#Mobile Responsiveness.
mediaheights · 9 months
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Good Design. Among the first things on your task list is to design a good website. ...
A Clear Call To Action. ...
A Story Page. ...
Organic Search Ranking. ...
Social Proof. ...
Mobile Responsiveness.
Build your brand with digital media & take the benefits of social media branding contact Media Heights. By Mediaheightspr.com
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
pwease frostfur she’s my favorite girl ever i love her
im sorry brightheart ended up taking more focus but i couldnt resist drawing these two
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+textless version
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jewishbarbies · 3 months
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so apparently 30k alleged casualties of war is the exact same as the holocaust. you know, the event that wiped out the majority of europe’s jews. when there’s over 2 million people in gaza.
no one should be dying. however, to genuinely compare these events is completely removing the horrors of the holocaust for the sake of boiling it down to “a lot of people died”.
people were tortured. gassed. put in ovens. worked to death. starved. they had their homes and belongings taken and weren’t able to get them back if they survived. they were walking skeletons forced to build fucking volkswagens in factories. they were stripped of their citizenship and rounded up in CATTLE CARS like fucking animals. Israel sending aid, hamas seizing it, and palestinians starving is not Israel starving palestinians. hamas intentionally setting up bases in and beneath residential areas and hospitals is not Israel targeting houses and hospitals.
people should not be dying. but don’t you fucking dare invoke the horrific murder of MILLIONS of innocent jews in an attempt to rid the entire world of jews because you want a convenient gotcha to win a fucking argument so you’ll feel better about not doing anything helpful.
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there is a difference between “parentification” wherein you abdicate your fundamental responsibility to raise your younger children into well-rounded souls,
and older siblings doing the
basic, ancient sibling duty
of looking after their younger siblings
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stinkrascal · 1 month
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vladislaus inspo for this post
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picture 2 Victim: Please, let me go. I won't say anything.
picture 3 Nadia: I know, you won't. Soon, you won't have the tongue to speak. Helena: Hurry this up, Nadia. Y'all said this would be quick.
picture 4 Inessa: Aw, how precious. Don't tell me you're getting squeamish. Helena: Ain't nothing about being squeamish, I got things to do. Yakov: Those bastard students can wait! Inessa: Relax, we're having fun.
picture 5 Victim: Please, oh, God, please, just let me go. Marcellus: Hah! I love it when the meat squeals.
picture 6 Marcellus: Sing for me, piggy!
picture 7 Nadia: At ease, friend. Helena is right. Only children play with their food. Go on. Open the cage.
picture 8 Marcellus: So he lives! Vladislaus: Ugh.
picture 10 Marcellus: You've finally come out of your hole? Yakov: Hah! Must've been a great hole! Vladislaus: Ugh.
picture 11 Yakov: You missed a lively dinner, Vlad. You better make it to the next one, boy. Vladislaus: ... Yakov: Oh, apologies. I forgot you don't eat people, or whatever puritanical brainrot you're espousing this century.
picture 12 Inessa: I've missed you, pretty boy. When will you visit the parlor again? Frankie misses you. Vladislaus: Unhand me at once. Inessa: oh, and you're so gaunt. You need a proper meal.
picture 13 Helena: I'm leading the next hunt. You should join us. Vladislaus: You are leading? I thought—
picture 14 Helena: Things change, Vladislaus.
picture 15 Vladislaus: Stop pestering me, all of you. I have no time for antics. I must speak to the headmaster at once.
picture 16 Nadia: Where are your manners, my dear boy? Vladislaus: I am a grown man. Nadia: I know, darling—and look at how grown you are! Did you visit the wizards again? You look taller. Vladislaus: Ugh.
picture 17 Nadia: Always with your pouting. Why don't you try smiling, my dear? Vladislaus: I asked for a moment of your time, headmaster, not your condescension.
picture 18 Nadia: [ giggling ] Don't headmaster me, boy. Pardon us. This may take a while.
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seungs · 1 year
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Stray Kids – ‘Side Effects’ @ District 9: Unlock World Tour in Seoul
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bloodiegawz · 8 months
who tf is lilia
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ladybugboots · 2 years
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let me help you
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observethewalrus · 10 months
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Tumblr is getting rid of avatars and no longer showing where a reblog comes from in post headers to “afford more room for badges.”
I always felt kinda bad when I was gifted badges and then didn’t use them, cuz people spent actual money on them. So I’m asking, please do not gift me badges, or any other tumblr merch for that matter.
I threw them a bone last year and paid for the ad-free because the ads and blazed softcore porn on the app were infuriating, but I’m canceling it. They’re not getting anything from me anymore. I’ll have to switch back to using the Firefox mobile browser. Hopefully the new dash un-fuckers that are going around will work on mobile.
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hannah-the-small · 2 years
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//had some time at work this morning
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 9 months
Hey fairy boys, there's this joke I heard from somewhere. Did you know a frog can jump higher than a house?
Because a house can't jump.
“Wow. Sooo hilarious—“
“Pffft heeheeheeheehee-!”
“How? HOW do you find something that lame funny?!”
“B-Because it’s true!”
“Don’t question his sense of humor. It’ll save you a lot of time.”
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fromisgetsetreadyshow · 11 months
i can't believe they fixed all their problems with a rainbow laser show. calibarn really said gay people should have the power to explode things with their minds.
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altrdecho · 2 years
Noone wants to be Hunter Vanguard
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deoidesign · 1 month
hi i have a bit of an odd question and im so sorry if it comes off as rude at all!
ive seen a lot of your posts about canes, i have hEDS and chronic pain and im trying to convice my mom and my doctor to let me have a mobility aid. my mom is very adamant that i dont need a cane because i dont have balance issues, but my knees and ankles are pretty much always aching. i was just wondering if you think a cane would help with chronic pain or if i should look into other aids?
Canes can help chronic pain, they are not guaranteed to help you specifically
You can get a cane for ~$30 at most stores and try it out
A physical therapist and/or a specialist in rheum will most likely know more than your PCP about your specific pain and situation
Parents often don't want to admit their kids have health problems
I wish you luck
I won't be answering any more asks about mobility aids.
This is nothing about you specifically, you were not rude, I just get a lot of questions like this in my inbox. It becomes draining to get so many asks with people's personal vents about their medical issues or religious trauma or the homophobic situations they're living in.
While I would love if I could help people, I am not a doctor. I am not a therapist, I am not a social worker. I'm just a random artist on the internet who has EDS and is barely getting by myself.
I prefer to keep my blog about my art and about my work, not about my disability. It is relevant to my work, of course, and discussing my conditions in vague terms in how they relate to themes present in my work is more than okay, but I prefer this space to be dedicated to my work and getting to engage with my readers through my stories.
Personal information about my pain, my medications, my tests my doctors and my trauma are not things I want to make public.
Thank you for understanding.
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lunaetis · 3 months
[ this is an official semi-hiatus notice bc i think this week and upcoming week or two would be really demanding work-wise. i'm sure you guys can already notice the activity drop & lack of ic content on my end. work & stress had affected my writing mood & i hope to remedy that after the workload lighten a little in a week or two ! sorry for the delay & thank you for understanding ! ]
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tsukana · 7 months
oh uh. can someone watching forever catch me up on the situation and who forever talked to wrt the deal with bad? because rn etoiles and roier are (depressed and) talking to foolish and saying the deal was basically just forever and fit and not rly them? like. i think they wouldve agreed anyways out of how clear of a benefit it was to the team as a whole and i dont think theyd wanna get int he way of that but also its. kinda really sad the way they talked abt that
update for the maintag: yeah roier and etoiles were both there when the convo happened! them not being the most enthused abt it though is entirely understandable from any pov tbh because theyve been wanting to pvp bbh for like the past 3 days ToT
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