#Stuck in an Elevator
emo-batboy · 1 year
A Wild Battinson (Social Media AU)
Part 8 (Masterlist)
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(Part 9)
@bruciemilf FOOD IS READY
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mollymagician · 1 year
Dreamling Week Day 2: stuck in an elevator
Hi guys!! *shows up three days late with a Starbucks, two immortals and an old lady stuck in an elevator*
It was June 7th. Not THE June 7th, not the big one, they’re a few years off from that yet, but a random rainy 7th of June, and Hob was off doing errands. He’d have been a lot more disgruntled about slogging half way around the city in a pelting downpour if he hadn’t known that Dream would pop up somewhere, he always somehow managed it on this specific date.
But it’s still a surprise when he suddenly comes into being just as Hob is about to hop onto the lift at stop #2 on his to-do list.
Hob shoots him a grin. “Fancy seeing you out and about on such a miserable day.”
Dream replied with the small smile that seemed to be his grin-equivalent. “I thought you could use…assistance holding your umbrella?”
There was a ding as the doors slid open, and then began to close behind them as they stepped inside. Suddenly, Dream’s arm shot out, inhumanly quick and totally lacking the primal human fear of getting one’s fingers squished.
The doors sprang back open, revealing a stooped and wrinkled figure shuffling along behind a walker. Her gray hair was bundled into a messy bun, and gray eyes were magnified enormously by the thickest glasses Hob had ever seen.
Her name was Gladys, they would soon come to find out.
She didn’t seem to notice that Dream somehow knew what floor to push for her without asking, just crackled, “Oh, thank you kindly, dearie!” and Hob stifled a snicker. Dearie.
The lift began to rise. They made it to the sixth floor before the power went out.
Gladys sighed and pronounced with feeling, “Oh bugger!”
Gladys was eighty-two years old, never trusted elevators, but was delighted to be stuck in one with “two such handsome young men!”
“Er…I’m sure the power will be back up in a tick,” Hob said. Gladys settled comfortably on the seat of her walker, seemingly very content with her lot.
“So romantic, eh boys? Just like those little stories my granddaughter likes to write!” She gave Hob a wink. Dream’s head tilted and he took on the far-away look he got whenever he was accessing his mental metaphysical Google, or whatever it was he did. Hob could tell when he finally found what he was looking for, because his eyebrows shot up so high they nearly cleared the top of his head.
Fifteen minutes later:
“Well lads, thank the good Lord I had a piddle before I came or we’d be in dire straights right about now!”
Standing behind Gladys, Dream reached into his coat and produced his pouch of sand, giving Hob a look that he could only translate as is it really necessary for us all to be stuck in this box?
Hob wasn’t sure how to telegraph we cannot throw sand at a little old woman and teleport her out of a lift because she will have a STROKE with nothing but expressive eyebrows so he just shook his head and shot Dream his sternest look. It worked on his students…usually. Dream signed and put the sand away obediently.
Another fifteen minutes:
They had heard about Gladys’ late husband, her three grandchildren and how lovely the cardiologist was that she’d been on her way to visit before her morning got derailed. She rummaged around in her purse. “Like a mint, dears?”
Hob swore under his breath at his phone. “Connection is wretched in here. I can’t get through to anyone.” Dream patted him awkwardly on the shoulder. Hob could FEEL him restraining himself from pulling his sand out and dangling it in Hob’s face.
“I’m sure everything will be fine, lovie. I think I have a deck of cards about, somewhere…” More purse-rummaging. “Oh, and a sandwich! Bless, I forgot that was there.”
Ten more minutes:
“So,” Gladys said, “How long have you two been together, eh? I’d have been celebrating fifty years with my Bert this July.”
Silence. Distantly, Hob could hear the rain pounding against the building, echoing down the elevator shaft.
“Er…” he began, eloquently.
“That is…” he continued.
“Oh go on, it’s all right,” Gladys chirped. “My grandson, the one at university, he’s got himself a nice boyfriend. I said to myself, I said, Gladys, you can tell when two lads are sweet on one another, so don’t go challenging anyone to strip poker.” She pulled the deck of cards out of her purse and winked. “Yet.”
“Um,” Hob said.
“Sometimes it feels like six hundred years,” Dream intoned.
Gladys cackled and bopped the Immortal Endless King of Dreams and Nightmares on the arm with her purse. “Oh, listen to this one here!”
“It is…our anniversary,” Dream added.
He reached over to nudge Hob’s jaw shut with a little click, and then tugged Hob into his side like…like it was just something they did. And yes, that was definitely a smirk.
The power chose that moment to come back on.
“Oh…bugger,” Hob said.
They made it back down to the lobby with little incident. Gladys shuffled off to call her daughter, she said, since her doctors appointment was a bust. But first, she gave Hob a surprisingly crushing handshake and thumped Dream on the shoulder and said, loudly, “Well, thank you for the LOVELY time, boys. Let’s hope that the next time you’re stuck in a lift on your anniversary it’s not with an old bird like me hanging around, eh?” She executed a frankly indecent eyebrow wiggle, and shuffled away, humming to herself.
Hob stood for a moment watching her go, and realized he didn’t have the patience for any more of that day’s to-do list. He was to-do’ed out, as it were. Except for one thing. He glanced up at Dream and tried hard to control the idiot grin attempting to take over his face.
“We need to talk,” Hob said.
“That was partially my intent when I came to visit you today,” Dream said, still smirking, the bastard.
“I must admit, I’d hoped that talking wouldn’t be our only activity.”
Hob sighed. “Right. I’m not hiking back to the tube in this weather. Get back in the lift, dearie. This time you can sand us all you like.”
Dream said, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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mythical-illustrator · 11 months
An oc I've been building and working on for a hot minute now.
So far she's a few sketches and a bullet points outline but.
Her name is Helena, she's a welder/engineering assistant (which in star wars I think just makes her a mechanic?) and I've made her a fox girly. This is one of my rough drafts of their first early interactions.
Art Master list
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...and yes they do get stuck in that elevator.
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An Elevator of All Places
Pairing: Cal Kestis x GN!Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Summary/Request: Based on this request
I think this is gender neutral? Please let me know if it’s mistagged
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There is a mention of killing, violence, and yk general empire shinanigans. Please let me know if there's anything I missed!
You shivered, “Ugh I hate Imp bases” You groaned as you followed BD and cal through the dark hallways of the base, your lightsabre gripped in your palm as you kept alert for any stray stormtroopers wandering around. 
The slight click of your boots made you jump every so often, on edge and exhausted as you spent the past few days going out nonstop with Cal. Leaving early in the morning and not returning till long past even your crewmates retired to bed. 
Cal had noticed your recent fatigue and promised today would be the last day before you both took a few days off, catching up on some much needed rest and proper cuddles. You suddenly stumbled as your eyes drooped, tripping over your own foot. 
Cal was quick to look over his shoulder as you tumbled to the ground. Pain shooting up your thighs as your knees hit the cold metal of the hallway floor. You groaned as you braced yourself with your hands, hearing the clattering of your lightsabre as it slid across the floor and feeling Cal’s gloved hand grip your shoulder. 
He immediately jumped to check you for injuries as you rocked mack to sit on your heels, “I'm fine Cal, just took a tumble that's all” You assured as you spoke softly, watching his brows furrow in worry. 
“Are you sure? You can barely keep your eyes open…” His tone was laced with worry as his other hand came up to your face, his thumb swiping under your eye, where you knew deep eyebags were sunken and dark in color. 
“I'm just a bit tired, lets's finish clearing the base and just get out of here okay? Merrin promised to make dinner and I can’t wait to see what she cooks up” You gave a light chuckle at the end of your sentence, assuring your very worried Jedi boyfriend that you were okay. 
You knew he didn’t quite believe you but he smiled and helped you off the floor anyway, BD crawling off his shoulder as he stood, opting to run a bit further down the hall. You brushed off your pants and summoned your lightsabre to you, continuing through the base. 
After another hour or so you and Cal had finally made it back to the exit, only running into two groups of stormtroopers, and some droids. Now you were both making a beeline for the exit with a purge trooper hot on your heels. BD had quickly run out of stims between the two of you and Cal decided he’d rather not risk either of you coming out of it any more banged up than you already were, thus deciding to hightail it out of the base for the time being. 
You didn’t know the extent of his injuries but you were sure they were worse than yours. He had taken the brunt of the blows for you, seeing as the fatigue of your recent journeys was hitting harder on you than it was on him. 
You were racing ahead down the hallway with BD on you shoulder to get the service elevator while Cal staggered behind, trying to keep the Purge trooper occupied with a blaster you had picked up off of one of the troopers you killed. 
Adreniline was pumping through your veins as you rushed to the operating pad, allowing BD to jump off your shoulder and start tinkering with it to call the elevator. Your head whipped around to see Cal rounding the corner at mock speed, his eyes wild as he sprinted towards you. As you turned your head back to BD to see the progress, the corner of your eye caught a glimpse of black and purple rounding the corner after him. 
“How much longer BD?” You shouted as you heard the furious thudding of boots approaching. BD didn’t answer as the doors opened with a ding. BD quickly scampered inside and you stepped in placing your had on the door to hold them open, turning to see your companion closing in on the elevator. 
Your heart dropped as you saw the purge trooper dangerously close behind Cal, you bit the inside of your cheek as gauged the distance Cal had and your chest tightened at your realization. He had a good fifteen feet before he would be in the clear, you could see the way his chest heaved and you knew with the way the purge trooper was gaining on Cal that he wouldn’t make it. 
You moved to step out of the elevator to help Cal but winced and clutched your side, where a storm trooper had nicked you in the side with their blaster. You looked at Cal and outstretched your hand, using the force to pull the blaster from his grip and bring it to you. 
Once the blaster reached your hands you wasted no time using it to shoot at the purge trooper beind Cal, and barely moved quick enough for him to get in the elevator, and usher BD to close the doors. 
The last thing you saw as the elevator doors sealed was the Purge trooper slashing their staff across them, leaving a red mark streaking across the doors. You sighed and slumped down against the side of the elevator next to Cal. Leaning your head against his shoulder and clasping his hand in yours.
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze and kissed the crown of your head, chuckling as BD settled into your lap. “Thanks for the save, that was a close one,” He said lightheartedly as you hummed, you eyes falling shut. 
The gentle hum and passing lights of the elevator came to a jolting stop and the scraping of metal wretched your ears. Cal shifted and BD jumped up, tinkering with the command board. He beeped and you groaned, “Great, now were stuck, and in an elevator of all places” you grumbled and curled into Cal’s side. 
He simply chuckles “Yeah, yeah. Just rest a bit for now, me and BD will fix it and ill wake you up when were ready to head back to the Mantis” He said and you made a noise of agreement, your body ached and your head was pounding. A nap sounded just right. 
- The next morning you awoke to find yourself in your and Cal’s shared courters, your wounds delicately bandaged and your clothes changed to something comfy. You smiled and curled back into Cal, who was laying next to you in a similar state, ‘Of course he carried you back’ You rolled your eyes internally but couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on your face.
This was a fun little drabble! I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for the request, I did take my own creative liberty with it and I think it turned out super good!
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Notruf Hafenkante S11E03
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rosekins621 · 2 years
Hello! May I request a headcanons (or oneshot anything you prefer) for Killua getting stuck on the elevator then later confessing to each other with fem!Reader please?
Sure thing! Also requests will be accepted if it is a dm or comment on a post but the ask box is easier for me to keep track! I hope you’re having a great day anon! All are welcome to gush about f/os in the ask box all I ask is keep is sfw and respect others
Killua x reader confession it will be the last one. I am not really comfortable with writing romantic relationship stuff for minors.
Doing a drabble cos it seems fun
You and Killua walked into the elevator, trying to get to the floor of the hotel you two were staying in with Gon. It had been storming for hours, surprising many people in the city.
A few minutes later the elevator shook and stopped moving, and Killua grabbed your hand. Almost immediately after the thunder, lights went out. You grabbed Killua’s arm, startled.
“Give me your flashlight. If we are at a floor I can kick the doors in and we can get up the stairs.” Killua said, trying to turn on his phone. You told him to charge it the night before and he said it would be fine.
“Okay, be careful! I could help you,” You offered, digging the flashlight/pepper spray (my pepper spray has a flashlight on top of it) from your purse.
“Nothing’s gonna happen.” Killua rolled his eyes, tearing open the ceiling just as the elevator doors opened to your floor. “Told you. Now you can use those candles for those super long girl baths or whatever it is.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes at Killua refusing to acknowledge you got him into bubble baths. “Love you too, Killua.”
“Hey! I never said I loved you. Not that I don’t love you but stop embarrassing me!” He grumbled, offering to hold your hand during the long trek to your hotel rooms.
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starker-sorbet · 1 year
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Due to a thunderstorm causing a tower wide power out Tony found himself stuck in his private elevator with Peter after a lab session together. Normally Tony would be, well not fine, he was stuck in an elevator after all but he could handle it. But instead he was stuck there with Peter. The one person he had been pining for ever since he met the man’s alter ego while he was out flying in his suit and Peter was doing one of his patrols of the city. 
So that was already making this situation difficult for Tony. What made matters worse was that Peter had decided that it was getting ‘Too hot in here Mr. Stark’ and proceeded to partially strip, leaving him without a shirt on and Tony slowly dying inside as he tried desperately not to look. Had Tony bothered to glance Peter’s way he would have in fact seen a smirk on the younger man’s face. A smirk that would have told him Peter knew exactly what he was doing with this  fortuitous opportunity and that he knew Tony’s resolve would, sooner or later, break.
@tstarksbingospectacular fill : B1 - Stuck in an elevator
bingo card below
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🔢 for Kauri Jake and Antoni? I absolutely relate so much to Ant’s feelings regarding physical touch both platonic and sexual. Just interested to see what you would come up with! Obviously if you’re not comfortable with that then a comf piece would be amazing 🥺❤️
(the prompt was a 3-or-moresome. Antoni isn't going to be about that, so I am choosing the comf option! @winedark-whump asked how Kauri would handle being stuck in an elevator...)
CW: Claustrophobia, panic attack, comf, hurt/comfort, the QPR returns, traumatized whumpee
The doors open only with the maintenance man and the firefighter each pulling with their full strength at a side. The doors shriek in protest, separating inch by inch.
Antoni expects Kauri to come barreling out, but he doesn't. Instead, Antoni has to look down to realize where he even inside the small square.
Kauri lays on his side, his wild curls against cheap scratchy carpeting, his hands pressed palms against his closed eyes. Hitching breaths are shallow, hardly gasps, and the maintenance man doesn't know what he's looking at but Antoni does.
He thinks the firefighter maybe does, too, by the way his jaw tightens at the sight.
"Shit, it was only a couple hours," The maintenance man says, looking stricken. "Got it open as fast as I could."
"He fears to be closed in," Antoni says by way of explanation. The firefighter meets his eyes, briefly, with a depth of understanding that makes Antoni grateful for his silence but uneasy, too.
He steps forward, feeling the very slight dip under his feet as it accepts his weight. "Kasha? The door is open now. Let's go."
Kauri doesn't move.
"Kasha?" When Antoni crouches next to him, he can hear Kauri's whispers, thick around the tears. He reaches out and his palm rounds over the curve of Kauri's shoulder. It trembles under his touch.
"I hate the light, I h-hate, hate being alone in the light, I hate it, alone, alone in th-the light..." Kauri's voice is more whimper than whisper, really. A frightened animal. "I can't, I didn't do anything, I didn't, I was good I was good I was good-"
"Sssshhhh. I have you." Despite his prickling awareness of the watching men and his fear of what they might understand from Kauri's state, his terrified words, he doesn't try to force Kauri up. He leans forward and presses his hands over Kauri's. Lets him feel the warmth of human touch.
Kauri sobs, a broken sound that comes from so deep within him that Antoni wonders if it is Kauri that cries at all, or the remnants of Liam Harker finally making themselves fully known. Was Liam Harker frightened of small spaces? Or did that only begin when he had been wiped away?
"I have you," Antoni repeats, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his head. The florescents overhead buzz softly, all too familiar. The little box is cold - the heat isn't working in here. The walls of the elevator are a plain, flat white.
"I'm good, I'm good, I'm-... I'm good, I promise, I promise..."
"I know," He soothes, shifting to rub a hand up and down Kauri's back. His muscles shake under Antoni's light touch, and he finally leans fully over him, laying his body and his weight against Kauri's slight frame.
Kauri's shaking slows, and so does his crying. He keeps breathing in those shaking, shallow inhales, but some of the painful tension seems to break in him. He shifts, turning over onto his back and throwing his arms around Antoni's neck, weeping against his T-shirt. At first, it's a relief, until he hears Kauri cry, "I'm so sorry, I'll be good, don't leave me alone, please, please-"
"I will not. I will not leave you. I have you, Kasha, I have you..."
The fireman clears his throat, and Antoni looks up to see him speaking in a low voice to the maintenance man. Both of them look away when they see Antoni watching them.
He hopes to give them privacy. He worries it might be for other reasons.
He has to hold Kauri to get him to stand, pulling himself upright with Kauri's arms still tight around his neck. He feels half-choked but doesn't dare try to get him to let go. His skin prickles.
Then Kauri's legs wrap around him, ankles crossed, and he grunts, nearly falling himself before he manages to get his hands under Kauri's ass and thighs to hold him up. He's still weeping against Antoni's shoulders.
Antoni arms ache almost immediately, and he leans back against a wall, panting. But then...
"I've got him," Jake says, and he shifts Kauri from one set of arms to the next with an ease that shows just what all his working out has done for him - the muscles to hold a grown man like he weighs nothing.
"Jasha." For a second, Jake is holding them both, and Antoni closes his eyes. But then there is space between them again, and his breath comes easier, he feels the prickling of his skin start to fade. "The elevator broke-"
"Yeah, I saw the text. I'm sorry it took me so long, I was helping Krista out with a doctor visit." Kauri looks even smaller in Jake's arms, and buries himself against his bulk and warmth. "Let me take you both home. We'll come back for the car once Kauri's okay, yeah?"
Antoni nods, swallowing. He looks over to the fireman and maintenance man.
"Hey, look, we didn't see shit, okay?" The maintenance man offers, a little awkwardly. "I'll erase the security tapes."
The fireman nods. "Empty elevator. Good thing, too."
"Thanks," Jake says with real sincerity, and he moves back out through the empty lobby, Kauri in his arms, Antoni trailing behind him. Kauri still looks like a string pulled tight, about to snap. "You okay, Ant?"
"Yeah... Yeah. I mean, I am not, but..." Antoni sighs, taking a hand back through his messy hair. "Once our Kasha is, I will be."
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taralaurel · 1 year
Work In Progress Wednesday
Thanks @carlos-in-glasses, @bonheur-cafe, & @sanjuwrites for the tags! (I was literally in the process of making this & tagging you last two myself when you posted yours!)
"Fine," Bobby starts, tone firmer, "you did this to yourself. Sure. That's on you. But you're stuck in here, with me. So if I don't try to help you and make sure you are alright, then that's on me. Now, I'm going to keep asking you questions. You can either answer them, or you can listen to me ask them over and over until you give up and answer them anyway. It's your choice."
TK is pretty positive now that, yeah, this man is a dad. Because who else could tell someone that something is their choice while very much implying that it is definitely not.
Bobby crouches, but doesn't cross the small square, still giving TK his space.
"So, fever?"
"Check." TK wiggles a finger.
"Muscle aches, scale of one to ten?"
"Uh, five."
"Comes - and goes."
"Overall pain level?"
"Mm, seven."
"Anything else?"
"Hm," TK scrunches his face, "head - hurts. Itchy. Thirsty. Mm. Embarrassed. Stuck in an elevator."
"Last one doesn't sound fun."
"Yeah," TK sniffs, "S'not".
"Well, at least you're stuck with a trained professional."
"No," TK grunts, "you are."
"Right." Bobby chuckles. "Mind if I check your pulse?"
"I mean," TK waves a hand, "what else are we gonna do to pass the time?"
Tagging @chaotictarlos, @lightningboltreader, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @noxsoulmate & whoever else wants to play
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yahoo201027 · 8 months
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Day in Fandom History: October 7…
Excited to see their favorite band Fist Pump performing at the Space Station, just as Mordecai and Rigby are about to head over there, they get stuck in an elevator and must find a way to escape and must not miss the band in action again. “Stuck in an Elevator” premiered on this day, 7 Years Ago.
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eleganttiredcroissant · 3 months
We've lost the long honorable tradition of having "two characters being stuck in a confined place together for an episode which ends up resolving their conflict". Where is my "stuck in an elevator" trope at?? Bonus points if only one of the two hates the other
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wulfhusky · 1 year
You Have 24 Hours.
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Afraid of getting stuck in an elevator? Do you know what you would do if it did happen?
I work in building maintenance and I deal with ppl getting stuck in elevators occasionally and it can really freak people out, understandably, so here is a little info to tuck into your back pocket in case it happens to you.
So, you think you are stuck in the elevator. First off, try to stay calm and patient. Remember that this is much more likely to be inconvenient than dangerous. Give the elevator a full 60 seconds without pressing any buttons. Then, try the "door open" button. If the elevator has two sets of doors, try both of the "door open" buttons. If this doesn't work, try a different floor button.
If you don't go anywhere and the doors do not open, press the "call for help" button, if there is one. These buttons are typically required by code to go to a live dispatcher, no matter the time... but some buildings won't have them set up properly, or they might be broken. If you don't connect to anyone with the button, use your phone to call whatever building you are in and let them know you are trapped. Stay on the phone with that person or make sure they have your phone number.
If no one at the building answers, call 911. If you don't have a phone or it is dead, start making noise! Some elevators have a button with an alarm bell symbol, this will also make noise.
Now, if you are able to connect to someone with the call for help button, or on your phone, tell them what floor you are on (if you know), how long you have been stuck, and (this is important) if you have any health conditions that make this an emergency. Are you thinking, "well, I am stuck in an elevator! Of course this is an emergency!"? Fair enough, but the reality is, you will just be stuck in a small room for awhile and that isn't actually that big of an emergency... unless there is something that MAKES it an emergency (you're very claustrophobic, you need to take medication soon, you're on your way to a plane you can't miss, you can't stand for long periods without passing out, ect.)
What is most likely to happen if you get stuck in the elevator, is that a service technician will be called to get you out. This person will have the elevator knowledge and tools to ensure that you get out safely. Sometimes that person will be on-site, at the building you are in, but more often this person will be an elevator technician that works for whatever elevator company the building uses.
This technician will be called away from whatever they are doing and dispatched to get you out of this elevator as soon as possible. Depending on where you are, response times are normally around 15-30 minutes, trending toward the 15 minute mark.
If you cannot wait that long for whatever reason, tell the person you have contacted and the fire department will be called as well. The fire department will arrive (again, depending on where you are: likely between 5-10 minutes) and get you out using force. This often means destroying the elevator, so keep in mind the people whose building you are in are not going to opt for that unless there is a real good reason.
Afraid the elevator will suddenly drop you all the way to the ground floor? Unless you're in some sort of abandoned, un-serviced, haunted elevator, this doesn't really happen. Modernly, the whole reason an elevator gets stuck is for your safety. If something wrong happens to the elevator, you don't actually want it to keep moving or opening the doors, that is what causes the scary things to happen. If the elevator has some sort of fault or issue, the idea is that it stops doing anything and you just stay safe in your box until a trained professional arrives to get you out. With this in mind, don't try to open the doors. This creates more hazards (falling, pinching, smashing, you know—the scary stuff) and can make it more difficult for people on the other side to open the doors and get you out.
If you are genuinely having trouble breathing, or it is getting too hot, or if you are trying to get someone to hear you, opening the doors should still be a last resort, and should be done using something other than your body, if possible. Don't open the doors all the way for these purposes, just open them enough to get air/ call out. 
Also, since we are talking about elevators, don't use them if there is a fire. If you are a wheelchair user or cannot use the stairs for other reasons, use the elevator if it is still operational to get to the ground floor. If it is not operational, get to an evacuation point (this is different for every building—but is usually a rooftop, patio, or window where fire crews can get to you with a lift or ladder) and, if possible, let someone else know where you are. 
TLDR: If you get stuck in an elevator, stay calm and contact someone. Call 911 if you can't get ahold of anyone else. If someone is coming to get you out, it might not go as quickly as you would like it to, but try to remember you are just in a little room, waiting for someone to open a door. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times. 
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the-devils-goose · 10 months
Currently actually legitimately stuck in an elevator wtf xD thought this might not happened in fanfiction.
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