#Premium TV Experience
mahbubulalam-799 · 3 months
The Best “Samsung 43″ QLED 4K TV Review”
Welcome to my Physical Products The Best  “Samsung 43″ QLED 4K TV Review”.
I’M Mahbub an Affiliate Marketer. If you want to learn more about “Samsung 43″ QLED 4K TV   then Complete my informative “Samsung 43″ QLED 4K TV  Review “.
After I”ll share the price,discount and features  of this product.
Buy Now>>
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dolldefiler · 4 months
How I'd kidnap some slut and rape her for the first time.
I’d shove her fucking face into my pillow to shut her up, as I stretch her pretty, pink cunt. After months of stalking her, I’d finally get to put my hands on those glorious fucking tits. That perfect, bitchy little princess breaking under me as I’d rail her tight slit. Shit, she’d probably be sobbing into my sheets, begging for me to stop. Begging for her parents. Begging for anyone to hear her cries for help. Fuck, hearing her muffled screams through the pillow, and having to force her down callously would make me thrust faster. Harder. Shit, I’d tear that cunt up. But I’d need more.
I’d lick a finger and bury it between her ass, pressing against her asshole. I’d feel her freeze momentarily before she desperately tries to stop me. She’d try everything. She’d scream louder, try pathetically to shake me off, anything. Fuck, she could never change a thing. She was always destined to be kidnapped and raped by a stranger. And she was always destined to feel my finger pushing into her tight ass while I brutally slam every fucking inch of my shaft into her pathetic cunt. Shit, as I'd push into her, I’m sure her cunt would clamp down hard around my cock. It’d be worth traumatising that dumb whore just to feel that premium fleshlight massage my length. 
I’d push in deeper, threatening to end her and her family if she dared tell anyone. Not that she’d be able to. She’d be impossibly tight around me. I’d want her to thank me for giving her a new experience. That she should really fucking convince me if she wants her family to stay safe. That if I don’t cum hard in the next minute, I’d do it anyway. She’d start pathetically and weakly dancing her ass around my cock. It wouldn’t make her cunt any tighter but watching her flail wildly in a desperately fearful attempt to make me cum would make me do just that. I’d deposit every last drop of sperm from my balls into her distressed fuckhole.
She’d be my pathetic, beautiful rapeslave. I'd hope her missing person's report would air on TV soon. I'd love to watch her reaction as I rape her ruined holes to the sights and sounds of her family begging for her to come back.
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tarpies · 2 years
I toiled and where did it leave me? Spat on the pavement like a wad of muddy gum. Because they know my wants and their fears are one in the same.
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lowkeyremi · 6 months
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this is so cute AHHHHHHHHH its even cuter when u dont even know and it's the first time he does it!! @nctzenyuta here u go babes
nanami drabble !!
(implied fem reader)
cw: fluff
Your man hopped in the shower about ten minutes ago and someone has been blowing up his phone in the meantime. You decided to ignore it because it's wrong to pry and be nosy. Even though you really wanted to scratch that itch of curiosity.
At some point you get really annoyed with the constant buzzing of his phone, so you pick it up to check who's messaging. It's Gojo of course. That's not what catches your eye though.
You're stuck up on the fact that his lock screen is you drooling on his chest in your sleep. What the hell!!!!!! You told him to delete that because you looked terrible. On top of that there's a mascara mustache on your face.
Your blond husband got the idea to use your mascara that was sitting on the night stand to give you a mustache. How did you not even notice the feeling of the mascara on your face??
"Kento!!" You yell from the bedroom as soon as he turns off the shower.
"Yeah, my love??" He asks, slowly trying to remember if he had done anything to upset you this week.
"Why is this picture your lock screen? I look so bad in it." You complain to him. You expected him to agree and change it but instead he said, "I think you look cute with a mustache. Maybe you should grow one."
You glare at him, "Kento." He snickers softly, "Okay, okay. I'll change it to my home screen so not everyone will see it." You sigh in relief and hand him his phone.
"In place of that picture will be this one." He taps something on his phone and flips it around for you to see...
It's you. Wearing the colorful "bob" wig your little sister cut for you. It was way too short and disproportional for it's original purpose of completing the look of your favorite tv show character.
When Kento saw you wearing the wig he couldn't keep the laughter from coming out. He laughed so hard his stomach began to ache.
"NO! Not that one either!!!" You watch as he makes adjustments to change the picture.
"My little dora the explorer, wifey." He comments with a smirk.
"Ughhhhh, why did I marry you??" You ask yourself and of course he decides to provide you an answer, "because i'm the premium husband material package."
"I think I need to get some replacement parts because this experience sure ain't premium." He hears the joke in your tone but still uses it as an excuse to tickle attack you.
"AHHHH GET- OFF OF ME AND... AND GO PUT- STOPPP- PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!" You scream between fits of laughter and torture people call "tickling."
He gets up off the bed and flashes you his dick.
"Kento." You gasp loudly.
"Nothing you haven't seen before. You seemed pretty happy to see it last night." He shrugs while making his way to the walk-in closet.
"The past was in the past. I'm a changed woman." He doesn't believe that at all but responds with, "okayyyyy... whatever you say, sweetie."
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stickthisbig · 4 months
Okay if we're asking about experiences we're pretty sure TV made up:
*a "baby" may include an egg/carton of eggs, a sack of flour, a doll, etc.
Elaborate in the tags if you must, especially if it was a partner activity or there was drama (surely if this was real there was loads of drama??).
I heard this happened in my school if you took the parenting class and that the doll had an accelerometer that they'd check to see if you shaked it? Which sounds like premium grade A public school urban legend, so tell me if you heard that too
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cat-toess · 7 months
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Scaramouche x GN! Reader
Summary: sometimes babygirl can be a 161cm guy with some serious mommy issues "~*💌 Tags: Fluff, slice of life kinda fic, short, gn!reader, modern au
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You and Scaramouche were having your regular Saturday ghibli marathon movie date. A little routine the two of you had created back when you first started dating. A little while ago he stood up saying he wanted to get some snacks.
He went to the kitchen 6 minutes ago, surely it wouldn't take that long to grab some refreshments from the fridge? As a few more minutes flew by, you started feeling a little bit anxious. As the wait reached the 15-minute mark, you shouted an "all you alright?" which was met with a: "Be patient!"
Now the clock was reaching the 25-minute mark and you went to go check on him.
Hastily wearing your cat slippers (that the two of you got as a matching set), you quickly make your way to the kitchen. The mix-matched tiles thumping against your slippers.
"Scara, is everything all righ-"
Your voice dies down in the middle as your body stops to scan the sight in front of you.
There your usually snarky boyfriend was sitting, violet eyes scrunched up in focus as he....
Puts icing on cookies?
"Darling, what are you doing?" You ask quizzically, the sight of your bitter partner wearing a pink apron was not something you were used to.
"There were no snacks in the fridge, so I took it upon myself to make you something." He grumbles, continuing to ice the cat shaped cookies. "Be grateful" He adds. The frills of the pink apron ruffling as he moved to one baked treat to another.
The sight makes your heart melt. Your prideful snobbish boyfriend was doing all this. For you? They grow so fast, you silently think to yourself.
"You're such a sweetheart aren't you." You teasingly coo, moving in to peck his cheek. A little token of appreciation to commemorate the rare moments where he lets his guard down.
You couldn't help yourself.
It wasn't everyday you got to see him without his eyebrows furrowed with disgust.
Or his violet eyes heavy with exhaustion and stress.
The moment your lips come in contact with his cheeks, his face blooms into a rosy red.
"Yeah Yeah whatever, just shoo and wait." He mumbles under his breath, as you pinch his cheeks and walk back to the living room, you don't miss the way he gently caresses the location you kissed.
He might be a sour ass sometimes, but that's what makes the sweeter moments that more precious.
After a while, he returns with a batch of freshly baked cat shaped treats. He sets the tray down as he undoes the ribbon at the back of the lacy apron, throwing it to a nearby chair. Plopping next to you, as you feel the couch sink down under his weight.
"So what do you want to watch" He inquires, tilting his head as he chews on, what you assume to be the cookies he made.
"I was thinking we could watch Spirited Away-"
"I want Ponyo" He interrupts, as he throws a little glare your way. A look you don't miss.
You sometimes wonder how you put up with him and even share a roof with him. You're starting to understand why the Childe was so surprised when Scaramouche introduced you as his significant other.
"I made you those cookies, didn't I? "
What else were you expecting, it's Scaramouche. Of course, he'd guilt-trip you, using the adorable cat shaped confection.
"I thought you made those because you were trying to be a better boyfriend!" You state in disbelief, putting a hand over your mouth to emphasize your shock.
"Do I look like I do charity? Ponyo. " Scaramouche aggressively hisses.
Realizing there was no point in arguing, you begrudgingly huff and mutter a small "you win..." underneath your breath.
"Ponyo it is." you say, grabbing the remote and setting up the TV.
What an adorable boyfriend you have.
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I would have never waited 25 minutes. I ain't that patient. Why'd I lie-
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mothalaalee · 8 months
Practical Drs that i think will make my Cr life easier:
Online store Dr: A Dr when i can pull out things from online stores, so i can try it out before buying. (one more return and im going cave man)
A study Dr: I have access to unlimited library collections both online and offline. Search engine to find stuff easily from Books. No premium plans. No pay walls. (Fuck capitalist gatekeeping) Also, an AI that will answer my question exactly the way i need too understand it.
Fashion Dr: (sewing is my comfort hobby). I can experiment with thrifted clothes, new fabric and left over fabric. If i mess up anywhere along the way i can redo it because I have time manipulation power HAHAHAHAH. And when i get a satisfying result i can do it in Cr.
Home theatre Dr: (I study films). Movies from the beginning of movies. Great search engine. Can search film by dialogue, plot, story, actors, even the slightest nuance. Dub or Sub? Hell yeah. I can also watch cancelled TV shows. How cool is that???
Skill share Dr: I get to learn cool skills and discover new talents. I have unlimited supplies to learn it. (Yes i know i can do this in Cr too but im hella broke. And it's so fun when i can do it in an ALTERNATE REALITY???)
Past Dr: I can go back to my college and dress better (pinterest wardrobe) and spend a lot of time with my friends again. Travel more. Have fun again. BE THE ACADEMIC WEAPON I PROMISED MYSELF TO BE?? Have intellectual discussions with the uni people. Be more active. Talk with the professors. Get that O-grade.
Tinker Bell Dr: this is just so i could find stuff i have long lost in my Cr. (I wanna know where i lost that one pair of my favourite earrings)
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what-even-is-thiss · 6 months
Someday when I have a more consistent schedule I really do wanna have a YouTube channel. And I’ve wondered about sponsorships. I’ve gotten offers on this very blog before to participate in one of those stupid ads for drop shipping crystals that project your birth sign or whatever that I’ve turned down.
I’ve wondered though. Because on one hand sponsors pay good money and money is a thing that is required to live in this day and age. But also I feel like if I ever took a sponsor nobody could ever fully and completely trust my opinion on anything again.
There’s this YouTuber I love whose channel is called Swell Entertainment. And she comes across as being very honest but also she takes sponsorships. And a big part of her channel is review content. So sometimes I wonder if she’s pulling her punches slightly because she still wants to be marketable. But I don’t hold that against her because she’s living in LA for god’s sake and sponsorships provide much more reliable income than other methods.
It’s kinda sad that advertisement is almost required to make a living creating internet content.
I pay for YouTube premium not just because I wanted to get rid of ads on my smart tv, but because creators get more money per view from YouTube premium subscribers. I can’t afford to subscribe to a dozen patreons but I can afford one cheap subscription.
I hope if I ever have a channel big enough to have sponsorships I either take them extremely rarely for stuff I actually care about or don’t take them at all. Because I want to be able to just have opinions about stuff openly. But the sad truth is that money can be an issue. So. Who knows? I certainly don’t hold it against people who take sponsorships. That’s just how the industry works nowadays. They need money to live. And if you have adhd which many creative types do contractual deadlines can really help you get stuff done. And sponsors can get you experiences like vacations and luxury hotel stays and free reviewer copies of books and video games. Who can blame them? There’s so much stuff available to you from sponsors that can improve your quality of life and help you make your business better. Money to hire editors and voice actors and writers and animators, buy better equipment, rent out a sound stage.
But. Idk. A lot of those sponsored products aren’t that good. And a lot of people are susceptible to advertising. It works on a lot of people. Especially when it comes from a face they trust.
The tradeoff to take sponsors or not is a difficult one. Honestly and truly. And it’s very probable that I’ll never be popular enough to actually have to make a decision on these things. But I still think about it every time I see a sponsored segment. What levels of calculation have gone into that? None? A lot? I’ll never be allowed to know because that would be bad for business.
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dogcircle-scans · 1 year
Kamiya Hiroshi Talks About His ‘Fateful Encounter’ with ‘Natsume’s Book of Friends’ on ‘Say You to Yo Asobi’
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Kamiya Hiroshi, who voices the protagonist Natsume Takashi in the new animated film, "Natsume’s Book of Friends: The Waking Rock and the Strange Visitor," currently playing in theatres, made a guest appearance on "Say You to Yo Asobi" [lit: Night Entertainment with Voice Actors] hosted by voice actors Namikawa Daisuke and Ishikawa Kaito.
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In the program, he talked about the new film during the segment "If You Just Watch, You’ll Enjoy It! Natsume’s Book of Friends’ Recommendations", and matched voice actors to various youkai during  "Voice Actor Personification Meeting ~Youkai Edition~".
The TV anime "Natsume’s Book of Friends" began its first season in 2008 and has now reached its sixth season. Kamiya, who has been involved with "Natsume’s Book of Friends" for about 12 years, said, "Everyone loves Midorikawa-sensei’s original drawings". He revealed, "Without Midorikawa-sensei’s original work, there is no anime" - a principle that has been upheld this entire time.
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Additionally, Kamiya referenced his fateful encounter with the "Natsume’s Book of Friends" anime.
Kamiya already had a cat named Nyanko-sensei before he started working on the series. The name was taken from one of his favourite manga, "The Funny Judo Champion" [Inakappe Taishō - a manga and anime from the late 60’s and early 70’s]. A fan told Kamiya that there was a series with a cat that had the same name; he noted that he was then drawn in by its charm. 
Kamiya participated in the [Natsume] Drama CD, and after auditioning, proceeded to work on the anime adaptation. He also spoke about how deeply attached to Natsume he is, as it was around this time that his career as a voice actor started to take off. 
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At the end, Kamiya spoke about how "There is always one story that somehow resonates. When you encounter it, every episode transforms into something important; it’s a work that you experience with wonder." When he said "I hope you come across such moments", many audience members commented "I totally understand!", "I get it….", and that "It was a very cherished work", and how they "could feel Kamiya’s love for Natsume".  
ABEMA premium members can also watch "Say You to Yo Asobi Premium #27", which includes exclusive footage.
Article from Jan 29, 2021
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kamiliora · 2 months
Too people who want to get "prettier" and have a "glow up" Do NOT expect it to go over night.
Plenty of people believed that you just become pretty with no effort like you see on TV. It's never that easy. It takes steps, processes and Discipline. Always start with the basics like :
Make a skincare routine for your skin
Know your skin type and build you skincare routine from there
body care for the entire body
Scrubs , lotions and body butters are a must
Exfoliate 1-2 times a week
haircare (hair is everything even if u have a hijab hair care is still possible)
Oil train your hair and know you hair porosity to know what products to use
Use a non sulphate or silicon shampoo
Conditioner and a hair oil of your choice based on your hair problem
Hair mask 1 times a week
Know ur hair pattern to be able to use the right products and not damage your hair pattern
Do not straighten your hair everyday!!!
Use Silk pillows and silk scrunchies instead of elastics!!!
Getting a closet and hair cut for you
Find your best colors and body type
Therefore you would know which colors make you shine the most as well as
Find your seasonal color and which fraction ur in (like winter bright , summer light and etc)
Find which type of hair cuts and bangs suit your facial featured and face shape most
I recommend looksmaxing or the Yt channel Dear Peachie to help you including makeup tutorials, which archetype you are and which closet you can do
Look for styles that match your personality and makes you stand out
Build up a hobby
like sports photography, drawing, crocheting, dancing, and etc.
Doesn't have to be time consuming just something to do when ur bored or free even
Also depends on your time to be careful on what you commit to
Try to explore more options without much costs before fully committing to something that isn't for long-term
Exercise ( unless you already do)
Exercise requires discipline for you to be able to do it continuously for progress
If you can't afford a premium membership take a walk/jog/run around the block,street,park
If you feel unsafe you can do a YouTube work outs as they are effective depending on your goal
I recommend channels like :Madfit ,Hinafit, Shirley kim, April Han, ema wong, and Chloe ting
Take time for yourself (not all the time)
If you dont have time for yourself your body and brain will get stressed (from experience)
It can be as simple as drinking your daily detox water, green juice, coffee, tea or reading a book
Get 8 hours of sleep
Make sure not to stress for something so complete a task when given no matter how far the deadline is!!!
Reduce screen time to 3 hours a day (outside of school/work related stuff)
Never go too extreme like you see those people online do
Unless you are talking to professionals such as dieticians, Nutritionists and etc. (Bc most public figures do have professionals that they seek help too for these types of situations)
stick to a healthy diet like the 80/20 method
Or you can also do keto/greek/high carb or protein just never go extreme as it will slow down your metabolism
Find who you really are and trying to be better
People never really open up to try different things you should try more to find what you like most or which you are most stable with
See the perspectives on how you act im different situations and see what your mistakes are to try to avoid doing them again
Fix your mentality (watch wizard Liz, Song Jia,) and read quotes to inspire you to do better and the most you can
Always Analyze the situation before commenting or doing action unless its an emergency
Do not let people decide for you or get to your head it is their opinion not yours. You opinion is never invalid and justified in your perspective
Confident vs Arrogant vs Egoistic
Confident people never brag nor do they drag people down. They know they are THAT person and will NOT care about your opinion of them.
Arrogant people like to Brag about something that they have and thinks their all That. They bring down people for not having the luxury they have. But when someone has more and better than them they always try to avoid them, argue with them or get annoyed by them as They want to show supremacy
Egoistic people tend to make fun of people. Self-centered people that only think about themselves without knowing or thinking that they hurt others. Their too preoccupied with themselves to think of others helps or needs
(Sorry its so long and unorganized I made this at 2:30 am bc idk and these are just some tips)
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demifiendrsa · 9 months
Persona 3 Reload | Meet the S.E.E.S. Trailer
Japanese version
Battle BGM & Gameplay Reveal
Japanese with English subs version
Persona 3 Reload will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (Steam, Microsoft Store) February 2, 2024 worldwide. It will also be available via Xbox Game Pass.
The game will be available in the following editions:
Physical Editions
Standard Edition ($69.99)
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Base Game
Aigis Edition
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Base game
Collector’s box
Art book
Two-disc soundtrack CD
Aigis figure
Downloadable Content Pack – Includes all purchasable additional content for the game. (“Persona 5 Royal Phantom Thieves Costume Set,” “Persona 5 Royal Shujin Academy Costume Set,” “Persona 5 Royal Persona Set 1,” “Persona 5 Royal Persona Set 2,” “Persona 5 Royal Background Music Set,” “Persona 4 Golden Yasogami High Costume Set,” “Persona 4 Golden Persona Set”).
Digital Editions
Standard Edition ($69.99)
Base game
Digital Deluxe Edition ($79.99)
Base game
Digital art book – Filled with 64 pages of character art, concept art, backgrounds and other illustrations from the game.
Digital soundtrack – Listen to newly arranged tracks from the original Persona 3 plus all new tracks from Persona 3 Reload, presented by the ATLUS Sound Team for a total of 60 new songs.
Digital Premium Edition ($99.99)
Base game
Digital art book
Digital soundtrack
Downloadable Content Pack
Users who pre-order any version of the game will receive the “Persona 4 Background Music Set,” which features the following additional tracks:
“A New World Fool”
“I’ll Face Myself -Battle-“
“The Fog”
“Reach Out to the Truth”
“Time To Make History”
Latest details
■ Characters
Koromaru (voiced by Shinya Takahashi in Japanese)
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A dog who awakens to the power of Persona after a tragic event. Since his original owner—the priest of the dorm’s neighboring Naganaki Shrine—had passed away, the protagonist and friends take him in as a full-fledged member of S.E.E.S.
Clever, loyal, and friendly, he quickly becomes a beloved member of the group. He seems especially close to Aigis—who translates his barks—and Ken Amada, the elementary school student.
In battle, he wields a knife in his mouth. His unique Persona is Cerberus, specializing in dark skills.
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Aigis (voiced by Dawn M. Bennett in English, Maaya Sakamoto in Japanese)
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A man-made Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon, 7th Generation. She joins S.E.E.S. as an android with a humanlike heart, granting her the power of Persona.
She harbors a mysterious attachment to the Protagonist from the first day they meet. Initially coming across as cold and robotic, she begins to discover more human emotions through her experiences with the group.
In battle, she fires off an arsenal of weapons built into her mechanical body. Her unique Persona is Palladion, specializing in physical and support skills.
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Ken Amada (voiced by Justine Lee in English, Megumi Ogata in Japanese)
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The youngest member of S.E.E.S.—a 5th grader at Gekkoukan Elementary. After losing his mother in an accident, he comes to live at the Iwatodai Dorm.
After awakening to his Persona abilities, he joins S.E.E.S. of his own accord. While he strives to act mature with his mannerisms, deep down he is still a child with a passion for superhero TV shows.
In battle, he holds a long spear in contrast to his short stature. His unique Persona is Nemesis, specializing in light skills.
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Shinjiro Aragaki (voiced by Justice Slocum in English, Kazuya Nakai in Japanese)
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A third-year at Gekkoukan High, though he can rarely be seen at school. He was a founding member of SEES alongside Mitsuru and Akihiko. After distancing himself for about two years, a certain turn of events convinces him to rejoin the group.
While unapproachable at first glance, beneath the gruff exterior is a gentle heart and a knack for cooking. He even has a soft spot for animals, doting on Koromaru when no one is looking.
In battle, he bludgeons with weapons like axes. His unique Persona is Castor, specializing in hard-hitting physical attacks.
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■ Key Art and Protagonist’s Battle Uniform Revealed
In Persona 3 Reload, all members of the Special Extracurricular Execution Squad (S.E.E.S.) now don new battle uniforms when taking on Tartarus.
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The newly revealed key art depicts the protagonist in his new outfit alongside his Persona, Thanatos. The iconic S.E.E.S armbands have also been redesigned to match the updated battle uniform.
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fairy25 · 10 months
Living in America is all about commodified community like people paying money just to have people to talk to and feel a sense of belonging like we’ve so isolated ourselves to prioritize consumerism which focuses on the individual over the collective and especially single versus communal living and transportation systems and increasing numbers of people working from home at least part time and then it sells an artificial community experience back to us like everyone paying to exercise together and learn and paint and drink together and only sharing your emotions with a licensed therapist like you’re paying for the communal experience at a premium but it’s like communal only when convenient to you and your schedule and everything has to be open 24/7 bc again it’s all about the individual here and everybody has different needs so everything has to be accessible all the time everyone has to have a product everyone has to be marketed to always forever they’d sew little computer screens into our eyelids and market there if they could like there’s ads on every building there’s ads on the clothes we buy there’s ads on everything everywhere even in your own home on the internet on the tv on mail on receipts in your family photos on social media on dating apps on communal boards in your yearbook on your food like hahaha 🦅
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trivialbob · 5 months
TVs get larger and have more features as their prices drop. Cars today are substantially more reliable and safe than those from when I was a teenager. People live longer due to advances in medicine.
I'm an optimist. Life gets better.
When Amazon first arrived I was excited. I bundled my orders to avoid a shipping charge. Amazon didn't collect sales tax in those days. Then I got Prime. It's has a hefty annual fee, but it comes with the TV streaming and free shipping.
My adult kids have credit cards on file on my Prime account so they can take advantage of the free shipping and not pay the annual Prime fee. I can also treat myself to some free stuff by using their cards (kidding). Now that Netflix has stopped us from sharing accounts, I figure it's just a matter of time before Prime does that too.
Lately when I open Prime streaming there are commercials. Mostly they are for shows but this morning saw one for Maybelline eye makeup. I have to hit the Back button to get on to the main screen. It's easy to move along. But that extra new step annoys me.
This week I got an email from Amazon telling me there will be limited commercials on Prime streaming starting January 29.
This will allow us to continue investing in compelling content and keep increasing that investment over a long period of time.
It made me think of the surcharges some restaurants now add to the bill. 6% for healthcare. 18% for fair wages. 2% for clean silverware! Any place with the tablet that swivels asks me to tip 20, 22, or 25% to the teenager who put two doughnuts into a wax bag. Recently I purchased something with a lifetime warranty. The salesman offered to sell me an extended warranty. None of these things make my shopping or dining experiences more enjoyable.
Amazon politely notes that I will have the option to pay a $2.99 monthly premium to avoid commercials. I'll probably put up with commercials. Paying more to Amazon doesn't sit well with me.
So it will be like the old days. Instead of using the pause button when I want to get a drink or snack I'll do that during the commercials like it's 1988, when I still had hair and a 75 pound television set.
Another thing about Amazon Prime: It is starting to feel like Temu. If I'm looking for some product that isn't necessarily under a particular name brand I see multiple items with the same picture but different company names. Gogoku, Calicob, Miaozuhn.
I can take my chance on lower priced things that might be crap, like some USB charging cables I bought that added hours to the time it took to charge my phone. There was probably a single strand of thin wire inside the rubber coating, that's my guess. Oh why did I trust you, AAguuds?
As much as I use online sellers I do like to shop local and support nearby stores. Amazon has begun to make that choice even easier.
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shineemoon · 1 year
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230321 MINHO ✨ The Show Premium SBS M-TV [THE SHOW ‘KrisFlyer Experiences K-POP CONCERT IN SEOUL’]
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hetalia-angel · 6 months
Could you do some headcanons for Prussia, Russia, France, Spain, England and Romano with a darling who's trying to learn their native languages, pretty please?
Ofc Pookie bear. 🩷🩷🩷
Darling trying to learn the countries native language
Arthur is so used to everyone already knowing English since it’s the most known language in the world, so having a Darling that wasn’t fluent was a very new experience for him.
Arthur is a dad at heart a dysfunctional one but that’s something for another day. He’ll print off those worksheets that make you write the cursive alphabet and spell different words as a fun activity. Arthur will also try and include reading, movie nights, and listening to music to boost his darling’s fluency.
Arthur will sit his darling in his lap while he reads one page to her and she reads the next as they alternate.
As mentioned before he’s an awkward dad at heart who’s trying to do his best to help.
7/10 for effort in his teaching skills
Francis will be very flattered that his darling has decided to learn his language. He’ll try to expose his darling to lots of French media and tv shows to accustom her to the language.
Francis will be whipping out the old children’s books and lullabies he used to use for Matthew and read them to his darling. The children’s books are easy to follow and simple for beginners to understand.
He’s not the best teacher his he’d rather just kiss his darling and murmur the sweet French into her ear instead of explaining it.
Be prepared to receive lots and lots of texts and letter in French. Francis will be declaring his love to his darling at 3am. These messages will be so long that they have the read more button at the bottom to click to see it in full.
Francis gets a 0/10 since I would get into a fight with him any day.
Gilbert was immediately very supportive of the idea. He attempts to try and talk to his darling only in German but he has a bad habit of speaking in English so it doesn’t come naturally.
He attempts to show his darling german tv shows… but Germany is notorious for dubbing over them in every language possible. Gilbert could find every one besides the ones in german…
He keeps attempting to teach you until he gives up and asks Ludwig to come over and teach you. Ludwig is a strict and thorough teacher and Gilbert’s darling will definitely be fluent by the end of a few sessions.
4/10 Gilbert tried his best, okay?
Lovino loves his darling and his language… but he’s a terrible teacher. He has a short temper, doesn’t explain assignments, and is confused when his darling doesn’t understand things he finds simple.
He tries for a few week to teach his darling with no results. Eventually he makes his darling download duolingo and he pays for premium so she can learn faster.
Lovino will occasionally quiz his darling and check in on her progress.
2/10 Lovino is doing his best which isn’t that good. Still better than Francis though.
Ivan is a sweet guy to his darling 24/7 so when she decides to learn Russian he’s over the moon. He’s booking them a trip to St. Petersburg and taking his darling on a full tour.
He’s as calm and patient as possible with his darling while teaching. Ivan accidentally distracts his darling with his accent since she finds him a little bit too sexy to keep focus on learning.
Ivan’s teaching method is easy enough to follow and he goes all out getting lots of help for his darling to learn. Everything is going smoothly until the day he decides to teach you Russian cursive. Ivan’s darling can’t follow his teachings since she claims that it all looks like scribbles.
9/10 Ivan puts in the effort unlike Francis who I’ve decided I have beef with.
Antonio is more than happy to teach you everything about his culture and language. He’ll waste no time to show his darling telenovelas and Spanish songs.
Spanish is a widely learnt language so he searches up one of those curriculums online to teach to his darling.
Antonio loves that his darling is learning Spanish mostly so he can find a new way to flirt with her.
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luckydragon10 · 2 months
Even If Oblivion Be the Cost, Gladly Shall I Pay (KP Oneshot)
Even If Oblivion Be the Cost, Gladly Shall I Pay (11733 words) by LuckyDragon Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV), แมนสรวง | Man Suang (2023) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Chat/Khem (Man Suang) Characters: Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, Khem (Man Suang), Chat (Man Suang), Original Characters, Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Mind the Tags, Horror, Eldritch, Monster!Kinn, Kinnthulhu, Monsterfucking, Tentacles, Tentacle Sex, Consentacles, Negotiations, Dubious Consent, About the dubcon: Kinnthulhu doesn't fully understand humans, but he's doing his best all things considered, Porsche doesn't fully understand everything he agrees to, But Porsche still makes active choices, Bondage, Body Modification, Mpreg, Eggpreg, Oviposition, Anal Sex, Prostate Milking, Cock milking, Reality Bending, Crossover, or more like crossing over universes, Dreamscapes, Mindfuck, Power Imbalance, Military, Science Experiments, mating display, Courtship, Sort Of, Praise Kink
The being waits patiently for the humans to bring him what he needs. He waits for the premium opportunity, the ideal candidate.
Reality ebbs and flows around him, like the waves of the ocean, and time pours out endlessly in all directions.
Uhh. This is... very different from my usual style, FYI. 😅 I guess I'll just leave this fic here. Ahem.
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