#THANK YOU LOL weird stuff in my writing the fault of the reading i'm doing 100%
amrv-5 · 4 months
for the ask game! 🙌🦉📕
hello anon! thanks for the ask!!!! below the cut for length, pretension, confusion, etc LOL
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
Man, I’m happy with pieces of All Octobers. That was probably the most intentionally-crafted thing I’ve done that isn’t original fiction, and I’m still a few months later happy with how some parts of it sound — particularly like the directness of the opening: “1955 was curling in on itself, desiccating like a pillbug.” I think it communicates the fic’s major concern, the time, season, setting, atmosphere, etc. all pretty concisely in ten words. I’m happy with that. 
📕How do you feel about people printing your fics?
COMPLICATED! On one hand it’s so so incredibly moving to me that somebody would ??? Want a physical copy of something I made? To hold? As an object??? That’s insane to me. Somebody on here (won’t tag in case they don’t want to post about it LOL) showed me the most incredible covers they’d designed for their own bound copies of S2G2 and SCO which are so beautiful and carefully and lovingly done I almost can’t believe it. That much work…???? And for some little story I wrote???? Just the most flattered I think it’s possible to be. 
On the complicated side — I am always so afraid there’s some egregious typo or mis-named character or something that I can NEVER CORRECT once it’s a physical object in somebody’s hands. And (though this may be a heavily self-critical bias) I have a hard time maintaining faith in my writing. I feel guilty if somebody goes to the work of making a physical version of something that I think doesn’t deserve that level of dedication — I could’ve, and should’ve, written better, etc. <- Probably not particularly rational and comes off as self-pity rather than informed self-critique so I try not to talk about it LOL
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
TONS! I’ve answered this before with lists of fic authors AND non-fanfic authors, so I’ll let those stand, but also add uhhh I’ve been doing a lot more theory-heavy and nonfiction reading lately because of life circumstances, and those authors have been doing a lot to retool how I’m thinking about the work of writing / shaping / presenting narrative, realism as style, hermeneutics, whatever. Lots of semiotics. Ridiculous but it is tangibly (I think? I’m not a great objective observer) changing how I’m writing. Maybe for the worse? Maybe not? For the weirder, probably.
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ilovedthestars · 3 months
I don’t know how to do this but for your ask game, Mensah?
Hi Bardic!! don't worry, you did a great job!!
(Send me a character ask game)
First impression
The thing with Murderbot fandom is that I saw a lot of fandom stuff before I actually read the books, so my first impressions were largely formed by other people's analysis. So...probably the general fandom consensus that she's competent, caring, and a Favorite Human not only of Murderbot but many readers as well.
Impression now
I love her!! I like all the PresAux humans for different reasons, but if I have to pick a favorite, it's probably Mensah. She's admirable in so many ways, but still has faults--like the assumptions she makes about what Murderbot wants at the end of ASR, which she learns from after it leaves. She feels so human, which is both a sign of excellent character writing and a perfect counterpoint to Murderbot and its blend of humanness and inhumanity.
Favorite moment
Oh, there are so many to choose from. If I have to pick...something from Exit Strategy, which pre-System Collapse was probably my favorite book in the series (and could still give SC a run for its money). I can't decide between that moment of reunion--the ping, the tell me your name, the hug--and that moment in the shuttle when she grabs it by the collar and tells it No. It probably has to be that one--I will never be over the moment when Murderbot realizes she isn't afraid of it, and it doesn't want her to be.
Idea for a story
Besides that animatic I had in the works a while back (i have no idea when I'll get back to it, but I hope to someday)...
I had a fic idea a while back, inspired by other fic authors' takes on a similar idea, where Mensah talks to an old associate who works with augments, and arranges a way for Murderbot to have its company logos removed. I second-guessed how to handle various aspects of that a lot, but I did enjoy the Emotions it included. It's on the big pile of Things I May Or May Not Ever Finish Writing, alas (but I'd be willing to dig it up and share some snips if anyone's interested)
Unpopular opinion
I don't think Mensah is that controversial lol? I guess maybe...as much as I like ART, I do wish we got to spend more time with Mensah and Murderbot, on Preservation (or elsewhere). They mean a lot to each other, and I would love to linger with their relationship more. I can hope for her to return in future books, although it seems unlikely she'll appear in the next one. Speaking of which, I wanted a little more closure with her and Murderbot at the end of System Collapse (which is why I ended up writing it myself when given the chance for the gift exchange)
Favorite relationship
Murderbot & Mensah, no question. They are peak platonic love and deep, deep care for each other that mostly goes unspoken but is always, always felt. She was one of the first people to really see it, to know it as a person. It ran away from her and then turned back to save her life yet again. She trusts it with her life. It trusts her with its safety. She's its favorite human. They gave us the phrase "I really like you, not in a weird way" as a way for all us fans to say we love each other like they love each other. They make my little aro heart so happy <3
Favorite headcanon
....I'm drawing a blank on this one, honestly? I have trouble drawing the line between a personal interpretation of canon and a headcanon sometimes. But I can't think of anything specific that I headcanon about Mensah.
Thank you for the ask! <3
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marley-manson · 26 days
56, 63, 28, 16
Thank you <3
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I am kinda proud of my characterization. Obviously it works for me because I write how I see the characters, but yk, I think I do a decent job of capturing their voices as well. I also take pride in my descriptive metaphors and details, because I spent a long time feeling inadequate when it comes to description, and it took a lot of work before I figured out how to describe stuff in a way that I both enjoy writing and think works.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
Pure opinion and personal taste here, but squirmy awkward inexperienced shy emotionally overwhelmed nervous reluctant (unless it's deliberately dubcon) etc bottoms and cool suave tops, in any gender configuration (though I don't like to apply the words top and bottom to het couples, but ykwim.) I don't fault anyone for liking that dynamic, it's popular for a reason, but few things turn me off faster.
Also, because I feel like I probably complain about that too much lol, I get bored quick by scenes that feel like they're following a safe sex guide. Kinda refers back to my desire for more smut scenes that feel IC and unique rather than generic. There are no actual hard and fast rules for sex beyond 'communicate enough to be on the same page' and 'don't kill or permanently maim anyone.'
And especially on that note my biggest smut safe sex pet peeve is characters using safewords during vanilla or mildly kinky sex, because that's just pure 'read a guide on safe sex and didn't actually understand it.' 'Stop,' is your safeword if you're not doing edgeplay or rape roleplay, and it's not only weird to suggest that 'stop' is somehow inadequate during regular old sex and you need a special codeword instead, it's kinda bad? Like, the reason people use safewords during edgeplay is because 'stop' or 'no' is too easy to say automatically and you need an additional mental barrier so you're actively making the choice to stop a scene, rather than it slipping out because of the intensity of what's happening. But you don't need or want an additional mental barrier between you and your ability to communicate your desire to stop during most sex.
(Also constantly checking for consent stops being considerate and starts looking kinda coercive and/or painfully insecure at a point lol. Why all the checks? Does the sub's body language seem reluctant? Why is the dom not beginning a real conversation in that case, but simply pressing for yesses over and over? That's the vibe I get. Okay now I'm done complaining about "safe sex" in fic lol.)
28. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
On average, like 10 words lol, I don't write every day and often the little writing I do manage is like a paragraph in a notebook by my pillow. If I'm writing a new idea and I'm on a roll, I can maybe manage 1.5-2k? But that dries up quick. If I'm actively working on something ongoing, I'll probably manage like 500-1k words per dedicated session, but that's def not every day.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
I'm thinking about 9ish? I mentioned one here, but I'll share another: a Henry/Johnny undercover as gay The Sting fic where the twist is that it's not Henry and Johnny playing lovers for a con, it's Henry and an old lover while Johnny plays third wheel and lowkey seethes with jealousy.
ask meme
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bumblebeehug · 1 year
whoops here comes an analysis on the pheonix priestess movie - heads up before you read!! this is all lighthearted and my personal opinion, you could probably tell me the opposite opinions and i’d agree in some way so if i sound mad or upset just know that it’s all written with love :)
i rewatched the pheonix priestess movie and wanted to commit crime at how badly they portrayed lucy lmao. at first they made her cute and excited for the job, but then they fail it which obviously is fine except lucy thinks it's all her fault (like yes she was the one who couldn't catch the thief but NEITHER COULD THE OTHER IN TEAM NATSU). then there's some scenes where lucy blames herself despite team natsu delibirately telling her that they don't blame her, and i get this whole fanfic vibe. like I can write a depressed lucy for those reasons because the stuff i write isn't canon, but unless she's depressed for genuinely good reasons (natsu leaving, losing aquarius key, not being able to say goodbye to her dad before he died) it just doesn't make sense for her character to get so genuinely sad over how things went. then, as if everything isn't bad enough, eclair acts like a total bitch just cause lucy wants to make friends with her - which leads me to the way she's acting when she's trying to make friends!! like why is she being so consistent on following eclair around and giving her ice cream and stuff when eclair is telling her she doesn't like it!!! LUCY WOULDN'T DO THAT, like sure, she'd walk quietly with her in that new town because she wants to protect her, but there's no way she'd act so obnoxious. then eclair decides to be kind to her, finally, because "oh, it turns out i'm not the only person in the world who has experienced sadness?? even mages can be sad?? but mages are bad because i hate magic!!" which was just a weird concept to me, like girl be for real.
nothing in that movie sat right with me (that’s a lie, i like the movie, but you get it) - i would like the nalu moments better if they didn't feel so out of place. there was no reason for eclair to tell natsu to take care of sad lucy - eclair and natsu barely had any interractions throughout the movie at all! how would she know shit about their relationship!! i'm sorry but it's just so weird. i do like how much natsu notices lucy though - when she's upset because of the mission he cheers her up, and when eclair bullies her (ignores her attempt to introduce herself) he jumps in to save the situation. those moments i like, because it shows development in how natsu pays attention to lucy, which does in fact prove that their relationship is evolving (nowadays it's all gone backwards though, but let's not talk about that here).
the portrayal i do like is when they show Lucy's more considerate side - she has moments where she pays attention to eclair's needs (asking her if she'd like to switch roommate since she obviously doesn't like lucy very much - good thing she declines that offer, because i would bite her head off if she took it), and is overall more silently caring. i like that more because that's the character i recgonise. don't get me wrong, i LOVE lucy's outbursts and outgoing personality, but she isn't known for being intrusive. she knows when not to step over boundaries, and this movie shows the complete opposite.
I also like when the thief (geese or whatever his name was lmao i love him) thanks her for being her - he admits that even if they were "enemies" (not that severe but u get it lol) he still found her intriguing enough to like her - which made him want to save her in a bad situation later on. he compliments her on her way of bonding even with her rivals (which i LOVE that they brought up - girlie befirends every single person she meets!! not even zeref could hate her lol) (no comment on that everlue guy though lmao).
I think that translates nicely later into how well eclair and lucy bonds later - they were truly only able to become friends thanks to lucy, because let's be so real: eclair's a bitch and i'll say it again. i still like the bond they formed later (they were such lesbians for a while i'd love them together if eclair had a better personality lol) because lucy could really shine in her way of loving her friends - she's the one who gets closest to the people around her, and she cries the hardest when they have to leave.
overall i have a love hate relationship with this movie, cause the characters are lowkey so ooc that they're in character which is ironic lol.
also i can't stand the animation. dragon cry stepped up!! love that animation, the pheonix priestess was just weird - their faces were weird, their propotions all whacky and they didn't look like themselves. some scenes were really pretty though, esp lucy's sad/melanchony faces.
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Hi! Can I request a matchup? I can make mistakes while writing and sorry for that, English is not my first language 🥲
Im 18 years old, my zodiac sign is Scorpio, rising is Aries and moon sign is Leo.
I'm an INTP.
As my characteristic; I'm funny, I don't like to stay cold unless the situation needs it.
I am a problem solver, my friends always asks for my opinions if they can't decide.
I really like to learn literally anything and everything but I love history and art especially.
My hobbies are drawing, visiting museums and art galleries, shopping and reading.
Still I'm a bit lazy and a procrastinator. I always deliver my tasks at the last minute.
I'm so creative, I can say that it's a bit too much. My brain doesn't stop for a second even 🤣
I'm calm under the pressure, I always think logically but I don't forget about my feelings. I think I have a good balance about it.
As my bad traits, I'm a bit weird. I don't think it's bad actually but still it's not good either. I like to search the weirdest infos,songs, books etc.
I can lose my temper a little too quickly but I am not vocal about it, I dont like to make noises while I'm angry, sad or overly happy.
But when I have someone I cherish -which is pretty rare- I can make them feel like they are the most important person of the world. I can't say it to their faces but I am comfortable while texting or when I don't look at their eyes directly. Nobody gets bored around me because I have interest for nearly everything and I'm okay with any suggestion they will come with.
I don't like to talk about my problems but I am a good listener. I don't listen only but can help them to find the solution as well.
I guess that will be last, I'm not a jealous person and I like to give my all courage to them when I feel like they need it.
Thanks for accepting ❤️ if you don't, it's not a problem. Have a nice day
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None
Word Count: 0.7K
A/n: Tysm honey, and here you go :>
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I match you with...
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Ryuunosuke Akutagawa!
So the main reason I matched you with him was because you have the same interests and likes (It's not like other characters don't enjoy it, but it's not as mush as Akutagawa does). Akutagawa is really into art (any type of it, but mostly drawing since he's a pro at it), so he would definitely enjoy going to art galleries, like you do. Sure, he's more comfortable with spending time with his s/o at home, but I can definitely see him going to museums, art galleries and book stores. BTW you have my respect if you get him to go shopping with you lol. He will be really helpful tho, you know what I mean if you've watched BSD Wan; and if you haven't? Well, I assure you, you won't be having any trouble carrying all the bags. Rashoumoun will take care of it.
Akutagawa needs encouragement, A LOT. The man has literally Zero confidence and self steam due to abandonment issues (All Dazai's fault tbh) so it would mean a lot and also really helpful if you encourage him over doing stuff. I mean he cares about your opinion a lot cause you and Gin are the most important people to him; so it would definitely make him feel better.
Becoming his s/o takes a lot of effort. Akutagawa has his guard on, and even won't open up to his sister about some stuff; so he needs someone who he can interact with without having to worry about them telling others or thinking lowly of them. It would take you a lot of time to reach that level where he trusts you enough to show his feelings toward you. I mean it will take him a long time to even realize them and accept them... Overall, patience is the key.
I think he would ask your opinion about almost anything since you don't seem to mind it and as I said before, you and your opinion are important to him. He just wants everything- especially himself- to be perfect in your eyes; so your opinion matters to him more than you think.
Please assure him that he's perfect the way he is and doesn't need to change anything :")
If he ever talked to you about Dazai... Just know that the man trusts you with his life. literally. Ooh and never bring Dazai up unless he really wants to talk about it. It reminds him all his insecurities.
Akutagawa is not one to talk much tbh. Even if he's that comfortable around you. His love language is Acts of service and he tries to show your value to him by doing meaningful things.
It would be nice to hear you adore him though, the man would furiously blush while having butterflies in his stomach when hearing you saying how much he means to you or how much deeply you're in love with him. Doesn't matter if you do it over text or without making eye contact, But if you do it while looking into his eyes, The man would melt.
Do I need to say that this man literally memorizes everything you say. Even the most random things or the things that you've only said once is always on his mind.
You seem like you can get along with a lot of people, and it would mean a lot to him if Gin is considered as those people as well <3 Gin is his most important. You two dating will never happen if you have any problem with Gin or the other way around. Don't worry tho, she's a sweetheart, and so are you :)
You can make your partner feel like he's the most important in the world? Please do it to him. The man needs it so much ngl.
He wouldn't think you're weird, or he will find it adorable if he does. I mean he's weird in a way himself lol.
Him closing his eyes when feeling your fingers gently caressing his cheeks while he's the little spoon which is really, really rare cause he thinks you'd think of him as weak when you have to take care of him; but he didn't argue with you about it that day cuz ROUGH DAY AT WORK-
tysm for participating, and hope you like it <3
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achaiapelides · 1 year
Kit's Diary
Chapter 14
Dear Ty,
I did not write you for quite some time, but that's not my fault at all... Lies. It's totally my fault. I forgot where I put this book and spend four weeks trying to find it. Guess where it was? Under Mina's bed. Luckily Mina can't read yet, so she obviously didn't read what I wrote in here.
Apart of searching for this book, there was a lot of stuff happening this weeks.
Firstly, I had to write some exams. English and History went pretty well, Geography and Spanish, too. With German, I had some struggles, but I think it was good enough to pass. Math, though, was a different story. We were learning about something called vectors, but damn that stuff was so confusing. Why are we learning this? Do they think that before I fight a demon, I stand there and calculate, where the demon is coming from? No. I just stab. Also, I totally failed this exam. We don't have the grades yet, but I don't quite think I want to know them. Also, I had to do a test in physics. I just guessed because I didn’t understand shit, but I apparently I guessed right becauseI got an A in that test. I'm not complaining.
In addition to the exams, we also had to hand in our assignment paper from the history project. You remember the books I told you about? Yes. This project. We chose the book about Anne Boleyn. Stupidly, I started reading a bit too late and only had three days to do the whole assignment. I don't have to tell you that I was awake the whole last night, right? Yeah, not making that mistake again. We also didn't get any grade for this yet, and I honestly have no idea if I did good or not. But I think I didn't fail completely. It's still history, not maths. Lol.
Secondly, I did this hypnosis thing I told you about. Tessa was willing to cast that spell and I apparently told her and the therapist all the stuff that my mind pushed away to protect me. The thing is: I still don't remember it, only Tessa and the therapist got to know it. Originally I wanted them to tell me what happened, but after Mrs Sullivan informed me, that any details might make me remember those repressed memories, which can damage my mental health even more and I guess we all don't want that. So, I agreed that they only tell me a short summary of the events I forgot, without any major details. Tessa told me then that I apparently survived several attacks coming from faeries as a child and also several people from the Shadow Market that tried to assault me. Every time, I told them, a mysterious blonde woman saved me, but I didn't describe that woman further and had no idea who it was. Tessa suggested that it might have been my mother. She also told me that there were other violent people in my memories, but didn't want to specify who it was, only that it didn't seem to be their intention to hurt me, but to keep me safe. Maybe she ment my father because he definitely wasn't the gentlest person on earth.
Apart of that, I also got my official ADHD diagnosis. The sheets really helped Mrs Sullivan and the expert, who joined her, to diagnose me. Thank you, too, I guess. Now, I legally can have more time for exams, for example. Not that I need it. I'm usually not too slow. And if you can't math, more time ain't gonna help you either. I also talked to that expert about you a bit, and he said, that it's actually very possible that you have autism. See, I wasn't wrong! He also told me, that, if we are on speaking terms again, I should encourage you, to also get a diagnosis, even if it won't help you much among Shadowhunter, as it can also ease you mind because you realise that you're not stupid or weird at all.
Thirdly, my friends and I had a sleepover at Cirenworth. Yes all of them. Leo, Sam, Maria, Henry, Hazel and Louise. Henry never visited me, so we showed him around. According to him, the word  "cottage" does not do Cirenworth justice. "That's not a cottage! That's a fucking castle!" Haha. Then Jem explained to us, that legally, Cirenworth is a little bit too small to be a castle, so you have to refer to it as a cottage. But that can't change my mind. From now on forward I will only refer to Cirenworth as our castle now. Anyways, we began our sleepover and watched a few movies, before Leo had the glorious idea to do a karaoke contest. Sam proved to us, that he bears exactly 0% musical talent, Hazel and Louise decided to start a girl group and Leo obviously won, because she's the only one who actually took singing lessons. I, on the other hand, got smacked by Hazel with a pillow, after I sung "Forever & Always" by Taylor Swift a bit too enthusiastically, which, according to her, was very ironic, considering that I am the one who promised to stay with you and then left. Which is fair. But also, just let me enjoy a song goddammit.
Lastly, Tessa and Jem decided that it would be good for me and Mina to see some more of this world. So, we are going to travel around Europe in the autumn holidays starting tomorrow. First we will go to Paris and then to other cities in Europe. But I don't know which. They said it's a surprise. So I'm really excited. But that's nothing against Mina's excitement. She's jumping around the whole day, screaming "Paris! Paris! Paris!" so loud that the mail man looked quite concerned when he delivered a letter.
I hope you also had a good time in the last weeks. Dru told me you visited Blackthorn Hall again with your siblings. And that you have a pet now that eats curtains. Jem also send Church to visit Emma and he came back looking quite traumatized. Now I really wonder what animal your pet is. For all I know it could be an alligator. Wouldn't expect anything less with you. (Please don't let it be an alligator!)
I'm going to end this entry now, as I have to get up early tomorrow to portal to Paris.
Good night!
Love, Kit.
Author's note:
Um... so I forgot to publish the chapter last week and the week before. Oops. And also today is Sunday, not Monday. But I might forget tomorrow again, so here you go. Early chapter!
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not-poignant · 1 year
Hello, happy holidays!
I’ve been a quiet consumer of your works and I just wanted to thank you for being such a source of writing inspiration for me. Especially with regards to how you handle reader engagement.
I used to be really sensitive about every negative/not explicitly positive interaction regarding my story and ruminate for days about what I did wrong, but your attitude towards people not always being into your content has really helped me engage with mine in a healthier way.
Idk if that makes sense lol. Feel free to ignore this if it doesn’t. Happy holidays again!
Hi anon!
Hopefully my replying to asks in sometimes an extremely untimely manner has not made you too anxious, it's definitely a me thing, and not a you thing. (*Quietly kicks my email inbox under the rug*).
Honestly, I can understand being sensitive to these things! I think a lot of creators are like 'you have to develop a tough skin' and while it's nice if you can, some of us remain relatively thin-skinned until the end of time, so instead we just have to learn ways to deal with it otherwise. Negative things still get to me, but now I can actively remind myself that it often has nothing at all to do with me, when it comes to my writing, or that I don't deserve to be treated with disrespect, or to be made to feel like it's my fault that *they made the choice to read my writing.* (I've never made anyone read my writing - but I do like it when it happens!)
I think as well, when people like and don't like your stuff, you're doing something right. It means you're making something real. I love onions on a burger, will always ask for extra onions on a burger, and some people can't stand onions and will be like 'ONIONS ARE THE GROSSEST THINGS EVER' (and asshole twats will be like) 'HOW DARE YOU EVER EAT ANOTHER BURGER AGAIN WITH ONIONS BECAUSE I HATE THEM' and when you look at negative comments through the lens of my burger analogy, you realise just how much what these people say has nothing to do with the people who like onions on their burgers. They are screaming into the abyss. They forgot they could use their little legs to just walk into a different store lmao. They forget they can leave.
That's what blocking, deleting, or reminding people that they could at least be respectful is for. But yeah, ultimately, people just need to find the burgers they like, and stop expecting the whole world to cater to them. Especially when it comes to free fanfiction / labour.
Anyway so it does make sense. I can talk about this until the cows come home (obviously). I don't think you need to feel unaffected by this stuff when the negativity comes, as long as you can gently remember some perspective here. Whatever your favourite food is, some people hate it, and the responsibility of those people isn't to get you to change your favourite food, it's to go elsewhere. And if someone forgets they have that power, I am always happy to remind them. And a block/delete reminds people just as well as saying something, depending on the level of troll you're encountering.
(If it's just general polite negativity I generally still remind them that I didn't make them read a thing, and they are welcome to go elsewhere. Sometimes you need to remind people that the exit is exactly the same as they door they came in through, they just need to turn around and use it, lol. And if it's general polite negativity with a few positive comments, I'll just respond to the positive stuff and ignore the rest).
(Also caveat: Doing things actually wrong when it comes to representing marginalised identities is an entirely different kettle of fish, obviously this is something to listen to and take on board and reflect on. That's just a very different strata to the kind of engagement I'm talking about here, where someone gets weird because like... I didn't make a character pregnant, or because I didn't describe a back story the way they wanted me to and so on (that's why fanfiction exists! Folks should write some!))
Sometimes folks also just need to be reminded of - or taught - fanfiction and fandom etiquette. Not everyone knows it, and not everyone picks it up through osmosis. But ultimately...
I don't have an ultimately, I just had a Wednesday afternoon ramble hehe.
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
81, 88, 91, 96
81. What books influenced you most as a child?
I was a massive Harry Potter fan, even have a Harry Potter tattoo (before all the TERF stuff). I feel like it's such a cliche answer because what kid doesn't say that. But the whole... found family thing meant a lot.
I became a big reader as a kid/early teen because I was kind of forced to. We only had one TV, and my brother is much younger than me so he often got the TV. My mum also used to work a lot in the evenings, and my (ex) step-dad, who was a primary school teacher, didn't know what to do with us so he would take us to the library multiple times a week. And for all his faults (there were a lot), it is something (I literally can't even think of another one right now) I'm really thankful for.
Yay for trauma dumping
88. What’s your fictional OTP?
You know, it's not something I've given a whole lot of thought to! It's been a long time since I've really consumed traditional media lol.
91. What was the first movie to make you cry?
I am the biggest crier in movies, and they make me sad for so long. Don't read into that. It's a coincidence, I swear. I remember watching a weird one with my mum when I was around 5 (I remember because I know what house we were in and we didn't live there for too long) and a mum or grandma died and they sent her to sea on a raft. It was like a lifetime movie. I don't know why I was watching it, lol. That's the first movie I remember crying though.
96. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up most mornings?
This is so depressing but probably not surprising. After the usual emptying bladder etc... I come into my office and start or contemplate starting writing. I can't remember the last time I sat on any surface besides my bed or office chair in the house. I keep my meds in here because it's the first place I come to in the morning and the last place I am before bed.
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mrpenguinpants · 1 year
Reading through the tags of your response, i absolutely see what you mean, because the moment you say that a lot of stuff (esp on Tumblr) maybe feels like "bare bones" i was like "ye that's exactly what i mean". You put the damn shmeat on the bones, and oh man do I appreciate it. Thank you for writing! 🤝😤
I'm glad to have you as a reader ♪(´▽`) and I appreciate that you enjoy my writing. I'll admit that I've never really cared about what I wrote, it was just something I thought of and one day decided to write down, but it feels nice being uh Appreciated? Yes lol. Though I guess that's a bit hypocritical of me for what I'm about to say.
I'm mainly speaking about my old work and how I used to write things but I kind of want to talk about it. I feel like a lot of x reader fics are made to be bare bones. Not even against the author or anything either. For example, if you took any ship fic and compared it to an x reader fic, there's clearly a difference. I know it's because with ships, you have characters that have lore and personalities that you can build dynamics off of but when it's a reader? You kind of have nothing to work with and you tend to stay neutral. There's nothing wrong with the bare-bones writing style btw, sometimes I just want to see some fluff. But since that's what everyone writes, it starts to get kinda meh? It's how I would see smut fics. There's only so much you can write about sex before it's just the same thing over and over again. And that's not anyone's fault, that's just how you do things. This is why I don't read a lot of genshin fics, especially on tumblr. I'm not saying my writing is superior or anything. I think my writing style right now still clings to this bare-bones writing method, I just happen to make a weird prompt for it. Honestly, everything I write is literal "I thought of this right this second, and now I'm going to type it out so I don't forget." like I'm keeping a pseudo-dream journal. I do believe that people have stories they want to write but they cut out the character-specific details and post that instead. I don't know, that's just how I've always felt when I first started writing.
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desertsfic · 2 years
Oh you dont have to worry i definetly didnt mean anything bad by saying she's mean! Its just a trait a lot of people portray her with and i was curious about how you personally went about building up that portrayal since you write the mean streak in your characters so (imo) lovingly and well thought out
Oh well! Thank you, I was so worried for a second there, like "oh no she's too mean oh noooo"
So! I am glad that it comes across. I think Rose has a lot of anger and frustration in relation to her circumstances and the box she is expected to fit in and I think she's a really neat character! (Edit: I had more thots so unfortunately for us I did go on a ramble and I am embarrassed so I'm putting it under a read more do not feel pressure to read... more lol)
I probably said a bunch of weird stuff in my post but I guess a lot of it relates back to like, Dirk and Rose and that desire to control a situation, and the desire to lash out when you lose that control, and simply saying "that's just how she is" feels like a cop out LOL but you know to a point I guess it is just that biting sarcasm mixed with the weird circumstances and such
I never meant for them to spend so long at the Lalondes lol can u even imagine
But Rose's situation is weird, now, and her life is weird (my fault), and I think to a point her meanness comes from that defensive edge you get when you are raised in a way that you have a hard time discerning other people's intentions towards you, the way Rose really thought everything Mom did was some kind of passive-aggressive joke, and only "forgafe" her when she started drinking as an attempt to get closer to her, and it is just. You know, tough i guess. Maybe I am projecting my frustrations for Rose and the way she is trapped by the narrative to always be the Voice of Reason and nothing more, but it is also genuinely enjoyable exploring the fact that she is like Dirk, and therefore capable of being like bro!
And of course with the alpha guardians it's a little easier to build them out using their kid counterparts as a baseline. So Alpha Rose is Rose but meaner, older, more bitter, the way adults can tend to be, sometimes without meaning to.
I think my friend asked me why she was evil and I laughed lol! She's not evil she's just. Been alone for as long as D has, and is needling and curious in the way Rose is, with that little edge of tendency to push at people's discomfort the way Dirk does with his friends, and the way Rose does too just, turned up to 11. There is a fierce protectiveness to her one and only friend, and a tendency to point out things without really caring, perhaps, if the other person's feelings get hurt because of it. She falls into the tendency to treat the Daves like her own, with no regards for their feelings, and tbh she probably enjoys it, which isn't very nice. There are several people in the run and go who are similar to bro strider in many ways, and while most of them are uncomfortable with it, I think she not only knows, but is at peace with that. In a previous life, her tendency towards calculation and separating her feelings from her goal would have been not just handy, but also necessary for survival so! That is something I like to think of while writing her and stuff.
I think if I had more time it would be interesting to explore her relationship with Roxy, but it's so odd to think about I hardly know where to start.
Anyway so sorry for the misunderstanding and also sorry-er that I went on a ramble about all that.
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biteghost · 2 years
Is it cool to send you theories on plot/character stuff in Backlash? (I know it can cause problems for some creators so I wanted to double-check first)
Howdy! Sorry I didn't answer this earlier, but thank you for asking!
Theories for BACKLASH are awesome, but I would appreciate it if you didn't send them directly to me. Commenting a reaction on a page or on Patreon is one thing, but sending me your fan-theories through DMs or Asks is a quick way to get me in legal trouble if one of you end up being right on the money, haha. Not that I think that anyone would accuse me of stealing their theories cuz y'all have been chill over the years, but just in case, you know? Once the comic is over I'm definitely going to go on an internet dive to find fanfictions and fancomics and fantheories, haha.
It's a weird phenomenon, right? If a writer is any good they'll be leaving clues throughout their work for the audience to pick up on. Then the audience picks up on them and makes posts about their theories. And because the writer did a good job, the audience is right! Then the writer gets to the payoff, and the fans go "THE WRITER SAW MY THEORY THEY STOLE MY IDEA!!!" and then the writer gets in trouble if they ever actually read the theory online (which is VERY easy to do because of how social media works). Even though they always had the idea, they can get in legal trouble if they didn't get to the payoff before the fans figured it out.
It sucks and makes fan/creator interactions kinda weird, but it's not really anyone's fault??
All that to say: YEAH please write out your theories but don't send it to me where I'll have to see it without my consent (asks, dms, etc). I don't wanna get in trouble until AFTER I finish my years-long comic project I've put my blood sweat and tears into, lol.
I highly encourage theorizing with fellow fans and friends, but don't theorize with ME cuz I'm the writer.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Heyy, how are you? Sorry if I'm annoying you I just want to give a little bit of my opinion about Toph as a mother.
I personally think that Lok did something very weird with their character and how they portrayed her as mother because it's difficult for me to believe that Toph would be the kind of mother to let her kids do whatever they want AND not pay enough attention to them. Like the whole issue with her parents is that they treated her like she was helpless, they didn't pay attention to her and they ignored what she wanted. So I personally don't see why Toph would do the same to her kids, like why would she kind of ignore them by not being very present and attentive.
I belive that Toph would be an amazing mother. With flaws of course, because no one is perfect.
I hope I made myself understandable, English is not my first language and it's difficult for me to express what I think even in my own language.
Btw I love your hcs and the way you think :E
Hi Anon, I’m doing well thank you for asking, and thanks for the ask! I hope all is well with you.
And not to worry! You’re not annoying me :)
First off, I love your thoughts and opinions on Toph as a mother when it comes to LOK. You are right, I too feel that her characterization is a bit off, and I’ve talked only briefly on my thoughts about this as well. I see what the writers were trying to do, but it doesn’t really come off right if we consider Toph’s background and her issues with her parents, as well as her overall characterization.
Like, Toph Beifong is one of the most observant people in the ATLA universe. She understands what people need, she can pick up on changes in mood and tell when people are lying, and she waits and listens on the other person to move to decide what her next move will be. Toph is one of those characters that other members of the Gaang open up to, and she picks up on things pretty fast for a kid.
So why would those traits/tendencies not carry over when she taking care of her kids?
Toph’s seismic sense would most likely alert her and she would know if something was upsetting Lin or Suyin, even if they didn’t say anything to her. And sure, she’s prideful, but that’s never stopped her from asking for someone’s help in the Gaang (one scene that comes to mind is when she asks Katara to correspond with her parents). She’d obviously prefer to handle things on her own, but there have been times where she does admit to fault. So it would make more sense to me if she notices the change in her kid’s mood, try and figure out what’s wrong on her own, and if that didn’t work, turn to others.
And you’re right, ‘abandoning’ her kids would not be a flaw in Toph’s parenting style. You said it—she was neglected and not seen as her true self with her parents, and that led to the strained relationship. I think it’s safe to say that she would want to do the opposite of what her parents did to raise her, and the main point in Lao and Poppy’s parenting failures was that they only saw Toph as their tiny disabled child. So, not understanding her kids wants and needs doesn’t seem right. She reads people and observes their tendencies to get to know them, and that’s how she determines how to handle a situation.
So, if Lin came stomping home one day frustrated about something, I don’t think Toph’s instinct would be “Eh she’ll figure it out, she needs freedom.” I feel like it would be more like “Okay, is Lin sad? Upset? Angry? What does she need next in order to feel better?” And maybe her execution is flawed, but I think at the very least, Toph would ask her kids what is wrong and try and determine what they need to feel better. Maybe it’s a moment to themselves, maybe it’s a conversation, maybe it’s just comfort. But she would need to ask, and then wait for a reaction to determine her next move.
I struggle to come up with an actual parenting flaw with her sometimes, only because I love her character and like the idea of her being this amazing single mom and having a family that breaks the entertainment stereotype of “If it isn’t a nuclear family, it’s gotta look broken.” I guess one that comes to mind would be that she waits and listens too much… if that makes sense. Like, if Lin or Suyin don’t react or respond in a way that engages them with Toph, maybe she wouldn’t push the conversation further. Parenting does take initiative on the parent’s end when it comes to conflict and problems, and I think for those situations, Toph would rely on her earthbending tendencies and wait for the problem to approach her, and then she’d face it head on. An example I can think of is that Lin would prefer if her mother came to her about stuff, especially praise, and maybe since that’s not something Lin would explicitly state or something that Toph can feel, that need would go unnoticed if that makes sense.
Those are my thoughts, hopefully they make sense! And I agree with you, sometimes it’s just so hard to convey feelings and opinions into writing. Lol and I’m sure my thoughts are flawed just because I love Toph’s character so much, but I think she would be an awesome parent, and it’s a shame we don’t get to see that. I do enjoy reading metas about why Toph was portrayed as a bad parent, it helps give me some perspective on character creation and what makes them dynamic. But in my purely self-indulgent ATLA world, Toph ROCKS (pun intended) and she’s a great parent we take for GRANITE (okay I’m done now lmao).
Thank you again for the ask, and the kind words! I’m glad someone out there also likes my HC’s and thoughts lol! Feel free to send in more asks; I especially love a good question/HC about Taang, Zutara, or Sukka lol (also I'm off work today, what else am I gonna do haha).
Hope you have a great day :)
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dreamhot · 2 years
Signed up for wattpad in 2014 flash forward to last year and their data breach put my email on the dark web and someone tried to scam me lol
oh we love ourselves a good data breach ... i've found my old passwords on sites that track that sort of shit but luckily i've never gotten into any sort of trouble (save for my first neopets account getting shut down but that was my own dumbass fault for falling for a scammer loool)
gonna answer the other fanfic asks under a cut
Anonymous asked: I remember reading Hermione x Ron fanfics on deviant art when I was like 12 :/ also used to read Percy Jackson fics on Wattpad but we don’t talk about that 🤡
re: the last point - you and dream both, pal
Anonymous asked: its kinda funny for me to think about, i got into fanfic by reading mcyter fics (shout out team crafted). they were reader insert and not shipping but i really have come full circle
when i was into rtah, there was def some fic centred around let's play minecraft, but . i was reading the shipping stuff Oops
Anonymous asked: my first fanfiction experience was in 2014? In YOUTUBE. there were channels that made videos reading fanfictions they've got god knows where and if they were multichapter they would usually upload twice a week or something. Now that I think about it it was weird af cause istg the voices reading couldn't have had more than 15/16 years old and they read some filthy stuff sometimes. I can't even imagine reading shut outloud, let alone RECORD MYSELF DOING IT
yeah like i was def too young to be writing some of the fic i did at like, 16/7, but . that was also an era in which people weren't really disclosing their ages anyway lol BUT PUTTING YOUR VOICE TO IT ...? that's a level of bravery i can't even fathom
Anonymous asked: possibly my first fanfiction experience that i can remember was discovering that the avatar the last airbender wiki had a closely linked sister wiki for fanfic content and i dived into that. it must have been like… 2010/11? I knew about ffnet around the same time thanks to my brother but i’m not sure which actually was in my life first. anyway shoutout to avatar fanon wiki
fanon wikis are so fascinating like either they're enormously helpful and point out a lot of cool content Or they're just ill-kept messes of drama. always seems to be one or the other lmao
Anonymous asked: if we're sharing our fanfic experiences, i will say i used fanfic.net, ao3, wattpad, devientart, and quotev, and fanfiction.net has a special place in my heart. its where ot3s, brotps, lemons, using hate comments as fuel to bake cookies, disclaimers about not owning characters, a/n: breaks in the middle of the story, and songfics with the lyrics taking up half the word count really thrived. times were simpler back then
STOPPP NOT THE A/N BREAKS ... you'd be reading a fic and then it suddenly breaks into a fuckin roleplay dialogue between the author and the characters like WHAT'S GOING ON HERE !! i remember when ff.net purged all the songfic etc and how fucking mad ppl were cos they literally just . deleted shit without warning. they were truly merciless back then
Anonymous asked: my experience with fic platforms is kinda weird because i'm definitely in the "too young to have used ffn regularly" demographic but because english is not my first language and my first fandom was full of people who in general were 10+ years older than me (because after my brother taught me how to pirate stuff i ended up getting into 90s anime), the first fic i ever encountered was in ffn and wattpad became popular and easily accessible to me not long after, so for a while those were my two sites until i became fluent enough in english to engage fandom and moved from there to ao3 without struggling with the lack of content in a language i could read. it's funny because whenever older people talk about the youth (tm) not knowing how things were before ao3 it makes me feel old lmao
that's interesting tho :0 see, the thing is that wattpad and ff.net are still in USE, so it's completely possible that ppl were (or are?) using them while others used ao3 - though it blows my mind why anyone would CHOOSE to use ff.net in the year of our lord 2022
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artpharos · 2 years
prev anon again, oh god I am *mortified* with embarrassment on realizing how long ago you actually posted that fic- the tumblr app absolutely sucks and makes it hard to find posts' dates, and when i clicked on your post, even after refreshing the page, it stayed at the top so i just assumed it was your most recent one or that you had reblogged it recently so it was on your mind, like, at all oh my god i am so sorry hahaha
i can totally understand being shy to post it, hearing about that whole situation i know i'd be SOOO embarrassed if that happened to me (see above lol) so if you don't want to that's totally okay! but in that case would it be alright if i took a screenshot of it to save it? finding any content for shulk/melia, let alone one SO GOOD, is extremely rare so i like to keep a folder of things to look back through when it's a desert haha. if you're not comfortable with that though i'd completely understand!
as for the whole sequel thing... again, totally embarrassed by realizing now how old the prompt list actually is and you 100% don't have to write anything at all if you don't want to or (especially) if you're busy! i'm currently ~~procrastinating~~ on hiatus myself so i completely understand and there's no pressure at all to write anything! but if you ever do, i am so there and would love to read it :)
thank YOU for writing such a nice fic and such a kind response to my ask! and again i'm so sorry for... everything lol
Please don't be! Yeah tumblr is kinda weird and I think that fic got bumped up because someone liked and reblogged it... idk sometime within the last three months? But yeah it's not your fault for not noticing the date! Also it's been a hot minute since I've written any prompts and truth be told I was thinking I'd get back to it maybe next year, so I'll definitely write the shulkxmelia prompts then! I've already slapped the prompts onto a google doc so I mean... I already went through all the trouble of digging out the prompt list so I may as well write it LOL (no guarantees that they'd be sequels to my previous fic tho)
And yeah it's going to take me a while to like think up a fic summary and title because god those are the hardest part of posting a fic but I know being shy about posting my stuff on ao3 is something ridiculous and I'll have to get over it eventually LOL
In the meantime, yeah you can totes just take a screenshot if you want! And thanks for being so sweet over everything! It's really nice to hear that people enjoy my writing ngl sdgdsfsdgfsd
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tonystarktogo · 5 years
Hey so I can't reblog your drabble about Morgan and Tony because I'm keeping my blog spoiler free for a while longer, but can I just say it's AMAZING!!! I really love your writing voice as Morgan! I hope you extend that story because I'd love to read more of it :)
No problem, I totally get that (and I’m sure your followers appreciate it! I just didn’t have the patience, I needed to get me feelings on this movie out there lol) Anyways, I’m glad you like it cause I really enjoy writing Morgan. So here are a few more snippets from that ‘verse: 
[still contains spoilers for Avengers: Endgame, character death and suicide in a fashion]
Morgan Stark is nine years old the first time she visits her dad on purpose.
(It’s not actually that hard because humans are soft, squishy things, just like Mr Hulk told her once before Mom hastily ushered her away to have a chat with him. She takes care not to make a mess – Mom always panics when Morgan wakes up covered in blood, even if it isn’t her fault. And she really doesn’t want to worry Mom. So she swallows lots of sleeping pills instead. Morgan doesn’t like that at all. Makes her brain go all fuzzy and real slow and her body feel heavy until she’s almost sinking, even though there isn’t any water anywhere near her and Morgan hates it.
She wakes up with cotton in her mouth and a pounding behind her temples and covered in throw-up. So not doing that again, even if Dad hadn’t made her promise to never come visit him again on purpose.
Can dead people suffer a heart attack?)
Morgan Stark is nine and three-quarters years old the first time she spends Christmas with her dad again.
(She doesn’t do it on purpose, not really. Because Dad made her promise and Morgan takes her promises very seriously – and she’s never seen her Dad, who isn’t afraid of anything, not even Thanos, so panicked.
But it’s a bad day and Christmas isn’t supposed to be bad. Christmas is supposed to be a family holiday. Morgan wakes up in a terrible mood because it’s Christmas and her dad isn’t gonna be there and it’s not his fault but that doesn’t make it fair. It doesn’t help that she hasn’t seen him in forever because of that stupid promise.
She gets into an argument with Mom who’s trying, trying, trying, but Morgan can’t talk about this with her and it’s so much easier to start yelling about which dress to wear for the big party Morgan doesn’t want to attend. Then she’s running out of the door, doesn’t look back, world blurry and unfocused, and Morgan doesn’t hear the blaring car horn until it’s too late.)
[Dad is that weird mixture of happy and sad when he sees her. Morgan swears that it was an accident, that she’s keeping her promise, but he just hugs her until she stops trembling, then asks her which car she’d like to take apart.
The workshop is bigger than Morgan remembers it being, bathed in a humming, pulsing blue light that soothes her and makes Dad tip his head back and forth rhythmically. They spend Christmas Eve like that, taking an old engine apart, her Dad walking her through the different steps and adding little stories of what he did with the various cars around them while they’re working. They’re covered in oil and dirt by the end of it, and Morgan feels light enough to float away.]
Morgan races back home as quickly as she can and pulls her Mom into a big hug, mumbling “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” until Mom presses a kiss to her forehead and tells her all is forgiven. It’s a good thing there wasn’t much blood this time or Morgan would’ve completely ruined her dress. And if Mom notices the engine oil under her finger nails, she doesn’t say a word.
The party isn’t as bad as Morgan thought it would be either.
(That night, she falls asleep with her Dad’s old arc reactor on her pillow, bathing her room in blue light.)
Morgan Stark is ten years old the first time her dad isn’t alone when she stops by.
(Supervillains have become a thing again in the last two years, once the world recovered from the shock of having the lost ones returned, or so Mom tells her. Morgan hadn’t really cared beyond watching the occasional fight on TV. That gets a whole lot harder when some stupid guy in a bloated, black and yellow suit that makes him look like an oddly-deformed bumblebee almost blows up her school.
One moment, Morgan is racing through equations that are way too obvious, the next she’s sent flying. It’s not instant, this time. And not painless either. That’s what happens when you get a wall dropped onto you, crushing your arms and legs but somehow missing your head.
From afar, Morgan hears shouts and yells and sirens, but she’s too happy to finally trip to care.)
[There’s a woman sitting in a chair in Dad’s workshop. She’s sipping on some fancy drink with a lot of fruits on top of it that Morgan eyes curiously, her feet resting on the table. Her hair is an odd red-and-white-blonde color and Morgan gets the brief impression of a couple of strangers showing up at their home, of chatting with Dad until he’s angry, of Dad leaving and not coming back.
Abstractly, Morgan knows Natasha Romanoff. She knows everyone who didn’t survive that last fight against Thanos – mostly because the list is a whole lot shorter than the one after the first battle.
For some reason, even though she knows Miss Natasha used to be a friend of Mom and Dad, Morgan hadn’t expected to run into her here. Miss Natasha watches her through narrowed eyes, not unfriendly exactly, but thoughtful. Dad sweeps her into a hug, then introduces them and if it wasn’t for the meaningful way in which Miss Natasha says, “Tony,” it would have been like any other time Mom drags her along to meet her friends.
Dad shrugs and shakes his hand – there’s a lot exchanged there that Morgan doesn’t really understand – and then Morgan starts rambling about her grades and Mom’s date and the stupid attack on her school while Dad shows her how to fix her arc reactor nightlight and Miss Natasha sips on her drink and watches.
“Do you know Clint Barton?” Miss Natasha suddenly asks, interrupting Dad in a list of acceptable responses to stupid teachers who can’t admit when they’re wrong.
Morgan frowns. Runs through the many people she’s met at some point or another, some at Dad’s funeral, some in front of his grave, some outside of all that. Nods.
Miss Natasha smiles. It’s an evil expression Morgan can’t wait to learn.]
Spiderman is the one to frantically push the rubble aside until he finds Morgan coughing up a storm from all the dust. She can hear his heavy sigh of relief and squeezes his hand in wordless comfort.
“Thank god!” he says emphatically. “It’s a freaking miracle you didn’t get squashed, kiddo!”
Morgan’s too busy coughing to respond.
Morgan Stark is fifteen years old the first time she builds herself a suit.
It makes Mom cry and Dad make her promise to be safe and be smart and leave the hero-stuff to the old smartasses like Captain America – Dad calls him Cap 2.0 – before he sits her down and talks programming and welding with her. Really, it’s not like she wants to fight anyways. Morgan just wants to fly.
It falls apart before she even gets to the testing stage. Not that it stops her. She’ll just have to make the next one better.
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fonulyn · 7 years
Hello darling! It's been so long (my fault ; ; ) How have you been doing? I hope everything's going well! I'm sorry I haven't replied yet to your ask, but I just saw it and I was actually going to bed. I will as soon as I can, tomorrow! In the mean time, I had some questions I was curious about myself so, could you please do 2, 3, 27 and 29?^^
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
not really, no. but i don’t think i necessarily even need to, y’know, one of the best things about reading is finding new ways of thinking and new perspectives and it’s so awesome when a writer manages to do something that makes you go all “oh man i never even considered that!” 
of course it’d be wonderful to find someone who’d think alike enough so that you’d get to read exactly what you want but oh well x) i can try to write my own stuff that is then exactly what i needed haha.
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
i have a million fandoms tho lol. or none, depending on how you define a fandom! i’m.. wow this is such a difficult question! i honestly don’t know what to even say. often the characters that are most like me are sort of annoying to me though my faves rarely are the ones i most feel i’m like. so?? i could list a ton of faves though haha, but it wouldn’t be answering the question.
27. do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
the ~real me~ is of course super thin and hot and stunningly beautiful 8))) lmao but well, that aside, i think it is. at least i feel comfortable in the clothes i wear and in my skin in general (most of the times) so at least there’s no cross conflict there.
29. three songs that you connect with right now.
okay this is going to make me sound so weird??? but seriously, i listen to Kyynelten Tanssi by Turmion Kätilöt on repeat lately and it makes me cry every time?? it sort of hit deep into my heart and won’t let go. or Vihko from the same group, it’s like. wow. this group has always been about funny and weird lyrics so it’s so strange that they now have these serious songs on their newest album, and that those two are both so emotionally charged. they have had lyrics like this before but never have they hit so hard.i can’t get over this lol. i’m sorry for babbling. 
i’ve also been listening to Feuerkind (i only found a live version on youtube damnit :() from Subway to Sally on repeat lately idk where that came from haha but it’s been a thing. of course while i sing along horribly 8) i like to sing in the car okay.
AND Pala Siitä from Apulanta. it hurts my sOUL. can you see that i’m into very melancholy and sad songs right now. i don’t know what’s going on but i listen to stuff that makes me cry much more than stuff that’d be upbeat and funny. but then again, i often do that, maybe it’s normal for me after all x)
SORRY for such long and babbly replies!! and THANK YOU for asking! :D this was fun! now i need to get back home though (i’m visiting my parents for mothers day) 
i’ve been good, work has been fun, everything is good except that it’s so cold and the summer is just not cominggggggggg. but no other complaints right now! i hope you’re fine too, let me know what’s up, what’s new in your life?? :DD
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