and she has a smile on her face.
aroseahorseboy: AY REDMOM
[ "You did a great job playing so far! You haven't missed any games!"]
"......Cool! Hi, uh, I've seen you at least one before, nice meeting you in a better mood?" Bea finds herself smiling at the screen. After Box Baby, this feels like meeting up with an old friend.
[ "You must really love video games! Me too. I'm glad you picked Joy Traveler 1*67!" ]
"I dunno, have you seen some of the stuff in these games?"
Syrupentine: We love you too Redmom! <3<3
[ "Since you do... Here's a special treat for you! Have fun, but don't forget to come back and play more Joy Traveler games!" ]
"Wait, what? Treat? Yes, Bea like treat" When she dismisses the text box, it fades to... a list of letters, and a cursor to choose one.
HNV: oh boy alphabet soup my favorite mom
"Have I ever mentioned I think moms are great, maybe not Isaac's but.. Oh.. Do I get to choose? How does this work? Well let's press B, that's the name of the show!"
B opens up another, much shorter list-- it consists of "Bally Astrocade", "Bandai Super Vision 5000", and "Back."
"I used to be a huge Power Rangers fan so let's see what the Bandai one is all about!"
Another list of 7 items appears: Beam Galaxian. Gun Professional. Missile Vader. Space Fighter. Submarine. Othello. PacPacBird.
Bee52: dude wtf
"What is this? Redmom, are you a giant nerd?? Me too!! I didn't even know about most of these though"
Syrupentine: Yo Bea I heard you like games so I put a multicart in your multicart so you can game while you game
aroseahorseboy: these kinda suck but its awesome to get more games at all!
"Let's not be rude, thank you Redhead Mom! You just helped me get another five or six episodes out of this!"
HNV: Dude. Bea. I have a hunch. Go back and pick "N"
"Mmmkay let's see what happens here.." she does so, sipping her Cactus Cooler thoughtfully.
The list that pops up here are much more familiar phrases: 3DS. DS. Game Boy. Game Boy Advance. Game Boy Color. GameCube? Nintendo 64?? Nintendo Entertainment System???
HNV: YESSS IT WORKED aroseahorseboy: no way man Klickitat_Street: Seriously??
"No no no. No it can't. Really?" She opens N64... Scrolls down through the list until she hits the Ms... there it is.
VRROOOOOM. "Welcome to Mario Kart!"
Syrupentine: OMG OMG OMG ButterflyDefect: FAKE FAKE NO WAY Aroseahorseboy: Bea how much did you pay for this game I WANT ONE
Bea's not really listening, she's too engrossed in the DK Rap at the moment. "I, not nearly what it's worth, I can assure you! Wow, thank you, Best Mom Ever! Now look.. don't pirate games, its bad, etc. I should probably say that."
Syrupentine: Wait, that thing doesn't have an analog stick how can it play N64 and GC games???
The answer-- surprisingly well. All the Joy Traveler games have played so simply, Bea hadn't even noticed the analog capacity of the directional pad! "I really don't have a lot of words, this is unbelievable. Pretty much impossible, at least I would have thought so? I'll be honest, I'm not a tech nerd, I just really like playing games, so if you think you have any idea how this crap works.."
"Gonna come back to this one. Many, many more times, methinks"
aroseahorseboy: I wish red mom was MY mom
"I'd say she just topped my upcoming Top 10 Video Game Moms list except I don't think anyone else has played this thing"
Bee52: I can't think of any other moms DueyDecimal: Ms. Pac-Man is a mom, right...?
"Uh, ness's mom, Ms. Pac, and your character's mom from Pokemon.. aaand.. hm, well its a work in progress"
Syrupentine: Hinawa.... *sob* snerd_burglar: nah mama red blows them ALL away DueyDecimal: Weird she's in so many games! Bee52: she's like the host or something MaxForce: Great, horror movies get Elvira, we get an Irish MILF
"You say that like its a bad thing!"
The emulation isn't perfect since there's only so many buttons on that tiny pad; and of course Bea's out of luck if it's a twin-stick game like Panzer Dragoon. But after about fifteen minutes of suggestions from the viewers, she has yet to find a game that isn't included!
"Ok so this all the video games ever and I can only play most of them! I dunno maybe I can figure out some way to hook up another controller with the right buttons but I think I'm set for a while.."
She chomps down on a candy bar, going quiet because it's a really chewy one but also she's deep in thought about what all this means. "I know we want to see everything but let's come back, the Library of Alexandria isn't going anywhere"
Baconnaise: I wonder where the arcade games are though Klickitat_Street: This is some dark shit you're messing with, Bea. MaxForce: There's something called the Switch listed there! I never even heard of it! DueyDecimal: Maybe it's one of those China-exclusive Nintendo consoles? Like the iQue?
"Beg pardon?" She scrolls down the list: Xenoblade 2. Splatoon 2. Super Mario Odyssey. "This isn't even out. None of these games exist yet, do they? WHAT IS THIS MACHINE?!"
aroseahorseboy: HOLY SHIT MARIO MEETS ABE Klickitat_Street: I can't belive they didn't go with "Spla2n"... snerd_burglar: of course it's all sequels, please understand
"This is just too good to be true, I feel like any minute some goons in Mario and Luigi clothes are gonna burst down my door and break my legs here. This must have been made by either a brilliant hacker or someone with the time and resources to make all these on their own."
The first one she chooses is heralded by a singularly beautiful image of the Nintendo logo...then suddenly Redhead pops up in a hard hat. "Oops! You entered the year 2015 in your profile-- This attraction will not be available until 2017. Sorry, but we can't show you a game that hasn't been made yet!"
Klickitat_Street: I knew it Bee52: BOOOO Llord_Kuruku: Lol, Trollmom
"Oh come on, don't go all Mrs. Resetti on me here!" she exclaims. "I mean I don't wanna be ungrateful but its not like I can play 'em anywith.. all right, never mind. Anything else cool on here?"
"Ok hive, let's get right back into the Awesome Companion and explore the next game and hope that last one is still here when we get back!"
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dailykafka · 4 months
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— January 30, 1922 / Franz Kafka diaries
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itskrejsaitsparty · 3 months
started making a Jan compilation but lost motivation so. there you go
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msbarrows · 1 year
Jan 30 - My thing for today was making a batch of pizzas, one to eat and two for the freezer. Even more chopping then for the vat of chili - started making dough and prepping toppings a bit before 2pm, and slid pizza into the oven a bit after 4pm, so two+ hours of nothing but prep and assembly. I still vastly prefer homemade over commercially frozen, but damn is frozen a lot more convenient (though 2 hours of prep time covering three meals is a reasonable investment of time - not as good as the chili time sink per meal, but acceptable).
Also tried to spot the green comet tonight. Got to go outside and stand in the driveway (unhelpfully illuminated by the motion sensitive light at the back door) and stand around feeling vaguely idiotic while waving my phone at the night sky to try and spot where the comet should be. No luck, there’s some partial clouds off that way, through I did spot the brightish dot that was probably the Hubble Deep Space telescope, a bit off to the east where the sky was clear, as Star Map helpfully includes labels for things like major satellites.
After that first attempt I ended up having to come back indoors and upgrade the star gazing app on my phone to one that actually, you know, includes comets so I had a better idea of exactly where to look. Between the thin layer of clouds and the fuck-off-huge pine tree beside the garage in our back yard, I still couldn’t find it, even with a helpful pointer on screen guiding me as to which bit of the sky to actually be looking at - that portion of the sky was mostly unrelieved grey or snowy pine branches.
May try again on another night (closest approach is in the next 3-4 days) if the sky is clearer, though first I’d want to actually be dressed to wade through back yard drifts, plus dig out my binoculars first (since even without my shitty eye sight those are recommended). They’re... somewhere in the basement. In a big plastic tote. Of which I have about 6-7 (the really huge ones). Argh.
Though I am amused. Since I didn’t plan to be outdoors long, and I’m wearing my oversized (reaches down below the knees) blanket hoodie, I didn’t bother with a coat or gloves. It’s a still night, so while my hands and face reported it was indeed winter outside, I wasn’t in the least cold.
Checked the temp after getting back indoors. It’s -20C out there (-4F). Good job, blanket hoodie, good job.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 4 months
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Raymond G. Twyefoort models the latest fashion for the American businessman—an ensemble suit featuring coat and waistcoat in the same color—in this case, mouse gray, January 30, 1929. The waistcoat is double-breasted with a low opening and is snug at the waist. Striped trousers in the same color as the coat are worn without a cuff. Black shoes with buff spats and gray bowler hat complete the look.
Photo: Associated Press via the NY Daily News
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