#Keep Adam Kay away from women
coochiequeens · 10 months
Doctors and nurses who are not willing to listen to their patients should be replaced
The third time I went into labour, I was determined to avoid getting told off. With both of my previous births, I had somehow managed to get things wrong. My errors the first time: going to hospital too early, then, when I returned three hours later, “leaving it so late”. The second time: ignoring assurances that I didn’t need to come in yet, then giving birth in the car park — an event I later discovered was being used in antenatal classes as an example of women “not planning ahead”.
“My previous births have been fast,” I said, when I went into labour with my third, “so I’d like to come in now.” I was speaking to the woman at the midwife-led unit that is the only option where I live. (If you need a caesarean section, you have to be transferred to next town.) “Third babies are notoriously difficult,” was her response.
What an odd thing to say to a woman already in labour. The “notoriously” suggested it wasn’t based on any actual evidence, but rather a kind of folk wisdom. It felt as though I was being warned not to tempt fate, not to assume that this baby would just pop out. I saw myself being categorised as one of those arrogant women who presumes to know her own body, only to be taught a harsh yet much-deserved lesson. “Third babies are notoriously difficult” sounded not unlike “third-time mothers shouldn’t get above themselves”.
In fact, I have never been particularly cocky about childbirth. When I was pregnant with my first child, back in the days when the Right-wing press were still obsessed with famous women being “too posh to push”, I wondered if I might be able to get an elective caesarean myself. I did not particularly care about childbirth being a wonderful experience, or about “doing it well”. I didn’t care if the Daily Mail thought I was a joke.
What I cared about was not having a child who would face the same difficulties as my brother, who was starved of oxygen at birth. This has had serious consequences for him, and for the rest of my family. Just how serious is hard to gauge. He was born traumatised; there has never been a before to compare the after with. What there has been instead is the hazy outline of an alternative life, one that runs parallel to the one he has now. It’s a life that began with the problem being identified sooner, with him being delivered quickly, perhaps by emergency caesarean. The difference between this and his actual life comes down to something small: mere moments, mere breaths.
I was born three years after my brother, in a larger hospital, where my mother was induced and monitored carefully. There is something very strange about being the sibling who had the safe birth. It feels as though I stole it. There is a constant sense of guilt, as if my life — my independence, my choices — constitutes a form of gloating. “This is what you could have had.” Everything I do feels like something owed to my brother (do it, because he can’t) but also something taken from him (you shouldn’t have done that, because he should have done it first).
Still, my family were fortunate, insofar as my brother didn’t die. Current reports on the Nottingham maternity scandal reference 1,700 cases, with an estimated 201 mothers and babies who might have survived had they received better care. What strikes me, reading them, is the enormous gulf between the cost of a disastrous birth and the trivial, opportunistic way in which childbirth is so often politicised — with mothers themselves viewed as morally, if not practically, to blame if anything goes wrong.
As a feminist who concerns herself with how the female body is demonised, my interest in debates about birthing choices is more than personal. I have read books railing against the over-medicalisation of childbirth, aligning it with a patriarchal need to appropriate female reproductive power. I have also read books protesting the fetishisation of “natural” birth, suggesting that it infantilises women, that it implies women deserve pain. To be honest, I find both arguments persuasive and dismaying. Both are right about the way in which misogyny and professional arrogance can shift the focus away from meeting the needs of women and babies. I feel a kind of rage that we are told to pick a side.
Representations of the labouring woman are so often negative: the naïve idealist, the “birthzilla“, the birth-plan obsessive, the woman who is “too posh to push”. This latter stereotype has gone hand-in-hand with a veneration of vaginal births, and stigmatisation of caesareans, that has had sometimes disastrous consequences. Midwives at the centre of the Furness General Hospital scandal were reported to have “pursued natural birth ‘at any cost’”, referring to one another as “the musketeers”; at least 11 babies and one mother died. But their approach was sanctioned by their employer: the 2006 NHS document “Pathways to Success: a self-improvement toolkit” explicitly suggested that “maternity units applying best practice to the management of pregnancy, labour and birth will achieve a [caesarean section] rate consistently below 20% and will have aspirations to reduce that rate to 15%”. Proposed benefits to this included “a sense of pride in units”.
Responses to maternity scandals now express horror that such an anti-intervention culture ever arose — responses in the same press that denigrated women such as Victoria Beckham and Kate Winslet for not giving birth vaginally. Instead, newspapers now stoke outrage over “natural” treatments during NHS births, such as burning herbs. Women have been shamed for having caesareans, but they have also been shamed for wanting births with minimum intervention — as though they are selfish and spoilt for seeking control over such an extreme situation.
In his memoir This Is Going To Hurt, former doctor Adam Kay writes disparagingly of women who arrive at the delivery suite with birth plans:
“‘Having a birth plan’ always strikes me as akin to having a ‘what I want the weather to be’ plan or a ‘winning the lottery’ plan. Two centuries of obstetricians have found no way of predicting the course of a labour, but a certain denomination of floaty-dressed mother seems to think she can manage it easily.”
Wanting to have some control over your experience of labour — which will hurt you and could kill you or your baby — is not akin to some messianic aspiration to control the weather. And in his mockery of the woman who wants whale song and aromatherapy oils, ironically, Kay deploys the same silencing techniques that might intimidate a woman out of seeking the very interventions he so prizes. What he and others do not seem to grasp is that their arrogance is a problem, regardless of which course of action they champion. It makes women feel they can’t speak, for fear of inviting hostility at their most vulnerable moments. It’s true that none of us knows our body well enough to know how we will give birth. But, looking back, I find it utterly insane, not least given my own family history, that one of my biggest worries during labour was “please don’t let anyone get cross with me”. Then again, I don’t think that fear is unrelated to the desire to remain safe.
Birth is not a joke. It is not a place for professional dick-swinging or political one-upmanship. I cannot describe — and, as I am not my mother, cannot fully understand — the shame of feeling that you “let down” your child before they drew their first breath, that they will forever suffer because of it. You watch an entire life unfolding and that feeling is there, every single day. This is the fear of the women in labour who are characterised as either idiots mesmerised by fantasy homebirths or cold-hearted posh ladies who can’t take the pain. If things go wrong, they are the ones who will bear the consequences, reflecting every day on what might have been, if they’d only done more.
When people discuss their siblings, my mind does wander to the one I don’t have, the one who was born safely. Perhaps he would have a job he loved, or one he hated, but in any case a job. Perhaps he would have a partner. Perhaps he would have children, and I would be their aunt. Perhaps we wouldn’t get on, wouldn’t even speak, but he’d have a life of his own. I know he thinks about this too. I wonder if the professionals who presided over his birth have thought about him since.
My third labour was not, by the way, “notoriously difficult”. My third son arrived into the world safe and well. No one can say why him or me, and not my brother. Mothers may long for control over birth, for which we are mocked; but we do not have it, for which we are blamed. Politics still takes precedence over our needs, and the needs of our babies.
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The Last Hope
One hundred men and women strong.
Under the Artificial light of the Arcadia suns , ninety soldiers stood under the watchful eye of a spartan commander. Once those first SE soldiers had returned at 100% success rate, other colonies and planets had begun sponsoring a soldier for the risky surgery.
Adam had no doubt that, if it wasn’t for Krill performing the surgery, then that success rate might not have been so impressive, but he had done a good job, and for the first time in so many years, Steel Eye had returned, but this time in greater force.
The original Steel Eye program had covered only 40 individuals, augmented in back alley field surgeries, Few had returned alive, and even fewer had retained their sanity. But it seemed, for some of them, Steel Eye would never go away. It was a part of him now, that he had accepted, A horrible part of his past that he could not let go, and could not let go of him.
Steel eye would forever be that horrid little gremlin that followed him everywhere, keeping just out of sight until he needed a good reminder of where he had come from, but that was fine by him, if SteelEye wanted to stay close, then he would hold it hand and walk clear-eyed into hell.
He wasn’t the only one who had returned to Steel Eye.
Lindsay, and Jane had returned as well; all three of them having followed the same course: Steel eye, suffering, Iron eye, suffering, and now SE. He had pleaded and protested with both of them, but they were just as stubborn as he. 
Out of all of them, he felt the saddest for Jane, who he had once hoped had put that past behind her, but at the end of the day she was a soldier, and had never truly been able to integrate herself back into society, even with help from the rehab center, even after the court case that made it a state of the art facility. He felt bad for allowing her to do this, but he would have felt even worse saying no.
He had no recourse to turn her away
She passed the psych eval and the physical.
It was time to move forward for all of them.
The Spartan commander stepped aside as the Saint of Anin took his place. Sunny wore her saint armor, pearly white sheen glittering in the light from above. The open face of her helmet curved gently upward into delicate horned points on her head. Her spar stood a good few feet taller than herself, its tip glimmering at a wicked point. When she walked, her armor rattled, the glittering pearl spikes jutting out from her heels glittering dangerously.
The affect was somewhat ruined by her companion, a little golden shadow doing his level best to emulate his mother.
Kay didn’t exactly have his mother’s gravitas, but what he lacked in pure raw power, he made up for in spunk.
Sunny walked up and down the line, inspecting the new SE soldiers, staring down their faces, prodding at them with her spear, and behind her followed Kay, attempting to clasp his hands behind his back brow furrowed in concentration as he stared thoughtfully at the soldiers.
“Good…. Good.” He muttered as he passed each one of them.
Lindsay and Jane stood in the front middle of the formation, and this is where Sunny paused. Adam watched closely, from where he stood at the head of the field. This would be a good test for them. It had, likely, been a while since either of them had interacted with a Drev outside of a war context. Lindsay hadn’t been off earth since the war almost a decade ago, and though Jane had found herself work as a cage fighter, she had only ever experienced Drev in an adversarial role. 
Would this moment prove too much for them?
It had all been Adam’s intention, of course. He needed to know his soldiers were in the right state of mind to handle themselves. That wasn’t to say he didn’t have some faith in them, otherwise he would never have let Kay follow Sunny onto that field, but at the same time, Sunny was the only person Adam could trust to take out a rogue SE soldier.
Sunny paused in front of them for a long moment, and Adam could imagine the cold stare of her honey gold eyes as she bore into them. 
He kept watch of their faces, looking for any indication either might break.
This was a Drev, a Drev in full battle regalia.
A Drev with….. A tiny tagalong, who was now standing with one set of arms crossed and another set on his small hips, frowning seriously, which honestly looked more like a pout.
Sunny stepped forward, toe to toe with Lindsay now.
The older man didn’t budge except to lift his chin. 
Sunny moved onto Jane.
Her jaw clenched every so slightly, but otherwise she made no move. Sunny stepped away, and Kay decided to take his turn, marching up to Lindsy and glowering up at him, forced to crane his neck upwards at an uncomfortable angle. Lindsay looked down, and to his credit, he managed to keep a serious face, a contest that Adam himself did not win.
When Lindsay passed the test, Kay moved on to Jane, who seemed less sure of what to do.
Kay narrowed his eyes at her and backed away.
He would have been intent on doing that to each and every SE soldier on that field, were it not for Sunny, who had to turn back and grab his hand to pull him away as he glowered at the next SE soldier in line. 
Sunny returned to Adam holding Kay’s hand, long moss-silk cloak sweeping along behind her. Sunny was well along in her pregnancy, but you wouldn’t have been able to tell by looking at her, and Adam could attest to the fact it didn’t slow her down in the slightest.
Most of the time, he somehow almost managed to forget.
But despite Kay’s presence, and the underlying circumstances, she was a general today. She was a general, and he was an admiral, and though their son stood patiently at their feet, still frowning with all his might, neither of them acknowledged the other in that way.
Adam lifted his chin, “Thoughts?”
Sunny turned to face the field where the soldiers still stood, their NeoSpartan handlers walking between their ranks like hungry, prowling lions, “Overall, they look good, Iam impressed by the evaluations, and Riss tells me he sees no major areas of concern.”
Adam knew she was talking generally.
He wanted  something a bit more specific.
“Lindsay… Jane.”
“As stable as you.” She commented, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.
Adam turned his head to the sky, and let a deep sigh pass through his lips, “Architect help us all.”
Kay looked up and frowned at nothing in particular.
When no one acknowledged how serious he was being, he put on a thoughtful expression and tapped his chin. Adam smirked a tiny bit, but didn’t laugh, allowing Kay to participate in their somber moment
What he did not expect, was for their silence to be broken by running footsteps.
On high alert, the two of them turned sharply, brandishing their spears in one fluid moment, ranks closing before Kay, who wobbled unsteadily on his feet at the speed of his parent’s movements, their sudden agitation scaring him out of his seriousness as he clutched onto Adam’s leg.
He might have done the same to Sunny, but there was a pig pointy thing on the back of her foot, and he wasn’t interested in getting poked in the face.
They didn’t hold their guard long as they found Dr. Katie jogged up the thoroughfare, her long white coat billowing around her light green scrubs. Her glasses were partially askew on her face, and her hair fell in loose tangles around her face from where strands had slipped from her bun.
She looked exhausted.
Concerned, Adam stepped forward, “Katie, what is.”
She skidded to a halt panting lightly, “You aren’t going to beehive this.”
In her voice, it wasn’t worry he sensed, but a sort of feeling of wonder and awe. 
“What…” He began but she shook her head.
“You just have to see for yourself.” 
Adam and Sunny exchanged a look, and after a moment Adam scooped Kay off the ground, allowing the boy to climb onto his back as he began jogging after Katie. She wasn’t exactly running, but it was close  jogging in front of them as Sunny clattered along behind.
The hospital was alive with movement when they stepped inside full of doctors and nurses scrambling in all directions. Adam might have assumed something terrible had happened, were it not for strange atmosphere that seemed to permeate the air….
He could see the smiles, and hear the whispers.
“Katie, really what is going on.”
He did not expect what came next as they were directed down into the basement.
The lowest floor of the Arcadia hospital was used primarily for storage, and contained a few of their larger imaging machines, but its third function was a vast space dedicated primarily to the incubation of the Kree eggs they had saved from a dying planet, a venture that had started seeming fruitless after a year, and became almost an afterthought after two. All of this to the point where Adam had almost forgotten about his last encounter with the kree, which occurred before kay was even born.
“Holy shit” he muttered staring into the red-lit room, where Kree eggs appeared to be hatching left and right.
Doctors and nurses streamed steadily n and out of the room under the supervision of Dr. krill. 
“Look there.” Sunny said, directing Adam’s gaze towards an egg not so distant from their window.
It wiggled once before suddenly splintering, causing a delicate pattern of hairline cracks to branch across the surface. Adam stared in awe for the next few minutes, as a tiny beaked head poked its way through the shell. The creature that pulled itself out was a soft sort of gray in color, and looked very similar to a duckling or a a chick in some way or another.
The little hatchling was scooped up by one of the waiting nurses, and toweled dry as it chirped and wriggled. From there the tiny hatchling was carried from the room, still resting in its towel.
Adam and Sunny clustered together to get a better look, and the nurse paused upon seeing them.
“Can we look” Adam asked, and she agreed, holding up the tiny alien creature for their examination. It was damp, downy feathers sticking to its body, and it chirped often and, seemingly in great annoyance.
“Wow.” kay said, “What is that!”
“That.” Adam said, “Is the last hope for a species.” 
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rockislandadultreads · 4 months
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Libby eAudiobook Spotlight: 2023 Debut Authors
Amazing Grace Adams by Fran Littlewood (read by Claire Skinner)
Grace Adams gave birth, blinked, and now suddenly she is forty-five, perimenopausal and stalled - the unhappiest age you can be, according to the Guardian. And today she’s really losing it. Stuck in traffic, she finally has had enough. To the astonishment of everyone, Grace gets out of her car and simply walks away.
Grace sets off across London, armed with a £200 cake, to win back her estranged teenage daughter on her sixteenth birthday. Because today is the day she’ll remind her daughter that no matter how far we fall, we can always get back up again. Because Grace Adams used to be amazing. Her husband thought so. Her daughter thought so. Even Grace thought so. But everyone seems to have forgotten. Grace is about to remind them... and, most important, remind herself.
Banyan Moon by Thao Thai (read by Cindy Kay)
When Ann Tran gets the call that her fiercely beloved grandmother, Minh, has passed away, her life is already at a crossroads. In the years since she’s last seen Minh, Ann has built a seemingly perfect life - a beautiful lake house, a charming professor boyfriend, and invites to elegant parties that bubble over with champagne and good taste - but it all crumbles with one positive pregnancy test. With both her relationship and carefully planned future now in question, Ann returns home to Florida to face her estranged mother, Huơng.
Back in Florida, Huơng is simultaneously mourning her mother and resenting her for having the relationship with Ann that she never did. Then Ann and Huơng learn that Minh has left them both the Banyan House, the crumbling old manor that was Ann’s childhood home, in all its strange, Gothic glory. Under the same roof for the first time in years, mother and daughter must face the simmering questions of their past and their uncertain futures, while trying to rebuild their relationship without the one person who’s always held them together.
How to Say Babylon by Safiya Sinclair (read by Safiya Sinclair)
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In an effort to keep Babylon outside the gate, he forbade almost everything. In place of pants, the women in her family were made to wear long skirts and dresses to cover their arms and legs, head wraps to cover their hair, no make-up, no jewelry, no opinions, no friends. Safiya’s mother, while loyal to her father, nonetheless gave Safiya and her siblings the gift of books, including poetry, to which Safiya latched on for dear life. And as Safiya watched her mother struggle voicelessly for years under housework and the rigidity of her father’s beliefs, she increasingly used her education as a sharp tool with which to find her voice and break free. Inevitably, with her rebellion comes clashes with her father, whose rage and paranoia explodes in increasing violence. As Safiya’s voice grows, lyrically and poetically, a collision course is set between them.
The Collected Regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer (read by Jennifer Pickens)
What’s the point of giving someone a beautiful death if you can’t give yourself a beautiful life?
From the day she watched her kindergarten teacher drop dead during a dramatic telling of Peter Rabbit, Clover Brooks has felt a stronger connection with the dying than she has with the living. After the beloved grandfather who raised her dies alone while she is traveling, Clover becomes a death doula in New York City, dedicating her life to ushering people peacefully through their end-of-life process.
Clover spends so much time with the dying that she has no life of her own, until the final wishes of a feisty old woman send Clover on a trip across the country to uncover a forgotten love story - and perhaps, her own happy ending. As she finds herself struggling to navigate the uncharted roads of romance and friendship, Clover is forced to examine what she really wants, and whether she’ll have the courage to go after it.
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radkindoffeminist · 2 years
Examples of Characters (Mainly Female Characters) Changing Their Minds on Being Childfree
I’m really tired of this trope (I think it’s common enough to call a trope at this point). Woman is insistent she doesn’t want children and then suddenly she decides actually she wants children because her partner wants them. It’s overused and just feeds into wider rhetoric that childfree people (especially women) are just rebelling and they’ll change their mind at some point and decide to have children. Some people do change their minds, but a lot of people don't because children are a lot and we don't want to spend our time caring for them.
Massive spoilers for Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, The Big Bang Theory, and possibly others.
Arizona Robbins from Grey’s Anatomy: Quite early into her dating Callie, Arizona discusses the fact that she doesn't want children because she works so closely with parents and sees what they go through and doesn't want to handle that. Suddenly, she comes running back to Callie, having changed her mind about the whole children thing and becomes a loving parent to Sofia.
Kai Bartley from Grey’s Anatomy: They start dating Amelia who has a child and walks away for a short time after realising just how involved Amelia is in so many children’s lives (from raising her own kid to looking after nieces and nephews). Comes running back days later saying that they want to be in Amelia’s life and accept having children is a part of that. (Yes, I used they/them pronouns for Kai who is NB because I really do not care.)
Link (Atticus Lincoln) from Grey’s Anatomy: He mentions at some point that he never wanted to have children but just kinda accepted it when he got Amelia pregnant and eventually loved his kid more than anything.
Amelia Shepard from Grey’s Anatomy (Debatable): Amelia’s story is complicated but I thought it was worth adding in. Amelia originally wanted kids, I think, but due to trauma and the death of her first child, she ended up changing her mind about children which led to the breakdown of her marriage to Owen Hunt (who was desperate for children). Eventually, she got pregnant and decided to keep it so I’m not sure how much it counts to have wanted children, been through trauma which changed your mind, and then change your mind back at some point? Also her not wanting children may have been a symptom of her brain tumour but it’s not definite.
Bernadette Rostenkowski(-Wolowitz) from The Big Bang Theory: She didn’t want children and she was adamant about this. From the way the story was set up, she was basically guilted into it by Howard (who was a horrible husband to her and who I hated and I wish Bernadette would leave this man who’s holding her down and not worth her time) and her father/parents. She also ends up enjoying motherhood.
Penny from The Big Bang Theory: Again, she was adamant she didn’t want children and this continued through most of the series, with it being one of the biggest disagreements she had with Leonard throughout their relationship. What was their happy ending though? Getting pregnant, obviously.
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Redeeming the Sociopath
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They did it. The finally managed to track it down. Abby and Melissa were adamant about finding the ascendant that held one of their last descendants.
They knew that Kai Parker had done a lot of wrong things, they empathized with him because of how they were treated in the Gemini Coven centuries ago.
It took a lot of convincing to get Alaric and Caroline to give the sisters the ascendant, but they knew that Gemini matters should be handled with members or in this case former members of the coven. If anything they were grateful to Abby and Melissa because now they didn't have to worry about Lizzie and Josie finding the ascendant and they could keep him away from the twins.
"Are you sure?" Jupiter asked her mother for the millionth time.
"Yes. I'm 100 percent sure. Aunt Mel and I will be fine. We need you, Sophie and Alexander to maintain the spell." Abby soothed her youngest.
"Please be careful mom. I can't lose you." Jupiter pleaded eyes watering slightly.
Abby sighed and pulled the blonde into a hug.
"I promise we'll be fine. We'll be back soon with Kai." Abby reassured.
Jupiter nodded and joined hands with Alexander and Sophie.
Abby and Melissa stood in front of the ascendant and dropped the Bennett blood onto the ascendant.
Sophie looked outside and saw the full moon shining brightly signifying it was time to begin the spell.
Samuel was standing back along with Jack, Daniel, and Finn. They didn't want to cause a disruption to the spell.
"Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema." The three chanted and in the blink of an eye, Abigail and Melissa were gone.
In the 2018 Prison World,
Abby and Melissa immediately used a locator spell to find Kai. He was in a karaoke bar that Bonnie had left him in all those years ago.
Arriving at the bar they saw their desiccated fourth or fifth great-nephew. Immediately feeding him some blood they waited for him to regain consciousness.
"Who the hell are you?" Kai asked the moment he fully woke up.
"My name is Abigail, this is my sister Melissa. We're here to bring you home." Abby introduced.
"I don't have a home. I'm an abomination if you haven't heard." Kai denied immediately.
"We're your, ancestors. We're siphoners just like you Kai, and so are Abby's kids. We're giving you something that you should have been given. A chance." Melissa explained.
Kai pondered her words, did they really care about him? I mean they obviously did since the entered the prison world with the intention of freeing him. He was being offered a chance. Something that no one had ever given him before.
Everyone assumed that Kai was an abomination because he was a siphoner. It wasn't fair to him, it wasn't his fault that he couldn't produce his own magic.
"If you are my ancestors why have I never heard of you before?" Kai asked curiously as the two women began to release him from his chains.
"Because we were erased the history books. They didn't want anyone to know we were siphoners." Abby explained as they undid the last chain.
"And you have kids? How? Last I checked we were vamps." Kai wondered, extremely confused.
"We're hybrids, Kai. Technically as witches, we're still living and therefore able to reproduce. My husband and I also adopted three kids. Two vampires and a tribrid." Abigail patiently responded.
"A tribrid?" Kai echoed. When he was alive he had heard about two hybrid children.
"Yes. Jupiter is a vampire, werewolf, and witch. She's the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson." Melissa revealed.
Kai paled slightly, he had known of the Originals when he briefly in Mystic Falls and the fact that his ancestors willingly took in his child automatically gave them bravery points in his book.
"When we leave here, don't bring up her biological family, it's a soft spot for her." Abby pleaded.
Kai, seeing the look on his ancestor's faces made him decide to keep his mouth shut on this.
"Are you ready?" Melissa asked after they sped to the spot where they would be removed from.
"I've been ready for this," Kai responded and then felt as if he was being sucked through a very small tube.
Back at the Ford's
"They just got back to the meeting spot with Kai," Sophie said.
"Ready?" Alexander asked as he gripped his sisters' hands tighter.
"Ready." The two confirmed.
"Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Meam Et Nos Mundo Carcerema. Sangiema Mean Et Nos Mundo Carcerema." They chanted and Abby, Melissa and Kai were in the living room.
Kai at that moment had never been more grateful for family. Even though he had a hard time processing emotions, he knew that he was lucky that they were giving him a chance.
He was soon introduced to the rest of the family and he had to admit that he found this group of people interesting.
He immediately knew who the tribrid was because he could feel the power radiating off of her. What his ancestors had told him about the girl, he could see that she really was quite shy and he could almost feel the pain that she had previously felt.
This was a child, she didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve it either. For the first time, the sociopath was able to properly feel. He felt protectiveness for this small blonde girl by the name of Jupiter Ford, formerly Astrid Jupiter Mikaelson.
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
The Flame and the Dragon Chapter 32
Chapter 32: The Art Of The Dress
Kai gulped under her stare as Harumi grabbed his wrist, and yanked him forward. They had to get Kai ready for the ball tonight. She took in the teen's messy hair, mud and slush caked riding boots and dirt-splattered riding clothes. He had just taken Flame for a quick walk around the castle grounds with Ronin when Harumi suddenly dragged him away and Ronin took Flame back to the stables. Kai was seriously confused. The ball was not until tonight, so he didn't know why he needed to get ready so early.
Harumi insisted that her absolute mess and they had less than six hours to get him ready.
With a struggle, Harumi managed to drag the stubborn teen inside. Kai looked over his shoulder at the troll for help, but Ronin just threw his hands up in defense and chuckled nervously. He couldn't save the brunette from his fate. Harumi scared Ronin more than Kai did. The harpy ordered him upstairs. Echo had put in too much work into this for Kai to show up looking horrible. Kai tried desperately to pry Harumi's hand on his wrist, fearful of his destination, but she shoved him into his room and shut the door.
Kai stumbled in his haste but regained his footing as he blinked at the chaos circling around him.
Pixal and Tox were both giggling with mischievous smiles while they set up the changing wall, Pixal holding a plethora of bathing supplies in her arms. Tox was in the joint bathroom preparing a large tub with dozens of bubbles gurgling over the rims like a cauldron. Griffin tapped his foot impatiently, holding a pile of clothing covered in red silk Kai assumed was his clothing. Jay, Echo, and Nelson set up a changing wall and Neuro sighed in the corner with his hand buried in his greying hair.
When they heard Kai stumble into the room their eyes turned to him.
Jay, Echo, and Nelson immediately sat on the bed. Jay and Neuro had sympathetic smiles on their faces while Nelson was trying hard to laugh. Echo crossed his arms over his chest with a wide grin on his face. Griffin's face twisted to a wicked smirk. The combination of looks sent a shiver down Kai's spine and he took a wary step back only to bump into Harumi, who was perched at the door with her arms poised to catch him. Her grin made Kai gulp and he turned around only to come face to face with Tox and Pixal.
The normally sweet girls both sported, devilish smiles, like giddy school girls with a new doll.
That realization made Kai wish he could sink into the floor.
"Why are you all looking at me like that?" He gulped, unsure if he truly wanted an answer to that question. He tried to take a hesitant step to the left, but Tox slithered to stop him. He faked right and waited for Tox to move, then went left. Too late he realized his mistake. Kai screeched when Harumi pounced from behind him and Kai was pinned by her strong grip before he could blink.
"What?! Put me down!" Kai demanded thrashing his arms and legs, stunned that Harumi managed to keep such a firm grip on his upper body.
"Oh no you don't," She taunted. "You're not going anywhere, we're going to scrub you from head to toe." She laughed as she dragged Kai towards the bath, but the brunette dugs his heels into the floor and tried to grab anything within reach to slow down his inevitable fate. He managed to free one of his arms from Harumi's grip, but Pixal grabbed his legs and Tox grabbed his wrists. The three women laughed and dragged him towards the washroom, ignoring Kai's rants and protests.
Kai flashed a pleading look over his shoulder, but the boys gave him the same fearful but sympathetic smile Ronin did.
"Sorry firecracker, we're sitting this one out," Jay smirked as he threw his hands up.
"W-W-W-Wait!" Kai pleaded, gripping onto the rim of the bathroom door with his free fingers, holding on firmly as the girls tried to pull him off. His nails scratched off chunks of wood when they finally ripped him off. Harumi shut the door and stripped him of his coat. A wicked gleam covered the three girl's faces.
"Don't worry, Kai, when we're done with you Cole won't be able to keep his hands off you!" Tox grinned wickedly. Kai gulped and backed into a corner before the three giggling ladies descended upon him. The girls had stripped Kai of his clothing faster than he could blink and shoved him backward into the tub of water sending a flood over the rim. Before he could protest, Harumi uplifted a basin of water over his head, drenching him. She then began attacking his hair with soap and her long nails.
"GET YOUR DAMN CLAWS OFF ME, YOU SHARP TALONED HARPY! I CAN SCRUB MYSELF!" Kai screamed a retort and shot to his feet, furious. He and Harumi exchanged glares but the older woman was adamant.
"THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!" She scolded, harshly, and forced Kai back down by pushing his shoulders, surprising Kai with her strength. She shoved him under the water then hoisted him back up by his shoulders. Kai coughed and wheezed at soapy water filled his mouth, and released an animalistic growl but Harumi held him firmly by his shoulders while he lashed in the tub. Tox and Pixal then attacked every inch of his body with soap, scrub brushes, and a loofah sponge.
They battled the flailing limbs and the bathwater spraying all over them and the chamber floor.
"Hold still!" Harumi thundered, tightening her grip on one hand as she used the other to scrub Kai's back and shoulders
"Ow, stop that, Harumi, you're choking me!" Kai screeched, furiously. He tried to spray her with water to get her to let go, but missed and hit Pixal instead. Pixal shrieked as she was sprayed when she tried to scrub his hair.
"I've only got your shoulders, now stop that!" Harumi snapped. Tox shrieked rinsing her scrub brush in one of the basins then drowned it in more soap.
"My God, Kai, did you bathe at all this week? You're covered in grime!"
"No, I'm not!" Kai howled, insulted.
"The hell you aren't, I could grow Shade hundreds of ingredients in the muck I scrubbed off you!" Tox protested, returning to her crusade to rid the teen skin of any dirt. Kai wanted to insult them back, but he screamed in pain as a wave of soap fell into his face and stung his eyes.
"Ow! Pixal! Get that out of my face, you're getting soap in my eyes!"
"I wouldn't if you'd hold still!" She snapped, furiously attacking the floppy mane of brown hair. "My God you have so much hair! Tox, get me another basin! I'll need to wash this twice."
"The hell you are!" Kai protested angrily but Harumi dunked him under the warm, sudsy water and hauled him up for Pixal to scrub at his hair again. Kai thrashed furiously like a caged wild animal.
"This is worse than drowning in a frozen lake!" He cried as he thrashed his limbs, causing Harumi's grip to falter, but she quickly recovered.
"Harumi, don't let him go or he'll cause havoc!" Tox shrieked, concerned, grabbing another basin of water and dumped it over Kai's head riding his hair and upper body of soap, but it only worsened his already foul mood.
"Just wait until I get out of this you bitch!" Kai warned as Tox drained the bath and Pixal kept dumping water over him to remove the soap and shut him up...
Cole heaved himself out of his private bathtub the second he heard the door to his room slam open. Water pooled at his feet and his heavy wings shook violently hoping to free the waterlogged limbs from the heavy water weighing them down. He ran a hand through his damp hair spreading raindrops everywhere before grabbing a towel and proceeded to dry himself as best he could. Once dry, he let his damp wings hang loose and wrapped the towel around his waist.
When he entered his joint bedroom, he found Ronin sitting on his bed about to fall over in his half-conscious state.
The boy jumped back to life when Griffin entered, dragging Jay, Echo, and Nelson behind him.
"You're not dressed yet?" Griffin shrieked. "What is wrong with you people? How am I supposed to make alterations if none of you try your clothes on?"
"Calm down, Griffin, there's still plenty of time," Cole snapped, drying his hair, while Ronin helped him dry off his heavy wings. Once that was done, Ronin threw the towels over the chairs and handed him the neat pile of clothing Griffin had laid out for him. Cole grabbed the breeches off the top and disappeared behind the wall while Ronin turned to his companions.
"Why are you three here again?" He blinked. "I thought you were supposed to be helping Kai and fixing up the ballroom?"
"The Ballroom's done," Echo boasted, thrusting his chest forward proudly. "Shade is just setting up the food right now, and I personally made sure everything is perfect!" The boy flashed a triumphant smile.
"You didn't go overboard did you?" Cole asked, coming out from behind the wall, and look at the rest of the clothes. "Could you help me out here, Ronin? You need three people to put this thing on." He asked and Ronin nodded. He helped his lord to the ties and buttons on the difficult outfit Griffin had concocted.
"No, I didn't," Echo answered with a proud glint in his eyes. "This is my far my grandest work!"
"I helped!" Jay smiled, wrapping his arms around Echo's waist, while Nelson laughed at his enthusiasm. Griffin scowled at their distraction as he thrust three sets of clothes into their arms and forcibly propelled them all into the bathroom. "It's time to get dressed!" He exclaimed as he shut the door and left the boys to change before turning to Ronin and the prince. "Are you two finished yet? Ronin needs to get dressed too!"
"I'm going as fast as I can! This thing has knots that have knots!" Ronin complained standing on his toes to meet Cole's taller height and snap the chains on the front in place.
"It isn't that bad," Griffin protested, sitting cross-legged on the bed, waiting impatiently for them to finish.
"This thing has at least six pieces!" Cole snapped.
"So what? It looks brilliant, doesn't it? Besides Kai's is worse."
"I believe it, but he's right you look brilliant! Kai's going to be speechless." Ronin sighed when he finished buttoning Cole's top. Cole smiled and spun around in front of the full-body mirror to test his new clothes from all angles. His ballroom outfit, which consisted of a golden vest over a white dress shirt with a white kerchief, black dress pants trimmed with gold, and a stunning black ballroom tailcoat trimmed with gold. Cole had also tied his shaggy black hair into a ponytail adorned with a silky black ribbon.
"I'll admit it, I didn't think it was possible, but Griffin's outdone himself." He beamed with pride. "Hopefully, it'll be enough to convince my flame," Cole mumbled to himself.
"Tonight he'll be yours." Ronin corrected earning him a confused look from the prince. "We all know what you're thinking, Cole, we wouldn't be a good staff if we didn't know what our prince was thinking! You have nothing to worry about." He added with a smile.
"I hope you're right, I know Kai's answer, but there's still a nagging disbelief that's there." Cole smiled, mentally scolding himself for doubting his staff's loyalty. His sharp claws ran through his bangs.
"Don't be nervous, Kai feels the same way about you, even if he's not ready to admit it out loud just yet, and everyone knows how you feel about him." Ronin reassured him and that made Cole smile.
"Alright, you, time to get you changed." The tailor insisted as he dragged the troll away. Before Ronin could blink, he had been thrown into the same room as his friends, stripped and redressed in a new outfit. Ronin groaned as he looked over his outfit. He knew it was rude to complain and he should be grateful but Griffin had decked him out in formfitting black pants with a pair of spiked-heeled ankle boots, and a shirt made of a smooth black material that was open in the back, but the bottom billowed over his hips.
There were no sleeves, instead, the top material was held with a double ring that hung loosely about his neck.
Long fingerless black gloves with rubies over the back of the hands climbed up his arms, held to the collar of the shirt by gold chains. It was a comfortable outfit, but Ronin had grown so used to lose clothing that covered everything but his hands and head that wearing form-fitting clothing that showed even bits and pieces of his skin made him feel exposed. Echo thought he looked like a girl as he took in his own outfit. They consisted of light brown, form-fitting pants and a white long tunic that was also turtle necked but pillowed almost like a dress near the bottom.
Long black gloves with wide ends that curved to points formed sleeves over his shoulders and a large gold bow half his size, tied in the back.
Jay thought his boyfriend looked spectacular as he tied the bow. His own outfit consisted of a navy blue militaristic style outfit with silver accents, black gloves, and knee-high black boots. Nelson sat on the bed watching them. He eased his boredom by picking at a loose thread on his white, knee-length pants that billowed from the calf down. His outfit was similar to Ronin's but the shirt was a sleeveless turtleneck and was dark purple, and his sleeves were fabric bunched up from the wrists to the upper arms.
Silver leggings peeked above his knee-high black and silver boots.
These were normally not his style, but he didn't mind.
"What did I tell you, Cole," Griffin boasted, loudly, clapping his hands together. "My best work!"
"I believe so," Cole nodded, brushing his black locks to perfection. "Now I'm curious to see what you conjured for Kai."
"I swear if he's not ready by the time I get there, heads will roll!" Griffin exclaimed loudly as he bolted for the door. Cole and his staff laughed hearing Griffin's rant echoing off the hallways.
"I believe that is our cue," Cole announced. The servants quickly proceeded to take their positions in the ballroom, Ronin was the last to leave but Cole stopped him.
"Before you go, will do me a grand favor, Ronin?"
"Of course, name it?" Ronin replied. Cole swooped over to a corner of the room and pulled out two strange silver boxes. He opened one and pulled out the most beautiful piece of jewelry Ronin had ever seen.
"Will you give this to Kai? Tell him if he still wishes to be mine tonight, he'll wear it, but if not I'll understand." He requested. Ronin nodded and bolted towards the East Wing as fast as his legs could carry him. Cole smiled before opening the second box and pulled out an identical chocker, only this one was silver with an emerald heart, and snapped it around his neck then descended down the Western entrance to the ballroom. He couldn't wait to see what Griffin planned for Kai...
Kai growled as he sat on a stool in front of the vanity, his chin resting irritated in his hand while Harumi, Tox, and Pixal dried, brushed, and tried in vain to do something with his untamable hair. After two hours of vicious bathing, he had been dragged out of the tub, dried, dressed in a thin, silk bathrobe for the next phase of his torture. The light material felt wonderful against his tender skin, raw from having half his skin scrubbed off, at least that was what he felt like.
"My God, you have so much, hair! Someone get me another brush!" Harumi hollered over her shoulder. Neuro rushed in, now sporting his new clothing as opposed to his normal uniform. A long velvet grey frock coat, folded over and buttoned down the left side of the chest to hip in a militaristic fashion, and matching pants, white gloves, and black boots with gold buckles. It took all of Kai's willpower not to bury his head in his folded arm, but he knew the girls would shriek if he did.
He bit back and growl every time they came across a particularly stubborn tangle.
"I don't think we'll be able to do anything with his hair, Harumi," Pixal said letting the silk strands bounce back to their natural shape.
"I could've told you that," Kai snapped.
"Oh, be nice," Tox scolded playfully and Harumi pondered for a bit.
"I suppose we'll just have to touch it up with jewelry then." She beamed as she clapped her hands together. "Your ears are pierced, right Kai?"
"Yes," Kai replied looking over his shoulder.
"I'll be right back then! Thank God Griffin decided to go with the gold!" Harumi cheered as she vanished and emerged a moment later with a small wooden jewelry box and began digging through the pieces. Finally, she gave a triumphant cheer and gently titled Kai's head so it was facing her. "Hold still." She warned as she gently pierced his ears with dangling, gold, and ruby earrings shaped like a flying phoenix. She then placed a crown-like headdress shaped like phoenix wings curled around a large ruby on his head, allowing his spikey bangs to spill over it.
"There! You look wonderful!" The girls cheered, while Kai examined their work in the mirror. He had never been fond of gold accessories before but found himself liking them as he admired his reflection.
"Now all we need to do is get you dressed," Tox decided.
"Hurry up, Harumi!" Griffin suddenly thundered as he hammered loudly on the door. "There's less than three hours until the ball starts and I need to see if Kai's clothes need any alterations!"
"We're coming!" Harumi shouted as she threw the door open and the girls led Kai behind the changing wall to help him into the difficult outfit. After a few minutes, Kai was glad he had the girls' help getting ready. The outfit Griffin had created for the evening had more ribbons and ties on it than he cared to count. It would have been a bear to get the thing on properly by himself.
"Wow, you've outdone yourself, Griffin," Tox complimented over the wall. "He looks ravishing!"
"I told you he'd look splendid in gold," Pixal added and Harumi smiled as she laced up the back of Kai's clothing. Kai skimmed over what it was exactly he was wearing and blushed, taking in just how splendid the outfit actually was. Kai wasn't a huge fan of dresses, but he thought this was absolutely gorgeous. The bright, crimson red dress left the top of his shoulders uncovered, but did cover the sides and flowed down into a fancy heart-shaped neckline.
It was a loose fit which made the dress both enjoyable to wear and look at.
His had been left uncovered and in a way, help put focus on his soft tanned skin. The dress's waist was narrow, but it was a loose fit. A gold bow had been wrapped around his waist and positioned slightly to one side. Below the waist, the dress widened had glittering gold ends. The dress reached just above his ankles and was the same length all around. He was given a pair of shining, golden, high-heeled shoes, gorgeous on their own, an ideal match in combination with the dress.
To top it all off he was wearing a pair of simple, but stylish, red elbow-length gloves.
"Are you all sure about this? It is splendid, but I'll probably make it look ridiculous." He pouted as he gazed at his reflection. Before anyone could protest Griffin thundered over.
"I don't ever want to hear that come out of your mouth again!" He scolded swatting Kai's head with two fingers making him wince. "First of all, nothing I make looks ridiculous!" He spoke in a harsh tone, but it softened as he continued but did not lose an ounce of its authority. "Second, that's nonsense and you know it! You're just nervous; I could strip you naked and send you to that ballroom in nothing but a smock and you'd still look fantastic, and don't you ever let yourself forget it."
Kai blinked at the tailor's earnestness then smiled, suddenly feeling very silly.
"We're all done," Harumi announced.
"Good," Griffin smiled as he grabbed Kai's clothed wrists and pulled him back into his room. "Now then, you're done; just give me a few minutes to get everyone else dressed and we'll escort you to the ballroom, got to do this traditionally after all," Griffin winked, ushering everyone out of the room, leaving Kai alone. Alone, at last, he looked at his reflection and smirked proudly at the stunning being staring back at him.
"I do look good." He said out loud when a knock disturbed his play. "Come in!" He called out, wondering who it was. Ronin entered the room holding a box in his hand which almost slipped when he took in Kai's new appearance.
"Can I help you with anything?" Kai smirked, proudly. Ronin looked confused then blushed and straightened himself.
"Cole asked me to bring this to you, he said if you still want to be his for the evening he'd like you to wear it, but he said he would understand if you didn't."
"Thanks a lot, Ronin, I'll see you downstairs." Kai smiled. Ronin bowed and left. Kai sat on the bed and carefully opened the box gasping at the choker inside. It had a golden dragon curled up around a ruby love heart. His fingers gingerly traced over the elegant carvings and circled the beautifully cut ruby shaped exactly like a love heart. Carefully, he removed it from the box and clasped it around his own neck...
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buttofdestiny · 3 years
Watch for red vans with sliding doors and white cars. Potentially also white vans.
Mace is illegal but some say John Frieda hairspray hangs in the air and burns eyes. Even raid bug spray anything really.
Hell even glitter straight to the eyes can be effective as its similar to sand but sharper. Especially if it is glass glitter. A but of cayenne doesn't hurt either.
Also cooking oil in the eyes blurs vision. Add some chili oil and peppercorns and can be claimed as being for salads. Add some salt too.
Hot sauce the higher the scovel the better.
Perfume. Less vision=less accuracy thus higher chances to run away.
Remember keys between fingers act as a makeshift knuckle duster or knife
A roll of change in the palm thumb untucked (don't need a dislocated thumb) supports a wicked punch.
From kobra kai get a spiky bracelet. It can be used to support your hand in punches and scratch attacker. Metal studs not plastic!! Preferably those knarly looking curved ones. Or cones for poke factor maximum.
Elbows are easier to swing specially for smaller women.
Open palm jabs can also be effective used in an upward jab to the nose. Also jaw/chin and throat ideally adams apple.
Check under vehicles at a distance. See if there are people in the vicinity or flanking your car in an empty lot. If so turn back and get security.
Invest in car cams.
Murder walk, remember if you look more vulnerable the higher the chances for being selected.
Small girls a good pair of steel toes never hurts. Anyone but the guy your nailing in his beans.
Lights usually can be popped from the trunks. And safety latches usually are lit incase accidental traps.
Above anything ladies try to keep calm and think of motivating things to ground yourself, your worst enemy is your mind in an abduction situation besides the attacker.
Please stay safe, sane, and sharp eyed!!
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
Sk8 Character Thoughts
Yeah, so y’all have to deal with me venting my latest obsession, lol. Sorry to everyone who followed me for other stuff, I will get back to it eventually. ^^;
I was gonna write out individual walls of text for everyone to be fair, but I decided that’s too much work and I’d go crazy before I finished (plus I’m feeling guilty for neglecting my fanfiction writing), so I’m just gonna bullet point some of the random things I think about various skaters (opinions and theories).
The order is the approximate order of which I like characters, though it’s not a strict ranking. I like most of the characters in the show to some extent.
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Adam (Shindo Ainosuke)
I’ve already said a lot about him, you can check it out here and here. I’ll probably end up saying more about him before the show ends, too. xD
Yes, he is an absolutely awful person, but that’s what makes him amazing.
I will say that he needs a better costume designer. He looks like a clown. It looks like something that he designed when he was, like, five years old.
The mask is great though. <3
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Cherry Blossom (Sakurayashiki Kaoru)
I love the super analytical types, but I also feel like Carla is a crutch for him. He’s a great skater, but if he didn’t have Carla, I don’t think he’d be able to compete at the level of the other top skaters. But all the more props to him for finding a way that he could compete at that level.
He totally had a thing for Adam before. But I think that even then, Adam was too fucked up to be able to have a romantic relationship, so nothing came of it. Because if Adam did actually learn what real love was like rather than confusing abuse for love, I don’t think he would have turned out the way he did.
It’s pretty clear that until he gets smacked by Adam, he’s still looking up to Adam and clinging to what they had before. And it bleeds into his non-skating life as well: when he did his calligraphy demonstration, I think that he hoped Adam would see it, which was why he picked that specific phrase and explained it--to let Adam know that it wasn’t too late to make amends (not that Adam would have given a fuck even if he did see it).
I love his character design as a teen, and I’m sad that he’s become more respectable-looking (though still hot af) as an adult. I’m a sucker for guys with long hair in anime/manga.
He is absolutely a weeb. He’s made an AI assistant who he calls Carla, which creeps out Joe (in a cute, lovable way, not in an Adam way), and he incorporates her into almost all aspects of his life. Like, he just happens to have an AI-augmented wheelchair handy, why?
He also dresses up like a ninja when he’s skating, goes around in a kimono in his daily life, etc. etc. Okay, maybe the kimono can be excused since he’s a calligrapher (though I’m pretty sure that’s not the norm regardless, except for maybe if the artist is at some sort of exhibition?), but people’s costumes seem to show off who they really are beneath the mask they put on for society. So Cherry secretly wants to be a ninja. xD
I’m not on any specific ship, but if I had to pick one to board, it would be Matchablossom.
Can we please have a spinoff that’s just about Adam, Cherry, and Joe when they’re teenagers?
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Snow (Hasegawa Langa)
Frankly, Langa’s only up this high because I love his dynamic/rivalry with Adam. If Adam didn’t exist, he’d be below Joe, maybe below Tadashi.
Not that I don’t like Langa, but he’s just an oblivious skating nerd. He’s skilled and passionate, but I don’t really feel that he really stands out as a standalone character. He’s more of a foil for other characters (mostly Adam and Reki).
I guess what stands out the most to me is his ability to improvise when he’s falling behind, since his skill level is understandably lower than most of the other people he skates against. Like finding alternative pathways to the finish line versus Shadow and Miya, or using Joe’s strength to propel him forward. Or just, like, flying off the edge of a cliff to take a shortcut. That too. xD
His snow motif is pretty cool. (No pun intended.)
And I won’t deny that he’s cute. He’s actually the reason I started watching, because I saw some fanart of him and got curious. Came for the Langa, stayed for the Adam. <3
I feel bad for him for having a jealous jerk as basically his only friend though.
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Joe (Nanjo Kojiro)
He’s such a teddy bear. <3
Joe’s the heart to Cherry’s brain, and I adore the way they balance each other out. I love Vitriolic Best Buds.
What surprised me, though, is that Joe seems to have a better understanding of Adam’s current character than Cherry does, since Cherry is so precise and analytical. Though the flashback clarified that some since it’s pretty obvious that Cherry is/was biased where Adam is concerned. Sure, Joe was also friends with Adam back then, but it seems that Cherry was the one most star-struck by Adam.
But Joe obviously knows and accepts that Adam’s changed, unlike Cherry, though he probably doesn’t know the reason why. He seemed to be expecting something to happen during the race, so it didn’t surprise him when it did, though he was sad/disappointed by it. It seemed like he was concerned and wanted to warn Cherry before his race (which is super cute), and when everyone else was flinching from seeing the assault on Cherry, Joe didn’t look away. I don’t think he knew exactly what Adam was going to do (I don’t think anyone did, lol), but he knew Adam was going to do something.
I don’t think he was serious when he said the reason Adam is avoiding their beefs is because he’s afraid he’ll lose, though. Yeah, he wants to race Adam, and he wants to win, but I think he’s more grounded when it comes to Adam, so he probably knows that Adam would beat him if it came down to it. Whereas Cherry legitimately thought he could win if Adam held back.
Also, his skateboard wheels are ridiculous. How do they even work?
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Snake (Kikuchi Tadashi)
He got an ask post, yay, so not going to rehash it here.
I really hope that Adam realizes at some point that Tadashi is the only person who really knows and understands him, and comes to appreciate everything that Tadashi’s done for him.
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Miya (Chinen Miya)
Such a brat, omg.
I get that he’s a kid, and kids are brats, and so it’s a fairly realistic depiction. I just hate kids. >.>
Pretty much the only time I’ll really like a child character is when they’re precocious as fuck and not child-like at all, which I get defeats the purpose, but that’s me.
Brattiness aside, he is skilled and appreciates Reki standing up to Adam on his behalf, so much so that he’s willing to spend his time training a “slime” just so Reki doesn’t get completely crushed by Adam. And he’s also willing to work with Langa to teach him the most difficult trick in skating (the Caspar Slide) for the same reason.
Ultimately, he’s a good kid, but he’s had some bad experiences that make it harder for him to trust people since he’s afraid they’ll leave him. He’s still willing to try, though, if people will give him a chance.
Also, the one ep when they go on vacation and Miya pretends Joe is his daddy (and Cherry is his mommy, rofl--hi Matchablossom!) to drive away the women Joe’s hitting on... hilarious.
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Kyan Reki 
An even bigger brat.
Again, yeah, he’s a teenager and teens are “just like that,” but I hate those kinds of characters.
Just because his friend is a skating genius, he gets all pissy and stops being friends with him? Showing up to cheer Langa on and then completely running away doesn’t redeem him in my eyes. I get that he’s disappointed that he’s not capable of skating at the level of the top skaters and frustrated that Langa surpassed him so easily, but that’s no excuse to take it out on Langa (or anyone else).
And everyone complains about Adam being possessive, but they just gloss over the fact that Reki repeatedly tries to force Langa to promise to not skate against Adam, even roping in their manager, when he knows that Langa likes accepting challenges and has fun doing them. He just wants to keep Langa to himself, and he’s jealous as fuck that Langa is obsessed with skating against Adam.
Langa even explicitly tells him that he’s not racing Adam just because he’s upset about what Adam did to Reki, but because he wants to do it. Which is the exact same fucking reason Reki gives for not listening to Joe and Miya, and Langa supports his decision then. Why can’t Reki do the same?
Yes, he’s traumatized because his friend who introduced him to skating was seriously injured and had to quit skating, and he got hurt skating against Adam, but just like for Adam: YOUR TRAUMA/BACKSTORY DOES NOT JUSTIFY YOUR BEHAVIOR.
Plus, the whole “we’ll never disappear from your sight” that he told Miya? Psych!
Like, seriously. He knows the kid has abandonment issues because people leave him because he’s too good at what he does, and then he just goes ahead and poofs, putting both Miya and Langa through the same exact fucking thing.
Though I’m sure that the power of friendship will give him a miraculous recovery and he’ll build a new board for Langa so Langa can beat Adam before Adam gets hauled off to jail. It’ll probably be a cheesy make-up where Langa says something about how he can only use Reki’s boards, so it’s like they’re skating together when he races or whatever.
I do respect his ability to observe other skaters and make boards that are perfectly suited to them, though. And he knows that he’d be good in that support role. But he wants to be the hero, so he’s suffering from eighth grader syndrome and lashing out because reality doesn’t conform to his wishes.
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Shadow (Higa Hiromi)
Just fucking die already, ‘kay?
I don’t even know what to say. He’s all caught up in his “antihero” complex or whatever (I don’t even remember if that’s the right term, and I don’t give a fuck), and he’s got a nasty personality. Like burning Reki’s board or threatening to have a guy tattoo “Dumpster Slut” above his girlfriend’s name.
You really expect me to believe that he’d treat his manager respectfully if they started dating when he does something like that? His polite florist persona is such a sham.
And he’s a shit skater. How the hell is he in the top 8? If they can throw in a random guy we’ve never seen before (Harry), then they could have just as well put in some other trash mob instead of Shadow, who only didn’t get knocked out in the quarterfinal round because he was racing a nobody.
Imo, all of his “cute” little tricks like throwing fireworks at his opponent or shining a laser into their eyes is worse than what Adam does. Once he does that, he relinquishes all control over the situation, so anything could happen, such as his opponent crashing into a wall or falling off a cliff, which could result in serious injuries or even death. On the other hand, Adam always remains in control when he’s trying to throw off his opponent by forcing them to dance with him and freaking them the fuck out by pushing their limits. Even when he’s holding Reki’s head about an inch above the ground, he won’t let Reki brain himself on a rock or something. And even when he smacks Cherry with his skateboard, his attack leaves Cherry conscious and so lightly injured (relative to what could have been) that he doesn’t even need to stay in the hospital. (I don’t think he actually needs a wheelchair, other than probably being a bit woozy from a concussion, maybe. And maybe not even that if Joe isn’t concerned enough to wake him up/keep him from being unconscious.) Yeah, Adam fucks with his opponents, but if they can get over it, they can get back on a board. There’s a good chance that won’t happen if they get in an accident caused by Shadow, other than for anime logic.
“What about Adam’s Love Hugs??” What about them? Yes, he’s not holding on to his opponents to control their falls, but the point of it is to make them flinch and fall backwards, against the line of motion. That naturally will decrease the severity of their physical injuries, unlike when Reki and Harry fall off the course at full speed versus Shadow.
The only reason he doesn’t have a higher body count than Adam (or even a literal body count) is plot convenience, since he’s not the villain.
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inorganicone2230 · 3 years
What would yandere overhaul and readers nighttime routine be in purity? I love your work so much, thanks for linking all the chapters :3
I’d say that Kai and the readers nighttime routine is very basic and simple and goes a little something like this
Unless there is an absolute life or death emergency going on, Kai always tries to make sure he spends the last few evening hours with his girls and that starts off with him and the Reader tucking Eri into bed and reading her a bedtime story. He wants her to become as comfortable with his presence in a positive way as much as possible so he always makes sure to be there for her bedtime and he never fails to remind her that he’ll be there to protect her no matter what, even if it’s just to check under her bed and in her closet for monsters.
The next thing they do is go and take a shower or bath together. (It all depends on how dirty her hair is and whether or not Kai feels up to taking the time to get it blow dried before bed.) And since Kai is such a horn-dog, this sometimes (often) results in the two of them having sex, but only if it’s in the shower. He read somewhere that having sex in the bath can cause a woman to get an infection and he really doesn’t want to take any chances, so he tries his best to wait until they’re in bed on those nights. But sex in bed usually results in Kai making them take a shower afterwards anyway, even if they’ve already taken one beforehand.
After their bath, Kai also likes to help her lather herself up in sweet smelling lotions and now that she’s pregnant, he also makes her use an expensive anti-stretch mark cream all over her tummy and thighs. He’s not opposed to her carrying permanent evidence of her pregnancy on her body, but he’s knows that a lot of women can feel self conscious about that sort of thing and he’s decided to take preventive measures to keep that from happening, even if it’s something she’s already admitted to not caring about. She’d honestly be okay with it, especially if it meant that Kai might loose some sexual interest in her because of it, but we all know that he’d probably just be even more turned on by it.
And then it’s finally time for bed.
Kai is adamant about her using him as a body pillow to help alleviate the strain that her growing belly is putting on her back and hips and so cuddles are an absolute must. And despite his strict opinion on healthy habits and behavior, Kai himself is a bit of an insomniac and often ends up staying awake long after his family has gone to sleep. He used to spend those nights toiling away in the lab or in the office, but now he uses them to watch his wife sleep ‘peacefully’ in their bed and stroke her tummy, as well as periodically check in on Eri and make sure she’s sleeping comfortably as well.
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
My hopes for WWE & AEW in 2021 and things I hope changes  for WWE and AEW in 2021
Roman Reigns stays dominant and reigns supreme as the Tribal Chief
Keith Lee wins the Royal Rumble,  joins The Hurt Business and brings the WWE Champion to the Hurt Business
Naomi returns and joins The Hurt Business and dethrones Asuka to take home the gold
The Hurt Business DOMINATES Raw
Bianca Belair wins the Royal Rumble and dethrones Sasha Banks at Wrestlemania
The Riott Squad win the Women’s Tag Team Champions
Unify the men’s Tag Team Championships 
Unveil a new Title and give us WWE’s very first Television Championship. It should be styled similar to the NWA and WCW’s TV belts, but on the sideplates it should include USA and Fox on the plates. Shelton Benjamin or Ricochet should be the TV Championship 
Big E reigns supreme as Intercontinental Champion and finally gets to face Roman for the Universal Championship at Wrestlemania 38
Rhea Ripley gets called up and goes to Smackdown
Mercedes Martinez dethrones Io Shirai and becomes NXT Women’s Champion
Karrion Kross reclaims the NXT Championship
Anyone but Johnny Sameface as NXT North American Champion
Queen Of The Ring. The amount of female talent available on Raw, SmackDown, NXT and NXT UK is quite something. It's clear that this is the richest women's division in WWE history. They really should do something with all those workers. The 'Mae Young Classic' tourneys have been fine, but people would trip over themselves to see a fully-fledged 'Queen Of The Ring' epic staged across multiple nights. If booked correctly, this tournament could help establish a new contender for top titles. If she isn't Champion by then(though she should be) the perfect person to become Queen Of The Ring would be Bianca Belair! Bianca Belair would have unparalleled credibility for her 'StrongEST, FastEST, ToughEST' mantra if she whipped a bevy of skilled workers to become the first 'Queen'. WWE could also get creative by linking the event in with Charlotte Flair's nickname and spinning off into a feud between her and the winner afterwards.
Form Full-Time Female Tag-Teams and keep them around. The Women’s Tag Team DIvision is a mess. Keep creating makeshift Tag Teams and breaking up established tag teams and your tag team division is dead. The current champs and their predecessors haven't even been "proper" full-time duos - Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler were shoved together awkwardly in the summer, and they've since been replaced by the unlikely Asuka and Charlotte Flair combo. This cannot be allowed to continue. It's damning that WWE don't have more fully-formed pairings ready to go. The Riott Squad are perhaps the only actual twosome who are presented as a tight-knit collective weekly. Other than that, who is there? Considering the belts have been around for a few years now, that's unacceptable. The IIconics split, so did Sasha Banks and Bayley, and the scene is littered by 'odd couple' tandems like Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke, Lacey Evans and Peyton Royce, and Billie Kay teaming with the likes of Natalya or Tamina when it suits.
Ensure NXT is treated like a proper third brand rather than a quasi-development league for Raw and SmackDown. NXT has been on USA Network for over a year now, but it's still very much behind both Raw and SmackDown as a priority. Need proof? Look at the way Keith Lee was handled when he was "called up" after SummerSlam 2020. The former NXT Champ had to start all over again, and he's had several teething problems on Monday nights. It'd be nice to see WWE move away from positioning NXT as a 'feeder' for the other two shows. Changing someone's gimmick when they leave makes the brand look less-than, and there's simply no need for that anymore; NXT should be an equal to Raw and SmackDown, not a development league. Sadly, it still comes across as that. Lee's stop/start plight and the (mis)fortunes of others like Aleister Black and Ricochet should be a lesson to WWE. Some workers are better off rocking the black and yellow, not the red or blue.
Darby Allin becomes AEW World Heavyweight Champion
Adam Page costs Kenny the title and Page gets revenge and DESTROYS Kenny
MJF destroys the inner circle from within and when Jericho realizes what just happened, that’s when MJF and Wardlow destroys Jericho
Which is when we get a Sammy Guevara babyface turn and we get MJF vs Sammy
Arn Anderson turns on Cody
AEW’s Four Horsemen is formed. MJF, Shawn Spears and FTR with Tully and Arn managing as the JJ DIllon mouthpieces
Darby Allin and MJF feud for the title
The Women’s Division is improved. The girls get more time to shine on Dynamite. Your champion actually appears(shocking, I know) and build feuds and stories for your women’s division. There’s still some time to do what’s right for your women’s division, but the only thing that remains to be seen, does the powers that be of AEW even care?
Get a new title design for the Women’s Championship. It looks like a toy for a child. It’s plastic, not gold.  It should be as big and beautifully designed as the men’s titles. It should be as big as the NWA’s title or even the WWE’s title. The title is symbolic as to how AEW treats it’s own women’s division and that needs to change with a fresh new design.
Sign Thunder Rosa. It may not fix everything with the women’s division, but it gives you your needed star power. Tony Khan should be begging on his hands and knees to sign Thunder Rosa in 2021 after her time with the NWA is up, his women’s division is getting their asses kicked by what his EVP refers to as a “developmental brand”
If you can’t sign Thunder Rosa. My solution is Push Anna Jay and  Britt Baker as the top face and heel of the women’s division and either of them dethrone Shida.
Leave whatever that monstrosity of a creative team they have for RAW is. Let the Wrestlers dictate what they want their characters to be. Ditch the scripted promos. Let promos feel organic and real. Let the wrestlers be characters who feel real and genuine. Get rid of a “Creative” that isn't creative and let the wrestlers be creative and let them be free of terrible creative.
Get rid of the Gimmick PPV. WWE has ruined gimmick matches by turning them into themed PPVs. none of these matches are organic or special anymore. The matches themselves are great but are booked to fit a theme of a pay-per-view, when they should be used organically at the height of feuds. no one cares about the name of PPVs, so i don’t understand why WWE does this. the only one that actually works is MITB, because it makes sense as storylines reset after Mania.
Scrap the Brand Warfare/Brand Supremacy. WWE should scrap the tired brand warfare format at Survivor Series and move away from Raw vs. SmackDown completely. Booking around a calendar has become company law in WWE over the past decade or so. Perhaps McMahon always formatted things this way really, but it's more glaring now that gimmick bouts like Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell and Money In The Bank have their own pay-per-views. Survivor Series, with it's played out Raw vs. SmackDown vibes, also needs a rethink. "Brand warfare" is boring now, and it has been for several years. Although 2020's event was fun, it's nonetheless true that the month-long build to Survivors feels like a repetitive slog fans are forced to sit through every November. Hopefully, 2021 will change that. It is possible to book traditional elimination bouts without some sort of false show loyalty - WWE did this almost every single year until the first brand split in 2002. Their over-reliance on Raw vs. SmackDown is plain lazy. Survivor Series should be revolved around great rivalries between stables/factions. It’s really not that hard. Or at the very least if there IS a Smackdown vs Raw themed Survivor Series, at least add a damn reward. Give the brand a head start in the Rumble,, give the winners of the match number one contenders for their brand’s respective titles or ANYTHING better than just “brand supremacy lol”
Get rid of the 24/7 title. It has run it’s course. R-Truth is funny, but even he can’t make it work anymore.
Stop. Breaking. Up. Tag Teams. Stop killing your Tag Team Division. For the love of god just stop!
Cut Akira Tozawa’s ninja bullshit. It’s not funny, it’s annoying
Kill Retribution. It’s complete garbage. It has been consistently terrible ever since Retribution began. Mustafa Ali cannot save Retribution, he’s trying but no one can save it. 
Stop the 50/50 booking
Stop rewarding Nia Jax, the living botch machine for injuring her fellow wrestlers
Stop pushing Lars Sullivan. Absolutely no one wants him. 
They should cut raw to 2 hours because 3 hours is unbearable
Stop the overreliance of part time wrestlers. I don’t want to see Goldberg being pushed at the expense of today’s talent and I don’t want to see Goldberg period. I don’t want to see Brock Lesnar return at the expense of today’s talent. I don’t want to see Legends return. Push your current fucking wrestlers and make stars. You idiots!
Do not rush Becky Lynch back to the ring, she just had a baby. I read the reports that Vince wants Becky back by Wrestlemania. That is a terrible decision
Stop killing pushes because Vince changed his mind
Enough with “creative has nothing for you” if your “creative” has nothing for a certain wrestler, then they are not creative. Either let the wrestlers appear on the show or release them if you don’t want them anymore, it’s simple as that.
Do. Not. Put. The. Title. On. Goldberg. Goldberg should not have beaten Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' for the Universal Title at Super ShowDown in February - that was a huge mistake, one that set Bray back and felt totally unnecessary. In 2021, WWE should outright avoid any temptation to repeat the trick and give ol' Billy another go-around with one of the top titles. If anything, Goldberg's only purpose should be to play victim for a quick Roman Reigns squash. Get through that elusive match then turn Bill into a company ambassador. He doesn't need to pretend it's still 1998 all these years on.
Leave the overabundance of spots just for the sake of spots and enough with the false finishes. Jim Ross was right, like it or not, the spots for the sake of spots and the false finishes need to end. This is my major problem with AEW and why I can’t stand The Elite in general. Everyone just needs to  get their shit in. Everything looks fake. No one can look strong or credible and we have to see garbage Indy wrestlers and the spot monkeys make everything look fake and phony. The champions never look credible and everyone is on the level of job guys. This needs to change
Stop leaving your Women’s Champion off the show. It is downright insulting how dirty they are doing Hikaru Shida. She deserves as much time to shine as the other champions deserve.
Stop putting the NWA Women’s Champion as more of a priority than your own Women’s Champion
Enough with Brandi. Why is the women’s division given absolutely 0 screentime and barely anytime to develop their stories, but Brandi is ALWAYS THERE! Everything has to be about her. When a feud between Cody and Shaq was close to happening, of course it had to be about her. She’s turned heel/face as much time as the Big Show. I’ve grown tired of Brandi Rhodes. Stop shoving that attention whore down our throats. WE GET IT! You wanna be Stephanie so bad!
Enough with Cody’s big dramatic midlife crisis entrances. We get it, you wanna be Triple H SO BAD!
Stop the petty bullshit shots at WWE. It was fun at first, but it’s getting annoying. This is Eric Bischoff giving away the results and “That’ll put butts in the seats” level of petty bullshit. AEW had the fucking nerve to tweet a fan’s post saying they did a better tribute for Brodie Lee than WWE. HE JUST DIED! AND YOU ARE MAKING IT ABOUT YOUR FUCKING RIVALRY? GROW THE FUCK UP!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Scarface’s Tony Montana vs. Michael Corleone: Which Al Pacino is the Boss of Bosses
Scarface hadn’t been made when Pete Townshend’s 1974 song “The Punk and the Godfather” came out, but The Godfather certainly had. The Who’s anthem was a musical allegory about the rock scene, but the lyrics might as well be interpreted as a conversation between Michael Corleone and Tony Montana. Possibly right before they rumble.
Al Pacino played both men in both movies, and in each film, he begins the story as a punk. But in The Godfather, at least, he grows into the establishment. Michael becomes don. Tony was a shooting star on the other hand, one on a collision course with an unyielding atmosphere. Both roles are smorgasbords of possibilities to an actor, especially one who chased Richard III to every imaginable outcome. Each are also master criminals. But which is more masterful?
The obvious answer would seem to be Michael Corleone because he turned a criminal empire into a multi-billion-dollar international business, and lived to a ripe old age to regret it. Cent’anni, Michael. Tony Montana doesn’t live to see the fruits of his labor, but his career in crime is littered with the successes of excess.
Montana is a hungry, young, loose cannon, just like real-life’s “Crazy” Joe Gallo, who went up against the Profaci family in the street fight which Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola used as inspiration on The Godfather. Gallo stand-in Virgil “The Turk” Sollozzo (Al Lettieri) did a lot of damage while he was trying to muscle in on Don Vito Corleone’s territory, selling white powder. Montana leaves a larger body count in the wake of his cocaine empire career. 
Scarface is Pacino’s film. The whole movie is about Tony Montana and his meteoric rise through money, power and women. The Godfather is a mob movie, crowded with top rate talent in an ensemble case, but it belongs to Marlon Brando. While Michael inherits the position by The Godfather, Part II, he shares Godfather roles with Robert De Niro there, and people come away feeling a little sorry for Fredo. Michael isn’t the focus of an entire film until The Godfather, Part III, and by then folks were only distracted by his daughter. Tony Montana owns the screen from the moment it opens until his last splash in the fountain under the “World Is Yours” sign. The picture was his.
Making Your Bones on First Kills
Pacino brings little of the wisdom of his Godfather role to Scarface’s title character. This is by design. Every crime boss has to make his bones. In mafia organizations, real and cinematic, the button men on the street are called soldiers. And every soldier has to go through basic training before they’re ready to earn their button. Michael gets assassination training from his father’s most trusted capo, Pete Clemenza (Richard S. Castellano) before he goes out to enjoy the veal.
Scarface doesn’t give us many details of the crimes Tony was involved in while still in Cuba, so he makes his cinematic bones executing General Emilio Rebenga in the American detention camp for Cuban refugees. The two scenes are polar opposites in all ways but suspense.
When Michael is sitting at the dinner table with Sollozzo and Police Captain McCluskey (Sterling Hayden), he lets Sollozzo do all the talking, easing him into comfort before pulling the trigger. Tony barely lets Rebenga get a whimper in during his first onscreen hit, which plays closer to an execution. Tony covers the sounds of his own attack with a chant he himself begins. It is a brilliant overplay, especially when compared to another scene that resembles The Godfather, with Tony killing a mid-level gangster and a crooked cop towards the end of Scarface. 
A major difference between the two roles is best summed up in a line Tony says in Scarface. He learned to speak English by watching James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart. Montana comes from the Cagney tradition of broad gangster characterizations. In The Godfather, Kay Adams (Diane Keaton) asks Michael if he’d prefer Ingrid Bergman. The young soldier has to think about it. This is because Pacino is miles removed here from Bogart, who played Bergman’s lover in Casablanca. Pacino’s two gangster icons approached their criminality differently, and Pacino gets to play in both yards.
Pacino remains on an even keel in the Godfather films, but gives a tour de force of violent expression in Scarface, which burns like white heat.
The Handling of Enemies and Vices
In Scarface, Pacino gets to be almost as over the top as he is in Dick Tracy. His accent would never make it past the modern culture board at The Simpsons, but he pulls it off in 1983 because he says so. Pacino bullies the audience into believing it. It’s that exact arrogance which makes us root for Tony Montana. We don’t want to be on his bad side. But the chilled reptilian stare of Michael Corleone is a visual representation of why Sicilians prefer their revenge served cold.
Michael is diabetic, and is usually seen drinking water in The Godfather films. Sure, he has an occasional glass or red wine, and possibly some Sambuca with his espresso, but Michael always keeps a clear head. Tony, not so much. He makes drunken scenes at his favorite nightclubs, and not only gets high on his own supply, but gets so nose deep in it he develops godlike delusions of superheroic grandeur.
Montana is impulsive, instinctive, and decisive. Tony kills his best friend Manny Ribera (Steven Bauer) immediately upon finding him with his little sister Gina (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio). Michael waits until his sister Connie (Talia Shire) is on a plane to Tahoe before he has her husband killed in a hit years in the planning. Later Michael hangs his head silently as the shotgun blast which kills his brother, Fredo (John Cazale), echoes in the distance.
Tony, meanwhile, continues yelling at Sosa’s right-hand man long after his brains are all over the automobile’s interior.
Clothes Make the Man
Tony is written to be charismatic. Even coked out of his mind, he’d be a better fit in Vegas with Fredo’s crowd than with wet blanket Michael in Tahoe. Tony sports white suits, satin shirts, and designer sunglasses. Michael accessorizes three-piece ensembles with an ascot. This isn’t to say Michael had any issues with getting somebody’s brains splattered all over his Ivy League suit. 
Designed by Theadora Van Runkle, Michael preferred dupioni silk. That’s smart. The dark navy wool chalk-stripe suit Tony wears in his death scene was designed by Tommy Velasco and carries the class of a tuxedo. It was after 6pm. What do you think he is, a farmer?
“I’m the guy in the sky, flying high, flashing eyes. No surprise I told lies, I’m the punk from the gutter,” Roger Daltrey belts out on “The Punk and The Godfather.” This is exactly against the no-flash advice Frank Lopez (Robert Loggia) tries to impart on his young protégé in Scarface. Tony was raised not to take any advice other than his own. He also ignores his consigliere’s advice on several occasions. When Manny reminds Tony the pair of them were in a cage a year ago, the rebel gangster says he’s trying to forget that, he’s going after the boss’ girl. 
“I come from the gutter,” Montana proudly contends. “I know that. I got no education but that’s okay. I know the street, and I’m making all the right connections.” 
By contrast, Michael attended Dartmouth College and then dropped out to join the Marines after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Michael is both intelligent and well-connected, loosely modeled on Joseph Bonanno and Vito Genovese. He also accepts the wisdom of his father, who most closely resembled “The Prime Minister” of New York’s Five Families in the 1950s, mafia boss Frank Costello.
The Better Family Man
Pacino’s Don Michael Corleone has access to all his family’s connections, stretching back to the old world. He learns to expertly pull the strings of powerful men, like his father did, but as he grew, he bent. Michael is friends with senators, meets with the President of Cuba, has money in the Vatican, and confesses his sins to a Pope. Michael was insulated throughout his childhood and criminal career. If Tony gets in trouble, he has to get out of it himself, or with the help of a handful of low-level operatives.
Michael is the family rebel, risking his life and getting medals for strangers. He also gets to be both the prodigal son and the dutiful son. He gets the fatted calf and pays the piper. He even tips the baker’s helper for the effort. Michael comes back to both of his families, crime and birth, with a vengeance. He is there for his father the moment he is needed. Michael is the better family man. Tony’s mother is ashamed of him, and he completely ruins his sister’s wedding. Michael’s family means everything to him, and while he still manages to lose them, he actually maneuvers his two families well over rough waters for a very long run.  
Tony Montana is the rebel’s rebel. Even before he tosses off his bandana at the dishwasher job to make a quick score, we knew. He was born bad, in the cinematically good way. This also makes Montana a natural at crime. In The Godfather, Michael has it in his blood as a Corleone, but has his heart set on college, a straight career, and a shot to bring his whole family into the American Dream, which for Montana only exists as a wet dream.
Tony never gets past the hormonal teenage phase of his love of America. He wants to love his new country to death. He is turned on by the dream. He wants to take it. Not earn it. No foreplay necessary, as he claims his latest victim’s wife as his own.
Managerial Skills
Michael is pretty good with his underlings, when he’s not having them garroted on the way to an airport or advising them to slit their wrists in a bath. He promises Clemenza he can have his own family once the Corleones relocate to Las Vegas. He lets Joe Zaza (Joe Mantegna) get away with murder as the guy he sets up to run his old territory in The Godfather, Part III. Michael doesn’t keep turncoats like his trusted caporegime Tessio (Abe Vigoda) around for old times’ sake, and he doesn’t suffer fools at all. It may seem he cuts Tom Hayden (Robert Duvall) loose a little fast, and without warning or due cause. But if he was a wartime consigliere, he would have seen it coming.
While Tony Montana may have a competitive and fast-tracked entry program for new workers (“hey, you got a job”), he’s also the guy who shoots his right-hand man Manny for marrying his sister. Tony exacts a brutal and dangerous revenge for the death of his friend Angel Fernandez in the Miami chainsaw massacre, but doesn’t lift a finger when his cohort Omar Suarez (F. Murray Abraham) is hanged to death from a helicopter by drug lord Alejandro Sosa (Paul Shenar). Michael does have a tendency to have his soldato kiss his ring, but he’s not entirely a .95 caliber pezzonovante.
Read more
Scarface: Where Tony Montana Went Wrong
By Tony Sokol
The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone Proves a Little Less is Infinitely More
By Tony Sokol
One of the most important skills a boss must exhibit is how to delegate, and Corleone is a minor Machiavellian master at his delegation. He whispers orders from behind closed doors. Tony is more hands-on. The only reason he tells Manny to “kill that piece of shit” Frank is because he’s already humiliated his former boss into a shell of a real man.
Montana is in the trenches with his soldiers and sets standards by example. He shoots a guy on a crowded Miami street in broad daylight. Montana is a born triggerman and only reluctantly delegates the duty. He has 10 bodyguards when Sosa men raid his mansion fortress. He takes the invading force with one little friend, an M16A1 rifle with a customized grenade launcher. But it sure doesn’t help the employees getting murdered outside.
A Handle on Finances
We don’t know what kinds of criminal activities the Corleone family were involved in between 1958 and 1979. Still, Michael had proven himself a traditionalist and a bit of a prude, so he spends most of his career shaving his take from harmless vices and avoiding drugs, which he sees as a dirty business. But through whatever means, by The Godfather, Part III, Michael has earned enough capital to buy himself out of crime.
Michael gambles successfully on Wall Street, keeps the Genco olive oil company going, and invests in hotels, casinos, and movie studios. He’s got to be pulling in a billion dollars a year in legitimate business. He makes enough to pad the coffers of the Vatican, and his share of Immobiliare stocks pulls in another $1 billion.
Tony looks like he’s earning about $15 million a month. But it doesn’t look like he puts much stock in his future. He makes no investments, only purchases. His only visible holding is the salon his sister works in. But we also have to take into account that he built his empire from scratch. Michael inherited his. And while the head of the Corleone family can blackmail a U.S. senator with a tragic sex scandal, Montana fares no better than Al Capone with tax evasion.
Who Would Win in a Mob War?
Scarface is as violent as the 1932 Howard Hawk original. Blood is a big expense, and 42 people are killed in the 1985 film. It came out amid other over-the-top action blockbusters like First Blood and the contemporary reality of the South American drug trade. So, it would seem, the film has far more violence. But they are easily matched.
The Godfather has a horse’s head, Scarface has a chainsaw. Michael’s brother Sonny (James Caan) gets machine gunned to smithereens at the toll booth, Tony blows the lower limbs off his would-be assassins at a nightclub. Omar is lynched in a chopper, the upper echelon of the mob is taken out by helicopter fire in The Godfather, Part III. Tony and Michael each get to kill a cop.
Both mob figures survive assassination attempts. Michael loses his wife Apollonia in Sicily in a car bombing meant for him. He also avoids the trap Tessio sets at the meeting with Emilio Barzini (Richard Conte), on his turf, where Michael “will be safe.” Tony lives through his initial professionally ordered hit, as well as being saved by Manny from certain death by chainsaw.
While Michael Corleone is able to take care of Barzini, Victor Stracci, Carmine Cuneo, and Phillip Tattaglia – the leadership of the five families – at the end of The Godfather, Tony Montana can only put up a good fight. The Corleone family would win in a protracted war against Montana’s cartel, but there is a possibility Tony would have outlived Michael while the battles raged. Expert swordsmen aren’t afraid to duel the best in the field, but they’re scared of the worst. 
As far as crime tactics and strategic villainy, Michael Corleone plays a game of chess. Tony Montana plays hopscotch. He wins by skipping cracks in the street, but he only rises as far as the pavement.
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sainedeparam · 3 years
okay so: one book and one song for 7 oc's your choice and why!!!
Flor i am so sorry because this took me forever to answer 😭😭😭 i really had to think about what fit best and i ended up changing the “one book” to “one quote from a book” since i struggled with that but here we go. Under the cut because it ended up being too long akshsjsksl
One Song
Tate Cerati • Believer by Imagine Dragons
First things first // I'ma say all the words inside my head // I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh // The way that things have been, oh-ooh // Second thing second // Don't you tell me what you think that I could be // I'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea, oh-ooh // The master of my sea, oh-ooh
No thoughts, just vibes with this song. I don’t really have a reason why I chose this for Tate other than vibes. It just felt so… him, if that makes sense.
Brynn Delvaux • Born Ready by Zayde Wølf
I don't believe in no devil // 'Cause I done raised this hell // Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh // I've been the last one standing // When all the giants fell // Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh // I won't shiver // I won't shake // I'm made of stone // I don't break // Start me up // Open my eyes // Turn me loose and you'll see why // I was born, born ready // I was born, born ready // Staring at the pressure now // I won't quit, not backing down // I was born, born ready // I was born, born ready
I like powerful women. The type of women that are feared by everyone. And this song best describes the kind of vibe I was going for when playing her route in WTNC.
Ryder Vesta • Centuries by Fall Out Boy
And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name // 'Cause I was only born inside my dreams // Until you die for me, as long as there's a light // My shadow's over you 'cause I am the opposite of amnesia // … // Some legends are told // Some turn to dust or to gold // But you will remember me // Remember me for centuries // And just one mistake // Is all it will take // We'll go down in history // Remember me for centuries // (Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah) // Remember me for centuries // We've been here forever // And here's the frozen proof // I could scream forever // We are the poisoned youth
In my head this is a Villain Theme Song and he’s cocky enough for this to fit him. And this is also to implement the fact that Ryder could never really become a Vigilante, let alone a Hero. Even if he’s dating a Hero, he will always will be a Villain and I love that for him.
Amaris Voight • Control by Halsey
I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head // They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead // And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head // They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead // I'm bigger than my body // I'm colder than this home // I'm meaner than my demons // I'm bigger than these bones // And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" // I can't help this awful energy // God damn right, you should be scared of me // Who is in control?
I was listening to this song while I was thinking about what I wanted to do for Amaris’ future. There is sort of a complexity of whether this means her talking to the citizens she’s meant to protect, her talking to Nathaniel + Areum or just her talking to herself. You can’t just have the amount of power she does while not being able to fully control it and not be wary of her.
Kavan Vekany • Stronger by The Score
Set me on fire // Set me on, set me on fire (whoa, whoa-oh) // I'm still alive // I'm still ali- I'm still alive (whoa) // Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life // Higher, faster, everlasting // Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life // Higher, faster, never-crashing // Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life // Stronger // (Stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger) // Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life // Stronger // (Stronger, stronger, stronger, stronger) // Bet you didn't think that I'd come back to life // I do this with conviction // I write truths and never fiction // My disease is what you fed // I can't stop with my ambition // Like a missile on a mission // I'm a force that you will dread-ead
If The Exile was a series or movie, I can envision this song being played while at the end of Chapter 3, or maybe Chapter 4 since that’s when we maybe talk to Syfin + Trystan + Our Family.
Benjamin Blackwood • My Demons by STARSET
Mayday, mayday // The ship is slowly sinking // They think I'm crazy but they don't know the feeling // They're all around me circling like vultures // They wanna break me and wash away my colors // Wash away my colors // Take me high and I'll sing // Oh, you make everything okay, okay, okay (okay, okay, okay) // We are one and the same // Oh, you take all of the pain away, away, away (away, away, away) // Save me if I become // My demons
This is just basically him asking for help, I just haven’t decided if I want this to be romantic or platonic in terms of he’s asking for help from.
Kai Morgenstern • Lovely by Billie Eilish & Khalid
Thought I found a way // Thought I found a way out (found) // But you never go away (never go away) // So I guess I gotta stay now // Oh, I hope some day I'll make it out of here // Even if it takes all night or a hundred years // Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near // Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear // Isn't it lovely, all alone // Heart made of glass, my mind of stone // Tear me to pieces, skin to bone // Hello, welcome home
Kai and her complicated one-sided relationship with the supernatural world. There’s a reason why she has a really high Resistance Stat.
One Quote
Tate Cerati • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
“Another secret of the universe: Sometimes pain was like a storm that came out of nowhere. The clearest summer could end in a downpour. Could end in lightning and thunder.”
This ties to the moment he found out the truth about Daphne, and Alex. How everything just shattered for him in the blink of an eye. It also ties to other events, like finding out what happened to his mother and during the battle when Daphne dies trying to save him. It's just him not expecting an outcome that would destroy his life, in a sense. The kind of outcome where he has to live with that knowledge knowing there is nothing he could have done to change it.
Brynn Delvaux • They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera
“Sometimes the truth is a secret you're keeping from yourself because living a lie is easier.”
I headcanon that she had her suspicions about what Hunters really were. I mean you can't really be that strong and still be human. But keeping it to herself and not investigating further was better than to face the truth because being just like the kind of creatures she was taught to hunt was too much for her to handle. Even after she learns the truth during the story she is still in a bit of denial.
Ryder Vesta • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
“Usually we walk around constantly believing ourselves. 'I'm okay' we say. 'I'm alright'. But sometimes the truth arrives on you and you can't get it off. That's when you realize that sometimes it isn't even an answer--it's a question. Even now, I wonder how much of my life is convinced.”
I told you about what his childhood, and how he came to be working for the Phoenix Organization, so this fits into him questioning Phoenix and his upbringing. Trying to figure out whether what he was told about his parents abandoning him were true or not, and thinking about what he would do if it weren't. The slow process of finding the truth, thinking that he's okay until it hits the point where he realizes he's actually not okay and not knowing if he is actually strong enough to go against the person he was loyal to.
Amaris Voight • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
“Sometimes, you do things and you do them not because you're thinking but because you're feeling. Because you're feeling too much. And you can't always control the things you do when you're feeling too much.”
Every decision she made after waking up were based on feelings so they are a bit questionable even if they're not exactly bad, like not reaching out to Nathaniel and Areum. But it also fits in terms of her abilities. She has sort of learned how to use her abilities and has trained in order to be able to control her powers but she still doesn’t know the extent to what she can do so sometimes when she’s feeling too much, she can’t really control her abilities and the outcome of that is not always pretty :(
Kavan Vekany • The Burning Maze (The Trials of Apollo, #3) by Rick Riordan
“Pain is an interesting thing. You think you have reached your limit and you can’t possibly feel more tortured. Then you discover there is still another level of agony. And another level after that.”
After reading the new update, this just fits him so much. Everything he had to go through after [redacted], especially whatever they did in order for him to not be able to fully transform anymore? He’s known pain like never before, and you know it’s bad when even i think it’s too much lmao.
Benjamin Blackwood • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
“He was not happy. He was not happy. He said the words to himself. He recognized this as the true state of affairs. He wore his happiness like a mask and the girl had run off across the lawn with the mask and there was no way of going to knock on her door and ask for it back.”
He grew up thinking that there was only one way of doing things, his father’s way. It never really hit him until he got older. For the majority of his life he just kept on doing what he was told because he thought it was the right thing to do and because he wanted his father to be proud but he was never truly happy. He never stopped to think about that feeling until later on.
Kai Morgenstern • They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera
“I've spent years living safely to secure a longer life, and look where that's gotten me. I'm at the finish line but I never ran the race.”
My favorite girl, who hates life in NMC and being a Keeper in general. She wasn’t exactly “safe” or “cautious” when doing things before the events of kotsam but her life was never in danger, she had everything she wanted. And then, in the form of one car crash and almost being killed, he future just went down the drain and in the span of 2 years (so far) she has had so many near death experiences. She’s just so tired at this point.
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jacnaylor · 4 years
romance book recs!!
romance is my feel good genre, and it’s also usually somewhat easier to read during stressful times, so here’s a list of some books that are either romance or have a romance element i feel like mentioning.
(EDIT: I STAYED UP TILL 2 AM DOING THIS HELP. this is why some of the comments. don’t make any fucking sense.)
romance books and authors:
1. The Bromance bookclub series by Lyssa Kay Adams (A group of men form a bookclub dedicated to romance books in order to understand women, improve their relationships and become better men. It’s funny, cute, and all about dismantling toxic masculinity one romance book at a time)
2. Mariana Zapata books (The queen of slowburn romance. The only book I’ve read by her is ‘Under Locke’, but ‘From Lukov with love’ and ‘Kulti’ have rave reviews. There is so much build up and SO much sexual tension with a great pay off)
3. Milly Johnson books (A uk author whose books are primarily set in the north, these are total feel good books. Not so much graphic and more romantic, but her characters are great and her plot lines really hook you in.)
4. The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren (Super cute, quick enemies-to-lovers story about a bridesmaid who has to go on a honeymoon with the best man when the bride and groom get food poisoning. Obviously this means the holy of holies: fake relationship!)
5. Well met by Jen De Luca (Oh my gosh! Super fun, the characters are just wonderful especially our heroine. A hate-to-love romance set at a renaissance fair! All about overcoming the limits you set on yourself and rethinking your first impressions.)
6. Katherine Center books (My personal favourites are ‘How to walk away’ about a woman who falls for her PT after a near fatal plane crash. And ‘Happiness for beginners’ about a woman taking part in a wilderness trail with her brothers annoying best friend. She writes such great plots and you really feel all the emotions!)
7. Mhairi Mcfarlane books (my personal favourites are ‘Here’s looking at you’ about a woman who comes face to face with her high school bully years later - only he doesn’t recognize her. And he’s not awful? Don’t worry. I know how that synopsis sounds. He’s not excused his actions, but you also understand how he’s grown and changed. It definitely gets you in the feels though. As does ‘You had me at hello’ Which is about a couple from university meeting again years later. God this woman can write angst and yearning!!)
8. A part of me by Anouska Knight (On the same day she and her husband have been accepted into the adoption process, their marriage implodes. This has such a cute romance which follows hate-to friends- to love and it’s v funny)
9. Southern Eclectic series by Molly harper (Just as it sounds. Southern small town romance with a great, quirky cast of characters)
10. Maggie’s man by Lisa Gardner (writing as Alicia Scott) (An escaped convict kidnaps a woman from the courthouse to act as his hostage whilst he tries to prove his innocence. Surprisingly funny and warm. Maggie as a heroine is an absolute joy. They’re sort of chaotic together and it’s a wild ride.)
11. The Mister by E.L James (LISTEN OK - SIT BACK DOWN - It’s not winning awards but it’s actually decent! I was skeptical, but I will admit I was won over. I mean parts are cheesy but it’s so addictive. Basically a rich man falls for his cleaning lady - but it’s also about the yearning. It’s also quite action packed as there’s danger, drama and a chase across europe to get the girl.)
12. RECENT Colleen Hoover (Now, you may enjoy older CH books. Personally I find them very problematic. Now I’ve really enjoyed her recent books though. Especially ‘Without Merit’ and ‘It ends with us’ and ‘Regretting you’. High angst, high drama, dark topics for all of her books. But you can tell she’s matured with her writing. She isn’t for everyone but they’re addictive, fast paced reads.
13. The Austenland duology by Shannon Hale (You might have seen the Austenland movie - The cutest, cheesiest, sweetest, campiest movie ever. Well there’s a book! It’s about women who go on a holiday and live their own Jane Austen story with actors. The first book leans towards Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield park. The second book is more Northanger abbey and Emma.
14. Brigid Kemmerer contemporaries (She is an auto-buy author for me, especially her contemporaries. She writes the best teenage characters, the best teenage boys I’ve ever read about. Her characters are real, she writes about kids trying their best, struggling, and being good, and kind, and the world not being kind to them. Usually the books have a pov from both the female and male love interest. I would rec any of them tbh. ‘Letters to the lost’ comes before it’s companion novel ‘More than we can tell’. I loved ‘Call it what you want’ with has modern Robin Hood elements!!!! seriously she is my favourite YA contemporary author.
15. Sophie Kinsella books (If you haven’t picked up her stand alone novels then what are you doing???? she is the queen!!!! Personal favourites are ‘Can you keep a secret’ and ‘I’ve got your number)
16. A quiet kind of thunder by Sara Barnard (I love her ok. Her books are short and sweet but she packs a punch. TBH these aren’t primarily romance, they’re more just about teenage girls but this one has a good romance element so I’m putting it on here. It’s about Steffi, a selective mute who sometimes communicates with basic sign language who is assigned to look after the new boy at school Rhys, who is deaf.)
17. Meet me at the museum by Anne Youngson (GORGEOUS! moving, tender. A lonely housewifes strikes up a correspondence with a widowed museum curator in Denmark. Oh gosh. I just love this one. It’s about friendship, love, grief, second chances, the choices we make. Seriously love this one and it’s not that long.)
1. Sorcery of thorns by Margaret Rogerson (Elisabeth has grown up in the great library, protecting grimoires with powers and fearing sorcerers. When a dangerous grimoire is released, she’s forced to team up with an enigmatic sorcerer and his demonic servant in order to save the world.)
2. Sky in the deep duology by Adrienne Young (A viking inspired story about a warrior who is captured by the tribe she is at war with. Such good tension and it’s also got a lot of action. Battle couple romance! Mutual respect! Hate to love!)
3. The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley (I’ve reread this book once but will end up reading it again. It’s a time travel romance about a woman staying in cornwall dealing with the death of her sister who is transported back and forth to the 17th century. It’s a favourite. The romance is wonderful but the stakes are really high too. I also love ‘Belleweather’ by the same author)
4. An ember in the ashes series by Sabaa Tahir (Oh god, the romance. THE ROMANCE! it’s so much. The angst, the pining, the longing. The first book follows Laia, part of a slave class in a roman inspired world. She begins spying in the top military academy and meets Elias, a reluctant soldier. This is a proper fantasy series with only the first three books out, but it’s so great.)
5. Alias Hook by Lisa Jensen (Let me just copy the blurb ok: “Meet Captain James Benjamin Hook, a witty, educated Restoration-era privateer cursed to play villain to a pack of malicious little boys in a pointless war that never ends. But everything changes when Stella Parrish, a forbidden grown woman, dreams her way to the Neverland in defiance of Pan's rules.” I MEAN COME ON. a gorgeous adult fairytale with love and redemption at the center.
6. The Mediator series by Meg Cabot (Obviously Meg Cabot is the most iconic and we stan. But this series is my absolute favourite by her. About Suze Simon, a kickass, no nonsense mediator - Someone who helps ghosts move on to the other side. Sometimes by force. She has to move house and ends up sharing her room with a 100 year old hot ghost named Jesse. The tension. The angst. THE BANTER!!!!)
7. House of Earth and Blood by Sara J Maas (a half fae half mortal girl tries to solve a murder with the help of a fallen angel. It’s a LONG book, but for me personally it flew by. It’s a big new fantasy world but the romance has a great build. Overcoming grief! Being normal together! Being in danger together! THE UST! the characters are so good. I ahven’t been this impressed by a new series for a while)
8. Cursebreakers series by Brigid Kemmerer (yep, she gets another mention. This one is a beauty and the best retelling about a man forced to relive the same season over and over, becoming a literal beat, until a girl from our world can break the curse. The second book, following secondary characters, is my fave so far. But both feature kickass ladies and those small romantic moments BK is so good at)
9. A court of thorns and roses series by Sara J Maas (a fae inspired beauty and the beast retelling. The only time you support a ship switch. Also the secondary ships are getting their own books and oh my god. I’m so excited.)
1. Jane Austen (The original rom com queen, obviously. Pride and prejudice and Emma are faves. Also I have a major soft spot for the alwayc chaotic and underrated Northanger Abbey)
2. North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell (Actually might be my favourite classic ever. Often described at an industrial p&p. Margaret, from the south, comes face to face with the harsh reality of the world when she moves up north and comes face to face with a brooding millowner. There’s obviously a lot more nuance than that but. THE PINING!!!!!! THE MISCOMMUNICATION! THE DRAMA!)
3. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer (You might have seen the film. Please also read the book. Told entirely in letters. The sharp witted author Juliet Ashton falls in love with Guernsey and it’s characters whilst researching what happened there during the war. Funny, moving and romantic.)
4. The Veronica Speedwell series by Deanna Raybourn (A butterfly hunter foils her own kidnap and is paired together with a reclusive natural historian. They solve mysteries together. They can’t admit they wanna sleep together. The tension.......unbearable. See also the Julia Grey mysteries by the same author)
5. The warrior knight and the widow by Ella Matthews (So last year I discovered Mills and Boon and I have no shame about it whatsoever. This is a medieval beauty and the beast retelling about a woman being escorted to her fathers estate by an enigmatic and scarred knight. She’s hoping to convince her father to let her steward her own lands, and of course trying not to fall for her escort.)
6. The bareknuckle bastards series by Sarah Maclean (A badass, brooding trio of siblings who rule the underbelly of Covent Garden fall for smart, beautiful women. Opposites attract, Good girl/bad boy, strong women, banter. Super fun historical romance)
7. Redeeming the reclusive earl by Virginia Heath (I just read this and it was seriously cute!!!! And book where the hero blushes even once is a good book in my opinion. Basically aspiring antiquarian named Effie barrels into the life of a new earl - who really just wants to be left alone to be grumpy and sad and disfigured. ALONE. But Effie wants to dig on his land. And she won’t take no for an answer. She also talks A LOT.
8. A family for the widowed governess by Ann Lethbridge (Technically this is part of a series but you don’t need to read them in order and this is the best one. A widow who is being blackmailed accepts a governess post. She can’t tell her employer about the blackmail especially when she starts falling for him.)
9. The bedlam stacks by Natasha Pulley (I read watchmaker and didn’t like it but you might like it. This one also FEAUTRES A M/M ROMANCE. I know this list was super straight im sorry. Anyway this is about a botanist falling in love with a priest in the jungle.
10. The wilderness series by Sara Donati (Think outlander without the time travel and also not set in scotland. Basically Last of the Mohicans fanfiction about Hawkeye’s grown up son. An english woman moves to america when her father promises she can be a school teacher there. Little does she know he actually has plans to marry her off. Things get more complicated when she falls for Nathaniel Bonner, a white man raised native american and who’s daughter and extended family is Native American. Like outlander there’s romance, adventure, history. But unlike the outlander books the love interest is a decent guy (i say as if i don’t love the tv show)
1. The Lacey Flint series by Sharon Bolton (Lacey Flint is a police officer who becomes involved in the hunt to catch a Jack the ripper copycat. There actually is a strong romantic element with the other lead police officer.)
2. The last hours duology by Minette Walters. A novel about the black death and a closed estate lead by a woman who’s trying to protect her people. There’s also a kind of murder mystery. But she also has a close relationship to one of the surfs that I got super invested in.
3. The Strike series by J.k Rowling (I know we don’t stan anymore but. This series about  PI and his assistant slowly growing closer? Becoming best friends and partners? Not acknowledging any feelings for each other?
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
NXT Fake Rankings, 8/7/2021
Last night saw another wave of releases in WWE, which drew attention to a report that WWE is overhauling NXT with "a focus on younger talents." With that in mind, I'm going to list the ages of the current NXT roster (as best as I could determine), so we can try to get a sense of what "a focus on younger talents" means.
One other note: For this list, the final word on who is on the NXT roster is WWE's own website, which fails to reflect a lot of recent debuts and reported trades. (Top Dolla and Mandy Rose aren't listed as NXT performers, but Veer/Rinku still is.) Anyone who isn't listed on the official roster, but has wrestled on NXT or 205 Live in the past 30 days, will be noted in italics.
Men's singles division - heels
Kyle O'Reilly (34)
Dexter Lumis (37)
Cameron Grimes (27)
Kushida (38) (NXT cruiserweight champion)
Drake Maverick (38)
Men's singles division - heels
Karrion Kross (36) (NXT men's champion)
Adam Cole (32)
Johnny Gargano (33)
LA Knight (38) ("million dollar champion")
Santos Escobar (37)
Ridge Holland (33)
Roderick Strong (38)
Austin Theory (24)
Unranked: Andre Chase (32), Carmelo Hayes (27), Duke Hudson (32), Grayson Waller (31), Guru Raaj (26?), Ikemen Jiro (28), Joe Gacy (33), Josh Briggs (?), Odyssey Jones (27), Trey Baxter (24)
We can begin to see NXT's age issue right here. All of the top male wrestlers are over 30, except Grimes and Theory, who are both playing lackeys right now. A lot of these guys are over 35, which isn't old, but doesn't fit the narrative of NXT being the future. Guys like Lumis, Kushida, Maverick, Knight, Escobar, and Strong are not here because they're being groomed for the main roster. They're here because they'd be misfits on the main roster.
I am not saying the over-35 crowd on NXT is going to be released. (The 2021 releases have been remarkably difficult to predict.) But if the reports are true, and WWE wants to refocus NXT on youth, then I would expect an "up or out" mentality, where the older talent is moved to Raw or Smackdown to sink or swim.
Most of the twenty-somethings here are new to the roster, slotted into the Breakout Tournament or backfilling the 205 Live mainstays who got cut. And even then, it seems only one of those newcomers (Baxter) is under 25. Chances are he'll be 30 before he gets a real push on the main roster. WWE's process makes it very hard to promote someone like Jungle Boy, which has been a huge opening for AEW.
Men's tag team division - babyfaces
Top Dolla (31) & Ashante Adonis (31)
Timothy Thatcher (38) & Tommaso Ciampa (36)
Men's tag team division - heels
Pete Dunne (27) & Oney Lorcan (35)
Raul Mendoza (29) & Joaquin Wilde (34)
Fabian Aichner (31) & Marcel Barthel (31)
Grizzled Young Veterans - Zack Gibson (30) & James Drake (28)
Aichner and Barthel are still listed on WWE.com as NXT UK guys, even though they've wrestled exclusively in Florida for over a year.
This division is a bit lopsided due to the champions, Wes Lee and Nash Carter, being out of action lately. In the meantime, the main storylines have been Isaiah Scott & Dolla & Adonis vs. Santos Escobar & Mendoza & Wilde and Thatcher & Ciampa vs. Lorcan & Dunne & Ridge Holland. It doesn't even seem like anyone's even pursuing the tag title, so maybe it's just as well that the champions have been absent.
Going back to the age thing, Ciampa, Thatcher, and Lorcan are all in that range where WWE may be re-evaluating what they're doing here, or at least what they're doing in the minor league. I know Ciampa talked a lot about preferring to spend his career in NXT, but a lot has gone down since then, and that goal may not be plausible except as a player/coach.
Women's singles division - babyfaces
Raquel Gonzalez (30) (NXT women's champion)
Ember Moon (32)
Sarray (25)
Women's singles division - heels
Dakota Kai (33)
Xia Li (33)
Unranked: Aliyah (26), Gigi Dolin (24), Jacy Jayne (?)
Women's tag team division - babyfaces
Kayden Carter (33) & Kacy Catanzaro (31)
Women's tag team division - heels
Franky Monet (37) & Jessi Kamea (32)
For a long time it was rare to see women wrestlers make it in WWE past age 30, so it's been good to see the company move away from that with women like Franky Monet and Mercedes Martinez. Then again, Martinez just got cut yesterday. Ever since WWE brought back John Laurinitis (who infamously scouted female talent by perusing lingerie catalogs), there's been a lot of concern that the "divas revolution"/"women's revolution" is getting rolled back. And it's telling that the NXT women who've been getting dark match tryouts have tended to be under 30.
No TV matches in 30 days
Boa (26?)
Brian Kendrick (42)
Candice LeRae (35)
Indi Hartwell (24)
Io Shirai (31) (NXT tag team champion)
Isaiah Scott (30) (NXT North American champion)
Nash Carter (27) (NXT men's tag team champion)
Samoa Joe (42)
Saurav (37)
Wes Lee (26) (NXT men's tag team champion)
Zoey Stark (27) (NXT women's tag team champion)
For whatever reason major NXT acts like LeRae & Hartwell, Lee & Carter, Scott, and Shirai & Stark have not been in the ring lately. It could just be a timing issue. Although I think it's striking that almost all of NXT's champions have not wrestled at all in the past 30 days.
Samoa Joe, of course, has been brought back to build up a big grudge match with NXT's top champion, Karrion Kross. Given that Kross has been called up to Raw, where there is no interest in presenting him as an unstoppable badass, it's almost guaranteed that a 42-year-old is going to win the NXT title from a 36-year-old who already couldn't last two minutes with 43-year-old Jeff Hardy. So if NXT is going to refocus on younger talent, I think we can expect some drastic, monumental changes, going all the way to the top.
It's baffling to me that Kendrick and Saurav have survived the past 18 months of cuts. Not that I want them to be cut, of course. But they're both never used and getting up there in years, which is a bad combination in this company. I keep thinking Kendrick must have become an agent or a producer or something, but I've never seen anyone report that.
Danny Burch (39) (right shoulder - separation)
Nobody ever reported that Burch needed surgery for his shoulder, so I'm optimistic that he'll be back before too long. Of course, nowadays even being injured isn't enough to protect people from getting released.
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onisiondrama · 4 years
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(Note: I’m not repeating stories he’s told before and just putting them in parenthesis. I have a lot more videos to go until I’m caught up so that would save me a lot of time. If he gives details I never heard from him before, I will type those.) 
“Women Who Run With Wolves” Speaks, September 21, 2020
- Says someone came to his forum and said the stories of the 6 women who are accusing him are immaculate. He questions what 6 women. - Say there were 3 women he dated. Says he dated Shiloh 10 years ago until she got pregnant with another man’s baby. Then his husband Kai stepped in and they’ve been married 8 years. They were in one serious poly relationship, Billie. The other they weren’t serious about because they were sexually extorted. - Says he was told Adam was just Regina dressed up as a guy. There was a shadow over Adam’s face. He says you’d say that’s insane, why would a “victim” (hand quote) dress up as a dude so they could be on Hansen’s show twice and get clout twice? [This must be the video this screen shot was taken from. edit: it was from “You Are Your Own Worst Enemy”] He tells viewers to watch the footage of each interview and compare.  - Says Regina is someone with a 2 year age gap with Kai, so there’s no potential for something weird there. Says he (James) never spoke to or met Regina. He says he heard Regina and Shiloh were ripped apart on lolcow or 4chan, says just like everyone else who is mentally whack. Says apparently Regina pretended to be a transgender person. Again, says study the footage and compare Regina and Adam. - Says Luxymoo was 20-something when he had a conversation with her. Says he told her he needed someone to keep Kai company while he was working, so if she wanted to date Kai that’s fine. He says he told her he (James) doesn’t have to be part of the relationship. Says she’s a “victim” (hand quote) even though he never met her. - (Lists Shiloh’s lies during their relationship.) Says he only calls Shiloh crazy because Sarah is not as nutzo as Shiloh and Billie is not as nutzo as Sarah. Billie is the most mentally sound, even though she’s vindictive and has anger problems. - Says Maya was debunked hard. He says he posted her texts about how into him she was and how she was sorry and wanted to try again. He says he asked her out and kissed her on the lips when she said yes. [He puts his hands up] “Sorry, I guess I wasn’t supposed to do that.” [in a mocking tone.] Says she got mad at him because he asked to pick her up and carry her to the other room so they could play VR and she said yes. Says she was 24 at the time. - Says you guys don’t care about the actual facts. You say children, but there were no children involved. - Says a normal accusation is someone kept me in a cage and sprayed me with a hose, but you guys believe the most ridiculous nonsense and the mob thinks it all makes sense. “He’s a masterful kisser after asker-outer.” [mocking tone again] - Says he feels like the people he broke up with all together and tried to imprison him. The FBI, Hansen, the cops, Shiloh all didn’t work out for you. - [Insults anti-o’s for a while, says they’re “mentally retarded” and deserve disability benefits among other things] - [insults his exes, the usual shit he says in all of his video] - He shows his computer monitors and says he does computer work all day. He asks how does he has the time [he changes his thought, but I think he was implying he doesn’t have the time to date women.] He says people think if they have a pussy, they can woo him. Men and women tried to collaborate with him on Only Fans. He asks why would he do that if he doesn’t know them? He says “no” to them because he only has sex when he’s in love with someone or if he’s being essentially raped. Says he also had sex when he was in rebound mode and that sucked. He said they were both 26. - Says he knows how it feels to be duped by Shiloh. He was duped by her for a year even though he knew she was lying. - Says Nicholas DeOrio acts like a white knight and thinks people with vaginas can do no wrong. Says he tried to tell DeOrio (Shiloh lied about being knocked out story). - He says Shiloh told him there was a guy who abducted and raped her in his basement for weeks. He says he just realized he got mad at Ricegum when he asked a girl if getting raped hurt because he (James) asked Shiloh that too, but not the same way. “Was it always torture for you?” She told him sometimes your body betrays you, but she ever enjoyed what he did. He says he didn’t know why he asked and says he was an idiot, 24 at the time. He says he doesn’t know if that really happened, but one time she said she saw her kidnapper a block away. James said he’ll beat the crap out of him if he’s a rapist, but she said no and that they needed to go. Says it was near a Korean BBQ in crowded downtown Toronto. He says it might have been close to where the into to one of the Saw movies was recorded. Says there was also a music store and a costume store so you guys can look at the maps and find out where he was. Says he likes to be transparent and no matter how many times you ask him questions he’ll always give the same answers. - Says you literally reported him to the cops with a LeafyIsHere video. Teenagers think just because you have an opinion of someone, you can cancel them and ruin their life. - Says he didn’t meet these people. Says he met Maya and he gives a sarcastic apology for kissing her. Says she didn’t complain about it right after. He went downstairs and made her breakfast after he kissed her.
“Onision Is The New Johnny Depp“ Speaks, September 22, 2020
- Says people tried to deplatform him when this all started. Says that’s weird because if someone was guilty, you’d want them to talk as much as possible. Unless you were the one hiding something. He says it would be weird for someone who talks as much as him to go quiet. - (Hansen is a fraud, he made a lot of money off of alleged victims) - Says there’s an alleged show that’s asking commentary Youtubers to be on. They weren’t there. How desperate are they? Asks if you watched a documentary and thought how great would it be if that random commentary Youtuber was in it? Says they didn’t even ask the guy who the show is about for comment. - Asks where all the funds go for the TV show. Asks if people are paid to be pretend victims. - Tells his audience to compare Regina and Adam again. Said a Hansen insider [Vincent? lmao] told him they were the same person. He says he already suspected it, but the insider told him without him asking. Says it’s demented and crazy to go on a show twice pretending to be two different people. Says it’s said Regina’s a hardcore drug user and it might have fried their brain. Says he doesn’t know and Regina should speak about it. - Says he was told the people he dumped had a falling out.  - Says he tried to work things out with Billie after, but she said “haha f-you.” Says Billie dumped Kai once in a car. - Says it’s clear the show is not for justice. If you want justice, you go to the police or get a lawyer. If you want clout, you go on a livestream or a TV show, start a Venmo, promote your album, Only Fans, etc. - Says if it was all true, there’s still no crime. It also alienates everyone else he ever dated. - Someone said “good morning to everyone but Onision.” He says so you just said hello to Hitler? - He says if a 19-year-old dude goes after a 16-year-old, people call him a pedo, but that’s not a pedo. Says it’s fine in a lot of states with the Romeo and Juliet laws. - Says people were paying attention to him because they thought he was melting down. He gave them what they wanted and he posted the bloopers to prove it. Says he made a good amount of money off of those fake meltdown videos and it was fun for him. - Says he never met the MySpace dude who went on Hansen. Never met the girl who said her friend died because of his video. Says so many people went on the show acting like experts and he has no idea who they are. - Says Maya said she never liked him and he proved her wrong with her texts. She came out, he posts the texts, she walks away. Says she re-invented the past. Says she needs to get her head checked. People do things like this when they have mental illness. They are trying to be a victim. He says that’s a common BPD thing, but he doesn’t know if she has that. - Says the commentary channels are just as bad as these fake me too’s because they make money off of the situation. Money is the root of all evil and if you follow they money, you’ll see the patterns. If they pretend to be heroes, why don’t they support charity? - He says if the company who is making the show has a lot of money, he can sue them. If you watch all his videos and aren’t mentally ill, it’s beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is nonsense. - Someone asked why he made this the theme of this channel. He says people won’t drop it and let him move on. He won’t stop fighting for the truth, even if it drives his channel into the ground. - (They are framing him because he dumped them.) - Says someone walked in on his video and he had to cut it. - Says Shiloh’s been stalking him for 10 years. She told him even if he was married with kids, she’d show up on his doorstep. She said they when they were listening to an Adele song. He says that’s mental illness. Says she contacted Kai. Tells her to move on, why are you obsessed? - Says if you were being honest, why would you not show up on a show? Says if they don’t want to collect money, they can donate it to charity. He says they’re already in too deep because they collected money. He tells the show, Edwin, Repzion, and Hansen to donate to TWLOHA if they care about actual victims. - He says using me too to get money is a guaranteed gateway to hell. Says real victims don’t want to report it because they don’t want to talk about it or see their abuser again. Says they were obsessively talking about him. Says he heard Sarah was playing a drinking game while watching his videos. He says she wasn’t really his ex because she sexually extorted him when she was an adult. Says she’s a rapist and she admitted it. She was beyond 18 by some time. - Says it’s sad there’s no consolation prize for him for being framed and sexually extorted. Says a creepy old man showed up to his house, he was egged the next day, people tired to swat him, tried to commit perjury against him to get his channels taken down. People think he’s disgusting even though he’s innocent, like Johnny Depp. If you have a taste in crazy women, you’re doomed. - Says he’s forever socially tainted with the lies of others. The silver lining is he can tell his viewers to avoid relationships with people who pretend to be victims. He tried to save Shiloh and Sarah. Shiloh faked a rape, car accident, pregnancy. Sarah said she was beat by her mom and raped. - Says Shiloh implied she started talking to him when she was 16. He says that’s not true, unless she emailed him. Says he got a lot of emails. Says she made a comment that he only paid attention to her because she was a Canadian popstar. He says that’s true and he only emailed her back because it was good for his career. He said it wasn’t about her age and that’s why Kai lied about his age. Kai knew if he didn’t lie about his age, James would have stopped talking to him. By the time James found out the truth, he already fell for him. It was legal. Says there’s taboo and there’s the law. - Says a dude can stab 20 people, but people will still just make videos and a documentary about how he broke up with a girl for being a criminal.  - Says he can’t trust anyone anymore. Sarah told him she’d never be like Billie or Shiloh and they were evil. She would up being them. Says Sarah was the most criminal of them all and bragged about it on twitter. He asks if they’ll include that on the documentary.
14 notes · View notes
danwhobrowses · 3 years
WWE Wrestlemania 37 Day 1 - Review
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Big Card, Not so big build
But it is that time of the year, we Stood, we Delivered, and now we shall Showcase for the Grandest Stage of them All
I got hyped for it by watching Bret vs Owen so I do have expectations, I haven't been spoiled too much save for the Main Event and the fact that there was storms that delayed the event, I dunno if they cut that content but we shall see Note: I am gonna bold who I predicted to win per match as well just to show how right/wrong I was
Spoilers for Wrestlemania Night 1, You Have Been Warned
Pre-Show The opening panel was not so great; Booker (with a captain Hook moustache), JBL, Lawler and Rosenberg, bunch of contrarian drivel really and trying to make Braun/Shane out like it deserves on the card just doesn't sit with me, that match robbed a potential Father/Son Tag Title Victory for the Mysterios (I know the Dirty Dawgs won on SD but I feel like they wouldn't have retained if it were Mania). Most of the promo packages were good at the least since they can cut out all the shoddy booking decisions and act like some stars were underbooked over the past year. I will say though, selling BelAir and Banks as 'the first time a women's singles match has main evented Wrestlemania' is a bit of a slight on the triple threat - which would've been 1v1 if Vinny didn't want to be adamant in adding more feathers to Charlotte's peahen plumage - it was still a singles match, sometimes WWE's desire for 'first time evers' are a bit insufferable. Also this is not 'the most important match of Cesaro's career', that is a terrible thing to say about a non-title match revolving around Rollins feeling embarrassed. The Hall of Fame recap was a mixed bag as well, mainly because I disagreed with some of the inductions and the way they tried to sell them bigger than what they are, but I was glad for some - Liger, Bulldog, Molly Holly, Kane...still waiting on Lillian and Andy Kaufman to get inducted though. Sonya also popped up to promote the tag turmoil and retreading the main event, she was super natural and should've been on the whole panel, or in the ring. Sonya's talents are wasted right now.
No Match though! An Hour of Recap lacked any entertainment seeing as we'd see all these promo packages again on the main card. So overall this was entirely skippable.
Main Card...Delayed Vince opened the event to address the crowd, which was kinda nice actually. It was a much more inclusive introduction than just having someone singing America the Beautifu-oh they're still doing tha-boooooooobs! It's also kinda weird looking at the roster not even on the card on the stage, like this is their only contribution for the entire year...
The intro package was a big obnoxious too, dude does an okay Jack Sparrow accent but it kinda went on a bit long, 10 minutes into the main show and there's no wrestling y'know?
Byron out with a super white suit as well, looking like Liberace as weather warnings echoed the arena, with news that it'll be worse tomorrow I hope that arena has a roof. With the delay WWE pulled with interviews, Big E even showed up to join his New Day buddies. Cole's 'Wrestlerainia' did not land and Braun saying 'I'm fighting for everyone whose been bullied' doesn't land either, we had this story with Nia and Alexa years ago. I also hate 'Herstory', like the literal word I hate it, History has adapted well beyond gender. Sure, it evolved from the Greek Histor which means 'wise' or 'a learned man' but the His is not the agent noun, the Tor is, and it's a gender neutral noun, if it were a Latin root then it'd be masculine but its root is Ancient Greek - there's your Etymology lesson for tonight.
The irony though, the moment fans get back in the arena they have to come back out because of rain.
Main Card - This Time Around Titus and Hulk came out as hosts to ramp up the crowd, it was kinda uncomfortable in context really, plus we don't need a third rundown of the card. Reminder that those in bold was who I earlier predicted to win.
WWE Championship - Bobby Lashley [w/MVP] (c) def. Drew McIntyre (Ref Stoppage Submission via Hurt Lock) Starting hot with the World title match again, bit odd to see Lashley do his point pose on the ramp and no pyro, but both men fixed their eyes on each other and barely looked away. Their history goes beyond WWE after all, not that the commentary would tell you. The did come out with a ton of falsities though, I know the WWE Championship was at several times the most prestigious belt in wrestling but not all the time in that 60 years, Big Gold Belt, IWGP and 10 Pounds of Gold had times too, AEW also can tout that, but Cole's most baffling claim was that you'd need to win it to be a Hall of Famer - on the same year Bulldog who never won a world title was inducted. No quick draw like last year, the match started with some meat slapping, Drew even gesturing a fuck you with the Bras d'honneur to Lashley after knocking him down. Both men would trade blows and advantage, Drew almost locking an armbreaker but Lashley clubbing free - very weird camera cutting there. Lashley hit 2 throws and a neckbreaker to regain the advantage, he didn't get the Futureshock but he hit a nice Northern Lights Suplex. Lashley hit his newer version of the Dominator and an Uranage but both only kept Drew down for 2, he almost got the Hurt Lock as Drew fought back with some blows and a front-facing Alabama Slam, he tried a superplex but Lashley fought out, tried a kimura but got knocked down, so he went for the Tree of Woe throw he does. Lashley gets him with another Uranage but Drew kips up, belly to belly, Futureshock, Futureshock, Futureshock! 1, 2, No! Drew calls for the Claymore but Lashley rolls out, MVP coming late, Drew then does a Tope onto both. He goes up top but almost gets caught with the Hurt Lock, an Exploder and a Flatliner puts Lashley in the driver's seat, he tries for the Hurt Lock again but is driven into the Turnbuckle, Drew then locks in the Kimura but Lashley gets to the ropes. After trading shots Lashley lands into a boot and a headbutt, Drew looks for the Claymore but MVP shouts to distract him, allowing Lashley to dodge and get the Hurt Lock in, Drew tried to fight back, tried to roll out of it by kicking the turnbuckle but Lashley cinched it in tight, fading, fading, and the ref calls the bell.
A very good opener this one, big men slapping meat can hardly go wrong. Not too many false finishes either and MVP only psyches Drew out rather than got fully involved. It was right for Drew to fade rather than tap too. First prediction wins, I did think it was a risk but I expected it because WWE had sold the idea that they wanted Drew to win in front of a crowd, but he had held the title for most of the year, so I anticipated the swerve. Still, we didn't have to break up the Hurt Business for this, hopefully Lashley gets more time to shine.
As Lashley celebrated with some strange camera switching we moved to Titus, the NWO and a Bayley segment. Bayley trying to sell her Ding Dong Hello and being denied some Two Sweets, a huge waste of Bayley's talents especially with the year she has had.
Tag Team Turmoil for a shot at the WWE Women's Tag Championship on Night 2 - Natalya & Tamina def. Naomi & Lana, the Riott Squad [Liv Morgan & Ruby Riott], Billie Kay & Carmella and Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose (pinfall by Tamina on Ruby Riott via Superfly Splash) Props to Billie Kay selling the lack of cohesion in her and Carmella's entrance as they started the match against Lana & Naomi. Naomi started with the advantage but it was traded to Carmella when Lana was tagged in, then to Billie, then back to Naomi. A double facebuster flattens Billie but Carmella breaks the pin, after Carmella throws Lana out Billie rolls up Naomi - who is also strengthened by Carmella lying on the floor but using her feet to keep Billie up right - for 3, eliminating that team. Naomi is not happy, as she should be that was a huge waste, as the Riott Squad come in. Sporting Suicide Squad Joker (Ruby) & Harley (Liv) outfits, the Riott Squad start hot but are foiled by Carmella's tag. Liv is the feeder to Carmella and Billie's combos, they try the same rollup trick but they are caught by the ref, Carmella's dumped allowing Liv to hit a codebreaker and hold Billie down for Ruby's senton for the 3, the two embrace but Carmella superkicks Liv as Dana & Manda arrive in pink, Mandy humorously slipping on the ramp did not go unmissed. With Liv taken out Ruby tried to fight alone, Dana hits a top rope blockbuster but Liv comes back to break the pin. Dana hits a spinning neckbreaker and tags Mandy in, a pin for 2 by Ruby opens the door for Liv to be tagged in, a Codebreaker/Riott Kick combo lands but the pin is broken by Dana. Cole accidentally calls Mandy 'Dana' as she rallies, Dana comes back to dump Ruby out as they land the Superplex/Swanton combo on Liv, Mandy pulls Ruby from making the save but Liv reverses the pin for 3. The announcer then wrongly says that the Riott Squad were eliminated and has to be corrected, making you think this wasn't the plan. Natalya and Tamina pick up the scraps, Natalya tries a Sharpshooter but gets rolled up for 2, she drops Liv onto the ropes and tags Tamina in. Natalya hits a powerbomb but Ruby breaks the pin before being dumped out by Tamina again. Liv fights both women enough for Ruby to tag in, an assisted spear on Tamina leads to the Codebreaker/Senton combo but it hits for 2. They set up the Codebreaker/Riott Kick but Tamina yanks Riott away and superkicks Liv. Natalya returns to hit the Hart Attack on Ruby, looks to set up the Sharpshooter but instead tells Tamina to take point, Superfly Splash gets the win. The champions look on on a monitor at their opponents.
A bit of a mixed bag this one, the wrestling was clean but I think external botching brought it down, as well as questionable booking decisions. Naomi is a multi-time champion she should not be pinned so quickly. I did again correctly predict Nattie and Tamina, but I personally wanted the Riott Squad to win, it was the Heyman dressing down that motivated me to pick the Daughter Combo - also weird that they acknowledge Tamina's heritage given what Superfly did. The Riotts at least got a great showing, the finish took a bit of a long time considering that all Liv took from them was a superkick and was out for 2 minutes, hopefully this'll inspire booking to push them which is well overdue. As for Tamina and Natalya, heel vs heel is a tough one, they didn't look like babyfaces here and while I do have them to win the titles this was not a good look for their chances.
Cesaro def. Seth Rollins (pinfall via Neutralizer) Seth entered the ring with a homage to the Andre OBEY print on his tights, followed by his Cesaro smear ad, then Cesaro in a weird choice of just a black jacket as well as black and yellow tights similar to his Wrestlemania XXX attire.
Cesaro starts with a huge uppercut and setting up the Swing, but Seth wriggles out, tries a big boot but Cesaro hits the Dragon Screw and tries for the swing again, but fails again. Cesaro gets a corkscrew springboard uppercut but Seth hurts his arm on the ropes, he gets an uppercut as Seth climbs on the turnbuckle but he kinda didn't get all of it. Going for an Avalanche Gutwrench Suplex, Seth rolls out into a Buckle Bomb for 2, Seth then preys on the arm, Cesaro's arm prevents a rally as Seth hits the Superplex/Falcon Arrow combo for 2. Cesaro flurries with uppercuts, he tries the swing but Rollins keeps countering, first a rollup then going to ropes followed by an Enzugiri, when he tries the Stomp though Cesaro gets the swing, 9 spins causes the arm to give way but he locks in the Sharpshooter (probably why Natalya couldn't/wouldn't do it last match), Rollins gets to the ropes and powers out of the Neutralizer, knee strike and a sling blade sets up for a Corkscrew Frog Splash for 2. Seth sets up the Ripcord Knee but gets lifted into a Neutralizer! 1, 2, No! (Commentary saying again 'and now Cesaro begins to doubt himself), Cesaro tries it again but lands into a Pedigree! 1, 2, No!
Seth gloats surviving both of Cesaro's big moves, clubbing the back of Cesaro's head with his hand and then his leg as he prepares a stomp, Cesaro then hits the uppercut, UFO! Gestures for the Swing and gets it! 23 Rotations, Neutralizer, 3!
That's what I'm talking about! Indy Darling match with some great spots, good crowd involvement and a proper babyface win. Cesaro thanks the crowd as they cheer him on, Seth did show some great creativity which I kinda hoped Cesaro would but it was a small thing in otherwise a great match. I guessed with my heart on this one unlike the Tag Team Turmoil, because of my Universal Title plans really, Cesaro has been given the chance to earn the push we all know he deserves and he's took it, now we can push him further.
Post-match they recapped the AMBR and 4-Way, bit off to say 'Veteran Experience pays off' when Rey was the most experienced of them all, also the 4-Way should've been on the mania card and the tag turmoil on SD. They interviewed the Dirty Dawgs to talk the Raw Tag titles, which was a bit rough to see, it's clear what the pecking order is in Vince's mind.
Raw Tag Championships - AJ Styles & Omos def. New Day [Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston] (c) (pinfall by Omos on Kofi via Double-Handed Chokeslam TITLE CHANGE) Annoyingly the Champions came out first, but they were introduced by Big E, a Fusion Dance hologram graphic paired with their entrance as they came out in Red to rep the Tampa Bay Bucs in what would've been their 2020 attire, cheekily the 2020's last 0 was scribbled out and a 1 added. Blue trumpet though, couldn't recolour that. AJ and Omos came together too but no matching attire, Omos looked like he was going for dinner. AJ also looked like he stumbled a bit at the start.
Kofi goaded AJ into starting the match rather than Omos, leading to some liquid sequences from both former WWE Champions, each respectively rolling out of an SOS and Calf Crusher. After a back body drop Kofi stared down an unimpressed Omos, then twerked which hurt my soul. Kinda heelishly, Xavier tripped up AJ when a throat chop gave him a reprieve, leading to them keeping AJ in the corner, including the Unicorn Stomp as Omos continued to look unimpressed. Against Xavier AJ tried to drag him to his corner, but cannot get to Omos' halfhearted reaching. A team bulldog only gets 1 though. Kofi then continues to block the corner so AJ goes out of the ring to run around, only to be intercepted by Xavier. AJ continues to try and get to Omos, even being flattened by a splash by Kofi, when setting up their finisher though AJ elbows Kofi away, a visual exchange between the now free AJ and the top-turnbuckle Xavier preludes AJ finally tagging in Omos, Xavier frightened as Omos finally has a smile on his face. The 7'3 giant no sells Xavier's and Kofi's offense, charging into both on either turnbuckle, then a backbreaker to both. AJ then jumped over Omos to hit the Phenomenal Forearm to deal with Woods, Omos hit a two-handed chokeslam then pinned Kofi with one foot for the titles.
I didn't like this match's narrative, the wrestling was fine but the story wasn't done so well. For one, New Day acted more like the heels by bullying AJ and keeping him cornered, for second, Omos didn't really 'wrestle' he just no sold and did 3 safe moves and third, New Day are 11 time tag champions, Kofi a former world champion and they pinned him like that. Disrespect. The fact that the SD Tag Titles are second fiddle to a match where it's just AJ Styles plus the Great Khali, and that's Raw's Division right now, Two Thirds of New Day and this mismatch. This only highlights the severe lack of depth and WWE's booking hypocrisy. Next time you read about a 5 foot something wrestler not getting a title or a push because they're 'too green' or 'can't talk' remember that Omos won the tag titles on his debut match after doing a backbreaker, a turnbuckle tackle and a double handed chokeslam.
Humorous though is that WWE cut to a cringy Corbin ad break just as AJ was falling off of Omos' shoulders, I saw that WWE. We also cut to Sasha preparing for the match as the cage began to lower.
Steel Cage Match - Braun Strowman def. Shane McMahon (pinfall via Running Powerslam) The apathy for this match remains high considering that Shane showed up a couple months ago to steal a card slot from someone who could've been wrestling all year. Shane enters in his usual way, Braun with blinding fog and a train sound effect, cringy commentary as well as Shane keeps the door shut. Elias and Ryker soften Braun with chairs, attacking the legs and gifting Shane a chair who unloads on his grounded opponent. Once he feels he's done enough he tries to leave by the door, but Braun pulls him away, he tries to climb over the cage but gets pulled away, Braun declaring that he won't escape. Shane does his tacky jabs dodging Braun's wide swings, he tries to climb out again but Braun grabs him, but there's a planted piece of sheet metal that he uses as a weapon. After a 1 count Shane tried to escape through the door but fails, Braun decides to throw Shane into the cage walls, opening Shane to be struck by his blows and sandwiched between the cage walls, the leg gives out before the powerslam allowing Shane to ram Braun into the cage wall and DDT him, Coast to Coast gets 2 and Elias and Ryker climb the cage, hoping to pull Shane over, but Braun tackles the cage wall to knock everyone off. Shane makes the climb again but Braun is gripping onto him, bags are planted on the corners of the cage as Shane cracks Braun with a toolbox, as Shane celebrates he gets his leg over, he waves his hand through the cage at Braun but he grabs it, peeling off the cage wall to pull Shane back inside. Braun considers leaving but pulls Shane to the top of the cage, throwing Shane to the ring floor. Braun shouts at Shane, hits the running powerslam for 3.
It's good to be wrong here, though when I predicted Shane to win it was more a Pyrrhic win like being sent through a cage wall - because the build had Braun foolishly act like cage matches never have interference. This was a match, Shane planting weapons and using Elias and Ryker to prove himself 'smart' and Braun just powers out of it, the ripping the cage wall to drag Shane back in was a good spot - if not overly convenient since Shane could've dropped and gloated after - but it didn't need to be Wrestlemania.
Bayley comes back this time to the announcers table, bullying Cole out of his seat, but she's made to look stupid since Byron of all people tell her that they're waiting for the Hall of Famers, the HOF package happens again and the inductees able to attend appear on the stage, graphics of those who couldn't on the screen, NWO get their own entrance though with the NWO-painted Big Gold belt, bit unnecessary really they have enough spotlight.
Stone Cold announces the next mania in Texas in the AT&T Stadium, Booker then joins the announcer's table.
Bad Bunny & Damian Priest def. Miz and John Morrison (Pinfall by Bad Bunny on Miz via Crossbody/Electric Chair combo) A bunch of men dressed as bunnies hop into the ring before Miz and Morrison lipsync their diss track entrance. After the promo package Damian Priest makes his entrance, wearing the HBK Bondage shirt and sporting the purple, Bad Bunny appears atop of a Monster Truck in a pre-recorded segment with a lot of camera cuts, leading into the live version, looking like Rufus from Bill and Ted.
Miz and Morrison goad Bad Bunny to start the match so Priest tags him in, Miz mocks Bunny for a free shot and gets floored with a blow, waistlock and another punch, after a brief flurry Miz slows Bunny down but then gets caught with an arm drag, a toehold and a roll up for 2. Morrison attempts to snap Miz out of his frustration, but every offense he gets Bad Bunny comes back, this time with a spinning headscissors. Morrison's tagged in but gets headbutted, a 'bunny hop' jumping elbow, Miz's cheap shot leads to some heat feeding as Miz does some mocking bunny hops. He rolls over Miz for 2 but gets flattened with a boot, Morrison punishes Bunny on the announcer's table who then does a Spinaroonie while they continue to punish Bunny and incite Priest. Bunny gets a tornado DDT to open up the Hot Tag who cleans up house with strikes - more annoying camera cuts though. Chokeslam only gets 2 because Morrison breaks the count, Bunny comes in and both men hit stereo Falcon Arrows, both for 2, Priest does a tope, Bunny crossbodies from the top corner. Priest sets up his finish but gets caught with a Skull Crushing Finale, 1, 2, Bunny breaks the pin. Back into his corner Morrison tries to keep Bunny from being tagged, but Bunny hits a Canadian Destroyer onto Morrison on the outside of the ring, Miz and Priest awestruck. Priest sets up the Electric Chair, Bunny crossbodies and that's 3.
I may not know who Bad Bunny is, or particularly like his music, but he definitely meets the standards of the work celebrity guests should put in if they wanna be booked for a match. Bad Bunny did far much more spots than Omos, granted his punches flooring Miz was a bit unbelievable but overall he shone in an entertaining match, I feel bad for Miz and Morrison really, Miz was WWE champion about a month ago for a week and Morrison left at the top of Impact and AAA to come back for this? Maybe if he pairs up with his wife he'll get the booking he deserves. Also don't really know why Booker needed to be there on the announcer's table, aside from one mock spot and a GI Bro mention he didn't influence the match at all
SD Women's Championship - Bianca BelAir def. Sasha Banks (c) (Pinfall via KOD TITLE CHANGE!) And so comes the Main Event, the Royal Rumble winner comes out a sparkly EST outfit with tassels, Sasha with a black and neon green attire that definitely stood out. More shoddy camera cutting though kinda upset the flow of the entrance.
On Pre-Show - 'These two are in the Main Event regardless of Race, Regardless of Gender' On Main Event - 'For the first time two black women are having a title match on the main event at Wrestlemania' ...poor form WWE. Especially since you followed this with a Snickers plug.
The Bell rings as there are close ups on an emotional Bianca, duelling chants from the crowd as Sasha overpowers BelAir, leading her to kip up and get her own advantage, almost landing the KOD early. BelAir's power catches most of Banks' assault so she opts for counter-wrestling, she looks to count BelAir out but then decides for a Suicide Dive, but BelAir catches her and presses her back up the stairs and into the ring. Dropkick by Sasha gets 2, Bianca hits a powerslam but her handspring moonsault is blocked by Sasha yanking at the hair, using it as leverage to drive her knee into BelAir's head, Shining Wizard only gets 2. When Banks tries the knees in the corner she's planted with an Uranage, she tries to yank Bianca's hair into the corner post but Bianca powers her into it instead, a barricade crossbody also misses but the count is up to 6, both women roll in, BelAir uses an inside cradle to momentum herself up to a Vertical Suplex position, she slingshots 2 of the sides but Banks struggles, Bianca powers her back up but Sasha struggles again, BelAir powers again and lands the suplex but it takes a lot out of her. After clotheslining Sasha who was pulling on her hair, BelAir flurries with strikes and a running shooting star, Glam Slam hits but Sasha gets the knees up for the 450. The two trade pins and BelAir hits the Powerbomb for 2, she tries again but Sasha goes for a facebuster, Double Rotation Tornado DDT gets 2 for Sasha, a clunky Frog Splash which might've been a Meteora that Bianca was out of position for hits BelAir but only has 2, Sasha starts getting frustrated and goes for the arm, snaps it against the ropes then throws BelAir into the steps, she goes for the Bank Statement, wrapping Bianca's hair around her arm for added leverage, she tries to rebound off the ropes but Bianca rolls back to rope break, Sasha yanks the hair between the rope and stomps on her hair in frustration but this gets Bianca angry, she sets up a Superplex but is thrown off, she tries what looks like a Stratusfaction but gets locked into a Tree of Woe double stomp, Bianca avoids it and the running knee strike, landing the 450! 1, 2, No! Bianca freaks out, she was so sure that was it, but now the anger sets in, KOD set up but Sasha pulls the hair to right herself, Bianca cracks Sasha with her hair and tries again, but Sasha wriggles to try a Backstabber, Bianca escapes that, spins her around and lands the KOD, 1, 2, E.S.T.
A really good match from both women, met with a great ovation for Bianca. The match liked to prey on Bianca's hair a lot which may've been a little overdone, I would've liked to have seen it get a bit more than 18 minutes too. I predicted Sasha because I think Rhea's winning hers (I still do) and Sasha has once again yet to have a major Wrestlemania win, but I'm certainly not unhappy with BelAir - she put on a great performance here, especially with the fact that she fumbled her NXT Women's Title match against Baszler earlier, showing a lot more maturity and a strong face character to get behind. WWE should not have overdid the booking on this in the build but for the night, it is Bianca's night to close day one of WrESTlemania.
Conclusion NXT Stand and Deliver set a high bar for Wrestlemania to pull off, and for Night 1 at least I believe they definitely met it. There were a few downs, shoddy camerawork, non-wrestling botching and heavy mistreatment for Naomi, Bayley and the New Day but on the other hand we had great matches out of Cesaro, Bad Bunny and the other title matches including the main event, aside from the tag turmoil I'm not upset with the winners. Becky teased us with appearing before the show but it seems like it was a fakeout, was kinda hoping she'd be back but maybe it'll be Night 2
We will only find out on the night though, and there's a lot more to look forward to.
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